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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

L'ovogenesis chez Nerophis Iumbriciformis (Pennant,<br />

1776)<br />

Lottoral Penaeidae Crustacea Decapoda trom Northern<br />

Aus-tralia, New Guinea and a-djacent waters. Verband, der<br />

Konik<br />

Lahaye, J. Le Cycle Sexuel. Cah. Biol. Mar. 12:<br />

239 - 254.<br />

Racek, A. A Natuurkunde Twee-de Roeks-Deel L<br />

VI, No. 3: 119<br />

Losses caused by plant disease in the colonies. Podwick, G. W. Phytopathological paper no. 1<br />

Commonwealth Mycological institute,<br />

Kew, England<br />

Losses caused by insects and mites in stored foods and<br />

feeding stuffs<br />

Loss of effectiveness and infectivity in mutants of<br />

Rhizobium resistant to metabolic inhibitors<br />

Long-term Toxicity of Zinc to Bacteria and Algae in<br />

Periphyton Communities from The River Gota Alv, Based<br />

on a Microcosm Study<br />

Long-term in vitro storage of lily: effects of temperature and<br />

concentration of nutrients and sucrose<br />

Longterm in vitro maintenance of oil palm (Elais guineensis<br />

Jacq) clones through axenic root cultures<br />

Long-term freeze-preservation of protoplasts of carrot and<br />

Marchantia.<br />

Long-term effects of fenoxycarb upon reproductive activity<br />

and fecundity in adult female Periplaneta americana<br />

Howe, R.W Nutr. Abstr. Rev<br />

Schwinghamer, E.A. Can. J. Microbiol. 14: 355-367.<br />

Paulsson, M. Aquatic Toxicol. 47 (3-4):243-257.<br />

Bonnier, F.J.M Plant cell. Tissue and Organ Culture<br />

Rohani O ELAIS Vol 7 No. 1 pp1-9<br />

Takeuchi, M., Cryo-Letters 1: 519-524.<br />

Ratna, E.S. J. Insect Physiol. 39: 499-502.<br />

Long-Term Changes in Soil Carbon and Nitrogent Pools in<br />

Wheat Management Systems<br />

Franzluebbers. A Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J.<br />

Longevity and fecundity of Liriomyza trifolii exposed to<br />

tomato foliage and honeydew in the laboratory<br />

Zoebisch, T.G. Environ. Entomol.<br />

Longenvity Reproduction and Ja-panese Quail Maintened<br />

Under Sti-mulatory Lighting<br />

Woordard, A.E Poultry Sci<br />

Long-chain polyprenols in gymnosperm plants Swiezewska, E. Ada Biochim. Polon. 35:131-147.<br />

Long chain polyprenol of tropical and subtropical plants Sasak, W. Ada Biochim. Polon. 20:343-350.<br />

Lokakarya internasional efisiensi sistem produksi padi Puslitbangtan Berita puslitbangtan No. 14 Maret<br />

1997<br />

Logistic Regression for two-stage case control data. Breslow, N.E. Biometrics, 75, 11-20.<br />

Logistic Regression for stratified case control studies. Breslow, N.E. Biometrics, 44: 891-899.<br />

Logam Berat dalam Pertanian. Notohadiprowiro, T. Jurnal Manusia dan Lingkungan.<br />

Pusat Penelitian dan Lingkungan<br />

Hidup UGM, Yogyakarta.<br />

Logam berat dalam pertanian Notohadiprawiro, T. Jurnal manusia dan lingkungan<br />

Locust Suvey In Oman 11 January to 3 March 1968 Popov.G Occasional Report No. 13<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 376 dari 931

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