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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Serum Level of Vitamin A and Carotenoids Reflectors of Nutritional Status Serum hormone concentration in ruminant during mammary growth, lactogenesis and lactation: a review Olson, J.H. J. Nutr. Clin. 731439-1444. Covey, E. M. J. Dairy Sci. Serum cholesterol respons to changes in the diet . IV. Particular saturated fatty acids in the diet Keys AJT Anderson Metabolism 14:766-787 Serum cholesterol levels in rats fed skim milk fermented by Lactobacillus acidophilus Grunwald, K.K. J. Food Sci Serum Cholesterol Concentration and Cholelithiasis in Rabbit as Influenced by Dietary Fat. Borgman, R.F. Am. J. Vet. Res. Serum cholesterol and bowel flora in the newborn Harrison, V.C Am. J. Clin. Nutr Serum antibody responses of texel sheep experimentally infected with H. Contortus Scallig, H. D. F. H. Res. Vet. Sci. Serotype and virulence of Edwardsiella tarda isolated from eel and their environment Park, S. Fish Pathol., 18 = 85-89. Serotogical and biological variation between and within subgroup I and II strains of cucumber mosaic virus Wahyuni, W.S. Plant Pathol. 41:282-297. Serological Evidence for The Presence of Antibodies to Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus in Rural Indonesian Cattle. Serological Evidence for The Presence of Antibodies to Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus in Rural Indonesian Cattle. Serological classification of Australian isolates of Haemophilus paragallinaum Serological and biological variation between and within subgroup I and II strains of Cucumber mosaic virus Serologic Response to Haemophilus galIinarum in Artificial Infected and Vaccinated Chickens Serogical response of chickens either vacinated, or artificially infected, with Haemophilus paragallinarum. Wasito, R. I. J. Biotech. Wasito, R. I. J. Biotech. Thornton, A.M., Aus Ve. J. 61(8): 251-253. Wahyuni, W.S. Plant. Pathol Iritani, Y. J. Avian Diseases. 21 (1). Yamaguchi, Avian Diseases. 32 :308-312. Serat & kegunaannya pada kelinci Prawirodigdo S Bul. ISPI Purwokerto 4:256-266 Serangan Penyakit Virus nTungro di Bali Tantera. G.M Jurnal Litbang Pertanian I Serangan hama dan nimbanisasi (Azadirachta indica). Arintadissstra, S Ekstensia Serangan hama dan nimbanisasi (Azadirachfa indica). Arintadisastra, S Ekstensia Sequential change in ovarian follicular dynamics in boar induces heifers before and after nutritional anestrus. Rhodes, F.M. J. Reprod. Fertil. Suppl. Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 158 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Sequences and Gene Organization of the Chicken Mitochondrial Genome. A Novel Gene Order in Higher Vertebrates Sequence organization of soybean genome. Biochem. Biophis. Sequence of cDNA clone encoding the enzym myrosinase and expression of myrosinase in different tissues of Brassica napus Sequence evolution of mitochondrial tRNA genes and deepbranch animal phylogenetics Sequence and organization of the human mitochondrial genome Sequence and Organization of the Human Mitochondrial Genome Sequence and gene organization of the chicken mitochondrial genome. A novel gene order in higher vertebrate Desjardins, P. J. Mol. Biol. 212:599-634. Gurley, W.B., Acta. 561: 167-183. Falk, A. Plant Science 83:181 -186 Kumazawa, Y. J. Mol. Evol. 37:30-398. Anderson, S. Nature 290:457-464. Anderson, S. Nature 290:457-465. Desjardins, P. J. Mol. Evol. 212:599-634. Separation of Vitamin E dan g-oryzanols from Rice Bran by Normal-Phase Chromatography Diack, M. J.Am Oil Chem.Soc 71:1211 Separation of VAM Fungus and root effects on soil agregation Thomas RS Soil Sci Am J 57:77-81 Separation of VAM Fungus and root effects on soil agregation Thomas RS Soil Sci Am J 57:77-81 Separation of saturated and unsaturated acids from rice bran oil El Zanati EM JAOCS 68(6):436-439 Separation of saturated and unsaturated acids from rice bran oil El Zanati EM JAOCS 68(6):436-439 Separation of saturated & unsaturated acids from rice bran oil. El Zanati EM JAOCS 68(6) : 436-439 Separation Of Petroselinic and Oleic Wolff. R.L J. Am. Oil. Chem Separation of human X and Y bearing sperm using percoll density gradient centrifugation Kaneko, S. Fertil. Steril. 40:661-665. Separation and Determination of Aliphatic Alcohol by HPLC with UV Detection. Bjorkqvist. B. J. Chromatography. 153:265-270. Separate grazing does not shorter postpartum anestrus interval in anestrus cows. Clark, B.A. Anim. Breed. Abstr. Separate and joint effects of micronutrient deficiencies on linear growth. Rosado J.L J.Nutr Senyawa obat Schunack, W Buku pengajaran kimia farmasi. Penerjemah Wattimena JR dan Sriwoelan S., Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta. Senyawa alelopati pada batang dan akar Chromolaena odorata (L.) R.M. King & H. Robinson Agusta, A Agrijoumal Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 159 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Serum Level of Vitamin A and Carotenoids Reflectors of<br />

Nutritional Status<br />

Serum hormone concentration in ruminant during<br />

mammary growth, lactogenesis and lactation: a review<br />

Olson, J.H. J. Nutr. Clin. 731439-1444.<br />

Covey, E. M. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Serum cholesterol respons to changes in the diet . IV.<br />

Particular saturated fatty acids in the diet<br />

Keys AJT Anderson Metabolism 14:766-787<br />

Serum cholesterol levels in rats fed skim milk fermented by<br />

Lactobacillus acidophilus<br />

Grunwald, K.K. J. Food Sci<br />

Serum Cholesterol Concentration and Cholelithiasis in<br />

Rabbit as Influenced by Dietary Fat.<br />

Borgman, R.F. Am. J. Vet. Res.<br />

Serum cholesterol and bowel flora in the newborn Harrison, V.C Am. J. Clin. Nutr<br />

Serum antibody responses of texel sheep experimentally<br />

infected with H. Contortus<br />

Scallig, H. D. F. H. Res. Vet. Sci.<br />

Serotype and virulence of Edwardsiella tarda isolated from<br />

eel and their environment<br />

Park, S. Fish Pathol., 18 = 85-89.<br />

Serotogical and biological variation between and within<br />

subgroup I and II strains of cucumber mosaic virus<br />

Wahyuni, W.S. Plant Pathol. 41:282-297.<br />

Serological Evidence for The Presence of Antibodies to<br />

Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus in Rural Indonesian Cattle.<br />

Serological Evidence for The Presence of Antibodies to<br />

Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus in Rural Indonesian Cattle.<br />

Serological classification of Australian isolates of<br />

Haemophilus paragallinaum<br />

Serological and biological variation between and within<br />

subgroup I and II strains of Cucumber mosaic virus<br />

Serologic Response to Haemophilus galIinarum in Artificial<br />

Infected and Vaccinated Chickens<br />

Serogical response of chickens either vacinated, or<br />

artificially infected, with Haemophilus paragallinarum.<br />

Wasito, R. I. J. Biotech.<br />

Wasito, R. I. J. Biotech.<br />

Thornton, A.M., Aus Ve. J. 61(8): 251-253.<br />

Wahyuni, W.S. Plant. Pathol<br />

Iritani, Y. J. Avian Diseases. 21 (1).<br />

Yamaguchi, Avian Diseases. 32 :308-312.<br />

Serat & kegunaannya pada kelinci Prawirodigdo S Bul. ISPI Purwokerto 4:256-266<br />

Serangan Penyakit Virus nTungro di Bali Tantera. G.M Jurnal Litbang Pertanian I<br />

Serangan hama dan nimbanisasi (Azadirachta indica). Arintadissstra, S Ekstensia<br />

Serangan hama dan nimbanisasi (Azadirachfa indica). Arintadisastra, S Ekstensia<br />

Sequential change in ovarian follicular dynamics in boar<br />

induces heifers before and after nutritional anestrus.<br />

Rhodes, F.M. J. Reprod. Fertil. Suppl.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 158 dari 931

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