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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Influence of suckling intensity on reproductive performance of range cows Influence of sublethal dosage of DDT upon the multiplication rate of Sitophilus granarius (Colep., Curculionidae) Wetteinann J. Anim. SCI 47: 342-346. Kuenen, D.J. Entomol. Exp. Appl. (I): 147-152. Influence of strain on the yield of commercial chicken part from the broiler carcass Morran, E. T. Poultry Sci. Influence of storage conditions on sunflower seed quality Hasanah, M. ICRJ. 1(1): 1-10. influence of soybean genotype on rate of seed maturation and its impact on seed borne fungi. Influence of sorghum grain processing on performance of lactating dairy cows Influence Of Some Social And Environmental Factors On The Nutrien In Take And Nutritional Status Of School Children Influence of Soil Innoculation With VAM and a Phosphate Dissolving Bacterium on Plant Growth and 32 P Uptake Influence of soil and fertility on activity and survival of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi Influence of sodium aluminosilicate, Hydroxy-sodalite, carnegiete, aluminium sulfate and aluminium phosphate on performance of commercial leghorns Influence of Silica Content on The Surface Charge Charateristics of Allophanic Clays Influence of Sewage Sludge Compost Stability and Maturity on Carbon and Nitrogen Mineralization in Soil. Ploper LD Plant Disease 76 : 287-292 Oliveira, J. S. J. Dairy Sci. Jacoby. A Br. J. Prev. Soc. Med Raj. J Soil. Biol. Biochem Hayman. D.S Phytophatology Roland, D. A. Sr. Poult. Sci. Gonzales-Batista Clay and Minerals Bernal, M. P. Soil Biol. Biochem. influence of serum and hormones on bovine oocyte maturation and fertilization in vitro Younis A.I Gamete Research Influence of serum and hormones on bovine oocyte maturation and fertilation in vitro Younis, A.I Gamete Res. 23(2):l89-201 Influence of sera on in vitro hatching of equine blastocysts. Hochi, S. J. Reprod. and Dev. Influence of Seedling Rootstocks on Heterogenity and Productivity in Fruit Trees. An Assessment and Discussion. Influence of Seeding Rate Upon Seed And Oil Yield And Their Components In Flax Influence of rumen fluid source and fermentation time on in vitro true dry matter digestibility. Weinbaum, S. A. Fruit Varieties Journal Albrechtsen. R.S Crop. Sci McDowell, R.E. J. Dairy Sci. Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 428 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Influence of Root-Nematode on The Severity of Bacterial Wilt and Fusarium Wilt of Tomato Influence of Rock Phosphates with and without Vegetable Compost on Yield, Phosphorus and Cadmium Content of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) grown on an Ultizol Influence of rice bran. oat bran and wheat bran on cholesterol and triglycerides in hamsters Influence of Pseudomonas putida on nodulation of Phaseolus vulgaris Influence of protein source on amino acid of effluent flowing from continous culture of ruminal contents. Influence of protein restriction on immune function in NZB mice Influence of protein and hormone supplementation on in vitro maturation and fertilization of domestic cat eggs Influence of processing treatment and type of cereal on the effect of dietary enzymes in broiler diets Influence of preplanting moisture regime and two sulfur sources on growth, yield and sulfur uptake of rice. Influence of Postharvest Temperatures and The Rate Of Fruit Ripening on Internat Postharvest Rots and Disorders of New Zealand "Hass" Avocado Fruit Influence of Postharvest Temperatures and Rate Of Fruit Ripening on Internat Postharvest Rots and Disorders Of New Zealand 'Hass' Avocado Fruit Influence of porcine somatotropin on endocrine and histological variables in gills Influence of polyphosphate on storage stability of restructured beef and pork nuggets Influence of planting dates, seeding rates and cultivars on gram yield and other agronomic tralts of Proso millet. Influence Of Plant Allelochemicals On The Tobacco Hornworm and Its Parasitoid, Cotesia Congregata Influence of phase feeding available phosphorus content and serum inorganic phosphorus levelsof three commercial layer strains. Influence of pH and medium composition on rating of hardy deciduous. Azelea microcuttings Influence of pH and medium composition on rating of hardy deciduous. Azelea microcuttings Davide. R.G Phytomathol Ramachandran, V. Env. Bull. 7:551-556. Kahlon. TS Cereal Chem. 67: 439-443. Hovard, G.D. J. Biol. Chem. 16: 27-29. Blake, W. L. J. Anim. Sci. Gabriel, F. J. Immune 116: 782-789. Wood, T.C J. Reprod, FertiI 104(2):315-23 Vranjes, M.V Anim. Feed Sci. Technol Cacnio, V.N. The Nucleus 28: 1-2. Hopkirk. G.A New Zealand Journal Of Crop and Horticultural Science Hopkirk. G New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science Andres CJ J. Anim. Sci. 71:1552-1560 Huffman, D. L. J. Food Sci. Nelson L.A. Journal of Productlon Agriculture 3(2). 184-189. Barbosa. P Ecology Rodriguez, M. Poult. Sci. Economon AS J. Amer Soc, Hort.Sci 111 (2) : 181- 184 Economon AS J. Amer Soc, Hort.Sci 111 (2) : 181- 184 Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 429 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Influence of suckling intensity on reproductive performance<br />

of range cows<br />

Influence of sublethal dosage of DDT upon the<br />

multiplication rate of Sitophilus granarius (Colep.,<br />

Curculionidae)<br />

Wetteinann J. Anim. SCI 47: 342-346.<br />

Kuenen, D.J. Entomol. Exp. Appl. (I): 147-152.<br />

Influence of strain on the yield of commercial chicken part<br />

from the broiler carcass<br />

Morran, E. T. Poultry Sci.<br />

Influence of storage conditions on sunflower seed quality Hasanah, M. ICRJ. 1(1): 1-10.<br />

influence of soybean genotype on rate of seed maturation<br />

and its impact on seed borne fungi.<br />

Influence of sorghum grain processing on performance of<br />

lactating dairy cows<br />

Influence Of Some Social And Environmental Factors On<br />

The Nutrien In Take And Nutritional Status Of School<br />

Children<br />

Influence of Soil Innoculation With VAM and a Phosphate<br />

Dissolving Bacterium on Plant Growth and 32 P Uptake<br />

Influence of soil and fertility on activity and survival of<br />

vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi<br />

Influence of sodium aluminosilicate, Hydroxy-sodalite,<br />

carnegiete, aluminium sulfate and aluminium phosphate on<br />

performance of commercial leghorns<br />

Influence of Silica Content on The Surface Charge<br />

Charateristics of Allophanic Clays<br />

Influence of Sewage Sludge Compost Stability and Maturity<br />

on Carbon and Nitrogen Mineralization in Soil.<br />

Ploper LD Plant Disease 76 : 287-292<br />

Oliveira, J. S. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Jacoby. A Br. J. Prev. Soc. Med<br />

Raj. J Soil. Biol. Biochem<br />

Hayman. D.S Phytophatology<br />

Roland, D. A. Sr. Poult. Sci.<br />

Gonzales-Batista Clay and Minerals<br />

Bernal, M. P. Soil Biol. Biochem.<br />

influence of serum and hormones on bovine oocyte<br />

maturation and fertilization in vitro<br />

Younis A.I Gamete Research<br />

Influence of serum and hormones on bovine oocyte<br />

maturation and fertilation in vitro<br />

Younis, A.I Gamete Res. 23(2):l89-201<br />

Influence of sera on in vitro hatching of equine blastocysts. Hochi, S. J. Reprod. and Dev.<br />

Influence of Seedling Rootstocks on Heterogenity and<br />

Productivity in Fruit Trees. An Assessment and Discussion.<br />

Influence of Seeding Rate Upon Seed And Oil Yield And<br />

Their Components In Flax<br />

Influence of rumen fluid source and fermentation time on in<br />

vitro true dry matter digestibility.<br />

Weinbaum, S. A. Fruit Varieties Journal<br />

Albrechtsen. R.S Crop. Sci<br />

McDowell, R.E. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 428 dari 931

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