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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Urea Versus True Protein as Supplement for Lactating Dairy Cows Fed Grain Plus Mixtures of Alfalfa and Corn Silage. Broderick, G. A. J. Dairy Science. Urea transport in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Cooper, T.G., J. Bacteriology. 121:571 -576. Urea and phosphate interactions in fertilizer microsites : Ammonia volatilization and pH Changes Fan, M.X Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J Urban Challenges To Food and Nutrition Security : A Review Of Food Security Health and Caregiving In The Cities Ruel. M.T FCND Disscussion Paper No. 51 Uptake of organic material by aquatic invertebrates. V. The Influence of age on the uptake of glycine-C14 by the polychaete Neanthes arenacedentata. Uptake of ferritin by follicle-associated epithelium in the colon of Calves Uptake of dissolved organic matter by larval stages of the crown-or-Thorns starfish Acanthas-terplanci. Uptake of amino acids by bacteria-free larvae of the sand sollar Dendraster excenticus. Uptake and intracellular transport of cationic ferritin in the branchiolar and alveolar epithella of the rat Reish, D.J., Mar. Biol. 3: 352-355. Paar, M. Vet Pathol 29: 120-128. Hoegh-Guldberg, O., Mar. Biol. 120: 55-63. Davis, J.P., Amer. J. Physiol. 247: R733-R739. Ito. T. Cell Tissue Res 268: 335-340. Upland rice In rice : hunger of hope Jian, S. IRRI, 1998-1999 Upaya Rehabilitasi Sifat Fisik Tanah Ultisol Melalui Pencampuran Tanah Lapisan Atas, Bawah dan Lapisan Organik Afandi Upaya Peningkatan Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Tanaman Apel dan Mangga melalui Aplikasi Pupuk Daun Biotan Upaya Peningkatan Konsumsi Pangan Asal Ternak di Indonesia. Upaya peningkatan konsumsi pangan asal ternak di Indonesia Upaya peningkatan konsumsi pangan asal ternak di Indonesia Upaya peningkatan konsumsi pangan asal ternak di Indonesia Ariani M Mewa Ariani Ariani M Habitat 7(95) Mewa Ariani Media Gizi dan Keluarga, Jurusan Gizi Masyarakat dan sumberdaya keluarga th xx no 1 th 96 Faperta IPB Bogor Upaya pemanfaatan limbah padat kelapa sawit Pamin K Upaya pemanfaatan limbah padat kelapa sawit Pamin K Upaya Menurunkan Kadar Lemak Karkas Broiler Dengan Mengatur KeseimbanganProtein. Syahruddin, E. Upaya Meningkatkan Gairah Petani Menanam Tebu Roesmanto, J Gula Indonesia, Vol. XXIV/3: 35-38. Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 22 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Unusual nature and possible evolutionary implication of the male vesicular gland secretion in the tree shrew, Tupaia glis Untursuchunge Zur Dyna-mik der Nunterzungen Beimschaft. Untersuchungon zu mutma-blichen Phatogenitats Faktoren von Streptococcus suis Unique symbiotic otocoral sponge assosiation from Komodo. Bedford J.M Anat.Rec Potthast, V. Z. Tierphysiol. Salasia, S.I.O. Vet. Med. Diss. Justus-Liebig- Universitat Gieben, Deutschland. Soest, R.W.M Indo-Malayan. Zool. 4: 27-32. Unes's Designer Egg Farrell,D.J. Foultry International. (May 1983). p. 62-66 Une's Designer Egg Farrell, D.J. Poultry International. May 1993 p 62- 66 Understanding the 1998 food crisis: Supply, demand or policy failure ? Understanding recruitment of Lake Michigan fishes: the importance of size-base interaction between fish and zooplankton. Tabor, S.R Indonesia’s Economic Crisis: Effects on Agriculture and Policy Responses. P. Simatupang, S. Pasaribu, S. Bahri, and R. Stringer (Eds.), CASE, AARD- CIES, University of Adelaide, Australia. p. 333-355. Crowder, L.B., J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 44 (suppl. 2):141- 147 Understanding how parasitoids balance food and host needs: importance to biological control Lewis WJ Biol Contr 11:175-183. Understanding how parasitoids balance food and host needs: importance to biological control Lewis WJ Biol Contr 11:175-183. Ultraviolet radiation and coral stress Shick JM Glob Change Biol 2:527-545. Ultraviolet radiation and coral bleaching. Gleason DP Nature 365:836-838. Ultrastructure of curdlan Kasai, N. American Chem. Soc. 80 (47): 263- 383. Ultrastructure of corpora allata of known activity during the vitellogenic cycle in the cockroach Diploptera punctata Johnson, G.D. Cell. Tiss. Res. 239: 317-327. Ultrasonography of bovine ovary Pierson, R.A Theriogenology 21 Ultrasonographic study of ovarian follicular dynamics in ewes during the oestrus cycle Ravindra J.P J. Reprod. Fert. 101 Ultrasonographic examination of ovarian structure dynamics in superovulated ewes Kühholzer B Reprod. Dom. Anim. Ultrasonographic examination of ovarian structure dynamics in superovulated ewes Kühholzer B, Reprod. Dom. Anim Ultrasonografi l: Perkembangan folikel kambing Boer yang disuperovulasi dengan pFSH + 40% pLH. Suyadi Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 23 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Urea Versus True Protein as Supplement for Lactating<br />

Dairy Cows Fed Grain Plus Mixtures of Alfalfa and Corn<br />

Silage.<br />

Broderick, G. A. J. Dairy Science.<br />

Urea transport in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Cooper, T.G., J. Bacteriology. 121:571 -576.<br />

Urea and phosphate interactions in fertilizer microsites :<br />

Ammonia volatilization and pH Changes<br />

Fan, M.X Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Urban Challenges To Food and Nutrition Security : A<br />

Review Of Food Security Health and Caregiving In The<br />

Cities<br />

Ruel. M.T FCND Disscussion Paper No. 51<br />

Uptake of organic material by aquatic invertebrates. V. The<br />

Influence of age on the uptake of glycine-C14 by the<br />

polychaete Neanthes arenacedentata.<br />

Uptake of ferritin by follicle-associated epithelium in the<br />

colon of Calves<br />

Uptake of dissolved organic matter by larval stages of the<br />

crown-or-Thorns starfish Acanthas-terplanci.<br />

Uptake of amino acids by bacteria-free larvae of the sand<br />

sollar Dendraster excenticus.<br />

Uptake and intracellular transport of cationic ferritin in the<br />

branchiolar and alveolar epithella of the rat<br />

Reish, D.J., Mar. Biol. 3: 352-355.<br />

Paar, M. Vet Pathol 29: 120-128.<br />

Hoegh-Guldberg,<br />

O.,<br />

Mar. Biol. 120: 55-63.<br />

Davis, J.P., Amer. J. Physiol. 247: R733-R739.<br />

Ito. T. Cell Tissue Res 268: 335-340.<br />

Upland rice In rice : hunger of hope Jian, S. IRRI, 1998-1999<br />

Upaya Rehabilitasi Sifat Fisik Tanah Ultisol Melalui<br />

Pencampuran Tanah Lapisan Atas, Bawah dan Lapisan<br />

Organik<br />

Afandi<br />

Upaya Peningkatan Pertumbuhan dan Produksi<br />

Tanaman Apel dan Mangga melalui Aplikasi Pupuk Daun<br />

Biotan<br />

Upaya Peningkatan Konsumsi Pangan Asal Ternak di<br />

Indonesia.<br />

Upaya peningkatan konsumsi pangan asal ternak di<br />

Indonesia<br />

Upaya peningkatan konsumsi pangan asal ternak di<br />

Indonesia<br />

Upaya peningkatan konsumsi pangan asal ternak di<br />

Indonesia<br />

Ariani M<br />

Mewa Ariani<br />

Ariani M<br />

Habitat 7(95)<br />

Mewa Ariani Media Gizi dan Keluarga, Jurusan Gizi<br />

Masyarakat dan <strong>sumber</strong>daya keluarga<br />

th xx no 1 th 96 Faperta IPB Bogor<br />

Upaya pemanfaatan limbah padat kelapa sawit Pamin K<br />

Upaya pemanfaatan limbah padat kelapa sawit Pamin K<br />

Upaya Menurunkan Kadar Lemak Karkas Broiler Dengan<br />

Mengatur KeseimbanganProtein.<br />

Syahruddin, E.<br />

Upaya Meningkatkan Gairah Petani Menanam Tebu Roesmanto, J Gula Indonesia, Vol. XXIV/3: 35-38.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 22 dari 931

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