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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Mi-crobial growth on peptones from fish industrial wastes. Vecht-Lifshitz, Lett. Appl. Microbiol. 10: 183-186. Microbial flora on pond reared tilapia held in ice Acuff, G. AL. J. Food Prot. 47: 778 - 780. Microbial Fermentation of Cocoa Beans, with Emphasis on Enzymatic Degradation of The Pulp Schwan, R.F., J. of Appl. Bacteriology Symp. Suplement Microbial examination of mature coconut fruit Fernandez, W.L. Phil.Agric Microbial degradation ofsterols Marsheck, W.J Appl. Microbiol Microbial Degradation of Geogenic Organic-C and N in Mine Soils Waschkies, C. Plant and Soil Microbial degradation and utilization of cassava peel Oftiya, C.O.. J. microbiology and Biotechnology Microbial Decolorization of Molases Waste water By Mycelia Sterilia D.90 Sirianuntapiboon, S Agric. Biol. Chem Microbial control of the potato tuber worm, Phthorimaea Hayder, M.F. Bull. Entomol. Soc. Egyp. Econ. Ser. operculella in the field 16: 127-132. Microbial Biotechnology for Suitable Aquaculture. Moriarty, D.J.W INFOFISH International 4(96): 23-28. Microbial biosurfactant Gerson DF Process Biochemisry (July):20-22and 29 Microbial Biomass in Soil Measurement and Turn Over Jenkinson.D.S Soil Biochemistry Vol. 5 Microbial Biomass In Relation to C and N Mineralization During Laboratory Incubation Robertson.K. Soil.Biol.Biochem Microbial Biomass and Mineralizable Nitrogen Distribution in No-Tillage and Plowed Soils Doran. J.W Biol. Fert. Soils Microbial Attachment and Feed Digestion in The Rumen. McAllister, T. A. J. Anim. Sci Microbial and Faunal Interactions and Effect on Litter Nitrogen and Decomposition in Agroecosystems Beare. M.H. Ecol. Monogr. Microbial amylolitic enzymes. Critic. Vihinen, M. Rev. Biochem. Mol. Biol. 24 (4): 329- 418. Microbial Activity in Relation to Soil Humus acid Formation Martin. J.P Soil. Sci Microbia! enzymes and bioconversions. Rose, A.H. Econ. Microbiol. Vol. 5. Academic Press, p. 56-64. Microbes preservation. Yusiati, L. M. Bulletin of animal science. Special edition. Yogyakarta. Microarrays: determining the balance of cellular transcription Harmer SL Plant Cell 12:613-615. Microaggregate in Soil Edawards. A.P Journal of Soil Science Micro propagation on ginger Inden, H. Acta Hort. 230(6): 177-184. Micellar properties of quillaja saponin-1-. Effects of temperature, salt and pH on solution properties Mewaspadai Pergeseran Pola Konsumsi Pangan Penduduk Perkotaan Mitra S J of Agric and food Chem 45:1587- 1595 Suhardjo Majalah Pangan Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 358 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Metodology for identtfiying wide stability in crops Nor KM Agron j 71:556-559 Metodes Statistiques a l'Usage des Medcins et des Biologistes. Metode pendugaan populasi pengisap buah lada secara beruntun di Kabupaten Bangka Metode pendugaan indeks luas daun pada tanaman ubijalar (Ipomoea batatas L.). Metode ekstraksi vakum dalam usaha mendeteksi organisme penyakit CVPD pada tanaman jeruk Metode metilasi asam lemak omega-3 utk analisis kromotografi Swartz, D. Flammarion. Medicine Sciences. Paris. 277p Karmawati, E. Pemberitaan Penelitian Tanaman Industri. 13(3-4): 69-75 Sutoro Sulyo, Y Penelitian Hortikultura Sugiarto A Gema teknologi no 17/4 98 Methyl ester in the Fatty Acid Industry Farris, Rp.D Journal of American Oil Chemistry Society Methods of test for palm oil & Palm oil products PORIM Methods of test for palm oil & Palm oil products Methods of Minerals Analysis for Plant and Animal Tissues. Fick, K. R. Anim. Sci. Dept., Univ. Florida, USA. Methods of Enzymatic Analysis (3 rd ed) Vol II. Germany. Bergmeyer Methods of Enzymatic Analysis (3 rd ed) Vol II. Germany. Methods of determining the firmness and setting time of pectin test jellies. Joseph, G.H. Food Technol. 3 : 18. Methods for The Recovery and Quantitative Estimation of Propagules from Soil. In: Methods and Principles of Mycorrhizal Research. Methods for the recovery and quantitative estimation of propagules from soil Methods For The Production And Use Of Metarhizum anisopliae Againts Orycetes Rhinocheros Methods for the Longterm storage and utilization of eggs of Sitotroga cerealella (Oliver) for production of Trichogramma preliosunv riley Methods for Evaluating Nitrogen Fixation by Nodulated Legumes in the Field Methods and strategy for monitoring race distribution and identification of resistance genes to bacterial leaf blight (Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae) in rice Methods and approaches for assessing, immunotoxicity: an overview Daniels, B. A. The Amer. Phytopathol. Soc. Minnesota. Daniels BA Methods and Principles of mycorrhizal research. (Ed NC Schenck). The Amer. Phytopathol. Soc Minnesota Sitepu. D Integrated Coconut Pest Control Project (Annual Report) Morrison, R.K. J. Voegele, J. Waage, and J. van Lanteren (Gds.). Trickogrannna and other parasites. 2nd International Symposium, Guangzhou (China) Nov. 10-15, 1986. Les Colloques de 1'INRA. (43): 373-377. Peoples, M.B. ACIAR. Monograph No. 11: 76 p. Ogawa, T. JARQ 27:71-80. Dean, J.H. Environmental health Perspective 43: 27-29. Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 359 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Mi-crobial growth on peptones from fish industrial wastes. Vecht-Lifshitz, Lett. Appl. Microbiol. 10: 183-186.<br />

Microbial flora on pond reared tilapia held in ice Acuff, G. AL. J. Food Prot. 47: 778 - 780.<br />

Microbial Fermentation of Cocoa Beans, with Emphasis on<br />

Enzymatic Degradation of The Pulp<br />

Schwan, R.F., J. of Appl. Bacteriology Symp.<br />

Suplement<br />

Microbial examination of mature coconut fruit Fernandez, W.L. Phil.Agric<br />

Microbial degradation ofsterols Marsheck, W.J Appl. Microbiol<br />

Microbial Degradation of Geogenic Organic-C and N in<br />

Mine Soils<br />

Waschkies, C. Plant and Soil<br />

Microbial degradation and utilization of cassava peel Oftiya, C.O.. J. microbiology and Biotechnology<br />

Microbial Decolorization of Molases Waste water By<br />

Mycelia Sterilia D.90<br />

Sirianuntapiboon, S Agric. Biol. Chem<br />

Microbial control of the potato tuber worm, Phthorimaea Hayder, M.F. Bull. Entomol. Soc. Egyp. Econ. Ser.<br />

operculella in the field<br />

16: 127-132.<br />

Microbial Biotechnology for Suitable Aquaculture. Moriarty, D.J.W INFOFISH International 4(96): 23-28.<br />

Microbial biosurfactant Gerson DF Process Biochemisry (July):20-22and<br />

29<br />

Microbial Biomass in Soil Measurement and Turn Over Jenkinson.D.S Soil Biochemistry Vol. 5<br />

Microbial Biomass In Relation to C and N Mineralization<br />

During Laboratory Incubation<br />

Robertson.K. Soil.Biol.Biochem<br />

Microbial Biomass and Mineralizable Nitrogen Distribution<br />

in No-Tillage and Plowed Soils<br />

Doran. J.W Biol. Fert. Soils<br />

Microbial Attachment and Feed Digestion in The Rumen. McAllister, T. A. J. Anim. Sci<br />

Microbial and Faunal Interactions and Effect on Litter<br />

Nitrogen and Decomposition in Agroecosystems<br />

Beare. M.H. Ecol. Monogr.<br />

Microbial amylolitic enzymes. Critic. Vihinen, M. Rev. Biochem. Mol. Biol. 24 (4): 329-<br />

418.<br />

Microbial Activity in Relation to Soil Humus acid Formation Martin. J.P Soil. Sci<br />

Microbia! enzymes and bioconversions. Rose, A.H. Econ. Microbiol. Vol. 5. Academic<br />

Press, p. 56-64.<br />

Microbes preservation. Yusiati, L. M. Bulletin of animal science. Special<br />

edition. Yogyakarta.<br />

Microarrays: determining the balance of cellular<br />

transcription<br />

Harmer SL Plant Cell 12:613-615.<br />

Microaggregate in Soil Edawards. A.P Journal of Soil Science<br />

Micro propagation on ginger Inden, H. Acta Hort. 230(6): 177-184.<br />

Micellar properties of quillaja saponin-1-. Effects of<br />

temperature, salt and pH on solution properties<br />

Mewaspadai Pergeseran Pola Konsumsi Pangan<br />

Penduduk Perkotaan<br />

Mitra S J of Agric and food Chem 45:1587-<br />

1595<br />

Suhardjo Majalah Pangan<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 358 dari 931

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