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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Phylogenetic distribution and genetic mapping of a (GCG) in microsatellite from rice (Oryza sativa L) Phylogenetic analysis of two ribosomal DNA regions indicates multiple independent losses of a sexual Talaromyces state among asexual Penicillium species in the subgenus Biverticillium. Zhao X Plant Molec Biol 21:607-614 LoBuglio, F.F. Mycologia 85: 592-604. Phylogenetic analysis of sorghum and related Taxa Using ITS of Nuclear Ribosomal DNA Sun Y Theory Appi Genet 89:26-32. Phylogenetic analysis in molecular evolutionary genetic Nei M Annu Rev Genet 30:371-403. Phyicology mechanical properties of oil palm wood fluor filled natural rubber Ismail H Polymer Testing 18(5):381-388 Phthalic acid esters: biological impact uncertain Marx JI Science 178:46-47. Phthalate esters plasticizers: why and how they are used Graham PR. Environ Health Perspect Exp Issue 3:3. Phthalate esters as environmental contaminants Mayer FL Nature 238:411-413. Phototropic substance associated with the decomposition in soil of plants residues Patrick, Z.A Soil Sci Phototaxis in Fungiidae corals (Scleractinia). Yamashiro, H.. Mar Biol. 124: 461-465. Photosynthetic carbon partitioning: its regulation and possibilities for manipulation Stitt, M. Plant Physiol. 77: 633-641. Photosynthetic characteris tics of strawberry plants treated with paclobutrazol or flurprimidol Archbold, D.D. HortScience 23 (1): 200-202. Photosynthesis and transpiration as a function of gaseous diffusive resistance in orange leaves Kriedemann, P.E. Physiol. Plant. 24: 218-225. Photosynthesis and photoassimilation of glucose during photomixotrophic growth of Marchantia polymorpha cells in suspension culture. Katoh, K. Physiol. Plant. 57: 67-74. Photoperiodic Requirements for LH Release in Juvenile Broiler and Egg-Laying Strains of Domestic Chikens Fed ad Libitum or Restricted Diets. Photoperiodic control of gonado tropin secretion in the ram : A. Detailed study of tmporal changes in the plasma level of folicle stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone and testosterone following and abrupt switch from long to short days Dunn, I. C. J. Reprod. Fert. Lincoln, G.A Endoc. J Photoperiod Study With Chicken Hens Cooper, J.B Poult. Sci. Photometric Estimation of Prolin and Ornithine Chinard, F.P. J. Biol. Chem., 199: 91-95. Photometric estimation of Praline and Ornithin Chinard, F.P. J. Biol. Chem. 199: 91-95. Photometric determination of lysozyme activity Iitwach, G. Proceeding Society of Experimental Biolology and Medicine 89: 401-103. Photoinhibition and photoprotection in symbiotic dinoflagellates from reef-building corals Hoegh-Guldberg 0 Mar Ecol Progr Ser 183:73-86. Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 248 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Photodynamic therapy Levy, J.G. Trends Biotechnol. 13:14-18. Photodynamic herbicide: 1. concept and phenomenology Rebeiz, C.A. Enzyme Microb Technol. 6:390-401. Photodegradation of polythylene & polypropylene at slow strain rate. Photo-chemical reaction centers: Structure, organization, and function. Photochemical modification of polymers photocrosslinking, surface, photografting, & lamination. Photobioreactor with photosynthetic bacteria immobilized on porous glass for hydrogen photoproduction Phosporus Rhizobium Interaction Studies on Biological Nitrogen Fixaction and Yield of Lentil Phosporus Export from Roots to Shoots of Barley Seeding with Different P Status Phosporus and beef production in northen Australia. 1. Phosporus and pasture productivity Phosphorus transformation into two sorption contrasting tropical soils during transit through P corethrurus Phosphorus sortion characteristics of productive and unproductive Niger Soils Phosphorus sorption characteristics of productive and unproductive Niger Soils. Phosphorus sorption characteristics of productive and unproductive Niger Soils Phosphorus sorption characteristics of Bh Horizon from sandy Plain Soils Phosphorus retention as related to morphology of Sandy Coasteal Plain soil Materials Phosphorus fixation by soils in relation to extractable iron oxides and mineralogical composition Phosphorus fixation by soils in relation to extractable iron oxides and mineralogical composition Phosphorus fertilizer management and P availability onhigh sorption tropical soil Phosphorus fertilizer management and P availability onhigh sorption tropical soil Phosphorus fertifization reduces VAM infection and change nodule occupacy of field grown soybean Phosphorus efficiency in common bean genotypes in contrasting soil types. I. Vegetative response Kelly, C Polym & Deg Satability 56,367 Glazer, A. N. Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. Ranby, B J. Polym Eng Sci 38, 1229 Tsygankov AA J Ferment Bioeng 77:575-578. Dhingra Jurnal Agric. Sci. Camb Schjoring, J. K. Physiol Plant Jones RJ Trop Grassl 24:131-139 lopez Hernandez Soil Biol Biochem 25 : 789-792 Wendt, J.W Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J Wendt, J.W. Soil Sci.Soc. Am.J Wendt, J.W Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J Zhoe, M Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J Harris, W.G Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J Ramulu, U.S.S Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 31: 193- 196. Sree Ramulu, U. S. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 31: 193- 196. Wade MK pemberitaan Tanah dan Ppuk no 8, 1989 Wade MK pemberitaan Tanah dan Ppuk no 8, 1989 Hicks, P.M Agron. J Yan X. Crop Sci. 35: 1086-1093. Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 249 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Phylogenetic distribution and genetic mapping of a (GCG)<br />

in microsatellite from rice (Oryza sativa L)<br />

Phylogenetic analysis of two ribosomal DNA regions<br />

indicates multiple independent losses of a sexual<br />

Talaromyces state among asexual Penicillium species in<br />

the subgenus Biverticillium.<br />

Zhao X Plant Molec Biol 21:607-614<br />

LoBuglio, F.F. Mycologia 85: 592-604.<br />

Phylogenetic analysis of sorghum and related Taxa Using<br />

ITS of Nuclear Ribosomal DNA<br />

Sun Y Theory Appi Genet 89:26-32.<br />

Phylogenetic analysis in molecular evolutionary genetic Nei M Annu Rev Genet 30:371-403.<br />

Phyicology mechanical properties of oil palm wood fluor<br />

filled natural rubber<br />

Ismail H Polymer Testing 18(5):381-388<br />

Phthalic acid esters: biological impact uncertain Marx JI Science 178:46-47.<br />

Phthalate esters plasticizers: why and how they are used Graham PR. Environ Health Perspect Exp Issue<br />

3:3.<br />

Phthalate esters as environmental contaminants Mayer FL Nature 238:411-413.<br />

Phototropic substance associated with the decomposition<br />

in soil of plants residues<br />

Patrick, Z.A Soil Sci<br />

Phototaxis in Fungiidae corals (Scleractinia). Yamashiro, H.. Mar Biol. 124: 461-465.<br />

Photosynthetic carbon partitioning: its regulation and<br />

possibilities for manipulation<br />

Stitt, M. Plant Physiol. 77: 633-641.<br />

Photosynthetic characteris tics of strawberry plants<br />

treated with paclobutrazol or flurprimidol<br />

Archbold, D.D. HortScience 23 (1): 200-202.<br />

Photosynthesis and transpiration as a function of gaseous<br />

diffusive resistance in orange leaves<br />

Kriedemann, P.E. Physiol. Plant. 24: 218-225.<br />

Photosynthesis and photoassimilation of glucose during<br />

photomixotrophic growth of Marchantia polymorpha cells in<br />

suspension culture.<br />

Katoh, K. Physiol. Plant. 57: 67-74.<br />

Photoperiodic Requirements for LH Release in Juvenile<br />

Broiler and Egg-Laying Strains of Domestic Chikens Fed ad<br />

Libitum or Restricted Diets.<br />

Photoperiodic control of gonado tropin secretion in the ram<br />

: A. Detailed study of tmporal changes in the plasma level<br />

of folicle stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone and<br />

testosterone following and abrupt switch from long to short<br />

days<br />

Dunn, I. C. J. Reprod. Fert.<br />

Lincoln, G.A Endoc. J<br />

Photoperiod Study With Chicken Hens Cooper, J.B Poult. Sci.<br />

Photometric Estimation of Prolin and Ornithine Chinard, F.P. J. Biol. Chem., 199: 91-95.<br />

Photometric estimation of Praline and Ornithin Chinard, F.P. J. Biol. Chem. 199: 91-95.<br />

Photometric determination of lysozyme activity Iitwach, G. Proceeding Society of Experimental<br />

Biolology and Medicine 89: 401-103.<br />

Photoinhibition and photoprotection in symbiotic<br />

dinoflagellates from reef-building corals<br />

Hoegh-Guldberg 0 Mar Ecol Progr Ser 183:73-86.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 248 dari 931

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