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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Toxicity of aluminum to coffee in ultisols and oxisols amended with CaCO,, MgCO,, and CaSO,- 2H,0 Toxicity and metobolism of endo-sulfan and its effects on oxygen consumption and total nitrogen excretion of the fish Macronagthus aculentum. Toxicity and biodistribution of liposomes of the main phospholipid from the archaebacterium Thermoplasma acidophilum in mice Toxicity ammonia and nitrite to sunshine bass in selected environments. Toxicities of ammonia and nitrite to Penaeus monodon adolescents. Toxicit of Of Rocaglamide an Insecticidal Natural Product, To The Variegated Cutdown, Peridroma Saucia (Lepidoptera : Noctudae) Toxicidad del Hg2, CH3Hg+, Cu2, y Cd2+ sobre larvas y postlarvas del langostino, Penaeus kerathurus (Forskal, 1775). Pa van MA J Soil Sci Soc Am 46:1201-1207. Rao, D. M. R, Pestic. Biochem. Physiol., 15:282-284. Freisleben, H.-J. J. Liposome Res. 5:215-223. Weirich, C.R., Journal of Aquatic Animal Health, 5: 64-72. Jiann, C.C., Aquaculture, 89 (2): 127-137. Satasook. C Pestic Sci Rodriguez, A., Inv. Pesq., 47 (2): 339-344. Toxic peptides and amino acids in foods and feeds. Hylin, J.W. J. Agr. Food Chem. 17: 492-496. Toxic Levels f Dietary Copper in Atlantic Salmon Salmon salar L. parz. Toxic effects of theobromine on mature and immature male rabbits. Toxic effects of N-nitrosodiethylamine on nasai tissues ofSprague-Dawley rats and Golden Syrian hamsters Toxic Component of The Larval Survace of the Corn earworn(Heliothiszea) and Their effect on germination and Grwth of B. bassiana. Towards Pluralism in Agricultural Extension : a Growing Challenge to The Public And Private Sectors Berntsse, M.H.G., K Aquatic Toxicology Vol. 46 No. 2: 87- 99. Soffietti, M.G. J. Comp. Path. Jensen, R.K Fund. Appl. Toxicol Smith.R.f Jour. Of Invertebrate Path Kidd. A Agriculture And Rural Development. Vol. 5 No. 1 Towards mass propagation by use of bioreactors. Preil, W., Acta Hort. 226: 99- 106. Towards construction of a high resolution map of the mouse genome using PCR-analysed microsatellite Love, J.M. NAR 18:4123-4130. Towards a reduction of pollution from intensive aquaculture with reference to the farming of salmonids in Norway. Seymour, E. A. Aquacult. Eng. 10:73-88. Toward Understanding Soil Mineralogy. Childs, C.W. II. Notes on Ferrihydrite. Laboratory Report CM 7. Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 34 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Toward sustainable food security: The need for a new paradigm Simatupang, P. Indonesia’s Economic Crisis: Effects on Agriculture and Policy Responses. P. Simatupang, S. Pasaribu, S. Bahri, and R. Stringer (Eds.), CASE, AARD- CIES, University of Adelaide, Australia. p.141-168. Toward complex and community-based agricultural technology in Indonesia Pasandaran, E. toward anti adhesion therapy for microbial diseases Ofek,I Trends Microbiol Toward a theory of induced institutional innovation Ruttan, V. Journal of Development Studies. Toward a saturated linkage map in tomato based on isozymes and random cDNA sequence. Bernatzky, R. Genetics 112: 887-898. Toward a new recom-mended dietary allowance tbr vitamin C based on antioxidant and health effects in humans Carr, A.C., Am J Clin Nutr Toward a new recommended dietary allowance for vitamin C based on antioxidant and health effects in humans Carr, AC Am J Clin Nutr Toward a dynamoc theory of strategy. Porter, M.E. Stratetig Management Journal 12 : 95-117 Tourism Impacts Related To ec 92 : Look Ahead Mihalik. B.J Journal of Travel Research Tourism : The World's Peace Industry D'Amore. L Journal Travel research Total synthesis of gossypol Edwards Jr., H. M. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. Total Sample Area and Estimates of Spesies Richness in Exposed Sandy Beaches Jamarillo, E. Marine Ecology Total N determination in plant material by persulfate digestion Purcell LC Agron J 88:111-113 Total and Organic Carbon Tiessen. H Soil Sampling and Method of Analysis TopPredII: an improved software for membrane protein structure predictions. Claros, M.G. Computer Appl. Biosci. 10: 685-686. TopPredII: an improved software for membrane protein structure predictions. Claros, M.G. Computer Appl. Biosci. 10: 685-686. Topology of the phenylalanine-specific permease of Escherichia coli. Pi, J. J. Bacteriol. 178: 2650-2655. Topological characterization of the essential Escherichia coli cell devision protein FtsN. Dai, K., J. Bacteriol. 178: 1328-1334. Topochemistry of softwood delignification by alkali earth metal salt catalyzed organosolv pulping Paszner, L Holzforshung. Tools: hydrogenation, interesterification Haumann, B.F INFORM Tools : Hydrogenation, Interesfication. Hauman, B.F. Inform, 5 (6): 668-678 Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 35 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Toxicity of aluminum to coffee in ultisols and oxisols<br />

amended with CaCO,, MgCO,, and CaSO,- 2H,0<br />

Toxicity and metobolism of endo-sulfan and its effects on<br />

oxygen consumption and total nitrogen excretion of the fish<br />

Macronagthus aculentum.<br />

Toxicity and biodistribution of liposomes of the main<br />

phospholipid from the archaebacterium Thermoplasma<br />

acidophilum in mice<br />

Toxicity ammonia and nitrite to sunshine bass in selected<br />

environments.<br />

Toxicities of ammonia and nitrite to Penaeus monodon<br />

adolescents.<br />

Toxicit of Of Rocaglamide an Insecticidal Natural Product,<br />

To The Variegated Cutdown, Peridroma Saucia<br />

(Lepidoptera : Noctudae)<br />

Toxicidad del Hg2, CH3Hg+, Cu2, y Cd2+ sobre larvas y<br />

postlarvas del langostino, Penaeus kerathurus (Forskal,<br />

1775).<br />

Pa van MA J Soil Sci Soc Am 46:1201-1207.<br />

Rao, D. M. R, Pestic. Biochem. Physiol., 15:282-284.<br />

Freisleben, H.-J. J. Liposome Res. 5:215-223.<br />

Weirich, C.R., Journal of Aquatic Animal Health, 5:<br />

64-72.<br />

Jiann, C.C., Aquaculture, 89 (2): 127-137.<br />

Satasook. C Pestic Sci<br />

Rodriguez, A., Inv. Pesq., 47 (2): 339-344.<br />

Toxic peptides and amino acids in foods and feeds. Hylin, J.W. J. Agr. Food Chem. 17: 492-496.<br />

Toxic Levels f Dietary Copper in Atlantic Salmon Salmon<br />

salar L. parz.<br />

Toxic effects of theobromine on mature and immature male<br />

rabbits.<br />

Toxic effects of N-nitrosodiethylamine on nasai tissues<br />

ofSprague-Dawley rats and Golden Syrian hamsters<br />

Toxic Component of The Larval Survace of the Corn<br />

earworn(Heliothiszea) and Their effect on germination and<br />

Grwth of B. bassiana.<br />

Towards Pluralism in Agricultural Extension : a Growing<br />

Challenge to The Public And Private Sectors<br />

Berntsse, M.H.G., K Aquatic Toxicology Vol. 46 No. 2: 87-<br />

99.<br />

Soffietti, M.G. J. Comp. Path.<br />

Jensen, R.K Fund. Appl. Toxicol<br />

Smith.R.f Jour. Of Invertebrate Path<br />

Kidd. A Agriculture And Rural Development.<br />

Vol. 5 No. 1<br />

Towards mass propagation by use of bioreactors. Preil, W., Acta Hort. 226: 99- 106.<br />

Towards construction of a high resolution map of the<br />

mouse genome using PCR-analysed microsatellite<br />

Love, J.M. NAR 18:4123-4130.<br />

Towards a reduction of pollution from intensive aquaculture<br />

with reference to the farming of salmonids in Norway.<br />

Seymour, E. A. Aquacult. Eng. 10:73-88.<br />

Toward Understanding Soil Mineralogy. Childs, C.W. II. Notes on Ferrihydrite. Laboratory<br />

Report CM 7.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 34 dari 931

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