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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Laju Pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup nener - Chanos chanos dalam berbagai nuansa warna wadah T. Ahmad J. Penel. Budidaya Pantai Laice skin collagen extraction and functional properties Montero, P Journal of Food Science Lahan Marjinal, tantangan dan pemanfaatannya Djaenudin D Jurnal Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian XII (4):79- 86 Lahan Marjinal, Tantangan dan Pemanfaaannya Djaenuddin D Jurnal Litbangtan 12(4): 79-84 Lahan marginal, tantangan dan pemanfaatannya Djaenudin, D. Lahan Marginal : Tantangan dan Pemanfaatannya Zaenuddin.D Lagi soal gamal Yulianto, A. Poultry Indonesia. No.143, th. XIII. Lactobacillus Casei. Galur Shirota Peranannya dalam Kesehatan Manusia. Margawani, K.R. L'activite des bacteries nitrifiant dans Le panache Rhodanien el l'aire marine environnante Feliatra J. Rech. Oceanog. Lactic acid bacteria from indigenous fermented foods and their antimicrobial activity Rahayu, E.S Lactational avaluation of protein supplements of varying ruminal degradabilities Henson, J. E. J. Dairy research Lactation performance and preweaning lamb growth in Javanese thin-tail sheep Sutama, I. K. Ilmu dan Peternakan Lactase activity and VFA production in the caecum and colon of pigs fed a corn-soy or 40% whey diet Kim, K-L J. Anim. Sci Lack of efficacy of low-dose sitostanol therapy as an adjunct to a cholesterol lowering diet in men with moderate hyperchlosterolemia Denke, MA Am J Clin Nutr Lack of effect of toxic aluminium concentrations on nitrogen fixation by nodulated Stylosanthes species (Stylosanthes hamata, S. humilis, S. scabra0 Lack of effect of dietary energytoprotein ratio and energy on the response of broiler chickens to virginiamycin Laboratory Studies On The inheretance of Phase Character In Locust Laboratory Studies on Salmonella-Contaminated Cheese Involved in Major Outbreak of Gastroenteris Laboratory studies on effect of temperature and delayed initial feeding on development of striped bass larvae. Laboratory rearing of tobacco homworm, Protoparce sexta (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) Laboratory Production of Cattle Embryos. Biotechnology in Agriculture Series. De Carvalho MM Plant Soil 66:225-231. Bartov, I., Br. Poult. Sci Hunter Anti-Locust Bulletin Ratnam. S Journal Bacteriology Roger, B.A. Trans. Am. Fish Soc., 110:100-110 Waldbauer, G. P. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 54: 477-485. Gordon, I, CAB International. Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 386 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Laboratory production of cattle embryos Gordon, I. Biotechnology in Agriculture, 11.I. Gordon (Editor). CAB International, Walling-ford. Laboratory Observations on The Life History of Rophilem.a verilli (Scyphozoa : Rhizostomeae). Calder, D.R. Marine Biology. Vol. 21: 109-114. Laboratory Manual for the Examination of Water, Waste Water, and Soil. 2nd. Ed Rump, H. H. Ed. VCH, Weinheim Laboratory Manual for Physiological studies of rice (3rd Ed) Yoshida S IRRI. Philippines Laboratory Maintenance, Narcotization and Induction of Aestivation of Apple Snails (Meso-gastropoda: Pilidae). Keawjam, R.S. Malacological Review 19: 111-112. Laboratory Handbook for the fractination of natural extracts Houghton PJ Chapman & Hall, london Laboratory Assessment of Semen Characteristics. den Daas, N. Anim. Reprod. Sci. Laboratory and field efficacy of neem extract against two broccoli pests Prijono, D. Z Pflkrankh Pflsch 100:354-370. Laamu Atoll mariculture project: low profil cage for retaining seacucumber Reichhenback N Beche-dc-mer Bulletin, 10:14. Kwaskiorkor And Mental Development Champakan. S American Journal Clinical Nitritional Kunyit atau Koneno dan Kerabat-Kerabat Dekatnya Sebagai Bahan Pangan Prana, M.S Bul. Kebun Raya Kunci kerja untuk mendeterminasi jenis-jenis jamur Rhizopus Indonesia Rifai, M. A. Floribunda 4:16. Kultur Pucuk : Metode Alternatif Perbanyakan Vegetatif Secara InVitro Pada Tanaman Tebu Widyasari.B.W Kultur masal larva kakap putih (Lates calcarifer). Supriatna, A., J. Penelitian Budidaya Pantai, Terbitan Khusus 1:10-16. Kultur Jaringan Tanaman dan Perkembangan di Jur. Budidaya Pertanian IPB. Winata, L. Bull. Agronomi Kultur Jaringan pada Tanaman Kentang. Sumiati, E. Informasi No.11 Kultur antera tanaman padi subspesies javanica Masyhudi MF. Kultur antera tanaman padi subspesies Javanica Masyhudi, M.F. Kultur antera tanaman padi Masyhudi, M.F. Buletin Penelitian Pertanian. (9): 18- 31. Kultur "in vitro" sebagai metode pelestarian tumbuhan obat langka Gati, E. Bull. Plasma Nutfah. 111(1): 1-8. Kue Kering dari bahan Tepung Campuran Jagung, gude dan kedelai. Kuantitas dan Variasi Nitrogen-Tersedia Pada Tanah Setelah Penebangan Hutan Kuantitas dan kualitas pakan sapi perah di daerah pegunungan Jawa Timur Antarlina, S.S. Risalah Hasil Penelitian Tanaman Pangan, Malang. Handayani. I.P Soebarinoto Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 387 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Laju Pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup nener -<br />

Chanos chanos dalam berbagai nuansa warna wadah<br />

T. Ahmad J. Penel. Budidaya Pantai<br />

Laice skin collagen extraction and functional properties Montero, P Journal of Food Science<br />

Lahan Marjinal, tantangan dan pemanfaatannya Djaenudin D Jurnal Badan Penelitian dan<br />

Pengembangan Pertanian XII (4):79-<br />

86<br />

Lahan Marjinal, Tantangan dan Pemanfaaannya Djaenuddin D Jurnal Litbangtan 12(4): 79-84<br />

Lahan marginal, tantangan dan pemanfaatannya Djaenudin, D.<br />

Lahan Marginal : Tantangan dan Pemanfaatannya Zaenuddin.D<br />

Lagi soal gamal Yulianto, A. Poultry Indonesia. No.143, th. XIII.<br />

Lactobacillus Casei. Galur Shirota Peranannya dalam<br />

Kesehatan Manusia.<br />

Margawani, K.R.<br />

L'activite des bacteries nitrifiant dans Le panache<br />

Rhodanien el l'aire marine environnante<br />

Feliatra J. Rech. Oceanog.<br />

Lactic acid bacteria from indigenous fermented foods and<br />

their antimicrobial activity<br />

Rahayu, E.S<br />

Lactational avaluation of protein supplements of varying<br />

ruminal degradabilities<br />

Henson, J. E. J. Dairy research<br />

Lactation performance and preweaning lamb growth in<br />

Javanese thin-tail sheep<br />

Sutama, I. K. Ilmu dan Peternakan<br />

Lactase activity and VFA production in the caecum and<br />

colon of pigs fed a corn-soy or 40% whey diet<br />

Kim, K-L J. Anim. Sci<br />

Lack of efficacy of low-dose sitostanol therapy as an<br />

adjunct to a cholesterol lowering diet in men with moderate<br />

hyperchlosterolemia<br />

Denke, MA Am J Clin Nutr<br />

Lack of effect of toxic aluminium concentrations on nitrogen<br />

fixation by nodulated Stylosanthes species (Stylosanthes<br />

hamata, S. humilis, S. scabra0<br />

Lack of effect of dietary energytoprotein ratio and energy<br />

on the response of broiler chickens to virginiamycin<br />

Laboratory Studies On The inheretance of Phase Character<br />

In Locust<br />

Laboratory Studies on Salmonella-Contaminated Cheese<br />

Involved in Major Outbreak of Gastroenteris<br />

Laboratory studies on effect of temperature and delayed<br />

initial feeding on development of striped bass larvae.<br />

Laboratory rearing of tobacco homworm, Protoparce sexta<br />

(Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)<br />

Laboratory Production of Cattle Embryos. Biotechnology in<br />

Agriculture Series.<br />

De Carvalho MM Plant Soil 66:225-231.<br />

Bartov, I., Br. Poult. Sci<br />

Hunter Anti-Locust Bulletin<br />

Ratnam. S Journal Bacteriology<br />

Roger, B.A. Trans. Am. Fish Soc., 110:100-110<br />

Waldbauer, G. P. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 54: 477-485.<br />

Gordon, I, CAB International.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 386 dari 931

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