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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Phenolic constituents of cell wall types of normal and brown midrib mutant of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L) R Br) in relation to wall biodegradability. Hartley RD J. Sci Food Agric 22:211-216 Phenolic component of smoka meat products Lusture, A. J. Agric. Food Chem. Phenol metabolism and plant disease resistance Manibhushanrao, K. Ada Phytopathol. Entomol. Hungarica 23:103-114. Phatological and toxicological studies of calves fed a high concentration cottonseed meal diet Holmberg, C.A. Vet Pathol., 25:147. Phasphorus Ni Submerged Srils and Phosphorus nutritraa of rice Phase change: growth and flowering of citrus seedings from thirteen genetically diverse seeding families Phase change in citrus: The effect of main stem node number, branch habit and paclobutrazol application on flowering in citrus seedlings Chang, S. C. ASPAC food and fertilizer technology center ferlity of paddy soils and fertilizer application for rice taipey, taiwan Snowball, A. M. J. Hort. Sci. Snowball, A. M. J. Hort. Sci. Pharmazeutische Biologie 2 Aufl Schneider.G B.I-Wissenschaftsverlags Mannheim Pharmacologic Actions of 4-Aminoquinolone Compounds Mackenzie, A.H. Am. J. Med. 18: 5-10. Pharmacokinetics and tissue penetration of ciprofloxasin. Crump. B., Antimicrob agent and Chemother. 24 (5): 784 - 786. Phagocytic activity of macrophages of rainbow trout against Vibrio miguillarum and the opsoning effect of antibody and complement Honda A. Research in Veterinary Science. 40: 328-332. Phaffia, a new yeast genus in the Deuteromycotina (Blastomycetes). Miller, M.W. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 26: 286. PH mediated control methods for continuous ethanol fermentation using Zymomonas mobilis Ishizaki, A J.ferment.Bioeng pH Dependnt Adsorption Isotherms of Glyphosate McConnell. J.S J. Agric. Food. Chem pH Dependent Adsorption Isotherm Of Glyphosate McConnell. J.S Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry Pewarisan, heritabilitas, dan kemajuan genetik ketahanan terhadap antraknos pada persilangan cabai rawit/cabai merah Amilin A Zuriat 6(2) 74-80 Pewarisan, heritabilitas, dan kemajuan genetik ketahanan tanaman cabai merah terhadap penyakit Antraknos Pewarisan, Heritabilitas dan kemajuan genetik ketahanan terhadap antraknos pada persilangan cabai rawit/cabai mnerah Amalia L zuriat 5:68-74 Amilin, A. Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 252 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Pewarisan, heritabilitas dan kemajuan genetik ketahanan tanaman cabai merah terhadap penyakit Antarknos Amalia L Pewarisan sifat jumlah malai pada tanaman padi (Oriza sativa L.). Tirtowirjono, S. Pewarisan laju akumulasi bahan kering pada biji kedelai Raihani W Pewarisan laju akumulasi bahan kering pada biji kedelai Raihani W Petunjuk Teknis dan Budidaya Ulat Sutera (Bombyx mori L.). Samsijah Jurnal Penelitian, Volume 58. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hutan, Bogor Petunjuk teknis bercocok tanam kentang dataran medium Ashandi, A.A Informasi Badan Litbang Pertanian No. 1 Petunjuk singkat cara pemeliharaan dan perkembangbiakan marmot untuk keperluan penelitian di laboratorium. Mangunwiryo, H. Buletin LPPH VIII (1-2) No. I I dan 12. Petunjuk Ringkas Uji Coba Model PMDH Terpadu Perum Pemutani PHT 24 Seri Produksi 93 Petunjuk Lengkap Mengenai Obat-obatan di Indonesia dan Khasiatnya Sebagai Obat-obatan Tradisional. Jilid I Bagian Botani Kloppenburg- Versteegh Cetakan II CDRS Bethesda dan Andi Offset Yogyakarta. Petunjuk Laboratorium Analisa Pangan Fukushima M Lipids Peta Reksa Dana Perang Tarif, dan Masalah Gaya. Manurung, A.H. Jurnal Pasar Modal Pestisida dlm era perdagangan bebas anonim media pestisida vol 9/Th XI/1995. Jakarta Pesticides manual 4th ed Martin H British Crop Protection Council Pesticides as activators of Mouse Liver Microsomal Glutahione S-Transferase. Moorhouse, K. G. Pesticide Biochem. Physiol. Pesticide. Their Use and Toxicity in Relation to Wildlife. Rudd, R.I. Bull. Cal. Dept. Fish Game No. 7, 207 pp. Pesticide resistance management is a key to effective pest control Delp CJ Bio Science 36:101-162 Pesticide resistance management is a key to effective pest control Delp CJ Bio Science 36:101-162 Pesticide Breakdown by Soil Enzymes. Burns, R.G. Pestic. Sci. Pesticide and Philippines rice farmer health: a medical and economic analysis Pingali, P.L. Am. J. Agric. Econ. 76: 587 - 592. Pestalotia guepini Desm. In seeds of Sorghum vulgare Marthur, S.B. Seeds of Sorghum vulgare Pers. Proc. Pers. Proc. Int. Seed. Test. Ass Int. Seed. Test. Ass Pest control in rice Feakin SD Pans manual no 3 Pest control decision making: sugar beet in Englend. Mumford JD J Agric Econ Perubahan Status Sosial dan Moral Ekonomi Petani. Sarman, Mukhtar Prisma Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 253 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Phenolic constituents of cell wall types of normal and<br />

brown midrib mutant of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum<br />

(L) R Br) in relation to wall biodegradability.<br />

Hartley RD J. Sci Food Agric 22:211-216<br />

Phenolic component of smoka meat products Lusture, A. J. Agric. Food Chem.<br />

Phenol metabolism and plant disease resistance Manibhushanrao, K. Ada Phytopathol. Entomol. Hungarica<br />

23:103-114.<br />

Phatological and toxicological studies of calves fed a high<br />

concentration cottonseed meal diet<br />

Holmberg, C.A. Vet Pathol., 25:147.<br />

Phasphorus Ni Submerged Srils and Phosphorus nutritraa<br />

of rice<br />

Phase change: growth and flowering of citrus seedings<br />

from thirteen genetically diverse seeding families<br />

Phase change in citrus: The effect of main stem node<br />

number, branch habit and paclobutrazol application on<br />

flowering in citrus seedlings<br />

Chang, S. C. ASPAC food and fertilizer technology<br />

center ferlity of paddy soils and<br />

fertilizer application for rice taipey,<br />

taiwan<br />

Snowball, A. M. J. Hort. Sci.<br />

Snowball, A. M. J. Hort. Sci.<br />

Pharmazeutische Biologie 2 Aufl Schneider.G B.I-Wissenschaftsverlags Mannheim<br />

Pharmacologic Actions of 4-Aminoquinolone Compounds Mackenzie, A.H. Am. J. Med. 18: 5-10.<br />

Pharmacokinetics and tissue penetration of ciprofloxasin. Crump. B., Antimicrob agent and Chemother. 24<br />

(5): 784 - 786.<br />

Phagocytic activity of macrophages of rainbow trout against<br />

Vibrio miguillarum and the opsoning effect of antibody and<br />

complement<br />

Honda A. Research in Veterinary Science. 40:<br />

328-332.<br />

Phaffia, a new yeast genus in the Deuteromycotina<br />

(Blastomycetes).<br />

Miller, M.W. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 26: 286.<br />

PH mediated control methods for continuous ethanol<br />

fermentation using Zymomonas mobilis<br />

Ishizaki, A J.ferment.Bioeng<br />

pH Dependnt Adsorption Isotherms of Glyphosate McConnell. J.S J. Agric. Food. Chem<br />

pH Dependent Adsorption Isotherm Of Glyphosate McConnell. J.S Journal of Agriculture and Food<br />

Chemistry<br />

Pewarisan, heritabilitas, dan kemajuan genetik ketahanan<br />

terhadap antraknos pada persilangan cabai rawit/cabai<br />

merah<br />

Amilin A Zuriat 6(2) 74-80<br />

Pewarisan, heritabilitas, dan kemajuan genetik ketahanan<br />

tanaman cabai merah terhadap penyakit Antraknos<br />

Pewarisan, Heritabilitas dan kemajuan genetik ketahanan<br />

terhadap antraknos pada persilangan cabai rawit/cabai<br />

mnerah<br />

Amalia L zuriat 5:68-74<br />

Amilin, A.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 252 dari 931

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