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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Soluble fiber enhances the hypocholesterolemic effect of the step I diet in childhood. Williams, CL J Am Coll Nutr Soluble fiber and Serum Lipids: a literature review Anonimous J Am Diet Assoc Soluble aluminum in acidic soils : Principles and practicalities Ritchie, G.S.P Plant & Soil Solubilization of phosphate by some common soil bacteria Sen, A. Curr. Sci. 26:222. Solubilization of organicphosphate by microorganism isolated from forest soil. Ilmer, P. Soil Biol. bBiochem Solubilization of Natural Phosphates & Protection Against Retrogradation by Compost Haredj, B.C. Agrohemica. 42:72-83. Solubilization of inorganic calcium phosphate solubilization mechanisms Illmer, P. Soil Biol. Biochem. 27:257-263. Solubilization of hardly-soluble A1P04 with P-solubilizing microorganism Illmer, P. Soil Biol. Biochem. 27:265-270. Solubility and Emulsifying properties of Beta-casein modified enzymatically by trypsin Chobert, J.M J. Food Biochemistry Solubility and availability of micronutrients in relation to phosphorus fertilizations Bighan, F. T. Soil. Sci. Soc. Proc. Amer Solid state fermentation with Trichoderma reesei for cellulose production D.S. Chalal Appl. Environ. Microbiol Solid State Fermentation with T. reesei for Cellulose Production Chahal, D.S., AppI. Environ. Microbiol Solid state fermentation tor production of a-amylase by Bacillus megaterium 16M Ramesh, M.V. Biotechnol Solid phase enzymatic glycerolysis of beef tallow resulting in a high yield of monoglyceride McNeill GP J. Am Oil Chem Soc. 67(11) : 779-783 Solid phase enzymatic glycerolisis of beef talow resulting in a high yield of monoglyceride McNeill GP JAOCS 67(11):779-783 Solid phase enzymatic glycerolisis of beef tallow resulting in a high yield of monoglycerides Mc Neill GP J Am Oil Chem Soc 68(1):1-5 Solar Drying Systems and Their Testing Procedures , A Review Energy Convers Sodha. M.S Management Vol. 35 Solar Drying of Custard Poweder Energy Convers Panwar. R.S Management Vol. 36 Soils : Fact and Concepts Schroeder. D International Potash Institute. Bern/ Switzerland Soil Water Balance of Intercropped Maize and Cowpea Grown In Typical Hydromorphic Soil In Wester Nigeria Hulugalle. N.R Agron. J Soil Water Balance of Intercropped Maize and Cowpea Grown in Typical Hydro-Morphic Soil Viriability Within Land System and Land Units at Monarto, South Australia Hulugalle. N.R Soil Westarn Nigeria. Agron Chittleborough. D.J Australian Jurnal of Soil Research Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 146 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Soil Variation of Soil Properties Within Mapping Unit Of Soil With Contrasting Substrata in North Western Ohio McCormack. D.E Soil. Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc Soil Variability and Reconnaissance Soil Mapping : A Statistical Study in Norfolk Northcliff. S J. Soil. Sci Soil Till. House, G.J Res. 4:5-23 Soil Test For Copper, Iron, Manganese, and Zinc In Histosols III : a Comparison of Eight Extractants For Measuring Active and Reserve Forms Of The Elements Lavesque. M Soil. Sci Soil Temperature and Energy Balance of Vegetatif Mulch In The Semi Arid Tropics I Soil Survey Manual Soil Concervation Service Ross. J.P Aust. J. Soil. Res US Departement of Agriculture Handbook No. 18 Washington D.C Soil Survey Laboratory Methods Manual Soil Survey Staff Soil Survey Investigation Report No. 42 Version 2.0 USDA Soil surface coatings at Costa Rican recently active volcanoes. Jongmans, A. G., Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 60:1871-1880. Soil Structure Generation by Wetting and Drying Cycles Grant. C.D Trans. 13th. Congr. Soil Sci Soc Soil Structure and Plant Growth : Impact of Bulk Density and Biopores Soil structural managementand production in a non cultivated peach orchard Soil structural managementand production in a non cultivated peach orchard Soil Solid and solution phase changes and mungbean response during amelioration of aluminum toxicity with organic matter Stirzaker. R.J Plant Soil Tisdall JM Soil till res 4 :165-74 Tisdall JM Soil till res 4 :165-74 Bessho, T Plant & Soil Soil soition composotion as affected by timing and incubation Curtin, D. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. Soil Science in The Tropics - The Next 75 Years Theng. B.K.G Soil Science Soil sampling Errors and Advisory Analysis Hemingway. R.G J. Agric. Sci. Cambridge Soil respiration measurements. Technical note Lamade E Plantations R & D 3: 179-183 Soil quality: atributes and relationship to alternative and sustainable agriculture. Parr, J.F. Am. J. Alternative Agric. Soil Quality Attributes and Relationship To Alternative and Sustainable Agriculture Parr. J.F Am. J. Alten Agric Soil Puddling Bodman. G.B Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. Proc Soil properties After Twenty Years of Fertilization with Different Nitrogen Sources Darusman Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J Soil Physical Changes and Crop Root Growth Following Different Methode of Land Clearing In Nigeria Hullugate. N. R Soil. Sci Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 147 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Soluble fiber enhances the hypocholesterolemic effect of<br />

the step I diet in childhood.<br />

Williams, CL J Am Coll Nutr<br />

Soluble fiber and Serum Lipids: a literature review Anonimous J Am Diet Assoc<br />

Soluble aluminum in acidic soils : Principles and<br />

practicalities<br />

Ritchie, G.S.P Plant & Soil<br />

Solubilization of phosphate by some common soil bacteria Sen, A. Curr. Sci. 26:222.<br />

Solubilization of organicphosphate by microorganism<br />

isolated from forest soil.<br />

Ilmer, P. Soil Biol. bBiochem<br />

Solubilization of Natural Phosphates & Protection Against<br />

Retrogradation by Compost<br />

Haredj, B.C. Agrohemica. 42:72-83.<br />

Solubilization of inorganic calcium phosphate solubilization<br />

mechanisms<br />

Illmer, P. Soil Biol. Biochem. 27:257-263.<br />

Solubilization of hardly-soluble A1P04 with P-solubilizing<br />

microorganism<br />

Illmer, P. Soil Biol. Biochem. 27:265-270.<br />

Solubility and Emulsifying properties of Beta-casein<br />

modified enzymatically by trypsin<br />

Chobert, J.M J. Food Biochemistry<br />

Solubility and availability of micronutrients in relation to<br />

phosphorus fertilizations<br />

Bighan, F. T. Soil. Sci. Soc. Proc. Amer<br />

Solid state fermentation with Trichoderma reesei for<br />

cellulose production<br />

D.S. Chalal Appl. Environ. Microbiol<br />

Solid State Fermentation with T. reesei for Cellulose<br />

Production<br />

Chahal, D.S., AppI. Environ. Microbiol<br />

Solid state fermentation tor production of a-amylase by<br />

Bacillus megaterium 16M<br />

Ramesh, M.V. Biotechnol<br />

Solid phase enzymatic glycerolysis of beef tallow resulting<br />

in a high yield of monoglyceride<br />

McNeill GP J. Am Oil Chem Soc. 67(11) : 779-783<br />

Solid phase enzymatic glycerolisis of beef talow resulting in<br />

a high yield of monoglyceride<br />

McNeill GP JAOCS 67(11):779-783<br />

Solid phase enzymatic glycerolisis of beef tallow resulting<br />

in a high yield of monoglycerides<br />

Mc Neill GP J Am Oil Chem Soc 68(1):1-5<br />

Solar Drying Systems and Their Testing Procedures , A<br />

Review Energy Convers<br />

Sodha. M.S Management Vol. 35<br />

Solar Drying of Custard Poweder Energy Convers Panwar. R.S Management Vol. 36<br />

Soils : Fact and Concepts Schroeder. D International Potash Institute. Bern/<br />

Switzerland<br />

Soil Water Balance of Intercropped Maize and Cowpea<br />

Grown In Typical Hydromorphic Soil In Wester Nigeria<br />

Hulugalle. N.R Agron. J<br />

Soil Water Balance of Intercropped Maize and Cowpea<br />

Grown in Typical Hydro-Morphic<br />

Soil Viriability Within Land System and Land Units at<br />

Monarto, South Australia<br />

Hulugalle. N.R Soil Westarn Nigeria. Agron<br />

Chittleborough. D.J Australian Jurnal of Soil Research<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 146 dari 931

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