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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Lead-lag relationship between pork prices at the retail, wholestate and farm levels. Lead Immobilization From Aqueous Solutions and Contaminated Soils Using Phosphate Rocks Lead Immobilization From Aqueous Solutions and Contaminated Soils Using Phospate Rocks Miller SE Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics (July):73-76 Ma. Q.Y Environ. Sci. Technol Ma.Q.Y Environment.Sci. Technol Lead Immobilization by Appatite Ma. Q.Y Environ. Sci. Technol Lead Immobilization by Apatite. Ma.Q.Y Environment.Sci. Technol Leaching, accumulation and release of mitrogen cycles : Processes, ecosystim strategis and management impact. Berg, B Bulletin Ecological. Le role du zooplancton dans I'alimentation des5 juveniles de poissons : approche experimentales In Situ dans les herbiers a Zostera marina. Memoire DESU. Le caryotype d'Aulacomya ater regia (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Mytilidae) des Iles Keurgelen, LDL recepor activity is down-regulated similarly by a cholesterol-containing diet high in palmitic acid or high in lauric and myristic acids in cynomolgus monkeys. Lauric and palmatic acid-enriched diets have minimal impact on serum lipid and lipoprotein concentration and glucose metabolishm in healthy young women Latitudinal differences between Palau and Yap in coral reproductive synchrony. Laticifer Morphology in the Mature Stem and Leaf of Euphorbia Supina. Latent infection of potato tubers by Pseudomonas solanacearum. Larvicidal and antifeeding activities of oriental medicinal plant extract against four species of forest insect pests. Larval rearing and development of the brown spotted grouper, Epinephelus tauvina (Forskal). Larval rearing and development of the brown spotted grouper, Epinephelus tauvina (Forskal). Larval crowding and adult nutrition effects on longevity and fecundity of female Trichogramma nubilale Ertle & Davis (Hymenoptera:Trichogrammatidae) Large particle breakdown by cattle enting ryegrass and alfalfa Endrawati, H., Sci. Tech. du Languedoc. 67p. Thiriot-Quievreux, C., Stucchi, A. F J. Nutr Schwab US et al J.Nutr Mar. Biol., 79: 89-91. Kenyon, J.C. Pacific Science 49 (2): 156-164. Rosowski, J.R., Bot. Gaz. 129: 113-120. Ciampi, L Amer. Pot. J. Park, S. J. Appl. Entomol. Zool Hussain, N. Aquaculture, 19:339-350. Hussain, N. A. Aquaculture 19:339-350. Olson DM Environ Entomol 27:508-514. McLeod. M.N J. Anim. Sci Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 384 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Large bowel fermentation in rats given diets containing raw peas (Pisum sativum). Laporan Utama: Dengan Koperasi Peternak Dapat Kuasai Pasar Laporan Survei dan Pemetaan Tanah Tingkat Tinjau Mendalam Daerah Kerja A. Pengembangan Lahan Gambut Sejuta Hektar, untuk Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan di Propinsi Kalimantan Tengah. Goodlad, J.S Br. J. Nutr Laporan dana Takesra dan Kukersa Per 31 Januari 1998. BNI Jakarta Poultry Indonesia . Majalah Ekonomi, Industri & Teknik Perunggasan Populer. No. 199 September 1996. Pusat Penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat, Bogor. Laparascopic transfer of ovine and cervine embryos using the transpic technique McMillan, W.H. Theriogenology Lanostanoid triterpenesfrom Ganoderma applanatum Chairul, S Phyochemistry Langkah-Langkah Strategis Dalam Pengentasan Kemiskinan di Pedesaan Jatim Landscape ecology of algal symbionts creates variation within episodes of coria bleaching Anonim Warta BKKKS Jatim, No. 6 Tahun II, Desember 1996, Surabaya. Rowan R Nature 388:265-269. Landcare In Australian (A Book Review) Yakin Addinul Majalah Komunitas P3P. UNRAM Land use change and global carbon cycle : the Role of tropical soils Detwiler, R.P Biogeochem J Land Use Change Analysis Using Sequential Aerial Photography and Computer Technique. ———————. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 46(11): 1447-1464. Land Tenure and Indian Agricultural Productivity Junankar, P.N The Journal of Development Studies 13 Land evaluation. Part. I. Principles in landevaluation and crop productions calculations Sys, C. Agricultural Publications No. 7. Land Evaluation Part III Crop Requirements. International Training Centre for Post Graduate Land Clearing Use of The Humid Tropics : I Soil Physical Properties Land Clearing use of The Humid Tropic : II Soil Chemical Properties Lama birahi, waktu ovulasi dan kadar LH pada domba ekor pipih setelah perlakuan progestagen PMSG Laju pertumbuhan intrinsik wereng coklat di laboratorium Baehaki, S.E. Laju pertumbuhan intrinsik Cyriorhinus lividipennis Reuter. sebagai predator wereng coklat (Nilaparvata lugens Stal.) (Homoptera Delphacidae) Sys, C. Soil Sci. Univ. Ghent. Agric.. Publ. No.7. Ghuman. B.S Soil Sci. Soc Am. J Ghuman. B.S Soil Sci. Soc Am. J Sutama, I. K. Ilmu dan Peternakan Laba, I.W. Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 385 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Lead-lag relationship between pork prices at the retail,<br />

wholestate and farm levels.<br />

Lead Immobilization From Aqueous Solutions and<br />

Contaminated Soils Using Phosphate Rocks<br />

Lead Immobilization From Aqueous Solutions and<br />

Contaminated Soils Using Phospate Rocks<br />

Miller SE Southern Journal of Agricultural<br />

Economics (July):73-76<br />

Ma. Q.Y Environ. Sci. Technol<br />

Ma.Q.Y Environment.Sci. Technol<br />

Lead Immobilization by Appatite Ma. Q.Y Environ. Sci. Technol<br />

Lead Immobilization by Apatite. Ma.Q.Y Environment.Sci. Technol<br />

Leaching, accumulation and release of mitrogen cycles :<br />

Processes, ecosystim strategis and management<br />

impact.<br />

Berg, B Bulletin Ecological.<br />

Le role du zooplancton dans I'alimentation des5 juveniles<br />

de poissons : approche experimentales In Situ dans les<br />

herbiers a Zostera marina. Memoire DESU.<br />

Le caryotype d'Aulacomya ater regia (Mollusca: Bivalvia:<br />

Mytilidae) des Iles Keurgelen,<br />

LDL recepor activity is down-regulated similarly by a<br />

cholesterol-containing diet high in palmitic acid or high in<br />

lauric and myristic acids in cynomolgus monkeys.<br />

Lauric and palmatic acid-enriched diets have minimal<br />

impact on serum lipid and lipoprotein concentration and<br />

glucose metabolishm in healthy young women<br />

Latitudinal differences between Palau and Yap in coral<br />

reproductive synchrony.<br />

Laticifer Morphology in the Mature Stem and Leaf of<br />

Euphorbia Supina.<br />

Latent infection of potato tubers by Pseudomonas<br />

solanacearum.<br />

Larvicidal and antifeeding activities of oriental medicinal<br />

plant extract against four species of forest insect pests.<br />

Larval rearing and development of the brown spotted<br />

grouper, Epinephelus tauvina (Forskal).<br />

Larval rearing and development of the brown spotted<br />

grouper, Epinephelus tauvina (Forskal).<br />

Larval crowding and adult nutrition effects on longevity and<br />

fecundity of female Trichogramma nubilale Ertle & Davis<br />

(Hymenoptera:Trichogrammatidae)<br />

Large particle breakdown by cattle enting ryegrass and<br />

alfalfa<br />

Endrawati, H., Sci. Tech. du Languedoc. 67p.<br />

Thiriot-Quievreux,<br />

C.,<br />

Stucchi, A. F J. Nutr<br />

Schwab US et al J.Nutr<br />

Mar. Biol., 79: 89-91.<br />

Kenyon, J.C. Pacific Science 49 (2): 156-164.<br />

Rosowski, J.R., Bot. Gaz. 129: 113-120.<br />

Ciampi, L Amer. Pot. J.<br />

Park, S. J. Appl. Entomol. Zool<br />

Hussain, N. Aquaculture, 19:339-350.<br />

Hussain, N. A. Aquaculture 19:339-350.<br />

Olson DM Environ Entomol 27:508-514.<br />

McLeod. M.N J. Anim. Sci<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 384 dari 931

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