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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Methodologie de mesure de la degradabilite in sacco de I' azote des aliments dans le rumen. Michalet-Doreau, B. Bull. Tech. CRZV Theix, INRA. Methodological Issues in Diarrhea Episodes Haqui, A.H. International Epiderniology, 20: 1057- 1063. Method to Enhance Growth And Sporulation of Pelletized Biocontrol Fungi Method of quantitativeanaly-sis of ATP-related compounds on the roughsea - method of high performance liquid chromatography using reverse phasecolumn Knudsen. G.R Applied and Environmental Microbiology Tsuchimoto, M Bull Jap.Soc.Sci.Fish Method of delaying sexual maturity of pullet, restricting energy consumption Fuller, H. L Poultry Sci Method For Overcoming Seed Dormancy In Rice Delouche. J.C AOSA. Proc` Method for computing the effectiveness of an insecticide Abbot, W. S. J. Econ. Entomol Method analysis of Urea. Buehringer Method analysis of Urea. Me-thane Production in Dry and Lactating Holstein Cows Holster, J. B J. Dairy Sci. Methane Production from Acidic Waste Stream Without Addition of Neutralizing Chemicals Roster, I.W. Environment Technol. Lett. 7: 637- 642. Methane production and emission in a Texas rice field. Sass, R.L., Global Biogeochemical Cycles 4: 47- 68. Methane dosage to soil and its effect on plant growth Arif, M.A.S World J Methane consumption in decomposing Sphagnum-derived peat Yavitt, J.B Soil Biol. Biochem Metal pollution-induced immunomodulation in fish Zelikoff, J.T. Annual Review of Fish Diseases 3: 305-325. Metal Pollution in the Aguatic Env Forstner, U. Springer Verlay, New York. 87. Metal binding organic macromolecules in soil. Characterization of the maximum binding ability of the macromolecules Zuzino, H. Soil science Metabolism of Portal-Derived Fatty Acids by Liver and Portal-Derived Viscera in Sheep. Metabolism of linoleic acid or mevalonate and 6pentyl-apyrone biosynthesis by Trichoderma spesies. Bergman, E. N. Am. J. Physiology Serrano-Carreon, L., Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 59(9): 2945- 2950. Metabolism of Leuconostoc bacteria Cogan, T.M J. Dairy Sci Metabolism of Inositol Phosphates. I. Phytase Synthesis During Germination in Cotyledons of Mung Beans (Phaseolus aureus). Mandal, N. C. Plant. Physiol. 45: 4. Metabolism of esterit'ied cholesterol in the plasma very lowdensity lipoproteins in rabbits: studies in vivo and in vilrn. Barter, P.J. Atherosclerosis Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 360 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Metabolism of carbaryl and carbofuran by soil enricment and bacterial cultures Rajagopal, B.S Can. J. Micr Metabolism of Avian Embryos: Comparative ontogeny. Hoyt, D. F. Respir. Physiol. Metabolic responses of mesophytes to plant water deficits Hanson, A.D. Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. 33: 163-203. Metabolic response to dietary phosphorus intake in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Skonberg, D.I. Aquaculture 157:11-24. Metabolic profuiles of penaeid shrimp : Dietary lipids and ovarian maturation B.S. Middleditch J. Chromatography Metabolic Limits to Milk Production, Especially Roles of Growth Hormone and Insulin. Bines, J. A. J. Dairy Sci. Metabolic evalution of rice protein. Juliano, B.O. Food Chem Metabolic engineering of glycine betaine synthesis: plant betain aldehyde dehydroge-nases lacking typical transit peptides are targeted to tobacco chloroplasts where thev confer betain aldehyde resistance. Rathinasabapathi, B. Plant J. Metabolic effects of dietarv pectins related to human health Reiser, S. Food Technol. Feb. 1987, 91-99. Metabolic Control During Preimplantation Mammalian Development Metabolic adaptations in mammary gland during the declining phase of lactation Metabolic activity and phosphate dissolving capability of bacterial isolates from wheat root, rhizosphere and nonrhizosphere Leese, H.J J. Human Reprod. 1: 63-72. Wilde, C. J. J. Dairy Sci. Katznelson, H. Soil Can. J. Microbiol. 5:79-85. Metaboilsm of endogenous & exogenous anabolis agents in cattle Rico AG J Anim Sci 57:226-232 Metabohzable energy requirement for maintenance and growth of Awassi lambs. Jassim R.A.M. Small Rum. Res. 20:239-245. Mesophilic fish spoilage Gorczyca, E. Food Technol. Aust. 37 (1): 24-26. Mesin kempa tipe ulir tunggal untk mengempa rajangan tandan kosong sawit Mernpelajari proses penguningan jeruk manis [Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) dengan gas asetilen Guritno P Jurnal Penelitian Kelapa Sawit 3(2):47:57 Soedibyo, M Penelitian Hortikultura Merek-merek Jawara Di Milenium Baru, hal 26-38. Majalah Swa No.01/XVI/17, 26 Januari 2000 Mercury and cadmium content in green mussel, Mytilus viridis L. from Onrust Waters, Jakarta Bay H.P. Hutagalung Bull. Environment Contam.Toxicol Merancang Kelembagaan Agroindustri Anonimus Meraih peluang meningkatkan pendapatan petani daerah pegunungan dengan menanam tanaman makadamia Armini, N. M. Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 361 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Methodologie de mesure de la degradabilite in sacco de I'<br />

azote des aliments dans le rumen.<br />

Michalet-Doreau, B. Bull. Tech. CRZV Theix, INRA.<br />

Methodological Issues in Diarrhea Episodes Haqui, A.H. International Epiderniology, 20: 1057-<br />

1063.<br />

Method to Enhance Growth And Sporulation of Pelletized<br />

Biocontrol Fungi<br />

Method of quantitativeanaly-sis of ATP-related compounds<br />

on the roughsea - method of high performance liquid<br />

chromatography using reverse phasecolumn<br />

Knudsen. G.R Applied and Environmental<br />

Microbiology<br />

Tsuchimoto, M Bull Jap.Soc.Sci.Fish<br />

Method of delaying sexual maturity of pullet, restricting<br />

energy consumption<br />

Fuller, H. L Poultry Sci<br />

Method For Overcoming Seed Dormancy In Rice Delouche. J.C AOSA. Proc`<br />

Method for computing the effectiveness of an insecticide Abbot, W. S. J. Econ. Entomol<br />

Method analysis of Urea. Buehringer Method analysis of Urea.<br />

Me-thane Production in Dry and Lactating Holstein Cows Holster, J. B J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Methane Production from Acidic Waste Stream Without<br />

Addition of Neutralizing Chemicals<br />

Roster, I.W. Environment Technol. Lett. 7: 637-<br />

642.<br />

Methane production and emission in a Texas rice field. Sass, R.L., Global Biogeochemical Cycles 4: 47-<br />

68.<br />

Methane dosage to soil and its effect on plant growth Arif, M.A.S World J<br />

Methane consumption in decomposing Sphagnum-derived<br />

peat<br />

Yavitt, J.B Soil Biol. Biochem<br />

Metal pollution-induced immunomodulation in fish Zelikoff, J.T. Annual Review of Fish Diseases 3:<br />

305-325.<br />

Metal Pollution in the Aguatic Env Forstner, U. Springer Verlay, New York. 87.<br />

Metal binding organic macromolecules in soil.<br />

Characterization of the maximum binding ability of the<br />

macromolecules<br />

Zuzino, H. Soil science<br />

Metabolism of Portal-Derived Fatty Acids by Liver and<br />

Portal-Derived Viscera in Sheep.<br />

Metabolism of linoleic acid or mevalonate and 6pentyl-apyrone<br />

biosynthesis by Trichoderma spesies.<br />

Bergman, E. N. Am. J. Physiology<br />

Serrano-Carreon, L., Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 59(9): 2945-<br />

2950.<br />

Metabolism of Leuconostoc bacteria Cogan, T.M J. Dairy Sci<br />

Metabolism of Inositol Phosphates. I. Phytase Synthesis<br />

During Germination in Cotyledons of Mung Beans (Phaseolus<br />

aureus).<br />

Mandal, N. C. Plant. Physiol. 45: 4.<br />

Metabolism of esterit'ied cholesterol in the plasma very lowdensity<br />

lipoproteins in rabbits: studies in vivo and in vilrn.<br />

Barter, P.J. Atherosclerosis<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 360 dari 931

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