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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Is Low plant density a stress in Maize Tollenaar, M Maydica Irrigation, nitrogen, and gypsum effect on specific gravity and internal defect of Atlantic potatoes Silva, G.H Amer. Potato J Irrigation Practice and Water Requirement Doneen.L.D FAO Irrigatiaon and Drainage No. 1. Rome Irrigation of Soybean Genotypes during Reproductive Ontogeny Korte, L.L Crop Sci IRRI Res Paper Series No. 5 February 1977 Ponnamperuma. F.N Irradiation of poultry feedII. Effect on nutrition composition. Leeson, S World's Poultry Sci. J. 49, 120-131. Irradiation of poultry feed I. Microbial status and bird response. Leeson, S World's Poultry Sci. J. 49, 19-33 Irradiation of fresh meats. Murano, E.A. Food Technol., 12, 52 - 54 Iron Toxic soils Van Breemen. N. Intern. Rice Res Inst.: Soil and Rice. IRRI, Los Banos Iron oxide mineralogy of-well drained Ultisols and Oxisol: II. Influenee on color, surface area, andphosphate retention Bigham. J.M. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. 42: 825-830. Iron oxide mineralogy of well drained Ultisols and Oxisols: II. Influence on color, surface area, and phosphate retention Iron Oxide mineralogy of well drained ultisols and oxisols: II. Influence on color, surface area, and phosphate retention Iron Oxide Mineralogy of Well Drained Ultisol and Oxisol II Influence on Color, Suface Area, and Phosphate Retention Iron metabolism in the snail Biomphalaria glabrata: uptake, storage and transfer Iron Definciency and Productivity of Adult Males in Indonesia. Bigham, J.M. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. 42: 825-830. Bigham, J. M. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. 42: 825-830. Bigham.J.M Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J. Heneine. IF Comp Biochem Physiol,28:391-399. Besta S.S The American Jurnal of Clinical Nutrition 32. Iron deficiency of oil palm in Sumatera Winasurya S Better crop Int. 13 (1) :33-35 Iron and zinc supplementation improves indicators of vitamin A status of Mexican preschoolers Munoz, E.C Am. J.Clin.Nutr Iron and zinc interactions in human Whittaker, P Am. J.Clin.Nutr Iron absorptionby humans from hemosiderin and ferritin, further studies Torres, C. M. J. Nutr. Iridoids a Review : El-Naggar.L.J J. Natural Product (Lloydia) Ion Adsorption Mechanism in Oxidic Soil : Implications For Point of Zero Charge Determinations Stoop. W.A Geoderma Iodine in British Food and Diets Lee S.M British J.Nutr Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 410 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Iodine Content of Diets of The People of Different Regions Living in Bombay Involvement of the phytoal-exin medicarpin in the differential response of callus lines of lucerne (Medicago saliva) to infection by Verticillium albo-atrum Involvement of steroid hormones iri bovine oocytes maturation in vitro Involvement of Biotin in The Fatty Liver and Kidney Syndrome of Broiler. involvement of a plasmid in production of ripeness (mucoidness) in milk cultures by streptococcus cremoris M5. Invitro plant regeneration from cultured leaves of sweet potato. Invigorasi benih: suatu peluang untuk meningkatkan produksi padi Investigation on the possibility of reducing protein, phosphorus and calcium requirement of laying hens by manipulation of time of access to this laying hens Investigation on the ecology and Fish Fauna of the Mahakam River in East Kalimantan (Borneo), Indonesia. Int. Revuges. Investigation on posible mechanisms of resistence to nematodes in Musa Investigation of the control probability of beet army worm, Spodoptera exigua, using synthetic sex pheromone in wels onion fields Investigation of milkborne Streptococcus zooepidemicus infection associated with glomerulonephritis in Australia Investigation of chromium, cerium and cobalt as markers in digesta Investigating Casual relations by econometric models and cross spectral methods. Investigalion of The Relationship Between Wax-Drying Temperature Type of Wax and Rate of Wax Application on Quality Appearance of 'Delicious' Apple Dodd N.S J.Food Science and Technology India Latunde-Dada, A.Q. Physiol. Plant Patliol. 26:31-42. Sirotkin, A.V. J.Steroid.Biochem. Mol.BioL 41(3- 8):855-858 Payne, C. G. Poult. Sci. Vedhamutu, E. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. Lo Shu Fung. Plant Breed, Abstr.. Nugraha, U.S. Keluarga Benih. 7(2): 53-59. Poultry Sci. Christensen, M.S. Hydrobiol., 77(4):593-608. Fogain R Euphytrica Yoo, J-K. J. Agr. Sc. 37: 334-339 Francis, A.J. J. Infect 27: 317-323. Uden, P. J. Sci Food. Agric. Granger CWJ Econometrica 37 (May) 24-438 Feelman, J.K. Hortscience Invertebrate Zoology Sanders College. Barnes. R D Philadelphia Fourth Ed Holt Saunders International Edition. Invertebrate Mediated Transport Processes in Soil Anderson. J.M Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment Inverse Polymerase Chain Reaction Wahyudi AT Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 411 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Is Low plant density a stress in Maize Tollenaar, M Maydica<br />

Irrigation, nitrogen, and gypsum effect on specific gravity<br />

and internal defect of Atlantic potatoes<br />

Silva, G.H Amer. Potato J<br />

Irrigation Practice and Water Requirement Doneen.L.D FAO Irrigatiaon and Drainage No. 1.<br />

Rome<br />

Irrigation of Soybean Genotypes during Reproductive<br />

Ontogeny<br />

Korte, L.L Crop Sci<br />

IRRI Res Paper Series No. 5 February 1977 Ponnamperuma.<br />

F.N<br />

Irradiation of poultry feedII. Effect on nutrition composition. Leeson, S World's Poultry Sci. J. 49, 120-131.<br />

Irradiation of poultry feed I. Microbial status and bird<br />

response.<br />

Leeson, S World's Poultry Sci. J. 49, 19-33<br />

Irradiation of fresh meats. Murano, E.A. Food Technol., 12, 52 - 54<br />

Iron Toxic soils Van Breemen. N. Intern. Rice Res Inst.: Soil and Rice.<br />

IRRI, Los Banos<br />

Iron oxide mineralogy of-well drained Ultisols and Oxisol: II.<br />

Influenee on color, surface area, andphosphate retention<br />

Bigham. J.M. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. 42: 825-830.<br />

Iron oxide mineralogy of well drained Ultisols and Oxisols:<br />

II. Influence on color, surface area, and phosphate<br />

retention<br />

Iron Oxide mineralogy of well drained ultisols and oxisols:<br />

II. Influence on color, surface area, and phosphate<br />

retention<br />

Iron Oxide Mineralogy of Well Drained Ultisol and Oxisol II<br />

Influence on Color, Suface Area, and Phosphate Retention<br />

Iron metabolism in the snail Biomphalaria glabrata: uptake,<br />

storage and transfer<br />

Iron Definciency and Productivity of Adult Males in<br />

Indonesia.<br />

Bigham, J.M. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. 42: 825-830.<br />

Bigham, J. M. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. 42: 825-830.<br />

Bigham.J.M Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J.<br />

Heneine. IF Comp Biochem Physiol,28:391-399.<br />

Besta S.S The American Jurnal of Clinical<br />

Nutrition 32.<br />

Iron deficiency of oil palm in Sumatera Winasurya S Better crop Int. 13 (1) :33-35<br />

Iron and zinc supplementation improves indicators of<br />

vitamin A status of Mexican preschoolers<br />

Munoz, E.C Am. J.Clin.Nutr<br />

Iron and zinc interactions in human Whittaker, P Am. J.Clin.Nutr<br />

Iron absorptionby humans from hemosiderin and ferritin,<br />

further studies<br />

Torres, C. M. J. Nutr.<br />

Iridoids a Review : El-Naggar.L.J J. Natural Product (Lloydia)<br />

Ion Adsorption Mechanism in Oxidic Soil : Implications For<br />

Point of Zero Charge Determinations<br />

Stoop. W.A Geoderma<br />

Iodine in British Food and Diets Lee S.M British J.Nutr<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 410 dari 931

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