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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Genetic markes for pig litter size. P.N.: 5,550,024. United States Patent. Genetic mapping with dispersed repeated sequences in the rice blast fungus: Mapping the SMO locus. Genetic linkage maps of Euchalyptus grandis and Eucalyptus urophylla using a psudotestcross: mapping strategy and RAPD markers. Genetic linkage maps of Eucalyptus grandis and E. urophylla using pseudo-testcross: mapping strategy and RAPD markers Genetic influences on growth patterns of muscle, fat and bone in young bulls Genetic improvement of seed storage proteins using three variant allelles of 7S globulin subunits in soybean Genetic improvement of seed storage proteins using three variant allelles of 7S globulin subunits in soybean Genetic factors influencing regeneration ability in rye (Secale cereale L). I. Immature inflourescene Genetic factors influencing regeneration ability in rye (Secale cereale L) Genetic evaluation and selection methods for carcass traits in Japanese Black cattle Genetic evaluation and selection methods for carcass traits in Japanese Black cattle Rothschild, M.F. Genetic markes for pig litter size. P.N.: 5,550,024. United States Patent. Hamer, J.E. Mol. Gen. Genet. 233: 487-495. Grattapaglia D Genetics 137:1121-1137 Grattapaglia D Genetics 137:1121-1137 Berg, R.T. J. Anim. Prod., 26: 245-258. Ogawa T Japan J Breed 39:137-147 Ogawa T Japan J Breed 39:137-147 Rakaczy Trajonowska, M Rakacy Trajonowska M Theor. Appl. Genet. 86 : 406-410 I Immature inflorescences.Theor. Appl.Genet, 86:406-410 Mukai, F. ATUDL Sci, and Technol. (|pn.), 65- ^90-905. Mukai, F. Anim. Sci. Technol. (Jpn.), 65: 890- 905. Genetic effects of hatchery rearing in atlantic salmon Cross, T.F Aquaculture 33: 33-40 Genetic diversity, a protection against plant diseases and insects Suneson, C.A. Agron. J. (52): 319-321. Genetic diversity within population of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae in India Yashitola, J. Phytopathology 87:760-765. Genetic diversity of Burkholderia solanacearum (Synonim Psedomonas solanacearum) Race 3 in Kenya. Genetic diversity in elite cotton germplasm determined by morphological characteristics and RAPDs. Genetic diversity in elite cotton germplasm determined by morphological characteristics and RAPD Smith, J.J., Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 61(12): 4263- 4268. Tatineni, V., Crop. Sci. 36: 186-192. Tatineni V Crop Sci 36:186-192 Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 480 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Genetic diversity affects testicular morphology in freeranging lions (Phantera loe) of the Serengeti Plains and Ngorongoro Crater Munson L J Reprod Fertill Genetic diversity of Xanthomonas oryzae pv oryzae in Asia Adhikari, T. Appl. Envi. Microbiol. 61:966-971 Genetic distance between populations Nei, M Am. Nat. 106:283-292 Genetic differentiation, reproductive mode, and gene flow in the brooding coral Pocillopora damicornis along the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Ayre, D.J., Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 159: 165-174. Genetic Differentiation, Geographic Variation and Hybridization in Gulls of The Lams glaucescensoccidentalis Complex Genetic differentiation amongst population of the coral Pocillopora damicornis of Southwestern Australia. Genetic differentiation among isolates of Pyricularia infecting rice and weed Genetic diagnostics in plant breeding: RAPDs, microsatellites and machines Genetic diagnostics in plant breeding: RAPDs, microsatelites and machines Genetic Control Of Rooting Ability of Stem Cutting in Eucalyptus Nitens Genetic control of root hair development in Arabidopsis thaliana. Genetic control of alcohol dehydrogenase and estimation of some population parameters in Hopea odorata Roxb(dipterocarpaceae) Genetic contribution in Okayama Strain of Japanese Black Cattle Genetic contol of somatic embryogenesis in alfalfa (medicago sativa L. cv. Adriana) Genetic characterization of Rhizobium sp. TAL1145 that nodulates tree legumes. Can. Genetic characterization of Rhizobium sp. strain TAL1145 that nodulates tree legumes. Can. Genetic characterization of Rhizobium sp. strain TAL1145 that nodulates tree legumes. Genetic changes in meat-type chickens in the last twenty years. Genetic changes in meat-type chickens in the last twenty years Genetic changes in efficiency of feed utilisation of chicks maintaining body weight constant Bell, D.A. The Condor, 98:527-546. Stoddart, J.A., Coral Reef. 3: 140-156. Borromeo ES Hosts, Phytopathology 83 : 393-399 Rafalski JA TIG 9:275-279 Rafalski JA TIG 9(8) Tibbits.W.N Australian Journal Of Botany Schiefelbein, J.W. The Plant Cell. 2: 235-243. Ihara M J. Genet 61 : 127-136 Kawamoto Y. Sci. Rep. Fac. Agr. Okayama University, 48: 31-38. Crea, F. Euphytica 81:151-158 George, M.L.C., J. Microbiol. 40: 208-215. George, M.L.C., J. Microbiol. 40: 208-215. George, M.L.C., Can. J. Microbiol. 40: 208-215. Chambers, J. R. Can. J. Anim. Sci. Chambers, J.R J. Anim Sci Guill R.A Poultry Sci. Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 481 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Genetic markes for pig litter size. P.N.: 5,550,024. United<br />

States Patent.<br />

Genetic mapping with dispersed repeated sequences in the<br />

rice blast fungus: Mapping the SMO locus.<br />

Genetic linkage maps of Euchalyptus grandis and<br />

Eucalyptus urophylla using a psudotestcross: mapping<br />

strategy and RAPD markers.<br />

Genetic linkage maps of Eucalyptus grandis and E.<br />

urophylla using pseudo-testcross: mapping strategy and<br />

RAPD markers<br />

Genetic influences on growth patterns of muscle, fat and<br />

bone in young bulls<br />

Genetic improvement of seed storage proteins using three<br />

variant allelles of 7S globulin subunits in soybean<br />

Genetic improvement of seed storage proteins using three<br />

variant allelles of 7S globulin subunits in soybean<br />

Genetic factors influencing regeneration ability in rye<br />

(Secale cereale L). I. Immature inflourescene<br />

Genetic factors influencing regeneration ability in rye<br />

(Secale cereale L)<br />

Genetic evaluation and selection methods for carcass traits<br />

in Japanese Black cattle<br />

Genetic evaluation and selection methods for carcass traits<br />

in Japanese Black cattle<br />

Rothschild, M.F. Genetic markes for pig litter size. P.N.:<br />

5,550,024. United States Patent.<br />

Hamer, J.E. Mol. Gen. Genet. 233: 487-495.<br />

Grattapaglia D Genetics 137:1121-1137<br />

Grattapaglia D Genetics 137:1121-1137<br />

Berg, R.T. J. Anim. Prod., 26: 245-258.<br />

Ogawa T Japan J Breed 39:137-147<br />

Ogawa T Japan J Breed 39:137-147<br />

Rakaczy<br />

Trajonowska, M<br />

Rakacy<br />

Trajonowska M<br />

Theor. Appl. Genet. 86 : 406-410<br />

I Immature inflorescences.Theor.<br />

Appl.Genet, 86:406-410<br />

Mukai, F. ATUDL Sci, and Technol. (|pn.), 65-<br />

^90-905.<br />

Mukai, F. Anim. Sci. Technol. (Jpn.), 65: 890-<br />

905.<br />

Genetic effects of hatchery rearing in atlantic salmon Cross, T.F Aquaculture 33: 33-40<br />

Genetic diversity, a protection against plant diseases and<br />

insects<br />

Suneson, C.A. Agron. J. (52): 319-321.<br />

Genetic diversity within population of Xanthomonas<br />

oryzae pv. oryzae in India<br />

Yashitola, J. Phytopathology 87:760-765.<br />

Genetic diversity of Burkholderia solanacearum (Synonim<br />

Psedomonas solanacearum) Race 3 in Kenya.<br />

Genetic diversity in elite cotton germplasm determined by<br />

morphological characteristics and RAPDs.<br />

Genetic diversity in elite cotton germplasm determined by<br />

morphological characteristics and RAPD<br />

Smith, J.J., Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 61(12): 4263-<br />

4268.<br />

Tatineni, V., Crop. Sci. 36: 186-192.<br />

Tatineni V Crop Sci 36:186-192<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 480 dari 931

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