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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Performance of the Amazonian Tambaqui, Colossoma macropomum, in pond polyculture Performance of single comb white leghorn hens subjected to 4 or 10-day feed withdrawal force rest procedures. Performance of sahiwal-friesian growing heifer on different levels of dried palm oil sludge in their concentrate ration Performance of laying hens fed various phosphorus levels coninuously phase fed decremental phosphorus levels. Performance of Layer Reared and Or Kept. Under Different 6 Hours Ligth Dark. Cycles Performance of lambs fed diets containing cottonseed meal processed by different methods Performance of lambs fed diets containing cottonseed meal processed by different methods Performance of lactating dairy cows fed either alfalfa silage or alfalfa hay as the sole forage Performance of growing pullets and laying hens fed low protein amino acid suplement diets Performance of Dairy Goats Fed Isonitrogenous Diets Containing Soybean Meal or Hydrolyzed Feather Meal During Early Lactation. Performance of cotton varieties under intercropping with mungbean Performance of corn, peanut, mungbean, and soybean in monoculture and intercrop combination of corn and legumes in dry season. Performance of commercial laying hens fed various phosphorus levels, with and without suplemental phytase Performance of Broilers Fed with Snail (Pomacea Canaliculata) Meal as Substitute to Fish Meal or Meal and Bone Meal Performance of broiler fed with snail (pomacea canaliculata) meal as subtitute to fish meal or meat and bone meal Performance of broiler chickens and yurket poults subjected to feed restriction or to feeding of low protein or low sodium diets at an early age Performance of Broiler Breeders as Affected by Body Weight During The Breeding Season. Hanez C Aquaculture Engineering Christmas, R.B. Poult. Sci. Sudin, M. Y. Malaysian Agricultural Journal Mikaelian, K. S. Poult. Sci. Sauveur. B Brit. Poult. Sci. Calhoun, M.C. J. Anim. Sci., 68 (Suppl.1): 530 (A), Calhoun, M.C. J. Anim. Sci., 68 (Suppl. 1): 530 (A). Broderick, G. A. J. Dairy Sci. Keshararz,K, ME Jackson Poultry Sci. 71 Lu, C. D. Small Ruminant Research. Hasnam Indonesian J. Crop Sci. 4(1): 15-25. Syarifuddin, Cont. Central Research Inst. Agric. Bogor. p. 12-13. Gordon, R.W. Poult. Sci. 76: 11721177. Ulep, L. J. L. Tropicultura Ulep, L. J. L. Tropicultura Plavnik, I Poult. Sci Wilson, H. R. Poult. Sci. Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 260 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Performance of beef steers fed grass silage with or without supplement of soybean meals, fish meal and barley Performance level as criterion for the choice of maize testers Performance and nutritive quality of dwarf and semi-dwarf elephantgrass genotypes in the Southeastern USA Performance and interrelationship among several chararecters of pearl millet ( pennisetum of pearl millet (pennisetum typhoideum Rich ) Population Performance and interrelationship among several chararecters of pearl millet ( pennisetum of pearl millet (pennisetum typhoideum Rich ) Population Viera, D.M. Can. J. Anim. Sci 70 : 313-317. Rawlings, J.O. Crop Sci. 2: 217-220. Williams, M.J. Trop. Grassl. 29: 122-127. Totok A DH j. Fac. Agr. Kyushu Univ, 41(1-2) Totok A DH j. Fac. Agr. Kyushu Univ, 41(1-2) Performance and carcass characteristics of veef bulls, steers and heifers. Warner, R.L J. Anim. Sci. 24 Performan ternak entog (Muscovy duck) pada pemeliharaan tradisional. Antawidjaja, T. Media Peternakan. Performan of breedersin different ffeeding systems Bootwalla SM Poult Sci 62:2321-2325 Performa dan enam ayarn pedaging. Dwiyanto. K.,M. Buletin LPP. Bogor. No. 25 : 9 - 17 Perfomance of met production of Japanese Black Cattle in Kagoshima Prefecture, preliminary report by beef cattle breeding conunitlee of Kagoshioia University. Perdagangan global dan implikasinya pada ketahanan pangan nasional Percobaan Stek Jenis Podocarpus Blumei ENDL dan Medang Kuning (Litsea Sp) Pada Media semai Berbeda Percobaan Pot lanjutan untuk meneliti "Pulu Raja Disease" pada tanah Padang Halaban dan Pulu Raja Percobaan Penggunaan Formula Baru pada Sadapan Tusam (Pinus merkusii Jungh. et de Vriesse) di Perhutani. Percobaan Pengendalian Kimiawi Terhadap Acacia nilotica Dengan Indamm 720 EC, Garlon 480 EC dan Trusi di Taman Nasional Baluran, Jawa Timur Percobaan pengendalian bakteri bercahaya, Vibrio harveyi yang berasal dari larva kepiting bakau, Scylla serrata secara "in vitro" dengan berbagai jenis antibiotik. Takemi, M. Perfomance of met production of Japanese Black Cattle in Kagoshima Prefecture, preliminary report by beef cattle breeding conunitlee of Kagoshioia University. Amang, B. Agro-Ekonomika. 22(5): 1-13. Jayusma Bulletin Penelitian Kehutanan Adiwiganda YT Bull. Balai Penelitian Perkebunan Medan IV(1):31-41 Catur, B.W., Duta Rimba Mei. 215 (XXIII). Nazif, M. Rusdi, I. Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 261 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Performance of the Amazonian Tambaqui, Colossoma<br />

macropomum, in pond polyculture<br />

Performance of single comb white leghorn hens subjected<br />

to 4 or 10-day feed withdrawal force rest procedures.<br />

Performance of sahiwal-friesian growing heifer on different<br />

levels of dried palm oil sludge in their concentrate ration<br />

Performance of laying hens fed various phosphorus levels<br />

coninuously phase fed decremental phosphorus levels.<br />

Performance of Layer Reared and Or Kept. Under Different<br />

6 Hours Ligth Dark. Cycles<br />

Performance of lambs fed diets containing cottonseed meal<br />

processed by different methods<br />

Performance of lambs fed diets containing cottonseed meal<br />

processed by different methods<br />

Performance of lactating dairy cows fed either alfalfa silage<br />

or alfalfa hay as the sole forage<br />

Performance of growing pullets and laying hens fed low<br />

protein amino acid suplement diets<br />

Performance of Dairy Goats Fed Isonitrogenous Diets<br />

Containing Soybean Meal or Hydrolyzed Feather Meal<br />

During Early Lactation.<br />

Performance of cotton varieties under intercropping with<br />

mungbean<br />

Performance of corn, peanut, mungbean, and soybean in<br />

monoculture and intercrop combination of corn and<br />

legumes in dry season.<br />

Performance of commercial laying hens fed various<br />

phosphorus levels, with and without suplemental phytase<br />

Performance of Broilers Fed with Snail (Pomacea<br />

Canaliculata) Meal as Substitute to Fish Meal or Meal and<br />

Bone Meal<br />

Performance of broiler fed with snail (pomacea<br />

canaliculata) meal as subtitute to fish meal or meat and<br />

bone meal<br />

Performance of broiler chickens and yurket poults<br />

subjected to feed restriction or to feeding of low protein or<br />

low sodium diets at an early age<br />

Performance of Broiler Breeders as Affected by Body<br />

Weight During The Breeding Season.<br />

Hanez C Aquaculture Engineering<br />

Christmas, R.B. Poult. Sci.<br />

Sudin, M. Y. Malaysian Agricultural Journal<br />

Mikaelian, K. S. Poult. Sci.<br />

Sauveur. B Brit. Poult. Sci.<br />

Calhoun, M.C. J. Anim. Sci., 68 (Suppl.1): 530 (A),<br />

Calhoun, M.C. J. Anim. Sci., 68 (Suppl. 1): 530 (A).<br />

Broderick, G. A. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Keshararz,K, ME<br />

Jackson<br />

Poultry Sci. 71<br />

Lu, C. D. Small Ruminant Research.<br />

Hasnam Indonesian J. Crop Sci. 4(1): 15-25.<br />

Syarifuddin, Cont. Central Research Inst. Agric.<br />

Bogor. p. 12-13.<br />

Gordon, R.W. Poult. Sci. 76: 11721177.<br />

Ulep, L. J. L. Tropicultura<br />

Ulep, L. J. L. Tropicultura<br />

Plavnik, I Poult. Sci<br />

Wilson, H. R. Poult. Sci.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 260 dari 931

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