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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Retention time of feed particles and liquids in the stomach and intestines of dairy cows by direct measurementand calculations based on fecal collection Retention patteerns of vcarious sizes stone particles in gizzard of comercial leghorns hens. Retarded Leaching of Nitrate in Acid Soils From the Tropics : Measurement of the Effective Anion Exchange Capacity Resynchronization of second estrous with meingesterol acetate or norgesiomet following synchronizes estrous in beef heifers. Mambrani, M. Repr. Nutr. Dev. Rao. K.S. Poult. Sci. Wong, M.T.F J. Soil Sci Purvis, H. T. J. Anim. Sci. Resurjensi pada wereng coklat, (Nilaparvata lugens Stal.) Laba, I.W. J. Soejitno, Z. Harahap, dan Suprapto. (Red) Wereng Coklat, Edisi Khusus No. l. Results of Zinc Depriviation in Daphnid Culture Caffrey, P.B. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 16:1081- 1085. Results of Shark Handling and Processing Study Aust Waller, P.F. Fish. 37(10): 22-24. Result of the Arsbold expeditions. No. 52. The marsupial genus Phalanger Tate, G.H.H. Am. Mus. Nov. 1283. Restrukturisasi Industri Kayu Hulu Dan Pengelolaan Hutan Produksi di Luar Jawa Nanang. R.A Rimba Indonesia Edisi Khusus 2000 Restructuring veal steaks with salt/phosphate and sodium alginate /calcium lactate Raharjo, S. J. Food Sci. Restructured mutton roast quality Prasad, V. S. S. J. Food Sci. Restriction nucleases for pulsed-field mapping of bacterial genomes. McClelland, M., Nucleic Acids Res. 15: 5985-6005. Restriction fragment length polymorphism and genetic improvement of agricultural species Beckmann JS Euphytica 35:111-124 Restriction fragment length polimorphism in Oryza sativa L. Wang ZY Genome, 32:1113-1118 Restricted maximum likelihood estimation of htTitabilitiea lor carcass traits m thf base and current population of Japanese plack catde-Anim Moriya, K. Sci- and Technol. [Jpn^ 65: 720-725. Restricted gene flow in the viviparous coral Seriatopora hystrix on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. Ayre, D.J. Evolution 48: 1183-1201. Rest in poultry. Blokhuis HJ Applied Animal behaviour science. 12:289-303 Responsiveness of bovine corpus luteum to PGF2 alfa: composition of corpora lutea anticipated to have short and normal lifespans Copelin, J. P. J. Anim. Sci. Responses to S1 selection in flint and dent synthetic maize population Garry GE Crop Sci 36:1129-34 Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 176 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Responses of turkey poults to virginiamycin as influenced by litter condition and experimentally induced stunting sy.idrome Responses of the blood cockle Anadara granosa (L) (Bivalvia: Arcidae) to Salinity, hypoxia and aerial Exposure. Responses of nine tropical grasses to nitrogen fertilizer under rain-grown conditions in South-eastern Queensland 2. Concentrations and uptakes of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in plant tops Responses of Meat-Type Chickens to Choice Feeding of Diets Differing in Protein and Energy from Hatch to Market Weight. Responses of lactating Holstein cows to chilled drinking water in high ambient temperatures Responses of Bovine Muscles to Restraint an Electrical Stimulation. Response to mass selection in maize and stability of resulting populations Response to long-term divergent selection for eight-week body weight in chickens Response to long term divergent selection for eight week body weight in chickens. Response to homeostatic signals in ractopamine-treated pigs Response to four cycles of combined half-sib and S1 family selection in maize Response to dietary energy concentration by broiler chickens. In: Energy requirements of poultry. Response to Cimaterol in Genetically Obese and Lean Pigs. Response to cellulose treatment of silage and replacement of barley by unmolassed sugar beet pulp in the diet of growing cattle Response of upland rice cultivars to drought stress III Screening rice varieties by means ofvariable moisture along a toposequence. Response of stripped bass larvae fed brine shrimp from different sources containing different fatty acids composition. Response of Split-root sour orange seedling to NaCI and Polythylene glicol stresses. Response of soybeans (Glycine max Merr) genotypes to continous saturated culture AlBatshan, H.A Poultry Sci Davenport, J Aquaculture 56: 151-162 Cook, B.G. Aust. J. Exp. Agric. Anim. Husb. 24: 415-420. Siegel, P. B. Poultry Science. Wilks DI J.Dairy Sci Solomon, M. B. J. Anim. Sci. Mareck, J.H. Crop Sci. Liu G.. Dunnington E.A Poultry Sci Liu, G. Poult. Sci. Dunshea, F.R Br. J. Nutr. Coor JG Crop Sci 28:891-6 Fisher, C. Edinburgh, British Poultry Science Ltd. Yen, J. T. J. Anim. Sci. Jaakola, S. Acta Agric. Scan. Mambani. B. Plant Soil 73: 73-94 Webster, C.D., Aquaculture, 90:49-61. Zekri, M. J. Expt. Bot. Sumarno Indonesian J. Crop Sci. 2:71 -78. Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 177 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Retention time of feed particles and liquids in the stomach<br />

and intestines of dairy cows by direct measurementand<br />

calculations based on fecal collection<br />

Retention patteerns of vcarious sizes stone particles in<br />

gizzard of comercial leghorns hens.<br />

Retarded Leaching of Nitrate in Acid Soils From the Tropics<br />

: Measurement of the Effective Anion Exchange Capacity<br />

Resynchronization of second estrous with meingesterol<br />

acetate or norgesiomet following synchronizes estrous in<br />

beef heifers.<br />

Mambrani, M. Repr. Nutr. Dev.<br />

Rao. K.S. Poult. Sci.<br />

Wong, M.T.F J. Soil Sci<br />

Purvis, H. T. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Resurjensi pada wereng coklat, (Nilaparvata lugens Stal.) Laba, I.W. J. Soejitno, Z. Harahap, dan Suprapto.<br />

(Red) Wereng Coklat, Edisi Khusus<br />

No. l.<br />

Results of Zinc Depriviation in Daphnid Culture Caffrey, P.B. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 16:1081-<br />

1085.<br />

Results of Shark Handling and Processing Study Aust Waller, P.F. Fish. 37(10): 22-24.<br />

Result of the Arsbold expeditions. No. 52. The marsupial<br />

genus Phalanger<br />

Tate, G.H.H. Am. Mus. Nov. 1283.<br />

Restrukturisasi Industri Kayu Hulu Dan Pengelolaan Hutan<br />

Produksi di Luar Jawa<br />

Nanang. R.A Rimba Indonesia Edisi Khusus 2000<br />

Restructuring veal steaks with salt/phosphate and sodium<br />

alginate /calcium lactate<br />

Raharjo, S. J. Food Sci.<br />

Restructured mutton roast quality Prasad, V. S. S. J. Food Sci.<br />

Restriction nucleases for pulsed-field mapping of bacterial<br />

genomes.<br />

McClelland, M., Nucleic Acids Res. 15: 5985-6005.<br />

Restriction fragment length polymorphism and genetic<br />

improvement of agricultural species<br />

Beckmann JS Euphytica 35:111-124<br />

Restriction fragment length polimorphism in Oryza sativa L. Wang ZY Genome, 32:1113-1118<br />

Restricted maximum likelihood estimation of htTitabilitiea<br />

lor carcass traits m thf base and current population of<br />

Japanese plack catde-Anim<br />

Moriya, K. Sci- and Technol. [Jpn^ 65: 720-725.<br />

Restricted gene flow in the viviparous coral Seriatopora<br />

hystrix on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef.<br />

Ayre, D.J. Evolution 48: 1183-1201.<br />

Rest in poultry. Blokhuis HJ Applied Animal behaviour science.<br />

12:289-303<br />

Responsiveness of bovine corpus luteum to PGF2 alfa:<br />

composition of corpora lutea anticipated to have short and<br />

normal lifespans<br />

Copelin, J. P. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Responses to S1 selection in flint and dent synthetic maize<br />

population<br />

Garry GE Crop Sci 36:1129-34<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 176 dari 931

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