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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Occurrence of idividual trans isometric fatty acids in human myocardium, jejunum, & aorta in relation to different degrees of artheroscleosis Occurrence of luminous bacterial disease of Penaeus monodon Fab. larvae in Philippines. Occurrence and Range of Dicoumarol Concentrations in Sweet Clover. Occurrence and formation of iron oxides in various pedo environments Hecker HM Atheroschel 28:389-398 Lavilla-Pitogo, C.R., Aquaculture 91:1-13. Benson, M. E. Am. J. Vet. Res. Schwertmann, U. J. W. Stucki, B. A. Goodman and U. Schwertmann (Eds) Iron in Soil and Clay Minerals. NATO ASI Series, Series C: Mathematical and Physical Science V 127. Occurrence and availability of phosphate solubilizing fungi from coconut plant soils. Thomas, G. V Plant and Soil Occurrence and abundance of prawn seed at Jepara. Prawirodihardjo, S., Buil. Shrimp Cult. Res. Cent Occurrence and abundance of prawn seed at Jepara Prawirodihardjo, S Bulletin of Shrimp Culture and Research Centre Occurence of Races of Pseudomonas syringae pv. glycinea Europa and Their Capability to Produce Coronatine in Pseudomonas syringae Pathovars. Abo-Moch, F., In Florence. Italy. 439 : 227 - 133. Occurance and cause of shoot-tip necrosis in shoot cultures Obtention In Vitro de Peritheces de Venturia inaqualis (Cke.) Wint: Apllication a L'analyse de la Resistance au Benomyl Aquise au Verger. Liu, S. J. Amer. Soc. ffort. Sci. 110: 631-634. Martin. D. Argonomie 1:745-749 Observing pollen tubes by means of fluorecence. Kho, Y.O. Euphytica. Observations on the transmission of scrapie in experiments using embryo transfer Foster, J.D. Vet. Rec. Observations on Pyrodinium bahamense plate, a toxic dinoflagellate, in Papua New Guinea Maclean, J.L. Limnol. Oceanogr. 22(2):234-254. Observations of the effect of age and sex on the nitrogen factor of chicken carcass parts including the edible offals Thomas N. L. J. Food Technol. Observations on postlarvae incursions and fishery of penaeid prawn in chilka lake Observation on the Reproductive Behaviour in the West African Dwarf Goats Ramakrishnaian, M Journal in-land and Fisheries Society of India Otchere, E.O Ghana J. Agricultural Sci. Observation on the electroejaculation in Red deer Jaczewski, Z ACTA Theriologica Observation on the dispersion and aggregation of clay by humic substances I Dispersive effects of humic acids Visser SA Geoderma 42:331-7 Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 328 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Observation on the dispersion and aggregation of clay by humic substances I Dispersive effects of humic acids Visser SA Geoderma 42:331-7 Observation on black pod disease (Phytophthora palmivora) of cocoa in Nigeria Thorold, G. A. Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc. Observation on Banteng Cattle in Sabah. Copland, R. S. Trop. Anim. Hlth. Prod. Observation on Artificial Fertilication of eggs and The Embryonic and Larval Development of Milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forskal) Chaudhuri, H Aquaculture. 13:95-ll3. Observation of Pyrodinium bahamense var. compressum Culture in The Laboratory: A Preliminary Result Sidharta, B.R. Observation Of Night Flight In The Desert Locust, Schistocerca Gregaria Forshal Roffey.J Anti Locust Bulletin 39 Obesity : Definition Aetologi, Complications And Treatment Ko. G.T.C Medical Progress Oat b-Gluca Reduces Blood Cholesterol Concentration In Hypercholesterolemic Subjects Braaten.J.T. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition Nylon bag technique in the determination of ruminant feed protein degradation. Setela, J. J. Sci. Agric. Soc. Finl. Nutritive value of tree legumes introduced in Indonesia Panjaitan, M. IARD Journal, Vol. 10 No. 3: 73-80. Nutritive value of Sauropus androgynous leaves, abstract. Fadmavathi, P. Plant Food Hum. Nutr. 40 (2): 107- 113. Nutritive Value of Raw, Parboiled, Stabilised and Deoiled Rice Bran for Growing Chicks. Zombade, Shivaji S. J. Sci. Food Agric. Nutritive Value of Protein from Shark L Scoliodon Sorrakanwah Mashelhar, B.M. Ann Biochem Exper med 28: 135-148. Nutritive value of para rubber seed protein Lauw, T.G. American Journal Clin. Nutrition Nutritive value of ground and/or ammoniated corn stover Morris, P.J. Can. J. Anim. Sci. Nutritive value of ammoniated and oxidized-aminoniated rice straw tor sheep Terashima. Y.. Jpn. J. Zootech. Sci Nutritive Value and Nutrient Requirements of Animals Chwalibog, A. Nutritional values of live organisms used in Japan for mass propagation offish: a review. Watanabe, T, C. Aquaculture, 34:115-143. Nutritional values of live organisms used in Japan for mass propagation offish: a review. Watanabe, T., Aquaculture 34:115-143. Nutritional values of live organisms used in Japan for mass propagation of fish. Watanabe, T., Aquaculture 34: 115-143 Nutritional values of live organism used in Japan for mass propagation of fish. A Review. Watanabe, T. Aquaculture 34:115-143. Nutritional value of protein enriched cassava: cassapro. Kompiang, I. P. Ilmu dan Peternakan. Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 329 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Occurrence of idividual trans isometric fatty acids in human<br />

myocardium, jejunum, & aorta in relation to different<br />

degrees of artheroscleosis<br />

Occurrence of luminous bacterial disease of Penaeus<br />

monodon Fab. larvae in Philippines.<br />

Occurrence and Range of Dicoumarol Concentrations in<br />

Sweet Clover.<br />

Occurrence and formation of iron oxides in various pedo<br />

environments<br />

Hecker HM Atheroschel 28:389-398<br />

Lavilla-Pitogo, C.R., Aquaculture 91:1-13.<br />

Benson, M. E. Am. J. Vet. Res.<br />

Schwertmann, U. J. W. Stucki, B. A. Goodman and U.<br />

Schwertmann (Eds) Iron in Soil and<br />

Clay Minerals. NATO ASI Series,<br />

Series C: Mathematical and Physical<br />

Science V 127.<br />

Occurrence and availability of phosphate solubilizing fungi<br />

from coconut plant soils.<br />

Thomas, G. V Plant and Soil<br />

Occurrence and abundance of prawn seed at Jepara. Prawirodihardjo, S., Buil. Shrimp Cult. Res. Cent<br />

Occurrence and abundance of prawn seed at Jepara Prawirodihardjo, S Bulletin of Shrimp Culture and<br />

Research Centre<br />

Occurence of Races of Pseudomonas syringae pv.<br />

glycinea Europa and Their Capability to Produce<br />

Coronatine in Pseudomonas syringae Pathovars.<br />

Abo-Moch, F., In Florence. Italy. 439 : 227 - 133.<br />

Occurance and cause of shoot-tip necrosis in shoot<br />

cultures<br />

Obtention In Vitro de Peritheces de Venturia inaqualis<br />

(Cke.) Wint: Apllication a L'analyse de la Resistance au<br />

Benomyl Aquise au Verger.<br />

Liu, S. J. Amer. Soc. ffort. Sci. 110: 631-634.<br />

Martin. D. Argonomie 1:745-749<br />

Observing pollen tubes by means of fluorecence. Kho, Y.O. Euphytica.<br />

Observations on the transmission of scrapie in experiments<br />

using embryo transfer<br />

Foster, J.D. Vet. Rec.<br />

Observations on Pyrodinium bahamense plate, a toxic<br />

dinoflagellate, in Papua New Guinea<br />

Maclean, J.L. Limnol. Oceanogr. 22(2):234-254.<br />

Observations of the effect of age and sex on the nitrogen<br />

factor of chicken carcass parts including the edible offals<br />

Thomas N. L. J. Food Technol.<br />

Observations on postlarvae incursions and fishery of<br />

penaeid prawn in chilka lake<br />

Observation on the Reproductive Behaviour in the West<br />

African Dwarf Goats<br />

Ramakrishnaian, M Journal in-land and Fisheries Society<br />

of India<br />

Otchere, E.O Ghana J. Agricultural Sci.<br />

Observation on the electroejaculation in Red deer Jaczewski, Z ACTA Theriologica<br />

Observation on the dispersion and aggregation of clay by<br />

humic substances I Dispersive effects of humic acids<br />

Visser SA Geoderma 42:331-7<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 328 dari 931

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