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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah RAPD Analysis : Use for genone characterization, tagging traits and mapping. Rapat Pimpinan Pengelolaan Kelembagaan Pe-nelitian dan Kelembagaan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Perguruan Tinggi Negen serta Sekretaris Kopertis se Indo nesia Waught R Clarck MS (ed) Plant Moleculer Biology S[pringer Lab manual : 305- 328 Ditbinlitabmas Buku l Laporan Pelaksa naan, Direktorat Pembinaan Penelitian dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat, Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.Jakarta Rapat Kerja Nasional Departemen Kehutanan Tahun 1993. Arahan Teknis Bidang Reboisasi dan Rehabilitasi Lahan. Randomized Controlled trial of effect of fruit and vegetable consumption on plasma concentration of lipids and antioxidants Zino, S BMJ Random Nature of Triacylglycerols Produced by Catalyzed Interesterification of Short-and Long-chain Fatty Acid Triglycerides Random amplified polymorphic DNA of mosquito species and populations (Diptera: Culicidae): techniques, statistical analysis and applications Kicmann, L.P J Agric Food Chem Kambhampati, S. J. Med. Ent.29 Random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis of Australian rice (Oryza sativa L) varietes Ko HL Euphytica 80:179-189 Random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis of Australian rice (Oryza saliva L.) varieties. Ko, H.L., Euphytica 80: 179-189 RAMAS/stage: Generalized Stage-based Modeling for Population Dynamics Person, S. Applied Biomathematics, New York. Raising the yield potential rice. Vergara, B.S. Philipp, Tech. J. Raising rotifers for use in aquacul-ture. Lubzens, E. Hydrobiologia 147:245-255. Raising rotifers for use in aquaculture E. Lubzens Hydrobiologia Raising rotifer for use in aquacult ure. Lubzens, E. Hydrobiologia 147: 245-255. In :May, L.. Wallace. R. and Herzig, A. (Eds.), Rotifer Symposium IV. Raising Ornamental Palm. Wagner,R.I Principes. 26(2): 86-101. Raising Dairy Cal-ves for Beef Purpose Halman, C.L. Jr J. Anim Sci Radish Anthocyanins Extracts Natural Red Colorant for Marachino Cherries Giusti, M.M. J. Food Sci., 61 (4): 688-694. Radioimmunologische Steroidhormonbestim-mung in der Follikelflussigkeit bei Rind und Schwein Blodow G Isotopenpraxis, 24 :151-155 Radioimmunoassay for PMSG and its application to in vivo studies Menzer, C.H. J. Reprod. Fertil. 55:339-345. Radiation use efficiecy of an old and a new maize hybrid. Tollenaar,M Agron. J. Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 200 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Radiation Protection Procedures Anonyms International Atomic IAEA in Austria. Radiation protection procedure International atomic energy agency Race specific resistance against Phytophthora infestans in potato is controlled by more genetic factors than only Rgenes. Savety series No. 38. Vienna El-Kharbotly, A., Euphytica 90: 331-336. Rabbit production in Indonesia Cheeke PR J Appl Rabbit Res, 4: 80-86 Quick freezing of unfertilized mouse oocytes using ethylene glycol with sucrose or trehalose Rayos, A.A., J. Reprod. Fert. Quartz and Disoreded Silica Polymorphs Dress.L.R Minerals in Soil Environments Quantitave evaluation of predation by spiders on the green leafhopper Nephotettix cinticeps Uhler, by a sight-count method. Kinitani, K. Res Popul Ecol. 13 : 187-200. Quantitative Thin-layer Chromatography of Chlorophylls and Caretenoids from Marine Algae. Quantitative study of anomeric foms of maltose produced by a- and b-amylases. Jeffrey, S.W. Biochem. Biophys, Acta. 162:271-285. Kimura, A. J. Agric. Biol. Chem. 47 (8): 1747- 1753. Quantitative Plant Ecology, Vol 9. Greig-Smith, P., Quantitative Plant Ecology, Vol 9. Quantitative monitoring of gene expression patterns with a complementary DNA microarray. Schena M Science 270:467-470. Quantitative Monitoring of Gene Expression Patterns with a cDNA Microarray Schena. M. Science 270- 467-470 Quantitative methods for Anthocyanins: Extraction and Determination of Total Anthocyanin and Degradation Index for Cranberries Fuleki, J. J. Food Sci., 33: 72. Quantitative macroscopic and histological study of testicular hypoplasia in bos indicus strain bulls Quantitative lysine requirement of yellowtail (Serio/a quinqueradata). Quantitative in vivo evaluation of the energy metabolism influenced by VM and spiramycin used as growth promoters in pig nutrition Quantitative fine structural diversification of red and white muscle fibres in cyprinids. Quantitative evaluation of predation by spiders on the green leafhopper, Nephotettix cinticeps Uhler, by a sight count method Quantitative estimates of mammary growth during various physiological state: a review Quantitative effects of dietary fat on serum colesterol in man Krishnalingham V Res. Vet. Sci Ruchimat, T., Aquaculture, 158:331-339. Vervache. IJ J. Ani. Sci Sanger, A.M. Environmental Biology of Fishes 33:97- 104. Kiritani K Res. Popul Ecol 13:187-200 Tucker, H. A. J. Dairy Sci. Hegsted DM Am J Clin Nutr 17:281-295 Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 201 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

RAPD Analysis : Use for genone characterization, tagging<br />

traits and mapping.<br />

Rapat Pimpinan Pengelolaan Kelembagaan Pe-nelitian<br />

dan Kelembagaan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat<br />

Perguruan Tinggi Negen serta Sekretaris Kopertis se Indo<br />

nesia<br />

Waught R Clarck MS (ed) Plant Moleculer<br />

Biology S[pringer Lab manual : 305-<br />

328<br />

Ditbinlitabmas Buku l Laporan Pelaksa naan,<br />

Direktorat Pembinaan Penelitian dan<br />

Pengabdian pada Masyarakat,<br />

Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi,<br />

Departemen Pendidikan dan<br />

Kebudayaan.Jakarta<br />

Rapat Kerja Nasional Departemen Kehutanan Tahun 1993. Arahan Teknis Bidang Reboisasi dan<br />

Rehabilitasi Lahan.<br />

Randomized Controlled trial of effect of fruit and vegetable<br />

consumption on plasma concentration of lipids and<br />

antioxidants<br />

Zino, S BMJ<br />

Random Nature of Triacylglycerols Produced by Catalyzed<br />

Interesterification of Short-and Long-chain Fatty Acid<br />

Triglycerides<br />

Random amplified polymorphic DNA of mosquito species<br />

and populations (Diptera: Culicidae): techniques, statistical<br />

analysis and applications<br />

Kicmann, L.P J Agric Food Chem<br />

Kambhampati, S. J. Med. Ent.29<br />

Random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis of Australian<br />

rice (Oryza sativa L) varietes<br />

Ko HL Euphytica 80:179-189<br />

Random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis of Australian<br />

rice (Oryza saliva L.) varieties.<br />

Ko, H.L., Euphytica 80: 179-189<br />

RAMAS/stage: Generalized Stage-based Modeling for<br />

Population Dynamics<br />

Person, S. Applied Biomathematics, New York.<br />

Raising the yield potential rice. Vergara, B.S. Philipp, Tech. J.<br />

Raising rotifers for use in aquacul-ture. Lubzens, E. Hydrobiologia 147:245-255.<br />

Raising rotifers for use in aquaculture E. Lubzens Hydrobiologia<br />

Raising rotifer for use in aquacult ure. Lubzens, E. Hydrobiologia 147: 245-255. In :May,<br />

L.. Wallace. R. and Herzig, A. (Eds.),<br />

Rotifer Symposium IV.<br />

Raising Ornamental Palm. Wagner,R.I Principes. 26(2): 86-101.<br />

Raising Dairy Cal-ves for Beef Purpose Halman, C.L. Jr J. Anim Sci<br />

Radish Anthocyanins Extracts Natural Red Colorant for<br />

Marachino Cherries<br />

Giusti, M.M. J. Food Sci., 61 (4): 688-694.<br />

Radioimmunologische Steroidhormonbestim-mung in der<br />

Follikelflussigkeit bei Rind und Schwein<br />

Blodow G Isotopenpraxis, 24 :151-155<br />

Radioimmunoassay for PMSG and its application to in vivo<br />

studies<br />

Menzer, C.H. J. Reprod. Fertil. 55:339-345.<br />

Radiation use efficiecy of an old and a new maize hybrid. Tollenaar,M Agron. J.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 200 dari 931

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