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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Food Conversion Efficiencies at Maintenance and Production Levels for Carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) and Rainbow Trout (Salmo gairdiveri) Food conversion efficiencies at maintenance and production levels for carp (Cyprinus carpio L) and rainbow trout (Sfilrno gniriiiieri Richardson) Food conversion efficiences at maintenance and production levels for carp, Cyprinus carpio L. and rainbow trout, Salmon gairdneri R Food consumption, food conversion and growth rates of the oval squid, Sepioteuthis lessoniana by laboratory experiments. Food Consumption and Utilization Responses to Dietary Dilution with Cellulose and Water by Velvetbean Caterpillars Anticarsia gemmatalis. Food and water economy and its relation to growth in fifthinstar larvae of the Tobacco homworm, Manduca Sexta Food and habitat pontitioning between rock bars (Ambloplites rupestris) and smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomievi) young of The year. Food and Feeding Habits of The Common Lizard (Lacertilia vivipard) in The West of England Food and Beverage Profit Engineering. Training and Consultancy, Hotel School the Hague, by order of PATA. Jakarta, Indonesia, September 2 - 5,1996. Huisman, E.A. Aquaculture, 9 (2): 259-273. IIiiisinan, E.A. Aquaciilture 9:259-273. Huisman E.A Aquaculture Segawa, S. Nippon Suisan Gakkasihi, 56(2):217- 222p. Slansky. F. Ir. Physiol Zool. 40: 218-228 Reynolds, S. E. J. Insect. Physiol. 31(2): 119-127. George, E.L Trans. Am. Fish. Soc., 108: 253-261. Avery, R.A. Journal Zoological London 149 : 115 - 121. Funnekotter, J.P.F.M. Food and Beverage Profit Engineering. Training and Consultancy, Hotel School the Hague, by order of PATA. Jakarta, Indonesia, September 2 - 5,1996. Food and Agricultural Organization of The United Nations. FAO. Production Year Book, Vol.46, FAO, Rome, Italy. Food and Agricultural Organization of The United Nations. FAO. Production Year Book, Vol.46, FAO, Rome, Italy. Fonctions des lombriciens : III. Primieres estiamtions quantitative des stations francaises Follicular waves and circulating gonadotrophics in 8-monthold prepubertal heifers. Follicular wave dynamics after estradiol-17b treatment of heifers with or without a progestogen implant Follicular populations during the estrus cycle in heifers. Ill Time of selection of the ovulatory follicle Bouche MB Applied Soil Ecology 9(1998): 249- 255 Adams, G.P. J. Reprod. Fert. Bo, G.A. Theriogenology 41: 1555-1569. Pierson RA Anim Reprod Sci 16:81-95. Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 492 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Follicular growth, estrus and pregnancy after fixed-time insemination in beef cows treated with intravaginal progesterone insert and estradiol benzoate Follicular growth, estrus and pregnancy after fixed - time insemination in beef cows treated intravaginal progesterone inserts and estradiol benzoat. Follicular growth and endocrine patterns of prepuberal heifers administered bovine follicular fluid (or) follicle stimulating hormone Bridges P.J Theriogenology Bridges, P.J. Theriogenology. Moser, M.T. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 18: 227-242. Follicular dynamics in sheep and cattle. Driancourt, M.A. Theriogenology. Follicular dynamics during the ovulatory season in goats. Ginther, O.J. Theriogenology Follicular diynamics during the ovulatory season in goats Ginther O.J Theriogenology 42 Follicular detection in goats by ultra-sonography Dom C.G Theriogenology. 31 Follicular detection in goats by ultrasonography Dom, C.G Theriogenology 31 Follicular detection in goats by ultrasonogaphy. Dom, C.G. Theriogenology Follicular detection in goats by ultrasonography Dom CG Theriogenology Follicular and endocrine responses after a GnRH Schneider F J. Reprod. Fertil., Abstract Series, 18 - antagonist treatment of heifers 27-28 Follicle patterns during extended periods of post partum an ovulation in pasture-fed dairy cows. McDougal, S. Res. Vet. Sci. Foliar Fertilizer of Soybean During The Seed Filling Garcia.L.R Agronomy Journal and American Society of Agronomi Publication Vol. 68 Foliar fertilization of soybean Absorption and translocation of 15N Label-urea Vasilas, B.I Agron. J Foliar Application of Phosphorus To Spanish Peanut Sumanvesh.T Agronomi J Foliar Application Of P.I. Sceening Of Various Inorganic and Organic P Coumpounds. Barel. D Agronomy. J Foam Cell Replication and Smooth Muscle Cell Apoptosis in Human Saphenous Vein Grafts Kockx, M.M. Histopathology 25: 365-371. Fluorometric method for vitamin A and E Hansen, L.G. Am I Clin Parth 51 (4): 538-542. Fluorescent Products sebagai alternatif pengukuran autosidasi asam lemak tidak jenuh pada hasil perikanan Ma'ruf WF Media Edisi II ; 2-5 Fluctuation of pepper-bug (Dasynus piperis China) population in Bangka Flowering plant hosts of adult Hymenopteran parasitoids of Central Illonois Flowering in faba beans: Genotype differences in photoperiod sensitivity, similarities in temperature. Sensitivity and implication for screening germplasm Deciyanto, S. Indst. Crops. Res. J. 3(2): 27-30. Tooker JF Ann Entomol Soc Am 93:580-588. Ellis, R.H. Ann. Bot. 65: 129-138. Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 493 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Follicular growth, estrus and pregnancy after fixed-time<br />

insemination in beef cows treated with intravaginal<br />

progesterone insert and estradiol benzoate<br />

Follicular growth, estrus and pregnancy after fixed - time<br />

insemination in beef cows treated intravaginal<br />

progesterone inserts and estradiol benzoat.<br />

Follicular growth and endocrine patterns of prepuberal<br />

heifers administered bovine follicular fluid (or) follicle<br />

stimulating hormone<br />

Bridges P.J Theriogenology<br />

Bridges, P.J. Theriogenology.<br />

Moser, M.T. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 18: 227-242.<br />

Follicular dynamics in sheep and cattle. Driancourt, M.A. Theriogenology.<br />

Follicular dynamics during the ovulatory season in goats. Ginther, O.J. Theriogenology<br />

Follicular diynamics during the ovulatory season in goats Ginther O.J Theriogenology 42<br />

Follicular detection in goats by ultra-sonography Dom C.G Theriogenology. 31<br />

Follicular detection in goats by ultrasonography Dom, C.G Theriogenology 31<br />

Follicular detection in goats by ultrasonogaphy. Dom, C.G. Theriogenology<br />

Follicular detection in goats by ultrasonography Dom CG Theriogenology<br />

Follicular and endocrine responses after a GnRH<br />

Schneider F J. Reprod. Fertil., Abstract Series, 18 -<br />

antagonist treatment of heifers<br />

27-28<br />

Follicle patterns during extended periods of post partum an<br />

ovulation in pasture-fed dairy cows.<br />

McDougal, S. Res. Vet. Sci.<br />

Foliar Fertilizer of Soybean During The Seed Filling Garcia.L.R Agronomy Journal and American<br />

Society of Agronomi Publication Vol.<br />

68<br />

Foliar fertilization of soybean Absorption and translocation<br />

of 15N Label-urea<br />

Vasilas, B.I Agron. J<br />

Foliar Application of Phosphorus To Spanish Peanut Sumanvesh.T Agronomi J<br />

Foliar Application Of P.I. Sceening Of Various Inorganic<br />

and Organic P Coumpounds.<br />

Barel. D Agronomy. J<br />

Foam Cell Replication and Smooth Muscle Cell Apoptosis<br />

in Human Saphenous Vein Grafts<br />

Kockx, M.M. Histopathology 25: 365-371.<br />

Fluorometric method for vitamin A and E Hansen, L.G. Am I Clin Parth 51 (4): 538-542.<br />

Fluorescent Products sebagai alternatif pengukuran<br />

autosidasi asam lemak tidak jenuh pada hasil perikanan<br />

Ma'ruf WF Media Edisi II ; 2-5<br />

Fluctuation of pepper-bug (Dasynus piperis China)<br />

population in Bangka<br />

Flowering plant hosts of adult Hymenopteran parasitoids of<br />

Central Illonois<br />

Flowering in faba beans: Genotype differences in<br />

photoperiod sensitivity, similarities in temperature.<br />

Sensitivity and implication for screening germplasm<br />

Deciyanto, S. Indst. Crops. Res. J. 3(2): 27-30.<br />

Tooker JF Ann Entomol Soc Am 93:580-588.<br />

Ellis, R.H. Ann. Bot. 65: 129-138.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 493 dari 931

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