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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Mekanisme infeksi Phytophthora palmifora (Butl) pada daun lada. Manohara, D. Pemberitaan Penelitian Tanaman Industri. Vol. XI (3-4): 60-65. Meeting probes n-3 fatty acids medical role Newton INFORM Meeting probes n-3 fatty acids medical role Newton I INFORM Medium-Term Outlook for Japan: Economic Restructuring Nomura Research NRI Quanterly, Winter, p. 18-38. as a Means of Adopting to a Changing Age Structure Institute (NRI) Medium-chain triglycerides Brand G Special ed. Coconut today Medium-chain fatty acid rich glycerides by chemical and lipase-catalyzed polyestermonoester interchange reaction Ghosh S J Am Oil Chem Soc 74(5):593-595 Medium-Chain Acid-Rich Glycerides hy Chemical and Lipase-catalyzed polyester-monoester Interchange Reaction Gosh, S J Am Oil Chem Soc Medium chain triglycerides: A nonconventional fat. Megremis CJ Food Technol 45(2):108-114 Medium chain triglycerides : A Nonconventional fat Megremis CJ food technol 45(2):108-114 Medium Chain Fatty Acid-Rich Glycerides by Chemical and lipase catalyzed polyester-monoester interchange reaction Ghosh S J Am Oil Chem Soc 74(5):593-595 Media Tumbuh Pembibitan Jeruk. Pengaruh Macam Media Campuran Bahan Organik Media Tumbuh Terhadap Pertumbuhan Semai Batang Bawah Jeruk Japanische Citroen (JC). Supriyanto, A. Penelitian Hortikultura. Media tumbuh pembibitan jeruk Supriyanto, A Penelitian Hortikultura Media tumbuh pembibitan jeruk. Supriyanto, A Penelitian Hortikultura 5(1). Media tumbuh pembibitan jeruk Supriyanto, A Penelitian Hortikultura Media tanah krisan dengan kompos dari lima macam limbah pertanian Dwiatmini K J Hort 5(5):99-105 Media tanah krisan dengan kompos dari lima macam limbah pertanian Dwiatmini K J Hort 5(5):99-105 Mededel. Landbouwhoge-school Opzoekingsstat Dekhuijzen, H.M. Staat Gent, 26, 1542. Mechanisms of salt tolerance in nonhalophytes. Greenway, H Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. Mechanisms of luteolysis in domestic livestock Knickerbocker, J.J. Domest. Anim. Endocrinol. 5: 91-107. Mechanisms of heat damage in protein. 8. The role of sucrose in the susceptibility of protein foods to heat damage. Mechanisms of action of soy ispflavone genistein: emerging role for its effects via transforming growth factor p signalling pathway Mechanisms of action of plant sterol on inhibition of cholesterol absorption. Comparison of sitosterol and sitostanol Hurrell.R.F. Br. J. Nurt. Kirn, H. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 68:1418-1425. Heinemann, T Eur J Clin Pharmacol Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 364 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Mechanism of sulphate adsorption by two tropical soils Curtin, D Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J Mechanism of Sulfate Adsorption by Two Tropical Soils Curtin. D J. Soil. Sci Mechanism of Sulfate Adsorption by Two Tropical Soils Curtin. D J. Soil.Sci Mechanism of Sulfate adsorption by two Tropical Soils Curtin, D J. Soil Sci Mechanism of sulfate adsorption by two tropical soils Curtin, D J. Soil Sci Mechanism of sulfate adsorption by two tropical soils Curtin, D Soil Sci. Mechanism of Sulfate Adsorptin by Two Tropical Soils Curtin. D J. Soil. Sci Mechanism of sulfate adsoprtion by two tropical soils. Curtin, D. Soil Sci. Mechanism of resistance to pod borers in soybean variety No. 29 Honma, K. Mechanism of Phototropism in Young Corralities of the Coral Galaxea fascicularis (L). Hidaka, M J Exp mar Biol Ecol. 157: 69-77. Mechanism of heat damage in proteins. I. Models with acylated lysine units Bjarnason J Br J Nutr 23:859-868 Mechanism of Formation of Volatile Compounds by Thermal Degradation of Carotenoids in Aqueous Medium, I, b-carotene Degradation Kanasawud, P. J. Agric. Food Chem. 38: 237-243. Mechanism of biocontrol in soil suppresive to Rhizocionia solani. Mechanism of aluminum tolerance in snapbeans: root exudation of citric acid Mechanism Controling Soil Respiration (CO2 and CH4) In Southren Peatlands Mechanism and optimized conditions for PEG mediated DNA transfeetion into plant protoplast. Mechanism of the cholesterol depressing effect of pectin in the cholesterol fed rat Mechanics Of Impact Of a Falling Fruit On a Cushioned Surface Mechanical transmission, purification and some properties of whitefly-borne mungbean yellow mosaic virus in Thailand Liu, S.D. Phytopathology 70: 404-412. Pr. Miyasaka SC Plant Physiol 96:737-743. Bridgham. S.D Soil Biol Biochem. Vol 24. No. 11 Mass, C. Plant Cell Rep. 8: 148-151. Leveille, GA J. Nutr. 88:209-214 Mohsenin. N.N Trans. Of Am. Soc. Of Agric. Eng. Honda MI Plant Dis Mechanical Stress Mechanisms and the Cell Davies P.F. Sirc. Res. 72 (2): 239-245. Mechanical properties of wood fibre/toughened isotactic polypropylene composites Park BD Polym composites18(1):79-89 Mechanical properties of the tibiotarsus of broilers and poults loaded with artifical weight and fed various dietary protein levels Patterson, P. H. Poult. Sci Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 365 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Mechanism of sulphate adsorption by two tropical soils Curtin, D Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Mechanism of Sulfate Adsorption by Two Tropical Soils Curtin. D J. Soil. Sci<br />

Mechanism of Sulfate Adsorption by Two Tropical Soils Curtin. D J. Soil.Sci<br />

Mechanism of Sulfate adsorption by two Tropical Soils Curtin, D J. Soil Sci<br />

Mechanism of sulfate adsorption by two tropical soils Curtin, D J. Soil Sci<br />

Mechanism of sulfate adsorption by two tropical soils Curtin, D Soil Sci.<br />

Mechanism of Sulfate Adsorptin by Two Tropical Soils Curtin. D J. Soil. Sci<br />

Mechanism of sulfate adsoprtion by two tropical soils. Curtin, D. Soil Sci.<br />

Mechanism of resistance to pod borers in soybean variety<br />

No. 29<br />

Honma, K.<br />

Mechanism of Phototropism in Young Corralities of the<br />

Coral Galaxea fascicularis (L).<br />

Hidaka, M J Exp mar Biol Ecol. 157: 69-77.<br />

Mechanism of heat damage in proteins. I. Models with<br />

acylated lysine units<br />

Bjarnason J Br J Nutr 23:859-868<br />

Mechanism of Formation of Volatile Compounds by<br />

Thermal Degradation of Carotenoids in Aqueous Medium, I,<br />

b-carotene Degradation<br />

Kanasawud, P. J. Agric. Food Chem. 38: 237-243.<br />

Mechanism of biocontrol in soil suppresive to Rhizocionia<br />

solani.<br />

Mechanism of aluminum tolerance in snapbeans: root<br />

exudation of citric acid<br />

Mechanism Controling Soil Respiration (CO2 and CH4) In<br />

Southren Peatlands<br />

Mechanism and optimized conditions for PEG mediated<br />

DNA transfeetion into plant protoplast.<br />

Mechanism of the cholesterol depressing effect of pectin in<br />

the cholesterol fed rat<br />

Mechanics Of Impact Of a Falling Fruit On a Cushioned<br />

Surface<br />

Mechanical transmission, purification and some properties<br />

of whitefly-borne mungbean yellow mosaic virus in<br />

Thailand<br />

Liu, S.D. Phytopathology 70: 404-412.<br />

Pr. Miyasaka SC Plant Physiol 96:737-743.<br />

Bridgham. S.D Soil Biol Biochem. Vol 24. No. 11<br />

Mass, C. Plant Cell Rep. 8: 148-151.<br />

Leveille, GA J. Nutr. 88:209-214<br />

Mohsenin. N.N Trans. Of Am. Soc. Of Agric. Eng.<br />

Honda MI Plant Dis<br />

Mechanical Stress Mechanisms and the Cell Davies P.F. Sirc. Res. 72 (2): 239-245.<br />

Mechanical properties of wood fibre/toughened isotactic<br />

polypropylene composites<br />

Park BD Polym composites18(1):79-89<br />

Mechanical properties of the tibiotarsus of broilers and<br />

poults loaded with artifical weight and fed various dietary<br />

protein levels<br />

Patterson, P. H. Poult. Sci<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 365 dari 931

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