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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Manipulation of the n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid composition of avian eggs and meat Manipulation of ruminal fermentation. Effect of alternating ruminal pH on volatile fatty acid production. Manipulation of Rumen Fermentation in Sheep by Increasing the Rate of Outflow of Water From the Rumen Leskanich, C.O. World's Poultry Science Journal Esdale, W. T. J. Dairy Sci. Harrison, D.G J. Agric. Sci. Camb. Manipulation of amino acid supply to the growing ruminant Merchen, N.M.R J. Anim. Sci Manipulating The Mouse Embryo Hogan B Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory,USA Manipulating the fatty acid composition of poultry meat and eggs for the health conscious consumer Hargis, P. S. World's poultry science journal Manipulating the fatty acid composition of Poultry meat and eggs for the health conscious consumer Hargis, P.S. World. Poult. Sci. 49: 251-264. Manipulating the fatty acid composition of poultry meat and eggs for the health conscious consumer Hargis, P.S. World's Poultry Science Journal Manipulasi lingkungan dalam pemijahan induk kakap putih fLates calcariferBlochJ asal tambak. Yasa, M.S., Media Budi Daya Air Payau 1:21-28. Mangrove Di Indonesia Suharjo Duta Rimba Mangrove as a habitat for fish and prawns Sasekumar, A. Hydrobiologia. 247:195-207. Mangement and utilization of oil palm by products Singh G The Planters 71 (833):361-386 Manganese superoxide dismutase can reduce cellular damage mediated by oxygen radicals in transgenic plants Bowler C EMBOJ. 10: 1723-32. Manfaat mikroba starter (probiotik starbio) pada pakan ternak ruminansia dan unggas. Manfaat EKonomi Dan Sosial Penyadapan Getah Bagi Perusahaan Kehutanan Negara Manfaat ekonomi dan sosial pcnyadapan getah pinus bagi perusahaan negara Manajemen produksi planlet kelapa sawit (Elais guineensis Jacq) Balitnak buletin warta penelitian dan pengembangan pertanian. Departemen pertanian R. I. Bogor. Vo. XVII No. 4/1995 Soedjono, S Duta Rimba Soedjono, S. Duta Rimba 149 -150: 2-7 Gale G Berita Puslit Kelapa Sawit Vol 2 No 1 hal 17-24 Manajemen produksi kelapa sawit (Elais guineensis Jacq) Ginting G Berita PPKS Vol 2 no 1 Manajemen dan pemasaran ikan nila produksi budidayajaring apung di Rawa Pening, Jawa Tengah. Sadili Mursidin, Managing Microflora of Harvested Fruits And Vegetables To Enhancement Resistance Wilson. C.L Phytophatol Managing breeder seed production Laverack, G.K. Asian Seed. 2(3): 14-15. Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 372 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Management of ultisols and oxisols Blue, W. G. Soil Crop Sci. Soc. Florida, Proc. 33: 126-132. Management of tomato mosaic virus in hydroponically grown pepper (Capsicum annuum) Pategas, K.G. Plant. Dis. 73:570-583. Management of tidal swamp land for food crops: Southern Kalimantan Experiences Noorsyamsi H IARD Journal 11 (1&2) : 18-24 Management of phosporus, potassium, & Magnesium in mature oil palm rankine I Better Crop Int. 13(1), 10-15 Management of Heliothis spp. In Cotton by Augmentative Releases of Trichogramma pretiosum Ril King E.G. J. Appl. Ent. 101: 2-10. Management of closed barackish water system for high density fish culture by biological an chemical water treatment Otte, G. Aquacult. 18:169-177. Management of cabbage insect pest in Indonesia. Sudarwohadi, S. Sym.on pest ecology and pest management. Bogor. Management Of Ambient Air Drying Systems Morey. R.V Trans. Of Am. Soc. Of Agric. Eng Management consideration for acid soils In The Role of Phosporous in Agriculture Sanchez, P. A. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Madison, Wisconsin. p. 471-509. Management and utilisation of oil palm by-products Singh G The Planter 71 (833) :361-386 Management and Coast Implication in Recirculation Water System Muir, I.F. Bioengineering Symposium Fish Culture. FCS Publication. (l): 116-127. Mammary growth pattern in goats during pregnancy and lactation Anderson, R. R. J. Dairy Sci. Mammary gland growth in sheep Anderson, R. R. J. Anim. Sci. Mammary gland differential growth during pregnancy in superovulated javanese thin-tail ewes Manalu, W. Small ruminant Res. Mammary blood flow and regulation of substrate supply for milk synthesis Davis, S. R. J. Dairy Sci. Mammary aminoacid utilization in dairy cows Ted Tat and its relationship to milk protein depression Baldwin J. Dairy Sci. 76:762-774, Malnutrition : A Neglected Cause Of Learning Failure Galler. R.J Journal Of Postgraduate Medicine Male and female phases in the inflorescence of the coconut Sangare, A. Oleagineux. 30:609-617. Male accessory secretion promote the ability of sperm to fertilize eggs in vivo in mice Suzuki H J Reprod Dev 40:177-182. Male "pill" Blocks Sperm Enzyme Maugh. T.H. Science. 212:314. Malate efflux from root apices: evidence for a general mechanism of aluminium tolerance in wheat Ryan P.R. Aust. J. Plant Physiol. 12:53}-536. Malate efflux from root apices and tolerance to aluminum are highly correlated in wheat Ryan PR Aust J Plant Physiol 22:531r536. Making more of milk sugar by engineering lactid acid bacteria de Vos, W. M. Int. Dairy, J. Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 373 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Manipulation of the n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid<br />

composition of avian eggs and meat<br />

Manipulation of ruminal fermentation. Effect of alternating<br />

ruminal pH on volatile fatty acid production.<br />

Manipulation of Rumen Fermentation in Sheep by<br />

Increasing the Rate of Outflow of Water From the Rumen<br />

Leskanich, C.O. World's Poultry Science Journal<br />

Esdale, W. T. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Harrison, D.G J. Agric. Sci. Camb.<br />

Manipulation of amino acid supply to the growing ruminant Merchen, N.M.R J. Anim. Sci<br />

Manipulating The Mouse Embryo Hogan B Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory,USA<br />

Manipulating the fatty acid composition of poultry meat and<br />

eggs for the health conscious consumer<br />

Hargis, P. S. World's poultry science journal<br />

Manipulating the fatty acid composition of Poultry meat and<br />

eggs for the health conscious consumer<br />

Hargis, P.S. World. Poult. Sci. 49: 251-264.<br />

Manipulating the fatty acid composition of poultry meat and<br />

eggs for the health conscious consumer<br />

Hargis, P.S. World's Poultry Science Journal<br />

Manipulasi lingkungan dalam pemijahan induk kakap putih<br />

fLates calcariferBlochJ asal tambak.<br />

Yasa, M.S., Media Budi Daya Air Payau 1:21-28.<br />

Mangrove Di Indonesia Suharjo Duta Rimba<br />

Mangrove as a habitat for fish and prawns Sasekumar, A. Hydrobiologia. 247:195-207.<br />

Mangement and utilization of oil palm by products Singh G The Planters 71 (833):361-386<br />

Manganese superoxide dismutase can reduce cellular<br />

damage mediated by oxygen radicals in transgenic plants<br />

Bowler C EMBOJ. 10: 1723-32.<br />

Manfaat mikroba starter (probiotik starbio) pada pakan<br />

ternak ruminansia dan unggas.<br />

Manfaat EKonomi Dan Sosial Penyadapan Getah Bagi<br />

Perusahaan Kehutanan Negara<br />

Manfaat ekonomi dan sosial pcnyadapan getah pinus bagi<br />

perusahaan negara<br />

Manajemen produksi planlet kelapa sawit (Elais guineensis<br />

Jacq)<br />

Balitnak buletin warta penelitian dan<br />

pengembangan pertanian.<br />

Departemen pertanian R. I. Bogor. Vo.<br />

XVII No. 4/1995<br />

Soedjono, S Duta Rimba<br />

Soedjono, S. Duta Rimba 149 -150: 2-7<br />

Gale G Berita Puslit Kelapa Sawit Vol 2 No 1<br />

hal 17-24<br />

Manajemen produksi kelapa sawit (Elais guineensis Jacq) Ginting G Berita PPKS Vol 2 no 1<br />

Manajemen dan pemasaran ikan nila produksi<br />

budidayajaring apung di Rawa Pening, Jawa Tengah.<br />

Sadili Mursidin,<br />

Managing Microflora of Harvested Fruits And Vegetables<br />

To Enhancement Resistance<br />

Wilson. C.L Phytophatol<br />

Managing breeder seed production Laverack, G.K. Asian Seed. 2(3): 14-15.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 372 dari 931

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