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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Genetic change in hatchery stocks of brown trout (Salmon trout). Canadian. Genetic change in the first and second generation of hatchery stock of block sea bream Genetic chage in the first and second generation of hatchery stock of black sea bream. Genetic applications of an inverse polymerase chain reaction Genetic And Phenotypic Path Analysis in Surcane : Artifically Created Relationships Genetic and phenetopic parameter estimates for selection to improve lamb carcass traits Genetic and nutritional relationship in growth and carcass characteristics of broiler chicken. Genetic and molecular dissection of quantitative traits in rice. Genetic and environmental sources of variation in length and weight of rainbow trout (S. gairdneri). Genetic and environmental effect on carcass characteristic of Southdown X romney lambs: (2) Genetic and phenotypic variation. Raymand, N. J. of Fish. Aqua. Scien., 37: 82-87. Taniguchi, N. Aquaculture, 35:309-320 Taniguchi, N., Aquaculture 35:309-320. Ochman, H. Genetics. 120:621-623. Kang. M.S Crop. Sci Waldron,D.R New Zealand J. of Agr. Res Cherry, J.A. Poultry Sci. Yano, M Plant Mol. Biol. 35: 145-153. Aulstad, D J.Fish. Res. Board Cand 29:237-241 Bennett, G.L. J. Anim. Sci. Genetic and environmental currelations between growth rates of beef cattle Knapp, B., Jr. J. Anim. Sci., 6 :174-181. Genetic and environmental correlations between growth rates of beef cattle Knapp, B., Jr. J. Arum. Sci., 6 : 174-181. Genetic analysis with RAPD markers, him. 3-8 Tingey, S. Application of RAPD Technology to Plant Breeding. Joint Plant Breeding Symposia Series CSSA/ASHS/AGA. Minneapolis, 1 November 1992. Genetic analysis with RAPD markers, him. 38 Tingey, S.V. Minneapolis: Joint Plant Breeding Symposia series, November 1, 1992. Genetic analysis of two major storage protein (betaconglycicin and glycinin) in soybean seed Genetic analysis of two major storage protein (betaconglycicin and glycinin) in soybean seed Genetic Analysis of the Antifungal Activity of a Soilborne Pseudomomonas aeurofaciens Tsukada Y Japan J breed 36:390-400 Tsukada Y Japan J breed 36:390-400 Vincent, M.N., Appl and Environ. Microbiol., 57:2928- 2934 Genetic analysis of legume nodule initiation. Rolfe, B.G Ann. Rev. Plant Physiol Plant Mol. Biol Genetic Analysis of Cochliobolus heterophus polyoxin Resistant Mutants. Gafur, A Mycoscience 39:155-159 Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 482 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Genetic analysis of a selection experiment on increased body weight and breast muscle weight as well as on limited abdominal fat weight Genetic analysis of a cluster of genes required for the synthesis of the calcoflour-binding exopolysaccharide synthesis of Rhizobium meliloti. Le Bihan-Duval, E Br. Poultry Sci Long, S., J. Bacteriol. 170: 4239-4248. Genetic analyisis with RAPD markers tingey, SV Application of RAPD technology to plant breeding. Joint Plant Breeding Symposia Series Mineapolis, Minnesota 1 nov 92 CSSA Am. Soc. Horticul. Sci & Am Genet. Assoc Genetic & material variances covariances of kernel growth traits in winter wheat Genesis and solution chemistry of acid sulphate soils in Thailand Rasyad A Crop Sci 32 : 1139-1143 Van Breemen, N Agric Res. Rep 848, Pudoc. Wageningen. Genesis and management of acid sulphate Soils Bloomfield Adv. Agron Genesis and Management of Acid Sulfate Soils. Bloomfield, C. Adv. Agr. 25:265-326. Genes Effect The Timing of Early Mouse Embryo Development Goldbard, S. B. Biol. Reprod. Generic Combustion Method for Determination of Crude Protein in Feeds: Collaborative Study. Sweeney, R. A. J. Assoc. Off Anal. Chem. Generic Combustion Method for Determination of Crude Protein in Feeds: Collaborative Study. Sweeney, J. J. Assoc. Off Anal. Chem. Generation of superoxide anion by potato tuber protoplasts during the hypersensitive response to hyphal wall components of phytophthora of the reaction by suppressors of hypersensitivity. Doke N Physiol Plant Pathol Generation in quantitative traits in fish and shelfish Gjedrem, T Aquaculture 33: 51-72 Generalization of Monod Kinetics for Analysis of Growth Data With Substrate Inhibition Luong, J.H.T Biotech and Bioeng, General vs specific combining ability in single crosses of corn Sprague, G.F. J. Amer. Soc. Agron. 34: 923-932. General viticulture Winkler, A. J. General viticulture General scheme for oil palm improvement at th IRHO Meunier J oleagineux 21(1):1-12 General scheme for oil palm improvement at IRHO Meunier J oleagineux 27(1)):1-12 General biology of sambar deer (Cervus unicolor) in captivity Semiadi, G. N. Z. J. Agr. Res. 37: 79-85. General biochemical characterization of thermostable Hyun,H.H. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 49:1162extracellular p-amylase from Clostridium thermosulfurogenes 1167. Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 483 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Genetic change in hatchery stocks of brown trout (Salmon<br />

trout). Canadian.<br />

Genetic change in the first and second generation of<br />

hatchery stock of block sea bream<br />

Genetic chage in the first and second generation of<br />

hatchery stock of black sea bream.<br />

Genetic applications of an inverse polymerase chain<br />

reaction<br />

Genetic And Phenotypic Path Analysis in Surcane :<br />

Artifically Created Relationships<br />

Genetic and phenetopic parameter estimates for selection<br />

to improve lamb carcass traits<br />

Genetic and nutritional relationship in growth and carcass<br />

characteristics of broiler chicken.<br />

Genetic and molecular dissection of quantitative traits in<br />

rice.<br />

Genetic and environmental sources of variation in length<br />

and weight of rainbow trout (S. gairdneri).<br />

Genetic and environmental effect on carcass characteristic<br />

of Southdown X romney lambs: (2) Genetic and phenotypic<br />

variation.<br />

Raymand, N. J. of Fish. Aqua. Scien., 37: 82-87.<br />

Taniguchi, N. Aquaculture, 35:309-320<br />

Taniguchi, N., Aquaculture 35:309-320.<br />

Ochman, H. Genetics. 120:621-623.<br />

Kang. M.S Crop. Sci<br />

Waldron,D.R New Zealand J. of Agr. Res<br />

Cherry, J.A. Poultry Sci.<br />

Yano, M Plant Mol. Biol. 35: 145-153.<br />

Aulstad, D J.Fish. Res. Board Cand 29:237-241<br />

Bennett, G.L. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Genetic and environmental currelations between growth<br />

rates of beef cattle<br />

Knapp, B., Jr. J. Anim. Sci., 6 :174-181.<br />

Genetic and environmental correlations between growth<br />

rates of beef cattle<br />

Knapp, B., Jr. J. Arum. Sci., 6 : 174-181.<br />

Genetic analysis with RAPD markers, him. 3-8 Tingey, S. Application of RAPD Technology to<br />

Plant Breeding. Joint Plant Breeding<br />

Symposia Series CSSA/ASHS/AGA.<br />

Minneapolis, 1 November 1992.<br />

Genetic analysis with RAPD markers, him. 38 Tingey, S.V. Minneapolis: Joint Plant Breeding<br />

Symposia series, November 1, 1992.<br />

Genetic analysis of two major storage protein<br />

(betaconglycicin and glycinin) in soybean seed<br />

Genetic analysis of two major storage protein<br />

(betaconglycicin and glycinin) in soybean seed<br />

Genetic Analysis of the Antifungal Activity of a Soilborne<br />

Pseudomomonas aeurofaciens<br />

Tsukada Y Japan J breed 36:390-400<br />

Tsukada Y Japan J breed 36:390-400<br />

Vincent, M.N., Appl and Environ. Microbiol., 57:2928-<br />

2934<br />

Genetic analysis of legume nodule initiation. Rolfe, B.G Ann. Rev. Plant Physiol Plant Mol. Biol<br />

Genetic Analysis of Cochliobolus heterophus polyoxin<br />

Resistant Mutants.<br />

Gafur, A Mycoscience 39:155-159<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 482 dari 931

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