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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah General & specific combining abilities for latex yield in Hevea brasiliensis Olapade EO Compte Rendu du colloque exploitation physiologie et Amelioration de I'Hevea 423-430 IRRDB Gene Trees and Organismal Histories: A Phylogenetic Approach to Population Biology Avise, J.C. Evolution. 43:1192-1208. Gene nomenclature for protein coding-loci in fish. Shaklee, J.B., Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 119: 2-15. Gene list and working maps Coe, E Maize Genet Coop Newsl 69:191-267 Gene expression in response to abscisic acid and osmotic stress. Gene expression in response to abcisic acid and osmotic stress Gene expression associated with water-stress adaptation of rice cells and identification of two genes as hsp and ubiquitin. Gene expression and the development of live enteric vaccines Gene activation by uv light, fungal elicitor or fungal infection in Petroselinum rrispum in coorelated with repression of cell cycle-related genes Skriver, K Plant Cell Skriver, K. Plant Cell. 2:503-512. Borkird, C., Physiol. Plantarum 82: 449-457. Charles I. Trends Biotechnol., 8: 117-121. Logemann, E. Plant J. 8:865-876. Genctic diversity in Nephelium as revealed by isozyme polymorphism. Aradhya, M.K., J. Hort. Sci. 71 (6) 847-857. Geminivirus disease Bock KR Plant Dis Gelation properties of three-disulfides species of lactalbumin from milk Legowo, A. M. Majalah penelitian, lembaga penelitian Universitas Diponegoro Gelation of whey proteins Aguilera JM Food tech 49(10):83-89 Gelation of whey protein Aguilera, J. M. Food Technol. Gelation of alfa lactoglobulin : effects of sodium chloride & calcium chloride on the rheological & structural properties of gels Mulvihill DM Food tech 53: 231-236 Gelation characteristic of whey proteins & beta lactoglobulin Gelatinisation of Com Qrits by Rooi and Extrusion Cooking In Development of Extruded Snacks Using Jatoba (Hymenaea stigonocarpa Marth) Flour and Carsava Staren Blends. (Eds. Y.K. Chang, MR. Silva, L.C. Guthoshi, Leonard Sebio, M.A.A.P. Da Silva), Mulvihill DM Food tech 41(9): 102-111 Anderson, R.A., Journal of Food Agriculture Gelatin from cod skin affected by chemical treatments Gudmundsson, M Joumal of Food Science Gcnetic parameters for carcass Traits in Hereford bulls Lamb, M. A. J. Anim. Sci., 68 : 64-69. GBHN RI, Bahan Penataran dan Bahan Referensi Penataran. GBHN RI, Bahan Penataran dan Bahan Referensi Penataran. Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 484 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah GBHN RI 1993 Sekretariat Negara RI Gastroprotection and prostaglandin E2 generation in rats by flavonoids of distnchia viscosa. GBHN RI 1993 Lopez, A. Planta Medica Journal of Medicinal Plant Research 6 (59): 497-500. Gastric emptying as a determinant of the oral glucose tolerance test Thompson D.G Gastroenterology Gas exchange of oil palm in relation to light vapour pressure deficit, temperature & leaf age Dufrene E functional ecology 7: 97-104 Gas chromatographic determination of capsaicinoids in green capsicum fruits. Krajewska, AM J Assoc Anal Chem 70(5) : 926-928 Garcinia mengostana L Verheij EWM EWM Verheij (Ed) Edible fruit and nuts. Plant resources of South East Asia (PROSEA) 2. Bogor Garcinia cambogia (hydroxycitric acid) as a potential antiobesity Heymsfield SB JAMA 280:1596-1600. Gamma irradiation treatment of cereal grainsfor chick diets. Campbell, G.L. J. Nutr., 116, 560-569 Gametogenesis, spawning, and planula brooding by the coral Goniastrea aspera (Scleractinia) in Oknawa, Japan Gametogenesis, Spawning and Planulae Brooding by the reef coral Goniatrea aspera (scleractinia) in Okinawa, Japan Sakai, K. Mar. Ecol. Prog Ser. 151: 67-72. Sakai, K. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 151: 67-140. Gambaran darah sapi peranakan Onggole yana dipotong di Rumah Potong Hewan Kotamadya Bogor Iskandar, T Penyakit Hewan. 18:82 - 85. Gambaran darah sapi Frisian Holland di Bogor dan Pontianak Ginting, N. Penyakit Hewan. 16: 224 - 227. Gambaran darah ruminansia di Pulau Jawa Ginting, N. Penyakit Hewan. 19: 30-37. Galurion and characterization of nitrogenase MoFe protein from the mutant strain pHel7 of Klebsiella pneumoniae in water, the two bridging cysteine residues of the P-cluster a replaced by non-coordinating amino acid alanine. Yousafzai, F.K., Biochem. J. 318: 111-118. Gall midge activity and parasitization by Plastigasier oryzae in jaya stubble and wild rice at Bhubaneswar, India Fuzzy Mathematical Models in Engineering and Management Science Fuzzy Mathematical Models in Engineering and Management Science Jena, B.C. IRRN. 10(5): 20. Kaufmann Amsterdam:Elsevier Science Publishers B.V Kaufmann A Elsevier Science Publisher B.V.Amsterdam Fuzzy Logic :Concepts to Construct Viot G The Magazine of Artificial Inteligance in Practice Vol 8 November Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 485 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

General & specific combining abilities for latex yield in<br />

Hevea brasiliensis<br />

Olapade EO Compte Rendu du colloque<br />

exploitation physiologie et<br />

Amelioration de I'Hevea 423-430<br />

IRRDB<br />

Gene Trees and Organismal Histories: A Phylogenetic<br />

Approach to Population Biology<br />

Avise, J.C. Evolution. 43:1192-1208.<br />

Gene nomenclature for protein coding-loci in fish. Shaklee, J.B., Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 119: 2-15.<br />

Gene list and working maps Coe, E Maize Genet Coop Newsl 69:191-267<br />

Gene expression in response to abscisic acid and osmotic<br />

stress.<br />

Gene expression in response to abcisic acid and osmotic<br />

stress<br />

Gene expression associated with water-stress adaptation<br />

of rice cells and identification of two genes as hsp and<br />

ubiquitin.<br />

Gene expression and the development of live enteric<br />

vaccines<br />

Gene activation by uv light, fungal elicitor or fungal<br />

infection in Petroselinum rrispum in coorelated with<br />

repression of cell cycle-related genes<br />

Skriver, K Plant Cell<br />

Skriver, K. Plant Cell. 2:503-512.<br />

Borkird, C., Physiol. Plantarum 82: 449-457.<br />

Charles I. Trends Biotechnol., 8: 117-121.<br />

Logemann, E. Plant J. 8:865-876.<br />

Genctic diversity in Nephelium as revealed by isozyme<br />

polymorphism.<br />

Aradhya, M.K., J. Hort. Sci. 71 (6) 847-857.<br />

Geminivirus disease Bock KR Plant Dis<br />

Gelation properties of three-disulfides species of lactalbumin<br />

from milk<br />

Legowo, A. M. Majalah penelitian, lembaga penelitian<br />

Universitas Diponegoro<br />

Gelation of whey proteins Aguilera JM Food tech 49(10):83-89<br />

Gelation of whey protein Aguilera, J. M. Food Technol.<br />

Gelation of alfa lactoglobulin : effects of sodium chloride &<br />

calcium chloride on the rheological & structural properties<br />

of gels<br />

Mulvihill DM Food tech 53: 231-236<br />

Gelation characteristic of whey proteins & beta<br />

lactoglobulin<br />

Gelatinisation of Com Qrits by Rooi and Extrusion Cooking<br />

In Development of Extruded Snacks Using Jatoba<br />

(Hymenaea stigonocarpa Marth) Flour and Carsava Staren<br />

Blends. (Eds. Y.K. Chang, MR. Silva, L.C. Guthoshi,<br />

Leonard Sebio, M.A.A.P. Da Silva),<br />

Mulvihill DM Food tech 41(9): 102-111<br />

Anderson, R.A., Journal of Food Agriculture<br />

Gelatin from cod skin affected by chemical treatments Gudmundsson, M Joumal of Food Science<br />

Gcnetic parameters for carcass Traits in Hereford bulls Lamb, M. A. J. Anim. Sci., 68 : 64-69.<br />

GBHN RI, Bahan Penataran dan Bahan Referensi<br />

Penataran.<br />

GBHN RI, Bahan Penataran dan<br />

Bahan Referensi Penataran.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 484 dari 931

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