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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Identifikasi spesies mycobacteria berdasarkan hasilreaksi uji biokimia Identifikasi spesies mycobacteria berdasarkan hasil reaksi uji biokimia Identifikasi sifat-sifat fisika-kimia beberapa macam minyak mentah, cananga dan lisea Identifikasi senyawa fenol ekstrak akar rimpang alangalang ( Imperata cylindrica L.) Beauv dan uji potensi alelopatinya terhadap perkecambahan gulma Ageratum conyzoides ( L. ) dan Amaranthus spinosus (L.). Identifikasi senyawa fenol ekstrak akar rimpang alangalang ( Imperata cylindrica L.) Beauv dan uji potensi alelopatinya terhadap perkecambahan gulma Ageratum conyzoides ( L. ) dan Amaranthus spinosus (L.). Identifikasi mikrospora kelapa sawit Elais guineensis Jacq untuk kultur haploid Identifikasi Hama Peliang Daun Jambu Air (Leaf Miner) di Lombok Barat Identifikasi genetik melalui Elektroforesis Fosfatase Asam dari Tanaman Padi M2 Kultivar Nani Sukro Identifikasi dan Pengaruh Cacing Parasit pada Saluran Pencernaan Ayam Buras di Kotamadya Medan dan Sekitarnya. Identifikasi dan karakterisasi tanah bersifat andik di Kabupaten Sikka, Flores Nusa Tenggara Timur. Hardjoutomo, S. Penyakit Hewan. 22(40): 90-96. Hardjoutomo, S. Penyakit Hewan 22(40):90-96 Rusli, S. Pemberitaan Littri Ardi. Ardi. Latif S Supeno. B Winarno EK Zuriat 4 (2): 120-125 Siahaan, P.M. Karya Ilmiah. Program PascaSarjana. IPB Sukarman Jurnal Tanah dan Iklim No. 15, 1997, him. 1-10. Identifikasi ciri rumah tangga defisit energi Rachmat, M. J. Agroek. Identifikasi beberapa cendawan penyebab penyakit busuk akar pada tanaman hutan Anggraeni, I. Identification of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi at selected oil palm estates on West Java Widiastuti H Menara Perkebunan 61:(1):13-19 Identification of triglicerides causing the clouding of palm olein Swe. P.Z. JAOCS 71 (10) : 1141 - 1144 Identification of trait-improving quantitative trait loei alleles from a wild rice relatives, Oryza rufipogon. Xiao, J., S. Gen. 150: 899-909. Identification of the wheat curl mite as the vector of the high plains virus of corn and wheat Seifer, D.L. Palnt Disease Identification of the SAAT gene involved in strawberry flavor biogenesis by use of DNA microarrays Aharoni A Plant Cell 12:647-661. Identification of the most Intense odor compounds Ullrich, F. Z Lebensm. Unters, Forsch. 184 (4): formed during autooxidation of linoleic acid 277-282. Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 450 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Identification of taste-active components in the chicken meat extract by omission test-involvement of glutamic acid, IMP and potassium ion Identification of restrictio ftagment leght polymorphism and random amplifies polymorphic DNA markers linked to downy mildew resistance genesin lettuce, using nearisogenic lines Identification of Resistance Mechanism in Selected Laboratory Strain of Cocopsylla Pyri (homoptera : Psyllidae) : Altered Acetylcholinesterase and Detoxi-Fying Oxudases. Identification of RAPD markers linked to a mayor rust resistenace gene block in common bean Identification of RAPD markers linked to a major blast resistance gene in rice Identification of RAPD marker linked to the RPS4 gene in soybean (Glycine max (L) Merr) Identification of quantitative trait loei associated with preflowering drought tolerance in sorghum. Identification of polymorphic, conserved simple sequences repeats (SSRs) in cultivated Brassica species Identification of Phosphate reactive site of hydrous alumina from proto consumption during phosphate adsorpfion at constant pH values Fujimura, S. Anim. Sci. Technol. 66: 43-51. Paran I genome 34: 1021-1027 Berrada, S. Pesticide Biochem. And Phydio. Haley SD Theor Appl Genet, 86 :505-512 Naweed, IN Theor Appl Genet 1:341-348 Byrum JR Soyb. Genet. Newsl. 20:112-117 Tuinstra, M.R.. Crop Sci. 36: 1337-1344. Szewe-McFadden Theor. Appl. Genet. 93:534-538. Rajan, S.S.S. J. Soil Sci. Identification of mycoplasma-like agent of legume witches' broom in Indonesia Iwaki M CRIA.Bogor Identification of highly polymorphic DNA regions in tomato. Vosman, B.P., Theor. Appi. Genet. 85: 239-244. Identification of highly polymorphic DNA regions in tomato Vosman B Theor.Appl Genet 85:239-244 Identification of Geosmin as the Major Muddy off Flavor of Louisiana Brackish Water Clam (Rangia cuneata) Identification of dispersive behaviour and the management of red-brown earth Identification of dispersive behaviour and the management of red-brown earth Identification of B-L-Gulose as the sugar moiety of the main polar lipid Thermoplasma acidophilum Identification of Bacillus kaustophilus, B.thermocatenulatus and Bacillus strain HSR as members of Bacillus thermoleovorans Hsieh, T.C.Y. J. Food Sci. 5394: 1228-1229. Rengasamy P Aust J Soil Res 22:413-31 Rengasamy P Aust J Soil Res 22:413-31 Swain, M. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1345:56-64. Sunna, A. System. Appl. Microbiol. 20:232-237. Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 451 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Identification of taste-active components in the chicken<br />

meat extract by omission test-involvement of glutamic acid,<br />

IMP and potassium ion<br />

Identification of restrictio ftagment leght polymorphism and<br />

random amplifies polymorphic DNA markers linked to<br />

downy mildew resistance genesin lettuce, using nearisogenic<br />

lines<br />

Identification of Resistance Mechanism in Selected<br />

Laboratory Strain of Cocopsylla Pyri (homoptera :<br />

Psyllidae) : Altered Acetylcholinesterase and Detoxi-Fying<br />

Oxudases.<br />

Identification of RAPD markers linked to a mayor rust<br />

resistenace gene block in common bean<br />

Identification of RAPD markers linked to a major blast<br />

resistance gene in rice<br />

Identification of RAPD marker linked to the RPS4 gene in<br />

soybean (Glycine max (L) Merr)<br />

Identification of quantitative trait loei associated with preflowering<br />

drought tolerance in sorghum.<br />

Identification of polymorphic, conserved simple sequences<br />

repeats (SSRs) in cultivated Brassica species<br />

Identification of Phosphate reactive site of hydrous alumina<br />

from proto consumption during phosphate adsorpfion at<br />

constant pH values<br />

Fujimura, S. Anim. Sci. Technol. 66: 43-51.<br />

Paran I genome 34: 1021-1027<br />

Berrada, S. Pesticide Biochem. And Phydio.<br />

Haley SD Theor Appl Genet, 86 :505-512<br />

Naweed, IN Theor Appl Genet 1:341-348<br />

Byrum JR Soyb. Genet. Newsl. 20:112-117<br />

Tuinstra, M.R.. Crop Sci. 36: 1337-1344.<br />

Szewe-McFadden Theor. Appl. Genet. 93:534-538.<br />

Rajan, S.S.S. J. Soil Sci.<br />

Identification of mycoplasma-like agent of legume witches'<br />

broom in Indonesia<br />

Iwaki M CRIA.Bogor<br />

Identification of highly polymorphic DNA regions in tomato. Vosman, B.P., Theor. Appi. Genet. 85: 239-244.<br />

Identification of highly polymorphic DNA regions in tomato Vosman B Theor.Appl Genet 85:239-244<br />

Identification of Geosmin as the Major Muddy off Flavor of<br />

Louisiana Brackish Water Clam (Rangia cuneata)<br />

Identification of dispersive behaviour and the management<br />

of red-brown earth<br />

Identification of dispersive behaviour and the management<br />

of red-brown earth<br />

Identification of B-L-Gulose as the sugar moiety of the main<br />

polar lipid Thermoplasma acidophilum<br />

Identification of Bacillus kaustophilus, B.thermocatenulatus<br />

and Bacillus strain HSR as members of Bacillus thermoleovorans<br />

Hsieh, T.C.Y. J. Food Sci. 5394: 1228-1229.<br />

Rengasamy P Aust J Soil Res 22:413-31<br />

Rengasamy P Aust J Soil Res 22:413-31<br />

Swain, M. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1345:56-64.<br />

Sunna, A. System. Appl. Microbiol. 20:232-237.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 451 dari 931

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