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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Zinc Deficiency Sandstead. H.H Am. J. Dis. Child Zinc content in otoliths of mackerel from the Aegean. Papadopoulu, C., Mar. poll. Bull. 9: 106-108. Zinc and Immune Function : The Biological Basis Of Altered Resistance To Infection Shankar. A.H Am. J. Clin. Nutr Zinc Adsorption by Calcareous Soils Udo. E.J Soil Sci. Soc. Amer Proc Zinc Adsorption by Calcareous Soils Udo.E.J Soil Sci. Soc. Amer.Proc Zinc Absorption in Infant Fed Iron-Fortified Weaning Food Fairweather-Tait Am J Clin Nutr 62:789-9.American Society for Clinical Nutrition, USA Zeolite inclutionin the feeds for laying hens feed ad libitum Berrios CM Cuban. J Agric Sci 17:169 Zat Ekstraktif Kayu Damar Laut (Hopea spp) dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Rayap Kayu Kering Cryptotermes Cynocephalus Yolk absorption and start feeding of larval green catfish, Mystus nemurus (Cuv.&Val.). Songklanakarin. Yogurt production from reconstituted skim milk powder using different polymer and nonpolymer forming starter culture Syafii.W. Jurnal Teknologi Hasil Hutan. Amornsakun,T., J. Sci. Technol 19(1):117-122. Rodarte, C.W Dairy res. J Yoghurt: Technology and biochemistry. Tamime, A. Y. J. Food Prod. Yoghurt Technology and Biochemistry. Tamime, A. Y. J. Food. Protect. y-linolenic acid concentrates from borage and evening primrose oil via lipase catalyzed hydrolysis Rahmatullah MSKS J Am Oil Chem Soc 71(6):563-567 Yield, quality and breeding behavior of pearl millet x napiergrass interspecific hybrids Hanna, W.W. Agron. J. 72: 358-360. Yield, quality and breeding behavior of pearl millet x napiergrass interspecific hybrids Hanna, W.W. Agron. J. 72: 353-360. Yield response to water. Donovan, D.A. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper no. 33. Rome. Yield Respons to Water, FAO Doorenbos, J. Irrigation and Drainage Paper. (33). Roma. p. 105-110. Yield performance of nonprolific and prolific maize hybrids at six plant densities Prior, C.L. Crop Sci. Yield enhancement by frequent irrigation during fruiting Radin, J.W. Agron. J. 84: 551-557. Yield and Utilization Efficiency of Irrigated Corn Rhoades, R.M Agron. J Yield and reproductive growth of simulated and field grown. II. Dry matter accumulation and seed growth rate Yield and reproductive growth of simulated and field grown. I. Seed filling duration Yield and quality of five major macadamia cultivars in Hawaii Yield and quality of corn and grain sorghum grain and residues as influenced by N fertilization Salado- Navarro, L.R Crop Science 26 : 971-975 ---- Crop. Sci. 26: 966-970 Ito, P.J. Trop.Agric. Trinidad. 60(1): 64-65. Perry, L. J. Agron. J. 67:816-818. Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 2 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Yield and digestibility of napiergrass (Pennisetum pupureum Schumach) as affected by the level of manure input and the cutting interval Yield and digestibility of forages in East Indonesia, II. Grasses Yield & yield components of six sweet potato (I. batatas ) cultivars : Contribution at yield components tuber yield Sunusi, A. A. J Japan Grassl. Sci. 43: 209-217. Bulo, D. AJAS, Vol. 7 (No. 3) 335-342. Lowe, SB Agric 11 : 39-48 Yearbook of catches and landings Vol 72, FAO. Yearbook of catches and landings Vol 72, Year Book Production. 47: 136. Year Book Production. 47: 136. Yang manis dan pahit dari madu Yani, M. Warta Knnsumen 224:15-17 Xylitol, Its properties and Food Applications Emodi, A. Food Technol., 32 : 20-32 Xylitol Formation and Key Enzyme Activities in Candida boidinii under Different Oxygen Transfer Rates Vandeska, E. J. Ferment Bioeng., 80 : 513-516. Xylem transport of 1-amino cyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid, an ethylene precursor, in waterlogged tomato plants Xylanase Induction by L-Sorbose In Fungus, Trichoderma Reesei PC-3-7 Xylanase in broiler diets with differences in characteristics and content of wheat. Xylanase From Trichoderma Pseudokonigii : Purification, Charaterization and Effects on Isolated Plant Cell Walls X-Ray Crystal Structure Of Rocaglimide, A Novel Antileukemic 1H-Cyclopental (b) Benzofuran From Aglaia Elliptifolia X-Ray Crystal Structure Of Rocaglimide, A Novel Antileukemic 1H-Cyclopental (b) Benzofuran From Aglaia Elliptifolia Bradford, K.J. Plant Physiol. 65:322-326. Xu.J Biosci.Biotechnol.Biochem Veldman,A., Br. Poult. Sci Baker.C.J Phytopatology King. M.L JCS Chem Commun King. M.L JCS Chem Commun X larger than Y Ke-hui, C. Nature 366:117-118. World's Poultry Science Invited Lecture Gylles, N. R Poult. Sci. World Mango Industry Chadha. K.L Acta Horticultura World filled thermopastics go commercial Schut JH Plast World 55(10):12 World declaration on nutrition FAO Food Nutr. Agric. World Bibliography of Rice Stem Borers 1794-1990. Khan, Z.R., International Rice Research Institute. Los Banos. 415 p. Wood-filled thermoplastics go commercial, Plast. Schut JH Plast World 55 (10):12-15 Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 3 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Zinc Deficiency Sandstead. H.H Am. J. Dis. Child<br />

Zinc content in otoliths of mackerel from the Aegean. Papadopoulu, C., Mar. poll. Bull. 9: 106-108.<br />

Zinc and Immune Function : The Biological Basis Of<br />

Altered Resistance To Infection<br />

Shankar. A.H Am. J. Clin. Nutr<br />

Zinc Adsorption by Calcareous Soils Udo. E.J Soil Sci. Soc. Amer Proc<br />

Zinc Adsorption by Calcareous Soils Udo.E.J Soil Sci. Soc. Amer.Proc<br />

Zinc Absorption in Infant Fed Iron-Fortified Weaning Food Fairweather-Tait Am J Clin Nutr 62:789-9.American<br />

Society for Clinical Nutrition, USA<br />

Zeolite inclutionin the feeds for laying hens feed ad libitum Berrios CM Cuban. J Agric Sci 17:169<br />

Zat Ekstraktif Kayu Damar Laut (Hopea spp) dan<br />

Pengaruhnya Terhadap Rayap Kayu Kering Cryptotermes<br />

Cynocephalus<br />

Yolk absorption and start feeding of larval green catfish,<br />

Mystus nemurus (Cuv.&Val.). Songklanakarin.<br />

Yogurt production from reconstituted skim milk powder<br />

using different polymer and nonpolymer forming starter<br />

culture<br />

Syafii.W. Jurnal Teknologi Hasil Hutan.<br />

Amornsakun,T., J. Sci. Technol 19(1):117-122.<br />

Rodarte, C.W Dairy res. J<br />

Yoghurt: Technology and biochemistry. Tamime, A. Y. J. Food Prod.<br />

Yoghurt Technology and Biochemistry. Tamime, A. Y. J. Food. Protect.<br />

y-linolenic acid concentrates from borage and evening<br />

primrose oil via lipase catalyzed hydrolysis<br />

Rahmatullah MSKS J Am Oil Chem Soc 71(6):563-567<br />

Yield, quality and breeding behavior of pearl millet x<br />

napiergrass interspecific hybrids<br />

Hanna, W.W. Agron. J. 72: 358-360.<br />

Yield, quality and breeding behavior of pearl millet x<br />

napiergrass interspecific hybrids<br />

Hanna, W.W. Agron. J. 72: 353-360.<br />

Yield response to water. Donovan, D.A. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper no.<br />

33. Rome.<br />

Yield Respons to Water, FAO Doorenbos, J. Irrigation and Drainage Paper. (33).<br />

Roma. p. 105-110.<br />

Yield performance of nonprolific and prolific maize hybrids<br />

at six plant densities<br />

Prior, C.L. Crop Sci.<br />

Yield enhancement by frequent irrigation during fruiting Radin, J.W. Agron. J. 84: 551-557.<br />

Yield and Utilization Efficiency of Irrigated Corn Rhoades, R.M Agron. J<br />

Yield and reproductive growth of simulated and field grown.<br />

II. Dry matter accumulation and seed growth rate<br />

Yield and reproductive growth of simulated and field grown.<br />

I. Seed filling duration<br />

Yield and quality of five major macadamia cultivars in<br />

Hawaii<br />

Yield and quality of corn and grain sorghum grain and<br />

residues as influenced by N fertilization<br />

Salado- Navarro,<br />

L.R<br />

Crop Science 26 : 971-975<br />

---- Crop. Sci. 26: 966-970<br />

Ito, P.J. Trop.Agric. Trinidad. 60(1): 64-65.<br />

Perry, L. J. Agron. J. 67:816-818.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 2 dari 931

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