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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Zymomonas mobilis science and industrial application Doelle, H.W CRC. Crit.Rev. Biotechnol<br />

Zymogen activation in pancreatic endoproteolitic<br />

preparations and influence on some way protein<br />

hydrolysate characteristics<br />

Zur wirkung des juvenilhormons: elektrophysiologische<br />

messungen an der zeilmembran der speicheldrtise von<br />

Gallena mellonella<br />

Zur Renalen Elektrolytausscheidung Washsender<br />

Maskalber 1. Mitteilung: Renale Phosphatausscheidung,<br />

Zur Genetik der Benzimidazol-Resistenz bei Venturia<br />

inaequalis. Z. Pflanzenkrankh<br />

Zum Phosphate and Natrium-sstoffwechsel Bei<br />

Aufzuchtkaelbern<br />

ZP3-dependent activation of sperm cation channels<br />

regulates acrosomal secretion during mammalian<br />

fertilization<br />

Zoospore chemotaxis in the rumen Phycomycete<br />

Neocallimastix frontalis<br />

Zooplanton conted by image Analysisi and size frequency<br />

distributions In a coastal lagoon. Arch.<br />

Zooplankton in Quasi-Stable Phase in An Endorheic Lake<br />

(Lake Chilwa, Malawi),<br />

Zooplankton communty structure at Awur Say in the<br />

northern Central Java Sea.<br />

Zonation of molluscan assemblage at Karavatti atoll<br />

(Laccadives)<br />

Zinc, phosphorus, and lime interations with yield and zinc<br />

up take by phaseolus vuloaris<br />

Zinc Suplementation Increase Growth And Circulating<br />

Insulin - Like Growth Factor I (IGF-I) In Growth Retarded<br />

Vietnamese Children<br />

Zinc Nutritional and Starch Metabolism in Phaseolus<br />

Vulgaris. L<br />

Zinc Movement in Sewage-Sludge-Treated Soil as<br />

Influened by Soil Properties, Irrigation Water Quality and<br />

Soils Moisture Level.<br />

Zinc Levels in Rice and Insoil Types of Japan, Indonesia<br />

and China<br />



Mullaly, M. M. J. Food Sci.<br />

Haiiman. G. J. Insect Physiol. 14: 1459-1476<br />

Boehnche Zbl. Vet. Med.<br />

Kiebacher, J. Z. Pflanzenschutz 88:189-205<br />

Boehnche, E. Zbl. Vet. Med.<br />

Arnoult, C. J. CellBiol. 134:637-645.<br />

Orpin, C.G J.Gen. Microbiol<br />

Lam Hoai. T., Hydrobiol 121(2) : 147- 159.<br />

Kalk, M. Hydrobiologia 66 (I) : 7 - 15.<br />

Zainuri, M., J. Coast. Dev. 2 (I) : 297-306<br />

Namboodiri. P.N. Mahasagar Bull. 12 (3) : 239 – 246<br />

Melton, J.R. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc.<br />

Ninh. N.X Am. J. Clin. Nutr<br />

Jyung. W. H. Plant Physiol<br />

Welch.J.E Soil. Sci<br />

Herawati. N Bull. Environ. Contam Toxicol<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 1 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Zinc Deficiency Sandstead. H.H Am. J. Dis. Child<br />

Zinc content in otoliths of mackerel from the Aegean. Papadopoulu, C., Mar. poll. Bull. 9: 106-108.<br />

Zinc and Immune Function : The Biological Basis Of<br />

Altered Resistance To Infection<br />

Shankar. A.H Am. J. Clin. Nutr<br />

Zinc Adsorption by Calcareous Soils Udo. E.J Soil Sci. Soc. Amer Proc<br />

Zinc Adsorption by Calcareous Soils Udo.E.J Soil Sci. Soc. Amer.Proc<br />

Zinc Absorption in Infant Fed Iron-Fortified Weaning Food Fairweather-Tait Am J Clin Nutr 62:789-9.American<br />

Society for Clinical Nutrition, USA<br />

Zeolite inclutionin the feeds for laying hens feed ad libitum Berrios CM Cuban. J Agric Sci 17:169<br />

Zat Ekstraktif Kayu Damar Laut (Hopea spp) dan<br />

Pengaruhnya Terhadap Rayap Kayu Kering Cryptotermes<br />

Cynocephalus<br />

Yolk absorption and start feeding of larval green catfish,<br />

Mystus nemurus (Cuv.&Val.). Songklanakarin.<br />

Yogurt production from reconstituted skim milk powder<br />

using different polymer and nonpolymer forming starter<br />

culture<br />

Syafii.W. Jurnal Teknologi Hasil Hutan.<br />

Amornsakun,T., J. Sci. Technol 19(1):117-122.<br />

Rodarte, C.W Dairy res. J<br />

Yoghurt: Technology and biochemistry. Tamime, A. Y. J. Food Prod.<br />

Yoghurt Technology and Biochemistry. Tamime, A. Y. J. Food. Protect.<br />

y-linolenic acid concentrates from borage and evening<br />

primrose oil via lipase catalyzed hydrolysis<br />

Rahmatullah MSKS J Am Oil Chem Soc 71(6):563-567<br />

Yield, quality and breeding behavior of pearl millet x<br />

napiergrass interspecific hybrids<br />

Hanna, W.W. Agron. J. 72: 358-360.<br />

Yield, quality and breeding behavior of pearl millet x<br />

napiergrass interspecific hybrids<br />

Hanna, W.W. Agron. J. 72: 353-360.<br />

Yield response to water. Donovan, D.A. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper no.<br />

33. Rome.<br />

Yield Respons to Water, FAO Doorenbos, J. Irrigation and Drainage Paper. (33).<br />

Roma. p. 105-110.<br />

Yield performance of nonprolific and prolific maize hybrids<br />

at six plant densities<br />

Prior, C.L. Crop Sci.<br />

Yield enhancement by frequent irrigation during fruiting Radin, J.W. Agron. J. 84: 551-557.<br />

Yield and Utilization Efficiency of Irrigated Corn Rhoades, R.M Agron. J<br />

Yield and reproductive growth of simulated and field grown.<br />

II. Dry matter accumulation and seed growth rate<br />

Yield and reproductive growth of simulated and field grown.<br />

I. Seed filling duration<br />

Yield and quality of five major macadamia cultivars in<br />

Hawaii<br />

Yield and quality of corn and grain sorghum grain and<br />

residues as influenced by N fertilization<br />

Salado- Navarro,<br />

L.R<br />

Crop Science 26 : 971-975<br />

---- Crop. Sci. 26: 966-970<br />

Ito, P.J. Trop.Agric. Trinidad. 60(1): 64-65.<br />

Perry, L. J. Agron. J. 67:816-818.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 2 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Yield and digestibility of napiergrass (Pennisetum<br />

pupureum Schumach) as affected by the level of manure<br />

input and the cutting interval<br />

Yield and digestibility of forages in East Indonesia, II.<br />

Grasses<br />

Yield & yield components of six sweet potato (I. batatas )<br />

cultivars : Contribution at yield components tuber yield<br />

Sunusi, A. A. J Japan Grassl. Sci. 43: 209-217.<br />

Bulo, D. AJAS, Vol. 7 (No. 3) 335-342.<br />

Lowe, SB Agric 11 : 39-48<br />

Yearbook of catches and landings Vol 72, FAO. Yearbook of catches and landings Vol<br />

72,<br />

Year Book Production. 47: 136. Year Book Production. 47: 136.<br />

Yang manis dan pahit dari madu Yani, M. Warta Knnsumen 224:15-17<br />

Xylitol, Its properties and Food Applications Emodi, A. Food Technol., 32 : 20-32<br />

Xylitol Formation and Key Enzyme Activities in Candida<br />

boidinii under Different Oxygen Transfer Rates<br />

Vandeska, E. J. Ferment Bioeng., 80 : 513-516.<br />

Xylem transport of 1-amino cyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid,<br />

an ethylene precursor, in waterlogged tomato plants<br />

Xylanase Induction by L-Sorbose In Fungus, Trichoderma<br />

Reesei PC-3-7<br />

Xylanase in broiler diets with differences in characteristics<br />

and content of wheat.<br />

Xylanase From Trichoderma Pseudokonigii : Purification,<br />

Charaterization and Effects on Isolated Plant Cell Walls<br />

X-Ray Crystal Structure Of Rocaglimide, A Novel<br />

Antileukemic 1H-Cyclopental (b) Benzofuran From Aglaia<br />

Elliptifolia<br />

X-Ray Crystal Structure Of Rocaglimide, A Novel<br />

Antileukemic 1H-Cyclopental (b) Benzofuran From Aglaia<br />

Elliptifolia<br />

Bradford, K.J. Plant Physiol. 65:322-326.<br />

Xu.J Biosci.Biotechnol.Biochem<br />

Veldman,A., Br. Poult. Sci<br />

Baker.C.J Phytopatology<br />

King. M.L JCS Chem Commun<br />

King. M.L JCS Chem Commun<br />

X larger than Y Ke-hui, C. Nature 366:117-118.<br />

World's Poultry Science Invited Lecture Gylles, N. R Poult. Sci.<br />

World Mango Industry Chadha. K.L Acta Horticultura<br />

World filled thermopastics go commercial Schut JH Plast World 55(10):12<br />

World declaration on nutrition FAO Food Nutr. Agric.<br />

World Bibliography of Rice Stem Borers 1794-1990. Khan, Z.R., International Rice Research Institute.<br />

Los Banos. 415 p.<br />

Wood-filled thermoplastics go commercial, Plast. Schut JH Plast World 55 (10):12-15<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 3 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Within And Between Tree Variation Of Live And Parasitized<br />

Douglas Fir Tussock Moths Ogtria Pseudotsugae<br />

(Lepidoptera : Lymantriidae), Cocoon On White Fir In<br />

Central California and Its Implications For Sampling<br />

Witer Legume as Nitrogen Source For No-Till Grain<br />

Sorghum<br />

Winter Wheat Vegetation Indices Calculated from<br />

Combination of Seven Spectral Bands.<br />

Winter Legume as A Nitrogen Source For No-Till Grain<br />

Sorghum<br />

Luck. R.F Can Entomol<br />

Hargove. W.L Agro<br />

Dusek, D. A., Remote Sensing of Environment 18:<br />

255-267.<br />

Hargove. W.L Agron. J<br />

Wind structure above and within a soybean canopy Perrier ER Agron J 62:615-618<br />

Wind structure above and within a soybean canopy Perrier ER Agron J 62:615-618<br />

Wild flowers as nectar sources for Diadegma insulare<br />

(Hymenoptera:Ichneumonidae), a parasitoid of<br />

diamondback moth (Lepidoptera:Yponomeutidae)<br />

Idris AB Environ Entomol 24:1726-1735.<br />

Wilayah pengembangan usahatani pisang di Sumatra Suharto Penel Hort.<br />

Wide hybridization in cowpea: problems and prospect Fatokun, C. A. Euphytica<br />

Wide hybridization between rice cultivars and wild Oryza<br />

species<br />

Why are ruminal cullulolitic Bacteria Unable to digest<br />

cellulose at low pH.<br />

Why are Nutritionally stunted children at increased risk of<br />

obesity? Studies of metabolic rate and fat oxidation in<br />

shantytown children from Sao Paolo, Brazil.<br />

Whole-cell repetitive element sequence-based polymerase<br />

chain reaction alllows rapid assessment of clonal relationships<br />

of bacterial isolates.<br />

Masyhudi, M.F. Indonesian Journal of Tropical<br />

Agriculture 5 (2): 32-36.<br />

Russel, J.B. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Hoffman D.J Am. J.Clin.Nutr<br />

Woods, R.C., J. Appl. Clinic. Microbiol. 31(7): 1927-<br />

1931.<br />

Whole cottonseed in a wheat-based mantenance ration for<br />

sheep<br />

Neutse, S.A. Proc-Aust- Soc. Anim Prod. Vol. 17.<br />

Who uses nutrition labelling and what effect does label use<br />

have on diet quality?<br />

Guthrie J.F Journal of Nutrition Education<br />

When food meets medicine Cole, M. Food Rev. 6: 5-17.<br />

Wheat-Fallow Tillage System Effect on Newly Cultivated<br />

Grassland Soil Nitrogen Budget<br />

Lamb.J.A Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J.<br />

Wheat invertases. Characterization of cell wall-bound and<br />

soluble forms<br />

Khrisnan HB Plant Physiol 78:241-245<br />

Wheat invertases. Characterization of cell wall-bound and<br />

soluble forms<br />

Khrisnan HB Plant Physiol 78:241-245<br />

Wheat bran as a means of cancer chemoprevention Marshall, JR Asia Pacific J Clin Nutr<br />

Wheat bran and cancer: The role of dietary fiber Ferguson, LR Asia Pasific J Clin Nutr<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 4 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

What is Stress? How Does It Correlate with The Immune<br />

System Ann<br />

Covelli V. NY. Acad Sci. 741, 212-215.<br />

What is mtDNA Good for in the Study of Primate Evolution. Melnick D.J. Evol. Anthrop. 1 (I): 1 -38.<br />

What Farmers don`t know Can`t Help them: the Strengths<br />

and weakness of indigenous technical knowledge in<br />

Honduras.<br />

Wettabillity Related To Gualbility of The Philippines<br />

Mahoganies<br />

West Nusa tenggara in Figures Central Bureau Of<br />

Statistic<br />

Bentley JW Agric Human Values<br />

Bodig.J Forest Product Journal<br />

Central Bureau of Statistic of The<br />

republic of Indonesia in Cooperation<br />

with Statistical of West Nusa Tenggara<br />

Province and Regional Development<br />

Planning Board of West Nusa<br />

Tenggara Province<br />

West Indian madreporarian polyps<br />

Wereng coklat menyerang pertanaman padi MH 1997/98 di<br />

jalur Pantura<br />

Duerden, J.E. Mem. Nat. Acad. Sci., 8: 402-597.<br />

Weigh and fat content of adipose and non adipose tissue in<br />

broiller selected for or against abdominal adipose tissue.<br />

Cahaner, A. Poult. Sci.<br />

Weekly irin intervention : the case for intermittent iron<br />

supplementation<br />

Beard J.L Am. J.Clin.Nutr<br />

Weed host for Cyrtorhinus lividipennis (Reuter), a brown<br />

plant hopper predator<br />

Sivapragasam, A. IRRN. 8(6): 19.<br />

Weed Control In Sugarcane Rochecouste.E<br />

Weaning Weight Related to Subsequent Most Probable<br />

Producing Ability in Hereford Cows.<br />

Kress, D. D. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Waterhyacinth for Removal of Cadmium and Nikel From<br />

Polluted Waters<br />

Wolverton. B.C NASA Technical memorandum<br />

Waterhyacinth and Alligator Weeds For Removal of Lead<br />

and Memory From Polluted Waters<br />

Wolverton. B.C NASA Technical memorandum<br />

Waterfowl Count in Victoria. Peter, J. RAOUReportNo. 85.<br />

Waterfowl Count in Victoria Peter, J. RAOU ReportNo. 85.<br />

Water Use by Cotton An Update on Strategies Hearn, A.B. Australian Cotton Converence, August<br />

1998. Quensland. p. 67-73.<br />

Water transport in wheat plants in field DENMEAD, O.T. Agronomy Journal<br />

Water transfer diminihes root compotition between peaches<br />

and tall fescue<br />

Glenn, D.M J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci<br />

Water Supply and nutrition status in rural northern Nigeria Tomkins, A.M. Proc Nutr Soc., 36: 141A.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 5 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Water stress, rapid polyribosome reduction and growth Rhodes, R.R. Plant Physiol. 58:631-635.<br />

Water stress as a constraint on growth in the potato crop.<br />

2. Validation of the model<br />

Jefferies, R.A. Agric. Forest Met. 53: 197-205.<br />

Water stress and plant growth Kramer, P.J. Agron. J. 55:3135.<br />

Water stress and clipping management effect on<br />

guineagrass: 11. Photosynthesis and water relations<br />

Alejandra, P. Agron. J. 87: 706-711.<br />

Water Sorption of Raisins Currant, Figs, Prunes and<br />

Apricots<br />

Tsami. E. J. Food. Sci<br />

Water Sorption of Raisins Currant, Figs, Prunes and<br />

Apricots<br />

Tsami. E. J. Food Sci<br />

Water Sorption of Raisins Currant, Figs and Apricots Tsami. E J. Food Sci<br />

Water sensivite period during the reproductive growth<br />

phase of Glicine max L. (II): Establishing water stress<br />

sensivity<br />

de Bruyn, L.P. Journal of Agronomy and Crop<br />

Science 174 : 197-203<br />

Water reused system in aquaculture. Muir, J.F. Infofish International No. 6:40 - 49.<br />

Water Reuse Systems in Aquaculture Muir, J.F. Infofish International, 6: 40-46.<br />

Water Repellency of Sieve Fraction From Sandy Soils and<br />

Relationship With Organic Material and Soil Structure<br />

Bisdom. E.B.A Geoderma<br />

Water Relationship Solute Accumulation In Pseudomonas<br />

Flourescens<br />

Water Relations of Solute Accumulation in Pseudomonas<br />

fluorescens.<br />

Water relations and productivity of alfalfa leaf chlorophyll<br />

variants<br />

Water Quality for Agricultural. Irrigation and Drainage<br />

Paper<br />

Water Potential Tempe-rature, and Soil Type On The<br />

Formation of B Bassiana Soil Collonies<br />

Water potential effect on tensile and com-pressive failure<br />

stresses of apple and pntatn tissue<br />

Water Potential , Temperature and Clay Coating of B.<br />

Bassiana Conidia<br />

Water percolation dynamics as influenced by submergence<br />

levels and depth of puddling in rice fields<br />

Water management and requirements for rice cultivation<br />

under different irrigation methods and cultivation<br />

techniques<br />

Water deficit-induced changes in abscisic acid, growth,<br />

polysomes, and translatable RNA in soybean hypo-cotyls<br />

Prior. B.A J. Appl. Bacteriol<br />

Prior, B.A. J.Appl. Bacterial. 62:119-128<br />

Estill, K. Crop Science, 3: 1229-1232.<br />

FAO No. 29. Rev. l. Rome.<br />

Studdert,J.P Jour. Of Invertebrate Path<br />

De Baedermaeker,<br />

J.L<br />

ASAE Paper<br />

Studdert,J.P Effect on Spodoptera exigua Pupal<br />

Morality In Two Soil Types<br />

Sing, A.K. J. Indian Soc. Soil Sci. 41 (3): 213-<br />

217.<br />

Tsuitsui, H. FAO Irrigation and drainage paper No.<br />

12, Rome<br />

Bensen, R.J. Plant Physio!. 88: 289-294.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 6 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Water Deficit Effect on Corn II Grain Component Claassen. M.M Agron. J<br />

Water deficit effect on cell wall composition and in vitro<br />

degrability of structural polysaccharides from alfalfa stem<br />

Deetz DA Crop Sci 36:383-388<br />

Water Deficit Development in Old and New Soybean<br />

Cultivars<br />

Frederick, J.R Agronomy J. 82 (1)<br />

Water and Water Relation Mederski HJ Soybean Improvement, Production<br />

and Uses, Agronomy Series 16, Amer.<br />

Soc. Agron<br />

Water and solute move-ment under conventional corn in<br />

Central Spain. II. Salt leaching.<br />

Bustos, A., Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 60: 1536-1540.<br />

Water activity in intermediate moisture foods. Bone, D.P. Food Tech. 27: 71.<br />

Water activity and temperature effects on non-enzymic<br />

browning of amino acid in dried squid and simulated model<br />

system<br />

Tsai, C. H. S. Food Sci.<br />

Water activity and Storage Stability Rockland, L. B. Food Technol.<br />

Waste Water Treatment. Eckenfelder, W.W., Chemical Engineering 92 (18).<br />

Waste water Treatment Eckenfelder, W.W. Chem. Engin.<br />

Waspadai Kapang pada Pakan Masun Poultry Indonesia . Majalah Ekonomi.<br />

Industri & Teknik Perunggasan<br />

Populer. No. 199 September 1996.<br />

Washing of Zinc (II) From Contaminated Soil Column Davis. A.P J. Environ. Eng<br />

Warta Bulanan Balai Penyelidikan Perusahaan Perkebunan<br />

Gula. Januari No. l : 5 - 9.<br />

Anonimous. Warta Bulanan Balai Penyelidikan<br />

Perusahaan Perkebunan Gula.<br />

Januari No. l : 5 - 9.<br />

Warta Akuakultur No. 2, Vol. 1. Anonymous. Warta Akuakultur No. 2, Vol. 1.<br />

wali6 and wali7: genes induced by aluminium in wheat Richards K.D. Plant Physiol. 105: 1455-1456.<br />

Wali6 and Wali7. Genes induced by aluminium in wheat<br />

(Triticum aestivum L.) roots.<br />

Richards, K.D., Plant Physiol. 105: 1445-1446.<br />

Wabah streptococcal meningitis pada babi dan kera di Bali Dharma, D.M.N. Bulletin Sain Veteriner X, 26: 110-121.<br />

Voluntary intake in relation to chemical composition and<br />

digestibility<br />

Volume dan klasifikasi limbah penebangan pada beberapa<br />

perusahaan hutan di Aceh dan Kalimantan Timur.<br />

Volume dan Klasifikasi Limbah Penebangan pada<br />

Beberapa Pengusahaan Hutan di Aceh dan Kalimantan<br />

Timur,<br />

Van Soest. P.J Journal of Animal Science<br />

Simannata, S.<br />

Simarniata. S.R.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 7 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Volaty fatty acids and protein production in the rumen Hvelplund, T J.P. Jouany (Ed), Rumen Microbial<br />

Metabolism and Ruminant Digestion.<br />

INRA. Paris.<br />

Volaty fatty acids and protein production in the rumen Hvelplund, T J.P. Jouany (Ed), Rumen Microbial<br />

Metabolism and Ruminant Digestion.<br />

INRA. Paris.<br />

Volatile fatty acid production in the rumen of cattle given an<br />

all concentrate diet.<br />

Whitelaw, F. G. Br. J. Nutr.<br />

Volatile fatty acid production in the rumen of cattle given an<br />

all concentrate diet<br />

Whitelaw, F.G. Brit. J. Nutr. 24:179-195<br />

Volatile falty acid production in the hindgut of swine Kennelly, J.J Can. J. Anim. Sci<br />

Volatile constituents of the fruit secretory glands of<br />

Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim<br />

Tirillini, B. J. Essent. Oil Res. 6 (3) : 249-252.<br />

Volatile constituents of the fruit secretory glands of<br />

Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim<br />

Tirillini, B J. Ess. Oil Res. 6:249-252.<br />

Volatile Compounds in Flavor-tainted Fish from the Upper<br />

Wisconsin River<br />

Heil, T.P. J. Environ. Sci. Health, B. 23 (5): 489-<br />

512.<br />

Volatile compounds from garlic. Yu, T. H. J. Agric. Food Chem<br />

Volatile compounds from freeze-dried shallot, baked and<br />

deep-fried shallot. Rep<br />

Wu, J.L Food Ind. res. Dev. Inst<br />

Volatile Components in Salt-Fermented Fish and Shrimp<br />

Pastes<br />

Cha, Y.L. J. Food Sci., 60 (1): 19-24.<br />

Volatile aroma compounds in young leaves and green fruits<br />

of Japanese pepper<br />

Volatile aroma compounds in young leaves and green fruits<br />

of Japanese Pepper<br />

Volatile aroma compounds in young leaves and green fruit<br />

of Japanese pepper<br />

Volateli Fatty Acid Analysis of Blood and Rumen Fkuid by<br />

Gas Chromatography.<br />

Vitrification of mouse oocytes and embryos at various<br />

stages of development in an ethylen glykol base solution by<br />

simple methods<br />

Wu, Y. Nippon Nogeikagaku Kaishi. 70 (9):<br />

1001-1005.<br />

Wu, Y. Nippon Nogeikagaku Kaishi<br />

(Japanese) 70:1001 -1005.<br />

Wu, Y. Nihon Nogeikagaku Kaishi 70 (9):<br />

1001-1005.<br />

Erwing, E. S. J. Dairy Science.<br />

Miyake, T Theriogenology<br />

Vitamin profiles of eggs as indicators of nutritional status in<br />

the laying hens : Vitamin B 12 study.<br />

Squires, M.W. Poult. Sci. 71 :2075 - 2082.<br />

Vitamin profiles of eggs as indicators of nutrional status in<br />

the laying hens : Vitamin B12 study<br />

Squares, M.W Poult. Sci<br />

Vitamin E intake and risk for cataracts in humans Robertson JM Ann NY Acad Sci 570:372-382<br />

Vitamin E and vascular homeostasis : implications for<br />

atherosclerosis<br />

Keaney-JR FASEB J<br />

Vitamin E and C, (-carotene, and other carotenoids as<br />

antioxidant<br />

Sies H Am J Clin Nutr 62(6):1315S-1321S<br />

Vitamin C requirement of the juvenile freshwater<br />

prawn,Macrobrachium rosenbergii<br />

D'Abramo LR Aquaculture 128:269-275.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 8 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Vitamin C in pond diets for channel catfish. Lovell, T.R. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 107(2): 321-<br />

325.<br />

Vitamin C dan cancer prevention : The epidemiological<br />

evidence<br />

Block G. Amm. J. Clin. Nurt. 53. 270S-282S.<br />

Vitamin C and disease resistance in channel catfish,<br />

Ictalurus punctatus.<br />

Vitamin C and disease resistance in channel catfish<br />

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Visicular-arbuscular Mycorrhiza Research for Tropical<br />

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Viscosity of b-D-glucan as a factor in the enzymatic<br />

improvement of barley for chicks<br />

Viscoelastic characterization of gel; effect of setting and<br />

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Virulence mechanism of bacterial Pathogens Roth,J.A American Society for<br />

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Viral Protein Production in Homogeneous and Mixed<br />

Infections of Cytopathic and Noncytopathic BVD Virus.<br />

Vigor of Soybean Seed as influenced by sowing and<br />

harvest dates and seed site<br />

Victorin-induced changes of peroxidase isoenzymes in<br />

oats<br />

Vibriosis resistance induced by glucan treatment in tiger<br />

shrimp (Peneus monodon)<br />

Vibriosis resistance induced by glucan treatment in tiger<br />

shrimp (Penaeus monodon).<br />

Vibriosis resistance induced by glucan treatment in tiger<br />

shrimp (Penaeus monodon).<br />

Vibriosis resistance induced by glucan treatment in tiger<br />

shrimp (Penaeus monodon).<br />

Vibrio laut yang mengganggu kehidupan manusia dan ikan<br />

pewarta<br />

Vibrio Anguillarum isolated from european eel (Anguilla<br />

anguilla) cultured in Japan<br />

Ridpath, J. F. Arch. Virol.<br />

Mugnisyah, W. Q. Seed Science and Technology<br />

Novacky, A. Phythopathology 60:467-471.<br />

H.H. Sung Fish Pathology 29<br />

Sung, H. H., Fish Pathology, 29 (1):11-17.<br />

Sung, H.H., Fish Pafthology. 29(1): 11-17.<br />

Sung, H.H., Fish Pathology. 29(1):11-17.<br />

Thayib, S.S. oseana No. 24: 1-6.<br />

K. Muroga J. of The Faculty of Fish and Animal<br />

Husbandry, Hiroshima University<br />

Vibration techniques for testing fruit firmness Finney E.E Journal of Texture Studies<br />

Viability status of soybean seed produced from different<br />

phosphorus from different phosphorus and potaium<br />

fertilizer application<br />

Harnowo D<br />

Viability status of soybean seed produced from different<br />

phosphorus from different phosphorus and potaium<br />

fertilizer application<br />

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VFA metabolism in the pig Imoto, S J. Mum. Sci<br />

Veterinary Microbiology Kingscote, B. Introduction to Bacteria and Fungi. P.<br />

83-84.<br />

Vesikular-Arbuskular Mycorrhiza Research for Tropical<br />

Agricultural<br />

Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi improves<br />

establishment of micropropagated Leucana leucocephale<br />

planlets<br />

Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizas fungi of Wisconsin sandy<br />

soils<br />

Vertical distribution of the Japanese sardine in relation to<br />

temperature and thermocline at the purse seine fishing<br />

grounds east of Japan.<br />

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L. L. Tews Mycol., No. 79(6)<br />

Inakage, D. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 49(10): 1533-<br />

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Vermiculites Douglas.L.A Minerals in Soil Environments<br />

Velocity of Sonic Pulses in Apples Garrett, R.E. Trans. ASAE. 15 (4): 770-774.<br />

Vegetative growth suppression by paclobutrazol in<br />

Reynold, A.G. HortScience 25 (10): 1250-1254.217greenhouse-grown<br />

'Pinot noir' grapevines<br />

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Vegetation mapping ofNowitna National Wildlife Refuge,<br />

Alaska using Landsat MSS Digital Data.<br />

Talbot, S. S., Photogrammetric Engineering and<br />

Remote Sensing 52(6): 791-799.<br />

Vegetable oils replace pork backfat for low-fat frankfurters Paneras, E. D. J. Food Sci.<br />

Vegetable Diseases and Their Control Sherp AF John & Sons Inc.Canada<br />

Vegetable and fruit consump-tion and eaneer risk Negri, E., Int J Cancer. May<br />

Vectors with restriction site bank. V. PJRD215, a wide-host<br />

range cosmic! vector with multiple cloning sites<br />

Davison J Gene 51:275-280.<br />

Vascular Protective Actions of Natural Antioxidants.<br />

Proceedings of the International Symposium on Natural<br />

Antioxidants; Molecular Mechanisms and Health Effects.<br />

Parker, L., Traber M.G., and Xin, W.(eds).<br />

Abeywardena, M.Y AOCS Press. Champaign<br />

Variety ofessensial fatty acids requirement in fish. Takeuchi, T. Kagaku to Seibutsu, 29: 571-580.<br />

Varieties and form of cocunut palm grown in Cylon. Liyanage VD The Cylon Coconut Quartely 9 :1-10<br />

Varietas genetik sifat-sifat tanaman bawang putih di<br />

indonesia<br />

Varietal rection to tungro (RTV) with change in leatheroper<br />

virulence<br />

Varietal rection to tungro (RTV) with change in leatheroper<br />

virulence<br />

Varietal differences in mature protein composition of wheat<br />

resulted from different rates of polymer accumulation<br />

during grain filling<br />

Varietal difference in resistance to purple seed stain of<br />

soybean and themethod of selecting for the resistance<br />

Variental resistence of corn to the rice weevil, Sitophilus<br />

oryzae (L.).<br />

Varibilitas dan heritabilitas laju akumulasi bahan kering<br />

pada biji kedelai<br />

Varibilitas dan heritabilitas laju akumulasi bahan kering<br />

pada biji kedelai<br />

Variations in the amounts of individual flavanols in a range<br />

of green teas<br />

Variations in rate of water loss as related to different types<br />

of post rigor porcine musculature during storage<br />

Variations in mitochondrial tRNA gene organization of<br />

reptiles as phylogenetics markers<br />

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Stone, P. J. Aust. J. Plant Physiol. 23, 727-737.<br />

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Kumazawa, Y. Mol. Biol. Evol. 12:759-772.<br />

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Variations des capacites osmoregulatrices au cours du<br />

developpement post-embryonnaire de Penaeus japonicus<br />

Bate 1888 (Crustacea, decapoda).<br />

Variations and Associations of Kernel Growth<br />

Characteristics in Maize Populations<br />

Variations and Associations of Kernel Growth<br />

Characteristics in Maize Populations<br />

Variation ofclonal, mesquite associated rhizobial and<br />

bradyrhizobial populations trom surface and deep soils by<br />

plasmid profil analysis.<br />

Variation of some cultivated and wild taro (C. esculenta (L.)<br />

Schott.) in crude protein contents and electrophoretic<br />

pattern<br />

Variation of administered ascorbic acid levels during<br />

maturation and spawning periode in Sardine.<br />

Variation in water-use efficiency and its components in<br />

wheat: I. Well-watered pot experiment<br />

Variation in the optimum temperature for rates of seedling<br />

emergence and progress toward flowering among six<br />

genotypes of faba beans (Vicia faba L.)<br />

Variation in the genetic composition of coral (pocillopora<br />

damicornis ans Acropora palifera) populations from<br />

different reef habitats.<br />

Variation in Suspened Sediments and Associated Trace<br />

Element Concentrations in Selected Riverine Cross<br />

Sections<br />

Variation In Susceptibility To Insecticides In The Leafminer<br />

Parasitoid Ganaspidium Utilis (Hymenoptera : Eucolidae)<br />

Variation in some quantitative traits of clones produce by<br />

chromosome manipulation in Ayu, Plecoglossus altivelis.<br />

Variation in Sensitivity of Gaeumannomyces graminis to<br />

Antibiotics Produced in Fuloroscent Pseudomonas spp.<br />

And Effect on Biological Control of Take-all of Wheat<br />

Charmantier, G. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 303: 217-222.<br />

Poneleit, C.G Crop Sci<br />

Poneleit, C.G Crop Sci<br />

Thomas, P.M., App. Environ. Microbiol. 60:1146-<br />

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Danimihardja, S. Ann. Bogorienses 6:177-187.<br />

Akiyama, T., Jap. Soc. of fisheries Meeting,<br />

October, Abs:436.<br />

Ehdaie, B. Crop Sci. 33, 294-299.<br />

Ellis, R.H. Ann. Bot. 62: 119-126.<br />

Benzie, J.H.A., Mar. Biol. 121: 731-739.<br />

Horowitz, A.J. Evirornental Science Technology, 24 :<br />

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Rathman. R.J J. Econ. Entomol<br />

Taniguchi, N Aquaculture, 120: 53-60<br />

Mazolla. M. Appl. And Environ Microbiol 61:2554-<br />

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Variation in Retinol Utilization Rate with Vitamin A Status In<br />

Rat.<br />

Green, M.H. Am. Ins. Nutr. 694.<br />

Variation in quantum yield for CO2 uptake among C3 & C4<br />

plants<br />

Ehleringer J Plant Physiol 73 : 555-559<br />

Variation in Plaice Fecundity in the Clyde Area Bagenal, T.B. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. (43): 391-399.<br />

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Variation in pathogenicity of Xanthomonas oryzae (Uyeda<br />

et Ishiyama) Dowson and resistance of rice varieties to the<br />

pathogen<br />

Variation in Nectria radicicola and its anamorph,<br />

Cylindrocarpon des-tructans.<br />

Variation in mimosine content among Leucaena species<br />

and related mimosaceae.<br />

Variation in Lipid composition during the ovarian maturation<br />

of the prawn<br />

Variation in growth response and nutrient efficiency of<br />

coffee cultivars infected by a mycorrhizal fungus<br />

Variation in efficiency of nitrogen utilization in tomatoes<br />

(Lycopersicum esculentum Mill) grown under nitrogen<br />

stress<br />

Variation and Character Association Of Grain Yield and Its<br />

Component Characters In Coriander<br />

Variation among species in the endocrine control of<br />

mammary growth and function: The role of polactin, growth<br />

hormone and placental lactogen<br />

Yamamoto, T. Contr. Centr. Res. Inst. Bogor 28:1-22.<br />

Samuels, G.J. Mycol. Res. 94 (4): 433-442.<br />

Brewbaker, J.L. Crop Sci. 5: 348-349.<br />

S. Teshima Bull. Jap. Soc. Fish<br />

Baon, J.B. Pelita Perkebunan 12: 36-47.<br />

O'Sullivan J J. Amer Soc. Hort Sci 99:543-547<br />

Sharma. K.C Indian. J. genet<br />

Forsyth, I. A. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Variasi musiman fitoplankton dominan di Danau Teluk. Sulawesty. F. Oseanologi dan Limnologi di<br />

Indonesia. 31: 15-24.<br />

Variasi kejadian dan kandungan aflatoksin pada jagung<br />

yang ber<strong>sumber</strong> dari Tegal, Taiwan, dan Lampung pada<br />

suatu pabrik makanan ternak di Bogor<br />

Ginting Penyakit Hewan. 18(31): 79-81.<br />

Variasi genetik sifat-sifat tanaman bawang putih di<br />

Indonesia.<br />

Variasi genetik sifat-sifat tanaman bawang putih di<br />

Indonesia<br />

Variasi genetik sifat-sifat tanaman bawang putih di<br />

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Variasi genetic tanaman bawang putih di Indonesia. Murdaningsih, HK.<br />

Variablite spatiale et saisonniere des peuplements epiplank<br />

toniques des copepodes du Pacifique tropical Sud et<br />

equatorial (East Pacifique).<br />

Dessier, A., Oceanologica acta. 6(1):89-103<br />

Variability, heritability, genetic advance and genetic<br />

divergence in upland rice<br />

Sarma MK IRRN 21(1): 25-26<br />

Variability in crop plants, its use and conservation Simmonds, N.W. Biol. Rev. (37): 442-465.<br />

Variability and selection for leaf photosyntesis in advanced<br />

generation of soybeans<br />

Secor J Crop Sci 22:255-259<br />

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Variability and Correlation Sobhan, M.A. In Kenaf. B. Jute Fib. Res. 7(1&2):103-<br />

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Variability & genetic of tolerance for aluminium toxicity in<br />

rice (O sativa L.).<br />

Khatiwada, SP Theor. Appl, Genet, 93 :738-744<br />

Variabilitas genetikbe berapa karakter plasma nutfah<br />

jagung koleksi balittan, Malang<br />

Mudjiono<br />

Variabilitas Genetik dan Heritabilitas Karakter-karakter<br />

Biomasa 53 Genotipe Kedelai.<br />

Variabilitas genetik dan heritabilitas karakter-karakter<br />

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Variabilitas genetik dan heritabilitas karakter-karakter<br />

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Variabilitas genetik beberapa karakter plasmanutfah jagung<br />

koleksi Balittan, Malang<br />

Variabilitas Genetik beberapa Karakter Plasma Nutfah<br />

Jagung Koleksi Balittas Malang.<br />

Variabilitas genetik beberapa karakter plasma nutfah<br />

jagung koleksi balittan Malang<br />

Variabilitas dan hertabilitas beberapa karakter agronomi<br />

penting pada pearl Millet (pennisstum typhoideum Rich)<br />

Variabilitas dan hertabilitas beberapa karakter agronomi<br />

penting pada pearl Millet (pennisstum typhoideum Rich)<br />

Pinaria, A., Variabilitas Genetik dan Heritabilitas<br />

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Variabilitas dan heritabilitas laju akumulasi bahan kering Wahdah, R.<br />

pada biji kedelai<br />

Variabilitas dan heritabilitas laju akumulasi bahan kering Raihani W<br />

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Variabilitas dan heritabilitas laju akumulasi bahan kering Raihani W<br />

pada biji kedelai<br />

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Varbelitas genetik dan heritabilitas karekter-karakter<br />

biomasa 53 genotif kedelai.<br />

Vancomycin-resistent enterococci from nosocomial,<br />

community, and animal sources in the United States<br />

Value of Orchard Grass and Alfalfa Silages Fed With<br />

Varying Amounts of Concentrates to Dairy Cows<br />

Totok ADH Majalah ilmiah Unsoed<br />

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Weiss, W.P. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

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Value of manure and sewage as N fertilizer Pomares-Garcia, F. Agron. : 70.1065-1069.<br />

Valuation of the sea. II. The animal communities of the sea<br />

bottom and their importance for marine zoogeography.<br />

Petersen, C.G.J. Rep. Dan. Biol. Stn., 21:1-44<br />

Validity of aDietary Score for Assesing Nutrient Adequacy Guthrie H.A Journal of the American Dietetic<br />

Association<br />

Validity of a Dietary Score for Assesing Nutrient Adequacy Guthrie H.A Journal of the America Dietetic<br />

Association<br />

Validity of a Dietary Score for Assesing Nutrient Adequacy Guthrie HA Journal of the American Dietetic<br />

Association<br />

Validity of a Dietary Score for Asseing Nutrient Adequency Guthrie H.A Journal of the American Dietetic<br />

Association 1<br />

Validation of real-time ultrasound technology for predicting<br />

fat thickness, longissimus muscle areas, and composition<br />

of Brangus bulls from 4 months to 2 years of age<br />

Waldner, D.N. J. Anim. Sci., 70: 3044-3054.<br />

Validasi Matematik Model Sweeney : Suatu Model<br />

Mekanistik Pertumbuhan Selada<br />

Gunartha. I.G.E<br />

Vaginal Contents & Rectal Temperature During the<br />

Oestrous Cycle of the African Dwarf Goat<br />

Parer, J.T American J. Veterinary Research 24<br />

Vademecum du veterinaire. 16 ed. Fontaine, M. Vigot, Paris, p. 451-468.<br />

Vacuum Infiltration With Calcium Chloride Influences<br />

Oxygen Distribution in Apple Fruit Flesh<br />

Rajapakse. N.C Postharvest Biology and Technology<br />

Vaccination Against Newcastle Disease. An Assessment of<br />

Hemaglutination Inhibition Titres Obtained from Field<br />

Samples<br />

Philips, J.M. Vet. Rec. 93: 577-583.<br />

Utilization of volatile fatty acids from the anaerobic<br />

digestion liquor of sewage sludge for 5-aminolevulinic acid<br />

production by photosynthetic bacteria<br />

Utilization of tofu and tropica solid solid waste and rice<br />

brand to produce red pigments by monascus purpureus in<br />

tofu liquid waste medium<br />

Utilization of the intact male for red meat production : a<br />

review<br />

Utilization of skim milk powder and water extracted coconut<br />

milk in low fat filled milk processing<br />

Utilization of Rice Bran in Diets for Domestic Fowl and<br />

Ducklings.<br />

Utilization of Rice Bran in Diets for Domestic Fowl and<br />

Ducklings<br />

Utilization of probiotic starbio in boiler diet with different<br />

level of crude protein<br />

Tanaka, T. World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 10:677-<br />

680.<br />

Jenie, B. S. L.<br />

Seideman, S.C J.. Anim. Set<br />

Davide C Phil J Coconut Studies 10(1):48-59<br />

Farrell, D. J. World's Poultry Science Journal.<br />

Farrel, D. J. World's Poult. Sci. J.<br />

Zainuddin, D Bul. Of Anim. Sci, Special Ed<br />

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Utilization of oil palm frond as cattle feed Ishida, M. J. A. R. Q.<br />

utilization of ileal digestible amino acids by pigs: Lysine Batterham ES Br J Nutr 64:859-868<br />

Utilization of hairy root cultures for produetion of secondary<br />

metabolites.<br />

Toivonen, L. Biotechnol. Prog. 9:12-20.<br />

Utilization of green manure for raising soil fertility in China Jiao, Bin Soil Sci.<br />

utilization of free lysine by pigs Batterham ES Pig News Inform 5:85-88<br />

Utilization of food and nitrogen by the beet armyworm<br />

,Spodoptera exigua (Hubner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae),<br />

inin relation to food type and dietary nitrogen levels.Environ<br />

Al-Zubaidi FS Entomol<br />

Utilization of dietary fiber trom alfalfa by growing swine II.<br />

Volatile fatty acid concentrations in and disappearance<br />

from the gastrointestinal tract<br />

Kass, M.L J. Anim. Sci<br />

Utilization of cocoa shell in pig feed. Chang, A.L. Sing. J. Pri Ind.<br />

Utilization Of Cocoa Shell in Kg Feed. Sing. Ch'hg, A.L. J. Pri. tod. 14 (2): 124 - 132<br />

Utilization of cellulose by pigs and its effects on caecal<br />

function<br />

Farrell, DJ Anim. Prod<br />

Utilization of canola oil and lactose to produce biosurfactant<br />

with Candida bombicola<br />

Zhou QH JAOCS 72(1):67-71<br />

Utilization of Agro-industrial by product in Africa Adangbola, A.A. FAO Anim and Health Paper. Rome.<br />

Utilization of agro-industrial by product in Africa Adengbola, AA FAO Anim and Health Paper. Rome.<br />

Utilization of Agro Industrial by product in Africa Adegbola, A.A FAO Anim Prod, and Health paper,<br />

Rome.<br />

Utilization of A Probiotic Starbio in Broiler Diet with Different<br />

Levels of Crude Protein.<br />

Zainuddin, D.<br />

Utilization of a probiotic "Starbio" in broiler diet with<br />

different levels of crude fibre<br />

Zainuddin, D. Bull. Anim. Sci. Special Ed. p. 171177.<br />

Utilization index : A modified approach to estimation and<br />

comparison of nutrient utilization efficiency in plants.<br />

Siddiqi MY J. Plant Nutr 4:289-302<br />

Utility of RAPD markers in identifying genetic linkages to<br />

genes of economic interest in peach<br />

Utility of ozone treatment in the maintenance of water<br />

quality in closed marine system<br />

Uterine calcium-binding protein activity of non laying hens<br />

and hens laying hard-shelled or shell-less eggs<br />

Usual 5-olefinic acids in lipids of algae from Japanese<br />

waters<br />

Using Variable Charge Chateristics to Understand The<br />

Exchangeable Caution Status of Oxic Soil<br />

Warburton, MI Theor. Appl. Genet 93: 920 -925<br />

Honn, K. Marine Biol.34:201-216.<br />

Rabon, H. W. Poult. Sci<br />

Kaneniwa, M. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, 53: 861-<br />

866.<br />

Gillman. G.P Australia Journal. Soil. Res<br />

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Using variable charge characteristics to understand the<br />

exchangeable cation status of oxic soils<br />

Gillman, G.P Austr. J. Soil Res<br />

Using Variable Charge Characeristics to Understand The<br />

Exchangable Caution Status of Oxic Soils<br />

Gilman. G.P Aust. J. Soil Res<br />

Using variabl;e charge characteristics to understand the<br />

exchangeable cation status of oxic soils.<br />

Gillman, G.P. Austr. J. Soil Res.<br />

Using rice straw bundles to conserve beneficial arthropod<br />

communities in rice fields<br />

Shepard, B.M. Int. Rice Res. Newl. 14(5): 30-31.<br />

Using merker aided selection to improve tree growth<br />

response to abiotic stress<br />

Tauber CG Can J For Res 22:1018-1030<br />

Using markers in gene introgression breeding <strong>program</strong>. Hospital F Genetics 132:1100-1210<br />

Using DNA microarrays to study host-microbe interactions Cummings CA Emerg Infect Dis 6:513-525.<br />

üseofnylon-bag technique for pig feed digestibility studies. Graham, H Br. J. Nutr. Sci..<br />

Use to the Up Flow Sludge Blanket (UASB) Concept for<br />

Biological Wastewater Treatment<br />

Use ofpulsed-l'ield gel electrophoresis for epidemiological<br />

study of Escherichia coli 0157:H7 during a food-hornc<br />

outbreak<br />

Lettinga, G. Biotechology and Bioenginering 22:<br />

699-734.<br />

Johnson, J.M. Appl Environ. Microhiol. 61:2806-2808.<br />

Use ofhydrolysate for protein supplement. Frokjaer, S. Food Technology: 86-88.<br />

Use ofchitinous polymer in food. Knorr, D. J.Food. Tec/i. 38(1):85-97.<br />

Use of zona drilling for safe and effective biopsy of murine<br />

oocytes and embryos<br />

Gordon, J W. Biol. Reprod. 42.489-876.<br />

Use of wild soybean (Glycine ussuriensis Regel and<br />

Maack) as atest plant in dilution-nodulation frequency test<br />

for counting Rhizobium japonicum<br />

Brockwell L Biol Biochem 7:305-311<br />

Use of wild soybean (Glycine ussuriensis Regel and<br />

Maack) as atest plant in dilution-nodulation frequency test<br />

for counting Rhizobium japonicum<br />

Use of wax-petrolatum layers for screening riee root<br />

penetration.<br />

Use of ultraviolet energy to degrade aflatoxin Ml in raw or<br />

heated milk and without added peroxide<br />

Use of trenbolone acetate and estradiol in intact and<br />

castrate male cattle; effects of growth serum hormone and<br />

carcass characteristics<br />

Use of the polymerase chain reaction and oligonucleotide<br />

probes for the rapid detection and identification of<br />

Carynobacterium spp.<br />

Use of the digestible amino acid concept in formulating<br />

diets for poultry<br />

Brockwell L Biol Biochem 7:305-311<br />

Yu. L., Crop Sei. 35: 684-687.<br />

Yousef, A.E. J. Dairy Sci. 69: 2.243.<br />

Hunt DW J. Anim Sci 69:2452-2462<br />

Brooks, J.L., J. Appl.Bacteriol. 72: 294-301.<br />

Dalibard P Anim Feed Sci. Technol. 53:189-204<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 17 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Use of single or multiple injections of FSH in embryo<br />

collection <strong>program</strong>s in goats<br />

Batt PA Reprod. Fert. Dev<br />

Use of single or multiple injections of FSH in embryo<br />

collection <strong>program</strong>s in goats<br />

Batt PA Reprod. Fert. Dev<br />

Use of Shark as a Food Maaejczyk, Y. Zywiene Zhowieka 6 (4): 241-244.<br />

Use of Semi-sybthetic fats in determining the effects of<br />

specific dietary fatty acid on serum lipids in man<br />

Mc Grandy RB am J Clin Nutr 23:1288-1298<br />

Use of RLFP markers in breeding for oligogenic disease<br />

resistance<br />

Melchinger AE Plant Breeding 104:1-19<br />

Use of Rhizobacteria for Biocontrol. Weller D.M. Current Opinion in Biotech. 4:306-311<br />

Use of Response-surface Methodology in Sensory<br />

Evaluation<br />

Use of repetitive sequences and the PCR technique to<br />

classify genetically related Bradyrhizobium japonicum<br />

serocluster 123 strains.<br />

Use of rep (repetitive extragenic palindromic and<br />

enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus) sequences<br />

and the PCR to fingerprint the genomes of Rhizobium<br />

meliloti isolates and other soil bacteria.<br />

Use of rep (repetitive extragenic palindromic and<br />

enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consencus) sequences<br />

and the PCR to fingerprint the genomes of Rhizobium<br />

melilotti isolates and other soel bacteria<br />

Use of real-time ultrasound and attenuation ultrasonic<br />

measurements to determine back fat thickness, rib eye<br />

area, carcass marbling and yield grade in live cattle<br />

Henika, R.G. Food Technol. 11: 91-101.<br />

Judd, A.K., Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 59: 1702-<br />

1708.<br />

De Bruijn, F.J. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 58(7): 2180-<br />

2187.<br />

deBruijn, F.J. Appl. Environ. Microbiol.<br />

Perry, T.C. J. Anim. Sci., 68: 337.<br />

Use of RAPD for study of diversity within plant germplasm<br />

collections.<br />

Virk, P.S., Heredity 74: 170-179.<br />

Use of RAPD for study of diversity within plant germplasm<br />

collections<br />

Virk PS Hedity 74:170-179<br />

Use of potassium and sucrose by onion guard cell during a<br />

daily cycle of osmoregulation<br />

Amodeo G. JSPP. Plant Cell Physiol. 37:575-579.<br />

Use of Plant in Control of Agricultural and domestic pest. Secoy, D.M. Economic Botany . Vol. 37 (1) .New<br />

York Botanical Garden Bronx.<br />

Use of phosphates in low sodium meat product. Sofos, J. N. Food tech.<br />

Use of phosphate in low-sodium meat products Sofos, J. N. Food Technol.<br />

Use of pesticides in brackishwater pond:3. Distribution of Duursma, E.K. Bull. Shrimp Cult. Res. Cent., II (1+2):<br />

Chlorinate Pesticides in Enveriomental Samples.<br />

114-142.<br />

Use of PCR to detect pathogenic strains of Agrobacterium Dong, L.C. Phytopathology. 82:434-439.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 18 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Use Of Ozone To Inactivate Microorganism on Lettuce Kim. J.G J. Food Safety<br />

Use Of Ozone To Improve The Safety Of Fresh Fruits and<br />

Vegetables<br />

Liangji. X Food Technol<br />

Use Of Ozone Gas Sterilization During Storage Of<br />

Potatoes and Vegetables<br />

Baranovskaya. V.A Ovoshchesushilnaya<br />

Use Of Ozone for Food Processing Graham. D.M Food Technol<br />

Use of mycorrhizal in agriculture Jeffries, P. Biotech.<br />

Use Of Municipal Sludge to restore and Improve Site<br />

Productivity in Forestry : The Pack Forest Sludge<br />

Research Program<br />

Use Of Munical Sludge to Restore and Improve Site<br />

Productivity In Forestry : Thje Pack Forest Sludge<br />

Research Program<br />

Use of Multitemporal Spectral Profiles in Agricultural Land<br />

Cover Classification.<br />

Use of monoclonal antibodies for the detection of<br />

Salmonella in foods<br />

Use of milk progesterone and PGF2a in scheduled artifical<br />

insemination <strong>program</strong>.<br />

Use of lipase in multiphasic system solely composed of<br />

substrates<br />

Henry.C.L Journal of Forest Ecology and<br />

Management Vol. 66<br />

Henry.C.L Journal Of Forest Ecology and<br />

Management<br />

Lo, T. H. C., Phogrammetric Engineering and<br />

Remote Sensing 52(4): 535-544.<br />

Mattingly, J. A. J. Food Tech.<br />

Stevenson, J.S. J. Dairy. Sci.<br />

Ergan.F.M JAOCS<br />

Use of Kapok as a poultry. Kardivel, R. Poultry Sci.<br />

Use of irradiation to kill enteric pathogens on meat and<br />

poultry<br />

Use of Indole Butyric Acid on Budded stump to Aid Earlier<br />

Root Initiation And Growth<br />

Use of humic substances as soil conditioner to increase<br />

agregate stability<br />

Use of GnRH agonist to prevent the endogenous LH<br />

surge and injection of exogenous LH to induce ovulation<br />

in heifers superstimulated with FSH: A new model for<br />

superovulation<br />

Use Of Glyphosate In Sod Seeding Alfalfa (Medicago<br />

Sativa) Estabilishment<br />

Use of Dinitrosalicylic acid reagent for Determination of<br />

Reducing Sugar<br />

Use of dinitrosalicylic acid reagent for determination of<br />

reducing sugar<br />

Use of dinitrosalicyclic acid reagent for determination of<br />

reducing sugar<br />

Use of Dinitro Salicilic Acid Reagent for Determination of<br />

Reducing Sugar<br />

Thayer, D.W J. of Food Safety, Food and Nutrition<br />

Press.<br />

Pakhianatan.S.W Malaysia Planter Conferension, Kuala<br />

Lumpur<br />

Piccoso, A.G Geoderma<br />

D'Occhio MJ Theriogenology<br />

Moshier. L.J Weed. Sci<br />

Miller, G.L. Anal. Chem. 31: 426-428.<br />

Miller, G.L. Anal. Chem., 31: 426-428.<br />

Miller GL. Anal Chem 31:426-428.<br />

Miller, G.L Anal. Chem<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 19 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Use of Detergents in The Analysis of Fibrous Feeds. IV.<br />

The Determination of Plant Cell Wall Constituents.<br />

Use of Detergents in The Analysis of Fibrous Feeds. II. A<br />

Rapid Method for Determination of Fiber and Lignin.<br />

Use of detergents in analysis of fibrous feeds. II. Study on<br />

the effects of heating and drying on yield of fibre and lignin<br />

in forages<br />

Van Soest, P. J. J. Assoc. Off Agric Chem.<br />

Van Soest, P. J. J. Assoc. Off Agric Chem.<br />

Van Soest, P.J. J. Assoc. Off. Agric. Chem., 48:485.<br />

Use of Detergent in Analysis of Fibrous Feed. Van Soest, P. J. J. Assoc. of Agricultural Chem.<br />

Use of detached soybean cotyledons for testing<br />

pathogenicity of Xanthomonas campestris pv. Glycines<br />

Hwang, I. Plant Dis. 76:182-183.<br />

Use of Degerate Primers in the Polymerase Chain Reaction<br />

to Detect Whiteily-Transmitted Gemini virus<br />

Use of degenerate primers in the polymerase chain<br />

reaction to detect whitefly transmitted geminiviruses<br />

Use of controlled atmospheres to retard deterioration of<br />

produce<br />

Use of controlled atmospheres to retard detereoration of<br />

produce.<br />

Use of congo red-polysaccharide interactions in<br />

enumeration and characterization cellulolytie bacteria from<br />

bovine rumen<br />

Rojas, M.R. Plant Dis. 77:340-347.<br />

Rojas MR Plant Dis<br />

Brecht, P.E. Food Technology. 34(3): 45-50.<br />

Brecht, J.K. Food Tech.<br />

Theater, R.M. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 64:472-478.<br />

Use of Biosurfactants in Detergents Sashidaran, V., Inter. Symp. Proc. Kuala Lumpur<br />

Use of bar as a selectable marker gene and for the<br />

production of herbicide-resistant rice plants from<br />

protoplasts.<br />

Rathore, K.S., Plant Mol. Biol. 21: 871-884.<br />

Use of Avidinbiotin-peroxidase complex (ABC) in<br />

immunoperoxidase techniques<br />

Use of antibiotics in the mariculture of giant clams (F.<br />

Tridacnidae)<br />

Use of amino acid analogue-resistant cell line for selection<br />

of nicotiana sylvestris somatic cell hybrids.<br />

Use of Albumin Gradient for X and Y Sperm Separation<br />

and Clinical Experience with Male Sex Preselection<br />

Use of a small-scale nutrient film hydrophinic technique to<br />

duce mineral accumulation in aquarium water.<br />

Use of a gonadothrophin-releasing hormone agonist or<br />

human chorionic gonadothrophin for timed insemination in<br />

cattle<br />

Use of 15 N DillutionTechniques to Measure Gross<br />

Mineralization in Sandy Soil<br />

Hsu S.M J.Histochem<br />

Fitt. WK. Aquaculture 104: 1 –10<br />

White, D.W.R. Theor. Appl. Genet. 55: 107-112.<br />

Dnowsky, W.P. J. Fertile and Sterile. 31: 158-162.<br />

Clarkson, E. Aquaculture and Fisheries<br />

Management 22: 37-45.<br />

Schmitt, E.J.P J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 74: 1084-1091.<br />

Murphy. D.V ASSSI and NZSSS National Soil<br />

Conference<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 20 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Use molecular marker inbreeding for oligogenic disease<br />

resistance.<br />

Use molecular marker inbreeding for oligogenic disease<br />

resistance<br />

Use Humic Subtances as Soil Conditioners to Increase<br />

Aggregate Stability<br />

Use and Development Of Entomophatogenic Fungus to<br />

Control H. Marginalis (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae), a Major<br />

Pests Sugarcane In Reunion Island<br />

Melchinger, A.E., Plant Breed. 104: 1-19.<br />

Melchinger, AE Plant. Breed. 104:1-19<br />

Piccolo. A Geoderma<br />

Geobel European Journal of Plant Phatology<br />

Usaha tani tanpa olah tanah Anonim Deptan Liptan Balai Informasi Kalteng<br />

Usaha Stimulasi Pada Getah Pinus Kasmudjo Duta Rimba<br />

Usaha Pencegahan Retak-retak Kayu Cendana Kasmudjo Duta Rimba XVIII<br />

Usaha Penanggulangan Hama Kelapa Soehardjan. M<br />

Usaha meningkat-kan konsumsi ikan melalui perbaikan<br />

penanganan dan pengolnhan pascapanen.<br />

Heruwati, E.S.<br />

Usaha Mengurangi Susut Pasca Panen Dalam<br />

Transportasi Buah Mangga<br />

Yuniarti Hortikultura<br />

Usaha memperpanjang daya simpan jagung Setyono, A.<br />

Us patent no WO 9416020 A2 940721 Loomis GL Application Data WO 94-US221<br />

940106<br />

US Patent no US 5446078 A 940829 Valdya UR Application Data US 94-207840<br />

940308<br />

US Patent 4,873,109. In Kawahara Y 1993. Progress in<br />

fats, oils food technology<br />

Tanaka Y INFORM 4(6):663-667<br />

US Interagency Staff Group on Carcinogenesis : Chemical<br />

carcinogens : a review of the science and its associated<br />

principles<br />

Anonim Environ. Health Perspect., 67:201-282<br />

US import market for spices holds steady Adkins, J. Market Asia and RAP Archives. 4 pp.<br />

US essentials import increase in ’97 Kaufman, J. Market Asia and RAP Archives. 3 pp.<br />

US breeders foresee 30 % improvement in broiler<br />

performance<br />

Urinary Allantoin Excretion and Digestible Dry-Matter Intake<br />

in Cattle and Buffalo.<br />

Urease, Protease, and Acid Phospatase in Soil Continously<br />

Cropped to Corn By Coventional or no-Tillage Methods<br />

Urease (Ec Inhibition in The Sheep Rumen and It's<br />

Effect on Urea and Nitrogen Metabolism.<br />

Roenigk, W Poultry Int. 22(12)<br />

Vercoe, J. E. J. Agric. Science, Camb.,<br />

Klien.T.M Soil.Biol Biochem<br />

Whitelaw, F. G. Br. J. Nutr.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 21 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Urea Versus True Protein as Supplement for Lactating<br />

Dairy Cows Fed Grain Plus Mixtures of Alfalfa and Corn<br />

Silage.<br />

Broderick, G. A. J. Dairy Science.<br />

Urea transport in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Cooper, T.G., J. Bacteriology. 121:571 -576.<br />

Urea and phosphate interactions in fertilizer microsites :<br />

Ammonia volatilization and pH Changes<br />

Fan, M.X Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Urban Challenges To Food and Nutrition Security : A<br />

Review Of Food Security Health and Caregiving In The<br />

Cities<br />

Ruel. M.T FCND Disscussion Paper No. 51<br />

Uptake of organic material by aquatic invertebrates. V. The<br />

Influence of age on the uptake of glycine-C14 by the<br />

polychaete Neanthes arenacedentata.<br />

Uptake of ferritin by follicle-associated epithelium in the<br />

colon of Calves<br />

Uptake of dissolved organic matter by larval stages of the<br />

crown-or-Thorns starfish Acanthas-terplanci.<br />

Uptake of amino acids by bacteria-free larvae of the sand<br />

sollar Dendraster excenticus.<br />

Uptake and intracellular transport of cationic ferritin in the<br />

branchiolar and alveolar epithella of the rat<br />

Reish, D.J., Mar. Biol. 3: 352-355.<br />

Paar, M. Vet Pathol 29: 120-128.<br />

Hoegh-Guldberg,<br />

O.,<br />

Mar. Biol. 120: 55-63.<br />

Davis, J.P., Amer. J. Physiol. 247: R733-R739.<br />

Ito. T. Cell Tissue Res 268: 335-340.<br />

Upland rice In rice : hunger of hope Jian, S. IRRI, 1998-1999<br />

Upaya Rehabilitasi Sifat Fisik Tanah Ultisol Melalui<br />

Pencampuran Tanah Lapisan Atas, Bawah dan Lapisan<br />

Organik<br />

Afandi<br />

Upaya Peningkatan Pertumbuhan dan Produksi<br />

Tanaman Apel dan Mangga melalui Aplikasi Pupuk Daun<br />

Biotan<br />

Upaya Peningkatan Konsumsi Pangan Asal Ternak di<br />

Indonesia.<br />

Upaya peningkatan konsumsi pangan asal ternak di<br />

Indonesia<br />

Upaya peningkatan konsumsi pangan asal ternak di<br />

Indonesia<br />

Upaya peningkatan konsumsi pangan asal ternak di<br />

Indonesia<br />

Ariani M<br />

Mewa Ariani<br />

Ariani M<br />

Habitat 7(95)<br />

Mewa Ariani Media Gizi dan Keluarga, Jurusan Gizi<br />

Masyarakat dan <strong>sumber</strong>daya keluarga<br />

th xx no 1 th 96 Faperta IPB Bogor<br />

Upaya pemanfaatan limbah padat kelapa sawit Pamin K<br />

Upaya pemanfaatan limbah padat kelapa sawit Pamin K<br />

Upaya Menurunkan Kadar Lemak Karkas Broiler Dengan<br />

Mengatur KeseimbanganProtein.<br />

Syahruddin, E.<br />

Upaya Meningkatkan Gairah Petani Menanam Tebu Roesmanto, J Gula Indonesia, Vol. XXIV/3: 35-38.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 22 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Unusual nature and possible evolutionary implication of the<br />

male vesicular gland secretion in the tree shrew, Tupaia<br />

glis<br />

Untursuchunge Zur Dyna-mik der Nunterzungen<br />

Beimschaft.<br />

Untersuchungon zu mutma-blichen Phatogenitats Faktoren<br />

von Streptococcus suis<br />

Unique symbiotic otocoral sponge assosiation from<br />

Komodo.<br />

Bedford J.M Anat.Rec<br />

Potthast, V. Z. Tierphysiol.<br />

Salasia, S.I.O. Vet. Med. Diss. Justus-Liebig-<br />

Universitat Gieben, Deutschland.<br />

Soest, R.W.M Indo-Malayan. Zool. 4: 27-32.<br />

Unes's Designer Egg Farrell,D.J. Foultry International. (May 1983). p.<br />

62-66<br />

Une's Designer Egg Farrell, D.J. Poultry International. May 1993 p 62-<br />

66<br />

Understanding the 1998 food crisis: Supply, demand or<br />

policy failure ?<br />

Understanding recruitment of Lake Michigan fishes: the<br />

importance of size-base interaction between fish and<br />

zooplankton.<br />

Tabor, S.R Indonesia’s Economic Crisis: Effects<br />

on Agriculture and Policy Responses.<br />

P. Simatupang, S. Pasaribu, S. Bahri,<br />

and R. Stringer (Eds.), CASE, AARD-<br />

CIES, University of Adelaide,<br />

Australia. p. 333-355.<br />

Crowder, L.B., J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 44 (suppl. 2):141-<br />

147<br />

Understanding how parasitoids balance food and host<br />

needs: importance to biological control<br />

Lewis WJ Biol Contr 11:175-183.<br />

Understanding how parasitoids balance food and host<br />

needs: importance to biological control<br />

Lewis WJ Biol Contr 11:175-183.<br />

Ultraviolet radiation and coral stress Shick JM Glob Change Biol 2:527-545.<br />

Ultraviolet radiation and coral bleaching. Gleason DP Nature 365:836-838.<br />

Ultrastructure of curdlan Kasai, N. American Chem. Soc. 80 (47): 263-<br />

383.<br />

Ultrastructure of corpora allata of known activity during the<br />

vitellogenic cycle in the cockroach Diploptera punctata<br />

Johnson, G.D. Cell. Tiss. Res. 239: 317-327.<br />

Ultrasonography of bovine ovary Pierson, R.A Theriogenology 21<br />

Ultrasonographic study of ovarian follicular dynamics in<br />

ewes during the oestrus cycle<br />

Ravindra J.P J. Reprod. Fert. 101<br />

Ultrasonographic examination of ovarian structure<br />

dynamics in superovulated ewes<br />

Kühholzer B Reprod. Dom. Anim.<br />

Ultrasonographic examination of ovarian structure<br />

dynamics in superovulated ewes<br />

Kühholzer B, Reprod. Dom. Anim<br />

Ultrasonografi l: Perkembangan folikel kambing Boer yang<br />

disuperovulasi dengan pFSH + 40% pLH.<br />

Suyadi<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 23 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Ultrasonografi l. Perkembangan Folikel kambing Boer<br />

yang disuperovulasi dengan pFSH + 40% pLH<br />

Ultrasonically guided transvaginal oocyte recovery from<br />

calves treated with of without GnRH<br />

Ultrasonic study of follicular dynamics during the estrous<br />

cycle in goats.<br />

Ultrasonic study of follicular dynamics during the estrous<br />

cycle in goats<br />

Ultrasonic prediction of carcass merit in beef cattle:<br />

Evaluation of technician effects on ultrasonic estimates of<br />

carcass fat thickness and Longissimus muscle area<br />

Suyadi<br />

Fry RC Theriogenology<br />

De Gastro, T. Theriogenology<br />

De Gastro T Theriogenology<br />

Perkins, T.L. J. Anim. Sci., 70: 2758-2765.<br />

Ultrasonic imaging of the ovaries and uterus in cattle Pierson, R.A. Theriogenology 29:21-37.<br />

Ultrasonic imaging of follicle and uterus dynamics in the<br />

puerpurium of the cow<br />

Asian S Reprod. Dom. Anim. Supl<br />

Ultrasonic imaging of the ovaries and uterus in cattle Pierson RA Theriogenology<br />

Ultrafiltration: Factors Influencing Flux and Rejection:<br />

Pro-gress in Filtration and Separation. Editor: R.J.<br />

Wakeman<br />

Fane, A.G Elsevier, Amsterdam.<br />

Ultrafiltration of Non-Newtonian fluids. Charcosset, C J, Membrane Sci<br />

Ultrafiltration of Non Newtonian Fluids Charcosset, C Journal of Membrane Science<br />

Ultra Structural alterations induced by tungro virus in rice<br />

leaves<br />

Favali, M.A. Virology<br />

Ujung Kulon: the Land of The Last Javan Rhinoceros Hoogerwerf, A. Author's publication,Leiden.<br />

Hoogstraal, H.<br />

Ujung Kulon the land of the lastjavan rhinoceros. Hoogerwerf. A E. J Brill Leiden. Netherland.<br />

Ujicoba pemanfaatan bungkil kelapa untuk menghasilkan<br />

kista dan biomas artemia di tambak.<br />

Susanto, B., J. Penelit. Budidaya Pantai. 9(1):9-22.<br />

Uji toksisitas Hostathion 40 EC terhadap mortalitas jembret Pong-Masak, P.R. Jurnal Fakultas Perikanan Universitas<br />

(Mesopodopsis sp.) dan sintasan pascalarva udang windu<br />

Sam Ratulangi, Manado, Vol. 1(1).<br />

(Penaeus monodon).<br />

p.39-46,<br />

Uji Penghambatan Pertumbuhan Sel Mieloma (In Vitro) dari<br />

Oleandrin, Isolat Aktif dari Daun Nerium Indicum Mill<br />

Uji patogenitas beberapa serotipe Salmonella asal<br />

ruminansia kecil dari rumah potong hewan di Bogor dan<br />

Jakarta pada mencit.<br />

Uji neutralisasi secara "in vitro" serum babi terhadap JE di<br />

Kalimantan<br />

uji Lab. Ketahanan tongkol beberapa hibrid kakao terhadap<br />

penyakit busuk buah<br />

Uji ketahanan terhadap penyakit antraknose pada cabai<br />

merah untk seleksi tertua<br />

Mae. S.H.W Berkala Ilmu Kedokteran<br />

Utoro, Penyakit Hewan XVIII (31 )<br />

Adi, M. Cermin Dunia Kedokteran (61): 28-30.<br />

Winarno, h Pelita Perkebunan 2(3), 115-119<br />

Peneliti pusat kopi & kakao Jember<br />

Setiamihardja R Zuriat 2 : 37-42<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 24 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Uji ketahanan terhadap penyakit Anhtraknos pada cabai<br />

merah untuk seleksi tetua<br />

Uji ketahanan beberapa varietas jeruk terhadap virus<br />

tristeza jeruk (CTV)<br />

Uji Ketahanan beberapa klon kentang <strong>sumber</strong> G0 terhadap<br />

penyakit layu bakteri Ralstonia solanacearum<br />

Uji kesangkilan formulasi pupuk hayati jamur mikoriza VA<br />

pada padi gogo<br />

Uji Insektisida beberapa minyak atsiri terhadap rayap<br />

(Reticulitermes flavipes)<br />

Uji Efikasi mimba dan bengkuang terhadap ulat grayak<br />

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Uji efikasi biji bengkoang (Pachyrizus erosus Urban)<br />

terhadap mortalitas Lophobaris serratipes<br />

UJi Daya Hasil Varietas Galur Harapan Padi Gogo pada<br />

Beberapa Tingkat Pemupukan<br />

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Uji daya hambat berbagai jenis bakteri terhadap<br />

perkembangan Vibrio harveyi pada pemeliharan larva<br />

kepiting bakau (Scylla serrata).<br />

Uji daya hambat berbagai jenis bakteri terhadap<br />

perkembangan Vibrio harveyi pada pemeliharan larva<br />

kepiting bakau (Scy//a serrata).<br />

Uji Daya Hambat berbagai jenis bakteri terhadap<br />

perkembangan vibrio harveyi pada pemeliharaan larva<br />

kepiting bakau Scylla serrata<br />

Uji daya hambat berbagai jenis bakteri terhadap<br />

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Two stages technique for in vitro digestion of forage crops. Tilley, J. M. A. J. British grassland soc.<br />

Two Prenylated Isoflavans from Millettia racemosa, Rao, C.P., Phytochemistry, 41, p, 1223-1224.<br />

Two Prenylated Isoflava-nones from Millettia pervilleana, Corrado, G., Phytochemistry, 45, p. 189-192.<br />

Two novel gene orders and the role of light-strand<br />

replication in rearrangement of the vertebrate mitochondrial<br />

genome<br />

Two new genome identified in the Oryza complex based on<br />

molecular divergence using total genomic DNA<br />

hybridization.<br />

Macey, J.R. Mol. Biol. Evol. 14:91-104.<br />

Aggarwal, R.K., Mol. Gen. Genet. 254: 1-12.<br />

Two New Cytotoxic Compounds From Tapirira Guianensis David.J.M J. Nat. Prod.<br />

Two Microorganism For The Biological Control Of Plant<br />

Parasitic Nematodes<br />

Two divergent intragenomic rDNA ITS2 types within a<br />

monophyletic lineage of the fungus Fusarium are<br />

nonorthologous.<br />

Kerry. B.R Brighton Crop Protection Conference,<br />

Pets and Diseases<br />

O'Donnell, K. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol 7 (1): 103-116.<br />

Two classical monetary models Lloyd, C. J. N. Wolfe (Ed.)<br />

Two cell block to development of cultured hamster embryos<br />

is caused by phosphate and glucose<br />

Schini S.A J Biol of Reprod<br />

Two additional loci underlying durable field resistance to<br />

soybean sudden death syndrom (SDS)<br />

Chang SJC Crop Sci. 36:1684-1688<br />

Two simple media for demonstration of pyocianin and<br />

fluorescein.<br />

King, E.O., J. Lab, Clin. Med. 44: 301-307.<br />

Twist test for measuring fruit firmness Studman C.J Journal of Texture Studies<br />

twenty-eight years of tillae effects on two soil in Ohio. Mahboubi, A.A Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Twenty Cycles of Divergent Masa Selection for Seed Size<br />

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Odhiambo. M.O Crop. Sci<br />

Twelve cydes of mass selection tor prolificacy in maize. I.<br />

Direct and correlated responses<br />

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Turunnya Rendemen Tebu, Masalah dan cara<br />

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Turning Over Turnover. Wood, Nora. Incentives Vol 170, Iss 11 (Nov, 1996).<br />

Turbulance and wind speed characteristic within a model<br />

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Turbulance and wind speed characteristic within a model<br />

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Tunneling of subterranean termites, Coptolennes gestroi<br />

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Tuna protein nutritional quality changes after canning Castrillon, A. M. J. Food Sci.<br />

Tuna protein nutritional quality changes after canning Castillon, A.M J.FoodSci<br />

Tuna fatty acids : initial studies on the composition of the Roubal, W.T. J. Am. Oil. Chem. Soc., 40 (6) 212light<br />

and dark meats of bluefin Tuna (Thunnus Thynnus) -<br />

structural isomers of the monoenoic fatty acids<br />

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Tulang rawan ikan hiu sebagai pengobatan alternatif untuk<br />

tumor yang padat (solid) dan penyakit angiogenik.<br />

Tulang rawan ikan hiu sebagai pengobatan alternatif untuk<br />

tumor yang padat (solid) dan penyakit angiogenik.<br />

Tulang rawan ikan hiu sebagai pengobatan alternatif untuk<br />

tumor yang padat (solid) dan penyakit angiogenik<br />

Tuberkulosis sapi potong di kabupaten padat terns k di<br />

Jaws Timur dan Jaws Tengah<br />

Tuber initiation and bulking in the potato (Solarium<br />

tuberosum L.) under tropical conditions: The importance of<br />

sou and air temperature.<br />

Tuber initiation and bulking in the potato (Solanum<br />

tuberosum L.) under tropical conditions: The importance of<br />

soil and air temperature<br />

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Tubal transfer of goat embryos using endoscopy. Besenfelder, U. Vet. Rec.<br />

Trypsin-like enzym from stand crab (porponus pelogicus):<br />

purification and characterization<br />

Dionysius, D. A. J. Food Sci.<br />

Trypasomiasis and trypanotolorance in cattle: A Pole for<br />

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Trypasomiasis and trypanotolorance in cattle: A Pole for<br />

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Trypanosomes Infecting Man and Animals Fred, O Vet. Parasitol. 60 (2): 131-142.<br />

Trypanosoma brucei: Polyamine Oxidase-Mediated<br />

Trypanolitic Activity in The Serum of Naturally Resistant<br />

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Tropical Forest : Indetifying and Clarifying Issue Hamilton.L.S UNASYLVA 166<br />

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Tropical Forage Legumes Skerman, P.J. FAO Plant Production and Protection<br />

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Trophic sources and pathways to the developing gametes<br />

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tRNAscan-SE: a <strong>program</strong> for improved detection of transfer<br />

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Tritropic Interactions Among Linier Furanocoumarins The<br />

Herbivore Trichoplusia ni (Lepidoptera ; Encyrtidae)<br />

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Triploidy and other chromosomal abnormalities in a<br />

selected line chicken<br />

Trigonelline, an antifouling substance isolated from an<br />

octocoral DendroneptJiya sp.<br />

Triglyceride specifity of Candida cylidracea lipase : effect of<br />

docosahexaenoic acid on resistance of triglyceride to<br />

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(Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) a New Egg Parasitoid<br />

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Trichloroethylene removal and oxidation toxicity mediated<br />

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Trends in industrial uses of palm and lauric oils Knaut J J Am oil Chem Soc 62(2):317-327<br />

Trend dan Permasalahan Impor Panngan di Indonesia. Susilowati S.H Monograph series No.17 Pusat<br />

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TREEVIEW and application to display phylogenetic tress<br />

on personal computers<br />

Tree Volume Table For Shorea spp in Rokan Forest District<br />

Riau Sumatera<br />

Treatment of noncyclic lactating dairy cows with<br />

progesterone and estradiol or with progesterone, GnRH,<br />

prostaglandin F2a and estradiol.<br />

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Treatability of forty Indonesia wood species. Supnana. N. Lembaran Penelilian no. 13.<br />

Treament of severe familial hyperchloresterolemia in<br />

childhood with sitosterol and sitostanol<br />

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Trasmisson in Hydatidosis and Cysticercosis Lawson.J.L Advance in Parasitology<br />

Trap Production By Nematophagous Fungi Growing From<br />

Parasitized Nematodes<br />

Jaffee. B.A Phytophatology<br />

Transposon vectors containing non-antibiotic resistance<br />

selection marker for cloning and stable chromosomal<br />

insertion of foreign genes in Gram-negative bacteria<br />

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Transposon vectors containing non antibiotic resistance<br />

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insertion of foreign genes in gram-negative bacteria<br />

Transposon Ta4431 mutagenesis of Xanthomonas<br />

campestris pv. campestris: characterization of a non<br />

pathogenetic mutant and cloning of a locus for<br />

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Transposon mutagenesis of Rhizobium japonicum Rostas, K. Mol. Gen. Genet. 197:230-235.<br />

Transport and metabolism of vitamin A Blomhoff,R. Nutr.Rev.II<br />

Transport and Conditioning of Cut Flower Halevy. A.H Acta Holticultura<br />

Transmisson, serological aspects and morphology of the<br />

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Transmission of toxoplasmosis and the role of immunity in<br />

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Transmission of exotic citrus tristeza isolates by a florida<br />

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Transmission of Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus (BVDV) by<br />

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Transmission of Baculovirus in Population of Oryctes<br />

Rhinoceros<br />

Transmission and physical properties of the causal agent of<br />

mosaico amarillo del tomae ( tomato yellow mosaic)<br />

Zelazny. B J. Invert Pahtol<br />

de Uzcategui RC Phytopathology<br />

Transmision of toxoprasmosis and the role of immunity in<br />

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Frenkel. J. K. JAVMA. 196: 233-240.<br />

Translocation of Sulphate in Soybean (Glycine max L.<br />

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Translocation of Sulfate In Soybean (Glycine Max L. Merr_ Smith. I.K Pysiol Plant<br />

Translocation of Heavy Metals in Columns of a Tropical<br />

Soil Treated With Lime and Zeolite<br />

Translocation And Cycling Through Roots Of Recently<br />

Absored Nitrogen And Sulphur In Wheat (Triticum<br />

Aestivum) During Vegetative And Generative Growth<br />

Translocation and breakdown of 14C-labelled<br />

paclobutrazol in 'Nameguard' peach seedlings<br />

Transit partikel dan dinamika cairan dalam saluran<br />

pencernaan sapi perah produksi tinggi yang mendapat<br />

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plants by Agrobacterium rhizogenes.<br />

Transformation of Soil Microbial Community Structure and<br />

Rhizoctonia-Suppresive Potential in Response to Apple<br />

Roots.<br />

Transformation of phosphorus during solubilization of rock<br />

phosphate by Aspergillus awamori<br />

Transformation of maize cells using high velocity<br />

microprojectile.<br />

Transformation of light energy into chemical energy :<br />

Photochemical aspects of photosynthesis<br />

Transformation of light energy into chemical energy :<br />

Photochemical aspects of photosynthesis<br />

Trans-formation of biotite to kaolinite during saprolite-soil<br />

weathering<br />

Transformation and Availability to rice nitrogen nd<br />

phasporus in waterkaged struks<br />

Transfer of two Burkholderia and an alcaligenes species to<br />

Ralstonia gen nov-proposal of Ralstonia pickettii (Ralston,<br />

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Ralsto-nia gen. nov.: Proposal of Ralstonia picketii<br />

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Ralstonia eiitropha (Davis 1969) comb. Nov<br />

Transfer of plasmid pAMI between members of the normal<br />

microflora inhabiting the murine digestive tract and<br />

modification of the plasmid in a Lactobacillus reuteri host<br />

Transfer of multiple drug resistance plasmids between<br />

bacteria of diverse origins in natural microenvironments.<br />

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Ralstonia gen. nov. proposal of R. pickettii (Ralston,<br />

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Transcervical Embryo Collection in Boer goats. Suyadi, Small Rum. Res<br />

Trans-18:! Acid Content and Profile in Human Milk Lipids.<br />

Critica! Survey of Data in Connection With Analytical<br />

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Wolff, R.L., J Am Oil Chem Soc.<br />

Trans fatty acids plasma lipid levels, & risk of developing<br />

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Lichtenstein AH AHA Medical/Scientific Statement,<br />

Trans fatty acids intake & risk of myocardial infarction Ascherio, A Circulation 89:94-101<br />

Trans fatty acid intake relation to serum lipid concentration<br />

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Troisi Am J Clin nutr. 56: 1019-1024<br />

Trans fatty acid & coronary hearth disease risk Kris Etherton PM Am J Clin Nutr 62:655s-708s<br />

Tranforming growth factor - B stimulates meiotic maturation<br />

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Feng. P Endocrinology<br />

Training Manual for Embryo Transfer in Water Buffaloes. Drost, Maarten. FAO Animal Production and Health<br />

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Training Course on Pesticide Ecology Cooper, J.F. Biotrop<br />

Traditional Vegetative Propagation and Tissue Culture of<br />

Some Thai Bamboos.<br />

Vongvijitra.R Bamboos Current Research. India<br />

Traditional integrated farming systems and rural<br />

development: the example of rice field fisheries in<br />

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Ruddle, K. Agricultural Administration 10:1-11.<br />

Traditional fermented of soybean Winarno FG Interantional Soybean Symp.<br />

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Tradisi Pesantren : Suatu Studi tentang Peranan Kiyai<br />

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Trade, Institution and Preference for living marine<br />

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Tracing sewage-contaminated sediments in Hamilton<br />

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Tracer Studies of Urea Recycling in Sheep. Ford, A. L. Can. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

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Trace mineral requirement in turkey Noy, Y. World's poult. Sci. J.<br />

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Trace element absorption in infants as a foundation to<br />

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Toxoplasma gondii - new advances in cellular and<br />

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McLeod. R. Exp. Parasitol. 72.: 109-121.<br />

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Toxocariasis of Cattle in Belgium. In Epidemiology and<br />

Control of nematodiasis in Cattle<br />

Thienpont, D. The Haque: 569-582.<br />

Toxocara vitulorum in Ruminants Robert, J.A. Vet. Bull. 63 (6): 545 568.<br />

Toxicology of nitrate and nitrite. Vittozzi, L. Food addit. Contam.<br />

Toxicologocal effects of dietary maillard reaction products<br />

in rats<br />

O'Brien J Journal Food Chemistry Toxicology<br />

Toxicity Studies of Carbofuran Fahmy. M.A J. Agr. Food. Chem<br />

Toxicity of Zn, Cd, and Cu to the shrimp Callianasa<br />

australiensis, I. Effects of individual metals,<br />

Ahsanullah, M., Mar Biol., 64: 299-304.<br />

Toxicity of three insecticides to two species offish. EI-Refai A, Int. Pest Control. 18: 4-8.<br />

Toxicity of The New Pyrethroid Insecticide, deltamethrin, to<br />

Daphnia magna<br />

Xiu, R. Hydrobiologia. 188/189:411-413.<br />

Toxicity of the insecticide methoxychlor to the Dungeness<br />

crab, Cancer magister, Dana.,<br />

Armstrong, D.A., Mar, Biol., 38: 239-252.<br />

Toxicity of the insecti-cide durban to fish and aquatic<br />

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Macek, K. J, Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 101:420-424.<br />

Toxicity of sewage sludge to marine organisms: a review Costello, M.J. Marine Environmental Research 3a:<br />

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Toxicity Of Selected Insecticides To Diuraphisnoxia<br />

(Homoptera : Aphididae) and Its Natural Enemies<br />

Bayoun. I.M J. Econ. Entomol<br />

Toxicity Of Rocaglamide and Insecticidal Natural Product<br />

To The Veriegated Cutworm, Pridroma Saucia (Lepidoptera<br />

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Satasook. C Pestic Sci<br />

Toxicity of Leucaena leucocephala: the of iodine and<br />

mineral supplements on penned steers fed a sole diet<br />

Leucaena.<br />

Toxicity of Leucaena leucocephala. The effect of iodine and<br />

mineral supplement on penned steer fed on a sole diet of<br />

Leuceana.<br />

Toxicity of extracellular products and intracellular<br />

components of Edwardsiella tarda in the Japanese eel and<br />

flounder<br />

Toxicity of endosulfan to the freshwater fish Cirrhinus<br />

mrigal.<br />

Toxicity of different pesticides to parasitoid of the genus<br />

Trichogramma<br />

Toxicity of copper at two tempaeratures and three salinities<br />

to the American lobster Homarus americanus<br />

Jones, R.J., Aust. Vet. J. 54: 387-392.<br />

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D.W. McLeese J. Fish. Res. Board. Can<br />

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Toxicity of aluminum to coffee in ultisols and oxisols<br />

amended with CaCO,, MgCO,, and CaSO,- 2H,0<br />

Toxicity and metobolism of endo-sulfan and its effects on<br />

oxygen consumption and total nitrogen excretion of the fish<br />

Macronagthus aculentum.<br />

Toxicity and biodistribution of liposomes of the main<br />

phospholipid from the archaebacterium Thermoplasma<br />

acidophilum in mice<br />

Toxicity ammonia and nitrite to sunshine bass in selected<br />

environments.<br />

Toxicities of ammonia and nitrite to Penaeus monodon<br />

adolescents.<br />

Toxicit of Of Rocaglamide an Insecticidal Natural Product,<br />

To The Variegated Cutdown, Peridroma Saucia<br />

(Lepidoptera : Noctudae)<br />

Toxicidad del Hg2, CH3Hg+, Cu2, y Cd2+ sobre larvas y<br />

postlarvas del langostino, Penaeus kerathurus (Forskal,<br />

1775).<br />

Pa van MA J Soil Sci Soc Am 46:1201-1207.<br />

Rao, D. M. R, Pestic. Biochem. Physiol., 15:282-284.<br />

Freisleben, H.-J. J. Liposome Res. 5:215-223.<br />

Weirich, C.R., Journal of Aquatic Animal Health, 5:<br />

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Jiann, C.C., Aquaculture, 89 (2): 127-137.<br />

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Rodriguez, A., Inv. Pesq., 47 (2): 339-344.<br />

Toxic peptides and amino acids in foods and feeds. Hylin, J.W. J. Agr. Food Chem. 17: 492-496.<br />

Toxic Levels f Dietary Copper in Atlantic Salmon Salmon<br />

salar L. parz.<br />

Toxic effects of theobromine on mature and immature male<br />

rabbits.<br />

Toxic effects of N-nitrosodiethylamine on nasai tissues<br />

ofSprague-Dawley rats and Golden Syrian hamsters<br />

Toxic Component of The Larval Survace of the Corn<br />

earworn(Heliothiszea) and Their effect on germination and<br />

Grwth of B. bassiana.<br />

Towards Pluralism in Agricultural Extension : a Growing<br />

Challenge to The Public And Private Sectors<br />

Berntsse, M.H.G., K Aquatic Toxicology Vol. 46 No. 2: 87-<br />

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Soffietti, M.G. J. Comp. Path.<br />

Jensen, R.K Fund. Appl. Toxicol<br />

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Towards mass propagation by use of bioreactors. Preil, W., Acta Hort. 226: 99- 106.<br />

Towards construction of a high resolution map of the<br />

mouse genome using PCR-analysed microsatellite<br />

Love, J.M. NAR 18:4123-4130.<br />

Towards a reduction of pollution from intensive aquaculture<br />

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Seymour, E. A. Aquacult. Eng. 10:73-88.<br />

Toward Understanding Soil Mineralogy. Childs, C.W. II. Notes on Ferrihydrite. Laboratory<br />

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Toward sustainable food security: The need for a new<br />

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P. Simatupang, S. Pasaribu, S. Bahri,<br />

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Australia. p.141-168.<br />

Toward complex and community-based agricultural<br />

technology in Indonesia<br />

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toward anti adhesion therapy for microbial diseases Ofek,I Trends Microbiol<br />

Toward a theory of induced institutional innovation Ruttan, V. Journal of Development Studies.<br />

Toward a saturated linkage map in tomato based on<br />

isozymes and random cDNA sequence.<br />

Bernatzky, R. Genetics 112: 887-898.<br />

Toward a new recom-mended dietary allowance tbr vitamin<br />

C based on antioxidant and health effects in humans<br />

Carr, A.C., Am J Clin Nutr<br />

Toward a new recommended dietary allowance for vitamin<br />

C based on antioxidant and health effects in humans<br />

Carr, AC Am J Clin Nutr<br />

Toward a dynamoc theory of strategy. Porter, M.E. Stratetig Management Journal<br />

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Tourism Impacts Related To ec 92 : Look Ahead Mihalik. B.J Journal of Travel Research<br />

Tourism : The World's Peace Industry D'Amore. L Journal Travel research<br />

Total synthesis of gossypol Edwards Jr., H. M. J. Amer. Chem. Soc.<br />

Total Sample Area and Estimates of Spesies Richness in<br />

Exposed Sandy Beaches<br />

Jamarillo, E. Marine Ecology<br />

Total N determination in plant material by persulfate<br />

digestion<br />

Purcell LC Agron J 88:111-113<br />

Total and Organic Carbon Tiessen. H Soil Sampling and Method of Analysis<br />

TopPredII: an improved software for membrane protein<br />

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TopPredII: an improved software for membrane protein<br />

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Claros, M.G. Computer Appl. Biosci. 10: 685-686.<br />

Topology of the phenylalanine-specific permease of<br />

Escherichia coli.<br />

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Topological characterization of the essential Escherichia<br />

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Dai, K., J. Bacteriol. 178: 1328-1334.<br />

Topochemistry of softwood delignification by alkali earth<br />

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Tools: hydrogenation, interesterification Haumann, B.F INFORM<br />

Tools : Hydrogenation, Interesfication. Hauman, B.F. Inform, 5 (6): 668-678<br />

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Tongke-Tongke case study in relation to island<br />

sustainability, livelihood, and equity<br />

Tomato eolour changes under constant and variable<br />

storage temperature: Empirical model<br />

Toleransi tiga varietas padi sawah terhadap keracunan<br />

besi<br />

Toleransi itik periode pertumbuhan terhadap serat kasar<br />

ransum<br />

Toleransi Itik Periode Pertumbuhan terhadap Serat Kasar<br />

Ransum<br />

Toksisitas dan imunogenisitas pigmen angkak yang<br />

diproduksi dari kapang Monascus purpureus pada<br />

substrat limbah cair tapioka<br />

Toksisitas dan imunogenisitas pigmen angkak yang<br />

diproduksi dari kapang Monascus purpureus pada<br />

substrat limbah cair tapioka<br />

Toksisitas dan imunogenisitas Pigmen Angkak yang<br />

diproduksi dari Kapang Monascuc purpureus pada substrat<br />

limbah Cair Tapioka<br />

Hardjoeno Lontara: 13-22.<br />

Thai, C.N. Trans. ASAE 33(2): 607-175.<br />

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Tocopherol increases lifespan in the rotifer (Philodina) Enesco. H.E. Gerontol 15 : 335-338.<br />

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Tobit Models : A Survey Amemiya. T Journal of Econometrics<br />

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Tn4J5/ transposes in Bacteriodes spp. and mediates the<br />

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tissue culture and plant regeneration of okra (abelmoschus<br />

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Tinjauan Sifat Fisika Kayu Cendana, Dalam Kaitannya<br />

sebagai Bahan Patung/Ukiran<br />

Tinjauan sebaran sediaan cumi-cumi (Loligonidae) di Selat<br />

Alas dengan metode akustik.<br />

Tinjauan penyakit tuberkulosis di Indonesia kurun waktu<br />

1981-85<br />

Tinjauan penyakit luberkulosis di Indonesia kurun waktu<br />

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Tinjauan penggunaan daun katuk (Sauropus androgynus)<br />

untuk peningkatan produksi Air Susu Ibu (ASI)<br />

Mangat BS Plant Sci, 47; 57-61<br />

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Tingkat serangan hama utama lada di beberapa<br />

kecamatan di Kabupaten Sambas Kalimantan Barat<br />

Tingkat penggunaan tepung gaplek (Monihot utulisima<br />

meal) sebagai substitusi energi ransum ayan peda-ging<br />

Tingkat kelangsungan hidup dan pertumbuhan ikan nila<br />

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Tinggi atau Pendek Seseorang ditentukan oleh Gizi atau<br />

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Garcia-Huidubro. J Journal Experimental Botany<br />

Time of ovulation in goats (Capra hircus) induced to<br />

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Cameron, A.W.N. J. Reprod. Fert.<br />

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superovulate with PMSG<br />

Cameron,A.W.N J. Reprod. Fert. 83<br />

Tilt Melowing Utomo J. Soc. Sci<br />

Tillege and crop rotation effects on fertility atatus of a<br />

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Edwards, C. F Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Tillage requirement in relation to soil physical properties. Soane, B.O Soil Sci.Soc. Am.J<br />

Tillage requirement in relation to soil physical properties. Soane, B.O Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Tillage Effect on Availability of N to Corn Following a Winter<br />

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Sarrantonio.M Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Tillage and crop management for soil water conservation. Munawar, A. Agron. J.<br />

Tilapia the aquatic chicken. Nelson, J. ICLARM Newsletter, 7(1): 17.<br />

Tidal Asymmetry in Mangrove Creeks Mazda, Y. Hydrobiologia 295: 51-58.<br />

Thyroid Gland and Epidemical Function in Rat II. Sperm<br />

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Throughflow into the Indian Ocean thorough the Lombok<br />

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Three view on Broiler Cages Anonimous Poultry International, 14 (3): 24-28.<br />

Three Effects of Temperature on The Reactions Between<br />

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Thin Spreading of Livestock Manual Trans Hart, S.A ASAE 7: 22.<br />

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Thidiazuron-induced adventitious shoot regeneration of<br />

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Thermoplasma acidophilum and Thermoplasma<br />

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Thermiticidal and Its Distribution in Canmphor<br />

(Cinnamomum Campora) Wood<br />

Thermal Status of Sheep at Pasture in Western New South<br />

Wales.<br />

Thermal inactivation of Escherlchiu coli 0157:H7 in cooked<br />

turkey products<br />

Thermal gelation of globular protein ; influence of protein<br />

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Segerer, A. System. Appl. Microbiol. 10:161-171.<br />

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There Is Method In My Madness Or Is It Vice Versa?<br />

Measuring Agricultural Market Performance<br />

Harriss Barnara Food Research Institute Studies Vol.<br />

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Theory of fruit firmness sorting by impact forces Delwiche M.J Transactions of the ASAE<br />

Theory of fruit firmness sorting by impact farces Dewilche, M. J Trans, of the ASAE<br />

Theory of aeration. In Water Quality In Channel Catfish Boyd, EC., Southern Coorporation Series Bulletin<br />

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Theory and Application of Arrhenius Kinetics to the<br />

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Theoritical Studies On The Efficiency of Insecttidal Sprays MacCruaig.R.D Anti-locust Bulletin No. 49. Centre For<br />

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Theoretical Gains for different population improvement<br />

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Theobroma cacao, a host for Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Purdy, L.H. Plant Disease 73:638-639.<br />

Theobold Smith Memorial Lecture. Tick-bome<br />

Haemorrhagic Fever, Encephalitis, and Typhus in USSR<br />

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Hoogstraal, H Experimental Parasitol. 21(1):98-111.<br />

Thelocation specificity problem in farming systems<br />

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Menz, K.M. Agricultural Systems 7: 95-103.<br />

Thehistoryofeutrophicationinthe Nederlands Parma.S. Hydrobiol. Buil. 14(1/2): 5-12.<br />

The Zinc Status In Indonesia Agriculture Soepardy. G Contribution Central Research Institute<br />

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The Zinc Status in Indonesia Agriculture Soepardi. G Contributions Central Research<br />

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The world-wide coral reef bleaching cycle and related<br />

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Williams EH Jr Atoll Res Bull 335:1-71.<br />

The Working Cattle of Indonesia. Komarudn-Ma'sum. Draught Animal Bulletin.<br />

The Working Cattle of Indonesia Komarudin-Ma'sum Draught Animal Bulletin<br />

The White Rice Stem Borer in Java Dammerman, K.N. Meded Lab Plantenziekten<br />

The Wettability of Wood Gray.V.R Forest Product Journal<br />

The water culture method for growing plant without soil.<br />

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The water bloom of cyanobacterial picoplankton in Lake<br />

Biwa, Japan<br />

H. Maeda Hydrobiologia<br />

The voluntary intake of silage by sheep. I. Interelation ships<br />

between silage composition and intake.<br />

Wilkins R.J., J. Agric. Sci. Camb. 77: 531-537.<br />

The Voluntary Intake of Hay by Sheep in Relation to Its<br />

Degradability in The Rumen as Measured in Nylon Bags.<br />

Hovell, DeB. F. D. Anim. Prod.<br />

The vitamin-Bi; producing bacteria in the water and<br />

sediment of a carp culture pond<br />

The vertical distributions of marine macroplankton an<br />

observation on diurnal changes<br />

H. Sugita Aquaculture<br />

Russel, F.S Journal of the marine Biological<br />

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The varimax criterion for analytic rotation in factor analysis. Kaiser, H.F. Psychometrika 23: 187-200.<br />

The variance of intraclass correlation involving group with<br />

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The value of dried poultry waste as feedstuff in broiler<br />

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Leibholz, J. A.M.R.C. Reviews. 48: 1 -18.<br />

The utilization of low quality roughages I. The role of<br />

nitrogen and energy suplement.<br />

Leibholz, J. A.M.R.C. Reviews. 48: 1 -18.<br />

The utilization of low quality roughages I. The role of<br />

nitrogen and energy suplement<br />

Leibholz, J. A.M.R.C. Reviews. 48:1-18.<br />

The Utilization of Cocoa Pod Husk by Sheep Devendra, C. Malaysian Agric.J. 51 (2): 179-185.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 40 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

The utilization of blood meal as a protein ingredient in the<br />

diet of the marine shrimp Penaeus vannamei,<br />

The utility of RAPD markers for determination of genetic<br />

variation in oil palm (E guineensis)<br />

The utilation of the azolla complex as nitrogen fertilizer for<br />

rice<br />

The utilation of the azolla complex as nitrogen fertilizer for<br />

rice<br />

The use offish silage as an ingredient for eel fmgerling<br />

nutrition<br />

the use of waste cabbage with various levels of casava root<br />

supplementation for feeding weaning rabbits<br />

The use of ultrasonography for the study of the<br />

bovine reproductive tract. II. Non-pregnant, pregnant<br />

and pathological conditions of the uterus<br />

The use of Trichogramma Egg parasites in the inundative<br />

biological control of lepidopterous pest of cabbage in the<br />

Netherland<br />

The use of Trichogramma Egg parasites in the inundative<br />

biological control of lepidopterous pest of cabbage in the<br />

Netherland<br />

The use of trenbolone acetate and estrdiol in intact and<br />

castrate male cattle. Effect on growth, serum hormones<br />

and crcass characteristics<br />

The use of transien GUS expression to develope an<br />

Agrobacterium - mediated gene transfer system for kiwi<br />

fruit.<br />

Dominy, W.G. Aquaculture, 70: 289-299.<br />

Shah FH Theor Appl. Genet 89(6) : 713-718<br />

Watanabe I IRRI Research paper series 11:1-15<br />

Watanabe I IRRI Research paper series 11:1-15<br />

Goncalves. J.F.. Aquaculture<br />

Prawirodigdo S J Appl Rabbit Res 8:165-166<br />

Fissore RA Anim. Reprod. Sci<br />

Pak GA Ecol Bull 39 : 111-113<br />

Pak GA Ecol Bull 39 : 111-113<br />

Hunt DW J, Anim Sci 69:2451-2462<br />

Jansen, B.J. Plant Cell Rep. 13: 28-31.<br />

The Use of The Nylon Bag Technique for The Evaluation of<br />

Feedstuffs.<br />

Orskov, E. R. Trop. Anim. Prod.<br />

The Use of The Nylon Bag Technique for The Evaluation of<br />

Feedstuffs.<br />

Orskov, E. R. Tropical Animal Production.<br />

The use of soybean leaflet angle data for irrigation<br />

scheduling<br />

Wright, A.D. Irrig. Sci. 7: 245-248.<br />

The Use of Sigmoidal Dose Response Curves in Soil<br />

Ecotoxicological Research<br />

Haanstra, L. Plant and Soil. 84:293-297.<br />

The use of shade in coffee, cocoa, and tea Willey, R.W. Horticultural Abstracts<br />

The use of sex pheromone and imidaclorpid 200 SC<br />

against population of Phthorimaea operculella Zell. and<br />

yield losses on potato in rainy and dry season<br />

Setiawati, W. J. Hort. 7 (4): 892-898.<br />

The use of Saccliaro-myces cerevisicm to suppress the<br />

effects of aflatoxicosis in broiler chicks<br />

The use of rice husk for removal of toxic metals from<br />

wastewater. Fnwon<br />

Stanley, V.G. Poult. Sci. 71: 1.867.<br />

Munaf, E. Technol. 18:359-362.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 41 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

The use of rice husk for removal of phenol from wastewater<br />

as studied using 4-aminoantipyrine spectrophotometric<br />

method<br />

The use of RAPD amplified DNA as markers for virulance<br />

characteristic in soybean syst nematode.<br />

The use of pyrethrum dip as protection for drying fish in<br />

Uganda<br />

The use of pyrethrum dip as protection for drying fish in<br />

Uganda<br />

The use of prostaglandins for syncronozation for oestrous<br />

in cattle<br />

The Use of Nylon Bag Technique for The Evaluation of<br />

Feedstuffs.<br />

The Use of Nylon Bag Technique for Evaluation of<br />

Feedstuff.<br />

The use of nylon bag technique for evaluation of feed<br />

stuffs.<br />

The use of nuclear techniques for determination of root<br />

distrtibution in the field<br />

The Use Of Municipal and Pulp and Paper Sludges To<br />

Increase Production In Forestry<br />

The use of MS-222 (Tricaine metane sulphonate) as an<br />

anaesthetic for routine blood sampling in three species of<br />

marine Teleostei.<br />

Munaf, E. Environ. Technol. 18:355-358.<br />

Li J Fundam. Appl. Nemato. 19: 143-150<br />

Lellan, R.H. Pyrethrum Post, 7(l): 8-10.<br />

Lellan, R.H. Pyrethrum Post. 7(1): 8-10.<br />

Rownson LEA J Reprod. Fert. 29:145<br />

Orskov, E. R. Tropical Animal Production.<br />

Orskov, E. R. Trop. Anim. Prod.<br />

Orskov, E.R. Trop. Anim. Prod.<br />

Sisworo, E.L. Atom Indonesia<br />

Henry.C.L Journal of Sustainable Forestry Vol. 1<br />

Bourne, P.K. Aquacullure, 36:313-321.<br />

The Use Of Minicipal And Pulp and Paper Sludges to<br />

Increase Production in Forestry<br />

Henry.C.L Journal Of Sustainable Farestry<br />

The Use of Metabolic Profile Test in Dairy Herds. Payne, J. M. Vet. Rec.<br />

The use of marine yeast (Candida sp.) and bakers'yeast<br />

(Saccharomyces cerevisiae) in combination with Chlolorella<br />

sp. for mass culture of rotifer Brachionus :plicatilis.<br />

The use of male-specific chromosomal DNA fragments to<br />

detemine the sex of bovine preimplantation embryos<br />

The Use of Lithium Chloride or Estimating Supplement<br />

Intake in Grazing sheep : Estimates of Heretability and<br />

Repeatability<br />

James, C.M., Hydrobiologia 147: 257-261. In :May,<br />

L.,Wallace, R. and Herzig, A. (Eds.),<br />

Rotifer Symposium IV.<br />

Bondioli, K R. Theriogenol. 31:95-104.<br />

Kahn, L.P Australian Journal of Agricultural<br />

Research<br />

The use of kapok (Ceiba petan-dra) seed cake as a source<br />

of protein in broiler rations.<br />

Katagile, J.A. J. Sci. Food Agric.<br />

The use of intraveneus coconut water in therapeutic Brito, J.C. Biol. Abst<br />

The use of exogenous hormones to facilitate transcenical<br />

embryo recovery in sheep and their effect on embryo<br />

development.<br />

McKlevey, W.A.C. Theriogenology<br />

The Use of Enzyme in Poultry Diets Bedford, M. R. World's Poult. Sci. J.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 42 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

The Use of Detergents in The Analysis of Fibrous: II. A<br />

Rapid Method for The Determination of Fibre and Lignin.<br />

The Use of Degradation Characteristic of Browse Plants to<br />

Predict Intake and Digestibility by Goats.<br />

The üse of Coconut Preparations as a Protein Supplement<br />

in Child Feeding,<br />

The use of biplot in interpreting variety by environment<br />

interaction<br />

The use of biplot in interpreting variety by environment<br />

interaction<br />

The use of agroindustrial by-products for biosurfactant<br />

production<br />

The use of a radioactive tracer (32P) to access the<br />

agronomic effectiveness of phosphate rock<br />

The use lidocaine-sodium bicarbonate as anaesthetic in<br />

fish.<br />

The uptake of dissolved glycine following fertilization of<br />

oyster eggs, Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg).<br />

The uptake and metabolism of dissolved amino acids by<br />

bivalve larvae.<br />

Van Soest, P. J. J. Assn. Off. Agric. Chem.<br />

Kibon, A. J. Anim. Prod.<br />

Rajasekharan, N. J. Food Sci. Tech. 4:59-65.<br />

Kempton RA Sci. Camb 103:123-135<br />

Kempton RA Sci. Camb 103:123-135<br />

Mercade ME JAOCS 71(1): 61-64<br />

Sisworo, W. H. Jurnal Lingkungan (Environmental<br />

Journal)<br />

Carrasco, S., Aquaculture 41: 395-398.<br />

Manahan, DT., J. exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 68: 53-58.<br />

Manahan, D.T., Biol. Bull. 164: 236-250.<br />

The unusual origin of the polymer-ase chain reaction Mullis KB Sci. Amer. Pp. 56-65<br />

The Ultrafiltration of Viscous Fluids Pritchard, M Journal of Membrane Science<br />

The Ultrafiltration of viscous fluids Pritchard. M J. Membrane Sci<br />

The two faces of assential fatty acids Lands, W.E.M INFORM<br />

The Truss: A Geometric and Statistical Approach to The McGlade, J.M. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquacult. Sci.<br />

Analysis of Form in Fishes<br />

No. 147.<br />

The tree/erop interface or simplifying the biological/<br />

environmental study of mixed cropping agroforestry<br />

systems<br />

Huxley, P.A. Agroforestry System<br />

The Transfer of Newcastle Term Antibody from the Laying<br />

hen lo egg and the chick.<br />

Heller, E.D Research in vet. Science. 22: 376-379.<br />

The trace element nutrition of oil palm seedling Forde CM St J Nigerian Inst for oil palm res 5(17):77-<br />

88<br />

The Toxic Dinoflagellate Prorocentrum lima and Its<br />

Associated Bacteria. I. An Ultrastructural Study<br />

The Toxic Dinoflagellate Prorocentrum lima and Its<br />

Associated Bacteria. I. An Ultrastructural Study<br />

Rausch de<br />

Traubenberg, C.<br />

Rausch de<br />

Traubenberg, C.<br />

Europ. J. Protistol. 31: 318-326.<br />

Europ. J. Protistol. 31: 318-326.<br />

The tolerance of warmwater prawn to recirculated water Wickins, J.F. Aquaculture. (9): 19-37.<br />

The Timor Problem, a geographical interpretation of<br />

underdeveloped island<br />

Ormeling, F. J J. B. Wolters-Groningen. Jakarta.<br />

The theory analysis of diallel crosses Hayman, B.I. Genetics 39: 789-809.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 43 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

The Technical and Price Efficiency Of Fertilizers Use In<br />

Irrigated Rice Poduction<br />

The Technical and Price Efficiency of fertilizer Use In<br />

Irrigated Rice Production<br />

Roche Fredrick. C Bulletin Of Indonesian Economics<br />

Studies<br />

Roche Fredrick. C Bulleti Of Indonesian Economics<br />

Studies<br />

The taxonomy and origins of the cultivated bananas Simmonds, N.W J. Linn. Soc. (Bot). 1: 235-252.<br />

The taxonomy and origins of the cultivated bananas Simmonds NW J Linn Soc Lond Bat 55:302-312.<br />

The Taxonomic Position of Coniogramme americana Leilinger, D.B. Amer.Fern. J. 59(2): 61-65.<br />

The taxonomic characterization of annual Beta germplasm<br />

in a genetic resources collection using RAPD markers<br />

Shen Y Euphytica 91:205-212<br />

The swiftlet {Collocalia) ofNiah Cave, Sarawak Medway, L. Ibis 104:45-66.<br />

The Swiflet (Collocalia) of Niah Cave Medway, L Serawak. Ibis<br />

The Sustenance of Growing and Fattening Ruminants by<br />

Intragastric Infusion of Volatile Fatty Acid and Protein.<br />

Orskov, E. R. Br. J. Nutr.<br />

The susceptibility to photoinhibition of sorghum bicolar<br />

infected by Striga hermonthica L.<br />

The susceptibility ofvarious fish species to infection by<br />

bacterium Aeromonas hydrophila.<br />

Ramlan, M.F. Malaysian Applied biology , 23(1&2) :<br />

1-9<br />

Supriyadi, H The Asian Fish. Forum, APS, Manila,<br />

Philippines.<br />

The survival of L monocytogenes in collage cheese Hicks, S.J Journal of AppIied Bacteriology, 70 :<br />

308 -314<br />

The study on alkaline degradation of cellulose part II. Effect<br />

of the supermolecular structure of pulp<br />

Helmy, SA Polym deg & Stability 39, 159<br />

The Study Of The Number Of The Red<br />

Locust.N.Septemfasciata.S<br />

Richard.O.W Anti-Locust Bulletin No.15<br />

The study of comparative advantage and economic<br />

incentive in shallot production<br />

Adiyoga, W. Indonesian Journal of Horticulture 7:<br />

614-621<br />

The Study of Atheroslerosis with Animal Models Vesselinovitch, D. Comb. Path. Bull. Vol. XIII, No. 1: 1-4.<br />

The studies on Mizukuwari eel culture ponds III effects of<br />

chlorinated linne cupper sulphate, calcium hydroxyde sea<br />

and freswater upon Brochionus plicitilis in the Mizukawari<br />

pond.<br />

The structures of zooplankton comunities at East Madura<br />

and Kangean Island.<br />

The Structure Of Lowland Rainforest After Selective<br />

Logging In West Kalimantan, Indonesia<br />

The structural aspect in the ecology of seagrass<br />

communities.<br />

The strengthening of pionerering research for palawija crop<br />

priduction project<br />

The strengthening of pionerering research for palawija crop<br />

priduction project<br />

Ito, T. Rep. Pac. Fish Pref. Univ. 2 p.<br />

317324.<br />

Zainuri, M., J Kelautan Triop. 1 (3) : 13-19<br />

Cannon.C.H Forest Ecology and Management<br />

Den Hartog, C. Helgolander Wiss. Meeresunters. 15:<br />

648-659.<br />

Borif ATA378 Project, Bogor Reseach<br />

Institute for food crops and JICA<br />

Borif ATA378 Project, Bogor Reseach<br />

Institute for food crops and JICA<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 44 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

The Strength Of Unsaturated Mixtures of Sand and Kaolin<br />

And The Concept Of Effective Stress<br />

Mullins. C.E Journal of Soil Science<br />

The STREK Project, Indonesia. FAO. Forest Harvesting Buletin.. 7 (1) : 2 -4.<br />

The story research into curdlan and the bacteria producing<br />

it<br />

The story of research into curdlan and the bacteria<br />

producing it<br />

The storage of mackerel, Development ofhistamine and<br />

rancidity.<br />

The stock concept from the viewpoint of population<br />

genetics.<br />

Harada, T. Trend in Glycoscience and<br />

Glycotechnology 4 (17): 309-317.<br />

Harada T. Trends in glycoscience and<br />

glycotechnology, 4 (17): 309-421.<br />

Hardy, R. J. Sci. Fd. Agric., vol. 27:595-599.<br />

Althukov, Y.P. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and<br />

Aquatic Sciences. 38:1523-1538.<br />

The stimulating effect of phytohormone, giberllic acid on<br />

reproduction of mus musculus<br />

Olsen P Wild Rev 8;321-325<br />

The stimulating effect of phytohormone, giberllic acid on<br />

reproduction of mus musculus<br />

Olsen P Wild Rev 8;321-325<br />

The State of The World's Children UNICEF Microcredit Summit - The Draft<br />

Declaration1996<br />

The State of Persons Working in Electrical Fields of<br />

Outdoor 400 kV and 500 kV. Swithyard<br />

Asanova T.P. Gig. Tr. Prof. Zabol 10: 50-52.<br />

The stability of soil aggregates as affecfted by organic<br />

materials, microbial activity and physical disruption<br />

Tisdall JM aus J soil res, 16:9-17<br />

The stability of soil aggregates as affecfted by organic<br />

materials, microbial activity and physical disruption<br />

Tisdall JM aus J soil res, 16:9-17<br />

The specific activity of plasma cortisol in sheep during<br />

continuous infusion of (1, 2, 3) cortisol and its relation to<br />

the rate of cortisol secretion<br />

Paterson, J. Y. F. J. Endocrinol.<br />

The specific activity of plasma cortisol in sheep during<br />

continuous infusion of (1, 2, 3) cortisol and its relation to<br />

the rate of cortisol secretion<br />

The species of Rastrelliger in the Java Sea, their taxonomy<br />

and morphometry (Perciformes, Scombridae).<br />

The Spatial Variability of Soil nitrates in Arable and Pasture<br />

Landscape : Implications for The Development of<br />

Geographical Information System Models of Nitrate<br />

Leaching<br />

The spatial distribution of sucrose synthase isozymes in<br />

barley<br />

The spatial distribution of sucrose synthase isozymes in<br />

barley<br />

The Sorption of Copper Species by Clay ; II . Illite and<br />

Montmorillonite<br />

Paterson, J. Y. F. J. Endocrinol.<br />

Sujastani, T. Mar. Res. Indonesia, 16:1-29.<br />

Wade. S.D Soil Use And Mangement<br />

Guerin J Plant Phusiol 1149/14/02:55-62<br />

Guerin J Plant Phusiol 1149/14/02:55-62<br />

Farrah.H Australia Journal Chem.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 45 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

The solube oxalate content of some tropical pasture<br />

grasses grown in south-east Queensland.<br />

The small pelagic fish stock abundance in the surrounding<br />

waters of Anabas and Natuna Islands group of Riau<br />

Province.<br />

Jones RJ Top Grassland 6(1) :201--204<br />

Badrudin, M. Jur. Pen. Per. Laut. 36:31-38.<br />

The slow discovery of the importance of W-3 essential fatty<br />

acids in human health<br />

Holman, R. T. J. Nutrition<br />

The Skin Sense Organ of Some Iguanian Lizards. Ananjeva, N.B. Journal of Herpetology 25(2): 186 -<br />

199.<br />

The Situation of Mango Culture In The World Sauco. V.G Acta Horticultura<br />

The sink source transition in leaves section of plant biology Turgeon, R. Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 40:119-138.<br />

The signivicance of low-density populations of the african<br />

armyworm Spodoptera exempta (Walk)<br />

Rose DJW Phil Trans R Soc Lond B<br />

The significant of fiber on rabbit nutrition Cheeke PR J Appl Rabbit Res 6: 103-106<br />

The Significance of The Gastrointestinal Parasites on Asian<br />

Buffalo in Sri Lanka<br />

Robert, J.A. Vet. Res. Comm. 14: 481-488.<br />

The Significance Of Root Growth on Cotton Nutrition In An<br />

Acidic Low-P Soil.<br />

Rosolem, C.A. Plant And Soil<br />

The Siamang in Malayan Chivers, D. J. Primatology<br />

The shrimp culture in freshwater Shivappa. R B. Infofish International, 4 : 32 - 36<br />

The shrimp culture in freshwater Shivappa, R.B. Infofish International, 4: 32 - 36.<br />

The Sexual Significance of The Rut in Red Deer. Lincoln, G. A. J. Reprod. Fert.<br />

The separation of unidentified growth promoting factor for<br />

broiler chicken from shochu distillery by-product<br />

Mahfudz LD Japanese Poult Sci 33-1:1-7<br />

The selective biosorption of Chromium (VI) and Copper (II)<br />

ions from binary metal mixtures by R. Arrhzus<br />

The Selection of suitable indices for the Measurements and<br />

analysis of fish condition<br />

The seasonal changes in body weight, biochemical<br />

composition and oxygen uptake of two common boreoarctic<br />

barnacles. Balanus balanoides and B-balanus<br />

Yesim Sag Process Biochemistry<br />

T. Bolger J. Fish Biol<br />

Barnes, H. J mar biol Ass Uk 43: 185-212<br />

The Scutate Ticks, or Ixodidae of Indonesia Anastos, G. Entomol.Amer.30:1-144.<br />

The Salomonella Dublin Virulene Plasmid Mediates<br />

systemic, but Not Enteric Phases of Salmonellosis in<br />

Cattle.<br />

Wallis, T.S. Infac. Immun (63)<br />

The Salmonella dublin lirulance plasmid does not early Tcell<br />

responses in mice.<br />

The rumen flagellate Piromonas communis: its life hystory<br />

and invasion of plant material in the rumen<br />

Guilloteau, L.A. Infect. Immun. 64 (1)<br />

Orpin, C.G J.Gen. Microbiol<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 46 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

The rubus leaf hopper and it's egg parasitoids an endemic<br />

biotic system use full in grafe pest management<br />

Doult, R.I. Environ. Entomol.2: 382-386.<br />

The root system on the oil palm on the san Alberto<br />

plantation Columbia.<br />

Tailliez, B Oleagineux 26 : 435-447<br />

The root system of the oil palm (Elaeis guinensis. Jacq) I: A<br />

modified soil core method for root study.<br />

Goh, K.J. Elaeis<br />

The Root System of Coffee Arabica Nutman, F.J Emp. J. Exp. Agric<br />

The root forming capacity on tomato plants and ets effect<br />

on some biological characteristic of tomato cultivars<br />

Kharapalova, I.A Horticulture Abstract<br />

The role ofcarotenoids in resistance of fungi to cercosporin Daub, M.E. Phytopathology 79: 180-185.<br />

The role ofAzolla in curbing ammonia volatilization from<br />

flooded rice system<br />

The role ofAzolla in curbing ammonia volatilization from<br />

flooded rice system<br />

The Role of Vesicular-arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in<br />

Agricultura and Selection of Fungi for Inoculation<br />

The Role of Toxic Extractives in The Resistance of Tallow<br />

Wood (Eucalyptus Microcorys) Decay<br />

The role of the seminal vesicles and coagulating glands in<br />

fertilization in the rat<br />

The Role of Symbiotic Zooxanthellae on Giant Clam<br />

Nutrition<br />

The role of some exogenous and endogenous factors in<br />

the isolation of protoplasts from potato cell cultures and<br />

their recovery in cell colonies.<br />

The Role Of Saprophytic Fungi In Antagonism Agints<br />

Drechslera Sorokiniana (Helminthosporium Sativum) On<br />

Agar Plates And On Rye Leaves With Pollen<br />

Vlek PLG Fertilizer Research 42:165-174<br />

Vlek PLG Fertilizer Research 42:165-174<br />

Abbot. L.L Aust. J. Agric. Res<br />

Da Costa.E.W.B Australian Journal Of Biological<br />

Sciences Vol. 11<br />

Sofildtis N Int J Androl 15:54-61.<br />

Ambariyanto J.of Coast.Dev. 1 (1) : 43-48.<br />

Opatrny, Z.U. Biol. Plantarum 22(2): 107-116.<br />

Fokkema. N.J Physio Plant Phatol<br />

The role of rooting characteristic in the supply of water to<br />

plants<br />

Taylor, HM Agronomy 30:99-127<br />

The role of rhyzopus for community and industry Gandjar, I.<br />

The role of pyruvate, lactate and glucose during<br />

preimplantation development of embryos from F1 hybrid<br />

mice in vitro<br />

Brown J. G J Mol Reprod and Develop<br />

The role of phosphorus on the growth and mineral nutrient<br />

composition of young Arabica coffee grown in sand culture<br />

Aduayi, E.A. Kenya Coffee 37: 336-341.<br />

The role of oxidized lipoprotein in atherogenesis Bertiner JA Free Rad. Biol. Med 20(5):707-727<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

The Role Of Non Government Organization In Agricultural<br />

Development : A Case Study of Lombok Barat, West Nusa<br />

Tenggara<br />

Sayuti. R.H Jurnal Penelitian Universitas Mataram<br />

The Role of NGO in Agricultural Development Sayuti Rosiady Journal Penelitian<br />

The role of neuraminidase in hemagglutination and<br />

adherence to colon Wi Dr.cells by Bacteroides Fragilis.<br />

Namavar,F J.med, Microbiol<br />

The role of natural products in a modern drug discovery<br />

<strong>program</strong><br />

The role of mulch and its architecture in modifying soil<br />

temperature<br />

The role of muich and its architecture in modifiying sou<br />

temperature. Aust.<br />

The role of legume forages as supplements to low quality<br />

roughages. ILRI experience<br />

The role of hyaluronic acid capsular material of<br />

streptococcus equi subsp.Zoopidemicus in mediating<br />

adherence to HeLa cells and to resist phagocytosis<br />

Strohl, W.R. Drug Discovery Today 5:39-41.<br />

Bristow, K. L. Aust. J. Soil Res.<br />

Bristow, K.L. J. Sou Res. 26: 269-280.<br />

Osuji, P. O. Anim. Feed Sci. Tech.<br />

Wibawan I W T Res. Vet. Sci<br />

The role of hormones during seed development Quatrano, R. S. Plant hormones and their role in Plant<br />

Grpwth and Development.<br />

The role of growth factors in embryo production Heyner S Theriogenology<br />

The Role of Exractives in Decay Resistance of Ulin Wood<br />

(Eusideroxylon Zwageri T. et B)<br />

The role of exogenous energy substrat in blastocoele fluid<br />

accumulation in the rat<br />

The role of eugenol in suppression of stem rot disease of<br />

vanilla.<br />

The role of estrogen receptor in uterine epithelia<br />

proliferation and cytodefferentiationin neonatal mice<br />

Syafii.W. Bulletin of The Tokyo University Forest<br />

No. 77<br />

Brison D.R J. Zigote,<br />

Tombe, M Industrial Crops Research Journal<br />

Yamashita, S. Endocrinology<br />

The role of estrogen in folIiculogenesis Drummond, A.E. Mol. Cell. Endocrinol. 149: 57-64.<br />

The role of condensed tannins in the nutritional value of<br />

Lotus pedunculatus. 4. Sites of carbohydrate and protein<br />

digestion as influenced by dietary reactive tannin<br />

concentration<br />

Barry, T.N British Journal of Nufrition<br />

The role of ciliate protozoa and fungi in the rumen digestion<br />

of plant cell walls<br />

The Role of Ciliate and Fungi in The Rumen Digestion of<br />

Plant Cell Wall.<br />

The Role of Bioactive Substances on Marine Nudibranchs<br />

(Gastropoda, Mollusca): A Review.<br />

Orpin, C.G. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol., 10: 121-<br />

143.<br />

Orpin, C. G. Anim. Feed Sci. and Technology.<br />

Sidharta, B.R.<br />

The Role of bacterial cell wall hydrophobicity in adhesion Van Loosdrecht,<br />

M.C.M<br />

Appl. Environ. Microbiol<br />

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The Role of adenine in synthesis of cytokinins in tomato<br />

plants and in cell-free root extracts<br />

Dickinson, J.R Plant Growth Regul<br />

The role microorganism in aquaculture ponds. Moriarty, D.J.W. Aqualculture,151: 333-349.<br />

The role and measurement of migration in the population<br />

system of an insect pest<br />

Southwood TRE Trop Sci<br />

The role and importance of organic materials and biological<br />

nitrogen fixation in Rational Improvement of Agriculture<br />

Production.<br />

Vidyarthy, G.S. F.A.O. Soil Bulletin.<br />

The right way to keep pet fish. Dutta, R. Paperfronts Elliot Rightway Books.<br />

U.K.96-98.<br />

The Rhizoctonia Meloidogyne Disease Complex In Flue-<br />

Cured Tobacco<br />

Batten. C.K J. Nematol<br />

The retrospective diagnosis of a second outbreak of equine<br />

morbilivirus infection<br />

Hooper, P.T. Aust. Vet. J. 74: 244-245.<br />

The response of tulip to gibberellins following different<br />

duration of cold storage<br />

Kanks, G. R. J. Hort. Sci.<br />

The response of soil organic matter to manure<br />

amendments in long-term experiment at Ultuna, Sweden<br />

Gerzabek, M. H. European J. Soil Sci.<br />

The response of serum inorganic phosphorus level in<br />

laying hens fed low levels of dietary phosphorus.<br />

The response of coho salmon to oral, rectal, dietary and<br />

injection vaccination with a Vibrio ordalii lipopolysaccharide<br />

(LPS). Book of Abstracts. The 1996 Annual Meeting of the<br />

World.<br />

The respons of natural ecosystem to the rising global CO2<br />

levels<br />

The respiratory metabolism and swimming performance of<br />

young sockeye salmon.<br />

Choi, J. H. Poult. Sci.<br />

Velgi, M.I., Aquaculture Society. 182 pp.<br />

Bazzaz. F.A. Annu Rev. Ecol. Syst. 21:167-196.<br />

Brett, J.R. Journal of the Fisheries Reserch<br />

Bolard of Canada 21:1183-1226.<br />

The Resistance of Groundnuts to Cercospora Leafspot Hemingway, J.S. Empire J. Exp. Agric. 25: 60-68.<br />

The Residual Effect PF Cyperus Rotundus on Certain Crop<br />

Plants<br />

The reproductive strategies of Edible-nest Swiftlets<br />

(Aerodramus spp.).<br />

The reproductive strategies of Edible-nest Swiftlets<br />

(Aerodramus spp.).<br />

The reproduction or the Red Sea coral Stylophora<br />

pistillata.I Gonads and planulae<br />

The reproduction of the Red Sea coral Stylophora pistillata<br />

Gonads and planulae<br />

The reproduction of the Red Sea coral Stillophora pastillata<br />

II. Gonads and planulae<br />

Meissner, R. Agroplantae<br />

Lee, P.G Buil. B.O.C<br />

Lee, P.G Buil. B.O.C<br />

Rinkevich, B. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. l:133-l44<br />

Rinkevich. B Mas. Ecol. Progr. Ser. 1: 133-144.<br />

Rinkecich, B. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 1: 133-144.<br />

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The reproduction of the Red Sea coral Sfylophora pistillata<br />

II. Syncronizatlon in breeding and seasonality of planulae<br />

shedding<br />

Rinkevlch, B Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. I: 145-152<br />

The reliability of graphic estimates of relative potency from<br />

dose-percent effect curves,<br />

Litchfield, J.T., J. Pharmacol. Exp. Theor., 108: 18-25.<br />

The release of organic substances by cereal roots into soil. Barber, D.A. New Phytol. 76: 69-80.<br />

The Relative Important of Arterial Remodeling Compared<br />

with Intimal Hyperplasia in Lumen Renarrowing After<br />

Balloon Angioplasty: A Study in the Normal Rabbit and the<br />

Hypercholesterolemic Yucatan Micropig<br />

Post M.J. Circulation 89: 2816-21.<br />

The relative importance of non-weed pests in Indonesia Geddes, A.M.W. Bulletin 47, Natiral Resources Institute,<br />

UK. 70 pp.<br />

The relative importance of enteric pathogens affecting<br />

neonates of domestic animals<br />

Tzipori S. Adv. Vet. Sci. and Comp. Med. 29:<br />

103-206.<br />

The relative importance of non-weed pests in Indonesia Geddes, A.M.W. Bulletin 47,. 70p.<br />

The Relative Affinities of Cd, Ni, and Zn For Different Soil<br />

Clay Fraction and Geothite<br />

The relationships of sporulation to photosynthesis in some<br />

obligatory and facultative parasites<br />

The relationship of pathogenicity in Pseudomonas<br />

solanacea-rum to colony appearance on a tetrazolium<br />

medium<br />

The relationship of certain environmental factors in the<br />

prevalence of Shigella infection<br />

The relationship of altered water/ feed intake ratios on<br />

growth and abdominal fat in commercial broilers<br />

The relationship between the motility and morphology of<br />

spermatozoa in human semen<br />

The Relationship between the cell wall constituent of<br />

roughages and digestibility of the organic matter.<br />

The relationship between plasma triglyceride<br />

concentrations and body fat content in male and female<br />

broilers - a basic for selection ?<br />

The Relationship Between In Vitro Gas Production, In Vitro<br />

Microbial Biomass Yield and 'Nitrogen Incoipoiatioli and Its<br />

Implications For Prediction of Voluntary Feed Intake of<br />

Roughages<br />

The relationship between impact and internal bruishing in<br />

potato tubers.<br />

Tiller.K.G Geoderma<br />

Cohen J Phytophatology<br />

Kelman, A. Phytopathology 44: 693-695.<br />

Stewart, W.H. Am J Trop Med Hyg., 4: 718-724.<br />

Marks. H.L.. Poultry Sci<br />

Moraks P., J. androl 9, 241-247.<br />

Gillard, B.D.E. J. Agr.Sci.<br />

Griffin, H.D. Bri. Poultry Sci.<br />

Blummel, M.. Jounal of Nutrition. 77: 911921. British.<br />

Noble, R J. Agric. Engng. Res<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

The relationship between dietary crude protein and dietary<br />

lysine requirement by broiler chicks on diets with and<br />

without the 'ideal' amid no acids balance.<br />

The relationship between body weight loss during a forced<br />

molt and post-molt reproductive performance of caged<br />

layers.<br />

The Relationship Between Body Weight and Reproductive<br />

Efficiency in Meat-Type Chickens.<br />

The Relationship Between apparent Retention Time in The<br />

Rumen, Voluntary Intake and Apparent Digestibility of<br />

Legume and Grass Diets in Sheep.<br />

The relation of lipoprotein (a) concentrations &<br />

apolipoprotein (a) phenotypes with asymptomatic<br />

atherosclerosis in subject of the Atherosclerosis Risk in<br />

community (ARIC) Study.<br />

The relation between daily ring, body growth and<br />

environmental factors in plaice, Pleuro-nectus platessa (L),<br />

juvenile otoliths.<br />

Surisdiarto J. Poult. Sci.<br />

Baker, M. Poult. Sci.<br />

Robinson, F. E. Poult. Sci.<br />

Thronton, R. F. Australian Journal of Agric., Research.<br />

Brown S Atheroscler. Thromb 13:1558-1556<br />

Alhassaini, M., J. Fish. Biol. 33: 09-418.<br />

The Relation between corn population and yield Duncan, W.G Agron. J<br />

The red and yellow soils of the tropical and subtropical<br />

uplands<br />

Bennema, J. J. V. Drew, (Ed.) Selected Papers in<br />

Soil Formation and Classification.<br />

S.S.S.A. Special Publication Series 1:<br />

37-82.<br />

The recycling potential of preservative-treated wood. Felton, C.C. Forest Products Jouniall, 46 (7/8): 37-<br />

46.<br />

The reaction of the immune system of fish to vaccination,<br />

development of immunological memory in carp, Cyprinus<br />

carpio L., following direct immersion in A. hydrophila<br />

bacterin<br />

Lamers, C.H.J. J. Fish Diseases 8: 253-263.<br />

the rationale and relevance of genetics in aquaculture: an<br />

overview<br />

The rapid and sensitive detection of plant pathogens by<br />

molecular method.<br />

The Radular Mesocone as a Source of Taxonomic<br />

Characters in Bulinus (Bassommatophora: Planorbi-dae).<br />

The quantitative dietary protein requirements of Peneus<br />

monodon juveniles in a controlled environment.<br />

The quantitative dietary protein requirements of Penaeus<br />

monodon juvenile in a controlled environment,<br />

Wilkins NP Aquaculture 22: 209-228<br />

Randles, J.W., Australasian Plant Pathol. 25(2): 71-<br />

85.<br />

Brown, D.S. Malacologia. 22 (1-2): 505-508.<br />

Alava, V.R. Aquaculture, 30:53-61.<br />

Alava, V.R. Aquaculture, 30: 53-61.<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

The qualitative and quantitative parameters of kacang goat<br />

and crossbreed between kacang goat and etawah goats<br />

The Qualitative and Quantitative Parameters of Kacang<br />

Goat and Crossbreed Between Kacang Goat and Etawah<br />

Goat<br />

The purpose and benefits of seed certification Young, A.W. Seed World, March edition, p. 4-6.<br />

The purofication and properties of the fatty acid synthetase<br />

of pigeon liver<br />

Hsu.R.Y J.Biol.Chem<br />

The purification and properties of the fatty acid synthetase<br />

of pigeon liver.<br />

Hsu, R.Y. J. Biol. Chem.<br />

The purification and properties of B-galactosidase from<br />

bovine testes<br />

Distler, J.J. J. BioI ('hem 248:6772-6780<br />

The Pseudomonas and Achromobacter groups of bacterial<br />

in the spoilage of marine white fish<br />

Shewan, J.M. J. Appl. Bact., 23-463-468.<br />

The Protein of Intermediate Moisture Meat Stored at<br />

tropical temperatures, Changes in Solubility and<br />

Electrophonetic Pattern<br />

Obanu, Z.A. J. Food Techno. 10: 657-666.<br />

The Protein of Intermediate Moisture Food Obam, Z.A. Y. Fd Technol. 10: 657-666.<br />

The protective M protein of the equine group C<br />

Streptococci<br />

Timoney.J.F Vet.Microbial<br />

The Prosperity Approach to Forrest Community<br />

Development in Java<br />

Atmosoedaryo Comm.For. Rev.<br />

The Prosperity Approach to Forest Community<br />

Development In Japan<br />

Atmosoedaryo.S Comm. For. Rev<br />

The Prolificacay Gene of Javanese Sheep. In: Major Genes<br />

for Reproduction in Sheep.<br />

Liwa<br />

Bradford G.E. J. M. Elsen, L. Bodin and J. Thimonier.<br />

Toulouse, Juli 16-18, 1990<br />

The prognostic value ol' serum troponin T in unstable<br />

angina<br />

Hamm, C.W New Engl. J. Meil<br />

The production of vitamin Bioactive substances by marine<br />

bacteria<br />

T. J. Starr Limnol. oceanogr<br />

The production of ruminant embryos in vitro Trounson, A. Anim. Reprod. Sci<br />

The production of naturally fermented fish silage using<br />

various Lactobacilli and different carbohydrate sources<br />

Van Wyk. H.J J.Sci. Food Agric<br />

The production of dried fish. FAO Waterman, J.J. Fish Technic. Paper (16): 52 p.<br />

The production of antibiotic In soil. III. Production of<br />

glyotoxin in wheat straw buried<br />

Wright, J.M. In soil. Ann. App1. Biol. 44:461-466<br />

The production and metabolism of volatile fatty acids by<br />

ruminants fed roughages: a review<br />

Houtert, M.F.J. van. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 43:189-225.<br />

The Process of Status Attainment among Men In Poland,<br />

The US and West Germany<br />

Krymkowski Daniel.<br />

H<br />

American Sociological Review<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

The Principles Underlying Choice Feeding Behaviour in<br />

Fowls-with Special Reference to Production Experiments.<br />

Hughes, B.O. World's Poultry Science Journal.<br />

The preventive effect of polyvinyl polypyrrolidone on<br />

aflatoxicosis in broilers<br />

Kiran, M.M. Avian Pathol. 27: 250-255.<br />

The Prevention of Losses in Cured Fish FAO Fisheries Technical Paper, No. 2l9,<br />

Rome 87pp.<br />

The Prevalence of Toxocara vitulorum in Dairy Cows, in<br />

Surabaya<br />

Koesdarto S. J. Environ. Technol. 18 (1): 1-5.<br />

The Prevalence of Fasciola gigantica Infection in Cattle in<br />

East Jawa, Indonesia<br />

Soesetya, R.H.B Mal. Vet. J.<br />

The Prevalence of Fasciola gigantic Infection in Cattle in<br />

East Jawa, Indonesia.<br />

Soesetya Malaysian Vet. J.<br />

The Presentation And Use Of Height and Weight Data For<br />

Comparing The Nutritional Status Of Groups Of Children<br />

Under The Age Of 10 Years<br />

Waterplow. J.C Bulletin Of World Health Organization<br />

The present status of coconut breeding in India Satyabalan K Journal of Plant Crops 10(2):67-80<br />

The precursors of chocolate aroma: Changes in the sugar<br />

during roasting of cocoa beans.<br />

Rohan, T.A. J. Food Sci. 31: 206-209.<br />

The Pour-through nutrient extraction procedure Wright, R.D Hort. Sci<br />

The potential used of cocunut husk material as potting<br />

media : Growth of coccoa on coconut husk/sand potting<br />

media<br />

Erwiyono R Indonesia J. of Crops. Sci V(!):25-34<br />

The potential used of cocunut husk material as potting<br />

media : Growth of coccoa on coconut husk/sand potting<br />

media<br />

The potential use of coconut husk material as potting<br />

media : Growth of cocoa seedling on coconut husk/sand<br />

potting media<br />

The potential use of coconut husk material as potting<br />

media : Growth of cocoa seedling on coconut husk/sand<br />

potting media<br />

Erwiyono R Indonesia J. of Crops. Sci V(!):25-34<br />

Erwiyono R Indonesian Journal of Crops science<br />

V(1):25-34<br />

Erwiyono R Indonesian Journal of Crops science<br />

V(1):25-34<br />

The potential of somatic hybridization in crop breeding. Waara, S. Euphytica 85: 217-233.<br />

The potential of predators for pest control Luff ML. Agric, Ecosy, Environ 10:159-181.<br />

The potential of bovine embryo transfer for infectious<br />

disease control.<br />

Stringfellow, D.A. Rev. Sci. Tech. Off. Int. Epiz.<br />

The potential for tree forage supplements to mampulate<br />

rumen protozoa to enhance protein to energy ratios in<br />

ruminants fed on poor quality forages<br />

The potential for the integrated of plant resistance,<br />

agronomic, biological, physical/mechanical techniques and<br />

pesticides for pest control in farming system<br />

Leng, R.A FAO Animal Production and Health<br />

Paper N0. 102<br />

Oka, I.N.<br />

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The potential for the integrated of plant resistance Oka, I.N. Indonesia Agric.Res. and Dev. Journal<br />

5(1&2):8-17.<br />

The possible role of homoserine in the development of<br />

Rhizobium leguminosarum in the rhizosphere of pea<br />

seedlings.<br />

The positive side of Salmonella: Cancer therapy may result<br />

from genetically engineered bacteria<br />

The posible importance of transfer factors in herbicide in<br />

the bacterial degradation of herbicide in natural<br />

ecosystems<br />

van Egeraat,<br />

A.W.S.M.<br />

Halini, N.S. Scientist 14:8.<br />

Waid J.J Residue Rev<br />

Plant and Soils 42: 381-386.<br />

The polymerase chain reaction White TJ TIG 5(6):185-188<br />

The Political Economy of State Enterprise Relations in<br />

China'sShaanxi Province<br />

Lee, P.K Joumal of Contemporary Asia<br />

The plurality of long chain isoprenoid alcohols (polyprenols)<br />

from natural sources<br />

Dunphy, P.J. Biochim. Biophys. Ada 136:136-147.<br />

The plasma membrane H+-ATPase from beet roots is<br />

inhibited by a calcium-dependent phosphorylation.<br />

Lino, B., Planta 204: 352-359.<br />

The PiGMaP Consortium linkage map of the pig (Sus srrofd Archibald, A.L. Mamm. Genuine 6:157-175.<br />

The Phytate and Phytase of Soybean Tempeh Sudarmadji, S. J. Sci. FoodAgric. 28: 381.<br />

The Physiology of Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Roots Gianninazzi-<br />

Pearson. V<br />

Plant and Soil<br />

The physiology of vesicular-arbuscular myco rrhizal roots Gianinazzi-Pearson,<br />

V.<br />

Plant and soil<br />

The Physiologi and Mode of Action of the Dinitroaniline<br />

Herbicides<br />

Parka, S.J Weed Sci<br />

The physical refining process Stage H JAOCS 62(2):299-306<br />

The Physical refining process Stage H JAOCS 62(2):299-306<br />

The Physical Activity Of Obese Girls Stunkard. A.J Am. J. Dis. Child<br />

The photometric determination of phosphorus in fertilizers<br />

using the phosphovanadate- molybdate complex<br />

Hanson, W.C. J. Sci. Food Agric. 1: 172-173.<br />

The Philippines Recommends for Sheep Raising. PCARRD Technical Bul.<br />

The Philippines Recommends for Grape, Third Printing. The Grape<br />

Committee<br />

The Philippines Recommends for<br />

Grape, Third Printing.<br />

The Philippine Snail Disaster. Anderson, B. The Ecologist 23 (2): 70 - 72<br />

The phenolic constituents of Prunus domesticus 1. The<br />

quantitative analysis of phenolic constituents<br />

Swain, T. J. Sci. Food & Agric.<br />

The phagocytk ability of neutrophils and serum lysosyme<br />

activity in experimentally infected carp, Cyprinus carpio L.<br />

The pH dependency of aluminum phytotoxicity alleviation<br />

by calcium sulfate<br />

Siwicki, A. J. Fish. Biol. 31 (supplement A), r»7-<br />

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Noble AD Soil Sci Soc Am J 52:1398-1402.<br />

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The pH Dependence of Free Ionic Activities and Total<br />

Dissolved Consentration of Copper and Cadmium in<br />

Solution<br />

The pH Dependence of Free Ionic Activities and Total<br />

Dissolved Concentrations of Copper and Cadmium in Soil<br />

Solution<br />

The performance of broiler chicks during and following a<br />

severs feed restriction at an early age.<br />

The Per-formance of Broiler Chicks During and Following a<br />

Sever Feed Res-triction at an Early Age<br />

The performance of briler chicks during and following a<br />

severe feed restriction at an early age<br />

The pathogenesis ot atherosclemsis a perspective the<br />

1990<br />

The pathogenesis of Pasteurella multocida serotype A:3,4<br />

infection in turkeys:A comparison of two vaccine strains<br />

and a field isolate.<br />

Salam. A.K Geoderma<br />

Salam. A.K Geoderma<br />

Plavnik, I. Poultry Sci.<br />

Plavnik, I Poultry Sci<br />

Plavnik I Poultry.Sci<br />

Roos, R Nature<br />

Pranther M.M avian dis<br />

The pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. Ross, R Nature<br />

The passage of starch through the stomach of the sheep Weller, R.A. J. Exp. Biol. 31:40.<br />

The passage of ferritin Into jejunal epithelial cells Casley-Smith,J.R. Experientia 23:370-374.<br />

The palm oil situatuion in South East Asia Basiron, Y. INFORM, 6 (8) : 891-894<br />

the oxidation hypotesis of atherosclerosis Witzun JL Lancet 344:793-795<br />

The Origin of Urinary Aromatic Compounds Excreted by<br />

Ruminants. The Metabolism of Quinic,<br />

Cyclohexanecarboxykic and Non-Phenolic Aromatic to<br />

Benzoic Acid.<br />

Martin, A. K. Brit. J. Nutr.<br />

The organosulfur Chemistry the genus AIIium Implications<br />

dor the organic chemistry of the sulfur.<br />

The Organosulfur Chemistry of the genus Allium -<br />

Implications for the Organic Chemistry of Sulfur<br />

Bloc, E. Angew Chem. Ed. Engl. 31: 1135-<br />

1178.<br />

Block, E. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Eng., 31-1135.<br />

The Operational definition of zero point of charge in soil Sposito, G Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

The Operational Definition of The Zero Point of Charge in<br />

Soils<br />

Sposito, G Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

The Oil Plm 3rd ed Hartley CWS tropical Agric series 761p<br />

The Oil Palm Von Uexkull HR IPI Bul. No 12. 79p<br />

The ococnut palm: a monograph . Menon KPV Ernakulam (India): Indian Central<br />

Coconut Committee.<br />

The Occurrence of y-Linolenic Acid in Fungi Shaw, R. Biochemical at Biophysica Acta 98:<br />

230-237.<br />

The occurrence of Monodon Baculovirus (MBV) in cultured<br />

Shrimp in North strand of East Java coincided with<br />

protozoa infection.<br />

Suprapto, H.,<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

The Occurrence of Listeria Monocytogenes in Cheese<br />

From a Manufacturer Associated With a Case of Listeriosis<br />

The occurrence of chitin in the cell walls of the rumen<br />

organisms Neocallimastix frontalis, Piromonas<br />

communis and Sphaeromonas communis<br />

The Occurrence of Axial Latex Tubes in Secondary Xylem<br />

of Some Species of Artocarpus J.R. & G. Foster<br />

(Moraceae).<br />

The occurrence and seasonal distribution of higher<br />

isoprenoid alcohols in the plant kingdom<br />

The occurrence and growth of yeasts in Camembert and<br />

Blue-veined cheeses<br />

The occurance and abundance of shrimp fry at Jepara in<br />

1975- and 1976.<br />

The nylon bagtechnique in the determination of ruminant<br />

feed protein degradation<br />

The nutritive value of rumen microorganism in ru-minant. 3.<br />

The digestion of mi-crobial amino and nucleic acid and<br />

losses of endogenous ni-trogen trom the small intestine<br />

of sheep. Br<br />

The Nutritive value of rice straw in relation to variety, urea<br />

treatment, location of growth and season audits prediction<br />

from in sacco degradabili<br />

The Nutritive value of rice straw in relation to variety, Urea<br />

treatment, location of growth and season andits prediction<br />

from in sacco degradabili<br />

McLauchin. J International Jounal Food Microbiology<br />

Orpin, C.G J.Gen.Microbiol<br />

Topper, S.M.C. IAWA BULL. 1: 113-119.<br />

Wellburn, A.R. Phytochemistry 5:969-975.<br />

Roostita R. International J. Food Microbiology 28:<br />

393-404.<br />

Noor-Hamid, S Bulletin of Shrimp Culture and<br />

Research Centre<br />

Setala, J. J. Sci. Agric. Soc. Finl.<br />

Strom, E., J. Nutr<br />

Soebarinoto AJAS, 10: 215-222.<br />

Soebarinoto AJAS 10-215-221.<br />

The nutritive value of Leucaena seeds for cattle. Waghmare, B.S., Leucaena Res. Rept. 6: 56.<br />

The nutritive value of fruits from four acacia spp. Compared<br />

with extracted noug (Guizotia abyssinica) meal as<br />

supplements to maize stover for Ethiopian highland sheep<br />

Tanner, J. C. Anim. Production<br />

The Nutritive value of dehulled soybeans fermented with<br />

Asporglllus oryzae or Rhizobium oligosphorus as evaluated<br />

by rats<br />

The nutritive value of dehulled soybean fermented with<br />

Asper gillus Oryzae or Rhizopus oligosporus as<br />

evaluated by rats<br />

The nutritive value of dehulled soybean fermented with<br />

Asper gillus Oryzae or Rhizopus oligosporus as<br />

evaluated by rats<br />

The nutritional significance of Omega 3 Polyunsaturared<br />

fatty acids for human.<br />

Regalado, G.Z. J.Nutr<br />

Rogaldo, G. Z. J. Nutr<br />

Rogaldo, G. Z. J. Nutr. 109<br />

Sinclair AJ Asean Food J 8 (1): 3-10<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

the nutritional signifance of omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty<br />

acids for human<br />

Sinclair AJ Asean food J 8(1):3-10<br />

The nutritional requirement of cultivated warm water and<br />

coldwater fish species.<br />

Halver, J.E. Advance in Aquaculture. p.574-580.<br />

The nutritional requirement of cultivated warm water and<br />

coldwater fish species<br />

J.E. Halver Advance in Aquaculture<br />

The Nutritional Relationship of Anemonia Sulcata<br />

(Pennant) and It's Dinoflagellate Symbiont.<br />

Taylor, D.L. J.Cell. Science, 4 : 751-762.<br />

The Nutritional Ecology of Immature Insects Scriber, J.M. Ann Rev. Entomol. 26. 183-211.<br />

The nutritional ecology of immature insects Scriber, J. M. Ann. Rev. Entomol. 26: 183-211.<br />

The nutritional ecology of immature insects Scriber J.M. Ann. Rev. Entomol. 26, 183-211.<br />

The nutrition value of acacia salicna and acacia salicina for<br />

goats and sheep<br />

Degen, A. A. An. Sci.<br />

The Nutrition signification of omega-3 poIyunsaturated fatty<br />

acids for human<br />

Sinclair, A.J. Asean Food J. B (1): 3-10.<br />

The nutrition of meat. Tipe ducks II. The effect of fibre on<br />

biological performance and carcass characteristics<br />

Siregar, A. P. Aust. J. Agric. Res.<br />

The nutrition of comercial rabbit Lang J Nutr Abst & rev series 51(4) : 2-9-219<br />

The nutrition essentialy of silicon Carlisle FM Nutr Rev 40:193-198<br />

The nucleotide sequence of the large ribosomal RNA gene<br />

and adjacent tRNA genes from rat mitochondria<br />

Saccone, C. Nucleic Acid Res. 9:4139-4147.<br />

The Nitrate/Nitrite Controversy Glidewell. C Chem. In Britai<br />

The Newest leafminer pest in Israel, Liriomyza<br />

huidobrensis .<br />

Weintraub PG Phytoparasitica<br />

The New Governance:Governing Without Government Rhodes, R.A.W Political Stu-dies, Vol. XLIV<br />

The New Go-vemance : Governing Without Govemment Rhodes, R.A. Politica! Studies, Vol. XLIV<br />

The neighborjoining method: a new method for<br />

reconstructing phylogenetic trees<br />

Satou, N. Mol. BioI.Evol. 4: 406-425<br />

The negative feed back effect of oestradiol 17B on<br />

secretion of luteinizing hormone in beef cows<br />

Hinselwood M.M Theriogenology<br />

The Need for New Investmnet Planning Stapley PIMA Magazine, Vol 76 August<br />

The Nature of Soil Variation Webster. R Classificatio Society Bulletin<br />

The Nature And The Role Of Metabolic Leakage From Rootknot<br />

Nematode Galls and Infection By Rhizoctonia Solani<br />

Van Gundy. S.D J. Nematol<br />

The Nature and properties of soil Buckman, II.O Eurosian Publising House (PVT) Ltd<br />

7th Ed. Hal 524-526<br />

The Nature and Practice of Biological Control of Plant<br />

Pathogens<br />

Cook. R.J. Am. Phyt. Soc. Minnesota. 539 p<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

The natural release of amino acids from the symbiotic coral<br />

Heteroxenia fuscescens (Ehrb.) as a function of<br />

photosynthesis.<br />

Schlichter, D., J. exp, mar. Biol. Ecol. 150: 83-90.<br />

The natural control of animal populations Solomon ME J Anim. Ecol 18:1-35<br />

The natural control of animal populations Solomon ME J Anim. Ecol 18:1-35<br />

The natural abundance of 15N in an irrigated soybean crop<br />

and its use of the calculation of nitrogen fixation<br />

Bergersen, F.J. Aust. J. Agric. Res. 36: 411-423.<br />

The Native chicken of Indonesia Nataamijaya, A. G. Buletin Plasma Nutfah. Vol. 6<br />

The nata organism, culture, requirements, characteristics<br />

and identity.<br />

The Nata Organism Culture Requirements, Characteristic<br />

and Identity<br />

The Nata de coco I. Characterization and Identity of The<br />

Causal Organism<br />

Lapuz MM The Philippine Jornal of Science vol 96<br />

no 2<br />

Lapuz, M.M Philippine J of Sci<br />

Saturnino-<br />

Dimaguila, L.A.,<br />

Philippine Agric<br />

The Nata De Coco 2 Dimaguila, L.S Chemical Nature and Properties of<br />

Nata, The Philippine Agriculturis<br />

Journal of the College of Agriculture<br />

and Central Experiment Station<br />

The myrosinase-glucosinolale system, it's organization and<br />

biochemistry<br />

Bones, A.M. Physiologia Plantarum 97:194-208<br />

The myrosinase gene family in Arabidopsis lhaliana gene<br />

organization, expression and evolution<br />

Xue, J. Plant Mot Biol 27:911-922<br />

The mycoflora of lood commodities from Indonesia. Pitt, J.I J. Food Mycology<br />

The mycoflora of food commodities from Indonesia Pitt, J.I. J. Food Mycol. 1:41-60.<br />

The Mrphological Development Of Cauliflower and Broccoli<br />

Cultivars Depending On Temperature<br />

Wiebe. H.J Scientia Horticulturae<br />

The mpact the economic crisis on Indonesia’s cacao sector Ruf, F. Indonesia’s Economic Crisis: Effects<br />

on Agriculture and Policy Responses.<br />

P. Simatupang, S. Pasaribu, S. Bahri,<br />

and R. Stringer (Eds.), CASE, AARD-<br />

CIES, University of Adelaide,<br />

Australia. p. 283-302.<br />

The Movement of phosphorus in soil Enfield, C.G Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Publ<br />

The morphology and varietal characteristic of the rice plant Chang, T. T. IRRI Tech. Bull.4. Los Banos<br />

Philippines<br />

The Moleculer Basis of Infection and Nodulation by<br />

Rhizobia: The Ins and Oi-its of Sympathogenesis<br />

Spaink, H.P Ann. Rev. Phytopathol<br />

The Moleculer Basis of Infection and Nodula tion by<br />

Rhizobia: The Ins and Outs of Sympathogenesis<br />

Spaink, H.P Ann. Rev. Phytopathol<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

The Molecular of Pathogenesis of Bovine Viral Diarrhoea<br />

Virus Infection.<br />

Thiel, H. J. OIE Vet. Biotec.<br />

The molecular characterization of geminivirus Lazarowitz SG Plant Mol Biol Reptr 4<br />

The mode of action of antibiotic in stimulating growth of<br />

chicks<br />

Eyssen, H., J. Exp. Med<br />

The mobility and transformation of soil nitrogen and the<br />

relationship between soil and plant nitrogen and yield at<br />

different times following application of various nitrogen<br />

fertilizers to sweet corn<br />

Salardini, A.A. Aust. J. Agric. Res. 43 (7): 1643-1652.<br />

The Millettia of Cameroon: 3 A New Guanidine Alkaloid<br />

from Millettia Laurentii,<br />

Ngamga, D., J. Nat. Prod. 57, p, 1022-1024.<br />

The mierobial production of 2,3-butanediol. Magee RJ Adv Appt Microbiol 32:89-159.<br />

The microbial degradation of steroids. 4. Fission of the<br />

steroid molecule<br />

Turfitt, G.E Biochem. J.<br />

The metabolizable energy value of some feed ingredients<br />

for young chick.<br />

Oluyemi, J.A. J. of Poultry Sci.<br />

The metabolism of ^C] 0,0-Diethyl 0-(3,5,6-thchloro-2pyridyl)phosphorothioate<br />

(dursban) in fish.<br />

Smith, G. N, J. Econom. Entomol. 59: 1464-1475.<br />

The Medicinal and Poisonous Plants of Southern and<br />

Eastern Africa : 848-850.<br />

The mechanism of phosphate adsorption by kaolinite,<br />

gibbsite and pseudoboehmite. Part l. The isotherms and<br />

the e 'te et of pH on adsorption<br />

The mechanism of gossypol detoxification by ruminant<br />

animals<br />

The mechanism of gossypol detoxification by ruminant<br />

animals<br />

The mechanism of gossypol detoxification by ruminant<br />

animals<br />

The mechanism of excessive iron-uptake (iron toxicity) of<br />

wetland rice<br />

The Mechanism of Enzymatic Cellulose Degradation<br />

Purification of a Cellulolytic Enzyme From Trichoderma<br />

viride Active on Highly Ordered Cellulose.<br />

Watt, J.M The Medicinal and Poisonous Plants<br />

of Southern and Eastern Africa : 848-<br />

850.<br />

Muljadi, D. J. Soil Sci. 17: 212-229.<br />

Reiser, R. J. Nutr., 76: 215-218.<br />

Reiser, R. J. Nutr., 76: 215-218.<br />

Reiser, R. J. Nutr.<br />

Benckiser, G. J. Plant Nutr.<br />

Berghem, L.E.R. Eur. J. Biochem<br />

The Measurement of Farm Specific Technical Efficieny Sahota, S.M India, Journal of Applied Economics<br />

The Measurement of Efficiency Relative to a Frontier<br />

Production Function<br />

The measurement of diversity in different typees of<br />

biological collections.<br />

Seitz. W.D American JurnalOf Agricultural<br />

Economics<br />

Pielou, E.C. J.Theoret. Biol. 13:131-144<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

the measurement of dietary amino acid digestibility in pigs,<br />

rats and chicken : a comparison of methodologies<br />

The measurement of biological contamination on egg<br />

shells.<br />

The Marsupial Mitochondrial Genome and the Evolution of<br />

Placental Mammals<br />

The Marching Behaviour of Hoppers of The African<br />

Migratory Locust (L.Migratoria Migratorioides R & F) In<br />

Laboratory<br />

Fuller MF Anim Feed Sci Technol 48:305-324<br />

Gentry, R. F. Poultry science.<br />

Janke, A. Genetics 137:213-256.<br />

Ellis. P.E Anti-Locust Buletin<br />

The manurin the oil palm in the world Ollagnier, M Fertilite 36 : 3-63<br />

The management of VAM fungi in acid-infertile soils of<br />

savana ecosystem. II The effect of pre-crops on the spore<br />

population of native and introduced vam fungi<br />

Dodd JC Plant and soil 122: 241-247<br />

The Management of Populations of Vesicular-Arbuscular<br />

Mycorrhizal Fungi in Acid-Infertile Soils of a Savanna<br />

Ecosystem. I. The Effect of Pre-Cropping and Inoculation<br />

with VAM-Fungi on Plant Growth and Nutrition in The Field.<br />

The management of populations of vesicular arbuscular<br />

mycorrhizal fungi in acid infertile soils of savanna<br />

ecosystem. 1<br />

Dodd, J. C. Plant and Soil.<br />

Dodd JC Plant and Soil 122:299-240<br />

The Management of Duck Hunting in Victoria - A Review Loyn, R. H. Arthur Rylah Institute for<br />

Environmental Research. Technical<br />

Report Series No. 70.<br />

The Management of Duck Hunting in Victoria - A Review Loyn, R. H. Arthur Rylah Institute for<br />

Environmental Research. Technical<br />

Report Series No. 70.<br />

The Mammals of the Indomalayan region: A Systematic<br />

Review<br />

Corbet G.B natural History Museum Publication ,<br />

Oxford University Press New York<br />

The Major Heat stabe allergen of shrimp Hoffman, D.R. Ann. Allergy. 47: 17-22.<br />

The longevity of seeds Ellis, R.H. Hort. Science. 26(9): 1119-1125.<br />

The lmmunosuppressive Effect of Infectious Bursal<br />

Disease Virus in Chickens<br />

Hirai. K Avian Dis. 18 50-57.<br />

The Livestock Industry Leake. J. Bulleti Indonesia Eco. Studies<br />

The live storage of lobster. Lab Leafl. MAFF Direct Fish<br />

Ress.<br />

Ayres. P.A. Lowetoft No. 37, 13 pp.<br />

The lipolytic activity of low concentration of insulin-like<br />

growth factors in ovine adipose tissue<br />

Lewis, K. J. Endocrinology<br />

The lipids of the rumen fungus Piromonas communis Kemp, P J.Gen. Microbiol<br />

The linoleoc acid & trans fatty acid of margarines Beare Rogers JL Am J Clin Nutr. 32:1805-1809<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 60 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

The life history of the tropical shad Tennalosa toll from<br />

Sarawak: first evidence of protandry in the luppiformes.<br />

Blaber. S.J.M., Environmental Biology of Fishes<br />

46:225-2-12.<br />

The Life Cycle of Toxocara vitulorum in Asian Buffalo<br />

(Bubalus bubalis)<br />

Robert, J.A Int. J. Parasitol. 20 (7): 853-860.<br />

the lens opacities case control study risk for cataract Leske MC Arch Opthathamol 109:224-251<br />

The legume Food Crop Bernart RL Mien Rifai (ed) asian Legume, Bogor<br />

The larva and postlarval of some reef building coral. II<br />

Stylophora pistillata(Esper)<br />

The larva and postlarval of some reef building coral, I,<br />

Pocillopora damicornis cespitosa (Dana)<br />

The larva and postlarval development of the reef building<br />

coral<br />

Atoda, K. Sci, Rep, 47t Ser,. (biol.) vol 18:24-27.<br />

Atoda, K. Sci. Rep, 47tSer.,(biol.)vol 18:24-27<br />

Atoda, K Sci. Rep. Tohoku Univ.Ser.4,20:105-<br />

121<br />

The Lactic Acid Bacteria: Microbes of Diversity Stamer, J.R. Food Tech. (I): 60-65.<br />

The laboratory assesment of the inherent susceptibility of<br />

maize variety the pest harvest by S. zeamais Motsch<br />

Dobie, P. J. Stored Prod. Res.<br />

The Kinetics of Calcium Phosphate Precipitation in<br />

Clarification<br />

The Kinetics of calcium Phospate Precipitation In<br />

Clarification<br />

Jourani.A Int. Sugar. Jnl. Vol 97 No. 1163<br />

Jourani.A Int, Sugar. Jour. Vol 97 No. 1163:633-<br />

639<br />

The keystone species concept in ecology & conservation Mill LS Bioscience 43: 219-224<br />

The Javanese home garden Soemarwoto, O. Journal for Farming Systems<br />

Research-Extension 2(3): 95-118.<br />

The ITS region of nuclear ribosomal DNA: a valuable<br />

sources of evidence on angiosperm phylogeny<br />

The isolation, culture and regeneration of Petunia leaf<br />

protoplasts.<br />

The isolation and structure of modified bioactive<br />

nucleusides from Jaspis Johnstoni.<br />

The inverse relation between t'ish oil consumption and 20year<br />

mortality trom coronary heart disease<br />

The introduction & establishment of a new Leguminous<br />

cover crop Mucuna bracteata under Oil palm in malaysia<br />

The intestinal evacuation rates of larval herring (Clupea<br />

harengus L.) predating on wild plankton<br />

The Interrelationship of Dietary Energy and Protein in<br />

Poultry Nutrition, In: Nutrition of Pigs and Poultry.<br />

The interpretation of population structure by F-statistics<br />

with special regards to systems of mating<br />

Baldwin BG Annu Missouri Bot Garden 82:247-<br />

277.<br />

Fearson, E.M., Dev. Biol. 33: 130-137.<br />

Zabriskie, T.M. J. Nat. Prod. 52(6): 1353-1357<br />

Kromhout, D J.Med<br />

Mathews C The Planter Kuala Lumpur 74 (868)<br />

:359-368<br />

Pedersen, B.H. Dana, 3: 21-30.<br />

Combs, G. F. J. T. and D. Lewis, London.<br />

Wrights, S Evolution<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 61 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

The interpretation of experiments assessing the<br />

susceptibility stored cereal to attack by Sitophilus spp<br />

(Coleopetra, Curculionidae)<br />

The interpertation of experiment assessing the<br />

susceptibility stored cereal to attack by Sitophilus spp.<br />

(Coleoptera, Curculionidae).<br />

The international community's commitments to combat<br />

micronutrient deficiencies<br />

The interaction of genotype and culture medium on the<br />

tissue responses of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.em. Thell)<br />

callus.<br />

The Interaction Between Roundup (Glyphosate) and<br />

Montmarillonite<br />

The integration of protoplast fusionderived material into a<br />

potato breeding <strong>program</strong>me a review of progress and<br />

problems.<br />

The integration of chemical and biological control of spotted<br />

alfalfa aphid<br />

The intake and digestibility in goat of Leucaena<br />

leucocephala supplemented with dehidrated palm oil mill<br />

effluent<br />

The intake and digestibility of ammoniated cereal straw<br />

by cattle.<br />

The insulin-like growth factor and epidermal growth factor<br />

families in mammary cell growth in ruminants: Action and<br />

interaction with hormones<br />

coombs, C. W. J. Stored Prod. Res.<br />

Coombs, C.W. J. Stored Prod. Res . 8-81-82<br />

Buyckx, M. Food Nutr. Agric.<br />

Mathias, R.J. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 7:<br />

31-37<br />

Shoval. S Clay and Clay Mineral<br />

Millam, S., Euphytica 85: 451-455.<br />

Stem, V.M. Hilgardia. 29(2): 81-101.<br />

Vadiveloo, J. Animal feed science and technology<br />

Hoorton, G.M.J Can. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Forsyth, I. A. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

The inhibition of nutrient digestion by wheat pentosans Chot, M Br. J. Nutr.<br />

The influenceof organicmatter on aggregate stability in<br />

some British soils.<br />

The influence ofpH on the adsorption of phosphate by soils<br />

trom the Guinea and Sudan Savannah zones of Nigeria<br />

Chaney,K. J. Soils Sci<br />

Mokawunye, U. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 39: 1,100-<br />

1,112.<br />

The influence of weed competition on crop yield Van Heemst, H.D.J Agric. Systems<br />

The influence of water on the synthesis of n-butyl oleate by<br />

immobilized Mucor miehei lipase<br />

Leitgeb M JAOCS<br />

The Influence of the Rhizophere on Crop Productivity. Whips, J.M. Adv. Microbial Ecol. 6: 187-224.<br />

The Influence of The Growen Diet And Fat in The Layer<br />

Diet on Performance of Turkey Hens.<br />

Harms, R. H. Poult. Sci.<br />

The influence of substrate stucture on the kinetic of the<br />

hydrolysis by glucoamylase<br />

Sandroman A Appl. Biochem Biotechnol. 59:329<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 62 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

The Influence Of Stand And Silt Size Particles on The<br />

Cracking Durung Drying Of Fine Clay Dominated<br />

Aggregates<br />

The influence of slowly and rapidly degradable concentrate<br />

protein on a number of rumen parameters in dairy cattle.<br />

Neth.<br />

The influence of silver thiosulphate on potato protoplast<br />

culture.<br />

The influence of serum nd gonadotropins on bovine<br />

oocytes maturation in vitro<br />

The influence of seiecied chemical treatme;its on the<br />

rummal degradation and siibsequent intesrnal digestion of<br />

cereal strav<br />

The Influence Of Seed Quality and Pregermination<br />

Treatment of Cauliflower And Cabbage Transplant<br />

Production and Field Growth<br />

The Influence of Saprophytic Competition On Nematode<br />

Predation By Nematode-Trapping Fungi<br />

The influence of recovery temperature on the effects of a<br />

brief heat shock on wheat. III. Grain protein composition<br />

and dough properties<br />

The influence of pH on the adsorption of phosphate by soils<br />

from the Guinea and Sudan savannah zones of Nigeria<br />

The influence of pH on the adsorption of phosphate by soils<br />

from the Guinea and Sudan Savannah zones of Nigeria<br />

The Influence of pH and Chloride on The Retention of<br />

Cadmium, Lead Mercury and Zinc by Soils<br />

The influence of oxygen pressure & tempertature on the uv<br />

degradation of polythylene<br />

The influence of organic matters on the growth of black<br />

pepper, namatode population and antagonistic<br />

microorganism<br />

The Influence of Organic Matter on Agregate Stability in<br />

Some British Soil<br />

The influence of Non-Resin Solids OB Wood Panel<br />

Adhesives.<br />

The influence of microorganism on the phosphate intake by<br />

plant.<br />

The influence of microorganism on the phosphate intake by<br />

plant<br />

The influence of mass and velocity of the maximum<br />

allowable impact energy of apples<br />

Towner. G.D Journal of Soil Science<br />

Veen, W. A. G. J. Agric.Sci.34:199.<br />

Mollers, C., Plant Breed-ing 108: 12-18.<br />

sanbuissho A Theriogenology<br />

Wanapat, M AJAS<br />

Finch Savage. W.E Annals Of Applied Biology<br />

Quinn. M.A Journal Of Invertebrate Phatology<br />

Stone, P.J. Cereal Sci. 25, 129-141.<br />

Mokwunye, U. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 39: 1100-<br />

1112<br />

Mokawunye, U. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 39: 1.100-<br />

1.112.<br />

Lumsdon. D.G J. Soil. Cont<br />

Gijsman, P Polym Deg & Stablity 58,55<br />

Mustika, I. J. of Species acd Med. Crops<br />

Chaney J. Soil. Science<br />

Robertson, J.E. IUFRO Conference. Sao Paulo. Brazil.<br />

May 15-20.<br />

Gerretsen, F. C. Plant and Soil.<br />

Gerretsen, F.C. Plant and Soil 1:51-81.<br />

Lang, Z Journal Agricultural. Engineering<br />

Research<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 63 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

The influence of long-term administration of peptidoglycan<br />

on diseases resistance and growth of juvenile Rainbow<br />

Trout.<br />

The influence of Lactobacillus acidophilus and bacitracin on<br />

layer performance of chickens and cholesterol contents<br />

and egg yolk<br />

The influence of glucose and nirate concentrations upon<br />

denitrification Rates in Sandy Soils<br />

The influence of glucose and nirate concentrations upon<br />

denitrification Rates in Sandy Soils<br />

The influence of genetic increases in body weight and<br />

shankwidth on the abdominal fat pad and carcass<br />

composition of turkeys.<br />

The influence of food on Copidosoma koehleri<br />

(Hymenoptera:Encyrtidae), and the use of flowering plants<br />

as habitat management tool to enhance biological control<br />

of potato moth, Phtorimaea operculella<br />

(Lepidoptera:Gelechiidae)<br />

The influence of environmrntal temperature, thyroid status<br />

and a synthetic estrogen on the induction of fatty lives in<br />

chicks.<br />

The influence of dolichol, dolichol esters and<br />

dolichylphosphate on phospholipid polymorphism and<br />

fluidity in model membranes<br />

The influence of Dolicheoderus thoracicus ( Hymenoptera :<br />

Formicidae ). On losses due to Helopeltis theivera(<br />

Heteroptera : Miridae ), black pod disease, and mammalian<br />

pests in cocoa Malaysia.<br />

The Influence of Dietary Fibre Souce and Level On The<br />

Development of The Gastrointestinal Tract, Digestibility and<br />

Energy Metabolism In Broiler Chikens<br />

The influence of dietary fiber source and level on the<br />

development of the gastrointestinal tract, digestibility, and<br />

energy metabolism in broilers<br />

The influence of dietary fiber on digestibility, rate of<br />

passage and gastrointestinal fermentation in pigs<br />

The Influence of Dietary Energy and Amino Acid Levels on<br />

Abdominal Pat Pad Development of The Broiler Chicken<br />

The In-fluence of Dietary Energy and Amino Acid Levels on<br />

Abdominal Fat Pad Development of The Broiler Chicken.<br />

Matsuo, K. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi. 59(8): 1377-<br />

1379.<br />

Abdulrahim, S.M. Br. Poult. Sci. 37: 341-346.<br />

Bowman RA Soil Biol Biochem, 6:297-301<br />

Bowman RA Soil Biol Biochem, 6:297-301<br />

Bacon, W.L. Poultry Sci.<br />

BaggenLR Biol Contr 11:9-17.<br />

Akiba, Y. Br. Poultry Sci.<br />

Valtersson, C. J. Biol. Chem. 260:2742-2751.<br />

Khoo, K.C. Bull. Of Entomol, Soc.<br />

Jorgensen.H 1996 British Journal Of Nutrition<br />

Jorgensen, H. Br. J. Nutr. 75:379-395<br />

Ehie, FR J.Anim. Sci.<br />

Maurice, J. Poult Sci. 60 : 151-159.<br />

Maurice, C. J. Poult Sci.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 64 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

The influence of dietary calcium and protein on third cycle<br />

under heat stress<br />

The Influence Of day Length on Imaginal Diapause In The<br />

Red Locust (N.Septemfasciata Serville).<br />

The Influence of Day 0 and day 7 Superovulated Cow<br />

Serum During in Vitro Development of Bovine Oocytes<br />

The influence of day 0 and day 7 superovulated cow serum<br />

during development of bovine oocytes in vitro<br />

The influence of Cosubstrate and Aeration on Xylitol<br />

Formation on Recombinant Saccharomyces cereviside<br />

Expressing the XYL 1 gene<br />

The Influence of Bacterial Activity in The Alimentary Canal<br />

of Rats on Fecal Nitrogen Excretion.<br />

The Influence of ammonium-N on the Specific activity of<br />

Pelletized Methanogenic Sludge<br />

The influence of ammonium permease activity and carbon<br />

source on the uptake of ammonium from simple defined<br />

media by Saccharomyces cerevisiae.<br />

The Influence of Age and Seasonal on The Activity of The<br />

Testes and Epididymides of The Fallow Deer, Dama Dama.<br />

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The Importance of NaCI Concentration in a Chemically<br />

Defined Medium for The Development Bovine Oocytes<br />

Maturated and Fertilized /n Vitro<br />

The Importance of Measurement Error for Certain<br />

Procedures in Remote Sensing at Optical Wavelengths.<br />

The Importance of long term endogenous rhytms in the<br />

maintenance of reproductivecyles of marine invertebrates:<br />

a reapprasial. Int<br />

The importance of lactobacilli in maintaining normal<br />

microbial balance in the crop<br />

The importance of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli<br />

containing 987P fimbrial antigen in causing neonatal<br />

colibasillosis in piglets in Indonesia<br />

The impacts of Indonesia’s economic crisis on food crops<br />

and food security<br />

Lim, J.M. Theriogenology 42: 421-432.<br />

Curran, P. J., Photogrammetric Engineering and<br />

Remote Sensing 52(2): 229-241.<br />

Olive, P.J.W J. Invertebr. Reprod<br />

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Stringer, R. Indonesia’s Economic Crisis: Effects<br />

on Agriculture and Policy Responses.<br />

P. Simatupang, S. Pasaribu, S. Bahri,<br />

and R. Stringer (Eds.), CASE, AARD-<br />

CIES, University of Adelaide,<br />

Australia. p. 169-187.<br />

The impact study of rice-fish farming systems research and<br />

development in Indonesia: West Java<br />

Adnyana, Made Oka<br />

The impact of the crisis on Javanese irrigated rice farmers Bourgeous, R. Indonesia’s Economic Crisis: Effects<br />

on Agriculture and Policy Responses.<br />

P. Simatupang, S. Pasaribu, S. Bahri,<br />

and R. Stringer (Eds.), CASE, AARD-<br />

CIES, University of Adelaide,<br />

Australia. p. 213-227.<br />

The impact of organizational structure on internal auditor<br />

organizational-professional conflict and role stress: An<br />

exploration of linkages<br />

The impact of economic crisis on the poultry industry of the<br />

Indonesian livestock subsector: Challenges and<br />

opportunities<br />

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Tangendjaja, B. Indonesia’s Economic Crisis: Effects<br />

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P. Simatupang, S. Pasaribu, S. Bahri,<br />

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Australia. p. 333-355.<br />

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The impact of economic crisis on production and export of<br />

fishery subsector<br />

The impact of economic crisis on Indonesia’s beef sector:<br />

Challenges and opportunities<br />

The impact of economic crisis on fishery subsector:<br />

Challenges and opportunities<br />

the impact of 20 years absence of earthworms & three<br />

levels of N fertilizer on grassland soil environment<br />

The Impact Behavior of Spherical Fruits during Ripening.<br />

Thesis (Unpublished<br />

The immunomodulatory effect of LPS, laminaran and<br />

sulphated laminaran {b(1,3)-D-glucan} on Atlantic salmon,<br />

Saimo salarL., macrophages in vitro.<br />

The immune system of Cyprinid Fish, oxytetracycline and<br />

the regulation of humoral immunity in carp (Cyprinus<br />

carpio).<br />

The Immobilization of Heavy Metals by a Tropical Andepts<br />

Treated With Lime and Organic Compost<br />

The Immobilization of Heavy Metals By A tropical Andepts<br />

Treated With Lime and Organic Compost<br />

The identify of Puntius eugrammus and Diagnoses of Two<br />

New Species of Striped Barbs (Teleostei:Cyprinidae) from<br />

Southeast Asia<br />

The identification of common aphid pests of tropical<br />

agriculture<br />

Nikijuluw Indonesia’s Economic Crisis: Effects<br />

on Agriculture and Policy Responses.<br />

P. Simatupang, S. Pasaribu, S. Bahri,<br />

and R. Stringer (Eds), CASE, AARD-<br />

CIES, University of Adelaide,<br />

Australia. p. 371-401.<br />

Hadi, P.U. Indonesia’s Economic Crisis: Effects<br />

on Agriculture and Policy Responses.<br />

P. Simatupang, S. Pasaribu, S. Bahri,<br />

and R. Stringer (Eds.), CASE, AARD-<br />

CIES, University of Adelaide,<br />

Australia. p. 303-331.<br />

Yusuf, G. Indonesia’s Economic Crisis: Effects<br />

on Agriculture and Policy Responses.<br />

P. Simatupang, S. Pasaribu, S. Bahri,<br />

and R. Stringer (Eds.), CASE, AARD-<br />

CIES, University of Adelaide,<br />

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Clement RO Agri Ecosyst. Environ 36:75-85<br />

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The identification and characterization of two populations of<br />

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The history, biology, and taxonomy of the Cytophaga group P.J. Christensen Can. J. Microbiol<br />

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The histochemistry of complex carbohydrates in the<br />

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The genus Spodoptera (Lepidoptera,Noctuidae) in Africa<br />

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The genomes of the family Rhizobiaceae, size, stability and<br />

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The evolutionary signifance of genetic diversity :<br />

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The evaluation offish toxicity in the laboratory. Bathe, R, K. Excepta Med/caXVI: 113-124.<br />

The Evaluation of resistance to pesticide Gerghion GP Ann Rev, Ecol. Sys. 3 :133-168<br />

The Evaluation of resistance to pesticide Gerghion GP Ann Rev, Ecol. Sys. 3 :133-168<br />

The Evaluation of Dietary Energy. In: Nutritional of Pigs and<br />

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The estrus detection problem : New concepts technologies,<br />

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The estimation of the digestibility and metabozable energy<br />

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The Epidemiology of helminth disease in farm animals Armour .J Veterinary Parasitology<br />

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The Epideminology of Anthrscnose Disease Of Mango :<br />

Inoculum Sorces, Spore Production and Dispersal<br />

Fitzell. R.D Annals of Applied Biology<br />

The eomparison of RFLP, RAPD, AFLP and SSR<br />

(microsatellite) markers for germ-plasm analysis.<br />

Powell. W . Mol. Breed 2: 225-238<br />

The enzymatic synthesis of a-substitute alanines. Murakoshi, 1., Phytochemistry It: 177-182.<br />

The enzymatic hydrolysis of triglyceride-phospholipid<br />

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Hass, M.J JAOCS<br />

The envelope glycoproteins of Dengue 1 and Dengue 1<br />

viruses grown in mosquito cells differ in their utilization of<br />

potential glycolization sites<br />

Johnson, A.J. Virol., 203: 241-249.<br />

The Energy and nutrient intakes of different types of<br />

vegetarian : a case for supplements?<br />

The Emergence of Whitefly-transmitted geminiviruses in<br />

tomato in westrn hemisphere<br />

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The Embryo Transfer Industry Seidel, G.E New Technology in Animal Breeding,<br />

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The efficiacy and loss of fertilizer N in low land rice Vlek PLG Fertilizer Research 9:131-147<br />

The efficiacy and loss of fertilizer N in low land rice Vlek PLG Fertilizer Research 9:131-147<br />

The efficacy of chlorine dioxide in controlling salmonella<br />

contamination and its effect product qualityof chicken<br />

broiler carcasses<br />

Thiessen, G. P. Poultry Sci.<br />

The effects upon digestion in sheep of dietary inclusion of<br />

additional salivary salts.<br />

The Effects Soil Organic Matter Level on Soil Solution<br />

Concentration and Extracbilities of Manganese, Zinc and<br />

Copper<br />

The effects of varying dietary protein levels on the growth,<br />

food conversion, protein utilization and body composition of<br />

juvenile tilapias {Sarotherodon mossambicus).<br />

The Effects of Varying Dietary Protein Level on the Growth,<br />

Food Conversion, Protein Utilization and Body Composition<br />

of Juvenile Tilapias (Sarotherodon mossambicus).<br />

The effects of various cultural practices on the<br />

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The Effects of Variety in Food Choices on Dietary Quality Krebs-Smith,S.M Journal of the American Dietetic<br />

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on the growth and organ morphology of the channel catfish<br />

(Ictalurus punctatus).<br />

Simone, D.A. Aquaculture 8:81-93.<br />

The effects of temperature upon the toxicity of chemical<br />

substances on aquatic life.<br />

The Effects of Soil Organic Matter Levels on Soil Solution<br />

Concentration and Extracbilities of Manganse, Zinc and<br />

Copper<br />

The effects of saponins from Sapindus rarak fruit on rumen<br />

microbes and host animal growth<br />

The effects of row regulated supplies of nitrate and<br />

ammonium nitrogen on the growth and composition of<br />

parennial ryegrass.<br />

The Effects of Phytate on Intestinal Absorption and<br />

Secretion of Zinc, and Whole-body Retention of Zinc,<br />

Copper, Iron and Manganese in Rats,<br />

The effects of phosphorus and nitrogen on phytoplankton<br />

dominance in tropical fish ponds.<br />

The Effects of Levels of Feed Intake on Metabolized<br />

Energy Value with adult roasters<br />

The Effects of Levels of Feed Intake on Metabolized<br />

Energy Value with Adult Roaster<br />

The Effects of Level of Feed Intake on Metabolized Energy<br />

Value With Adult Roaster.<br />

The effects of grass preservation on intake, apparent<br />

digestibility and rumen degradation characteristics.<br />

The Effects of Gluphosate and Siduron on Turfgrass<br />

Establishment<br />

the effects of fetal number on the concentration of<br />

circulating maternal serum progesterone and estradiol of<br />

does during late pregnancy<br />

The effects of enzyme and inorganic phosphorus<br />

supplements in wheat and rye-based diets on laying hen<br />

performance, energy and phosphorus availability.<br />

The effects of environmental stress on outbreak of infection<br />

disease of fishes.<br />

The effects of elevated temperature on the photosynthetic<br />

efficiency of zooxanthellae in hospite from four different<br />

species of reef coral: a novel approach<br />

Cairns, Jr. J, J.Test.Evaluation, 6(2):81-90.<br />

McGrath. S.P Geoderma<br />

Thalib, A Ann.Zootech 44, suppl<br />

Jarvis, S.C Plant and soil 100.<br />

Davies, N. T. Br. J. Nutr. 34:243.<br />

Yusoff, F.M., Aquaculture Research, 28: 591-597.<br />

Sibbald, I.R. Poultry Sci.<br />

Sibbald, I.R Poultry Sci<br />

Sibbald, I. R. Poutry. Sci 54 : 130 - 145.<br />

Cushnahan, A. Anim. Sci. 60: 429-438.<br />

Moshier. L.J Weed. Sci<br />

Manalu, W. Small Ruminant Res.<br />

Pan, C. F. Poult. Sci.<br />

Snieszko, S. J. Fish. Biol. p. 197-208.<br />

Wamer ME Plant Cell Environ 19:291-299.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 74 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

The effects of dietary fish oil on serum lipids and tissue<br />

fatty acid composition of rats<br />

The effects of corporaluteal number on serum<br />

progesterone and estradiol of ewes during luteal phase of<br />

estrous cycle and pregnancy<br />

The effects of corpora luteal number on serum<br />

progesterone and estradiol of ewes during luteal phase of<br />

estrous cycle and pregnancy<br />

The effects of condensed tannins in Lotus pedunculatus<br />

upon the solubilization and degradation of ribulose-1,5ö/sphosphate<br />

carboxylase (Rubisco) protein in the rumen<br />

and the sites of Rubisco digestion<br />

The Effects of Breed, Diet, Sex, Location and Slaughter<br />

Weight on Lamb Growth, Carcass Composition and Meat<br />

Flavour.<br />

The Effects of Ascorbic Acid Supplementation on the<br />

Absorption of Iron in Maize, Wheat and Soya.<br />

The Effects of Additive Radiance Terms on Ratios of<br />

Landsat Data.<br />

The Effectiveness of Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhjizae in<br />

Increasing Growth and Phosphorus uptake of Subteranean<br />

Clover From Phophorus Source of Different Solubilities<br />

The effective-ness of steers and heifers treated with<br />

estrogen or testosterone to detect oestrus in cattle<br />

The Effectiveness of Fussion Neutron 14,7 MeV.<br />

Monogenetic Neutron and 60Co Gamma Radiation on<br />

Seefling Growth Reduction and Induction of Clorophyll<br />

Defician Mutation in Barley<br />

Yanekubo, A. Agric. Biol. Chem. 51: 296-2974.<br />

Sumaryadi, M. Y. Bull. Anim. Sci. Special Edition<br />

Sumaryadi, M. Y. Bull. Anim. Sci. Special Edition<br />

McNabb, W.C British Journal of Nutntion<br />

Crouse, J. D. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Sayers, M. H., Brit. J. Haematol. 24: 209.<br />

Kowalik, W. S., Photogrammetric Engineering and<br />

Remote Sensing 49(5): 659-669.<br />

Pairunan. A.K New phytol<br />

Sawyer, G.J. Anim. Reprod. Sci., 3: 259-269.<br />

Conger, B. V. Biological Effect of Neutron Irradiation,<br />

IAEA, Vienna<br />

The effective use of shochu distillery by-product as a<br />

source of broiler feed.<br />

Mahfudz, L. D. Japanese Poultry Science.<br />

The effective use of shochu distillery by-product as a<br />

growth promoting factor for broiler chicken<br />

Mahfudz LD Japanese Poult Sci 33-1:1-7<br />

The effect, of constant photoperiod on the timing of<br />

spawning in rainbow trout.<br />

Bromage N.R., Aauaculture 43: 213-233.<br />

The effect on subsequent broiler performance Tindell, D. Poultry. Sci. 43 : 534 - 539<br />

The effect on intermittent lighting on growth, feed ; gain<br />

ratio, and abdominal fat content of broiler chickens of<br />

various genotypes and sex<br />

Cave. NAG Poultry Sci 34<br />

The effect ofcoingestion of fat on the glucose, insulin and<br />

gastric inhibitory polypeptide responses to carbohydrate<br />

and protein<br />

Colier G.G Am. J. Clin. Nutr<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 75 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

The effect ofcasien supplement on the eating and<br />

rumination behaviour in sheep receiving a hay diet. Jpn<br />

The effect of zeolite on performance of Japanese quails in<br />

the tropical climate.<br />

The Effect of Weed on Rice in Paddy Field, Weed Species<br />

and Population Density<br />

The effect of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal association<br />

on growth of cereals<br />

The effect of Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorhiza association<br />

on growth of cereal<br />

The effect of various rates of sur-face mulch on infiltration<br />

and ero-sion.<br />

The Effect of Using Different Levels of Shrimp Meal in<br />

Broiler Diets<br />

The effect of two methods of cooking on palatability scores,<br />

shear force value, and collagen content of two beef cuts<br />

The effect of ttve different supplements on the degradation<br />

of straw in sneep given untreated barley straw<br />

The effect of trypanocidal drug treatment on the<br />

haematological changes in Trypanosoma Brucei infected<br />

splenectomsed dogs<br />

The effect of treated domestic sewage on three organs<br />

(gills, kidney, liver} of brown trout, Salmo trutta<br />

The Effect of toe clipping and reduced Feeding time on the<br />

general performance of broiler chicken<br />

The Effect of Thyroidectomy on Accretion of Phosphorus<br />

Into Skeleton of Young Goats<br />

The Effect of Three Organophosphorus Esters on Brain<br />

and Acetylcholin-esterase.<br />

The effect of the hyperparasite (Gliocladium virens) on<br />

Rhizoctonia solani and on Rhizoctonia rootrot of white<br />

beans<br />

The effect of the as from oil palm fruit bunch and<br />

mickrofoliar on the growth of vanilia stem cutting.<br />

The effect of temperature,dietary energy content and<br />

reward level on the demand feeding activity of rainbow<br />

trout ( Onchorhynchus mykiss)<br />

Fujihara, T J. Zootech. Sci<br />

Zainuddin, D. Bulletin of animal science.<br />

Chang, W.L. J. Taiwan Agric. Ret. 19(4)<br />

Khan. S.A New phytol<br />

Khan, A. G. New Paytol<br />

Manering, J.V. Soil Sci.Soc. Am.J<br />

Rosenfeld, D.J Poultry Sci<br />

Cover, S Fd. Res.. 21<br />

Sylva, A.T Anim. Feed Sci, and Technol<br />

Egbe, N.T.N Vet. Parasitol 50(1-2): 22-23.<br />

Bucher, F. Water Research 27: 255-261.<br />

Proodfoot, F. G Can J.Anim.Sci<br />

Symonds, H.W. Res. Vet. Sci.<br />

Elawar, M. F. Pesticide Biochem. Physiol.<br />

Tu, J. C. Can. J. Bot.<br />

Rosman, R. industrial Research Journal Agriculture<br />

Research Institute for Industrial al<br />

Crops Bogor Indonesia Vol. I (3).<br />

Alanara Aquaculture<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 76 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

The Effect of Temperature on the Benthic Stages of<br />

Cyanea sp. (Cnidaria :Scyphozoa), and Their Seasonal<br />

Distribution in The Nianthic River Estuary, Connecticut<br />

The effect of temperature on kernel development in<br />

cereals.<br />

The Effect Of Temperature and Shade on Curd Initiation In<br />

Temperate and Tropical Cauliflower<br />

The effect of temperature and light on growth and flowering<br />

of rosa Baccara in greenhouses<br />

The Effect of Temperature and Humidity on the Ripening of<br />

Durian Fruits<br />

The effect of sustained swimming performance on the<br />

concentrations of glycogen and lactate occuring in the<br />

myotomial muscles and liver of the coalfish (Gadus virens<br />

L.).<br />

The Effect of Supplements of Fish Meal and Lactic Acid on<br />

Voluntary Intake of Silage by Calves.<br />

The Effect of Supplements of Fish Meal and Lactic Acid on<br />

Voluntary Intake of Silage by Calves.<br />

The effect of supplemental lysine on selected carcass and<br />

performance measures of broiler chickens<br />

The effect of supplemental ascorbic acid in enriched live<br />

food for Clarias gariepinus larvae at startfeeding<br />

The effect of sublethal endrin exposure on rainbow Trout,<br />

Salmo gairdneri Richardson. 1, Evaluation of serum cortisol<br />

concentrations and immune rensponsiveness<br />

The Effect of Stocking Density on the Growth, Development<br />

and Survival of Penaeus indicus Milne Edwards Larvae.<br />

The Effect of Steric Factors on The Interaction of Some<br />

Phenylphosphonates with Acetylcholinesterase and Neuro-<br />

Pathy Target Esterase of Hen Brain.<br />

The effect of stemprunning and plant population on tomato<br />

productivity<br />

The effect of some organics anions on phosphatetevel from<br />

acid and calcareous soils.<br />

The effect of some organic anion on phosphate removal<br />

from acid and calcareous soils<br />

The effect of solar radiation on the physiology of ongolo<br />

(bos indicus), Bali (Bos Sondaicus) and Madura cows<br />

Brewer, H.R. Journal of Experimental Marine<br />

Biology' and Ecology. Vol. 152:49-60.<br />

Chowdhury, S. I. Aust. J. Agric. Res. 29,205-223.<br />

Nowbuth. R.D Acta Horticulturae<br />

Moe R Acta Horticulturae 14 :157-166<br />

Ketsa, S. J. Horticultural Science, 70 (5): 827-<br />

831.<br />

Johnston, I.A J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. p 53: 17-26.<br />

Thomas, C. Grass and Forage Sci.<br />

Thomas, C. Grass and Forage Sci.<br />

Li, S. E. Poult. Sci.<br />

Merchie G Aquaculture 151:245-258.<br />

Bennet. R.O. Journal of Fish Biology 31: 375-385.<br />

Emmerson, W.D. Aquaculture, 23 (1-4): 45-57.<br />

Johnson, M. K. Pesticide Biochem. Physiol.<br />

Campas, JP., C.C Horticulture Abstract<br />

Lopez Soil Sci. soc. Am.J<br />

Lopez-Hernandez,<br />

D.<br />

Komarudin, M. DAP Bull.<br />

Soil Sci. Am. J. 128:321-326.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 77 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

The effect of solar radiation on the physiology of ongole<br />

(bos indicus) Bali (bos sondaicus) and madura cows<br />

Komarudin, M. DAP Bull.<br />

The effect of soil puddling on post-rice rainfed legumes Dacanay, E.V. G. Kirchhof and H.B. So (Eds.)<br />

Management of Clay Soils for Rainfed<br />

Lowland Rice-Based Cropping<br />

Systems. ACIAR Proc. 70: 95-98.<br />

The Effect of Soil Organic Matter Levels on Soil Solution<br />

Concentrations and Extractabilities of Manganese, Zinc<br />

and Copper<br />

The Effect of Soil Organic Matter Levels on Soil Solution<br />

Concentrations and Extractabilities of Manganese, Zinc<br />

and Copper<br />

The effect of soil drying on humus decomposition and<br />

nitrogen availability<br />

The effect of shrimp dietary chitin on growth, survival and<br />

chitinase levels in the digestive gland of juvenile Penaeus<br />

monodon.<br />

The effect of sewage sludge on soil structural stability:<br />

Microbiological aspects.<br />

The effect of serum on in vitro maturation, IN vitro<br />

fertilization and steroidogenesis of bovine oocytes cocultured<br />

with granulosa cells<br />

McGrath.S.P Geoderma<br />

McGrath. S.P Geoderma<br />

Birch, H.F Plan and soil<br />

Fox, C.J. Aquaculture 109: 39-49.<br />

Metzger, L. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Mingoti, G.Z Braz.J.Med.Biol.Res. 28(2):213-7<br />

The effect of selection genetic variabilty<br />

The Effect of Seaweed Extract on the Growth and<br />

Production of Apples in Indonesia<br />

Bulmer MG Amer natur 195:201-211<br />

The effect of salinity on cadmium toxicity in the estuarine<br />

mysid Mysidopsis bahia: Roles of osmoregulation and<br />

calcium.<br />

De Lisle, P.F., Mar. Environ. Res., 37: 47-62.<br />

The Effect of Rising Environmental Temperatures. Johnson, H. D. J. Agric. Science, Camb.,<br />

The Effect of Rigid External Support on Vein Graft<br />

Adaptation to The Arterial Circulation<br />

Kohler T.R. J. Vasc. Surg., 9: 277-85.<br />

The Effect Of Reduced Tillage Of An Irrigated Silty Soil and<br />

A Mulsh on Seedling Emergence, Growth and Yield Of<br />

Maize (Zea Mays) Harvested For Silage<br />

Tisdall. J.M Soil and Tillage research<br />

The Effect of Reduced Feeding time Using Allmash or<br />

Crumblepellet dietary regimens on Chicken broiler<br />

performance, Including the inciden-ce of acute death<br />

syndrome<br />

The effect of ration containing steam processed of<br />

bagasse on digestible dry matter, energy and contents in<br />

sheep<br />

Proodfoot, F. G Poultry Sci.<br />

aNONIM Journal of Padjadjaran University<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 78 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

The Effect of Quality of Diet on Feed Intake, Feed<br />

Digestibility, and Growth Rate of Lambs in Ambient<br />

Temperature of 200d 300c.<br />

The effect of protein supplement source or supply pattern<br />

on the intake, digestibility, rumen kinetics, Nitrogen<br />

utilization and growth of Ethiopian Menz sheep fed teff<br />

straw<br />

The effect of protein infu-sion on urinary excretion of purine<br />

de-rivatives in ruminants nourished by intragastric nutrition<br />

The effect of protein degradability on milk composition and<br />

production of early lactation, somatotrophininjected cows<br />

The effect of primary antioxidants and synergysts on the<br />

activity of plant extract in lard<br />

The effect of position, storage time and shaking on the<br />

quality of sell eggs.<br />

The effect of PMSG dose on the incidence of chromosomal<br />

anomalies in mouse embryos fertilized in vitro<br />

The effect of phytate on the y-owth of rainbow trout<br />

(Salmon gairdneri) fed purifed diets containing varying<br />

quantities of calcium & Mg<br />

The Effect of Phytate and Other Food Factors on Iron<br />

Absorption<br />

The Effect of Photoperiodism and Reasing Period, Feed<br />

Restriction on The Five Leghorn Strains<br />

The Effect of pH, Salt Concentration and Temperature on<br />

The Survival and Growth of Listeria Monocytogenes<br />

the effect of pH on maximum bacterialgrowth rate and its<br />

possible role as a determinant of bacterial competition in<br />

the rumen<br />

The Effect of pH and Oxygen on the growth, Monoclonal<br />

Antibody Production, and Metabolism of Mouse Hybridoma<br />

The effect of pasture type and lupin supplementation on<br />

ovulation rate of Merino ewes duration of lupin grain<br />

supplementation<br />

The effect of particle size origine of calcium carbonate on<br />

performance and assofication characteristics in boiler<br />

chickens.<br />

Rianto, E. Bul. Anim. Sci. Gadjah Mada<br />

University.<br />

Bonsi, M. L. K. J. Feed Science and Technology<br />

Fujihara, T, J. Agric. Sci. Camb<br />

Winsryg, M. D. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Basnias, C. J. American Oil Chem. Sociaty. 69<br />

(6): 50.<br />

Walker, G.C. Poultry sci. 51 : 287 - 293<br />

Maudlin I J.Reprod.Fertil<br />

Spinelli J Aquacult 30: 71-84<br />

Sharpe, L. M. J. Nutr. 41: 433.<br />

Proudfoot, F.G Poult. Sci.<br />

Cole. M.B J. Applied Bacteriology<br />

Russel, J. B. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Macmichael, G.J. Biotechnology, March: 10-12.<br />

Marshall T J of Agric Australian 15:31<br />

Poult. Sci.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 79 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

The effect of palm age and planting density on the<br />

partitioning of assimilates in oil palm (Elais guineensis)<br />

The Effect of Organic Matter and Tillage on Maximum<br />

Compactibility of Soils Using the Proctor Test.<br />

The effect of nutrient supplementation on the feeding value<br />

of kapok seed for poultry.<br />

The effect of nitrogen fertilization and frequency of cutting<br />

the yield and composition of three tropical grasses<br />

The Effect of Natural and Human Disturbance on Soil<br />

Nitrogen Dynamics and Trace Gas Fluxes in Puerto<br />

Ricanwet Forest<br />

The effect of n-3 fatty acids on plasma lipids and<br />

lippoproteins and other cardiovascular risk factors in<br />

patients with hyperlipidaema<br />

The Effect of Morphology on the Ability of Human<br />

Spermatozoa to Penetrate Zona Free Hamster Oocyte<br />

The effect of modifying the FSH/LH ratio during the<br />

superovulatory treatment in ewes<br />

The effect of method of determination of acid detergent<br />

fibre on its relationship with me digestibility of grasses<br />

The Effect of Low Protein Finiser. Diets on Broiler Male<br />

Performance and Abdominal Fat.<br />

The Effect of Low Protein Finiser. Diets on Broiler Male<br />

Performance and Abdominal Fat.<br />

The effect of low protein diets on broiler male performance<br />

and abdominal fat<br />

The effect of low HUFA and high //(//^-enriched Artemia,<br />

fed at different feeding levels, on growth, survival, tissue<br />

fatty acids, and liver histology of Glorias gariepinus larvae<br />

The effect of LH concentration in a porcine pituitary<br />

extract and season on superovulatory response of Bos<br />

indicus heifers<br />

The Effect of Level of Calsium Intake on Utilization of<br />

Phosphorus by The Pre-Ruminant Lamb.<br />

The effect of isozyme selection on yield and flowering time<br />

in Lolium perenne.<br />

Breure CJ Expl. Agric. 24: 53-66<br />

Thomas, G. W. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J<br />

Thanu, K. Animal feed Science and Technology<br />

Vicente-Chandler, J. Agron. J., 51: 202-206.<br />

Steudler. P.A Biotropica<br />

Schmidt EB Artherosclerosis 103:107-121<br />

Marsh, S.K. Human Reprod. 2: 76-82.<br />

Cognie Y, Theriogenology<br />

McLeod, M.N. J. Br. Grassl. Soc., 27: 23-27.<br />

Djamra., J. Poult. Sci. 63,9.<br />

Djamra, O.M. J. Poult. Sci.<br />

Diambra, O. H. Poultry Sci.<br />

Verrct, J. Aquaculture 126:137-150.<br />

Tribulo H Theriogenology<br />

Hodge, R.W. Aust. J. Agric.<br />

Hayward MD Plant Breeding 101(1):24-29<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 80 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

The Effect of Intravenous Administration of Phosphorus on<br />

Phosphorus and Calcium Metabolism in Sheep<br />

The Effect of Intra Ruminal Infusion of Sodium Bicarbonat,<br />

Ammonium Chloride and Sodium Butyrate of Urea<br />

Metabolism in Sheep.<br />

The effect of intemiittenlight on broiler performance, dust<br />

production and litter moisture<br />

The Effect of Inorganic Nitrogen on Microorganisms and<br />

Fish in Fish Ponds. In: Rosenthal, H., and S. Sarig (Eds).<br />

Research in Modern Aquaculture. Proc. 3th German -<br />

Israell Status Seminar,<br />

The effect of inocolation with Lactobacillus plantarum on<br />

fermentation in laboratory silos of herbage low in watersoluble<br />

carbohydrate<br />

Towns, K.M. Aus. J. Agric.<br />

Norton, B. W. Br. J. Nutr.<br />

Gayner, R.M Poult.Sci<br />

Van Rijn, J., Europ Aquacult. Soc., Spec. Publ., No.<br />

11: 3-27 pp.<br />

Rooke, J.A. Grass and Forage Sci., 45:143-152.<br />

The effect of injected testosterone on adult ewes Johnston, E.F J. Anim. Sci.<br />

The Effect of Guar Gum On The Viscosity Of The<br />

Gastrointestinal Contens And On Glucose Uptake From<br />

The Perfused Jejunum In the rat<br />

Blackburn.N.A British Journal of Nutrition<br />

The effect of graded levels of corn oil and different fats on<br />

the performance of white pekin ducklings<br />

The effect of gossypol on the rumen microbial degradation<br />

of grass hay under consecutive batch culture (CBC).<br />

The effect of gossypol on the rumen microbial degradation<br />

of grass hay under consecutive batch culture (CBC)<br />

The effect of gossypol on the rumen microbial degradation<br />

of grass hay under consecutive batch culture (CBC)<br />

The effect of gossypol on the rumen microbial degradation<br />

of grass hay under consecutive batch culture (CBC)<br />

The effect of gossypol on the rumen microbial degradation<br />

of grass hay (GH) under consecutive batch culture (CBC)<br />

The effect of gossypol on the rumen fungal attachment to<br />

and degradation of cellulose in culture<br />

The effect of Gibberellic acid. Aplication on flowering and<br />

seed production in onion<br />

The effect of FSH, LH, oestradiol-l7ß, and progesterone on<br />

cytoplasmic maturation of bovine follicular oocytes in vitro<br />

Storey, M. L. Poult. Sci.<br />

Ismartoyo Anim. Prod., 56: (Suppl. 1) 462 (A).<br />

Ismartoyo Anim.Prod.. 56. (Suppl.l).462 (A.).<br />

Ismartoyo Anim. Prod., 56: (Suppl. 1). 462 (A).<br />

Ismartoyo Anim. Prod.<br />

Ismartoyo Animal Production, 56: 462 (A).<br />

Ismartoyo Animal Production, 60: 552 (A).<br />

Naami, F. J. Amer. Hort. Sci.<br />

Karlach V. Folia-Biol 33(4) :258-65.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 81 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

The effect of four levels of ascorbic acid and two levels of<br />

caisium or. egg shell quality of forced-molted White<br />

Leghorn 'hens<br />

The effect of filter content and size on the mechanical<br />

properties of polypropylene/oil palm wood flour composites<br />

The effect of fetal number on the concentration of<br />

circulating maternal serum progesterone and estradiol of<br />

does during late pregnancy<br />

The effect of feeding hybrid napier grass to growing<br />

Hariana calves with and without protein supllement<br />

The ef-fect of feed intake and body weight on purine<br />

derivative excretion and micro-bial protein supply in sheep<br />

The Effect of Feed Intake and Body Weight on Purine<br />

Derivate Excretion and Microbial Protein Supply in Sheep.<br />

The effect of feed intake and body weight on purine<br />

derivate excretion and microbial protein supply in sheep<br />

The effect of feed denial in starter die s on the performance<br />

of broiler chickens<br />

The Effect of Feather Meal on Carcass Composition and<br />

Fat Pad Cellularity in Broiler and Layers Feed with<br />

Hydrolized Feather Meal, Bureaux of Animal Industry.<br />

The effect of feather meal on carcass composition and fat<br />

cellurarity in broiler: influence of calorie: protein ratio of diet<br />

The Effect of fceding Levels on The Fecundity of Plaice<br />

(Pleuronectes platessa)<br />

The Effect of extreme salinity on peroxides and catalase in<br />

halophyte plant.<br />

The effect of experimental starter diets with diferent levels<br />

of soybean or menhadeoil on red drum (Sciaenops<br />

ocellalus).<br />

The Effect Of Ethylene and Propylene Pulses on<br />

Respiration, Ripening Advancement, Ethylene Forming<br />

Enzyme and ACC Synthase Activity in Avocado Fruit<br />

The effect of estrogen alone or in association with<br />

progestagens on the formation and regression of the<br />

corpus luteum of the cyclic cows<br />

Zapata, L.F Poultry Science<br />

Zaini MJ Polymer International 40(1)51-55<br />

Manalu, W. Small ruminant Res.<br />

Gupta GS Indian J. Dairy Sci 23 : 41<br />

Chen, X.B J. Anim. Sci<br />

Chen, X. B. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Chen, X. B. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Proodfoot, F. G Poultry Sci<br />

Cupo, M. A. J. Vet.Anim. Sci.<br />

Cupo, M. A. Poultry Sci.<br />

Horwood, J.W. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K.(69): 81-92.<br />

Kalir, A., Physiol. Plant. 72: 137-142.<br />

Tucker, J.W. Jr., Aquaculture, 149: 323-339.<br />

Sterrett. D.A Plant Physiol<br />

Lemon M. Ann. Biol. Anim. Bioch. Biophys. 15:<br />

243-253.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 82 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

The effect of erosion on spatial differentiation of the<br />

physical properties of orthic Luvisols<br />

The effect of energy supplied from the diet and from<br />

environment heat on the response of chicks to different<br />

levels of dietary lysine.<br />

The effect of energy and protein intake on the excretion of<br />

purin derivates<br />

The effect of drying on digestibility of calliandra<br />

callothyrsus.<br />

The effect of different protein supplements on the utilization<br />

of untreated, formic acid-treated or enzyme-treated silages<br />

by growing steers<br />

the effect of different protein and energy levels and change<br />

from starter to finisher ration on performance of broiler<br />

chicken in the tropics.<br />

The Effect of Different Organic Matterials on The<br />

Alleviation Al Toxicity in Soybean on Red Yellow Podzolic<br />

Soil<br />

The effect of dietary n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid on<br />

growth, survival, and swim bledder development in Sparus<br />

aurata larvae.<br />

The effect of dietary methionine and lysine on broiler chicks<br />

performance and breast meat yield<br />

The effect of dietary methionine and lysine on broiler chicks<br />

performance and breast meat yield<br />

The Effect of Dietary Intake of Calsium and Dry Matter on<br />

the Absorption and Excretion of Calsium and Phosphorus<br />

by Growing Lambs<br />

The effect of dietary energy source and on nitrogen<br />

metabolism in the rumen of sheep.<br />

The effect of dietary energy intake on carcass composition<br />

and palatability of different weight carcass from ewe and<br />

ram.<br />

The effect of dietary energy intake on carcass composition<br />

and palatability of different weight carcass from ewe and<br />

ram<br />

The effect of dietary chitin on growth. survival and chitinase<br />

levels in the digestive gland of juvenile Penaeus monodon.<br />

The Effect of Dietary Cellulose and Sand on The Combined<br />

Metabolic Plus Endogenous Energy and Amino Acid<br />

Outputs of Adult Cockerels.<br />

Turski, R. International Agrophysics<br />

March, B. E. Poultry Sci.<br />

Sumsel, P. J. Agr. Sci. Camb.<br />

Wina, E. B. Ilmu dan peternakan.<br />

Jacobs, J. L. Grass and Forage Sci.<br />

Olomu, J. M. Poult. Sci.<br />

Berek, A. K Plant and Soil<br />

Koven, M.W., Aquaculture, 91:131-141.<br />

Can. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Hickling, D. Poult. Sci.<br />

Field, A.D. J. Agric. Sci. Camb.<br />

Offer, N.W. Brit. J. Nutr.<br />

Crouse, J.D. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Crouse JD J of Anim Sci 47: 1207-1218<br />

Fox, C.J. Aquaculture, 109:39-49<br />

Sibbald, I. R. Poultry Sci.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 83 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

The effect of dietary ascorbic acid supplementation on<br />

hatchability, survival rate and fry performance in<br />

Oreochromis mossambicus.<br />

The effect of dietary ascorbic acid suplementation on<br />

hatchability, survival rate and fry performance in<br />

Oreochromis mossambicus (Peter).<br />

The effect of diesel-based drilling mud extracts oil the<br />

Immune response of rainbow trout<br />

The effect of density on the survival and development of<br />

Sitophilus Zaemais Motsch (Coleoptera curculioidae) In<br />

different maize Varieties<br />

The effect of density on the survival and development of<br />

Sithopilus zeamais (Motsch) (Coleopatera : Curculionidae)<br />

in different maize varieties<br />

The effect of density of the survival and development of<br />

Sitophilus zeamais in different maize varieties<br />

The effect of DDT, zetran and zytron on the PCV, total<br />

erythrocyte count and mean corpuscular volume of<br />

japanese quail<br />

The effect of crop rotationon aggragate stability ina redbrown<br />

earth<br />

The effect of crop rotationon aggragate stability ina redbrown<br />

earth<br />

The Effect of Crop Rotation on Agregation in Red Brown<br />

Earth<br />

The effect of cooking temperature and time on some<br />

mechanical properties on meat<br />

The effect of condensed tannins on the site of digestion of<br />

amino adds and other nutrients in sneep fed on Lotus<br />

comiciriatus L<br />

The effect of compost materials upon the aggregation of<br />

the silt and clay particles of collington sandy loam<br />

The effect of compost materials upon the aggregation of<br />

the silt and clay particles of collington sandy loam<br />

The effect of common date of either anthesis or planting on<br />

the development and grain yield of wheat<br />

The effect of clove and cinnamon oils on growth and<br />

aflatoxin production by Aspergillus flavus<br />

The effect of chilli veinal mottle virus on yield of chilli<br />

(Capsicum annuum L.)<br />

Soliman, A. K., Aquaculture. 59:197-208.<br />

Soliman, A. K., Aquaculture, 59:197-208.<br />

Tahir, A. Archives of Environmental<br />

Contamination and Toxicology 29: 27-<br />

31.<br />

Melchor J,D. Plant protection news vol,.X. No. 4<br />

Melchor, D.J. In Plan protection News, BPI -<br />

Phlilppina. Vol. X No. 4. P.4-25.<br />

Jorge, M. D. Plant protection news<br />

Ernst, R. A. Poul. Sci.<br />

Tisdall JM Aust J Soil Res 18:423-33<br />

Tisdall JM Aust J Soil Res 18:423-33<br />

Tisdall. J.M Aust, J, Soil. Res<br />

Bouton, P. E. J. Food Sci.<br />

Waghom, G.C British Journal of Nutrition<br />

Martin JP 1942 Soil Sci Soc Am Proc 7:218-22<br />

Martin JP 1942 Soil Sci Soc Am Proc 7:218-22<br />

Woodruf, D.R Aust. J.Agric. Res 34:13-22<br />

Sinha, K.K. Lett. Appl. Microbiol. 16:114-117.<br />

Ong CA Mardi Res Bull 7:74-78.<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

The Effect of Changes in Dietary Protein and Energy on<br />

Growth, Body Composition and Mohair Fibre<br />

Characteristics of British Angora Goats.<br />

The Effect of Changes in Dietary Protein and Energy on<br />

Growth, Body Composition and Mohair Fibre<br />

Characteristics of British Angora Goats.<br />

The effect of cellulase addition on nutritional and<br />

fermentation quality of barley atraw silage<br />

The effect of cell wall degrading enzymes on the<br />

preservation of grass and on the silage intake and<br />

digestibility in sheep<br />

The effect of catalase on the inhibine and peroxide values<br />

of various honies<br />

The effect of castration on meat production and quality in<br />

cattle, sheep and pigs<br />

The effect of calcium and soil pH on nodulation of T.<br />

subterraneum L clover on a yellow posdol<br />

The effect of calcium and soil pH on nodulation of T.<br />

subterraneum L clover on a yellow posdol<br />

The effect of bacterial contamination on the growth and gas<br />

evolution of in vitro cultured apricot shoots<br />

The effect of Azospirillum inoculation on metabolic enzyme<br />

activity in maize root seedling<br />

The effect of ascorbic acid supplementation in broodstock<br />

feed on reproduction of rainbowtrout (Oncorhynchus<br />

mykiss).<br />

The effect of ascorbic acid supplementation in broodstock<br />

feed on reproduction of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdineri).<br />

The effect of ascorbic acid suplementation in broodstock<br />

feed on reproduction of rainbow trout (Onchonynchus<br />

mykiss).<br />

The effect of animal feeding activities on element release<br />

from decidous forest litter & soil organic matter<br />

The effect of Anhydrous ammonia treatment of wheat straw<br />

and steam cooking of aspen wood on their feeding value<br />

and on ruminal microbial activity<br />

The effect of amylose content on insulin and glucose<br />

responses to ingested rice<br />

The Effect of Ammoniation on The Nutritive Value of<br />

Wheat, Barley and Oat Straws. II. Digestibility and Energy<br />

Value Measurements in Vivo and Their Prediction from<br />

Laboratory Measurements.<br />

Shahjalal, M. Anim. Prod.<br />

Shahjalal, M. Anim. Prod.<br />

Ridla, M. AJAS<br />

Jaakola, S. J. Agric. Sci., Finl.<br />

Adcock J. Apic. Res. 1:34-38.<br />

Turton. J.D. Anim. Breed. Abst. 30<br />

Spencer D Australian J Agric Res 1 :374-381<br />

Spencer D Australian J Agric Res 1 :374-381<br />

Marino G In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Plant 32:51-56.<br />

Fallik, E. Symbiosis. 6: 7-18.<br />

Sandnes, K., Aquaculture. 43:167-177.<br />

Sandnes. K., Aquaculture. 13: 167-177.<br />

Sandness, K., Aquaculture. 43:167-177.<br />

Anderson JM Applied soil ecology 6(1997):17-35<br />

AI-Rabbat, M.F. Can. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Goddard MS Am. J.Clin.Nutr<br />

Givens, D. I. Anim. Feed. Sci. and Tech.<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

The effect of aluminium treatment on wheat roots:<br />

expression of heat shock, histone, and SHH genes<br />

Richards K.D. Plant Science 98: 37-45.<br />

The effect of aluminium treatment on wheat roots:<br />

expression of heat shock, histone and SHH genes.<br />

Richards, K.D. Plant Physiol. 98: 37-45.<br />

The effect of aggregate disruption on the activit of<br />

microorganisms in soil<br />

Rovira AD Aust. J.Agr.Res 8:659-73<br />

The effect of aggregate disruption on the activit of<br />

microorganisms in soil<br />

Rovira AD Aust. J.Agr.Res 8:659-73<br />

The effect of aggregate description on the soil. Rovira, A.D Aust. J. Agric. Res.<br />

The effect of age of bird and season of the year on egg<br />

quality. II. 1 laugh unit and compositional Attributes<br />

Izat, A. I Poult. Sci.<br />

The effect of aflatoxin on immunity Pier, A.C. J. American Vet. Mcd. Assoc. 163:<br />

1.268-1.269.<br />

The Effect of Adsorption on Sulfate Leaching Bolan. N.S Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

The effect of a fungal probiotic on intake and performance<br />

of early-weaned calves<br />

Theodorou, M.K. Anim. Prod., 50: 577 (A).<br />

The Effect of 6 - and 8 Hour Light - Dark Cycles on Egg<br />

Productions and Pattern of Ovipositions<br />

Nys, Y Brit. Poult. Sci.<br />

The effect of (3-carotene and vitamin A enriched Anemia<br />

nauplii on the malformation and color abnormality of larval<br />

Japanese flounder<br />

Takeuchi T Fish Sci 6:141-148.<br />

The effect drying ensilage and alkali treatment on iw vitro<br />

digestability of cacao pods. Pp.161-169<br />

The efects of salinity, temperature and photoperiod on<br />

epitokal metamorphosis in Neanthes succinea (frey et<br />

Leuckart) from Sanfrancisco Bay<br />

Wong, H.K. RM. Dixen Ed, Ruminang Feedning<br />

System Utilization. Fibrous Univ, and<br />

Colleges Limited, Canberra Australia.<br />

Fong, P.P J. Exp. Mar. Biol<br />

The Efectiveness of Some Indonesian Rhizobium on<br />

four Tropical Legumes Strains of<br />

Nurhayati, D.P Plant and Soil<br />

The Efec tiveness of Some Indonesian Strains of<br />

Rhizobium on four Tropical Legumes<br />

Nurhayati, D.P Plant and Soil<br />

The Educational and Early Occupational Attainment<br />

Process : Replications and Revisions<br />

Sewell. W.H American Sociological Review<br />

The economic role of sheep and goats in West Java. Knipscheer, H. C. Bulletin of Indonesia economic studies<br />

Vol. XIX. No. 3.<br />

The economic role of sheep and goats in Indonesia : A<br />

case study of West Java<br />

The ecology of the Indonesia seas (Vol. VII, Part II)<br />

Periplus Editions<br />

The ecology of sandy beaches in Penang, Malaysia with<br />

species reference to Excirolana orientalis (Dana).<br />

Knipscheer, H.C. Bulletin of Indonesian Economic<br />

Studies, (1982) XIX, No.3<br />

Tomascik, T. The ecology of the Indonesia seas<br />

(Vol. VII, Part II) Periplus Editions<br />

Jones DA Estuarine and Coastal Marine Science<br />

9: 677-682<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

The Ecology of Fruitflies. Bateman, M.A. Annu. Rev. Entomol. 17 : 493-518.<br />

the ecology and fisheries of some inland waters along the<br />

rivers Ogan and Komering in South-East Sumatra.<br />

Vaas, K. F. Cont. Inl. Fish Res. Sta. Jakarta. (3):<br />

1-31<br />

The ecological niche of poisonous plants in range<br />

communities<br />

Cronin. E.H Journal of Rangeland Management<br />

The ecological challenge of producing leather Puntener, A. JALCA<br />

The Ecological Challenge of Producing Leather Puntener, A. JALCA<br />

The Ecological and Geographical Aspects of the Fecundity<br />

of the Plaice<br />

The early stages of grain development in wheat: response<br />

to water stress in a single variety<br />

Bagenal, T.B. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. (46) : 161 .<br />

186.<br />

Wardlaw, I. F. Aust. J. Biol. Sci. 24, 1047-1055.<br />

The Dumpy palm, Malay Jagoe RB Agric Journal 35:12-18<br />

The DTPA-Extractable Heavy Metals in Tropical Soils<br />

Treated With Lime Materials<br />

Salam. A.K<br />

The DTPA-Extractable Heavy Metal In Tropical Soils<br />

Treated With Lime Materials<br />

Salam. A.K<br />

The DTPA Extracable Heavy Metals in Tropical Soils<br />

Treated With Lime Materials<br />

Salam. A.K<br />

The DMACA-HCI protocol and the threshold proantho<br />

cyanidin content tor bloat safety in forage legumes<br />

The Distribution of Theobromine During The Fermentation<br />

of Cocoa Beans<br />

The Distribution of Net Nitrogen Mineralization Within<br />

Surface Soil. 2 Factors InFluencing The Distribution of Net<br />

N Mineralization<br />

The Distribution of Net Nitrogen Mineralization Within<br />

Surface Soil. 1. Field Study Under a Wheat Crop<br />

The distribution of micronutrient cations in soil under<br />

conditions of varying redox potential and pH.<br />

The distribution of digestive tract enzymes in<br />

Lamellibranchiate bivalve<br />

The Distribution of Body Fat in Scotish Black face and<br />

Finnish Landrace Lambs<br />

The Distribution and Number of The Skin Sense Organs of<br />

Agamid, Iguanid and Gekkonid Lizards<br />

The distribution and mobility of boron within the oil palm (E<br />

guineensis jacq)<br />

The distribution and altitudinal zonation of birds and<br />

mammals on Gunung Benom, The Gunung Benom<br />

expedition 1967<br />

The dilution of liquid cultures of Rhizobium to increase<br />

production capacity of inoculant production plants.<br />

Li Yu-Guang Journal of the Science of Food and<br />

Agncutture<br />

Knapp, A.W. J. Sci. Chem. Ind. London<br />

Purnomo. E Australian Journal of Soil Research<br />

Purnomo. E Australian Journal of Soil Research<br />

Sims, J.L. Soil Sci. Amer. J.<br />

______ Comp Biochemm Physiol 24: 727-744.<br />

Mc Clelland, T.H. Anirn. Prod. 15: 301-306.<br />

Matveyeva, T.N. Journal ofZoology(235): 253-268.<br />

Rajaratnam JA Ann Bot 36, 289-297, 299-305<br />

Medway, L Buil. British Museum (Natural History)<br />

Somasegaran, P. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 44: 330-333.<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

The digestion trial Harris DJ J Appl Rabbit Res 6:15-17<br />

The digestibility of high amylose corn starches. The<br />

apparent effect of the gene on susceptibility to amylase<br />

action<br />

Sandstedt R.M Cereal Chem<br />

The difference of diurnal changes in photosynthesis in rice<br />

plants with different root activities induced by soluble starch<br />

application to the soil<br />

The dietary lysine requirement ofjuvenil hybrid striped<br />

Bass.<br />

The Diet of Microhyla heymonsi Vogt (Microhyli-dae) and<br />

Rana chalconota Schlegel (Ranidae) in a Pond on West<br />

Java<br />

The Diagnosis of Bovine Viral Diarrhea Infections: A<br />

Laboratory Vew.<br />

The diagnosis and recommendation integrated system<br />

(DRIS).<br />

The devolopment of genetic marker for grouper by<br />

optimizing PCR-RAPD analysis<br />

Jiang, De An Jpn. J. Crop Sci<br />

Griffin, M.E., The Journal of Nutrition 122(6): 1332-<br />

1337.<br />

Erftemeijer, P. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 39 (2) :279-<br />

282.<br />

Dubovi, E. J. Vet. Med.<br />

Walworth, J.L. Adv. Soil. Sci. 6: 149-188.<br />

Lolonan S Genetic Manipulation: Challenges and<br />

Advances. Proceeding of the 4"1<br />

National Congress on Genetics.<br />

Genting Highlands, 26-28 Sep 2000.<br />

him 171-185.<br />

The developmental response of predators to changes in<br />

prey density<br />

Murdoch WW. Ecology 52:132-137.<br />

The Development of Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza<br />

infection in Plat root System<br />

Sanders. F.E Plant and Soil<br />

The Development Of Low Impact Fruit Cathing Surfaces Clark. R.L Trans. Of Am. Soc. Of Agric. Eng.<br />

The Development of Granulation in an Up-Flow Flow<br />

Digester Treating Cane Sugar Stillage<br />

Cail, R.G. Biotechnology Letter. 7 (7): 493-497.<br />

The development of flora of the alimentary tract in young<br />

animals<br />

Smith HW J Pathol Bacteriol 9:495-513<br />

The development of artificial media tor marine algae L. Provasoli, J. J. A Arch. Microbiol<br />

The Determnants Of Choice Of Supplier : a Study Of<br />

Purchase Behaviour For Capital Goods<br />

Cunningham. M.T European Journal If Marketing<br />

The detection of enterotoxic Escherichia coli with fimbrial<br />

antigen from pig in Indonesia<br />

Supar Penyakit hewan. 21(37): 13-17.<br />

The destruction of oxalates by the rumercontent of cows Morris MP J Dairy Sci 38 9/18/021169-1171<br />

The dependence of gonadal function upon vitamin and<br />

other nutritional factors.<br />

The Demand for Varied Diet with Econometric Models for<br />

Count Data<br />

Lutwak-Mann, C. Vitamin Hormon. 16:35-57.<br />

Lee Y-J American Journal of Agriculture<br />

Economics<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

The degradation of cholesterol by Pseudomonas sp. NCIB<br />

10590 under aerobic conditions<br />

The Degradation and Utilization of Endogenous Urea in<br />

The Gastrointestinal Tract of Ruminants : a Review.<br />

The Degradation and Utilization of Endogenous Urea in<br />

The Gastrointestinal Tract of Ruminants : a Review.<br />

The Decomposition of the Leaf Mulches of L.<br />

Leucocephala, G. Sepium and F. Macrophylla under<br />

Humid Tropical Conditions<br />

Owen, R.W J. Lipid Res.<br />

Kennedy, P. M. Can. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Kennedy, P. M. Can. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Budelman, A. Agroforestry Systems<br />

The day-feeding armyworm in north Queensland Brodley RH Queensland Agric J January-February<br />

: 27:30<br />

The cytokine network Balkwill F.R. Immunol. Today, 10: 299-304.<br />

The cytochemistry of the amoebocytes and intestinal<br />

epithelium of Venus mercenaria (Lamellibranchiata), with<br />

remarks on a pigment resembling ceroid<br />

Zacks,S.I. Quart J microsc Sci 96: 57-71.<br />

The Current Understanding About The Patogenesis and<br />

Clinical Forms of BVD.<br />

Bolin, S. R. Vet. Med.<br />

The culture ofseabass. SEAFDEC Asian Aldon, E. Aquaculture 19(4): 14-17.<br />

The Culture of Tilapia in Rice Paddies in Taiwan. J.T.<br />

Comm. Rural Reconstr<br />

Chen,T.P. China Fish Ser. 2. 29 p.<br />

The culture of green catfish, Mystus nemurus (Cuv.&Val.)<br />

II: Gastric emptying times and feed requirements of larvae<br />

feed with Moina. Songklanakarin.<br />

Amornsakun, T., J. Sci. Technol. 20(3): 379-384.<br />

The culture of bovine oocytes to obtain developmentally<br />

competent embryos<br />

Sirard, M.A Biol Reprod. 39(3) : 546-52<br />

The cultivated capsicum pepper Heiser CB Econ. Bot 7 : 214-227<br />

The cultivated Capsicum pepper Heiser CB Econ Bot 7:214-227<br />

The cruciality and mystique of internal auditing Dierks P Internal auditor (Apdil) 36-46<br />

The critical periods of weed control in grain corn Hall, M.R Weed Sci<br />

The covariance of phosphate sorption with other soil<br />

properties insomeBritishandTropical Soils<br />

Lopez, H.I.D. J. Soil Sci. 25: 197-206.<br />

The covariance of phosphate sorption with other soil<br />

properties in some British and tropical soils<br />

Lopez, H.I.D. J. Soil Sci. 25, 197-206.<br />

The covariance of phosphate sorption with other soil<br />

properties in some British and Tropical Soils<br />

Lopez, H. 1. D. J. Soil Sci. 25: 197-206.<br />

The covariance between relative for characters composed<br />

of components contributed by related individuals<br />

Wilham RL Biometrics 19: 18-27<br />

The course of ripening banana fruits stored in sealed poly<br />

ethylene bags.<br />

Yoram, F. J. America. Soc. Hort. Sci<br />

The cost of maintenance process in plant cell de Vries, F.W.T.P. Ann. Bot. 39: 77-92.<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

The Corynebacterium glutamicum aedD gene encodes a C-<br />

S lyase with a, b-elimination activity that degrades<br />

aminoethylcystein.<br />

The Correlation between Sperm Cell Morphology and<br />

Fertilization after Zone Pellucida Splitting in Subfertil Males<br />

Rossol, I. J. Bacteriol. 174: 2968-2977.<br />

Simon, A. J Fertil and Steril, 56: 283-297.<br />

The corpora allata of insects Cassier, P. Int. Rev. Cyt. 57: 1-73.<br />

The control up catch-up groeth Mosier H.D.Jr Acta Endocrinol<br />

The control of superovulation in the bovine with a PMSGantiserum<br />

Dhondt, E. Theriogenology 9:529-534.<br />

The Control of Soil Physical Condition in Pot Trials Ferggus. I. F Australian J. Exp. Agric and Animal.<br />

Husb<br />

The control of shoot tip necrosis in Pistacia vera L. in vitro Barghchi, M. Plant. Growth Reg. 20: 31-35.<br />

The control of catch-up growth Mosier H.D Jr Acta Endocrinol<br />

The control and consequences of bacterial fermentation in<br />

the human colon<br />

Cummings,J.H J. App. Bacteriol<br />

The contribution of proteolytic enzymes to postmortem<br />

changes in muscle<br />

Etherington, D. J. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

The contribution of nitrogen fertiliser to the nitrogen<br />

nutrition of rainfed wheat crops in Australia: a review<br />

McDonald, G.K. Aust. J. Exp. Agric. 29,455-481.<br />

The Contribution of Endo-1,4-b-D-Glucanases to<br />

Cellulolytic in Trichoderma Koningi.<br />

Halliwell, G. Journal of Applied Biochemistry.<br />

The contribution of endo-1, 4-b-D-glucanase to cellulolytic<br />

in trichoderma koningi<br />

Halliwell, G. J. Applied Biochemis.<br />

The consumption and utilization of food by insects Waldbauer, G. P. Advan. Insect Physiol. 5: 229-288.<br />

The consumption and utilization of food by insects Waldbauer GP Advan. Insect Physiol. 5,229-288.<br />

The Consumption and Uitlization of Food by Insects. Waldbauer, G.P. Advan. Insects Physiol 5:229-288<br />

The condition of the lost plant during aestivation-diapause<br />

of stalk Chilo partellus Swinhoe and Chilo orichalcociliella<br />

(Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in Kenya<br />

- Entomol. Exp. Appl.<br />

The condensed tannin content of a range of subtropical<br />

and temperate forages and the reactivity of condensed<br />

tannin with ribulose-1,5-Al-phosphate carboxylase<br />

(Rubisco) protein.<br />

The Composting of Organic Material and Associated<br />

Maturity Problems<br />

The complete nucleotide sequence of the Xenopus laevis<br />

mitochondrial genome<br />

The complete nucleotide sequence of the Ratfus<br />

norvegicus mitochondrial genome: cryptic signals revealed<br />

by comparative analysis between vertebrate<br />

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The comparison of two simple protocols designed to initiate<br />

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The comparison of RFLP, RAPD, AFLP, and SSR<br />

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The Comparative Value for weaner sheep of stubble and<br />

grain of Pea, Vetch and Lupin Crops<br />

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The chromosome- of the Egyptian freshwater snail<br />

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The chromosome of the Egyptian freshwater snail<br />

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The Chlesterol Problem in The Egg and Lipid Metabolism<br />

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The characteristic and chemical constituents of Melaleuca<br />

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The Beta Adrenergic Agonist Cimaterol Inhibits Protein<br />

Breakdown in Chick Skeletal Muscle Via a Nonlysosomal<br />

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The benthic ecology of Loch Linnhe and Loch Eil, a sea<br />

loch system on the west coast of Scotland. III.The effect on<br />

the benthic fauna of the introduction of pulp mill effluent.<br />

The Beneficial Effect of Microbial Phytase in Diets for<br />

Broiler Chickens and Ducklings<br />

The Behaviour of The Red Locust N. Septemfasciata<br />

Serville, In Relatiuon to The Topography,Meteorology and<br />

Vegetarian at The Rukawa Rift Valey, Tanganyika<br />

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The Analysis of Competition Experiments Williams. E.J Aust. J. Biol. Sci<br />

The Analysis Of Adaption Plant Breeding Programs Finlay. K.W. Aust. J. Agric. Res<br />

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The analysis of adaption in plant breeding <strong>program</strong>. Finlay, K.W. Aust.J. Agric.<br />

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The Activity of Nematode-Trapping Fungi Following Their<br />

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The Action Of Sutfanilamide On Shell Deposition Cooke,AS British Poultry Science,<br />

The Action of b-agonist Clenbuterol on Protein and Energy<br />

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The accuracy of predicting dry matter digestibility of<br />

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The 1991 Duck Hunting Season in Victoria Holmes, J. Arthur Rylah Institute for<br />

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The effects of grazing chicory (Cichonum infytius) and<br />

perennial ryegrass (Lolium pe?wwe)/white dover<br />

(Trifolium repons) pasture upon the growth arid voluntary<br />

feed intake of red deer and hybrid deer during lactation and<br />

post-weaning growth.<br />

The presence of region homologous to hrp cluster In<br />

Pseudomonas luoresens PfG32R.<br />

The conversion of procyanidins and prodelphinidins to<br />

cyanidins and delpninidin<br />

Texture stability during storage of freeze dried beef at low<br />

and intermediate moisture contents<br />

Tetraetherlipids, liposomes containing these lipids, and<br />

their application (Tetraetherlipide und diese enthaltende<br />

Liposomen sowie deren Verwendung).<br />

Testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, trenbolone acetate, &<br />

zeraol alter the synthesis of cortisol in bovine<br />

adrenocortical cells<br />

Testosterone influence on growth, performance, carcass<br />

characteristics, & composotion of young market lamb<br />

Testing the statistical certainty of a response to increasing<br />

doses of a drug<br />

Testing the Consistency for Mapping Urban Vegetation with<br />

High Altitude Aerial Photographs and Landsat MSS Data.<br />

Kusmartono, Journal of Aghcuttural Science,<br />

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Tukey, J.W. Biometrics 41:295-301.<br />

Sadowski, F. G., Remote Sensing of Environment 21:<br />

129-141.<br />

Testicular growth and related sperm output in dairy bulls Hahn J Anim Sci<br />

Testcrosses of one-and two-ear types of com belt maize<br />

inbreds. l. Performance at four plant densities<br />

Testcross selection prior to further inbreeding in maize:<br />

Mean performance and realized genetic population<br />

Russell, W.A. Crop Sci.<br />

Bernardo, R. Crops Science<br />

Test Kerentanan Anti mikroba In Vitro Edberg, S.C Edberg, S.C, 1986. Antibiotika dan<br />

Infeksi. Yele New Heaven Hospital.<br />

New York.<br />

Test Cross Selection Prior to Further in Breeding in Meize:<br />

Mean Performance and Relized Genetic Variance<br />

Bernado, R. Crop Sci.<br />

Terpenoids From The Genus Artemisia As Potential<br />

Pesticides<br />

Duke. S.O Agriculture Stoniville. M.T 8776<br />

Terpenoids From The Genous Artemisia as Potential<br />

Pesticides<br />

Duke. S.O Agriculture Stoniville. MT 8776<br />

Ternak Sapi Bali di Timor Nusa Tenggara Timur. Thalib, C. Wartazoa.<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Termite (Isoptera) control in agriculture and forestry by non-<br />

Chemical methods a review<br />

Term Development of Caprine Embryos Derived from<br />

Immature Oocytes In Vitro<br />

Teratogenicity of dimethoxyethyl phthalate and its<br />

metabolites methoxyethanol and methoxyacetic acid in the<br />

rat<br />

Ten Year retrospective on the antioxidant hypothesis of<br />

atheroclerosis<br />

Ten Different Dietary Fibers Have Significantly different<br />

Effects on Serum and Liver Lipids of Cholesterol-Fed Rats<br />

Logan WH Bull. Of Entomol Resch. Vol 80(3), 309-<br />

330<br />

Keskintepe, L. Theriogenology, 42: 527-535.<br />

Ritter EJ Teratology 32:25-31.<br />

Gey KF J Nutr Biochem 6 206-236<br />

Anderso.J.W Jounal Of Nutrition<br />

Temu-temuan (Jahe, Temu lawak, Kunyit, dan Kencur). Sudiarto Edisi Khusus Littro VI (1): 71-87.<br />

Temu-temuan (jahe, temu lawak, kunyit dan kencur) Sudiarto Ed. Khusus Littro<br />

Temporal, cell-specifik, and tissue-preferential expression<br />

of myrosinase genes during embryo and seedling<br />

development in Sinapsis alba<br />

Xue, J. Plania 191:95-101<br />

Temporal Variablity of Selected Properties of a Loessial<br />

Soil as Affected by Cropping<br />

Temporal Variability of Selected Properties of Loessial Soil<br />

as Affected By Croping<br />

Temporal and Spatial Variation in Coastal Macrobenthic<br />

Community Structure.<br />

Tempertur, pH and bacterial population of meat as<br />

influence by home frezer failure<br />

Temperatus and Reproduktive Metabolisme in macrobentic<br />

populations<br />

Temperature Regime of A Tropical Soil in Relation to<br />

Susface Condition and Air Temperature and Its Furrier<br />

Analysis<br />

Temperature Mana gement and Chilling Injury of Tropical<br />

and Subtropical Fruit<br />

Temperature induced changes in acute toxicity of zinc to<br />

Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar).<br />

Temperature induced changes in acute toxicity of zinc to<br />

Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar).<br />

Temperature induced bleaching of corals begins with<br />

impairment of dark metabolism in zooxanthellae<br />

Temperature effects during polimerization of polyacrilamide<br />

gels used for bacterial cell immobilization.<br />

Temperature Dependence of Humoral Immunity in carp (<br />

Cyprinus carpio)<br />

Scott. H.D Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Scott.H.D Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Persson, L.E. Hano Bay (Souther Baltic) Vol. 68.154<br />

pp.<br />

Bedinghaus AI J food sci 56(6): 1509-1510<br />

Brey, T. Marine Ecology<br />

Ghuman. B.S Soil Science<br />

Brown, B.l. Acta Horticulturae<br />

Hodson, P.V. J. Fish Res. Board Can. (32): 1-10.<br />

Hodson, P.V. J. Fish Res. Board Can. (32): 1-10.<br />

Jones R Plant Cell Environ 21:1219-1230.<br />

Wheatley MA Biotechnol Bioeng 25:623-626.<br />

Rijkers G.T Vet.Immunol.Immunpathol.<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Temperature Coeficient of Soil Nitrogen Mineralization Stanford. G Soil. Sci<br />

Temperature and the annual cycle of nitrification in waters<br />

of Naragansett Bay<br />

Beronsky, V.M. Limnol. Oceanogr. 35: 1610-1617.<br />

Temperature and teleost immune functions Bly, J.E. Fish & Shellfish Immunology 2,159-<br />

171,<br />

Temperature and NaCl on affect growth and survival of<br />

escherichia coli 0157:h7 in poultry based and laboratory<br />

media<br />

Conner, D. E. J. Food Sci.<br />

Temperature and afterripenin Roberts EH J Exp. Bot : 16:341-349<br />

Temperature and afterripenin Roberts EH J Exp. Bot : 16:341-349<br />

Temperature influenced species competition in mass<br />

Goldman, J,C, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 18:<br />

cultures of marine phytoplankton.<br />

1125-1144.<br />

Telaah Interaksi Ginotipe an Lingkungan Pada Kacang<br />

Tanah<br />

Kasno A. Penelitian Palawijaya Balittan Malang<br />

Telaah interaksi Genotype x Lingkungan pada Kacang<br />

Tanah 1. Pendugaan Parameter Genetic Hasil dan<br />

Komponen Hasil Kacang Tanah (Arachis hypogea L. Merr).<br />

Kasno, A. Penelitian Palawija 2 (2): 81-88<br />

Telaah interaksi genotipe dan lingkungan pada kacang<br />

tanah. 2 Analisis stabilitas hasil dan komponen hasil<br />

kacang tanah di beberapa lingkungan<br />

Kasno, A. Penelitian Palawija 3(1): 24-32.<br />

Telaah Budidaya Jagung di Lahan Tegalan Miditen Poernomo. J Penelitian Palawija<br />

Telaah ambang kendali hama plutella xylostella L pd<br />

tanaman kubis<br />

Astuti P Habiata Unibraw<br />

Telaah ambang kendali hama plutella xylostella L pd<br />

tanaman kubis<br />

Astuti P Habiata Unibraw<br />

Telaah Agro-Ekosistem Gunung Sindur Bogor Sumiasri, N Jurnal Data Farming. No. XV<br />

Teknologi pembenihan beberapa jenis kerapu. Puslitbangkan,<br />

Teknolagi porasi dlm bududaya pertanian akrab<br />

Rudi Priyadi J.Penelitian Lemlit Univ. Siliwangi<br />

lingkungan (pertanian organik)<br />

Tasikmalaya<br />

Teknolagi porasi dlm bududaya pertanian akrab<br />

Rudi Priyadi J.Penelitian Lemlit Univ. Siliwangi<br />

lingkungan (pertanian organik)<br />

Tasikmalaya<br />

Teknik perbanyakan pandan (Pandanus tectorius) melalui<br />

kultur kalus secara in vitro.<br />

Fauza, H.<br />

Teknik perbanyakan cendawan Cordyceps sp. Untuk<br />

Heri Wibowo Bul. PPKS, 2, Juli-September 1994 :<br />

pengendalian Setothosea asigna Moore (Lepidoptera:<br />

Limacodidae)<br />

147-154<br />

Teknik Pengambilan Contoh Daun untuk Analisis Status<br />

Hara Tanaman Kelapa.<br />

Teknik penanggulangan penyakit udang menyala di<br />

hatcheri melalui pengendalian populasi bakteri.<br />

Kaat. H. Terbitan Khusus Balai Penelitian<br />

Kelapa, Manado. 11(4):17 hlm.<br />

Zafran J. Penel. Budidaya Pantai. 9(2): 127-<br />

132.<br />

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Teknik panenan lebah hutan (Apis dorsata F.) tanpa<br />

merusak populasi koloni lebah madu<br />

Widjaja, M.C Duta Rimba XIX: 22-24<br />

Teknik mem-bran filter untuk mendeteksi bakteri pencemar Kunarso, D.H. Oseana 4: 133-143.<br />

Teknik kultur massal Moina sp. Chumaidi Pewarta BPPD 3(1) : 57-60.<br />

Teknik inokulasi Ganoderma pada bibit kelapa swit di<br />

polibag<br />

condro U Bul PPKS 2(4):205-208<br />

Teknik dan daerah pengoperasian bubu laut dalam di<br />

perairan Pulau pulau Kai, Tanimbar dan Zone Economy<br />

Exclusive Selatan Timor.<br />

Teknik Baru Pembenihan Udang Galah. Suatu Pola Tepat<br />

Guna untuk Pengusahaan Skala Kecil dan Massal<br />

Amin, E. M., Jumal Penelitian Perikanan Laut. 77:<br />

54-71.<br />

Djadjadiredja, R. Pemberitaan LPPD No 1/1979. Bogor.<br />

17 hal.<br />

Teknik atmosfir termodifikasi dalam pengemasan buah<br />

mangga kultivar Arumanis<br />

Broto, W. J. Hort. 6(2): 196-203.<br />

Teknik amobilisasi enzim dalam bidang pengobatan Wirahadikusumah<br />

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Acta Pharm Indon 13:32-42.<br />

Technology, Human Capital and Institution : Three Factors<br />

in Search of an Agricultural Research Strategy<br />

Bonnen.J.T Ag.Eco. Staff Paper<br />

Technology of Vitamin A Fortification of Foods in<br />

Developing Countries<br />

Murphy, P.A. Food Technol., September 1996, 69-<br />

74.<br />

Technology of Breakfast Cereal Fortification Johnson, L.E. Cereal World, 33 (3): 278-330.<br />

Technology focus: Marker assisted selection : new tools<br />

and strategies<br />

Ribaut JM Trends. Plant Sci 3:236-239<br />

Technological improvements of the Cultiva-tion of<br />

Invertebrates as food for Fishes and Crustaceans, II,<br />

Hatching and Culturing of the Brine Shrimp.<br />

Sorgeloos, P. Artemia salina L. Aquaculture 6: 303.<br />

Technological Change, Income Distribution, and<br />

Institutional Adjustment in Indonesian Rice Sector<br />

Techniques to produce 100% male tilapia in making male<br />

tila-pia Bangladesh aquaculture.<br />

Techniques for the isolation of the common patogenic<br />

fungi.<br />

Techniques for lemagglutination and hemagglutination<br />

inhibition with arthropod-borne viruses<br />

Technique for quantifying N2-fixation in association with<br />

non legumes under field conditions<br />

Technique for making chronic-release LHRH-a and 17<br />

methyltestosterone pellets for intramuscular implantation in<br />

fishes.<br />

Jatileksono, T. Indonesian Food Journal<br />

Pandian, T.J. NAGA THE ICLARM Quarterly Vol. 13<br />

(3) p. 3-5.<br />

Thompson, J. C. The technical journal of the veterinary<br />

laboratories. MAFF, CVL. Wey Bridge,<br />

England.<br />

Clarke, D.H. Am. 1. Trop. Med. Hyg. (7): 561-573.<br />

Rennie, R.J. Can. J. Microbiol. 29: 1022-1035.<br />

Lee, C.S., Aquaculture 59:161-168.<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Technique for making chronic release LHRH-a and 17a MT<br />

pellet for intramuscular implantation in fishes.<br />

Lee, C.S., Aquaculture 59:161-168.<br />

Technical developmeni in seed production on the Javanese<br />

seacucumber Stichopus japonicus<br />

Ito, S, Beche-de-mer Bulletin, 10: 24-28.<br />

Technical Aspect of Food Fortification Wirakartakusumah,<br />

M.A.<br />

Tebu Notojoewono RAW BPU - PPGN Daerah VI.Surabaya<br />

Tea Deseases in South East Asia Semangun, H Rev. Trop.Pl.Path<br />

Taxonomy of mycorrhizal fungi clasification, nomenclatur,<br />

and identification<br />

Morton B. J Mycotaxon<br />

Taxonomy & biology of N. lugens Stal. (Homoptera ;<br />

Delhacidea)<br />

Taxonomic studies of deep-sea barophilic Shewanella<br />

species, and Shewanella violacea sp.nov., a new<br />

baarophilic bacterial species.<br />

Taxonomi and metabolism. In fermented milk. Science and<br />

technology<br />

Tata ruang perairan umum yang mendukung agribisnis dan<br />

agroindustris.<br />

Mochida O Brown planthopper symposium 18-22<br />

april 1977. IRRI, Los banos, Laguna,<br />

Filipina.<br />

Nogi. Y., Arch. Microbfol. 170: 331-338.<br />

Dellaglio, F. IDF Bull.<br />

Krismono. Simposium Perikanan Indonesia<br />

I.Jakarta.<br />

Tata niaga dan perilaku konsumen bunga potong Effendie, K. Buletin Penelitian Tanaman Hias. 2(2):<br />

1-17.<br />

Tape fermentation. Ko, S.D. Appl. Microbiol. (23):976-978.<br />

Tantangan Dan Strategi Pengembangan Agribisnis di<br />

Indonesia<br />

Saragih. B Jurnal Agribisnis Vol. 1 & 2<br />

Tantangan dan Strategi Pengembangan Agribisnis di<br />

Indonesia<br />

Saragih. B Jurnal Agribisnis Vol. 1&2<br />

Tannins in ruminant feddstuffs Leinmuller, E Anim. Research and Develop<br />

Tannin in the pasture legumes. Marshal], D.R., Aust. J. Exp. Agric. Anim. Husb<br />

Tannery waste minimization. Money, C. A. JALCA<br />

Tannery Waste Minimization. Money, C. A. JALCA.<br />

Tannery Waste Minimization Money, C. A. JALCA<br />

Tannery waste minimization Money, C. A. JALCA<br />

Tanin and nutritional improvement of sorghum by aerob<br />

storage on H2O or NaOH treated grain<br />

Reichert, R. D. J. Agric. Food Chem.<br />

Tanggapan Tanaman Sedap Malam (Polianthes tuberosa<br />

L.) Terhadap Pembenan Pupuk Kandang<br />

Tejasuwama, R. Agrotropika. III(2): 8-13.<br />

Tanggapan tanaman kopi Robusta terhadap cekaman<br />

kekeringan pada berbagai per-lakuan pengendalian gulma<br />

Nur, A.M. Pelita Perkebunan 11: 22-30.<br />

Tanggapan Kedelai terhadap Inokulasi Rhizobium dan<br />

Pemupukan Nitrogen<br />

Sumadi S<br />

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Tanggapan Kedelai Terhadap Inokulasi Rhizobium dan<br />

Pemupukan Nitrogen<br />

Tanggapan Beberapa Varietas Apel terhadap Penyakit<br />

Bercak Daun Marssonina<br />

Tanggap Varietas Ps 56 dan F 154 Terhadap Pemupukan<br />

Fosfat<br />

Tanggap pertumbuhan dan hasil nilam terhadap pupuk N<br />

dan Forest<br />

Tanggap klon ubi jalar terhadap pemupukan posfat pada<br />

tanah podzolik merah kuning<br />

Sumadi, S Agr. Research 5(3)<br />

Sidik, Nl Penel. Hort<br />

Suhadi Bulletin No. 144. BP3G, Pasuruan<br />

Suratman Bul. Penelitian Tanaman Industri.<br />

(3):43-46.<br />

Wargiono, J Penelitian Pertanian (7) : 89-95h<br />

Tanaman tuba penghasil racun Wahyadi Sinar Tani, 12 Desember 1990. hlm. 1.<br />

Tanaman transgenik: Bagaimana kita menyikapinya? Suwanto, A.<br />

Tanaman transgenik dan bioteknologi Masyhudi, M.F.<br />

Tanaman sela pada kelapa sawit muda Hutagalung O Bulletin BPPM III (1) 33-38<br />

Tanaman penghasil racun serangga kembali punya masa<br />

depan<br />

Abdullah, A.<br />

Tanaman penghasil racun alami Anonymous,<br />

Tanaman Panili. Rosman, R, Edisi Khusus Littro 5(1): 61-70.<br />

Tanaman mahanan ternak beracun Sulaksono, M.E Warta Pertanian. Vol. 52: 53-56<br />

Tanaman kemiri bisa menekan pertumbuhan alang-alang Anonimous Bul.Informasi Pertanian (3):10 Balai<br />

Informasi pertanian kayu Ambon,<br />

Tanaman kemiri bisa menekan pertumbuhan alang-alang Anonimous Bul.Informasi Pertanian (3):10 Balai<br />

Informasi pertanian kayu Ambon,<br />

Tanaman kelapa sawit di tanah gambut Pangudiyatno, G Bulletin Perkebunan 8 (1):5-15<br />

Tanaman kelapa dan lingkungan pertumbuhannya Darwis, S.N. Terbitan khusus No. 10/VII/1986. Balai<br />

Penelitian Kelapa, Manado.<br />

Tanaman gliricidia sebagai bank pakan hijauan untuk<br />

makanan kambing-domba.<br />

Mathius, I.W. Warta Zoa. Vol.2, No1.<br />

Tanaman eksotik akasia (Acacia nilotica) dan masalahnya<br />

bagi ekosistem savana di Taman Nasional Baluran<br />

Ali Kodra, H.S. Duta Rimba. Vol 13: 30-34.<br />

Tanah-tanah yang berkembang dari bahan endapan fluviomarin<br />

di daerah Karawang, Jawa Barat<br />

Tanah-tanah sawah intensifikasi di Jawa: Susunan mineral.<br />

sifat kimia dan klasifikasinya<br />

Tanah-tanah sawah intensifikasi di Jawa: Susunan mineral,<br />

sifat-sifat kimia dan klasifikasinya<br />

Tanah-tanah sawah intensifikasi di Jawa: Susunan mineral,<br />

sifat-sifat kimia dan klasifikasinya<br />

Tanah-tanah yang berkembang dari bahan endapah fluviomarin<br />

di daerah Karawang, Jawa Barat<br />

Prasetyo Jurnal Tanah dan Iklim No. 15: 18-27.<br />

Prasetyo, B.H. Pemberitaan Penelitian Tanah dan<br />

Pupuk No. 14: 12-14.<br />

Prasetyo, B.H. Pemberitaan Penelitian Tanah dan<br />

Pupuk 14: 12-24.<br />

Prasetyo, B.H. Pemberitaan Penelitian Tanah dan<br />

Pupuk (14): 12-24.<br />

Prasetyo, B.H. Jurnal Tanah dan Iklim (15): 18-27.<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Tanah liat aktivitas rendah Goenadi, D.H. Menara Perkebunan 53: 203-206.<br />

Tanah liat aktivitas rendah Goenadi, D.H. Menara Perkebunan 53: 203-206.<br />

Talent Retention Start With You. Welch, Douglas. Network World. Vol.13, Iss 44 (Oct 18,<br />

1996).<br />

Taksiran Kerugian Produksi Daging Akibat Infeksi Alamiah<br />

Cacing Saluran Pencernaan pada Ayam Buras di Bogor<br />

dan Sekitarnya<br />

He, S.<br />

Taking the measure of mass flow Gibson WD Chem Eng Prog 105, (10):125-135<br />

Tahukah anda bahwa diet cina mungkin lebuh baik dari diet<br />

amerika ?<br />

TAG Profiles & melting properties of lipase catalyzed<br />

transesterified palm stearin & coconut oil<br />

Tables for convenient of median effective dose (LD50 or<br />

ED50) and instruction in their use,<br />

Tabel Isi pohon Sementara untuk Jenis Keruing<br />

(Dipterocarp Cornutus Dyer) di KPH Kotabaru, Kalimantan<br />

Selatan.<br />

Tabanus spp. (Diptera Tabanidae) eggs an alternatif host<br />

of rice stemborer egg parasite Telenomus dignus Gahan<br />

(Hymenoptera Scelionidae)<br />

Sythesis and properties of destrucible anionic and cationic<br />

surfactants with a 1,3 Dioxolane Ring<br />

Systemic induction of salicylic acid accumulation in<br />

cucumber after inoculation withPseudomonas syringae pv<br />

syringae<br />

Systemic induction of salicylic acid accumulation in<br />

cucumber after inoculation with Pseudomonas syringae pv.<br />

Syringae<br />

Systemic effects of a neem insecticide on Liriomyza<br />

huidobrensis Larvae.<br />

Systemic action of bactericide containing oxytetracyeline<br />

and streptomycine sulphate in treated ginger rhizomes<br />

Dit. Bina Gizi<br />

Masyarakat, Dep<br />

Kesehatan<br />

Jaringan informasi dan gizi 1(2)<br />

Ghazali HM Asia Pacific Journal of Mol. Biol. &<br />

Biotech 3 : 280-289<br />

Weil, C.S. Biometrics (8): 247-253.<br />

Soemarna.K<br />

Barrion, A.T. IRRN. 9(6): 19.<br />

Yamamura S JAOCS 66 (8):1165-1170<br />

Rasmussen, J. B. Plant Physiol.<br />

Rasmussen, J. B. Plant. Physiol.<br />

Weintraub PG Phytoparasitica<br />

Hartati S.Y. J.SpiceMed. Crops3:7-\\.<br />

Systemic Fungicides: A Perspective After 10 Years Edgington, L.V Plant Diseases J<br />

Systematic responses to challenge infection to<br />

Haemonchus contortus immune Marino sheep<br />

Systematic Acquired Resistance in Cucumbar Leaves is<br />

Correlated With Resistance of The Leaves to Maceration<br />

by Cell Wall Degrading Enzymes<br />

Adam, D.B. Vet. Res. Communic. 17: 25-35.<br />

Marry. A.J Aspects Of Applied Biology<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 105 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Synthsis of propylene glycool monoesters of<br />

docosahexaenoic acid and eisosapentaenoic acid by lipasecatalyzed<br />

esterification in organic solvent<br />

Synthetis of acetone glycerol acyl esters by immpbilized<br />

lipase of Mucor miehei<br />

Synthetic of Cellulose by A. xylinum Preparation of Freeze<br />

Dried Cell Capable of Polymerizyng Glucose to Cellulose<br />

Synthetic Cytokini -1-(2-Chloro-4-Pyridyl)-3- Phenilure<br />

(CPPU)- Promotes Fruit Set and Induces Parthenocarpy in<br />

Water Melon<br />

Synthetic allophanes formed in calcareous environments:<br />

Nature, conditions of formation and transfonnations.<br />

Synthesis of Triterpenoid Saponins and Their Antitermic<br />

Activities<br />

Synthesis of structured triglycerides from peanut oil with<br />

immobized lipase<br />

Synthesis of structured triglycerides from peanut oil with<br />

immobilized lipase.<br />

Synthesis of Primary Bos Taurus - Bos Indicus Chimaeric<br />

Calves<br />

Synthesis of Leu-Lys-Tyr derivatives and then interaction<br />

with I-converting enzyme inhibitor from soy sauce<br />

Liu K JAOCS 72(11) : 1271-1274<br />

Ibrahim CO Biotechnology Lett 11:161-166<br />

Hestrin, S. Biochem. J<br />

Hayata. N Amer. J. Soc. Hort.<br />

Farmer, V.C., Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 55 : 1162-1166.<br />

Ohmura. W Jouranl Of The Japan Wood Research<br />

Society. Vol. 43 No. 10<br />

Soumanou MM J Am Oil Chem Soc 74(4):427-433<br />

Soumanou, M.M JAOCS<br />

Summers, P. M. Anim. Reprod.<br />

Kawakami Biosci. Biotech Biochem., 57 (7) :107-<br />

1110.<br />

Synthesis of Insect Antifeedant Chalcone. Barua, N.C., Chem. Ind., 23, p. 900.<br />

Synthesis of high uricic acid rape seed (Brassica napus L.)<br />

somatic hybrids will improved agronomic characters.<br />

Heath, D.W. Theor. Appl. Genet. 91: 1129-1136.<br />

Synthesis of diethanolamides of Nlauroyl dipeptides and<br />

correlation of their structures with surfactant and<br />

antimicrobial properties<br />

Synthesis of chitosan derivatives with quaternary<br />

ammonium salt and Ilicir antibacterial activity<br />

Synthesis of Cellulose by A. xilinum. Preparation of Freezedricd<br />

Cell Capable of Polimcrizing Glucose to Cellulose<br />

Mhaskar SY JAOCS 69 (7):643-646<br />

Kirn, C.H. Polym Rull 38:387-393<br />

Hestrin. S. Biochem Journal.<br />

Synthesis of Anacardic Acids and Ginkgoic Acid. Yamagiwa, Y. Tetrahedron, 43 (15) 3387 - 3394<br />

Synthesis of a new phenol glycoside, neohancosida C from<br />

Cynanchum hancockianum<br />

Konda, Y. Chem Pharm Bull. 45:626-630.<br />

Synthesis comparison of the yield evolution in North<br />

Sumatra of Marihat RCEC first cycle D x P crosses.<br />

Akiyat PIPOC<br />

Synthesis and parameters of new populations of meat-type<br />

chickens<br />

Chambers, J.R Theor. Appl. Genet<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 106 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Synthesis & properties of destructible anionic & cationic<br />

surfactants with a 1-3 dioxalan ring<br />

Synthesis & hydrolisis of chemodegradable cationic<br />

surfactant containing the 1,3 dioxalane moiety<br />

Synergistic association between Glomus fasciulatum and<br />

Rhizobium species and its effect on peagonpea (Cajanus<br />

cajan)<br />

Synergism of lactate and succinate as metabolites utilized<br />

by Veillonella to inhibit the growth of Salnionella<br />

typhimurium and Salmonella enterilidis In vitro.<br />

Synergie effect of caffeine and heparin on :n vitro<br />

fertilization of cattle oocyte matured in culture.<br />

Synergetic effects of salinity, temperature and heavy<br />

metals on mortality and osmoregulacion in marine and<br />

estuarine isopods (Cruatacea).<br />

Syncronization of oestrus in ewes using progesteron -<br />

Impregnated sponges<br />

Synchronous spawnings of 105 scleractinian coral species<br />

on the Great Barrier Reef.<br />

Synchronous spawning of 105 scleractinian coral species<br />

on the Great Barrier Reef<br />

Synchronous spawning of 105 scleracltinian coral species<br />

on the Great Barier Reef<br />

Synchronization of ovulation in dairy cattle using GnRh and<br />

PGF2a. Vol. 72: 69.<br />

Synchronization of estrus in goat:The relationship between<br />

time of occurrence of estrus and fertility following artificial<br />

insemination<br />

Synchronisation of oestrus in embryo tranpers recipients<br />

receiving demi embryos with Synchromate B or Estrumate<br />

Symposium on factors influencing the voluntary intake in<br />

relation to chemical compocition and digestibility.<br />

Symposium of factor influencing the voluntary intake of<br />

herbage by ruminants: Voluntary in take in relation to<br />

chemical composition and digestibility.<br />

Symposium : Forage Utilization by Lactating Cow. Role of<br />

Particle Size and Forage Quality in Digestion and Passage<br />

by Cattle and Sheep<br />

Yamamura, S JAOCS 66 (8) : 1165-1170<br />

Kazimiera, AW JAOCS 71 (1) : 81-85<br />

Sivaprassad P J.Agric. Sci 61:97-101<br />

Hinton, A. Jr. Avian Dis. 39: 309-316<br />

Niwa, K. Theriogenology, 30 : 733-741.<br />

Jones, M.B. Mar. Biol., 30: 13-20.<br />

Romjali, E. Small Ruminant. Colaborative<br />

research support <strong>program</strong>. Annual<br />

report<br />

Babcock, R.C., Mar Biol 90: 179-394.<br />

Babcock, R.C. Mar. Biol. 90: 379-394.<br />

Babcock, R.C. Mar. Biol. 90379-394<br />

Pursley, J.R. Synchronization of ovulation in dairy<br />

cattle using GnRh and PGF2a. Vol.<br />

72: 69.<br />

Baril G Theriogenology 40:621-628.<br />

King .M.E Theriogenology<br />

Van Soest, P. J. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Van Soest, P.J. J. Animal Sci.<br />

Martz, F.A. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 107 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Symbiotic properties of Rhizobia containing a flavonoidindependent<br />

hybrid nodD product.<br />

Symbiotic nitrogen fixation in soybeans.I. Effect of<br />

photosynthetic source-sink manipulation.<br />

Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation in Soybeans. II.<br />

Interrelationship between carbon and nitrogen assimilation<br />

Symbiotic effectiveness of antibioticresitant mutants of fast<br />

and slow-growing strains of Rhizobium nodulating Lotus<br />

species<br />

Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation in Soybeans. II.<br />

Interrelationship between carbon and nitrogen assimilation<br />

Symbiosis related polypetides associated with the early<br />

stages of ectomycorrhiza organogenesis in birch<br />

(BetulapendulaRoth)<br />

Sym plasmid of Rhizobium Irifolii expressed in different<br />

rhizobial species and Agrobacterium tumefaciens.<br />

Spaink, H.P., J. Bacteriol. 171: 4045-4053.<br />

Lawn, R.J. Crop Sci<br />

Lawn, R.J Crop Sci<br />

Pankhurst, C.E. Can. J. Microbiol. 23: 1026-1033.<br />

Lawn, R.J Crop Sci<br />

Simoneau, P. New Phytol. 124:495-504.<br />

Hooykaas, P.J.J., Nature 291: 351-353.<br />

Syarat tumbuh jagung Suryatna Buletin teknik No. 3,<br />

Swine Pseudorabies: Abortion, clinical disease and lesions<br />

in pregnant gilts infected with Pseudorabies virus<br />

(Aujeszky's disease). Am.<br />

Kluge. J.P. J. Vet. Res. (35): 911-915.<br />

Swasta dan Pemerintah sama-sama Berhutang: Konsumen<br />

berhutang, Mengapa Tidak.<br />

Sumarwan U Agrimedia, Volume 7 (1), September<br />

Swasembada Kemandirian dan Ketahan Pangan Arifin. B Majalah Ilmiah Komunitas Vol. 1 No. 1<br />

Swasembada beras.Sebuah Renungan Kurnia G Majalah Prakasa UNPAD - Bandung<br />

Sustraining soil nitrogen for corn using hairy vetch cover<br />

crop.<br />

Sustamed hormone release II. Effectiveness ofLHRH<br />

analogue (LHRH) administration by either single time<br />

injection or Cholesterol pellet implantation on plasma.<br />

Gonadotropin levels in abrassay model fish, the juvenile<br />

rainbar trout.<br />

Sustaining Tropical Forest Through Environmentally Sound<br />

Harvesting Practice<br />

Sustained release of spalangia endius to parasitize field<br />

population of three species of the filth breeding flies<br />

Sustainable manajemen of seacucumber fishery sector in<br />

Madagascas<br />

Frye, W.W Agron. J.<br />

Crim, L. W., Aquaculture 74: 87-95.<br />

Dykstra.D.P UNASYLVA 43<br />

Morgan P.B J. econ Entomol<br />

Conand, C. M. Beche-de-mer Bulletin, 10 :7-9.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 108 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Sustainable agriculture : Direct seeding on plant cover Cirad Image of Research Cirad<br />

Suspensi sel pda kelapa sawit (Elais guneensis Jacq) Ginting G<br />

Suspected cyclopiazonic acid mycotoxicosis of quail in<br />

Indonesia<br />

Susceptibility of three Penaeus sp. to a Vibrio campfte///like<br />

bacterium.<br />

Susceptibility of some forest insects to mixtures of<br />

commercial B. thuringiensis and chemical insecticides as<br />

and sensitivity of the pathogen to the insecticides.<br />

Stoltz, D.R. Toxicon. 26(1): 39-40.<br />

Hameed, A.S.S. World Aqua Soc., 26 (3):315-319.<br />

Morris, O.N., Can. Ent. 104: 1419-1425.<br />

Susceptibility of nigerian West African Drawf and Red<br />

Sakoto Goats to a starin of Trypanosoma congolense<br />

Adah. M.I. Vet. Parasitol. 47(3-4):177.<br />

Susbstrate Specificity of Enzyme in Organic Solvents vs<br />

Water is Reversed<br />

Zaks, A. J.Am. Chem. Soc<br />

Survival rates and sex ratio of bovine IVF embryos frozen<br />

al different developmental stages on day 7<br />

Carvalho. R.V. Theriogenol, 45 489-498.<br />

Survival of Salmonellas in urine and dry faeces from cattle. Forshell, P.I. An Experimental Study. Acta. Vet.<br />

Scand, 37 (02) : 127 - 31<br />

Survival of root in fecting fungi in soil Anonymous, Phytophathologi 59: 135-138<br />

Survival of Pseudomonas solanacearum in soil,<br />

rhizosphere, and plants roots.<br />

Granada, G.A Canadian J. of Microbiol.<br />

Survival of poplar callus at super low temperatures after<br />

cold acclimation<br />

Sakai, A. Plant Cell Physiol. 14: 1201-1204.<br />

Survival of Paecilomyces Lilacinus in Selected Carries and<br />

Related Effects on Meloidogyne Incognita on Tomato<br />

Cabanillas. E Jurnal of Nematology<br />

Survival of Listeria monocytogenesand salmonella<br />

typhimurium and quality attributes of cooked pork, chops<br />

and cured ham after irradiation<br />

Survival of Listeria monocytogenes, Yersinia enterocolitica<br />

and escherichia coli 0157: H7 and quality change after<br />

irradiation of beef steaks and ground beef<br />

Survival of larvae giant tiger prawns Penaeus monodon<br />

after addition on killed vibrio cells to mi-croencapsulated<br />

diet.<br />

Survival of larvae giant tiger prawns (Penaeus monodon)<br />

after addition on killed vibrio cells to microencapsulated<br />

diet.<br />

Survival of lage giant tiger prawns Penaeus monodon after<br />

addition of killed vibrio cells to microencapsulet diet<br />

An-hungfu J. Food Sci.<br />

An-hungfu J. Food Sci.<br />

Itami, T., J. Aquatic Animal Health. 3(2):151-<br />

152.<br />

Kami, T., Journal of Aquatic Animal Health.<br />

3(2):151-152.<br />

T. Itami J. of Aqua. Anim. Health 3<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 109 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Survival of Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. Bulgaricus<br />

following dray drying<br />

Survival Of Alternaria Brassicae and Alternaria Brassisola<br />

On Crop Debris Of Oil Seed Rape And Cabbage<br />

Survival Logevity and Reproduction of Tephritid Fruit Fly<br />

Parasitoid (hymenoptera : Braconidae) Reared From Fruit<br />

Flies Exposed To Azadirachtin<br />

Survival during frozen and subsquent refrigerated storage<br />

of Lactobacillus acidophilus cells as influenced by their<br />

growth phase<br />

Survival and proliferation of oil palm (Elais guineensis<br />

Jacq) somatic embryos after freezing in liquid nitrogen,<br />

Survival and growth of Escherichia coli 0157117 on salad<br />

vegetables<br />

Survival and epiphytic fitness of a nonpathogenic mutant of<br />

Xanthomonas campestris pv. Glycines<br />

Survival and Distribution of Bacterial Population in the<br />

Rhizosphere of Inoculafed<br />

Survival and bioconversion of n-3 fatty acid during early<br />

development of dolpin {Corypaena hyppuras) larvae fed oilenriched<br />

rotifer.<br />

Survival & proliferation of oil palm (E guineensis Jaq)<br />

somatic embryos after freezing in liquid nitrogen<br />

Survey Pertanian Tanaman Pangan dan Buah-Buahan di<br />

Indonesia<br />

Survey of isozyme polymorphism for clonal identification in<br />

Musa. I. Esterase, acid phosphatase and catalase<br />

Survai pertanian, produksi tanaman buah-buahan dan<br />

sayuran tahunan di Jawa<br />

Teixeria, P.C. J. Dairy Sci. 78: 105-1031.<br />

Humperson Jones.<br />

F.M<br />

Ann. App. Biol<br />

Stark. J.D J. Econ. Entomol<br />

Brashears, M.M. J. Dairy Sci. 78:232326-2335<br />

Engelmann F CR Acad Sci., Paris 3 111-116<br />

Abdul-Radouf, J.M. Appl. Environ. Microhiol. 59:1999-<br />

2006.<br />

Rukayadi, Y. Appl. Environ. Mic/'oA(o/.66:1183-<br />

1189<br />

Perebityuk, A. N Plants. P<br />

Ostrowski, A.C. Aquaculture, 89: 273-285.<br />

Engelmann F CR Acad Sc. Paris 3:11-16<br />

Biro Pusat Statistik BPS Jakarta<br />

Bhat KV J Hort Sci 67:501-507.<br />

Biro Pusat Statistik Agric. Survey Prod. of Annual Fruit<br />

and Veg. Crops in Java.<br />

Survai ikan hias di perairan umum Jambi, Sumatera. Rifai. A.S,<br />

Survace actifity of alumunium hydroxidse Precipitated in<br />

the presence of low molecular weightorganics acids.<br />

Kwong. F. K. Soil Sci. Soc. Am.J<br />

Surfaktan yang ramah lingkungan dari minyak kelapa sawit Nuryanto E<br />

Surfactant from natural fats and oil Tsuhima R INFORM 4(6):680-693<br />

Surface-active Properties and Antimicrobial Activities of<br />

Mannosylerythritol lipid as Biosurfactants Produced by<br />

Candida antartica<br />

Kitamoto, D Journal of Biotechnol<br />

Surface properties of allophane, halloysite and imogolite. Theng, B. K. G., Clays and Clay Minerals 2:143-149<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 110 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Surface Potential Manipulation of Constan Surface<br />

Potential Soil Colloid I. Relation to Sorbed Phosphorous.<br />

Surface pigment, algae biomass and potential production of<br />

the Euophotic layer : Relationship reinvestigated in view of<br />

remote sensing application<br />

Wann. S.S Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Morel A Limnology Oceanography<br />

Surface Disinfection of Raw Produce Bott. T.R Dairy Food Environ. Sanit<br />

surface components of bacteroides fragilis involved in<br />

adhesion and hemagglutination<br />

Oyston,P.C.F J.med, Microbiol<br />

Surface Charge Manipulation of Constant Surface Potential<br />

Soil Colloid<br />

Wann, S.S Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Surface charge manipulation of constant surface potential<br />

soil collid: I. Relation to sorbed Phosphorus.<br />

Wann, S.S. Soil Sci.Soc. Am.J<br />

Surface charge mampulation of constant surface potential<br />

soil colloids. l. Effect on solute transport<br />

Wann, SS Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. 42: 886-888.<br />

Surface Charge Charaterization and Soil Solution<br />

Composition of Four Soil From The Southern Peidmont in<br />

Georgia<br />

Gillman. G.P Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Surface Charge Charateristics of Some Soils Smillie.J.H Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Surface charge characteristics of some soils. Smillie, J.H Soil Sci.Soc. Am.J<br />

Surface Charge Characteristics of Some Soils Smillie, J. H Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Surface Charge Characteristics of Some Soils Smillie, J.H Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Surface charge characteristics of some soils Smillie, J.H Soil Sci Soc. Am. J<br />

Surface charge characteristics of some soils Smillie, J.H Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Surface charge characteristics of some soils Smillie, J.H Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Surface Charge Characteristics of Selected Soils in The<br />

Tropics.<br />

Galler, A. Soil. Soc. Amer.<br />

Supression of Cellulase and Polygalacturonase and<br />

Induction of Alcohol Dehydrogenase Isoenzymes in<br />

Avocado Fruit Mesocarp Subjected to Low Oxygen Stress<br />

Kanellis. A.K Plant Physiology<br />

Suppressive of phythium ultimum induced damping -off of<br />

cotton seedling by pseudomonas fluorescens and its<br />

antibiotik pyuleoteorin.<br />

Suppression of root diseases by Pseudomonas<br />

fluorescens CHAO: Importance of bacterial secondary<br />

metabolite 2,4-diacetyl phloroglucynol.<br />

Suppression of Major and Minor Pathogens by Fluorescent<br />

Pseudomonas in Solarised and Non-Solarized Soiis<br />

Suppression of Hyphal Formation in Candida albicans by<br />

Mutation of STE12 Homolog<br />

Howell. C.R. Phytohathology 72: 712 - 715<br />

Keel., C., Mol. Plant- Microbe Interact, 5:4-13.<br />

Gamlid, A Phytopathology H3- 6S-75<br />

Liu, H Science. 266:1723-1726.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 111 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Suppression of bacterial wilt disease of tomato by rootdipping<br />

with Pseudomonas fluorescens PfG32. The role of<br />

antibiotic substances and siderophore production<br />

Suppression of bacterial wilt disease of tomato by root<br />

dipping with Pseudomonas fluorescens PfG32 : The role<br />

of antibiotic and siderophore production.<br />

Suppression of Pythium ultimum-induced damping-off of<br />

cotton seedling by Pseudomonas fluorescens and its<br />

antibiotic, pyuleoteorin.<br />

Mulya, K. Ann. Phytopath. Soc. Japan. 62(2):<br />

143-140.<br />

Mulya, K., Ann. Phytopath. Soc. Jpn. 62: 134-<br />

40.<br />

Howell, C.R. Phytopathology 72: 712-715.<br />

Supplying the protein needs of dairy cattle from by product<br />

feeds.<br />

Dark. J.H. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Supply of rice and demand for fertilizer for ricefarming in<br />

Indonesia<br />

Kasriyono, F. J. Agro. Econ.<br />

Supply of rice and demand for fertilizer for rice farming<br />

inIndonesia<br />

Kasryno, F. Jurnal Agroekonomi<br />

Supply of rice and demand for fertilizer for rice farming in<br />

Indonesia<br />

Kasryno, F. J. Agro. Econ. 5(2). ... - ... .<br />

Supply and demand for fertilizer for rice farming in<br />

Indonesia<br />

Kasryno, F Jurnal Agroekonomi<br />

supplementation with p-glucan fiber from yeast Glore, S.R Am J Clin Nutr<br />

Supplementation of ammoniated wheat straw :<br />

Performance and foruge utilization characteristics in beef<br />

cattle receiving energy and protein supplements<br />

Beek. T.J., J. Anim. Sci<br />

Supplementasi Gaplek dalam Ransum yang Menggunakan<br />

Rumput Gajah dan Bungkil Biji Kapuk untuk Pertumbuhan<br />

Domba.<br />

Supplementary Feeding of Young Merino Sheep, Grazing<br />

Wheat Stubble, With Different Amount of Lupin, Oat or<br />

Barley Grain<br />

Supplemental protein sources for steers fed corn-based<br />

diets: I. Ruminal characteristics and intestinal amino acid<br />

flows.<br />

Supplemental protein sources for steers fed combased<br />

diets: I. Ruminal characteristics and intestinal amino acid<br />

flows.<br />

Supplemental Folie Acid : A Requirement for Optimizing<br />

Swine Production<br />

Supplemental fish meal protein on site and extent of<br />

disgestion in beef steers.<br />

Supplemental effect of phospholipids and requirement of<br />

Eicosapentaenoic acid and docosaheksae-noic acid of<br />

juvenile Striped Jack.<br />

Martawidjaja, M. Ilmu dan Peternakan.<br />

Rowe, J.B Australian Journal of Experimental<br />

Agriculture<br />

Ludden, P.A. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Ludden, P. A. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Lindemann, M.D., J. Anim. Sci<br />

Streeter. M. N. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Takeuchi T, Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi 58(4): 707-<br />

713.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 112 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Suplementation of Young sheep with Lupins plus Sulfur<br />

and a Complete Mineral Mix<br />

Doyle, P.T Australian Journal of Experimental<br />

Agriculture<br />

Suplementasi niacin dalam ransum broiler Sebastian, O.S. Poultry Indonesia 134:11-13,<br />

Suplementasi gaplek dalam ransum yang menggunakan<br />

rumput gajah dan bungkil biji kapuk utk pertumbuhan<br />

domba.<br />

Martawidjaya M Jurnal ilmu dan peternakan<br />

Suplementasi gaplek dalam pakan menggunakan rumput<br />

gajah dan buah biji kapuk untuk pertumbuhan domba<br />

Suplementasi Gaplek Dalam Ransum Yang menggunakan<br />

Rumput Gajah dan Bungkil Biji Kapuk untuk Pertumbuhan<br />

Domba<br />

Suplementary feeding of Merino whethers grazing weed<br />

free Stubble Pasture<br />

Suplementarv affect of several nutrients on nutritive<br />

deficiency of Baker','- yeast for population growth oftlie<br />

rotifer (Bracliionus plicat.ilis).<br />

Super-stimilution of ovarian follicular growth with FSH,<br />

oocyte recovery, and embryo production from Zebu (Bos<br />

indicus) calves: Effects of treatment with a GnRH agonist<br />

or antagonist<br />

Superoxide dismutase enhances tolerance of freezing<br />

stress in transgenic alfalfa (Medicago satrva L.)<br />

Martawidjaja, M. J. Ilmu Peternakan. BPT. Bogor<br />

Martawidjaya, M Jumal llmu dan Petemakan<br />

Butler, L Australian Journal of Experimental<br />

Agriculture and Animal Husbandry<br />

Hirayama, K Bull. Japan Soc. Sci. Fish. 49:505-510<br />

Maclellan LJ Theriogenol 49 .1317-1329<br />

McKersie B.D. Plant Physiol. 103: 1155-63.<br />

Superoxide demutase In extra-celluler fluids Marklund SL Clin. Chem. Acta<br />

Superox illation with different exogenous goinidotropins in<br />

peripnbertal goats.<br />

Yusvviati, E. Indian J. Anim Sci.<br />

Superovulatory response of ovarian follicles of wave 1<br />

versus 2 in heifers<br />

Adams G.P Theriogenology 42<br />

Superovulation Treatments and Embryo Transfer in Angora<br />

Goats.<br />

Amstrong, D. T. J. Reprod. Fert.<br />

Superovulation of goats with purified pFSH supplemented<br />

with defined amounts of pLH.<br />

Nowshari, M.A. Theriogenology<br />

Superovulation of goats with purified pFSH supplemented<br />

with defined amounts of pLH<br />

Nowshari MA Theriogenology<br />

Superovulation of goats with purified pFSH suplemented<br />

with defined amounts of pLH<br />

Nowshari, M.A. Theriogenology<br />

Superovulation of goats with FSH + LH following<br />

synchronization of estrus<br />

Bondioli KR Theriogenology<br />

Superovulation of goats with purified pFSH<br />

supplemented with defined amounts of pLH<br />

Nowshari MA Theriogenology<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 113 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Superovulation in The Cows Comparison of Oestradiol-17<br />

beta an Progesterone Patterns in Plasma and Milk of Cows<br />

Induce to Superovulated Relationship with Ovarian<br />

Responses.<br />

Superovulation in nonseasonal japanese native goats:<br />

with special reference to the developmenlal<br />

progression of embryos<br />

Saumande, J. J. Endocr.<br />

Tsonuda Y, Theriogenology<br />

Superovulation in cattle: effect of goat anti-PMSG Kummer,V. Theriogenology 14:383-390.<br />

Superovulation and embryo recovery in Merino ewes. Evans, H. Theriogenology<br />

Superovulation with different exogenous gonadotropins<br />

in peripubertal goat. Indian<br />

Yuswiati E, J. Anim. Sci<br />

Superovulating Cows With Follicle Stimulating Hormone<br />

and Pregnant Mare Serum Gonadotropin<br />

Elsden, R.P. Theriogenology, P. 9-17.<br />

Supercritical carbondioxide and solvent extraction of the<br />

phenolic lipida of cashew nut (Anacardium ocidentale)<br />

shells<br />

Shobha, S.V J. Agric. Food Chem. 39 : 22214 -2217<br />

Summing-up of 2 Random Sample Tests Broilers 1981<br />

Slagharen The Netherlands<br />

Summer algal community and primary productivity in fish<br />

pond.<br />

Summer algal community and primary productivity in fish<br />

pond<br />

Summary of the technology for the manufactures of higher<br />

alpha sulfo fatty acid ester<br />

Summary of The NATO advanced workshop on dietary<br />

omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids,: Biologycal effects and<br />

nutrition essentiality<br />

Summary of the NATO advanced research workshop on<br />

dietary w-3 & w-6 fatty acids : Biological effects &<br />

nutritional essentially.<br />

Summary of the NATO advanced research workshop on<br />

dietary n-3 and n-6 fatty acids: biological effects and<br />

nutritional essentially<br />

Summary of the NATO advanced Research workshop on<br />

dietary (-3 and (-6 fatty acids: Biological effects and<br />

nutritional essentially<br />

Sumberdaya perikanan S. Komering Gaffar, A. K<br />

SumberDaya Lahan Pertanian Tercadang di EmpatPulau Djaenudin. D<br />

Besar dalam Menghadapi Tahun 2000<br />

Sumberdaya lahan pertanian tercadang di empat<br />

Djaenudin D<br />

pulaubesar dalam menghadapi tahun 2000<br />

Sumberdaya lahan pertanian tercadang di empat<br />

Djaenudin D<br />

pulaubesar dalam menghadapi tahun 2000<br />

Slagharen B.V. Poultry Int. 21 (6)<br />

Boyd. C.E. Hydrobiologia, 41:357-390.<br />

Boyd, C. E. Hydrobiologia 41: 357-390.<br />

Kapur BL JAOCS 55(6):549-557<br />

Simopoulos, A. P. J. Nutr. 119: 521-528.<br />

Simopoulos AP Am Ins of Nutr 22:521-527<br />

Simopoulos AP Am Inst Nutr 22:521-52<br />

Simopoulos, A.P Am. Ins. of Nutr. 22: 521-527.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 114 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Sumberdaya Lahan Pertanian Tercadang di Empat Pulau<br />

Besar Dalam Menghadapin Tahun2000<br />

Sumberdaya cumi-cumi (Loliginedae steenstrup, 1861) di<br />

Perairan Selat Alas, Nusa Tenggara Barat.<br />

Djaenuddin. D<br />

Marzuki, S., J. Penelitian Perikanan Laut. 52:95-<br />

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Sumber Daya Manu sia Dalam Persepktif Emil Salim Majalah Analisis CSIS , Tahun XVII<br />

Nomor 3, Jakarta<br />

Sumbangan Wanita Tani Terhadap Pendapatan Keluarga<br />

Petani<br />

Ayu. C<br />

Sumatra disease of cloves and Pseudomonas<br />

solanacearum<br />

Eden-Green, S. J. ACIAR Bacterial Wilt Newsletter 1:2-3.<br />

Sumatera Barat jadikan perternakan andalan<br />

mengentaskan kemiskinan.<br />

Durin, H.B. Majalah Puoltry, Jakarta.<br />

Sulphur Supplementation and the Use of Flavomycin with<br />

Lupin Grain for Sheep<br />

Sulphate retention by kaolinitic alfisols from Nigerian<br />

Savana.<br />

Sulphate can induce differential expression of<br />

thuoglucoside glucohydrolases (myrosinases)<br />

Sulfur Status of Some Nigerian Soils From The Savanna<br />

and Forest Zones<br />

Sulfur nutrition of rice. I. A survey of soils of South<br />

Sulawesi,<br />

Sulfur Nutrition of Rice I. Survey Soil of South Sulawesi,<br />

Indonesia<br />

Sulfur amino acid requirement of broiler chicks from<br />

fourteen to thirty-eight days of age. 1. Performance and<br />

carcass yield.<br />

Sulfur amino acid requirement of broiler chicks from 3 to 6<br />

weeks of age<br />

Sulfur amino acid requirement of broiler chicks from 14 to<br />

38 days of age. 1. Performance and carcass yield<br />

Murray, P.J Australian Journal of Agricultural<br />

Research<br />

Agbenin, J.O. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 61(1): 53-57.<br />

Bones, A.M. Planta 193:558-566<br />

Kang. B.T Soil. Sci<br />

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Blair. G.P Agro. Jurnal<br />

Schutte, J. B. J. Poult. Sci.<br />

Jensen, F. Poult. Sci.<br />

Schutte, J. B. Poult. Sci.<br />

Sulafate Sorption by Acid Forest Soils Singh. B.R Soil Sci<br />

Sulafate Sorption by Acid Forest Soils Singh. B.R Soil. Sci<br />

Suitability of tuna red meat for preparation of wafers. Thankawa, R, Fishery Technology, Vol.22, No.1:45-<br />

47.<br />

Suicidal Inactivation and labeling of ammonia monooxygenase<br />

by acetylene<br />

Hyman M.R Biochem. J<br />

Sugarbeet yield and quality in relation to residual beef<br />

feedlot waste.<br />

Eck, H.V. Agron. J. 82: 250-251.<br />

Sugar cane as an Energy Crop. Coombs, J. Biotechnology and Gen. Eng 1:310-<br />

345.<br />

Suface charge manipulation of constant surface potential<br />

soil colloid<br />

Wann, S.S Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 115 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Sucrose synthase in wild tomato lycopersicon<br />

chemielewskii and tomato friut sink strenght<br />

Sun J Plant Physiol 98 :1163-1169<br />

Sucrose synthase in wild tomato lycopersicon<br />

chemielewskii and tomato friut sink strenght<br />

Sun J Plant Physiol 98 :1163-1169<br />

Sucrose metabolism in Lima beans seads Xu DP Plant physiol, 101:321-327<br />

Sucrose metabolism in Lima beans seads Xu DP Plant physiol, 101:321-327<br />

Sucrose is metabolised by sucrose synthase and glycolysis<br />

within the phloem complex of ricinus communis L.<br />

Seedlings<br />

Geigenberger P Planta 190 :446-453<br />

Sucrose is metabolised by sucrose synthase and glycolysis<br />

within the phloem complex of ricinus communis L.<br />

Seedlings<br />

Geigenberger P Planta 190 :446-453<br />

Sucrose esters and sucrose esters/glyceride blends as<br />

esmulsifier<br />

Gupta RK JAOCS 60(4):862-869<br />

Sucroce synthase, starch accumulation and fruit strenght Wang F Plant Physiol 101:321-327<br />

Sucroce synthase, starch accumulation and fruit strenght Wang F Plant Physiol 101:321-327<br />

Suckling as a regular of post-partum rebreeding in catle. A<br />

review<br />

Williams, G.L. J. Anim. Sci. 68 : 831-852.<br />

Successful nonsurgical collection of ovine embryos. Coonrod, S.A. Theriogenology<br />

Successful fry production of humpback grouper<br />

Cromileptes altivelis.<br />

Kawahara, S., JICA News Letter. No. 15 May 2000.<br />

p. 4-5.<br />

Successful Apple growing in Indoensia Saure, M. Fruit Varieties Journal 27<br />

Subtyping of Listeria monocytogenes serovar 4b by Pulsed-<br />

Field Gel Electrophoresis.<br />

Brosch, R., Res. Microbiol. 142: 667-675.<br />

Substrate preference in a strain of Megasphaera elsdenii, a<br />

ruminal bacterium, and its implications in propionate and<br />

growth competition<br />

Hino, T Appl. And Environ. Microbiol<br />

Substrate factors invaived in oviposition of the limabean<br />

pod borers, Etiella zinckenella Treitschke (Lcpidoptera:<br />

Pyralidae).<br />

Substitution Between Goods and Leisure in a Developing<br />

Country<br />

Substituting olive oil for pork backfat affects quality of lowfat<br />

frankfurters<br />

Sublethal exposure of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus<br />

mykiss) to Clophen A50: effects on cellular immunity<br />

Sublethal exposure of rainbow Trout (Onchorhyncus<br />

mykiss) to polychlorinated byphenyls: cffect on the humoral<br />

immune response to Vibrio anguillarum<br />

Subdivision and genetic structures of four population of<br />

Venturia ineaqualis in Switzerland<br />

Hatori, M. Apll. Rnt. Zool. 18 (1): 50-56.<br />

Alderman American Journal Agriculture<br />

Economy<br />

Bloukas, J. G. J. Food Sci.<br />

Thuvander, A. Fish & Shellfish Immunology 3: 107-<br />

186.<br />

Thuvander. A. Fish & Shellfish Immunology I: 77-86.<br />

Tenzer I European J Pl Pathol 103: 565-571<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Subclinical Ketosis and Serum Beta-Hydroxybutyrate<br />

Levels in Dairy Cattle.<br />

Sub-Celuler Structures in Fermenting Cocoa Beans Effect<br />

of Aeration and Temperature during Seed Fragment<br />

Incubator<br />

Whitaker, D. A. British Vet. J.<br />

Biehl, B J. Sci. Food Agric<br />

Subcellular localization of the nodD gene product in<br />

Rhizobium leguminosarum.<br />

Schlaman, H.R.M., J. Bacteriol. 171: 4686-4693.<br />

Subacute Toxicity of Ethylene Bisisocyanate Rat Freudenthal. R.I J. Toxicol Environ. Health<br />

Stunting is associated with overweight in children of four<br />

nations that are undergoing nutrition transition.<br />

Popkin B.M J. Nutr.<br />

Studying Single Species Dynamics in Multispecies Context.<br />

In D. Pauly and G.I. Murphy (eds.) Theory and<br />

Management of Tropical Fisheries. ICLARM Conference<br />

Proceeding 9, Manila, pp.33-70. Pauly, D. 1983a. Length<br />

converted catch curves. A Powerfull Tool for Fisheries<br />

Research in the tropics (Part I). ICLARM.<br />

Pauly, D. Fishbyte 1(2) 9-13.<br />

Study Penyerapan Cu dan Zn Oleh Tanaman Bayam<br />

(Amaranthus Tricolor L.) dan Jagung (Zea Mays L.) dari<br />

Tanah Afsol Banjar Agung Lampung Yang diperlakukan<br />

Dengan Limbah Industri Berlogfam Berat<br />

Study Penyerapan Cu dan Zn Oleh Tanaman Bayam<br />

(Amaranthus Tricolor L.) dan Jagung (Zea Mays L.) dari<br />

Tanah Afsol Banjar Agung Lampung Yang diperlakukan<br />

Dengan Limbah Industri Berlogfam Berat<br />

Study Pengaruh Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Terhadap<br />

Pembungaan dan Pembentukan Buah Tanaman Mangga<br />

Khususnya di Luar Musim<br />

Study on the utilixation of nee straw by sheep. 2. The eflect<br />

of soybean meal supplementation on the eai .ing and<br />

rLinnnation behaviour<br />

Study on the pathogenic fungus assosiated with black gill<br />

disease of Kuruma Prawn, Penaeus japonicus II. Some of<br />

the Notes on the BG-Fusarium.<br />

Salam. A.K Jurnal Tanaman Tropika<br />

Salam. A.K Jurnal Tanaman Tropika<br />

Notodimedjo. S Jurnal Universitas Brawijaya<br />

Warly. L AJAS<br />

Hatai, K. Fish Pathology (12): 219-224.<br />

Study on the big purse seines fishery in the Java Sea. VII.<br />

Environment of the Java Sea<br />

Potier, M. J. Mar. Fish. Res. 51: 79-100.<br />

Study on Rootstock for Cirus in Taiwan Liu, F. W. China Hortikulture<br />

Study on economic characters, hatchability and embrio<br />

mortality in desi duck<br />

Renchi PG Indian J P Sci 15:259-264<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 117 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Study on ecology and conservation ofproboscis monkey<br />

(Nasalis larvatus Wurmb) at Mahakam River delta, East<br />

Kalimantan: Behaviour and habitat function<br />

Alikodra, H.S Annual Report of Pusrehut Vol. 5.<br />

Study on callus onduction from anther and inflorescence<br />

culture of sorghum<br />

Nakamura S J. Fac. Agric 42:1-9<br />

Study of the big purse seines fishery in the Java Sea. (VI.<br />

Sampling).<br />

Boely, T. Jur. Pen. Per. Laut. 56:1-12.<br />

Study of the big purse seines fishery in the Java Sea, (IV.<br />

Catch).<br />

Potier, M Jur. Pen. Per. Laut. 48:19-46.<br />

Study of egg quality in Khaki Campbell duck. Panda P Indian J. Poult. Sci<br />

Study Kemiskinan di Desa Sekitar Hutan Dan Upaya<br />

Pengentasannya<br />

Awang.S.A Bulletin MR. Nomor Perdana<br />

Study for the use of animal models in genetic evaluation of<br />

Japanese Black using Akaike's Bayesian Information<br />

Criterion<br />

Studies with The Australian Cashmere Goat. II. Growth and<br />

Digestion in Male and Female Goats Given Pelleted Diets<br />

Varying in Protein Content and Energy Level.<br />

Studies with The Australian Cashmere Goat. II. Growth and<br />

Digestion in Male and Female Goats Given Pelleted Diets<br />

Varying in Protein Content and Energy Level.<br />

Studies with The Australian Cashmere Goat. I. Efffect of<br />

Dietray Protein Concentration and Feeding Level on Body<br />

Composition of Male and Female Goats.<br />

Studies with The Australian Cashmere Goat. I. Efffect of<br />

Dietray Protein Concentration and Feeding Level on Body<br />

Composition of Male and Female Goats.<br />

Studies with fish meal as the sole source of protein for the<br />

growing chick 1.<br />

Studies with Clinoptilolite in Poultry. 1. Effect of Feeding<br />

Varying Levels of Clinoptilolite (Zeolite) to Dwarf Single<br />

Com White Leghorn Pullets and Ammonia Production.<br />

Wada, Y. Anim. Sci. and Technol, (Jpn),65:1127-<br />

1333.<br />

Ash, A. J. Australian Journal of Agric., Research.<br />

Ash, A. J. Australian Journal of Agric., Research.<br />

Ash, A. J. Australian Journal of Agric., Research.<br />

Ash, A. J. Australian Journal of Agric., Research.<br />

Schumair, G. Poult. Sci.<br />

Nakaue, H. S. Poultry Sci.<br />

Studies the moleculer basis of Salomonella and Salmonella<br />

Interaction Eukaryotic Cells.<br />

Miller, S.I. J. Bacteriol 177 : 5040 -5047.<br />

Studies on Wagyu growth Kumazaki, K. Bull. National Chugoku Agr. Exp. Sta.,<br />

B3: 73-108.<br />

Studies on vitamin requirements of rainbow trout , Salmo<br />

gairdneri I: on ascorbic acid.<br />

Studies on transmission of the tristeza virus by the vector,<br />

Aphis citricidus<br />

Kitamura. S., Bull. Jpn. Soc. Sci. Fish.. 31: 828-<br />

83.1.<br />

Costa, A.S. Phytopathology 41: 105-113.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 118 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Studies on transformation of Escherichia coli with plasmids Hanahan, D. J. Mol. Biol. 166: 557.<br />

Studies on the work performance of cross - bred cattle H.<br />

Responses some chemical contents of blood brown swiss -<br />

sahiwal (F1) and sahiwal bullocks to exercise during<br />

different season<br />

Studies on the vitamin C requirement of channel catfish<br />

(Ictalurus punctatus).<br />

Studies on the utilization of ricc strav. by sheep. IV. Effect<br />

of soybean meal and barley supplementation on eating and<br />

nimmation behaviour<br />

Studies on the utilization and mass production of<br />

spodoptera litura nuclear-polyhedrosis virus for control of<br />

the tobacco cutworm, Spodoptera litura<br />

Studies on the utilization and mass production of<br />

spodoptera litura nuclear-polyhedrosis virus for control of<br />

the tobacco cutworm, Spodoptera litura<br />

Georgie, E. C. Indian J. Prod. L.<br />

Andrew, J.W. J. Nutr. 105: 557-561.<br />

Warly. L.. AJAS<br />

Okada M F Rev Pl Protec Res 10:102-128<br />

Okada M F Rev Pl Protec Res 10:102-128<br />

Studies on the timing of ovulation after synchronization<br />

treatment in cattle<br />

Peters AR Reprod. Dom. Anim<br />

Studies on the rumen flagellate : Sphaeromonas communis Orpin, C.G J.Gen.Microbiol<br />

Studies on the role of calcium in thermolysine Feder, J. Biochem. 10: 4552-4556.<br />

Studies on The Relationship Between Thyroid Function,<br />

Cold Acclimation and Retention Time of Digesta in Sheep.<br />

Kennedy, P. M. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Studies on the productivity of tropical pasture plants.<br />

Shading on growth, photosynthesis and respiration in vivo<br />

grasses and two legumes.<br />

Ludlow, M.M. Aust. J. Agric. Res.<br />

Studies On The Production of Liquid Sugar Lin.W.F Taiwan Sugar. J. March-april<br />

Studies on the preventive method of lipid ovidation in freezdried<br />

foods part ll. Antioxidative effects of spice and<br />

vegetables<br />

Studies on the preservation of cultured Chanos chanos by<br />

icing and freezing<br />

Studies on the piglet diarrhoea associated with<br />

enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli and its control by<br />

vaccination<br />

Studies on the physical properties of milk and milk product:<br />

on the hardness, breaking energy and elastic modulus of<br />

milk rennet curd<br />

Studies on the phase variation and related phenomena in<br />

some lepidopterous larvae<br />

Studies on The Pathogenicity of Moraxella Bovis in<br />

Relation to Infectious Bovine Keratoconcjuntivitis.<br />

Fujio, H Nippon Shokuhin Kogyo Gakkaishi 16:<br />

241.<br />

Gupta, S. ASFA. Part-3. Vol. No. 6, pp 846-851.<br />

Supar<br />

Ohashi T. Nippon shokuhi kogyo gakkaishi, 25<br />

(10): 38-40.<br />

Iwao.S Memories of the collage of Agriculture,<br />

Kyoto University.No 84<br />

Chandker, R. L. J. Comp. Path.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 119 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Studies on the Nutritional and Physiological Effects of<br />

Thermally Oxidized Oils<br />

Studies on the mouth size of fish larvae II specific<br />

characteristic of the upper jaw length<br />

Studies on the intake of water and nutrients during<br />

development of flower buds to blossom in coffee<br />

Studies on the growth and carcass composition in Daldale<br />

Wether Lambs. II. The effect of dietary protein energy ratio.<br />

Studies on the growth and carcass composition in Daldale<br />

Wether Lambs. I. The effect of dietary energy concentration<br />

and pasture species.<br />

Studies on the feeding of cupric sulfate pentahidrat and<br />

cupric citrat to boiler chicken<br />

Studies on the epidemiology and control of important<br />

diseases of sheep at Sungei Putih, North Sumatra<br />

Studies on the epidemiology and control of important<br />

disease constraints of sheep at Sungai Putih<br />

Studies on the ecology of scale on citrus. I. Estimation of<br />

population densities of three scale using the infestation<br />

Grade method<br />

Studies on the ecology of scale on citrus. I. Estimation of<br />

population densities of three scale using the infestation<br />

Grade method<br />

Studies on the disinfection of hatching eggs. II. The effect<br />

of formaldehyde fumigation on bacteria contaminating the<br />

egg shell surface.<br />

Studies on the dependence of chlorophyll synthesis on<br />

protein synthesis in Euglena gracilis, together with a<br />

nomogram for determination of chlorophyll concentration<br />

Studies on the deficiency diseases of the palm oil. 3.<br />

Micronutrient deficiency symptoms in oil palm seedling<br />

grown in sand culture.<br />

Studies on the Control of the Denaturation of the Fish<br />

Muscle Protein during Frozen Storage - II. Preventive Effect<br />

of Amino Acids and Related Compounds.<br />

Johnson, O.C. JAOCS 34: 594.<br />

Shirota, A. Bull. Jap. Soc. Scr. Fish. 44 (2): 1177-<br />

1177.<br />

Mathew, P.K. Indian Coffee 25: 264-272.<br />

Soeparno. Aust. J. Agric. Res.<br />

Soeparno. Aust. J. Agric. Res.<br />

Pesti GM Poultry Sci 75:1080-1091<br />

Wilson, A. Keane, M., ed., Small Ruminant<br />

Workshop. Proc. Workshop held 7-9<br />

September 1993, San Juan, Puerto<br />

Rico, University of California, Davis,<br />

USA. p. 29-32.<br />

Wilson, A.J., SRCRSP Annual Report 19921993<br />

Itioka T Japanese J App Entomol and zool 33<br />

(2) : 78-81<br />

Itioka T Japanese J App Entomol and zool 33<br />

(2) : 78-81<br />

Furuta, K. Japanese Poultry Science.<br />

Kirk, J.T.O. Planta. 78: 200-207.<br />

Bull RA Journal of the West African Institute for<br />

Oil Palm research 3(11):265-272<br />

Noguchi, S., Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish, 37 (11): 1115-<br />

1112.<br />

Studies on the construction of grassland in north china Xiao, G. Asian-Aus. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Studies on the chromosomes of the scallop Pecten<br />

maximus (L.) and related species,<br />

Beaumont, A.R., J. Mar. Biol. Assoc., UK., 54: 7713-<br />

7718.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 120 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Studies on the biology of the edible bird's nest swiftlets of<br />

South East Asia. Malay<br />

Studies on the biological control of insect pest in fruit tree<br />

and oak tree with Trichogranuna dendrolimi Matsumura<br />

Studies on the application of an undegradable system to<br />

high yielding dairy cattle in Taiwan<br />

Studies on the active site and antihypertensive activity of<br />

angiotensin I-converting enzyme inhibitors derived from<br />

casein.<br />

Studies on the Absortion and Translocation of Nutrients on<br />

Citrus as Influenced by stock-scion Relationship Using<br />

32P, 35S and 45 Ca as Teracers<br />

Studies on Sweet Potato Little Leaf Phytoplasma Detected<br />

in Sweet Potato and other Plant Species Growing in<br />

Northern Australia.<br />

Medway, L. Natur. J<br />

Guo, F.1. J. Voegele, 1. Waage, and J. van<br />

Lanteren (Eds.). Trichogramma and<br />

other parasities. 2nd International<br />

Symposium, Guangzhou (China) Nov.<br />

10-15, 1986. (43): 461-468.<br />

Chiou-Shyang-Peter<br />

Wen<br />

Anim. Feed Sci. and technol.<br />

Maruyama, S. Agric. Biol. Chem.<br />

Chen, C. C. Chine Hortikulture<br />

Gibb, K.S., Phytopatology Vol. 85. No.2, pp. 169-<br />

174.<br />

Studies on Strobila-tion in The Scyphozoa distance, D.R.N. Journal of Biological Education. Vol. I:<br />

79-81.<br />

Studies on Southeast Asian Haemaphysalis Ticks<br />

(Ixodoidea, Ixodidae). Rediscription of H. (Kaiseriana)<br />

renschi Schuize (Resurrected), and its Host and distribution<br />

in Indonesia<br />

Hoogstraal, H. J. Parasitol. 54(6): 1214-1222.<br />

Studies on reproduction in prolific ewes on Growth of the<br />

products of conceptions.<br />

Robinson, J.J. J. Agr Sci.<br />

Studies on purple spot of soybean. Han YS J, Agric. andForestry 8:1-32<br />

Studies on punch testing of apples Bourne M.C Food Technology<br />

Studies on proteases produced by thermophilic bacteria Endo, S. J. Ferment. Techiwl. 40:346-353.<br />

Studies on Polyoxins, Antifungal Antibiotics. XXIII. The<br />

Structure of Polyoxins<br />

Studies on Pellicularia filamentosa (Pat.) Rogers.<br />

Occurrence and distribution of pathogenic strains.<br />

Studies on nutrition of red sea bream IX:Effect of n-3 fatty<br />

acid supplement in acorn oil diet on growth and feed<br />

efficiency.<br />

Studies on marine planktonic diatom, I. Cyclotella nana<br />

Nusteldt and Detonula confervacae (Cleve) Gran<br />

Studies on mango (Mangifera indica L.) fruitset in Puerto<br />

Rico<br />

Isono. K. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 91:7490-7505<br />

Flentje, N.T. Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 40:95-108.<br />

Yano, Y., Bull. Jpn. Soc. Sci. Fish., 41: 73-77.<br />

Guillard, R.R.L. Can. J. Microbiol. 8:229-239.<br />

Spencer, J.L Trop.Agr<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 121 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Studies on Mango (Mangifera indica L), fruit set in Puerto<br />

Rico<br />

Studies on Lysine Fermentation Part V. Conceted<br />

Feedback lnhibition of Aspartokinase and The Absece of<br />

Lysine on Asparte Semialdehidepyruvate Conden-sation in<br />

Micrococcus glutamisicus<br />

Studies on low metabolizable energy wheats for poultry<br />

using conventional and rapid assay procedures and the<br />

effects of processing.<br />

Studies on long term storage of hosts for propagating<br />

Trichogramma<br />

Spencer, J.L. Trop. Agr<br />

Nakayama, K., Agric. Biol. Chem<br />

Mollah, Y. British Poult. Sci.<br />

Yi, M.H. J. Voegele, J. Waage, and J. van<br />

Lanteren (Eds.). Trichogramma and<br />

other parasites. 2nd International<br />

Symposium, Guangzhou (China) Nov.<br />

10-15, 1986. (43): 369371.<br />

Studies on keeping quality and freshness of the marine<br />

products<br />

Kayama, M J. Fac. Appl. Biol. Sci<br />

Studies on isozymes of sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria<br />

(L.) Nielsen<br />

Hartati, N.S. Ann. Bogorienses 4:41 -46.<br />

Studies on ice storage of Common murrel (Channa striatus) Peringreen. P.A. Fish Technol, 24 : 99-102.<br />

Studies on hypolipidemic effects of dietary riee bran oil in<br />

human subjects<br />

Studies on hypolipidemic effects of dietary rice bran oil in<br />

human subjects<br />

Raghuram. T.C. Nutr Rep Int 39: 889-895<br />

Raghuram. T.C. Nutrition Reports International.39: 5,<br />

889-895.<br />

Studies on hypocholesterolemic activity of rice bra oil Seetharamaiah,<br />

G.S.<br />

Atherosclerosis. 78:2-3,219-223.<br />

Studies on goat nutrition James, C. S. Kerala Journal of Veterinary Sci.<br />

Studies on formula feed for kuruma prawn. I. On<br />

relationship among glucosamine, phosphorus and calsium.<br />

Studies on formula feed for kuruma prawn. I. On<br />

relationship among glu-cosamine, phosphorus and calcium.<br />

Kitabayashi, K., Bull. Tokai Reg. Fish. Res. Lab , 65:91-<br />

207.<br />

Kitabayashi, K., Bull. Tokai Reg. Fish. Res. Lab. 65: 91-<br />

207.<br />

Studies on economic characters, hatchability and embryo<br />

morality in Desi duck.<br />

Renchi, P.G. Indian J. Poult. Sci. 15 : 259 - 264<br />

Studies on Dilution ofTurkey Semen. Sexton, T. J Poultry Sci. 39: 179-184 .<br />

Studies on curdlan-type polysaccharide. II. Physical and<br />

chemical properties of curdlans 13140 and 13127<br />

Nakanishi, I. J. Takeda Res. Lab., 51: 109-120.<br />

Studies on crude drugs effective on visceral larva migrants Kiuchi, F. Chem. Pharm. Bull.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 122 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Studies on changes in body composition and carcass<br />

characters of beef cattle during fattening. 2. Growth and<br />

development of yearling steer with advancement of age<br />

from 8 to 18 months<br />

Studies on antifertility effects of gossypol acetic acid in<br />

domestic cocks<br />

Studies on alternative means of legume inoculation:<br />

Microbiological and agronomic appraisals of commercial<br />

procedures for inoculating soybeans with Bradyrhizobium<br />

japonicum<br />

Fukuhara, R. Bull. Chugoku Agr. Exp. Station, B16:<br />

123-162.<br />

Mohan, J. J. Reprod. Fertil.<br />

Brockwell J. Aust. J. Agric. Res. 39: 965-972.<br />

Studies on Acetate Fermenting Strain of Metanosarcina Mah, R.A Journal of Applied Environmental<br />

Microbiology: 1174-1184.<br />

Studies on absorption and translocation of phosphorus<br />

using radioactive superphosphate (32P) in coffee plants<br />

Gopal, N.H. J. Coffee Res. 6: 69-75.<br />

Studies of the Strains and the Cracking of Rice Kerneis<br />

Under Drying III Particularly on the movement of Market<br />

Point and the Shrin-kage Strain on the Surface of Kernel of<br />

Rough Rice<br />

Miwa,Y Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture,<br />

Iwate University<br />

Studies of the pathogenic avian haemophili. Rimler, R.B. Avian Diseases. 24 (4): 1006-1018.<br />

Studies of the pathogenic avian Haemophili. Rimler R.B Avian Diseases 24 (4): p.1006-1018.<br />

Studies of the pathogenic avian Haemophili. Rimler, R.B Avian Diseases 24(4): 1.006-1.018.<br />

Studies of the growth carcass composition in daldale<br />

wether lamb : II. The effect of dietary protein energy ratio<br />

Studies of the fungal diseases in Crustacea I Lagenidium<br />

scylla sp. isolated from cultivated ova and larvae of the<br />

mangrove crab, Scy//a serrate.<br />

Studies of the Fatty acid specificity of the lipase from<br />

Rhizomucor miehei toward 20:1n-9,20:5n-3,22:1n-9 and<br />

22:6n-3<br />

Soeparno Aust. Agric. J<br />

Bian, B. Z., Tans. Mycol. Soc. Japan. 20:115-124.<br />

Pedersen, S.B. J. Am, Oil Chem.Soc, 72(2) 239-243.<br />

Studies of The Environmental Physiology of Tropical<br />

Merinos.<br />

Hopkins, P. S. Aust. J. Agric. Res.<br />

Studies of root system of some cover plants. Chandapillai, M.M J. Rubb.Res Inst. Malaya 20(3)<br />

Studies of fatty acid specificity of the lipase from<br />

Rhizomucor meihei toward 20 : In 9, 20:5n-3, 22:In-9 &<br />

22:6n-3.<br />

Pedersen, Sb J Am Oil Chem Soc 72(2):239-243<br />

Studies of Egg Yolk Pigmentation. Scott, M. L. Poult. Sci.<br />

Studies of coconut protein and its enzyme activities Balas ubramaniam,<br />

K.<br />

Journal of Food Science. 44(1): 62-65.<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Studies of Clay Skins In A Cecil ( Typic Hapludult) Soil: I<br />

Composition and Genesis.<br />

Studies of cattle and sheep eating leaf and sten fractions of<br />

giasses. l. Voluntary Intake, digestibility and retention time<br />

in the reticulo-rumen<br />

Studies In The Variation of Soil Reaction : III Variation At<br />

The Waite Agricultural Research Institute<br />

Studies in Garcinia, dioecious tropical fruit trees : the origin<br />

of mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L)<br />

Studies and Forage Cell Walls. 2. Conditions for Alkali<br />

Treatment of Rice Straw and Rice hull.<br />

Studies on detection and transmission of citrus trizteza<br />

virus (CTV) in Indonesia<br />

Studi Transportasi Ternak Potong dari Nusa Tenggara<br />

Timur dan Jawa Timur ke Jakarta<br />

Khalifa, E. M. Soil. Sci. Soc. Amer.<br />

Poppi, D.P. Australian Journal of Agricultural<br />

Research<br />

Raupach. M Australian J. Agric. Res. 2<br />

--- Botanical Journal of the Linnean<br />

Society 103 : 301-308<br />

McManus, W. R. J. Agr. Sci. Cambridge.<br />

Muharam, A. Penelitian Hortikultura<br />

Soedjana, T.D Jurnal Penelitian Petemakan<br />

Indonesia<br />

Studi tentang daya kembang krupuk ikan Purnomo, A.H J. Penel. Perik. Laut<br />

Studi Teknologi pukat cincin cakalang di perairan Daerah<br />

Istimewa Aceh.<br />

Studi strategi kebutuhan energi-protein untuk dombalokal:<br />

I. Fase pertumbuhan<br />

Studi strategi energi dan protein untuk domba lokal I. Fase<br />

pertumbuhan.<br />

Studi P-Starter dalam penambangan P pada padi sawah Sahar, A.<br />

Studi potensi inokulum Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Vanillae<br />

terhadap infeksi tanaman panili.<br />

Studi Polimorfisme Protein Darah Jalak Bali (Leucopsar<br />

rotschildi) Hasil Penangkaran dari Indonesia, Amerika dan<br />

Ipggris<br />

Studi Perkembangan Penyakit Layu Fusarium pada<br />

Perubahan Suhu Tanah Pertanaman Secara Alami<br />

Studi perbandingan uji ELISA dan biakan sel jaringan Y1<br />

pada enterotoksin yang tidak tahan panas kuman<br />

Escherichia coli berasal dari anak babi penderita diare<br />

Bahar,S. Jurnal Penelitian Perikanan Laut No.<br />

85<br />

Mathius, I. W. Jurnal Ilmu Ternak dan veteriner<br />

Mathius, I-W., Jumal Ilmu Temak dan Veteriner 2 (2):<br />

84-91.<br />

Tombe, M., Ann. Report No. 3. JICA-Balittro.<br />

Thohari, M<br />

Mahfud, M.C.<br />

Supar Penyakit Hewan. 19(34): 58-68.<br />

Studi perbandingan strain ikan mas dengan Skor Z. Nugroho, E. Studi perbandingan strain ikan mas<br />

dengan Skor Z.<br />

Studi perbandingan persentase karkas dan kualitas daging<br />

sapi dan kerbau di rumah pemotongan hewan (RPH)<br />

Pemalang<br />

Santoso, D. J. Anim. Prod.<br />

Studi perbandingan pengeringan ikan asin dengan<br />

pengering mekanis, pengering surya dan para-para.<br />

Priono, B. J. Pen. Tek. Perik. 32:1-6.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 124 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Studi Penyerapan Cu dan Zn Oleh Tanaman Bayam<br />

(Amaranthus Tricolor L.) dan Jagung (Zea Mays L.) dari<br />

Tanah Alfisol Banjaragung Lampung Yang di Perlakukan<br />

dengan Limbah Industri Berlogam Berat<br />

Studi Penggunaan Biji Asain dan Minyak Biji Kosambi<br />

Sebagai Agen Defaunasi Alami Pada Sapi Bali Yang Diberi<br />

Rumpul Alam Kering Hasil Amoniasi<br />

Studi Penggunaan Berbagai Jenis Plankton Sebagai Pakan<br />

Tambahan pada Usaha Perawatan Larva Ikan Terbang<br />

Studi Pengembangan Sistem Agri bisnis dan Industri<br />

Komoditas Rumput Laut di Pedesaan Pantai Miskin, Jawa<br />

Timur<br />

Studi pengaruh Zat Pengatur Tumbuh terhadap<br />

pembungaan dan pembentukan buah tanaman mangga<br />

(Mangifera indica L.) khususnya di luar musim<br />

Studi pengaruh zat pengatur tumbuh terhadap<br />

pembungaan dan pembentukan buah tanaman<br />

mangga (Mangifera indica L.) khususnya di luar musim<br />

Studi pengaruh Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Dormex,<br />

Promalin, Pupuk Daun Algifert dan pelepasan lebah<br />

terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi mangga di Jawa<br />

Timur<br />

Studi pendahuluan penyakit kunang-kunang pada larva<br />

kepiting bakau, Scylla serrata.<br />

Studi pendahuluan penyakit kunang-kunang pada larva<br />

kepiting baj

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Studi pendahuluan pemijahan alami dan perkembangan<br />

awal larva ikan kerapu sunu, Plectropoma maculatus.<br />

Diani, S., J. Pen. Budi Daya Pantai 7(2,1:10-19.<br />

Studi Pendahuluan kompetisi pakan komunitas ikan di<br />

Waduk Saguling<br />

D.W.H. Tjahjo<br />

Studi pendahuluan ekologi dua kadal simpatrik Emoia<br />

ditinjau dari pakannya (Lacertilia : Scincidae)<br />

Kurniati, H. Zoo Indonesia (27): 1-8.<br />

Studi Pendahuluan Ekologi Dua Kadal Simpatrik Emoia<br />

Ditinjau Dan Pakannya<br />

Kumiati, H. Zoo Indonesia. (27) : 1 - 9.<br />

Studi pembuatan jahe kering yang dibleaching Risfaheri Buletin Penelitian tanaman Rempah<br />

dan Obat<br />

Studi pembentukan dan penguraian senyawa kompleks<br />

logam-koloid tanah (antara logam Fe dan Al dengan koloid<br />

liat, fraksi humat, dan campurannya)<br />

Tambas, D<br />

Studi Model Analisis Profit Wilayah Desa Miskin Soemarno<br />

Studi metode seleksi barisan-satu tongkol dan<br />

berulangulang timbal balik untuk pengembangan varietas<br />

jagung unggul bersari bebas dan hibrida<br />

Mahmud, T J. Mon Mata<br />

Studi metode barisan satu tongkol dan berulang-ulang<br />

timbal balik untuk pengembangan varietas jagung unggul<br />

bersari bebas dan hibrida.<br />

Studi luas relung pakan komunitas ikan di Waduk Saguling D.W.H. Tjahjo<br />

Studi komperatif, preferensi, mutu dan gizi beberapa jenis<br />

daging unggas.<br />

Studi komperatif beberapoa pola introduksi sayuran dilahan<br />

kering Daerah Aliran Sungai.<br />

Studi Komparatif beberapa poal introduksi sayuran dilahan<br />

kering Daerah Aliran Sungai.<br />

Studi kesesuaian lahan dan iklim tanaman jambu mete<br />

serta permasalahannya di Propinsi Sulawesi Tenggara.<br />

Media Komunikasi IV<br />

Studi Kemungkinan Pemanfaatan Alga Film Sebagai Salah<br />

Satu Bioindikator Pencemaran Perairan Teluk Awur,<br />

Jepara<br />

Studi kemunduran mutu udang putih (P. merguiensis) pada<br />

suhu kamar dan dalam es<br />

Studi kebiasaan makan ikan gurami, Osplironeinous<br />

gouramy<br />

Studi kasus penyebab kematian udang windu, Penaeus<br />

monodon di tambak intensif.<br />

Mahmud, T Mon Mata J.<br />

Triyantini. Jurnal ilmu ternak dan veteriner. Pusat<br />

penelitian dan pengembangan<br />

Peternakan, Bogor.<br />

Satsijati J. Hort.<br />

Satsijati. J. Hort.<br />

Tarigans, D.D. Media Komunikasi IV<br />

_____. Majalah Penelitian Universitas<br />

Diponegoro Semarang.<br />

Tampubolon, M. Jurnal Penelitian Pasca Panen<br />

Perikanan. No. 64<br />

Affandi, R. Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Perairan dan<br />

Perikanan Indonesia. 1(2): 56-67.<br />

Madeali, M.l., J. Penelitian Budidaya Pantai, 9 (4):23-<br />

28.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 126 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Studi kasus penyebab kematian udang windu, (Penaeus<br />

monodon di tambak intensif)<br />

Studi Kasus Penyebab kematian udang windu Peneus<br />

monodon di tambak intensif<br />

Studi immunohistokimia pada distribusi dan lokalisasi<br />

intraseluler protein antimikroba dan pengatur kekebalanlaktoferin<br />

pada jaringan tubuh tupai<br />

Studi hormon endogen selama periode pertumbuhan<br />

generatif mangga arumanis.<br />

Studi Awal Pemeliharaan Larva Kerapu Sunu<br />

(Plectropomus maculatus) Dengan Kepadatan Berbeda.<br />

Madeali, M.I. Penelitian Budidaya Pantai 9(4):23-28.<br />

M.I. Madeali J. Penelitian Budidaya Pantai, Vol 9<br />

Agungpriyono S<br />

Handajani, S. J. Hort.<br />

Purba Jurnal Penelitian budidaya Pantai<br />

Maros. Sulawesi Selatan, 7 (4): 13-19.<br />

Studi awal mengenai pembungaan dan pembuahan durian<br />

(Durio zibethinus Murr).<br />

Anwarudin, M.J.<br />

Studi awal mengenai pembungaan dan pembuahan durian<br />

(Durio zibethinus Murr).<br />

Anwarudin, M.J.<br />

Studi aktivitas biologik ekstrak bintang laut dari perairan<br />

pulau Barranglompo.<br />

Darise, M.,<br />

Studi adopsi teknologi budidaya kedelai di Desa Karya<br />

Mukti, Karawang.<br />

Waruwu, F.<br />

Strukture of foliage conopies and photosyntesis. Monsi, M. Annu, Rev. Ecol. Syst. 4: 301-327<br />

Strukturdandistribusispasialteripang (Holothuroidea)serta<br />

interaksinya dengan karak-teristik habitat di rataan terumbu<br />

Pantai Blebu, Lampung Selatan.<br />

Gunawan, K., J. llmu-ilmu Perairan dan Perikanan<br />

Indonesia ll(2):1-14.<br />

Struktural changes in electrical stimulation beef muscle Savell, J.W J. Fd, Sci.<br />

Struktur Tegakan Hutan Mangrove di Tembilahan Riau Yefri N Bulletin Penelitian Kehutanan BPK<br />

Pematangsiantar<br />

Struktur komunitas makrozoobentos di Sungai Mahakam di<br />

Kalimantan Timur.<br />

Purnomo, K.,<br />

Struktur komunitas Karang Hermatipik di Perairan Jepara. Munasik,<br />

Struktur geologi daerah Sangasanga Kalimantan Timur Sidarto Jurnal Geologi dan Sumberdaya<br />

Mineral 82: 2-13.<br />

Structurl Aelioration of a South Australian Red-brown Earth<br />

Using Calcium and Organic Amendment<br />

Baldock JA Aust,J.Soil Res 32:571-94<br />

Structurl Aelioration of a South Australian Red-brown Earth<br />

Using Calcium and Organic Amendment<br />

Baldock JA Aust,J.Soil Res 32:571-94<br />

Structured lipidsenzymatic approach. INFORM.6(9); 1055-<br />

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Akoh, C.C Food Technology<br />

Structured lipids: Fats of the future Kenedy JP Food Technol 45(11):76-81<br />

Structured lipids enzymatic approach Akoh CC Inform 6(9):1055-1061<br />

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Structured Lipids Allow Fat Tailoring Haumann, BF INFORM<br />

Structured Lipids Allow Fat Tailoring Haumann, B.F INFORM<br />

Structured lipids : Fats of the future Kennedy JP food technol 45(11): 76-81<br />

Structured lipid enzymatic approach Akoh, CC Inform 6(9): 1055-1061<br />

Structure, function, and classification in seagrass<br />

Den Hartog, C. Seagrass ecosystem: A scientific<br />

communities<br />

perspective (Eds. McRoy and<br />

Helfferich). Marine Science (4): 89-<br />

145.<br />

Structure of some allophanes from New Zealand. Parfitt, R. L. Clays and Clay Minerals 12:285-294.<br />

Structure of Methylosinus trichosporium exospores Reed, W.M J. Bacteriol<br />

Structure of curdlan that is resistant to (1 - 3) b-Dglucanase<br />

Takahashi F. Carbohydrate polymers, 6: 407-421.<br />

Structure of c/.v-polyisoprene from Laclarnif: mushrooms Tanaka, Y. Ada Biochim Polon 41:303-309.<br />

Structure antibacterial activity relationship of anacardiac<br />

acid.<br />

Kubo, I. J. Agric. Food Chem, 41 : 1016 - 1019<br />

Structure and Stereochemistry of a- gurjunene Palmade. M., Bulletin Society Chimia France 8: 1950<br />

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Structure and regulation of the corpus allatum Tobe, S.S. Adv. Insect Physiol. 18:305-402.<br />

Structure and biosynthesis of bacterial cell wall Osborn, M.J. Anmi. Rev. Biochem. 38:501-538.<br />

Structure and biosynthesis mechanism of natural isoprene Tanaka, Y. Progr. Poiym. Sci. 14:338-371.<br />

Structural studies on sulfated oligosaccharides derived<br />

from thearbohydrate-protein linkage region of chondroitin 6sulfate<br />

proteoglycans of shark cartilage. I. Six compounds<br />

containing o- or 1-sulfate and/or phosphate residue.<br />

Structural studies on sulfated oligosaccharides derived<br />

from the carbohydrate-protein linkage region of chondroitin<br />

6-sulfate proteoglycans of shark cartilage. I. Six<br />

Compounds Containing 0 or l sulfate and/ or phosphate<br />

residue<br />

Structural studies on sulfated oligosaccharides derived<br />

from the carbohydrate-protein linkage region of Chondroitin<br />

6-sulfate proteoglycans of Shark Cartilage I. Six<br />

compounds containing 0-or 1-sulfate and/or phosphate<br />

residue.<br />

Structural studies on sulfated oligosaccharides derived<br />

from the carbohydrate protein linkage region of chondroitin<br />

6-sulfate proteoglycans of shark cartilage. II. Seven<br />

compounds containing 2 or 3 sulfate residues<br />

Sugahara, K., J. Biol. Chem. 267: 6027-6035.<br />

Sugahara, K. J. Biol. Chem. 267: 6.027-6.035.<br />

Sugahara, K., J. Biol. Chem. 267: 6027-6035.<br />

De Waard, P. J. Biol. Chem. 267: 6.036-6.043.<br />

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Structural studies on sulfated oligosaccharides derived<br />

from the carbohydrate-protein linkage region of<br />

chondroitin 6-sulfate proteoglycans of shark cartilage. II.<br />

Seven compounds containing 2 or 3-sulfate residues.<br />

Structural studies on sulfated oligosaccharides derived<br />

from the carbohydrate-protein linkage region of<br />

chondroitin 6-sulfate proteoglycans of shark cartilage. II.<br />

Seven compounds containing 2 or 3 sulfate residues.<br />

Structural Squences are Conserved in The Genes Coding<br />

For (Alfa), (Alfa) and (Beta) Subunit of The Soybean 7S<br />

Seed Storage Protein<br />

Structural Squences are Conserved in The Genes Coding<br />

For (Alfa), (alfa) & (Beta) Sub-units of The Soybean 7S<br />

Seed Storage Protein<br />

Structural features of the apical and tubuliovesicular<br />

membranes of rodent small intestinal tuft cells<br />

Structural Elements Highly Preserved During the Evolution<br />

of the D-loop Containing Region in Vertebrae Mitochondrial<br />

DNA<br />

Structural Chanages in Beef Longissimus Dorsi Induced by<br />

Post-Mortem Low Voltage Electrical Stimulation.<br />

Strobilation, Budding & Initiation of Scyphistoma<br />

Morphogenesis in The' Rhizostome Cassiopea andro-meda<br />

(Cnidaria : Scyphozoa)<br />

Strobilation in The Chesapeake Bay Sea Nettle Chrysaora<br />

quinquechirrha.The effects of Environmental Temperature<br />

Changes on Strobilation and Growth<br />

de Waard, P., J.Biol Chem. 267: 6036-6043.<br />

de Waard, P., J. Biol. Chem. 267: 6036-6043.<br />

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Trier, J.S. Anat Rec 219: 69-77<br />

Saccone C. J. Mol. Evol. 26: 205 -211.<br />

Fabiansson, S. J. Food. Sci.<br />

Hot'mann, D.K. Marine Biology. Vol. 47:161-176.<br />

Loeb, M.J. The Journal of Experimental Zoology.<br />

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Stress protein and immunology. Young, R.A., Ann. Rev. Immunol. 8: 401-420.<br />

Stress protection of transgenic tobacco by production of the<br />

osmolyte mannitol.<br />

Tarczynski, M.C Science 259:508-510<br />

Stress : What it is and how to recognize it. North, M.O Poultry Digest<br />

Streroid control of gonodotropin secretarion and ovarian<br />

function in heifer.<br />

Price, C.A. Endocrinology.<br />

Streptomyces Pepsin Inhibitor -insntive Carboxyl<br />

Proteinase from Ganoderma lucidum<br />

Terashita T Agric Biol Chem<br />

Streptococcus-Eschericia coli shuttle vector PSA3 and its<br />

use in the cloning of streptococcal genes<br />

Dao, M. L. Appl. Environ. Microbiol.<br />

Streptococcus suis infection in fallow deer Devriese, L.A. Vet. Rec. 132, 282<br />

Straw Quality of Cereal Cultivars Before and After<br />

Treatments With Anhydrous Ammonia.<br />

Kernan, J. A. Can. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

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Strategies used to eradicate bacterial wilt of Heliconia (race<br />

2) in Caims, Australia, following introduction of the disease<br />

from Viswm<br />

Strategies for animal improvement in Southeast Asia. In<br />

Utilization of Feed Resources in Relation to Utilization and<br />

Physiology of Ruminant in the Tropics<br />

Strategi pengolahan limbah perkebunan kelapa sawit di<br />

Indonesia<br />

Strategi pengolahan limbah perkebunan kelapa sawit di<br />

Indonesia<br />

Hyde, K.S. Australasian Plant Pathol. 21:29-31.<br />

Jalaludin, S. Trop. Agric. Res. Series 25: 67-76.<br />

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Vol. 3 No. 2 Juni 1995<br />

Strategi Pengembengan industri Pangan di Jawa Barat Hubeis, M. Bul. Pen llmu dan Tek. Pangan IV (2):<br />

55 - 59.<br />

Strategi pengelolaan limbah perkebunan kelapa sawit di<br />

Indonesia<br />

Pamin K<br />

Strategi penelitian dan pemberantasan penggerek buah<br />

coklat .<br />

Wardoyo, S. Menara perkebunan , 49, 69-74<br />

Strategi Penanganan Pasca Panen Hortikultura Udin. F Jurnal teknologi Industri Pertanian<br />

Eds. Khusus, Mei 1995<br />

Strategi Diversifikasi Produksi Pangan Kasryno, F Prisma No 5.<br />

Strategi dan Langkah operasional Penelitian Tanaman<br />

Pangan berwawasan lingkungan.<br />

Strandart Test Method for Strength Properties of Adhesive<br />

Bonds in Shear by Compression Loading<br />

Strains of Pseudomonas solanacearum affecting<br />

solanaceae in the Americas.<br />

Strains of P. solanacearum affecting solanaceae in the<br />

Americas<br />

Strain-cross responses of heavy male broilers to dietary<br />

lysine in the finisher feed: live performance and furtherprocessing<br />

yields.<br />

Manwan, L. Kebijaksanaan dan Hasil Utama<br />

Penelitian. Puslitbangtan. Bogor.<br />

Anonymous ASTM Designation : D905-49, Annual<br />

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Martin, C., Plant Disease. 66: 458-460.<br />

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Bilgili, S. F. Poult. Sci.<br />

Strach properties of bologna sausage as related to fat<br />

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Carballo, J. J. Food Sci.<br />

Storing Ethylene-Pretreated Bananas in Controlled<br />

Atmospheres and Hypobaric Air<br />

Uu, F.W J.Amer.Soc. HortSci<br />

Storage stability of full fat soy flour and soy-wheat flour<br />

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Mishra, H. N. J. food Sci. Technology<br />

Storage of gas-packaged bakery product A Research Note Smith, J. P J. of Food Sci<br />

Storage and Bacterial Contamination Effects on Myofibrillar Crouse, J.D. J. Food. Sci. 56 (4): 903<br />

Stomach contents analysis-a review of methods and their<br />

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Hyslop, E.J. J.Fish.Biol., 17:411-429.<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Stocking strategy. Cowx, L.G. Fisheries Management and Ecology.<br />

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Stocking and introduction of fish in lakes and reservoirs in<br />

the Asian countries<br />

Baluyut, E. A. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap. 236: 1-82.<br />

Stock discrimination by trace element analysis of otoliths of<br />

orange roughy Hoplostethus atlanticus, a deep-water<br />

marine teleost.<br />

Edmonds, J.S., Aust. J. Mar. Freshw. Res. 18 (3/4):<br />

343-456.<br />

Stochastic generation of monthly streamflow Srikanthan R Journal of hydraulic Division ASCE vol<br />

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Stimulation of Muscle Growth by Clenbuterol: Lack of Effect<br />

on Muscle Protein Biosynthesis<br />

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Stimulation of mammary epithelia cell growth in vitro:<br />

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Steinernema felitiaeactivity and infectivity response to<br />

herbicide exposure in aqueous and soil environments<br />

Stearic acid, trans fatty acids & dairy fat : effects on serum<br />

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Status resistensi ulat bawang Spodoptera exigua Hbn<br />

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Status Resistensi Plutella xylostella Strain Lembang<br />

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organofosfor, piretroid sintetik dan ben^oil urea.<br />

Status resistensi Plufella xylostella Strain Lembang<br />

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Status inang pengisap buah (Dasynus piperis China) pada<br />

cabai Jawa (Piper retrofractum L.)<br />

Status Hematologis Sapi Bali Jantan Muda Yang dipelihara<br />

pada Kondisi percobaan<br />

Status hara ta-naman jagung yang diinokulasi dengan<br />

Pseudomonas putida L27A4A1<br />

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Statistical and causal inference Holland PW Journal of the American Statistical<br />

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Statistical Analysis of a yield trial Zabel RW Agron J 80:388-393<br />

Statistical Analysis of a yield trial Zabel RW Agron J 80:388-393<br />

Stategi Pengembangan Produksi Buah-buahan untuk<br />

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Starvation and initial delay of feeding on larval green<br />

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Stages of Soybean development. Fehr, W. R. Coop. Ext. Serv. Iowa State Univ.<br />

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Stability of intermediate moisture foods. Labuza, T.P., J. Food Sci. 37:154.<br />

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Stability of grain sorghum yield components across divers<br />

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Stability of Anthocyanins from Tradescantia pallida Shi, Z. J. Food Sci., 57: 758-760.<br />

Stability of Anthocyanin from Sweet Potatoes in Model<br />

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Stability Constants of Copper (II)-Humate Complexes<br />

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Specificity of epidermal growth factor action on maturation<br />

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Specific secretion of citric acid induced by Al stress in<br />

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Specific PCR primer directed to identify cryI and cryIII<br />

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Specific organic component as tracers of contaminated fine<br />

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Specific inhibition of nitrite activity oxidation by chlorate and<br />

its use in assessing nitrification in soils and sediments<br />

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Speciality fats Paulicka FR J Amer Oil Chem Soc 62(2): 426-430<br />

Speaking to Power: Empowerment Ideology as a Social<br />

Intervention and Policy<br />

Spawning, Development, and Acquisition of Zooxantheliae<br />

by tridacna squamosa (Mollusca, Bivalvia)<br />

Spawning the reef corals Pocillopora verrucosa and P.<br />

eydouxi at Sesoko Island, Okinawa.<br />

Spawning in the reef corals Pocillopora verrucosa and P.<br />

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Epinephelus akaara (Temminck et Schlegel). Japan<br />

Spawning habit and early life history of a rerranid fish,<br />

Epinephelus akaara (Temminck & Schlegel).<br />

Spawning and Larval Rearing of Giant Clams (Bivalvia:<br />

Tridacnidae)<br />

Spawning and early life history of grouper Epinephelus<br />

salmoides (Lacepede) in laboratory.<br />

Spatial Variation of Soil Properties and Rice Yield on<br />

Recently Cleared Land<br />

Spatial Variation of Soil Properties and Rice Yield on<br />

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Spatial Variation of Sand Content and pH Within Single<br />

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Spatial Variability for One Type of Phosphate Mine Land in<br />

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Spatial interactions and microhabitat selections of two<br />

locally sympatric voles, Microtus montanus and Microtus<br />

pensylvanicus<br />

Douglas, R. J Ecology<br />

Spatial Design For Basic Needs In Estern Upper Volta Mehrettu. A Journal of Development Areas<br />

Spatial Dependence and Interpolation of Soil Properties in<br />

West Sumatra, Indonesia. I Anisotropic Variation<br />

Spatial and temporal distribution of bean dwarf mozaic<br />

geminivirus in phaseolus vulgaris and nicotiana<br />

benthamiana<br />

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Wang HL Phytopathology<br />

Spatial an temporal analysis of citrus tristeza virus in<br />

Eastern Spain<br />

Gottwald, R.M. Phytopathology 86:45-55.<br />

Space and Time as Axes in Intraspecific Phylogeography Avise, J.C. NATO ASI Series. 147: 381-388.<br />

Soybeans response to different planting patterns and dates Beatty, K.D Agron. J<br />

Soybean seed coat development Vaughan DA Crop. Science 27 : 759-765<br />

Soybean Seed and Crop Growth Rate During Flowering Jiang. H Agron. J<br />

soybean Response to Rhyzobium Japonicum Strain, Row<br />

Orientation, and Irrigation.<br />

Hunt, P. G. Agron. J.<br />

Soybean response to Rhyzobium japonicum strain, row<br />

orientation, and irrigation<br />

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Soybean Response to Different Planting Patterns and<br />

Dates.<br />

Beatty, K. D. Agron. J. 74: 859-862<br />

Soybean response to different planting patterns and dates Beatty, K.D ., Agron.J<br />

Soybean respond to cotrolled waterlogging Ralph W ACIAR Pood Legume Newsletter 3:4-8<br />

Soybean respond to cotrolled waterlogging Ralph W ACIAR Pood Legume Newsletter 3:4-8<br />

Soybean Protein Supresses Hepatic Lipogenic Enzyme<br />

Gen Expression in Wistar Fatty Rats<br />

Soybean Protein Products as Regulators ofLow Density<br />

Lipoprotein Reseptors. II a-a' Rich Commercial Soy<br />

Concentrate and a' Deficient Mutant Differently Affect Low<br />

density Lipoprotein Receptor Activation<br />

Soybean Protein Products as Regulators ofLow Density<br />

Lipoprotein Receptors. I. Identification of Active p-<br />

Conglycinin Subunits<br />

Soybean protein diet in the treatment of type II<br />

hyperlipoproteinemia<br />

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Monzani, C. J Agric Food Chem<br />

Lovati. M.R., J Agric Food Chem<br />

Sirtori, C. R., Lancet<br />

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Soybean Processing and Utilization In Indonesia Damardjati. D.S Indon. Agric. Res. Dev. J<br />

Soybean performance in Indonesiaa. Performance and<br />

constraints<br />

Pasandaran Pririties for soybean Development I<br />

Asia. Proceeding of A Workshop<br />

CGPRT Centre Bogor<br />

Soybean Meal Quality Swick, R.A ASA Technical Bulletin<br />

Soybean leaf movements as an indicator of crop water<br />

stress<br />

Oostehuis, D.M. Crop Sci. 25: 1101.<br />

Soybean inoculation Agfact Ps.2.9 Sykes, J.D. NSW Agriculture & Fisheries.<br />

Soybean growth and agronomic performance in response<br />

to long juvenile traits<br />

Thompkins, J.P Crop. Sci. 36: 1144-1149<br />

Soybean germplasm evaluation for length of the seed filing<br />

period.<br />

Reikosky, D.A Crop. Sci. 22:319-322<br />

Soybean genotype selection for dry and wet season growth<br />

in West Java, Indonesia<br />

Sumarno Indonesian J Crop Sci. 1(1): 57-64.<br />

Soybean Fibrous Root Heritability and Genotype<br />

Correlations with Agronomic and Seed Quality Traits.<br />

Pantalone, V.R., Crop Sci. 35: 1120-1125.<br />

Soybean ecology I : Development temperatuire rlationship<br />

from controled environment studies<br />

Brown DM Agron J 52:493-496<br />

Soybean ecology I : Development temperatuire rlationship<br />

from controled environment studies<br />

Brown DM Agron J 52:493-496<br />

Soybean dwarf, a new virus diseases Tamada, T. Ann. Phytopath. Soc. Japan<br />

Soybean Diseases in The Tropical Soybean Improvement<br />

and Production (Ed) by E. A. Kuenemann.<br />

Fulling, B. A. FAO : 61 -63.<br />

Soybean Development in Indonesia, Performance and<br />

contrains<br />

Soybean & lupin seeds as protein sources in diets for<br />

gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) : Nutritional &<br />

Histological implications<br />

Pasandaran E Prioriteis for soybean Development in<br />

Asia Proc. Of workshop<br />

ESCAP/CGPRT Centre Bogor<br />

Robaina L Aquaculture 130: 219-233<br />

Southern Horticutture Enterpprises Barris, E.W J.E. W.<br />

Southern Horticulture Management Garris, E. W J.B. Lippincot Co. chicago. Philadepia<br />

New York<br />

Sources of eutrofication : Hydrological pathways of<br />

cathment nutrients exports<br />

Heathwaite, L IAHS Publ., No. 230<br />

Sources of eutrapication : Hydrological pathways of<br />

catchment nutrient export<br />

Heathwaite, L IAHS Publ., No. 230<br />

Source of resistance against Ralstonia solanacearum in<br />

fertile. Somatic hybrids of eggplant (Solarium melongena<br />

L.) with Solarium aethiopicum L.<br />

Collonier, C. Plant Science. 160: 301-313.<br />

Sounding board of the New England Ascherio A J of Med 340(25):1-6<br />

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Sounding board Ascherio A The New Eng. J Med 340:25<br />

Sosio ekologi bekantan (Nasalis larvatus} di Taman<br />

Nasional Kutai, Kalimantan Timur<br />

Bismark, M. Rimba Indonesia<br />

Sorptionand Decomposition Of Glyphosate In Soils Under<br />

Four Temperature Regimes<br />

Suwardji. P.L Australian Soil Science Conference,<br />

Brisbane<br />

Sorption Phenomena in Foods. Labuza, T.P., Food Tech. 22: 263.<br />

Sorption of phosphorous by some surface soils from<br />

Quebec in relation to their proporties<br />

Sorption of Organic Acids in Soil and Its Implication in the<br />

Rhizosphere<br />

Sorption of Cadmium, Nickle, and Zinc by Kaolinite<br />

andTombas. D. ; N. Gofar<br />

Sorption and Precipitation of Iron on Kaolinite I, Factors<br />

involved in Sorption Equilibria<br />

Laverdiere, M.R. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 15:<br />

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Jones D.L. J. Soil Sc. 49:447-455<br />

Pulls.R.W Soil Sci.Soc.Am.J<br />

Fordham. A.W Aust.. J. Soil. Res<br />

Sorgum insect identification hand book. ICRISAT. Bulletin.<br />

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Sorghum insect identification hand book Teeses, G. L. Information Bulletin No. 12. ICRISAT.<br />

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Sophorolipids from T bombicola sa Microbial Surfactants in<br />

Alkane Fermentations<br />

Inoue, S. Biotechnol,<br />

Sonographic investigations on physiology and pathology of<br />

the puerpurium in the ewe<br />

Hauser B Reprod. Dom. Anim. Supll<br />

Some useful equations for biological studies Landsberg JJ Expl. Agric. 13:273-286<br />

Some trends in broiler breeding Van Hedel, A. World's Poultry Sci. 49 (4)<br />

Some Striking Cases of Food reference By Thesert Locust<br />

(Schistocercae Gregaria Forks)<br />

Bhatia.D.R Indian.J.Ent.<br />

Some statistical aspect of partitioning genotype<br />

environmental components of variability<br />

Shukla, GK Heredity J 29: 237-245<br />

Some Simple Methods for the Assessment of Tropical Fish<br />

stocks.<br />

Pauly, D. FAO Tech. Pap , (234)<br />

Some relationship between the biochemistry of<br />

photosynthesis and the gas exchange of leaves<br />

Caemerer, S. Von Planta 153 : 376-387<br />

Some relationship between the biochemistry of<br />

photosynthesis and the gas exchange of leaves<br />

Caemerer, S. Von Planta 153 : 376-387<br />

Some relationship between the biochemistry of<br />

photosynthesis 7 the gas exchange of leaves<br />

Caemerer S von Planta 153: 376-387<br />

Some plant breeding problems needing biotechnology Khush, G.S. Biotechnology in International<br />

Agricultural Research, IRRI, Los<br />

Banos, Philippines. 51-64.<br />

Some Physiological factor controling egg shell quality. Mongin. P. Birt. Poult Sci.<br />

Some physical aspects of internal control of leaf<br />

transpiration<br />

Slatyer, R.O. Agric. Meteor. 3: 281-192.<br />

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Some Pharmacological Activities Of Essensial Oils Of<br />

Certain Umbelliferous Fruits<br />

Some parameter involved in production of zousoon - A<br />

semi dry, long fibred pork product<br />

Some observation on the nature of organic sulfur<br />

compounds in soil<br />

Some note on the daily activity of a seastar, Ecologycal<br />

studies of the seastar, Astropecten latespinosus Meissner<br />

Afifi. N.A Vet. Med. J. Giza<br />

Chang, S.F Meat Sci<br />

Freney, J.R Aristal. J. Agric. Res<br />

Nojima, S. Publ Amakusa Mar. Biol. Lab. 4 (2): 99-<br />

115.<br />

Some methods of estimating the inbreeding coefficient Kirby, G.C Amer J. Hum Genet<br />

Some mechanism involved in the development of iron<br />

toxicity symtoms in the rice plant<br />

Some Mechanical Prperties of Top Soils From The<br />

Ijsselemer Polders 2, Remoulded Soil Aggregate and The<br />

Effect Of Wetting And Drying Cycles<br />

Some Mechanical Properties of Aggregates of Top Soils<br />

From The IjSselmeer Polder II Remoulded Soil Aggregates<br />

and The Effect of Wetting and Drying Cycles<br />

Tanaka, A. Soil Sci. Plant. Nut.<br />

Dexter. A.R Netherlands Journal Of Agriculture<br />

Science<br />

Dexter. A.R Nethd. J. Agric. Sci<br />

Some Impacts of The utilization of Rain Forest In Indonesia Sudiono.J Malaysian Forester<br />

Some Higly Whetered Soils of Puerto Rico: Morphology,<br />

Formation and Classification.<br />

Some genetic implication in the transfer of high fiber<br />

strength genes to upland cotton.<br />

Some Factors Indicative of Site Quality For Black Cotton<br />

Wood<br />

Some factors affecting voluntary food intake in buffaloes. 3.<br />

Effect of concentrate feeding on intake of rouhage fed to<br />

lactating Buffaloes<br />

Bienroth, F.H. Geoderma 27 : 1 - 73<br />

Culp, T.W. Crop Sci. 19: 481-484.<br />

Smith.Y.H.G Journal Of Forestry<br />

Taparia, A.L J. Agric. Sci., Camb<br />

Some Factors Affecting Urinary and Faecal Nitrogen Loss<br />

by Chickens Fed on a Protein-Free Diet.<br />

Okumura, J. Br. Poult. Sci.<br />

Some factors affecting red mite population on pears in<br />

California<br />

Huffaker, C.B. J. Econ. Entomol. (43): 819-831.<br />

Some factors affecting hatchability of chicken eggs. Oluyemi, J.A Poultry Sci. 11 : 178 - 181<br />

Some factors affecting fruit drop in Mango {Mangifera<br />

indica L.).<br />

Singh, R. Indian J. Agnc. Sci. 35 (3)<br />

Some factors affecting broken out yolk position. Brant, A.W. Poultry Sci 42 : 227-231<br />

Some Energy Balances of Dairy Cows at High Day and<br />

Moderate Night Temperature.<br />

Van Es, A. J. H. Neth. J. Agric. Sci.<br />

Some elements on vertical avoidance of fish schools to a<br />

vessel during acoustic surveys.<br />

Gerlotto, F Fish. Res.,14: 251-259.<br />

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Some effects of temperature regime during grain filling on<br />

wheat quality<br />

Randall, P. J. Aust. J. Agric. Res.41,603-6\7.<br />

Some effect of wind on plants Grace J J Grace, ED Ford,PG Jarvis (eds)<br />

Plants and their atmospheric<br />

environment<br />

Some effect of wind on plants Grace J J Grace, ED Ford,PG Jarvis (eds)<br />

Plants and their atmospheric<br />

environment<br />

Some Dynamic Aspects of Fruits Impacting Hard and Soft<br />

Materials<br />

Hammerle. J.R Trans. Of Am. Soc. Of Agric. Eng.<br />

Some chemical changes in fish silage Backhoff, H.P. Journal of Food Technology<br />

Some Characteristics of Radio - Pasteurized Sping Dogfish<br />

Fillet Stoned alt 8 C<br />

Licciardello, Y.Y. Y. Fd Sci Technol. 17 (6): 355-358.<br />

Some biological aspects of micrones catfish (Macrones<br />

nemurus C.V.) from Kampar River.<br />

Alawi, H., Terubuk XVII, 52:32-47.<br />

Some biological aspects of macrones catfish (Macrones<br />

nemurus) from Kampar River<br />

Alawi Terubuk 18(52):33-47.<br />

Some biological and ecological aspect on Cromileptes<br />

altivelis around Palawan Island, Philippines.<br />

Mishima, H. Suisanzoshoku 42(2):345-349.<br />

Some aspects of the biology of Malaysia riverine cyprinids Tan, E.S.P. Aquaculture. (20): 281-289.<br />

Some aspects in early life stages of larval red-tail catfish,<br />

Mystus wyckioides. Songklanakarin.<br />

Some aspects in early !ife stages in larval green catfish,<br />

Mystus nemurus<br />

Somatic hybrids between the cultivated potato Solanum<br />

tuberosum L. and 1 EBN wild species Solanum<br />

pinnatisectum Dun.: morphological and molecular<br />

characterization.<br />

Somatic hybridization of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.)<br />

with its close and wild relatives<br />

Somatic hybridization in citrus : Nevelorange (C. sinensis<br />

Osb) and grepfruit (C. paradisi Marcf).<br />

Somatic hybrid plants produced by electrofussion between<br />

Solanum melongena L. and S. torvum Sw<br />

Somatic hybrid plants produced by electrofusion between<br />

Solanum melongena L. and Solanum torvum Sw.<br />

Somatic hybrid plants produce by electro-fusion between<br />

dihaploid potatoes: BF15 (H1), Aminca (H6), and Cardinal<br />

(H3).<br />

Somatic hybrid plants obtained by protoplasts fusion<br />

between citrus sinensis and ponscirus trifaliata<br />

Amornsakun, T. J. Sci. Technol. 21 (4)<br />

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Menke, U., Theor. Appl. Genet. 92: 617-626.<br />

Sihachakr Biotech. in Agriculture and Forestry.<br />

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Oghawara. T. Theor. Appl. Genet. 78:609-612.<br />

Sihachakr, D. Theor. Appl. Genet. (77): 1-6.<br />

Sihachakr, D., Theor. Appl. Genet. 77: 1-6.<br />

Chaput, M.H., Plant Cell Report. 9: 411-414.<br />

Oghawara. T. Theor. Appl. Genet. 71:1-4.<br />

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Somatic hybrid plans produced by electrofusion between<br />

Solanum melongena L. and Solanum torvum Sw<br />

Somatic Embryogenesis Of Coconut (Cocos Nucifera L.)<br />

From Leaf and InFlorencence Tissue Research Findings<br />

and prospects<br />

Somatic embryogenesis in Trifolium: Protein profiles<br />

associated with high and low freequency regeneration<br />

Sihachakr, D. Theor. Appl. Genet. 77: 1-6.<br />

Verdeil. J.L Oleagineux<br />

McGee, J.D J. Plant Physiol. 135:305-312<br />

Somatic embryogenesis in bioreactor culture. Preil, W. Acta Hort, 289: 179-192.<br />

Somatic embryogenesis from cell suspension cultures of<br />

red clover<br />

Phillips, G.C Crop Sci. 20:323-326<br />

Somatic embryogenesis factors influencing coordinated<br />

behaviour cell as an embryogenic group<br />

Williams, E.G Annals of Botany 57:443-462<br />

Somatic Embryogenesis and Polyamines in Woody Plants Minocha. R Somatic Embryogenesis In Woody<br />

Plants Vol. 1<br />

Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration from<br />

protoplasts of satsuma mandarine (Citrus unshiu marc).<br />

Kunitake H. Scien Hortic. 47:27-33<br />

Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration from<br />

protoplasts of satsuma mandarin (Citrus unshiu Marc)<br />

Somatic embryo- genesis of carrot in hormonc-free<br />

medium: external pH control over morphogenesis.<br />

Somatic Cell Count in milk of WelshMountain. Dorset Horn<br />

and Chios ewes throughout lactation.<br />

Somatic and Germline Mosaicism in Interspecific<br />

Chimaeras Between M. Muscullus and M. Coroli.<br />

Somaclonal variation VC-T3: the expression of Fusarium<br />

wilt resistance in progeni arrays of celery, Apium<br />

graveolens L. Theor.<br />

Somaclonal variation and resistance to Verticilium wilt in<br />

lucerne, Medicago sativa L plant regenerated from callus.<br />

Somaclonal variation a novel source of variability from cell<br />

culture for plant improvement<br />

Solvent-Free Enzymatic Synthesis of Strutured Lipids trom<br />

Peanut Oil and Caprylic Acid in Stirred Tank Batch Reactor<br />

Kunitake, H Scien. Hortic<br />

Smith, D.L. Amer. J. Bot. 77: 1634-1647.<br />

Fthenakis, G.C. Small Rumin. Res.<br />

Rossant, J. J. Embryol<br />

Heath-Pagliusa, S. Appl. Genet. 80: 390-394.<br />

Latunde-Dada, A.O. Plant Sci. 58: 118-119.<br />

Larkin, P.L. Theor. Appl. Genet. (60): 197-214.<br />

Lee, K.T J Am Oil Chem Soc<br />

Solve solids handling problems by retrofitting Purutyan H Chem Eng Prog 94(4):27-39<br />

Solution Alumunium Anomalies Resulting From Various<br />

Filtering Materials<br />

Jardine. P.M Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Soluble Nitrogen Measurements in Foodstuffs. Crooker, B. A. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

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Soluble fiber enhances the hypocholesterolemic effect of<br />

the step I diet in childhood.<br />

Williams, CL J Am Coll Nutr<br />

Soluble fiber and Serum Lipids: a literature review Anonimous J Am Diet Assoc<br />

Soluble aluminum in acidic soils : Principles and<br />

practicalities<br />

Ritchie, G.S.P Plant & Soil<br />

Solubilization of phosphate by some common soil bacteria Sen, A. Curr. Sci. 26:222.<br />

Solubilization of organicphosphate by microorganism<br />

isolated from forest soil.<br />

Ilmer, P. Soil Biol. bBiochem<br />

Solubilization of Natural Phosphates & Protection Against<br />

Retrogradation by Compost<br />

Haredj, B.C. Agrohemica. 42:72-83.<br />

Solubilization of inorganic calcium phosphate solubilization<br />

mechanisms<br />

Illmer, P. Soil Biol. Biochem. 27:257-263.<br />

Solubilization of hardly-soluble A1P04 with P-solubilizing<br />

microorganism<br />

Illmer, P. Soil Biol. Biochem. 27:265-270.<br />

Solubility and Emulsifying properties of Beta-casein<br />

modified enzymatically by trypsin<br />

Chobert, J.M J. Food Biochemistry<br />

Solubility and availability of micronutrients in relation to<br />

phosphorus fertilizations<br />

Bighan, F. T. Soil. Sci. Soc. Proc. Amer<br />

Solid state fermentation with Trichoderma reesei for<br />

cellulose production<br />

D.S. Chalal Appl. Environ. Microbiol<br />

Solid State Fermentation with T. reesei for Cellulose<br />

Production<br />

Chahal, D.S., AppI. Environ. Microbiol<br />

Solid state fermentation tor production of a-amylase by<br />

Bacillus megaterium 16M<br />

Ramesh, M.V. Biotechnol<br />

Solid phase enzymatic glycerolysis of beef tallow resulting<br />

in a high yield of monoglyceride<br />

McNeill GP J. Am Oil Chem Soc. 67(11) : 779-783<br />

Solid phase enzymatic glycerolisis of beef talow resulting in<br />

a high yield of monoglyceride<br />

McNeill GP JAOCS 67(11):779-783<br />

Solid phase enzymatic glycerolisis of beef tallow resulting<br />

in a high yield of monoglycerides<br />

Mc Neill GP J Am Oil Chem Soc 68(1):1-5<br />

Solar Drying Systems and Their Testing Procedures , A<br />

Review Energy Convers<br />

Sodha. M.S Management Vol. 35<br />

Solar Drying of Custard Poweder Energy Convers Panwar. R.S Management Vol. 36<br />

Soils : Fact and Concepts Schroeder. D International Potash Institute. Bern/<br />

Switzerland<br />

Soil Water Balance of Intercropped Maize and Cowpea<br />

Grown In Typical Hydromorphic Soil In Wester Nigeria<br />

Hulugalle. N.R Agron. J<br />

Soil Water Balance of Intercropped Maize and Cowpea<br />

Grown in Typical Hydro-Morphic<br />

Soil Viriability Within Land System and Land Units at<br />

Monarto, South Australia<br />

Hulugalle. N.R Soil Westarn Nigeria. Agron<br />

Chittleborough. D.J Australian Jurnal of Soil Research<br />

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Soil Variation of Soil Properties Within Mapping Unit Of Soil<br />

With Contrasting Substrata in North Western Ohio<br />

McCormack. D.E Soil. Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc<br />

Soil Variability and Reconnaissance Soil Mapping : A<br />

Statistical Study in Norfolk<br />

Northcliff. S J. Soil. Sci<br />

Soil Till. House, G.J Res. 4:5-23<br />

Soil Test For Copper, Iron, Manganese, and Zinc In<br />

Histosols III : a Comparison of Eight Extractants For<br />

Measuring Active and Reserve Forms Of The Elements<br />

Lavesque. M Soil. Sci<br />

Soil Temperature and Energy Balance of Vegetatif Mulch In<br />

The Semi Arid Tropics I<br />

Soil Survey Manual Soil Concervation<br />

Service<br />

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Soil pH, Aluminum saturation and corn grain yield Fox, R.H Soil Sci<br />

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Soil organic matter and structural stabiliy : mechanisms<br />

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Mackay, A. D. Agronomy Journal<br />

Soil Microbial population numbers and enzyme activities in<br />

relation to altitude and forest degradation<br />

Jha, D.K Soil Biol. Biochem<br />

Soil Microbial Biomass Dynamics and Net Nitrogen<br />

Mineralization In Nothern Hardwood Ecosystem<br />

Holmes.W.E Soil Sci.Soc.Am. J<br />

Soil Mechanical roperties as Influced by Exchangeable<br />

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Soil macrofauna & land management in peruvian Amazonia ----- Pedobiologia 33 : 283-291<br />

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Soil Fungistasis: Relation to Fungal Spore Nutrition. Ko, W Phytopathology 57 894-901<br />

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Soil fertibility Utomo. W.H Journal of Soil Science<br />

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Soil Degredation Of Three Dinitroanilines Zimdahl. R.L Weed Science<br />

Soil degradation and soil erosion control on sloping land in<br />

Vietnam.<br />

Phien, T. ti Siem Contour 9 (1) : 15 - 18<br />

Soil Constituents and Properties in The Adesorption of<br />

Sulfate Ions<br />

Chao. T.T Soil. Sci<br />

Soil Conservation for Developing Countries. FAO FAO Soil Bull.<br />

Soil compection effects on nitrogen an tall fescue. Sills, M. J. Journal American Society of<br />

horticultural Sciences. 107;934-937<br />

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Soil Classification in Indonesia Dudal Contr.Of. Gen. Agric. Res. Stat No.<br />

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Soil clasification in Indonesia Dudal, R. Contrb. Of General Agric. Research<br />

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Soil Characteristics of Unit Tatas, Belandean, and Alabio<br />

Experimental Site Estabilished on Acid Sulphate Soils In<br />

South and Central Kalimantan<br />

ManuelPillai.R.G Techical Paper<br />

Soil Carbon, Nitrogen, and Bulk Density Comparisons in<br />

Two Cropland Tillage Systems After Year and In Virgin<br />

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Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Pool Changes After Long-Term<br />

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Soil and Water Analysis: A Laboratory Manual for the<br />

Analysis of Soil and Water. Project Survey O.K.T.,<br />

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Soil Agriculture expansion in indonesia Driessen, P.M Soil Research Institut. Bull<br />

Soil Aggregation Martin J P Norman AG (ed) Adv Agron 7:2-37<br />

Soil aeration and plant root metabolism Drew, M.C. Soil Sci. 154:259-268.<br />

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Soil : Facts and Concepts Schroeder. D International Potash Institute<br />

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Huntington, G. B. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Sodic Soils : New Perspectives Sumner, M.E Aust. J. Soil Res<br />

Socio-economic information on Rattan in Indonesia. Nasendi, B.D. INBAR Working Paper No. 2, Bogor.<br />

Social organization and ecology of proboscis monkeys<br />

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Soamtomedin C subtitutes for insulin for growth of<br />

mammary epithelial cells from normal virgin mice in serum<br />

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S-methyl-L- Cystein Sulfoxide as the precursor of Methyl<br />

Methanethiosulfinate. The principal antibacterial compound<br />

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Thomas, N. Livestock in Asia. J.C. Fine and R.G.<br />

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Small Ruminant Research 1 Huston, J.E Small Ruminant Research 1<br />

Small Ruminant Production and the Small Ruminant<br />

Genetic Source in Tropical Africa<br />

Smalholder Adoption of Tree Crops : A Case Study of<br />

Cacao in Sulawesi<br />

Slow growth in vitro conservation of coffea (Coffea spp).<br />

Influences of reduced concentrations of sucrose and low<br />

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Sleksi daya krop dan ketahanan terhadap bolting kubis<br />

semusim dataran rendah<br />

Skrining Toksitas dengan Menggunakan Brine Shrimp<br />

Lethality Test (BST) dari Daun Beberapa Species Benalu<br />

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Tumor di Indonesia<br />

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Skeletal regeneration in a Red Sea scleractinian coral<br />

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Skala Usahatani jeruk di Dususn Belawa. Rauf, A. J. Hort.<br />

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Skala usaha tani jeruk di Dusun Belawa Rauf, Abd J. Hort<br />

Size and Shape Variation in the Painted Turtle: A Principal<br />

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Six new somatic citrus hybrids and their potential for<br />

cultivar improvement<br />

Grosser, J.W J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci<br />

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Sivicultural Use Of Waste Water Sludge: Applying<br />

Wastewater Sludge To Forestland Represent an Importan<br />

Land Management Opportunity That Also Addreses an<br />

Environmenttal Need<br />

situ partiële size degradation of crude protein and dry<br />

matter in the rumen ofdairy steers<br />

Site Specific Hydroxylation of Aromatic Compounds by<br />

Polyphenol Oxidase in Organic Solvents and in Water<br />

Hart.J.B. Journal Of Forestry<br />

Ehle, F.R J. Dairy Sci<br />

Doddema, H.J Biotechnol. Bioeng<br />

Sistim usahatani gambir di Sumatera Barat. Daswir. Medikom Littantri.<br />

Sister chromatid exchange and mutagens in the aquatic<br />

environment,<br />

Sister Chromatic Exchange in Garlic (Allium sativum L.)<br />

Callus Cells.<br />

Sister chromated exchange : a sensitive method for<br />

delecting damage caused Dy exposure to environmental<br />

mutagens In The chromosomes of adult Mytilus edulis,<br />

Dixon. D.R., Marine Pollution Bulletin 14 (8) :282-<br />

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Dolozel, Y Plant Cell Rep. 5 : 280 - 281.<br />

Dixon. D.R., Marine Biology Letters 3: 163- 172<br />

Sistem Tampurins : Alternatif Penanganan Lahan Gambut<br />

yang Berwawasan Lingkungan<br />

Widarjanto Jurnal alami. Vol.2 (1): 41-44<br />

Sistem produksi dan efisiensi sapi perah rakyat jawa. Mulyadi, A. N. Jurnal Penelitian Peternakan<br />

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Sistem pfoduku dan efisiensi usaha sapi Perah rakyat di<br />

Jawa<br />

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Sistem perbenihan Rumiati, S. Monograf Nilam. Monograf. (5): 33-<br />

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Sistem Penentuan Mutu Gula Produksi Dalam Negeri Sutji, T.S., Gula Indonesia, Vol. XXI/2: 18-21<br />

Sistem Informasi Sumber Daya Manusia Suroso, A. I. Modul Pelatihan SDM Diklatprop DKI<br />

Jakarta<br />

Sisi Lain Agroforestry di Pare Adjidarma Duta Rimba<br />

Sink-Source Relationship During Reproductive<br />

Development in Maize<br />

Tollenaar, M A Review. Maydica<br />

Singlet oxygen and peroxyl radicals regulate carotenoid<br />

biosynthesis in Phaffia rhodozyma<br />

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Single treatment superovulation in the Cashmere goat<br />

using procine FSH<br />

Peebles IR, Theriogenology<br />

Single Stretch Activated Ion Channels in Vascular<br />

Endothelial Cells as Mechanotransducers<br />

Lansman, J.B. Nature, 325: 811-813.<br />

Single and Twin Screw Extruders in Food Processing Dziezak, J.D. J. Food Sci., 43 (4): 164-174.<br />

Singkong Mengurangi Ketergantungan Jagung Wanasuria, S Poultry Indonesia<br />

Sinaloa tomato leaf curl geminivirus: biological and<br />

molecular evidence for a new subgroup III virus.<br />

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blood flow in the sheep and dog<br />

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Lysine and L-Glutamic acid using a Strain of<br />

Brevibacterium lactofermentum<br />

Simultaneous and High Fermentative Production of L-<br />

Lysine and Glutamic Acid Using a Strain Brevibacterium<br />

lactofermentum<br />

Simulation Of Solar Drying Of Shelled Corn Using The<br />

Logarithmic Model<br />

Simulation of Solar Drying of Shelled Corn Using<br />

Logarithmic Model<br />

Simulation of oil palm growth and yield. Van Kralingen,<br />

D.W.G<br />

Simulation of oil palm growth and yield. Van Kralingen,<br />

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Simulation of oil palm growth and yield VAN KRAALINGEN Agric. and Forest Meteorol<br />

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Simulating the mineral environment of aluminium toxic soils<br />

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Conner A.J. J. Expt. Bot. 36: 870-880.<br />

Simulated packing line impacts for apple bruise prediction Sober S.S Transactions of the ASAE<br />

Simulated Hail Damage to Rice : I. Susceptible Growth<br />

Stages<br />

Simple sequence repeat markers developed from maize<br />

sequence found in the Genbank data base: Map<br />

construction<br />

Simple procedures to remove mimosine from young leaves,<br />

pods, and seeds of Leucaena leucocephala used as food.<br />

Internat.<br />

Simple method of soybean storage at the village level in<br />

Indonesia<br />

Simple Heatment of forage to reduce transmission of<br />

strongyle parasites<br />

Simple genetic methods to identify viridians group<br />

streptococci by calorimetric dot hybridization and<br />

fluorometric hybridization in micro dilution wells<br />

Similarities in mode and sites of action of sarafotoxins and<br />

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Senior ML Crop Sci. 36:1676-1683<br />

Soedarjo, M. J. Food Sci. 31: 97-103.<br />

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Kloog, Y. Trends Pharmacol Sci., 10: 212.<br />

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Silvicultural Use of Wastewater Sludge: Applying<br />

Wastewater sludge to Forestland Represent an Importan<br />

land Management Opportunity That Also Addresses an<br />

Environmental need<br />

Hart. J.B Jounal of Forestry<br />

Silvicultural Use of Wastemaster Sludge Hart. J.B Journal of Forestry<br />

Silver Staining for Nucleolar Organiscer Regions of<br />

vertebrate chromosomes.<br />

Gold. J.R., Stain Technology 58(1) 51-55<br />

Silica, Cellulose and their interactive Effects on the Feeding<br />

Performance of the Southern Armyworm, Spodoptera<br />

eridania (Cramer) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).<br />

Pcierson, S.S J. Kansas Ent. Soc. 61 169-177<br />

Silica in soils McKeague, JA. Adv. Agron 15: 339-396.<br />

Sil'at papan semen dari batang kclapa sawit (Elais<br />

^uinensis).<br />

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Silase Ikan. Pengolahan Penggunaan dan Prospeknya di<br />

Indonesia<br />

Kompyang, I.P<br />

Silase bekicot-onggok singkong dalam ransum ayam<br />

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Kompiang, I P. Ilmu dan Peternakan 6: 27.7-230.<br />

Silage from tropical fish: 1. Proteolysis. Hall, G.M., J. Food Tcchnol. 20: 561-572.<br />

Silage fermentation of fish or fish waste products with lactic Lindgren, S. Journal of the Science of Food and<br />

acid bacteria<br />

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Zainuri, M Majalah Penelitian, Lembaga<br />

Zooplankton di Padang Almun Zostera marina<br />

Penelitian UNDIP<br />

Significance of soil nitrogen in rice cropping in japanesc Honya, K. J.J. Sci. Soil manure , Japan 46(7).<br />

Significance of pH and Chloride Concentration on<br />

Behaviour of Heavy Metal Pollutans : Mercury (II),<br />

Cadmium (II), Zinc (II) and Lead(II)<br />

Significancc of the amino acid composition of dietary<br />

protein in the regula-tion of plasma cholesterol.<br />

Signalling in the Yeast: An Informational Cascade with<br />

Links to Filamentous Fungi<br />

Signaling system and gene expression regulating<br />

appressorium formation in Magnaporthe grisea.<br />

Sifat-sifat penting dalam seleksi tanaman bawang putih<br />

(allium sativum L.)<br />

Sifat-sifat fisiko-kimia dan penyebaran tanah Kandiudults di<br />

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Sifat pengerjaan kayu sengon. Ginoga, B.<br />

Sifat papan wol kayu dari kayu sengon dan kayu karet<br />

pada beberapa macam umur.<br />

Sulastiningsih, I.M.,<br />

Sifat papan wol kayu dari 8 jenis kayu Maluku Utara. Sulastiningsih. I.M. ,<br />

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Sifat Kimia Beberapa Jenis Pupuk Kandang Nurcholis Warta Puslit Kopi dan Kakao. Jember<br />

Sifat fisiko-kimia minyak keruing yang dihasilkan dari<br />

metode penyulingan uap.<br />

Sifat Fisiko-Kimia Minyak Kenung yang dihasilkan dan<br />

Metode Penyulingan Uap.<br />

Sifat fisikokimia beberapa jns alkil ester asam lemak swit &<br />

kemungkinan aplikasinya<br />

Sifat fisiko kimia dan organoleptik cake dari campuran<br />

terigu dan pisang segar.<br />

Sifat Fisik Latosol di Bawah Calopoganium Caeruleum<br />

yang Mempengaruhi Perkembangan Akar Karet<br />

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Erwiyono. R Menara Perkebunan<br />

Sifat fisik dan kimiawi beberapa varietas jeruk manis Sugiarto, M Hortikultura<br />

Sifat fisik dan kimiawi beberapa varietas jeruk manis Sugiarto Hortikultura<br />

Sifat fisik dan kimia beberapa varietas jeruk manis (Citrus<br />

sinensis L. Osbeck)<br />

Sugiarto, M. J. Hortikultura 1:39-43.<br />

Sifat dan Ciri Tanah. Supardi, G. Jurusan Ilmu Tanah fakultas Pertanian<br />

IPB, Bogor.<br />

Sifat dan ciri tanah Soepardi G<br />

Sidik lintas antara produksi minyak terhadap setiap<br />

Pamin K Buletin Pusat Penelitian Kelapa Sawit.<br />

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Siderophore: their biochemistry and possible role In the<br />

biocontrol of plant pathogens.<br />

Leong, J. Ann. Rev. Phytopathol. 24: 187-209.<br />

Shrimp Waste Must it Be Wasted ? Omum, J.V. Infofish 6/92.<br />

Shrimp Mariculture. A Practical Manual. Tseng, W.Y., Shrimp Mariculture. A Practical<br />

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Should selection for yield in saline region be made on salin<br />

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Richards, RA Euphitica 32: 431-437<br />

Short-term movement of Neoaplectana spp. (Rahabditida :<br />

Steinernematidae) and Heterorhabditis HP-88 Starin<br />

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Zimmermean, R.J Economic Entomology J<br />

Short-term growth measurements of corals using an<br />

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Short-Term Effects of Food Protein Content on<br />

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Short, interspersed repetitive DNA sequences in<br />

procaryotic genomes.<br />

Short Long Term Responses Of Corn To Pre Anthesis Soil<br />

Water Defisit<br />

Short communication microbiol biomass in a Savanawoodland<br />

and an adjacent arable soio profile in Zimbabwe<br />

Lupski, J.R. J. Bacteriol. 174(14): 4525-4529.<br />

Nesmith Agron. J<br />

Kirachmann, H Soil Biol. Biochem<br />

Shoot-root relations in field-growth maize seedlings. Richner, W. Agron.J.<br />

Shoot Zone Activity of Trifluralin and Nitralin Barrentine, W.L Weed Sci<br />

Shoot Growth, Flower Initiation and Dormancy of Apple in<br />

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Sheep and Goat Hafez, E.S.E. Hafez Reproduction in Farm Animals.<br />

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Sheath blight in rice plants and its control Kozaka, T. Rev. Pl. Prot. Res<br />

Shear Strength Of Surface Soil As Affected By Soil Bulk<br />

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Shallow Water Bathymetry Using Combined Lidar and<br />

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Shading Studies on Witer Wheat Pendleton. J.W Agron. J<br />

Shading Material Changes The Proportion of Diffuse<br />

Radiation In Transmitted Radiation<br />

Shading effects of alley cropped Leucaena lecocephala on<br />

weed biomas and maize yield at Mtwapa, Coast Province,<br />

Kenya<br />

Haeley. K.D Australian Journal of Experimental<br />

Agriculture<br />

Jama, B. Agroforestry System<br />

Shading a Traditional. Method of Microclimate Manipulation<br />

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Stigter, C.J., J. Agric. 32: 81-86.<br />

Shade Factors of Range of Shadecloth Materials Yates. D.J Acta Horticulturae<br />

Sexual Size Dimorphism in The Great Tit (Parus major) in<br />

Relation to History and Current Selection. .7.<br />

Bjorklund, M. Evol. Biol 3:397-415.<br />

Sexual reproductive patterns of shallow-water reef corals in<br />

Panama.<br />

Soong, K. Bull Mar Sci 49 (3): 832-846.<br />

Sexual reproduction. of corals In Okinawa Heyward, A.|. Galaxea, 6: 331 -343.<br />

Sexual reproduction, development, and larval biology in<br />

scleractinian corals<br />

Fadlallah, Y-H Coral reefs 2: 129-150<br />

Sexual reproduction, development and larval biology in<br />

scleractinian corals.<br />

Fadlallah, Y.H. Coral Reef 2: 129-150.<br />

Sexual reproduction of scleractinian coral Merulina<br />

ampliata in Southern Taiwan<br />

Fan, T.Y. Bull. Mar. Sci.. 62: 897-904.<br />

Sexual reproduction of In Acropora (Isopora) (Coelenterata:<br />

Sclerac-tinia) II. Latitudinal variation in Acropora palifera<br />

from the Great Barrier Reef and Papua New Guinea.<br />

Kojis, B.L. Mar Biol 91: 311-318.<br />

Sexual reproduction of Favia fragum (Esper): lunar patterns<br />

of gametogenesis and planulation in Puerto Rico<br />

Sexual reproduction of Favia fragum (Esper): lunar patterns<br />

of gametogenesis and planulation in Puerto Rico<br />

Sexual reproduction of Favia fragrum (Esper): lunar<br />

patterns of gametogenesis, embryogenesis and planulation<br />

in Puerto Rico.<br />

Szmant-Froelich, A. Mull. Mar. Sci., 37: 880-892.<br />

Szmant-Froelich, A. Bull. Mar. Sci., 37: 800-892.<br />

Szmant-Froelich, A., Bull Mar Sci 37:880-892.<br />

Sexual reproduction of corals in Okinawa Heyward. A.J. Galaxea 6: 33l –343<br />

Sexual reproduction In solitary corals: synchronous<br />

gametogenesis and broadcast spawning In Paracyathus<br />

stearnsii<br />

Fadlallah, Y.H. Mar Biol. 71: 233-239.<br />

Sexual reproduction in solitary corals: overlapping oogenic<br />

and brooding cycles and benthic planulae in Balanophyllia<br />

elegans<br />

Fadlallah, Y.H. Mar. Biol. 71: 223-231<br />

Sexual reproduction in Hawaiian Acropora. Kenyon, J.C. Coral Reefs 11: 37-43.<br />

Sexual reproduction in Acropora (Isopora) species<br />

(Coelenterata: Scleractinia)<br />

Kojis, B.L. Mar. Biol. 91: 291-309.<br />

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Sexual Dimorphism in Pomacea canaliculata<br />

(Gastropoda:Ampulariidae).<br />

Cazzaniga, N.J. The Veliger. 33 (4): 383-388.<br />

Sexual Dimorphism and Breeding Succes in Tree Swallows<br />

and Collared Flycatchers<br />

Wiggins, D. A. The Condor. 97:267-271.<br />

Sexual and axesual production of planulae in reef corals. Ayre, D.J. Mar. Biol. 90: 187-190.<br />

Sexual and asexual production of planula in reef corals Ayre, D.J. Mar. Biol. 90: 187-190.<br />

Sexing mammalian spermatozoa and embryos - state of<br />

the art<br />

Sexing mammalian sperm for production of offspring: the<br />

state-of-the-art<br />

Sex reversal in salmonid culture part III. The Production<br />

and performance of all-female populations of brook trout.<br />

Sex reversal in carp, Cyprinus carpio by oral administration<br />

of 17a-methyltestosterone.<br />

Seidel, G.E J. Reprod Fertil. Suppl. (54): 477-87.<br />

Johnson, L.A Anim Reprod. Sci. 2 (60-61): 93-107.<br />

Johnstone, R Aquaculture, 18:241-252<br />

Nagy, A., Canadian Journal of Fisheries and<br />

Aquatic Science 38:725-728.<br />

Sex Reversal and Breeding of Grass Carp Boney, S.E. Trans, Am. Fish. Soc., 113: 348-353.<br />

Sex Ratio and Optimal Harvest of Canvasback, A Model. Alexander, W. C. Ecol. Modelling 19:285-198.<br />

Sex difference in incubation length and hatching weightsof<br />

broiler chicks.<br />

Burke, W. H. Poultry International.<br />

Sex control and manipulation in fish Yamazaki, F. Aquaculture 33: 329-354.<br />

Sex control and manipulation in fish Yamazaki, F. Aquaculture, 33: 329-354<br />

Sewage contamination in the New York Bight: Coprostanol<br />

as an indicator.<br />

Several inducers initiated settlement and metamorphosis of<br />

doliolaria larvae of sea cucumber Stichopus japonicus.<br />

Set-Ratios and Sex-Determination in Progeny From<br />

Crosses of Surgically Sex-Reversed Freshwater Prawns.<br />

Macrobrachium rosenbergii<br />

Hatcher, P.G. Environ. Contam. Sci. Technol., 13:<br />

1225-1229.<br />

Ito, S., Suisanzoshoku 42(2):299-306.<br />

Malecha, S.R. Aquaculture, 105 (1): 201-218.<br />

Setek Kopi Arabica. Dampak Pelukaan Kulit Secara<br />

Melingkar<br />

Gatut Suprijadji Menara Perkebunan. Jember<br />

Sesquiterpenoid Aldehyde Quinones and Derivates in<br />

Pigment Glands of Gossypium<br />

___,____ Phytochemistry. 17:1297-1305.<br />

Serum vitamin E and subsequent cancer risk. Wald J British J of Cancer 56:69-72<br />

Serum Progesterone Concentrations Associated with<br />

Superovulation and Premature Corpus Luteum Failure in<br />

Dairy Goats.<br />

Stubbing, R. B. Can J. Vet. Res.<br />

Serum progesteron concentration in pyometritic and normal<br />

post partum dairy cows<br />

Mortiner, R. G. Theriogenology<br />

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Serum Level of Vitamin A and Carotenoids Reflectors of<br />

Nutritional Status<br />

Serum hormone concentration in ruminant during<br />

mammary growth, lactogenesis and lactation: a review<br />

Olson, J.H. J. Nutr. Clin. 731439-1444.<br />

Covey, E. M. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Serum cholesterol respons to changes in the diet . IV.<br />

Particular saturated fatty acids in the diet<br />

Keys AJT Anderson Metabolism 14:766-787<br />

Serum cholesterol levels in rats fed skim milk fermented by<br />

Lactobacillus acidophilus<br />

Grunwald, K.K. J. Food Sci<br />

Serum Cholesterol Concentration and Cholelithiasis in<br />

Rabbit as Influenced by Dietary Fat.<br />

Borgman, R.F. Am. J. Vet. Res.<br />

Serum cholesterol and bowel flora in the newborn Harrison, V.C Am. J. Clin. Nutr<br />

Serum antibody responses of texel sheep experimentally<br />

infected with H. Contortus<br />

Scallig, H. D. F. H. Res. Vet. Sci.<br />

Serotype and virulence of Edwardsiella tarda isolated from<br />

eel and their environment<br />

Park, S. Fish Pathol., 18 = 85-89.<br />

Serotogical and biological variation between and within<br />

subgroup I and II strains of cucumber mosaic virus<br />

Wahyuni, W.S. Plant Pathol. 41:282-297.<br />

Serological Evidence for The Presence of Antibodies to<br />

Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus in Rural Indonesian Cattle.<br />

Serological Evidence for The Presence of Antibodies to<br />

Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus in Rural Indonesian Cattle.<br />

Serological classification of Australian isolates of<br />

Haemophilus paragallinaum<br />

Serological and biological variation between and within<br />

subgroup I and II strains of Cucumber mosaic virus<br />

Serologic Response to Haemophilus galIinarum in Artificial<br />

Infected and Vaccinated Chickens<br />

Serogical response of chickens either vacinated, or<br />

artificially infected, with Haemophilus paragallinarum.<br />

Wasito, R. I. J. Biotech.<br />

Wasito, R. I. J. Biotech.<br />

Thornton, A.M., Aus Ve. J. 61(8): 251-253.<br />

Wahyuni, W.S. Plant. Pathol<br />

Iritani, Y. J. Avian Diseases. 21 (1).<br />

Yamaguchi, Avian Diseases. 32 :308-312.<br />

Serat & kegunaannya pada kelinci Prawirodigdo S Bul. ISPI Purwokerto 4:256-266<br />

Serangan Penyakit Virus nTungro di Bali Tantera. G.M Jurnal Litbang Pertanian I<br />

Serangan hama dan nimbanisasi (Azadirachta indica). Arintadissstra, S Ekstensia<br />

Serangan hama dan nimbanisasi (Azadirachfa indica). Arintadisastra, S Ekstensia<br />

Sequential change in ovarian follicular dynamics in boar<br />

induces heifers before and after nutritional anestrus.<br />

Rhodes, F.M. J. Reprod. Fertil. Suppl.<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Sequences and Gene Organization of the Chicken<br />

Mitochondrial Genome. A Novel Gene Order in Higher<br />

Vertebrates<br />

Sequence organization of soybean genome. Biochem.<br />

Biophis.<br />

Sequence of cDNA clone encoding the enzym myrosinase<br />

and expression of myrosinase in different tissues of<br />

Brassica napus<br />

Sequence evolution of mitochondrial tRNA genes and deepbranch<br />

animal phylogenetics<br />

Sequence and organization of the human mitochondrial<br />

genome<br />

Sequence and Organization of the Human Mitochondrial<br />

Genome<br />

Sequence and gene organization of the chicken<br />

mitochondrial genome. A novel gene order in higher<br />

vertebrate<br />

Desjardins, P. J. Mol. Biol. 212:599-634.<br />

Gurley, W.B., Acta. 561: 167-183.<br />

Falk, A. Plant Science 83:181 -186<br />

Kumazawa, Y. J. Mol. Evol. 37:30-398.<br />

Anderson, S. Nature 290:457-464.<br />

Anderson, S. Nature 290:457-465.<br />

Desjardins, P. J. Mol. Evol. 212:599-634.<br />

Separation of Vitamin E dan g-oryzanols from Rice Bran by<br />

Normal-Phase Chromatography<br />

Diack, M. J.Am Oil Chem.Soc 71:1211<br />

Separation of VAM Fungus and root effects on soil<br />

agregation<br />

Thomas RS Soil Sci Am J 57:77-81<br />

Separation of VAM Fungus and root effects on soil<br />

agregation<br />

Thomas RS Soil Sci Am J 57:77-81<br />

Separation of saturated and unsaturated acids from rice<br />

bran oil<br />

El Zanati EM JAOCS 68(6):436-439<br />

Separation of saturated and unsaturated acids from rice<br />

bran oil<br />

El Zanati EM JAOCS 68(6):436-439<br />

Separation of saturated & unsaturated acids from rice bran<br />

oil.<br />

El Zanati EM JAOCS 68(6) : 436-439<br />

Separation Of Petroselinic and Oleic Wolff. R.L J. Am. Oil. Chem<br />

Separation of human X and Y bearing sperm using percoll<br />

density gradient centrifugation<br />

Kaneko, S. Fertil. Steril. 40:661-665.<br />

Separation and Determination of Aliphatic Alcohol by HPLC<br />

with UV Detection.<br />

Bjorkqvist. B. J. Chromatography. 153:265-270.<br />

Separate grazing does not shorter postpartum anestrus<br />

interval in anestrus cows.<br />

Clark, B.A. Anim. Breed. Abstr.<br />

Separate and joint effects of micronutrient deficiencies on<br />

linear growth.<br />

Rosado J.L J.Nutr<br />

Senyawa obat Schunack, W Buku pengajaran kimia farmasi.<br />

Penerjemah Wattimena JR dan<br />

Sriwoelan S., Gadjah Mada University<br />

Press, Yogyakarta.<br />

Senyawa alelopati pada batang dan akar Chromolaena<br />

odorata (L.) R.M. King & H. Robinson<br />

Agusta, A Agrijoumal<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Sensory Testing with Young Children. Kimmel, S. A. Food Technol.<br />

Sensory testing with young children. Kimmel, S. A. food technol.<br />

Sensory stability of canola oil: Present Status of Shelf Life<br />

Studies<br />

Malcolmson LJ JAOCS 71(4):435-439<br />

Sensory and microbial quality of irradiated crab meat<br />

products<br />

Chen, Y. P. J. Food Sci.<br />

Sensorial characteristics of meat of japanese quail fed with Suryanto, E. Buletin fakultas peternakan, UGM,<br />

ration containing snail meal<br />

Yogyakarta<br />

Sensitivity Thres-Holds and Variable Time Scales in Plant<br />

Hormone Action<br />

Bradford.K.J Plant Physoil<br />

Sensitivity of Listeria monocytogenes to Spices at Two<br />

Temperatures<br />

Ting, W.T.E J. of Food Safety, 12: 129-137.<br />

Sensitivity of Fetilized Milkfish (Chanos chanos Forskal), Garcia, G.V. Amsterdam, Aquaculture, 159: 239-<br />

Egg during Mechanical Shock and Simlated Transport<br />

247.<br />

Semiautomated clone verification by real-time PCR using<br />

molecular beacons<br />

Van Schie RC Biotechniques 29:1296-1304.<br />

Semi Solid Fermentation of Rye Grass Straw. Han, Y. W. Appl. Microbiol.<br />

Semen quality assessment of local Katjang and cross-bred<br />

(Katjang x German) Bucks<br />

Noran AM Asian-Aus J Anim Sci 11:445-449.<br />

Semen characteristics of Nubian Goat in Sudan. Ali BH Anim Reprod Sci 12:63-68.<br />

Sembuhkan Asma dengan Karuk. Samiran Trubus No. 354 Edisi Mei 1999. Th<br />

XXX. hlm. 56-59.<br />

Self-selection of optimal diets by Insects Waldbauer, G. P. Ann. Rev. Entomol. 36: 43-63.<br />

Self-selection of optimal diets by Insects Waldbauer, G.P. Ann. Rev. Entomol. 36, 43-63.<br />

Self-selection of and optimal nutrient mix from defined diets<br />

by larvae of the corn earworm, Heliothis zea (Boddie)<br />

Waldbauer, G. P. Physiol. Zoo/. 57: 590-597.<br />

Self-selection of and optimal nutrient mix from defined diets<br />

by larvae of the corn earworm, Heliothis zea (Boddie)<br />

Waldbauer, G.P. Physiol. Zoo/. 57,590-597.<br />

Self-selection of an optimum diet from a mixture of wheat<br />

fractions by the larvae of Tribolium confusum<br />

Waldbauer, G. P. J. Insect Physiol. 19:407-418.<br />

Self-selection and perception threshold in Ceratitis capitata<br />

(Diptera, tephritidae)<br />

Cangussu JA J. Insect. Physiol. 41, 223-227.<br />

Self-fertilization and maternal enzymes in the planulae of<br />

the coral Goniastrea favulus.<br />

Stoddart, J.A., Mar Biol. 99: 489-494.<br />

Self-and cross-fertilization in scleractinian corals. Heyward, A.J., Mar Biol 90: 191-195.<br />

Seleksi tertua sifat tahan busuk buah antraknose<br />

(Colletorichum spp) pada cabai merah<br />

Sofiari, E. Bul. Penel. Hort.<br />

Seleksi tanaman rumput makanan ternak tahunan ryegrass<br />

(Lolium perene L) yg tanggap terhadap prakultur antera<br />

Suaib Zuriat vo 8 no 2, 90-98<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Seleksi persilangan antar calon tetua untuk pengujian<br />

siklus lanjutan Dy x P dan D x p<br />

Seleksi Massa Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Dengan<br />

Tiga Macam Perbandingan Pada Jagung Ketan Lokal Bima<br />

Muluk C Bulletin perkebunan 20(4):159-174<br />

Sudika<br />

Seleksi ketahanan tanaman kelapa terhadap gugur buah<br />

(Phytophthora palmivora Butler)<br />

Runtunuwu, S.D.<br />

Seleksi kacang tanah pada berbagai kerapatan populasi<br />

tanaman.<br />

Hermiati, N.<br />

Seleksi kacang tanah pada berbagai kerapatan populasi Hermiati N Zuriat 1(1): 9-17<br />

Seleksi hasil kedelai berdasarkan bobot brangkasan dan<br />

indeks panen.<br />

Sumarno<br />

Seleksi bunga betina mentimun (Cucumis sativus ). Sumpena, U. Bull. Penel. Hort.<br />

Seleksi beberapa gentipe kedelai utk lingkungan tercekam<br />

tumpangsari dengan singkong<br />

Meddy R<br />

Seleksi beberapa gentipe kedelai utk lingkungan tercekam<br />

tumpangsari dengan singkong<br />

Meddy R<br />

Seleksi beberapa genotipe kedelai untuk lingkungan<br />

tercekam tumpang sari dengan singkong<br />

Rahmadi, M.<br />

Selective oxidation of the main phospholipid from<br />

Thermoplasma acidophilwn<br />

Antonopoulos, E. Biol. Chem. Hoppe-Seyler 374:143.<br />

Selective isolation of p-amylase derepressed mutants of<br />

Bacillus acidopullulyticus<br />

Wang, M. J. Ferment. Bioeng. 77:243-247.<br />

Selective fertilization and competitive action of sperm in<br />

female genital tract of fowl.<br />

Bhatnagar, DS J. Vet & Anim. Hus. 21 - 35<br />

Selectiona and grain yield of improved population in pearl<br />

millet ((pennisstum typhoideum Rich)<br />

Yoshida T Jpn J Crop Sci. 65:58-62<br />

Selectiona and grain yield of improved population in pearl<br />

millet ((pennisstum typhoideum Rich)<br />

Yoshida T Jpn J Crop Sci. 65:58-62<br />

Selection to food conversion in broilers : Direct and<br />

correlated responses to selection for body weight "ain. food<br />

consumption and food conversion ratio<br />

Pym R.A.E British Poultry Sci<br />

Selection of Stable Cultivars using Phenotypic Variance Xie, C. Crop Sci.<br />

Selection of stable cultivar using phenotypic variances Xie, C. Crops Science<br />

Selection of species and provenances of eucalyptus for<br />

resistance to bacterial wilt<br />

Selection of somatic fusion products in potato by hybrid<br />

vigor.<br />

Selection of selected antibiotics on four common bacteria<br />

associated with diseases of Fish.<br />

Wu, G.P. J. of South China Agriculture<br />

University. 9: 41—45.<br />

Debnath, S.C. Potato Res. 30: 371-380.<br />

Nusbaum, K.B. Journal of Fish Diseases. 4: 397 - 404.<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Selection of mature oocytes tor development potential in<br />

vitro<br />

Selection of immature oocytes for developmental potention<br />

in vitro<br />

Selection of im.-nature oocytes for developmental potention<br />

in vitro<br />

Selection of Higher regenerative callus and change in<br />

isozyme pattern in rice (Oryza sativa L).<br />

Selection of alfalfa (Medicago sativa) cell lines and<br />

regeneration of plants to the toxin (5) produced by F.<br />

oxysporum f. sp. Medicaginis.<br />

Madison, V J. Anim. Reprod. Sci<br />

Madison, V, J. Anim. Reproduction Sci<br />

Madison, V, J. Anim. Reproduction Sci<br />

Abe, T. Theor. Appl. Gernet. 78: p. 648-652.<br />

Hartman, C.L., Plant Sci. 34: 183-194.<br />

Selection of a dominant follicle and suppresion of follicular<br />

growth in heifers.<br />

Adams, G. P. Anim. Reprod. Sci.<br />

Selection for water stress tolerance in interracial population<br />

of common bean<br />

Singh, S.P Crop Sci<br />

Selection for seed filling period in soybean Smith, R.J Crop. Sci. 26: 466-472<br />

Selection for resistance to filtrates of Fusarium spp. in<br />

embryogenic cell suspension culture of Medicago sativa L.<br />

Selection for predicted carcass lean content in Scottish<br />

blackface sheep.<br />

Selection for food conversion, in broilers: body composition<br />

of birds selected for increased body weight gain, food<br />

consumption and food conversion ratio<br />

Selection for food conversion in broilers: direct and<br />

correlated responses to selection for body weight gain,<br />

food consumption and food conversion ratio.<br />

Selection for eight-week body weight in two random-bred<br />

chicken populations under altered water to feed ratios. 1.<br />

Selection responses<br />

Selection And Inheritance of Resistance In Tomato To<br />

Isolates of Race 1 and 2 of Fusarium Wilt Organism<br />

Selection and heriability of stolon characteristic in two<br />

cultivars of white clover<br />

Selection among and within full-sib families to develop<br />

single-crosses of maize<br />

Selecting broilers for low or high abdominal fat: initial<br />

observations<br />

Selected Functionality changes of Beta-lactoglobulin upon<br />

Esterification of side chain carboxyl groups<br />

Binavora, P., Plant Cell Tiss. Org. Culture 22: 191-<br />

196.<br />

Bishop, S.C. Anim. Prod.<br />

Pym R.A.E Brtish Poultry Sci<br />

Pym, R. A. E. British Poult. Sci.<br />

Marks, H.L Poultry Sci<br />

Stall. R.E Phytopathology<br />

Caradus, J. R. Crops Science<br />

Hoegemeyer, T.C. Crop Sci. 16: 76-81.<br />

Leclercq, B Br. Poultry Sci<br />

Halpin, M.I J. Dairy Sci<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Selecao massal em cebula (Allium cepa L.) populacao Pira<br />

Ouro para resistencia a Colletotrichum gloeosporioides<br />

Penz<br />

Melo, I.G. Summa Phytopathologica 9: 214-218<br />

Sekilas pintas tentang penyakit Japanese Encephalitis dan<br />

Nipah<br />

Sendow, l. Wartazoa. 10(2): 57-63.<br />

Sekelumit Mengenai Obat Nabati dan Sistem Imunitas. Hargono, D., Cermin Dunia Kedokteran 108: 5-9.<br />

Sejarah dan perkembangan budi daya nilam di Indonesia Dhalimi, A. Monograf Nilam. Monograf. (5): 1-9.<br />

Sejarah dan penyebran jahe Rosita, SMD. Monograf No. 3. (Jahe). Balai<br />

Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan<br />

Obat , Bogor Hal. 3-9<br />

Segregation and linkage studies of allozyme loci in pair<br />

crosses of the soyster crassostrea virginica and other<br />

bivalves<br />

Segmental aplasia of the mitochondrial sheath and<br />

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Seedling Growth and Nutrition Status In Early Sweet Corn<br />

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Seed Pathology, Vol. 1. Neergaard, P., Seed Pathology, Vol. 1.<br />

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Secretion of lipoprotein cholesterol by perfused liver from<br />

rabbits hypo- or hyperresonsive to detary cholesterolinduced<br />

secretion in hyperresponsive rabbits<br />

Secretion of an esterase from the cultured suspension cell<br />

of Marchantia polymorpha<br />

Secondary product formation by cultures of Bèta vulgaris<br />

and Nicotiana rustica transformed with Agrobacterium<br />

rhizogenes.<br />

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Secondary metabolites of the Fungus Monascus: A Review Juslova, P. J, Indust. Microbiol. 16: 163-170.<br />

Secondary Metabolites of the fungus Monascus: A Review Juzlova, P J. Ind. Microbial. 16: 168-170.<br />

Secondary Metabolites of the fungus Monascus a review Juzlova, P J. Food Ind. Microbiol . 16 : 163-170.<br />

Seclection of potato callus for resistance to culture filtrate<br />

of Phytophora infestant and regeneration of resistant<br />

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Seasonal variation of alginic acid content in Sargassum<br />

cervicone greville from Hikkaduwa.<br />

Seasonal variation in weight and biochemical composition<br />

of the tissue of the queen scallop. Clamys opercularis, from<br />

the Clyde Sea area<br />

Seasonal variation in the nutritional status of urban Gambia<br />

children<br />

Seasonal Variation in The Histology of The Testis of The<br />

Red Deer, Cervus Elaphus.<br />

Seasonal variation in the blood and Bone marrow of<br />

Scottish hill sheep<br />

Seasonal Variation in Soil Nutrients Under Six Rocky<br />

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Durairatnam, M. Bull. Fish. Res. Stn., Ceylon.<br />

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Seasonal partitioning and utilization of energy reserves in<br />

two age classes of the bay scallops Argopecten irraddians<br />

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whale shark, Rinchodon typus, at Ningaloo Reef, Western<br />

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Seasonal incidence of Lriomyza huidobrensis (Diptera:<br />

Agromyzidae) and its parasitoids on vegetables in<br />

Indonesia.<br />

Seasonal fluctuations in the surface salinity of the North<br />

coast of Java<br />

Seasonal Development and management strategies for<br />

mealybug (Homoptera: pseudoccidae) in New York<br />

Orchards<br />

Seasonal Development and management strategies for<br />

mealybug (Homoptera: pseudoccidae) in New York<br />

Orchards<br />

Seasonal correlative changes between sex steroid and lipid<br />

level in the freshwater female catfish (Heteropneustes<br />

fossilis).<br />

Seasonal Changes of Testis Volume and Sperm Quality in<br />

Adult Fallow Deer (Dama Dama) and Their Relationship to<br />

The Antler Cycle.<br />

Seasonal changes in wheat grain quality associated with<br />

high temperatures during grain filling<br />

Seasonal changes in the community structure of the<br />

macrobenthos inhabiting the interdial sand and mudflats of<br />

Barnstable Harbor, Massachusets.<br />

Seasonal changes In biochemical composition of the<br />

bivalve Chlamys septemradiata from the Clyde Sea area<br />

Seasonal Change in Humic Subtance in Soil Under<br />

Different Vegetative Covers in Rock of The Int. Cont. on<br />

Soil and Nutrition of Parenial Crops.<br />

Seasonal abundance and parasitsm of housefly ( Diptera :<br />

Muscidae) pupae in enclosed shallows pit poultry house in<br />

indiana<br />

Seasonal abundance and distribution of seeds of mud crab<br />

Scy//a serrata in Pichavaram mangrove, Southeast India.<br />

Sea cucumber fisheries in Malaysia, Toward a<br />

conservation strategy<br />

Screening, isolation and characterisation oflipoly-tic<br />

microbes<br />

Screening tests of the protein quality of grain legumes for<br />

poultry production.<br />

Screening sponges forbactericide to be used in shrimp<br />

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Screening sponges for bactericide to be used in shrimp<br />

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Screening sponge for bactericide to be used in shrimp<br />

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Screening of Yeast for Production of Xylitol from D-Xylose Sirisansaneeyakul,<br />

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Screening of rice (Oryza sativa L) genotypes for<br />

physiological chracter contributing to salinity resistance and<br />

their relationships to overall performance<br />

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Screening of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii for<br />

adaptation to acid and neutral soils using a selective agar<br />

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Screening of rhizobium leguminosarium bv trifolli for<br />

adaptation to acid and neutral soils usig a selective agar<br />

medium<br />

Screening of lipase activities with cultures from Agricultural<br />

Research Service Culture Collection<br />

Screening Of Insecticidal Activity Of Annonaceous,<br />

Fabaceous and Meliaceous Seed Extracts Againts<br />

Cabbage Head Caterpillar, Crocidolomia Binotalis Zeller<br />

(Lepidptera : Noctuidae)<br />

Screening of algal for potential alternative source of<br />

eicosapentaenoic acid<br />

Screening of acid-alumunium tolerant Bradyrhizobitim<br />

japonicum strains: analysis of marker genes and<br />

competitions in planta<br />

Screening of acid-aluminium tolerant Bradyrhiwbium<br />

japonicum strains: analysis of marker genes and<br />

competition in planta<br />

Screening for each scab resistance by RAPD markers in<br />

cultivar of apple (Malus spp)<br />

Screening Eucalyptus selections for resistance to bacterial<br />

wilt caused by Pseudomonas solanacearum.<br />

Sclerotium rolfsii, History, Taxonomy, Host Range and<br />

Distribution.<br />

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Sclerotia of Rhizoctonia solani, their production on infected<br />

rice plants and their population in different soil types<br />

Sclerotia of Rhizoctonia solani, their production on infected<br />

rice plants and their population in different soil types<br />

Science open new horizons for marine lipids in human<br />

nutrition.<br />

science open new horizon for marine lipids in human<br />

nutrition<br />

Schumpeterian patterns of innovation are technologyspecific<br />

Schooling behaviour of jack mackerel, Trachurus declivis<br />

(Jenyns), observed in the Tasmanian purse seine fishery.<br />

School-based deworming <strong>program</strong> yields smal<br />

improvement in growth of Zanzibari school children after<br />

one year<br />

Scenario for land use in Europe: Agro-ecological Options<br />

within Socio-economic boundaries. p. 43-63<br />

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Van Latesteijn, H.C. J. Bouma et al. (Eds.) Ecoregional<br />

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Scarabeid Larvae Control Sugarcane Using M. Anisopliae Samuels.K.D.Z Jour. Of Invertebrate Path<br />

Scandinavian ropy milk-identification and characterization<br />

of endegenous ropy lactic streptococci extracellular<br />

excretion<br />

Saturated soil culture expanding the adaptation of<br />

soybeans<br />

Saturated soil culture expanding the adaptation of<br />

soybeans<br />

Saturated soil culture and innovative water management<br />

option for soybean tropic and subtropic<br />

Saturated molecular map of the rice genome based on an<br />

interspecific backcross population<br />

SAS user's Guide Basics SAS, lust Inc Carry, N.C. Singh,<br />

B., Makkar, H PS and Negi, S.S., 1989 Rate and extent of<br />

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Sharma, P. P. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J.<br />

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Sampling, cooking and coring effects onwarner bratzler<br />

shear force values in beef<br />

Wheeler, T. L. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Salt Tolerant in Licopersicum species. I Character definition<br />

and changes in genes expression.<br />

Asins, M.J., The AppI. Genet. 86: 737-743.<br />

Salomonella and Safety food -------- Meat and Poultry Hotline at 1-800-535-<br />

4555<br />

Salmonella in the environment Murray, C.Y Rev. Sci.Tech.Int.Epiz<br />

Salmonella and food safety Monika, T., Critical Review in Microbiology<br />

Salinity-induced changes in isope-roxides specificity in taro,<br />

Clocasia esculenta.<br />

Chang, H.B.J. Phytochemistry. 23: 233-235.<br />

Salinity tolerance of young catfish Glorias lazera. Chervinski, A. J.Fish.Biol. 25:147-159.<br />

Salinity Tolerance of the Guppy, Poecilia reticiilata, Peters Chervmski, J. J. Fish. Biol. 24:449-452.<br />

Salinity Tolerance of Guppy (Poecilia reticulata, Peters)<br />

through Direct Transfer for Skipjack Tuna (Katsuwonus<br />

pelamis, L.) Live Baitfish.<br />

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Salinity and The Persistence of Parathion in Flooded Soil. Reddy, B.R. Soil. Biol. Biochem.<br />

Salicylic Acid Inhibition Of Ethylene Production By Apple<br />

Disc And Other Plant Tissues<br />

Romani. R.J Plant Growth Regulation<br />

Salicylic acid and Chitinase in Infected Cucumbar Plants Meuwly. P Acta Horticultura<br />

Salicylic Acid : a New Inhibitor Of Ehylene Biosynthesis Leslie. C.A Plant Cell Reports<br />

Sago as an extender for urea-formaldehyde adhesive. Sumadiwangsa, S. Journal of Forestry Research and<br />

Development. Vol. 1., No. 2.<br />

Ruptyre Test vs Small Strain Tests in Predicting Consumer<br />

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Rumination. particle size and passage froni the rumen Welch., J.G J. Anim. Sci<br />

Ruminal protein metabolism and intestinal amino acid<br />

utilization as affected by dietary protein and carbohydrate<br />

sources in sheep.<br />

Ruminal microbiology, bitechnology and ruminan nutrition<br />

progress and problems<br />

Ruminal Microbiology, Biotechnology, and Ruminant<br />

Nutrition : Progress and Problems.<br />

Ruminal Microbiology, Biotechnology, and Ruminant<br />

Nutrition : Progress and Problems.<br />

Hussein, H. S., J. Anim. Sci. 69:2134.<br />

Wallace RJ J Anim Sci 72:2992-3000<br />

Wallace, R. J. Journal of Animal Science.<br />

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Ruminal degradation and intestinal absorption of alfalfa<br />

protein concentrate by sheep.<br />

Ruminal Behavior of Structural Carbohydrates. Nonstructural<br />

Carbohydrates and Crude Protein from<br />

Concentrate Ingredients in Dairy Cows.<br />

Ruminal behavior of structural carbohydrates, non<br />

structural carbohydrates and crude protein from<br />

concentrate ingredients in dairy cows<br />

Ruminal behavior of structural carbohydrates,<br />

nonstructural carbohydrates and C. P. From concentrate<br />

ingredient in dairy cows<br />

Lu, C.D. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Tamminga, S. J. Agr. Sci.<br />

Tamminga, S. Neth. J. Agric. Sci.<br />

Tamminga, S. Neth. J. Agric. Sci.<br />

Rumen microbial degradation of oilseeds in a consecutive<br />

batch culture system<br />

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Rumen Metabolism. Baldwin, R. L. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Rumen metabolism Baldwin RL J Anim Sci 57:461<br />

Rumen Fill and Digesta Kinetics in Lactating Friesian Cow<br />

Given Two Level of Concentrate With Two Types of Grass<br />

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Gasa, J Lib. Br. J. Nutr.<br />

Rumen digestion and mmen outflow rate of deer fed fresh<br />

chicory {Cichonum intybus) or perennial ryegrass (Lolium<br />

perenne).<br />

Rumen Degradation of Straw. 9. Effect of Cellulase and<br />

Ammonia Treatment on Different Varieties of Rice Straws<br />

and Their Botanical Fractions.<br />

Rumen degradation of straw. 9. Effect of cellulase and<br />

ainmonia treatment on different varieties of rice straw and<br />

their botanical fractions<br />

Rumen degradation of straw. 8. Effect of alkaline hydrogen<br />

peroxide on degradation of straw using either sodium<br />

hvdroxide or gaseous ammonia as source of alkali<br />

Rumen Degradation of Straw. 3: Botanical Fractions of Two<br />

Rice Straw Varieties and Effects of Ammonia Treatment.<br />

Rumen Degradation of Straw. 2. Botanical Fractions of<br />

Straw from Two Barley Cultivars.<br />

Rumen degradation of straw. 10. Consistency of difference<br />

in nutritive value between varieties of cereal straws<br />

Rumen degradation of straw. 1. Untreated and amoniatreated<br />

barley. oat and wheat straw varietes and triticale<br />

straw<br />

Rumen Degradation and in Vivo Digestibility of Dried<br />

Calliandra Calothyrsus Leaves.<br />

Kusmartono Journal of Aghcuttural Science,<br />

Cambridge<br />

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Adebowale, E.A., Anim. Prod<br />

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Ramanzin, M. Anim. Prod.<br />

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Kaitho, R. J. Animal Feed Sci and Technology.<br />

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Rumen by-pass and protection of protein and amino acids. Chalupa, W. J. Dairy Sci<br />

Rumen bacterial and fungal degradation of digitaria pentzii<br />

grown with or without sulphur<br />

Akin, D. E. App. Environ. Microbiol.<br />

Rumen bacterial and fungal degradation of Digifaria pentzii<br />

grown with or without sulfur<br />

Akin, D.E App. Environ. Microbiol<br />

Rumen anaerobic fungi of cattle and sheep Bauchop, T App. Environ.Microbiol<br />

Rules for testing seeds AOSA J. Seed Tech. 6(2):1-126<br />

Rules for testing seeds AOSA J Seed Tech (12(3) : 1-109, revised ed<br />

Rules for testing seeds AOSA J. Seed Tech. 6(2):1-126<br />

Rules for testing seeds AOSA J Seed Tech (12(3) : 1-109, revised ed<br />

Rubberised coir industry - an introduction Mathew PC Cord 4(1):66-73<br />

Routine analysis of carbohydrates and lignin in herbage Deriaz, R. E. J. Sci. Food Agric.<br />

Roundtable: Comments on a Redifinition of Biological<br />

Control.<br />

Roughages Resources for Feeding Ruminants in the Asia<br />

Region.<br />

Garcia, R., BioScience 38 (l0): 692-694.<br />

Devendra, C. Invited Paper Presented At First<br />

Asean Workshop On the Technology<br />

of Animal Feed Production Utilizing<br />

Food Waste Materials. Bandung<br />

Indonesia.<br />

Rotifers as food in aquaculture. Lubzens, E., Hydrobiologia. 186/187: 387-400.<br />

Rotifer culture in Japan. Hirata, H. Spec. Publ. Eur. Mancult Soc. 4:361-<br />

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of fiber components. passage rate and distribution of<br />

digesta particle size in sheep receiving rice straw as a<br />

basai diet. Proc. of the 7th AAAP Effectofp<br />

Warly. L Anim. Sci. Congr<br />

Roots, Tubers FAO Plantains and Bananas in Human<br />

Nutrition<br />

Roots and drought resistance Passioura, J.B Agric. Water Manage. 7: 265-280<br />

Rooting system of soybeans. Raper, C.D. Jr. Agron.J.<br />

Rooting pattern of coconut Kuswah, D.L. Indian J. Agric. (18): 71-74.<br />

Root variation in cotton, peas, and peanut. Taylor, S.A. Agron. J<br />

Root to shoot communication in maize plants of the effects<br />

of soil drying<br />

Blackman, P.G J. Exp. Bot<br />

Root system characteristics of two soybean isolines<br />

undergoing water stress conditions<br />

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Root System Characteristics of two Soybean Isolines<br />

Undergoing Water Strees Conditions.<br />

Garay, A. F Agron.J<br />

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Root system characteristics of two soybean isolines<br />

undegoing water stress conditions<br />

Root Restriction affects shoot development of peach in<br />

high density planting.<br />

Root resistance as a cause of decreased water absorption<br />

by plants at low temperatures<br />

Root marphology and nitrogen uptake of maize<br />

simultaneously suplied with ammonium and nitrate in<br />

splitroot system.<br />

Root Distribution of Corn : The Effect of Nitrogen<br />

Fertilisation<br />

Root Development on Winter Wheat as Related to Tillage<br />

in Western Nebraska<br />

Root and Shoot Elongation as an Assessment of Heavy<br />

Metal Toxicity and 'Zn Equivalent Value' of Edible Crops<br />

Root and basal stem rots of jasmine in Egypt and their<br />

control, him. 192-203<br />

Root exudate induced promoter activity In Pseudomonas<br />

fluorescens mutants In wheat rhizosphere.<br />

Roles of sucrose-metabolising enzymes in growth of<br />

seedlings, purification of acid invertase from growing<br />

hypocotyls of mung bean seedling<br />

Roles of sucrose-metabolising enzymes in growth of<br />

seedlings, purification of acid invertase from growing<br />

hypocotyls of mung bean seedling<br />

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Williamson, J. G. J. Amer Soc. Hort. Sci.<br />

Kramer, P.J. Plant Physiol. 15:63-79.<br />

Schortermeyer, M. Ann. Bot<br />

Durieux, R.P Agron. J<br />

Wilheim, W.W Agron. J<br />

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Arai M Plant cell pyysiol 32 (8):1291-1298<br />

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Roles of higher plant K+ channels. Maathuis, F. Plant Physiol. 114: 1141-1149.<br />

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Role of steroids in the maturation of oocytes Moore, R.M Biochem<br />

Role of Solar Agriculture Drying In Developing Countries Mahapatra. A.K International Journal of Ambient<br />

Energy<br />

Role Of Polyamines On De Novo Shoot Morphogenesis<br />

From Cotyledons of Brassica Compestris ssp. Pekinensis<br />

(lour) Olsson in Vitro<br />

Chi. G.L Plant Cell reports<br />

Role of pollen-wall protein as recognization substances in<br />

interspecific incompatibility<br />

Role of organic acids in detoxification of aluminum in higher<br />

plants<br />

Role of Milk Fat Globule Membrane in Auto Oxidation of<br />

Milk Fat.<br />

Kox, R. B. Populars, Nature<br />

Ma JF Plant Cell Physiol 41(4):383-390.<br />

Chen, Z. Y. J. Food. Sci.<br />

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Role of milk fat globula membran in autooxidation of milk<br />

fat.<br />

Role of macrophytes in aquatic ecosystems and<br />

management of freshwater resources.<br />

role of hydrophobic surface proteins in mediating<br />

adherence of group B streptococci to ephitelial cells<br />

Role of fluid from seminal vesicles and coagulating glands<br />

in sperm transport into the uterus and fertility in rats<br />

Role of Extracelluler Dolysaccharides of Xanthomonas<br />

campestris pv. Citri in the Early Stage of Infection<br />

Chen, Z. Y. J. Food Sci.<br />

Pandit, A.K. Journal of Environmental Management<br />

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Carballada R J Reprod Fertil 95:639-648.<br />

Goto, M. Ann. Pytopath. Soc. Japan<br />

Role of ethylene in induction of flooding in sunflower Kawase, M. Plant Physiol.3r.W-3S.<br />

Role of EGF, IGF-I, Sera and cumulus cells on maturation<br />

in vitro of bovine oocyle<br />

Lorenzo, P.L Theriogenol 44:109-118.<br />

Role of Diffusion in Nonaqueous Enzymology. l. Theory Kamat, S., Enzyme Microb. Technol<br />

Role of different extenders and additives in improving<br />

certain biological indices of frozen bull and buffalo semen.<br />

Role of Dietary phospolipida in the transport of 14C<br />

Cholesterol in the prawn<br />

Role of dietary ascorbic acid in vitelogenesis in rainbow<br />

trout.<br />

Role of diacylglycerols and calcium in the marsupial<br />

aerosome reaction<br />

Role of cytokines in endometrium and at the maternal<br />

interface<br />

Role of benzoxazionones in Allelopathy by rye (Secale<br />

cerealea L) J. Chem.<br />

Role of antral follicle development and cumulus cells on in<br />

vitro fertilization of mouse oocyte<br />

Role of antibiotic synthesis in the inhibition of Phytium<br />

ultimum m the cotton spermosphere and rhizosphere by<br />

Pseudomonas fluorescens<br />

Role of Antibiotic Production in Suppression of Radish<br />

Damping-off by Seed Bacteriazation with Pseudomonas<br />

cepacia.<br />

Role of phenazine antibiotic from Pseudomonas<br />

fluorescens In biological control of Gaeumannomyces<br />

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Role dietary ascorbic acid in vitelogenesis in rainbow trout<br />

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Role cytokines in determining T-lymphocyze function O'Gara A. Curr. Opin. Immunol. 6: 458460.<br />

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Role and site of estrogen action in follicular atresia Dierschke, D.J. Trends in Endocrinology and<br />

Metabolism 5: 215-219.<br />

Role and Contribution of Starch and Protein Contents and<br />

Quality to Texture Profile Analysis of Oriental Noodles<br />

Baik, B.K-, Cereal Chem.<br />

Role and contribution of starch and protein contents and<br />

quality to texture profile analysis of oriental noodles<br />

Baik, B. K Cereal Chem. 71<br />

Rocaglamide, A Natural Benzofuran Insecticide From<br />

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Rocaglamide , a natural benzofuran insecticide from Aglaia<br />

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Riview ofgillnet selectivity. Hamley, J. Fish. Board. Canada 32 (2): 1943-<br />

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River basins. Welcome, R.L, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper<br />

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Ritme pembungaan rambutan. Hadiati, S. J. Hort.<br />

Risiko Kejadian Anemia Regeneratif Pada Tikus Putih<br />

Setelah Pemaparan Pada Medan Elektromagnetik dengan<br />

Frekuensi Yang Sangat Rendah<br />

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Ripe-ning Retardation of Arumanis Mango Yuniarti Asean Food J<br />

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Rift Valley Fever in human in South Africa Mcintosh, B.M. South African Med. J. 58: 803-806.<br />

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Rift Valley Fever Shimshony, A. Adv. Vet. Sci. and Comparative Med.<br />

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Rice: a high or low glycemic index foods Miller, J.B Am. J. Clin. Nutr<br />

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Rice tungro associated viruses and their relation to host<br />

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Hibino, H. Trop. Agr. Res. Ser.<br />

Rice tungro associated viruses and their relation to host<br />

plants and vector leafhopper<br />

Hibino, H. Trop. Agr. Res. Ser.<br />

Rice stemborer in Indonesia Hattori, I. JARQ 29(1): 25-26.<br />

Rice Response to Nitrogen and Phosporus in Flooded and<br />

Non Flooded Soils.<br />

Terman.G.L Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc.<br />

Rice Diseases Ou.SH Commonwealth Mycological Institute,<br />

Kew. 382 p-<br />

Rice caryotype, marker genes, and linkage groups. In G.S.<br />

Khush and G.H. Toenniessen (Eds.) Rice Biotechnology.<br />

Khush, G.S. Biotechnol. Agric. 6: 83-108.<br />

Rice bran stabilization by extrusion cookjng for extraction of<br />

edible oil<br />

Randall, J.M. J. Food Sci. Vol. 50. p. 361-364.<br />

Rice Bran Oil IV. StorageOf The Rice Bran as It Affect<br />

Hydrolis Of The Oil<br />

Loeb. J.R J. American Oil Chem<br />

Rice Bran Oil Industri in Thailand Hermans. W.C.J Applied Science Research Corpoation<br />

of Thailand<br />

Rice bran oil and hypocholesterolemia in rat Sharma, D. Lipid .1 21(2): 715-717.<br />

Rice Bran Lipoxygenase Korean Biochemical Joh. D.K J. (abstract)<br />

Rice Bran as Feed and Food Indian Pillaiyar. P J. Nutrition and Dieteties (Abstract)<br />

Rice : a high or low Glycemic Index food? Brand J.C. et al Am. J.Clin.Nutr<br />

Ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacers are highly<br />

divergent in the phytopathogenic ascomycete Fusarium<br />

sambu-cinum (Gibberella pulicaris).<br />

O'Donnell, K., Curr. Genet. 22: 213-220.<br />

Ribosomal and mitochondrial polymorphisms in<br />

Collectotrichum gloeosporioides isolated from Tropical<br />

fruits.<br />

Hodson, A., Mycol. Res. 97: 329-335.<br />

Rhyzogenesis in oil palm plantlets Gale G SEAMO BIOTR-Bogor<br />

Rhizoplus, Pupuk mikroba multiguna untuk tanaman<br />

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Rhizoplus, Pupuk mikroba multiguna untuk tanaman<br />

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Rhizopines-their role in symbiosis and competition. Murphy, P.J., Soil Biol. Biochem. 27: 525-529.<br />

Rhizopines - their role in symbiosis and competition. Murphy, P.J., Soil Biol. Biochem. 27: 525-529.<br />

Rhizoctonia disease of bean as affected by decomposing<br />

green plant materials and associated microfloreas.<br />

Papavizas. G. C Phytohathology 50: 517-525<br />

Rhizobium-plant signal exchange. Fisher, R.F. Nature 357: 655-660.<br />

Rhizobium japonicum nodular occupancy, nitrogen<br />

accumulation, and yield for determinate soybean under<br />

conservation and convential tillage<br />

Hunt, P.G Agron. J<br />

Rhizobia that nodulates tree legumes: specificity of the host<br />

for nodulation and effectiveness. Can. J.<br />

Turk, D. Microbiol. 38: 451-460.<br />

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Rhizobacteria of Maize Antagonistic to Fusarium<br />

moniliformae, a Soil Borne Fungal Pathogen: Colonization<br />

of Rhizosphere and Rots<br />

Rheological Properties of Heat-Induced B-Lactoglobulin<br />

Gels<br />

Rheological and scanning electron examination of skim<br />

milk gels obtained by fermenting with ropy and non-ropy<br />

strains of lactic acid bacteria<br />

RFLP mapping in plant breeding: new tools for an old<br />

science.<br />

RFLP analysis of the size of chromosomal segments<br />

retained around Tm 3 locus of tomato during backcross<br />

breeding<br />

RFLP analysis and linkage mapping in Solanum<br />

tuberosum.<br />

RFLP analyses and gene tagging for bacterial identification<br />

and taxonomy. p. 61-64.<br />

Hebbar, K.P. Soil Biology and Biochem 24- 9S9-997<br />

Paulsson, M Journal Of Dairy Science<br />

Schellhaass S.M. Food microstructure, 4: 279-287.<br />

Tanksley. S D., Bio/Tech. 7: 257-264.<br />

Young ND Theor. Appl. Genet 77:353-359<br />

Gebhardt, C , Theor. Appl Genet. 78: 65-75.<br />

Gabriel, D.W. In Ghur and McPherson (Eds.)<br />

Molecular Plant Pathology.<br />

Revitalizing agricultural research in Indonesia Pasandaran, E. IARD Journal. 22(1): 15-22.<br />

Revision of the Rusine Deer in the Indo-Australian<br />

Archipelago<br />

Bemmel, A.C.V. Treubia. 20:191.<br />

Revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with<br />

tobacco tissue culture.<br />

Murashige, T. Physiol. Plant 15: 473-497.<br />

Review: Availability of iron from foods Latunde-Dada E.O Journal of Food Technology<br />

Review on Emission of Ammonia from Housing Systems for<br />

Laying Hens in Relation to Sources, Processes, Building<br />

Design and Manure Handling.<br />

Review of Triacylglycerol Digestion, Adsorption and<br />

Metabolism with Respect to Salatrim Triacylglycerols<br />

Review of Triacylglycerol Digestion, Absorption and<br />

Metabolism with Respect to Salatrim triacylglycerols<br />

Review of The Application of Ozone For Increasing Storage<br />

Time For Perishable Foods<br />

Review of Stability Measurement of Frying Oils and Fried<br />

Food Flavour,<br />

Reversed Phased Liquid Chromatographic Separation and<br />

Quantification of Mixture of Fatly Alcohols and Esters in<br />

Hydrocarbon bases.<br />

Reverse cholesterol transport: physiology and<br />

pharmacology<br />

Retinol accumulation in rat livers as a measure of<br />

carotenoid bioavailability of green vegetables and<br />

carbohydrate containing foods<br />

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Hayes, J.R., J. Agric Food Chem<br />

Hayes, J.R J Agric Food Chem<br />

Rice. R.G Ozone Sci. Eng<br />

Melton, S.L., JAOCS 71: 12.<br />

Lockwood. F.E., J. Chromatography. 262: 397-403.<br />

Fransceschini, G. Atherosclerosis SS:99-\07.<br />

Zakaria-Rungkat, F. J. Food Composition and Analysis, Vol<br />

13 No 4.297-310<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Retention time of feed particles and liquids in the stomach<br />

and intestines of dairy cows by direct measurementand<br />

calculations based on fecal collection<br />

Retention patteerns of vcarious sizes stone particles in<br />

gizzard of comercial leghorns hens.<br />

Retarded Leaching of Nitrate in Acid Soils From the Tropics<br />

: Measurement of the Effective Anion Exchange Capacity<br />

Resynchronization of second estrous with meingesterol<br />

acetate or norgesiomet following synchronizes estrous in<br />

beef heifers.<br />

Mambrani, M. Repr. Nutr. Dev.<br />

Rao. K.S. Poult. Sci.<br />

Wong, M.T.F J. Soil Sci<br />

Purvis, H. T. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Resurjensi pada wereng coklat, (Nilaparvata lugens Stal.) Laba, I.W. J. Soejitno, Z. Harahap, dan Suprapto.<br />

(Red) Wereng Coklat, Edisi Khusus<br />

No. l.<br />

Results of Zinc Depriviation in Daphnid Culture Caffrey, P.B. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 16:1081-<br />

1085.<br />

Results of Shark Handling and Processing Study Aust Waller, P.F. Fish. 37(10): 22-24.<br />

Result of the Arsbold expeditions. No. 52. The marsupial<br />

genus Phalanger<br />

Tate, G.H.H. Am. Mus. Nov. 1283.<br />

Restrukturisasi Industri Kayu Hulu Dan Pengelolaan Hutan<br />

Produksi di Luar Jawa<br />

Nanang. R.A Rimba Indonesia Edisi Khusus 2000<br />

Restructuring veal steaks with salt/phosphate and sodium<br />

alginate /calcium lactate<br />

Raharjo, S. J. Food Sci.<br />

Restructured mutton roast quality Prasad, V. S. S. J. Food Sci.<br />

Restriction nucleases for pulsed-field mapping of bacterial<br />

genomes.<br />

McClelland, M., Nucleic Acids Res. 15: 5985-6005.<br />

Restriction fragment length polymorphism and genetic<br />

improvement of agricultural species<br />

Beckmann JS Euphytica 35:111-124<br />

Restriction fragment length polimorphism in Oryza sativa L. Wang ZY Genome, 32:1113-1118<br />

Restricted maximum likelihood estimation of htTitabilitiea<br />

lor carcass traits m thf base and current population of<br />

Japanese plack catde-Anim<br />

Moriya, K. Sci- and Technol. [Jpn^ 65: 720-725.<br />

Restricted gene flow in the viviparous coral Seriatopora<br />

hystrix on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef.<br />

Ayre, D.J. Evolution 48: 1183-1201.<br />

Rest in poultry. Blokhuis HJ Applied Animal behaviour science.<br />

12:289-303<br />

Responsiveness of bovine corpus luteum to PGF2 alfa:<br />

composition of corpora lutea anticipated to have short and<br />

normal lifespans<br />

Copelin, J. P. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Responses to S1 selection in flint and dent synthetic maize<br />

population<br />

Garry GE Crop Sci 36:1129-34<br />

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Responses of turkey poults to virginiamycin as influenced<br />

by litter condition and experimentally induced stunting<br />

sy.idrome<br />

Responses of the blood cockle Anadara granosa (L)<br />

(Bivalvia: Arcidae) to Salinity, hypoxia and aerial<br />

Exposure.<br />

Responses of nine tropical grasses to nitrogen fertilizer<br />

under rain-grown conditions in South-eastern Queensland<br />

2. Concentrations and uptakes of nitrogen, phosphorus and<br />

potassium in plant tops<br />

Responses of Meat-Type Chickens to Choice Feeding of<br />

Diets Differing in Protein and Energy from Hatch to Market<br />

Weight.<br />

Responses of lactating Holstein cows to chilled drinking<br />

water in high ambient temperatures<br />

Responses of Bovine Muscles to Restraint an Electrical<br />

Stimulation.<br />

Response to mass selection in maize and stability of<br />

resulting populations<br />

Response to long-term divergent selection for eight-week<br />

body weight in chickens<br />

Response to long term divergent selection for eight week<br />

body weight in chickens.<br />

Response to homeostatic signals in ractopamine-treated<br />

pigs<br />

Response to four cycles of combined half-sib and S1 family<br />

selection in maize<br />

Response to dietary energy concentration by broiler<br />

chickens. In: Energy requirements of poultry.<br />

Response to Cimaterol in Genetically Obese and Lean<br />

Pigs.<br />

Response to cellulose treatment of silage and replacement<br />

of barley by unmolassed sugar beet pulp in the diet of<br />

growing cattle<br />

Response of upland rice cultivars to drought stress III<br />

Screening rice varieties by means ofvariable moisture<br />

along a toposequence.<br />

Response of stripped bass larvae fed brine shrimp from<br />

different sources containing different fatty acids<br />

composition.<br />

Response of Split-root sour orange seedling to NaCI and<br />

Polythylene glicol stresses.<br />

Response of soybeans (Glycine max Merr) genotypes to<br />

continous saturated culture<br />

AlBatshan, H.A Poultry Sci<br />

Davenport, J Aquaculture 56: 151-162<br />

Cook, B.G. Aust. J. Exp. Agric. Anim. Husb. 24:<br />

415-420.<br />

Siegel, P. B. Poultry Science.<br />

Wilks DI J.Dairy Sci<br />

Solomon, M. B. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Mareck, J.H. Crop Sci.<br />

Liu G.. Dunnington<br />

E.A<br />

Poultry Sci<br />

Liu, G. Poult. Sci.<br />

Dunshea, F.R Br. J. Nutr.<br />

Coor JG Crop Sci 28:891-6<br />

Fisher, C. Edinburgh, British Poultry Science Ltd.<br />

Yen, J. T. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Jaakola, S. Acta Agric. Scan.<br />

Mambani. B. Plant Soil 73: 73-94<br />

Webster, C.D., Aquaculture, 90:49-61.<br />

Zekri, M. J. Expt. Bot.<br />

Sumarno Indonesian J. Crop Sci. 2:71 -78.<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Response of soybean cultivars to planting pattern Costa JA Agron J 72:153-156<br />

Response of soybean cultivars to planting pattern Costa JA Agron J 72:153-156<br />

response Of Soybean Cultivars To Nomatticidal<br />

Treatments Of Soil Infested With Meloidogyne Incognita<br />

Kinloch. R.A J. Nematol<br />

Response of soybean (glycine max) genotypes to<br />

continues saturated culture<br />

Response of soybean (glycine max) genotypes to<br />

continues saturated culture<br />

Response of Sorghum and Pennisetum Spessies to the N2 -<br />

Fixing Bacterium Azospirillum Brasilense<br />

Response of soil aggregate stability to manure<br />

amendments in the ultuna long term soil organic matter<br />

experiment<br />

Response of Several Parennial Broadleaf Weeds to<br />

Allelopathy of Rhizome of Alang-Alang (Imperata Cylindrica<br />

L.)<br />

Response of several annual broadleaf weeds to allelopathy<br />

of alang-alang (Imperata cylindrica)<br />

Response of several annual broadleaf weeds to allelopathy<br />

of alang-alang (Imperata cylindrica)<br />

Response of Several Annual Broadleaf Weeds to<br />

Allelopathy of Alang-Alang (Imperata Cylindrica L.)<br />

Response of Peanut (Arachis Hypogeae) To Temperature,<br />

Photoperiod and Irradiance. 1. Effect on Flowering<br />

Response of nine soybean lines to soil moisture conditions<br />

close to saturation<br />

Response of laying hens diets varying in crude protein and<br />

available phosphorus<br />

Response of last instar Heliothis zea larvae to<br />

carbohydrates:stimulation of biting, nutritional value.<br />

Response of Hawaiian and other Indo-Pacific reef corals to<br />

elevated temperature<br />

Response of fresh market tomatoes to nitrogen fertilizer<br />

and plastic mulch in a short growing season<br />

Response of four broiler strains to dietary phosphorus<br />

above and bellow the requirements when brooded at two<br />

temperatures<br />

Sumarno Indonesia J. of Crof.Sci 2(2):71-78<br />

Sumarno Indonesia J. of Crof.Sci 2(2):71-78<br />

Smith, R.L. Applied and Enviromental<br />

Microbiology<br />

Gerzabek MH Z Pflanzenernahr Bodenk 158:257-60<br />

Ardi<br />

Ardi<br />

Ardi<br />

Ardi<br />

Bagnall. D.J Field Crop Research<br />

Hunter, M.N. Austral. J. Exp. Agric. Anim. Husb.<br />

20:339-345.<br />

Lesson, S. J. Appl. Poult. Res.<br />

Schiff, N.M. Entomol.exp.appl. 52: 29-38<br />

Jokiel PL Coral Reefs 8:155-162.<br />

Wien, H.C J. Amer. Soc<br />

Orban, J. I. Poult. Sci<br />

Response of coffee to soil phosphorus Mathew, P.K. J. Plantation Crops 1: 44-46.<br />

Response of coconut to increasing levels of leaf pruning<br />

and implications on farm productivity<br />

Magat, S.S. Cord. X(2): 16-32.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 178 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Response of Cattle Persistently Infected with<br />

Noncytopathic Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus to Vaccination<br />

for Bovine Viral Diarrhea and to Subsequen Challenge<br />

Exposure with Cytopathic Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus.<br />

Response of broiler chickens and turkey poults to food<br />

restriction of varied severity during early life.<br />

Response of a standard Australia and Mexican wheat to<br />

temperature and wheat stress<br />

Respons dua genotipa domba terhadap tingkat infeksi<br />

Haemonchus contortus dan tingkat energi pakan<br />

Respone of red drum to various dietary levels of manhaden<br />

oil.<br />

Responces of Bovine Muscle to Restraint an Electrical<br />

Stimulations<br />

Respon to S1 selection in flint and dent synthetic maize<br />

population<br />

Respon ternak ruminansia terhadap pola tanam pangan di<br />

Jawa Barat dan Jawa Timur.<br />

Respon Pertumbuhan Stek Cabang Buah Tanaman Lada<br />

(Piper nigrum L.) yang Berasal dari Berbagai Ketinggian<br />

Pada Tanaman Induk Terhadap Berbagai Media Tanam<br />

Respon Ovarium kambing kacang thd perlakuan<br />

superovulasi dan suplementasi konsentrat<br />

Bolin, S. R. Am. J. Vet. Res.<br />

Plavnik, I. British Poult. Sci.<br />

Davidson, J.L. Aust. J. Agric. Res. 29, 1091-1106.<br />

Ginting, S.P Jurnal Ilmu Ternak dan Veteriner 4 (1):<br />

20-27.<br />

Williiems, C.D. Aquaculture, 70: 107-120.<br />

Solomon,M.B J. Anim. Aci<br />

Igartua GG Crop Sci 36:1129-34<br />

Sabrani, M. Lembaran LPP Thn. X No. 4<br />

Pujiharti, Y. Agrotropika III (2): 29-33.<br />

Sonjaya H bul. Ilmu peternakan dan perikanan<br />

univ. hasanuddin II(5):10-19<br />

Respon of soy been grown on acid soil to inoculation with<br />

V.A. Mycorizal Fungi Biotrop<br />

Kabirun, S. Spec. Publ. 56: 139-142<br />

Respon bibit kako lindak dan mulia pada tanah alfisol<br />

terhadap fosfat alam yang diasamkan<br />

Hardjono A Menara perkebunan,<br />

Respon bibit kako lindak dan mulia pada tanah alfisol<br />

terhadap fosfat alam yang diasamkan<br />

Hardjono A Menara perkebunan,<br />

Respon varietas cabai pada beberapa tingkat<br />

kelembaban tanah<br />

Kusandriani, Y. Bull. Penel. Hort<br />

Respiration and Feeding Copepods. Marshall, S.M. Adv. Mar. Biol., Vol. II : 57 -I2O.<br />

Resource use in intercropping systems Willey, R.W. Agric. Water Manag. 17: 215-231.<br />

Resource partitioning in mediteranian demmersal fish<br />

community<br />

E. Macpherson Mar.Ecol.Prog.Sci.<br />

Resource partitioning among fishes of rainforest streams in<br />

Sri Lanka.<br />

Moyle, P.B. J. Zoo/. London. 202:195-223.<br />

Resolution of racemic mixtures via lipase catalysis in<br />

organic solvents<br />

Kirchner, G JAOCS<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 179 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Resolution of genetic variability in selfpollinated species<br />

with an application to the soybean<br />

Resistensi wereng coklat, (Nilaparvata lugens Stal.)<br />

terhadap insektisida di Indonesia<br />

Hanson WD Genetics 46:1425-1434<br />

Sutrisno J. Soejitno, Z. Harahap, dan Suprapto<br />

(Red). Wereng Coklat, Edisi Khusus<br />

No. l. hlm. 55-68.<br />

Resistensi Mikroba Terhadap Antibiotika Suwandi, U. Cermin Dunia Kedokteran 70: 46-49.<br />

Resistensi isolat Vibrio dari beberapa panti benih udang<br />

windu (Penaeus monodon) terhadap obat-obatan antibiotik.<br />

Zafran, D.<br />

Resistensi Isolat Vibrio dari beberapa panti benih udang<br />

windu (Penaeus monodon)<br />

Zafran<br />

Resistence to Pythium aphani-dermatum in diploids and<br />

induced autotetraploids of Catharanthus roseus<br />

Kulkarni, R.N. Planta Med. 68:356-359.<br />

Resistence to fascioliasis a review Haroun, M. Vet. Parasitol.<br />

Resistant Starch, a new food component: a classification of<br />

starch for nutritional purposes<br />

Englyst, H.N Cereals in A European Contex.<br />

Chichester: First European<br />

Conference on Food Science &<br />

Technology, Ellis Horwood<br />

Resistant Starch Asp, N-G Eur. J. Clin. Nutr<br />

Resistance to Fasciolasis - a review Haroun, E. T. M. Vet. Parasitol.<br />

Resistance to experimental infection with Fasciola hepatica<br />

in exotic and domestic breeds of sheep<br />

Boyce, W.M. Int. J. Parasitology 17: 1233-1237.<br />

Resistance Of Tomato, Bean, Southern Pea and Garden<br />

Pea Cultivars To Root-Knot Nematodes Based On Host<br />

Suitability<br />

Hadisuganda. W.W Plant Dis<br />

Resistance of St. Croix lambs to Haemonchus contortus in<br />

experi mentally and naturally acquired infections<br />

Resistance of some rice varieties to bacterial leaf blight and<br />

a new pathogenic group of the causal bacterium,<br />

Xanthomonas oryzae<br />

Gamble, H.R. Vet. Parasitol. 41: 211-225<br />

Horino, 0. Contr. Centr. Res. lust. Agric. 44:1-17.<br />

Resistance of Solanaceae against bacterial with disease Hobir Meeting project production of valuable<br />

breeding material of egg plant<br />

(Solanum melongena L.) resistant to<br />

fungal and bacterial wilts and root knot<br />

nematodes by using protoplast fusion.<br />

Institute of Vegetables and Flowers-<br />

EC. 18-22 May. Beijing, China,<br />

Resistance of pepper (Capsicum spp.) againts<br />

Colletotrichum gloeosporioides at the seedling stage<br />

Resistance of pepper (capsicum spp) against<br />

Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) at the seedling stage<br />

Suhardi Buletin Penelitian Hortikultura, 20<br />

(Edisi Khusus 1): 83-85.<br />

Suhardi Bull. Penll. Hort. 20(1):83-85<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 180 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Resistance of pepper (Capsicum spp) against at the<br />

seedling stage<br />

Resistance of Indonesian thin tail sheep against Fasciola<br />

gigantica and F. Hepatica<br />

Resistance of Edwardsiella tarda to opsono-phagocytosis<br />

to eel neutrophils<br />

Resistance of cotton lines containing a Bacillus<br />

thuringiensis toxin to pink bollworm (Lepidoptera:<br />

Gelechiidae) and other insects<br />

Suhardi Bull Penel Hort 20(1): 83-85<br />

Roberts, J.A. Vet. Parasitol. 68: 309-314.<br />

Iida T. Fish Pathol, 28: 191-193.<br />

Wilson, F.D. Journal of Economic Entomology.<br />

(85):15161521.<br />

Resistance of 17 soybean cultivars to foliar, latent and<br />

seed infection by cerospora kikuchii<br />

Orth CE Plant Disease 78 : 661-664<br />

Resistance in Solanum tuberosum to Pseudomonas<br />

solanacearum<br />

Nielsen, L.W Amer. Pot. J<br />

Resistance associated viruses in rice under experimental<br />

and natural condition<br />

Hibino H Phytapatho;ogy 77 : 871-875<br />

Resistance associated viruses in rice under experimental<br />

and natural condition<br />

Hibino H Phytapatho;ogy 77 : 871-875<br />

Resin binder from kraft lignin Dolenko, A.J Forest Product Journal 28<br />

Resiko dalam Bidang Perunggasan. Suwarta, F.X. Majalah Poultry Indonesia, Jakarta<br />

Residual effects of daily cattle manure on plant growth and<br />

soil properties<br />

Lund, Z. F. Agron, J. 72: 323-130.<br />

Residential Backgrounds and Socio-economics<br />

Achivement in The US<br />

Featherman. D.L American Sociological Review<br />

Researches sur les agents enthomopathogens d'origin<br />

virale<br />

Research Progress in Production of Biocellulose By<br />

Aeration and Agitatio Culture and its Application as A New<br />

Industrial Material. Biosci<br />

Desmier de Chenon<br />

R<br />

Oleagineux 43,107-117<br />

Yoshinaga, F. Biotech. Biochem.<br />

Research on Podzolic Soils In Central and North Lampung Buurman. P Bulletin 3 Soil Research Institute.<br />

Bogor<br />

Research on goat nutrition and management in<br />

mediteranean middle east and adjacent arab countries<br />

Bhattacharya, N. A. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Research notes: production performance of laying hens fed<br />

L-triptophan<br />

Research Note: Palm Kernel Cake as a Broiler Feed<br />

Ingredient.<br />

Research Note: Influence of Microorganism on The Lysine<br />

and Diaminopimelic Acid Values in The Excreta of Intact,<br />

Cecectimized, and Cannulated Rooster.<br />

Research note : Variability in preincubation embrionic<br />

development in domestic fowl effects of duration of egg<br />

storage periode.<br />

Ohtani, H. Poultry Sci.<br />

Osei, S. A. Poult. Sci.<br />

Crissey, S. D. Poult. Sci.<br />

Fasenko, G.M Poultry Sci. 71 : 2129 -2132<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 181 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Research and policies needed to promote the use of<br />

botanical biocides in Asia<br />

Rejesus, B.M. Philipp. Ent. 9(5): 449-466.<br />

Research and goat milk production. A review. Loeweenstin J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Requirements of Vitamin A, Thiamin, Riboflavin and Niacin World Health<br />

Organisation<br />

World Health Organ. Tech. Rept. Ser.<br />

3362.<br />

Requirement of rainbow trout for essential fatty acids Watanabe, T. Bull. Japan. Soc. Sci. Fish. 40:493-<br />

497.<br />

Requirement of rainbow trout for dietary phosphorus and its<br />

relationship to the amount discharged in hatchery effluents.<br />

Ketolla, H.G Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 123:587-594.<br />

Requirement of larvae red sea bream, Pagrus major for<br />

essential fatty acids.<br />

Requirement of eel, Anguilla japonica for essential fatty<br />

acids<br />

Izquierdo, M.S., Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, 55: 859-<br />

867.<br />

Takcuchi, T. Bull. Japan. Soc. Sci.Fish. 46:345-353.<br />

Requirement of carp for essential fatty acids Takcuchi T. Bull. Japan. Soc. Sci. Fish. 43:541 -<br />

551.<br />

Requirement for glucose during in vitro culture of sheep<br />

preimplatation embryos<br />

Thomson J.G J.Mol reprod , Develop<br />

Requiremen Of Salicylic Acid For The Induction Of<br />

Systematic Acquired Resistance<br />

Gaffney. T Science<br />

Repropagation and Reidentification of The Indonesian Non-<br />

Cytopathic Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus Isolates in Vitro:<br />

Means of Immunoperoxidase Monolayer Assay.<br />

Wasito, R. I. J. Biotech.<br />

Reproductton and recruitment of corals:comparisons<br />

among the Caribbean, the tropical Pacific, and the Red Sea<br />

Reproductive performance of synchronized lactating dairy<br />

cows following oestrus synchronization with progesterone,<br />

oestradiol and prostaglandin.<br />

Reproductive performance of synchronized lactating dairy<br />

cows following oestrus synchonization with progesterone,<br />

oestradiol and prostaglandin<br />

Reproductive performance of small ruminants in an<br />

outreach pilot project in West Java<br />

Reproductive performance of Penaus monodon broodstock<br />

from Sumbawa, Madura and their hubrids<br />

Reproductive performance of Penaeus stylirostris females<br />

injected with heat killed Vibrio alginolyticus<br />

Reproductive Performance of Dwarf Broiler Breeders Given<br />

Different Allowances of Food During The Rearing and<br />

Breeding Periods and Two Lighting Patterns.<br />

Richmond, R.H. Mar. Ecol Progr. Ser., 60: 185-203.<br />

Xu, Z.Z. New Zealand Vet. J.<br />

Xu, Z.Z N.Z. Vet.J<br />

Setiadi, B. Jurnal Ilmu Ternak dan Veteriner 1<br />

(2):73<br />

Sugama, K J. Coastal. Aquaculture Res.<br />

Indonesia, 9:139-146<br />

F. Pizarro J. of World Aqua. Society 25<br />

Whitehead, C. C. Brit. Poult. Sci.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 182 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Reproductive performance of dairy heifers after estrus<br />

synchronization and fixed-time artifical.<br />

Xu, Z.Z. J. Dairy. Sci.<br />

Reproductive management of postpartum cows Roche.J.F. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 60-61: 703-712.<br />

Reproductive Function in Prepubertal Lambs :Ovulation,<br />

Embryo Development and Ovarian Steroidgenesis.<br />

Reproductive Efficiency in Black Bengal Goats at First<br />

Kidding.<br />

Reproductive Efficiency In Black Bengal Goats at First<br />

Kidding<br />

Reproductive ecology of the scleractinian coral Echinopora<br />

lamellosa in nothern and southern Taiwan.<br />

Trounson, A. O. J. Reprod. Fert.<br />

Lal, B.K Indian J. of Animal Sci., Vol. 57 No. 12<br />

Lal, B. K Indian J. of Animal Sci., Vol. 57 No. 12<br />

Fan, T.Y. Mar Biol 123 (3): 565-572.<br />

Reproductive ecology of four scleractinian species at Lizard<br />

Island, Great Barrier Reef<br />

Harriot VJ Coral Reefs 2:9-18.<br />

Reproductive ecology of Caribbean reef corals Szmant AM Coral Reefs 5:43-54.<br />

Reproductive characteristics of the polymorphic Carribean<br />

reef building coral Montastrea annularis. I. Gametogenesis<br />

and spawning behavior.<br />

Van Veghel, M.L.J. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 109: 209-219.<br />

Reproductive biology of the commercial sea cucumber<br />

Parastichopus californicus (Stimpson)<br />

Reproductive biology and harvesting strategy of Indian<br />

scad Decapterus russelli (Ruppel,1830) (Pisces:<br />

CarangidaeoftheJava Sea).<br />

Reproductive and Developmental Features in Comparative<br />

Evolutionary Relationships of Tree Shrews<br />

Reproductive activity of the cow in the postpartum period. I.<br />

Factors affecting the length of the postpartum acyclic<br />

period<br />

Reproduction, recruitment and fragmentation in nine<br />

sympatric species of the coral genus Acropora.<br />

Reproduction, Growth and mortality of murid rodent<br />

population<br />

Reproduction, development and rearing of Penaeus<br />

japonicus Bate. Jap.<br />

Reproduction In The Red Locust (N. Septemfasciata<br />

Serville) In The Laboratory<br />

Reproduction In the African Migratory Locust (L.Migratoria<br />

Migratoriodes R & F) In Relation To Density and Phase<br />

J.L. Cameron Can.J. Zool 64<br />

Widodo. J. Jur. Pen.Per Laut: 53:89-96.<br />

Luckett,P.W Plenum.Press.New.York<br />

Peters, A.R. Br. Vet J., 140: 76-84.<br />

Wallace, C.C. Mar Biol 88: 217-233.<br />

Southwchick CH Symposium :152-176p<br />

Hudinaga, M. J. Zool. 10: 305-393.<br />

Norris.M.J Anti-Locust Bulletin<br />

Norris.M.J Anti-Locust Bulletin<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 183 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Reproduction in Rainbow Trout: Sex Differentiation,<br />

Dynamics of Gametogenesis, Biology and Preservation of<br />

Gametes<br />

Reproduction in rainbow trout. sex differentiation, dynamic<br />

of gametogenesis biology and preservation of gametes.<br />

Reproduction in Javanese sheep: evidence or a gene with<br />

large effect on ovulation rate and litter size<br />

Reproduction in javanese sheep: evidence for gene with<br />

large effect on ovulation rate and lamb survival<br />

Reproduction in Javanese sheep: Evidence for a gene with<br />

large effect on ovulation rate and litter size<br />

Reproduction in Javanese Sheep: Evidence for a gene with<br />

large effect on ovulation rate and litter size<br />

Reproduction and Survival of Phyllorhiza punctata<br />

(Cnidaria :Rhizostomae) in Seasonally Fluctuating Regime<br />

in Western Australia<br />

Reproduction and recruitment or corals: comparison among<br />

the Carribean, the Tropical Pacific, and the Red Sea.<br />

Reproduction and recruitment of corals: comparisons<br />

among the Carribean, the tropical Pacific, and the Red Sea<br />

Reproduction and recruitment of corals: comparisons<br />

among the Caribbean, the tropical Pacific, and the Red Sea<br />

Reproduction and recruitment in corals: critical links in the<br />

persistence of reefs. In: the persistence of reefs<br />

Reproduction and larval ecology of the sandworm neanthes<br />

virens (Sars) from the southern Hokaido<br />

Repressive eHect of dietary fiber fractions in unpolished<br />

rice on the increase in cholesterol and triglyceride<br />

REP-PCR mediated genomic fingerprinting of Rhizobia and<br />

computer-assisted phylogenetic pattern analysis.<br />

Rep-PCR mediated genomic fingerprinting f Rhizobia and<br />

computer-assisted philogenetic pattern analysis<br />

Reports of the EIFAC, IUNS and ICES Working Group on<br />

Standardization of Methodology in Fish Nutrition Research.<br />

Billard, R. Aquaculture, 100: 263 -298.<br />

Billard R. Aquae ullure 1()0: 263-298.<br />

Bradford, G. E. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Bradford, G. E. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Bradford, G.E. J. Animal Science 63:418<br />

Bradford, G.E. J. Anim. Sci. 63: 418-431.<br />

Rippmgale, R.J. Marine Freshwater Research. Vol. 46:<br />

1145-1151.<br />

Richmond, H.R. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 60: 185-203.<br />

Richmond, R.H. Mar.Ecol. Prog.Ser.60 :185-203<br />

Richarmond, R.H. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 60: 185-203.<br />

Richmond, R.H. Birkeland C (ed) Life and death of<br />

coral reefs.<br />

Yokouchi, K Bulletin of Plankton Society of Japan<br />

Suzuki, M J. Nutr Food (Japanese) 35: 155-160.<br />

Schneider, M. World J. Microbiol. and Biotechnol. 12:<br />

163-174.<br />

Schneider, M. World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol.<br />

Castell, J.D. EIFAC Technical Paper No. 36. FAO<br />

Rome. 24 pp<br />

Reporting Fish Growth A Review of the Basics Hopkins, K.D. Journal of the World Aquaculture<br />

Society 33:173-179.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 184 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Report on The Agro-eeological Zone Project FAO World Soil Resources Report 48, Vol.<br />

I.Methodology and Result for Afriea.<br />

Report on Soil Investigation of The Delta Pulau Petak Soil Research<br />

Institute<br />

Report of the first session of the FAO working party of<br />

expert on resistance of pest to pesticide<br />

Repeated use of mmobilized lipase for monoacylglicerols<br />

production by solid phase glycerolisis of olive oil<br />

Repeated use of immobilized lipase for monoglycerol<br />

production by solid phase glycerolysis of olive oil.<br />

Repeated oestrus synchronization of beef cows with<br />

progesterone implants and the effect of a gonadotrophin -<br />

releasing hormonist agonist at implant insertion.<br />

Soil. Res. Inst. Bogor<br />

FAO FAO Meeting Rep. PU1966/M 13. pp.<br />

1-8.<br />

Rosu R J Am Oil Chem Soc 74(4):445-450<br />

Rosu, R. J. Am. Oil Chem Soc 74(4) : 445-450<br />

Penny, C.D. Vet. Record.<br />

Repeated Batch a-Amylase Production in Aqueous Two-<br />

Phase System With Bacillus Strain.<br />

Stredansky, M., J. Botechnol. 27: 181- 190.<br />

Renewable Resource Management and Extinction Clark, C.W. Journal of Environmental<br />

Economics and management<br />

Renewable Resource Management and Extinction Clark, C.W. Journal of Environmental Economics<br />

and Management<br />

Renewable Resource Management and Extinction Clark, C.W. Journal of Environmental Economics<br />

and Management<br />

Renewable Resource Management and Extinction Clark, C.W. Journal of Environmental Economics<br />

and Management<br />

Renal Phosphate Excretion in Goats Widiyono, I. J. Vet. Med.<br />

Rempah-rempah dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Pertumbuhan<br />

Mikroba<br />

Sugiarto, E. Media Teknol. Pangan 2 (4): 29-35.<br />

Removal Of Trace Metals From Contaminated Soils<br />

Incorporating Resin Trapping Techniques<br />

Tejowulan. R.S Environ. Pollut<br />

Removal of Phosphorus From Statio Sewage Effluent By<br />

Water Hyacinth<br />

Ornes. W.H Hyacinth Control Journal<br />

Removal of heavy metal using the fugus aspergillus niger Kapoor, A. Bioresouce technology<br />

Removal of ammonia from coke-plant wastewater by using<br />

shynthetic zeolite<br />

Remedical measures to salvage unnodulated soybean<br />

crops<br />

Remedical measures to salvage unnodulated soybean<br />

crops<br />

Remarques sur le titre des formules commerciales a base<br />

de bacillus thuringiensis<br />

Sing, G. Water Environ. Res. 69:157-161.<br />

Gault RR J. Aust Inst Agric Sci 50:244-246<br />

Gault RR J. Aust Inst Agric Sci 50:244-246<br />

Martouret D Entomophaga 20(1), 1975 pp :3-9<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 185 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Reltionship of body condition score to production variables<br />

in high producing holstein dairy cattle<br />

Reliability of the Focus Group Technique in Determining<br />

the Quality Characteristics of mungbean (Vigna radiata L.<br />

Wilczec.) Noodles<br />

Reliability of diagnostic ultrasonography for identification<br />

and measurement of follicles and detecting the corpus<br />

luteum in Heifers<br />

Reliabiirty of diagnostic ultrasonography for identification<br />

and d measurement of follicles and detecting the corpus<br />

luteum in heifers<br />

Release rates of phosphorus, ammonium, and potassium<br />

in clinoptilolite-phosphate rock systems<br />

Release of somatic embryogenic potential from excised<br />

zygotic embryos of carrot and maintenance of<br />

proembryogenic cultures in hormone-free medium.<br />

Release of calcium from suspension-cultured Glycine max<br />

cells by chilosan, other polycations. and polyamines in<br />

relation to effects on membrane permeability<br />

Release and recovery of Trichogramma evanescens<br />

Westw. in Corn Field in the Philippines<br />

Relay Intercropping Soybeans Onto Winter Wheat and<br />

Spring Oats<br />

Relative yield as a measure of entry performance in<br />

variable environments<br />

Relative toxicity of the technical grade material, isomer and<br />

formulations of endosulfan to the fish Channa punctata.<br />

Relative importance of food composition in free lysine and<br />

methionine loses during elavated temperature processing<br />

Relative efficiencies of population improvement methods in<br />

corn: A simulation study.<br />

Relationships of glands, cotton square terpenoid<br />

aldehydes, and other allelochemicals to larval growth of<br />

Heliothis virescens (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)<br />

Waltner, S. S. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Galvez, F.C. J. of Sensory Studies. 7 (4): 315-326.<br />

Pierson, R.A Theriogenology 28<br />

Pierson RA, Theriogenology<br />

Allen, E.R Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Smith, D.L. Amer. Jour. Bot. 76: 1832-1843.<br />

Young, D.II. Plant Physiol. 73:698-702.<br />

Tran, L.C. J. Voegele, J. Waage, and J. van<br />

Lanteren (Eds.) Trichogramma and<br />

other parasities. 2nd International<br />

Symposium, Guangzhou (China) Nov.<br />

1015, 1986. (43): 597-608.<br />

Chan. L.M Agron. J<br />

Yau, S.K. Crop Sci. 34: 813-817.<br />

Priyamvadadewi, A, Bull. Environ. Confam. Toxicol. 27:239-<br />

242.<br />

Wolf, J. C. J. Food Sci.<br />

Choo TM Crop Sci 19:179-85<br />

Hedin, P.A. J. Econ. Entomol. 85: 359-364.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 186 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Relationships Between Soil Physical Properties and Crop<br />

Production<br />

Relationships between seed borne soybean fungi and<br />

ltered photo period<br />

Relationships Between Seasonal Changes in Serum<br />

Testosterone Concentrations, Scrotal Circumference and<br />

Sperm Morphology of Male Wapiti (Cervus Elaphus).<br />

Relationships between growth of Be 11 pepper (Capsicum<br />

annuum L.) and Nutriënt accumulation during ontogeny in<br />

field environments<br />

relationships between energy metabilishm and<br />

development of early mammalian embryos<br />

Relationships among specific leafweight, photosynthetic<br />

rate, and seed yield in soybean.<br />

Relationship of sexs, age and body weight to broiler<br />

carcass yield and offal production<br />

Relationship of sex, strain and body weight to carcass yield<br />

and offal production in turkey<br />

Relationship of sex, strain and body weight to carcass yield<br />

and offal production in turkeys.<br />

Relationship of sex, age and body weight to broiler carcass<br />

yield and offal production.<br />

Relationship of senescence to androgenesis in barley<br />

(Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Klages)<br />

Relationship of pesticide spraying to signs and symptoms<br />

in Indonesia farmers<br />

Relationship of high intensity step-up lighting to bone ash<br />

and growth plate closure of the tarsometatarsus in turkeys<br />

Relationship of flag leaf area to yeald, fielled grains<br />

perpanicle and panicle length in upland rice varietes I<br />

Relationship of dietary calsium level during the prelay<br />

phase of an induced molt to postmolt performance.<br />

Relationship of chemical analysis to in vitro digestibility for<br />

selected tropical and temperate grasses.<br />

Latey. J Advances in Soil Science 1<br />

Wilcox JR Phytopathology 75 : 797-800<br />

Haigh, J. C. J. Reprod. Fert.<br />

Miller, C.H J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci.<br />

Rieger D Theriogenology<br />

Thompson, AJ. Crop Science 35 : 1575-1581<br />

Brake, J. Poult Sci.<br />

Brake, J. Poult Sci.<br />

Brake, J. Poultry Science.<br />

Brake, J. Poultry Science.<br />

Cho UH J Plant Physiol 139:299-302.<br />

Kishi M Scand J Work Environ Health<br />

Klingensmith, P. N. Brit. Poult. Sci.<br />

Bashar. M.K. IRRN, IRRI. 16: (2) :12<br />

Brake, J. Poult. Sci.<br />

Barton, F.E. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Relationship of artificial pod removal to soybean yields Smith, R. H. J. of Eco. Entom.<br />

RelationShip Marketing Dalam Pengembangan Tebu<br />

Rakyat<br />

Relationship between Vegetative Flushing and Flowering of<br />

Macadamia integrifolia m Hawaii<br />

Suwandi.A Gula Indonesia XXIII (2)<br />

Nagao M. A. Scienta Horticulturae.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 187 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Relationship between vegetative flushing and flowering of<br />

Macadamia integrifolia in Hawaii<br />

Relationship between tidal forest (mangrove) and<br />

commercial shrimp production in Indonesia<br />

Relationship Between The Number of Bacteria Added To<br />

Soil or Seeds and Their Abundance and Distribution in The<br />

Ahizosphere of Alfalfa<br />

Relationship between the number of bacteria added to soil<br />

or seeds and their abundance and distribution in the<br />

rhizosphere of alfalfa<br />

Relationship between slip melting point & pulsed nmr data<br />

of palm kernel oil<br />

Relationship between shear force and trimed sensory panel<br />

tenderness ratings of 10 major muscles from Bos Indicus<br />

and Bos Taurus cattle.<br />

Relationship between shear force and trimed sensory panel<br />

tenderness ratings of 10 Major Muscles from bos indicus<br />

and bos taurus cattle<br />

Relationship between seed-filling period and yield among<br />

soybean breeding lines<br />

Relationship between ruminal strach degradation and the<br />

physical characteristics of corn grain<br />

Relationship Between Root Length of Soybean and<br />

Calculated Al-monomers in Nutrient Solution.<br />

Relationship Between Placental Development and Catf<br />

Birth Weight in Beef Cattle<br />

Relationship Between Physical and Chemical Properties of<br />

Wood And Adhision<br />

Relationship between phylogeny and pathotype for the<br />

bacterial blight pathogen of rice.<br />

Relationship between phylogeny and pathotype for the<br />

bacterial blight pathogen of rice<br />

Relationship between otolith microstructure and growth of<br />

juvenile chum salmon Onchorchychus keta under different<br />

prey rations.<br />

Relationship between onion leaf age and susceptibility to<br />

Alternaria porri<br />

Relationship between morphological characteristics and<br />

varietal resistance of sweet potato to scab infection caused<br />

by Sphaceloma batatas Saw<br />

Relationship between milk production and mammary gland<br />

indices of guinea pigs<br />

Nagao. M.A Scientia Horticulturae 60: 9-16.<br />

Martosubroto, P. Marine Research Indonesia. 18:18-26.<br />

Hatzinger. P.B Plant and Soil<br />

Hatzinger, P.B. Plant Soil 158: 211-222.<br />

Goh EM J Am Oil Chem Soc 68 : 144-146<br />

J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Shackelford, S. D. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

--- Crop. Sci. 27: 469-472<br />

Philippeau, C. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Alva, A.K., Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 50: 959-962.<br />

Echternkamp, S.E. Anim Reporod. Sci., 32: 1-13.<br />

Freeman.H.G Forest Product Journal<br />

Nelson, R.J., Appl. Env. Microbiol. 60: 3275-3283.<br />

Nelson RJ Appl. Environ Microbiol. 60:327-3283<br />

Volk, E.C., Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 41: 26-133.<br />

Miller ME Plant Disease<br />

Bajit, G.B. Ann. Trop. Res. 9: 75-83.<br />

Sheffield, L. G. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

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Relationship between microstructure and susceptibility to<br />

syneresis in yogurt made from reconstituted nonfat dry milk<br />

Relationship between live animal measurements and<br />

carcass composition of Japanese Black Steers<br />

Relationship between Length of The Actual and effective<br />

Filling Period and The Grain Yield of Corn<br />

Relationship Between length of the Actual and Effective<br />

Filling Period and the Grain Yield in Corn<br />

Relationship between increased body weight and fat<br />

deposition in broilers<br />

Relationship Between Heterotrophic Bactcria and Pollution<br />

in an industrial Rstuary<br />

Relationship between guality, colour of glume and gliadin<br />

electrophoregrams in Durum wheat<br />

relationship between group B streptococcal serotypes and<br />

cell surface hydrophobicity<br />

Relationship between genetic diversity and consistency of<br />

performance in different environments<br />

Relationship between extractable chlorophyll and an in situ<br />

method to estimate leaf greenesss.<br />

relationship between energy metabolishm and<br />

development of early mammalian embryos<br />

Relationship between energy and protein intakes and<br />

laying characteristics in individually caged broiler breeder<br />

hens.<br />

Relationship between dietary fiber content and composition<br />

in foods and the glycemic index<br />

Relationship Between Body Size and Some Life History<br />

Parameters<br />

Relationship Between Body Fatness, Ovarian Structure and<br />

Reproductive in Mature Females from Lines of Genetically<br />

Lean or Fat Broiler Given Different Food Allowances.<br />

Relationship Between Body Condition Score and<br />

Conception at First Artificial Insemination in a Large Dairy<br />

Herd of High Yielding Holstein Cows<br />

Relationship between bacterial indicators of water pollution<br />

and fecal steroids.<br />

Relationship between ambient air pollution & DNA damage<br />

in polish mothers 7 newborns<br />

Relationship and the lack thereof-between economic time<br />

series, with special reference to money and interest rates.<br />

Harwalkar V.R. Food microstructure, 5: 287-294.<br />

Mitsuhashi, T. Anim. Sci. and Technol. (Jpn.), 60:<br />

172-177.<br />

Dynard, T. B Can. J. Plant Sci<br />

Daynard, T.B Crop Sci<br />

Un, CY J.World's Poultry Science 37<br />

Gouldcr. R. Water Research 14: 591-601.<br />

Yupsanis T Plant breeding 101(1):30-35<br />

Wibawan I W T J.ved.med<br />

Allard, R.W. Crop. Sci. (1): 127-133.<br />

Marquad, R.D. Hort Sci<br />

Rieger D Theriogenology<br />

Pearson, R. A. British Poultry Science.<br />

Wolever, T.M.S Am. J. Clin. Nutr<br />

Blueweiss, L. Ecologia. (37) : 257-272.<br />

Hocking, P. M. Brit. Poult. Sci.<br />

Domecq, J. J. J.Dairy Sci.<br />

Dutka, B.J., Water Res., 8: 1047-1055.<br />

Whyatt RM Environ. Health Perspect. 106(Suppl<br />

3) : 821-826<br />

Pierce DA Journal of the American Statistical<br />

Association 72(357):11-22<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Relationship among estradiol, cortisol and intensity of<br />

estrus behavior in dairy cattle.<br />

Relations between various extracted basic densities and<br />

wood chemical components in Eucalyptus globulus.<br />

Lyimo, Z.S. Theriogenology.<br />

Ona, T. Journal Wood Science. 44 (3) : 165-<br />

168.<br />

Relations between suspension pH and zinc solubility in<br />

acid and calcareous soil.<br />

Saeed, M. Soil Sci.<br />

Relations among aging, antioxidant stauts and cataract Taylor A Am J Clin Nutr 62(6) 1439S-1447S<br />

Relation of particle size to the penetration of subterranean<br />

termites through barriers of sand and cinders.<br />

Relation of intra-population genetics effects to performance<br />

of S1 lines of maize<br />

Relation of internal phosphorus concentration and plant<br />

wight in plants inected by vesicular-arbuscular<br />

mychorrhizas<br />

Relation of internal phosphorus concentration and plant<br />

wight in plants inected by vesicular-arbuscular<br />

mychorrhizas<br />

Relation of Gossipol Content of Cotton Plants, to Insect<br />

Resistance<br />

Relation of catches of postlarval pink shrimp inEverglades<br />

National Park, Florida, To The commercial catches on<br />

tortugas grounds<br />

Relation of Birth Weight to Death Losses and to Certain<br />

Productive Characters of Fall-Born Lambs.<br />

Relation between Viscoelastic Properties and Maturity<br />

ofMangoes<br />

Relation between structural disorder and other<br />

characteristics of kaolinites and dickites<br />

Relation between soil physical properties and crop<br />

production.<br />

Relation between mechanical properties of apple fruit and<br />

sensory quality<br />

Relation between capsidol concentration, speed of fungal<br />

invasion and level of indused resistance in cultivars of<br />

pepper (Capsicum Annuum) Suspectible or resistance to<br />

Phytophthora capsici.<br />

Relation between "Itai-itai" disease and the pollution of river<br />

water by cadmium from a mine.<br />

Reklamasi terpadu peningkatan kesuburan tanah tersier<br />

pada perkebunan kelapa sawit<br />

Ebeling, W. J. Econ. Entomol. 50:590-592.<br />

Lomquist JH Crop Sci 7:361-4<br />

Stribley DP New Phytol 86:261-266<br />

Stribley DP New Phytol 86:261-266<br />

Bootger, O.T. J. Econ. Entomol. p. 116-118.<br />

Roessler, M.A Bulletin Marine science<br />

Shelton, M. J. Anim<br />

Gauttz, L. D ASAE Paper<br />

Brindley, G.W. Clays and Clay Minerals 34: 239-249.<br />

Letey, J. Adv. Soil Sci.<br />

Van Woensel, G. A J. of Food Proc. Eng<br />

Molot PM Physiol Plant Pathol<br />

Kobayashi, J. In: Proc. Int. Water Pollut. Res. Conf.,<br />

1: 25-52.<br />

Koedadiri AD<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Reklamasi tanah sulfat masam potensial utk perkebunan<br />

kelapa sawit<br />

Rekayasa teknologi mekanis untuk budi daya tanaman<br />

jagung dan upaya pasca-panennya pada lahan tadah hujan<br />

Pangudijatno G Buletin Perkebunan Puslitbun Medan<br />

21 (1):27-37<br />

Prastowo, B Jurnal Engineering Pertanian 5(2): 39-<br />

62.<br />

Rekayasa Paket Teknologi Produksi Tanaman Kacangkacangan<br />

pada Lahan Kering<br />

Sitompul, S.M<br />

Regulators of cell division in plant tissue Gordon, M. E. Physiological aspects of cytokinininduced<br />

radish cotiledon growth<br />

Regulation of the wound-induced myrosinase-associated<br />

protein transcript in Brassica napus plants<br />

Taipalensuu, J. Eur J. Biochem. 247:963-971.<br />

Regulation of the soybean - rhizobium nodule symbiosis by<br />

shoot and root factors.<br />

Delves, A.C Plant Physiol.<br />

Regulation Of Sulfate Assimilation in Tobacco Cells Smith. I.K Plant Physiol<br />

Regulation Of Sulfate Assimilation In Tobacco Cells Smith. I.K Plant Physiology<br />

Regulation Of Sulfate Assimilation By Nitrogen Nutrition In<br />

The Duckweed Lemna Minor. L<br />

Brunold. C Plant Physiology<br />

Regulation Of Sulfate Assimilation By Nitrogen Nutrition In<br />

The Duckweed Lemna Minor L<br />

Brunold. C Plant Physiol<br />

Regulation Of Sulfate Assimilation By Animo Acids in<br />

Lemna Minor L.<br />

Suter, M Plant Physiol<br />

regulation Of Sulfate Assimilation By Animo Acids in<br />

Lemna Minor L.<br />

Suter. M Plant Sci<br />

Regulation of somatic embryogenesis in celery cell<br />

suspensions. 2. Early detection of embryogenic potential<br />

and the induction of synchronized cell cultures.<br />

Nadel, B.L., Plant Cell Tiss. Org. Cult. 20: 119-124.<br />

Regulation of ru-men lactate metabolism and the role of<br />

lactic acid in nutritional disorders of ruminants<br />

Regulation of product synthesis in cell cultures of<br />

Catharanthus roseus. III. Alkaloid metabolism in cultured<br />

leaf tissue and primary callus<br />

Regulation of phenoxazinone synthase expression In<br />

Streptomyces antibioticus.<br />

Regulation of membrane stability and the aerosome<br />

reaction in mammalian sperm<br />

Regulation of Lysine by Biosynthesis by Leucine in<br />

Brevibacterium lactofermentum<br />

Regulation of lipid metabolim in chicken liver by dietary<br />

cereals.<br />

Regulation of lipid metabolim in chicken liver by dietary<br />

cereals<br />

Regulation Of Legumin Levels In Developing Pea Seeds<br />

Under Conditions Sulfur Deficiency<br />

Counotte, G.H.M Vet. Sci. Commun<br />

Morris, P. Planta Med. 60:127-132.<br />

Jones, G.H. J. Bacteriol. 259:14151 -14157.<br />

Nolan, J.P. FASEB J. 11:670-682.<br />

Tosaka, O Agric. Biol. Chem<br />

Qureshi, A.A. J. Nutr.<br />

Qureshi A.A J.Nutr<br />

Chandler. P.M Plant Physiol<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Regulation Of Legumin Levels In Developing Pea Seeds<br />

Under Conditions Of Sulfur Deficiency<br />

Regulation of Growth and Pigmentation of Monascus<br />

purpureus by carbon and Nitrogen Concentrations<br />

Regulation of gonad development in the bay scallop<br />

Aequipecten irraidians Lamarck<br />

Regulation of gene expression in ectomycorrhizas. I.<br />

Protein change and the pressence of ectomycorrhizaspecific<br />

polypeptides in the Pisolithus Eucalyptus<br />

symbiosis<br />

Regulation of gene expression by vitamin A: The role of<br />

nuclear retinoic acid receptors<br />

Regulation of flowering and fruiting on mango trees by<br />

using some growth regulators<br />

Regulation of fatty acid composition by Irradiance levels in<br />

the Eustigmatophyte Nannochloropsis sp.<br />

Regulation of Ethylene Biosynthesis In Higher Plants By<br />

Carbon Dioxide<br />

Chandler. P.M Plant Physiology<br />

Wong, H.C. J. Food Sci. 73: 639-653.<br />

Sastry. A.N Biol Bull mar biol Lab Woods<br />

Hole,140: 274-283.<br />

Hilbert, J.L. New Phytol. 110:339-346.<br />

Petkovich, M Annu. Rev. Nutr<br />

Rawash, MA Annuals of Agricultural Science. Egypt<br />

28 (1)<br />

Sukenik, A., Journal of Phycology. 25: 686-692.<br />

Mathooko. F.M Postharvest Biology and Technology<br />

Regulation of ethylene biosynthesis Yang, S.F. Hort. Sci. 15:238-243.<br />

Regulation of estrous cycle in dairy cattle. A review Larson, L.L. Theriogenology 38: 255-267.<br />

Regulation of dominant follicie turnover during the estrous<br />

cycle in cows<br />

Savio J.D. J. Reprod. Fertil., 97: 197-203<br />

Regulation Of ATP-Sulfurylase by Various Nitrogen And<br />

Sulfur Sources in Cultured Ipomea sp.<br />

Zink. M.W Can J. Bot<br />

Regulation of ATP Sulfurylase By Various Nitrogen and<br />

Sulfur Sources In Cultured Imopea sp.<br />

Zink. M.W Can. J. Bot<br />

Regulation of anthocianin synthesis in carrot suspension<br />

cultured cells<br />

Ozeki, Y. J. Plant Res. 109: 343-351<br />

Regulation of hepatic LDL metabolism in the guinea pig by<br />

dietary lat and cholesterol<br />

Lin, E. C. K., J. Lipid Res<br />

Regulation by CO2 of ACC Conversion to Ethylene in<br />

Climacteric Fruits<br />

Marcellin Physiologia Plantarum<br />

Regulation and modulation of oocytes maturation in bovine Bevers, M.M. J Theriogenology. 47: 13-22.<br />

Regulating vegetative and flowering with gibberellic acid in<br />

intact plants and cultured phylloclades of Crimson giant<br />

easter cactus<br />

Regulasi sodium dan aktivitas enzim Na-K-ATPase udang<br />

windu yang dipelihara dalam media hipo dan isosmatik.<br />

Boyle, T. H. J. Amer. Hort. Sci.<br />

_____ Bull. Kimia dan Lingkungan, 2 (2): 14-<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Regristration of germplasm Miller JF Piterse CMJ, SCM van wees, JA van<br />

Pelt, A Trisjsenaar YAM Vant<br />

Westende EM Bolink LC Van Loon<br />

1996, Systemic resistance in<br />

arabidopsis thaliana induced by<br />

biocontrol bacteria. Medelingen van de<br />

Faculteit Landbouwwtenschappen<br />

Rijkunivesiteit Gent, 61(2A):<br />

Regioselective Oxidation of Phenol Catalysed by<br />

Polyphenol Oxidase in Chloroform<br />

Regime alimentaires d'Hydrocon forskalii (Pisces,<br />

Characidae) dans Ie Lac Tchand et ses Tributaires.<br />

Cahiers de l'ORSTOM,<br />

Regime Alimentaire des Jeune Turbots Scopthalmus<br />

maximus L, de la Classe dans Ieur Milieu Nature<br />

Regeneration of the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha L.<br />

from protoplasts isolated from cell suspension culture.<br />

Regeneration of somatic hybrid plants by optained by<br />

electrical fusion between Satsuma mandarin (Citrus<br />

Unshiu) and Rough lemon (Citrus Jambhiri) or Yuzu (Citrus<br />

Junos)<br />

Regeneration of somatic hybid plants by obtained by<br />

electrical fusion between Satsuma mandarin (Citrus<br />

unshiu) and Rough lemon (Citrus Jambhiri) or yuzu (Citrus<br />

junos)<br />

Regeneration of intergeneric somatic hybrids by electrical<br />

fusion between Citrus and wild relatives : mexican lime<br />

(Citrus aurantifolia) and java feroniella (Feroniella lucida) or<br />

Tabog (Swinglea Glutinosa)<br />

Regeneration of intergeneric somatic hybrids by electical<br />

fusion between citrus and wild relatives : Mexican lime<br />

(citrua aurantifolia) and jva feroniella (Feroniella lucida) or<br />

tabong ( Swinglea glutinosa) ,<br />

Regeneration of Anthurium adventitious shoots using liquid<br />

or raft culture.<br />

Regenerasi kalus manggis (Garcinia mangostana L.)<br />

secara kultur in vitro.<br />

Regenerasi kalus manggis (garcinia mangostana L) secara<br />

kultur in vitro.<br />

Regenerasi kalus bawang putih (Allium sativum L.) pada<br />

medium MS yang ditambah dengan NAA dan BAP<br />

Kazandjian, R.Z., J, Am. Chem. Soc<br />

Lauzanne, L., serie Hydrobiologie 9(2): 105 121<br />

Deniel, C. Cahiers de Biologie Marine. Tome XV<br />

: pp 561 - 566.<br />

Ono, K., Plant Sci. Letters 14: 225-229.<br />

Hidaka, T Jpn. J. Breed<br />

Hidaka, T. Jpn. J. Breed, 42:79-89<br />

Takayanagi, R J. Jpn. Soc. Hortic. Scien<br />

Takayanagi. R. J. Jpn. Soc, Hortic Scien. 60: 799-804<br />

Teng, W. L. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ culture<br />

49: 153-156.<br />

Satria, B.<br />

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Warnita<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 193 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Refrigeration of fruits and vegetable: benefits and problem<br />

in the use of low temperatures<br />

Refrigeration of fruit and vegetable: benefits and problem in<br />

the use of low temperatures<br />

Re-Exposure of Tapes at High Temperature and Pressure<br />

in the Lycopodium clavatum Spore Exine.<br />

Reevaluation of requirement of calcium and available<br />

phosphorus for finishing meat type chicks.<br />

Reef coral reproduction in the Eastern Pacific; Costa Rica,<br />

Panama and Galapagos Islands (Ecuador). I.<br />

Pocilloporidae.<br />

Patterson, B.D. CSIRO Food Res.<br />

Preacock, B.C. CSIRO Food Res.<br />

Sengupta, S. Grana Palyn., 14: 143-151.<br />

Yoshida, M. Japan Poult. Sci.<br />

Glynn, P.W., Mar. Biol. 109: 355-368.<br />

Reef coral in the eastern Pacific Glynn, P,W Costa Rica, Panama, and Galapagos<br />

Islands (Equador). Ill. Agaricidae<br />

(Favona gigantea and Gardineroseris<br />

planulata<br />

Red-Yellow Soils From Kotabumi, Lampung : Their<br />

Characteristics, Classification and Utilization<br />

Reduction ofturgor induces rapid changes in leaf<br />

translatable RNA<br />

Reduction of suspended solid in vegetable canning waste<br />

effluent by coagulation with clutosan.<br />

Reduction of Serum Cholesterol with Sitostanol-Ester<br />

Margarine in a Mildly Hypercholes-terolemic Population. N<br />

Eng)<br />

Reduction of fat accumulation in broiler chickens by<br />

Sauropus androgynus (katuk) leaf meal supplementation<br />

Reduction of an Ostrinia nubdalis population by predatory<br />

insects attracted by sucrose sprays<br />

Reduction of acetylene to ethylene by soybean root<br />

nodules<br />

Reduction of abscicic acid content and induction of<br />

sprouting in potato<br />

Reduction in Abdominal of Broiler Chickens by The<br />

Addition of Feather Meal to Finisher Diets.<br />

Reducion of chromate by desulfovibrio vulgaris and its C3<br />

Cytochrome<br />

Reducing nitrogen excretion of the laying hen by feeding<br />

lower crude protein diets<br />

Reducing Ditary Crude Protein for Broiler While Satisfying<br />

Amino Acids Requirements by Least Cost Formulation :<br />

Life Performance, Litter Composition and Yiled of Fast<br />

Food Cuts at Six Weeks.<br />

Prasetyo. B.H Indonesia Journal of Crop Science<br />

Vol. 12<br />

Guerrero, F.D. Plant Physiol. 88:401-408.<br />

Bough, W.A. J. Food Sci. 40:297-299.<br />

Miettinen, T.A J Med<br />

Santoso, U. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. 24: 346-350.<br />

Carlson, R.E. Entomophaga. 18(2): 205-211.<br />

Koch, B Plant<br />

Ji, Z.L. J. Plant Growth Reg.7: 3744. ..<br />

Cabel, M. Poult. Sci.<br />

Loveley, D. R. Appl. Environ. Microbiol.<br />

Summer, J. D. Poultry Sci.<br />

Moran, E. T. Poult. Sci.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 194 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Reduced position effect in mature transgenic plant<br />

eonferred by the ehieken lysozyme matrix-associated<br />

region.<br />

Reduced Impact Logging in East Kalimantan : First Result<br />

of STREK Project<br />

Reduced dosage of methyl bromide for controlling<br />

verticillium wilt of potato in experimental and commercial<br />

Reduced dosage of methyl bromide for controlling<br />

verticillium wilt of potato in experimental and commercial<br />

Reduce plasma cholesterol and lipoprotein in laying hens<br />

without concomitant reduction of egg cholesterol in<br />

response to dietary sorbose.<br />

Red Yellow Soils from Kotabumi, Lampung: Their<br />

characteristics, classitication and utilization<br />

Red yellow soils from Kotabumi, Lampung: Their<br />

characteristics, classification and utilization<br />

Mlynarava, L., The Plant Cell 6: 417-426.<br />

Sist.P South Pasific Farestry Development<br />

Programme, Trainning Workshop on<br />

Natural Forest Management Sabah,<br />

Malaysia<br />

Gamliel A Plant disease 81:469-474<br />

Gamliel A Plant disease 81:469-474<br />

Beyer, R. S. Poult. Sci.<br />

Prasetyo, B.H. Indon. J. Crops Sci. 12(1&2): 37-45.<br />

Prasetyo, B. H. Indonesian Journal of Crops Science.<br />

12(1&2): 37-45.<br />

Recycling EDTA After Heavy Metals Extraction Martin. S.B Chemtech<br />

Recycling animal waste Blair, R Feedstuffs<br />

Recycling animal waste Blair, R Feedstuffs<br />

Recycle use of immobilized glucoamylase by tangential<br />

flow filtration unit<br />

Uuttapap,D., Biotech. and Bioeng<br />

Recurrent selection for specific combining ability Hull, F.H. J. Am. Soc. Agron. 37: 134-145.<br />

Recurrent selection for resistance to Exserohilum turcicum<br />

in eight subtropical maize populations<br />

Ceballos H Crop Sci 31:964-71<br />

Recruitment of postlarval penaeid prawns to nursery areas Young, P.C Australian journal of marine and<br />

in Moreton Bay, Queensland<br />

freshwater research<br />

Recruiting and developing internal auditors. Demarco V Internal auditors (february) : 53-57<br />

Recovery of carotenoids from palm oil Ooi CK J Am Oil Chem Soc 71(4):423-426<br />

Recovery and nutritional evaluation of proteinaceous solid<br />

separated from whey by coagulation with chitosan.<br />

Reconstitution of milk using coconut milk and not fat dry<br />

milk<br />

Reconstitution of bacterio-rhodopsin and ATP synthase<br />

from Micrococcus luteus into liposomes of the purified main<br />

tetraether lipid from Thermoplasma acidophilum: Proton<br />

conductance and light-driven ATP synthesis<br />

Bough, W.A. J.Dairy Sci.:1874-1880.<br />

Banzon JA Phil J Coconut Studies 3(2):1-8<br />

Freisleben, H.-J. Chem. Phys. Lipids 78:137-147.<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Reconnaissance Land Resources Surveys 1:250.000 Scale<br />

Atlas Format Procedures<br />

Reconnaissance Land Resource Survey, 1:250,000 Scale,<br />

Atlas Format Procedure.<br />

Recombinant DNA Techniques an Introduction.<br />

Benjamin/Cummings.<br />

Recombinant Bacillus thuringiensis crystal proteins with<br />

new properties: possibilities for resistance management<br />

CSR/FAO Staff AGOF/INS/78/006 Manual 4, Version<br />

1. CSR, Bogor, Indonesia.<br />

CSR/FAO AGOF/INS/78/ 006, Bogor.<br />

Rodriguez, R.L. Menlo Park<br />

Bosch, D. Biotechnology. (12): 915-923.<br />

Recognition of imogolite structures in allophanic clays bv<br />

mfrared spectroscopy.<br />

Farmer, V. C., Clay Minerals 12:55-57.<br />

Reclamation of mangrove swamps for oil palm cultivaion Toh PY Intern Oil Palm / Palm Oil Conf. Kuala<br />

Lumpur<br />

Recirculating Aquaculture Systems. R.A.M. Infofish Technical Handbooks 8. 27<br />

pp.<br />

Receptor Mechanism for Flavor Stimuli. Brand, J. G. Food Qual. Pref.<br />

Recent experimental development in ultrasonic<br />

menasuremets of cattle<br />

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Recent developments in trace el ement metabolism and<br />

function:Trace elements, disease resistance and immune<br />

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Recent collection of cocunut germplasm in Indonesia Davis TA IBPGR News Letter 7(4):10-11<br />

Recent advances in the study of scale insects Miller RD Ann, Rev. Entomol 24:1-27<br />

Recent advances in the study of scale insects Miller RD Ann, Rev. Entomol 24:1-27<br />

Recent advances in soybean transformation Trick HN Plant Tissue Culture and<br />

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Recent advances in polyamine research Kumar A Trends in Plant Sci 2:124-130.<br />

Recent advances in oil palm clonal propagation Rival A Application of plant in vitro technology<br />

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Recent Advances in nutrition of Penaeus monodon H.Y. Chen Journal of the World Aquaculture<br />

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Recent advances in molecular pathology Jokinen, M.P. Experimental and Molecular Pathology<br />

42:1-28.<br />

Recent advances in cell cultures of Taxus spp. for<br />

production of the natural anticancer drug taxol<br />

Recen advances in protoplasts cultures of horticultural<br />

corps : Citrus<br />

Reccurent selection for plant regeneration from red clover<br />

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Reaserch on peanut stripe virus in Indonesia. 9-10. Saleh. N.. Summary Proceeding of the Second<br />

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ICRISAT. India.<br />

Rearing yellow stemborrer (YSB) for screening varietal<br />

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Rearing yellow stemborrer (YSB) for screening varietal<br />

resistance.<br />

Reappraisal of the significance of NH3 volatilization as a N<br />

loss mechanism in flooded rice fileds<br />

Reappraisal of the significance of NH3 volatilization as a N<br />

loss mechanism in flooded rice fileds<br />

Real-time ultrasound as a method to measure rib eye area,<br />

subcutaneous fat cover and marbling in beef cattle<br />

Reaksi Maillard : Peranan dalam Pengolahan Pangan dan<br />

Dampak Terhadap Gizi dan Kesehatan<br />

Reaksi cabai tipe Keriting terhadap inokulasi dengan<br />

beberapa virus di rumah kaca<br />

Reaksi beberapa kultivar padi terhadap wereng coklat<br />

(Nilaparvat lugens Stal). Populasi Sumut PB 42 dg metode<br />

uji modifikasi kotak kecambah<br />

Reaksi Beberapa Kultivar Kacang Panjang (Vigna<br />

Sinensis) terhadap Cowpea Aphid barne Mosaic Virus<br />

(CAMV)<br />

Saxena RC IRRI newsletter vol 15 no 3<br />

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Fillery IRP fertilizer Research 9:79-98<br />

Fillery IRP fertilizer Research 9:79-98<br />

Duello, D.A. J. Anim. Sci., 68: 240.<br />

Apriyanto A Majalah Sadar Panganan dan Gizi Vol<br />

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Hanarida, IS Pen Pert 7(1) hl 33-36<br />

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Reactivity of milk cholesterol with bacterial cholesterol<br />

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Reactivity of malonaldehyde with food constituent. Kwon, T., J. Food Sci. 30: 808-813<br />

Reactivity of malonaldehide with food constituents. Kwon, T.W., Journal of Food Science 30: 368-813.<br />

Reactions of fish to microorganisms in wastewater Buras, N. Applied Environmental Microbiology<br />

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Reaction of soil texture on soil conditioning with an<br />

emulsion of bitumen and a solution of adhesive PAM.<br />

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Reaction of sheep to the consumption of Leucaena glauca<br />

Benth and to its toxic principle mimosine.<br />

Reaction of Ninhydrin in Acid Solution with Straight Chain<br />

Amino Acids Containing two Amino Groups and Its<br />

Application to the Estimation of a-e-diaminopimelic Acid<br />

Hegarty, M.P., Aust. J. Agric. Res. 15: 153-167.<br />

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Reaction of ninhydrin in acid Solution with Straight chain<br />

amino acid containing two amino groups and its application<br />

to the estimation of a-e-diamino pimelic acid<br />

Raw cassava starch-digestive glucoamylase of Aspergillus<br />

sp.N-2 isolated from cassava chips<br />

Ratio of microbiol biomass carbon to soil organic carbon as<br />

sensitive indicator of changes in soil organic matter<br />

Rather-High-Frecquency Sound Scettering By Swibladder<br />

Fish<br />

Rather High Frequency Sound Scttering by Swimbladder<br />

Fish<br />

Rates Rument fermentation in relation to amonia<br />

concentration .<br />

Rates of rumen fermentation in relation to ammonia<br />

concentration<br />

Rates of nitrification and carbon uptake in the Rhone River<br />

Plume (Northwestern Mediterranean Sea)<br />

Rates of muscle protein breakdown in chickens selected for<br />

increased growth rate, food consumption or efficiency of<br />

food utilization as assessed by NT-methylhistidine<br />

excretion.<br />

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Sparling, G.P Australian J. of Soil Research<br />

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Rate of planting studies with prolific and single ear hybrids Zuber, M.S. Missouri Agric. Exp. Stn. Res. Bull.<br />

Rate of foodpassage (transit time) as influenced by level of<br />

supplemental fat.<br />

Gonzalo,G. M. Poultry Sci.<br />

Rate of dry matter accumulation in soy bead seed with<br />

varying source and sink ratio<br />

Egli DB Agron J 70 : 127-130<br />

Rate of dry matter accumulation in soy bead seed with<br />

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Rate control of ammonia volatilization from rice paddies Boumeester RJB Atmos. Envir 15:131-140<br />

Rate control of ammonia volatilization from rice paddies Boumeester RJB Atmos. Envir 15:131-140<br />

Rate and mode differences between nuclear and<br />

mitochondrial smallsub-unit rRNA genes in mushrooms.<br />

Rate and extern of in situ digestion of medium and high<br />

quality alfalfa and orchard grass neutral detergent fiber as<br />

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Rapid procedure for detecting enterohemorrhagic<br />

Escherichia «ili 0157:117 in food<br />

Padhye, N.V. Appl Environ Microhiol. 57:2693-2698<br />

Rapid methane oxidation in a landfill cover soil Whalen, S. C Appl. Environ. Microbiol<br />

Rapid metermination of metabolizable energy of food using<br />

cockerels<br />

Farrell, D. J. Brit. Poult. Sci.<br />

Rapid isolation of high molecular weight plant DNA Murray MG Nucleid Acid Res 19:123-881.<br />

Rapid isolation method of animal mitochondrial DNA by the<br />

alkaline lysis procedure<br />

Tamura, K Biochem. Genet. 26: 815-819.<br />

Rapid isolation method of animal mitochondrial DNA by<br />

alkaline lysis procedure<br />

Tamura, K. Biochem. Genet. 26:815-819.<br />

Rapid flourometric determination of benzopyrene in foods Tonogay, Y. J. Food Protection. Vol. 45<br />

Rapid evaluation of plant extracts and essential oils for<br />

antifungal activity against Botrytis cinerea.<br />

Rapid estimationsot hypoxanthineconcentrations as indices<br />

of the freshness ofchill-stored fish<br />

Rapid Enzymatic Assay of Insoluble and Soluble Dietary<br />

Fiber<br />

Rapid determination of metabolizable energy of food using<br />

cockerels<br />

Rapid detection of trisomies 21 and 18 and sexing by<br />

quantitative fluorescent multiplex PCR<br />

Rapid detection and titer evaluation of viruses in pepper by<br />

enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay<br />

Rapid composting technology in the Philippines : its role in<br />

producing good quality organic fertilizers.<br />

Wilson, C.L Plant-Dis. (St. Paul Minn, American<br />

Phytopathological Society).<br />

Jones, N.R J. Sci. Food Agric<br />

Asp, N.G. J. Agr. Food Chemistry. 31, 476-482<br />

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Rapid colorimetric determination of free fatty acids Lowry, R.R J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc<br />

Rapid colorimetric determination of free fatty acids Lowrey RR JAOCS 53 : 470-472<br />

Rapid and slow phosphate sorption by mediteranean soils<br />

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Rapid Analysis of Amino Acids using precolumn<br />

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RAPD markers of flooding tolerant Chinese soybean<br />

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RAPD Linkage mapping of the shell thickness locus in oil<br />

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Moretzshon MC Theor. Appl Genet 100:63-70<br />

RAPD analysis of South Pasific cocunut palm populations Ashburner GR Crop Sci 37:992-997<br />

RAPD analysis of south pasific coconut palm population Ashburner, R.G. Crop Sci. 37:992-997.<br />

RAPD analysis of South Pacific coconut palm population. Ashburner, R.G., Crop. Sci. 37: 992-997.<br />

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RAPD Analysis : Use for genone characterization, tagging<br />

traits and mapping.<br />

Rapat Pimpinan Pengelolaan Kelembagaan Pe-nelitian<br />

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Rapat Kerja Nasional Departemen Kehutanan Tahun 1993. Arahan Teknis Bidang Reboisasi dan<br />

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Randomized Controlled trial of effect of fruit and vegetable<br />

consumption on plasma concentration of lipids and<br />

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Random Nature of Triacylglycerols Produced by Catalyzed<br />

Interesterification of Short-and Long-chain Fatty Acid<br />

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Random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis of Australian<br />

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Raising rotifers for use in aquacul-ture. Lubzens, E. Hydrobiologia 147:245-255.<br />

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Raising Ornamental Palm. Wagner,R.I Principes. 26(2): 86-101.<br />

Raising Dairy Cal-ves for Beef Purpose Halman, C.L. Jr J. Anim Sci<br />

Radish Anthocyanins Extracts Natural Red Colorant for<br />

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Radioimmunologische Steroidhormonbestim-mung in der<br />

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Radioimmunoassay for PMSG and its application to in vivo<br />

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Radiation use efficiecy of an old and a new maize hybrid. Tollenaar,M Agron. J.<br />

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Radiation Protection Procedures Anonyms International Atomic IAEA in Austria.<br />

Radiation protection procedure International atomic<br />

energy agency<br />

Race specific resistance against Phytophthora infestans in<br />

potato is controlled by more genetic factors than only Rgenes.<br />

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El-Kharbotly, A., Euphytica 90: 331-336.<br />

Rabbit production in Indonesia Cheeke PR J Appl Rabbit Res, 4: 80-86<br />

Quick freezing of unfertilized mouse oocytes using<br />

ethylene glycol with sucrose or trehalose<br />

Rayos, A.A., J. Reprod. Fert.<br />

Quartz and Disoreded Silica Polymorphs Dress.L.R Minerals in Soil Environments<br />

Quantitave evaluation of predation by spiders on the green<br />

leafhopper Nephotettix cinticeps Uhler, by a sight-count<br />

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Kinitani, K. Res Popul Ecol. 13 : 187-200.<br />

Quantitative Thin-layer Chromatography of Chlorophylls<br />

and Caretenoids from Marine Algae.<br />

Quantitative study of anomeric foms of maltose produced<br />

by a- and b-amylases.<br />

Jeffrey, S.W. Biochem. Biophys, Acta. 162:271-285.<br />

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Quantitative Plant Ecology, Vol 9. Greig-Smith, P., Quantitative Plant Ecology, Vol 9.<br />

Quantitative monitoring of gene expression patterns with a<br />

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Schena M Science 270:467-470.<br />

Quantitative Monitoring of Gene Expression Patterns with<br />

a cDNA Microarray<br />

Schena. M. Science 270- 467-470<br />

Quantitative methods for Anthocyanins: Extraction and<br />

Determination of Total Anthocyanin and Degradation Index<br />

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Fuleki, J. J. Food Sci., 33: 72.<br />

Quantitative macroscopic and histological study of<br />

testicular hypoplasia in bos indicus strain bulls<br />

Quantitative lysine requirement of yellowtail (Serio/a<br />

quinqueradata).<br />

Quantitative in vivo evaluation of the energy metabolism<br />

influenced by VM and spiramycin used as growth<br />

promoters in pig nutrition<br />

Quantitative fine structural diversification of red and white<br />

muscle fibres in cyprinids.<br />

Quantitative evaluation of predation by spiders on the<br />

green leafhopper, Nephotettix cinticeps Uhler, by a sight<br />

count method<br />

Quantitative estimates of mammary growth during various<br />

physiological state: a review<br />

Quantitative effects of dietary fat on serum colesterol in<br />

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Hegsted DM Am J Clin Nutr 17:281-295<br />

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Quantitative differences among proteins as blocking agents<br />

for ELISA microtiter plates<br />

Quantitative determi-nation and profiling of total sulphur<br />

compounds in garlic health products using a simple GC<br />

procedure<br />

Quantitative Comparison of the Stability of Anthocyanins<br />

from Brasisca Oleracea and Tradescantia pallida in<br />

Nonsugar Drink and Protein Model Systems<br />

Quantitative changes in oligosaccharides during<br />

fermentation and storage of yoghurt, innoculated<br />

simultaneously with starter culture and B galactosida<br />

preparation<br />

Quantitative avaluation of predation by spider on the green<br />

leafhopper, Nephotettix cinciteps Uhler by a sight count<br />

method<br />

Quantitative Analysis of Food Fatty Acids by Capillary Gas<br />

Chromatography<br />

Quantitative Determination of the Elemental, Ferrous,<br />

Ferric, Soluble and Complexed Iron in Food.<br />

Quantitation of Casein Whey Proteins of Processed Milk<br />

and Whey Protein Concentrates, Application of Gel<br />

Electrophoresis and Comparison with Harland Ashworth<br />

Procedure<br />

Vogt, R.F.Jr. J. Immun. Methods 101:43-50.<br />

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Quantifying nutrient requirements offish. Zeitoun, I.H., J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 33:167-172.<br />

Quantification of Symbiotically Fixed Nitroget In Soil<br />

Surounding Alfalfa Roots and Nodules<br />

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Quality standards for wheat varieties Moss, H.J. Aust. J. Agric. Sci. 39, 109-115.<br />

Quality of Rice Bran Oils as Influenced by The Conditions<br />

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Quality of compost produced from animal wastes. Harada, Y., JARQ 26(4): 238-246.<br />

Quality of Compost Produced from Animal Wastes Harada, Y. JARG<br />

Quality Control of Refined Oils – Requirements and<br />

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Quality Control in the Use of Deep Frying Oils. Stevenson, S.G., AOCS 61: 1102.<br />

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Quality characteristics of restructured beef steaks<br />

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Quality Characteristics of Bobwhite Quail Scalded at<br />

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Arafa, A. S. J. Food Sci.<br />

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Quality changes and storage life of common carp (Cyprinus<br />

carpio) at various storage temperatures<br />

Gelman, A. J. Sci. Food Agric. 52: 231-247.<br />

Quality assesment of tropical browse legumes: tanin<br />

content and protein degradation<br />

Ahn, J. H. J. Anim. Feed Sci & Tech.<br />

Quality and Quality Changes in Fresh Fish Huss, H.H. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No.<br />

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Qualitative and quantitative nutrient of fishes: a Review M.R. Milikin Fish Bull<br />

Quadratic and Quadratic Plus Plateau Models for<br />

Predicting Optimal Nitrogen<br />

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QTL mapping in rice. McCouch. SR TIG 11: 482-487.<br />

QTL mapping and quantitative disease resistance. Plants. Young, N.D. Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. 34: 479-501.<br />

Q Gene: Software for marker-based genomic analysis and<br />

breeding.<br />

Pytrethoid resistance in Heliothis armigera (Hb)<br />

(Lepidoptera:Nuctidae) in Australia.<br />

Pyruvate carboxylase from Rhizobium etli: Mutant<br />

characterization, nucleotide sequence and physiological<br />

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Nelson, J.C. Mol. Breed. 3: 239-245.<br />

Gunning, R.V. J. Econ.<br />

Dun, M.F., J. Bacteriol. 178: 5960-5970.<br />

Pyricularia grisea, The correct name for the rice blast<br />

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Rossman, A.Y., J. Mycologia 82: 509-512.<br />

Pyricularia grisea, the correct name for the rice blast<br />

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Rossman, A.Y., J. Mycol. 82: 509-512.<br />

Pyrethrum and altherin in insecticides and aerosol Goodwin, K.F. Pyrethrum Post. 4(1): 3-10.<br />

Pvull Polymorphisms at the Pork Estrogen Receptor Locus<br />

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Pusat Pemasaran Sawit (PPS) PTPN akan uji CPO<br />

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Purple seed stain of soybeans Roy KW Phytopathology 66 :1045-1049<br />

Purple seed stain of soybean Murakishi HH Phytopathology 41: 305-318<br />

Purine Derivate Excretion and Ruminal Microbial Yield in<br />

Malaysian Cattle and Swamp Buffalo.<br />

Liang, J. B. Anim. Feed. Sci. and Tech.<br />

Purified FSH supplemented with defined amounts of LH<br />

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Purifications and Some Proferties of Melanoidin<br />

Decolorzing Enzyms, P III and P IV, From Mycelia of<br />

Corioulus versicolor Ps4a, Agric<br />

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Purification, specific fragmentation and separation of large<br />

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Purification, Partial Characterization and Plasmid-linkage of<br />

Pediocin S-J1, a Bacteriocin Produced by Pediococcus<br />

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Smith, C.L. Methods in Enzymol. 155:449-467.<br />

Scheved, F Journal of Appl. Bacteriology<br />

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Purification, partial characterization and plasmid linkage of<br />

pediacoccin SJ-1, a bacteriocin produced by Pediococcus<br />

acidilactici<br />

Purification, characterization, and moleculer analysis of<br />

thermostable cellulases eel A and eel B from Thermatoga<br />

neapolitana<br />

Purification, Characterization and Synergistic Activity of A<br />

Glucan 1,3-B-glucosidase and An N-acetyl-Bglucosamidinase<br />

from Trichoderma harzianum.<br />

Purification, characterisation, and crystallisation oftwo<br />

types of lipase from Rhiiopus niveus.<br />

Purification of y-linolenic acid from borage oil by a two step<br />

enzymatic method<br />

Purification of docosahexaenoic acid from tuna oil by a twostep<br />

enzymatic method: hydrolysis and selective<br />

esterification<br />

Purification of docosahexaenoic acid by selective<br />

esterification of fatty acis from tuna oil with Rhizopus<br />

delemar lipase<br />

Purification of Antibiotic Effective against<br />

Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici Produced by a<br />

Biocontrol Agent Pseudomonas aerofaciens.<br />

Schved, F. Appl 76:67-77.<br />

Box JD Appl Environ Microbiol 64:4774-4781.<br />

Lorito. M., Phytopathology 83 398-405<br />

Kohno, M., Biosci. Biotech. Biochem<br />

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Harrison, LA. Soil Biology and Biochem. 25. 215-221<br />

Purification of a lethal toxin of Edwardsiella tarda Suprapto, H. Fish Pathol, 31: 203-207.<br />

Purification Characterization and Antimicrobial Spectrum of<br />

a Bacteriocin Produced by Pediacoccus Acidilactici<br />

Bhunia. A.K J. Applied Bacteriology<br />

Purifica-tion and properties ofcytosol 5'-nucleotidase from<br />

black rockfis Sebastes inermis muscle<br />

Purification and Properties of Polyphenol Oxidase in Head<br />

Lettuce (Lactusa Sativa)<br />

Purification and Properties Of Polyphenol Oxidase in Head<br />

Lettuce (Lacatusa Sativa)<br />

Purifica-tion and properties of membrane-bound 5'nucleotidase<br />

from black rockfish Sehastes inermis muscle<br />

Purification and properties of maltotetraose and maitotrioseproducing<br />

amylase from Chloroflexus auranticus.<br />

Purification and properties of a highly thermostable, sodium<br />

dodecyi sulfate-resistant and slereospecific proteinase from<br />

extremely thermophilic archaeon Thermococcus stetteri<br />

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Purification and Properties of Pectinesterase from Papaya Lourenzo, J.E. J. Sci. Food Agr. Vol 35:1120-1127.<br />

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Purification and preliminary characterisation of the<br />

extracellular lipase of Bacillus substilis 168, an extremcly<br />

basic pH tolerant enzyme<br />

Lesuisse, E., Eur. J. Biochem<br />

Purification and partial characterisation of an alkaline lipase<br />

from Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes F-111<br />

Lin, S.F Appl. Environ. Microb<br />

Purification and Identification of components of (-oryzanol<br />

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Xu,Z J. Agric. Food Chem. 47, 2724-2728.<br />

Purification and characterization ofbovine spleen ADPase Moodie, F.D.L Eur. J. Biochem.<br />

Purification and characterization of three thermostable<br />

endochitinases of a noble Bacillus strain, MH-1, isolated<br />

from chitin containing compost<br />

Purification and characterization of thermostable aspartate<br />

aminotransferase from a thermophilic Bacillus species.<br />

Purification and characterization of extracellular<br />

proteinases excreted by a strain of Bacillus subtilis BS2,<br />

isolated from fermented African locust bean 'Iru'<br />

Purification and characterization of endoglucanase II (endo<br />

II) which is active on hydrolysis of microcrystalline cellulose<br />

and produced from Cellulomonas CS1-17.<br />

Purification and Characterization of cholesterol oxidase<br />

from Pseudomonas sp. and taxonomie study of the strain<br />

Purification and characterization of bovine lung endothelin<br />

receptor<br />

Purification and characterization of aqualysin I (a<br />

thermopliilic alkaline serine protease), produced by<br />

Thermus aqualiciis YT-1<br />

Purification and characterization of an oploid antagonist<br />

from a peptic digest of bovine K-casein.<br />

Purification and characterization of an alkaline serine<br />

protease produced by psychotropic Bacillus sp.<br />

Purification and characterization of a thermostable<br />

protease isolated from Thermus sp.<br />

Purification and characterization of a thermostable alkaline<br />

protease from alkalophilic Thermoactinoinycetes sp. HS682<br />

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Purification and characterization of a maltotetraose-<br />

forming alkalin a-amylase from an alkalophilic Bacillus<br />

strain GM 8901.<br />

Purification and characterization of a lipase from<br />

Neurospora sp<br />

Purification and characterization of a chitosanase from<br />

Streplomyces^l\^4<br />

Purification and characterization of a cellulose-binding pglucosidase<br />

from cellulose-degrading cultures of<br />

Phanerochaete chrysosporium<br />

Purification and characteristization of solue (cytosolic) and<br />

Bound (cell wall) isoforms of invertases in Barley (hordeum<br />


Purification and characteristization of solue (cytosolic) and<br />

Bound (cell wall) isoforms of invertases in Barley (hordeum<br />


Purification and characterisation of an alkaline lipase from<br />

Pseudomonas fluorescens Ak<br />

Purification and properties of an antimicrobial substance<br />

produced by Lactobacillus bulgaricus<br />

Pupuk Organik dan Gas Bio sebagai Hasil Pengomposan<br />

Anaerob. Pengalaman Pembuatan Tangki Gasbio di<br />

Pedesaan<br />

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Boucher, 1. Appl. Microhiol. Riolech. 38:188-193<br />

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Suwanto, A. Aspac. J. Mol. Biotechnol. 2:78-85.<br />

Pulp and paper. Casey, J.P. Pulp and paper.<br />

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Pulp and paper from the oil palm Khoo KC Appita 44(6)385-388 Pratiwi W, O<br />

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PUFAs and eicosanoid research Hunter JE J Amer Oil Chem Soc 4(8): 1088-1092<br />

Puddling tropical rice soils Sanchez, P.A. Soil Sci. 115: 149-158.<br />

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Puddling in Mechanised rice culture impact on water use<br />

and the productivity of rice and post-rice crops<br />

Puberty in Beef Heifers. l. The relationship between<br />

Pituitary, Hypothalamic and Ovarian Hormones<br />

Puberty and the Induction of Puberty in Female Boer Goat<br />

Kids. S. Afr<br />

Psychrophilic sulfare-reducing bacteria isolated from<br />

permanently cold Artic marine sediments: description of<br />

Desulfofrigus oceanense gen. nov sp nov, Desulfotrigus<br />

fragile sp.nov., Desulfotaba gelida gen.nov.,sp.nov.,and<br />

Desulfotalea psych crophia gen. nov., sp.nov., and<br />

Desulfoalea artica sp.nov.<br />

Humphrey, E. G. Kirchhof and H.B. So (Eds.).<br />

Management of Clay Soils for Rainfed<br />

Lowland Rice-Based Cropping<br />

Systems. ACIAR Proc. 70: 213-218.<br />

Gonzalez - Padilla,<br />

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J. Animal Sci. Vol. 40<br />

Greyling, P.C J. Animal Sci., Vol. 20<br />

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Int.J. Sys, Bacteriol.49: 1631-1643.<br />

Psychrophilic bacteria, Morita, R.Y. Bacteriol. Rev. 39: 144-167.<br />

Pseudomonas syzygii sp. nov. , the cause of Sumatra<br />

disease of cloves<br />

Pseudomonas solanacearum genes controlling both<br />

pathogenicity on tomato and hypersensitivity on tobacco<br />

are clustered.<br />

Pseudomonas Siderophorus Explaining Disease<br />

Suppressive Soils<br />

Proximate chemical composition of variuos kinds cf<br />

tangongon abaca fibers.<br />

Proximate and Protein Composition of Requiem<br />

SharkMuscle<br />

Proximate and mineral composi tion of living feeds used in<br />

seed production of fish.<br />

Provitamin A Function of Carotenoid: The Conversion of bcarotene<br />

into Vitamin A<br />

Protoplasts of Marchantia polymorpha are stabilized by low<br />

concentrat-ions of cellulase in the medium during the early<br />

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Olson, J.H. J. Nutr. 119: 105-108.<br />

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Protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase Fujisawa H J Biol Biochem 243:2673-2681.<br />

Proteolytic Enzymes and Their Relation to Cheese<br />

Ripening and Flvor : An Overview<br />

Visser, S. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

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Proteolysis of Beta-Lactoglobulin and Beta-Casein by<br />

Pepsin in Ethanolic Media.<br />

Proteinases and Restenosis in the Human Coronary Artery:<br />

Extra cellular Matrix Production Exceeds the Expression of<br />

Proteolytic Activity<br />

Protein to energy ratios in production diets and growth,<br />

feed convertion and body composition of channel catfish (<br />

Ichtalurus punctatus )<br />

Protein synthesis in Pinus resinosa and the<br />

ectomycorrhizal fungus Paxillus involofus prior to<br />

ectomycorrhizal formation<br />

Protein suplementation of forminc acid and enzime-treated<br />

silages. Nitrogen and amino acid digestion<br />

Protein suplementation of forminc acid and enzime-treated<br />

silages. 1. Digestibility, organic matter and fibre digestion<br />

Protein sparing effect of lipid in the diets for fingerlings of<br />

gilthead se bream.<br />

Protein Quality of Legume seeds for Non-Rumunat Animals<br />

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Protein Quality Of Legume Seeds For Nonruminat Animals<br />

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Protein Quality Of Legume Seeds For Nonruminant<br />

Animals : a Literature Review<br />

Protein precipitation method for the quantitative<br />

determination of tan-nins.<br />

Protein nutrition in fish. I. The utilization of dietary protein<br />

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on the utilization of proteins by rainbow trout and carp.<br />

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Protein Measurement With Folin Phenol Reagant Lowry, O.H J. Biol. Chem.<br />

Protein functionally classification, denifition and<br />

methodology<br />

Protein extractability and thermally induced gelation<br />

properties of myofibrils isolated from pre and post rigor<br />

chicken muscles<br />

Pour-EL, A. J. P. Cherry(ed). Protein Functionally<br />

in Foods Am. Chem. Soc. Texas.<br />

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Protein digestion and absorption in young chick and turkey Sklan, D. Journal Nutrition<br />

Protein determination by a protein dye binding assay. Bradford M. Anal Biochem 72:248-250.<br />

Protein Bodies of the Soybean. Tombs, M. P. Plant Physiol. 42: 797.<br />

Protein at Low Temperature, Fennema, O., (Eds)., Maisumoto, J.J., J. Am. Chem. Soc. Adv. in Chem.<br />

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Protein and non protein nitrogen utilization in dairy cattle. Hubber, J. T. J. Dairy Sci. 64:1170.<br />

Protein and energy requirements of animals treated with<br />

beta - adrenergic agonist: a discussion<br />

Protein and Energy Requirements of Animals Treated with<br />

b-adrenergic Agonist: A. Discussion.<br />

Protein and Energy as an integrated system. Relationship<br />

of ruminal protein and carbohydrates availabilityto microbial<br />

synthesis and milk production.<br />

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Protein and amino acids quality of feather meals. Han, Y Poult. Sci.<br />

Protein and amino acid digestibilities for chickens of<br />

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Protein and amino acid composition of five species of<br />

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Protective Structure For Improved Crop Production Anon Food & Fertilizer Technology Center<br />

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Protective effect of schizophyllan and scleroglucan against<br />

Streptococcus sp. infection in yellowtail (Seriola<br />

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Matsuyama, H., Aquaculture. 101:197-203.<br />

Protection, Properties and Uses of Agar Commercial<br />

Seaweeds In McHugh, D.J. Production and Utilization of<br />

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Protecting and Replanting Forest - How We Can - and Why<br />

We Must - Protect Our Precious Forest<br />

Prostaglandin responses in dairy herd breeding<br />

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I.A. Armisen Fisheries Technical Paper (288) : 1-57<br />

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Prostaglandin dynamics associated with development of<br />

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Thatcher, W.W. Anim. Reprod. Sci., 7: 149-176.<br />

Prospek Tanaman mentha dan ylang-ylang. Hobir<br />

Prospek Perkembangan Peternakan di Nusa Tenggara<br />

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Prospek Penggunaan Embung Air Untuk Tanaman Pangan<br />

Di Lahan Tadah Hujan<br />

Prospek penggunaan biotin dan (atau) cooper dalam<br />

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vaksin Escherichia coli multivalen pada peternakan babi<br />

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Prospek Pengembangan Makanan Tradisional Rakyat<br />

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Prospek pengembangan kedelai di Indonesia Sumarno Makalah Sem. Soybean breeding for<br />

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Prospek pengembangan kayumanis di Indonesia. Rusli, S.,<br />

Prospek pengembangan kacang tanah pada lahan masam Sutarto, Ig. V.<br />

Prospek pengembangan daerah rawa gambut tebal untuk<br />

pertanian<br />

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Prospek pengembangan budidaya bandeng dalam<br />

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Prospek dan Kendala pengembangan jamur<br />

entomopatogenik, Beau-veria basiana untuk pengendalian<br />

hayati lama penggerek batang kopi Hyphotene-mus<br />

hampei .<br />

Soekandar W. Pelita Perkebunan, 10(3). Pp 93-94<br />

Prospectsof Breeding for Kernels in Oil Palm. Rajanaidu N The Plenter 70(820):307-318<br />

Prospects of rice embryo culture in Indonesia Masyhudi, M.F.<br />

Prospect in Larval Fish Dietetics Watanabe, T. Review, Aquaculture, 124: 223-251.<br />

Prospect for Vicia faba L. in northern Europe Thompson, R. Outlook on Agric. 11: 127-133.<br />

Prospect for genetic manipulation of lactobacilli Chasy, B. M FEMS Microbiol. Rev<br />

Prospect for breeding for kernels in oil palm. Rajanaidu, N. The Planters 70 : 820<br />

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Proses dan faktor-faktor yg mempengaruhi pembentukan<br />

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Prosequence assisted protein folding Eder, J. Mol. Microbiol. 16:606-614.<br />

Prosedur analisis izozim pada tanaman kelapa Novarianto H Buletin Balitka no 16: 1-13<br />

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Prosedur Analisa untuk Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian Sudarmadji S Liberty, Yogyakarta<br />

Proposed Techniques For Axial Compression Test on<br />

Intact Agricultural Products Of Convex Shape<br />

Proposal of Burkholderia gen. nov. and transfer of seven<br />

species ofthe genus Pseudomonas homology group II to<br />

the new genus, with the type species Burkholderia cepacia<br />

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Proporties of cholesterol dissimilation by Rhodococcus equi Johnson, T.L J. Food Prot<br />

Proporties of cholesterol dissimilation by Rhodococcus equi Johnson, T.L J. Food Prot.<br />

Propile Plasma Progesterone Sapi PO pada Perbedaan<br />

Tingkat Bobot Badan.<br />

Prophylaxic of arterioschlerosis with marine omega-3<br />

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Prophage origin of a virulent phage appearing on<br />

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Von Schacky, C. Ann. Intern. Med. 107: 890-899.<br />

Shimizu-Kadota, M. Appl. Environ. Microbiol.<br />

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Properties of the periplasmic ModA molybdate-binding<br />

protein Escherichia coli.<br />

Rech, S., J. Biol. Biochem. 271: 2557-2562.<br />

Properties of the periplasmic MidA molybdate-binding<br />

protein Escherichia coli.<br />

Rech, S., J. Biol. Biochem. 271: 2557-2562.<br />

Properties of Streptococcus suis isolate of serotype 2 and<br />

two capsular mutans<br />

Salasia, S.I.O. Vet. Microbiol. 45: 151-156.<br />

Properties of starch noodles as affected by sweetpotato<br />

geno-type<br />

Collado, L.A. Cereal Chem. 74(2)<br />

Properties of propionic acid/formic acid preserved silage of<br />

cod viscera.<br />

Gildberg, A. J.Sc.i. Food Agric. 28: 647-653.<br />

Properties of Oryctes Baculovirus Isolated In Indonesia Kobayashi. J<br />

Properties of Lactobacillus helveticus CNRZ-32 attenuated<br />

by spray-drying, freeze drying of freezing<br />

Properties of kaolinite from Oxisols and Alfisols in West<br />

Java Agrivita<br />

Properties of group B strepcocci with protein surface<br />

antigen X dan R<br />

Properties of extremely thermostable proteases from<br />

anaerobic hyperthermophilic bacteria<br />

Properties of extremely thermostable protease from<br />

anaerobic hyperthermophilic bacteria<br />

properties of algin/calcium and salt/phosphate structured<br />

beef rolls with added gums<br />

Jonhson,J.A.C J. Dairy Sci. 78: 761-768.<br />

Prasetyo, B.H. J. Agric. Sci. 20 (4): 220-227.<br />

Wibawan I W T J.Clin.Microbiol<br />

Klingeberg, M. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 34:715-<br />

719.<br />

Klingeberg, M. Appl. Microbiol. Bioteclmol. 34:715-<br />

719.<br />

Shand, P. J. J. Food Sci.<br />

Properties and Management of soils in the tropics Sanches, P.A<br />

Proper Units For Firmness and Abscission Force Data Kader. A HortScience<br />

Propagation of ginger through meristem culture Mariska, I. Industrial Crops Research Journal.<br />

7(1): 1- 6.<br />

Propagation and selection of casuarina for resistance to<br />

bacterial wilt<br />

Liang, Z.C Bacterial Wilt Newsletter 8:4-5.<br />

Promotion Of Infection Of Orange Fruit by Penicillium<br />

Digitatum With a Strain of Pseudomonas Cepacia<br />

Huang. J. Phytophatol<br />

Prolificacy in maize: A review Motto, M. Maydica<br />

Prolificacy and N fertilizer effects on yield and N utilization<br />

in maize<br />

Crop Sci.<br />

Proliferation of Maize Roots in Response to Localised<br />

Supply of Nitrate<br />

Granato, T.C J. Exp. Bot<br />

Prolate Spheroidal Models For Predicting General Trend of<br />

Fish Target Strength<br />

Furusawa. M J. Acoust. Soc. Am<br />

Prolate Spheroidal Models For Predicting General Trend Of<br />

Fish Target Strength<br />

Fiurusawa. M J. Acoust. Soc. Am<br />

Progress in fats, oils food technology Kawahara Y INFORM 4(6):663-667<br />

Progress in fats, oils food technology Kawaharu Y Inform 4(6):663-667<br />

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Program-<strong>program</strong> Kehutnan di Indonesia (Social Forestry<br />

Program In Indonesia)<br />

Program Simulasi Komputer Untuk Meningkatkan<br />

Rendemen Penggergajian.<br />

Kartasubrata. J Rimaba Indonesia Vol. XXII No. 1-2<br />

Th. 1988<br />

Rachman, O.<br />

Program Peningkatan Ekspor Hasil Perikanan PROTEKAN 2003<br />

Program komputer untuk mengukur stanilitas hasil<br />

tanaman<br />

Sutjihno Penelitian pertanian 8(1):35-39<br />

Program komputer untuk mengukur stanilitas hasil<br />

tanaman<br />

Sutjihno<br />

Progesterone, Estradiol 17 beta and LH During the Oestrus<br />

Cycle of Muskoxen (Ovibros rnuschatus)<br />

Rowell, J.E. J. Repro. Fert. Vol. 84 No. 1.<br />

Progesterone production by dispersed luteal cells of non<br />

pregnant cows: Effects of oxitocyn and oestradiol<br />

Tan.G.J.S J.Anim.Reprod<br />

Progesterone pre treatment alters secretion rates and<br />

fullicular fluid IGF-I concentrations in seasonally anoestrus<br />

ewes treated with GnRH<br />

Haresign J. reprod. Fert<br />

Progesterone in defatted milk: its relation to insemination<br />

and pregnancy in normal cows as compared with cows on<br />

problem farms and individual problem animals<br />

Progesterone Concentration in Plasma, Saliva and Milk of<br />

Cows in Different Reproductive States.<br />

Progenitor Tumours from E/ii-bcl-2-myc Transgenic Mice<br />

Have Lymphomyeloid Differentiation Potential and Reveal<br />

Development Differences in Cell Survival.<br />

Oltner, R. Br. Vet. J., 137: 78-87.<br />

Gao, Y. Br. Vet. J.<br />

Strasser, A. EMBO J., 15:3823-3834.<br />

Profit, Supply and Factor Demand Function Lau. L.J American JurnalOf Agricultural<br />

Economics<br />

Profit, Supply and factor demand fonctiuons Lau LJ American J, of Agricultural Economics<br />

Profit, Supply and factor demand fonctiuons Lau LJ American J, of Agricultural Economics<br />

Profil Sumberdaya Manusia dan Analisis Kesempatan<br />

Kerja Menghapus Kemiskinan di Sulawesi Utara. Media<br />

Publikasi Ilmiah<br />

Profil Industri Rumput laut Indonesia Zatnika, A Warta APBIRI<br />

Profil biji kakao rakyat asal Sulawesi Wartadinata Warta Puslit Kopi dan kakao<br />

Professionalization and bureaucratization Hall R American Sociological review 33: 92-<br />

104<br />

Professionalism as a form of work commitment Morrow PC Journal of Vocational Behavior 32: 92-<br />

111<br />

Professionalism and self interest: A critical view of<br />

Hooks KL Critical Prespectives on Accounting<br />

expectation gap<br />

3:109-136<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Professional autonomy and organizational constrain : The<br />

case of engineers<br />

Produktivitas primer, fitoplankton di Rawa Pening Jawa<br />

Tengah.<br />

Produk-tivitas primer fitoplankton di Rawa Pening, Jawa<br />

Tengah.<br />

Produktivitas Kambing Jawarandu dan Persilangannya<br />

dengan Kambing Saanen<br />

Produktivitas dan nilai nutrisi rumput padang<br />

penggembalaan alam di Pulau Timor.<br />

Produktivitas dan efisiensi pemanenan kayu dengan teknik<br />

penebangan pohon serendah mungkin di hutan produksi<br />

alam : studi kasus di tiga perusahaan hutan di Kalimantan<br />

Tengah.<br />

Produktivitas dan biaya penyaradan kayu dengan gajah di<br />

suatu perusahaan hutan di Riau.<br />

Produk-tivitas dan biaya pengeluaran kayu dengan sistem<br />

kabel P3HH 20.<br />

Produktifitas hijauan pakan ternak yang ditanam dengan<br />

dan tanpa pemberian kompos di Wamena, Inan Jaya<br />

Meiksins P Sociological Quarterly : 561-588<br />

Adriani, .<br />

Adriani, N.S.,<br />

Nur Ihsan, M Jurnal llmu Petemakan<br />

Gono Semiadi<br />

Idris, M.M.<br />

Dulsalam, M.M.<br />

Dulsalam, M.,<br />

Farida, W.R<br />

Produksi Sirup Fruktosa dari Inulin Menggunakan Enzim<br />

Inulinase<br />

Mangunwidjaja, D. .<br />

Produksi pulp dan kertas kraft dari tandan kosong sawit Guritno P Jurnal Pusat Penelitian Pusat Kelapa<br />

Sawit 3(2):127-138<br />

Produksi pulp dan kertas cetak dari tandan kosong sawit<br />

pada skala pilot<br />

Produksi pulp dan kertas cetak dari tandan kosong sawit<br />

pada skala pilot<br />

Produksi pulp dan kertas cetak dari tandan kosong sawit<br />

pada skala pilot<br />

Produksi pulp dan kertas cetak dari tandan kosong sawit<br />

pada skala pilot<br />

Produksi pulp dan kertas cetak dari tandan kelapa sawit<br />

pada skala pilot<br />

Guritno P Jurnal Penelitian Kelapa Sawit<br />

3(1):89:100<br />

Guritno P<br />

Guritno P Jurnal Pusat penelitian Kelapa Sawit<br />

3(1):89-100<br />

Guritno P<br />

Guritno,P<br />

Produksi Padi PB 46 Ternyata Lbih Tinggi dari PB 42 Darnis Buletin Tanaman Pangan<br />

Produksi Gula Di Titik Nadir Suwandi.A Gula Indonesia XXIII (3)<br />

Produksi Fruktosa dari Inulin Umbi Dahlia oleh Sel<br />

Kluyveromyces Marxianus Imobil dalam Bioreaktor Unggun<br />

Diam<br />

Mangunwidjaja, D<br />

Produksi dan pemasaran apokat di Jawa Timur Suryadi, A Penel, Hort<br />

Produksi dan musim penangkapan cumi-cumi {Loligo spp.)<br />

di Lombok (NTB).<br />

Soselisa, J., J. Penelit. Perikanan Laut. 41:81-89.<br />

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Produksi dan musim penangkapan cumi-cumi (Loligo sp.)<br />

di Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat.<br />

Produksi dan biaya penebangan menggunakan gergaji<br />

mesin.<br />

Produksi dan biaya penebangan menggunakan gergaji<br />

mesin.<br />

Soselisa, J., Jurnal Penel. Perikanan Laut. Jakarta,<br />

No.34: 79-90.<br />

Dulsalam. Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan<br />

Kehutanan 10 (I): 17-22.<br />

Dulsalam. Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan<br />

Kehutanan 10 (I): 17-22.<br />

Produksi bibit kentang bermutu melalui mikropropagula. Purwito, A., Agrotek 2(2): 11-16.<br />

Produksi Benih Ikan Kerapu Di Jepang, Newsletter No.l,<br />

Desember 1996, Loka Penelitian Perikanan Pantai Gondol<br />

Ball, Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perikanan<br />

Nogami JICA (ATA-379).<br />

Produksi Beberapa Type Pamili (Vanilla Planyvolia Adrews) Asnawi. R Bull. Littro. XIII<br />

Produksi asam y-linolenat dari ganggang mikro Spirulina<br />

platensis menggunakan limbah lateks pekat<br />

Produksi Amilase oleh Isolat Bakteri Termofil Indigenous. Richana, N.,<br />

Tri-Panji Menara Perkebunan 64:34-44.<br />

Produk Unggulan ternak Rusa Subekti D T Info Bisnis Ruminansia No 4 th.1X, 20<br />

februari-20 April 1995<br />

Produk Pendamping Gula Tebu Kurniawan, Y., Gula Indonesia, Vol. XXIV/3: 23-28.<br />

Produk Oksidasi Lemak Salah Satu Penyebab Penyakit<br />

Jantung Koroner<br />

Rahardio S<br />

Produk Ekstrusi Camilan Aman Bagi Anak? Hermanianto, J.E. Femina, No. 26/XXV, Jakarta.<br />

Productivity of Sumatran sheep in a system integrated with<br />

rubber plan-tation<br />

Iniguez, L Small. Rumi. Res<br />

Productivity of some major java soils with special reference<br />

to Yield and Nitrogen of Lowland Rice<br />

Productivity in the oil palm (Elais guineensis Jacq) in<br />

Malaysia,<br />

productivity in the oil palm (elaeis guineensis jacg) in<br />

malaya<br />

Production Yield Characteristic and Economica of<br />

Polyculture of Macrobrachium rosenbergii and Various Fish<br />

Species of Sex in the Common Carp Cyprinus carpio var<br />

communis (Linneus).<br />

Ismunadji M Contr. Centr. Res. Inst. Agric. Bogor<br />

7:1-17<br />

Corley RHV Expl. Agric 7:129-136<br />

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Sastradiwirja, F. Aquaculture, 35 : 351-359.<br />

Production Technology for Proso millet. Chaudhuri L.B. Indian farming 32W, 13-15<br />

Production potential of ducks of three genotypes under<br />

scavenging system of management.<br />

Huque, Q. M. E. bangladesh journal of livestock<br />

research, BLRI.<br />

Production performance of prolific Javanese ewes Inounu, I. Small Ruminant Research 12:243<br />

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Production performance of prolific Javanese Ewes Inounu, I. Small Ruminant Research 12: 243-<br />

257.<br />

Production Performance of Prolific Javanese Ewe. Inounu, I. Small Ruminant Research.<br />

Production ofsteroidal alkaloids by hairy roots of Solanum<br />

aviculare and the effect ofgibberellic acid.<br />

Production offish protein hydrolysates with bakterial proteases.<br />

Yield and Nutritional Value.<br />

Production of yellow pigments in submerged culture of an<br />

Mutant Monascus spp<br />

Production of Xylitol from Xylose by Candida tropicalis:<br />

Optimazation of Production Rate<br />

Production of VAM sporacarps, Glomus aggregatum on<br />

fiberglass screens<br />

Production of two chitosanase from a chitosanassimilaling<br />

bacterium, Acinchacter sp Strain CUB 101<br />

Production of tropane alkaloids by hairy root cultures of<br />

Scopolia japonica.<br />

Production of triglycerides enriched in longchain n-3<br />

polyunsaturated fatty acids from fish oil<br />

Production of the Escilerichia coli betaine-aldehyde<br />

dehydrogenase, an enzyme required for the synthesis of<br />

the osmoprotectant glycine betain, in transgenic plants.<br />

Production of synthetic seeds by encapsulating asexual<br />

embryo of carrot<br />

Production of structured lipids containing essential fatty<br />

acids by immobilized Rhizopus delemar lipase<br />

Production of somatic hybrids between S. tuberosum L.<br />

late blight resistant Mexican wild potato species.<br />

Subroto, M.A. Plant Cell Tissue Organ Culture 38: 93-<br />

102.<br />

Rebecca, B.D., J. FoodSci. 56(2): 309-314.<br />

Yongsmith, B. J. Ferment. Bioengineer. 78: 223-228.<br />

Horitsu Biotechnol. Bioeng., 40 : 1085-1091.<br />

Huang RS Plant soil 108:233-235<br />

Shimosaka, M. Appl Environ. Microhiol. 61:438-442<br />

Mano, Y., Agric. Biol. Chem. 50: 2715-2722.<br />

Moore, S.R JAOCS<br />

Holmstrom, K-O. Plant. J.<br />

Kitto, S.L. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 110(2): 227-<br />

282.<br />

Shimada Y J Am Oil Chem Soc 73(11):1415-1420<br />

Thieme, R., Euphytica 97: 189-200.<br />

Production of siderophore by Edwardsiella tarda Kokubo, T. Fish Pathol, 25: 238-241.<br />

Production of Sheep-Goat Chimeras by Inner Cell Mass<br />

Transplantation<br />

Polzin, V. J. J. Anim<br />

Production of sandalwood somatic embryos in bioreactors. Bapat, VA., Curr. Sci. 59: 746-748.<br />

Production of Representative Champagne Extracts for<br />

Olfactory Analysis<br />

Production of Raw Cassava Starch-Digestive glucoamylase<br />

by Rhiwpus sp. in liquid culture<br />

Production of raw cassava starch- digestive glucoamylase<br />

by a 2-Deoxyglucose-resistant mutant of Rhiïopus sp<br />

Priser, C. Flavour Science : Recent<br />

Developments A.S. Taylor. Dan D.S.<br />

Mottram (Ed).<br />

Nishise, H J. Ferment. Technol<br />

Tani, Y., J. Ferment. Technol<br />

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Production of polyketide pigments by submerged culture of<br />

Monascus : effect of substrates limitation<br />

Production of peptic hemoglobin hydrolysates: Bitterness<br />

demonstration and characterization.<br />

Production of Optically Pure L-Alanine by Immobilized<br />

Pseudornonas sp BA2 cells<br />

Production of Nannochloris sp (Chlorophyceae) in Largescale<br />

outdoor tanks and its use as a food organism in<br />

marine aquaculture.<br />

Production of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid-enriched fish<br />

oil by Iipase-catalyzed acidolysis without solvent<br />

Production of monoclonal antibodies by tobacco hairy<br />

roots.<br />

Production of Liquid Sugar From Egyptian Cane Molasses<br />

Using Ion Exchange Resins<br />

Production of insulin-like growth factor by ovarian<br />

granulosa cells<br />

Production of identical twins from bovine embryos split preor<br />

post-freezing<br />

Production of Identical Twins by Bisection of Blastocysts in<br />

Cow<br />

Production of hybrids through embryo rescue between<br />

tropical Japonica rice and wild species of Oryza.<br />

Lee, Y.K Aspac J. Mol. Biol. Biotechnol. 2(l):2l-<br />

26.<br />

Aubes-Dufau, I., J. Agric. Food Chem. 43.: 1982-1988.<br />

Santoyo, A.B., J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol<br />

Witt, U., Aquaculture. 23: 171-181.<br />

Yamane, T. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc., 69(11):1104-<br />

1107.<br />

Wongsamuth, R. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 54: 401-415.<br />

El-Naggar.A.M Taiwan Sugar. J. May-June<br />

Hammond J.M Endocrinology<br />

Suzuki T Jpn.Anim.Reprod<br />

Ozil, J.P. J. Reproduction. Fert., 69: 463-469.<br />

Abdullah, B. Rice Genetics Newsl. 12: 165-166.<br />

Production of Heat During Fermentation of Cocoa Beans Kenten, R.H J. Sci. Food Agric<br />

Production of goats by somatic cell nuclear transfer Baguisi A Nature Biotech<br />

Production of glycosidase activity by Cellulomonas during<br />

growth on various carbohydrate substrates<br />

Ide JA Eur J Appi Microbiol Biotechnol 18:100-<br />

102.<br />

Production of fructose syrup from Inulin containing plants Kierstan, M.P.J., Biotechnol. Bioeng<br />

Production of flavors by microorganisms. Janssens, L., Process Biochem. 27: 195-215.<br />

Production of Fat Pres Live Weight in Broiler Chic-kens<br />

Using Baskin Fat. Abdominal Fat, and Live Body Weight.<br />

Backer, W.A. J. Poultry. Sci.<br />

Production of Fat Pres Live Weight in Broiler Chickens<br />

Using Bakskin Fat. Abdominal Fat, and Live Body Weight.<br />

Production of extracellular 5-aminolevulinic acid by<br />

Clostridium thermoaceticum grown in minimal medium<br />

Production of ethanol from raw cassava starch by a<br />

nonconventional fermentation method<br />

Backer, W.A., J. Poultry. Sci. 58. 825-842.<br />

Koesnandar Biotechnol Lett 11:567-572.<br />

Ueda, S Biotechnol. Bioeng<br />

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Production of embryos in vitro and its impact on livcstock<br />

production.<br />

Anonimous. Therioeneology, 33 : 77-87.<br />

Production of Dendrobium seedling by aceptic culture of<br />

excised ovularies<br />

Israel, H.W. Amer. Orchid Soc. Bull. (32): 441-443.<br />

Production of Decolorizing Activity for Molases Pigment<br />

by Corioulus versicolor Ps4a<br />

Aoshima I, Agric. Biol. Chem<br />

Production of Conidia of Alternaria Cassiae With Alginate<br />

Pellets<br />

Daigle. D.J Biological Control<br />

Production of Compost from Organic Waste. Haga, K. Extension Bulletin No. 311 Food and<br />

Fertilizer Tech. Center for The ASPAC<br />

Region, Taipei<br />

Production of citric and oxalic acid and solubilization of<br />

calcium phosphate by Penicillium bilaji<br />

Cunningham, J.E. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 58:1451-<br />

1458.<br />

Production of chitosan by fungi. Rane, K.D. Food Tech. 7(1):11-33<br />

Production of Chimeric Blastocysts Comprising Sheep ICM<br />

and Goat Trophoblast for Intergeneric Transfer<br />

Rorie, R. W. J. Anim<br />

Production of Cellulose from Glucose by A. xylinum Masaoka, S., Journal of Fermentation and<br />

Bioengineering<br />

Production of Cellulose from Glucosa by A. Xylinum Masaoka, S., Journal of Fermentation and<br />

Bioengineering Vol. 75.<br />

Production of carrot somatic embryos in a bioreactor. Ducos, J.P., Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 39: 465-<br />

470.<br />

Production of bovine embryos : A Progress report and<br />

consequencies on the genetic upgrading of cattle<br />

population<br />

Greve, T, V J. Anim. Reprod. Sci<br />

Production of Biosurfactanc from Torulopsis bombicola Cooper, D.G Appl. Environ. Microbiol<br />

Production of Bioemulsifier by SCP Producing Strain of<br />

Candida tropicalis during Hydrocarbon Fermentation<br />

Production of bacteriolytic enzyme by bacteriophage from<br />

seawater.<br />

Production of antibodies to Pseudomonas solanacearum,<br />

the causative agent of bacterial wilt.<br />

Production of acetone, butanol, and ethanol from palm-oil<br />

waste by Clostridium acharoperbutylacetonicum N1-4.<br />

Production of a-amilase by Saccharomycopsis fibulgera<br />

(Syn. Endomycopsis fibulgera).<br />

Production of a- amylase by ruminal anaerobic fungus<br />

Neocallimastic ftontalis.<br />

Singh, M., Biotechnol<br />

Hirayama, S., Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 57 (12):<br />

2166-2167.<br />

Robinson-Smith, A., J. Food Agric. Immunol. 7: 67-69.<br />

Lee, T.M Biotechnol Letters<br />

Sandhu D.K., J. Ferment. Technol. 65 (4): 387-394.<br />

Mounthford, D.O. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 54: 2293-<br />

2299.<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Production of 5-aminolevulinic acid by the repeated<br />

addition of levulinic acid in photosynthetic culture of<br />

Rhodobacter sphaeroides<br />

Production from naturalized and shown pastur at three<br />

stocking rates under coconuts in the soloman Islands.<br />

Production from first-calf beef heifers fed a maintenance or<br />

low level of prepartum nutrition and ruminally undegradable<br />

or degradable protein postpartum<br />

Production from chemostat fermentation of glucose by<br />

Clostridium butyricum and C. pasturianum in ammonium<br />

and phosphate limitation<br />

Sasaki, K. Ann. Rep. ICBiotech. 13:268-271.<br />

Watson, S.E. Agric. Sci. Camb.J.<br />

Wiley, J. S. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Heyndrick M Biotechnol Lett 12:731-736.<br />

Production carcass characteristics of broiler chicken Lesson, S. Poult Sci.<br />

Production and Utilization of Fish Population Richer, W.E. Ecological Monograph I (16): 373-391.<br />

Production and storage of goat semen for artificial<br />

insmination<br />

Production and storage of goat semen for artificial<br />

insemination<br />

Production and secretion of indole alkaloids in hairy root<br />

cultures of Catharanthus roseus: effect of in situ<br />

adsorption, fungal elicitation and permea-bilization<br />

Production and proporties of alkaline lipase from<br />

Alcaligenes sp. strain no. 679<br />

Production and partial purification of y-linolenic acid and<br />

some pigments from Spirulina platensis<br />

Production and nutritional quality of the rotifer Bracli ion us<br />

plicatilis fed marine Chlorella sp. at different cell densities.<br />

Production and Isolation of an Antibiotic from Monascus<br />

purpureus and its relationships to Pigment Production<br />

Production and identification of somatic hybrids between<br />

Solanum tuberosum and S. papita using the rolC gene as a<br />

morphological selectable marker.<br />

Production and characteristics of protein hydrolysates from<br />

capelin (Mallotus villosus).<br />

Production and characterisation of extracellular lipase from<br />

Calvatia gigantea<br />

Production and carcass characteristics of HolsteinFrisian<br />

bulls and steers slaughtered at 800 or 1,000 pounds<br />

Leboeuf, B. Anim. Reprod. Sci.62.113-141.<br />

Leboeuf B Anim Reprod Sci 62:113-141.<br />

Sim, S.J. J. Ferment. Bioeng. 78:229-234.<br />

Kokusho, Y Agric. Biol. Chem<br />

Siangdung, W. J. Appl. Phycol. 5:109-115.<br />

Rezeg, T.A. Hydrobiologia 147 : 257 - 261. In: May,<br />

L.,Wallace, R. and Herzig, A. (Eds.).<br />

Rotifer Symposium IV.<br />

Wong, H.C. J. Food Sci. 46: 589-592.<br />

Kaendler, C., Theor. Appl. Genet. 92: 455-462.<br />

Shahidi, F., Food Chem. 53: 285-293.<br />

Christakopoulos, P., Appl. Microb. Biotech<br />

Nichols, J.R J. Dairy Sci<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 219 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Production and Acceptability Testing of Fish Crackers<br />

Prepared by the Extrusion Method,<br />

Yu, S. W., J. Food Tech. l6:51-58.<br />

Production and Absorption of Volatile Fatty Acids in The<br />

Rumen.<br />

Dijkstra, J. Livestock Prod. Dis.<br />

Production and Absorption of Volatile Fatty Acids in The<br />

Rumen.<br />

Dijkstra, J. Livestock Prod. Sci.<br />

Production and absorption of volatile fatty acids in the<br />

rumen<br />

Dijkstra, J. Livestock Prod. Sci.<br />

Production & acceptability testing of fish crackers (kerupuk)<br />

prepared by extrusion method<br />

Yu, SY J. Fd Technol 16: 51-58<br />

Producing fushi for the Japanese markets in FAO. Van Eys Infofish. Marketing Digest (3/83): 48.<br />

Processing whey protein for use as food ingredient Huffman LM Food Tech 2 : 49-52<br />

Processing Oil Seed and Oil in Germany Coss, W.H The Journal of AOCS<br />

Processing Oil Seed and Oil in Germany Coss, W.H The Journal of AOCS<br />

Processing of Natural Rubber Verhaar, G FAO Agricultural Services. Bull<br />

Processing of feather meal to maximize its nutritional value<br />

for poultry.<br />

Latshaw, J.D. Animal Feed Sci. and Tech.<br />

Processing of feather meal to maximize its nutritional value<br />

for poultry<br />

Latshaw, J.D Animal Feed Sci. and Tech<br />

Processing of Coconut Milk Adinan, H. Malaysian Agric. J.<br />

Processing losses, carcass quality and meat yields of<br />

broiler chickens receiving diets marginally deficient to<br />

adequate in lysine prior to marketing.<br />

Morran, E. T. Poultry Sci.<br />

Process Variables, Gelatinized Starch and Moisture Effects<br />

on Physical Properties of mungbean noodles<br />

Procedurres for The Save Removal Of Dormancy From<br />

Rice Seed.<br />

Procedures and equipment for staining large number of<br />

plant root sample for endomycorrhizae<br />

Problems Associated with Hexavalent Chromium<br />

Determination<br />

Problems associated with hexavalent chlorium<br />

determination.<br />

Problems and prospects for soil management for lowland<br />

rice-pulse rotations<br />

Problems and activities in the management of mangrove<br />

swamp of Cilacap: An overview<br />

Galvez, F.C.F. J. of Food Sci. 59 (2): 378-381, 386.<br />

Ellis. R.H Seed. Sci. & Technol<br />

Kormanik, P. P. Assay Can J. Microbiola. Georgia<br />

Rutland, F. H. JALCA<br />

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Problem of wood preservation in Indonesia. Martawijaya. A. Kehutanan Indonesia Vol. 1. Jakarta.<br />

Problem of the extent and distribution of critical Land Muljadi, D. Jakarta<br />

Probiotik Alternatif Pengganti Antibiotika Soeharsono, H. Buletin PPSKI. No, 9 : 3 - 5.<br />

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Probiotics in man and animals Fuller, R. J. Appl. Bacteriol.<br />

Probiotics in man and animals Fuller, R A Review. J. Appl. Bacteriol<br />

Probiotic activity of Aeromonas media on the Pacific oyster,<br />

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Principles Of Measurement Of Crops Losses : Nematodes Taylor. A.L Paper Presented At The FAO<br />

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Principles of insect predation Holling CS Ann Rev Entomol 6:163-182<br />

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Principles and Procedures of Statistic Steel, R.G.D. Biometrical Approach. McGraw-Hill<br />

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Principles and practices of seed storage Justice, O.L. Agric. Handbook.<br />

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Primary Proteolysis of Cheese during Ripening Grappin, R. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

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Primary liver cancer rate and aflatoxin intake in a high<br />

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Van Resburg, S.J. South Afr. Med. J. 48: 2.508a-2.508d.<br />

Primary Glaucoma: Diagnosis and Treatment Taylor W Medical Progress, 17 (1): 21-29.<br />

Primary culture of mouse myoblasts. Kaohsiung Cheng, K.F. J. Med. Sci. 11: 306-314.<br />

Primary commodity market. World Bank Primary commodity market.<br />

Prilaku Tolok Ukur Perekatan Kayu Prayitno.T.A Duta Rimba XVIII<br />

Preventive Effect of Sorbitol against Freeze - Drying<br />

Denaturation of Carp Myofibrillar Protein.<br />

Prevention of Vitrivication Associated with in-vittro Shoot<br />

Culture of Oregano by Pseudomonas spp.<br />

Prevention of scrapie transmission in sheep, using embryo<br />

transfer<br />

Prevention of Ripening in Fruits by Use of Controlled<br />

Atmospheres<br />

Prevention of Ripening in Fruits by Use of Controlled<br />

Atmospheres<br />

Prevention of Lactic Acidosis in Cattle by Lasalocid or<br />

momensin<br />

Preventing Micronutrien Deficiencies Food Abudanceand<br />

Deversity. Are Fundamental .<br />

Prevalensi dan intensitas ektoparasit pada udang windu,<br />

Penaeus monodon di tambak Sulawesi Selatan.<br />

Prevalensi dan intensitas ektoparasit pada udang windu<br />

Penaeus monodon di tambak Sulawesi Selatan<br />

Prevalence of Selected Food Consumption and Preparation<br />

Behaviors associated with Increased Risks of FoodBorne<br />

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Foote, W.C. Am. J. Vet. Res.<br />

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Nagaraja, T.G Journal Of Animal Research<br />

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A. Tompo J. Penelitian Budidaya Pantai, Vol 9<br />

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Prevalence of Listeria in Smoked Fish Dillon Ronda, J. of Food Protection.<br />

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Hydrolysate for Xylitol Production by Yeast<br />

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Chilling Injury Sympton in Fuerte Avocados Fruit<br />

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Chilling Injury Symptom In Fuerte Avocados Fruit<br />

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Preservation of Indian oil sardine (Sardinella longiceps) in<br />

ice and chilled seawater. Part II. Changes during storage<br />

with particular reference to salt penetration and lipid<br />

deterioration during CSW holding<br />

Present and Future Perspectives on Water Resources in<br />

Developed Countries<br />

Presence of lactate dehydrogenase and lactate racemase<br />

in Megasphaera elsdenii grown on glucose or lactate<br />

Krishnakumar, S. Fish. Technol. 23 (1): 1-16.<br />

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no. 1, February 1988.<br />

Hino, T Appl. And Environ. Microbiol<br />

Prepatum body condition and weight influences on<br />

reproductive performance of first-calf beef cows<br />

DeRouen, S. M. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Preparation, nutrient Composition and digestibility of<br />

fermented shrimp head silage<br />

Fagbenro, O.A. Food Chemistry<br />

Preparation of Protein Concentrates from Wheat Shorts<br />

and Wheat Millrum by Wet Alkaline Process<br />

Saunders, R. M. Cereal Chem. 52.93<br />

Preparation of kraft lignin from black liquor Kim, H TAPPI Journal<br />

Preparation of kraft from black liquor Kim H TAPPI Journal.Volume 70<br />

Preparation of fatty acids methyl esters and dimethyl<br />

acetals form lipids with boron fluoride-methanol<br />

Morrisson, W.R. J. Lipid Res., 5: 600-608.<br />

Preparation of fatty acid diethanolamine amides containing<br />

reduced amount of diethanolamine<br />

Morita H Chemical abstract 121 (11) : 975<br />

Preparation of compost and evaluating its maturioty Yang SS Food & Fertilizers Technology Center,<br />

Extension Bulletin 445, 23p<br />

Preparation of biodegradable and vegetable based<br />

surfactant from sugar and pal fatty acid catalyzed by Mucor<br />

miehei lipase<br />

Preparation of Beta-lactoglobulin and Beta-lactoglobulin<br />

free protein from whey retente by NaCl Salting-out at low<br />

pH<br />

Preparation of (S)-2,3-Dichloro-1-propanol by<br />

Pseudomonas sp and its use in the Synthesis of Ò-<br />

Epichlorohydrin<br />

Rakmi AR ELAIS 9(2):100-110<br />

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Preparation of Trehalose and Sorbitol Fatty Acid<br />

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Akoh, C.C J Am Oil Chem Soc<br />

Preparation of Fatty Acid methyl esters Christie WW INFORM 3:1031<br />

Preparation and testing of an autolysate offish viscera as<br />

growth substrate for bacteria.<br />

Preparation and Storage Qualitics of Fortified Nata De<br />

Coco<br />

Preparation and proporties of 5-nucleotidase from smooth<br />

muscle ofsmall intestine<br />

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Preparation and nutrient analysis of lactic acid bacterial<br />

ensiled salmon viscera<br />

Preparation and evaluation of two microbiological media<br />

from shrimp heads and hulls.<br />

Preparation and emulsifying propereties of polyethylene<br />

glycol(1500) diester of fatty acid.<br />

Preparasi mono dan gliserida dari minyak sawit dengan<br />

gliserolisis enzimatik<br />

Preparasi mono- dan digliserida dari minyak sawit dg<br />

proses gliserolisis enzimatik<br />

Preovulatory gonadotropin and ovarian steroid patterns in<br />

sheep of breeds with different fecundity<br />

Preovulatory gonadotropin and ovarian steroid pattems in<br />

sheep of breeds with different fecundity<br />

Dong, P.M., Aquaculture<br />

Stephens. N.L., Appl. Env. Microbiol. 31: 1-6.<br />

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Preovulatory follicular events in sheep. Driancourt, M.A. J. Reprod. Fert.<br />

Preovulatory follicular events in sheep Driancourt, M.A. J. Reprod. Fert<br />

Preovulatory endocrinology and oocyte maturation<br />

in superovulated cattle<br />

Callensen H Theriogenology<br />

Prenliminary studies on changes in coconut water during<br />

niaturation of the fruit<br />

Pue, A.G Science in New Guinea<br />

Prenatal androgenization of lambs II. Metabolism in<br />

adipose Tissue and liver<br />

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Prenatal androgenation of lamb: II. Metabolism in adipose<br />

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Prenatal and preweaning deaths caused by pseudorabies Morrison, R.B., J. Amer. Vet. Med. Ass. 187 (5): 481virus<br />

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Premature ovulation in superovulated cattle Callensen H Theriogenology<br />

Preliminary Trial of Spray Culture Tecnique for Growing<br />

The Agarophyte Gracilaria chilensis<br />

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Preliminary Survey of Heavy Metal Contamination of<br />

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Preliminary study on the live history of Scylla serrata Phil Arriola, F.J. J. Sci. 73(4): 437-456.<br />

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Preliminary study on mutation induction of microorganism<br />

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Preliminary Studies on the Efficacy of Tetramisole<br />

Hydrochloride (ICI) Against Trasmammary Migration of<br />

Toxocara (Neoascaris) vitulorum Larvae in Buffalo cows<br />

Hossain, M.I. Bangladesh J. Agr. Sci., 1980 (7): 25-<br />

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Preliminary reports on the nutritional significance of bound<br />

gossypol in cottonseed meal<br />

Baliga,. B P. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc., 34:21.<br />

Preliminary plankton investigation in the Java Sea Delsman HC Treubia 17:139-181<br />

Preliminary observations on psychrotrophic and<br />

psychrophilic, heterotrophik: bacteria from antarctic water<br />

samples.<br />

McMeekin, T.A. Hydrorbiologia. 163: 35-40.<br />

Preliminary observation on the breeding biology of the<br />

endemic Sulawesi Red-knobbed Hornbill (Rhyliceros<br />

cassidix).<br />

Preliminary investigation on color inheritance in Japanese<br />

ornamental carp. (Nishigi-Goi).<br />

Preliminary experiments on the stability of pyrethrin in<br />

aqueous emulsion<br />

Preliminary experiments on the stability of pyrethrin in<br />

aqueous emulsion<br />

Preliminary charts of the mean salinity of the Indonesian<br />

Archipelago and adjacent waters<br />

Prelimenary Evaluation of Metal Contamination of Soils<br />

From The Gulf War Activities<br />

Pregnancy established in cattle by transfer embryos<br />

derived from in vitro fertilization of oocytes matured in vitro<br />

Pregnancy diagnosis in the cow from milk progesterone<br />

concentration<br />

Pregnancy diagnosis in cattle by a rapid and highly reliable<br />

method for progesterone determination in milk<br />

Pregnancies after co-culture of cumulus cells with bovine<br />

embryos derived from in vitro matured follicular oocytes<br />

Kinnaird, M.F Tropical Biodiversity<br />

Wohlfarth, G.W. Isr. J. Aquaculture Bamidgeh 43(2):<br />

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Maciver, D.R. Pyrethrum Post, 6(4): 20-21.<br />

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Veen, P.C. Org. Sci. Res. Indo-nesia, 17. 46 p.<br />

Sadiq. M Bull. Environ. Contam Toxicol<br />

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Heap, R.B. Br. Vet. J. 132: 445-464.<br />

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Preferences, separability, and the Patinkin Model Lloyd, C. J. Political Econ. 79(3): 642-651.<br />

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Dodge, K.L. Eviron, Entomol. 19: 905-910.<br />

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Predrying and soaking of IR -64 rice seeds as an effective<br />

methodes for overcomng dormancy<br />

Predominant aerobic bacteria offish and shellfish Texas A<br />

& M University,<br />

Predominance of HLA-restricted cytotoxic T-lymphocyte<br />

responses to cerotype-cross-reactive epitopes on non<br />

structural proteins following natural secondary Dengue<br />

virus infection<br />

Predisposition effect of water saturation of soil on<br />

Phytophthora root rot of alfalfa<br />

Predisposing effect of water stress on the severity of<br />

Phytophthora root rot in safflower<br />

Predisposing effect of soil moisture extremes on the<br />

susceptibility of rhododendron to Phytophthora root and<br />

crown rot<br />

Nugraha US Seed Sci & Technol 19:207-211<br />

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Mathew, P.W. J. Virol., 72: 3999-4004.<br />

Kuan, T.L. Phytopathology<br />

Duniway, J.M Phytopathology<br />

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Predictive microbiology for monitoring spoilage of dairy<br />

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Prediction ofapple bruising due to impact on different<br />

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Iglesias. H.A J. Food. Technol<br />

Prediction of the dry matter digestibility of tropical grasses<br />

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Prediction of the dry matter digestibility of tropical grasses<br />

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Prediction Of Sweet Corn Phenology In Subtropical<br />

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Prediction of moisture protection requirements for foods. Labuza, T.P. Cereal Foods World<br />

Prediction of mature cow carcass composition from live<br />

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Prediction of maize singlecross performance using RFLPs<br />

and information from related hybrids<br />

Prediction of Life-weight of Male Madura Cattle From Chest<br />

Girth and Body Length<br />

Prediction of insecticidal activity of Bacillus thuringiensis<br />

strains by polymerase chain reaction product profiles.<br />

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Prediction of insecticidal activity of Bacillus thuringiensis<br />

strains by polymerase chain reaction product profiles.<br />

Prediction of Fat Pree Live Weight in Broiler Chikens Using<br />

Backskin Pat, Abdominal Fat, Abdominal Fat, and Live<br />

Body Weight. J. Poult.<br />

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Prediction of fat free weight. Becker, W.A., J. Poultry Sci. 58 : 835 - 842<br />

Prediction Of Energy Requirment and Drying Times For<br />

Surface Drying Fresh Product<br />

Prediction of consumer acceptibility of yoghurt by sensory<br />

and analytical measures of sweetness and sourness.<br />

Prediction of Consumer Acceptability of Yoghurt by<br />

Sensory and Analytical Measures of Sweetness and<br />

Sourness.<br />

Prediction of Consumer Acceptability of Yoghurt by<br />

Sensorial and Analytical Measures of Sweetness and<br />

Sourness.<br />

Prediction of consumer acceptability of yoghurt by sensorial<br />

and analytical measures of sweetness and sourness<br />

Prediction of changes in colour of tomatoes during ripening<br />

at different constant temperature<br />

Predicting yield from early generations estimates of<br />

reproductive periods in soybean<br />

Predicting yield from early generations estimates of<br />

reproductive periods in soybean<br />

Predicting the topology of eucariotic membrane proteins.<br />

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Predicting Rainfall Eroslon Losses- A Guide to<br />

Conservatlon Planning. Agric.<br />

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Planning USDA<br />

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Predicting quantitative variation within rice germplasm<br />

using molecular markers.<br />

Predicting quantitativ variation within rice permplasm using<br />

molecular markers<br />

Predicting in vivo digestitxlities of herüages by exhaustive<br />

enzyme hydrolysis of cell walls<br />

Predicting equilibrium moisture properties of tomatoes at<br />

different temperatures and relative humidities<br />

Miller. W.M Engineering Applied In Agriculture Vol.<br />

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Barnes, D. B. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

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Barness, D. B. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Shewfelt, R.L J. Food Sci 53(5): 1433-1437<br />

Smith, R.J Crop Science 27 : 471 - 474<br />

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Predicting dry matter digestibility from acid detergent fibre<br />

levels in grasses as affected by a pretreatment with neutral<br />

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McLeod, M.N. J. Sci. Fd Agric., 25: 913-917.<br />

Predicting Daily Mean Soil Temperatures in the EPIC<br />

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Kenneth, N.P Agron. J<br />

predicted to bring trans proposal. Anonim INFORM<br />

Predicted response in food conversion ratio for growth by<br />

selection on the ratio or non linear component traits, in a<br />

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Kocrhuis, A.N.M Br. Poultry Sci<br />

Predicted respons to selection for early growth Tilapia<br />

nilotica.<br />

Predation on corals by fishes of the family Chaetodontidae<br />

: implication for conservation and management of Coral<br />

reef ecosystems<br />

Predation of Cyrtorhinus lividippenis Reuter on eggs of the<br />

green leafhopper and brown planthopper in rice<br />

Tave, D Trans. Am. Fish Soc 109:439-445<br />

E.S. Reese Bulletin of Marine Science 31<br />

Heong, K.L. Res. Popul. Ecol.<br />

Precocius flowering of Arizona cypress with gibberellin Pharis, R. P. Ca. J. Bot.<br />

Precocius flowerinf of citrus seeding (Part 10) Species,<br />

cultivar and hybrids showing the precocius flowering on<br />

their seedings and irregulaties of the flower organs.<br />

Prebiotics: A role for dietary fibre and resistant starch. Asia<br />

Pacific<br />

Pre and post natal study of the carcass growth of sheep. 1.<br />

Growth of dissectable fat and its chemical components.<br />

Iwamasa, M. Agric. Bul. Saga Univ<br />

Bird, A R J Clin Nutr<br />

Broad, T. E. Anim. Prod.<br />

Pravalensi gondok endemik pada anak sekolah dan ibu<br />

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Ridwan Endi Gizi Ind XVI (1-2):21-27<br />

Pravalensi gondok endemik pada anak sekolah dan ibu<br />

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Pratylenchus brachyurus Corbett DCM CIH.Description of plant parasitic<br />

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Practical measures to minimise rancidity in processing and<br />

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Barger, K.G. J. C, Alien dan R.J. Hamilton (Eds).<br />

Rancidity in Foods. 2nd Edition<br />

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Poultry Science and Practice. 5th ed Winter, A.R J.B. Lippincott, New York<br />

Poultry Production in Warm Wet Climates Oluyemi, J.A. Poultry Production in Warm Wet<br />

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Poultry Production in Warm Wet Climate. 1st ed Oluyemi, J.A Poultry Production in Warm Wet<br />

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Poultry Production in Warm Wet Climate Oluyemi, J.A. Poultry Production in Warm Wet<br />

Climate<br />

Poultry Nutrition. 5 th Ed Ewing.W.R Poultry Nutrition. 5 th Ed<br />

Poultry Nutrition Ewing, W.R. Poultry Nutrition<br />

Poultry meat consumption (supply), Watt Poultry Statistical<br />

Yearbook.<br />

Anonimus Poultry International, 38: 42-45.<br />

Potret status anemia anak sekolah dasar yang mengikuti<br />

<strong>program</strong> PMT-AS serta hubungannya dengan faktor gizi<br />

dan kesehatan.<br />

Utari DM Gizi Indonesia.<br />

Potentially Mineralzable Nitrogen In Distrubed and<br />

Undisturbed Soil-Sample<br />

Potentiality and Prospects for Rice Bran and Rice Bran Oil<br />

In Tamil Nadu<br />

Potential uses of commercial technologies for sheep and<br />

goat smallholders in Indonesia<br />

Cabrera.M.L Soil Sci.Soc.Am. J<br />

Pillaiyar. P Agric. J<br />

Soedjana, T.D. Small Ruminant Research, 1: 249-258.<br />

Potential role of raising dietary protein intake for reducing<br />

risk ofatherosclerosis<br />

Wolfe, B.M Can J Cardiol. Suppl.G<br />

Potential of value-added products from coconut for the<br />

South Pacific<br />

Sanchez, P Cocoinfo International. 3(2): 19-24.<br />

Potential of micro livestock in developing countries Vietmeyer ND J Appl Rabbit Res 8:10<br />

Potential of local sheep and goat in less develop countries Devendra C Anim Sci<br />

Potential of large-scale algal culture for biomass and lipid<br />

production in arid lands<br />

Potential of Induced To Control Postharvest Diseases Of<br />

Fruit and Vegetables<br />

Po-tential Nutrion Strategies for Inten-sive Managed Cattle<br />

During Ther-mal Stress<br />

Dubinsky Z. Biotechnol. and Bioeng. Symp. 8: 51-<br />

68.<br />

Wilson. C.L Plant Diseases<br />

Beede, D.K J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Potential Health-Promoting Proporties of Citrus Flavonoids Middleton, E Food Technology<br />

Potential for Rhizobium improvement Hodgson ALM CRC Crit Rev Biotechnology 4:1-174<br />

Potential for Rhizobium improvement Hodgson, A.L.M. CRC Crit. Rev. Biotechnol. 4: 1-174.<br />

Potential For Induced Resistance To Control Postharvest<br />

Diseases Of Fruits and Vegetables<br />

Wilson. C.L Plant Dis<br />

Potential for Imniersion Vaccination Againt Aeromonas<br />

salmonicida.<br />

Jonson J. ofDiseases 7: 101-105.<br />

Potential Dietary Benefits ofCitrus Pectin and Fibre Baker, RA. Food Technology<br />

Potential dietary benefits of soy protein highlighted Anonim INFORM<br />

Potential Anti-carcincgenic Natural Products Isolate trom<br />

Lemongrass and Galanca Root Oil<br />

Lam, L.K.T J. of Agric. and Food Chem<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 229 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Potensial of rabbit production in tropical & subtropical<br />

agricultural systems<br />

Potensi ternak kelinci dlm perbaikan gizi keluarga dan<br />

substitusi bahanbaku industri pangan asal daging serta<br />

industi batang asal kulit di Jawa Tengah<br />

Potensi <strong>sumber</strong>daya perikanan laut di Selat Malaka. Merta, I.G.S.<br />

Potensi <strong>sumber</strong>daya perikanan di Danau Semayang dan<br />

Melintang.<br />

Potensi <strong>sumber</strong> daya perikanan di Danau Toba, Sumatera<br />

Utara.<br />

Potensi serum kuda birahi dan serum sapi birahi untuk<br />

suplementasi media fertilisasi in vitro<br />

Potensi produksi dan pengelolaan perikanan di Danau<br />

Toba, Sumatera Utara.<br />

Potensi Produksi dan pengelolaan perikanan di Danau<br />

Toba, Sumatera Utara<br />

Potensi perairan arang dan ikan hias di perairan luar pulau<br />

Ambon<br />

Potensi peningkatan nilai kecernaan zat-zat makanan<br />

melalui penggunaan enzim pendegradasi serat dalam<br />

ransum ternak unggas<br />

Cheeke PR J Anim Sci 63:1581-1586<br />

Prawirodigdo S Bul ISPI Purwokerto 6: 383-397<br />

Purnomo, K. Frontir-Unn/ersilas Mulawarman No.<br />

14, Edisi September 1993. Samarinda.<br />

p.123-136<br />

Tjahjo, D.W.H.,<br />

Mustofa, I.<br />

Kartamihardja, E.S. Bull. Penel. Perikanan Darat. Vol.6,<br />

No.1: 78-84.<br />

Kartamihardja<br />

I.N. Edrus J. Penelitian Perikanan Laut No. 70<br />

Adrizal J Petern dan Lingk 4 : 65-70<br />

Potensi Pemanfaatan Limbah Pabrik Kelapa Sawit Loebis, B. Bull. BPP Medan<br />

Potensi pemanfaatan limbah pabrik kelapa sawit Boyke Loebis<br />

potensi kelinci dlm perbaikan gizi keluarga & substitusi<br />

bahan baku industir pangan asal daging serta industri<br />

barang asal kulit di Jateng<br />

Prawirodigdo S Bul ISPI Purwokerto 6:383-397<br />

Potensi jerami padi sebagai pakan ternak. Wiyono A Poultry Indonesia X. 118: 42-46.<br />

Potensi gambut bagi tanman perkebunan Pangudiyatno, G Menara Perkebunan 52(4a): 113-118<br />

Potensi dan teknik pengomposan tandan kosong sawit Susilawati E<br />

Potensi dan teknik pengomposan tandan kosong sawit Susilawati E<br />

Potensi dan prospek pemanfaatan limbah kelapa di<br />

Indonesia.<br />

Potensi dan Prospek Pemanfaatan Gizi Sumberdya Hayati<br />

Laut.<br />

Potensi dan Permasalahan Ternak Kambing di Sulawesi<br />

Selatan<br />

Potensi dan Kendala Sumberdaya Ekonomi Bagi<br />

Pengembangan Wilayah Miskin di Madura : Studi di<br />

Kabupaten Sampang<br />

Rumokoi, M.<br />

Sahri Muhammad Majalah Pangan<br />

Paat, C.P. J. Ilmiah Penelitian Ternak, Edisi<br />

Khusus<br />

Marlina Ekawatie Jurnal Penelitian llmu-llmu Sosial<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 230 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Potensi Belerang Dalammengendalikan Ganoderma<br />

Pseudoferreum, Penyebab Penyakit Akar Merah Pada The<br />

Potensi Beberapa Isolat Fungi Penghuni Tanah Sebagai<br />

Agens Antagonis Meloidogyne spp. Pada Tanaman Tomat<br />

Potensi Antagonistik Tiga Trichoderma spp. Terhadap<br />

Delapan Penyakit Akar Tanaman Kehutanan.<br />

Potensi Antagonistik Tiga Trichoderma Spp. Terhadap<br />

delapan Penyakit Akar Tanaman Kehutanan<br />

Potensi Antagonistik Tiga Trichoderma spp. Terhadap<br />

Delapan Penyakit Akar Tanaman Kehutanan<br />

Potensi Antagonistic Trichoderma spp. Terhadap Delapan<br />

Penyakit Akar Tanaman Kehutanan<br />

Potensi antagonisme Glioclaium sp serta penambahan<br />

zeolit pada limbah jamur merang untuk pengendalian<br />

Rebah kecambah tomat<br />

Potensi antagonisme Glioclaium sp serta penambahan<br />

zeolit pada limbah jamur merang untuk pengendalian<br />

Rebah kecambah tomat<br />

Potensi alelopati akar rimpang alang-alang (Imperata<br />

cylindrica L) Beauv terhadap Mimosa pudica.<br />

Potency of combination of B. thuringiensis and chemical<br />

insecticides on Spodoptera littoralis (Lepydoptera,<br />

Noctuidae).<br />

Rayati.D.J Prosiding Kongres Nasional<br />

Fitopatologi XII, Yogyakarta<br />

Adnan. A.M<br />

Widyastuti, SM.<br />

Widyastuti. S.M<br />

Widyastuti, S.M.,<br />

Widyastuti. S.M<br />

Noorhajati N Bull HPT 6.106-114<br />

Noorhajati N Bull HPT 6.106-114<br />

Ardi<br />

Salama, H.S., J. Econ. Entomol. 70: 889-890.<br />

Potato shatter bruising during laboratory handling and<br />

transport simulation<br />

Turczyn, M.T Transactions of the ASAE<br />

Potato responses to calcium application on several soil<br />

types<br />

Simmons, K. E Amer. Potato J<br />

Potato as a potencial crop for the lowland tropics Menzel, C.M Trop. Agric<br />

Potato (Solanum spp) InThe Hot Tropics IV. Intercropping<br />

With Maize and The Influence of Shade on Potato<br />

Microenvironment and Crop Growth<br />

Midwamore. D.J Field Crop Research<br />

Potassium tellurite as a bacteriostatic agent in isolating<br />

algae<br />

Ducker, S.C. Nature 202:210.<br />

Potassium in relation to iron toxicity on the rice plant Tanaka, A. Potash Rev.<br />

Potassium in .relation to iron toxicity of the rice plant Tanaka, A. Potash Rev. (21): 1-12.<br />

Potassium fertilization effects on phomopsis seed infection,<br />

seed quality and yield of Soybeans.<br />

Jeffers, D.L. Agron. J. 74: 886-890.<br />

Postruminal digestion of corn starch in steers Little, C.O. J. Anim. Sci. 27:790-792.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 231 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Postprandial lipemia and lipoprotein lipase in the rabbit are<br />

modified by olive and coconut oil.<br />

Postpartum nutrient intake and body condition : Effect on<br />

pituatary function and onset of estrous in beef cattle<br />

Postlarval development of the coral Fungia actiniformis var.<br />

palawensis Daederlein<br />

Postlarvae of penaeid prawns of southeast coast of India<br />

with a key to there identification<br />

Postharvest Use Sucrose Polyester for Extending The<br />

Shelf-Life of Stored Golden Delicious Apple<br />

Postharvest Responses Of Vegetables To Preharvest Field<br />

temperatures<br />

Postharvest Of Grey Mould Of Apple By Cryptococus<br />

Laurentii<br />

Postharvest Losses in Traditional Processed Fish Products<br />

in Less Developed Countries. Morrisey, M.T. eds.<br />

Fostharvest Fishery losses<br />

Postharvest Diseases of Pome And Stone Fruits Caused<br />

By M. Piritormis in The Pasific North West And California<br />

Postharvest Control Of Mould On Oranges by Strain of<br />

Pseudomonas Glahei And Anhanchemen of Its Biocontrol<br />

By HeatTraetment<br />

Heek, M. V.. Atherosclerosis<br />

Rutter LM J. Anim Sci 58:265-273<br />

Abe, N Palao Biol. Stat. Stud, 1:73-93<br />

Mohamed, K.H FAO Fisheries Report<br />

Drake, S.R. Journal of Food Science<br />

Kader. A.A Horticultural Science<br />

Roberts. R.G Phytophatol<br />

Poulter, R.G. JCMRD. p 134-145.<br />

Michailides. T.J Plant Dis<br />

Huang. J. Postharvest Biol and Technol<br />

Postharvest Biotechnology of Fruits Salunkhe, D.K CRC Press Florida, USA.<br />

Postfasting dietary protein requirements of induced molted<br />

hens.<br />

Hoyle, C.M. Poult. Sci.<br />

Post halvest Technology of Horti cultural Crops Kader. A. A Cooperative Extension Univ. of Cali<br />

fomia Div. of Agric. and Natural Res<br />

Possible use of a 1,8 kb DNA fragmen for the specific<br />

detection of Salmonella in foods<br />

Tsen, H. J. Ferm. Bioeng.<br />

Possible role of soil microorganisms in aggregation in soils Tisdall, J.M Plant and soil<br />

Possible reservoir of equine morbilivirus identified Young, P.L. Communication Disease Intelegence.<br />

20(11): 262.<br />

Possible development of the dairy industry in Mongolia Anonymous Maelkeritidende. 106 (24): 606-608.<br />

Possible Association of Marine Bacteria with Paralytic<br />

Shellfish Toxicity of Bivalves<br />

Kodama, M. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 61: 203-206.<br />

Possible approach to water hyacinth control Druijff AH PANS 19 (2) : 219-222<br />

Possibility of genetic improvement of pigeon pea (Ca-janus<br />

cajan L.) Millsp) utilizing wild gene sourses.<br />

Pundir, R.P.S. Euphytica.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 232 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Possibility of genetic improvement of pigeon pea (Ca-janus<br />

cajan L.) Millsp) utilizing wild gene sourses.<br />

Possibilities of reduction or elimination ofmycotoxins<br />

present in cereal grains, him. 529-572<br />

Pundir, R.P.S. Euphytica.<br />

Scott, P.M. J. Chelkowski (ed.). Cereal Grain<br />

Mycotoxins, Fungi and Quality in<br />

Drying and Storage<br />

Possibilities of control of Rice Borrers Laan, P.A. van der Landbouw<br />

Positive and negative control of nod gene expression in<br />

Rhizobium meliloti is required for optimal nodulation.<br />

Kondorosi, E., EMBO J. 8: 1331-1341.<br />

Position and turning of turkey eggs during storage prior to<br />

incubation<br />

Stephenson, A.B Poultry. Sci. 64 : 1279 - 1284<br />

Posisi negara berkembang dalam penelitian bioteknologi Masyhudi, M.F. Warta Pertanian No. 15/TH.XIV<br />

Desember: 21-22.<br />

Posisi jambu mete dan prospek pengembangannya di<br />

Indonesia<br />

Abdullah Ed. Sus. Litro VI (2)<br />

Porselen, Blausafir dan Paris yang bertelor Sudarto<br />

Porages in Thailand. Forages in Southeast Asian and<br />

South Pacific Agriculture<br />

Topark-Ngarm ACIAR Proceedings 12: 96-103.<br />

Populations Phatogenicity and Benomyl Resistance of<br />

Botrytis sp. Panicillium spp. And Mucor Piriformis in<br />

Packinghouse<br />

Spotts. R.A Plant Dis<br />

Population studies on Southwestern Indian Tribes. II. Local<br />

Genetic Differntiation in the papago<br />

Workman, P.L Amer. J. Hum. Genet<br />

Population structure of Pyricularia grisea at two screening<br />

sites in the Philippines.<br />

Chen, D., Phytopathology 85 (9): 1011-1020.<br />

Population structure of Pyricularia grisea at two screening<br />

sites in the Philippines<br />

Chen D Phytopathology 85: 1011-1020<br />

Population structure of plant pathogenic fungi and bacteria. Leung H Adv. Plant Pathol. 10:157-205<br />

Population Regulation of the rice brown planthopper<br />

(Nilaparvata lugens Stal.). Within rice field in Philippines<br />

Population growth patterns of the green leafhopper,<br />

Nephotettix virescens (Distant), in small-scale synchronous<br />

and asynchronous rice fields<br />

Population genetics of plant pathogenic fungi,<br />

electrophoretic markers give unprecedented precisision to<br />

analyses of genetic structure of populations<br />

Population Genetic of the family Ostreidae. I. Intraspecific<br />

studies of Crassostrea Gigas and saccostrea Commercialis<br />

Kenmore, P. J.P.L. Prot. Trop. 1(1): 19-37.<br />

Aryawan, I.G.N Appl. Entomol. Zool.<br />

McDonald BA BioScience 43: 311-319<br />

Buroker, E J. Mar. Biol<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Population genetic of plant pathogenic fungi,<br />

electrophoredc markers giver unprecedented precision to<br />

analysis of genetic structure of population<br />

Population ecology of Mastomys Natalensis Smith.<br />

Implications for control in Africa<br />

Population dynamics of three leafhopper vector of rice<br />

tungro viruses, Nephotettix virescens (Distant), N.<br />

Nigropictus (Stal) and Recilia dorsalis (Motschulsky)<br />

(Hemiptera: Cicallidae) in farmer's fields in the Phillippines<br />

Population dynamics of soybean root-nodule bacteria in<br />

Latosol soil used for upland and lowland rice/soybean<br />

cropping systems in West Java, Indonesia<br />

Population Dynamics of Magpie Geese in Relation to<br />

Rainfall and Density: Implications for Harvest Models in A<br />

Fluctuating Environment<br />

Population dynamics of earthworms & their activity in forest<br />

ecosystem of north east india<br />

Population dynamics of Aurelia aurita medusae in kiel<br />

bight, Germany (FRG).<br />

Population dynamics of beet leafhopper Circulifer tenelus<br />

(Baker) and associated Empoasca spp. (Homoptera<br />

Cicadelidae) and their egg parasitoid on sugar beet in<br />

Southern California<br />

Population densities of the European red mite and the<br />

predaceus mite Typhlodromus (A) fallacis on apple foliage<br />

following treatment with various insecticides<br />

Population Change and Economic Development In<br />

Indonesia<br />

Population biochemical genetics of Atlantic herring Clupeu<br />

haregus.<br />

Populasi Plutella xylostella (L) (Lepidoptera:<br />

Yponomeutidae) dan parasitoid Diadegma semiclausum<br />

Hellen (Hymenoptera:Ichneumonidae) pada kubis dan dua<br />

jenis Brassicaceae<br />

Populasi nematoda parasit pada akar dan rimpang<br />

beberapa temu-temuan<br />

Pond culture of Penaeus monodon in the Phillippines:<br />

survival, growth and yield using commercially formulated<br />

feed.<br />

McDonald BM Bio Science 43:311-319.<br />

Leirs H Agricultura Ed nr 35<br />

Cook, A.G. Bull. Ent. Res.<br />

Simanungkalit,<br />

R.D.M.<br />

Soil Biol. Biochem. 27: 625-628.<br />

Bayliss, P. J. Appl. Ecol. 26: 913-924.<br />

bhadauria MB J Trop Ecol 7:305-318<br />

Moller, H Mar Biol<br />

Meyerdirk, D.E. J. Econ. Entomol.78: 346-353.<br />

Swift, F.C. J. Econ. Entomol. (61): 1489-1491.<br />

Ananta. A Asean Economic Bulleti<br />

Grant, W.S. Copeiu 84: 357-346<br />

Kartosuwondo U. \ias.BulHPT 7:39-49.<br />

Mustika, I. Pemberitaan Penelitian Tanaman<br />

Industri 16(4): 154-158.<br />

Liu, M.S., J. World. Maricult. Soc., 14: 75-85.<br />

Polyunsaturated fatty acids in the fond chain in Japan Sugano, M., Am J Clin Nutr<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Nutrition in Juvenile Freshwater<br />

Prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii<br />

Polysomes, messenger RNA, and growth in soybean stems<br />

during development and water deficit<br />

Polysaccharides of the kernel of maturity and mature<br />

coconuts<br />

D'Abramo, L.R. Aquaculture, 115: 63-86.<br />

Mason, H.S. Plant Physiol. 86: 725-733.<br />

Balasubramaniam,<br />

K.<br />

Journal of Food Science. 41: 1.370-<br />

1.371.<br />

Polyprenols in leaves of fruit trees in Rosaceae family Swiezewska, E. Ada Biochim Polon. 43:701-706.<br />

Polyprenols and hydroxylated lycopersenes from<br />

Myriophyllum verticulatum<br />

Lanzetta, R. Phytochemistry 27:887-890.<br />

Polyporaceae : Rigidoporus Microporus Van Overeem.C Icones Fungorum Malayensien, Hevt<br />

V, Wien<br />

Polyploidy and failed fertilization in in vitro fertilization are<br />

related to patients age and gamete quality<br />

Yie.S.M Hum.Reprod<br />

Polyphenolic phenomena Scalbert A Institut National de la Recherche<br />

Agronomique.Paris<br />

Polyphenol oxidase & peroxidase activities in relation oval<br />

leaf spot disease on sorghum leaves<br />

Luthra YP Plant breeding abstract 62(8) : 8<br />

Polyoxin D Inhibits Growth of Zoospathogenic Fungi Becker, LM Antimicrob. Agents Chemoter 23. 926-<br />

939<br />

Polyolefimwood filter composite I. Performance of<br />

emphenylene bismaleide-modefied wood fibre in<br />

polypropylene composite<br />

Sain MM J. Appl. Polym Sci 54 )10): 1545-59<br />

Polymorphisms in the tumor necrosis factor (TNF-alpha)<br />

gene correlate with murine resistance to development of<br />

toxoplasmic encephalitis and with levels of TNF-alpha<br />

mRNA in infected brain tissue<br />

Polymorphism, distribution, and segregation of AFLP<br />

markers in double haploid rice population<br />

Polymorphism Of Blood Plasma Protein in Anser and<br />

Branata Genera<br />

Polymorphism and phylogenetic relationship among<br />

species in the genus Oryza as determined by analysis of<br />

nuclear RFLPs.<br />

Freud, Y.R. Exp. Med. 175:683-688.<br />

Maheswaran M Theor. Appl. Genet 94:39-45<br />

Kuznetsov, S.B. Biochem<br />

Wang, Z.W., J. Theor. Appl. Genet. 83: 565-578.<br />

Polymorphic Sequence in the D-loop Region of Equine<br />

Mitochondrial DNA<br />

Ishida, N. Anim. Gen. 25: 215-221.<br />

Polymeric membranes for lipase immobilization Rucka, M JAOCS<br />

Polymerase chain reaction strategy. Arnheim, N. Ann. Rev. Biochem. 61: 131-156.<br />

Polymerase Chain Reaction strategy Arnheim, N. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 61:131-156.<br />

Polymerase chain reaction detection of viruliferous<br />

Bemesia tabaci ( Homoptera:Aleyrodidae) with two tomatoinfecting<br />

geminiviruses<br />

Mehta P J.Econ Entomol<br />

Polymerase Chain Reaction and Gene Probe Detection of<br />

The 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid Degradation Plasmid,<br />

pJP4<br />

Neilson, J.W. Appl, Environ. Microbiol. 58(4): 1271-<br />

1275<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in smoked food product<br />

& commercial liquid smoke flavourings<br />

Polyculture of the pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas<br />

(Thunberg) with Chinook salmon, Onchorchynchus Tshawy<br />

Tscha<br />

Gomma EA Food Addit Contam 10(5) : 503-521<br />

Jones, T.O. Aquaculture. (92): 313-322.<br />

Polyamines: small molecules triggering pathways in plant<br />

growth and development<br />

Walden R Plant Physiol 113:1009-1013.<br />

Polyamines Smith. T.A Annual Review of Plant Physiology<br />

Polyalumunium Klorida sebagai Bahan Penjernih<br />

Pengganti Timbal Asetat Untuk Analisis Pol.<br />

Martoyo.A.T<br />

Pollution-associated diseases and abnomarlities of fish and<br />

shellfish: a review<br />

Sindermann, C.J. Fisheries Bulletin 76: 717-749.<br />

Pollution control in palm oil in Malaysia Ma AN JAOCS 62 (2): 261-266<br />

Pollution and fish diseases in the North Sea- Some<br />

historical aspects<br />

Watermann, B Marine Pollution Bulletin 24: 131-138.<br />

Pollinic of the E. melanococca X E. guineensis hybrid and<br />

the parental species.<br />

Arnaud, F. Oleagineux, 35 : pp. 121-129<br />

Pollination oforchid flowers Rhodehamed, W.A. Amer. Orehid. Soc. Buil. (5): 534-539.<br />

Pollen tube growth in interspecific crosses between<br />

Capsicum species.<br />

pollen tube growth in interspecific crosses between<br />

Capsicum species<br />

Pollen tube growth in interspecific crosses between<br />

Capsicum species<br />

Pollen Handling, Controlled Pollination and Grafting of<br />

Eucalyptus grandis.<br />

Polimorfisme isoenzim beberapa tetua dan hasil<br />

persilangan Hevea brasiliensis Muell Arg.<br />

Polikultur udang windu, Penaeus monodon dan nila merah,<br />

Oreochromis niloticus di tambak<br />

Polikultur udang windu, Penaeus monodon dan ikan<br />

beronang, Siganus sp. secara semi intensif di tambak<br />

Polikultur teripang Holothuria scabra dan rumput laut<br />

Euchema sp. Di Teluk Pare-pare Sulawesi Selatan<br />

Polikultur nila merah dan beronang dalam karamba jaring<br />

apung di laut<br />

Polikultur nila merah dan baronang dalam karamba jaring<br />

apung di laut<br />

Polensi Kerbau Kalang dan Kerbau Kravan di Kalimantan<br />

Timur.<br />

Ziljstra S. Hortiscience<br />

Zijlstra S Hort Sci. 26: 585-586<br />

Zijlstra S HortScience 29:585-586<br />

Van Wyk, Gerrit South African Forestry Journal<br />

Chaidamsari, T. Menara Perkebunan 61(2): 32-38.<br />

Pirzan, A.M. Jurnal Penelitian Budi Daya Pantai<br />

8(2): 63-70.<br />

Tjaronge, M. Jurnal Penelitian Budi DayaPantai<br />

8(2): 57-62.<br />

Rachmansyah Jurnal Penelitian Budidaya Pantai Vol<br />

8<br />

Tonnek, S. Jurnal Penelitian Budi Daya Pantai<br />

9(3): 47-56.<br />

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Pola sebaran pengisap buah lada di Kabupaten Bangka Karmawati, E. Buletin Penelitian Tanaman Rempah<br />

dan Obat. 3(1): 6-10.<br />

Pola sebaran Eliella spp. pada tanaman kedelai Djuwarso, T. Risalah Hasil Penelitian Tanaman<br />

Pangan Balittan Bogor (6): 46-52.<br />

Pola pewarisan sifat, pengaruh tetua betina Heriatabilitas<br />

toleransi tanaman kedelai terhadap tanah masam<br />

Pola pewarisan sifat, pengaruh tetua betina Heriatabilitas<br />

toleransi tanaman kedelai terhadap tanah masam<br />

Pola pewarisan sifat bentuk daun okra dan heritabilitas<br />

beberapa sifat penting daun kapas<br />

Pola Pengelompokan Vegetasi Pekarangan Berdasarkan<br />

Laju Respirasi.<br />

Pola Pengelompokan Vegetasi Pekarangan Berdasarkan<br />

Laju Fotosintesis.<br />

Pola Pemberian Makannan kepada Bayi di Beberapa<br />

Daerah di Indonesia<br />

Pola Konsumsi Makanan Pokok, Konsumsi Energi dan<br />

Protein di Pedesaan Jawa Tengah<br />

Totok ADH<br />

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Ratag, S.P., Agrotrop 1: 41-48.<br />

Abunain D Peneliti Gizi dan Makanan<br />

Ariani M Berita - Gizi Pangan Vol 7. No.1<br />

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Pola hasil berbagai projeni (zuriat) kelapa sawit, Lubis AU Jurn, PPKS 4(3):109-119<br />

Pokok-pokok pikiran budi daya kambing-domba di<br />

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PMSG/anti-PMSG in cattle. A simple and efficient<br />

superovulatory treatment<br />

Dieleman, S.J. Theriogenology 39:25-41.<br />

PMSG/anti-PMSG in cattle A simple and efficient<br />

superovulatory treatment<br />

Dieleman, S.J. Theriogenology 39:25-41<br />

Platelet aggregation inhibitor in garlic Ariga, T Lancet<br />

Plat Spesifity in the Infection of Cereal with Azospririllum<br />

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Baldani, V.L.D. Soil Biol. Biochem.<br />

Plasticizers Swern D JAOCS 31(11):574-578<br />

Plasticization of wood and its application. In H Inagaki and<br />

GO Philips (ed). Celulosics Utilization, Research and<br />

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Plastic responds to limited food availability and some<br />

damage in the sea-urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus<br />

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bacteria<br />

Plasmid Transfer by Conjugation Electroparation in<br />

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Edward, P.B. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 145: 205-220.<br />

Coplin, D. Ann. Rev. Phylopathol. 27: 187-212.<br />

Kim, W.J Journal of Applied Bacteriology<br />

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Plasmid related to the broad host range vector, pRK290,<br />

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Plasmid related to the broad host range vector, pRK290,<br />

useful for gene cloning and monitoring gene expression.<br />

Plasmid related to the broad host range vector, pRK290,<br />

useful for gene cloning and monitoring gene expression.<br />

Plasmid profiles of bacteriocin-producing Lactobacillus<br />

isolates African fermented foods<br />

Plasmenylethanolamine: growth factor tor cholesterolreducing<br />

Eubacterium<br />

Ditta, G., Plasmid 13: 149-153.<br />

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Olasupo, N.A. Folia-Microbiologica 39(3):<br />

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Plasmatestosterone level's in donkey's in the tropics Gombe, S Endoc. J<br />

Plasma Progesterone Levels Throughout The Oestrous<br />

Cycle and Release of LH at Oestrous in Sheep with<br />

Different Ovulation Reters.<br />

Quirke, J. F. J. Reprod. Fert.<br />

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following norgestomet treatment with and without<br />

cloprostenol in beef cows<br />

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early pregnancy in aging rats:relation to embryonic<br />

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Plasma nutfah tanaman nilam Mansur, M. Edisi Khusus Penelitian Tanaman<br />

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Plasma Nutfah dan Pemuliaan Tanaman Jahe. Bermawie, N. Monograf Jahe, Littro. Bogor.<br />

Plasma membrane block to polyspenny in human oocytes<br />

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Sengoku, K. J. Reprod. Fertil. 105:85-90.<br />

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in broilers: effect of age and diet.<br />

Plasma lipids and large bowel volatile fatty acids in pigs fed<br />

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Plasma Hormon Progesterone Concentrations in Cycling<br />

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during various degrees of under feeding in pregnant mice<br />

Plasma estradiol, FSH and concentration after dominant<br />

follicle aspiration in the cow.<br />

Plasma estradiol during early pregnancy in the cow and the<br />

effect of treatment with buseralin<br />

Plasma clearance ofchylomicrons from butterfat is not<br />

dependent on saturation: studies with butterfat fractions<br />

and other fats containing triacylglycerols with low or high<br />

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Amiridis, G.S. Theriogenology.<br />

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Plants Propagation Through Tissue Cultures. Murashige, T. Annual Review. Plant Physiol<br />

Plants fed to village ruminants in Indonesia Lowry, J. B. ACIAR Technical reports no. 22<br />

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Plantlet differentation from callus protoplast induced from<br />

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Plant Tissue Culture Practice Taji, A. M. Botany Department the University of<br />

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Plant tannins: their role in forage quality McLeod, M.N Nutntion abstract and reviews<br />

Plant sterol-enriched margarines and reduction of plasma<br />

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Plant Responses To Water Stress Hsio. T.C Ann. Rev. Pl. Physiol<br />

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Plant Response To Water Stress Hasio. T.C Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol<br />

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Plant response to mycoriza fungi: Host, endophyte and soil<br />

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Plant regeration from protoplasts isolated from<br />

embryogenic callus of satsuma .<br />

Plant regeration from citrus protoplasts : Variablity in<br />

methodological requirement among cultivar and species.<br />

Plant Regeration From Callus Induced From Mature<br />

Zygotic Embryo of Lobololly Pine<br />

Plant regenertion from stem and petiole protoplasts of<br />

sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) and its wild relative, I<br />

lacunosa.<br />

Ling, J. T. Scien Hortic. 25: 970-972<br />

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Tang. W Plant Cell reports<br />

Belarmino, M.M. Plant Breed, Abstr..<br />

Plant regeneration vi somatic embryogenesis from<br />

protoplasts of six plant species related to citrus<br />

Jumin, H.B Plant Cell. Rept<br />

Plant regeneration in tissue culture of paper (Capsium<br />

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Plant regeneration in sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.,<br />

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Sihachakr, D., Euphytica 96: 143-152.<br />

Plant regeneration from Trovito orange protoplasts Kobayashi, S Jpn. J. Breed<br />

Plant regeneration from solated microspore of indica rice. Cho MS Plant Cell Biology 31:881-885<br />

Plant regeneration from protoplasts of calamondin (Citrus<br />

madurensis Lour)<br />

Plant regeneration from leaf protoplast of Lycopersicon<br />

hirsutum f. hirsutum.<br />

Plant regeneration from hypoctyl and petiole callus of<br />

Trifolium patense L.<br />

Plant regeneration from embryonic callus initiated from<br />

immature inflorescenes of several high tannin sorghum<br />

Plant regeneration from embryogenic callus initiated from<br />

immature inflorescences of several high-tanin sorghum<br />

Plant regeneration from cultured immature inflorescene of<br />

common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) &<br />

perreniel Buchwheat (F. cymosum Meisn)<br />

Plant regeneration from cultured immature inflorescence of<br />

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Plant Propagation Through Tissue Culture Murashige T. Ann. Rev. Plant Physiol<br />

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Plant Propagation by Tissue Culture George, E. F. Exegenetics Ltd. Eversley, England<br />

Plant Propagation by Tissue Culture George, F. E. Exegenetics Ltd. Eversley, England<br />

Plant Pathogens the Nematodes. Singh, R.S. Indust. J. Crops Rest.<br />

Plant parasitic nematodes associated with ginger (Zingiber<br />

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Plant Nutrient and Economic Value of Animal Manure Wilkinson. S.R J.Anim. Sci<br />

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Brasilense and Their Effect on The Growth on Pearl Millet<br />

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Plant growth substances produced by Awspirillum<br />

brasilense and their effect on the growth of pearl millet<br />

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Tien TM Appi Environ Microbiol 37:1016-1024.<br />

Plant growth responses to vescular arbuscular mycorrhiza<br />

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Mosse, B. New Phytol<br />

Plant growth responce to VA mycorrhiza. Vil. Growth and<br />

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Plant growth promoting brassinosteroids. Mandava, N.B Ann. Rev. Plant Physiol<br />

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Plant genotype differences in the uptake, translocation,<br />

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Plant Density and Soybean Maturity in a Sotbean-Maize<br />

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Plant chitinase are potent inhibitors of fungal growth Schlumbaum, A. Nature 324:365-367.<br />

Plant breeding influences the performance of temperate<br />

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Plant and Soil Water Relations Ships. A. Modem Synthesis. Kramer, P.J. Plant and Soil Water Relations Ships.<br />

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Plant adaptation to mineral stress in problem soils Foy CD Iowa State J res. 57:339-354<br />

Plant adaptation to mineral stress in problem soils Foy CD Iowa State J res. 57:339-354<br />

Plant adaptation to acid, alumunium-toxic soils. Foy CD Commum. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 19:959-<br />

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Plains pricklypear is a good forage for cattle Shoop. M.C. Journal of Rangeland Management<br />

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Pigments of Monascus Blanc, P.J. J. Food. Sci. 59: 862-865.<br />

Pigment and Cytological Evidence for Reclassification of<br />

Nannochloris oculata and Monallantus salina in the<br />

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Phytoplankton dynamics in shrimp ponds. Burford, M., Aquaculture Research. 28: 351-360.<br />

Phytoplankton and tilapia yields in ponds. Almazan Aquaculture 15:75-77.<br />

Phytoplankton and tilapia yields in ponds. Almazan Aquaculture 15: 75-77.<br />

Phytoplankton and tilapia yields in ponds Almazan, G. Aquaculture 15: 75-77.<br />

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Phytophthora disease on coconut hybrids in Indonesia. Mahmusd Z Indust Crops Res J 2<br />

Phytonematode Pathology : Ultrastructural Studies<br />

Parasitism Of Meloidogyne Arenaria Eggs and Larvae By<br />

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Phytochemical methods. A guide to modern teehniques of<br />

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Phytate Content in Cereals and Legumes and Methods of<br />

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Physiology of Crop Plant Gardner, F.R.B. Physiology of Crop Plant<br />

Physiology and Biochemistry of Plant Pathogen Interaction Misaghi IJ Plenum Press<br />

Physiologically Induced Changes in Resource-Oriented<br />

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Physiological, serological, and pathological variation<br />

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ginger and other hosts in Indonesia<br />

Physiological, serological and pathological variation<br />

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ginger and other hosts in Indonesia<br />

Barton Browne, L Annu. Rev. Entomol. 38 : 1-25.<br />

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Physiological signal that induce flowering Bernier, G. Plant Cell<br />

Physiological responses to plooding Crowford RMM AP Gontingen, MH Zimmerman (ed)<br />

Encylopedia of Plant Physiologi<br />

Physiological responses of lactating cows to gossypol from<br />

cottonseed meal rations<br />

Physiological responses of lactating cows to gossypol from<br />

cottonseed meal rations<br />

Physiological Responses of Avocado (Persea Americana<br />

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Combinations of O2 and CO2 Concentrations<br />

Physiological profile of caged layers during one production<br />

year, molt and postmolt : egg production, egg shell quality.<br />

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Physiological Genetics of crop yield Wallace DH Agron 24:97-146<br />

Physiological Genetics of crop yield Wallace DH Agron 24:97-146<br />

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Jolly, P. D. J. Reproduction and Fertility<br />

Glenn, D.M Hort Science. Vol. 35<br />

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Physiological desease of rice in Cihea Ismunadji, M. Contr. Centr. Res. Inst. Agric. Bogor<br />

Physiological changes in fish from stress in aquaculture<br />

with emphasis on the response and effects of<br />

corticosteroids<br />

Physiological changes in caged layers during a forced<br />

molt.4. Leucocyte and packed cell volume.<br />

Physiological changes in caged layers during a forced<br />

molt.3. Gross changes in plasma thyroxine, plasma<br />

triiodothyroxine, adrenal cholesterol. And total steroids.<br />

Physiological changes in caged layers during a forced<br />

molt.2. Gross changes in organs.<br />

Physiological basis of differential alluminium tolerance in<br />

rice genotypes.<br />

Physiological and Mechanical Properties ofKiwifruit Tissue<br />

associated with Texture Change during Cool Storage<br />

Physiological and Lactational Response of Dairy Goats to<br />

Urea Supplement.<br />

Physiological and Genetic Responses of Bacteria to<br />

Osmotic Stress.<br />

Physiological and Genetic Responses of Bacteria to<br />

Osmotic Stress,<br />

Physiological * genetical studies on the pungency of<br />

Capsicum. Inheritance of pungency.<br />

Physiological ecology of Chatonella antiqua (hada) ON<br />

O on B group vitamin reqruitments<br />

Physicochemical properties of submarged soils in relation<br />

to fertility<br />

Physicochemi-cal characterization of tetraether lipids from<br />

Thermoplasma acidophilwn. Differential scanning<br />

calorimetry studies on glycolipids and glycophospholipids<br />

Physicochemical characterization of tetraether lipids from<br />

Thermoplasma acidophilwn. Calorimetric studies on<br />

miscibility with diether model lipids carrying branched or<br />

unbranched alkyi chains<br />

Physicochemical characterization of tetraether lipids from<br />

Thermoplasma acidophilum. IV. Calorimetric studies on the<br />

miscibility of tetraether lipids with dipalmitoyl<br />

phosphatidylcholine and dipalmitoyl phosphatidylglycerol<br />

Barton, B.A. Annual Review of Fish Diseases 1: 3 -<br />

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Brake, J. Poult. Sci.<br />

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Ganersan, K., Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Annal. 24:<br />

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Harker, F. R J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci<br />

Fernandez, J. J. Dairy Science Supplement.<br />

Csonka, L.N. Microbiol. Rev. 53(1): 121-147<br />

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Ohta Y Jpn. J. genet 37: 169-175<br />

T. Nishijima Buil Japan. Soc. Sci. Fish<br />

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Bliicher, D. Biochem. Biophys. Acta 778:74-80.<br />

Blocher, D. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 818:333-342.<br />

Blocher, D. Naturforsclwng, 40c:606-611.<br />

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Physicochemical characterization of tetraether lipids from<br />

Tfiennoplasma acidophilwn. V. Evidence for the existence<br />

of a metastable state in lipids with uncyclizated<br />

hydrocarbon chains<br />

Physicochemical Characteristics of Quail-broiler and Spent<br />

Quail Meat.<br />

Physico-chemical Changes of Arumanis Mango Dunng<br />

Storage at Ambient Temperature<br />

Physicochcmical alterations enhance the ability of dairy<br />

strains of Lactic acid Bacteria to remove aflatoxin from<br />

contaminated media<br />

Blocher, D. Bioclum. Biophys. Acta 1024:54-60.<br />

Singh, D. A.B.<br />

Panda<br />

J. Food Sci. and Technol<br />

Yuniarti Bull. Pelt. Hortic<br />

El-Nezami, H. J. Food Protect. 61(4): 466-468.<br />

Physical/Chemical Nature of Pectin Associated with<br />

Commercial Orange Juice Cloud<br />

Klavons, J Journal Food Science.<br />

Physical proprties of cold setting gels formed heat<br />

denatured whey protein isolate<br />

Mc Clement DJ J Sci Food Agric. 69: 7-14<br />

physical properties of selected soil by erosion class Lowery, B. Journal of soil and water<br />

conserevation<br />

Physical properties of propagation media and their effect<br />

on rooting of three woody ornametals<br />

Tilt KM Hort Science 22 (2):245 - 247<br />

Physical properties of propagation media and their effect<br />

on rooting of three woody ornametals<br />

Tilt KM Hort Science 22 (2):245 - 247<br />

Physical oceanography of the Southeast Asian Waters Wyrtki K Naga report, La Jolla Number2: 195<br />

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Physical oceanography of the Southeast Asian Water. Wyrtki. K: Naga Rep. 2:1-195.<br />

Physical oceanography of the southeast Asian Water. Wyrthi. K. Naga Rep. 2:1-195.<br />

Physical charaeterization of Rhizobium meliloti<br />

megaplasmids.<br />

Burkhard, B., Plasmid 17: 13-25.<br />

Physical and Thermal Properties of Short Grain Rough<br />

Rice<br />

Morita. T Trans. Of Am. Soc. Of Agric. Eng<br />

Physical and sensory properties of model foods<br />

supplemented with cauliflower fiber<br />

Femenia, A. J. Food Sci.<br />

Physical and organoleptic quality of meatball beef filled by<br />

five kinds of filler<br />

Triatmodjo, S. Bul. Anim. Sci. Special Edition<br />

Physical and genetic mapping of the Rhodobacter<br />

sphaeroides 2.4.1 geno-me: genome size, fragment<br />

identification, and gene localization<br />

Suwanto, A. J. Bacterial. 171:5840-5849.<br />

Physical and genetic mapping of the Rhodobacter<br />

spaeroides 2.4.1 genome:presence of two unique circular<br />

chromosome.<br />

Physical and genetic mapping of Rhodobacter sphaeroides<br />

2.4.1 genome: genome size, fragment, identification and<br />

gene localization<br />

Suwanto, A. J. Bacteriol. 17: 5850-5859.<br />

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Physical and genetic mapping of Rhodobacter sphaeroides<br />

2.4.1 genome: genome size, fragmen identification and<br />

gene localization.<br />

Physical and compositional characteristics of beef<br />

carcasses selected for leminess<br />

Physical and compositional characteristics of beef<br />

carcasses selected for leanness.<br />

Physical and Chemical Properties, Methods Of Analysis,<br />

and Physiological Effect<br />

Physical and Chemical Component of The Empty Body<br />

Weight During Compensatory Growth in Beef Steers.<br />

Physical and chemical component of the empty body<br />

weight during compensatory growth in beef steers<br />

Physical and chemical characteristics of peat soil of<br />

Indonesia<br />

Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Extruded Rice<br />

Flour Fortified With Soybean Protein Isolate<br />

Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Extruded Rice<br />

Flour Fortified with Soybean Protein Isolate<br />

Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Extruded Rice<br />

Flour and Rice Flour Fortified with Soybean Protein Isolate<br />

Suwanto, A. J. Bacteriol. 171: 5840-5849.<br />

Browning, M. A. J. Food Sci.<br />

Browning, M. A. J. Food Sci.<br />

Schneeman.B.O Food Technology<br />

Carstens, G. E. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Carsten, G. E. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Widjaja-Adhi, I.P.G IARD J<br />

Noguchi, A. J. Food Sci., 47: 240-245.<br />

Noguchi, A. J. Food Sci., 471: 240-245.<br />

Noguchi J. Food Science<br />

Physical Activity Assessment In America Indian School<br />

Children In The Pathways Study<br />

Going. S.B Am. J. Clin. Nutr<br />

Physical & chemical characteristics of peat soil of<br />

Indonesia<br />

Widjaya Adhi, IPG IARD Journal 10 (3): 59-64<br />

Physical properties and microstructure of cream Cheese Ohashi T. Nippon Shokuhin kogyo gakkaishi, 30<br />

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Physcological and biocemical test for seed vigor. Woodstock, L. W. Seed Science and technology<br />

Phylogeny of weigela and diervilla (Caprifoliaceae) based<br />

on nuclear rDNA ITS sequences: biogeographic and<br />

taxonomic implications<br />

Kim Y J Plant Res 112:331-341.<br />

Phylogeny of the phototropic Rhizobium strain BT Ail by<br />

polymerase chain reaction based sequencing of a 16S<br />

rRNA gene segment<br />

Phylogeny and phytogeography of Eupatorium<br />

(Eupatorieae, Asteraceae): Insights from Sequence Data of<br />

the nrDNA ITS region and cpDNA<br />

Phylogeny and biogeography ofAralia Sect Aralia<br />

(Araliaceae)<br />

Phylogenetic utility of the internal transcribe spacers of<br />

nuclear ribosomal DNA in plants: an example from the<br />

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Young, J.P.W. J. Bacteriol. 174: 2271-2277.<br />

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Baldwin BG MolPhyloEvol 1:3-16.<br />

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Phylogenetic distribution and genetic mapping of a (GCG)<br />

in microsatellite from rice (Oryza sativa L)<br />

Phylogenetic analysis of two ribosomal DNA regions<br />

indicates multiple independent losses of a sexual<br />

Talaromyces state among asexual Penicillium species in<br />

the subgenus Biverticillium.<br />

Zhao X Plant Molec Biol 21:607-614<br />

LoBuglio, F.F. Mycologia 85: 592-604.<br />

Phylogenetic analysis of sorghum and related Taxa Using<br />

ITS of Nuclear Ribosomal DNA<br />

Sun Y Theory Appi Genet 89:26-32.<br />

Phylogenetic analysis in molecular evolutionary genetic Nei M Annu Rev Genet 30:371-403.<br />

Phyicology mechanical properties of oil palm wood fluor<br />

filled natural rubber<br />

Ismail H Polymer Testing 18(5):381-388<br />

Phthalic acid esters: biological impact uncertain Marx JI Science 178:46-47.<br />

Phthalate esters plasticizers: why and how they are used Graham PR. Environ Health Perspect Exp Issue<br />

3:3.<br />

Phthalate esters as environmental contaminants Mayer FL Nature 238:411-413.<br />

Phototropic substance associated with the decomposition<br />

in soil of plants residues<br />

Patrick, Z.A Soil Sci<br />

Phototaxis in Fungiidae corals (Scleractinia). Yamashiro, H.. Mar Biol. 124: 461-465.<br />

Photosynthetic carbon partitioning: its regulation and<br />

possibilities for manipulation<br />

Stitt, M. Plant Physiol. 77: 633-641.<br />

Photosynthetic characteris tics of strawberry plants<br />

treated with paclobutrazol or flurprimidol<br />

Archbold, D.D. HortScience 23 (1): 200-202.<br />

Photosynthesis and transpiration as a function of gaseous<br />

diffusive resistance in orange leaves<br />

Kriedemann, P.E. Physiol. Plant. 24: 218-225.<br />

Photosynthesis and photoassimilation of glucose during<br />

photomixotrophic growth of Marchantia polymorpha cells in<br />

suspension culture.<br />

Katoh, K. Physiol. Plant. 57: 67-74.<br />

Photoperiodic Requirements for LH Release in Juvenile<br />

Broiler and Egg-Laying Strains of Domestic Chikens Fed ad<br />

Libitum or Restricted Diets.<br />

Photoperiodic control of gonado tropin secretion in the ram<br />

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Photoperiod Study With Chicken Hens Cooper, J.B Poult. Sci.<br />

Photometric Estimation of Prolin and Ornithine Chinard, F.P. J. Biol. Chem., 199: 91-95.<br />

Photometric estimation of Praline and Ornithin Chinard, F.P. J. Biol. Chem. 199: 91-95.<br />

Photometric determination of lysozyme activity Iitwach, G. Proceeding Society of Experimental<br />

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Photodynamic therapy Levy, J.G. Trends Biotechnol. 13:14-18.<br />

Photodynamic herbicide: 1. concept and phenomenology Rebeiz, C.A. Enzyme Microb Technol. 6:390-401.<br />

Photodegradation of polythylene & polypropylene at slow<br />

strain rate.<br />

Photo-chemical reaction centers: Structure, organization,<br />

and function.<br />

Photochemical modification of polymers photocrosslinking,<br />

surface, photografting, & lamination.<br />

Photobioreactor with photosynthetic bacteria immobilized<br />

on porous glass for hydrogen photoproduction<br />

Phosporus Rhizobium Interaction Studies on Biological<br />

Nitrogen Fixaction and Yield of Lentil<br />

Phosporus Export from Roots to Shoots of Barley Seeding<br />

with Different P Status<br />

Phosporus and beef production in northen Australia. 1.<br />

Phosporus and pasture productivity<br />

Phosphorus transformation into two sorption contrasting<br />

tropical soils during transit through P corethrurus<br />

Phosphorus sortion characteristics of productive and<br />

unproductive Niger Soils<br />

Phosphorus sorption characteristics of productive and<br />

unproductive Niger Soils.<br />

Phosphorus sorption characteristics of productive and<br />

unproductive Niger Soils<br />

Phosphorus sorption characteristics of Bh Horizon from<br />

sandy Plain Soils<br />

Phosphorus retention as related to morphology of Sandy<br />

Coasteal Plain soil Materials<br />

Phosphorus fixation by soils in relation to extractable iron<br />

oxides and mineralogical composition<br />

Phosphorus fixation by soils in relation to extractable iron<br />

oxides and mineralogical composition<br />

Phosphorus fertilizer management and P availability onhigh<br />

sorption tropical soil<br />

Phosphorus fertilizer management and P availability onhigh<br />

sorption tropical soil<br />

Phosphorus fertifization reduces VAM infection and<br />

change nodule occupacy of field grown soybean<br />

Phosphorus efficiency in common bean genotypes in<br />

contrasting soil types. I. Vegetative response<br />

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Phosphorus Depletion m the Rhi-zosphere as Influenced<br />

by Soil Moisture.<br />

Gahoonia, T.S. Plant & Soil. 159:213-218<br />

Phosphorus Availability from Phosphate rock as Enhanced<br />

by Water-Soluble Phosphorus<br />

Chien, S.H Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Phosphorus availability from phosphate rock as enhanced<br />

by water-soluble phosphorus<br />

Chien, S.H Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Phosphorus availability from phosphate rock as enhanced<br />

by water-soluble phosphorus<br />

Chien, S.H Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Phosphorus and Beef Production in Northern Australia. I.<br />

Phosphorus and Pasture Productivitiy.<br />

Jones, R. J. Trop. Grassld.<br />

Phosphorus and aluminium release from a spodic horizon<br />

mediated by organic acids<br />

Fox, T.R. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 54:1763-1767.<br />

Phosphorus adsorption sites in soils Harter, R. D. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 33: 630632.<br />

Phosphorous sorption by Ultisols and Inceptisols of the<br />

Niger delta in Southern Nigeria<br />

Loganathan, P Soil Sci. 144: 330-338.<br />

Phosphorous sorption by major agricultural soils öt Alaska Ping, C.L. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 17: 299-<br />

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Phosphorous adsorption sites in soils Harter, R.D. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 33: 630-632.<br />

Phosphate sorption parameters of representative soils from<br />

Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil<br />

Phosphate sorption isotherms for evaluating the phosphate<br />

requirements for soils<br />

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requirements for soils<br />

Phosphate sorption -desorption behaviour of some acidic<br />

soils of south and Southeast Asia.<br />

Phosphate sorption characteristics of some Benchmark<br />

soils of West Africa<br />

Phosphate Sorption Characteristics of Selected Major<br />

Ghanaian Soils<br />

Phosphate Sorption Characteristics of Selected Major<br />

Ghanaian Soils<br />

Phosphate sorption by soils evaluated by the langmuir<br />

adsorptin equation<br />

Phosphate solubilizing bacteria in fungi in various cultivated<br />

and virgin Alberta soils<br />

Syers, J. K. Soil Sci. 112: 267-275.<br />

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Phosphate mediation of the crabtree ana pasteur effects Koobs.D.H. j. Science. 178: 127-133.<br />

Phosphate is required for inhibition by glucose of<br />

development of hamster and cell embryos in vitro<br />

Seshagiri, P.B J. Biol. Re prod. 40:607-614.<br />

Phosphate is required for inhibition by glucose of<br />

development of hamster 8-cell embryos in vitro<br />

Seshagiri, P.B J. Biol. Re prod 40:607-614.<br />

Phosphate dissolving microorganism in the soil and<br />

rhizosphere<br />

Rao, S.W.C.B. Indian. J. Sci. 23:272-278.<br />

Phosphate dissolving micro-organism in the soil and<br />

Rhizosfer.<br />

Rao, S. M. V. B. Indian J. Agric. Sci.<br />

Phosphate Diffusion to Plant Growth. Olsen, S.R. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc.<br />

Phosphate Diffusion to Plant Growth. Olsen, S.R. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc.<br />

Phosphate Diffusion to Plant Growth Olsen, S.R. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc.<br />

Phosphate and Trace Metal Availability From Sewagesludge<br />

Incineration Ash<br />

Bierman, P.M. J. Environ. Qual. 23:822-830.<br />

Phosphate adsorption on an Oxisols Parffit, R.L Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Phosphate absorbtion of red and/or yellow colored soil<br />

materials in relation to the characteristics of free oxides<br />

Araki, S. Soil Sci. Plant. Nutr. 32: 609-616.<br />

Phosphate absorbtion of red and or yellow colored soil<br />

materials in relation to the characteristics of free oxides<br />

Phosphate absorbtion of red and or yellow colored soil<br />

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Araki, S Soil Sci. Plant. Nutr. 32: 609-616.<br />

Araki, S. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 32: 609-616.<br />

Phosphatases in soils Eivazi, F. Soil Biol. Biochem. 9: 167-172.<br />

Phorphorus and Potassium Uptake By Corn in<br />

Conservation Tillage System<br />

Mackay, A.D Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J<br />

Phorobacterium profundum sp.nov., a new, moderately<br />

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Phenylpropanoic acid: growth factor for Rumminococus<br />

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Phenotypic Relation Ships within Angus and Hereford<br />

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Phenolic Spices Components Sporostatics to Bacillus<br />

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Phenolic Polymers of StachyBotrys atra, Stachibotry<br />

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Phenolic constituents of cell wall types of normal and<br />

brown midrib mutant of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum<br />

(L) R Br) in relation to wall biodegradability.<br />

Hartley RD J. Sci Food Agric 22:211-216<br />

Phenolic component of smoka meat products Lusture, A. J. Agric. Food Chem.<br />

Phenol metabolism and plant disease resistance Manibhushanrao, K. Ada Phytopathol. Entomol. Hungarica<br />

23:103-114.<br />

Phatological and toxicological studies of calves fed a high<br />

concentration cottonseed meal diet<br />

Holmberg, C.A. Vet Pathol., 25:147.<br />

Phasphorus Ni Submerged Srils and Phosphorus nutritraa<br />

of rice<br />

Phase change: growth and flowering of citrus seedings<br />

from thirteen genetically diverse seeding families<br />

Phase change in citrus: The effect of main stem node<br />

number, branch habit and paclobutrazol application on<br />

flowering in citrus seedlings<br />

Chang, S. C. ASPAC food and fertilizer technology<br />

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fertilizer application for rice taipey,<br />

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Pharmazeutische Biologie 2 Aufl Schneider.G B.I-Wissenschaftsverlags Mannheim<br />

Pharmacologic Actions of 4-Aminoquinolone Compounds Mackenzie, A.H. Am. J. Med. 18: 5-10.<br />

Pharmacokinetics and tissue penetration of ciprofloxasin. Crump. B., Antimicrob agent and Chemother. 24<br />

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Phagocytic activity of macrophages of rainbow trout against<br />

Vibrio miguillarum and the opsoning effect of antibody and<br />

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Honda A. Research in Veterinary Science. 40:<br />

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Phaffia, a new yeast genus in the Deuteromycotina<br />

(Blastomycetes).<br />

Miller, M.W. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 26: 286.<br />

PH mediated control methods for continuous ethanol<br />

fermentation using Zymomonas mobilis<br />

Ishizaki, A J.ferment.Bioeng<br />

pH Dependnt Adsorption Isotherms of Glyphosate McConnell. J.S J. Agric. Food. Chem<br />

pH Dependent Adsorption Isotherm Of Glyphosate McConnell. J.S Journal of Agriculture and Food<br />

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Pewarisan, heritabilitas, dan kemajuan genetik ketahanan<br />

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Pewarisan, heritabilitas, dan kemajuan genetik ketahanan<br />

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Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 252 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Pewarisan, heritabilitas dan kemajuan genetik ketahanan<br />

tanaman cabai merah terhadap penyakit Antarknos<br />

Amalia L<br />

Pewarisan sifat jumlah malai pada tanaman padi (Oriza<br />

sativa L.).<br />

Tirtowirjono, S.<br />

Pewarisan laju akumulasi bahan kering pada biji kedelai Raihani W<br />

Pewarisan laju akumulasi bahan kering pada biji kedelai Raihani W<br />

Petunjuk Teknis dan Budidaya Ulat Sutera (Bombyx mori<br />

L.).<br />

Samsijah Jurnal Penelitian, Volume 58. Pusat<br />

Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hutan,<br />

Bogor<br />

Petunjuk teknis bercocok tanam kentang dataran medium Ashandi, A.A Informasi Badan Litbang Pertanian No.<br />

1<br />

Petunjuk singkat cara pemeliharaan dan<br />

perkembangbiakan marmot untuk keperluan penelitian di<br />

laboratorium.<br />

Mangunwiryo, H. Buletin LPPH VIII (1-2) No. I I dan 12.<br />

Petunjuk Ringkas Uji Coba Model PMDH Terpadu Perum Pemutani PHT 24 Seri Produksi 93<br />

Petunjuk Lengkap Mengenai Obat-obatan di Indonesia dan<br />

Khasiatnya Sebagai Obat-obatan Tradisional. Jilid I Bagian<br />

Botani<br />

Kloppenburg-<br />

Versteegh<br />

Cetakan II CDRS Bethesda dan Andi<br />

Offset Yogyakarta.<br />

Petunjuk Laboratorium Analisa Pangan Fukushima M Lipids<br />

Peta Reksa Dana Perang Tarif, dan Masalah Gaya. Manurung, A.H. Jurnal Pasar Modal<br />

Pestisida dlm era perdagangan bebas anonim media pestisida vol 9/Th XI/1995.<br />

Jakarta<br />

Pesticides manual 4th ed Martin H British Crop Protection Council<br />

Pesticides as activators of Mouse Liver Microsomal<br />

Glutahione S-Transferase.<br />

Moorhouse, K. G. Pesticide Biochem. Physiol.<br />

Pesticide. Their Use and Toxicity in Relation to Wildlife. Rudd, R.I. Bull. Cal. Dept. Fish Game No. 7, 207<br />

pp.<br />

Pesticide resistance management is a key to effective pest<br />

control<br />

Delp CJ Bio Science 36:101-162<br />

Pesticide resistance management is a key to effective pest<br />

control<br />

Delp CJ Bio Science 36:101-162<br />

Pesticide Breakdown by Soil Enzymes. Burns, R.G. Pestic. Sci.<br />

Pesticide and Philippines rice farmer health: a medical and<br />

economic analysis<br />

Pingali, P.L. Am. J. Agric. Econ. 76: 587 - 592.<br />

Pestalotia guepini Desm. In seeds of Sorghum vulgare Marthur, S.B. Seeds of Sorghum vulgare Pers. Proc.<br />

Pers. Proc. Int. Seed. Test. Ass<br />

Int. Seed. Test. Ass<br />

Pest control in rice Feakin SD Pans manual no 3<br />

Pest control decision making: sugar beet in Englend. Mumford JD J Agric Econ<br />

Perubahan Status Sosial dan Moral Ekonomi Petani. Sarman, Mukhtar Prisma<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 253 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Perubahan status energi pada induk domba ekor tipis<br />

dengan bertambahnya umur kebuntingan dan jumlah fetus<br />

yang dikandung<br />

Perubahan status energi pada induk domba ekor tipis<br />

dengan bertambahnya umur kebuntingan dan jumlah fetus<br />

yang dikandung<br />

Perubahan Sifat Kimia Tanah dan Pertumbuhan Padi Pada<br />

Lahan Sawah Baru di rumah Kaca<br />

Perubahan Nilai Gizi dan Organoleptik dari Hasil<br />

Fermentasi Limbah Padat Rumah Potong hewan<br />

Perubahan Muatan Listri Tanah Podsolik Dengan<br />

Perubahan Kandungan Bahan organik<br />

Perubahan konsentrasi progesteron dalam serum induk<br />

domba dari fase luteal ke fase plasental kebuntingan:<br />

pengaruh jumlah anak<br />

Perubahan konsentrasi progesteron dalam serum induk<br />

domba dari fase luteal ke fase plasental kebuntingan:<br />

pengaruh jumlah anak<br />

Perubahan Kelarutan Seng asal Limbah Industri di Dalam<br />

Tanah Tropika akibat Penambahan Kapur Kompos daun<br />

Singkong<br />

Perubahan Kelarutan seng Asal Limabh Industri di Dalam<br />

Tanah Tropika Akibat Penambahan Kapur dan Kompos<br />

Daun Singkong<br />

Perubahan Kadar Resistant Starch (RS) dan Komposisi<br />

Kimia beberapa Bahan pangan Kaya Karbohidrat dalam<br />

Pengolahan<br />

Perubahan hematologi dan jaringan ikan lele dumbo,<br />

Clarias spp. yang diinfeksi cendawan Aphanomyces spp.<br />

Perubahan Fraksi Labil Tenbaga Asal Limbah Industri<br />

Dalam Beberapa Jenis Tanah Tropika Akibat Perlakuan<br />

Kapur dan Kompos daun Singkong<br />

Perubahan Fraksi Labil Tenbaga Asal Limbah Industri<br />

Dalam Beberapa Jenis Tanah Tropika Akibat Perlakuan<br />

Kapur dan Kompos daun Singkong<br />

Perubahan Fraksi Labil Tembaga Asal Limbah Industri<br />

Dalam beberapa Jenis Tanah Tropika akibat Perlakuan<br />

Kapur dan Kompos Daun Singkong<br />

Perubahan Fraksi Labil Tembaga Asal Limbah Industri<br />

Dalam beberapa Jenis Tanah Tropika akibat Perlakuan<br />

Kapur dan Kompos Daun Singkong<br />

Manalu, W.<br />

Manalu, W.<br />

Widowati. L.R Jurnal Tanah Dan Iklim<br />

Effendi, M.H.<br />

Arifin Kalimantan Agrikultura<br />

Manalu, W.<br />

Manalu, W.<br />

Salam. A.K<br />

Salam.A.K.<br />

Marsono Y<br />

Bastiawan, D,<br />

Salam.A.K.<br />

Salam.A.K.<br />

Salam. A.K<br />

Salam. A.K<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 254 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Perubahan Fraksi Labil Tembaga Asal Limbah Industri<br />

Dalam Beberapa Jenis Tanah Tropika Akibat Perlakuan<br />

Kapur dan Kompos daun Singkong<br />

Perubahan Fraksi Labil Tembaga Asal Limbah Industri<br />

Dalam Beberapa Jenis Tanah Tropika Akibat Perlakuan<br />

Kapur dan Kompos daun Singkong<br />

Perubahan Fraksi Labil Tembaga Asal Limbah Industri<br />

Dalam Beberapa Jenis Tanah Tropika Akibat Perlakuan<br />

Kapur dan Kompos Daun Singkong<br />

Perubahan Fraksi Labil Tembaga Asal Limbah Industri<br />

Dalam Beberapa Jenis Tanah Tropika Akibat Perlakuan<br />

Kapur dan Kompos Daun Singkong<br />

Pertumbuhan Tanaman Jagung (Zea Mays L.) di Tanah<br />

Terpolusi Limbah Industri Berlogam Berat<br />

Pertumbuhan penggerek batang jagung Ostrinia urnacalis<br />

pada berbagai tingkat umur tanaman jagung (Zea MaysL.).<br />

Pertumbuhan Lapang Tanaman Bayam (Amaranthus<br />

Tricolor L.) di Tanah Terpolusi Oleh Logam Berat Asal<br />

Limbah Industri<br />

Pertumbuhan kepiting bakau, Scylla serrata Forskal jantan<br />

& betina dalam tambak.<br />

Pertumbuhan kepiting bakau, bandeng. dan nila merah di<br />

tambak tanah gambut<br />

Pertumbuhan kepiting bakau, bandeng, dan nila merah di<br />

tambak tanah gambut<br />

Pertumbuhan kepiting bakau, bandeng, dan nila merah di<br />

tambak tanah gambut<br />

Pertumbuhan kepiting bakau, bandeng, dan nila merah di<br />

tambak tanah gambut<br />

Pertumbuhan kepinding tanah Scotinophara vermiculata,<br />

Vol. 1 (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) di laboratorium.<br />

Pertumbuhan Kelapa Genjah Salak di kebun percobaan<br />

Kima Atas, Sulawesi Utara.<br />

Pertumbuhan kelapa Genjah Salak di kebun percobaan<br />

Kima Atas, Sulawesi Utara<br />

Pertumbuhan Ikan Nila Merah Dalam Pemeliharaan Semilntensif<br />

di Pekarangan.<br />

Pertumbuhan ikan kakap putih, Lates calcarifer pada lokasi<br />

pemeliharaan yang berbeda.<br />

Pertumbuhan ikan baung (Mystus nemurus C.V) yang<br />

diberi makanan pelet dengan formula berbeda di dalam<br />

karamba terapung.<br />

Salam.A.K<br />

Salam.A.K<br />

Salam. A.K<br />

Salam. A.K<br />

Salam. A.K<br />

Nonci, N. Agrikam<br />

Salam. A.K J. Manag. Kual. Lingk. I<br />

Mangampa, M., J. Penel. Budidaya F'antai.<br />

Hanafi, A.<br />

Hanafi, A.<br />

Hanafi A.<br />

Hanafi, A.<br />

Bachaki, S. E. Penelitian pertanian Vol 6 No. 1 Balai<br />

penelitian tanaman pangan, Bogor<br />

Novarianto H Bul Balitka<br />

Novarianto, H. Bul. Balitka 12:18-20.<br />

Sudarto.<br />

Irianto, A., Jurnal Penelitian Budidaya Pantai 9<br />

(4):hal 90-94.<br />

Gaffar, A.K.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 255 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Pertumbuhan dan Ukuran Tubuh Anak Kambing Sapihan<br />

Peranakan Etawah (PE) yang Diberi Suplementasi<br />

Konsentrat dan "Multinutrisi Blok"<br />

Pertumbuhan dan Ukuran Tubuh Anak Kambing Sapihan<br />

Peranakan Etawah (PE) yang diberi suplementasi<br />

konsentrasi dan "multinutrisi blok"<br />

Pertumbuhan dan sintasan benih gurame dalam<br />

pemeliharaan sistem resirkulasi dengan pemberian pakan<br />

her-beda.<br />

Pertumbuhan dan produksi rimpang jahe asal kultur<br />

jaringan<br />

Pertumbuhan dan Perkembangan embrio kelpa pada 3<br />

jenis media kultur in vitro<br />

Pertumbuhan dan Mutu Bibit Eboni (Diospyros Celebica<br />

Bakh) Pada Tiga Jenis Medium yang Dipupuk NPK<br />

Pertumbuhan dan kelulushidupan larva kakap putih (Lates<br />

calcahfer) pada berbagai kadar garam dan padat<br />

penebaran.<br />

Pertumbuhan dan hasil padi gogo serta kakao pada areal<br />

kakao yang di pangkas dengan sistem pemangkasan<br />

eradikasi (SPE).<br />

Pertumbuhan dan hasil kacang hijau varietas merak akibat<br />

defolasi<br />

Pertumbuhan Berat Badan Sapi PO dan Madura dengan<br />

Pemberian Jerami Padi, Jerami jagung, dan Makanan<br />

Penguat. Buletin LPP No. 1 Tahun 1971.<br />

Pertumbuhan beberapa varietas jeruk batang bawah dalam<br />

berbagai kondisi air<br />

Pertumbuhan ayam kampung jantan dan betina yang hidup<br />

berkeliaran serta hubungan antara bobot badan dengan<br />

umurnya.<br />

Sonjaya, H.<br />

Sonjaya, H.<br />

Hatimah, S. J. Penel. dan Pengemb. Perik. lll(l):<br />

73-79<br />

Syahid, S.F. Jurnal Penelitian Tanaman Industri.<br />

2(2): 95-100.<br />

Samosir, Y.M.S. Buletin manggar 4(2) : 23-26<br />

Hendromono Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan<br />

Kehutanan VII<br />

Mayunar, R. J. Penelitian Budidaya Pantai, Terbitan<br />

Khusus 1:27-32.<br />

Pranoto. A.A. Pelita Perkebunan 12(1) . 61-72<br />

Radjit, B. S. Penelitian palawija Balittan Malang<br />

Rangkuti, Buletin LPP No. 1 Tahun 1971.<br />

Djoema'ijah Penelitian Hortikultura<br />

Wihandoyo.<br />

Pertumbuhan 9 jenis batang bawah jeruk hasil introduksi Devy, N.F. Majalah Hortikultura<br />

Pertanian berkelanjutan di lahan gambut. Radjagukguk, B Alami2(I): 17-20.<br />

Persistence of permethrin and WL43755 in soil Williams, I.H J. Agr. Food Chem<br />

Persistence of Glyphosate in a Sandy Loam Eberbach. P.L Soil Biol. Biochem.<br />

Persilangan antara spesies tanaman cabai Setiamihardja Zuriat 4:112-115<br />

Persilangan antar spesies pada tanaman cabai Setiamihardja R<br />

Persentase hidup sel spermatozoa sapi Peranakan Ongole<br />

pada berbagai kadar gliserol dengan pengenceran TRis<br />

Kuning telur<br />

Isnaeni, N Jurnal llmu Petemakan<br />

Persarian buatan lalat syrphus pada bunga mangga. Budijono, S. J. Hort.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 256 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Perpheral Plasma Progesterone Con-centration of<br />

Cows During Lactation, and the Effects of Undernutrition<br />

or Exogenous Oxytoxin on Progesterone<br />

Concentration<br />

Donaldson, L.E J. Endocrinology<br />

Peroxidase in vacuoles of Vicia vaba leaves Takahama, U. Phytochemistry 30:73-77.<br />

Perode Kritis Tanaman Kacang Hijau (Vigna Radiata) Var.<br />

Walet Pada Beberapa Jarak Tanam Karena persaingan<br />

Dengan Gulma<br />

Moenandir. J<br />

Permodelan Dampak Ekonomi IPM Sugema I Jurusan Ilmu-ilmu Sosial Ekonomi<br />

Pertanian IPB<br />

Permintaan rumah tangga Kota di Indonesia terhadap<br />

keanekaragaman pangan.<br />

Pakpahan, A. J. Hort.<br />

Permasalahan dan Pengendalian Hama Belalang diareal<br />

PG Tolangohula-PT. Rajawali III, Sulawesi Utara<br />

Pramono.D<br />

Perlakuan pengeringan rotan manau (Calamus manan) dan<br />

rotan semambu (Calamus scipionum).<br />

Perlakuan Bahan Organik dan Tanah Mineral pada bahan<br />

Tailing terhadap Ketersediaan Unsur Hara Makro dan<br />

Unsur Logam Mikro<br />

Perkiraan Konsumsi dan Produksi Daging Sapi di Kodya<br />

Padang pada Repelita VII.<br />

Perkembangan tenaga pertanian untuk usaha tani pada<br />

padi sawah di Kabupaten Karawang: suatu pendekatan<br />

simulasi sistem.<br />

Basri, E<br />

Suryanto Jurnal Ilmu Tanah dan Lingkungan<br />

Buletin Ilmiah Ekasakti<br />

Ananto E.E., Media Penelitian Sukamandi 11: 14-<br />

23.<br />

Perkembangan Teknik Hibridoma Sjachrurachman, A. Cermin Dunia Kedokteran, 104: 52-56.<br />

Perkembangan stadia, pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan<br />

hidup larva udang windu Penaeus monodon dengan<br />

pemberian pakan alami yang berbeda<br />

Perkembangan Sistem Tanam dalam Penghutanan<br />

Kembali di Lingkungan Perhutani untuk Mengatasi<br />

Kebutuhan Lingkungan Indonesia.<br />

Perkembangan serangan penggerek batang padi putih<br />

(Scripophaga innotata) .<br />

Perkembangan populasi wereng coklat N lugens Stal<br />

(Homoptera; Delphacidae) pada beberapa varietas padi<br />

sawah<br />

Perkembangan penelitian benih makadamia. Keluarga<br />

Benih<br />

S. Ismi J. Penel. Budidaya Pantai<br />

Hadipurnomo Gajahmada University<br />

Surtikanti, M. Hasil Panel . Padi No. 1 1990. Hal 21-<br />

23.<br />

Zen, K Buletin pertanian Univ Islam Sumut<br />

13(1) hal 15-19<br />

Hasanah, M. Forum komunikasi antar peminat dan<br />

ahli benih. 5(1): 48-56.<br />

Perkembangan penelitian benih makadamia Hasanah, M. Keluarga Benih. 5(1): 48-58.<br />

Perkembangan Panel Tan. Penghasil Minyak Atsiri Wikadi. E.A ed. Khusus Vol. IV (1)<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 257 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Perkembangan oosit dan ovari ikan Semah (Tor<br />

douronensis)di Sungai Selabung, Danau Ranau, Sumatera<br />

Selatan.<br />

Perkembangan oosit dan ovari ikan semah (Tor<br />

douronensis) di Sungai Selabung, Danau Ranau, Sumatera<br />

Selatan.<br />

Perkembangan Nodulasi dan pertumbuhan vegetatif<br />

kaliandra dan lamtoro dengan perlakuan pengapuran dan<br />

pemberian pupuk CuSO4<br />

Perkembangan Konsumsi dan Proyeksi Permintaan Beras<br />

di Indonesia<br />

Perkembangan konsumsi dan proyeksi permintaan beras di<br />

Indonesia<br />

Perkembangan konsumsi dan proyeksi permintaan beras di<br />

Indonesia<br />

Perkembangan komposisi ikan layang (Decapterus spp.)<br />

dari hasil tangkapan pukat cincin menurut daerah<br />

penangkapan di Laut Jawa.<br />

Perkembangan komposisi hasil tangkapan dan laju<br />

tangkap pukat cincin di Laut Jawa.<br />

Perkembangan enzim pencernaan benih ikan gurami,<br />

Osplirfineinou', gouramy<br />

Hardjamulia, A.,<br />

Hardjamulia, A.,<br />

Umar SD Karya Ilmiah. IPB Bogor<br />

Erwidodo Jurnal AgroEkonomi, Vol 6 No.1 dan 2<br />

Erwidodo,<br />

Erwidodo,<br />

Suwarso, Jur. Pen. Per. Laut. 38:35-58.<br />

Sadhotomo, B. Jur. Pen. Per. Laut. 35:101-109.<br />

Affandi, R. Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Perairan dan<br />

Perikanan Indonesia. II(2): 63-71.<br />

Perkembangan dan prospek komoditas minyak sawit Buana L Komoditas Perkebunan 1(1):61-63<br />

Perkembangan buah dan taksasi produksi buah rambutan. Anonymous, J. Hort.<br />

Perkembangan armada pukat cincin di Selat Malaka. Hariati, T.,<br />

Perkecambahan Biji Kenari Babi (Canarium decumamim<br />

Gaertn.)<br />

Perkecambahan benih kayu manis dari berbagai tingkat<br />

kemasakan dan periode penyimpanan<br />

Perkecambahan Benih dan Pengaruh Beberapa Macam<br />

Media Terhadap Pertumbuhan Anakan Dryobalanops<br />

Lanceolata dan Shorea Spp<br />

Perkebunan kelapa sawit, <strong>sumber</strong> pakan ternak di<br />

Indonesia<br />

Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit, Sumber Pakan Temak<br />

Indonesia.<br />

Perkcmbangan oosit dan ovari ikan semah (7'or<br />

doiironrnsis) di Sungai Selabung, Danau Ranau, Sumutera<br />

Selatan.<br />

Peritoneal and head kidney cell response to intraperitoneally<br />

injected yeast glucan in Atlantic salmon, Saimo<br />

salarL.<br />

Hartutiningsih-<br />

M.Siregar<br />

Darwati, I. Pemberitaan Penelitian Tanaman<br />

lndustri. 13(1-2): 5-11.<br />

Eranayati Journal Penelitian Hutan Tropika<br />

Samarinda "Wanatrop"<br />

Aritonang, D.<br />

Aritonang, D.<br />

Hardjamulia, A., Perkembangan oosit dan ovari ikan<br />

semah di Sungai Selabung, Danau<br />

Ranau, Sumutera Selatan.<br />

Jorgensen, J.B., J. Fish Diseases 16: 313-325.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 258 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Perisa kakao dan komponen-komponennya Teguh wahyudi pelita perkebunan 4(3):106-110<br />

Periphyton production in an Appalachian river A.H. Hill Hydrobiology (97)<br />

Peripheral Serum Progesterone and Luteinizing Hormone<br />

Concentration of Goats During Synchronization of Estrus<br />

and Ovulation With Prostaglandin F2a<br />

Ott, R.S. Am. J. Vet. Res., 41: 1439<br />

Periodisitas harian kehadiran walangsangit (Leptocorisa<br />

oratorius) pada kepiting yg membusuk<br />

Periode kritis penyakit bercak daun Marssonina coronaria<br />

pada apel di sentra produksi Batu, Jawa Timur<br />

Periode kritis penyakit bercak daun Marssonina coronaria<br />

pada apel di sentra produksi Batu, Jawa Timur<br />

perimental Study on the Internal Strees Cracking of Rice<br />

Kernel (Part 2). A Com-parison beetwen Thermal and<br />

Moisture Strees and an arrangement of rice Cracking<br />

Data on the Weibul Probability Paper<br />

Perilaku rusa Jawa (Cervus timorensis) di penangkaran<br />

Taman Safari Indonesia<br />

Perilaku masyarkat terhadap Ikan Olahan di Kotamadya<br />

Semarang.<br />

Perikanan Udang Karang (Spiny Lobster) di Perairan<br />

Kabupaten Tabanan, Bali.<br />

Perikanan pelagis dan perkem-bangan kapal motor purse<br />

seine yang mendaratkan hasilnya di Tegal.<br />

Peri.laku Hanan Rusa Jawa (Cervus timorensis) di<br />

Penangkaran Taman Safari Indonesia<br />

Pergeseran Dominasi Species Wareng Hijau di Indonesia<br />

Serta Kemungkinan Peranannya Dalam Penyebaran Virus<br />

Tungro<br />

Performans produksi sapi PFH jantan yang dipelihara pada<br />

macam pakan penggemukan yang berbeda<br />

Performance testing Japanase Black Cattle in Kyushsu<br />

Distric comparing Tayasu. line and Shigocano line<br />

Performance of young indiginous and crossbread goats fed<br />

forages suplemented with palm oil mill effluent<br />

solikhin Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman<br />

Indonesia vol 3(2): 67-71<br />

Suria, M. Penel. Horti<br />

Suria, M. Penel. Horti<br />

Anonim Journal of Society of Agricultural<br />

Machinery. Japan.<br />

Farida, W.R.<br />

Nurasa<br />

Wahyuni, I.S., Jurnal Penel. Perik. Laut, 8.7: 84-90<br />

Hadisubroto, 1. Lap. Pen. Per. Laut. (2). 102-129.<br />

Wirdateti<br />

Sri Suharni Siwi Jurnal Litbang Pertanian<br />

Ngadiyono, N.<br />

Kumazaki, K. Jap. J. Zootech. Sci. 54 :463-469.<br />

Vadiveloo, J. Small ruminant research<br />

Performance of two ear types of Com Belt maize Collins, W.K. Crop Sci.<br />

Performance of The Duckweed Species Lemna Gibba On<br />

Municipal Wastewater For Effluent Renovation<br />

Oron. G Biotechnology and Bioengineering<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 259 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Performance of the Amazonian Tambaqui, Colossoma<br />

macropomum, in pond polyculture<br />

Performance of single comb white leghorn hens subjected<br />

to 4 or 10-day feed withdrawal force rest procedures.<br />

Performance of sahiwal-friesian growing heifer on different<br />

levels of dried palm oil sludge in their concentrate ration<br />

Performance of laying hens fed various phosphorus levels<br />

coninuously phase fed decremental phosphorus levels.<br />

Performance of Layer Reared and Or Kept. Under Different<br />

6 Hours Ligth Dark. Cycles<br />

Performance of lambs fed diets containing cottonseed meal<br />

processed by different methods<br />

Performance of lambs fed diets containing cottonseed meal<br />

processed by different methods<br />

Performance of lactating dairy cows fed either alfalfa silage<br />

or alfalfa hay as the sole forage<br />

Performance of growing pullets and laying hens fed low<br />

protein amino acid suplement diets<br />

Performance of Dairy Goats Fed Isonitrogenous Diets<br />

Containing Soybean Meal or Hydrolyzed Feather Meal<br />

During Early Lactation.<br />

Performance of cotton varieties under intercropping with<br />

mungbean<br />

Performance of corn, peanut, mungbean, and soybean in<br />

monoculture and intercrop combination of corn and<br />

legumes in dry season.<br />

Performance of commercial laying hens fed various<br />

phosphorus levels, with and without suplemental phytase<br />

Performance of Broilers Fed with Snail (Pomacea<br />

Canaliculata) Meal as Substitute to Fish Meal or Meal and<br />

Bone Meal<br />

Performance of broiler fed with snail (pomacea<br />

canaliculata) meal as subtitute to fish meal or meat and<br />

bone meal<br />

Performance of broiler chickens and yurket poults<br />

subjected to feed restriction or to feeding of low protein or<br />

low sodium diets at an early age<br />

Performance of Broiler Breeders as Affected by Body<br />

Weight During The Breeding Season.<br />

Hanez C Aquaculture Engineering<br />

Christmas, R.B. Poult. Sci.<br />

Sudin, M. Y. Malaysian Agricultural Journal<br />

Mikaelian, K. S. Poult. Sci.<br />

Sauveur. B Brit. Poult. Sci.<br />

Calhoun, M.C. J. Anim. Sci., 68 (Suppl.1): 530 (A),<br />

Calhoun, M.C. J. Anim. Sci., 68 (Suppl. 1): 530 (A).<br />

Broderick, G. A. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Keshararz,K, ME<br />

Jackson<br />

Poultry Sci. 71<br />

Lu, C. D. Small Ruminant Research.<br />

Hasnam Indonesian J. Crop Sci. 4(1): 15-25.<br />

Syarifuddin, Cont. Central Research Inst. Agric.<br />

Bogor. p. 12-13.<br />

Gordon, R.W. Poult. Sci. 76: 11721177.<br />

Ulep, L. J. L. Tropicultura<br />

Ulep, L. J. L. Tropicultura<br />

Plavnik, I Poult. Sci<br />

Wilson, H. R. Poult. Sci.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 260 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Performance of beef steers fed grass silage with or without<br />

supplement of soybean meals, fish meal and barley<br />

Performance level as criterion for the choice of maize<br />

testers<br />

Performance and nutritive quality of dwarf and semi-dwarf<br />

elephantgrass genotypes in the Southeastern USA<br />

Performance and interrelationship among several<br />

chararecters of pearl millet ( pennisetum of pearl millet<br />

(pennisetum typhoideum Rich ) Population<br />

Performance and interrelationship among several<br />

chararecters of pearl millet ( pennisetum of pearl millet<br />

(pennisetum typhoideum Rich ) Population<br />

Viera, D.M. Can. J. Anim. Sci 70 : 313-317.<br />

Rawlings, J.O. Crop Sci. 2: 217-220.<br />

Williams, M.J. Trop. Grassl. 29: 122-127.<br />

Totok A DH j. Fac. Agr. Kyushu Univ, 41(1-2)<br />

Totok A DH j. Fac. Agr. Kyushu Univ, 41(1-2)<br />

Performance and carcass characteristics of veef bulls,<br />

steers and heifers.<br />

Warner, R.L J. Anim. Sci. 24<br />

Performan ternak entog (Muscovy duck) pada<br />

pemeliharaan tradisional.<br />

Antawidjaja, T. Media Peternakan.<br />

Performan of breedersin different ffeeding systems Bootwalla SM Poult Sci 62:2321-2325<br />

Performa dan enam ayarn pedaging. Dwiyanto. K.,M. Buletin LPP. Bogor. No. 25 : 9 - 17<br />

Perfomance of met production of Japanese Black Cattle in<br />

Kagoshima Prefecture, preliminary report by beef cattle<br />

breeding conunitlee of Kagoshioia University.<br />

Perdagangan global dan implikasinya pada ketahanan<br />

pangan nasional<br />

Percobaan Stek Jenis Podocarpus Blumei ENDL dan<br />

Medang Kuning (Litsea Sp) Pada Media semai Berbeda<br />

Percobaan Pot lanjutan untuk meneliti "Pulu Raja Disease"<br />

pada tanah Padang Halaban dan Pulu Raja<br />

Percobaan Penggunaan Formula Baru pada Sadapan<br />

Tusam (Pinus merkusii Jungh. et de Vriesse) di Perhutani.<br />

Percobaan Pengendalian Kimiawi Terhadap Acacia nilotica<br />

Dengan Indamm 720 EC, Garlon 480 EC dan Trusi di<br />

Taman Nasional Baluran, Jawa Timur<br />

Percobaan pengendalian bakteri bercahaya, Vibrio harveyi<br />

yang berasal dari larva kepiting bakau, Scylla serrata<br />

secara "in vitro" dengan berbagai jenis antibiotik.<br />

Takemi, M. Perfomance of met production of<br />

Japanese Black Cattle in Kagoshima<br />

Prefecture, preliminary report by beef<br />

cattle breeding conunitlee of<br />

Kagoshioia University.<br />

Amang, B. Agro-Ekonomika. 22(5): 1-13.<br />

Jayusma Bulletin Penelitian Kehutanan<br />

Adiwiganda YT Bull. Balai Penelitian Perkebunan<br />

Medan IV(1):31-41<br />

Catur, B.W., Duta Rimba Mei. 215 (XXIII).<br />

Nazif, M.<br />

Rusdi, I.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 261 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Percobaan pengendalian bakteri bercahaya, Vibrio harveyi<br />

yang berasal dari larva kepiting bakau, Scy//a serrate<br />

secara in vitro dengan berbagai jenis antibiotik.<br />

Percobaan pendahuluan pengaruh minyak nimba & ekstrak<br />

biji srikaya terhadap mortalitas Helopeltis sp. (Heterophera,<br />

Miridae).<br />

Percobaan Pendahuluan Pembesaran Benih Ikan Jelawat<br />

(Leptobarbus hoeveni Blkr) dan Ringo (Thynnytchys<br />

thynnoides) dalam Sangkar Jaring Apung di Danau Teluk<br />

Jambi<br />

Percobaan penangkapan, penanganan dan transportasi<br />

ikan hias di Nusa laut. Maluku Tengah.<br />

Percobaan Pemisahan Minyak Damar Mata Kucing dengan<br />

Penyulingan secara Keruing pada Kondisi Vakum.<br />

Percobaan Pemeliharaan Kepiting Bakau, Scylla serrata<br />

pada berbagai Tingkat Salinitas<br />

Percobaan Pembuatan Terpentin dari Beberapa Jenis<br />

Damar.<br />

Percobaan Pembuatan Terpentin dari Beberapa Jenis<br />

Damar.<br />

Percobaan Pembuatan Terpentin dan Beberapa Jenis<br />

Damar.<br />

Percobaan Efikasi Herbisida Pra Tumbuh Goal 2E Pada<br />

Pertanaman Kubis<br />

Perception Change in rice pest management: a case study<br />

of farmers` evaluation of conflict information.<br />

Perbedaan relung duajenis kadal simpatrik Emoia asal<br />

dataran tinggi Jayawijaya, Irian Jaya : ditinjau dari variasi<br />

morfometrik (Lacertilia : Scincidae).<br />

Perbedaan Relung Dua Jenis Kadal Simpatrik Emolia A sal<br />

Dataran Tinggi Jayawijaya, Inan Jaya Ditinjau Dan Vanasi<br />

Morfometrik (Lacertilia : Scincidae)<br />

Perbedaan lama pengkayaan Nannochloropsis oculata<br />

terhadap kandungan asam lemak rotifer (Brachionus<br />

plicatilis)<br />

Perbanyakan vegetatif melalui kultur jaringan pada<br />

tanaman jahe<br />

Perbanyakan Trichogramma sp. parasitoid telur Cricula<br />

trifenestrata Helf pada jambu mente<br />

Rusdi, I,<br />

Wiryadiputra<br />

Ondara<br />

Syam. A.R., J.Penelitian Perikanan Laut. Jakarta.<br />

83:59-66.<br />

Wiyono, B.<br />

Yunus Jurnal Penelitian Budi Daya Pantai.<br />

10(3): 31-38.<br />

Ansory. Y, Buletin BIMADA. Balai Penelitian dan<br />

Pengembangan Industri Samarinda.<br />

Ansory, Y. Buletin BIMADA,<br />

Ansory, Y. Buletin BIMADA,<br />

Abidin, Z. Bull. Penel. Hortikultura<br />

Heong KL J Appl Commn<br />

Kurniati, H. Zoo Indonesia (31): 1-11.<br />

Kurmati, H. Zoo Indonesia. 31 : 1-11.<br />

T. Sutarmat<br />

Mariska, I. Bul. Littri. (4): I-5.<br />

Djuwarso, T. Jurnal Penelitian Tanaman Industri.<br />

3(3): 78-86.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 262 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Perbanyakan melati (jasminum multiflorum dan jasminum<br />

sambac) dengan setek dan enatur tumbuh asam indol<br />

butirat<br />

Perbanyakan melati (jasminum multiflorum dan jasminum<br />

sambac) dengan setek dan enatur tumbuh asam indol<br />

butirat<br />

Perbanyakan generatif tanaman panili melalui kultur "in<br />

vitro"<br />

Soedjono S Hortikultura V(2):79-89<br />

Soedjono S Hortikultura V(2):79-89<br />

Gati, E. Bull. Penelitian Tanaman Industri. (7):<br />

34-39.<br />

Perbanyakan beberapa jenis Jeruk secara ikultur invitro Soedjono, S Penelitian Hortikultura<br />

Perbandingan Populasi Serangga Permukaan Lantai Hutan<br />

Wanariset, Kalimantan Timur<br />

Perbandingan penyaradan kayu dengan sistem manual<br />

dan eksavator di hutan rawa. Bagian II : Pengaruh sistem<br />

terhadap kerusakan tegakan tinggal dan keterbukaan<br />

lahan.<br />

Perbandingan penyaradan kayu dengan sistem manual<br />

dan eksavator di hutan rawa Bagian 1 : Produktivitas Kerja.<br />

Perbandingan metode . ekstraksi dan pemisahan senyawa<br />

yang berpotensi sebagai fitoestrogen dari polong kedelai<br />

(Glycine max (L.) Men-.) dan polong hiris (Cajanus cajan)<br />

Perbandingan itik dan ayam petelur pada penggunaan<br />

dedak dalam ransum selama phase pertumbuhan.<br />

Perbandingan itik dan ayam petelur pada penggunaan<br />

dedak dalam ransum selama phase pertumbuhan<br />

Perbandingan hasil penyerentakan birahi pada sapi perah<br />

setelah pemberian progesteron-CIDR dan Prostaglandin<br />

Hemarozoa.<br />

Perbandingan efektivitas antara ekstrak C.aeruginosa<br />

(temu ireng) dan mebendazole sebagai obat cacing usus<br />

'Perbandingan beberapa metode penentuan kebutuhan<br />

kapur: 2 modifikasi metode SMP dengan memperhitungkan<br />

daya sangga tanah.<br />

Perbandingan anthelmintika minyak atsiri rimpang<br />

temulawak (C.xantorrhiza), temu ireng (C.aeruginosa),<br />

temu giring (C.heynana) dengan piperasin sitrat terhadap<br />

cacing Ascaris suum secara in-vitro<br />

Suhardjono, Y.R. Berita Biologi 3 (3): 104-107.<br />

Suhartana S,<br />

Suhartana, S. Info Hasil Hutan 6(1):31-37<br />

Sajuthi, D. Buletin Kimia 1:31-36.<br />

Tangendjaja, B. Ilmu peternakan.<br />

Tangendjaja, B. Ilmu dan Peternakan 2(4): 137-139<br />

Setiadi, M.A. The Indonesian J. Vet. Sci.<br />

Bariah Ideham, V.S. Majalah Parasitol. Ind., 5 (2): 75-79.<br />

Sulaeman, Pemberitaan Penelitian Tanah dan<br />

Pupuk No.9.<br />

Boedi Setiawan<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 263 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Perbandingan antara klon dan semaian kelapa sawit<br />

mengenai sex-ratio dan sejumlah sifat vegetatif<br />

Perbandigan Itik dan Ayam Petelur pada Penggunaan<br />

Dedak dalam Ransum dalam Fase Pertumbuhan<br />

Muluk C bulletin perkebunan 18(1):17-28<br />

Tangendjaya, B., Majalah Ilmu dan Peternakan<br />

Perbaikan Varietas dan Produksi Benih Kapas Hasnam<br />

Perbaikan Sistem Getah Pinus Untuk Mening katkan Hasil<br />

Getah<br />

Sumantri, l Duta Rimba<br />

Perbaikan pengadaan bahan tanaman jambu mete. Abdullah Edisi khusus Penelitian Tanaman<br />

Rempah dan Obat. VI(2): 16-29<br />

Perbaikan manajemen dan teknologi penggemukan sapi di Prasetyo T Edisi khusus Sain Teks. Majalah<br />

lahan kering DAS Jratunseluna dan brantas bag. Hulu<br />

Ilmiah Univ. Semarang<br />

Perbaikan ketahanan varietas padi terhadap wereng coklat<br />

N. lugens Stal. Hal 1-15<br />

Perbaikan cara pengemasan dan pengangkutan terhadap<br />

mutu pisang Barangan (Musa paradisiaca cv. Barangan)<br />

Peraturan Kerja di Beberapa Perusahaan dan Badan<br />

Usaha Milik Negara<br />

Perangsang Pembungaan dengan Pakrobutrazol dan<br />

Pengaruhnya Terhadap Hasil Buah Mangga<br />

Perancangan alat tanam padi langsung dalam larikan untuk<br />

lahan kering.<br />

Peranan Zat-zat Gizi dalam Sistem Kekebalan Tubuh Zakaria, F.R.<br />

Peranan zat gizi dalam sistem kekebalan tubuh Zakaria F.R.<br />

Peranan Zat Gizi dalam Sistem Kekebalan Tubuh Zakaria, F.R.<br />

Peranan Wanita dalam Pengembangan Usaha Sapi Potong<br />

Pada Program IDT (Inpres Desa Tertinggal) di Kabupaten<br />

Tanah Datar Sumatera Barat.<br />

Anonimous.<br />

Peranan Vaksinasi Newcastle Disease (ND) terhadap<br />

Peningkatan Populasi dan Produksi Ayam Buras serta<br />

Dampaknya Ditinjau dari Sudut Ekonomi Veteriner<br />

Peranan technology susu untuk peningkatan produksi<br />

dalam negeri<br />

Peranan senyawa fenolik dalam ketahanan padi terhadap<br />

penyakit bakanae (Gibbrerella jujikuroi)<br />

Peranan Sapi Holstein Friesian dan Keturunannya<br />

terhadap Peningkatan Produksi Daging di Indonesia<br />

Harahap Z J. Sejitno, Z Harahap, Suprapto HS<br />

(ed). Wereng coklat. Edisi khusus no 1<br />

Balitta Bogor<br />

Muhadjir, I. Penelitian Hortikultura. 7(2): 45-56.<br />

Gandhi, L. Warta Studi Perempuan<br />

Purnomo. S Jurnal Hortikultura<br />

Astanto, E. Media Penelitian Sukamandi 11: 43-<br />

49.<br />

Sofyan, S. Poultry Indonesia. 194: 28.<br />

Sitorus, P. Lembaran tahun II No. 1 Maret.<br />

Lembaga penelitian peternakan, Bogor<br />

Salamiah J. Fitopatol. 3:75-86.<br />

Hennawan, H Buletin Makanan Ternak<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 264 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Peranan plasma nuftah tahan penyakit layu bakteri dalam<br />

perbaikan sifat agronomis pada pemuliaan tomat<br />

Peranan plasma nuftah tahan penyakit layu bakteri dalam<br />

perbaikan sifat agronomis pada pemuliaan tomat<br />

Suryati D Bull Penel. Agron<br />

Suryati D Bull Penel. Agron<br />

Peranan PIR dlm pengembangan petani perkebun. Mubyarto Perkebunan indonesia II(2):71-77<br />

Peranan Peternakan dalam Usaha tani di Daerah Nusa<br />

Tenggara<br />

Bamualim, Abdullah<br />

Peranan penebangan dan penyaradan terhadap<br />

keberadaan tegakan tinggal di suatu perusahaan hutan di<br />

Riau.<br />

Peranan Mikroba dalam Pengomposan Limbah Organik<br />

dengan Cacing Tanah<br />

Peranan kultur mikrospora dan kultur anter utk pemuliaan<br />

kelapa sawit.<br />

Peranan humic acids pada pertumbuhan nilam secara in<br />

vitro.<br />

Peranan hormon dalam pemijahan ikan kakap putih (Lates<br />

calcarifer) dan kerapu macan (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus).<br />

Peranan Efektif Mikroorganisme 4 (EM-4) dalam<br />

Meningkatkan Kesuburan dan Produktivitas Tanah<br />

Peranan dan masalah irigasi dalam mencapai dan<br />

melestrikan Swasembada beras<br />

Peranan Dan Masalah Irigasi Dalam Mencapai dan<br />

Melestarikan Swasembada Beras<br />

Peranan Cacing Tanah dalam Pengelolaan Sampah dan<br />

Sebagai Sumber Pendapatan Masyarakat.<br />

Peranan Cacing Tanah dalam Pengelolaan Sampah dan<br />

Sebagai Sumber Pendapatan Masyarakat<br />

Anonim Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan<br />

Kehutanan 9(2):68-72.<br />

Yulipriyanto, H. Cakrawala Pendidikan<br />

Latif S<br />

Mariska, 1. Medkom. Littri. 14: 6771.<br />

Purba, R. Peranan hormon dalam pemijahan<br />

ikan kakap putih (Lates calcarifer) dan<br />

kerapu macan (Epinephelus<br />

fuscoguttatus).<br />

Wididana, G.N. Buleti llmiah Azolla<br />

Asnawi, S. Prisma No. 2 tahun XVII<br />

Asnawi Sjofjan Prisma No. 2 Februari 1988<br />

Sudiarto, Bambang Jurnal bahan Ajar, SAC, Universitas<br />

Jember.<br />

Sudiarto, Bambang Jurnal Bahan Ajar, SAC<br />

Peranan Bakteri Heterotropik dalam Ekosistem Air Laut Kunarso, D.H., Oseana, 4: 133-142.<br />

Peranan bakteri betagen pada perombakan limbah PKS Tobing PL<br />

Peranan Bakteri Asam Laktat Sebagai Pengawet Hayati<br />

Makanan<br />

Peranan Bahan Baku untuk Menghasilkan Gula Mutu<br />

Tinggi<br />

Peranan Antropometri dalam Menegakan Diagnosa Klinis<br />

dan Sosial Pediatri<br />

Jeme, B.S.L. J. Ilmn dan Teknologi Pangan (I): 60-<br />

73.<br />

Utami, S Gula Indonesia, Vol. XXI/2: 22-25.<br />

Samsudin Jurnal Gizi Indonesia<br />

Peran tape Ketan pada Pembentukan Sweet-Culdled Milk Nurliyani Berkala Penelitian Pascasarjana, Univ.<br />

Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 265 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Peran swasta dalam Pengembangan komoditas minyak<br />

atsiri di Indonesia bagian Sumatra.Pros<br />

Manurung TR Forum Komunikasi<br />

Ilmiah.Pengembangan Atsiri di<br />

Sumatra, Bukit Tinggi 31 Agustus<br />

1991<br />

Peran Jasad Mikro Pelarut P Terhadap tanaman jagung di<br />

tanah ultisol Rangkasbitung<br />

Prihartini T<br />

Peran diet pada pencegahan anterosklerosis Sekarindah, T Maj. Kedokt. Indon<br />

Peran dan Pengetahuan Lokal Wanita Pada Sistem<br />

Produksi Tani-Ternak Sapi di Kawsan Pertanian Lahan<br />

Kering Malang Selatan-Jawa Timur.<br />

Winarto, P.S.,<br />

Peptide inhibitor for angiotensin I-converting enzyme from<br />

thermolysin digest of dried bonito<br />

Peptic proteolysis of esterified Beta-casein and Beta-<br />

Lactoglobulin<br />

Penyulingan minyak daun kayu manis Cinnamomum<br />

burmanii, C. zeylanicum, dan C. cnssia secara kohobasi<br />

dan identifikasi komponen minyak yang dihasilkan<br />

Penyuburan Gambut; Aspek Strategis Pembukaan Lahan<br />

Gambut Satu Juta Hektar.<br />

Penyuburan Gambut : Aspek strategis pembukaan lahan<br />

gambut satu juta hektar<br />

Penyimpangan Berbagai Rumusan Berat Hidup Pada Sapi<br />

Kastrasi Brahman Australia.<br />

Penyerentakan birahi menggunakan medroxy progesterone<br />

acetate intravaginal sponges pada kambing<br />

Penyerapan nutrisi endogen, tabiat makan dan<br />

perkembangan morfologi larva kerapu bebek (Cromileptes<br />

altivelis).<br />

Penyerapan hara tanaman kedelai (Glycine max (L) Merrill)<br />

pada berbagai taraf kombinasi pupuk.<br />

Penyebaran kelimpahan. musim dan daerah penangkapan<br />

ikan pelagis pantai di Laut Jawa.<br />

Penyebaran kelimpahan, musimdan daerah penangkapan<br />

ikan pelagis pantai di Laut Jawa. •<br />

Penyaringan ketahanan genotipe kacang tanah terhadap<br />

peanut stripe virus<br />

Penyaringan ketahanan genotipe kacang tanah terhadap<br />

peanut stripe virus<br />

Yokoyama, K. Biosci. Biotech. Biochem., 56: 1541-<br />

1545.<br />

Briand, L Int.J.Peptide Protein Res<br />

Moestafa, A. WartaIHP3:~l2-25.<br />

Setiadi, B. Jurnal Alami. Vol.2 (1): 36-40<br />

Setiadi, B J. Alami<br />

A P Chandra Jurnal Penelitian llmu-ilmu Hayati,<br />

Setiadi, B. Ilmu dan peternakan Vol. 2 No. 2.<br />

Balai penelitian ternak. Puslitbang<br />

peternakan. Badan litbang pertanian<br />

Slamet, B.,<br />

Sufardi J. Mon Mata.<br />

Widodo. J.<br />

Widodo. J.<br />

Saleh N Risalah Hasil Penelitian Tanaman<br />

Pangan tahun 1990<br />

Saleh N Risalah Hasil Penelitian Tanaman<br />

Pangan tahun 1995.,Balai Penelitian<br />

Tanaman Pangan ,Malang<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 266 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Penyaradan yang direncanakan untuk minimasi kerusakan<br />

tegakan tinggal : kasus di dua perusahaan hutan di<br />

Kalimantan Timur.<br />

Suhartana, S.<br />

Penyakit-penyakit zoonosis yang berkaitan dengan<br />

encephalitis<br />

Darminto Wartazoa. 9(1): 21-29.<br />

Penyakit tanaman jahe dan cara pengendaliannya. Asman, A. Edisi Khusus Penilitian Tanaman<br />

Rempah dan Obat , Bogor , Hal 43-48<br />

Penyakit layu, budok, dan penyakit lainnya serta strategi<br />

pengendaliannya<br />

Asman, A. Monograf Nilam. Monograf. (5): 84-<br />

88.<br />

Penyakit layu bakteri pada bangle putih dan temu mangga Supriadi Pemberitaan Penelitian Tanaman<br />

Industri. 8: 28-32.<br />

Penyakit layu bakteri (Ralstonia solanacearum} pada<br />

tumbuhan obat dan strategi penanggulangannya<br />

Supriadi<br />

Penyakit kunang-kunang, dampak terhadap produksi<br />

benur udang windu dan upaya penanggulangannya,<br />

Rukyani, A.<br />

Penyakit cacar pada ikan-ikan budi daya dan uji kepekaan<br />

in vitro dengan berbagai macam obat.<br />

Angka, S.L Buletin Perikanan l (2): 36-40.<br />

Penyakit Bercak Daun Eucalyptus Deglupta di BKHP<br />

Cimanggu, Bandung Selatan.<br />

Suharti.M Bulletin Penelitian Hutan Indonesia<br />

Penyakit antraknos pada cili di Malaysia : Biologi patogen<br />

dan varietal susceptibility<br />

Mazlan S Pertanika 3(1):47-52<br />

Penyakit antrachnose pada cili di malaysia : Biologi<br />

patogen & varietal susceptibility<br />

Mazlan S pertanika 3(1) : 47-52<br />

Penyadapan Pinus dengan Stimulant asam sulfat. Sutjipto. Duta Rimba 5:12-25<br />

Penyadapan Getah Pinus merkusii dengan Menggunakan<br />

Beberapa Pola Sadap dan Tingkat Konsentrasi Zat<br />

Perangsang.<br />

Sumantri, I.<br />

Penurunan Kelarutan Tembaga Asal Limbah Industridi<br />

Dalam Tanah Tropika Akibat Perlakuan Kapur dan Kompos<br />

Daun Singkong<br />

Salam. A.K<br />

Penurunan hasil akibat peanul stripe virus dan penularan<br />

virus lewat benih pada kacang tanah<br />

Sudarsono.<br />

Penuntun penebangan dengan gergaji tangan dan kapak. Sastrodimedjo, S., Publikasi Khusus No.7, Lembaga<br />

Penelitian Hasil Hutan, Bogor.<br />

Penularan penyakit CVPD dengan D. citri Mahfud, M.C Penelitian Hortikultura<br />

Pentingnya Tumpangsari dalam <strong>program</strong> pengadaan<br />

pangan Nasional dan Peningkatan pendapatan petani.<br />

Soemarno,D Warta Mahasiswa. Edisi Januari 1986.<br />

Pentingnya Pemupukan Pada Hutan Tanaman Industri Triwilaida Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan<br />

Kehutanan VI<br />

Peningkatan sintasan dan ketahanan larva udang windu<br />

(Penaeus monodon) melalui penambahan bakteri Vibrio<br />

harveyi ke dalam pakan mikro.<br />

Zafran, D.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 267 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Peningkatan respon kebal non-spesifik pada ikan lele<br />

dumbo (C/anas spp.) dengan pemberian imunostimulan (bglucan).<br />

Peningkatan produktivitas entog di pedesaan melalui<br />

pemeliharaan DOC secara intensif dan suplementasi<br />

vitamin-vitamin mineral pada dedak.<br />

Rukyani, A.,<br />

Bintang, J.A.K. JIPNAK Gowa<br />

Peningkatan produktivitas dan mutu bunga anggrek Widiastoety, D. Monograf No. 01, Balai Penelitian<br />

Tanaman Hias, Jakarta. 59 hlm.<br />

Peningkatan Pemecahan Kuncup Lateral dan Terminal<br />

dengan Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Hydrogen Cyanamide dan<br />

Pupuk Daun Algifert dalam Upaya Peningkatan Produksi<br />

Apel<br />

Jurnal Universitas Brawi jaya<br />

Peningkatan nilai gizi lumpur sawit melalui proses<br />

fermentasi: pengaruh jenis kapang, suhu dan lama proses<br />

enzimatis<br />

Peningkatan mutujerami padi dengan perlakuan urea dan<br />

tetes.<br />

Peningkatan mutu mie campuran tepung ubi jalar<br />

menggunakan konsentrat protein kacang tunggak<br />

Pasaribu T J Ilmu Temak Vet 3:237-242.<br />

Manurung, T. Jurnal Ilmu Ternak dan Veteriner. hlm.<br />

33-37.<br />

Antarlina, S.S Penelitian Pertanian Tanaman<br />

Pangan. 19(1): 39-45.<br />

Peningkatan Mutu Kayu Bahan Baku dan Barang Kerajinan Barly Duta Rimba XXIV<br />

Peningkatan Kualitas Nüai Gizi Tepung Limbah Udang<br />

Melalui Pengolahan dengan Uap Panas.<br />

Peningkatan Konsumsi Lemak pada Golongan Ekonomi<br />

Tinggi Serta Kaitannya dengan Peningkatan Penyakit<br />

Jantung Koroner<br />

Mirzah.<br />

Wardiatmo, T. Medika 10: 889-896.<br />

Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Keluarga Melalui Partisipasi<br />

Aktif Masyarakat (Fase perluasan)<br />

Kusharto. C.M<br />

Peningkatan Kadar Protein Onggok dengan cara<br />

Fermentasi<br />

L dan T. Lindajati Media Padat.<br />

Peningkatan gizi rotifera pakan larva ikan kerapu macan. Purba, R. Peningkatan gizi rotifera pakan larva<br />

ikan kerapu macan.<br />

Peningkatan gizi rotifera pakan larva ikan kerapu macan. Purba, R.,<br />

Peningkatan gizi rotifera pakan larva ikan kerapu macan R. Purba Peningkatan gizi rotifera pakan larva<br />

ikan kerapu macan<br />

Peningkatan gizi rotifera pakan larva ikan kerapu macan. Purba.T.<br />

Peningkatan efisiensi fungisida untuk pengendalian<br />

penyakit karat pada buncis<br />

Penilaian stomata dan bulu daun sebagai penciri<br />

ketahanan beberapa klon tanaman anggur terhadap<br />

Plasmopara viticola<br />

Sumartini Penelitian Palawija. (sedang dicetak).<br />

Baswarsiati<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 268 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Penilaian sifat fisik dan Kimia gambut Teunom Aceh Barat Yardha<br />

Penilaian sifat fisik dan Kimia gambut Teunom Aceh Barat Yardha<br />

Penilaian kandungan mineral primer mudah lapuk pada<br />

perkebunan kelapa sawit Sumut<br />

pengupasan kacang gude (cajanus cajan L) dengan larutan<br />

basa : pengaruhnya thdp tkt hidrolisis dan kelarutan protein<br />

serta komposisi kimia tepung<br />

pengupasan kacang gude (cajanus cajan L) dengan larutan<br />

basa : pengaruhnya thdp tkt hidrolisis dan kelarutan protein<br />

serta komposisi kimia tepung<br />

Pengukuran Salinitas Air Laut dan Peranannya dalam llmu<br />

Kelautan<br />

Pengukuran air ikatan dan peranannya pada pengawetan<br />

pangan.<br />

Pengujian varietas bawang merah di dataran rendah Pulau<br />

Madura<br />

Pengujian transportasi ikan hidup dengan metode<br />

hibernation.<br />

Pengujian Spodoptera exigua nuclear polyhedrosis virus<br />

dalam hubungannya dengan sifat persistensinya untuk<br />

mengendalikan Spodoptera exigua Hubn<br />

Pengujian rekomendasi pemupukan pada padi sawah di<br />

pulau lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat.<br />

Pengujian lapangan beberapa insektisida terhadap hama<br />

pengisap buah Helopeltis ssp. Pada Kakao.<br />

Pengujian Laju Dekomposisi dan Mineralisasi Hara. Sludge<br />

Sebagai Pupuk Organik Alternatif<br />

Pengujian Laju dekomposisi dan mineralisasi hara Sludge<br />

sebagai pupuk organik alternatif<br />

Pengujian laju dekomposisi dan mineralisasi hara sludge<br />

sebagai pupuk organik alternatif<br />

Pengujian laju dekomposisi dan mineralisasi hara sludge<br />

sebagai pupuk organic alternatif.<br />

Pengujian kombinasi kompos. EM4. jamur mikoriza VA<br />

temadap pertumbuhan semai sengon Paraserianthes<br />

falcataria<br />

Adiwiganda MR Bull Perkeb 22(1) : 51-63<br />

Herastuti SR<br />

Herastuti SR<br />

Arief, D. Oseana<br />

Soekarto, S. T. Bulletin Perhimpunan Ahli Teknologi<br />

Pangan IndonesiaVol. 3 No. 3/4<br />

Aliuddin, Bull. Hort.<br />

Surono, Indonesian Journal of PostHarvest<br />

Fishries Technology and Quality<br />

Control 4(2): 2-6.<br />

Sutarya, R. Jurnal Hortikultura 6 (2): 167-171.<br />

Salam J. Pengkajian dan Pengembangan<br />

Teknologi Pertanian.<br />

Sulistyowati, E. Warta Pusat Pen. Kopi dan Kakao.<br />

Aiman, Nurul.<br />

Aiman, N<br />

Aiman, N<br />

Aiman, N<br />

Sutarman. I<br />

Pengujian Durian asal Ciapus dengan Metoda Berat Jenis Haryanto, B.<br />

Pengujian daya hasil bibit stek tunas petsai Granat. Permadi, A.H. Bull, Penel, Hort.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 269 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Pengujian daya hasil bibit stek tunas petsai Granat. Permadi, A.H. Bull, Penel, Hort.<br />

Pengujian daya hasil bibit stek tunas petsai granat Permadi, A. H. Bul. Penel. Hort.<br />

Pengujian awal daya sistematik suspensi tumbuhan<br />

terhadap Hidari ivara, Moore.<br />

Ginting, C.U. Buletin Manggar<br />

Penguasaan Hutan dan Kelestarian Lingkungan Moh. Saad, Seri Dialog Pembangunan Nasional,<br />

Banjarmasin.<br />

Pengruh Penggunaan Mulsa Terhadap Tungau dan Kutu<br />

Daun pada Paprika.<br />

Omoy,T.R Buletin Holtikultura<br />

Pengolahan Pindang Ikan yang Digarami di Laut Darmoredjo, S. Jurn. Penel. Tek. Perikanan<br />

Pengolahan Minyak Kemiri dengan cara Pelarutan dan<br />

Pengempaan.<br />

Wiyono, B.<br />

Pengolahan dendeng itik sebagai upaya diversifikasi<br />

pangan.<br />

Triyantini, Wartazoa Vol. 7 No. 1:4-8.<br />

Pengolahan Biji Kapas untuk Makanan Ternak Tangenjaya, B.<br />

Pengkayaan rotifera untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan Redjeki, S., J. Penelitian Budi Daya Pantai 9(5):65kelangsungan<br />

hidup larva kakap putih (Lates calcarifer).<br />

75.<br />

Pengkajian pukat pantai (beach seine) di perairan Prigi,<br />

Jawa Timur.<br />

Penghambat Penyakit Damping Off (Rebah Semai) Pada<br />

Semai Pinus dengan Ekstrak Biji Nyiri (Xylocarus<br />

Granathum<br />

Penggunaan zeolit alam dlm ransum babi, pengaruhnya<br />

thd produktivitas babi yang sedang tumbuh<br />

Penggunaan silase darah dan tepung sebagai pengganti<br />

tepung ikan dalam pakan lele (Clarias batrachus).<br />

Penggunaan pestisida oleh petani tanaman pangan di<br />

Prop. Jateng dan DIY thn 1989<br />

Penggunaan pestisida oleh petani tanaman pangan di<br />

Prop. Jateng dan DIY thn 1989<br />

Nasution, C., Jurnal Penelitian Perikanan Laut 38:<br />

77-90.<br />

Widyastuti.S.M<br />

Aritonang D Ilmu peternakan 4(3)<br />

Djajasewaka, H:<br />

Untung K Ilmu Pertanian Vol V 1989, no 2 1993,<br />

h 575-585<br />

Untung K Ilmu Pertanian Vol V 1989, no 2 1993,<br />

h 575-585<br />

Penggunaan mute pada rawai dasar konvensional Susanto, K. Jurnal Penelitian Perikanan Laut No<br />

49: 61-74.<br />

Penggunaan metode jumlah panas untuk menentukan<br />

umur kedelai pada tinggi tempat yang berbeda<br />

Penggunaan Media Cair Untuk Proliferasi Kalus dan Tunas<br />

Kultur in-Vitro Durian dan Rambutan<br />

Penggunaan lumpur sawit kering (dried palm oil sludge)<br />

dan serat sawit (palm press fiber) dalam ransum<br />

pertumbuhan sapi perah<br />

Karsono, S. Penggunaan metode jumlah panas<br />

untuk menentukan umur kedelai pada<br />

tinggi tempat yang berbeda<br />

Karsinah Penelitian Hortikultura<br />

Agustin, F. Bul. Mater.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 270 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Penggunaan Kation Terpilih Untuk Menurunkan Asamasam<br />

Fenolat Toksik dalam Tanah Gambut dari Jambi<br />

Sabiham. S J. II. Indonesia Vol. 7<br />

Penggunaan Kapur Tohor Dalam Pengolahan Karet Skim Anas, A Buletin Perkaretan<br />

Penggunaan jenis pakan alami dan buatan dalam<br />

pemeliharaan larva kepiting bakau (Scylla serrata )<br />

Setyadi, I.<br />

Penggunaan hormon tanaman pada tanaman stump karet Soemomarmoto, S. Ris. Penelitian IRRC, Getas Salatiga<br />

Penggunaan hijauan leguminosa pohon sebagai <strong>sumber</strong><br />

protein ransum sapi potong<br />

Penggunaan hijauan glirisidia sebagai pakan pengganti<br />

hijauan lamtoro untuk makanan ternak: Suatu tinjauan<br />

Penggunaan Hijauan Gliricidia sebagai Pakan Pengganti<br />

Hijauan Lamtoro.<br />

Penggunaan Gum Xanthan Pada Substitusi Parsial Tepung<br />

Gandum dengan Tepung Sorgum dalam Pembuatan Roti.<br />

Penggunaan fraksi-fraksi Fe, Al dan Si dalam penentuan<br />

bahan amorf dan kristal tanah bermuatan variabel.<br />

Penggunaan Daun Singkong Limbah Isolasi Rutin dalam<br />

Ransum Ayam Petelur dan Broiler<br />

Penggunaan daun singkong limbah isolasi rutin dalam<br />

ransum ayam petelur dan broiler<br />

Penggunaan cassapro ( singkong fermentasi) untuk itik<br />

petelur.<br />

Penggunaan cairan peritoneal mencit sebagai adjuvan<br />

vaksin ND pada ayam dengan diet protein rendah<br />

Penggunaan bungkil kedelai dengan dosis pemberian yang<br />

berbeda dalam budidaya artemia pada skala laboratorium.<br />

Penggunaan bungkil kedelai dengan dosis pemberian yang<br />

berbeda dalam budidaya artemia pada skala laboratorium.<br />

Penggunaan berbagai fungisida pada induk kepiting bakau<br />

(Scylla serrata Forskal) pada masa pengeraman telur untuk<br />

mencegah infeksi Lagenidium spp. terhadap larvanya.<br />

Manurung, T. JITV 1(3): 143-148.<br />

Mathius, I W.<br />

Mathius, I. W.<br />

Fajari, O.R. Buletin Penelitian Ilmu dan Teknologi<br />

Pangan, IPB Bogor.<br />

Sufardi J. Hasil Penelitian Ilmu-ilmu Pertanian<br />

BKS-PTN Barat.<br />

Rizal, Y<br />

Rizal, Y.<br />

Sinurat, A.P., Ilmu dan Peternakan. BPT. Vol 8(2) :<br />

28 - 31.<br />

Suwarno<br />

Yunus. J. Penelit. Budidaya Pantai 9(1):1-8<br />

Yunus. J.Penelit. Budidaya Pantai. 6(1): 75-<br />

78.<br />

Roza, D.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 271 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Penggunaan berbagai fungisida pada induk kepiting bakau<br />

(Scy//a serrata Forskal) pada masa pengeraman telur<br />

untuk mencegah infeksi Lagenidium spp. terhadap<br />

larvanya,<br />

Penggunaan beberapa jenis pakan alami terhadap<br />

pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup iarva teripang pasir<br />

Holothuria scabra.<br />

Penggunaan bahan pakan lokal dalam pembuatan ransum<br />

ayam buras<br />

Penggunaan Bahan Organik untuk meningkatkan efisiensi<br />

pupuk N dan produktivitas tanah Ultisol di Sitiung Sumbar.<br />

Penggunaan bahan kimia untuk meningkatkan kualitas<br />

jerami padi (the utilization of chemical for increasing rice<br />

straw quality).<br />

Penggunaan bahan kimia untuk memacu pertunasan<br />

subang gladiol kultivar Dr. Mansoer<br />

Penggunaan arang aklif (charcoal) untuk menccgah<br />

aflatoksikosis pada itik<br />

Penggunaan antifeedant untuk mengendalikan virus<br />

mozaik ketimun (CMC) pada tanaman cabai kecil.<br />

Penggunaan ampas tempe sebagai makanan tambahan<br />

untuk kambing lepas sapih yang memperoleh rumput<br />

gajah.<br />

Roza, D.<br />

Makatutu, D., J. Penel. Budidaya Pantai, 9(3) :97-<br />

102.<br />

Sinurat, A. P. Wartazoa.Vol. 9<br />

Nursyamsi, D.<br />

Jamarun, N. jurnal peternakan dan lingkungan.<br />

Vol. 3. No. 02.<br />

Herlina, D. Jurnal Hortikultura 5 (1): 1-6.<br />

Bahri, S. Penyakit Hewan. 22(40): 122-127.<br />

Mintarto,<br />

martosudiro<br />

Penggunaan Ethrel untuk menguningkan kulit buah<br />

jeruk Siem<br />

Penggunaaan hijauan leguminosa pohon sebagai <strong>sumber</strong><br />

protein ransum sapi potong<br />

Penggemukan Sapi. Balai infonnasi<br />

Pertanian<br />

Penggemukan Sapi Potong Di Kawasan Industri Dan<br />

Zulbardi, M.<br />

Dampak Ekonomisnya Di Jawa Timur.<br />

Penggantian jagung dengan tepung gaplek dalam pakan Sjofjan, O.<br />

ayam pedaging yang menggunakan konsentrat<br />

Pengetahuan Peternak Tentang Waktu Henti Obat dan<br />

Hubungannya dengan Residu Antibiotika Pada Susu<br />

Pengendalian Vibrio harveyi secara biologis pada larva<br />

udang windu (Penaeus monodon): I. Isolasi bakteri<br />

penghambat.<br />

Pengendalian Vibrio harveyi secara biologis pada larva<br />

udang windu (Penaeus monodon): I. Isolasi bakteri<br />

penghambat.<br />

Jurnal Fitopatologi Vol. IV No. 01<br />

Pulungan, H. Majalah ilmu peternakan<br />

Sosrodihardjo Hortikultura<br />

Manurung, T Jurnal llmu Ternak dan Veteriner<br />

Kusumaningsih, A.<br />

Roza, D.,<br />

Roza, D.<br />

Balai Informasi Pertanian Lampung<br />

No. 08-1983/84.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 272 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Pengendalian Vibrio harveyi secara biologis pada larva<br />

udang windu (Penaeus monodon): Aplikasi bakteri<br />

penghambat.<br />

Pengendalian Vibrio harveyi secara biologis pada larva<br />

udang windu (Penaeus monodon): Aplikasi bakteri<br />

penghambat.<br />

Pengendalian Vibrio harveyi pada larva kepiting bakau<br />

(Scylla serrata Forskal) melalui desinfeksi induk selama<br />

pengeraman telur.<br />

Pengendalian Vibrio harveyi pada larva kepiting bakau<br />

(Scy//a serrata Forskal) melalui desinfeksi induk selama<br />

pengeraman telur.<br />

Pengendalian terpadu hama utama tanaman lada di<br />

Indonesia<br />

Pengendalian Serangga Hama Kapas secara Terpadu.<br />

Balai Penelitian Tembakau dan Tanaman Serat Malang<br />

Pengendalian Layu Fusarium Pada Tanaman Tomat<br />

dengan Mikroba dan Fungisida.<br />

Pengendalian lalat buah (Bactrocera spp.) tanaman cabai<br />

dengan antraktan minyak Malaleuca brachteata dan methyl<br />

eugenol<br />

Pengendalian kimiawi hama Helopeltis theobromae Miller<br />

pada kakao berdasarkan sistem pengamatan dini di Kebun<br />

Bukit Sentang<br />

Roza, D<br />

Roza, D.<br />

Roza, D.<br />

Roza, D.<br />

Deciyanto, S.<br />

Soebandrijo Seri Edisi Khusus. (4/IV). 29p.<br />

Jurnal Fitopatologi 3 (2): 19-29.<br />

Uhan, T.S. Jurnal Hortikultura. 9(1): 25-33.<br />

Pardede, D Bul Perkeb 22<br />

Pengendalian keracunan besi pada sawah bukaan baru Taker, A. Pemberitaan Penelitian Sukarami. (4):<br />

3-6.<br />

Pengendalian keracunan besi di lahan mineral sulfat<br />

masam.<br />

Pengendalian Hqayati Penyakit Penyakit Akar Merah pada<br />

Akasia dengan Trichoderma :<br />

Pengendalian Hayati Penyakit Layu Bakteri pada Tanaman<br />

Tomat dengan Menggunakan Tiga Isolat Trichoderma spp.<br />

Pengendalian Hayati Penyakit Akar Merah pada Akasia<br />

dengan Trichoderma.<br />

Pengendalian Hayati Penyakit Akar Merah Pada Akasia<br />

dengan Trichoderma<br />

Pengendalian Hayati Penyakit Akar Merah Pada Akasia<br />

dengan Trichoderma<br />

Pengendalian hayati menggunakan Trichoderma sp.<br />

terhadap penyakit antraknose pada cabe (Capsicum<br />

annum) : Pengaruh ekstrak medium alam<br />

Widjaya-Adhi, I. P.<br />

G.<br />

Widyastuti.S.M<br />

Paath, J.M.,<br />

Widyastuti, S.M.,<br />

Widyastuti. S.M<br />

Widyastuti. S.M<br />

Djauhari, S. Fitopatologi<br />

Faperta UNES-Balittan Sukarami,<br />

Padang<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 273 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Pengendalian hayati menggunakan Trichoderma sp.<br />

terhadap penyakit antraknose pada cabe (Capsicum<br />

annum) : Pengaruh ekstrak medium alam<br />

Pengendalian Hama Secara Terpadu Tantangan Bagi Para<br />

Ahli<br />

Pengendalian hama penggerek batang jagung O.<br />

furnacolis dengan cendawan B. Bassiana Vuillemin.<br />

Pengendalian Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman Cabai Secara<br />

Kultur Teknis.<br />

Pengendalian dan pengoperasian limbah pabrik kelapa<br />

sawit<br />

Djauhari, S Jurnal Fitopatologi<br />

Oka.I.N Berita Entomologi Vol. I<br />

Yasin, M.<br />

Pengendalian bau lumpur pada daging ikan gurami. Setijaningsih, L.<br />

Pengendalian & pengoperasian limabah pabrik kelapa<br />

sawit<br />

Pengenalan dan penanggulangan penyakit penting pada<br />

tanaman jahe<br />

Pengembangan Varietas Varietas rakitan P3GI di PTP XXI-<br />

XXII (persero).<br />

Pengembangan uji toksisitas kristal protein Bt dengan<br />

Brush Border Membrane Vesicle.<br />

Pengembangan Tenaga Pembina Asuhan Anak Dalam<br />

Masyarakat<br />

Suhantini,T.U Jurnal Holtikultura Vol. 5<br />

Tobing PL Lembaran teknis Pusat Penelitian<br />

Perkebunan (RISPA) Medan<br />

PL Tobing Lembaran teknis Puslitbun Medan<br />

1992 hal 1-11<br />

Supriadi Monograf No. 3 (Jahe) . Balai<br />

penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat<br />

. Bogor Halaman 92-110.<br />

Suryanto Gula Indonesia XVIII<br />

Priyanto, T.P. Buletin Agrobio. 2(l): 22-30.<br />

Soelaiman H Jurnal Kesejahteraan Anak, No 2,<br />

Desember<br />

Pengembangan tanaman tomat Budidaya tanaman tomat Purwati E AS Duriat (ed)Teknologi prouksi<br />

Tomat<br />

Pengembangan tanaman sengon (Parase ricenthes<br />

falcataria).<br />

Anonymous Duta Rimba 105- 106(15)<br />

Pengembangan pola usaha tani di lahan pasang surut<br />

dalam rangka peningkatan produksi tanaman pangan<br />

Anwarhan, H.<br />

Pengembangan Perta-nian dalam Era Globalisasi.<br />

Pertanian Industri Berbasis Ilmu Pengetahuan dan<br />

Teknologi<br />

Pengembangan Pengkajian Sistem Usahatani Berbasis<br />

Padi (SUTPA) Dengan Orientasi Agribisnis<br />

Pakpahan, A Prisma Nomor Khusus 25 Tahun<br />

Manti Apresiasi Teknologi SUTPA Seri 2<br />

Sukarami<br />

Pengembangan Pemasaran Buah-buahan Indonesia Amang. B Sosio Ekonomika. Jurnal Ilmiah Sosial<br />

Ekonomi Pertanian, Jurusan Sosial<br />

Ekonomi Pertanian Universitas<br />

Lampung, Bandar Lampung<br />

Pengembangan Model Keterjaminan Pangan di Propinsi<br />

Jawa Timur dan Nusa Tenggara Timur<br />

Atmojo S.M<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 274 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Pengembangan Metoda Analytic Hierarchy Process ( AHP<br />

) Berdasarkan Teory Possibilitas dan Himpunan Fuzzy<br />

Yudhistira T Dalam Jurnal Teknik dan Manajemen<br />

Industri ITB.Volume 18 Nomer 3<br />

Desember.ITB<br />

Pengembangan manggis dengan bibit bermutu. Sunarjono, H. Info Hort.<br />

Pengembangan manggis dengan bibit bermutu. Sunarjono, H. Info Hort.<br />

Pengembangan manggis dengan bibit bermutu Sunarjono, H. Info Hort<br />

Pengembangan Hutan Rakyat di Jawa Tengah: Harapan<br />

dan Tantangan<br />

Awang San Afri Jurnal Hutan Rakyat<br />

Pengembangan Agribisnis Hortikultura Soeroyo, S.S.R Pangan 4(16)<br />

Pengembangan Agribisnis Hortikultura Sri Soesilo R<br />

Soerojo<br />

Majalah Pangan<br />

Pengelolaan tanah gambut utuk perkebunan kelapa sawit. Pangoedijatmo Buletin perkebunan PPPM<br />

Pengelolaan rawa pasang surut dan lebak Widjaja-Adhi, I P.G.<br />

Pengelolaan Pestisida dalam Pengendalian Hama Kedelai<br />

secara Terpadu<br />

Pengelolaan pestisida dalam pengendalian hama kedelai<br />

secara terpadu<br />

Pengelolaan pestisida dalam pengendalian hama kedelai<br />

secara terpadu<br />

Marwoto Monograf Balittan Malang. No.7, 38<br />

hlm.<br />

Marwoto Monograf Balittan Malang no 7<br />

Marwoto Monograf Balittan Malang no 7<br />

Pengelolaan lahan rawa pasang surut dan lebak Widjaja-Adhi,1.P.G. lurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan<br />

Pertanian. V(1): 1-9.<br />

Pengelolaan Lahan Rawa Pasang Surut dan Lebak Widjaya-Adhi, IPG.<br />

Pengelolaan Lahan Rawa Pasang Surut dan Lebak Widjaya Adhi,<br />

I.P.G.<br />

Pengelolaan lahan rawa dan lebak Widjaja-Adhi, I.P.G<br />

Pengelolaan lahan pasang surut dan lebak Widjaja-Adhi, I P.G.<br />

Pengelolaan lahan pasang surut dan lebak Widjaja- Adhi IPG Journal Litbang Pertanian V (1):1-9<br />

Pengelolaan hama Helopetis pada tanaman Kakao. Wiryadipura, S. Warta Puslit Kopi dan Kakao.<br />

Pengelolaan hama helopeltis pada tanaman kakao. Wiryadiputra, S. Warta Puslit Kopi dan Kakao.<br />

Pengelolaan dalam pengendalian hama kedelai secara Marwoto Monograf Balai Penelitian Tanaman<br />

terpadu<br />

Pangan Malang. (7): 38 hlm.<br />

Pengelolaan Budidaya Udang Semi-insentif. Akiyama, D. Tech. Bull. ASA- 20hal.<br />

Pengawetan tujuhjenis kayu secara rendaman panasdingin<br />

dengan bahan pengawet Impralit 16 SP dan Impralit<br />

CKB.<br />

———————<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 275 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Pengawetan tujuhjenis kayu secara rendaman dingm<br />

dengan bahan pengawet Impralit 16 SP dan Impralit CKB.<br />

Pengawetan tiga jenis kayu untuk barang kerajinan<br />

memakai dua jenis bahan pengawet bor secara rendaman<br />

dingin.<br />

Pengawetan tiga jenis kayu secara rendaman dingin<br />

dengan bahan pengawet boraks dan asam borat.<br />

Pengaruhjumlah nodus dan pengeratan entres pada<br />

sambung pucuk tanaman sirsak {Annona muricata L.).<br />

Pengaruh zat penghambat pertumbyhan "Maleic Hydracid (<br />

MH )" terhadap produksi dan mutu daya simpan umbi<br />

bawang merah<br />

Pengaruh zat pengatur tumbuh sodium nitrofenol terhadap<br />

kualitas dan hasil Cabai merah.<br />

Pengaruh zat pengatur tumbuh 2,4-D dan BAP pada kultur<br />

jaringan biji padi masak panen.<br />

Pengaruh Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Dormex, Promalin,<br />

Pupuk Daun Algifert dan pelepasan lebah terhadap<br />

pertumbuhan dan produksi mangga di Jawa Timur<br />

Pengaruh warna cahaya lampu terhadap hasil tangkapan<br />

cumi-cumi (Loligo spp.) dengan alat tangkap jigs di Teluk<br />

Galela, Maluku Utara.<br />

Pengaruh Waktu Temperatur dan Temperatur Inkubasi<br />

Terhadap Ikatan I 125 dengan Progesteron dalam Air<br />

Susu.<br />

Pengaruh waktu tanam jagung thdp pertumuhan dan<br />

produksi kacang tanah dan jagung dalam sistem tumpang<br />

sari<br />

Pengaruh Waktu Penyimpanan dan Suhu Tinggi Terhadap<br />

Tingkat Kelainan Fisiologis dan Perubahan Sifat Kimia dan<br />

Fisik Buah Mangga (Mangifera Indica L.) Cv. Carabao<br />

Pengaruh Waktu Pemupukan Nitrogen terhadap Produksi<br />

dan Kualitas Rumput Brachiaria Brinzantha.<br />

Pengaruh waktu pemberhentian pakan rotifer terhadap<br />

kelulushidupan dan pertumbuhan larva kakap, Lates<br />

calcarifer.<br />

Pengaruh Waktu Inkubasi Terhadap Perkcmbangan<br />

Embrio dan Larva Ikan Bandeng (Chanos chanos)<br />

Abdurrohim, S.<br />

———————.<br />

Abdurrohim, S.<br />

Sutarto. I. Penelitian Hortikultura.<br />

Marpaung L Jurnal Holtikultura<br />

Pekerti, H Bull. Penelitian Hortikultura.<br />

Masyudi, M.F.<br />

Hamzah, M.S. Jurnal Fak. Penkanan. Unsrat, (2): 55-<br />

62.<br />

Hartantyo, S. Bulletin FKH UGM Vol. XIV. No. 1.<br />

Sitompul SH<br />

Dasuki, I.M. Hortikultura.<br />

Verna, F. M. LPP. Edisi September, Bogor.<br />

Sunyoto, P., J. Penelitian Budidaya Pantai, Terbitan<br />

Khusus 1:24-26.<br />

Prijono, A., Jurnal Penelitian Budidaya Pantai.<br />

Vol.10. No. I.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 276 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Pengaruh wadah penyimpanan benih jagung dan Pirimifos<br />

metil terhadap populasi Sitophillus zeamais L. dan viabilitas<br />

benih<br />

Pengaruh vitamin B-12 dan pengkayaan fitoplankton<br />

kepadatan tinggi terhadap kepadatan dan kualitas rotifer<br />

(Brachionus plicatilis)<br />

Pengaruh vitamin B dan pengkayaan fitoplankton<br />

kepadatan tinggi terhadap kepadatan dan kualitas rotifer<br />

Brachionus rotundiformis.<br />

Pengaruh variabilitas tanah pada kompleks tanah histosol<br />

mineral terhadap keragaan pertumbuhan tanaman kelapa<br />

sawit.<br />

Pengaruh Urea Amoniasi Terhadap komposisi Kimia dan<br />

Nilai Gizi Jerami Padi Untuk Sapi Peranakan Ongole<br />

Pabbage, M.S. Agrikam, Buletin Penelitian Pertanian<br />

Maros 5(2): 62-70.<br />

G.S. Sumiarsa<br />

Sumiarsa. G.S., Pengaruh vitamin B dan pengkayaan<br />

fitoplankton kepadatan tinggi terhadap<br />

kepadatan dan kualitas rotifer<br />

Brachionus rotundiformis.<br />

Koedadiri, A.D. Buletin pusat Penelitian Kelapa Sawit<br />

2(2): 89-96<br />

Karya llmiah S-2. Fakultas<br />

Pascasarjana UGM, Yogyakarta.<br />

Pengaruh Umur Tunas Auksin dan Sitokinin Pada Kultur invitro<br />

Durian and Rambutan<br />

Triatminingsih. R Penelitian Hortikultura<br />

Pengaruh umur terhadap komposisi kimia kayu Gmclina<br />

arhorea Roxb.<br />

Siagian, R<br />

Pengaruh umur terhadap kadar tanin dalam pohon Prayitno TA Duta Rimba<br />

Pengaruh umur petik dan pembungkusan tandan terhadap<br />

mutu buah pisang kepok.<br />

Rusdianto, U. Penel, Hort.<br />

Pengaruh umur pemotongan dan jarak tanam terhadap<br />

produksi, kandungan lignosellulose dan degradasi bahan<br />

organik secara in sacco legum desmodium rensonii<br />

Suhartanto, B.<br />

Pengaruh umur kayu mangium terhadap kualitas arang<br />

aktif.<br />

Pengaruh umur dan varietas batang bawah terhadap<br />

keberhasilan sambungan min mangga arumanis.<br />

Pengaruh umur dan macam batang bawah terhadap<br />

keberhasilan penyambungan tunas pucuk (PTP) pada<br />

jeruk keprok Garut<br />

Pengaruh umur dan kepadatan kultur Chorella sp. terhadap<br />

populasi Brachionus sp.<br />

Pengaruh ukuran limbah eceng gondok dan CaCO3<br />

terhadap ciri muatan koloid dan pelepasan fosfat tanah<br />

Ultisols<br />

Pengaruh ukuran limbah eceng gondok dan CaCo3<br />

terhadap ciri muatan koloid dan pelepasan fosfat tanah<br />

Ultisol.<br />

Anonim<br />

Jawal. Penel, Hort.<br />

Rahayu, T. Hortikultura<br />

Insan I.<br />

Ali, S.A<br />

Ali, S.A<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 277 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Pengaruh ukuran inala pancing rawai dasar terhadap hasil<br />

tangkapan<br />

Pengaruh tumpangsari cabai dan tomat terhadap insiden<br />

hama, penyakit serta hasil<br />

Pengaruh tumpang sari palawija terhadap hasil kencur<br />

(Kampferia galanga).<br />

Pengaruh tipe pakan dan padat penebaran terhadap<br />

pertumbuhan ikan gurami dalam KJA<br />

Pengaruh Tipe Konsentrat <strong>sumber</strong> Energy dalam Ransum<br />

Sapi Perah berproduksi Tinggi terhadap Produksi dan<br />

Komposisi Susu.<br />

Pengaruh tipe konsentrat <strong>sumber</strong> energi dalam ransum<br />

sapi perah berproduksi tinggi terhadap produksi dan<br />

komposisi susu<br />

Pengaruh tipe karbihidrat dan aras undegraded protein<br />

terhadap kecernaan nutrien dan parameter fermentasi<br />

rumen sapi peranakan friesian holstein<br />

Pengaruh tingkat pemberian pakan yang berbeda terhadap<br />

pertumbuhan ikan nila merah (hibrid T. nilotica) di Teluk<br />

Banten<br />

Pengaruh tingkat lamtoro dlm ransum yg diberi perlakuan<br />

FeSO4 thd pertambahan bobot badan kelinci jantan lokal<br />

Pengaruh tingkat konsentrasi penyemprotan insektisida<br />

asetat, kuinalfos, dan triazofos terhadap residu pestisida<br />

tanaman kubis<br />

Pengaruh Tingkat konsentrasi Insektisida acephate,<br />

kuinalfos, dan triazofos terhadap Residu Pestisida pada<br />

tanaman Kubis.<br />

Pengaruh tingkat ketuaan dan gas asetilen terhadap mutu<br />

pascapanen buah sirsak<br />

Pengaruh tingkat ketahanan varietas padi terhadap biologi<br />

wereng coklat tipe 2<br />

Pengaruh tingkat kematangan buah dan umur pohon induk<br />

terhadap pertumbuhan semai batang bawah sirsak<br />

Pengaruh tingkat kematangan buah dan dosis sodium<br />

metabisulfit terhadap mutu keripik pisang.<br />

Pengaruh tingkat kelembaban ruangan fermentasi<br />

terhadap pertum-buhan kapang di permukaan ikan kayu<br />

(kamebushi) selama proses fermentasi alami.<br />

Pengaruh tingkat dedak padi dan bentuk pakan terhadap<br />

performan itik Pekin<br />

Wudianto<br />

Duriat, A.S. Buletin Penelitian Hortikultura, 26 (3):<br />

121-130.<br />

Sudiarto, A. Buletin Penelitian Tanaman Industri.<br />

Suhenda, N.<br />

Agus A.<br />

Agus, A.<br />

Widyobroto, B. P. Buletin sintesis nomor 11 tahun VII<br />

Suryati, Y<br />

Nurlatifah S Karya Ilmiah, UNILA, bandar Lampung<br />

Koestoni, T.M. Bull. Penel. Hort. 15(4): 87-91.<br />

Koestony, M. Bull.Penel. Hort<br />

Sjaifullah Jurnal Hortikultura. 5(5): 67-75.<br />

Bahagiawati, AH Pen. Pert 7(1) Balitan Bogor hal 4-7<br />

Muhammad, H. Jurnal Hortikultura. 5(3): 53-56.<br />

Azman.<br />

Basmal, J<br />

Sinurat, A.P. Ilmu dan Peternakan 6(1): 21-26<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 278 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Pengaruh Tinggi Pangkasan Terhadap Pertum buhan dan<br />

Hasil Daun Murbei di Pakatto, Sulawesi Selatan<br />

Pengaruh tiga cara pengembalian jerami ke dalam tanah<br />

rendzina terhadap : (I) Komposisi bahan organik tanah<br />

Sudrajat, A<br />

Sudarsono Ilmu pertanian Indonesia J. Vol. 1<br />

Pengaruh tetua betina dan pola segregasi karakter periode<br />

pengisian biji tanaman kedelai<br />

Ponendi H<br />

Pengaruh tetua betina dan pola segregasi karakter periode<br />

pengisian biji tanaman kedelai<br />

Ponendi H<br />

Pengaruh Temperatur Pada Unggas Nairn, R Majalah Poultry Indonesia<br />

Pengaruh teknik sambung/tempel terhadap keberhasilan<br />

Top Working Mangga.<br />

Yuniastuti, S. J. Hort.<br />

Pengaruh tekanan kekeringan terhadap presentase akar<br />

aktif dan pertumbuhan tanaman kedelai<br />

Rasjid H<br />

Pengaruh tekanan kekeringan terhadap presentase akar<br />

aktif dan pertumbuhan tanaman kedelai<br />

Rasjid H<br />

Pengaruh tanaman sela terhadap produksi kelapa Kaat, H.<br />

Pengaruh takaran porasi kotoran ayam thdp hsl tanaman<br />

bayam cabut (amaranthus spinosus L) Varietas Giti Hijau<br />

Pengaruh takaran porasi kotoran ayam thdp hsl tanaman<br />

bayam cabut (amaranthus spinosus L) Varietas Giti Hijau<br />

Pengaruh Suplementasi Urea, Daun Lamtoro, atau<br />

Amonisasi Urea Pada Jerami Padi Terhadap Kenaikan<br />

Berat Badan Sapi Peranakan Ongole<br />

Pengaruh suplementasi protein "Bypass" terhadap<br />

pertumbuhan dan konsumsi sukarela kambing betina<br />

muda dengan ransum basal lamtoro (Leucaenaleuco<br />

cephala)<br />

Pengaruh Suplementasi prontein "Bypass" terhadap<br />

pertumbuhan dan Konsumsi sukarela kambing betina<br />

muda dengan ransum basal lamtoro (Leucaenaleuco<br />

cephala)<br />

Pengaruh <strong>sumber</strong> dan tingkat energi ransum terhadap<br />

penampilan itik jantan lokal<br />

Pengaruh <strong>sumber</strong> dan takaran pupuk P terhadap<br />

pertumbuhan dan hasil padi sawah tanam benih langsung<br />

Rina Nuryati Jurnal Peelitian Lemlit Um Siliwangi<br />

Tasikmalaya<br />

Rina Nuryati Jurnal Peelitian Lemlit Um Siliwangi<br />

Tasikmalaya<br />

Utomo, R. Karya llmiah S2 Fakultas<br />

Pascasarjana UGM, Yogyakarta<br />

Rangngang, M.B.<br />

Rangngang, M.B.<br />

Sinurat, A.P. Ilmu dan Peternakan, 6(2): 20-24<br />

Sahar, A.<br />

Pengaruh suhu terhadap daya simpan benih Hasanah, M. Pemberitaan Lembaga Penelitian<br />

Tanaman lndustri. (38): 65-73.<br />

Pengaruh Suhu dan Waktu Pemasakan Biji Kemiri<br />

terhadap Sifat Minyaknya.<br />

Yusnita, E.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 279 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Pengaruh Suhu dan Lama Waktu Kristalisasi Haryati T Menara Perkebunan 60(3):94-98<br />

Pengaruh Suhu dan Fotoperiode terhadap Serapan Kuning<br />

Telur dan pengambilan makanan Luar pada larva Ikan<br />

Terbang (Cypselurus axy cephulus)<br />

Ali, S. A. Buletin ilmu Kelautan Torani, No. 2,<br />

Volume 6,<br />

Pengaruh Suhu air Terhadap Kehidupan Organisme Laut Hutagalung, H.P. Oseana, 4: 153 - 164.<br />

pengaruh serum homolog dan heterolog terhadap peroses<br />

pematangan dan pembuahan oosit domba didalam<br />

medium biakan invitro<br />

Pengaruh serangan serangga penggerek bah kakao<br />

terhadap mutu biji kakao,<br />

Pengaruh serangan O. rhinoceros terhadap pengalihan<br />

status tanaaman kelapa sawit dari belum menghasikan ke<br />

menghasilkan.<br />

Pengaruh salinitas terhadap pertumbuhan dan sintasan<br />

benih ikan jambal siam (Pangasius sutchi F.).<br />

Pengaruh salinitas terhadap pertumbuhan dan<br />

kelangsungan hidup benih ikan jambal siam (Pangasius<br />

sutchi).<br />

Pengaruh salinitas terhadap osmoregulasi dan konsumsi<br />

oksigen pada larva ikan jambal siam (Pangasius sutchi)<br />

Pengaruh salinitas terhadap kelangsungan hidup dan<br />

pertumbuhan ikan nila, Oreochromis niloticus<br />

Djuwita I<br />

Sulistyowati Warta Puslit kopi dan kakao Nom; 15:<br />

29-35<br />

Sipayung, A Buletin Puslitbun Marihat-B Kuala<br />

12(1) : 18-24<br />

Hardjamulia. A,<br />

Hardjamulia, A.,<br />

Tang, U.M.<br />

Pirzan, A.M. Jurnal Penelitian Perikanan Pantai.<br />

I(3): 67-73.<br />

Pengaruh Saat Petik terhadap Mutu Buah Salak Enrekang Cicu, W. Jurnal Hortikultura<br />

Pengaruh residu tanaman terhadap perkembangan<br />

penyakit busuk pangkal batang pada tanaman Lada.<br />

Pengaruh residu Karbofuran Terhadap Penyakit Hawar<br />

Upih Daun (Rhizoctona solani) pada Padi<br />

Pengaruh rempah-rempah terhadap pertumbuhan<br />

Aspergillus flaws Link<br />

Kasim. R. Pemberitaan Penelitian Tanaman<br />

Industri IX . 50 : 17-22<br />

Sumardiyono, C.<br />

Thomas, P.R. Media Teknologi Pangan. 3:52-61.<br />

Pengaruh reklamasi terhadap kualitas tanah gambut Mustafa, A. Jurnal Penelitian Budi Daya Pantai.<br />

10(2): 97-109.<br />

Pengaruh Regrafting Bibit Jeruk Hasil shoot-tipgrafting<br />

pada Beberapa Jenis Batang Bawah Terhadap Kecepatan<br />

Tumbuhnya.<br />

Triatminingsih R. Penelitian Hortikultura<br />

Pengaruh radikal bebas pada penurunan kualitas hasil<br />

perikanan<br />

Pengaruh pupuk NPK terhadap hasil pertanaman tumpang<br />

sari kubis dengan kentang dan ercis.<br />

Ma'ruf WF Warta Mahaprika no 5:20-21<br />

Harahap, A.D. J. Hort.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 280 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Pengaruh Pupuk NPK dan Media Campuran Tanah<br />

Podsolik Merah Kuning dan Bahan Organik Terhadap<br />

Pertumbuhan Anakan Pinw merkusii Jungh. Et De Vriese.<br />

Pada Berbagai Ukuran Kantong Plastik.<br />

Pengaruh pupuk N dan Tinggi muka air tnah terhadap<br />

pertumbuha bintil akar pertumbuhan dan produksi kedelai<br />

Pengaruh pupuk N dan Tinggi muka air tnah terhadap<br />

pertumbuha bintil akar pertumbuhan dan produksi kedelai<br />

Pengaruh pupuk kandang terhadap pertumbuhan dan<br />

produksi Jahe Gajah<br />

Pengaruh pupuk kalium dan jerami padi terhadap hasil padi<br />

dan kedelai pada tanah vertisol.<br />

Pengaruh pupuk kalium dan jerami padi terhadap hasil padi<br />

dan kedelai pada tanah vertisol.<br />

Pengaruh Pupuk Fosfor Terhadap Kadar Hara,<br />

Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Jagung pada Tanah Aluvial.<br />

Pengaruh proporsi asam lemak hewani dan nabati pada<br />

pakan buatan terhadap pematangan gonad dan pemijahan<br />

kepiting bakau Scy//a serrata.<br />

Pengaruh Populasi Tanaman Terhadap Pertumbuhan Hasil<br />

Jagung dan Kacang Tanah dalam Sistem Tumpangsari<br />

Pengaruh Populasi Nematoda Puru Akar Meloidogyne<br />

graminicola terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Padi.<br />

Pengaruh pH Air terhadap Sintasan Larva Kepiting Bakau<br />

(Scylla serrata)<br />

Pengaruh Persaingan tanaman penutup tanah terhadap<br />

karet muda dan usaha mengatasinya secara biologis<br />

Pengaruh perlakuan sportak, benlate, dan air panas<br />

terhadap daya simpan pisang Rajabulu<br />

Pengaruh Perlakuan Pendahuluan Biji Kemiri terhadap<br />

Rendemen dan Sifat Fisiko-kimia Minyaknya.<br />

Pengaruh Perlakuan Pada Biji dan Suhu Pengempaan<br />

terhadap Sifat Fisiko-kimia Minyak Kemiri.<br />

Suhaendi H, Buletin Penelitian Hutan. (481:7-26). B<br />

Suwarto Bul Agron 22:17-25<br />

Suwarto Bul Agron 22:17-25<br />

Barus, A. Buku VI Tanaman Obat. Prosiding<br />

Simposium I Hasil Penelitian dan<br />

Pengembangan Tanaman Industri,<br />

Caringin Bogor<br />

Sumarno Penelitian Palawija 6(1&2): 29-35<br />

Sumarno Penelitian Palawija 6(1&2): 29-35<br />

Kawulusan, H.,<br />

Kasprijo,<br />

Isgiyanto<br />

Mulyadi<br />

Yunus<br />

Nasution, U Warta Perkebunan<br />

Suyanti, S. Penelitian Hortikultura. 3(3): 105-109.<br />

Wiyono dan<br />

Hastoeti.<br />

Wiyono, B.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 281 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Pengaruh perlakuan biji terhadap tobacco mosaic virus<br />

(TMV) pada tomat<br />

Pengaruh perlakuan bahan sebelum penyulingan terhadap<br />

rendemen dan karakteristik minyak nilam<br />

Pengaruh Periode Penyapihan Terhadap Pertumbuhan<br />

Anakan Shorea Stenoptera Burch. Forma<br />

Pengaruh periode indukan dan jens kelamin tehadap<br />

performan ayam buras<br />

Pengaruh perebusan, penggaraman dan penyimpanan<br />

terhadap penurunan kandungan lisin yang terdapat dalam<br />

ikan pindang<br />

Pengaruh perbedaan subgrup tanah di lahan kering<br />

marjinal terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi kelapa sawit<br />

Pengaruh perbedaan prosentase penggantian air terhadap<br />

kelulushidupan dan pertumbuhan larva kakap puitih, Lates<br />

calcarifer.<br />

Pengaruh perbedaan padat tebar terhadap pertumbuhan<br />

ikan baung (Mystus nemurus) di kolam stagnan.<br />

Pengaruh perbedaan padat tebar terhadap pertumbuhan<br />

ikan baung (Mystus nemurus C.V) di kolam stagnan<br />

Pengaruh Perbaikan Rumpun Bambu terhadap Produksi<br />

Batang Baru<br />

Pengaruh penyimpanan sistem atmosfir termodifikasi<br />

terhadap mutu sayuran brokoli<br />

Pengaruh penyimpanan dengan kantong plastik terhadap<br />

viabilitas benih kapas<br />

Pengaruh penyimpanan dan pemanasan kembali terhadap<br />

mutu mikrobiologis kalio dan rendang daging sapi<br />

Pengaruh Penyimpanan Buah Terhadap Mutu Biji Kakao<br />

Kering.<br />

Pengaruh penyemprotan insektisida terhadap populasi<br />

musuh alami serangga hama kapas<br />

Pengaruh penutupan keramba jaring apung ter-hadap<br />

pertumbuhan ikan kerapu lumpur, Epine-phelus tauvina<br />

Forskal.<br />

Duriat, A.S. Buletin Penelitian Hortikultura. VIII (9):<br />

17-24.<br />

Hernani Pembr. Penelitian Tanaman<br />

Industri.15(2): 84-87.<br />

Mindawati.N<br />

utomo B Majalah Ilmiah Dian Andhini<br />

Basmal, J.<br />

Rachmat<br />

Adiwiganda M<br />

Jurnal Penelitian Kelapa Sawit 5 (1):11-<br />

18<br />

Slamet, B., Bull. Pen. Perikanan, Special Edition<br />

1:5-9.<br />

Muflikhah, N<br />

Muflikhah, N.<br />

Sutiyono.<br />

Histifarina, D. J. Hort. 7(1): 574-582.<br />

Hasanah, M. Pemberitaan Penelitian Tanaman<br />

Industri. 12(3-4): 85-88.<br />

Muhardi<br />

Alamsyah, T. S.<br />

Nurindah G. Kartono, Subiyakto, Fitriningdyah,<br />

1. Hartono, dan B. Heliyanto (Eds.).<br />

Buletin Tembakau dan Serat No.<br />

02/09/1993. hlm. 12-16.<br />

Irianto A., J. Penel. Budidaya Pantai 6(1): 79-82.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 282 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Pengaruh penundaan perontokan terhadap mutu benih<br />

padi<br />

Pengaruh penundaan perontokan terhadap mutu benih<br />

padi<br />

Pengaruh penundaan pemberian pakan nauplii Artemia<br />

pada pertumbuhan dan kelulushidupan larva kakap putih<br />

(Lates calcarifer).<br />

Pengaruh penjarangan buah dan pupuk pelengkap cair<br />

terhadap hasil tanaman melon dengan sistem hidroponik.<br />

Pengaruh peningkatan sekresi progesteron selama periode<br />

kebuntingan dalam merangsang pertumbuhan fetus pada<br />

domba<br />

Pengaruh Peningkatan Level Protein dan Energi Ransum<br />

saat Refeeding terhadap Performans Ayam Buras.<br />

Pengaruh pengolahan tanah konservasi dan pemberian<br />

mulsa jerami terhadap produksi tanaman pangan dan erosi<br />

hara<br />

Pengaruh Pengolahan Tanah Dengan Pemberian Blontong<br />

Sulfitasi Pada Hasil Panen<br />

Pengaruh Pengobatan dengan Kombinasi Disphenol dan<br />

Thibenzole terhadap Cacing Nematoda<br />

Pengaruh pengkayaan rotifer (Brachionus plicatilis) dengan<br />

menggunakan minyak hati ikan cod terhadap sintasan larva<br />

kepiting bakau (Scylla serrata)<br />

Pengaruh Pengkayaan Rotifer (Brachionus plicatlis)<br />

dengan Menggunakan Minyak Hati Ikan Cod Terhadap<br />

Sintasan Larva Kepiting Bakau (Scylla serrata)<br />

Pengaruh penggunaan traktor terhadap tegakan tinggal<br />

pada beberapa perusahaan hutan di Kalimantan Timur.<br />

Pengaruh penggunaan tipe rotifer Brachionus plicatilis<br />

yang berbeda terhadap laju sintasan dan perkembangan<br />

larva kepiting bakau Scylla serrata.<br />

Pengaruh Penggunaan Silase Darah Sebagai Pengganti<br />

Tepung Ikan dalam Pakan Buatan Terhadap Pertumbuhan<br />

Ikan Lele (Clarias batrachus Linn)<br />

Pengaruh penggunaan pupuk urea danca terhadap<br />

pertumbuhan dan hasil kentang di dataran medium<br />

Soejadi Keluarga Benih II (1):19-26<br />

Soejadi Keluarga Benih II (1):19-26<br />

Sunyoto, P. J. Penelitian Budidaya Pantai, Terbitan<br />

Khusus 1:53-57.<br />

Marizal, S.<br />

Manalu, W.<br />

Husmaini<br />

Sinukaban, N. Pemberitaan Penelitian Tanah dan<br />

Pupuk. (9): 32-38.<br />

Suharno<br />

Darmono Penyakit Hewan Vol. XIV. No. 24<br />

Yunus T,<br />

Yunus<br />

Thaib, J.<br />

Setyadi, I., Pengaruh penggunaan tipe rotifer<br />

Brachionus plicatilis yang berbeda<br />

terhadap laju sintasan dan<br />

perkembangan larva kepiting bakau<br />

Scylla serrata.<br />

Djajasewaka, H.<br />

Suban J. Hort 8(1):983-987<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 283 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Pengaruh Penggunaan Pakan Tinggi Protein Terhadap<br />

Penampilan, Karkas dan Perlemakan Ayam Pedaging Fase<br />

Akhir.<br />

Pengaruh penggunaan pakan tinggi protein terhadap<br />

penampilan, karkas dan perlemakan ayam pedaging fase<br />

akhir<br />

Pengaruh penggunaan jerami padi fermentasi terhadap<br />

performa ternak sapi PO.<br />

Pengaruh penggunaan fungisida untuk mengendalikan<br />

penyakit Antaknos (Colleotrichum capsici dan C.<br />

gloeosporioides) pada tanaman cabai<br />

Pengaruh Penggunaan Blontong Pada Tebu Lahan Kering<br />

di Tanah Grumusol<br />

Pengaruh penggunaaan traktor terhadap tegakan tinggal<br />

pada beberapa pengusahaan hutan di Kalimantan Timur.<br />

pengaruh pengguanaan fungisida utk mengendalikan<br />

penyakit antraknose (Colleotrichum capsici & C.<br />

gloeosporioides) pada tanaman cabai<br />

Pengaruh penggorengan dan cara pengeringan terhadap<br />

sifat rotan belukbuk {Calamus burckianus) dan rotan seuti<br />

(Calamus ornatus).<br />

Pengaruh penggembalaan kambing ( pada berbagai<br />

stocking area) di bawah pohon kelapa.<br />

Pengaruh pengendalian CVPD dengan oksitetrasikklin<br />

terhadap kualitas jeruk keprok<br />

Pengaruh pengemasan terhadap mutu buah pisang setelah<br />

ditransportasikan<br />

Pengaruh Pengemasan Modified Atmosphere dan Lama<br />

Penyimpanan Terhadap Pematangan dan Mutu Mangga<br />

Arumanis<br />

Pengaruh pengemasan dan penyimpanan thd DNA daun<br />

tanaman perkebunan untuk analisis RAPD<br />

Pengaruh Pengawetan Venir Dengan Senyawa BFCA<br />

Terhadap Keteguhan Rekat Kayu Lapis Dari Kayu Karet<br />

(Hevea brasiliensis).<br />

Pengaruh pengapuran dan pemupukan terhadap<br />

pertumbuhan dan hasil kacang tanah<br />

Pengaruh Pengapuran dan pemupukan Pospor terhadap<br />

Pertumbuhan dan Serapan Hara dan Hasil Kacang Tanah<br />

(Arachis hypogaea L) pada Tanah Podsolik Merah Kuning<br />

Pengaruh Penga puran dan Pemupukan trehadap<br />

Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Kacang Tanah<br />

Zuprizal.<br />

Zuprizal<br />

Amini, R. jurnal ilmu peternakan. Vol.1 No.<br />

2/1998.<br />

Suryaningsih E Bull. Penel. Hort. 25(2):37-43<br />

Budijono<br />

Thaib, D.<br />

Suryaningsih E Bul. Penel. Hort 25(2) :37-43<br />

———————.<br />

Rika, I.K Bulletin Fapet UNUD. Denpasar.<br />

Roesmiyanto Hortikultura<br />

Muhadjir, I. Penelitian Hortikultura. 14(3): 71-78.<br />

Sabari S.D J. Hort.<br />

Toruan Mathius Men. Perkebunan 64:3-12<br />

Kliwon, S.<br />

Sutareto, I. G. Bul. Littan. Bahtera, Bogor<br />

MLirtadho Penelitian Perta nian 1988<br />

Soetartcy I.V Pn.enlitian Pertanian 1967<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 284 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Pengaruh Pencemaran Pb, Cd dan Cu dalam Kangkung,<br />

bayam dan air terhadap pencemaran dalam rambut di<br />

Kotamadya Bogor.<br />

Pengaruh penanaman campuran klon ubi jalar terhadap<br />

penyakit kudis (Elsinoe batatas Saw.) dan hasil<br />

Pengaruh Penambahan vitamin E terhadap perkembangan<br />

gonad udang windu (Penaeus monodon) asal tambak<br />

Pengaruh penambahan urea dan melamin pada perekat<br />

urea formaldehida terhadap emisi formialdehida dan sifat<br />

fisis-mekanis papan partikel.<br />

Pengaruh penambahan kadar gula thdp ketebalan palikel<br />

Nata de Pina dari kulit buah nanas<br />

Pengaruh Penambahan Asam Folat dalam Ransum<br />

terhadap Konsumsi Makanan, Tebal Usus Halus dan<br />

Beberapa Nilai Fisiologis Darah Ayam Broiler<br />

Pengaruh Penam bahan Terpentin dan Natrium Chlorida<br />

pada Getah Pinus Terhadap Kualitas Gondorukem<br />

Pengaruh pemupukan Zn, Mn, dan Mg dengan dua macam<br />

bahan perata terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil jeruk keprok<br />

Siem (C. reticulata Blance Cv. Siem)<br />

Pengaruh pemupukan P di tanah mediteran terhadap<br />

Azolla Pinata dalam penyediaan N untuk tanaman padi<br />

sawah .<br />

Pengaruh pemupukan NPK dan kandang terhadap<br />

produksi ternak Thymus vulgaris<br />

Pengaruh pemupukan NP dan K terhadap produksi daun<br />

tempuyung Sonchus arvensis L.<br />

Pengaruh Pemupukan N, P dan K pada Pertumbuhandan<br />

Produksi Bawang MerahKultivar Sumenep<br />

Pengaruh pemupukan fosfor terhadap pertumbuhan dan<br />

produksi kedelai (Glycine max (L.) Merr) pada budi daya<br />

jenuh air<br />

Pengaruh Pemupukan Fosfat Terhadap Kadar Fosfat<br />

didalam Nira dan Hasil Pada Tanaman Tebu<br />

Pengaruh pemupukan N, P dan K pada pertumbuhan dan<br />

produksi bawang merah Kultivar Sumenep.<br />

Saeni, M.S. Buletin Kimia IPB, No. 12: 55-78.<br />

Zuraida, N.<br />

M. Jufri J. Penel Budidaya Pantai<br />

Sutigno. P.<br />

Suratiningsih S Jurnal Sekolah Tinggi Farming<br />

Semarang, no 29/th XII<br />

Rahim, F.<br />

Soeparno Duta Rimba<br />

Djoema'ijah Hortikultura<br />

Mufran Rauf Agrikam. Vol 1(2) . Balittan Maros hal<br />

35-40.<br />

Emmyzar Bul. Littro<br />

Sudiarto Bul. Littro<br />

Hidayat, A. Jurnal Holtikultura Vol. 5 No. 5<br />

Ghulamahdi, M. Forum Pascasarjana 14:25-34.<br />

Prawirosemadi.M Majalah Perusahaan Gula<br />

Hidayat, A. Jurnal Hortikultura Vol. 5 No. 5 Badan<br />

Penelitian dan Pengembangan<br />

Pertanian. Pusat Penelitian dan<br />

Pengembangan Hortikultura Jakarta,<br />

Indonesia<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 285 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Pengaruh pemotongan tangkai mata terhadap kematangan<br />

gonad dan pertumbuhan kepiting bakau, Scy//a serrata.<br />

Pengaruh Pemietrin Terhadap Sifat Fisis, Mekanis dan<br />

Keawetan Papan Partikel.<br />

Pengaruh pemberian tepung daging keong mas (Pomacea<br />

canadiculata) yang diolah dengan batu kapur dalam<br />

ransum terhadap performa ayam broiler<br />

Pengaruh pemberian protein dan energi terlindungi<br />

terhadap konsumsi dan kecernaan oleh domba muda<br />

Pengaruh pemberian pakan berkadar protein berbeda<br />

terhadap pertumbuhan kerapu lumpur, Epinephelus<br />

tauvina.<br />

Pengaruh pemberian pakan alami dan pakan buatan<br />

terhadap sintasan larva bandeng {Chanos chanos).<br />

Pengaruh Pemberian Naung-an Kasa Plastik Terhadap<br />

Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Paprika Kultivar Blue<br />

Star.<br />

Pengaruh pemberian N dan inokulasi Rhizobium terhadap<br />

pembintilan akar serta hasil tanaman kedelai dan kacang<br />

hijau<br />

Pengaruh Pemberian Kapur, Fosfor dan Seng Terhadap<br />

Beberapa Sifat Kimia Tanah pada Ultisol Gajrug. Banten<br />

Pengaruh pemberian jenis fitoplankton yang berbeda<br />

terhadap sintasan larva kepiting bakau (Scylla serrata).<br />

Pengaruh pemberian hormon 17b-metiltertosteron secara<br />

oral pada induk ikan gapi (poecilia reticula Peters) strain<br />

Tuxedo terhadap jenis kelamin keturunannya.<br />

Pengaruh pemberian hormon 17«- metiltestosteron secara<br />

oral pada induk ikan gapi (Poecilia reticulata Peters) strain<br />

tuxedo terhadap jenis kelamin keturunannya.<br />

Pengaruh pemberian bbr tingkat zeolit alam yg diaktivasi<br />

dg pemanasan dan tidak diaktivasi thd penampilan ternak<br />

babi periode lepas sapih<br />

Pengaruh Pemberian Asam Indol Butirat Terhadap<br />

Pertumbuhan Bibit Karet<br />

Pengaruh pemberian ampas tahu dlm ransum thd<br />

potongan komersial karkas ayam broiler betina strain hibro,<br />

umur 6 minggu<br />

Sulaeman J. Penelitian Budidaya Pantai 8(4): 55-<br />

61.<br />

SulastiningsihJ.M.,<br />

Harmentis<br />

Mathius, I W. JITV 3(2): 94-100.<br />

Ahmad, T., J. Penelitian Budidaya Pantai 8(2):71-<br />

80.<br />

Aslianti, T., J. Penelit. Budidaya Pantai. 9(1):81-<br />

89.<br />

Sumawarna, A. Bul. Penel. Hort.<br />

Gunarto, L. Agrikam. 2: 33-37.<br />

Sarno Jurnal Pengembangan Lahan Kering<br />

Yunus, D.<br />

Arma, N.R Jurnal Penelitian Perikanan Indonesia,<br />

1(3): 74-81<br />

Arma, N.R.,<br />

Krisyanto D karya ilmiah. Fak Peternakan IPB<br />

Bogor<br />

Zahari.A.N. Sagian<br />

Basoeki BDA Karya Ilmiah Fak Peternakan IPB,<br />

Bogor<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 286 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Pengaruh Pemberiaan Auksin, Sitokinin dan GA3 dalam<br />

Memacu Pertumbuhan "Multishoot" Tanaman Kentang<br />

Kultivar Granola<br />

Pengaruh pembelahan buah cabai terhadap rendeman dan<br />

mutu oleoresin.<br />

Pengaruh Pembebasan Temadap Riap Diameter Jenis<br />

Komersial Tegakan Tinggal di Areal HPH PT. Dacrydium II<br />

Kalimantan Tengah<br />

Pengaruh pemangkasan bunga terhadap hasil dan kualitas<br />

biji, serta parameter seleksi bbr galur bunga matahari<br />

Pengaruh pemacu pertumbuhan benih ikan gurami<br />

(Osplironemous gouramy) di KJA<br />

Pengaruh Pejantan Pada Berat Lahir dan Ukuran Tubuh<br />

Pedet Peranakan Ongole<br />

Pengaruh Panjang dan Pengeratan Cabang Entris<br />

Terhadap Keberhasilan Sambung Pucuk dalam<br />

Perbanyakan Durian (Duho Zibethinus Murr).<br />

Pengaruh pakan tenggelam dan terapung terhadap<br />

produksi ikan nila merah, Oreochromis niloticus dalam<br />

keramba jaring apung di laut.<br />

Pengaruh pakan tenggelam dan terapung terhadap<br />

produksi ikan nila merah, O. niloticus dalam karamba jaring<br />

apung di laut<br />

Pengaruh pakan dengan kadar protein yang berbeda<br />

terhadap pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup benih ikan<br />

nila merah, O. niloticus<br />

Pengaruh padat penebaran terhadap produksi nila merah,<br />

Oreochromis niloticus.<br />

Pengaruh padat penebaran terhadap produksi nila merah,<br />

Oreochromis niloticus dalam karamba jaring apung<br />

Pengaruh padat penebaran terhadap produksi nila merah,<br />

O. niloticus dalam karamba jaring apung di laut<br />

Pengaruh padat penebaran terhadap pertumbuhan dan<br />

kelulushidupan kakap putih, Lates calcarifer, di kurung<br />

apung.<br />

Pengaruh padat penebaran terhadap pertumbuhan dan<br />

kelangsungan hidup benih ikan baung (Mystus nemurus<br />

CX)<br />

Pengaruh padat penebaran terhadap pertumbuhan<br />

bandeng, Chanos-chanos umpan di tambak<br />

Karjadi. K.A Bulletin Penelitian Hortikultura Vol.<br />

XXVII No. 2<br />

Yuliana, N. J. Hortikultura<br />

Rudiyanto, D. Karya Tulis D3 Jurusan Kehutanan<br />

UNPAR<br />

Mardjono R Zuriat 4 (1) 11-16<br />

Suhenda, N.<br />

Anonim<br />

Anwaruddin, S. MJ. Penelitian Hortikultura<br />

Pongsapan, D.S., Jurnal Penelitian Budi Daya Pantai 9<br />

(4): 75-84.<br />

Pongsapan, D.S. Jurnal Penelitian Budi Daya Pantai.<br />

9(4): 75-84.<br />

Pongsapan, D.S. Jurnal Penelitian Budi Daya Pantai.<br />

8(5): 77-86.<br />

Cholik, F., J. Penelitian Budidaya Pantai 6(2):87-<br />

96<br />

Cholik, F. Jurnal Penelitian Budi Daya Pantai<br />

6(2): 87-96.<br />

Cholik, F. Jurnal Penelitian Budi Daya Pantai.<br />

6(2): 87-96.<br />

Mayunar Bull. Pen. Perikanan. Special Edition<br />

1:21-26.<br />

Muflikhah, N.<br />

Suwardi Jurnal Penelitian Budi DayaPantai.<br />

10(2): 47-56.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 287 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Pengaruh padat penebaran terhadap perkembangan dan<br />

sintasan larva teripang pasir Holothuria scabra.<br />

Pengaruh Nilai-nilai Agama dan Budaya Terhadap<br />

Solidaritas Sosial Masyarakat Desa<br />

Pengaruh naungan terhadap produksi dan kandungan gizi<br />

rum-put gajah (Pennisetum purpureum Schumach,).<br />

Pengaruh naungan terhadap produksi dan kandungan gizi<br />

rumput gajah (Pennisetum purpureum Schumach).<br />

Pengaruh naungan kasa terhadap hasil beberapa kultivar<br />

cabai.<br />

Pengaruh NAA, Gas, Promalin dan Kinetin serta<br />

penyiraman terhadap pemben tukan calon buah dan hasil<br />

mangga<br />

Pengaruh N dan K terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi<br />

jahe badak<br />

Pengaruh musim terhadap keterlibatan tenaga kerja<br />

keluarga petani dalam beternak kambing dan domba di<br />

Jawa.<br />

Pengaruh musim ter-hadap kegiatan penangkapan dan<br />

hasil tangkapan ikan di perairan Lubuk Lampam Sumatera<br />

Selatan.<br />

Pengaruh musim terhadap kegiatan penangkapan dan<br />

hasil tangkapan di perairan lubuk lampan Sumatera<br />

Selatan.<br />

Pengaruh mulsa dan rotasi tomat dengan sayuran lain<br />

pada lahan di antara kombinasi mangga, pisang, dan<br />

sirsak<br />

Pengaruh mulsa dan pemupukan terhadap pertumbuhan<br />

dan hasil nilam<br />

Moria, B.S.,<br />

Sayuti. R.H Majalah Ilmiah Komunitas Vol. 1 No. 1<br />

Suyitman<br />

Suyitman.<br />

Kusandriani, Y. J. Hort.<br />

Effendy, A. R Jurnal Hortikultura<br />

Santoso, J. Buku VI Tanaman Obat. Prosiding<br />

Simposium I Hasil Penelitian dan<br />

Pengembangan Tanaman Industri,<br />

Caringin Bogor<br />

Mulyadi, A. N. Ilmu dan Peternakan.<br />

Utomo A.D.<br />

Utomo, A.D.<br />

Hutagalung, L. Jurnal Hortikultura. 5(3): 57-69.<br />

Tasma, I. M. Pembr. Penelitian Tanaman<br />

Industri.14(1-2): 34-39.<br />

Pengaruh Minyak Mineral Terhadap Organisme Laut Hutagalung, H.P. Oseana. XV(1): 13-17.<br />

Pengaruh mikromineral dan fenilpropionat terhadap<br />

performans bakteri selulolitik dan batang dalam mencerna<br />

serat hijauan pakan<br />

Thalib JITV 5(2): 92-99.<br />

Pengaruh Medium Pembibitan Terhadap Keberhasilan<br />

Penyetekan Batang Bawah Jeruk<br />

Pengaruh media tanam thdp pertumbuhn tanaman hias pot<br />

spathiphyllum sp<br />

Pengaruh media tanam thdp pertumbuhn tanaman hias pot<br />

spathiphyllum sp<br />

Dwi Setyorini Jurnal Wawasan Pembangunan<br />

Pedesaan<br />

Wuryaningsih S Bul.Penel.Tan Hias 2(2) : 81-89<br />

Wuryaningsih S Bul.Penel.Tan Hias 2(2) : 81-89<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 288 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Pengaruh media tanam terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman<br />

hias pot Spathiphyllum sp.<br />

Pengaruh Media Tanah Pada Pertumbuhan dan Berat<br />

Kering Enceng Gondok (Eichornia Crassipes)<br />

Pengaruh Media Organik dan Tanah Mineral Terhadap<br />

Mutu Bibit Pterigota alata Roxb.<br />

Pengaruh Makanan Buatan dengan Kadar Lemak Berbeda<br />

terhadap Pertumbuhan Ikan Mas (Cyprinus carpio Lmn.)<br />

Pengaruh macam dan dosis pupuk kandang ter-hadap<br />

perbaikan kimia tanah dan hasil tomat kultivar lokal Gondol<br />

pada tanah latosol<br />

Pengaruh lingkungan terhadap kemantapan daya hasil klonklon<br />

kopi Robusta (Coffea canephora Pierre var: robusta<br />

Cheval.)<br />

Pengaruh Lesitin dalam pakan terhadap pematangan<br />

gonad danpemijahan udang putih (Penaeus indicus) asal<br />

tambak intensif<br />

Pengaruh leguminosa tanaman makanan ternak<br />

ditumpangsarikan dengan jagug thdp produksi jagung<br />

Pengaruh lama perlakuan vernalisasi kecambah tanaman<br />

petsai (Bras-sica campestris ssp. Pekinensis Rupr.)<br />

terhadap berbagai aspek vegetatif dan produksinya.<br />

Pengaruh lama perlakuan vernalisasi kecambah tanaman<br />

petsai (Bras-sica campestris ssp. Pekinensis Rupr.)<br />

terhadap berbagai aspek vegetatif dan produksinya.<br />

Pengaruh lama penyimpanan dan pemanasan ulang<br />

terhadap kadar protein, kadar lemak dan mutu<br />

mikrobiologis rawon<br />

Pengaruh Lama dan Cara Penyulingan Terhadap Kualitas<br />

Minyak Kerung.<br />

Pengaruh lama dan cara penyulingan terhadap kualitas<br />

minyak keruing.<br />

Pengaruh konsumsi asam lemak n-3 dan n-6 terhadap<br />

perkembangan kecerdasan dan tingkah laku tikus<br />

percobaan<br />

Pengaruh Konseratsi Asam giberelat dan lama<br />

perendaman terhadap perkecambahan dan pertumbuhan<br />

biji manggis.<br />

Wuryaningsih, S. Buletin Penelitian Tanaman Hias 2<br />

(2): 81-89.<br />

Moenandir, Jody<br />

Hendromono.<br />

Suhendra, N.<br />

Nurtika , N Bul. Penel. Hort<br />

Mawardi, S. Pelita Perkebunan 1: 41-51.<br />

K. Suwirya<br />

Semali A<br />

Mansyurdin J. Biologika.<br />

Mansyurdin J. Biologika.<br />

Rosyidi, D. Jurnal makanan tradisional Indonesia<br />

Wiyono. B.<br />

Wiyono. B.<br />

Astawan, M Bul. THP (1) 10-13<br />

Jawal, M. J. Hort.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 289 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Pengaruh konsentrasi Temulawak dan lama penyimpanan<br />

suhu 5oC terhadap kualitas daging ayam broiler<br />

Pengaruh Konsentrasi Jahe dan Waktu Kontak terhadap<br />

Aktivitas Beberapa Mikroba Penyebab Kerusakan Pangan<br />

Pengaruh konsentrasi gas nitrogen dan kadar air awal<br />

terhadap daya simpan benih kedelai<br />

Pengaruh konsentrasi gas nitrogen dan kadar air awal<br />

terhadap daya simpan benih kedelai<br />

Pengaruh Konsentrasi Garam dan Zat Pengatur Tumbuh<br />

Pada Kultivar In Vittro Melinjo (Gnetum Gnemon L)<br />

Pengaruh konsentrasi garam dan lama penggaraman<br />

terhadap mutu ikan layang (Decapterusmacrosoma).<br />

Pengaruh Konsentrasi dan Lama Kontak Gas Asetilen<br />

Terhadap Pematangan Buah Mangga Gedong<br />

Pengaruh konsentrasi asam gibilerat dan lama<br />

perendaman terhadap perkecambahan dan pertumbuhan<br />

biji manggis.<br />

Pengaruh konsentrasi asam gibilerat dan lama<br />

perendaman terhadap perkecambahan dab pertumbuhan<br />

biji manggis.<br />

Pengaruh konsentrasi asam dan waktu terhadap hidrolisis<br />

hemiselulosa tandan kosong kelapa sawit<br />

Pengaruh Kondisi Terumbu Karang terhadap Komunitas<br />

Ikan Hias di Kepulauan Karimunjawa.<br />

Pengaruh Kondisi Penggorengan Terhadap Kualitas Rotan<br />

Manau (Calamus manan Miq.).<br />

Pengaruh Kondisi Fermentasi terhadap Produksi Minyak<br />

Kapang Mucor inaequisporus M05 II/4<br />

Pengaruh koefisien keragaman pada analisis stabilitas<br />

hasil galur2 padi sawah<br />

Pengaruh koefisien keragaman pada analisis stabilitas<br />

hasil galur2 padi sawah<br />

Pengaruh Ketamine HCl Terhadap Tekanan Intraokuler<br />

Anjing<br />

Pengaruh kelengasan tanah dari hari pendek terhadap<br />

kejadian diapause Scirpophaga innotata Walker<br />

Pengaruh kelembaban nisbi dan media tumbuh thd<br />

pertumbuhan planlet kelapa sawit di prapembibitan<br />

Okarini, I.A. J. Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan. 2(2) :<br />

37-15.<br />

Jenie, B.S.L.<br />

Wahyuni S Buletin Pertanian UISU<br />

Wahyuni S Buletin Pertanian UISU<br />

Ernawati. N.M.L<br />

Hutuely, L., J.Pen.Pasca Panen Perik. 69:1-15<br />

Sabari, S.D. Penel. Hort.<br />

Jawal, M.<br />

Anwarudin.<br />

Jawal, M.<br />

Anwarudin.<br />

J. Hort.<br />

J. Hort.<br />

Darnoko Menara perkebunan<br />

Wagiyo, K. Jurnal Penelitian Perikanan Laut No.:<br />

91: 27-36.<br />

Rachman, O.,<br />

Nuraida, L.<br />

Hanarida IS penelitian pertanian 11(1):38-41<br />

Hanarida IS<br />

Asali A.<br />

Suparno T. Jurnal penelitian universitas Bengkulu<br />

Subronto Jur. Pen. Kelapa sawit 5(1):1-5<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 290 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Pengaruh kekurangan air thd produksi kelapa sawit di<br />

Sumatra Utara<br />

Pengaruh Kascing terhadap Peningkatan Kualitas Lahan<br />

dan Produksi Tanaman Padi<br />

Pengaruh Karboksimetilselulosa terhadap Kesetabilan<br />

Emulsi dan Mutu Krim Kelapa<br />

Pengaruh Kadar Stimulan dan Penutupan Luka Sadap<br />

pada Penyadapan Pinus (Pinus merkusii).<br />

Pengaruh Kadar dan Waktu Kontak Gas Asetilen Terhadap<br />

Pematangan Mangga Cengkir<br />

Pengaruh kadar asam lemak bebas dalam ransum<br />

terhadap pertumbuhan ayam pedaging<br />

Pengaruh kadar air kerusakan awal biji jagung terhadap<br />

laju infestasi kumbang bubuk dalam Astanto etal (ed)<br />

Risalah Hasil Panen.<br />

Pengaruh jumlah nodus dan pengeratan entris pada<br />

sambung pucuk sirsak (A. muricata L.)<br />

Pengaruh jumlah daun thd pertumbhan akar dan produksi<br />

kelapa sawit (Elasi guineensis Jacq)<br />

Pengaruh jumlah benih dan cara tanam terhadap<br />

kandungan N, P, dan K tanaman Sesbania rostrata<br />

Pengaruh jumlah benih dan cara tanam terhadap<br />

kandungan N, P dan K. tanaman Sesbania rostrata<br />

Pengaruh jerami padi yang difermentasi dengan pleurotus<br />

ostreatus untuk meningkatkan kecernaan (In Vitro).<br />

Pengaruh jenis tiang panjat terhadap populasi hama utama<br />

lada<br />

Pengaruh jenis pupuk dan tingkat pemupukan N terhadap<br />

pertumbuhan dan produksi jahe Zingiber officinaale Rosc.<br />

Var. Badak<br />

Pengaruh jenis pembungkus dan saat pembungkusan<br />

tandan buah pisang terhadap keefektifan pengendalian<br />

thrips (Chaetanaphothrips signipennis)<br />

Pengaruh jenis pclarut dan ratio getah dan volume pelarut<br />

terhadap rendemen dan sifat fisiko-kimia minyak keruing.<br />

Pengaruh Jenis medium, Pupuk NPK dan fre-kuensi<br />

penyiraman terhadap pertumbuhan dan mutu bibit Dalbergia<br />

Fusca<br />

Pengaruh jenis kemasan dan kadar awal terhadap daya<br />

simpan benih kedelai<br />

Panjaitan A Perkebunan Indonesia 1 (3/4):84-87<br />

Setyo Budi<br />

Malik DD Media Teknologi Pangan<br />

Sumadiwangsa, S., Duta Rimba September 1999: 35-38.<br />

Dondy, A.S.B. Penel. Hort.<br />

Gunawan, B. Ilmu dan Peternakan 2 (4): 159-162.<br />

Bejo Tan. Pangan Malang 2(3). 195-203<br />

Sutarto, I. Penelitian Hortikultura. 4(4): 11-17.<br />

Siahaan MM<br />

Rauf, M. Agrikam. 4(1).<br />

Anonymous, Agrikam. Vol 4(1) . Balittan Maros hal<br />

33-41<br />

Amini, R. jurnal peternakan dan lingkungan.<br />

Vol. 5. No. 01/1999<br />

Asnawi, Z. Pemberitaan Penelitian Tanaman<br />

Industri. 12 (3-4): 57-60.<br />

Januwati, M. Bul. Littro<br />

Sumargono A. Penelitian Hortikultura. 7(2): 29-35.<br />

Wiyono, B.<br />

Hendromono Duta Rimba<br />

Wahyuni S Bull. Pertanian UISU<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 291 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Pengaruh jenis kemasan dan kadar awal terhadap daya<br />

simpan benih kedelai<br />

Pengaruh jenis dan umur buah terhadap sifat fisikokimia<br />

daging buah kelapa hibrid dan pemanfaatannya<br />

Pengaruh jenis & dosis pupuk kandang terhadap<br />

pertumbuhan dan produksi bunga mawar kultivar Cherry<br />

Brandy<br />

Pengaruh jcnis dan kon.sentrasi daging ikan terhadap<br />

pengembangan volumetrik, kerenyahan, dan rasa kerupuk<br />

ikan<br />

Pengaruh jatuh langsung dan sistim luncur beberapa<br />

macam kemasan jeruk Valensia terhadap susut bobot dan<br />

kerusakan mekams<br />

Pengaruh jarak tanam rambutan dan pisang sebagai<br />

tanaman sela terhadap pertumbuhan rambutan (Nephelium<br />

lappaceum Linn).<br />

Pengaruh jarak tanam rambutan dan pisang sebagai<br />

tanaman sela terhadap pertumbuhan rambutan<br />

(Neophelium lappaceumLinn.)<br />

Pengaruh jarak tanam dan pemupukan thd tanaman kelapa<br />

sawit. II. Pembungaan<br />

Pengaruh Jadual Pemberian Makanan terhadap<br />

Rendemen Pemeliharaan dan Mutu Kokon Bibit F1.<br />

Pengaruh interval penyemprotan terhadap serangan<br />

antraknos pada bawang merah<br />

Pengaruh interval penyemprotan fungisida dan sistem<br />

tanam terhadap insiden Cercospora capsici dan busuk<br />

buah cabai (Capsicum annuum).<br />

Pengaruh intensitas penebangan dan Iereng terhadap<br />

keterbukaan tanah,<br />

Pengaruh Intensitas Cahaya, Mikoriza dan Serbuk Arang<br />

pada pertumbuhan Awal Dryobalanops sp.<br />

Pengaruh inokulasi rhizoplus dan sistem olah tanah<br />

terhadap produksi kedelai dan pendpatan pada lahan<br />

sawah irigasi setelah padi<br />

Pengaruh inokulasi rhizoplus dan sistem olah tanah<br />

terhadap produksi kedelai dan pendpatan pada lahan<br />

sawah irigasi setelah padi<br />

Pengaruh Inokulasi Mikorriza dan Pupuk Fosfor pada<br />

Berbagai Tanaman Kedelai<br />

Wahyuni S Bull. Pertanian UISU<br />

Barlina, R. Jurnal Penelitian Tanaman Industri.<br />

1(6): 263-277.<br />

Wuryaningsih, S J. Hort<br />

Perangin-angin, R;<br />

Soedibyo, M Hortikultura<br />

Suharto. Penel, Hort.<br />

Anonymous, Penel Hort.<br />

Pamin K<br />

Nurdin, Z., Jurnal Penelitiian Kehutanan. Proyek<br />

Persuteraan Alam Sulawesi Selatan<br />

Suhardi Bull. Penel. Hort.<br />

Suhardi Buil. Penel. Hort<br />

Thaib. J.<br />

Faridah, E. Bulletin Fakultas Kehutanan, UGM.<br />

No. 29. pp: 14-26, Yogyakarta.<br />

Widyantoro Jurn. Agrotropika Vol III no 2 Bandar<br />

Lampung<br />

Widyantoro Jurn. Agrotropika Vol III no 2 Bandar<br />

Lampung<br />

Astiko. W Jurnal Penelitian<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 292 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Pengaruh Induk dan Jenis Kelamin Pedet Pada Berat<br />

Lahir<br />

Pengaruh IBA dan Pengeratan Terhadap Keberhasilan<br />

Stek Rambutan Binjai<br />

pengaruh hormon GA3, pengguntingan daun bendera dan<br />

perbandingan baris tanaman mandul jantan sitoplasmikgenetik<br />

dan pemulih kesuburan terhadap banyaknya benih<br />

padi hibrida.<br />

pengaruh hormon GA3, pengguntingan daun bendera dan<br />

perbandingan baris tanaman mandul jantan sitoplasmikgenetik<br />

dan pemulih kesuburan terhadap banyaknya benih<br />

padi hibrida.<br />

Pengaruh hara mikro terhadap pertumbuhan planlet kelapa<br />

sawit di pembiitan awal<br />

Pengaruh Giberelin dan Asam Askorbat terhadap<br />

perkecambahan dan pertumbuhan markisah ('Pass/flora<br />

edulis Sims f. flavicarpa Deg).<br />

Pengaruh Gas CO2 Terhadap Mutu Simpan Buah<br />

Rambutan (Nephelium Lappaceum Linn)<br />

Pengaruh gabungan beberapa senyawa fenol terhadap<br />

perkecambahan gulma Euphorbia prunifolia.<br />

Pengaruh gabungan beberapa senyawa fenol terhadap<br />

perkecambahan gulma Euphorbia prunifolia.<br />

Pengaruh frekuensi pemberian pakan terhadap<br />

pertumbuhan dan sintasan larva teripang pasir Holothuria<br />

scabra.<br />

Pengaruh fosfat dan pengapuran terhadap pertumbuhan<br />

dan serapan hara jagung<br />

Pengaruh fortifikasi protein dari daging ikan layang<br />

(Decapterus macrosoma) lumatdan sun mi terhadap mutu<br />

mie hasah. '<br />

Pengaruh fluktuasi harga komoditi terhadap perubahan<br />

pola tanaman di daerah sentra produksi sayur mayur di<br />

Pujon.<br />

Pengaruh Faktor Sosial Ekonomi Ibu Rumahtangga<br />

terhadap Perilakunya dalam Menjaga Kesehatan<br />

Lingkungan di Kecamatan Cimanggu, Kabupaten Cilacap<br />

Pengaruh Ekstrak Usnea sp. Terhadap Staphylococcus<br />

Aureus yang Resisten dan Sensitif terhadap Penisilin.<br />

Soesetya, R H B Jurnal Penelitian llmu-ilmu Hayati. Vol.<br />

20<br />

Ismiyato Sutarto, Penel. Hort.<br />

Sutaryo B Media penelitian Sukamandi<br />

Sutaryo B Media penelitian Sukamandi<br />

Subronto Warta PPKS 7(1) :17-21<br />

Hardiyanto J. Hort.<br />

Muhidin. D. Panel. Hort.<br />

Ardi.<br />

Ardi.<br />

Moria, B.S.,<br />

Rahardjo, M<br />

Rosmawaty, P.,<br />

M.I).<br />

Santoso, P. J. Hort.<br />

Jurnal Pcnelilian Pascapanen<br />

Perikanan, No. 80:1-11.<br />

Susanto E Majalah Ilmiah UNSOED<br />

Poeloengan, M. Warta Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 293 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Pengaruh ekstrak biji Aglaia harmsiana Perkins terhadap<br />

interaksi antara larva Crocidolomia binotalis Zeiler<br />

(Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) dan parasitoidnya, Eriborus<br />

argenteopilosus (Cameron) (Hymenoptera:<br />

Ichneumonidae)<br />

Pengaruh ekstrak beberapa tanaman terhadap<br />

pembunuhan bakteri layu (Pseudomonas solanacearum E.<br />

F. Smith) secara in vitro<br />

Pengaruh ekstrak akar tuba terhadap serangga<br />

Callosobruchus analis<br />

Pengaruh dosis pupuk N dan P terhadap pertumbuhan dan<br />

hasil wijen galur Fachequino di lahan tadah hujan<br />

Pengaruh Dosis Fosfat dan Mulsa Terhadap Pertumbuhan<br />

Vegetatif dan Hasil Kubis (Brassica Oleracea L) Kultivar KK-<br />

Cross<br />

Pengaruh Dosis Bermacam-macam Pupuk Kandang<br />

Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Kubis (Brassica<br />

Olerance)<br />

Pengaruh disain (bentuk, ukuran dan posisi mulut) bubu<br />

terhadap hasil tangkapan udang dan ikan demetsal laut<br />

dalam.<br />

Pengaruh Derajat Ketuaan Buah dan Waktu Simpan pada<br />

Suhu Tinggi Terhadap Tingkat Kelainan Fisiologis dan<br />

Karakter Proses Pemasakan Mangga (Mangifera Indica L.)<br />

Cv. Carabao<br />

Pengaruh defoliasi terhadap perkembangan biji dan hasil<br />

kedelai.<br />

Pengaruh defisiensi vitamin B12 terhadap pemanfaatan<br />

protein di dalam tubuh tikus percobaan<br />

Pengaruh curah hujan terhadap pembuahan kopi robusta,<br />

kasus penurunan hasil tahun panen 1993 di Jawa Timur.<br />

Pengaruh casting limbah rumah putong hewan dan pupuk<br />

NPK terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman kedelai<br />

toleran tanah masam<br />

Pengaruh casting limbah rumah putong hewan dan pupuk<br />

NPK terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman kedelai<br />

toleran tanah masam<br />

Pengaruh Cara Pesemaian Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit<br />

dan Produksi Pada Kubis<br />

Pengaruh cara pengeringan getah pepaya cv. Paris<br />

terhadap mutu papain kasar yang dihasilkan.<br />

Dono D<br />

Hanudin Bull. Penel. Hort. Vol. XIV No. 1<br />

Kardinan, A. Jurnal Penelitian Tanaman Industri.<br />

3(1): 13-18.<br />

Machfud, M. Jurn. Littri II<br />

Subhan Bull. Panel. Hort.<br />

Wardjito Bull. Panel. Hort.<br />

Wudianto, Jurnal Penelitian Perikanan Laut 86:<br />

29-41.<br />

Dasuki, I.M. Hortikultura.<br />

Harsono A. Penelitian pertanian Balittan Bogor<br />

Astawan, M.<br />

Nur Mukti, A. Pelita Perkebunan 9.<br />

Iqbal A ARIN jurnal penelitian pertanian<br />

faperta UNSOED, Purwokerto Vol 1<br />

Nomor 2, April 1997<br />

Iqbal A ARIN jurnal penelitian pertanian<br />

faperta UNSOED, Purwokerto Vol 1<br />

Nomor 2, April 1997<br />

Satsijati Bulleti Penelitian Hortikultura<br />

Satuhu, S. J. Hort.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 294 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Pengaruh cara pengendalian erosi terhadap aliran<br />

permukaan tanah tererosi dan produksi sayuran pada<br />

Andisols<br />

Pengaruh cara penempatan bahan pada penyulingan biji<br />

pala terhadap rendemen dan mutu minyaknya<br />

Pengaruh cara okulasi terhadap keberhasilan penempelan<br />

pada sirsak<br />

Pengaruh cara okulasi dan stadia umur entris terhadap<br />

keberhasilan okulasi sirsak<br />

Pengaruh cara dan waktu penyulingan terhadap rendemen<br />

dan mutu minyak nilam (Pogostemon cablin Benth).<br />

Pengaruh campuran terigu dan tapioka sebagai ekstender<br />

perekat urea fomialdehida terhadap keteguhan rekat kayu<br />

lapis meranti dan kerumg.<br />

Pengaruh bobot telur thd nisbah kelamin, daya tetas dan<br />

penyusunan telur itik tegal<br />

Pengaruh berbagai tingkat kepadatan nutrient ransum<br />

terhadap kinerja pertumbuhan itik jantan lokal dan<br />

silangannya<br />

Pengaruh berbagai tingkat kepadatan gizi ransum terhadap<br />

kinerja pertumbuhan itik jantan lokal dan silangannya<br />

Pengaruh berbagai tingkat energi dan protein thd<br />

performans ayam kampung<br />

Pengaruh berbagai tingkat ampas sag dalam ransum<br />

terhadap pertumbuhan sapi Bali.<br />

Pengaruh berbagai tingkat air tersedia dan pupuk organik<br />

terhadap efisiensi pengairan dan hsl kedelai<br />

Pengaruh berbagai tanaman sayuran terhadap produksi<br />

cabai dan serangan Meloidogyne spp. Dalam sistem<br />

tumpang sari<br />

Pengaruh berbagai takaran porasi kayambang (salvinia<br />

Molesta) thdp pertumbuhan dan hsl jagung muda manis (<br />

zea mays saccharata sturt) Varietas Hawai Super Sweet<br />

Pengaruh berbagai takaran porasi kayambang (salvinia<br />

Molesta) thdp pertumbuhan dan hsl jagung muda manis (<br />

zea mays saccharata sturt) Varietas Hawai Super Sweet<br />

Pengaruh berbagai sumher dan kadar karbohidrat terhadap<br />

pertumbuhan plantlet anggrek Dendrobium<br />

Suganda Jurnal Tanah dan Iklim. (15): 38-50.<br />

Hernani Media Komunika.si Pusat Penelitian<br />

dan Pengembang-an Tanaman<br />

Industri (5): 93-98.<br />

Muhammad, H Jurnal Hortikultura. 2(2): 55-58.<br />

Muhammad, H. Jurnal Hortikultura. 3(2): 1-3.<br />

Nurdjanah, N. Bul. Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan<br />

Obat. 6(1): 1-8. Rosman, R.<br />

Sutigno, P., Pengumuman No. 6. Pusat Penelitian<br />

dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan,<br />

Bogor.<br />

Biyatmoko D karya ilmiah. Fak. Peternakan IPB,<br />

Bogor<br />

Bintang, I. A. K. Jurnal ilmu ternak dan veteriner, Bogor<br />

Bintang, I. A. K. Jurnal ilmu ternak dan veteriner<br />

Sutama INS Karya Ilmiah. Fak. Peternakan IPB,<br />

Bogor<br />

Pongsapan, P. Jipnak Gowa Vol. 1 : 1 BPPP<br />

Departemen Pertanian.<br />

Abdullah Abas Id Pros. Pertemuan Teknis Penelitian<br />

Tanah<br />

Marwoto, B. Bul. Penel. Hort.<br />

Rudi Priyadi J.Penelitian Lemlit Univ. Siliwangi<br />

Tasikmalaya<br />

Rudi Priyadi J.Penelitian Lemlit Univ. Siliwangi<br />

Tasikmalaya<br />

Widiasteoty, D. J. Hort. 5(3): 76-80.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 295 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Pengaruh berbagai <strong>sumber</strong> dan kadar karbohidrat terhadap<br />

pertumbuhan plantlet anggrek Dendrobium<br />

Pengaruh berbagai sistem pengolahan tanah dengan<br />

pemberian mulsa terhadap sifat Fisik tanah dan hasil<br />

jagung pada tanah podzolik merah kuning.<br />

Pengaruh berbagai peningkatan gizi rotifer, Brachionus<br />

plicatilis terhadap pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup<br />

larva ikan kerapu macan, Epinephelus fuscoguttatus<br />

Pengaruh berbagai macam zat nabati pada pertumbuhan<br />

bibit anggrek Denrobium secara In vitro<br />

Pengaruh berbagai dosis kapur pertanian terhadap kualitas<br />

lahan gambut<br />

Pengaruh bentuk torehan dan zat pengatur tumbuh<br />

terhadap pertumbuhan setek nilam (Pogostemon cablin<br />

Benth)<br />

Pengaruh beberapa unsur hara esensial terhadap<br />

produksi, irama petik dan kandungan unsur daun teh<br />

Pengaruh beberapa insektisida terhadap hama ulat daun<br />

kubis dan parasitoid Diadegma eucerophaga.<br />

Pengaruh beberapa faktor terhadap metabolik dan<br />

viabilitas benih karet<br />

Pengaruh Beberapa Faktor Pengolahan terhadap Sifat<br />

Arang Aktif.<br />

Pengaruh beberapa dosis asetilen pada pproses<br />

degreening jeruk Valensia (C. sinensis Obsbeck) asal<br />

Lembang pada suhu 20 0 C dan 28 0 C terhadap mutu<br />

hasil<br />

Pengaruh beberapa amendemen tanah terhadap muatan<br />

koloid dan sifat fisolimia tanah Typic Haplohumults<br />

(Ultisols)<br />

Pengaruh beberapa amelioran terhadap karakteristik<br />

muatan dan retensi fosfat tanah muatan berubah.<br />

Pengaruh beberapa amelioran terhadap karakteristik<br />

muatan dan retensi fosfat tanah muatan berubah<br />

Pengaruh beberapa amelioran terhadap karakteristik<br />

muatan dan retensi fosfat tanah muatan berubah<br />

Pengaruh beberapa amelioran terhadap karakteristik<br />

muatan dan retensi fosfat tanah muatan berubah<br />

Pengaruh Beberapa Amelioran Terhadap Karateristik<br />

Muatan dan Retensi Fosfat Tanah Muatan Berubah<br />

Widiastoety, D. Jurnal Hortikultura. 5(3): 76-80.<br />

Anonimous.<br />

Waspada, Jurnal Penelitian Budidaya Pantai,<br />

7(2):57-66.<br />

Widiasteoty, D. Buletin Penelitian Tanaman Hias .2(1):<br />

67-72.<br />

Mustafa, A. Jurnal Penelitian Budi Daya Pantai.<br />

9(4): 109-120.<br />

Asnawi, R. Bul. Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan<br />

Obat. 5(1): 43-46.<br />

Syekhfani, H Menara Perkebunan<br />

Sastrosiswojo. S. Buletin Penelitian Hortikultura. Volume<br />

10 (1): 21-25.<br />

Toruan, Nurita Menara Perkebunan<br />

Sudradjat R.<br />

Soedibyo, M Hortikultura<br />

Ali, S.A<br />

Sufardi<br />

Sufardi<br />

Sufardi<br />

Sufardi<br />

Sufardi<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 296 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Pengaruh bbrp amandemen tanah thdp muatan koloid dan<br />

sifat fisikokima tanah typic haplohumults (ultisols)<br />

Pengaruh bbrp amandemen tanah thdp muatan koloid dan<br />

sifat fisikokima tanah typic haplohumults (ultisols)<br />

pengaruh Bangsa dan Interaksi Lingkungan Terhadap<br />

Prevalensi Cacing Fasciola gigantica<br />

Pengaruh bakteri pelarut fosfat dan kompos terhadap<br />

serapan P dan efisiensi pemupukan P pada jagung<br />

Pengaruh bahan setek dan pupuk daun terhadap<br />

pertumbuhan dan hasil nilam<br />

Pengaruh bahan setek dan nitro aromatik terhadap<br />

pertumbuhan setek nilam<br />

Pengaruh Bahan Pengawet Terhadap Keteguhan Rekat<br />

dan Keawetan Kayu Lapis Tusam (Pinus merkusii).<br />

Pengaruh Bahan Pengawet Terhadap Keteguhan Rekat<br />

dan Keawetan Kayu Lapis Meranti Merah.<br />

Pengaruh Azospiriltum dan Pseudomonas dalam<br />

Meningkatkan Hablur Tebu di Lahan Kering Kecamatan<br />

Kemlagi Kabupaten Mojokerto yang Ber<strong>sumber</strong> dan Bibit<br />

KBD<br />

Pengaruh Azospirillum dan Pseudomonas Dalam<br />

Meningkafkan Hablur Tebu di Lahan Kering Kecamatan<br />

Kemlagi Kabupafen Mojokerfo yang Ber<strong>sumber</strong> Dari Bibit<br />

KBD<br />

Pengaruh Auksin dan Sitokinin Terhadap Proliferasi Tunas<br />

Pada Kulture in-vitro Mata Tunas Durian dan Rambutan<br />

Pengaruh auksin dan BAP terhadap pertumbuhan eksplan<br />

tanaman mangga.<br />

Pengaruh askorbil fosfat magnesium sebagai <strong>sumber</strong><br />

vitamin C terhadap pematangan gonad udang windu.<br />

Penaeus monodon asal tambak.<br />

Pengaruh Asam y-Linolenat oleh Kapang Mucor<br />

inaequisporus M05 II/4<br />

Pengaruh aras rumen undegraded protein terhadap kinetik<br />

fermentasi rumen dan sintesis N mikroba sapi perah<br />

Ali SA<br />

Ali SA<br />

Anonim<br />

Buntan, A. Agrikam. 8: 45-53.<br />

Tasma, I. M. Bul. Penelitian Tanaman Industri.4(2):<br />

75-79.<br />

Tasma, I. M. Pembr. Penelitian Tanaman Industri.<br />

14(3): 98-101.<br />

Sulastiningsih. I.M.<br />

Kosasih, T Kehutanan Indonesia. 5.(II): 13-16.<br />

Setyo Budi<br />

Setyo Budi.<br />

Triatminingsih. R Penelitian Hortikultura<br />

Zulkarnaen Majalah Ilmiah, Universitas Jambi.<br />

Marxuqi. M.. Pengaruh askorbil fosfat magnesium<br />

sebagai <strong>sumber</strong> vitamin C terhadap<br />

pematangan gonad udang windu.<br />

Penaeus monodon asal tambak.<br />

Nuraida, L.<br />

Widyobroto, B. P. Jurnal pengembangan peternakan<br />

tropis: buletin fakultas peternakan<br />

Universitas Diponegoro, Edisi Khusus<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 297 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Pengaruh aras lemak dan kalsium terhadap pertumbuhan<br />

dan abnormalitas tibia ayam broiler<br />

Pengaruh Aras Konsentrat dalam Ransum terhadap<br />

Kecernaan dan Sintesis N Mikroba dalam Rumen pada<br />

Sapi Perah.<br />

Pengaruh arah guludan, mulsa, dan tumpangsari terhadap<br />

pertumbuhan dan hasil kentang serta erosi di Dataran<br />

Tinggi Batur<br />

Pengaruh Anhidrida Asam Maleat Terhadap Sifat-Sifat<br />

Sabun Gondorukem<br />

Pengaruh Alat Kemas dan Cara Pengemasan Terhadap<br />

Kerusakan Duku Selama Pengangkutan.<br />

Pengaruh cara penularan melalui kontak antar buah<br />

terhadap perkembangan jamur Penicillium digitatum<br />

dan pengaruhnya pada mutu buah jeruk manis<br />

Tri-Yuwanta Bult. Sintesis<br />

Widyobroto B. P.<br />

Sutapraja, H. Jurnal Hortikultura. 8(l): 1.006-1.013.<br />

Silitonga<br />

Daryono, M. Penel. Hort.<br />

Dwiastuti, M.E. Penelitian Hortikultura<br />

Pengantar praktikum makanan ikan LUW - UNIBRAW<br />

–FISH<br />

Anonimus Fisheries Project. Malang.<br />

Pengantar Pemuliaan Tanaman Bari. A. Himagron<br />

Pengantar Pemuliaan Tanaman Bari. A Himagron<br />

Penganekaragaman Makanan Di Mulai Sejak Bayi Husaini. M Buletin Gizi 2<br />

Pengamh Perlakuan Pada Biji dan Suhu Pengempaan<br />

terhadap Sifat Fisiko- Kimia Minyak Kemiri.<br />

Wiyono, B.<br />

Pengamatan ter-hadap berbagai tingkah laku kepiting<br />

bakau, Scylla serrata Forskal.<br />

Pengamatan perkembangan telur dan larva bandeng,<br />

Chanos chanos.<br />

Pengamatan pendahuluan teripang pasir Holothuria scabra<br />

di perairan Bintan Selatan, Kepulauan Riau.<br />

Pengamatan pendahuluan pekembangan larva teripang<br />

putih Holothuria scabra<br />

Pengamatan pemijahan dan perkembangan telur ikan<br />

kerapu bebek (Cromileptes altivelis) pada bak secara<br />

terkontrol.<br />

Pengamatan pemijahan dan perkembangan telur ikan<br />

kerapu bebek pada bak kontrol<br />

Pengamatan Pemeliharaan Udang Karang (panulirus<br />

homarus) di Laboratorium.<br />

Pengamatan pada proses pembuatan ikan kayu cakalang<br />

(Katsuwonus pelamis).<br />

Pengamatan pada pemijahan rangsangan, perkembangan<br />

telur dan larva kakap putih, Lates calcarifer.<br />

Sulaeman Warta Balitdita 4(2):8-12.<br />

Prijono, A., J. Pen. Bud. Pantai 2 (1)<br />

Sipahutar, D., J. Penel. Budidaya Pantai, 5(1):13-18.<br />

Notowinarto Buletin Budidaya Laut 5<br />

Tridjoko,<br />

Sugama, K.<br />

Slamet, B. Jur. Penel. Budidaya Pantai, 2: 52-60.<br />

Hanafiah, T.A.R., Journal Pen. Pascapanen Perikanan<br />

p. 15-22.<br />

Slamet, B., J. Pen. Budi Daya Pantai 1'A-5.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 298 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Pengamatan pada pemijahan rangsangan, perkembangan<br />

telur dan larva ikan kakap putih, Lates calcarifer.<br />

Pengamatan kondisi terumbu karang di perairan Pulau<br />

Barranglompo Sulawesi Selatan.<br />

Pengamatan Fekunditas Ikan Jelawat (Leptobarbus<br />

hoeveni Blkr)<br />

Pengamatan Diskriminatif rumput kumpai di Kecamatan<br />

Kumpai dan Kotamadya Jambi<br />

Pengairan dan pemupukan kapas di lahan sawah sesudah<br />

padi<br />

Pengairan dan pemupukan kapas di lahan sawah sesudah<br />

padi<br />

Penetuan skala usaha minimum pada pembibitan durian di<br />

propinsi Riau.<br />

Penetration ofsized-particle barriers by field populations of<br />

subterranean termites (Isoptera: Rhiiiotcrmitidae).<br />

Penetasan dan Perawatan larva Ikan Terbang di tempat<br />

Pembenihan (hatchery)<br />

Slamet, B., J. Penel. Budidaya Pantai, Terbitan<br />

Khusus 01: 1-5.<br />

Suharyanto, A.<br />

Sunarno, M.T.D.<br />

Nasution, A.M. Berita Ilmu Pertanian Hevea.<br />

Kadarwati, F.T.<br />

Kadarwati, F.T.<br />

Wahjudin, T. Penel Hort.<br />

Su, N-Y. J. Econ. Entomol. 85: 2275-2278.<br />

Ali, S. A. Buletin Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan<br />

Torani, No. I Vol. 3<br />

Penetapan keasaman total pada lahan sulfat masam. Kaderi, H. Penetapan keasaman total pada lahan<br />

sulfat masam.<br />

Penetapan Derajat Fermentasi dan Uji Organoleptik. Effendi S. Menara Perkebunan<br />

Penetapan derajat fermentasi biji berdasarkan indeks<br />

fermentasi daan uji organoleptik.<br />

Effendi S menara perkebunan 56(3):76-79<br />

Penerapan teknik produksi dan preservasi bakteri<br />

remediasi.<br />

Suastika, K.J.A. Techner 27.TahunlV.p.12-14.<br />

Penerapan Teknik Pengambilan Keputusan Kelompok<br />

Fuzzv untuk Penelitian Mutu Teh Hitam lndonesia dan<br />

Strategi Peningkatannya<br />

Suprihatini,R<br />

Penerapan Pengendalian Hama Terpadu (PHT) pada<br />

Tanaman Kubis di Kec. Tomohon, Kabupaten Minahasa.<br />

Penerapan alat pengepres ampas tahu untuk pengrajin<br />

tempe gembus pada sentra industri tahu "Ngudi Lestari"<br />

Srandakan Bantul<br />

Penerangan Metode Skoring dalam Pemilihan Teknologi<br />

Penangkapan Ikan yang Sesuai untuk dikembangkan di<br />

Suatu Wilayah Perairan<br />

Rante, C.S„<br />

Suryantohadi, A.<br />

Haluan, J. Buletin Jurusan PSP. Volume II No. 1<br />

Penentuan umur pada beberapa jenis hewan ternak. Robijanto, A.J<br />

Penentuan tanin dalam teh secara spektrofotometri<br />

serapan atom tidak langsung.<br />

Suryani, H.<br />

Penentuan skala usaha minimum pada pembibitan duruan<br />

di Propinsi Riau.<br />

Wahjudi, T. Penel, Hort.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 299 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Penentuan skala usaha minimum pada pembibitan durian<br />

di propinsi Riau.<br />

Penentuan skala usaha minimum pada pembibitan durian<br />

di propinsi Riau.<br />

Penentuan Saat Pemanenan Buah Mangga Arumanis<br />

Untuk Konsumsi Segar<br />

Penentuan profil hormon progesteron dalam serum darah<br />

sapi perah FH sesudah diinseminasi menggunakan Teknik<br />

RIA.<br />

Anonymous, Penel. Hort<br />

Wahjudi, T. Penel Hort<br />

Sabari S.D Penel. Hort<br />

Sahili, Dt. J. Peternakan dan Lingkungan Vol. V<br />

No.2 Juni.<br />

Penentuan pengawasan pabrikasi Lia Sandra Buletin Nomor 11 BP3 G. Bogor<br />

Penentuan parameter persyaratan kualitas gaharu. Wiyono, B., Info Hasil Hutan. 3 (2): 29 -36.<br />

Penentuan lokasi subseluler protein MidA dalam<br />

Rhizobium sp. TAL1145 dengan analisis topologi protein<br />

dan metode fusi gen alkalin fosfatase.<br />

Soedarjo, M.<br />

Penentuan kandungan minyak dg cara GC Haryati berita PPKS 2(4):253-262<br />

Penentuan imbangan protein dan energi yang ekonomis<br />

dalam ransum ayam buras di Desa Kumbayau Kodya<br />

Sawahlunto<br />

Mahata, M.E<br />

Penentuan Ukuran Ayakan Untuk Pembersihan Benin E.<br />

urrophylla ST. Blake.<br />

Zanzibar M Buletin Perbenihan Kehutanan Vol. 3<br />

No.<br />

Penelitiandan pengembangan minyak atsiri Indonesia Rusli S.N. Edisi Khusus Penelitian Tanaman<br />

Rempah dan Obat. (2):10-39.<br />

Penelitian viabilitas benih linum Hasanah, M. Pemberitaan Lembaga Penelitian<br />

Tanaman lndustri. 8(42): 39-44<br />

Penelitian tuberkulosis sapi perah di beberapa propinsi di<br />

Pulau Jawa. 1994<br />

Kusumaningsih, A. Informasi Pengamatan Penyakit<br />

Hewan. (2): 2-3.<br />

Penelitian pengolahan ikan kayu. Nasran Jurnal Penelitian Pascapanen<br />

Perikanan 58: 31-38.<br />

Penelitian pengolahan ikan kayu. Nasran, S., Jurnal Pen. Pascapanen Perikanan<br />

58:31-38.<br />

Penelitian pengaruh bentuk karamba jaring apung dalam<br />

budi daya nila merah di Teluk Pare-Pare<br />

Tonnek, S<br />

Penelitian pendahuluan pembenihan ikan lele (Clarias<br />

batrachus).<br />

Sumastri, S. Pewarta BPPD tahun ke 3 No.1.<br />

Penelitian pendahuluan mutu lingkungan perairan Sungai<br />

Sadang.<br />

Purnomo, K.,<br />

Penelitian Pendahuluan Budidaya Rumput Laut Gracilaria<br />

Verrucosa dengan Metoda Spray Teknik<br />

Sarjito<br />

Penelitian Pendahuluan Budidaya Rumput Laut Gracilaria<br />

Verrucosa dengan Metoda Spray Teknik<br />

Sarjito<br />

Penelitian pendahuluan budi daya kepiting bakau, Scylla<br />

serrata di lahan hutan bakau dengan sistem ramah<br />

lingkungan<br />

Sulaeman Warta Balai Penelitian Budi Daya<br />

Pantai. 6(3):5-7.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 300 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Penelitian pemupukan berimbang untuk produksi bibit<br />

kentang di dataran medium<br />

Penelitian pembesaran ikan gurami dalam karamba jaring<br />

apung<br />

Penelitian Pembenihan Ikan Jelawat (Leptobarbus hoeveni<br />

Blkr) dengan Cara Hipofisasi<br />

Penelitian Lingkungan Hidup Udang Barong (Spiny<br />

Lobster), Perikanan dan Pelestarian Sumbernya di Pantai<br />

Selatan Bali.<br />

Penelitian limno-biologis Waduk Saguling pada tahap preinundasi.<br />

Penelitian limnobiologis Waduk Saguling pada tahap post<br />

inundasi.<br />

Subhan Bull. Pen. Hort<br />

Suhenda, N.<br />

Sunarno M.T.D<br />

Subani, W. Bull. Penel. Perikanan Laut: 361-386.<br />

Kartamihardja, E.S.,<br />

Krismono, D.W.H.<br />

Tjahjo,<br />

Penelitian kultur jaringan tanaman industri Mariska, I.<br />

Penelitian kualitas lmbah cair PKS dengan metode<br />

pengujian sederhana<br />

PL Tobing<br />

Penelitian Kesesuaian Lahan untuk Intensifikasi Tanaman<br />

Pangan Propinsi Jawa Barat<br />

Puslittan Dok. Puslittan, No. 10/PPT/1989.<br />

Penelitian kebutuhan air irigasi dan pupuk N pada kapas di Riajaya, P.D. Penelitian Tanaman Tembakau dan<br />

lahan sawah sesudah padi: Tekstur liat (Research on<br />

water and nitrogen for cotton on rice field after<br />

harvesting: clay texture)<br />

Serat Vol 8(2): 85-94.<br />

Penelitian budi daya ikan nila merah dalam karamba jaring<br />

apung di Pare-Pare<br />

Penelitian budi daya ikan nila merah (O. niloticus) dalam<br />

karamba jaring apung di Sendang Biru Jawa Timur<br />

Penelitian biologi reproduksi beberapa jenis ikan di Danau<br />

Semayang, Melintang dan Jempang.<br />

Penelitian berbagai tipe bubu untuk penangkapan udang<br />

laut dalam.<br />

Penekanan perkembangan penyakit layu bakteri pada<br />

tomat oleh Pseudomonas fluorescens PfG32.<br />

Tonnek, S.<br />

Anggawati, A.M.<br />

Satria, H Frontir-Universitas Mulawarman No.<br />

15, Edisi Pebruari 1994. Samarinda.<br />

p.12-23.<br />

Barus, H.R. Jurnal Penelitian Perikanan Laut,<br />

1993. 77: 42-53.<br />

Mulya, K. J. Hort. 7: 685-691.<br />

Penekanan masalah pe-nguningan pada daun pulai Pumarnaningsih, R. Jurnal Plasma Nutlah. 3(1): 1-7.<br />

Penekanan kandungan aluminium tanah posdolik dgn<br />

pemberian bhn organik kotoran sapi<br />

Penekanan kandungan aluminium tanah posdolik dgn<br />

pemberian bhn organik kotoran sapi<br />

Penebangan serendah mungkin untuk meningkatkan<br />

produksi kayu: studi kasus di dua perusahaan hutan di<br />

Kalimantan Timur.<br />

Yuliati Mahfud Jurnal Agrikultura<br />

Yuliati Mahfud Jurnal Agrikultura<br />

Suhartana, S.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 301 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Penebangan serendah mungkin untuk meningkatkan<br />

produksi kayu: studi kasus di dua perusahaan hutan di<br />

Kalimantan Timur.<br />

Pendugaan populasi rusa (Cervus timorensis) di padang<br />

rumput alam Lembah Kebar Kabupaten Manokwari<br />

Pendugaan parameter pertumbuhan ikan sepat siam<br />

{Trichogaster pectoralis} di perairan Lubuk Lampam.<br />

Pendugaan parameter genetik sifat-sifat kuantitatif kacang<br />

tanah dalam berbagai lingkungan tumbuh dan<br />

penggunannya dalam seleksi<br />

Pendugaan parameter genetik sifat-sifat kuantitatif kacang<br />

tanah dalam beberapa lingkungan tumbuh dan<br />

penggunaannya dalam seleksi.<br />

Pendugaan parameter genetik sifat-sifat kuantitatif kacang<br />

tanah dalam beberapa lingkungan tumbuh dan<br />

penggunaannya dalam seleksi.<br />

Pendugaan Parameter Genetik Sifat-sifat Kuantitatif<br />

Kacang Tanah dalam Beberapa Lingkungan Tumbuh dan<br />

Penggunaannya Dalam Seleksi<br />

Pendugaan parameter genetik sifat-sifat kuantitatif kacang<br />

tanah dalam beberapa lingkungan tumbuh dan<br />

penggunaannya dalam seleksi<br />

Anonim<br />

Maturbongs, R. A Irian Jaya Agro<br />

Utomo. A.D<br />

Kasno, A. Ren. Pert. Bogor 3(1) :44-48<br />

Kasno, A.<br />

Kasno, A. A.<br />

Kasno.<br />

Pendugaan parameter genetik padi sawah dataran rendah<br />

umur genjah<br />

Bahar, H.<br />

Pendugaan parameter genetik padi sawah dataran rendah<br />

umur genjah<br />

Bahar, Y. H<br />

Pendugaan kriteria seleksi padi sawah dataran tinggi. Bahar, H.<br />

Pendugaan Kriteria Seleksi Padi Sawah Dataran Tinggi Bahar, H.<br />

Kasno A Penelitian Pertanian Bogor 3(1):44-48<br />

Pendugaan Kekahatan Unsur Hara Dengan Teknik Pot<br />

Ganda Pada beberapa Jenis Tanah<br />

Hilman. Y Bull. Panel Holtikultura Vol. XXV<br />

Pendugaan grafis oksigen terlarut di tambak udang intensif Rachmansyah Jurnal Penelitian Budi Daya Pantai.<br />

4(2): 64-71.<br />

Penduduk Sulawesi Utara, Hasil Survey Penduduk Antar<br />

Sensus 1995.<br />

Biro Pusat Statistik, Seri S2.22. Jakarta.<br />

Pendekatan ekologis rehabilitasi kawasan mangrove,.<br />

Studi kasus di pantai Pemalang<br />

Marsono, D Bulletin Instiper 4(2)<br />

Pendederan udang windu, Penaeus monodon dalam<br />

tambak lahan gambut menggunakan jenis pelindung<br />

berbeda<br />

Muliani<br />

Pendayagunaan Blontong dalam Meningkatkan Daya<br />

Dukung Lingkungan<br />

Suwandi.A. Gula Indonesia XVIII (2)<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 302 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Penciri sifat agronomik varietas kedelai yang dapat<br />

beradaptasi di lahan basah<br />

Penangkaran serangga parasitoid (<br />

Hymenoptera:Pteromalidae) dari lalat pengganggu dalam<br />

peternakan ayam dan sapi<br />

Penangkapan ikan di perairan pantai dengan serojaring<br />

(set net coastal fishery).<br />

Penanggulangan kerusakan biji jagung oleh hama S.<br />

ieamais dengan berbagai alat/cara penyimpanan<br />

Nurlianti Tesis IPB<br />

Koesharto F.X.<br />

Barus, H.R., Jurnal Penelitian Perikanan Laut 60: 1-<br />

15.<br />

Baco, D. Penelitian Pertanian Tanaman Pangan<br />

19(1): 1-5.<br />

Penanggulangan keracunan besi pada padi sawah Burbey Buletin teknik sukarami<br />

Penanganan Pasca Panen aBunga Anggrek. Wiryanto. K, DI dalam Buletin Anggrek<br />

Penanaman tomat, cabai, kubis dan kacang panjang pada<br />

lahan dataran rendah diantara tanaman mangga di<br />

Sulawesi Selatan.<br />

Armiati J. Hort.<br />

Penanaman Mahoni (Swietania Macrophylla King).<br />

Menunjang Pembangunan Hutan Tanaman Industri<br />

Penanaman Kapas di Indonesia dan Alternatif<br />

Pengembangannya<br />

Penampungan ikan Was botia (Botia macracanthus) sistim<br />

sangkar di danau.<br />

Penampilan produksi domba lokal jantan pada sistem<br />

feedlot dengan berbagai aras ampas kecap dalam<br />

konsentrat.<br />

Penampilan pertumbuhan dan hasil kacang tanah terhadap<br />

pemupukan hara makro Mg, S, K dan Ca<br />

Penampilan galur padi gogo B 3906f-13-13-St-37 sebagai<br />

padi gogo dan gogo rancah.<br />

Penampilan fenotip beberapa hibrida petsai (Brassica<br />

campestris var. pekinensis) produksi Lembang di dataran<br />

rendah Subang.<br />

Penampilan fenotip beberapa hibrida petsai (Brassica<br />

campestris var. pekinensis) produksi Lembang di dataran<br />

rendah Subang.<br />

Penampilan dari kondisi peternakan sapi Bali di daerah<br />

pedesaan Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan<br />

Penampilan beberapa klon piretrum terhadap beberapa<br />

aspek biologi serangga Callosobruchus analis<br />

Sumarhani Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan<br />

Kehutanan<br />

Wahyuni S.A.<br />

Rifai, S.A<br />

Purbowati, E. Journal of tropical animal<br />

development. Faculty of animal<br />

agriculture, Diponegoro University<br />

Sutarto, Ig.V.<br />

Hamzah, Z. Pemberitahuan Penelitian Sukarami.<br />

Suryadi Bull, Penel, Hort.<br />

Suryadi Bull, Penel, Hort.<br />

Sonjaya, H.<br />

Kardinan, A. Jurnal Penelitian Tanaman Industri.<br />

2(2): 78-84.<br />

Penampilan beberapa hibrid kakao & klon turunan terpilih Napitupulu LA Buletin Perkebuan 23(2) : 79089<br />

Penampilan bawang putih generation VM2 radiasi sinar<br />

gamma dan neutron cepat<br />

Penampilan bawang putih generasi VM2 radiasi sinar<br />

Gamma dn Neutron cepat<br />

Murdaningsih HK Zuriat. Vol 1(1) : 41-47<br />

Murdaningsih<br />

Haeruman<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 303 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Penampilan bawang putih generasi VM 2 Radiasi sinar<br />

gamma dan neutron cepat<br />

Penampilan Bawang Putih Genarasi VM2 radiasi sinar<br />

gamma dan netron cepat.<br />

Penambahan kalsium karbonat dan konsentrat pada<br />

domba yang mendapat silase ,rumput raja sebagai pakan<br />

dasar.<br />

Murdaningsih HK<br />

Murdaningsih, H.K.,<br />

Mathius, I-W., Jurnal llmu Ternak dan Veteriner 2(3):<br />

164-169.<br />

Penaeus monodon (Fabricius) production related to water<br />

quality in East Java, Indonesia.<br />

Hariati, A.M., Aquaculture. Res. 27 (4): 255-260.<br />

Penaeid Shrimp Nutrition for the Commercial Feed Industry Akiyama, D.M. Texas Shrimp Farming Manual,<br />

Volume 1: Grow-out Technology,<br />

Technical Report of Texas Agricultural<br />

Extension Service and Texas A&M<br />

University Sea Grant College<br />

Program, USA. 50p.<br />

Pemupukan tanaman melalui daun. Salah satu hasil<br />

penyelidikan dari penggunaan energi atom untuk<br />

perdamaian<br />

Sungkono Menara Perkebunan<br />

Pemupukan taaman the di Simalungun, Suma era Utara Tobing, E. L. Warta BPTK<br />

Pemupukan Panili dengan Pupuk Kandang dan Pupuk<br />

Buatan<br />

Soenardi Pembert. Littri (X)<br />

Pemupukan P starter pada sawah irigasi Sahar, A.<br />

Pemupukan P pada sawah : Status , Efesiansi dan strategi<br />

pengelolaan Fospor<br />

Gunarto. L.<br />

Pemupukan Nitrogen dan Fosfo4 pada Tanaman ebu<br />

Varietas Ps41 dan Pengruhnya Terhadap ketersediaan<br />

Fosfor dalam Tanah<br />

Prawirosemadi.M Bulletin BP3G Pasuruan<br />

Pemupukan N, P, K dan Mg utk tanaman kelapa sawit<br />

pada lahan gambut<br />

Sugiyono<br />

Pemupukan melalui daun pada empat varietas kedelai Darmijati, S.<br />

Pemupukan batuan fosfat alam (BFA) pada tanaman padi<br />

di tanah gambut dalam keadaan tidak tergenang<br />

Pemupukan batuan fosfat alam (BFA) pada tanaman padi<br />

di tanah gambut dalam keadaan tidak tergenang<br />

Sarno<br />

Sarno<br />

Pemupuikan stsrter pada padi sawah di tanah aluvial . Anonymous,<br />

Pemumian dan karakterisasi protease ekstraseluler<br />

Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633<br />

Mubarik NR<br />

Pemuliaan Ternak Warwick E.J Gajah Mada University Press,<br />

Yogyakarta<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 304 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Pemuliaan tanaman kacang tanah. Makalah Balai<br />

Penelitian Tanaman Pangan Malang.<br />

Pemilihan tempat bersarang pada Walet Sarang Putih<br />

Collocalia fuciphaga di Gua Empat Saudara, Kabupaten<br />

Berau, Kalimantan Timur<br />

Pemilihan Habitat Bersarang pada Walet Sarang Hitam<br />

(Collocalia maxima) dan Walet Sarang Putih (Collocalia<br />

fuciphaga) di Gua Empat Saudara, Kabupaten Berau,<br />

Kalimantan Timur.<br />

Kasno, A Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pangan,<br />

Malang. No. 91-25.<br />

Solihin, T.,<br />

Solihin, T<br />

Pemilihan bahan tanaman unggul untuk peningkatan<br />

produktivitas inti kelapa sawit<br />

Suprianto E<br />

Pemijahan kakap putih (Lates calcarifer B\och) dengan<br />

metoda manipulasi lingkungan.<br />

Notowinarto Buletin Budidaya Laut 1:8-14.<br />

Pemijahan ikan kerapu macan, Epinephelus fuscoguttatus. Mayunar, P. Bull. Pen. Perikanan 2:15-22.<br />

Pemijahan Ikan Kerapu Macan Epinephelus fuscoguttatus Mayunar<br />

Pemijahan ikan kakap putih (Lates calcarifer Bloch^<br />

dengan metoda ransang hormonal.<br />

Santosa, H. Buletin Budi Daya Laut 2:13-22.<br />

Pemijahan ikan jelawat (Leptobarbus hoeveni Blkr) Hardjamulia, A.<br />

Pemijahan ikan haung dengan sistem rangsangan hormon Muflikhah, N.<br />

Pemijahan ikan baung dengan sistem rangsangan hormon Muflikah, N.<br />

Pemijahan dan pemeliharaan larva kakap putih (Lates<br />

calcarifer).<br />

Pemetaan Terumbu Karang dengan Menggunakan<br />

Kombinasi Citra Satelit SPOT-1 Kanal XS1 dan XS2.<br />

Aplikasi pada Karang Congkak dan Karang lebar di<br />

Kepulauan Seribu, Jakarta Utara<br />

Pemeriksaan residu insektisida dalam buah tomat dan<br />

tanaman kubis di Kecamatan Lembang, Pangalengan<br />

Mayunar. Oseana. XVI(4): 21-29.<br />

Siregar, V. Bulletin PSP Volume I Nomor I<br />

Soeriaatmaja, R.E. Media Penelitian Sukamandi. (6): 13-<br />

21.<br />

Pemeliharaan massal larva kakap putih, Lates calcarifer. Supriatna, A., Bull. Pen. Perikanan 2:31-42.<br />

Pemeliharaan massal larva ikan kakap putih, Lates<br />

calcarifer.<br />

Pemeliharaan Mas dan Nila di Kurungan Terapung di<br />

Waduk Jatiluhur.<br />

Pemeliharaan larva kerapu macan, Epinephelus<br />

fuscoguttatus.<br />

Peme-liharaan larva kerapu macan, Epinephelus<br />

fuscoguttatus dengan berbagai frekuensi pemberian<br />

ransum rotifer.<br />

Supriatna, A., Bull. Pen. Perikanan, Special Edition<br />

2:31-41.<br />

Sarnita, A. Pewarta LPPD. II (1): 31-34.<br />

Muchari, A. Bull. Pen. Perikanan 2:43-52.<br />

Mayunar, Jurnal Penelitian Budidaya Pantai.<br />

7(2):35-41.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 305 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Pemeliharaan larva kerapu macan E. fuscoguttatus dengan<br />

frekuensi pemberian ransum rotifera<br />

Mayunar J. Penel. Budidaya Pantai<br />

Pemeliharaan larva kerapu bebek, Cromileptes altivelis<br />

dengan padat tebar berbeda.<br />

Aslianti, T.<br />

Pemeliharaan larva kerapu bebek, Cromileptes altivelis<br />

dengan padat tebar berbeda.<br />

Aslianti, T.<br />

Pemeliharaan larva kerapu bebek, Cromileptes altivelis<br />

dalam wadah berbeda warna.<br />

Aslianti, T.,<br />

Pemeliharaan larva kerapu bebek Cromileptes altivelis<br />

dengan padattebar berbeda<br />

T. Aslianti<br />

Pemeliharaan itik dlm kandang dg dan tanpa kolam Gozali A Bulletin Lembaga Penelitian<br />

Peternakan No. 25. 18-23<br />

Pembungan beberapa kultivar bawang merah di dataran<br />

tinggi.<br />

Putrasamedja, S. Bull. Penel. Hort.<br />

Pembuatan tambak udang di Indonesia Poernomo, A. Seri Pengembangan No. 7. Balai<br />

Penelitian Perikanan Budi Daya<br />

Pantai, Maros. 30 hlm.<br />

Pembuatan sukrosa monoster dari asam lemak sawit.<br />

Kajian Pendahuluan<br />

Herawan T Bulletin PPKS 2(1):47-53<br />

Pembuatan sukrosa Monoster dari asam lemak sawit Herawan T Buletin PPKS 2(1):47-52<br />

Pembuatan pupuk organik dari tandan kosong kelapa<br />

sawit<br />

Darnoko Bull. Pusat penelitian Kelapa Sawit<br />

Pembuatan pulp dari tandan kosong sawit dg penambahan<br />

surfaktan<br />

Darnoko<br />

Pembuatan pulp dari Tandan Kosong Sawit dg<br />

penambahan surfaktan<br />

Darnoko<br />

Pembuatan pulp dari tandan kosong sawit Darnoko Jurnal Penelitian Kelapa Sawit 3(1):75-<br />

81<br />

Pembuatan pikel jahe Rahayu, W.P.<br />

Pembuatan Media Pertumbuhan Beberapa Kuman dari<br />

Ekstrak Daging Sapi<br />

Wiwiek Tyasningsih<br />

Pembuatan kertas kraft dari tandan kosong kelapa sawit<br />

pada skala pilot<br />

Pembuatan Kertas dari Bahan Ampas Tebu. Kwie, O. A.<br />

Pembuatan dari Serbuk Gergajian Sengon (Paraserianthes<br />

falcataria) dengan Cara Kimia<br />

Anonimous<br />

Pembuatan dan Kualitas Arang Aktifdari Kayu Sengon. Pari, G.,<br />

Pembuatan dan kualitas arang aktif dari kayu sengon<br />

sebagai bahan adsorben.<br />

Pembuatan dan kualitas arang aktif dari kayu sengon<br />

sebagai bahan adsorben.<br />

Pembuatan dan Kualitas Arang Aktif dari Kayu Sengon<br />

Sebagai Bahan Adsorben<br />

Guritno P Jurnal Penelitian Kelapa Sawit<br />

3(2):127-138<br />

Pari, G.<br />

Pari, G.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 306 dari 931<br />


Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Pembuatan dan kualitas aktif dari kayu sangon sebagai Pari, G.<br />

bahan absorben.<br />

Pembuatan Cookies dari Tepung Kacang Merah Sebagai Damanik R<br />

Makanan Pendamping ASI (MP-ASI)<br />

Pembuatan arang kayu karet pada tungku kubah model s- Nurhayati, T..<br />

93.<br />

Pembuatan arang kayu karet (Hevea brasilliensis) pada Nurhayati T.<br />

tungku kubah model S-93.<br />

Pembuatan arang aktif dari tempurung kelapa dan kayu Hartoyo,<br />

bakau dengan cara aktivasi uap.<br />

Pembuatan arang aktif dari tempurung kelapa dan kayu Hartoyo<br />

bakau dengan cara aktifasi uap.<br />

Pembuatan arang aktif dari tempurung biji-bijian asal<br />

Hudaya, N.<br />

tanaman hutan dan perkebunan.<br />

Pembuatan arang aktif dari tandan kosong kelapa sawit. Hendra, D dan G.<br />

Pari.<br />

Pembuatan arang aktif dari serbuk gergajian sengon<br />

Pari, G.<br />

dengan cara kimia.<br />

Pembuatan arang aktif dari serbuk gergajian sengon<br />

Pari, G.<br />

dengan cara kimia.<br />

Pembuatan arang aktif dari serbuk gergajian sengon<br />

Pari, G.<br />

dengan cara kimia,<br />

Pembuatan Arang Aktif Dari Biomasa Hutan. Komarayati, S.<br />

Pembinaan peternak sapi perah rakyat melalui pendekatan Adiarto<br />

biologis utk meningkatkan pendapatan dan perbaikan<br />

pengethuan praktisnya<br />

Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Persuteraan Alam Sudrajat, A. Duta Rimba<br />

Pembiakan dengan Teknik Hipofisasi Ikan Eksotik: Mola<br />

(Hypothalmicthys molitrix) dan Koan (Ctenopharyngodon<br />

idella).<br />

Hardjamulia, A. Pewarta LPPD, Bogor.<br />

Pembesaran kepiting bakau, Scylla serrata dengan<br />

konstruksi tarnbak yang berbeda<br />

Pem-besaran kepiting bakau, Scylla serrala dengan<br />

konstruksi tambak yang berbeda. •/.<br />

Pembesaran ikan nilajantan yang dipelihara secara tunggal<br />

kelamin, dalam kolam air tawar.<br />

Sulaeman Jurnal Penelitian Budi Daya Pantai.<br />

9(4): 41-52.<br />

Sulaeman, J. Penel. Budidaya Pantai.<br />

Jangkaru, S<br />

Pembesaran ikan lele dalam keramba jaring apung. Yuliati, P.,<br />

Pemberokan ("Conditioning") nila merah dalam karamba<br />

jaring apung di Teluk Banten<br />

Anggawati, A. M.<br />

Pemberian triakontanol untuk perbaikan hasil dan kualitas<br />

bunga mawar<br />

Wuryaningsih, S. Jurnal Hortikultura 7 (2): 673-677.<br />

Pemberian makanan segar dan kering terhadap kepiting<br />

bakau (S. serrala)<br />

Illyas, M.I. Luljanus. 4(4):45-50.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 307 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Pemberantasan Tumbuhan Pengganggu Secara<br />

Kombinasi<br />

Kuntohartono.T<br />

Pemberantasan Hama Ulat daun di PG Rejosari, Madiun Pramono.D<br />

Pembentukan Kalus Pada Kultur in-Vitro Durian pada<br />

Beberapa Media Dasar dan Zat Pengatur Tumbuh<br />

Karsinah Penelitian Hortikultura<br />

Pembentukan galur mandul jantan dan pemulih kesuburan Sutaryo B MPS no 11, 1992 p 36<br />

Pembatasan Pakan Pada Broiler. Indarsih, B Poult, lnd<br />

Pembangunan yang Partisipatoris ------- Bina Darma 22 tahun 6<br />

Pembangunan Pertanian Berwawasan Lingkungan Yang<br />

Berkelanjutan<br />

Triharso Jurnal Elektronik Studi Indonesia<br />

Pembalakan ramah lingkungan untuk minimasi kerusakan<br />

tegakan tinggal: kasus di satu perusahaan hutan di<br />

Kalimantan Timur.<br />

Idris, M.M.<br />

Pembalakan ramah lingkungan untuk minimasi kerusakan<br />

tegakan tinggal : kasus di satu perusahaan hutan di<br />

Kalimantan Timur.<br />

Pembalakan ramah lingkungan untuk minimasi kerusakan<br />

tegakan tinggal : kasus di satu perusahaan hutan di<br />

Kalimantan Timur.<br />

Pembajakan ramah lingkungan untuk minmiasi kerusakan<br />

tegakan tinggal : Kasus di suatu perusahaan hutan di<br />

Kalimantan Timur.<br />

Pematangan Ovari Udang Windu dengan penyuntikan<br />

ekstrak torasik ganglion lobster<br />

Pematangan induk kerapu bebek (Cromileptes altivelis)<br />

dengan rangsangan suntikan hormon LHRHa 17-a<br />

methyltestosteron.<br />

Pematangan induk ikan kerapu lumpur, Epinephelus<br />

tauvina, dalam keramba jaring apung dengan berbagai<br />

perbandingan pakan ikan tembang dan cum-cumi<br />

Pemantauan perkembangan folikel dan kejadian ovulasi<br />

pada kambing dengan menggunakan real time image<br />

7.5MHz transducer.<br />

Pemantauan Kadar Progesteron D.alam Darah pada Rusa<br />

Bawean (Axis kuhlii) untuk Deteksi Kebuntingan M.elalui<br />

Teknik RIA<br />

Pemanfaatanterumbu karang metoda pendugaan dan<br />

pengelolaan di negara-negara ASEAN.<br />

Pemanfaatan tumbuhan air sebagai pakan ikan koan<br />

(Ctenopharingodon idella) yang dipelihara dalam sangkar<br />

di Sungai Buluh-Alabio Kalimantan Selatan.<br />

Idris, M.M.<br />

________________<br />

_.<br />

Idris, M.M.,<br />

T. Ruchimat J. Penel. Budidaya Pantai<br />

Tridjoko, B.<br />

Mayunar Jurnal Penelitian Budidaya Pantai Vol<br />

9<br />

Suyadi<br />

Mafruchati, M.<br />

Mulyanto. INFIS Manual Sen no. 18.<br />

Rifai, S.A.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 308 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Pemanfaatan tepung gaplek (Manihot esculenta Grantz)<br />

dan pengaruh fermentasi untuk ransum ayam broiler<br />

Pemanfaatan tambak tanah gambut bukaan baru untuk<br />

pendederan benur windu<br />

Pemanfaatan serangga parasitoid sebagai musuh hayati<br />

lalat pengganggu dalam peternakan ayam dibogor<br />

Pemanfaatan Rhizobium sebagai Pengikat Nitrogen dari<br />

Udara pada Tanaman Polong-polongan<br />

Pemanfaatan Pucuk Tebu Sebagai Sumber Hijauan<br />

Makanan Ternak.<br />

Pemanfaatan potensi bawang-bawangan sebagai "health<br />

food supplement" : Pengujian in vitro aktivitas antitrombotik<br />

lima varietas bawang merah (Allium cepa var.<br />

aggregatum).<br />

Pemanfaatan penggunaan limbah pabrik kertas untuk<br />

media tumbuh dan pupuk organik.<br />

Pemanfaatan penggunaan limbah pabrik kertas untuk<br />

media tumbuh dan pupuk organik<br />

Pemanfaatan organisme mikro sebagai bioinsektisida di<br />

negara sedang berkembang.<br />

Pemanfaatan mikrorizavesikula arbuskula pada<br />

perkebunan kelapa sawit<br />

Pemanfaatan mikoriza vesikula arbuskula pada<br />

perkebunan kelapa sawit<br />

Pemanfaatan merka molekuler untuk mendukung<br />

pemuliaan sawit<br />

Pemanfaatan marka molekuler untuk mendukung<br />

pemuliaan kelapa sawit<br />

Harun, I Karya llmiah. Fapet. IPB, Bogor.<br />

Mustafa. A. Warta Balai Penelitian Perikanan<br />

Pantai Maros. 6(3): 4952.<br />

Koesharto F.X. Inventarisasi serangga parasitoid dari<br />

lalat pengganggu pada peternakan<br />

ayam dibogor. Hemerazoa , 75(1):<br />

51:62<br />

Gunawan, A.W Bull. Penel.,1(2):<br />

Musofie, A.,<br />

Wijaya, C. H Bul. Teknol. Indus. Pangan<br />

Supriyanto Agrotek I (I): 31-34<br />

Supriyanto Agrotek<br />

Soehardjan, M.<br />

Widya P Bul PPM 10(3):5-13<br />

Puspa W Buletin Pusat Penelitian Perkebunan<br />

Marihat 10 (3) : 5-13<br />

Asmono D<br />

Asmono D<br />

Pemanfaatan Limbah Organik untuk Pupuk Wibisono.A Bulleti Kyusei Nature Farming Vol.<br />

02/IKNFS/Th. I<br />

Pemanfaatan limbah jeroan ikan sebagai <strong>sumber</strong> enzim<br />

proteolitik.<br />

Heruwati, E.S.<br />

Pemanfaatan limbah industri kedelai untuk usaha<br />

agroindustri ternak sapi secara feedlot<br />

Pemanfaatan limbah coklat sebagai dasar r pembuatan<br />

pektin<br />

Pemanfaatan lahan pekarangan transmigrasi Sembodja II,<br />

Kalimantan Timur<br />

Pemanfaatan kompos tandan kosong kelapa swait sbg<br />

media tanam spathiphyllum<br />

Purbowati, E. Majalah penelitian lembaga penelitian<br />

Universitas Diponegoro, Tahun X No.<br />

39<br />

Haryati, T. Menara Perkebunan. Bogor 52(6):13.<br />

Amrizal<br />

Wuryaningsih S Jurnal Hortikultura V (1):12-18<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 309 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Pemanfaatan kompos tandan kosong kelapa swait sbg<br />

media tanam spathiphyllum<br />

Pemanfaatan kerang sebagai pakan udang windu<br />

(Penaeus monodon) di pentokolan sistem hapa<br />

Pemanfaatan Kayu Mangium Sebagai Bahan Baku Pulp<br />

Kertas Koran.<br />

Pemanfaatan Karet Skim Berkualitas Tinggi Sebagai<br />

Bahan Baku Gelang Karet<br />

Pemanfaatan Jasad Renik dalam Pengolahan Hasil<br />

Sampingan atau Sisa-sisa Produksi Pertanian.<br />

Pemanfaatan jasad renik dalam pengolahan hasil<br />

sampingan atau sisa-sisa produksi pertanian<br />

Pemanfaatan Jasad Renik dalam Hasil Sampingan atau<br />

Sisa Produk Pertanian.<br />

Pemanfaatan Jamur Saprobik dan Kompos untuk Pengendalian<br />

Penyakit Layu Fusarium pada Tanaman Tomat.<br />

Pemanfaatan jamur saprobik dan kompos untuk<br />

pengendalian penyakit layu Fusarium pada tanaman tomat<br />

Wuryaningsih S Jurnal Hortikultura V (1):12-18<br />

Tjaronge, M. Jurnal Penelitian Budi Daya Pantai.<br />

3(1): 16-21.<br />

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Pemamfaatan Limbah Pertanian dan Limbah Pengolahan<br />

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Pemakaian sekam sebagai campuran media pada<br />

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sawit di Indonesia<br />

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Pectic Enzymes Associated win Balck Root of<br />

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Peanut stripe virus a new seed-borne potyvirus from China<br />

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Aedes aegypti dan Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus di<br />

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Patogenicity and histopathology of Pratylenchus<br />

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Pathology of vitamin C deficiency syndrome in channel<br />

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Pathological activities of the naturally occurring strains of<br />

Edwardsiella tarda<br />

Pathogens causing Alternaria diseases of Brassica seed<br />

crops in westrn Washington<br />

Pathogenicity of Spiroplasmas, Mycoplasma Like<br />

Organism, and Vascular-Limited Fastidious Walled<br />

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Pathogenicity of Pratylenchus Penetrans To Navy Bean<br />

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Pathogenicity of Phytophthora palmivora (Butler) Butler<br />

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Ovulation and LH secretion in the goat after intravaginal<br />

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magnesium transport system confers resistance to<br />

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Overcoming Soil Fertility Constraints in a Transmigration<br />

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Overcoming Fertility Constraints in a Transmigration area<br />

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Over Het Optreden van Zwarte Wortelschimmel Bij Rubber<br />

en Koffie<br />

Ovarian theca/interstitial cells produce an epidermal growth<br />

factor - like substance<br />

Ovarian structures during the estrous cycle and early<br />

pregnancy in ewes<br />

Ovarian structures during the estrous cycle and early<br />

pregnancy in ewes<br />

Ovarian responses to progesterone and estradiol benzoate<br />

administered intravaginally during diestrus in cattle.<br />

Ovarian Responses of Anoestrous Goats to Stimulation<br />

with Pregnant Mare Serum Gonadotrophin.<br />

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Burke, C.R. Anim. Reprod. Sci.<br />

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Ovarian Response in lambs treated with PMSG. Proc. 13"1<br />

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Holtz W Anim. Reprod., Syney, Australia<br />

Ovarian follicular wave emergence after treatment with<br />

progestogen and estradiol in cattle<br />

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Ovarian follicular wave emergence after treatmenr wit<br />

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Ovarian follicular growth and development in mammals. Fortune JE Biol Reprod 50:225-232.<br />

Ovarian follicular dynamics in heifers during early<br />

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Ovarian follicular dynamics in heifers during eariy<br />

pregnancy.<br />

Ovarian follicular dynamics during the estrus cycle in heifer<br />

monifored by real-time ultrasonography.<br />

Ovarian follicular dynamics during the estrous cycle in<br />

heifers monitored by real-time ultrasonography<br />

Ovarian follicular dominance in cattle: relationship between<br />

prolonged growth of the ovulatory follicle and endocrine<br />

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Ovarian follicular dominance in cattle: Relationship<br />

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Outbreak of Hendra like virus-Malaysia and Singapore,<br />

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Otonomi daerah tingkat II dalam pengelolaan investasi ;<br />

Kasus Jawa Timur.<br />

Otolith of chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tsawytscha: daily<br />

growth increment and factors influencing their production.<br />

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early stage larvae of the seabass, Lates calcahfer.<br />

Kohno, H., Ichthyological Research 43(1): 1-9.<br />

Osmotolerance of Diazotropic Rhizosphere Bacteria Hartmann. A Plant and Soil<br />

Osmotic treatment enhances partiële bombardrnentmediated<br />

tran-sient and stable transformation of maize.<br />

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Osmotic Dehydration of Fruits Pointing, J. D J. Food Tech. 20 910) 125 - 128.<br />

Osmotic and cryopreservative effects of a mixture of DMSO<br />

and ethylene glycol on rabbit morula<br />

Vicente, J.S Therioge-nology<br />

Osmotic and chloride regulation in the hemolymph of tiger<br />

shrimp, Penaeus monodon, during molting in various<br />

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Osmoregulation, solute distribution and growth in soybean<br />

seedlings having low water potensial<br />

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Ornamental aroids: culture and breeding Henny, R. J. Hort. Rev.<br />

Origins of heteroploidy in chicken (Gall.dom) embryos Fechheiner NS Poult Sci 60, 1365-1371<br />

Origin of the effect of citrate, tartarate, and acetate on<br />

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Origin of effect of citrate, tartrat, and acetate on phosphate<br />

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Origin and Development of the Non-Articulated Laticifers of<br />

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Organoslov pulping with aqueous alcohol Kleinert, T.N., :. TAPPI Journal<br />

Organoleptic technique predict refrigeration shelf fish of life Charm, S.E. Food Technol.26:63-65<br />

Organogenesis in cell suspension cultures of Atropa<br />

belladonna L. and Atropa belladonna cultivar lactea Doll<br />

Organo photochemistry 19. Quantum yield for 0,0-diethyl 0-<br />

(3,5,6-trichloro-2 pyridyl) phosphorothioate (chlorpyrifos)<br />

and 3,5,6-trichlor-opyridinol in aqueous solutions and their<br />

environmental photo trans-formation rates.<br />

Thomas, E. Annals of Botany. (34): 657-669.<br />

Dilling, W. L, Environ. Sci. Technol. 18:540-543.<br />

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Organic Materials and Soil Productivity Flaig. W D.O.A. Soil Bull<br />

Organic Manuring and Green Manuring in Tropical<br />

Agricultural Production Systems. Transactions of the<br />

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Linsmaier, E.M Physiol. Plant. 18:100-127<br />

Organic Compound in Soil Flaig. W Soil. Sci.<br />

Organic Carbon Dynamics in Grassland Soils I.<br />

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Organic Carbon and Associated Soil Properties of a Red<br />

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Organic acids in cocoa beans Jinap S Asean food journal 9(1):3-11<br />

Organic acid exudation as an aluminum-tolerance<br />

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Pellet DM Planta 196:788-795.<br />

Organ and Tissue Distribution of Heavy Metals, and Their<br />

Growth-related Changes in Antarctic Fish, (Pagothenia<br />

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Orchestrated transcription of key pathways in Arabidopsis<br />

by the circadian clock<br />

Orangutan Sociality at Tanjung Puting Reserve,<br />

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Optimum Protein requirement of a Malaysian freshwater<br />

catfish (Mystus nemurus)<br />

Optimum Design and Operation of Multiple Subunit Drip<br />

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Optimum Capacity and International Transfer of Excess<br />

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Optimizing The Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay for<br />

Evaluating Immunity of Chickens to Newcastle Disease<br />

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Optimizing the biolistie process for different biologieal<br />

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Optimized Steps in Fluorometric Determination of<br />

Thiobarbituric Acid-Reactive Substance in Serum:<br />

Importance of Extraction pH and Influence of Sample<br />

Preservation and Storage.<br />

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Optimization of Sugar Production from Jerusalem Arthicoke<br />

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Optimization Of Solar Hay Drying in A Step-Flow Dryer Radajewski. W.D Trans. Of Am. Soc. Of Agric. Eng<br />

Optimization of physiological factor for dissect<br />

sacharification of cassava starch to glucose by Rhizopus<br />

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Optimization Of Natural Convection, Solar Drying Systems Bala. B.K Solar Egnergy<br />

Optimization Of Hybrid Solar Dryer Khattab. N.M Energy Sources Vol. 19<br />

Optimization of dietary vitamin C in fish and crustacean<br />

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Optimization of culture medium tor growth and the kinetics<br />

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Optimization approaches to thermally induced egg white<br />

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Optimisition of the drying process: An application to the<br />

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Optimising production of extracellular lipase from<br />

Rhodotorula glutinis<br />

Papaparaskevas, D Bitechnol. Lett<br />

Optimisation of somatic embryo-genesis in fourteen<br />

cultivars of sweet potato {Ipomoea batatas L. Lam.).<br />

Al-Mazrooei, S., Plant Cell Rep.16: 710-714.<br />

Optimasi Penggunaan Lahan Demi Ketahanan Pangan Goenadi. D.H Berita HITI<br />

Optimalisasi maturasi oosit secara in vitro dg kombinasi<br />

konsentrasi serum dan hormon pd TCM 199.<br />

Optimal pollination condition for seed set after a self<br />

pollination,<br />

Optimal Pollination condition for seed after self pollination,<br />

an intraspscific cross and an interspesific cross of<br />

marrowstem kale (brassica oleracea var. achephala),<br />

Optimal Interpolation and Isatithmic Mapping of Soil<br />

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Optimal Interpolation and Isaritmic Mapping Of Soil<br />

Properties : 2. Blok Kriging<br />

Optimal Interpolation and Isaritmic Mapping Of Soil<br />

Properties : 1. The semi-Variogram and Punctual Kriging<br />

Optimal Interpolation and Isarithmic Mapping Properties : 4.<br />

Sampling Strategies<br />

Optimal Interpolation and Isarithmic Mapping of Soil<br />

Properties I<br />

Optimal dietary protein level for the growth of juvenile<br />

grouper, Epinephelus malaharicus, fed semipuiif'ed diets.<br />

Opsonic monoclonal antibodies against lipopolysaccharide<br />

(LPS) antigens of Pasteurella multocida and the role of LPS<br />

in immunity.<br />

Opoid peptides derived from in vitro proteolysis of bovine<br />

whey protein.<br />

Opioid Peptides derived from in Vitro Proteolysis of bovine<br />

whey Protein<br />

Opine transport genes in the octopine (occ) and nopaline<br />

(noc) catabolic regions in Ti plasmids of Agrobacterium<br />

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Operasional aspects of purse seine fishing in the Java Sea Atmaja, S.B. J. Mar. Fish. Res. 32: 1-9<br />

Oocyte quality in small antral follicles in the presence or<br />

absence of large dominant follicle in cattle<br />

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Oocyte growth, capacitation and final maturation in cattle Hyttel P. J. Theriogenelogy. 47: 23-32.<br />

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Onset of synthesis of progesterone by ovine plasenta Ricketts, A. P. J. Endocrinol.<br />

Onset of Synthesis of Progesterone by Ovine Placenta. Ricketts, A. P. J. Endocrinol.<br />

On-Line, Control and Optimisation of the Pelleting Process<br />

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On-line monitoring of volatile Compounds in Honey<br />

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Onion and Allied Crops. Augusti, K.T Vol. III. CRC Press Inc. Florida. 99 p.<br />

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broth of a Pseuodomonas sp. using a novel affinity<br />

chromatography method<br />

On the utilization of photosynthetic products from<br />

zooxanthellae and of a dissolved amino acid in Tridacna<br />

maxima f. elongata (mollusca: Bivalvia).<br />

On the salinity tolerance offry and fingerlings of Indian<br />

major carp Cat/a ca(/a and Labio rohita<br />

On the Relationships between Natural Mortality, Growth<br />

Parameter, and Mean Environmental Temperature in 1975<br />

Fish Stocks.<br />

On the relationship between scattering layer, thermal<br />

structure and tuna abundance in Eastern Atlantic<br />

Equatorial Current System. O<br />

Jeong, K.J., Park.<br />

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On the Possible Existence of a Giant Frog in New Guinea Tyier, M.J. British Journal of Herpetology 3 (2): 28-<br />

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On the physiological properties of mimosine. Suda, S. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 73: 142-147.<br />

On the pathophysiology of vitamin A deficiency Hayes, K.C Nutr. Rev<br />

On the metabolic requirements for copper and zinc in<br />

mollusc and crustaceans.<br />

On the mechanism of the hypolopidemic effect of sulfursubstituted<br />

hexadecanedionic acid (3-thiadicarboxylic acid)<br />

in normolipidemic rats.<br />

On the mechanism of the hypolipidemic effect of sulfursubstituted<br />

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sulfursubstituted hexadecanedionic acid (3thiadicarboxylic<br />

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On The Life History of Rhizostomae Medusa. III. On The<br />

Effects of Temperature on The Strobilation of Mastigias<br />

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On the larval rearing of the white spotted grouper,<br />

Epinephelus ablycephalus (Bleeker), with a description of<br />

larval development.<br />

On the influence of sewage pollution on inshore bentic<br />

communities in the South of Kiel Bay. Part 1 qualitative<br />

studies on indicator spesies and Communities<br />

On the ice storage characteristics of Catla catla and labeo<br />

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On the effect of cholestrol on H+ extrusion and on growth<br />

maize root segments: comparison with brassinosteroids.<br />

On the ecology and fisheries of some inland water along<br />

the rivers Ogan and Komering in South East Sumatra<br />

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On The Determination of Cystine as Cystine Acid. Moore, S. J. Biol. Chem.<br />

On the Denaturation of Fish Muscle Protein by Dehydration<br />

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On the Birds of The Islands ofMuna and Buton, S. E.<br />

Celebes<br />

On The Biology of Campoletis perdistinctus (Hymenoptera:<br />

Ichneumonidae) in Madhya Pradesh. India.<br />

On The Biology of A. aurita (L) Predation by coryphella<br />

Verrucosa (Gastropoda, Opisthobranchia), A major factor<br />

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occurrances of ephyrae and young medusae in the Gullmar<br />

Fjord, Western Sweden<br />

On the behaviour of lignin and hemicelluloses during the<br />

acetosolv Processing of wood<br />

On The Analysis of Soil Variability, With an Example From<br />

Spain<br />

On the accumulation of organochlorine pesticides, PCB,<br />

and certain heavy metals in fish and shellfish from Thai<br />

coastal and inland waters.<br />

On Ordered weighted averaging aggregation operators in<br />

multi criteria decision making<br />

On length-weight relationships. Part I:Computing the mean<br />

weight offish in a given length class. Fishbyte.<br />

On length - weight relationships. Part I: Computing the<br />

mean weight of fish in a given length class.<br />

On farm experiments as a dianostic method : constraints to<br />

nitrogen fertilizer use on sorghum in semi-arid tropical India<br />

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On farm experiments as a dianostic method : constraints to<br />

nitrogen fertilizer use on sorghum in semi-arid tropical India<br />

Dvorak KA Expl Agric 28(2):155-164<br />

On farm evaluation of urea molassesed straw (UMS)<br />

feeding to lactating cows.<br />

Islam, M. Asian-Australian J. of Anim. Sci.<br />

On a new bacterium Paracolobactrum anguillimortiferum<br />

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O-methylation of phenols by Aspergillus repens MAO 197 Doi, M. Agric. Biol. Chem., 53 (11): 3031-<br />

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Omegon-Km: a transposable element designed for in-vivo<br />

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Oleoresin Extraction and essential oil destilation of Ginger. Nurdjanah, N. J. Of Spice and Med. Crop.<br />

Oleochemicals and other non-food applications of palm oil<br />

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Okonomische Auswirkungen Unterschiedlicher<br />

Nutzungsintensitaten in Tropischen Regenwaldern Fidschis<br />

(Economic Imact Of Different Logging Intensities In<br />

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Oilsees Phytase :Nutritional Implications Erdman, H. W. Jr. J. Am. lot. Chem. Soc. 56: 736.<br />

Oil world 2020 Oil World Ista Mielke GmbH Hamburg<br />

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Oil Palm productivity on Hemic troposapriste soil Koedadiri, A.D. Jurnal Penelitian kelapa sawit 5(2) :<br />

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Oil palm phtosintesis & productivity linked to climatic Dufrane E Oleagineux 45 : 345-355<br />

Oil palm feter at 22nd ISF World Congress Krawczyk, T INFORM<br />

Oil palm breeding in to the 21st century Soh AC The Planter 67: 203-205<br />

Oil blends containing hydrogenatoed or interesterified fats :<br />

differential effects on plasma lipids<br />

Noakes M Am J Clin Nutr. 68:242-247<br />

Oil and oleoresin of turmeric Krisliiiainurthy, N. J. Trop. Sci. 18:37.<br />

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parthenogenetic bovine embryos<br />

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crossbreed heifer, treated with SMB.<br />

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Occurrence of luminous bacterial disease of Penaeus<br />

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Occurrence of idividual trans isometric fatty acids in human<br />

myocardium, jejunum, & aorta in relation to different<br />

degrees of artheroscleosis<br />

Occurrence of luminous bacterial disease of Penaeus<br />

monodon Fab. larvae in Philippines.<br />

Occurrence and Range of Dicoumarol Concentrations in<br />

Sweet Clover.<br />

Occurrence and formation of iron oxides in various pedo<br />

environments<br />

Hecker HM Atheroschel 28:389-398<br />

Lavilla-Pitogo, C.R., Aquaculture 91:1-13.<br />

Benson, M. E. Am. J. Vet. Res.<br />

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Schwertmann (Eds) Iron in Soil and<br />

Clay Minerals. NATO ASI Series,<br />

Series C: Mathematical and Physical<br />

Science V 127.<br />

Occurrence and availability of phosphate solubilizing fungi<br />

from coconut plant soils.<br />

Thomas, G. V Plant and Soil<br />

Occurrence and abundance of prawn seed at Jepara. Prawirodihardjo, S., Buil. Shrimp Cult. Res. Cent<br />

Occurrence and abundance of prawn seed at Jepara Prawirodihardjo, S Bulletin of Shrimp Culture and<br />

Research Centre<br />

Occurence of Races of Pseudomonas syringae pv.<br />

glycinea Europa and Their Capability to Produce<br />

Coronatine in Pseudomonas syringae Pathovars.<br />

Abo-Moch, F., In Florence. Italy. 439 : 227 - 133.<br />

Occurance and cause of shoot-tip necrosis in shoot<br />

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Obtention In Vitro de Peritheces de Venturia inaqualis<br />

(Cke.) Wint: Apllication a L'analyse de la Resistance au<br />

Benomyl Aquise au Verger.<br />

Liu, S. J. Amer. Soc. ffort. Sci. 110: 631-634.<br />

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Observing pollen tubes by means of fluorecence. Kho, Y.O. Euphytica.<br />

Observations on the transmission of scrapie in experiments<br />

using embryo transfer<br />

Foster, J.D. Vet. Rec.<br />

Observations on Pyrodinium bahamense plate, a toxic<br />

dinoflagellate, in Papua New Guinea<br />

Maclean, J.L. Limnol. Oceanogr. 22(2):234-254.<br />

Observations of the effect of age and sex on the nitrogen<br />

factor of chicken carcass parts including the edible offals<br />

Thomas N. L. J. Food Technol.<br />

Observations on postlarvae incursions and fishery of<br />

penaeid prawn in chilka lake<br />

Observation on the Reproductive Behaviour in the West<br />

African Dwarf Goats<br />

Ramakrishnaian, M Journal in-land and Fisheries Society<br />

of India<br />

Otchere, E.O Ghana J. Agricultural Sci.<br />

Observation on the electroejaculation in Red deer Jaczewski, Z ACTA Theriologica<br />

Observation on the dispersion and aggregation of clay by<br />

humic substances I Dispersive effects of humic acids<br />

Visser SA Geoderma 42:331-7<br />

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Observation on the dispersion and aggregation of clay by<br />

humic substances I Dispersive effects of humic acids<br />

Visser SA Geoderma 42:331-7<br />

Observation on black pod disease (Phytophthora<br />

palmivora) of cocoa in Nigeria<br />

Thorold, G. A. Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc.<br />

Observation on Banteng Cattle in Sabah. Copland, R. S. Trop. Anim. Hlth. Prod.<br />

Observation on Artificial Fertilication of eggs and The<br />

Embryonic and Larval Development of Milkfish, Chanos<br />

chanos (Forskal)<br />

Chaudhuri, H Aquaculture. 13:95-ll3.<br />

Observation of Pyrodinium bahamense var. compressum<br />

Culture in The Laboratory: A Preliminary Result<br />

Sidharta, B.R.<br />

Observation Of Night Flight In The Desert Locust,<br />

Schistocerca Gregaria Forshal<br />

Roffey.J Anti Locust Bulletin 39<br />

Obesity : Definition Aetologi, Complications And Treatment Ko. G.T.C Medical Progress<br />

Oat b-Gluca Reduces Blood Cholesterol Concentration In<br />

Hypercholesterolemic Subjects<br />

Braaten.J.T. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition<br />

Nylon bag technique in the determination of ruminant feed<br />

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Nutritive value of tree legumes introduced in Indonesia Panjaitan, M. IARD Journal, Vol. 10 No. 3: 73-80.<br />

Nutritive value of Sauropus androgynous leaves, abstract. Fadmavathi, P. Plant Food Hum. Nutr. 40 (2): 107-<br />

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Nutritive Value of Raw, Parboiled, Stabilised and Deoiled<br />

Rice Bran for Growing Chicks.<br />

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Nutritive Value of Protein from Shark L Scoliodon<br />

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Mashelhar, B.M. Ann Biochem Exper med 28: 135-148.<br />

Nutritive value of para rubber seed protein Lauw, T.G. American Journal Clin. Nutrition<br />

Nutritive value of ground and/or ammoniated corn stover Morris, P.J. Can. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Nutritive value of ammoniated and oxidized-aminoniated<br />

rice straw tor sheep<br />

Terashima. Y.. Jpn. J. Zootech. Sci<br />

Nutritive Value and Nutrient Requirements of Animals Chwalibog, A.<br />

Nutritional values of live organisms used in Japan for mass<br />

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Nutritional values of live organisms used in Japan for mass<br />

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Nutritional values of live organisms used in Japan for<br />

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Nutritional values of live organism used in Japan for mass<br />

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Nutritional value of protein enriched cassava: cassapro. Kompiang, I. P. Ilmu dan Peternakan.<br />

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Nutritional value of live organisms used in Japan for mass<br />

propagation of fish : a review<br />

Nutritional value of leaf meal broilers: 3. Comparative<br />

feeding value of leucaena, gliricidia and cassava leaf meals<br />

T. Watanabe Aquaculture<br />

Tangendjaja, B. Ilmu dan Peternakan 4: 229-233.<br />

Nutritional value of leaf meal broilers: 2. Toxicity of turi leaf<br />

meal<br />

Tangendjaja, B. Ilmu dan Peternakan 3:131-133.<br />

Nutritional value of leaf meal broilers: 1. Effect of level of<br />

Caliandra leaf meal and protein in ration<br />

Tangendjaja, B. Ilmu dan Peternakan 3: 6164.<br />

Nutritional value of enriched cassava: Cassapro Kompiang, I P Ilmu dan Peternakan 7: 22.-25.<br />

Nutritional Value of Dried Algae diets for larvae of Manila<br />

Clam (Tapes phyllipinarum).<br />

Laing, I., Journal of Marine Biology Association<br />

of the United Kingdom. 70 (1): 1-12.<br />

Nutritional Value and Utilization of Aquatic Weeds in The<br />

Diet of Poultry<br />

All, MA World's Poult. Sci.J<br />

Nutritional role of polyunsaturated fatty acids Sardesai, V. M. The journal of nutritional biochemistry<br />

Nutritional requirements of prawn, I. feeding on artificial<br />

diet.<br />

Nutritional requirements of prawn, I. feeding on artificial<br />

diet.<br />

Nutritional requirements for growth of Vicia hajastana cells<br />

and protoplasts at a very low population density in liquid<br />

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Nutritional requirements for growth of Vicia hajastana cell<br />

and protoplast at a very low population density in liquid<br />

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Kanazawa, A., Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish., 36:949-954.<br />

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Kao, K.N. Planta 126: 105-110.<br />

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Nutritional Quality of Wheat Millfeed Protein Concentrates Saunders, R. M. Cereal Chem 42: 4<br />

Nutritional quality of grain of Australia cultivars of Lablab<br />

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Nutritional quality of compounded diets for prawn Penaeus<br />

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Nutritional Monitoring System for Dairy Herds Based on<br />

Blood Glucose, Urea, Albumin Levels.<br />

Blowey, J. M. Vet. Rec.<br />

Nutritional implication of gums Ink, S.L. Food Technol. 41(1):77.<br />

Nutritional factor affecting the solid non fat content of milk Huber, J. T. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Nutritional evaluation of proteins of living feeds used in<br />

seed production of fish.<br />

Watanabe, T., Bull. Jpn. Soc. Sci. Fish. 44:985-988.<br />

Nutritional Effect of Fat in Broilers. Colin, C. Poultry International.<br />

Nutritional Ecology Of The Ruminat Van Soest. P.J Corvallis Oregon, United State Of<br />

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Nutritional complexities associated with pH variables in<br />

humid tropical soils<br />

Nutritional complexes of oil palm planted on peat soil in<br />

Malaysia. II .Preliminary results of copper sulfat treatment<br />

Nutritional complexes of oil palm planted on peat soil in<br />

Malaysia. I . Foliar symptoms, nutritional composition &<br />

yields<br />

Fox RL Soil Sci Soc Am J 49:1475-1481.<br />

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Nutritional characteristics of meat from buffalo Fidanza, F. Asian livestock quarterly technical<br />

magazine of the animal production and<br />

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Pasific (APHCA)<br />

Nutritional aspects of n-3 fatty acids Haumann, B.F INFORM<br />

Nutritional approach to cancer prevention with emphasis on<br />

vitamins, antioxidants, and carotenoids<br />

Weisburger JJ Am J Clin Nutr 53(1):225S-237S<br />

Nutritional and physiological effects offlaxseed in diets for<br />

laving hens<br />

Van Elswyk, M.E World's Poultry Sci Journal<br />

Nutritional and Other Factors in Breeding Performance of Doney, J. M. Environmental Factors in Mammal<br />

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Nutritional and Other Factors in Breeding Performance of<br />

Ewes, in Enviconmental Factors in Mammal<br />

Doney, J.M. Environ mental Factors in Mammal<br />

Reproduction<br />

Nutritional and Environmental Relationship with Lambs. Moose, M. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Nutritional and Environmental Relationship with Lamb. Moose, M. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Nutrition/Genetic Changes 1989-1995 . Nutrition Issues :<br />

Changing Standard Requirement.<br />

Wolford, J. Poult. Int.<br />

Nutrition management of acute diarrhoa overview Tontisirin, K J.Med.Ass.Thailand<br />

Nutrition Evaluation ofDietary Fat Substitutes Gershoff, S.N Nutrition Reviews<br />

Nutrition et Croissance du Jeune Turbot Deniel, C. Coll. Aqua. p. 257-277.<br />

Nutrition and post-partum rebreeding in cattle Randel, R.D. J.Anim, Sci., 68:853-862.<br />

Nutrition and Feeding of Channel Catfish. Stickney, R.R. Bull. 218,<br />

Nutrition and diseases resistance in fish Blazer, V.S. Annual Review of Fish Diseases 2:<br />

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Nutrition and development. A global chalange FAO Food Nutr. Agric.<br />

Nutrition & biochemistry of trans & positional fatty acid<br />

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Emkem EA Ann rev. Nutr. 4:339-376<br />

Nutritinnal and biochemical aspects of the hypolipidemic<br />

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Rukmini, C J Am Coll. Nutr. 10: 593.<br />

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Nutrional quality of living feeds used in seed production of<br />

fish. Proc. 7th Japan.<br />

Nutrients contents of oil palms in Malaya. In Nutrients<br />

required for reproduction: fruit bunches and male<br />

inflorescences<br />

Nutrient transfer in vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae : A<br />

new model based on the distribution of ATP uses on fungal<br />

and plant membranes<br />

Nutrient Status of the rice plant in ared yellow podzolik soil<br />

after three successive season of phospate application<br />

Nutrient solubilizingand aggregate-stabilizing microbes<br />

isolated from selected humic tropical soil<br />

Nutrient self-selection by the tobacco hornworm, Manduca<br />

sexta (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)<br />

Nutrient self-selection by the omnivorous cockroach<br />

Supella longipalpa<br />

Nutrient self-selection by Heliothis zea larvae: a time-lapse<br />

film study<br />

Nutrient Self-selection by Heliothis zea Larvae : a Time<br />

Lapse Film Study<br />

Nutrient self-selection by the omnivorous cockroach<br />

Supella longipalpa<br />

Nutrient Self Selection by the armyworm, Spodoptera<br />

exempta WALKER (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) larvae<br />

Nutrient requirements of marine food fish cultured in South<br />

Asia,<br />

Nutrient requirement of suspencion cultures of soybean<br />

root cell.<br />

Watanabe, T. Soviet Joint Symposium. Aquaculture.<br />

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Smith FA Biotropia 8:1-10<br />

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Cohen, R. W. Ent. exp. & appl. 44: 65-73.<br />

Cohen, R.W. Entomol. Exp. Appl. 44: 65-73.<br />

Cohen, R. W. J. Insect Physiol. 33: 77-82.<br />

Ahmad I. Pakistan Journal of Biological<br />

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Boonyaratpalin, M, Aquaculture, 151:283-313.<br />

Gamborg, OL Exp. Cell Res. 50:151-158<br />

Nutrient Removal by Waterhyancith Roges. H.H Weed Selence. Vol. PO(05)<br />

Nutrient metabolism and utilization in the liver Allan Danfaer Livestock production science.<br />

Nutrient enrichment and the ultrastructure of zooxanthellae<br />

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Ambariyanto, Mar. Biol. 125: 359-363.<br />

Nutrient Elasticities in a Complete food demand system. Huang, K.S. Amer. J. Agr. Econ.<br />

Nutrient composition and metabolizable energy values of<br />

selected grain sorghum varieties and yellow corn<br />

Douglas, J. W. Poultry Sci.<br />

Nutriënt Composition of the Leaf Biomass of Three<br />

Selected Woody Leguminous Species<br />

Buderman, A Agroforestry Systems<br />

Nutrient Balance Involving Phosphorus, Iron and Zinc Watanabe. F.S Soil. Sci. Amer. Proc<br />

Nutrient and feeding of sugpo, penaeus monodon F.P. Pascual Journal UNDP/FAO 8<br />

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Nutrien self selection by the armyworm, Spodoptera<br />

exempta WALKER (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)<br />

Nutmeg cultivation and its sex problem H. Veenman &<br />

zonen N. V. Wageningen.<br />

Ahmad, I. Pakistan J. Biol, Sci 4(6): G84' 6S7<br />

Flach, M. Nutmeg cultivation and its sex problem<br />

H. Veenman & zonen N. V.<br />

Wageningen.<br />

Nutitional Enhancement Of Biocontrol Of Blue Mold On<br />

Apples<br />

Janisiewiz. W.J Phytophatol<br />

Numerical taxonomy of cholesterol-degrading soil bacterial Ferreira, N.P J. Appl. Bacteriol<br />

Numerical responses of natural enemies to artificial<br />

honeydew in Utah alfalfa<br />

Numerical response and density-dependent relationship of<br />

Menochilus sexmaculatus against Aphis gossypii<br />

Numbers, Biomass and Metabolism of Soil Animals in<br />

Pasoh Forest Reserve<br />

Null alleles as a possible cause of heterozygote deficiency<br />

in the oyster crassostrea virginica and other bivalves<br />

Nucleotide sequence of the gene encoding the 33 kDa<br />

water oxidizing poly-peptide in Anabaena sp. strain<br />

PCC7120 and its expression in Escherichia coli.<br />

Nucleotide sequence of plasmid NAH7 gene nahR and<br />

DNA binding of the nahR product.<br />

Nucleotide sequence of plasmid NAH7 gene nahR and<br />

DNA binding of the nahR product.<br />

Nucleotide sequence of pEARLM (L40381) from<br />

Arabidopsis<br />

Nucleotide sequence of crystal protein gene isolated from<br />

Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. entomocidus 60.5 coding for a<br />

toxin highly active against Spodoptera species.<br />

Nucleotide sequence of cDNA for a 1,3-beta-glucanase<br />

associated with aluminium toxicity in wheat roots<br />

(Accession number u30323) (pgr 95-073)<br />

Nucleotide sequence of a cDNA for GDP dissociation<br />

inhibitor tobacco cells culture (Accession Number<br />

AF12823).<br />

Nucleotide sequence and genome organization of peanut<br />

potyvirus<br />

Evans, E.W. Environ. Entomol. 22(6): 1392-1401.<br />

Wagiman FX. Indon J Plant Protect 2(2):44-50.<br />

Chiba, S. Malay Nat. J. 30 (2): 313-324.<br />

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You, I.-S., J. Bacteriol. 170: 5409-5415.<br />

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Richards K.D. Plant Phys. 109: 1497.<br />

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Cruz-Ortega R.M. Plant Physiol. 109: 722.<br />

Ezaki, B., Plant Physiol. 115: 314.<br />

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Nucleotide sequence and deduced amino-acid sequence of<br />

the structural proteins of Dengue type-2 virus, Jamaica<br />

genotype<br />

Nucleotide sequence and deduced amino acid sequence of<br />

a new Lepidoptera-specific crystal protein gene from<br />

Bacillus thuringiensis.<br />

Deubel, V. Virol., 155: 365-377.<br />

Hofte, H., Nucleic Acids Res.18: 5545.<br />

Nucleic acrd vaccination against Toxoplasma gondil in<br />

mice<br />

Angus, C. W. J. Euk, Microbiol. 43 (5):117S.<br />

Nuclear techniques in animal agriculture Young, B. A. IAEA Bul.<br />

Nuclear ribosomal DNA phylogeny and its implications for<br />

evolutionary trends in mexican bursera (Burseraceae)<br />

Becerra JX Amer J fio( 86:1047.<br />

Now to analyze host discrimination van Lanteren J, Ecol Entomol 3 :71-75<br />

Now to analyze host discrimination van Lanteren J, Ecol Entomol 3 :71-75<br />

Novel P-lactamase genes from two environmental isolates Teo, J.W.P. Antimicrob. Agents. Chemother.<br />

of Vibrio harveyi<br />

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Novel Cytotoxic 1H-cyclopenta (b) Benzofuran Lignans<br />

From Aglaila Elliptica<br />

Cui B.H. Chai Tetrahedron<br />

Novel Cytotoxic 1h-Cyclopenta (b) Benzofuran Lignans<br />

From Aglaia Elliptica<br />

Cui B.H. Chai Tetrahedron<br />

No-Tillage on soil properties under different crops in<br />

western Nigeria.<br />

Lal,R Soil Sci.Soc. Am.J<br />

No-tillage agri-culture. Pipilips R.E. Science<br />

No-till effects on yield and plant density of maize hybrids. Anderson, E.L Agron. J.<br />

Notes on the distribution and status of green peafowl on<br />

Java. World Pheasant Association- Worldwide rund tbr<br />

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Notes on the biology and ecology of jellyfish A. aurita (L) ib<br />

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Notes on Malayan Freshwater Fishes Tweedie, M.F. Bull. Raffles Museum No. 26:178-182.<br />

Note on Oestrus, Oestrous Cycle and Time of Ovulation in<br />

Murrah Buffaloes<br />

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Note on fruit rot disease of chillies Singh RP J. Agric Res 11(3):188-190<br />

Note on fruit rot disease of chilies. Singh, RP Indian J Agric Res 11(3): 188-190<br />

Note about Calculation of Oxidation of Nutrients in Pigs Chwalibog, A. J. Anim. Physiol. Nutr.<br />

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Not every cloud has a silver lining: Food crop farmers<br />

unable to take advantage of the crisis in transmigration<br />

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Levang, P. Indonesia’s Economic Crisis: Effects<br />

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Noodles. I. Measuring the Textural characteristics of<br />

cooked noodles<br />

Oh, N.H. Cereal Chem. 60: 433-437.<br />

Non-symbiotic germination oforchid seeds Knudson, I. Bot. Gas. 73: 1-25.<br />

Nonsurgical embryo collection in goats treated with<br />

prostaglandin Fa and oxytocin.<br />

Pereira, R.J.T.A. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Nonsurgical collection on blastocysts from dairy goats. Bon Durant, R.H. Theriogenology<br />

Nonsurgical collection of caprine embryos under<br />

commercial quarantine conditions<br />

Non-strach plant polysaccharides in broiler nutrition -<br />

towards a physiologically valid approach to their<br />

determination.<br />

Non-starch poiysaccharide-degrading enzymes increase<br />

the performance of broiler chickens fed wheat of low<br />

apparent metabolizable energy<br />

Non-specific binding of immunoglobulins to coat protein of<br />

certain plant viruses in immunoblots and indirect-ELISA<br />

Bessondo, E. Theriogenology<br />

Smits, C. H. M. World's Poult. Sci. J.<br />

Chot, M., J. Nutr<br />

Dietzgen, R.G. J. Virol. Methods 15:159-164.<br />

Non-Protein Nitrogen Compounds in Fish Muscle Gorindam, T.K. Food Sci. Tech. Abstr. Vol. 5. Indian<br />

Food Parher 12: 11-17.<br />

Nonprotein nitrogen and protein distribution in the milk of<br />

cows<br />

DePeters, E. J. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Non-parametric Multivariate Analysis of Changes in<br />

Community Structure.<br />

Clarke, K.R. Australia Journal Ecology 18: 117-143.<br />

Non-Numerik Method for Pairwise Fuzzy Group-Decision<br />

Analysis<br />

Marimin J. Intelligent and Fuzzy System, Vol<br />

5(2): (257-269).<br />

Non-numeric multi-criteria multi-person decition making, R.R. Yager Group Decision and Negotiation<br />

Non-Numeric Multi-Criteria Multi-Person Decision Making Yager, R.R Group Decision and Negotiation<br />

Non-Numeric Multi-Criteria Multi Person Decision Making. Yager, R. Group Decision and Negotiation, Vol.<br />

2, (4):( 81-93).<br />

Non-Numeric Method For Pairwise Fuzzy Group-Decision<br />

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Non-Numeric method for pairwise fuzzy group-decision<br />

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Marimin Dalam Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy<br />

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Marimin. M. J. Inteligetn and fuzzy Systems<br />

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Non-numeric Method for Pairwise Fuzzy Group-Decision<br />

Analysis<br />

Non-numeric Method for Pairwise Fuzzy Group-Decision<br />

Analysis<br />

Marimin, M., J. Intelligent and Fuzzy System<br />

Marimin, M. J. Intelligent and Fuzzy System. Vol. 5:<br />

257-269.<br />

Nonionizing Radiation Protection, Second Edition ________________, European Series, No. 25, Ottawa,<br />

Canada.<br />

Non-Genetic Approach to Identify Rumen Fluid Containing<br />

Specific Rumen Microbes (Balitnak Method).<br />

Winugroho, M. Ilmu dan Peternakan.<br />

Non-genetic approach for selecting rumen fluid containing<br />

specific microorganisms (Balitnak Method).<br />

Winugroho, M. Ilmu dan peternakan.<br />

Non protein nitrogen & bypass protein in ruminants diet Leng RA AMRC Rev. 33:1<br />

Non hypercholesterolemic effects of palm oil diet in<br />

Malaysian volunteers<br />

Non flagellar filamenttous appendages ("fimbriae") and<br />

haemaglutinating activity in Bacterium coli.<br />

NG TKW Am J Clin Nutr 53(Suppl 4): 1015s-<br />

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Duguid,J.P J.Pathol Bacteriol<br />

Nomenclature tor Centromic Position onion Chromosomes Levan, A.K Hereditas<br />

Nomenclature for centromeric position on chromosomes Levan, A. Hereditas 52:201-220.<br />

Nodulation, nitrogen fixation, and nitrogen uptake in<br />

pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L) Millsp] of different maturity<br />

groups<br />

Nodulation and uptake of nitrogen and phosphorus by<br />

soybean inoculated with four strains of Bradyrhizobium<br />

japonicum and applied with phosphorus, molybdenum and<br />

copper<br />

Nodulation and nitrogen fixation by two soybean varieties<br />

as affected by phosphorus and zinc nutrition<br />

Nodulation and nitrogen fixation by Vigna sinensis and<br />

Vicia atropurpureum: the influence of concentration, form<br />

and site of application of combined nitrogen<br />

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Dart, P.J. Aust. J. Agric. Res. 21: 45-56.<br />

Nodulation and growth of Leucaena leucocephala (Lam)<br />

de Wit as affected by inoculation and fertilizer<br />

Sanginga, N. Plant Soil 112: 129-135.<br />

Nodulation of Medicago sativa in Solution Culture V.<br />

Calcium and pH Requiment During Infection<br />

Muns, D.N Plant and Soil<br />

Nobel Lecture : The economic way of looking at behavior Becker G.S Journal of Politicak Economy<br />

No Tillage effects on soil properties and mize (Zeamays L)<br />

Production in Western Nigeria<br />

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No Tillage effects on soil properties and mize (Zeamays L)<br />

Production in Western Nigeria<br />

Nitrospira marina gen, Nop., sp. Nov.: a chemolithotrophic<br />

nitrite-oxidizing bacterium.<br />

Nitrosamine Formation in processed Hams as Related to<br />

Reformulated Elastic Rubber Netting<br />

Nitroneg Mineralization in Forest Soil Profiles From Central<br />

Alberta<br />

Nitrogen, phosphorus and water contents during grain<br />

development and maturation in wheat<br />

Nitrogen Utilization, Enzyme Activity, Glucose Intolerance<br />

and Leukocyte Chemotaxis In Human Experimental Zinc<br />

Depletion<br />

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Watson S. W. Arch. Mocrobiol. Ammonia monooxygenase<br />

by acetylene<br />

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Fyles.J.W Can. J. For. Res<br />

Sofield, I. Aust. J. Plant Physiol A. 799-810.<br />

Baer. M.T Am. J. Clin. Nutr<br />

Nitrogen utilization by the ruminant nitrogen metabolism in<br />

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Nitrogen Transformations Following Tropical Forest Filling<br />

and Burning on Volcanic Soil<br />

Matson.P.A Ecology<br />

Nitrogen Transformation Following Tropical Forest Felling<br />

and Burning on Volcanic Soil<br />

Matson. P/A Ecology<br />

Nitrogen retention in pigs given diets containing cottonseed<br />

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Prawirodigdo S Anim Feed Sci Technol 67: 205-211<br />

Nitrogen retention in pigs given diets containing cottonseed<br />

meal or soybean meal<br />

Prawirodigdo S Anim Feed Sci Technol 67:205-211<br />

Nitrogen requirements of potatoes Watermann, D.T Agron. J<br />

Nitrogen Release From Roots of Alfalfa and Soybean<br />

Grown in Sand Culture<br />

Brophy. L.S Plant and Soil<br />

Nitrogen Mineralization-Water Relation In Soils Stanford.G Soil.Sci. Soc.Am. Proc<br />

Nitrogen MineralizationPotentials of Soils Stanford.G Soil.Sci. Soc.Am. Proc<br />

Nitrogen Mineralization Potenyial of Meadow Soils Simard.R.S Can.J. Soil.Sci<br />

Nitrogen Mineralization Potentials of Soil Stanford. G Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. Proc<br />

Nitrogen Mineralization Poentials of Revegetated Lignite<br />

Overburned In The Texas Gulf Coast<br />

Hornby.W.J Soil Sci.Soc.Am. J<br />

Nitrogen Mineralization Kinetics With Different Soil<br />

Pretrements And Cropping Historis<br />

Beuchamp.E.G Soil Sci.Soc.Am. J<br />

Nitrogen mineralization kinetics with different soil<br />

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Beauchamp, E.G Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J<br />

Nitrogen Mineralization Kinetics In Soil During Long-Trm<br />

Aerobic Laboratory Incubation : a Case Study. J. Environ<br />

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Nitrogen mineralization in soils amended with composted<br />

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Nitrogen Metabolism in The Rumen. Leng, R. A. J. Dairy. Sci.<br />

Nitrogen Metabolism in The Rumen. Leng, R. A. J. Anim<br />

Nitrogen Metabolism in the Rumen Leng, R.A Journal Of Dairy Science<br />

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Nitrogen metabolism in sheep. II. The flow of amino acids<br />

into the duodenum from dietary and micro-bial sources<br />

Leibholz, J., Australian J. Agric. Res<br />

Nitrogen in Agriculture and Forestry. Brewbaker, J NFTR<br />

Nitrogen From Legume Cover Cropss For No-Tillage Corn Ebelhar. S.A Agron. J<br />

Nitrogen From Legume Cover Crops For No-Tillage Corn Ebelhar. S.A Agron. J<br />

Nitrogen Fixation, Growth and Yield of Intercropped<br />

Mungbean (Vigna Radiata L.) and Groundnut (Arachis<br />

Hypogea L.) as Affected by The Genotype<br />

Senaratne. R J. Agron & Crop Sci - Zeitschrift Fur<br />

Acker und Pflanzenbau<br />

Nitrogen Fixation Research. A Key to World Hardy, R.W.F Food. Science<br />

Nitrogen Fixation of And N Transfer From Cowpea,<br />

Mungbean and Groundnut When Intercropped With Maize<br />

Senaratne. R Fertilizer Res.<br />

Nitrogen fixation in soybean as influenced by cultivar and<br />

rhizobium strain.<br />

Nitrogen Fixation by Legumes in Tropical and Subtropical<br />

Agriculture<br />

Nitrogen Fixation by Azospirillum spp. and Effect of<br />

Azospirillum lipoferum on the Yield And N-Uptake Of Wheat<br />

Crop.<br />

Nitrogen fertilization effects on planting stock<br />

characteristics and establishment performance of dwarf<br />

elephantgrass<br />

Nitrogen fertilization effect on plantine stock characteristics<br />

and establishment performance of dwarf elephantgrass<br />

Nitrogen fertility effects on accumulation, remobilization,<br />

and partitioning of N and dry matter in corn genotype<br />

differing in prolificacy<br />

Nitrogen derivatives (amides, diamides, nitriles, primary<br />

amines, & oxides)<br />

Nitrogen derivates (secondary and tertiary amines,<br />

quaternary salts, diamines, imidazolines)<br />

Nitrogen contributed by grain legumes to rice grown in<br />

rotation on the Cunnunura soils of the Ord irrigation area,<br />

Western Australia<br />

Nitrogen Contributed by Grain Legumes to Rice Grown in<br />

Ritation on The Cununura Soils Of The Ord. Irigation Area<br />

Western Australia<br />

Danso, S.K.A Plant & Soil<br />

Peoples. M.B Adv, Agron<br />

Rai, S.N. Plant and Soil.<br />

Rusland, G.A. Agron. J. 85: 857-861.<br />

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Reck, RA JAOCS 56(11): 796a-801a<br />

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Nitrogen budgets in flooded soils uses for rice production. Mikkelsen, D.S. Plant and soil 100.<br />

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Nitrogen and Water use efficiency of several cool season<br />

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Nitrogen and Water Management Means Bourne, JF. Top Cotton Yield Solution. Januari<br />

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Nitrogen and Water Management Means Krieg, R. Top Cotton Yield Solution. p. 53-58.<br />

Nitrogen and Carbon Flows Between The Coecum, Blood<br />

and Rumen in Sheep Given Chopped Lucerne (Medicago<br />

Sativa) Hay.<br />

Dixon, R. M. Br. J. Nutr.<br />

Nitrogen accumu-lation by pepper as influenced by muich<br />

and time of fertilizer application<br />

Locasscio, S.J J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci,<br />

Nitrification and Nitrogen Removal. Sharma, B. Wat Res.<br />

Nitrate, nitrite and N-nitroso compounds. Gangolli, S. O. Eur. J. Pharmacol. Environ.<br />

Nitrate, nitrite and N-nitroso compound: a review of the<br />

occurrence in food and diet and the toxicological<br />

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Walker, R. Food addit. Contam.<br />

Nitrate movement under corn and fallow conditions Long, F.L. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 44: 787-792.<br />

Nitrate leaching and adsorption in a Krasnozem from<br />

Redland Bay, Qld. II. Soil factors influencing adsorption<br />

Black, A.S. Aust. J. Soil Res. 14: 181-188.<br />

Nitrate and nitrite in food and the diet. Meah, M. N. Food addit. Contam.<br />

Nitrate and carbohydrate effects on nodulation and nitrogen<br />

fixation (acethylene reduction) activity of lentil (Lens<br />

esculentaMoench)<br />

Wong, P.P Plant Physiol<br />

Nisin and Its Use as a Food Preservative Broughton. D.J Food Technology<br />

Nilai tambah tanaman sela di bawah kelapa Hibrida Maskar<br />

Nilai nutrisi dan kualitas hijauan makanan ternak Subagyo,I NUFFIC-UNIBRAW. Malang.<br />

Nilai gizi bungkil kelapa yang difermentasi dan<br />

pemanfaatannya dalam ransum itik jantan.<br />

Sinurat, A. P. Jurnal Ilmu ternak dan veteriner.<br />

Nilai gizi bungkil kelapa terfermentasi dalam ransum itik<br />

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Sinurat, A. P. Jurnal Ilmu ternak dan veteriner.<br />

Night Irradiant and sychronlzatlon of lunar spawning of<br />

larvae in the reef coral Pocillopora damicornis (Linnaeus)<br />

Jokiel, P.L. Mar. Biol.88: 167-174.<br />

Nigerian Farmers` Perception of Pests and Pesticides . Atteh OD Insect Sci Appl<br />

NH3 volatilization from flooded soils Vlek PLG Fertilizer Research<br />

NH3 volatilization from flooded soils Vlek PLG Fertilizer Research<br />

New wood based composites with thermoplastics. In H<br />

Inagaki and GO Philips (eds). Cellulosics Utilization,<br />

Research and rewards in cellulosics<br />

Klason C Elsevier Appl Sci pp 75-86<br />

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New spectrophotometric equation for determining<br />

chlorophyll a, b, cl and c2 in higher plants, algae and<br />

natural phytoplankton.<br />

New record of scale insect, Metacronema japonica Mask<br />

(Homoptera : Coccidae) on olive in the hills of Uttar<br />

Pradesh.<br />

New record of scale insect, Metacronema japonica Mask<br />

(Homoptera : Coccidae) on olive in the hills of Uttar<br />

Pradesh.<br />

New Record of aquatic Oligochaeta from Texas with<br />

observation and their ecological characteristic.<br />

New potato spindle tuber viroid and tomato leaf curl<br />

geminivirus strains from a wild Solanum sp<br />

New polyhydroxysterols from the dictyoceratid sponges<br />

Hippospongia communis, Spongianellagracillis.<br />

New poly-hydroxysterols from the dictyoceratid sponges<br />

Hippospongia communis, Spongianella gracillis.<br />

New Poly-hydroxysterols from the Dictyoceratid sponges<br />

Hippospongia communis, Spongianella gracillis<br />

New Polyhydroxysterols from the Dictyoceratid sponges<br />

Hippospongia communis, Spongianella gracillis<br />

New poly-hydroxysterols from the dictyoceratid sponges<br />

Hippospongia commiinis, Spongianella gracillis.<br />

Jeffrey, S.W. Biochem. Physiol. Pflanzen. 1967:<br />

191-194.<br />

Joshi R Progress Hort. 19 : 3-4<br />

Joshi R Progress Hort. 19 : 3-4<br />

Davis, J.R Hydrobiologia. 96: 15-29.<br />

Behjatnia S Phytophatology<br />

Madaio, A., J. of Natural Product 52(5):952-961.<br />

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A. Madaio J. Of Natural Product<br />

Madaio. A.. J.of Natural Product 52(5):952-961.<br />

New plantbinary vectors with selectable markers located<br />

proximal to the left T-DNA border.<br />

Becker, D., Plant Mol. Biol. 20: 1195-1197.<br />

New Nitrogenous And Aromatic Derivatives From Aglaila<br />

Argentea and A. Forbesii<br />

Dumontet. V Tetrahedron<br />

New Nitrogenous And Aromatic Derivatives From Aglaila<br />

Argentea and A. Forbesii<br />

Dumontet. V Tetrahedron<br />

New Nitrogenous and aromatic derivatives from Aglaia<br />

argentea and A. forbesii.<br />

Dumontet V Tetrahedron<br />

New Method for Quantitative Essential Oil Analysis Godefroot, M. J. Chromatogr. 203: 325-335.<br />

New meat products manufactured with the "katsuobushi"<br />

process, and the chemical nature and organoleptic<br />

acceptability of the products.<br />

New Insights into Mechanisms of Fungal Pathogenesis in<br />

Insects.<br />

New insectisidal Rocaglamide Derivatices from Flovwers of<br />

Aglaia odorata<br />

Wada, S., H. J. of Food Processing and<br />

Preservation, 16 (1): 1-11.<br />

Clarkson, J.M Trends in Microbiology. 4:197-203.<br />

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New Insectisidal Rocaglamide Derivatices from Flovwers of<br />

Aglaia elliptica and A. harmsiana (Meliaceae)<br />

New Insectisidal Rocaglamide Derivatices and Related<br />

Compounds from Aglaia odorata (Meliaceae).<br />

New Insecticidal Rocaglamide Drrivatives From Aglaia<br />

Elliptica and A. Harmsiana (Meliaceae)<br />

New Insecticidal rocaglamide derivatives from flowers of<br />

Aglaia odorata.<br />

New insecticidal rocaglamide derivatives from Aglaia<br />

odorata (Meliaceae)<br />

New insecticidal rocaglamide derivatives from Aglaia<br />

elliptica and A.harmsiana (Meliaceace)<br />

New insecticidal rocaglamide derivatives from Aglaia<br />

elliptica and A. harmsiana (Meliaceae)<br />

New Insecticidal Rocaglamide Derivatives From Aglaia<br />

Duperreana (Meliaceae)<br />

New Insecticidal Rocaglamide Derivatives From Aglaia<br />

Duperreana (Meliaceae)<br />

New insecticidal rocaglamide derivatives from Aglaia<br />

duperreana (Meliaceace)<br />

New insecticidal Rocaglamide Derivatives and Related<br />

Compounds from Aglaia odorata (Meliaceae)<br />

New insecticidal rocaglamidc derivatives and related<br />

compounds from Aglaia odorata (Meliaceae)<br />

New Indicators for Measuring The Manifold Aspects of<br />

Technical and Economic Efficiency of Production<br />

Processes and Technologies<br />

New horizons in vitamin E research - the vitamin E Cycle,<br />

biochemistry and clinical applications. Lipid soluble<br />

antioxidant:biochemistry and clinical applications<br />

Nugroho, B.W. Phytochemistry 45: 1579-3585<br />

Nugroho, B.W. Phytochemistry 4:1455-1461<br />

Nugroho. B.W.N Phytochemistry<br />

Gussregen B Z Naturforsch<br />

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New Disinfectant From Out Of Blue Neff. J Food Process<br />

New derivation of the inhibitory activity against angiotensin<br />

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Amhar, A. Tohoku J. Agric. Res.<br />

New Components of theChitinolytic System of Trichoderma<br />

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New chemical procedures for evaluating forages Van Soest. P.J. Journal of Animal Science<br />

New Bitter C27 and C30 terpenoids from the fungus<br />

Ganoderma lucidum (Reishi)<br />

Nishitoba T Agric Biol. Chem<br />

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New BioactiveAdjacent bis-THF Annonaceous Acetogenins<br />

From Annona Bullata<br />

Gu. Z.M Phytochemistry<br />

New aweet differnce glycoside from S. Rhizoma Bertonii Kohda, H Phytochem. J<br />

New aspect of subunit structure glycinin Iyengar RB Cereal Chem 58 : 325-330<br />

New aspect of subunit structure glycinin Iyengar RB Cereal Chem 58 : 325-330<br />

New Archeological and Ethnological Results from Niah<br />

Caves<br />

Harrisson, T. Serawak. Man<br />

New anaesthetic for fish. Siwieki, A. Aquaculture 38: 171-176.<br />

New anaesthetic for fish. Siwicky, A. Aqua-culture, 38:171-176.<br />

Neurosecretory control of corpora allata activity in<br />

cockroach, Periplaneta americana (L.).<br />

Khan, T.R. Experientia 34: 49-51.<br />

Net uptake of dissolved free amino acids by four<br />

scleractinian corals.<br />

Ferrier, M.D., Coral Reefs 10: 183-I87.<br />

Net entry of amino acids into the brittle Star Ophioneresis Davis, J.P., Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 81A: 899annulata.<br />

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Net energy value of ammoniated wheat straw. Birkelo, C.P. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Neraca Hara Kebun Kopi Arabika yang di Kelola secara<br />

Organik Pada Tanah Andisol di Aceh Tengah<br />

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Neoplasia, Regeneration and Growth in the Reef-building<br />

Coral Acropora palmata.<br />

Bak, RPM. Mar Biol. 77: 221-227.<br />

Neoplasia, regeneration and growth in the reef building<br />

coral Acropora palmata.<br />

Bak, R.P.M., Mar. Biol. 77: 221-227.<br />

Neolignan From The Hertwood of Ulin Wood<br />

Syafii.W. Journal of The Japan Wood Research<br />

(Eusideroxylon Zwageri T. et B)<br />

Society. Vol. 31 No. 11<br />

Nemin : a Morphogenic Subtance Causting Trap Formation<br />

By Predacious Fungi<br />

Pramer. D Science<br />

Nematophagous Fungi With Particular Reference To Their<br />

Ecology<br />

Gray. N.F Biological Review<br />

Nematode-Induced Morphogenesis In The Predacious<br />

Fungus Arthrobotrys Oligospora<br />

Nordbring-Hertz. B Physiologia Plantarum<br />

Nematode Management in Sustainable and Subsistence<br />

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Bridge, J. Ann, Rev Phytopathol. 30 201-225<br />

Nematode Induced Morphogenesis In The Predacious<br />

Fungus Arthrobotry Oligospora<br />

Nordbring-hertz. B Nematologica<br />

Nelayan kecil di Jawa: kriteria dan pembinaannya, Manurung, V.T.<br />

Nelayan kecil di Jawa, Kriteria dan Pembinaan. Manurung, V.T.,<br />

Negative Binomial Distribution with a Common k Bliss C.I Biometrika<br />

Neem : Insecticide of the future -III- Chemistry, toxicology<br />

and the future strategy<br />

Jotwani, MG Pesticides<br />

Neem : insecticide of the future - II - Protecting against field<br />

pests<br />

Jotwani, MG Pesticides<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Nauplii of the calanoid copepod, Acartia sinjiensis as an<br />

initial food organism for larval red snapper, Lutjanus<br />

argentimaculatus.<br />

Nauplii of the Calanoid copepod, Acartia sinjiensis as an<br />

initial food organism for larval red Snaper, Lutjanus<br />

argentimaculatus.<br />

Doi, M., Suisan-zoshoku H 9:31-40.<br />

Doi, M., Japan Aquacult. Soc,45(1):31-40.<br />

Nature of fecal sterol and intestinal bacterial flora. Martin, W.J., Lipids, 8: 208.<br />

Nature of Early Reproductive Failure Caused by Bovine<br />

Viral Diarrhea Virus.<br />

Grahn, T. C. J.A.V.M.A.<br />

Nature and Mnagement of Tropical Peat Soil Andriesse. J.P FAO Soil Bulletin. 59. Rome<br />

Nature and Management of Tropical Peat Soils Andriese, J.P FAO Bulletin 59<br />

Naturally occuring pesticides and their potential Saxena, R.C. Chemistry and World Food Supplies:<br />

New Frontiers Chemrawn II: 143-160<br />

Naturally occuring pesticides and their potential Saxena, R.C. Chemistry and World Food Supplies:<br />

New Frontiers Chemrawn 11: 143-160.<br />

Naturally occuring flavonoids: structure, chemistry, and<br />

hight performance liquid chromatography methods for<br />

separation and characterization<br />

Natural transformation of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus by<br />

plasmid DNA adsorbed on sand and groundwater aquifer<br />

material<br />

Natural rubber serum powder that contains a special<br />

growth promoter for Bifidobacterium<br />

Natural plantprotection by 2,4 diacetyphloroglucinolproducing<br />

Psudomonas spp in take-all decline soils<br />

Natural plantprotection by 2,4 diacetyphloroglucinolproducing<br />

Psudomonas spp in take-all decline soils<br />

Natural occurrence of aflatoxins and fusarium mycotoxins<br />

(fumonisins, dcoxinivalenol, nivalenol, and zearalenon) in<br />

corn trom Indonesia<br />

Natural fats and oils - Renewable raw materials for the<br />

chemical industry<br />

Natural diets and self-selection: Heliothis zea larvae and<br />

maize<br />

Natural and experimental infections of Japanese tree<br />

sparrows with Japanese encephalitis virus<br />

Nation-wide fond safety assurance <strong>program</strong> to prevent rood<br />

detention by importing country<br />

Naphtalene balls for the protection of coconut & oil palm<br />

against O. rhinoceros (L.)<br />

Nama-nama kesatuan untuk jenis-jenis pohon yang penting<br />

di Indonesia.<br />

Das, D. K. Methods in Enymology, 334: 410-421,<br />

Chamier, B. Appl. Environ. Micmbiol. 59:1662-<br />

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Ishizaki, A Biosci. Biotech. Biochem<br />

Raaijmakers JM Molecular Plantmicrobe Interactions<br />

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Ali, N. Food. Add. Contaminant. 15: 377-384.<br />

Baumann H Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 27(1): 41-<br />

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Cohen, R. W. Ent. exp. &appl. 46: 161-171.<br />

Hasegawa, T. Arch.Virol. (49): 373-376.<br />

Raharjo, S<br />

Gurmit Singh Planter(63) : 286-292<br />

Anonim. Pengumuman Istimewa No.6.<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Na+-requiring mechanisms modulate capacitation and<br />

acrosomal exocytosis in mouse spermatozoa.<br />

N-3 Polyunsaturated fatty acids inhibit the antigenpresenting<br />

function of human monocytes<br />

N3 Fatty acids of mareine origin lower systolic blood<br />

pressureand triglicerrides but raise LDL cholesterol<br />

compared with n-3 and n-6 Fatty acids from plants<br />

n-3 Fatty acids enriched table eggs: A survey of consumer<br />

acceptability<br />

N2-fixation in field settings: Estimations based on natural<br />

15N abundance<br />

N. Suplay By Groundnuts to Maze in a Maize Plus<br />

Groundnut Intercropping Systems, As affected by The<br />

Genotypes<br />

Myrosinase is localized to the interior of myrosin grains and<br />

is not associated to the surrounding tonoplast membrane<br />

Fraser, L.R. J. Reprod. Fertil. 97:539-549.<br />

Haughes, A.D Am J Clin Nutr<br />

Kestin P Am J. Clin.Nutr 51:1028-1034<br />

Marshall, A.C Poultry Sci.,<br />

Shearer, G. Aust. J. Plant Physiol. 13: 699-756.<br />

Senaratne. R Biology and Fertility of Soil<br />

Hoglund, A-S. Plant Science 85:165-170<br />

Mycotyc aspect of Epizootic Ulcerative Syndrome (EUS) at<br />

Asia fisheries.<br />

Roberts, R.J., J. Fish Diseases, 16: 196-183.<br />

Mycotoxins Training Manual Bainton, S.J. Tropical Products Institute, London. p.<br />

20-65.<br />

Mycotoxins and fungal damaged in maize harvested during<br />

1982 in Far North Queensland.<br />

Blaney, B.J. Aust. J. Agric. Res. 35:463-471.<br />

Mycotoxins and food supply Bhat, R.V. FAO, Food, Nutrition and Agriculturc. l:<br />

27-31.<br />

Mycotoxin Contamination of peanuts after harvest in<br />

Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia<br />

Zahari, P. Champ et al. (Eds.). Fungi and<br />

Mycotoxin in Stored Products.<br />

Proceedings of an International<br />

Conference held at Bangkok, Thailand<br />

23-26 April 1991. 220 p.<br />

Mycorrhizal response of barley cultivars differing in P<br />

efficiency<br />

Baon, J.B. Plant Soil 157: 97-105.<br />

Mycorrhizae of Nitrogen Fixing Legume Hayman. D.S MIRCEN. J. Appl.<br />

Mycorhiza status of epiphytes in Malaysian oil palm<br />

plantation<br />

Nadarajah P Mycorhiza 4 : 21-25<br />

Mycobiota and toxigenic Aspergillus flavus associated with<br />

developing cardamon and pepper<br />

Banerjee, A. J. Mycol. Res. 97:1403-1406.<br />

Mutual conversion between H plus CO^ and formate by a<br />

formate-utilizing methanogen<br />

Nishio N J Ferment Technol 61:557-561.<br />

Mutu Air Kolam Ikan di Kawasan Beriklim Panas Boyd, C.E. M.S. Kamaruddin, S.S. Siraj dan N.A.<br />

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Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. 414 hal.<br />

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Mutation of the tobacco mosaic tobamovirus 126-and 183 -<br />

kDa protein: effect on phloemdependent virus accumulation<br />

and synthesys of viral proteins<br />

Derrick PM MPMI<br />

Mutation in Tissue Culture Field Plantings of Banana Robinson, J. C. Fruit<br />

Mutation Breeding of Vegetable Crops. Yamaguchi, T. Breeding of Varietas by use of<br />

Radiation Gamma Field Symposium<br />

Mutation Breeding Newsletter 26-32 FAO/IAEA Mutation Breeding Newsletter 26-32<br />

Mutation breeding newsletter International Atomic<br />

Energy<br />

Issue No. 23 January 1985. Vienna<br />

Mutation breeding in plant tissue culture. Vajrabhaya, M., Biotrop Spec. Publ. 49: 133-138.<br />

Mutation analisys of couliflower mosaic virus gene V1:<br />

Changes in host range, sympthoms, and discovery of<br />

transactivationpositive, noninfectious mutans<br />

Broglio EP MPMI<br />

Mutant strain with low level of subunits of 7S glolbulin in<br />

soybean seed<br />

Mutant strain with low level of subunits of 7S glolbulin in<br />

soybean seed<br />

Musuh alami wereng coklat (Nilaparvata lugens Stal.).pada<br />

pertanaman padi<br />

Mussel in British Columbia: The influence of salmon farm<br />

growth of Mytilus edulis<br />

Muscle protein metabolism in broiler chickens fed<br />

exogenous thyroxine and various levels of dietary protein.<br />

Murine immunoglobuline G subclass responses following<br />

immunization with live Dengue virus or a recombinant<br />

Dengue envelope protein<br />

Kitamura K Jpan J Breed 31:353-359<br />

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Kartohardjono, A. J. Soejitno, Z. Harahap, dan H.S.<br />

Suprapto (penyunting) Wereng Coklat.<br />

Edisi Khusus (1): 43-54.<br />

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Multitrophic interactions and management of the<br />

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Verkerk RHJ Bid Entomol Res 86:205-216.<br />

Multipurpose Australian Trees and Schrubs Turnbull.J.W Australian Centre For International<br />

Agriculture Research (ACIAR)<br />

Camberra, Australia<br />

Multiplication of Pseudomonas solanacearum in resistant<br />

potato plants and the establishment of latent infections.<br />

Multiplex polymerase chain reaction for detection and<br />

differentiation of the microbial insecticide Bacillus<br />

thuringiensis.<br />

Multiple-trait estimation of variance components of yields<br />

and type traits using an animal model<br />

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Bourque, S., Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 59: 523-527.<br />

Misztal, I. J. Dairy Sci., 75: 544-551.<br />

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Multiple stroyed cropping-new dimension of multiple<br />

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Nelliat, E.V. World Crop. (26): 262-266.<br />

Multiple sequence alignment with hierarchical clustering. Corpet, F., Nucl. Acids Res. 16: 10881-10890.<br />

Multiple regresion & response surface analysis of the<br />

effects of Ca Cl & cysteine on heat induced whey protein<br />

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Multiple Cropping For Efficient Use Water and Nitrogen Hook. J.E ASA Special Publication No. 51. ASA.<br />

Madison. Wisconsin. USA<br />

Multiple aluminium-resistance mechanisms in wheat: Roles<br />

of root apical phosphate and malate extrusion<br />

Pellet D.M. Plant Physiol. 112: 591-597.<br />

Multiple antibiotic produced by Pseudomonas fluorescens<br />

HV37a and their differential regulation by glucose.<br />

Multipication of Pseudomonas solanacearum in resistant<br />

potato plants and the establishment of latent infection.<br />

James, D.W. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 52(5): 1183-<br />

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Multinutrient blocks as a strategies supplement: for<br />

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Leng, R.A. Wld. Anim Rev. 90: 12-18.<br />

Multilines cultivars as a means of diseases control Browning, J.A. Ann. Rev. Phytophat. (7): 355-382.<br />

Multiline cultivars as a means of disease control Browning, J.A. Ann. Rev. Phvtopathol.7:335-382.<br />

Multifactorial etiology of hypercholesterolemia. Grundy, S.M. Arteriosclerosis and Thrombosis<br />

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Multifactor Kinetics of phosphate reaction with minerals in<br />

acidic soils : I. Modeling and Simulation<br />

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Multiaplication of Pseudomonas solancearum in resistance<br />

potato plants and the establishment of latent infections<br />

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Mulch Effect on Soil Properties and Tomato Growth Using<br />

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Mulberry Cultivation Rangaswami, G Agriculture Seri Bulletin<br />

Muddy flavor in pond-cultured marine shrimp Lovell, T. Aquaculture Magazine Jan Feb.: 34-<br />

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Mudcrab culture: prospects for the small scale Asian<br />

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Movement of Manganese 54 in Calcreous Soils as Affected<br />

by Leaching Solution Lime Content, Salinization and<br />

Sterilization<br />

Fahad.A.A Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Movement and Mortality Rates of The Black Duck and Grey<br />

Teal in South-eastern Australia<br />

Frith, H. J. CSIRO Wildl. Res. 8: 119-131.<br />

Mould Fermented Foods : Recent Developments Leistner. L Food Biotechnology<br />

Mortality rates of scleractinian corals before and during a<br />

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Harriot VJ Mar Ecol Prog Ser 21:81-88.<br />

Mortality and Dispersal of Hardheads Banded in Victoria Norman, F. I. Emu 70: 126-136.<br />

Mortality and Dispersal of Hardheads Banded in Victoria Norman, F. I. Emu 70: 126-136.<br />

Morphometrics Rohlf, F.J. Annu. Rev. Ecol.Syst.11: 299-316.<br />

Morphometric Comparison of Skeletons of The Western<br />

Grebe Complex Aechmophorus of the United States and<br />

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Morphology, chemistry, and mineralogy of isotropic<br />

aluminosilicate coatings in Guadeloupe Andisol.<br />

Morphology of Pubescence in Soybean and Its Relation To<br />

Plant Vigour<br />

Morphology of liposomes made of bipolar and membranespanning<br />

lipids from Thermoplasma acidophilum<br />

Jongmans, A. G., Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 58:501-507.<br />

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Sternberg, B. Liposome Workshop at Leyden, The<br />

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Morphology of immature bovine oocytes. Loos, de F., Gamete Research, 24 : 197-204.<br />

Morphological, Anatomical, and Biochemical Effects of<br />

Propachlor on Seedling Growth<br />

Dhillon, N.S Weed Res<br />

Morphological Mutant of Garlic Chaudhary, A. D. J. Ind. Bot Sci.<br />

Morphological changes of acrosome during equilibration<br />

and after freezing of buck semen with raffmosa egg yolk<br />

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Das KK Indian Vet J 71:1098-1102.<br />

Morphological and Hormonal Changes After Superovulation<br />

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acquiestion of meiotic compotence in ovarian goat oocyte<br />

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Morphologic Alteration of Cultured Arterial Smooth Muscle<br />

Cells by Cyclic Stretching<br />

Sotturai V.S. J. Surg. Res. 35: 490-497.<br />

Morphogenetic responses of plants Andel OM Van lJ Audus (ed) Herbicides, Physiology,<br />

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Moritella japonica sp nov., a novel barophilic bacterium<br />

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Moringa oleifera Lam. A new host of Ralstonia<br />

(Pseudomonas) solanacearum E.F. Smith from India<br />

Estelitta, S. Bacterial Wilt Newsletter 14: 6.<br />

Morfogenesis buah dan daya simpan benih cengkeh Sutamo, H. Pemberitaan Penelitian Tanaman<br />

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More than Two Millions Apple Trees Grow in Indonesia Kusumo, S.<br />

Morbidity and Mortality Study on Diarrhoeal Disease in<br />

North Jakarta on Urban Area<br />

Sunoto Southeast Asia J.Trop.Med.Public<br />

Health<br />

Montmorilonite and Others Smecite Bochardt.G.A Minerals in Soil Environments<br />

Monthly charts of sea surface salinity in Indonesian and<br />

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Monoclonal antibody diagnostics in plant disease<br />

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Monoclonal antibodies: technology and potensial use Antezak, D.F. JAVMA. 181:1006-1010<br />

Monitoring of levels of gastrointestinal mematodes at<br />

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Monitoring Corn and Soybean Crop Development with<br />

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Monitoring coral reefs for global change. Reference<br />

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UNEP. Pollution Studies No. 61.<br />

Monitoring Coral Reefs for Global Change Unep Reference Methods for Marine<br />

Pollution Studies No. 61 Australia.<br />

Monitoring chemical and microbial changes of cottage<br />

cheese using a full history time - temperature indicator<br />

Singh RP J Food Sci 56: 402-405, 410<br />

Molybdenum adsorption on oxides, clay minerals, and soils<br />

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Moleculer selection in apple for resistance to scab caused<br />

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Moleculer mechanism of Gossypol action on lipid<br />

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Moleculer and physio-logical response to Abscisis acid and<br />

salt in roots of salt-sensitive and salt tolerant Indica Rice<br />

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Molecular tagging of genes tor brown planthopper resistance<br />

and earliness introgressed from Oryza australiensis<br />

into cultivated rice, O. sativa.<br />

Ishii, T, Genome 37: 217-221.<br />

Molecular response to water deficit Bray, E.A. Plant Physiol. 103:1035-1040.<br />

Molecular probes for disease diagnosis and monitoring Leach JE GH Khush and GH Toennisen (Eds)<br />

Rice Biotechnology pp. 281-307<br />

Molecular Population Structure and the Biogeographic<br />

History of A Regional Fauna: A Case History with Lessons<br />

for Conservation Biology<br />

Avise, J.C. Oikos, 63: 62-76.<br />

Molecular mechanism of insulin secretion and insulin action Flatt, P. R. J. Biol. Education<br />

Molecular mechanism of fertilization and development Burks, D.J. J. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 28:79-86.<br />

Molecular markers in plant breeding Tanksley SD Plant Mol Biol Rep 1:3-8<br />

Molecular markers for genetic analysis of phytopathogenic<br />

fungi. Ann. Rev.<br />

Michelmore, R.W. Phytopathol. 25: 393-404.<br />

Molecular marker heterozygocity & hibrid performance in<br />

indica & japonica rice<br />

Qifa, Z Theor Appl Genet. 93:1218-1224<br />

Molecular marker facilitated investigation of hostplant<br />

response to Exserohilum turcicum in maize (Zea Mays L)<br />

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Freymark PJ Theor Appl Genet 88 : 305-313<br />

Molecular mapping of rice chromosomes. McCouch. SR. Theor. Appl Genet. 76: 815-829.<br />

Molecular mapping of rice chromosomes McCouch, S.R.. Theor. Appl. Genet 76: 815-829.<br />

Molecular mapping of rice chromosomes McCouch S Theor. Appl. Genet 78:815-829<br />

Molecular mapping of genes for resistance to rice blast<br />

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Molecular mapping of drought resistance genes in grain Xu, W., In Heller, SR.. M Gale, J.P. Miksche,<br />

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Molecular genetic improvement of cereal and grass crops Vasil IK IAPTC News Letter No. 72 December<br />

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Molecular Cloning and Nucleotide Sequence of The<br />

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Collett, M. S. Virology.<br />

Molecular Cloning and Nucleotide Sequence of The<br />

Genom of Hog Cholera Virus.<br />

Meyer, G. Virology.<br />

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Molecular cloning and characterization of a cDNA encoding<br />

a water stress protein (WSP23) from wheat roots<br />

Joshi, C.P. Plant Sci. 86: 71-82.<br />

Molecular Cloning Sambrook, J. New York: Cold Spring Harbor.<br />

Molecular characterization of endothelin receptors Sakurai, T. Trends Pharmacol. Sci. 13: 103.<br />

Molecular characterization of a gene encoding a 72kilodalton<br />

mosquito-toxic crystal protein from B.<br />

thuringiensis subsp. Israeliensis.<br />

Donovan, W.P., J. Bacteriol. 170: 4732-4738.<br />

Molecular Biology of Fruit Ripening and Manipullation with<br />

Antisense Genes<br />

Gray. J Plant Molecular Biology<br />

Molecular biology and ecology of diazotrophs associated<br />

with non-leguminous plants<br />

Elmerich, C. Biotechnology. 2: 967-978.Fallik, E.<br />

Molecular beacons: Probes that fluoresce upon<br />

hybridization<br />

Tyagi S Nature Biotechnol 14:303-308.<br />

Molecular approaches to the study of plant biosystematics Clegg MT Aust Syst Bot 3:1-8.<br />

Molecular and genetic characterization of the rhizopine<br />

catabolism (mocABCD) genes of Rhizobium meliloti L5-30.<br />

Molecular and cellular biology of biocontrol by Trichoderma<br />

spp.<br />

Molecular and Biotechnological Aspects of Microbial<br />

Prolcases<br />

Molecular Analysis and Characterization of the<br />

Cochliobolus Heterostrophus B-tubulin Gene and It's<br />

Possible Role in Conferring Resistance to benomyl.<br />

Rossbach, S., Mol. Gen. Genet. 245: 11-24.<br />

Goldman, G.H., Trends Biotechnol. 12 (12): 478-482.<br />

Rao, M.B. Microbiol. Mol. Biol. Review. 62:597-<br />

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Molecular analisys of a resistance-breaking strain of potato<br />

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Labuza, T. P. Am Assoc. Cereal. Chem Minesota<br />

Moisture Sorption Isotherms of Potato Slices. Mazza, G., Journal of Food Tech. 17 (1): 47-57.<br />

Moisture Sorption Isotherms Of Dried Apricot Fig and<br />

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Moisture Sorption Isotherms Of Dried Apricot Fig and<br />

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Moisture Sorption Characteristic of Ground SunFlower<br />

Nutmeg and Its Products<br />

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Moisture Sorption Characteristic of Ground Sun Flower<br />

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Moisture gain and loss in packaged foods Labuza, T.P. Food Technol.<br />

Moisture Content and Shelf Life Heiss, R. Food Manufacture, 46 (6): 37-42.<br />

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Modulation of the hypolipidemic effect of fish oil by diatary<br />

fiber in rats: studies with rice and wheat bran.<br />

Topping, D. L. J. Nutr.<br />

Modulation of dab macrophage respiratory burst activity Tahir, A. Fish & sellfish Immmunology 6: 135-<br />

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Modifying Soil Lead Bioavailability By Phosphates Addition Rabinowitz.M.B Bull. Environ Contam Toxicol<br />

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Modifikasi bioesei kotiledon kedelai untuk uji patogenesis Mesak, F. M.<br />

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Modified atmosphere packaging under varying surrounding<br />

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Modified atmosphere packaging of fresh produce Zagory, D. Food. Tech. 42(9): 70-77<br />

Modification of triglycerides by lipases: process, technology<br />

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Modification of triglycerides by lipase: proces.s tcchnology<br />

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Modification of the sequence enhances plant expression of<br />

insect control protein genes.<br />

Modification of The Compulsive Exchange Method For<br />

Measuring Exchange Charateristics<br />

Modification of Small farmer practices for better pest<br />

management.<br />

Modification of shell formation in the giant clam Tridacna<br />

gigas at elevated nutrient levels in sea water<br />

Modification of rhizobacterial populations by engineering<br />

bacterium utilization of a novel plant-produced resource.<br />

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Modification of rhizobacterial populations by engineering<br />

bacterium utilization of a novel plant-produc6d resource.<br />

Modification of Hybridoma Technology, which Improve the<br />

Yield of monoclonal Antibody Producing Cells<br />

Savka, M.A. Nature Biotechnol. I5: 363-368.<br />

Orlic, O. J. Immunol. Methods. 115: 55-59.<br />

Modification of Fats and Oil Silalahi, J. Media Farmasi<br />

Modification of a semi selective medium for isolation and<br />

quantification of Pseudomonas solanacea-rum<br />

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Modification o l fats and oils Silalahi, J. Media Farmasi<br />

Modes of action of lipid lowering diets in man: studies of<br />

apolipoprotein B-kinetics in relation to fat consumption and<br />

diatery fatty acid composition<br />

Janus, E. D. Eur. J. Clin. Invest.<br />

Modern taxonomy of Awlla: a review Tan, B.C. Philipp. Agrir. 69:491-511.<br />

Models for the Rheology and Statistical Strength<br />

ofUniformly Stressed Vegetative Tissue<br />

Pitt, R. E Trans. of the ASAE<br />

Modelling soil and plant phosphorus dynamics in<br />

calcareous and hihly weathered soils<br />

Sharpley, A.N Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Modelling Ruminant Digestion and Metabolism Baldwin, R.L Chapman & Hall. London<br />

Modelling Development and Quality of Cauliflower Grevsen. K Acta Horticulturae<br />

Modelling Competitive Adsorption of Arsenate with<br />

Phosphate and Molibdate on Oxide Minerals<br />

Manning. B.A Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Modelling competitive adsorption of arsenate with<br />

phosphate and molibdate on oxide minerals<br />

Manning, B.A Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Modelling Competitive Adsoption of Arsenate With<br />

Phospate and Molibdate on Oxide Minerals<br />

Manning. B.A. Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Modeling the oxidation of elemental S in New Zealand<br />

Pastoral Soils.<br />

Ghani, A., Sulphur in Agriculture 20: 3-9.<br />

Modeling of parasitic population Roberts M.G Veterinary Parasitology<br />

Modeling Moisture Retention in Peat Soil Weiss. R.J Soil Sci Soc Amer. J<br />

Modeling Flowering Time to Rice Plants under Natural<br />

Photoperiod and Constant Air Temperature<br />

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Model study of ring infiltrometer performance under low<br />

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Model predictions for anthelmintic resistance amongst<br />

Haemonchus contortus populations in southern Brazil<br />

Echevarria, F.A.M. Vet. Parasitol., 47: 315-325.<br />

Model Pondok Pesantren Produktif dalam Pembinaan<br />

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Model Pertumbuhan Diameter dan Tinggi tegakan Hutan<br />

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Tanaman Eucaliptus urophylla ST Blake di daerah Pujon,<br />

Jawa Timur<br />

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Model Pendugaan Isi Pohon Meranti (Shorea spp) di KPH<br />

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Model of cellulose disappearance from the rumen. Waldo, D. R. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Model Multinominal Logit dan Aplikasinya dalam Analisa<br />

Proses Adopsi Varietas Padi<br />

Erwidodo Jurnal Agroeconomi<br />

Model Matematik Pembukaan Wilayah Hutan dengan Jalan<br />

Angkutan Truck Yang Optimal<br />

Ellias Duta Rimba 91-92/XIV/1988<br />

Model Kelem bagaan Akomodatif eebagai upaya<br />

Mewujudkan Struktur Masyarakat Agribisnis di Wilayah<br />

Pedesaan Pantai Jawa Timur.<br />

Model for predicting evaporation from a row crop with<br />

incomplete cover.<br />

Model for failure and plastic flow in dynamic loading<br />

ofspheres<br />

Model For Decomposition Of Organic Material by<br />

Microorganisms<br />

Model Evaluation for Perennial Grasses in the Southern<br />

United States<br />

Mode of Symbiotic Algae (Zooxanthellae) in Coral<br />

Calcification.<br />

Mode of action of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a<br />

feed additive for Ruminants<br />

Mobilization Of Sulphur In Soybean Cotyledons During<br />

Germination<br />

Mobility and Extracbility of Cadmium, Copper, Nickel and<br />

Zinc in Organic and Mineral Soil Coloums<br />

Mixtures of tetraether lipids from Thermoplasma<br />

acidophilum with varying degree of cyclizadon show a<br />

kinetic effect for a metastable phase<br />

Mixture of wheat and sago flour as an extender for plywood<br />

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Mixing cropping inoil palm cultivation Sparnaay LD J.W. Afr Ins Oil Palm Res. 2.244 p<br />

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Mitogen induced proliferative responses of lymphocytes<br />

from spot (Leiostomus xanthurus) exposed to polycyclic<br />

aromatic hydiocarbon contaminatcd environment<br />

Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology 13: 311-327,<br />

Mitochondrial DNA Sequence Analysis in Genus<br />

ofPhalanger (unpubhsh).<br />

Faisal, M. Immunopharmacology and<br />

Immunotoxicology 13: 311-327,<br />

Farida, W.R. Mitochondrial DNA Sequence Analysis<br />

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Mitochondrial DNA Sequences of Primates : Tempo and<br />

Mode of Evolution.<br />

Brown, W.M. J. Mol. Evol. 18 : 225 - 239.<br />

Minyak Kelapa dengan Ragl Yuyu Rochani, S. S Majalah Teknologi Tarik. Vol.II. No.3.<br />

Minyak Jarak Memiliki Potensi sebagai Bahan Dasar<br />

Minyak Pelumas<br />

Minyak cengkeh sebagai obat bius untuk ikan beronang<br />

(Siganus guttatus).<br />

La Puppung, P Lembaran Publikasi Lemigas<br />

Burhanuddin, Jurnal Penelitian Budidaya pantai 5(1):<br />

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Minor Constituents of Palm Oil Goh, S.H. JAOCS 62 (2): 237-240.<br />

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Minor Constituents of palm oil Goh SH J AM Oil Chem Soc 62(2):237-240<br />

Minor constituents of palm oil Goh SH JAOCS, 62(2):239-241<br />

Mini-Tn.5 transposon derivates for insertion mutagenesis,<br />

promotor probing and chromosomal insertion of cloned<br />

DNA in Gram-negative eubacteria<br />

de Lorenzo, V. J. Bacterial. 172:6568-6572.<br />

Minimum phosphorus requirement in the nutrition of adult<br />

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direncanakan : kasus di dua perusahaan hutan di<br />

Kalimantan Timur.<br />

Minimal oxygen requirements of aquatic life with emphasis<br />

on Canadian species<br />

Mineralogy of a Holocene chronosequence on Andesitic<br />

beach sediments in Costa Rica.<br />

Mineralization of carbon and Nitrogen from freeze and<br />

ovendried plant material added to soil.<br />

Mineral Nutrition, growth and nutrient cycle of Hevea<br />

brasiliensis<br />

Mineral nutrient acquisition in nonmycorhizal & mycorhizal<br />

plants<br />

Mineral liat dan oksida besi pada tanah Oxic Rhodic<br />

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Mineral and Trace Element-Summary in Assesment Of The<br />

Bioavailability of Micronutrients Proceeding Os An ILSI<br />

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MINEQL : Computer Program For The Calculation Of<br />

Chemical Equilibrium Composition Of Aqueous Systems<br />

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spp.), induces a mimosine-degrading enzymes activity in<br />

some strains of Rhizobium.<br />

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spp.), induces a mimosine-degrading enzyme activity in<br />

some Rhizobium strains.<br />

Mimosine produced by the tree legume Leucaena provides<br />

growth advantages to some Rhizobium strains that utilize it<br />

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Lemak Omega Tiga kedalam Bahan Makanan<br />

Mikroenkapsulasi Campuran Ekstrak Kulit dan Buah Jeruk<br />

Nipis (Citrus aurantifdraswingle) serta Aplikasinya pada<br />

Teh Celup.<br />

Mikrobiologi Dasar dalam Praktek: Teknik Dasar dan<br />

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Migration of minor constituents from food packaging<br />

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Migration of Laphygma exigua Hubner (<br />

Lepidoptera:Noctuidae) to the British Isles in relation to<br />

large-scale weather system<br />

Microspore culture of P. ryegrass. The influence of<br />

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Microorganisms and soil aggregation : I origin and nature of<br />

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Microorganisms and soil aggregation : I origin and nature of<br />

some of the aggregating substances<br />

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Microorgaism and Soil Aggregate Stability Lynch. J.M Advances In Soil Sciences<br />

Micronutrients, soil, and climatic conditions often determine<br />

micronutrient deficiencies<br />

Bowen, J.E. World Farming<br />

Microencapsulation Properties of Gum Arab and Several<br />

Proteins: Spray Dryed Orange Oil Emulsion Particles<br />

Kim, Y.D. Joumal Agriculture Chemistry<br />

Microencapsulation of Squid Oil with Hydrophilic<br />

Macromolecul for Oxidative and Thermal Stabilization<br />

Lin, C.C. Journal of Food Science.<br />

Microbiological Production of L-Lysine Zaki, D. Nutrition Report International, 26: 537-<br />

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Microbiological problem in the inoculation and nodulation of<br />

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Microbiological media. Atlas, R.M. In L.C. Parks (Ed.). CRC Press, Inc.,<br />

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Microbiological evaluation of Acacia angustissima as a<br />

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Microbiological Control of Plant Pathogens. Henis, Y. Applied Microbiology 19: 85-111.<br />

Microbiological and chemical changes of surimi-based<br />

imitation crab during storage<br />

Yoon, I. H. J. Food Sci.<br />

Microbiological and biochemical changesduring the<br />

compositing of oil palm empt fruit bunch; Effect of nitrogen<br />

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Thambirajah JJ Bioscience Technology 52:133-144<br />

Microbiological agencies in the degradation of steroids. I.<br />

The cholesterol-decomposing organisms of soils<br />

Microbial protein synthesis with low quality roughage rations<br />

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Turfitt, G.E J. Bacteriol<br />

Kropp, J.R., J. Anim. Sci<br />

Microbial Productivity in Soil Gray.T.R.G Symp.Soc.Gen.Microbiol<br />

Microbial production, structure elucidation and<br />

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Microbial lipopolysaccarides Clouthier L Biosurfactant. Surfactant Science<br />

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Microbial lipids in an intertidal sediment. I. Fatty acids and<br />

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Mi-crobial growth on peptones from fish industrial wastes. Vecht-Lifshitz, Lett. Appl. Microbiol. 10: 183-186.<br />

Microbial flora on pond reared tilapia held in ice Acuff, G. AL. J. Food Prot. 47: 778 - 780.<br />

Microbial Fermentation of Cocoa Beans, with Emphasis on<br />

Enzymatic Degradation of The Pulp<br />

Schwan, R.F., J. of Appl. Bacteriology Symp.<br />

Suplement<br />

Microbial examination of mature coconut fruit Fernandez, W.L. Phil.Agric<br />

Microbial degradation ofsterols Marsheck, W.J Appl. Microbiol<br />

Microbial Degradation of Geogenic Organic-C and N in<br />

Mine Soils<br />

Waschkies, C. Plant and Soil<br />

Microbial degradation and utilization of cassava peel Oftiya, C.O.. J. microbiology and Biotechnology<br />

Microbial Decolorization of Molases Waste water By<br />

Mycelia Sterilia D.90<br />

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Microbial control of the potato tuber worm, Phthorimaea Hayder, M.F. Bull. Entomol. Soc. Egyp. Econ. Ser.<br />

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Microbial Biotechnology for Suitable Aquaculture. Moriarty, D.J.W INFOFISH International 4(96): 23-28.<br />

Microbial biosurfactant Gerson DF Process Biochemisry (July):20-22and<br />

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Microbial Biomass in Soil Measurement and Turn Over Jenkinson.D.S Soil Biochemistry Vol. 5<br />

Microbial Biomass In Relation to C and N Mineralization<br />

During Laboratory Incubation<br />

Robertson.K. Soil.Biol.Biochem<br />

Microbial Biomass and Mineralizable Nitrogen Distribution<br />

in No-Tillage and Plowed Soils<br />

Doran. J.W Biol. Fert. Soils<br />

Microbial Attachment and Feed Digestion in The Rumen. McAllister, T. A. J. Anim. Sci<br />

Microbial and Faunal Interactions and Effect on Litter<br />

Nitrogen and Decomposition in Agroecosystems<br />

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Microbial amylolitic enzymes. Critic. Vihinen, M. Rev. Biochem. Mol. Biol. 24 (4): 329-<br />

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Microbial Activity in Relation to Soil Humus acid Formation Martin. J.P Soil. Sci<br />

Microbia! enzymes and bioconversions. Rose, A.H. Econ. Microbiol. Vol. 5. Academic<br />

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Microbes preservation. Yusiati, L. M. Bulletin of animal science. Special<br />

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Harmer SL Plant Cell 12:613-615.<br />

Microaggregate in Soil Edawards. A.P Journal of Soil Science<br />

Micro propagation on ginger Inden, H. Acta Hort. 230(6): 177-184.<br />

Micellar properties of quillaja saponin-1-. Effects of<br />

temperature, salt and pH on solution properties<br />

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Metodology for identtfiying wide stability in crops Nor KM Agron j 71:556-559<br />

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Mechanism of biocontrol in soil suppresive to Rhizocionia<br />

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Mechanism Controling Soil Respiration (CO2 and CH4) In<br />

Southren Peatlands<br />

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DNA transfeetion into plant protoplast.<br />

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Measurement Of Fish Target Strength and Associated<br />

Directivity At High Frecquencies<br />

Measurement of fed intake by grazing cattle and sheep. X.<br />

Determination of nitrogen in faeces and feeds using an<br />

autoanalyzer. N. Z. J.<br />

Dahl.. P.H J, Acoust. Soc. Am<br />

Clare, N. J. Agric. Res.<br />

Measurement of diversity Simpson, E. H Nature<br />

Measurement of Digestibility of Alfalfa Protein Concentrate<br />

by tn-vivo and In-vitro Methods<br />

Saunders, R. M Journal Nutrition<br />

Measurement of Digestibility of Alfalfa Protein Concentrate<br />

by In-vivo and In-vitro Methods<br />

Saunders, R. M Journal Nutrition<br />

Mean Squared Error of Yield Prediction by SOYGRO Colson, J Agron. J<br />

Mean light intensity - A useful concept in correlating<br />

growth rates of dense culture of microalgae.<br />

Rabe, A.E. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 4: 377-390.<br />

Mean and variance of the number of samples showing<br />

herozygote excess or deficiency<br />

mduksi kalus dan regenerasi kultur antera padi (Oryw<br />

saliva L.)<br />

Majumder, P.P Heredity<br />

Dewi IS Risalah Hasil Penel. Tan. Pangan<br />

2:136-143.<br />

Maximizing the Simulation Output: A Competition Kleijinen, J.P.C Int. J. of Simulation<br />

Maximizing fertilizer efficiency by overcoming constrains to<br />

crop growth<br />

Cooke, G.W J. Plant Nutr.<br />

Maxillectomy Does Not Disrupt Self-Selection by Larvae of<br />

Manduca sexta (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)<br />

Maturity and spawning of shortfin scad (Decapterus<br />

macrosoma, Carangidae) of the Java Sea.<br />

Maturity and spawning of shortfin scad (Decapterus<br />

macrosoma, Carangidae) of the Java Sea.<br />

Maturation-related changes in bovine oocytes under<br />

different culture conditions<br />

Maturation related changes in bovine oocytes under<br />

different culture conditions<br />

Maturation ralated changes in bovine oocytes under<br />

different culture conditions<br />

Maturation of bovine oocytes cultured in vitro: Reiation to<br />

ovarian activity, follicular size and the presence of absence<br />

of cumulus cells<br />

Maturation in vitro and subsequent penetrability of bovine<br />

follicular oocytes<br />

Maturation and spawning of the pink shrimp. Penaeus<br />

duorarum Burkenroad.<br />

Mating System of Racosperma Auriculiforme in a Seed<br />

Production Area in Zaire<br />

Ahmad, I. Ann. Entomol. Soc, Am, 86 (4). 458-<br />

463<br />

Widodo, J. Asian Fish. Sci. 4 : 245-252.<br />

———— Asian Fish. Sci. 4:245-252<br />

Shamsuddin M J Anim Reproduction Sci. 31: 49-58<br />

Shamsuddin, M J. Anim. Repro duction Sci<br />

Samduddin, N., J. Anim. Reprod. Sci<br />

Fukui, Y J. Biol, of Reprod22<br />

Shea, B. F. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Cummings, W.C., Trans. Amerc. Fish. Soc<br />

Khasa.P.D Canadian Journal Of Botany<br />

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Mating behaviour and larval development of Pseudobagrus<br />

ichikawai (Siluriformes: Bagridae). Japan<br />

Watanabe, K. J. IchthyoL,41: 243-251.<br />

Mating Behavior in Rhagoletis pomonella. IV. Courtship Prokopy, R.J. Can. Entomol. 105 : 873-891.<br />

Mating Behavior in Rhagoletis pomonella • I. Site of<br />

Assembly<br />

Prokopy, R.J. Can. Entomol. 103 : 1405-1409.<br />

Mathematical Simulation of Mass and Heat Transfer in<br />

High Moisture Foods<br />

Husai. A Trans. Of Am. Soc. Of Agric. Eng<br />

Mathematical Simulation of Corn Drying-New Model. Thompson. T.L Trans. Of Am. Soc. Of Agric. Eng<br />

Mathematical models for optimization of flexible film<br />

packaging of foods for storage<br />

Labuza, T.P. Trans, of ASAE<br />

Maternal serum progesterone concentration during<br />

pregnancy and lamb birth weight at parturition in javanese<br />

thin-tail ewes with different litter sizes<br />

Manalu, W. Small Ruminant Res.<br />

Maternal serum progesterone concentration during<br />

pregnancy and lamb birth weight at parturition in javanese<br />

thin-tail ewes with different litter sizes<br />

Maternal Serum Progesterone Concentration During<br />

Pregnancy and Lamb Birth Weight at Parturition in<br />

Javanese Thin-tail Ewes Carrying Different Fetal Numbers.<br />

Maternal serum progesterone concentration during<br />

gestation and mammary gland growth and development at<br />

parturition in javanese thin-tail ewes carrying a single or<br />

multiple fetuses<br />

Maternal serum progesterone concentration during<br />

gestation and mammary gland growth and development at<br />

parturition in javanese thin-tail ewes carrying a single or<br />

multiple fetuses<br />

Maternal serum concentrations of total thriiodothyronine,<br />

tetraiodothyronine and cortisol in different status of<br />

pregnancy during late pregnancy in Ettawah-cross does.<br />

Asian-australasian<br />

Maternal serum concentration of total thriiodothyronine,<br />

tetraiodothyronine and cortisol in different status of<br />

pregnancy during late pregnancy in ettawah-cross does.<br />

Asian-australasian<br />

Manalu, W. Small ruminant Res.<br />

Manalu, W. Small Rumin. Res.<br />

Manalu, W. Small Ruminant Res.<br />

Manalu, W. Small ruminant Res.<br />

Manalu, W. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Manalu, W. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Maternal performance of oxford and suffolk breeds of<br />

sheep and their crosses<br />

Fahmy MH Anim Production 35:327-333<br />

Maternal effects on embryonic and post-embryonic growth<br />

in poultry.<br />

Al-Murrani, W. K. British Poultry Science.<br />

Maternal effect of Hsfl on reproductive success Christians E Nature (London) 407:693-694.<br />

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Maternal determinants of neonatal immune response to<br />

ovalbumin effect of breast-feeding on development of antiovalbumin<br />

antibody in the neonate<br />

Maternal Body Weight and Feed Allowance of Breeders<br />

Affect Performance of Dwarf Breeders and Tibial<br />

Ossification of Their Progeny.<br />

Maternal body weight and feed allowance breeders affect<br />

performance of dwarf broiler breeder and tibial ossification<br />

on their progeny.<br />

Maternal administration of cyclophos-phamide induces<br />

chromosomal abberations and inhibits cell number, histone<br />

synthesis, and DNA synthesis in preimplantation mouse<br />

embryos<br />

Material body weight and feed allowance of breeders affect<br />

performance of dwarf broiler breeders and tibial ossification<br />

on their progeny<br />

Materia Medika Indonesia. Jilid II. Jakarta. Hal. 30-35. Departemen<br />

Kesehatan Rl<br />

Okomoto, Y. Int. Arch. Allergy Appl. Immunol. 89:<br />

83-89.<br />

Tri-Yuwanta, C. Poult. Sci.<br />

Tri-Yuwanta. Poult. Sci.<br />

Kola I Teratog Carcinog Mutagen 6:115-127.<br />

Tri-Yuwanta Poult. Sci<br />

Materia Medika Indonesia. Jilid II.<br />

Jakarta. Hal. 30-35.<br />

Mass spawning of corals on a high latitude coral reefs Babcock, R.C. Coral Reefs. 13: 161-169,<br />

Mass spawning of corals on a high latitude coral reef. Babcock, R.C., Coral Reefs 13: 161-169.<br />

Mass spawning in tropical corals Harrison, P.L. Science Wash. D.C., 223: 1186-1189.<br />

Mass Selection for 45 Day Body Weight in Japanese Quail:<br />

Selection Response, Carcass Composition, Cooking<br />

Properties and Sensory Characteristics<br />

Mass propagation of globe artichoke (Cynara<br />

scolymus):evaluation of different hypotheses to overcome<br />

vitrification with special reference to water potential<br />

Mass Production of Axenic spores of the endomycorrhizal<br />

Fungus Gigaspora Margarita<br />

Mass mortality of Penaeus monodon larvae due to<br />

antibiotic-resistant Vibrio harveyi infection.<br />

Mass mortality of kuruma shrimp Penaeus japonicus in<br />

Japan in 1993 : Electron macroscopic evidence of the<br />

causative virus.<br />

Mass mortalities of cultured kuruma shrimp Penaeus<br />

Japonicus in Japan in 1993: Epizootiological survey and<br />

infection trials.<br />

Mass mortalities in silver carp Hypophthal-michthys<br />

molotrix (Valencieenes) associated with bacterial infection<br />

following handling<br />

Caron, N. Poult. Sci.<br />

Debergh, P.C. Physiol. Plant 53: 181-187.<br />

Mertz. S.M Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc<br />

Karunasagar, I., Aquac-ulture (128):203-209.<br />

Inouye, K, Fish Pathol., 29: 149-158.<br />

Nakano, H. , Fish Pathol., 29:135-139.<br />

Bejerano, Y Journal of Fish Diseases<br />

Mass culture of Giant clams (F. Tridacnidae) Heslinga,G.A. Aquaculture 39: 197-215<br />

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Mass bleaching of corals on the Great Barrier Reef Baird AH Coral Reefs 17:376.<br />

Mass culture of microalgae in aquaculture systems:<br />

Progress and constraints.<br />

De Pauw, N., Hydrobiologia 116/117: 121-134.<br />

Maskulinisasi pada ikan gapi (Poecilia reticulata Peters) Artfah, H. Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Perairan dan<br />

dengan metode perendaman 17 b-metiltestosteron pada<br />

ikan betina hamil dan pengujian keturunannya.<br />

Perikanan Indonesia (In Press)<br />

Mascu-linization of chinook salmon Onchorhynchus<br />

tshawytscha) by immersion treatments using 17amethyltestosterone<br />

around the time of hacthing.<br />

Baker, I.J., Aquaculture 72: 359-367.<br />

Masalah Susut Akibat Serangan Hama Pascapanen. Pranata, R.I., Masalah Susut Akibat Serangan Hama<br />

Pascapanen.<br />

Masalah logam berat pada tanaman kelapa sawit Sutarta ES<br />

Masalah Kritis dalam Pengolahan Gula Kaitannya dengan<br />

Kualitas Bahan Baku<br />

Martoyo, T Gula Indonesia, Vol. XXV/1: 10-15<br />

Masalah dan prospek PIRBUN, P Soetrisno L RISMA XVIII(4): 65-72<br />

Masalah dan Prospek Pengendalian Gulma Secara<br />

Kimia Pada Tanaman Padi Sawah di Masa Depan<br />

Bangun, P<br />

Masalah dan prosepk PIRBUN Soetrisno, L. PRISMA XVIII(4):65-72<br />

Masalah Amonia di Kandang Ayam Tangendjaja, B Majalah Poultry Indonesia<br />

Marmoset Phylogenetics, Conservations Prespectives and<br />

Evolution of the mtDNA Control Region<br />

Tagliaro, C.H. Mol. Biol. Evol. 14(6): 674-684.<br />

Market Integration : an Application To International Trade in<br />

Cotton<br />

Market Integration , Efficiency of Arbitrage and Imperfect<br />

Competition : Methodology to US Celery<br />

Monke. E American Journal of Agricultural<br />

Economics<br />

Sexton. R.J American Journal of Agricultural<br />

Economics<br />

Market acceptance of palm oil ; the nutritional angle Sundram k Palm Oil Development 21: 2830<br />

Marker-based mapping of quantitative trait loci using<br />

replicated progenies<br />

Soller M Theor Appl Genet 80:205-208<br />

Marine Products in Japan Tanikawa, E. Kosiesha-Koseikaku Co., Tokyo.<br />

Marine oils as source of omega-3 fatty acids in the diet : Uauy R.D Prog. In Food and Nutr. Sci, 16: 199how<br />

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Marine oil and their effects Drevon, C.A Nutr. Rev<br />

Marine Health Hazard and anthropogenic and nature origin.<br />

Annex X. Technical annexe to the report on the state of<br />

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Magos, L. UNEP. Pp 447-507.<br />

Marine bottom commuities. Jones, N.S. Biol. Rev., 25:283-313.<br />

Marine benthic diversity: a comparative study. Sanders, H.L. American Naturalist, 102: 243-383.<br />

Marine Algal Toxins:Biochemistry, Genetics, and Molecular<br />

Biology<br />

Plumley, F.G. Limnol Oceanogr. 42(5, part 2):1252-<br />

1264.<br />

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Marine Algal Toxins:Biochemistry, Genetics, and Molecular<br />

Biology<br />

Marine (n-3) poly-unsaturated fatty acids. In: Developments<br />

in Oils and Fats. Hamilton, R.J. (ed).<br />

Maranta arundinaceae L. Dalam Plants Yielding Non-seed<br />

Carbohydrates<br />

Mapping quantitative trait loei for root traits related to<br />

drought resistance in rice (Oryza sativa L.) using AFLP<br />

markers.<br />

Mapping quantitative trait loei associated with root<br />

penetration ability in riee (Oryza sativa L.).<br />

Mapping quantitative trait loci crosses between outbred<br />

lines using least squares.<br />

Mapping of digested and undigested random amplified<br />

microsatellite polymorphism in barley<br />

Mapping in woody plants with RAPD markers: Application<br />

to breeding in forestry and horticulture, him. 37-40<br />

Mapping and characterizing of two antibiotic<br />

supersupceptibility in Pseudomonas aeroginosa<br />

MAPMAKER: an interactive computer package for<br />

constructing primary genetic linkage maps of experimental<br />

and natural populations<br />

Mapmaker : an interactive computer package for<br />

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natural populations<br />

MAPMAKER : An interactive computer package for<br />

constructing primary genetic linkage maps of experimental<br />

and natural populations<br />

Plumley, F.G. Limnol. Oceanogr. 42 (5, part 2): 1252-<br />

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Ali, M.L. Ph.D. Dissertation. Texas Tech<br />

University, Lubbock, Texas. p. 33.<br />

Ray. J.D.. Theor. Appl. Genet. 92: 627-636.<br />

Haley CS Genetics 136:1195-1207<br />

Becker J Genome 38 : 991-998<br />

Grattapaglia, D. Application of RAPD Technology to<br />

Plant Breeding. Joint Plant Breeding<br />

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Manual on Tagging of Marine Animals. Hayase, S., Special Pub. No. 10.<br />

Manual of the production and use of live food for<br />

aquaculture<br />

Manual of Methods For Fisheries Resources Survey and<br />

Appraisal.<br />

Manual of methods for fish stock assessment. Part 2:<br />

Tables and yield functions.<br />

Pr. Lavens P FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No.<br />

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Manipulution of egg yolk cholesterol: A physiologist's view Griffin, H.D World's Poultry Science Journal<br />

Manipulation of the n-3 polyunsturatcd fatty acid<br />

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Manipulation of the n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid<br />

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Leskanich, C.O World's Poultry Sci. Journal<br />

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Manipulation of the n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid<br />

composition of avian eggs and meat<br />

Manipulation of ruminal fermentation. Effect of alternating<br />

ruminal pH on volatile fatty acid production.<br />

Manipulation of Rumen Fermentation in Sheep by<br />

Increasing the Rate of Outflow of Water From the Rumen<br />

Leskanich, C.O. World's Poultry Science Journal<br />

Esdale, W. T. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Harrison, D.G J. Agric. Sci. Camb.<br />

Manipulation of amino acid supply to the growing ruminant Merchen, N.M.R J. Anim. Sci<br />

Manipulating The Mouse Embryo Hogan B Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory,USA<br />

Manipulating the fatty acid composition of poultry meat and<br />

eggs for the health conscious consumer<br />

Hargis, P. S. World's poultry science journal<br />

Manipulating the fatty acid composition of Poultry meat and<br />

eggs for the health conscious consumer<br />

Hargis, P.S. World. Poult. Sci. 49: 251-264.<br />

Manipulating the fatty acid composition of poultry meat and<br />

eggs for the health conscious consumer<br />

Hargis, P.S. World's Poultry Science Journal<br />

Manipulasi lingkungan dalam pemijahan induk kakap putih<br />

fLates calcariferBlochJ asal tambak.<br />

Yasa, M.S., Media Budi Daya Air Payau 1:21-28.<br />

Mangrove Di Indonesia Suharjo Duta Rimba<br />

Mangrove as a habitat for fish and prawns Sasekumar, A. Hydrobiologia. 247:195-207.<br />

Mangement and utilization of oil palm by products Singh G The Planters 71 (833):361-386<br />

Manganese superoxide dismutase can reduce cellular<br />

damage mediated by oxygen radicals in transgenic plants<br />

Bowler C EMBOJ. 10: 1723-32.<br />

Manfaat mikroba starter (probiotik starbio) pada pakan<br />

ternak ruminansia dan unggas.<br />

Manfaat EKonomi Dan Sosial Penyadapan Getah Bagi<br />

Perusahaan Kehutanan Negara<br />

Manfaat ekonomi dan sosial pcnyadapan getah pinus bagi<br />

perusahaan negara<br />

Manajemen produksi planlet kelapa sawit (Elais guineensis<br />

Jacq)<br />

Balitnak buletin warta penelitian dan<br />

pengembangan pertanian.<br />

Departemen pertanian R. I. Bogor. Vo.<br />

XVII No. 4/1995<br />

Soedjono, S Duta Rimba<br />

Soedjono, S. Duta Rimba 149 -150: 2-7<br />

Gale G Berita Puslit Kelapa Sawit Vol 2 No 1<br />

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Manajemen produksi kelapa sawit (Elais guineensis Jacq) Ginting G Berita PPKS Vol 2 no 1<br />

Manajemen dan pemasaran ikan nila produksi<br />

budidayajaring apung di Rawa Pening, Jawa Tengah.<br />

Sadili Mursidin,<br />

Managing Microflora of Harvested Fruits And Vegetables<br />

To Enhancement Resistance<br />

Wilson. C.L Phytophatol<br />

Managing breeder seed production Laverack, G.K. Asian Seed. 2(3): 14-15.<br />

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Management of ultisols and oxisols Blue, W. G. Soil Crop Sci. Soc. Florida, Proc. 33:<br />

126-132.<br />

Management of tomato mosaic virus in hydroponically<br />

grown pepper (Capsicum annuum)<br />

Pategas, K.G. Plant. Dis. 73:570-583.<br />

Management of tidal swamp land for food crops: Southern<br />

Kalimantan Experiences<br />

Noorsyamsi H IARD Journal 11 (1&2) : 18-24<br />

Management of phosporus, potassium, & Magnesium in<br />

mature oil palm<br />

rankine I Better Crop Int. 13(1), 10-15<br />

Management of Heliothis spp. In Cotton by Augmentative<br />

Releases of Trichogramma pretiosum Ril<br />

King E.G. J. Appl. Ent. 101: 2-10.<br />

Management of closed barackish water system for high<br />

density fish culture by biological an chemical water<br />

treatment<br />

Otte, G. Aquacult. 18:169-177.<br />

Management of cabbage insect pest in Indonesia. Sudarwohadi, S. Sym.on pest ecology and pest<br />

management. Bogor.<br />

Management Of Ambient Air Drying Systems Morey. R.V Trans. Of Am. Soc. Of Agric. Eng<br />

Management consideration for acid soils In The Role of<br />

Phosporous in Agriculture<br />

Sanchez, P. A. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Madison,<br />

Wisconsin. p. 471-509.<br />

Management and utilisation of oil palm by-products Singh G The Planter 71 (833) :361-386<br />

Management and Coast Implication in Recirculation Water<br />

System<br />

Muir, I.F. Bioengineering Symposium Fish<br />

Culture. FCS Publication. (l): 116-127.<br />

Mammary growth pattern in goats during pregnancy and<br />

lactation<br />

Anderson, R. R. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Mammary gland growth in sheep Anderson, R. R. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Mammary gland differential growth during pregnancy in<br />

superovulated javanese thin-tail ewes<br />

Manalu, W. Small ruminant Res.<br />

Mammary blood flow and regulation of substrate supply for<br />

milk synthesis<br />

Davis, S. R. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Mammary aminoacid utilization in dairy cows Ted Tat and<br />

its relationship to milk protein depression<br />

Baldwin J. Dairy Sci. 76:762-774,<br />

Malnutrition : A Neglected Cause Of Learning Failure Galler. R.J Journal Of Postgraduate Medicine<br />

Male and female phases in the inflorescence of the coconut Sangare, A. Oleagineux. 30:609-617.<br />

Male accessory secretion promote the ability of sperm to<br />

fertilize eggs in vivo in mice<br />

Suzuki H J Reprod Dev 40:177-182.<br />

Male "pill" Blocks Sperm Enzyme Maugh. T.H. Science. 212:314.<br />

Malate efflux from root apices: evidence for a general<br />

mechanism of aluminium tolerance in wheat<br />

Ryan P.R. Aust. J. Plant Physiol. 12:53}-536.<br />

Malate efflux from root apices and tolerance to aluminum<br />

are highly correlated in wheat<br />

Ryan PR Aust J Plant Physiol 22:531r536.<br />

Making more of milk sugar by engineering lactid acid<br />

bacteria<br />

de Vos, W. M. Int. Dairy, J.<br />

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Making Brine Shrimp a Big Business. O'Sullivan, David. Austasia Aquaculture: (6) 3: 19-34.<br />

Makanan Ikan Mujinan, A.<br />

Majalah Sinar No. 01 Tahun 5.20 September 1997. Budiman, A. Majalah Sinar No. 01 Tahun 5.20<br />

September 1997.<br />

Majalah Poultry Indonesia Ahmad, R. Z Majalah Poultry Indonesia<br />

Maize weed competition and soil erosian in unweeded<br />

maize<br />

Weil, R.R Trop. Agric<br />

Maize root distribution between phosphorus fertilized and<br />

unfertilized soil.<br />

Zhang, J Soil Sci.Soc. Am.J<br />

Maize root distribution between phosphorus fertilized and<br />

unfertilized soil<br />

Zhang, J Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Maintenance of bovine oocytes in prophase of meiosis by<br />

high camp<br />

Aktas, M J. Reprod, fert<br />

Maintenance of bovine oocyte in proohase of meiosis l by<br />

high (cAMP).<br />

Aktas, M J. Reprod. Fert<br />

Maillard browning effects on invitro availability of zinc Whitelaw M.L Journal of Food Science<br />

Magic ingredients Bomio, M. Food Techn., 48. (10): 37.<br />

Macroscopic identification and steroidogenic function of<br />

atretic follicles in sheep. B.T Donovan Ed.<br />

Moor, RM Journal Endocrinology. 77:309-318.<br />

Macrophage-Lymphocytes Interaction. Antigen Mediated<br />

Physical Interactions Between Immune Guinea Pig<br />

Lympnode Lymphocytes and Syngenic Macrophages<br />

Lipsky, P.E. J. Exp. Med., 141: 138-154.<br />

Macronutrients have different meta-bolic effects in<br />

nondiabetics and diabetics<br />

Simpson R.W Am. J. Clin. Nutr<br />

Macrofaunal status & restoration strategy in degraded soil<br />

under intensive tea cultivation in India<br />

Senapati BK Applied Soil Ecology 6(1997) : 17-35<br />

Macrofag production of TGF-b and regulation by TGF-b Wahl, S.M. Ann NY. Acad. Sci., 593: 188-207.<br />

Macrofag production of TGF-b and regulation by TGF-b Wahl, S.M. Ann. NY. Acad. Sci. 593: 188-207.<br />

Macaroni Suplement With Lupin and Defatted Soybean<br />

Flours<br />

Macaranga Thou. Dalam Airy. Shaw.H.K (1975) The<br />

Euphorbiaceae of Borneo<br />

M13 phage DNA as universal for DNA fingerprinting of<br />

animals, plant and microorganism<br />

Lysosomal Enzyme Distribution in Electrically Stimulated<br />

Ovine Muscles - A Research Note.<br />

Lysosomal Enzyme Distribution in Electrically Stimulated<br />

Ovine Muscles - A Research Note.<br />

Morand J. Food Sci 48 : 1237-1242.<br />

Withmore.T.C Kew Bulletin Additional Series IV.<br />

London<br />

Ryskov AP FE Bs letters, 233:388-392<br />

Dutson, T. R. J. Food. Sci.<br />

Fabiansson, S. J. Food. Sci.<br />

Lysine availability in flash-dried blood meals for swine Parsons, M. J. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Luteotropic control of the corpus luteum Baird, D.T. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 28: 95-102.<br />

Lurah dan <strong>program</strong> pembangunan, Zacharias, J.D. Cakrawala No. 4 Th. VII<br />

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Lunar periodicity in larva release in the reef coral<br />

Pocillopora damicornis at Enewetok. And Hawaii<br />

Lunar control of epitokal swarming in the polychaetes<br />

platinereis bicanalicutala (Baird) from central California<br />

Luminous and nonluminous Vibrio harveyi associated with<br />

shell diseases in cultured Penaeus indicus<br />

Luas relung dan kompetisi pakan komunitas ikan di Waduk<br />

Bening, Jawa Timur.<br />

lsozyme banding patterns and their usefulness as genetic<br />

markers in peach.<br />

Lowering of serum cholesterol by intestinal bacteria in<br />

cholesterol-fed piglets<br />

Low Survival of Rhizobium japonicum Inoculant Leads to<br />

Reduced Nodulation, Nitrogen Fixation and Yield of<br />

Soybean in the Current Crop but Not in The Subsequent<br />

Crop<br />

Low survival of Rhizobium japonicum inoculans leads to<br />

reduced nodulation, nitrogen faixation and yield soybean in<br />

current crops but not in the subsequent crops<br />

Low survival of Rhizobium japonicum inoculans leads to<br />

reduced nodulation, nitrogen faixation and yield soybean in<br />

current crops but not in the subsequent crops<br />

Richmond, R,H. Bull. Mar. Sci., 34: 280-267.<br />

Fong, P.P Bulletin of Marine Science<br />

Abraham, T.J., J. Aqua. Trop. (10):273-276.<br />

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Durham, R.E., J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 112 (6): 1013-<br />

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Brockwell. J Aust J. Agric. (38)<br />

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Low Molecular Weight Phenols in Higher Plants Pridham, J. B. Ann. Rev. Plant Physiol<br />

Low molecular weight lignin hydrolisis product Lundquist K Applied polymer symposium no 28<br />

Low fat level effects on sensory, shear, cooking and<br />

chemical properties of ground beef patties<br />

Berry, B. W. J. Food Sci.<br />

Low dietary fiber and high protein intakes associated with<br />

newly diagnosed diabetes in a remote Aboriginal<br />

community<br />

Wolever, T.M.S. Am. J. Cilin Nutr., 66 : 1470-1474.<br />

Low cost larval rearing medium for mass production of<br />

oriental and mediterranean fruit flies<br />

Tanaka, N.<br />

Low Cost Extrusion Cooking Harper Food Review International. Teranishi,<br />

R. (ed.) Production Processing<br />

Acceptance Nutrition and Health, Vol.<br />

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Low molecular weight organic acids released from roots<br />

of durum wheat and flax into sterile nutrient solutions.<br />

Cieslinski, G., J. Plant Nutr. 20: 753-764.<br />

Low molecular weight dicarboxylic acid Szmigielska, A.M., J. Agric. Food Chem. 44: 1036-1040.<br />

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L'ovogenesis chez Nerophis Iumbriciformis (Pennant,<br />

1776)<br />

Lottoral Penaeidae Crustacea Decapoda trom Northern<br />

Aus-tralia, New Guinea and a-djacent waters. Verband, der<br />

Konik<br />

Lahaye, J. Le Cycle Sexuel. Cah. Biol. Mar. 12:<br />

239 - 254.<br />

Racek, A. A Natuurkunde Twee-de Roeks-Deel L<br />

VI, No. 3: 119<br />

Losses caused by plant disease in the colonies. Podwick, G. W. Phytopathological paper no. 1<br />

Commonwealth Mycological institute,<br />

Kew, England<br />

Losses caused by insects and mites in stored foods and<br />

feeding stuffs<br />

Loss of effectiveness and infectivity in mutants of<br />

Rhizobium resistant to metabolic inhibitors<br />

Long-term Toxicity of Zinc to Bacteria and Algae in<br />

Periphyton Communities from The River Gota Alv, Based<br />

on a Microcosm Study<br />

Long-term in vitro storage of lily: effects of temperature and<br />

concentration of nutrients and sucrose<br />

Longterm in vitro maintenance of oil palm (Elais guineensis<br />

Jacq) clones through axenic root cultures<br />

Long-term freeze-preservation of protoplasts of carrot and<br />

Marchantia.<br />

Long-term effects of fenoxycarb upon reproductive activity<br />

and fecundity in adult female Periplaneta americana<br />

Howe, R.W Nutr. Abstr. Rev<br />

Schwinghamer, E.A. Can. J. Microbiol. 14: 355-367.<br />

Paulsson, M. Aquatic Toxicol. 47 (3-4):243-257.<br />

Bonnier, F.J.M Plant cell. Tissue and Organ Culture<br />

Rohani O ELAIS Vol 7 No. 1 pp1-9<br />

Takeuchi, M., Cryo-Letters 1: 519-524.<br />

Ratna, E.S. J. Insect Physiol. 39: 499-502.<br />

Long-Term Changes in Soil Carbon and Nitrogent Pools in<br />

Wheat Management Systems<br />

Franzluebbers. A Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J.<br />

Longevity and fecundity of Liriomyza trifolii exposed to<br />

tomato foliage and honeydew in the laboratory<br />

Zoebisch, T.G. Environ. Entomol.<br />

Longenvity Reproduction and Ja-panese Quail Maintened<br />

Under Sti-mulatory Lighting<br />

Woordard, A.E Poultry Sci<br />

Long-chain polyprenols in gymnosperm plants Swiezewska, E. Ada Biochim. Polon. 35:131-147.<br />

Long chain polyprenol of tropical and subtropical plants Sasak, W. Ada Biochim. Polon. 20:343-350.<br />

Lokakarya internasional efisiensi sistem produksi padi Puslitbangtan Berita puslitbangtan No. 14 Maret<br />

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Logistic Regression for two-stage case control data. Breslow, N.E. Biometrics, 75, 11-20.<br />

Logistic Regression for stratified case control studies. Breslow, N.E. Biometrics, 44: 891-899.<br />

Logam Berat dalam Pertanian. Notohadiprowiro, T. Jurnal Manusia dan Lingkungan.<br />

Pusat Penelitian dan Lingkungan<br />

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Logam berat dalam pertanian Notohadiprawiro, T. Jurnal manusia dan lingkungan<br />

Locust Suvey In Oman 11 January to 3 March 1968 Popov.G Occasional Report No. 13<br />

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Locust Damage On Sugarcane Gordon.A II. Sug.News<br />

Location ofcolonic fermentation events: Inportance<br />

ofcombining resistant starch with dietary fibre<br />

Muir, J G Asia Pacific J Clin Nutr<br />

Location of a gene regulating drought-induced abscisic acid<br />

production on ling arm of chromosome 5A of wheat<br />

Quarrie, S.A. Theor. Appl. Gen. 89: 794-800.<br />

Localization of Myrosinase (Thyoglucoside Glucohydrolase,<br />

EC 3.S.3.1) in Cotyledon Cells of Rapeseed<br />

Maheswari. P.M. .J. Food Biochem 5:39-61<br />

Localization of aluminium in tea leaves Matsumoto H. Plant Cell Physiol. 17:627-631.<br />

Local versus systemic effect of estradiol- 17B on ovarian<br />

follicular in heifers with progestogene with implants.<br />

Bo, G. A. Anim. Repro. Sci.<br />

Local Govemment and Development Administration: The<br />

Case of Rural South Korea. Planning and Administration<br />

Boyer, William W. Asia and Pacific Special, IULA.<br />

llcalth benefit of rice in human nutrition Slavin. J L Cereal Foods World 37(10): 760.<br />

Living with water stress: evolution of osmolyte system. Yancey, P.H. Science 217:1214-1222<br />

Livestock rearing practice of forest dwellers in India: an<br />

overview<br />

Chander, M. Asian-Aus. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Liver response to diet and estrogen in While Leghorn and<br />

Rhode Island Red chickens<br />

Takahashi, K. Poultry Sci. 64:955-962.<br />

Live fish-handling and transportation. Subasinghe, S. Infofish International, 2:39-43.<br />

Litterfall, Stemflow, and Throughfall Nutriënt Fluxes in an<br />

Alluvial Swamp<br />

Brinson, M., Forest. Ecology<br />

Litter, Permasalahan dan Penanganannya Damdjati, E. Majalah Poultry Indonesia<br />

Litter Placemant Effects on Microbial and Organic Matter<br />

Dynamics in an Ecosystem<br />

Holland.E.A Ecology<br />

Litter decomposition & Measunng Relative Contributions<br />

of Organic matter and nitrogen lo forest soil<br />

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Literature review of Ooencyrtus kuvanae<br />

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List of mutant cultivar Joint FAO/IAEA Mutation breeding newsletter, Vienna<br />

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Liriomyza: hama pendatang baru di Indonesia. Rauf A<br />

Liquid smoke for use in cured meats. Gorbatov, V.M., Food Techol. 25(1):71-77.<br />

Liquid Scintillation Counting Of Carbon-14. Use Of<br />

Ethanolamine - Ethylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether-Toluene<br />

Jeffay. H Analytical Chemistry<br />

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Liquid fermentation technology for experimental production<br />

of biocontrol of fungi.<br />

Liquid chromatographic determination of unbound and<br />

aceton-soluble bound gossypol in cottonseed meals and<br />

mixed feeds<br />

Liquid chromatographic determination of unbound and<br />

acetone-soluble bound gossypol in cottonseed meals and<br />

mixed feeds<br />

Liquid chromatographic determination of unbound and<br />

accton-soluble bound gossypol in cottonseed meals and<br />

mixed feeds<br />

Papavizas, G.C., Phytopathology 74 (10): 1171-1175.<br />

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Liquid chromatographic artifact and peak distortion Khacick F anal Chem 60: 807-811<br />

Lipoprotein, Lipid transport & atherosclerosis Lutony TL Journal of clinical<br />

Lipoprotein levels in monkeys fed a diet containing rice oil Nicolosi, R.J. Circulation 80: 11-86 (abs.)<br />

Lipoprotein atheroschlerosis : some unawared question Steinberg, D Am. Heart J.<br />

Lipolytic activity of yeasts in the ripening of dairy products Carini S. Industri del Latte 11 (3/4): 3-13.<br />

Lipogenesis and body fat in chicks:Effects of calorie-protein<br />

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Donaldson W.E Paultry.Sci<br />

Lipids Chee, K M Lipids<br />

Lipid-lipase interactions. 2. A new method for the assay of<br />

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Lipid-Based Fat Substitutes Akoh,C.C Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr<br />

Lipid W3 Requirement of Sparus Aurasa larvae during<br />

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Lipid Storage and transfer in the scallop Chlamys hericia<br />

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Lipid modification strategies in theproduction ofnutritionally<br />

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Lipid Modification Strategies in the Production of<br />

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Willis, W.M Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr<br />

Lipid metabolism respones in rats fed beef tallow, native or<br />

randomize fizh oil and native or randomized peanut oil<br />

De. Schrijver, R. Lipids 22: 948-955.<br />

Lipid Metabolism of the prawn Penaeus japonicus during<br />

maturation : variation in lipid profiles of the ovary and<br />

hepatopancreas<br />

S. Teshima Comp. Biochem. Physiol<br />

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Lipid composition and metabolism of subcutaneous fat in<br />

sheep divergently selected for carcass lean content.<br />

Cameron, N.D. Anim. Prod.<br />

Lipid components of diatoms. Kates, M. Biochem. Biophys. Acta. 116: 264-<br />

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Lipid Accumulation and cell multiplication in adipose bodies<br />

in white Leghorn and broiler-type chicks<br />

March.B.E Poultry.Sci<br />

Lipid accumulation and cell multiplication in adipose bodies<br />

in white leghorn and broiler-type chickens<br />

March, B. E. Poult Sci.<br />

Lipase-catalyzed triglyceride hydrolysis in organic solvent Bilyk.A JAOCS<br />

Lipase-catalyzed interesterification of oils andfat Macrae,A.R JAOCS<br />

Lipase-catalyzed hydrolysis of palm oil Khor, H.T JAOCS<br />

Lipase-catalyzed esterification of ethylene glycol to mono Chand. S Enzyme Microb. Technol 20(2): 102and<br />

diesters. The effect of process parameters on reaction<br />

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Lipase-catalyzed alcoholysis of triglycerides for the<br />

preparation of 2-monoglycerides.<br />

Lipase-catalysed incorporation of (-3 PUFA into vegetable<br />

oils<br />

Lipase-catalized incorporation of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty<br />

acids into vegetable oils<br />

Lipase spesifities : Potential application in lipid<br />

bioconversions.<br />

Millqvist A Enzyme Microb. Technol 16(12):1042-<br />

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Lipase production of Aspergillus oryzae Ohnishi, K J. Ferment. Bioeng<br />

Lipase preJuction by Geotrichum candidum from<br />

sauerkraut brine<br />

Hang, Y.D World. J. Microb. Biotech<br />

Lipase immobilized on a hydrophobic, microporous support<br />

for the hydrolysis of fats<br />

Brady, C JAOCS<br />

Lipase catalyzed production of biodiesel Nelson LA JAOCS 73 (8) :1191-1195<br />

Lipase catalyzed incorporation of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty Huang KH J Am Oil Chem Soc 71(11) : 1277acids<br />

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Lipase catalyzed esterification reaction experimental &<br />

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Mukesh D J Chem Tech Biotechnol 69 : 179-186<br />

Lipase biocatalyzed in the production of esters Linko YY JAOCS 72(11): 1293-1299<br />

Lipase and phospholipase production by Aspergillus<br />

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Kunimoto, M. Fisheries Science, 62 (4): 594-599.<br />

Linoleic acid as a mediator of egg size March, B.E Poultry Sci<br />

Linkage of RFLP markers to an aluminium tolerance gene<br />

in wheat<br />

Riede, CR Crop Sci 36: 905-909<br />

Linkage of RFLP markers to an aluminium tolerance gene<br />

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Reide C.R. Crop Science 36: 905-909.<br />

Linier Poly-n-Acetyll-Actosamine as Sorting Signals in<br />

Exo/Endocytosis in Trypanosoma brucei<br />

Nolan, D.P. Curr. Biol. 9: 1169-1172.<br />

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Linear Regeneration Sampling. Barnard. R.C. Malaysian Forest. 12 (3) : 129 - 142.<br />

Linear model to estimate the food chip moisture contents in<br />

polypropylene packages (In Indonesian)<br />

Rahardjo, B.,<br />

Linear growth retardation in relation to the three phases of<br />

growth<br />

Karlberg, J Eur.J.Clin.Nutr<br />

Line Transect Method of Estimating Grouse Population<br />

Density<br />

Gates, C.E. Biometrics 24 :135-145.<br />

Line 5 tester analysis in mesta (H. cannabinus L.) Srivastava, S.K. Indian J. Heredity 11: 45-55.<br />

Line 5 tester analysis for combining ability in roselle (H.<br />

sabdariffa L.)<br />

Gupta, D. Phytobreedon 2: 35-41.<br />

Limnology, .Goldman, C.R Limnology,<br />

Limnologi reservat <strong>sumber</strong>daya perikanan lebung<br />

Karangan, Sumatera Selatan.<br />

Sarnita, A<br />

Limno-biologi Danau Tondano, Sulawesi Utara. Krismono<br />

Limits to strach digestion in the ruminant small intestines Owens, F. N. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Limits to starch digestion in the ruminant small intestines Owens, F. N. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Limitation of the genetic variation of hatchery produced<br />

bathes of Giant Clam Tridacna gigas.<br />

Benzie, J.A.H. Aquaculture, 139: 225-241.<br />

Limitation of molecular marker aided selection in forest tree<br />

breesing<br />

Strauss SH Can J For Res 22:1050-1061<br />

Liming of acidity soil grown to mungben and soybean Samonte Phil Agr 68:29-43<br />

Liming of acidity soil grown to mungben and soybean Samonte Phil Agr 68:29-43<br />

Limestone Buffers in complete mixed rations for dairy cattle Wheeler, W. E. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Lime response as related to percent Al saturation, Al<br />

toxicity, and organic matter content<br />

Lime requirement of acidic Queensland soils. II.<br />

Comparison of laboratory methods for predicting lime<br />

requirement<br />

Limboto-Bolango-Bone water resources development<br />

master plan<br />

Evans, E Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc<br />

Aitken RL Aust J Soil Res 28:703-715.<br />

Interim Report (Revision no.l). Proyek<br />

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Limbah Pertanian Padi Abbas S Kantor Mentri Muda Urusan<br />

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Lignin-Polysaccharide Complexes of Plant Cell Wall and<br />

Their Effect on Microbial Degradation in The Rumen.<br />

Chesson, A. Anim. Feed. Sci. and Tech.<br />

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Lignin-derived phenolic compounds in different types of<br />

peat profiles in Hokkaido,Japan<br />

Tsutsuki, K Soil Sci and Plant Nutr<br />

Lignin oxidation products in bottom sediments of Lake<br />

Baikal.<br />

Peresypkin, V.I. VODN Resur No. 2. pp: 124-129.<br />

Lignin oxidation products in bottom sediments of Lake<br />

Baikal.<br />

Peresypkin, V.I. VODN Resur No. 2. pp: 124-129.<br />

Lighting Regimes as an Influence on Maturity and<br />

Productivity of Leghorn-Type Layers<br />

Siegel, H.S Poult. Sci.<br />

Lighting Programs for Growing and Laying Pullet Morris T.R. World's Poult. Sci.<br />

Lighting Intensity for Growing and Laying Pullet. Morris T.R. World's Poult. Sci.<br />

Lighting for Layer : What We Know and We Need to Know Morris T.R. World's Poult. Sci.<br />

Light, temperature, and nitrogen starvation effects on the<br />

total lipid and fatty acid content and composition of<br />

Spirulina platensis UTEX1928.<br />

Tedesco, M.A. J.Appl. Phycol. 1: 201-209,<br />

Light Quality Effects on Plankton Algae. Wallen, D.G., Mar. Biol. 10:34-43.<br />

Light microscopic study on endocrine cells in the<br />

gastrointestinal tract of sheep<br />

Oomory Y Res.Bull.Obihiro.Univ<br />

Light Intensity. Intermitten Lighting and Feeding Regimen<br />

During Rearing As Affecting Egg Quality<br />

Tucker S. A. Brit. Poult. Sci.<br />

Light and electron microscopy of intestinal Ferritine<br />

absorption. Observation in sensitized and Non-sensitized<br />

hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus)<br />

Bockman, D E Anat Rec 155: 603-622.<br />

Lifestyle and food: Mega changes for mega markets Hoogenkamp. H.W. Food techn, 48 (10): 32<br />

Life, Death and The Immune System Nossal, G.J.V. Scientific American. 269 (3): 21-28.<br />

Life history traits and resource allocation in the purple seaurchin<br />

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Russel, M.P. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 108: 199-216.<br />

Life history studies of the sandworm, Nereis Virens sars, in<br />

the sheepscot estuary, Maine<br />

Creaser, E. P Fishery Bulletin<br />

Life cycle, weight and possible ade distribution in a<br />

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Snow, D.R J. Nt. Hist<br />

Life cycle and epidemilogy of verticillium Schnathorst WC ME Mace, AA bell, CH Beckman (eds)<br />

Fungal wilt diseases of plants<br />

Liberation of amino acids by plant roots in relation to<br />

dedication<br />

LH, Progesterone and The Morphological Development of<br />

Normal and Superovulated Corpora Lutea in Sheep.<br />

Katznelson, H Nature<br />

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LH effects on superovulation and fertilization rates Donaldson LE Theriogenology<br />

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Levels o trace metals and effect of body size on metal<br />

content and concentration in Artica islandica L. (Mollusca:<br />

Bivalvia) from Kiel Bay, Western Baltic.<br />

Level of LH, progesteron and estradiol-17B during natural<br />

and PGF2a induced oetrus in Indonesia-Brasil and Brown<br />

Swiss cows in the tropics.<br />

Level of heterozygosity and mode of inheritances of<br />

variable number of tandem repeat loci in Avocado<br />

Leucine Interference in The Production of Water Soluble<br />

Red Monascus Pigments<br />

Leucine interferece in the production of water-soluble red<br />

Monascus pigments<br />

Leucaenapromising Forage and Tree Crop for the Tropics.<br />

Nat.<br />

Leucaena leucocephala nodules formed by surface<br />

polysaccharide defective mutant of Rhizobium sp. TAL1145<br />

are delayed in bacteroid development and nitrogen fixation.<br />

Lethal toxicity of 24 insecticides formulations commonly<br />

used for rice pest control in irrigated ricefield to two<br />

Indonesian freshwater fish species Cyprinus carpio and<br />

Puntius gonionotus<br />

Lethal and sublethal effects of ammonia to penaeus<br />

penicillatus juveniles.<br />

Lethal action of the light color gene in carp (Cyprinua<br />

carpio L.).<br />

Swaileh, K.M. Marine Pollution Buletin Vol. 28, No. 8:<br />

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Jimenez, F.C. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Mhameed, S. J. Amer. Sue. Hort. Sci. 121:778-782.<br />

Lin, T.F. Arch. Microbiol. 162: 114-119.<br />

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Parveen, N., Mol. Plant Microb. Interact. 9: 364-372.<br />

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Letcur, the Iethality curve <strong>program</strong>. Zitko, V. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. Can.,<br />

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Lesions resulting from attemted Schwartzman reaction in<br />

turkey poults inoculated with pasteurella multocida<br />

lipopolysaccharide<br />

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Les tests de toxicite aigue en millieu aquatique:<br />

methodologie, standardisation, intepretation, limites<br />

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Amiard-Triquet, C., Oceanis, 9 (6): 450-514.<br />

Les peuplement de vers de tetre dans l'est et sud'est du<br />

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Les Nouvelles Techniques er Parasitologie Golvan, Y.J. Flammarion Medicine Sciences. Paris.<br />

Les insectes ravageurs du palmier a huile et leurs<br />

ennemies en Asie du Sud-est<br />

Les inestes ravageurs du palmier a huile et leurs ennemis<br />

en Asie du Sud-est<br />

Mariau D Oleagineux Vol 46 (11):400-476<br />

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Les caryotypes de quelques especes de bivalves et de<br />

gasteropodes rnarins,<br />

Les caryotypes de quelques especes de bivalves et de<br />

gasteropodes marins,<br />

Length polymorphisms of simple sequence repeat DNA in<br />

soybean<br />

Length of postpartum anestrus in goats in subtropical<br />

Mexico: Effect of season of parturition and duration of<br />

nursing<br />

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Mar. Biol., 70: 165-172.<br />

Marine Biology 70 165 - 172<br />

Akkaya MS Genetics 132 : 1131-1139<br />

Delgadillo Theriogenology 49:1209-1218.<br />

Length converted catch curves. A powerfull tool for<br />

fisheries research in the tropics (Part III).<br />

Pauly, D. Fishbyte 2(3): 9-10.<br />

Length converted catch curves. A powerful! tool for<br />

fisheries research in the tropics (Part II).<br />

Pauly, D. Fishbyte 2(1): 17-19.<br />

Length converted catch curve. A powerful tool for fisheries<br />

research in the tropics Part II.<br />

Pauly, D. Fishbyte. 2(1): p. 17-19.<br />

Legurnes in Agriculture Whyte, R.O. FAO Agricultural Studies No. 21.<br />

Legumin and vicilin, storage proteins of legumes seed Derbyshire E Phytochemistry 15:3-24<br />

Legumin and vicilin, storage proteins of legumes seed Derbyshire E Phytochemistry 15:3-24<br />

Legume Winter Cover Crops Smith. M.S Adv. Soil. Sci<br />

Legume lectins and nodulation by Rhizobium Brewin, N.J. Trends in Plant Sci. Reviews 2:92-98.<br />

Lecture Notes Land Evaluation Rossiter, D. G. College of Agric. and Life Sci. Dept. of<br />

Soil, Crop & Atmospheric Sci. SCAS.<br />

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Leafhopper tansmission of tungro disease of rice Rivera CT Plant Dis Rep 49 :127-131<br />

Leafhopper tansmission of tungro disease of rice Rivera CT Plant Dis Rep 49 :127-131<br />

Leafglucosinolate profiles and their relationship to pest<br />

disease resistance in oilseed rape<br />

Milhen, R. Kuphyticu 63:71-83<br />

Leaf water content and gas exchange parameters of two<br />

wheat genotypes differing in drought resistance<br />

Ritchie, S.W. Crop Sci. 30: 105-111.<br />

Leaf Production and Curd Initiation of Winter Cauliflower In Wurr. D.C.E Journal of Horticultural Science and<br />

Response To Temperature<br />

Biotechnology<br />

Leaf meal of mousitoil (Gliricidia sepium) in ratio for laying<br />

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Montilla, J.J. Agronomia Tropical 24: 505-511.<br />

Leaf Maturity, a Critical Factor in Embryogenesis Karunarate. S Journal of Plant Physiology<br />

Leaf eagle , leaf area, and corn.(ZeaMays, L) yield . Winter, S. R. Agron. J. 65: 395-397.<br />

Leaf and CO2 Exchange Rate as determinant of rate of<br />

vegetatif growt in soybean plant<br />

Kaplan SL Crop Svcienci 17(1)35-38<br />

Leaf anatomy and water loss of in vitro PEG-treated Valiant Dami, I. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture<br />

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Leads and prospects for the development of new botanical<br />

insecticides.<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Lead-lag relationship between pork prices at the retail,<br />

wholestate and farm levels.<br />

Lead Immobilization From Aqueous Solutions and<br />

Contaminated Soils Using Phosphate Rocks<br />

Lead Immobilization From Aqueous Solutions and<br />

Contaminated Soils Using Phospate Rocks<br />

Miller SE Southern Journal of Agricultural<br />

Economics (July):73-76<br />

Ma. Q.Y Environ. Sci. Technol<br />

Ma.Q.Y Environment.Sci. Technol<br />

Lead Immobilization by Appatite Ma. Q.Y Environ. Sci. Technol<br />

Lead Immobilization by Apatite. Ma.Q.Y Environment.Sci. Technol<br />

Leaching, accumulation and release of mitrogen cycles :<br />

Processes, ecosystim strategis and management<br />

impact.<br />

Berg, B Bulletin Ecological.<br />

Le role du zooplancton dans I'alimentation des5 juveniles<br />

de poissons : approche experimentales In Situ dans les<br />

herbiers a Zostera marina. Memoire DESU.<br />

Le caryotype d'Aulacomya ater regia (Mollusca: Bivalvia:<br />

Mytilidae) des Iles Keurgelen,<br />

LDL recepor activity is down-regulated similarly by a<br />

cholesterol-containing diet high in palmitic acid or high in<br />

lauric and myristic acids in cynomolgus monkeys.<br />

Lauric and palmatic acid-enriched diets have minimal<br />

impact on serum lipid and lipoprotein concentration and<br />

glucose metabolishm in healthy young women<br />

Latitudinal differences between Palau and Yap in coral<br />

reproductive synchrony.<br />

Laticifer Morphology in the Mature Stem and Leaf of<br />

Euphorbia Supina.<br />

Latent infection of potato tubers by Pseudomonas<br />

solanacearum.<br />

Larvicidal and antifeeding activities of oriental medicinal<br />

plant extract against four species of forest insect pests.<br />

Larval rearing and development of the brown spotted<br />

grouper, Epinephelus tauvina (Forskal).<br />

Larval rearing and development of the brown spotted<br />

grouper, Epinephelus tauvina (Forskal).<br />

Larval crowding and adult nutrition effects on longevity and<br />

fecundity of female Trichogramma nubilale Ertle & Davis<br />

(Hymenoptera:Trichogrammatidae)<br />

Large particle breakdown by cattle enting ryegrass and<br />

alfalfa<br />

Endrawati, H., Sci. Tech. du Languedoc. 67p.<br />

Thiriot-Quievreux,<br />

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Stucchi, A. F J. Nutr<br />

Schwab US et al J.Nutr<br />

Mar. Biol., 79: 89-91.<br />

Kenyon, J.C. Pacific Science 49 (2): 156-164.<br />

Rosowski, J.R., Bot. Gaz. 129: 113-120.<br />

Ciampi, L Amer. Pot. J.<br />

Park, S. J. Appl. Entomol. Zool<br />

Hussain, N. Aquaculture, 19:339-350.<br />

Hussain, N. A. Aquaculture 19:339-350.<br />

Olson DM Environ Entomol 27:508-514.<br />

McLeod. M.N J. Anim. Sci<br />

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Large bowel fermentation in rats given diets containing raw<br />

peas (Pisum sativum).<br />

Laporan Utama: Dengan Koperasi Peternak Dapat<br />

Kuasai Pasar<br />

Laporan Survei dan Pemetaan Tanah Tingkat Tinjau<br />

Mendalam Daerah Kerja A. Pengembangan Lahan Gambut<br />

Sejuta Hektar, untuk Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan di<br />

Propinsi Kalimantan Tengah.<br />

Goodlad, J.S Br. J. Nutr<br />

Laporan dana Takesra dan Kukersa Per 31 Januari 1998. BNI Jakarta<br />

Poultry Indonesia . Majalah Ekonomi,<br />

Industri & Teknik Perunggasan<br />

Populer. No. 199 September 1996.<br />

Pusat Penelitian Tanah dan<br />

Agroklimat, Bogor.<br />

Laparascopic transfer of ovine and cervine embryos using<br />

the transpic technique<br />

McMillan, W.H. Theriogenology<br />

Lanostanoid triterpenesfrom Ganoderma applanatum Chairul, S Phyochemistry<br />

Langkah-Langkah Strategis Dalam Pengentasan<br />

Kemiskinan di Pedesaan Jatim<br />

Landscape ecology of algal symbionts creates variation<br />

within episodes of coria bleaching<br />

Anonim Warta BKKKS Jatim, No. 6 Tahun II,<br />

Desember 1996, Surabaya.<br />

Rowan R Nature 388:265-269.<br />

Landcare In Australian (A Book Review) Yakin Addinul Majalah Komunitas P3P. UNRAM<br />

Land use change and global carbon cycle : the Role of<br />

tropical soils<br />

Detwiler, R.P Biogeochem J<br />

Land Use Change Analysis Using Sequential Aerial<br />

Photography and Computer Technique.<br />

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Remote Sensing 46(11): 1447-1464.<br />

Land Tenure and Indian Agricultural Productivity Junankar, P.N The Journal of Development Studies<br />

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Land evaluation. Part. I. Principles in landevaluation and<br />

crop productions calculations<br />

Sys, C. Agricultural Publications No. 7.<br />

Land Evaluation Part III Crop Requirements. International<br />

Training Centre for Post Graduate<br />

Land Clearing Use of The Humid Tropics : I Soil Physical<br />

Properties<br />

Land Clearing use of The Humid Tropic : II Soil Chemical<br />

Properties<br />

Lama birahi, waktu ovulasi dan kadar LH pada domba ekor<br />

pipih setelah perlakuan progestagen PMSG<br />

Laju pertumbuhan intrinsik wereng coklat di laboratorium Baehaki, S.E.<br />

Laju pertumbuhan intrinsik Cyriorhinus lividipennis Reuter.<br />

sebagai predator wereng coklat (Nilaparvata lugens Stal.)<br />

(Homoptera Delphacidae)<br />

Sys, C. Soil Sci. Univ. Ghent. Agric.. Publ.<br />

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Ghuman. B.S Soil Sci. Soc Am. J<br />

Ghuman. B.S Soil Sci. Soc Am. J<br />

Sutama, I. K. Ilmu dan Peternakan<br />

Laba, I.W.<br />

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Laju Pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup nener -<br />

Chanos chanos dalam berbagai nuansa warna wadah<br />

T. Ahmad J. Penel. Budidaya Pantai<br />

Laice skin collagen extraction and functional properties Montero, P Journal of Food Science<br />

Lahan Marjinal, tantangan dan pemanfaatannya Djaenudin D Jurnal Badan Penelitian dan<br />

Pengembangan Pertanian XII (4):79-<br />

86<br />

Lahan Marjinal, Tantangan dan Pemanfaaannya Djaenuddin D Jurnal Litbangtan 12(4): 79-84<br />

Lahan marginal, tantangan dan pemanfaatannya Djaenudin, D.<br />

Lahan Marginal : Tantangan dan Pemanfaatannya Zaenuddin.D<br />

Lagi soal gamal Yulianto, A. Poultry Indonesia. No.143, th. XIII.<br />

Lactobacillus Casei. Galur Shirota Peranannya dalam<br />

Kesehatan Manusia.<br />

Margawani, K.R.<br />

L'activite des bacteries nitrifiant dans Le panache<br />

Rhodanien el l'aire marine environnante<br />

Feliatra J. Rech. Oceanog.<br />

Lactic acid bacteria from indigenous fermented foods and<br />

their antimicrobial activity<br />

Rahayu, E.S<br />

Lactational avaluation of protein supplements of varying<br />

ruminal degradabilities<br />

Henson, J. E. J. Dairy research<br />

Lactation performance and preweaning lamb growth in<br />

Javanese thin-tail sheep<br />

Sutama, I. K. Ilmu dan Peternakan<br />

Lactase activity and VFA production in the caecum and<br />

colon of pigs fed a corn-soy or 40% whey diet<br />

Kim, K-L J. Anim. Sci<br />

Lack of efficacy of low-dose sitostanol therapy as an<br />

adjunct to a cholesterol lowering diet in men with moderate<br />

hyperchlosterolemia<br />

Denke, MA Am J Clin Nutr<br />

Lack of effect of toxic aluminium concentrations on nitrogen<br />

fixation by nodulated Stylosanthes species (Stylosanthes<br />

hamata, S. humilis, S. scabra0<br />

Lack of effect of dietary energytoprotein ratio and energy<br />

on the response of broiler chickens to virginiamycin<br />

Laboratory Studies On The inheretance of Phase Character<br />

In Locust<br />

Laboratory Studies on Salmonella-Contaminated Cheese<br />

Involved in Major Outbreak of Gastroenteris<br />

Laboratory studies on effect of temperature and delayed<br />

initial feeding on development of striped bass larvae.<br />

Laboratory rearing of tobacco homworm, Protoparce sexta<br />

(Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)<br />

Laboratory Production of Cattle Embryos. Biotechnology in<br />

Agriculture Series.<br />

De Carvalho MM Plant Soil 66:225-231.<br />

Bartov, I., Br. Poult. Sci<br />

Hunter Anti-Locust Bulletin<br />

Ratnam. S Journal Bacteriology<br />

Roger, B.A. Trans. Am. Fish Soc., 110:100-110<br />

Waldbauer, G. P. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 54: 477-485.<br />

Gordon, I, CAB International.<br />

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Laboratory production of cattle embryos Gordon, I. Biotechnology in Agriculture, 11.I.<br />

Gordon (Editor). CAB International,<br />

Walling-ford.<br />

Laboratory Observations on The Life History of Rophilem.a<br />

verilli (Scyphozoa : Rhizostomeae).<br />

Calder, D.R. Marine Biology. Vol. 21: 109-114.<br />

Laboratory Manual for the Examination of Water, Waste<br />

Water, and Soil. 2nd. Ed<br />

Rump, H. H. Ed. VCH, Weinheim<br />

Laboratory Manual for Physiological studies of rice (3rd Ed) Yoshida S IRRI. Philippines<br />

Laboratory Maintenance, Narcotization and Induction of<br />

Aestivation of Apple Snails (Meso-gastropoda: Pilidae).<br />

Keawjam, R.S. Malacological Review 19: 111-112.<br />

Laboratory Handbook for the fractination of natural extracts Houghton PJ Chapman & Hall, london<br />

Laboratory Assessment of Semen Characteristics. den Daas, N. Anim. Reprod. Sci.<br />

Laboratory and field efficacy of neem extract against two<br />

broccoli pests<br />

Prijono, D. Z Pflkrankh Pflsch 100:354-370.<br />

Laamu Atoll mariculture project: low profil cage for retaining<br />

seacucumber<br />

Reichhenback N Beche-dc-mer Bulletin, 10:14.<br />

Kwaskiorkor And Mental Development Champakan. S American Journal Clinical Nitritional<br />

Kunyit atau Koneno dan Kerabat-Kerabat Dekatnya<br />

Sebagai Bahan Pangan<br />

Prana, M.S Bul. Kebun Raya<br />

Kunci kerja untuk mendeterminasi jenis-jenis jamur<br />

Rhizopus Indonesia<br />

Rifai, M. A. Floribunda 4:16.<br />

Kultur Pucuk : Metode Alternatif Perbanyakan Vegetatif<br />

Secara InVitro Pada Tanaman Tebu<br />

Widyasari.B.W<br />

Kultur masal larva kakap putih (Lates calcarifer). Supriatna, A., J. Penelitian Budidaya Pantai, Terbitan<br />

Khusus 1:10-16.<br />

Kultur Jaringan Tanaman dan Perkembangan di Jur.<br />

Budidaya Pertanian IPB.<br />

Winata, L. Bull. Agronomi<br />

Kultur Jaringan pada Tanaman Kentang. Sumiati, E. Informasi No.11<br />

Kultur antera tanaman padi subspesies javanica Masyhudi MF.<br />

Kultur antera tanaman padi subspesies Javanica Masyhudi, M.F.<br />

Kultur antera tanaman padi Masyhudi, M.F. Buletin Penelitian Pertanian. (9): 18-<br />

31.<br />

Kultur "in vitro" sebagai metode pelestarian tumbuhan obat<br />

langka<br />

Gati, E. Bull. Plasma Nutfah. 111(1): 1-8.<br />

Kue Kering dari bahan Tepung Campuran Jagung, gude<br />

dan kedelai.<br />

Kuantitas dan Variasi Nitrogen-Tersedia Pada Tanah<br />

Setelah Penebangan Hutan<br />

Kuantitas dan kualitas pakan sapi perah di daerah<br />

pegunungan Jawa Timur<br />

Antarlina, S.S. Risalah Hasil Penelitian Tanaman<br />

Pangan, Malang.<br />

Handayani. I.P<br />

Soebarinoto<br />

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Kuantitas dan kualitas pakan sapi pcrah di daerah<br />

pegunungan Jawa Timur<br />

Kualitas udang pada tambak yang dipengaruhi<br />

pencemaran air di Sulawesi Selatan<br />

Soebarinoto<br />

Kualitas proiJuk pcrikanan dan upaya mcmpertahankannya Heruwati, E.S.<br />

Kualitas nauplius hasil pemupukan berbeda dan teknik<br />

pengeringan kista artemia.<br />

Kualitas Konsumsi Makanan Pekerja Wanita di PT.<br />

Indorama Synthetics Spinning Devision.<br />

Suryati, E. Jurnal Penelitian Budi Daya Pantai.<br />

2(1&2): 164-169.<br />

Yunus, J. Penelit. Budidaya Pantai. 10(1):77-<br />

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Kartikawati D<br />

Kualitas kista artemia produksi domestik. Yunus. J. Penelit. Budidaya Pantai. 10(5):27-<br />

34<br />

Kualitas empal daging sapi ditinjau dari kadar protein,<br />

aktiviatas air dan mutu organoleptik pada sistem<br />

pemasakan dan lama perebusan yang berbeda<br />

Widati, A. S. Jurnal makanan tradisional Indonesia<br />

Kualitas bahan baku dan hasil olahan cabai ditingkat<br />

industri komersial dan rumah tangga di Bandung.<br />

Hartuti, N. Bull. Penel. Hort<br />

Kualitas arang aktif dari 5jenis kayu. Pari, G.<br />

Kualitas arang aktif dari 5 jenis kayu. Pari, G.<br />

Kriteria seleksi tanaman jagung Bahar, H. Jurnal Agrotropika<br />

Kriteria seleksi berdasarkan sifat morfologi tanaman kopi<br />

robusta<br />

Alnopri R Zuriat 6(2): 12-22<br />

Kriteria seleksi berdasarkan sifat morfologi tanaman kopi<br />

robusta<br />

Alnopri<br />

Kreteria seleksi berdasarkan sifat morfologi tanamna kopi<br />

rabusta.<br />

Alnopri.R.<br />

Krasnozems - A profile Isbell, R.F. Aust. J. Soil Res. 32: 915-929.<br />

Koumiss produced from skim milk sweet whey blend Guan J. Cultured Dairy J. 22 (1): 23.<br />

Korelasi sifat komponen hasil terhadap hasil genotipegenotipe<br />

F1 dan F1 resiplokal lima tertua kacang hijau<br />

dalam persilangan dialel. Zuriat 4(1): 45-49<br />

Permadi C Zuriat 4(1): 45-49<br />

Korelasi antara aktivitas enzim mananase dan selulase<br />

terhadap kadar serat lumpur sawit hasil fermentasi dengan<br />

Aspergillus niger<br />

Purwadaria MBT J Ilmu Ternak Vet 3:230-236.<br />

Koperasi perunggasan, sejak Hulu Hingga Hilir Herlambang, S.M Poultry Indonesia . Majalah Ekonomi,<br />

Industri & Teknik Perunggasan<br />

Populer. No. 199 September 1996<br />

Koperasi Perunggasan Sebuah Alternatif Anonim Poultry Indonesia . Majalah Ekonomi,<br />

Industri & Teknik Perunggasan<br />

Populer. No. 199 September 1996.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 388 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Kontribusi Sektor Kehutanan Dalam Perekonomian<br />

Nasional dan Prospeknya Di Masa Depan (Pandangan<br />

Dunia Usaha)<br />

Kontribusi Perikanan Ikan Nila terhadap Produksi Ikan<br />

Waduk Jatiluhur.<br />

Kontribusi pemupukan pada masa TBM terhadap produksi<br />

dan pertumbuhan kelapa sawit pada tanah Dystropepts<br />

Kontribusi karakter agronomi dan komponen hasil terhadap<br />

perbaikan padi sawah dataran tinggi<br />

Konsumsi sari jahe (Zingiber officinale Roscoe)<br />

meningkatkan aktifitas sel Natural Killer pada mahasiswa<br />

pesantren Ulil Albaab di Bogor<br />

Konsumsi Energi dan Zat Gizi Pada Wanita Usia Subur<br />

yang Anemia dan Non-Anemia.<br />

Konsumsi energi ayam kampung pada tingkat energi dan<br />

protein yg berbeda selama periode pertumbuhan.<br />

Halruman Seri Dialog Pembangunan Nasional,<br />

Banjarmasin.<br />

Kartamiharja, E.S. Bull Penelitian Perikanan Darat. 4 (1):<br />

37-40.<br />

Erningpraja L<br />

Rusdi, E.<br />

Zakaria FR<br />

Riyadi H<br />

Wismaneli Y Karya Ilmiah. Fak. Peternakan IPB<br />

Konsumsi dan karakteristik rumah tangga kurang energi<br />

dan protein di Nusa Tenggara.<br />

Arifin, M. Forum Penel. Agroek.<br />

Konsumsi daging dan telur ayam di Indonesia Sodjana T Majalah Pangan 8(29)<br />

Konsumsi bahan Pangan, Suatu Tinjauan Sikap dan<br />

Prilaku Individu<br />

Konsumsi Bahan Pangan : Suatu Tinjauan Sikap dan<br />

Prilaku Individu<br />

Konstruksi tanah dan Kedalaman air kolamtadah hujan<br />

untuk usaha pemeliharaan ikan gurami<br />

Konstruksi tanah dan kedalaman air kolam tadah hujan<br />

untuk usaha pemeliharaan ikan gurame.<br />

Konstruksi pematang tambak lahan gambut untuk<br />

pendederan benih udang windu (Penaeus monodon) dan<br />

nener ikan bandeng (Chanos chanos)<br />

Konstribusi usaha mangga di pekarangan terhadap<br />

pendapatan petani di Jawa Timur.<br />

Konstribusi karakter agronomi dan komponen hasil<br />

terhadap perbaikan padi sawah dataran tinggi.<br />

Konservasi in vitro sperma kalkun : pengaruh penggantian<br />

plasma seminal & pengenceran dg BPSE pd penyimpanan<br />

4 C slm 6 jam thd fertilitas telur<br />

Konsentrasi optimum mepiquat klorida utk peningkatan hsl<br />

umbi bawang merah kultivar Bima Brebes di Mahalengka<br />

Taryoto. A Media Komunikasi dan Informasi<br />

Pangan. Vol. 9. No. II. Jakarta<br />

Taryoto. A Media Komunikasi dan Informasi<br />

Pangan No. 9 Vol. II. Jakarta<br />

Z. Jangkaru<br />

Jangkaru, Z.M.,<br />

Mustafa, A.<br />

Suryadi, A. Penel. Hort.<br />

Rusdi, E.<br />

Tri Yuwanta Bul. Peternakan<br />

Sumiati E J Hort 6(2): 120-27<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Konsentrasi optimum mepiquat klorida utk peningkatan hsl<br />

umbi bawang merah kultivar Bima Brebes di Mahalengka<br />

Konsentrasi in Vitro Sperma Kalkun: Pengaruh<br />

Penggantian Plasma Seminal dan Pengenceran dengan<br />

BPSE pada Penyimpanan 40C selama 6 jam terhadap<br />

Fertilitas Telur.<br />

Konsekwensi Ekonomis Sistem Penguasaan Tanah<br />

Pada Usaha Pertanian Lahan Kering<br />

Kondisi terumbu karang di perairan Hila dan Morela (Pulau<br />

Ambon) serta bagian tenggara Pulau Batangka (Sorong).<br />

Kondisi tegakan tinggal di kawasan dua perusahaan hutan<br />

di Riau.<br />

Kondisi oseanografis perairan Selat Alas, Nusa Tenggara<br />

Barat pada bulan Februari 1989<br />

Sumiati E J Hort 6(2): 120-27<br />

Tri-Yuwanta.<br />

Mustadjab, M.M. Inres Project, Internal report<br />

Syam.A. R.<br />

Suhartana, S.<br />

Wasilun Jurnal Penelitian Perikanan Laut,<br />

Balitkanlut, Jakarta. No.52: 45-58.<br />

Kondisi Industri Gula di Jawa Susmiadi, A., Gula Indonesia Vol. XXV/3-4: 27-30<br />

Kondisi dan prospek industri pupuk di Indonesia Anonim Trend Business (29): 520.<br />

Kondisi dan prospek industri pupuk di dalam negeri Anonim Trend Business (55): 4-13.<br />

Komunitas perifiton pada tumbuhan air (Hydrilla verticillata<br />

dan Vallisneria americana) di tiga lokasi danau Sentani<br />

Lukman BIO AIR No. 3<br />

Komposisi Nutrisi Limbah Kelapa Sawit dan Tingkat<br />

Penggunaanya Dalam Ransum Ternak<br />

Komposisi Non-Karkas Domba Lokal Jantan Hasil<br />

Pemeliharaan dengan Pemberian Testosteron dan Klor<br />

Tetrasiklin<br />

Komposisi media dan eksplan untuk inisiasi dan proliferasi<br />

kalus manggis ( Garcinia mangostanaL. ) secara in vitro.<br />

Komposisi kimia kayu Acacia mangium Willd. Dan<br />

beberapa tingkat umur hasil tanam rotasi pertama.<br />

Komposisi Kimia Kayu Acacia mangium dari Beberapa<br />

Tingkat Umur Hasil Tanam Rotasi Pertama.<br />

Komposisi cumi-cumi (Cephalopoda) yang tertangkap<br />

bagan di perairan ProbolinggoJawa Timur.<br />

Hutagalung Sasaran Tahun XXXIII<br />

Soeparno J. Ilmu-ilmu Peternakan No. 07 : 25<br />

Unibraw, Malang<br />

Satria, B.<br />

Siagian, R.M.,<br />

Siagian, R.M.,<br />

Komposisi Biji Bengkuang Hadiwiyoto, S<br />

Komposisi asam amino makanan ekstruksi campuran<br />

beras dan gude<br />

Sudjoko, B. J. Penelit. Perikanan Laut. 1:81 -89.<br />

Azman Pemberitaan Penelitian Sukarami.<br />

Balai Penelitian Tanaman pangan<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 390 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Kompos Daun Singkong Meningkatkan Kelarutan Tembaga<br />

dan Seng Asal Limbah Industry di Tanah Andisol dari<br />

Gristing Lampung<br />

Kompatibilats & biodegradasi palstik polipropilena dgn<br />

pengisi turunan selulosa & pulp tandan kosong sawit.<br />

Kombinasi Kultur Campuran Bakteri Asam Laktat, Natrium<br />

Klorida dan Natrium Asetat untuk Pangawetan Ikan Lemuru<br />

Koleksi Benih dan Daun dalam Seleksi Pohon Induk<br />

Melaleuca Cajuputi Powell di Propinsi Maluku<br />

Klimatologi dasar - landasan pemahaman fisika atmosfer<br />

dan unsur-unsur iklim<br />

Kinetin like activity in root exudate of water stressed<br />

sunflower plants<br />

Kinetika fermentasi D-glukose oleh Bacillus macerans:<br />

analisis enzim dan proses pembentukan asetat, aseton dan<br />

etanol<br />

Kinetics'of Geranyl Acetate Synthesis by Lipase-Catalysed<br />

Transesterification in n-Hexane<br />

Kinetics Parameter of Nitrogent Mineralization Rates of<br />

Leguminuos Crops Incorporated Into Soil.<br />

Salam.A.K<br />

Wirjosentono B Jurnal Penelitian Kelapa Sawit 6(2):<br />

153-164<br />

Jenie, B.S.L<br />

Leksono.B Wana Benih Vol. 1 No.2<br />

Handoko Jurusan Geofisika dan meteorologi,<br />

FMIPA, IPB Bogor 117p<br />

Itai, C Physiol. Plants<br />

Bachrudin, Z.<br />

Chulallaksananukul,<br />

W.,<br />

Enzyme Microb. Technol<br />

Frankenberger.W.T Plan and Soil<br />

Kinetics of Transesterification of Soybean Oil Noureddini, H Journal of American Oil Chemistry<br />

Society<br />

Kinetics of Sulfate Retention on Soil as Affected by<br />

Solution pH and Concentration<br />

Schnabel. P.R Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Kinetics of Sulfate Adsorption and Desorption by Cecil Soil<br />

Using Miscible Displacement<br />

Hodges. S.C Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Kinetics of Oxirane Cleavage in Epoxidized Soybean Oil Zaher FA JAOCS 66(5):698-100<br />

Kinetics Of Mineralization of Nitrogen in Forest Soil (I)<br />

Charateristics of Soil Nitrogen Mineralization of Different<br />

aged Stands, Slope Positions and Soil Depth<br />

Kinetics of Microbial Rspiration and Nitrogen Mineralization<br />

in Great Lakes Forest<br />

Kinetics of enzymic hydrolysis of lipids in biphasic orgunicaqueou.s<br />

system<br />

Kinetics of absorbtion of volatile fatty acids from the caeca<br />

of domestic turkey<br />

Kinetics of a-Amylase Synthesis from Bacillus<br />

amyloliquefaciens.<br />

Toda.H J.Jap.For.Coc.<br />

Zak.D.R Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Mukata, S J. Ferment. Technol<br />

Sudo, S. Z. J. Biochem. Physiol.<br />

Yoo, Y.J., J.Biotechnol. & Bioengin. 31: 357-365.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 391 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Kinetics and substrate parti-tioning in the polyphenol<br />

oxidase-catalyzed oxidation of catechol in a two-phase<br />

system<br />

Kinetics and mechanisms of reaction catalysed by<br />

immohilized lipases<br />

Kinetic Studies of Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Insoluble<br />

Cellulose: Analysis of The Initial Rates<br />

Kinetic Studies of Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Insoluble<br />

Cellulose (II): Analysis of Extended Hydrolysis Time<br />

Kinetic Parameters of a two phases model for in situ<br />

exploidation of soybean oil<br />

Kinetic of The Utilization of Different Carbon Source and<br />

The Cellulose Formation by A. xylinum<br />

Kinetic of phosphorus release from spodosol: effects of<br />

oxalate and formate<br />

Kinetic as Study on Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Cellulose By<br />

Cellulose From Trichoderma viride<br />

Kinetic and practical significance of biodegration of liniar<br />

alkylbanezene sulfonate in the environmental<br />

Kinetic and feasibility studies of Ultrafiltration of viscous<br />

xanthan gum fermentation broth<br />

Kinetic and chemical analysis of the biologic significance of<br />

lipoteichoic acid in mediating adherence of serotype III<br />

group B streptococci.<br />

Kinetic Analysis of L-Lysine Production by a Fluoropyruvate<br />

sensitive mutant of Brevibacterium lactofermentum<br />

Kinetic analysis of cadmium toxicity to red bream, Pagrus<br />

major.<br />

Kinerja pertumbuhan sapi jantan FH anak yang diberi susu<br />

pengganti terdiri dari bahan lokal untuk produksi veal<br />

Utami, T,<br />

Malcata, EX Enzyme Microb. Technol<br />

Lee, Y.H Biotechnol. Bioeng<br />

Lee, Y.H Biotechnol. Bioeng<br />

Rangarajan B JAOCS 72(10):1161-1169<br />

Geyer, U Acta Biotechnology<br />

Fox, T.R. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 54:1441-1447.<br />

Ohmine, K Biotechnol. Bioeng<br />

Larson RJ JAOCS 70(7):645-657<br />

Lo, Y. M J. Membrane Sci<br />

Nealon, T.J Infect ,Immun<br />

Satiawihardja, B. Biotechnol. Letter. 5 (6): 577-582.<br />

Kuroshima, R., Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf., 25: 300-<br />

314.<br />

Wina JITV 2(2): 77-83.<br />

Kinerja Bursa Efek Jakarta, Maret 1998. Jurnal Pasar Modal Indonesia<br />

Kinerja Bursa Efek Jakarta, Februari 1998. Jumal Pasar Modal Indonesia<br />

Kinerja Bursa Efek Jakarta, Desember 1997. Jurnal Pasar Modal Indonesia<br />

Kinerja Bursa Efek Jakarta, April 1998. Jurnal Pasar Modal Indonesia<br />

Kiner.ia Bursa Efek Jakarta, Januari 1998. Jurnal Pasar Modal Indonesia<br />

Kimia Kayu Achmadi S Bioteknologi Ilmu Hayat Pusat Antar<br />

Universitas ITB.Bogor<br />

Kimia Kayu Achmadi S Ilmu Hayat Pusat Antar Universitas<br />

ITB, Bogor<br />

Keys to Soil Taxonomy. Soil Survey Staff SMSS Technical Monograph No. 19<br />

Fourth ed. 1990<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 392 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Keys To Soil Taxonomy Soil Survey Staff SMSS. Technical Monograph No. 19<br />

4th ed. Virginia Polytechnic Inst. And<br />

State University. USA<br />

Keys to Soil Taxonomy Soil Survey Staff,<br />

USDA<br />

Key Factors in the Successful Application of Quality<br />

Function Deployment<br />

Ketimpangan pendapatan di pedesaan kasus daerah padi<br />

di Lampung<br />

Ketersediaan Dedak Padi dan Kualitas Hasil<br />

Penyimpanannya pada Anggota Kelompok Petani Ayam<br />

Buras di Desa Pangradin Kecamatan Jasinga Kabupaten<br />

Bogor<br />

Keterlibatan Tenaga Kerja Wanita dan pemelihara<br />

Ruminansia kecil di Kabupaten Gunung Kidul .<br />

Keterkaitan antara pencir mikrosatelit dengan gen prolifik<br />

domba jawa<br />

Keterkaitan antara parameter uji fosfat dan sifat-sifat tanah<br />

dalam mempengaruhi nilai uji fosfat untuk tanah-tanah<br />

masam<br />

Winconsin, USA<br />

Criastiano, J.J. IEEE Transactions on Engineering<br />

Management, Vol. 48(1) 81-95.<br />

Jatileksono Jurnal Ekonomi Indonesia Volume<br />

2(1), Jakarta<br />

Iskandar, S. Ilmu dan Perternakan 5 (1): 36-39.<br />

Nurtini. S. Bull. Peternakan Ed. Khusus<br />

Purwadaria, T. Ilmu dan Peternakan 8(2): 19<br />

Al-Jabri, M. Pemberitaan Penelitian Tanah dan<br />

Pupuk 7: 19-23.<br />

Keterceranaan nutrisi jagung, onggok, gaplek, ampas<br />

sagu, ampas bir dan ampas tahu untuk babi<br />

Aritonang, D. Ilmu dan peternakan<br />

Ketelitian Hasil Penentuan Hemoglobin Dengan Cara<br />

Sianmethemoglobin Tidak Langsung<br />

Muhilal Penelitian Gizi dan Makanan Jili 4<br />

Keteguhan Rekat Terkoreksi Sebagai Pengendali Mutu<br />

Kayu Lapis Indonesia<br />

Prayitno.T.A Duta Rimba XVIII<br />

Ketahanan tanaman teh terhadap penyakit cacar<br />

(exobasidium vexanas massee)<br />

Sriyadi B J Pen The dan kina 3 (1-2): 27-35<br />

Ketahanan tanaman padi terhadap kekeringan Suardi, D Buletin Penelitian, Badan Litbang<br />

Pertanian. P 29-37<br />

Ketahanan Pangan Nasional dan Fungsinya di Dalam<br />

Mempertumbuhkan Ekonomi Pedesaan<br />

Ketahanan Pangan Dunia: Konsep, Pengukuran dan Faktor<br />

Dominan.<br />

Ketahanan Pangan Dunia, Konsep, Pengukuran Dan<br />

Faktor Dominan<br />

Ketahanan empat galur harapan tembakau Temanggung<br />

terhadap penyakit layu bakteri, puru akar, dan lanas<br />

Ketahanan beberapa kelapa hibrida terhadap penyakit<br />

busuk pucuk<br />

Ketahan Pangan Nasional dan Peranannya di Dalam<br />

Mempertumbuhkan Ekonomi Pedesaan<br />

Beddu Amang Komunitas Journal of Rural Studies<br />

Vol. 1<br />

Soetrisno N Majalah Pangan No. 21, Vol. IV.<br />

Badan Urusan Logistik. Jakarta.<br />

Soetrisno. N Majalah Pangan Vol. V No. 21<br />

Dalmadiyo, G. Jurnal PenelitianTanaman Industri. 3(5-<br />

6): 181-185.<br />

Mangindaan, H.F. J. Penelitian Tan. Industri. 5(2):46-50.<br />

las, P.N.<br />

Amang. B Majalah Ilmiah Komunitas, Vol. 1 No. 1<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 393 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Kesimbangan antara ilmu dan teknologi, membangun dan<br />

lingkungan.<br />

Kesiapan sektor pertanian menghadapi era perdagangan<br />

bebas<br />

Kesesuaian Tanaman Inang Mikoriza pada berbagai<br />

Campuran Pot Kultur<br />

Kesesuaian lahan untuk tambak (Land suitability for<br />

brackishwater fishpond)<br />

Keseimbangan kadar air dan laju pengeringan biji-bijian<br />

tanaman pangan pada saat pengeringan<br />

Kerusakan tegakan tinggal akibat kegiatan penebangan<br />

dan penyaradan: kasus di suatu perusahaan hutan di Riau.<br />

Kernel Growth Rate and Duration in Maize as Affected by<br />

Plant Density and Genotype<br />

Kernel Growth Rate and Duration in Maize as Affected by<br />

Plant Density and Genotype<br />

Keratin degradation by Fervi-baclerium peimavorans, a<br />

novel thermophilic anaerob species of the order<br />

Tliermotogales<br />

Keragaman tanah dalam satuan peta lahan hasil metode<br />

analisis lokasi<br />

Keragaman Spasial beberapa sifat Fisik tanah Pada Tiga<br />

kelas Lereng<br />

Keragaman somaklonal dan heritabilitas beberapa sifat<br />

tanaman nilam<br />

Keragaman Sifat Tanah Podsolik Merah Kuning di<br />

Indonesia<br />

Rifai, B. TBH. Menyongsong Pekan Lingkungan<br />

Hidup. 21-26 Januari LIPI. 10 PP.<br />

Rasahan, C. A. Agro-Ekonomika. 27(2): 15-24.<br />

Astiko. W Fitopatologi<br />

Sarwono, H. LREP II Part C. Laporan Teknis (17),<br />

Versi 1.0.<br />

Lando, T.M.<br />

Suhartana,S.<br />

Porneleit, C.G Crop Sci<br />

Poneleit, C.G Crop Sci<br />

Freidrich, A.B. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 62:2875-<br />

2882.<br />

Sitorus, S.R.P<br />

Sitorus. S.R.P<br />

Keragaman sifat tanah Podsolik Merah Kuning di Indonesia Hardjowigeno, S<br />

Syamsudin, E. Jurnal Penel itian Tanaman Industri.<br />

111(1): 25-30.<br />

Hardjowigeno. S J. II. Pert. Indon<br />

Keragaman morfologi nutfah kelapa Novarrianto H Buletin Palma<br />

Keragaman kelapa dalam pasang surut di Riau dan Jambi Miftahorrachman Bulletin Balitka No 17 h 1-7<br />

K-eragaman jenis hijauan dan nilai nutrisi yang dikonsumsi<br />

oleh rusa Bawean (Axis kuhlii} di habitat aslinya<br />

Keragaman genetik,heritabilitas dan kemajuan genetil<br />

beberapa sifat kuantitaif Galur-galur padi sawah<br />

Keragaman genetik, heriabilitas dan koefisien variasi<br />

genetik beberapa karakter galur mutan kedelai (Glycine<br />

max (L.) Merr)<br />

Keragaman dan kemajuan seleksi siklus kedua pemuliaan<br />

kelapa sawit di Marihat<br />

Semiadi, G. J. Mate. dan Peng. Alam (Univ.<br />

Andalas) 6:1-12<br />

Satoto Buletin Pertanian Tanaman pangan<br />

vol 15 no 1<br />

Ishak Berita Biologi<br />

Purba AR Bul. PPKS 2(4):193-203<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 394 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Keragaman budidaya tanaman dan hama penggerek buah<br />

kakao di sulawesi tenggara ,<br />

Keragaman awal silang balik hibrida E oleifera x E<br />

guineensisi dg tetua E guineensis.<br />

Keragaan reproduksi induk udang windu, Penaus<br />

monodon asal Sumbawa, Madura dan hibridanya.<br />

Keragaan produksi pada, jagung, kedelai dan faktor-faktor<br />

yang mempengaruhi kinerja penelitian tanaman pangan<br />

Keragaan prestasi belajar murid sekolah dasar di desa IDT<br />

penerima <strong>program</strong> PMT-AS.<br />

Keragaan mutu benih padi IR64 dari kelas dan produsen<br />

benih yang berbeda<br />

Keragaan dan pertumbuhan tanaman makadamia di<br />

Indonesia<br />

Keragaan dan kemajuan seleksi siklus kedua pemuliaan<br />

kelapa sawit di Marihat. Hasil dan komponen hasil periode<br />

4-6 tahun<br />

Keragaan dan heritabilitas pertumbuhan dan komponen<br />

tandan pada hibrida antar spesies Elais guineensis x E<br />

oleifera<br />

Keragaan dan heritabilitas karakter pertumbuhan dan<br />

komponen tandan pada hibrida antar spesies Elaeis<br />

guineensis X Elaeis oleifera<br />

keragaan dan ekonomi nelayan di perairan sekitar reservat<br />

Lebung Karangan dan Ulak Lia Sumatera Selatan.<br />

Keragaan awal silang balik hibrida E. oleifera X E.<br />

guineensis dengan tetua E. guineensis.<br />

Kartono, G. Warta Puslit kopi dan kakao 14 (2) ,<br />

!82-186.<br />

Hutomo T Jurnal Penelitian Kelapa Sawit 3(1):1-<br />

9<br />

Sugama K J. Penelit. Budidaya Pantai 9(2):39-<br />

146<br />

Darmawan D Buku 6 ed Wahyudin Syam dkk<br />

PPPTP<br />

Rustiawan A Gizi Indonesia.<br />

Nugraha, U.S. Media Penelitian Sukamandi. 15: 18-<br />

22.<br />

Hadad, E.A. Warta Penelitian dan Pengembangan<br />

Tanaman Industri. 3(1): 1417.<br />

Purba AR Bul. PPKS 2 : 193-204<br />

Lubis AU Bul. PPKS 2 (3) :127-133<br />

Lubis A.U. Buletin Pusat Penelitian Kelapa Sawit,<br />

2 (3): 127-133<br />

Nasution, Z. Bulletin Penelitian Perikanan. Edisi<br />

Khusus No: 4. Pelesta-rian<br />

Lingkungan Hidup.<br />

Hutomo, T Jurnal Penelitian Kelapa sawit PPKS,<br />

3(1): 1-9<br />

Keragaan awal dura dumpy lini Pabtu x Pisifera Ikwan M<br />

Keragaan & heritabilitas akarakter pertumbuhan &<br />

komponen tandan pd hibrida antar spesies E guineensis x<br />

E oleifera<br />

Lubis AU Buletin PPKS vol 2(3):127-133<br />

Kepemimpinan Mutu di Sektor Agrobisnis Mangkuprawira, S. Agrimedia<br />

Kendala-kendala dalam distribusi dan pemasaran ikan asin<br />

I : pola produksi ikan asin di Indonesia<br />

Kenanga dan Ylang-Ylang. Perkembangan penelitian<br />

minyak atsiri<br />

Wibowo. S. Bull. LPTP No: 48.<br />

Hobir Edisi khusus penelitian Tanaman<br />

Rempah dan Obat, Bogor<br />

Kenampakan Agronomik Campuran Varietas Kedelai Arsyad. D.M<br />

Kenampakan agronomik campuran varietas kedelai Arsyad, D.M.<br />

Kemungkinan Penggunaan Sub Soil Tanah Ultisol yang<br />

Dipupuk TSP untuk Pertumbuhan Bibit Sengon<br />

Akbar, A. Buletin Penelitian Hutan Bogor.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 395 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Kemungkinan pengembangan dan modernisasi perikanan<br />

skala kecil atau perikanan rakyat di perairan Laut Cina<br />

Selatan yang termasuk kawasan Kabupaten Kepulauan<br />

Riau. Simposium Modernisasi Perikanan Rakyat. LPPL.<br />

Kemungkinan Pemanfaatan Tumbuhan Air Azolla Sebagai<br />

Sumber Nitrogen Alam Dalam Peningkatan Produksi Padi<br />

Sawah<br />

Kemungkinan pemanfaatan jenis kayu Indonesia untuk<br />

pengganti kayu pok.<br />

Kemungkinan bungkil biji kapuk (Randu) dapat<br />

dimanfaatkan sebagai mahanan ternak<br />

Sujastani, T.<br />

Abidin, Z<br />

Mandang, Y.I.<br />

Hattab, S. Warta Peternakan. Majalah Teknis<br />

dan Ilmiah Populer<br />

Kemiskinan. Reorientasi Strategi dan Pengendaliannya Santosa, Kabul Jurnal ARGAPURA No. 13<br />

Kemiripan genetika antar kelapa di Indonesia berdasarkan<br />

pola pita isozim<br />

Kemantapan ketahanan tak lengkap kopi Arabika terhadap<br />

penyakit karat daun pada ketinggian tempat yang berbeda<br />

Kemampuan Trichoderma spp Untuk Pengendalian Hayati<br />

Jamur Akar Putih pada Acacia Mangium Secara in Vitro<br />

Kemampuan Trichoderma spp untuk pengendalian Hayati<br />

Jamur Akar Putih pada Acacia mangium Secara In Vitro<br />

Kemampuan Sporulasi Ookista E. tenella Dalam<br />

Perendaman Deterjen<br />

Kemampuan penyediaan nitrogen pada berbagai jenis<br />

tanah sawah.<br />

Kemampuan pemangsaan predator Amblyseius cucumeris<br />

terhadap Thrips parvispinus dan polyphagotarsonemus<br />

latus pada tanaman cabal di laboratorium<br />

Kemampuan mela-rutkan fosfat dari beberapa isolat fungi<br />

pelarut fosfat<br />

Kemampuan melarutkan fosfat dari beberapa isolat bakteri<br />

asal tanah dan pupuk kandang sapi<br />

Kemampuan bakteri dan fungi dari feses badak Sumatra<br />

dalam mencema pakan berserat<br />

Kemajuan seleksi pada populasi kelapa sawit Elais<br />

guineensis Jacq Deli dura di Puslitbun Medan<br />

Kelulushidupan dan pertumbuhan larva kakap putih, Lates<br />

calcarifer dan umur 8-30 hari pada berbagai salinitas.<br />

Novarianto, H.<br />

Mawardi, S. Pelita Perkebunan 11: 140-151.<br />

Widyastuti. S.M<br />

Widyastuti, S.M.<br />

Lastuti, NDR<br />

Roichan, S.<br />

Prabaningrum, L. Jurnal Hortikultura, 7 (2): 678-684.<br />

Goenadi, D.H. Menara Perkebunan 61:61 -66.<br />

Goenadi, D.H. Menara Perkebunan 61:44-49.<br />

Artiningsih T Majalah Sriwijaya 33:13-16.<br />

Hutomo T Bul. Perkebunan 21 (3): 137-146<br />

Purba, R. Bull. Pen. Perikanan, Special Edition<br />

1:11-16.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 396 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Kelompok Jenis Kayu Hutan Tanaman Industri yang<br />

Diprioritaskan.<br />

Kelompok baru bakteri X. campestris pv. oryzae<br />

berdasarkan patogenisitasnya pada varietas padi.<br />

Kelimpahan dan Pola Pertumbuhan, Serta Parasit Rusa<br />

(Cervus timorensis moluccensis) di I5AS Bian - Merauke,<br />

Irian Jaya<br />

Kelarutan Logam Berat di Daerah Perakaran Beberapa<br />

Jenis Gulma Tropika yang Tercemar Timah Hitam<br />

Kelangsungan hidup dan pertumbuhan larva kerapu macan<br />

Epinephelus fuscoguttatus pada berbagai salinitas<br />

danukuran tangki<br />

Kelainan perkembangan awal anggota depan mencit A/J<br />

yang diinduksi asam metoksiasetat (MAA)<br />

Buharman Sylva Tropika 2(2):1-5.<br />

Hifni, H.R.<br />

Maryanto, I. Zoolndonesia. Nomor 25.<br />

Salam. A.K<br />

S. Redjeki J. Penel. Budidaya Pantai<br />

Sudarwati S JMS (Supl H), Bidang Biologi. him 60-<br />

76.<br />

Keizai-ren Einoo Gijutsu Joohoo Yanai, T J. Okayama Feder. Econ. Agr. Co-op.<br />

Soc., July 15., 982, 21-27.<br />

Kehilangan tanah & unsur hara oleh erosi pd areal<br />

tanaman kelapa sawit di kebun Sungai Rumbia<br />

Sirait Hj Bull perkebunan 22(1):65-81<br />

Kegiatan mikrobia di rumen dan manipulasinya untuk<br />

menaikan efisiensi produksi ternak<br />

Kuswandi<br />

Kegiatan mikroba di rumen dan manipulasinya untuk<br />

menaikkan efisiensi produksi lemak.<br />

Kuswandi<br />

Kegiatan mikroba di rumen dan manipulasinya untuk<br />

menaikan efisiensi produksi ternak<br />

Kuswandi<br />

Keeli Slamet, 2,47 ton/ha Sarwono B Mjl. Trubus th XXX Maret 1999 no<br />

352:27<br />

Keefektifan insektisida Dime-thoate, monocrotofos, dan<br />

aldicarb terhadap perilaku dan perkembangan populasi<br />

kutu Psylla D. citri secara semi laboratorium<br />

Nurhadi Penelitian Hortikutura<br />

Keefektifan glicladium fimbriatun Gilam dan Abbot thdp<br />

patogen busuk batang kedelai dan toleransinya thdp<br />

peptisida<br />

Keefektifan glicladium fimbriatun Gilam dan Abbot thdp<br />

patogen busuk batang kedelai dan toleransinya thdp<br />

peptisida<br />

Keefektifan biokontrol Pseudomonas fluorescens B29<br />

terhadap Xanthomonas campeslris pv.glycinesinplanta<br />

Keefektifan beberapa metode untuk pemecahan dormansi<br />

benih empat varietas pada (oryza sativa L)<br />

Keefektifan beberapa metode untuk pemecahan dormansi<br />

benih empat varietas pada (oryza sativa L)<br />

Wiyono S Bull HPT 7:5-10<br />

Wiyono S Bull HPT 7:5-10<br />

Manuella, M.<br />

Soejadi US Keluarga Benih IV(1):30-38<br />

Soejadi US Keluarga Benih IV(1):30-38<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 397 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Keefejtifan beberapa metoda pematahan dormansi benih<br />

empat varietas padi (Oryza sativa L)<br />

Soejadi, Keluarga Benih IV<br />

Keefejtifan beberapa metoda pematahan dormansi benih<br />

empat varietas padi (Oryza sativa L)<br />

Soejadi, Keluarga Benih IV<br />

Kedelai dan cara bercocok tanamnya Sumarno Buletin, 6 Puslitbangtan, Bogor<br />

Kedelai dan Cara Bercocok Tanam Sumarno Buleti Teknik No. 6<br />

Kedelai dan Cara Bercocok Tanam Sumarno Bulletin Teknik No. 6<br />

Kecernaan ransum kecambah biji sorghum kering pada<br />

domba<br />

Kecermatan penggunaan ukuran-ukuran tubuh utk<br />

penaksiran bobot badan domba dan kambing di Kotamadia<br />

Dati II Semarang<br />

Kecenderungan Penyakit Unggas di Jawa Tengah tahun<br />

1996<br />

Kebutuhan protein, lemak dan vitamin C untuk yuwana ikan<br />

kerapu tikus (Cromileptes altivelis).<br />

Kebutuhan optimum protein dan energi pakan benih ikan<br />

gurame Osphronemus gouramy Lac.)<br />

Kebutuhan optimum protein dan energi pakan benih ikan<br />

gurame (Osphronemus gouramy Lac.). Pusat Penelitian<br />

dan Pengembangan Perikanan Jakarta.<br />

Kebutuhan optimum protein dan energi pakan benih ikan<br />

gurame (Osphronemus gouramy Lac.).<br />

Kebutuhan optimum protein dan energi pakan benih ikan<br />

gurame (Osphronemus gouramy Lac.)<br />

Kebutuhan ikan lele (Glorias batrachus Linn) akan asamasam<br />

lemak linoleat dan linolenat<br />

Kebutuhan Asuhan Anak dalam Keluarga dan<br />

Permasalahannya<br />

Achmadi, J. J. Perkembangan peternakan tropis,<br />

Edisi khusus<br />

Isroli Media Ed IV th XVII Des 92<br />

Darjono Poultry Indonesia. 193: 147-149.<br />

Giri, N.A.,<br />

Mokoginta, I.,<br />

Mokoginta, I.,<br />

Mokoginta, I.,<br />

I. Mokoginta<br />

Mokoginta, I. Forum Pascasarjana 12:65-73.<br />

Tangdilintin P Jurnal Kesejahteraan Anak, No 2,<br />

Desember<br />

Kebijaksanaan Pengembangan Tanam Benih Langsung Anonim Buku Panduan Seminar Sehari<br />

Prospek Tanam Benih Langsung<br />

Padi Sawah di Indonesia<br />

Kebijaksanaan Pemupukan Optimum Pada Padi sawah<br />

dan Dampak Pemupukan Terhadap Standar Hidup dan<br />

Kualitas Lingkungan di Kabupatan Lombok<br />

Yakin Addinul<br />

Kebijakan perbibitan dalam swasembada daging 2005 Direktorat Bina<br />

Perbibitan<br />

Kebiasaan pakan komunitas ikan di Waduk Saguling. Tjahjo, D.W.H<br />

Kebiasaan pakan komunitas ikan di Waduk Jatiluhur. Tjahjo, D.W.H<br />

Kebiasaan makan komunitas ikan di Waduk Bening, Jawa<br />

Timur.<br />

__________,<br />

Buku Panduan Seminar Nasional.<br />

Denpasar,25-26 Mei 2000. him 1-2.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 398 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Keanekaragaman hayati mikroorganisme: menghargai<br />

mikroba bangsa<br />

Keanekaragaman Genetika Kelapa 'Genjah Jombang'<br />

Berdasarkan Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA<br />

Keanekaragaman genetika kelapa 'Genjah Jombang'<br />

berdasarkan random amplified polymorphic DNA<br />

Keanekaragaman dan Keberadaan Jenis Rotan di Gunung<br />

Pameungpeuk Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun, Jawa<br />

Barat.<br />

Keanekaragaman dan keberadaan Jenis rotan di gunug<br />

Pameungpeuk Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun, Jabar<br />

Suwanto, A. Compos 31(217):11 (kolom 9-13).<br />

Hayati PKD<br />

Hayati PKD<br />

Kalima, T.<br />

Kalima T Buletin penelitian Hutan No. 616: 27-<br />

38<br />

Keamanan/Daya Racun Tanaman Obat Indonesia Dzulkamain Cermin Dunia Farmasi (27): 5—16.<br />

Keadaan Gizi dan Program Perbaikan terhadap Masalah<br />

Gizi di Indonesia<br />

Tarwadjo, Ig Gizi Indonesia IX (1)<br />

Kayu:Kimia, Ultra stuktur, Reaksi-reaksi Fengel D Gadjah Mada University<br />

press.Yogyakarta<br />

Kayu:Kimia, Ultra stuktur, Reaksi-reaksi Fengel D Gadjah Mada University<br />

press.Yogyakarta<br />

Kaur dan Kompos daun singkong Meningkatkan Kelarutan<br />

Tembaga dan Seng Asal Limbah Industri di Tanah Andisol<br />

dari Gisting Lampung<br />

Salam. A.K<br />

Katsuobushi-a Japanese specialty Sjef van Eys Info fish Marketing Digest, Kuala<br />

Lumpur.<br />

Katsuobushi - a Japanese speciality. Sej van Eys. Infofish Marketing Digest No. 2 p.23-<br />

27.<br />

Kata Tindak Bantuan Kredit (Penerapan Model Grammen<br />

Bank) di Kecamatan Wlingi Blitar<br />

Zain, Djumilah Jurnal Universitas Brawijaya<br />

Kasus penyakit udang windu di Kabupaten Pinrang. Atmomarsono Prosiding Seminar Hasil penelitian<br />

Pcrikanan Budidaya Pantai, Maros hal<br />

35-40.<br />

kasus kolera pada itik Winarsih.W<br />

Kasus kematian domba akibat pemberian konsentrat yang<br />

tercemar deoksinivaicnol<br />

Bahri, S.<br />

Karyotypic differences between two species of<br />

Pomatoceros, P. triqueter And P. Lamrckii (Polychaeta.:<br />

Serpulidae),<br />

Karyotypes of the Japanese pearl oyster, Pinctada fucata<br />

martesii, observed in the trocho-pore larvae,<br />

karyotypes of four species in the Pectinidae (Bivalvia:<br />

Pterimorpha) Venus,<br />

Dixon. D.R., Journal of the Marine Biological<br />

Association of the United Kingdom 78<br />

(4): 1113-1126<br />

Komaru, A., Bull. Natl. Res. Inst. Aquacult. 7: 105-<br />

107.<br />

Komaru, A. Jpn. J. Malacol., 44: 249-259.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 399 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Karyotypes of five Subantartic bivalve species. Thiriot-Quievreux,<br />

C.,<br />

Karyotypes of five Subantarctic bivalve species. Thiriot-Quievreux,<br />

C.,<br />

Karyotypes of Cerastoderma glaucum (Bivalvia) from Baltic<br />

and Mediterranean population,<br />

Karyotypes in five species of the Pteriidae (Bivalvia:<br />

Pteromorpha), Venus,<br />

Karyotype of the blood clam Anadara antiqua (L.) (Bivalvia:<br />

Arcidae) from Bandengan, CentraI Java, Indonesia.<br />

Thiriot-Quievreux,<br />

C.,<br />

J. Moll. Stud. 57: 59-70.<br />

Journal of Molluscan Studies 57 : 59-<br />

70<br />

Hydrobiologia 324 149 –I08<br />

Wada, K.T. Jpn. J. Malacol., 44: 183-192.<br />

Afiat, N., J. Moll.Stud<br />

Karyotype of Rounded Ecomorph of Anadara granosa (L.)<br />

(Bivalvia: Arcidae) from Central Java, Indonesia<br />

Afiati, N., J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. UK<br />

Karyotype and Nucleolar Organiser Regions in Ostrea<br />

puelchana (Bilvalvia: Ostreidae),<br />

Insua, A. The Veliger, 36 (3): 215-219.<br />

Karyotype analysis of seven species in the genus Sorghum Min, H.G. J. Hered. 75: 196-202.<br />

Karyological and allozymic characterization of Ruditapes<br />

philippinarus, R. Aureus and R. Decussatus (Bivalvaia<br />

Veneridae)<br />

Karyological and allozymic characterisation of Ruditapes<br />

phillipinarum, R. aureus and R. decussatus (Bivalvia:<br />

Veneridae),<br />

Karyo-logical and allozymic characterisation of Ruditapes<br />

Phillipinarum, R. Aureus and R Decussatus (Bivalvia :<br />

Veneridae).<br />

Borsa, P Aquaculture<br />

Borsa, P. Aquaculture 90: 209-227.<br />

Borsa. P, Aquaculture 90: 209 - 227<br />

Karyo Type and Nucleolar Organiser Regions In Ostrea<br />

puelchana (Bivalvia: Ostreidae),<br />

Insua., A. The Veliger 36 (3) 215-219<br />

Karekterisasi sifat fisik dan kimia buah manggis dari<br />

beberapa panen.<br />

Suyanti, R. J. Hort.<br />

Karbon Aktif (fungsi, pembuatan dan penggunaannya) Manurung R jurusan Teknik kimia ITB, Bandung<br />

Karatesistik Tanah Oxisols Sebagai Dasar Pengelolaan<br />

Lahan. Studi Kasus Pada Oxisols di Sanggauledo, Propinsi<br />

Kalimantan Barat<br />

Karateristik Tanah Merah dari Kebun Percobaan<br />

Universitas Lampung di Tanjungan Lanpung Selatan<br />

Karateristik Jerapan Fosfor pada Tiga Olah Tanah dan<br />

Penempatan Nitrogen Pada Petak Percobaan olah Tanah<br />

Jangka Panjang<br />

Suharta.N Pemberitaan Penelitian Tanah dan<br />

Pupuk<br />

Wiharso. D<br />

Lumbanraja.J Pros. Seminar Nasional IV. BDP-OTK.<br />

Bandar Lampung<br />

Karateristik Beberapa Type Panili Ernawati. Rr Bull. Littro. VIII<br />

Karaterisasi dan Klasifikasi Tanah Andisol Aceh Tengah Karim. A<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 400 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Karang Lunak. Salah Satu Penyusun Terumbu Karang Manuputty, A.E.W. Oseana. Vol XI. No. 4. P3O LIPI.<br />

Jakarta 131 -141.<br />

Karakteristik tanah Oxisols sebagai dasar pengelolaan<br />

lahan: Studi kasus pada Oxisols di Sanggauledo, Propinsi<br />

Kalbar.<br />

Karakteristik tanah beberapa tingkat famili di areal kelapa<br />

sawit Indonesia<br />

Karakteristik populasi ikan di Danau Tondano, Sulawesi<br />

Utara.<br />

Suharta, N. Pemberitaan Penelitian Tanah dan<br />

Pupuk 13: 9-20.<br />

Rachmat<br />

Adiwiganda M<br />

Kartamihardja, E.S.,<br />

Berita Puslit Kelapa Sawit 2 (3) 175-<br />

187<br />

Karakteristik papan partikel dari pohon kelapa sawit. Prayitno TA Berita Pusat Penelitian Kelapa Sawit<br />

12:65-71<br />

Karakteristik limnologi Sungai Komering. Gaffar, A.K.,<br />

Karakteristik lahan dan iklim untuk pewilayahan<br />

pengembangan<br />

Karakteristik Komponen hasil dan hasil tanaman kedelai<br />

[Glycine max (L.) Merrill] serta gulma pada beberapa taraf<br />

dosis herbisida trifluralin<br />

Karakteristik Komponen Hasil dan Hasil Kedelai [Glycine<br />

max (L.) Merrill] serta Gulma pada Beberapa Taraf Dosis<br />

Herbisida Trifluralin<br />

Karakteristik komponen hasil dan hasil kedelai [Glycine<br />

max (L.) Merrill] serta gulma pada beberapa taraf dosis<br />

herbisida trifluralin<br />

Karakteristik gulma, nodulasi pertumbuhan dan hasil<br />

tanaman kedelai eceng gondok : I. Saling tindak antara<br />

dosis dan waktu aplikasi<br />

Karakteristik fisik dan kimia buah markisa kultivar Gowa,<br />

Sinjai, dan Tator<br />

Karakteristik dan Produktivitas Tanah Gambut pada Areal<br />

kelapa Sawit<br />

Karakteristik dan Penanggulangan Penyakit Jamur<br />

Lagenidium sp. pada larva kepiting bakau, Scy//a serrata.<br />

Karakteristik dan penanggulangan penyakit jamur<br />

Lagenidium sp. pada larva kepiting bakau, Scy//a serrata.<br />

Karakteristik dan penanggulangan penyakit jamur<br />

Lagenidium sp. Pada Larva Kepiting Bakau Scylla serrata<br />

Karakteristik Biofisik Lokasi Pengembangan Sistem Usaha<br />

Pertanian Lahan Pasang Surut, Sumatera Selatan. hlm. 1-<br />

30.<br />

Rosman, R., Monograf Nilam. Monograf. (5): 47-<br />

55.<br />

Hasanuddin J. Ilmiah Mon Mata<br />

Hasanuddin Jurnal Ilmiah Mon Mata<br />

Hasanuddin J. Ilmiah Mon Mata<br />

Hasanuddin<br />

Thamrin, M. J. Hort. 3(2): 32-35.<br />

Poeloengan, Z<br />

Zafran J. Penel. Budidaya Pantai 9(4): 29-40.<br />

Zafran, D. Jurnal Penelitian Budidaya Pantai, 9<br />

(4): 29-40.<br />

Zafran J. Penelitian Budidaya Pantai, Vol 9<br />

Subagyo, H Karakteristik Biofisik Lokasi<br />

Pengembangan Sistem Usaha<br />

Pertanian Lahan Pasang Surut,<br />

Sumatera Selatan. hlm. 1-30.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 401 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Karakteristik beberapa isolat bakteri bercahaya yang<br />

diisolasi dari larva udang windu. Penaeus monodon.<br />

Karakterisasi Wilayah Untuk Pengkajian Kopi Organik pada<br />

Ekosistem Redional Lahan Kering di Kabupaten Aceh<br />

Tengah<br />

Karakterisasi tanah-tanah berkembang dari batuan granit di<br />

Kalimantan Barat<br />

Karakterisasi tanah-tanah berkcmhang dari hatuan granit di<br />

Kalimantan Barat<br />

Karakterisasi tanah Oxisol sebagai dasar pengelolaan<br />

lahan: studi kasus pada Oxisol di Sanggauledo, Propinsi<br />

Kalimantan Barat<br />

Karakterisasi Tanah Oksisol sebagai Dasar Pengelolaan<br />

Lahan : Studikasus Pada Oksisol di Sanggauledo, Propinsi<br />

Kalimantan Barat<br />

Karakterisasi Tanah - Tanah Berkembang Dari Batuan<br />

Granit di Kalimantan Barat<br />

Karakterisasi lahan gambut Teunom dan Krueng Sabee<br />

Aceh Barat<br />

Karakterisasi lahan gambut Teunom dan Krueng Sabee<br />

Aceh Barat<br />

Karakterisasi faktor virulen streptococcus sp.grup C asal<br />

awabah pada kera dan babi di Bali dan beberapa aderah di<br />

Indonesia<br />

Karakterisasi faktor virulen Streptococcus sp. grup C asal<br />

wabah pada kera dan babi di Bali dan beberapa daerah di<br />

Indonesia<br />

Roza, D. J. Penelitian Budidaya Pantai. 8(3):93-<br />

98.<br />

Yusuf. A J. Pengkajian dan Pengmbangan<br />

Teknologi Pertanian. Vol. 1<br />

Suharta, N. Pemberitaan Penelitian Tanah dan<br />

Pupuk. (6): 51-60.<br />

Suharta, N Pemberitaan Penelitian Tanah dan<br />

Pupuk 6: 51-60.<br />

Suharta, N. Pemberitaan Penelitian Tanah dan<br />

Pupuk (13): 9-20.<br />

Suharta. N. Pemberitaan Penelitian Tanah dan<br />

Pupuk<br />

Suharta. N. Pemberitaan Penelitian Tanah dan<br />

Pupuk<br />

Yusuf, A<br />

Yusuf, A<br />

Karakterisasi dan Klasifikasi tanah andisol Aceh Tengah Karim, A<br />

Wibawan.I.W.T Med.vet<br />

Wibawan, I.W.T. Karakterisasi faktor virulen<br />

Streptococcus sp. grup C asal wabah<br />

pada kera dan babi di Bali dan<br />

beberapa daerah di Indonesia<br />

Karakterisasi arang aktifdari arang serbuk gergajian<br />

sengon dengan bahan pengaktifNH4HCC»3.<br />

Pari, G.<br />

Kapuas, varietas padi sawah dan pasang surut. Suhartini, T. Pemberitaan Penelitian Puslitbangtan<br />

Kapan ternak sapi dan kerbau boleh disembelih. Tribowo, R<br />

Kaolin Serpentine Group Minerals Dixon.J.B Minerals in Soil Environments<br />

Kandungan tanin dan HCl pada biji sorghum pakan akibat Achmadi, J. J. Perkembangan peternakan tropis,<br />

lama perkembangan<br />

Edisi khusus<br />

Kandungan senyawa kimia pada bunga dan daun<br />

Chromolaena odorata (L.) R.M. King & H. Robinson<br />

Jamal, Y.,<br />

Kandungan gen cry Bacillus thunngiensis Isolat Indonesia Lay, B.W.,<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 402 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Kandungan Asam Amino dan Gula Pereduksi selama<br />

Fermentasi Biji Kakao<br />

Kamaboko, produk olahan ikan yang berprotein untuk<br />

dikembangkan.<br />

Kalkulasi Prosentase Progesteron dalam Susu Skim jika<br />

diketahui Temperatur Sentrifugasi dan Kadar Lemak Susu.<br />

Liang, O.B Menara Perkebunan<br />

Fardiaz, D. Media Teknologi Pangan Vol 1(2)-1.<br />

Bogor.<br />

Hartantyo, S. Bulletin FKH UGM Vol. XIV. No. 2.<br />

Kalium dan sulfur pada kedelai di lahan kering Henny K Jurnal Penelitian Tropika<br />

Kalium dan sulfur pada kedelai di lahan kering Henny K Jurnal Penelitian Tropika<br />

Kajian virus lahir biji pada cabai Korlina, E. Buletin Penelitian Hortikultura, 26(3):<br />

92-95.<br />

Kajian tentang pertumbuhan dan hasil beberapa varietas<br />

kedelai dengan tipe tumbuh dan populasi tanam yang<br />

berbeda<br />

Harsono, A. Penelitian Palawija 4(2): 102-111.<br />

Kajian Tentang Pemakaian Dolomit dan TSP dalam<br />

Budidaya Tebu di Wilayah Subang<br />

Ismai.I. Majalah Perusahaan Gula<br />

Kajian sosial ekonomi nelayan di Danau Limboto, Sulawesi<br />

Utara<br />

Azizi,A.<br />

Kajian prestasi kerja pembalakan di Indonesia. Soenarno, M., Duta Rimba (12): 75 - 76.<br />

Kajian pengaruh pupuk terhadap serangan hama tanaman<br />

nilam pada dua agroekosistem di Lampung<br />

Mustikawati, D.R.<br />

Kajian Pemasaran pisang dalam kaitannya dengan industri<br />

olahan sale pisang.<br />

Kajian pemasaran pisang dalam kaitannya dengan industri<br />

olahan sale pisang<br />

Kajian morfologis, anatomis, dan histologi buah rambutan<br />

(Nephelium lappaceum, linn) cv. Binjai.<br />

Kajian mengenai fermentasi pucuk tebu terhadap<br />

utilitasnya sebagai pakan.<br />

Kajian keadaan tegakan tinggal dan keterbukaan lahan<br />

pada kegiatan penebangan dan penyaradan di suatu<br />

perusahaan hutan di Kalimantan Tengah.<br />

Kajian InteraksiTakaran dan Jenis Inokulasi TerhadapHasil<br />

Kedelai di lahan Sawah<br />

Kajian hubungan antara faktor sosial ekonomi dengan<br />

pendapatan usaha pemeliharaan kambing di kab. Gunung<br />

Kidul.<br />

Wahjudi, T. Penel, Hort.<br />

Penel, Hort<br />

Broto, W. J. Hort.<br />

Pangestu, E. D.<br />

Suhartana, S.<br />

Suryantini Risalah Hasil Penelitian Balittan<br />

Malang<br />

Nurtini, S.<br />

Kajian Ekonomi Gula Merah Nahdodin<br />

Kajian beberapa aspek biologi reproduksi ikan kerapu<br />

Pirzan, A.M.<br />

sebagai acuan pemilihan spesies potensial budi daya<br />

perikanan pantai<br />

Kadar Total Sulfur Tanaman Kedelai Yang di Suplai<br />

Dengan Sulfat Pada Berbagai Konsentrasi<br />

Sunarpi Oryza, Jurnal Universitas Mataram<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 403 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Kadar Malonaldehida dan Zat Gizi Antioksidan Plasma<br />

pada Populasi Remaja Rentan Pencemaran Makanan<br />

Kadar Malonaldahida dan Zat Gizi Antioxidant Plasma<br />

Pada Populasi Remaja Rentan Pencemaran Makanan<br />

Zakaria, F.R.<br />

Zakaria, R.F.<br />

Kacang Tanah. Sutarto, L.V.,<br />

K. Komagata, Chemotaxonomic and phenotypic<br />

characterization of the strains of species in the<br />

Flavobacterium-Cytophaga complex<br />

H. Oyaizu J. Gen. Appl. Microbiol<br />

Juvenility, maturation and rejuvenation in woody plants Hackett, W. P. Hort. Rev.<br />

Juvenility in woody plants: a review Zimmerman, R. H. Hort. Science<br />

Juvenile hormone: effect on biomolecular lipid membranes Bauman, G. Nature London 223: 316-317.<br />

Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, Anonimous, Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian,<br />

Juran's Quality Control Handbook 1 & 2 Juran .J.M Fourth Edition McGraw-Hill Book,<br />

Inc.New York<br />

Jungle Fowl-Domestic Fowl Relationships: a Use of DNA<br />

Finger Printing.<br />

Siegel, P. B. World's Poult. Sci.<br />

Joint Soil Research Project UPM-Belgium annual report 1979 by Dept. ofSoU<br />

Sc., Pac. ofAgric. UPM Malaysia. PP<br />

41-56.<br />

Joint Soil Research Project UPM-Belgium annual report 1980 by Dept. of Soil<br />

Sc., Fac. ofAgric. UPM Malaysia. pp23-<br />

35.<br />

Joint Soil Research Project UPM- Belgium annual report 1981 by Dept. of Soil<br />

SC., Fac. Of Agric. UPM Malaysia. pp<br />

57-66.<br />

JH as a key factor larval diapause of the rice stem borer,<br />

Chilo suppressalis Walker (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)<br />

Jerami jagung segar, kering dan teramoniasi sebagai<br />

pengganti hijauan pada sapi potong.<br />

Yagi, S. Appl. Entomol. Zool.<br />

Wardhani, N. K. Jipnak Grati Vol.2 : IBPPP<br />

Departemen Pertanian.<br />

Jenjang Pemikahan Inti Plasma Wahyudin, E Infovet<br />

Jawa Timur dalam Angka, Tahun 1997 dan 1998. Jawa Timur dalam Angka, Tahun 1997<br />

dan 1998.<br />

Java Sparrow, Padda oryzivora Islam, K. The Birds of North America, 304:1-12.<br />

Jarak genetika beberapa jenis kelapa hibrida Genjah x<br />

Dalam berdasarkan sifat kuantitatif dan pola pita isozim<br />

Enny Randriani Jurnal Penelitian Kelapa<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 404 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Japanese encephalitis in Indonesia Woeryadi, S. Southeast Asian. l. Trop. Med. Pub.<br />

Hith. 20(4): 575-580.<br />

Japanese encephalitis in India Banerjee, K. Ann. Indian Acad. Med. Sci. 11(2): 51-<br />

76.<br />

Japanese contribution on con-sumer ecology In eelgrass<br />

(Zostera marina L.) beds., with special reference to trophic<br />

relationships and resources In Inshore fisheries.<br />

Kikuchi, T. Aquaculture, 4:145-160<br />

Japan Sea Farming Association. (Saibai gyogyo). 11 hal. Anonim, tt Japan Sea Farming Association.<br />

(Saibai gyogyo). 11 hal.<br />

Jamur penghasil mikotoksin pada bahan jamu dan jamu<br />

tradisional<br />

Sri Hartadi Mikrobiologi di Indonesia<br />

Jambu Mete dan pembudidayaannya Djarijah, N. M. Jambu Mete dan pembudidayaannya<br />

Jalur Kegiatan Industri Pengolahan Memerlukan Jenis<br />

Tanaman yang Bervariasi<br />

Harahap, H Kehutanan Indonesia 33:15-16.<br />

Jagung Sudjana, A Buletin Teknik No.3<br />

J Biol Chem 261:10544-10550 Qureshi AA J Biol Chem 261:10544-10550<br />

Ivyleaf Morningglory (Ipomoea Hederaceae) Control with<br />

Herbicides in Soybeans (Glycine max)<br />

Prosch, S.D Weed Sci<br />

Ivyleaf Morningglory (Ipomoea hederacea) Control with<br />

Herbicides in Soybeans (G;ycine max)<br />

Prosch, S.D Weed Sci<br />

Itaconic acid Fermentation by Yeast Belonging to Genus<br />

Candida.<br />

Tabuchi, T., Agric. Biol. Chem<br />

Issues in human nutrition and their probable impact on<br />

foods of animal origin<br />

Leveille, G.A. J. Animal Sci. 41: 723-731.<br />

Issues in diallel analysis Baker, R.J. Crop Sci. 18: 533-536.<br />

Issues Arising from Sampling Designs and band Selection<br />

in Discriminating Ground Reference Attributes Using<br />

Remotely Sensed Data.<br />

Isozynie analysis procedures for stone fruits, almond,<br />

grape, walnut, pistachio and nut.<br />

Isozymic variability of traditional rice (Oryza sativa L.) in<br />

Africa<br />

Isozymes electrophoregrams of sixteen enzymes in five<br />

tissues of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) varieties.<br />

Labovitz, M. L. Photogrammetric Engineering and<br />

Remote Sensing 52(2)<br />

Arulsekar, S. HortScience 21 (4): 928-933.<br />

Kocliko, A. de. Theor.Appl. Genet. 73:675-682.<br />

Ramirez, H., Euphytica 36: 39-48.<br />

Isozymes as genetic markers in bananas and plantains Jarret RL Euphytica 35:539-549.<br />

Isozymes and classification of Asian rice varietes Glazzman, JC Theor. Appl. Genet 74: 21-30<br />

Isozyme variation in taro (C. esculenta (L.) Schott.)<br />

fromAsia and Oceania<br />

Lebot, V. Euphytica 56:55-66.<br />

Isozyme polymorphysmin caroc cultivars Tous, J. Hort. Sci.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 405 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Isozyme locus Pgm-1 is thigtiy linked to a gene (Vf) for<br />

scab resistance in apple<br />

Isozyme gene linkage map of the tomato: applications in<br />

genetics and breeding.<br />

Isozyme analysis procedurs for stone fruits, almond, grape,<br />

walnut, pistachio and fig<br />

Isozyme analysis procedures for stone fruits, almond,<br />

grape, walnut, pistachio, and fig<br />

Isozyme analysis for stone fruits, almond, grape, walnut,<br />

pistachio and fig<br />

Manganaris, A.G. J. Amer. Soc. Hort.Sci. 119:1286-<br />

1288.<br />

Tanksley, S.D. Theor. Appl. Genet. 57: 161-170.<br />

Arulsekar S Hort. Sci. 21 (4): 928-933<br />

Arulsekar S Hort. Sci : 21(4) : 928-933<br />

Arulsekar, S. Hort. Sci.<br />

Isotopic estimation of the hepatic glucose balance in vivo Rognstad, R. J. Theor. Biol. 68:161-173.<br />

Isoterm Sorpsi Air Biji Coklat. Atmawinata, O., Menara Perkebunan 51 (1): 17-23.<br />

Isolation, purification and some kinetic studies of marine<br />

nitrifying bacteria<br />

Isolation, Partial, Characterization and Specificity of<br />

Glycoprotein Elicitors from Culture Filtrat, Mycelium, and<br />

Cell Walls Cladosporium fulvum (Syn. Fulvia fulvd)<br />

Isolation, enumeration, and maintenance of rumenanaerobic<br />

fungi in roll tubes<br />

Isolation, culture, and regeneration of protoplasts from<br />

potato and several related Solanum species.<br />

Isolation of potato genes that are induced during early<br />

stage of the hypersensitive response to Phytophthora<br />

infestans.<br />

Carlucci, A.F. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol., 2: 156-166.<br />

de Wit Physiol. Plant Pathology. 16:391-408.<br />

Joblin, K App. Environ. Microbiol<br />

Haberlach, G.T., Plant Sci. 39: 67-74.<br />

Birch PRJ Molec Plant Microbe Interact<br />

Isolation of molecular markers for tomato using RAPD Klein-Lankhorst RM Theor Appi Genet 83:108-114.<br />

Isolation of mid genes from Rhizobium sp. TAL1145<br />

responsible for the degradation of mimosine. Indonesian<br />

Isolation of mid genes from Rhizobium sp. strain TAL1145<br />

responsible for the degradation of mimosine.<br />

Isolation of mid genes from Rhizobium sp. strain TAL1145<br />

responsible for the degradation of mimosine.<br />

Soedarjo, M. Agric. Biotechnol. 3: 33-39.<br />

Soedarjo, M.<br />

Soedarjo, M.<br />

Isolation of measles virus from urine Gresser, I. N. Engl. J. Med. 263: 452-454.<br />

Isolation of Mannan-utilizing Bacteria and the Culture<br />

Conditions for Mannanase Production.<br />

Mendoza, N.S. World J. Microbiol. Biotec,Abstr.<br />

Isolation of Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1 mutants<br />

defective in bacterial magnetic particles synthesis by<br />

transposon mutagenesis<br />

Wahyudi, A.T. Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol. (in press).<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 406 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Isolation of Japanese encephalitis (JE) virus from Mansoni<br />

annulifera spesies of mosquito<br />

Chakraborty, M.S. J. Indian. Med. ASSOC. 75(10):208.<br />

Isolation of genes (nifihuf) cosmids involved in<br />

hydrogenase and nitrogenase activities in Rhizobium<br />

japonicum.<br />

Sherman, S.M., l. Bacteriol. 161: 882-887.<br />

Isolation of fraction rich in human Y sperm Ericsson, R.J. Nature 246:421 -424.<br />

Isolation of DNA from plants high in polyphenolics Couch JA Plant Mol Biol Reptr 1<br />

Isolation of cartilage factor that inhibits tumor<br />

neovascularization<br />

Langer, R. Science. 193: 70-72.<br />

Isolation of bluetongue virus serotype 21 from Culicoides<br />

spp. in Indonesia.<br />

Sendow, I., Vet. Microbiol. 36: 349-353.<br />

Isolation of biologically active ribo-nucleic acid from<br />

sources enriched in ribonuclease<br />

Chirgwin, J.M. Biochemistry 18: 5294-5299.<br />

Isolation of ALUI-P gene encoding a protein with aluminium Joe J., Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 239:<br />

tolerance activity from Arthrobacter viscosus.<br />

835839.<br />

Isolation Of A Pseudomonas SolanaCearum Specific DNA<br />

Probe By Su-Stractive Hybridization And Construction Of<br />

Species Specific Oligonucleotide Primers For Sensitive<br />

Detection By The PCR<br />

Isolation of a Pseudomonas solanacearum specific DNA<br />

probe by subtraction hybridi-zation and construction of<br />

species-.specific oligonucleotide primers for sensitive<br />

detection by the polymerase chain reaction<br />

Isolation of A Mutant MDBK Cell Line Resistant to Bovine<br />

Viral Diarrhea Virus Infection Due to A Block in Viral Entry.<br />

Isolation of a mimosine degrading enzyme from Leucaena<br />

laf.<br />

Isolation of 2,4-diacetylphenol glucinol from fluorence<br />

pseudomonads and investigation of meal.<br />

Isolation of 2,4-diacetylphologlucinol from fluorescent<br />

pseudomonads and investigation of physiological<br />

parameters influencing its production.<br />

Isolation and structures of trichilins,antifeedants againts the<br />

southrn armyworm<br />

Isolation And Structures Of Trichilins Antifeedants Agints<br />

The Southern Armyworm<br />

Isolation and Structure of Ankaflavin: A New Pigments<br />

Monascus anka<br />

Seal. S.E Appl. Environ Microbiol<br />

Seal, S. E. Applied and Environmental Microbiol.<br />

58: 3,751-3,758.<br />

Flores, E. F. Virology.<br />

Tangendjaja, B., J. Sci. Food Agric. 37: 523-526.<br />

Shanahan, P. :D.J. Phytohathology 53: 1383-1387<br />

Shanahan, P., Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 58: 353-358.<br />

Nakani M J.Am.Chem Soc<br />

Nakatami. M J. Am. Chem. Soc<br />

Manchand, P.S. J. Phytochem. 12: 2531-2532.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 407 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Isolation and Quantification of Volatiles in Fish by Dynamic<br />

Headspaces Sampling and Mass Spectrometry<br />

Isolation and partial characterization of a geminivirus<br />

causing bean dwarf mosaic<br />

Isolation and mapping of polymorphic microsatellites in<br />

cattle<br />

Isolation and identification of polynes formed during the<br />

thermal degradation of B.B- carotene.<br />

Isolation and identification of cholesterol-degrading<br />

Rhodococcus strains from food of animal origin and their<br />

cholesterol oxidase activities<br />

Isolation and Identification Histamine Forming Bacteria<br />

From Indonesia Little Tuna (Euthynnus sp.)<br />

Isolation and evaluation of marine bacteria for biocontrol of<br />

luminous bacterial disease in Tiger shrimp larvae (Penaeus<br />

monodon. Fab.)<br />

Isolation and culture of protoplasts from the liverwort cell<br />

suspension cultures and the moss protonemata.<br />

Isolation and Composition of a Natural Dye from the Stems<br />

of Sorgum Bicolor (L.) Moench susp. americanum<br />

caudatum<br />

Isolation and Characterization of polysaccaharide from<br />

Ganoderma lucidum<br />

Rafsgaard, H.G.F. J. Agric. Food. Chem. 47: 114-1118.<br />

Morales F Phytopathology<br />

StefTen, P. Anim. Gen. 24:121-124.<br />

Byers J J. Organic Chemistry. Vol 48:1515-<br />

1522<br />

Watanabe, K J. Gen. Appl. Microbiol<br />

Atmadjaja. J.S<br />

Tjahjadi, M.R. Aspac. J. Mol. Biol. Biotechnol. 2:347-<br />

352.<br />

Ono, K. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 56: 201-207.<br />

Rey, J.P. Cereal Chemistry, 70 (6)" 759-760.<br />

Wang CH Chemistry and Industry of Foest<br />

products<br />

Isolation and Characterization of Pectin in sugar-beet pulp Phantak, L. J. of Food Sci. 53 (30): 830-833.<br />

Isolation and characterization of new strains of cholesterolreducing<br />

bacteria trom baboons<br />

Isolation and characterization of chitin from crawfish shell<br />

waste.<br />

Isolation and characterization of chitin from crawfish shell<br />

waste<br />

Isolation and characterization of cell walls polysaccharides<br />

from Aspergillus oryzae.<br />

Isolation and characterization of Awspirillum mutants<br />

excreting high mutants of indoleacetic acid.<br />

Isolation and characterization of angiotensin 1-converting<br />

enyzime inhibitorry peptides derived from bonito bowels<br />

Biosci<br />

Isolation and characterization of a gene for nodule<br />

development linked to the ndvA and ndvB genes in<br />

Rhizobium sp. TAL1145.<br />

Brinkley, A.W Appl. Environ. Microbiol<br />

Hong, N.K. Journal Agriculture and Food<br />

Chemistry. Vol 37: 3.<br />

Hong, K.No., Journal of Agricultural and Food<br />

Chemistry<br />

Sasaki, S. Agric. Biol. Chem., 51 (9): 2595-2596.<br />

Hartmann A Can J Microbiol 29:916-923.<br />

Matsumura, N. Biotech. Biochem., 57: 1743-1744.<br />

Pooyan, S., Symbiosis 17: 201-215.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 408 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Isolat streptococcus agalactiae asal sapi penderita mastitis<br />

subklinis:11 Hidrofobisitas permukaan sel isolat<br />

Isolat streptococcus agalactiae asal sapi penderita mastitis<br />

subklinis: I Ekspresi fenotif isolat in vitro<br />

Isolasi Salmonella Sp. Dari Air Limbah Rumah Potong<br />

Hewan di Beberapa Daerah di Indonesia<br />

Isolasi Salmonella Sp dari karkas hewan yang di potong di<br />

RPH. Penyakit Hewan<br />

Isolasi dan sifat lignin dari larutan sisa pemasak pabrik<br />

pulp.<br />

Isolasi dan seleksi kapang termotoleran pengbasil selulase<br />

untuk pengomposan tandan kosong kelapa sawit<br />

Isolasi dan seleksi jasad renik pelarut fosfat (JRPP) dari<br />

perkebunan tebu<br />

Isolasi dan seleksi bakteri selulolitik dari ekosistem air<br />

hitam<br />

Isolasi dan identifikasi virus Aujeszky dari anak babi di<br />

Tangerang.<br />

Isolasi dan Identifikasi Senyawa Toksik dari Daun Nerium<br />

Indicum Mill<br />

Isolasi dan Identifikasi Mikroba Antagonis dari Penyakit<br />

Busuk Batang Panili (Fusarium oxysporum var. vanillae).<br />

Utama I H<br />

Utama I H<br />

------ Penyakit Hewan. Vol. 23, No. 42<br />

Purnomo, S. Penyakit Hewan. Vol XX, No. 36.<br />

1988.<br />

Nurhayati, T.<br />

Basuki J Mikrobiol Indon 3:15-19.<br />

Premono, M.E.<br />

Isolasi bioaktif sponge untuk fungisida pada benih udang<br />

windu (Penaeus monodon).<br />

Muliani, Suryati, E.,<br />

Isolasi bakten penghasil enzim lipase alkali dari kulit Rumiyati, V.S.P<br />

Isolasi Bahan Aktif Isotoma Longiflora Terhadap Bakteri<br />

Aeromonas sp pada Ikan<br />

Fikrinda J Mikrobiol Indon 5:48-53.<br />

Sarosa,A Penyakit Hewan XXV (46): 83-86.<br />

Mae. S.H.W Majalah Farmasi Indonesia<br />

Arya, N., Jurnal Fitopatologi 3 (2): 1-7.<br />

Suryati, E. Simposium Perikanan I, Jakarta, p.89-<br />

94.<br />

Isoflavones, not protein, key in cholesterol effect Anonim INFORM<br />

Isoflavans from Millettia racemosa, Kumar, R.J., Phytochemistry, 28, p. 913-916.<br />

Isocaloric, isogravic diets in rats. III. Effects of non-nutritive<br />

fiber (alfalfa and cellulose) on cholesterol metabolism<br />

Kritchevsky, D. Nutr. Rep. Intl. 9, 301-308.<br />

ISO-9000 Sebuah Introduksi, Info Askes Edisi No. 8<br />

November 1996<br />

Sulastomo Buletin Empat Bulanan PT (Persero)<br />

Asuransi Kesehatan Indonesia,<br />

Jakarta<br />

Ischaemic heart disease & consumption of hydrogenated<br />

marine oils<br />

Thomas LH Hum Nutr Food Sci Nutr 41F: 153-165<br />

Is vitamin C essential in poultry nutrition Seemann, M. World Poultry - Misset<br />

Is The adipocyte B(Beta)-adrenoceptor a prototype for the<br />

recently cloned atypical B3(Beta)-adrenoceptor<br />

Zaagsma, J Trends Pharmacol. Sci<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 409 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Is Low plant density a stress in Maize Tollenaar, M Maydica<br />

Irrigation, nitrogen, and gypsum effect on specific gravity<br />

and internal defect of Atlantic potatoes<br />

Silva, G.H Amer. Potato J<br />

Irrigation Practice and Water Requirement Doneen.L.D FAO Irrigatiaon and Drainage No. 1.<br />

Rome<br />

Irrigation of Soybean Genotypes during Reproductive<br />

Ontogeny<br />

Korte, L.L Crop Sci<br />

IRRI Res Paper Series No. 5 February 1977 Ponnamperuma.<br />

F.N<br />

Irradiation of poultry feedII. Effect on nutrition composition. Leeson, S World's Poultry Sci. J. 49, 120-131.<br />

Irradiation of poultry feed I. Microbial status and bird<br />

response.<br />

Leeson, S World's Poultry Sci. J. 49, 19-33<br />

Irradiation of fresh meats. Murano, E.A. Food Technol., 12, 52 - 54<br />

Iron Toxic soils Van Breemen. N. Intern. Rice Res Inst.: Soil and Rice.<br />

IRRI, Los Banos<br />

Iron oxide mineralogy of-well drained Ultisols and Oxisol: II.<br />

Influenee on color, surface area, andphosphate retention<br />

Bigham. J.M. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. 42: 825-830.<br />

Iron oxide mineralogy of well drained Ultisols and Oxisols:<br />

II. Influence on color, surface area, and phosphate<br />

retention<br />

Iron Oxide mineralogy of well drained ultisols and oxisols:<br />

II. Influence on color, surface area, and phosphate<br />

retention<br />

Iron Oxide Mineralogy of Well Drained Ultisol and Oxisol II<br />

Influence on Color, Suface Area, and Phosphate Retention<br />

Iron metabolism in the snail Biomphalaria glabrata: uptake,<br />

storage and transfer<br />

Iron Definciency and Productivity of Adult Males in<br />

Indonesia.<br />

Bigham, J.M. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. 42: 825-830.<br />

Bigham, J. M. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. 42: 825-830.<br />

Bigham.J.M Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J.<br />

Heneine. IF Comp Biochem Physiol,28:391-399.<br />

Besta S.S The American Jurnal of Clinical<br />

Nutrition 32.<br />

Iron deficiency of oil palm in Sumatera Winasurya S Better crop Int. 13 (1) :33-35<br />

Iron and zinc supplementation improves indicators of<br />

vitamin A status of Mexican preschoolers<br />

Munoz, E.C Am. J.Clin.Nutr<br />

Iron and zinc interactions in human Whittaker, P Am. J.Clin.Nutr<br />

Iron absorptionby humans from hemosiderin and ferritin,<br />

further studies<br />

Torres, C. M. J. Nutr.<br />

Iridoids a Review : El-Naggar.L.J J. Natural Product (Lloydia)<br />

Ion Adsorption Mechanism in Oxidic Soil : Implications For<br />

Point of Zero Charge Determinations<br />

Stoop. W.A Geoderma<br />

Iodine in British Food and Diets Lee S.M British J.Nutr<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 410 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Iodine Content of Diets of The People of Different Regions<br />

Living in Bombay<br />

Involvement of the phytoal-exin medicarpin in the<br />

differential response of callus lines of lucerne (Medicago<br />

saliva) to infection by Verticillium albo-atrum<br />

Involvement of steroid hormones iri bovine oocytes<br />

maturation in vitro<br />

Involvement of Biotin in The Fatty Liver and Kidney<br />

Syndrome of Broiler.<br />

involvement of a plasmid in production of ripeness<br />

(mucoidness) in milk cultures by streptococcus cremoris<br />

M5.<br />

Invitro plant regeneration from cultured leaves of sweet<br />

potato.<br />

Invigorasi benih: suatu peluang untuk meningkatkan<br />

produksi padi<br />

Investigation on the possibility of reducing protein,<br />

phosphorus and calcium requirement of laying hens by<br />

manipulation of time of access to this laying hens<br />

Investigation on the ecology and Fish Fauna of the<br />

Mahakam River in East Kalimantan (Borneo), Indonesia.<br />

Int. Revuges.<br />

Investigation on posible mechanisms of resistence to<br />

nematodes in Musa<br />

Investigation of the control probability of beet army worm,<br />

Spodoptera exigua, using synthetic sex pheromone in wels<br />

onion fields<br />

Investigation of milkborne Streptococcus zooepidemicus<br />

infection associated with glomerulonephritis in Australia<br />

Investigation of chromium, cerium and cobalt as markers in<br />

digesta<br />

Investigating Casual relations by econometric models and<br />

cross spectral methods.<br />

Investigalion of The Relationship Between Wax-Drying<br />

Temperature Type of Wax and Rate of Wax Application on<br />

Quality Appearance of 'Delicious' Apple<br />

Dodd N.S J.Food Science and Technology India<br />

Latunde-Dada, A.Q. Physiol. Plant Patliol. 26:31-42.<br />

Sirotkin, A.V. J.Steroid.Biochem. Mol.BioL 41(3-<br />

8):855-858<br />

Payne, C. G. Poult. Sci.<br />

Vedhamutu, E. Appl. Environ. Microbiol.<br />

Lo Shu Fung. Plant Breed, Abstr..<br />

Nugraha, U.S. Keluarga Benih. 7(2): 53-59.<br />

Poultry Sci.<br />

Christensen, M.S. Hydrobiol., 77(4):593-608.<br />

Fogain R Euphytrica<br />

Yoo, J-K. J. Agr. Sc. 37: 334-339<br />

Francis, A.J. J. Infect 27: 317-323.<br />

Uden, P. J. Sci Food. Agric.<br />

Granger CWJ Econometrica 37 (May) 24-438<br />

Feelman, J.K. Hortscience<br />

Invertebrate Zoology Sanders College. Barnes. R D Philadelphia Fourth Ed Holt<br />

Saunders International Edition.<br />

Invertebrate Mediated Transport Processes in Soil Anderson. J.M Agriculture Ecosystems and<br />

Environment<br />

Inverse Polymerase Chain Reaction Wahyudi AT<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 411 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Inventarisasi wilayah usahatani rambutan di Sumatera. Wahjudi, T. Penel. Hort<br />

Inventarisasi wilayah usahatani rambutan di Sumatera Penel, Hort<br />

Inventarisasi Penyakit-penyakit Bakterial pada Tanaman<br />

Sesayuran di Minahasa.<br />

Inventarisasi Penyakit Penting pada Tanaman Aggur di<br />

Beberapa Sntra Produksi di Bali<br />

inventarisasi Penyakit Pasca Panen Buah Mangga<br />

Arumanis, Cengkir dan Gedong<br />

Inventarisasi parasit dan penyakit udang windu, (Penaeus<br />

monodon) di panti benih dan tambak di Jawa dan Bali<br />

Dwiastuti Hort<br />

Yulianingsih Hortikultura<br />

Partasasmita, S. J. Penel. Budidaya Pantai 4(1):65-75.<br />

Inventarisasi Pakan Ayam Kampung Sudaryanti Media Peternakan 9:15-21<br />

Inventarisasi dan identifikasi serangga-serangga yang<br />

terdapat pada tanaman lada di Bangka<br />

Invektifitas berbagai derajat kematangan proglotida cacing<br />

pita Hymenolopis diminuta ( Rudholpi) pada : 2 tikus putih<br />

Rttus sp<br />

Invasion of plant tissue in the rumen by the flagellate<br />

Neocaltimastix frontalis<br />

Invasion of epithelial cell monolayers by turkeys strains of<br />

pasteurella multocida<br />

Introgression of leaf blight resistance from Allium roylei<br />

Stearn into onion (A. cepa L.)<br />

Intro-gressiom of resistance to Colombia and Norther rootknot<br />

nematodes from Solanum bulbocastanum into<br />

cultivated potato.<br />

Asnawi, Z. Media Komunikasi Penelitian dan<br />

Pengembangan Tanaman Industri. 3:<br />

11 hlm.<br />

Retnani E.B<br />

Orpin, C.G J.Gen. Microbiol<br />

Lee M.D avian dis<br />

de Vries, J.N. Euphytica 62: 127-133<br />

Brown, C.R., Euphytica 83: 71-78.<br />

Introduksi Beberapa Varietas Kubis Kualitas Ekspor Sudjijo. J.A Bull. Panel. Hort.<br />

Introductory Animal Science Garrigus. W. Y. J.B. Lippincott Co., N.Y.<br />

Introduction to Tropical Fish Stock Assessment: Part 2<br />

–Exercise.<br />

Sparre, P. FAO Fish. Tech. Paper.<br />

Introduction to tropical fish stock assessment. Part I.<br />

Manual.<br />

Sparre, P., FAO Fish. Tech. Pap. 306/1. 337pp.<br />

Introduction to tropical fish stock assessment, Part I,<br />

Manual<br />

P. Spare FAO Fish Tech. Paper 306/1<br />

Introduction to the artificial diet for prawn<br />

Penaeusjaponicus<br />

Deshimaru, 0. Aquaculture. 1 : 115-133.<br />

Introduction to the artificial diet for prawn P. Japonicus Deshimaru, 0. Aquaculture 1:115-133.<br />

Introduction to Statistical Quality Control Montgomerry D.C John Willey and Sons , Inc. New York<br />

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Introduction systemic resistance to antrachnose in<br />

cucumber by phospates<br />

Introduction of the drug resistance transposon Tn5 into<br />

Rhizobium.<br />

Introduction Of Chilling In Stored Avacados With<br />

Exogenous Ethylene<br />

Introduction of Cellulose in Trichoderma Viride by Carbon<br />

Source and Metal<br />

Introduction of a Lepidopteran specific insecticidal crystal<br />

protein gene of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki by<br />

conjugal transfer into Bacillus megaterium strain that<br />

persists in the cotton phylosphere.<br />

Gottstein, H. D. pytopathology<br />

Berringer, J.E., Nature 276: 233-234.<br />

Chaplin. G.R HortScience<br />

Mendels, M. J. Bacteriology, 75.<br />

Bora, R.S., Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 57: 3057-<br />

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Introduction : The Use Of Body Mass Index ToAssess<br />

Abesity In Children<br />

Dietz. W.H Am. J. Clin. Nutr<br />

Introducing the tilapia Anonim ICLARM News Letter. 7(1): 3.<br />

Intravenous use of green coconut water in pediatrie<br />

practice<br />

Mojumdar, N.G J. Indian Med. Assoc<br />

Intravenous infusion of coconut water Eiseman, B Chem. Abst<br />

Intra-varietal for in vitro plant regeneration in the genus<br />

Trifolium.<br />

Bhojwani, S.S Euphytica 33:915-921<br />

Intraspecific clado-gram estimation: accuracy at higher<br />

levels of divergence. Syst.<br />

Crandall, K.A., Biol. 43: 222-235.<br />

Intraovarian relationships among dominant and subordinate<br />

follicles and the corpus luteum in heifers.<br />

Ginther, O.J. Theriogenology.<br />

Intraovarian control of folliculogenesis: Limit to<br />

superovulation?<br />

Moor, R.M. Theriogenology<br />

Intraovarian control of folliculogenesis: Limits to<br />

superovulations<br />

Moor RM Theriogenology<br />

Intra-organ biochemical transformations associated with<br />

oogenesis in the bay scallop, Argopecten irradians<br />

concentricus (Say), as indicated by l4C incorporation<br />

Barber, BJ Biol Bull, 168: 39-49<br />

Intra-cytoplasmic membrane synthesis in synchronous cell<br />

populations of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides<br />

Leuking, D.R. J. Biol.Chem. 253:451-457.<br />

Intracellular pH effect in jactic acid bacteria Nannen, N. L. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Intracellular Bacteria: The Origin of Dinoflagellate Toxicity Silva, E.S. JEPTO 10: 124-128.<br />

Intracellular Bacteria: The Origin of Dinoflagellate Toxicity Silva, E.S. JEPTO 10: 124-128.<br />

Intestinal triglyceride absorption in the rat. An electron<br />

microscopical study<br />

Intestinal permeability to large particles in normal and<br />

protein deficient adult rats<br />

Cardel, R.R. J Ceil biol 34 : 123-155<br />

Worthington, BS J Nutr 106: 20-32<br />

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Intestinal Microbiology Drassar, B.S. Am. Soc. For Microbiol Washington.<br />

Intestinal absorption of nutrients in rats treated with 2,3,7,8tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin<br />

(TCDD)<br />

Intervals between multiple ovulations in PMSG-treated and<br />

untreated-ewes and the relationships between ovulation<br />

and oestrus.<br />

Ball, L.M J. Toxicol. Environ. Health<br />

Whyman, D. J. Reprod. Fert.<br />

Interval structure of a tilled soil. Dexter, A.R Soil Sci.Am. J.<br />

Interval between multiple ovulations in PMSG-treated<br />

and untreated ewes and the relationship between<br />

obulation and oestrus<br />

Whyman, D J. Reprod. Fert<br />

Interspecific somatic hybridization in potato by protoplast<br />

electrofusion.<br />

Serraf, I., Plant Sci. 76: 115-126.<br />

Interspecific hybrids in Nicotioana through in vitro culture of<br />

fertilized ovules.<br />

Reed, S.M. J. Hered<br />

Interspecific hybrids and possible phyllogenetic relations in<br />

grain amaranth.<br />

Gupta, V.K. Euphytica.<br />

Interspecific hybridization with Hordeum guatemalense Von Bothmer, R. Genetica<br />

Interspecific hybridization between trifolium and T. uniforum<br />

Aust.<br />

Interspecific hybridization between Chorcorus olitprius Linn.<br />

And C. capsularis Linn. And cytological basis of<br />

incompatibility between them<br />

Pandey, K. K. Jurnal Botany<br />

Patel, G. I. Euphtyca<br />

Interspecific hybridization between trifolium repens and T.<br />

Uniflorum.<br />

Pandey, K.K. Aust.j. Bot.<br />

Interspecific fusion in Solanum tuberosum. Austin, S., Theor. Appl. Genet. 71: 172-175.<br />

Interrelationships Between Energy Balance and<br />

Postpartum Reproduction Function in Dairy Cattle<br />

Butler, W. R. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Interrelationships between bacterial population on the root<br />

surface of wheat and growth of plant<br />

Jiang, H.Y. SoilSci. Plant Nutr. 40:683-689.<br />

Interrelationships beetwen energy balance and postpartum<br />

reproductive function in dairy catle<br />

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Interrelationships among voluntary intake, eating and<br />

ruminaling behaviour and ruminal moniity of heifers fed<br />

corn silage<br />

Dewysen, A.G J. Anim. Sci<br />

Interrelationship between sex and ractopamine on protein<br />

and llipid deposition in rapidly growing pigs.<br />

Interpreting ELISA data and establishing the positivenegative<br />

treshold<br />

Interpretation of Landsat-4 Thematic Mapper and<br />

Multispectral Scanner Data for Forest Surveys.<br />

Dunshea, F.R. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Sutula, C.L. Plant Disease<br />

Benson, A. S., Photogrammetric Engineering and<br />

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Interpretation and Use of Estimates of Heritability and<br />

Genetics Variances in Plant Breeding<br />

Dudley, J.W Crop Sci<br />

Interpretation and use of estimates of heritability and<br />

genetic variences to plant breeding<br />

Dudley JW Crop Sci 9:257-262<br />

International Tea Committee Anonim Annual Bulletin of Statistics, London<br />

International Sugar Journal Fok Han Jun International Sugar Journal<br />

International seed testing association International rule for<br />

seed testing<br />

Seed Sci and tachnol, 13:299-355<br />

International seed testing association International rule for<br />

seed testing<br />

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International rules for seed testing: rules 1985 Seed Science and Technology. 13(2):<br />

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International rules for seed testing ISTA Seed Sci and Technol<br />

International rules for seed testing ISTA Seed Sci.& Technol 13:299-355<br />

International rules for seed testing ISTA Seed Sci.& Technol 13:299-355<br />

International Commitee on oxisols: Final Report Buol, S. W. Soil Management Support Services,<br />

Technical Monograph 17: 99-116.<br />

Internalizing Agricultural Nitrogen Pollution Externalities : A<br />

Case Study<br />

Homer. Gerald. L American Journal Of Agricultural<br />

Economics<br />

Intermittent Lighting for Laying Fowls : A. Riview Rowland , K.W World's Poult. Sci.<br />

Intergenotypic competition in plant population of<br />

autogamous-homozygous lines<br />

Schutz, W.M. Crop. Sci. (8): 61-66.<br />

Inter-Genotypic Competition In Plant Population I.<br />

Feedback Systems With Stable Equilibria in Populations of<br />

Autogamous Homozygous Lines<br />

Schutz. W.M Crop Sci<br />

Intergenotypic Competition Between Determinate and<br />

Indeterminate Soybean Cultivars<br />

Intergenic eo-culture of genetically transformed roots and<br />

shoots for secondary metabolite produetion.<br />

Intergeneric transfer of apartial genome and direct<br />

production of monosomic addition plants by microprotoplast<br />

fusion.<br />

Intergeneric somatic hybrid plants from protoplast fusion of<br />

Fortunella crassifolia cultivar 'Neiwa' with citrus sinensis<br />

'Valensia'.<br />

Interference competition structures habitat use in a local<br />

assemblage of coral reef surgeonfishes<br />

Interfacial Proporties of Gluten mono-layers spread on<br />

various chloride salt solutions, effect of electrolytes salt<br />

concentrations and temperature<br />

Sumarno Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa.<br />

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Ramulu, K.S., Theor. Appl. Genet. 92: 316-325.<br />

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Interfacial Properties of Gluten Monolayers Spread on<br />

Various Chloride Salt Solutions, Effect of Electrolytes Salt<br />

Concentrations and Temperature<br />

Intercroppingfield crops between rows of L. leucocephala<br />

under rainfed condition in nothem India<br />

Intercropping as a strategy for reducing damage to carrots<br />

caused by the carrot fly, Psila rosae (F)<br />

Interconversion of Aflatoxin B1 and Aflatoxicol by Several<br />

Fungi<br />

Interaksi varietas dengan lingkungan pada percobaan daya<br />

hasil padi.<br />

Interaksi varietas dengan lingkungan pada percobaan daya<br />

hasil padi.<br />

Interaksi serangga tanaman. Tanaman Resisten dan<br />

pengendalian hayati.Diktat disampikan dalan latihan<br />

methodologi Pengen.<br />

Interaksi antara strain rhizobia dan legum semak pakan<br />

dalam nodulasi dan fiksasi nitrogen<br />

Inter-age and Intra age Income Inequality : A cross<br />

Sectional Analysis.<br />

Interacton Between The Humic Acid Fraction of Soils and<br />

Certain Metallic Cations<br />

Interactive effects of pentachlorophenol and temperature in<br />

the abalone (Haliotis rufescens) as measured by in vivo<br />

31P-NMR spectroscopy.<br />

Interactive effects of pentachlorophenol and temperature in<br />

the abalone (Haliotis rufescens) as measured by in vivo<br />

31P-NMR spectroscopy.<br />

Interactive Effect of Nitrogen and Water Stress on Biomass<br />

Accumulation, Nitrogen Uptake, and Seed Yield of Maize<br />

Balla, A. J. Agroc Food Chem.<br />

Mittal, S.P. Agroforestry Systems<br />

Ramert, B. Biological Agriculture and Horticulture<br />

Nakazato. M Applied and Environmental<br />

Microbiology<br />

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Purwantari, N.D. Forum Ilmu Peternakan 1: 9-20.<br />

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Bennet, J.M Field Crop Res.<br />

Interactions oftoxaphene and vitamin C in channel catfish. Mayer, F.L., Trans. Am Fish.Soc., 107:326-333.<br />

Interactions Between Fungal Pathogens And Insec Hosts Hajek,A.E Ann.Rev. Entomol<br />

Interactions Between Calcium and Humus in Soils Bunzle, N Geochim, Acta<br />

Interactions Between Arsenic and Iron Oxyhidroxydes in<br />

Lacustrine Sediment<br />

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J. J. Co/e Ann. Rev. Ecol. Syst<br />

Interaction of wood smoke component and Daun, H. foods. Food Techol. 33 (59): 66-71.<br />

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Interaction of temperature and light on growth and<br />

development of hybrid tea rose seedlingswith reference to<br />

breeding for low energy requirements.<br />

Interaction of soil minerals with naturals organics and<br />

Microbes.<br />

Interaction of Soil Minerals with Natural Organics and<br />

Microbes<br />

Interaction of soil Minerals with Natural Organics and<br />

Microbes<br />

Interaction of Soil Minerals With Natural Organics and<br />


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Interaction between starch and fatty acid esters in frozen<br />

starch noodles<br />

Interaction Between Soil Type and Tillage Level in A<br />

Dryland Stuation<br />

Interaction between selenium and cadmium in the<br />

hemolymph of the shore crab Carcinus maenas (L),<br />

Interaction Between NemaTophagous Fungiand Plant<br />

Parasitic Nematodes : Attraction Induction of Trap<br />

Formation and Capture<br />

Mohn, Z. Agric. Biol. Chem. 44 (7): 1455-1459.<br />

Hamblin. A.P Australian Journal Of Soil Research<br />

Bjerregaard, P. Aquat. Toxicol., 13: 1-12.<br />

Jansson. H.B Nematologica<br />

Interaction between biological prosses, cultivation and soil<br />

strukture.<br />

Lynch, J.M Plant Soil.<br />

Interaction Between Bacteria and Harmful Algae: a Review Doucette, G.J. Natural Toxins 3: 65-74.<br />

Interaction between bacteria and algae in aquatic<br />

ecosystems<br />

Interaction Between Arsenic and Iron Oxyhydroxides in<br />

Lacustrine Sediment<br />

Interacting effects of imidazolinone herbicide mixtures on<br />

translocation in pitted Morningglory (Ipomoea lacunosa)<br />

Inter action between bacteria and Trichoderma harzianum<br />

in suppres sion of Rhizoctonia damping-off in bark compost<br />

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J. J. Cole Ann. Rev. ego/. Syst,<br />

Benzile. N. Geochim. Acta<br />

Shaw, D.R Weed Sci<br />

Kowk O.C.H., Phyto pathology<br />

Intensive vegetable production with row covers Well, O Hort Sci<br />

Intensive cultivation of vanilla in Uganda Alconero, R. Intensive cultivation of vanilla in<br />

Uganda<br />

Intensified fish culture combining water reconditioning with<br />

pollution abatement<br />

Liao, P.B. Aquacult. 3:61-70.<br />

Integumental taurine transport in Mytilus gill: short-term<br />

adaptation to reduced salinity.<br />

Silva, A.L., J. exp. Biol. 162: 265-279.<br />

Integreted Pest Management in Vagetable Production Sostrowiswjo.S Acta Holtikulture<br />

Integrative cloning, expression and stability of the cryIA(c)<br />

gene from Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki in a<br />

recombinant strain of Clavibacterxyli subsp. cynodontis.<br />

Integration of the soybean molecular and classical genetic<br />

linkage groups<br />

Integrating agronomic and economic perspectives into the<br />

diagnostic stage of on-farm research<br />

Integrated rice tungro disease management in South<br />

Sulawesi, Indonesia<br />

Integrated rice tungro disease management in South<br />

Sulawesi, Indonesia<br />

Lampel, J.S., Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 60: 501-601.<br />

Shoemaker RC Crop Sci 35 : 436-446<br />

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Sama S Indonesia Crop Protection 10:34-40<br />

Sama S Indonesia Crop Protection 10:34-40<br />

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Integrated pest management and aquatic life management:<br />

a Natural partnership for rice farmers<br />

Integrated House Fly Control: Population of Fly Larvae and<br />

Praceous Mites Macrocholes Muscadomesticae, in Poultry<br />

Manure After Larvacide Treatment.<br />

Integrated erop pest management: the way to empower<br />

farmers to develop efficiënt and environmentally sound<br />

agricultural practices<br />

Intake, digestibility, urinary excretionof purine derivatives<br />

and growth by sheep given fresh, air-dried or polyethylene<br />

glycol treated foliage of acacia cyanophilla<br />

Intake of Hay Given Supplemen of Barley Subjected To<br />

Various Forms of Physical Treat-ments Or Treatmen With<br />

Alkali<br />

Intake of faty acid 7 risk of coronary heart disease in cohort<br />

of Finnish men: the alpha tocopherol, beta carotene,<br />

cancer prvention study<br />

Intake and Utilization of Nutrients in Sheep Fed Different<br />

Levels of Roughage Under Heat Stress.<br />

Intake and Utilization of Nutrients in Sheep Fed Different<br />

Levels of Roughage Under Heat Stress.<br />

Intake and digestion in swamp buffaloes and cattle. 2. The<br />

comparative response to urea supplements in animals fed<br />

tropical grasses<br />

Intake and Digestion in Swamp Buffaloes and Cattle. 1.<br />

The Digestion Rice Straw (Oryza Sativa).<br />

Intake and Digestion in Swamp Buffaloes and Cattle. 1.<br />

The Digestion Rice Straw (Oryza Sativa).<br />

Intake and digestion in swamp buffaloes and cattle. 1. The<br />

digestion of rice straw (Oryza sativa)<br />

Insulin-like growth factors: autocrine, paracrine or<br />

endocrine? New perspectives of the somatomedin<br />

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Horstkotte G. NAGA, The ICLARM Quarterly.<br />

Axtell, R. C. J. Econ. Entomol.<br />

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Ben Salem, H. Lindl. Anim. Feed Sci. Tech.<br />

Orskov, E. R. J. Agric.Sci.(Camb.)<br />

Pietenin P Am J of Epiemiology 145:876-887<br />

Bhattacharya, A.N. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

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Holly, J. M. P. J. Endocrinol.<br />

Insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) is a potent mitogen for<br />

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Insulation and temperature effect on maize growth and<br />

yield.<br />

Instructions for the 1341 Plain Oxygen Bomb Calorimeter American Standard<br />

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Ducan.W.G. Crops Sci. 13: 187-190<br />

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Instruction Manual Simrad E.K 500 Scientific Echo Sounder Simrad Simrad<br />

Instruction Manual Automatic Amino Acid Analyzer Hitachi Model<br />

Institut of Molecular and Cellular Yoshino.T Biosciences, Tokyo<br />

Institusi lokal dan sustainibilitas pengembangan<br />

peternakan rakyat di pedesaan. Kasus kecamatan panggul<br />

dan kecamatan Pule (trenggalek), jawa Timur.<br />

Pranadji, T.<br />

Inspection of Meat and Poultry Imports Food Safety and Inspection Service,<br />

United States Department of<br />

Agriculture<br />

Inseeticidal activity of meliaceous seed extracts against<br />

Crocidolomia binotalis Zeiler (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)<br />

Prijono, D.<br />

Insects Associated With Forest Plantation Of Gmelina<br />

Arborea Roxb In Kerla, India<br />

Matthew. G Indian. J. For<br />

Insect-resistant transgenic plants. Schuler, T.H., ATECH. 16: 168-175.<br />

Insectisidal Activity of Aqueous Seed Extracts of Four<br />

Species of Annona (Annonaccae) Against Cabbage Head<br />

Caterpillar, Crocidolomia binotalis Zeller (Lepidoptera.<br />

Pyralidae)<br />

Basana, IR<br />

Insecticides resistance in arthropods. WHO. Geneva. 240p. Brown, A.W.A. Insecticides resistance in arthropods.<br />

WHO. Geneva. 240p.<br />

Insecticide susceptibility of some common fish family. Macek, K. J. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 98(1):20-27.<br />

Insecticide rsistance among grain legume pest in Asia ICRISAT Resistant pest management News<br />

letter vol 3 February 91<br />

Insecticide Effects On Three Tephritid Fruit Flies and<br />

Associated Brconid Parasitoids In Hawaii<br />

Purcell. M.F J. Econ. Entomol<br />

Insecticidal toxins from Bacillus thuringiensis subsp.<br />

kenyae: Gene cloning and characterization and<br />

comparation with Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki<br />

cryIA(c) toxins.<br />

Von Tersch, M., Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 57: 349-358.<br />

Insecticidal Rocaglamide Derivatives From Aglaia Elliptica<br />

and A Harmsiana<br />

Insecticidal Rocaglamide Derivatives From Aglaia Elliptica<br />

and A Harmsiana<br />

Insecticidal Rocaglamide Derivatives From Aglaia<br />

Duperreana<br />

Insecticidal Of Annonaceous Seed Extracts Againts The<br />

Cabbage Head Caterpillar, Crocidolomia Binotalis Zeller<br />

(Lepidoptera : Pyralidae)<br />

Nugroho. B.W.N Phytochemistry<br />

Nugroho. B.W.N Phytochemistry<br />

Nugroho. B.W.N Phytochemistry<br />

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Insecticidal ctivity Of Aqueous Seed Extracts Of Four<br />

Species Of Annona (Annonaceae) Against Cabbage Head<br />

Caterpillar, Crocidolomia Binotalis Zeller (Lepidoptera :<br />

Pyralidae)<br />

Basana. I.R<br />

Insecticidal crystal proteins Bacillus thuringiensis. Hofte, H. Microbiol. Rev. 53: 242-255.<br />

Insecticidal crystal protein of Bacillus thuringiensis. Hofte, H. Microbiol. Rev. 53: 242-255.<br />

Insecticidal Bioactivity of Crude Extracts of Aglaia Species<br />

(Meliaceae).<br />

Satasook, C. Biochem,System. Ecol 22: 121-127<br />

Insecticidal Bioactivity Of Crude Extracts Of Aglaia Species<br />

(Meliaceae)<br />

Satasook. C Biochem System Ecol<br />

Insecticidal Bioactivity Of Crude Extracts Of Aglaia Species<br />

(Meliaceae)<br />

Satasook. C Biochem System Ecol<br />

Insecticidal bioactivity of crude extracts of Aglaia Species<br />

(Meliaceae<br />

Satasook C Biochem Syst Ecol<br />

Insecticidal Bioactivity Of Aglaia Harmsiana Seed Extract<br />

Against Crocidolomia Binotalis Zeller (Lepidoptera :<br />

Pyralidae)<br />

Wiyantono In Preparation<br />

Insecticidal Actvity Of Aqueus Seed Extracts Of Four<br />

Species Of Annona (Annonaceae) angints Cabbage Head<br />

Caterillar, Crocidolomia Binotalis Zeller (Lepidoptera :<br />

Pyralidae)<br />

Insecticidal Activity Of Meliaceous Seed Extracts Againts<br />

Crocidolomia Binotalis Zeller (Lepidoptera : Pyralidae)<br />

Insecticidal Activity of Meliaceous Seed Extracts Againts<br />

Callosobruchus Maculatus (F) (Coleoptera : Bruchidae)<br />

Insecticidal activity of meliaceous seed extracts against<br />

Crocidolomia binotalis Zeller (Lepidoptera:Pyralidae)<br />

Insecticidal Activity of Meliaceous Seed Extracts Against<br />

Crocidolomia binotalis Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)<br />

Insecticidal Activity Of Meliaceous Seed Extracts Against<br />

Crocidolomia Binotalis Zeller (Lepidoptera : Pyralidae)<br />

Insecticidal activity of extracts of Aglaia spp. (Meliaceae)<br />

against the cabbage cluster caterpillar, Crocidolomia<br />

binotalis Zeiler (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)<br />

Insecticidal Activity Of Aqueous Seed Extracts Of Four<br />

Species Of Annona (Annonaceae) Aginst Cabbage Head<br />

Caterpillar, Crocidolomia Binotalis Zeller (Lepidoptera :<br />

Pyralidae)<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Insecticidal Activity of aqueous seed extracts of four<br />

species of Annona (Annonaceae) against cabbage head<br />

caterpillar, Crocidolomia binotalis Zeller (Lepidoptera:<br />

Pyralidae).<br />

Insecticidal activity of aqueous seed extracts of four<br />

species of Annona (Annonaceae) against cabbage head<br />

caterpillar, Crocidolomia binotalis Zeiler (Lepidoptera:<br />

Pyralidae).<br />

Insecticidal Activity Of Aglaia Odorata and The Active<br />

Principle, Rocoglamide, To The European Corn Borer,<br />

Ostrinia Nubilalis Hubn (Lep. Pyralidae)<br />

Insecticidal Activity Of Aglaia Odorata and The Active<br />

Principle, Rocoglamide, To The European Corn Borer,<br />

Ostrinia Nubilalis Hubn (Lep. Pyralidae)<br />

Basana IR<br />

Basana, I.R,<br />

Ewete. F J. Appl. Ent<br />

Ewete. F J. Appl. Ent<br />

Insecticidal 1H-Cylopentatetrahydro (b) Benzofurans From<br />

Aglaia Odorata<br />

Ishibashi. F Phytochemistry<br />

Insecticidal 1H-Cylopentatetrahydro (b) Benzofurans From<br />

Aglaia Odorata<br />

Ishibashi. F Phytochemistry<br />

Insecticidal 1H-Cylopentatetrahydro (b) Benzofurans From<br />

Aglaia Odorata<br />

Ishibashi. F Phytochemistry<br />

Insecticidal 1H-cyclopentatetrahydro[b]benzofurans from<br />

Aglaia odorata Lour. (Meliaceae)<br />

Ishibashi, F. Physochemistry 32. 307-310<br />

Insecticidal 1H-cyclopentatetrahydro[b] benzofurans from<br />

Aglaia odorata Lour.(Meliaceae).<br />

Ishibashi F Phytochemistry<br />

insecticidal \H-cyclopentatetrahydro[b]benzofurans from<br />

Aglaia odorata Low. (Meliaceae)<br />

Ishibashi F Photochemistry 32:307-310.<br />

Insect seasonality:why? Wolda H Ann Rev Entomol Syst<br />

Insect pest management: the lesson of Lirionyza. Parella MP Bull Entomol Soc Am<br />

Insect Behavioral Ecology Burk. T Ann. Rev. Entomol<br />

Insect as Regulator of Forest .Nutrient Cycling Golley, F.B. Tropical Ecology 1:116-123.<br />

Input, Behavour and Fates of Petroleum Hydrocarbons,<br />

The Fate and. Effects of Oil in Freshwater, pp.41-79.<br />

Inproving applied phrosphorus utilization by rice in<br />

Madagaskar<br />

Inorganic Phosphate solubilization by two Penicillium<br />

Species in solution culture and soil.<br />

Inokulasi tanaman jagung dengan Azospirillum pada<br />

beberapa taraf pemberian nitrogen<br />

Robotham, P.W.J. Input, Behavour and Fates of<br />

Petroleum Hydrocarbons, The Fate<br />

and. Effects of Oil in Freshwater,<br />

pp.41-79.<br />

Hooper,J.R International rice reaseach Newsletter<br />

Vol. 16(4).<br />

Asea, P.E. A. Soil Biol. Biochem.<br />

Gunarto, L.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 422 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Inokulasi Rhizobium Pada kedelai Yutono S Sommaatmadja, M Ismunadji,<br />

Sumarno, M Syam SO. Manurung,<br />

Yuswadi (ed) Kedelai, Balitbang<br />

Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Bogor<br />

Inoculation techniques for evaluating resistance to<br />

Pseudomonas solanacearum<br />

Inoculation of soybean with selected strains of<br />

Bradyrhizobium japonicum can increase yield on acid<br />

soils in Indonesia<br />

Inoculation of soybean with selected strains of<br />

bradyrhizobium japinicum can increae yield on acid soils in<br />

Indonesia<br />

Winstead Phyto-pathology. 42: 628-634.<br />

Simanungkalit,<br />

R.D.M.<br />

Soil Biol. Biochem. 28: 257-259.<br />

Simanungkalit RDM Soil Biol Biochem 28:257-259<br />

Inoculation of Rice With Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria Rao. R Biol Fertil. Soil<br />

Innate and Learned Behaviour Pattern That Lead To Group<br />

Performance In Locust Hoppers<br />

Ellis. P.E Anim.Behav.<br />

Innate and Acquired Control of Trypanosome Parasitemia<br />

in Cape Buffalo<br />

Black, S.J. Immunol and Pathol Sci. 1-8.<br />

Inkulasi Rhizobium pada kacang-kacangan Suryantini Seri pengembangan Balitan, Malang<br />

Injectable vs. oral Vitamin A for fattening steer calves. Perry, T.W., J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Initiation Of Early Summer Cauliflowers In Response To<br />

Temperature<br />

Fellows. J.R Journal Of Horticulture Science<br />

Initial Environmental Examination, Mangrove Rehabilitation Anonimous Initial Environmental Examination,<br />

and Management Project in Sulawesi, Asian Development<br />

Mangrove Rehabilitation and<br />

Bank, Manila, The Philippines.<br />

Management Project in Sulawesi,<br />

Asian Development Bank, Manila, The<br />

Philippines.<br />

Inhibitory effects of spices on growth and toxin production<br />

of toxigenic fungi<br />

Inhibitory effect of oxygen on germination of Oryza sativa L<br />

Seeds<br />

Hitokoto, H. J. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 39:818-<br />

822.<br />

Takahashi N Crop Exploration and Utilization of<br />

genetic resourches (ed SC Hsieh)<br />

Inhibitors of cholesterol biosynthesis . Pearce BC J Med Chem 37: 526<br />

Inhibitor of homogenous angiotensin converting enzyme of<br />

rabit lung by synthetic venom peptides of Bothrops jararaca<br />

Cheung, H S. Biochem Biophy. Acta. 393,451^53.<br />

Inhibitor of Clostridium botuli-111.1111 types A and B toxin<br />

production by liquid smoke and NaCI in hot-process smokeflavored<br />

fish.<br />

Inhibitor effects of vitamin C and E on in vitro formation of<br />

N nitrosamine under physiological conditions<br />

Ekiund, M.W., J. Food Prot. 45(10). 935-941.<br />

Lathia D Front Gastrointest Res 14:151-156<br />

Inhibitor and auxin activity in the avocado fruit Gazit, S. Physiol. Plant<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 423 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Inhibition ofaflatoxin production and growth of Aspergillus<br />

flaws by eugenol, onion and garlic extracts<br />

Bilgrami, K.S. Indian J. A/erf. Res. [B]. 96:171-175.<br />

Inhibition of Soil Urease Activity by Amino Derivatives of<br />

Phosphoric and Thiophosphoric Acids.<br />

Liao, C. F. A. Plant and Soil.<br />

Inhibition of pathogens of field legumes by mimosine. Ebuenga, M.D., Philipp. Phytopathol. 15: 58-61.<br />

Inhibition of mycobacteria by garlic extract (Allium sativum) Delaha, E.C. Antimicro. Agents Chemother. 27: 485-<br />

486.<br />

Inhibition of in vitro Fertilization and Early Embryonic<br />

Development in Hamster by Gossypol<br />

Lin, Y.C. Live Sciences. 14:1139-1145.<br />

Inhibition of hydroxyapatite precipitation in presence of<br />

fulvic, humic, and tanic acids<br />

Inskeep, W.P Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Inhibition of homogenous angiostensin I - converting<br />

enzyme of rabbit lung by synthetic venom peptides of<br />

Bothrops jararaca<br />

Cheung HS J Biochem.Acta<br />

Inhibition of growth and aflatoxin production by cinnamon<br />

and clove oils, cinnamic aldehyde and eugenol<br />

Inhibition of Food-bome Bacterial Pathogens by<br />

Bactenocins from Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated from Meal.<br />

Inhibition of food borne bacterial pathogens by bacteriocin<br />

from Lactococcus lactis and Pediococcus pentosaceous<br />

Inhibition of fatty acid synthesis decreases very low density<br />

lipoprotein secretion in the hamster.<br />

Inhibition of DNA synthesis in mouse whole embryo culture<br />

by 2-methoxyacetic acid and attenuation of the effects by<br />

simple physiological compounds<br />

Inhibition of Clostridium perfringens by butylated hidroxy<br />

anisole<br />

Inhibition of chemoautotrophic nitrification du sodium<br />

chlorate and sodium chlorite: A reexamination<br />

Build-man, L.B. J. FoodSci. 42:1107-1109.<br />

Lewus, C.B. Appl.Env. Micr. (57): 1683-1688.<br />

Spelhaug, S.R J. Food Protect<br />

Arbeeny, C.M. J. Lipid Res.<br />

Stedman DB Toxicol Letts 45:111-117.<br />

Klindworth, K.J. J. Food Sci., 4492: 564-567.<br />

Hynes, R.K. Appl. Environ. Microbial., 45: 1178-<br />

1182.<br />

Inhibition of C. perfringens by Butylated Hydroxyanisole Klindworth, K.J.P. J. Food Sci., 60 (6): 1364-1368.<br />

Inhibition of angiotensin converting enzyme by synthetic<br />

peptide of human B(beta)-casein.<br />

Kohmura, M. Agric. Biol. Chem.<br />

Inhibition of angiotensin converting enzyme by synthetic<br />

peptide fragments of human kappa-casein.<br />

Kohmura, M. Agric. Biol. Chem.<br />

Inhibin DeJong FH Physiol Rev 68:555-607.<br />

Inheritance of the orange type pigmentation in Japanese<br />

carp (Koi) in the Israeli stock.<br />

Cherfas Isr.J. Aquacult. Bamidgeh 44: 32-34.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 424 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Inheritance of the a-subunit deficiency of betaconglycinin in<br />

soybean line induced by y-ray irradiation<br />

Inheritance of the a-subunit deficiency of betaconglycinin in<br />

soybean line induced by y-ray irradiation<br />

Inheritance of resistance varieties Kogyoku and Java 14 to<br />

bacterial group V of Xanthomonas oryzae<br />

Inheritance of resistance to downy mildew (Peronospora<br />

destructor {Berk.} Casp.) from Allium roylei Stearn in the<br />

backcross Allium cepa L. x (A. roylei x A. cepa)<br />

Takahashi KY Breed. Sci 46:251-255<br />

Takahashi KY Breed. Sci 46:251-255<br />

Ogawa, T. Ann. Phytopathol. Soc. Jpn. 44:137-<br />

141.<br />

Kofoet, A. Plant Breeding 105: 144-149<br />

Inheritance of Resistance to Benomyl in Isolates of<br />

Venturia inaqualis from Israel.<br />

Shabi, E. Plant Pathol. 32: 207-211<br />

Inheritance of quantattive characters in soybean Brim CA Crop Sci 1:187-190<br />

Inheritance of in vitro plant regeneration capacity in red<br />

clover<br />

Poerba, Y.S Zuriat 7(2):51-56<br />

Inheritance Of and Interrelationships Among Yield And<br />

Several Quality Traits In Common Wheat<br />

Baker. R.J Crop. Sci.<br />

Inheritance of an abnormal Hemoglobin in a randombred<br />

population of domestic fowl.<br />

washburn KW Poultry Sci 47: 561-564<br />

Inheritance of alleles for cgy1od and Gy4 strotage protein<br />

genes in soybean<br />

Kitamura K Theor Appl Genet 68:253-257<br />

Inheritance of alleles for cgy1od and Gy4 strotage protein<br />

genes in soybean<br />

Kitamura K Theor Appl Genet 68:253-257<br />

Inheritance of albinism in the goldfish, Carassius auratus. Yamamoto, T.O. Jap. J. Genet. 48: 53-64.<br />

Inheritance of a liposygenase-1 allozyme in soybean. Pfeiffer, C.L., Crop Sci. 33: 691-693.<br />

Inheritance of 2:1 phyllosilicates in Costa Rican Andisols. Jongmans, A. G., Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 58:494-501.<br />

Inheritance and isozyme diversity for GPI and PGM among<br />

grape cultivars<br />

Inheritance and isozyme diversity for GPI and PGM<br />

among grape cultivars.<br />

Informativeness of human (dC-dA)n.(dG-dT)n<br />

polymorphisms<br />

Parfitt DE J Amer. Soc. Hort Sci 114(3): 489-491<br />

Parfitt, D.E. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 1 14 (3): 486-<br />

491.<br />

Weber, J.L. Genomirs 7:524-530.<br />

Information Provided In Humic Subtances by E4/E6 Ratios Chen. Y Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. Proc<br />

Information Asymmetry As A Reason For Food Industry<br />

Vertical Integration<br />

Influnce of metabolizable energy system and level of<br />

various fat sources on performance and carcass<br />

composition of broilers<br />

Hennessy David. A American Journal of Agricultural<br />

Economics<br />

Griffin.L Paultry.Sci<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 425 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Influencing of procecssing methodology on a quality<br />

cucumber pickles<br />

Influences of initial delay of feeding on growth and survival<br />

of red-tail catfish, Mystus wyckioides. Songklanakarin.<br />

Influences of dietary protein and energy on growth, food<br />

consumption and food conversion efficiency in Penaeus<br />

marguiensis de Man<br />

Influence on Some Rumen and Blood Parameters of<br />

Feeding Acetohydroxamic Acid in a Urea-Containing Ration<br />

for Lambs.<br />

Influence ofsupplemental energy and biuret nitrogen on the<br />

utihzation of low quality rouhage by sheep<br />

Influence ofphenolic acids on morphologieal changes in<br />

roots of Pisum sativum. ï.<br />

Influence of yogurt and acidophilus yogurt on serum<br />

cholesterol levels in mice<br />

Influence of Whey and Probiotic Supplemented Withdrawal<br />

Feed ori The Retention of Salmonella Intubated into Market<br />

Age Broilers<br />

Influence of Water Availability on Shigella Prevalence in<br />

Children of farms labor Families<br />

Sistrunk, W.A J. Food Sci. 47: 49<br />

Amornsakun, T. J. Sci.Technol. 22(1):51-55.<br />

R.W. Sedgwick Aquaculture<br />

Jones, G. A. Can. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Fick. K.R J. Anim. Sci<br />

Vaughan, D. Sci. Food Agric. 52: 289-299.<br />

Akalin, A. S. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Bilgili, S.F. Poultry Sci. 69 : 1670 –1674.<br />

Hoolister, A.C. Jr.<br />

dkk.<br />

Am J. Pub Health, 55: 354-362.<br />

Influence of water activity on microorganism in food. Troller. J.A. Food Tech. 34: 76<br />

Influence of virginiamycin on phosphorus utilization by<br />

broiler chicks<br />

Buresh, R.E Poultry Sci<br />

Influence of virginiamy-cin and dietary manganese<br />

utilization and intestinal tract weight of broilers<br />

Henry, P.R Poultrv Sci.<br />

Influence of Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrizae on The<br />

Growth of Apple and Corn in Low-Phosporus Soil<br />

Covey. R.P Phytophatology<br />

Influence of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae on<br />

phosphate fertilizer efficiency in two tropical acid soils<br />

planted with micropropagated oil palm.<br />

BLAL, BC Biol. Fertil Soil. 9:43-48<br />

Influence of Vesicular - Arbuscular Mycorrhizae on Growth<br />

and Water Relations of Clover I in Phaphate Dificient Soil<br />

Influence of vasicular arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on<br />

growth and uptake of various nutrients as well as uptake<br />

ratio of fertilizer P for lucerne (Medicago Sativa).<br />

Influence of varying energy level with two protein<br />

contentrations in diets for hybrid tilapia ( Oreochromis<br />

niloticus x 0.aureus) reared in seawater<br />

Graham. J.H New Phytol<br />

Nielsen, J.D. Pland and Soil<br />

Shiau, S Aquaculture<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 426 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Influence of undegradability of protein in the diet on intake,<br />

daily gain, feed efficiecy and body composition of holstein<br />

heifers<br />

Influence of toxic chemicals on the chemotactic response<br />

of fish Macrophagcs<br />

Influence of Topsoil Removal and Fertilizer Application on<br />

Spring Wheat Yield<br />

Influence of Tillage and crop rotation on yield of corn,<br />

Soybean,and wheat.<br />

Influence of the sequence of administration of b-glucans<br />

and Vibrio damsela vaccine on the immune response of<br />

turbot (Scophthalmus maximus L.).<br />

Influence of the parathyroids on plasma hydroxyproline<br />

levels<br />

Influence of the nitrogen source on Saccharomyces<br />

cerevisiae, anaerobic growth and product formation.<br />

Influence of the main phospholipid (TEL) from<br />

Tliennoptasma acidophilum and of liposomes from TEL on<br />

living cells: cytotoxicity and mutagenicity<br />

Influence of temperture on iron metebolism of a fluorecens<br />

pseudomonads<br />

Influence of temperature on virulence of race 3 strains of<br />

Pseudomonas solanacearum.<br />

Influence Of Temperature on Germination and Emergence<br />

of Corn And Prediction From Weather Data<br />

Influence of Temperature On Embryogenesis in<br />

Meloidogyne Javanica<br />

Influence of temperature on development and fecundity of<br />

Liriomyza trifolii (Burgess) on Celery<br />

Influence of temperature on iron metabolism of a<br />

fluorescent pseudomonads.<br />

Influence Of Tempeature On Germination And Elongation<br />

of Radicle and Shoot Of Corn (Zea Mays L)<br />

Influence of Synchronizing Protein and Starch Degradation<br />

in The Rumen on Nutrient Utilization and Microbial Protein<br />

Synthesis.<br />

Influence Of Sulfur Nutrition On Developmental Pattern of<br />

Some Major Pea Seed Proteins and Their mRNAs<br />

Influence Of Sulfur Nutrition on Developmental Pattern Of<br />

Some Major Pea Seed Proteins and Their mRNAs<br />

Tomlinson, D. L. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Weeks, B.A. Journal of Fish Biology 28: 653-658.<br />

Tanaka. D.L Soil Sci. Soc Am. J<br />

Edwars, J.H Agron. J.<br />

Figueras, A., Veterinary Immunology and<br />

Immunopathology. 64: 59-68.<br />

Bates, W. K. Endocrinology<br />

Albert, E., J. Applied and Env. Microb. 62:3187-<br />

3195.<br />

Freisleben, H.-J. J. Uposome Res. 3:817-833.<br />

Garibaldi. J. A. J. Bacterial 105 : 1036-1038<br />

Ciampi, L Amer. Pot. J.<br />

Bahtti. A.U Shardad Journal of Agriculture<br />

Bird. A.F Journal Of Namatology<br />

Liebee, G.L. Environ. Entomol.<br />

Garibaldi, J.A. J. Bacteriol 105: 1036-1038.<br />

Blacklow. W Crop. Sci.<br />

Herrera-Saldana R. J. Dairy Science.<br />

Chandler. P.M Plant Physiol<br />

Chandler. P.M Plant Physiology<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 427 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Influence of suckling intensity on reproductive performance<br />

of range cows<br />

Influence of sublethal dosage of DDT upon the<br />

multiplication rate of Sitophilus granarius (Colep.,<br />

Curculionidae)<br />

Wetteinann J. Anim. SCI 47: 342-346.<br />

Kuenen, D.J. Entomol. Exp. Appl. (I): 147-152.<br />

Influence of strain on the yield of commercial chicken part<br />

from the broiler carcass<br />

Morran, E. T. Poultry Sci.<br />

Influence of storage conditions on sunflower seed quality Hasanah, M. ICRJ. 1(1): 1-10.<br />

influence of soybean genotype on rate of seed maturation<br />

and its impact on seed borne fungi.<br />

Influence of sorghum grain processing on performance of<br />

lactating dairy cows<br />

Influence Of Some Social And Environmental Factors On<br />

The Nutrien In Take And Nutritional Status Of School<br />

Children<br />

Influence of Soil Innoculation With VAM and a Phosphate<br />

Dissolving Bacterium on Plant Growth and 32 P Uptake<br />

Influence of soil and fertility on activity and survival of<br />

vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi<br />

Influence of sodium aluminosilicate, Hydroxy-sodalite,<br />

carnegiete, aluminium sulfate and aluminium phosphate on<br />

performance of commercial leghorns<br />

Influence of Silica Content on The Surface Charge<br />

Charateristics of Allophanic Clays<br />

Influence of Sewage Sludge Compost Stability and Maturity<br />

on Carbon and Nitrogen Mineralization in Soil.<br />

Ploper LD Plant Disease 76 : 287-292<br />

Oliveira, J. S. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Jacoby. A Br. J. Prev. Soc. Med<br />

Raj. J Soil. Biol. Biochem<br />

Hayman. D.S Phytophatology<br />

Roland, D. A. Sr. Poult. Sci.<br />

Gonzales-Batista Clay and Minerals<br />

Bernal, M. P. Soil Biol. Biochem.<br />

influence of serum and hormones on bovine oocyte<br />

maturation and fertilization in vitro<br />

Younis A.I Gamete Research<br />

Influence of serum and hormones on bovine oocyte<br />

maturation and fertilation in vitro<br />

Younis, A.I Gamete Res. 23(2):l89-201<br />

Influence of sera on in vitro hatching of equine blastocysts. Hochi, S. J. Reprod. and Dev.<br />

Influence of Seedling Rootstocks on Heterogenity and<br />

Productivity in Fruit Trees. An Assessment and Discussion.<br />

Influence of Seeding Rate Upon Seed And Oil Yield And<br />

Their Components In Flax<br />

Influence of rumen fluid source and fermentation time on in<br />

vitro true dry matter digestibility.<br />

Weinbaum, S. A. Fruit Varieties Journal<br />

Albrechtsen. R.S Crop. Sci<br />

McDowell, R.E. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 428 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Influence of Root-Nematode on The Severity of Bacterial<br />

Wilt and Fusarium Wilt of Tomato<br />

Influence of Rock Phosphates with and without Vegetable<br />

Compost on Yield, Phosphorus and Cadmium Content of<br />

Rice (Oryza sativa L.) grown on an Ultizol<br />

Influence of rice bran. oat bran and wheat bran on<br />

cholesterol and triglycerides in hamsters<br />

Influence of Pseudomonas putida on nodulation of<br />

Phaseolus vulgaris<br />

Influence of protein source on amino acid of effluent flowing<br />

from continous culture of ruminal contents.<br />

Influence of protein restriction on immune function in NZB<br />

mice<br />

Influence of protein and hormone supplementation on in<br />

vitro maturation and fertilization of domestic cat eggs<br />

Influence of processing treatment and type of cereal on the<br />

effect of dietary enzymes in broiler diets<br />

Influence of preplanting moisture regime and two sulfur<br />

sources on growth, yield and sulfur uptake of rice.<br />

Influence of Postharvest Temperatures and The Rate Of<br />

Fruit Ripening on Internat Postharvest Rots and Disorders<br />

of New Zealand "Hass" Avocado Fruit<br />

Influence of Postharvest Temperatures and Rate Of Fruit<br />

Ripening on Internat Postharvest Rots and Disorders Of<br />

New Zealand 'Hass' Avocado Fruit<br />

Influence of porcine somatotropin on endocrine and<br />

histological variables in gills<br />

Influence of polyphosphate on storage stability of<br />

restructured beef and pork nuggets<br />

Influence of planting dates, seeding rates and cultivars on<br />

gram yield and other agronomic tralts of Proso millet.<br />

Influence Of Plant Allelochemicals On The Tobacco<br />

Hornworm and Its Parasitoid, Cotesia Congregata<br />

Influence of phase feeding available phosphorus content<br />

and serum inorganic phosphorus levelsof three commercial<br />

layer strains.<br />

Influence of pH and medium composition on rating of hardy<br />

deciduous. Azelea microcuttings<br />

Influence of pH and medium composition on rating of hardy<br />

deciduous. Azelea microcuttings<br />

Davide. R.G Phytomathol<br />

Ramachandran, V. Env. Bull. 7:551-556.<br />

Kahlon. TS Cereal Chem. 67: 439-443.<br />

Hovard, G.D. J. Biol. Chem. 16: 27-29.<br />

Blake, W. L. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Gabriel, F. J. Immune 116: 782-789.<br />

Wood, T.C J. Reprod, FertiI 104(2):315-23<br />

Vranjes, M.V Anim. Feed Sci. Technol<br />

Cacnio, V.N. The Nucleus 28: 1-2.<br />

Hopkirk. G.A New Zealand Journal Of Crop and<br />

Horticultural Science<br />

Hopkirk. G New Zealand Journal of Crop and<br />

Horticultural Science<br />

Andres CJ J. Anim. Sci. 71:1552-1560<br />

Huffman, D. L. J. Food Sci.<br />

Nelson L.A. Journal of Productlon Agriculture 3(2).<br />

184-189.<br />

Barbosa. P Ecology<br />

Rodriguez, M. Poult. Sci.<br />

Economon AS J. Amer Soc, Hort.Sci 111 (2) : 181-<br />

184<br />

Economon AS J. Amer Soc, Hort.Sci 111 (2) : 181-<br />

184<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 429 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Influence of Pasture Species on The Flavour, Odor and<br />

Keeping Quality of Lamb and Mutton.<br />

Influence of paclobutrazol and photoperiod on growth and<br />

flowering of Gaedeniajasminoides Ellis cultivar 'Veitchii'<br />

Influence of oxygen and glucose on primary metabolism<br />

and astaxanthin production by Phaffia rhodozyma in batch<br />

and fed batch cultures: kinetic and stoichiometric analysis<br />

Influence of Organic Matter on The Physical Properties of<br />

Some East Anglian<br />

Influence of Organic Matter on The Fisical Properties of<br />

Some East Anglian Soil of Hight Silt Content<br />

Influence of Organic Matter and Phosphate Content on<br />

Point Of Zero Charge of Variable Charge Components in<br />

Oxidic Soils<br />

Influence of nutritional restriction during late gestation on<br />

production measures and passive immunity in beef cattle<br />

Influence of No-Tillage and Nitrogen Fertilization on Certain<br />

Soil Properties After 5 Years on Continous Corn<br />

Influence of No-Tillage and Nitrogen Fertilization on Certain<br />

soil Properties After 5 Years on Continous Corn<br />

Influence Of Nitrogent on Phosporus Obsorption and<br />

Translocation In Zea May<br />

Influence of nitrogen source on hydrogen generation by<br />

photosynthetic bacterium.<br />

Influence of nitrogen fertilization on methane uptake in<br />

temperate forest soils<br />

Influence of monovalen cation of photosynthetic CO2<br />

fixation<br />

Influence of milking frequency on productive efficiencies of<br />

dairy cows<br />

Influence of milk and Tliermophilus milk on plasma<br />

cholesterol levels and hepatic cholesterogenesis in rats<br />

Influence of miIk, yoghurt and calcium on cholesterol<br />

induced athero-sclerosis in rabbits<br />

Shorland, F. B. J. Sci. Food Agric.<br />

De Baerdemaker. C.<br />

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Yamane, Y. AppI. Enviroment. Microbiol. 63: 4471-<br />

4478.<br />

Hamblin. A.P J. Soil Sci<br />

hamblin. A.P J. Soil. Sci<br />

Gillman. G.P Australia Journal. Soil. Res<br />

Hough, R. L. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Blevins.R.L Agron Journal<br />

Blevins. R. L Agron. J<br />

Thien.S.J Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc.<br />

Lakshmi, R., World Journal of Microl)iology and<br />

Biotechnology. 7:619-621.<br />

Steudler, P.A Nature<br />

Pfluger, R Fertilizer Use and Production of<br />

Carbohydrate and Lipids. Proc. of The<br />

13th Colloquium of The<br />

International Potash Institute. Bern.<br />

Switzer land.<br />

Amos HE J. dairy Sci 68:732-739<br />

Rao, D.R J. Food Sci<br />

Thakur, C.P Atherosclerosis<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Influence of matunty on the volatile aroma compound trom<br />

fresh pacific and great lakes salmon<br />

Josephson, D.B. J. Food Sci.<br />

Influence of manure application rates and continuous corn<br />

on soil-N<br />

Magdoff, F. R. Agron. J. 70: 629-632.<br />

Influence of major minerals on rumen microbiota Durand. M Journal of Nutrition<br />

Influence of lysine, methionine and treonine<br />

supplementation on performance of finishing broilers. Jpn.<br />

Nakajima, T. J. Poult. Sci.<br />

Influence of low-molecular-weight organic acids on the<br />

solubilization of phosphate<br />

Influence of long term hypoxia on the energy metabolism of<br />

the haemoglobin containing bivalve Scapharca<br />

inaequivalvis : critical O2 level for metabolic depression.<br />

Influence of large doses of ascorbic acid on performance<br />

plasma calsium, bone characteristics, and egg shell quality<br />

in broilers and Leghorn hens<br />

Influence of irradiance on the fatty acid composition of<br />

phytoplanktoil.<br />

Influence Of Ionic Strength and InOrganic Complex<br />

Formation On Sorption Of Trace Amounts of Cd by<br />

Monmorillonite<br />

Influence of Inter-genotypic Competition on Seed Yield of<br />

Heterogeneous Soybeans Lines<br />

Influence of Inter-genotypic Competition an Seed Yield of<br />

Heterogenous Soybeans Lines<br />

Influence of inoculum level and temperature on<br />

pathogenicity and population development of lesion<br />

nematodes on soybean<br />

Influence of innoculation route on the carrier state of<br />

Salmonela cholerasuis in swine.<br />

Influence of immigration on epiphytic bacterial populations<br />

on navel orange leaves<br />

Influence of Humic and Fibric Materials On The Agregation<br />

and Agregate Stability of a Lacustrine Silty Clay<br />

Influence of growth substrate on production of cellulase<br />

enzyme by Trichoderma harzianum E58.<br />

Influence of glucose loading and of injected insulin on<br />

hepatic glucose output<br />

Influence of Genetic Strain, Sex and Dietary Energy Level<br />

on Abdmominal Fat Deposition in Broiler.<br />

Influence of genetic differences in feed efficiency on<br />

carcass composition of young chickens<br />

Bolan, M.S. Biol. Fertil. Soils 18:311-319.<br />

Thillart, G. J. Comp. Physiol. 162B: 297-304.<br />

Orban, D.A Poultry Science<br />

Thompson, P.A., J.Phycol. 26: 278-288.<br />

Garcia-Miragaya. J Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Gedge. D.L Crop Sci<br />

Gedge. D.L Crop. Sci<br />

Acosta N Nematropica<br />

Gray, J.T. Vet. Microbiol (47)<br />

Lindow, S.E. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 62:2978-<br />

2987.<br />

Dinel. H Soil Science<br />

Mes-Hartree, M., Biotech. Bioeng. 31: 725-729.<br />

Steele, R. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 82:420-430.<br />

Nordstorm, J. O. Poultry Science.<br />

Washbum, K.W J. Nutr.<br />

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Influence of Generation Temperature on The Chemical<br />

Composition, Antioxidative, and Antimicrobial Effect of<br />

Wood Smoke<br />

Influence of formaldehyde treatment of soybean meal on<br />

performance of growing steers and protein availability in<br />

chick<br />

Influence of Feeding Dehydrated Poul-try Waste on Broiler<br />

Growth, Meat Flavor and Composition<br />

Influence of feeding dehydrated poultry waste on broiler<br />

growth, meat flavor and composition<br />

Influence of feeding dehydrated poultry waste on broiler<br />

growth, meat flavor and composition<br />

Influence of feeding and diet on diural patterns of plasma<br />

growth hormone and insulin in calves<br />

Influence of extrussion on ruminal and intestinal<br />

disappearance in sacco of pea (pisum sativum) proteins<br />

and strach<br />

Influence of energy source on forage intake, digestibility, in<br />

situ forage degradation and ruminal fermentation in<br />

beefsteers fed medium quality brome hay<br />

Influence Of Electrolyte Composition and pH on The<br />

Cadmium Adsorption by an Acidic Soil<br />

Influence of eicosapentaenoic to docosahexaenoic acid<br />

ratio (EPA/DHA) of dietary lipids on growth and fatty acid<br />

composition of gilthead seabream (Spams aurata) juveniles<br />

Influence of Drying Methods on Volatile Sulfur Constituents<br />

of Caucas<br />

Influence of Dry Matter and Passage Rate on Microbial<br />

Protein Synthesis in The Rumen of Sheep and Its<br />

Estimation by Canulation and a Non-Invasive Method.<br />

Influence of dry heat treatment of canola meal on site and<br />

extent of nutrient disappearance in ruminants<br />

Influence of drainage on pH, suphate content and<br />

mechanical strength of a potential acid sulphate soil in Fiji.<br />

Influence of Disruption of the recA Gene on Genetic<br />

Instability and Genome Rearrangement in Streptomyces<br />

Lividans<br />

Fretheim J. Food Sci.45.999<br />

Spears J.W Journal of Animal Science<br />

Cunningham, RE Poultry Sci<br />

Cunningham, F.E Poultry Sci<br />

Cunningham, F.E. Poultry Sci<br />

Mears, G. J. Ca. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Walhain, P. Anim. Feed Sci. and Technol.<br />

Carey, D.A., J. Anim. Sci<br />

Boekhold. A.E J. Soil. Sci<br />

Ibeas, C., Aquaculture 150(1997): 91-102,<br />

Wijaya, C.H. J. Food Science (1): 72.<br />

Djouvinov D. S. J. Anim. Sci. and Technol.<br />

McKinnon, JJ. Anim. Feed Sci. and Technol.<br />

Richmond TDA Trop Agric (Trinidad) 52 (4): 325-334<br />

Voiff, J.N. J. Bacterial. (7): 2440-2445.<br />

Influence of dietery calcium on bone calcium utilization. Farmer, M. Poult. Sci.<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Influence of dietary vitamin B6 contents on the tissue and<br />

immunity in Atlantic salmon, Saimo salar L.<br />

Influence of dietary protein level and amino acid<br />

composition on chick performance<br />

Influence of dietary protein concentration amino acid<br />

supplementation and daily time of access to high and low<br />

protein diets on egg weight and egg component in laying<br />

hens<br />

Influ-ence of dietary protein and energy on reproductive<br />

performance and nitrogen metabolisme in finncross ewes.<br />

Influence of dietary lysine levels and arginine: lysine rations<br />

on performace of broilers exposed to heat or cold stress<br />

during the period of three to six weeks of age.<br />

Influence of dietary fat on plasma lipid profiles of Malaysian<br />

adolescene<br />

Influence of Dietary Energy on The Body Composition and<br />

Feed Conversion Efficiency During Growth in Goats.<br />

Influence of Dietary Energy on The Body Composition and<br />

Feed Conversion Efficiency During Growth in Goats.<br />

Albrektsen, S., Aquaculture Res. (25): 331-339.<br />

Askelson, C. E. J. Poult. Sci.<br />

Penz, A. M. Jr. Poultry Sci.<br />

Christensen, R.K. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Mendes, A. A. Poultry Sci.<br />

Marzuki AF Am J Clin Nutr. 53:1010s-1041<br />

Jindal, S. K. Ind. J. Nutr. Dietet.<br />

Jindal, S. K. Ind. J. Nutr. Dietet.<br />

Influence of Dietary Calcium on Bone Calcium Utilization Farmer M. S. Poult. Sci.<br />

Influence of devoliation and depodding on quality of<br />

soybean<br />

Influence of Day-0 and Day-7 Superovulated Cow Serum<br />

During Development of Bovine Oocyts in vitro<br />

Influence of day 0 and day 7 superovulated cow serum<br />

during development of bovine oocytes in vitro<br />

Influence of crude extracs from a tropical plant,<br />

Andrographis paniculata (Acanthaceae), on supression of<br />

feeding by diamonback month, Plutella xylostella<br />

(Lepidoptera: Yponemeutidae) and oviposition by azuki<br />

bean weevil Callosobruchus chinensis (Coleopatra:<br />

Bruchidae).<br />

Influence of chronic administration of LHRH analog and/or<br />

17 methyltestosterone on maturation in fishes.<br />

Influence of Cholic Acid on the Utilization of Fats in the<br />

Growing Chicken.<br />

Influence of capsuler neuraminic acid on properties of<br />

streptococci of serological group B<br />

Thomas, G. D. J. of Eco. Entom.<br />

Boediono, A. J. Reprod. Fert. Dev. 6: 261-264.<br />

Boediono J. Reprod Fertil Dev<br />

Hermawan, W. Appl. Entomol. Zool<br />

Lee, C.S., Aquaculture, 59:147-159.<br />

Gomez, M.X. Poult. Sci. 53 : 773-781.<br />

Wibawan I W T J.Gen Microbiol<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Influence of Calcium on Energy Consumption and Egg<br />

Weight of Commercial Leghorn<br />

Influence of Caecectomy and Source of Dietary Fibre or<br />

Starch on Excretion of Endogenous Amino Acids by Lying<br />

Hens.<br />

Roland, Sr. D.A. J. App. Poultry<br />

Parsons, C. M. Br. J. Nutr.<br />

Influence of Ca on the availability of other soil cation Bear FE Soil Sci. 65:69-74<br />

Influence of bile on ß-galactosidase activity and cell<br />

Viability of Lactobacillus reuteri when subjected to free<br />

drying<br />

Valdez,G.T. J. dairy Sci. 80:19955-1958<br />

Influence of Azospirillum strains on the nodulation of<br />

clovers by Rhizobium strains<br />

Influence of Azospirillum Inculation On The Mineral Uptake<br />

and Growth of Rice Under Hydroponic Conditions<br />

Influence of aspergillus oryzae fermentation extract on<br />

forage intake, site of digestion, in situ degradability and<br />

duodenal amino acid flow in steer grassing cool pasture<br />

Influence of Arbuscular Mycorrhizae on The Metabolism of<br />

Maize Under Frought Stress<br />

Influence of applied plant growth regulators on bud<br />

dormancy ang growthmof mangosteen.<br />

Influence of apolipoprotein (a) phenotype on lipoprotein (a)<br />

quantification: evaluation ofthree methods<br />

Influence of Anions on dispersion and physical properties<br />

of the a horizon a red-brow Earth<br />

Influence of Anions on dispersion and physical properties<br />

of the a horizon a red-brow Earth<br />

Influence of an Antagonist and Controlled Metric Potential<br />

on The Survival of Pseudomonas solanacearum in Four<br />

North Carolina Soils.<br />

Influence of amylose on the iscous behaviour of molten<br />

starches determined by specific slit die<br />

Influence of age on the relative sensitivity of Hyalella<br />

azteca to diazinon, alkylphenol ethoxylates, copper,<br />

cadmium and zinc.<br />

Influence of Age on The Nutrition Utilization of Diets for<br />

Broiler.<br />

Influence of Bradyrhizobium japonicum<br />

Exopolysacarides as Emendement of Soybean Growth<br />

Influece of Season on The Feeding Habits of The Common<br />

Sole Solea solea<br />

Plazinski, J. App. Environ. Microbiol. 49: 984-989.<br />

Murty. M.G Plant and Soil<br />

Catton, J. S. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Suramanian. K.S Mycorrhiza<br />

Wiebel, J. Scientia Horticulture.<br />

Leus, F.R., Clin. Biochem<br />

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Geoderma, 29:257-77<br />

Nesmith, W.C. Phyto-pathology 75: 1182-1187.<br />

Patria A J. Mon Mata<br />

ColIyard, S.A., Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., 26:<br />

110-113.<br />

Fonolla, J. Anim. Feed. Sci. and Tech.<br />

Gunarto, L<br />

Molinero, A. Mar, Biol. (113) : 499 - 507.<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Infiltration Techiques for Measurring Soil Physical<br />

Parameters<br />

Infiltras' Kalsium ke dalam Mangga Gedoog dengan<br />

Menggunakan Tingkat Keva-kuman dan Lama<br />

Perendaman yang Berbeda<br />

Infertility in male rats induced by diets containing<br />

cottonseed flour<br />

Infeksi jamur, Lagenidinium sp. dan upaya<br />

penanggulangannya pada kepiting bakau, Scylla serrata.<br />

Swain Advisory Paper No. 18 Agricultural<br />

Development and Advisory Service.<br />

London<br />

Broto, W Bull. LPH Pasar minggu. Jakarta<br />

Sotelo, A. J. Nutr.<br />

Johnny. F. Hemera Zoa Vol. 78:61-65.<br />

Infectivity of Bradyrhizobium japonicum mutants on<br />

soybeans (Glycine max. (L.) Merril)<br />

Gunarto, L.<br />

Infectivity and effectiveness of five endomycorrhizal fungi :<br />

Competition with indigeous fungi in field soils<br />

Abbott LK Aust, J. Agric,Res 32:621-630<br />

Infectious clone derived vaccines Wright, P Genetically engineered vaccines.<br />

Approaches to vaccine development.<br />

Vaccine development against Dengue<br />

and Japanese encephalitis: WHO<br />

flavivirus meeting in conjunction with<br />

the International Congress of Virology,<br />

Tel Aviv, Israel.<br />

Infectious cDNA clone of hypovirulence CHV-Euro7:A<br />

comparative virology approach to investigate virusmediated<br />

hypovirulence of the chesnut blight fungus<br />

Cryphonectria parasitica.<br />

Infectious cDNA clone of hypovirulence CHV-Euro7: a<br />

comparative virology approach to investigate virusmediated<br />

hypovirulence of the chesnut blight fungus<br />

Cryplionectria parasitica<br />

Infection of cultured cells from lymphoid organ of Penaeus<br />

monodon Fabricius by monodon-type baculo virus (MB)<br />

Infant food preparations from cowpea, coconut, and<br />

soybeans<br />

Chen, B. J. Virol. 73:985-992.<br />

Chcn, B. J. Virol. 73:985-992.<br />

S.N. Chen J. Fish Diseases 12<br />

Akinyele, I. O. Journal of Food Technology. 21: 711-<br />

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Industrial application ofmicrobial lipases: a review Seitz, E.W J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc<br />

Industrial application of biosurfactant Thambirajah JJ Palm oil dev. Palm Oil Res Inst.<br />

Malaysia No 27:25-29<br />

Industri yang berwawasan lingkungan sebagai salah satu<br />

strategi bisnis.<br />

Industri Pedesaan Marshus, Yanum-<br />

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Soedjono, Analisis CSIS. Tahun XXIV. No. 1.<br />

Januari-Februari 1995.<br />

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Industri pakan sebagai motor pembangunan perunggasan<br />

nasional.<br />

Rusastra, I. W. Poultry indonesia no. 201<br />

Industri Kehutanan Indonesia di Abad 21 Soenardi. P Rimba Indonesia Edisis Khusus 2000<br />

Industri kecil dan kebutuhan Teknologinya. Soekmawidjaja, N. Gema Industri Kecil.<br />

Induktion of Antibodies to the bluetongue virus core<br />

polypeptide VP7 in sheep by internal image rabbit antiidiotypic<br />

antibodies<br />

Induksi pembungaan Spathyphyllum dengan asam<br />

giberelat dan triakontanol pada cara tanam hidroponik<br />

Lin.M Viral Immunol<br />

Herlina, D. Jurnal Hortikul tura 7 (1): 536-540.<br />

Induk udang windu. Terjemahan Irzal Bachtiar, Primavera, J.H INFIS Manual Series No. 46. Ditjen<br />

Perikanan. Departemen Pertanian.<br />

Jakarta.<br />

Induction, purification and characterization of barley leaf<br />

chitinase.<br />

Kragh, K.M., Plant Sci. 71: 55-68.<br />

Induction ofovulation in sheep and cattle by injections of<br />

PMSG and ovine anti-PMSG immune serum<br />

Bindon, B.M. Theriogenology 8:171 (abstrak).<br />

Induction ofgynogen-esis and sex reversal in silver carp. Mirza, J.A. Aquaculture 68:1 -14.<br />

Induction Of Tomato Stress Protein mRNas By Ethophon 2,<br />

6 - dichloroisonicotinic Acid And Salylate<br />

Van Kan. J.A.L Plant Molecular Biology<br />

Induction of The Site of Epstein-Barr Virus Persistence in<br />

vivo as A Resting B Cell<br />

Miyashita, E.M. J. Viral.,71: 4882-4891.<br />

Induction of swarming of Nereis succinea Hardege, J.D Mar. Biol<br />

Induction of sterility in coho salmon (Onchorhynchus<br />

kisutch) by androgen immersion before first feeding./<br />

Piferrer, F., Aquacu/rure 119:409-423.<br />

Induction of microsomal membrane protein in root of an<br />

aluminium-resistant cultivar of Triticum aestivum L. under<br />

condition of aluminium stress.<br />

Basu, A., Plant Physiol. 104: 1007-1013.<br />

Induction of maturation in cumulus cell-encosed mouse<br />

oocytes by follicle-stimulating hormone and epidermal<br />

growth factor : evidence for a positive stimulus of somatic<br />

cell origin<br />

Downs S.M J. of Experimental zoology<br />

Induction of Luteolysis in Goats With Prostaglandin F2a Bretzlaff, K.N. Am. J. Vet. Res., 44: 11162.<br />

Induction of heat shock protein messenger RNA in maize<br />

mesocotyls by water stress, abscisic acid and wounding<br />

Induction of Growth Of Callus Derived From Rachilla<br />

Explants of Young Inflorescences of Coconut Palm<br />

Induction of follicular atresia in rhesus monkey by estradiol-<br />

17b injected directly into ovaries<br />

Heikkila, J.J. Plant Physiol. 76: 270-274.<br />

Sugimura. Y Canadian Journal Of Botany<br />

Hutz, R.J. Biol. Reprod. 34 (Suppl 1): 88 abst.<br />

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Induction of evisceration in Ihe hulothurian Eupentacta<br />

quinquesemita and evidence for the existence of an<br />

cndygcneus evisceration factor<br />

Induction Of Ethylene Synthesizing Competency in Granny<br />

Smith Apples By Exposure To Low Temperatuer in Air<br />

Induction of cellulase in T.viride by carbon source and<br />

metal<br />

Induction of A. oryzae mutant strains producing increased<br />

levels of alfa amylase by gamma irradiation Rad. Phys.<br />

Byrne, M J.Exp.Biol 120, 25-39<br />

Jobling. J Postharvest Biology and Technology<br />

M. Mendels J. Bacteriology<br />

Ito H Chem : 48(6) :811-813<br />

Induced systemic protection in plant Dean, R. A. Trends Biotechnol.<br />

Induced systemic protection in plant Dean, R. A. Trends Biotechnol.<br />

Induced mutation for crop improvement Micke A Gamma field Symp 30: 1-21<br />

Induced mutation for crop improvement Micke A Mutation breeding Rev 7:1-41<br />

Induced breeding and rearing of sand goby (Oxyeleotris<br />

marmorata BIkr.) fry.<br />

Tan, O.K.K Aquaculture, 69:299-306.<br />

Induce sex reversal and spawning of blue spotted grouper,<br />

Ephinephelus fario.<br />

Kuo, C.M., Aquaculture 74:113-126.<br />

Indonesia's marine shrimp culture Industry: Obscrvation, lightner, D.V. Indonesia's marine shrimp culture<br />

constraints, and recommendations resulting from a survey<br />

Industry: Obscrvation, constraints, and<br />

of culture areas.Indonesian Fishcries Reseach and<br />

recommendations resulting from a<br />

Developmcnt Project, USAID (Unpub1ished).<br />

survey of culture areas.Indonesian<br />

Fishcries Reseach and Developmcnt<br />

Project, USAID (Unpub1ished).<br />

Indonesian tape ketan fermentation. Cronck, T.C. Appl. and Environ. Microbiol. (37): 892-<br />

896.<br />

Indonesian Marine Capture Fisheries Bailey, C. ICLARM Contribution No. 388. Manila,<br />

Philippines.<br />

Indonesia’a crisis and the agricultural sector Warr. P.G. Indonesia’s Economic Crisis: Effects<br />

on Agriculture and Policy Responses.<br />

P. Simatupang, S. Pasaribu, S. Bahri,<br />

and R. Stringer (Eds.), CASE, AARD-<br />

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Australia. p. 23-50.<br />

Indonesia Oilseeds & products palm oil update (March) Tilsworth Ried R Foreign Agricultural Service, USDA<br />

Indole alkaloid formation and storage in cell suspension<br />

cultures of Catharanthus roseus<br />

Neumann, D. Planta Med. 48:20-23.<br />

Indocement of sex reversal in Sarotherodon nilotiens L. Tayamen, M.M Aquaculture, 14(4):349-354<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Individual Variation in The In-Vitro Fertilizing Ability of Bull<br />

Spermatozoa<br />

Iritani, A.<br />

Indirect-Elisa methods for the broad specifity detection of<br />

plant viruses<br />

Koenig, R. J. Gen. Virol.<br />

InDirect ELISA Methods For The Board Specifity Detection<br />

of Plant Viruses<br />

Koenig. R J. Gen. Virol<br />

Indikatorketahanan tanaman the dan ketahanan klon-klon<br />

the terhadap penyakit cacar<br />

Semangun H Warta BPTK 2 :233-239<br />

Indikator perkembangan penyakit tungro di suatu petakan<br />

sawah<br />

Widiarta IN Jurnal Agrikultura 76-82<br />

Indikator perkembangan penyakit tungro di suatu petakan<br />

sawah<br />

Widiarta IN Jurnal Agrikultura 76-82<br />

Indikator Kualitas manusia dan produktivitas Gani majalah prisma no. 9<br />

Indikator Ketahanan Pangan Di Jawa Khomsan. A<br />

Indikator Ekonomi Anonim Buletin Statistik Bulanan<br />

Indigenous materaials for paper packaging Zerrudo JV NSDB Tech J<br />

Indication of resistance to anthracnosa in cucumber by<br />

phosphates<br />

Guistein, H. D. Phytopathology<br />

Indian try out restricted feeding Reddy CV Poultry International 14(6):62-63<br />

Indian River Breeding Program Tierce, J. Majalah Poultry Indonesia, No. 85<br />

(VIII)<br />

Indian Research on Protein and Energy Requirements of<br />

Goats.<br />

Sengar, O. P. S. J. Dairy. Sci.<br />

Index of Prepoderance a method of grading the food<br />

elements in the stomach of fishes<br />

Natarajan. A.V. Indian J. Fish. 8(1):54-59<br />

Independent segregation of two isozyme markers and interplant<br />

differences in nuclear DNA content in the interspecific<br />

backcross<br />

Van Der Valk, P. Euphytica<br />

Independence of the effects of cholesterol & degree of<br />

saturation of the fat in the diet on serum cholesterol in man<br />

Independence of the effect of cholesterol and degree of<br />

saturation of the fat in the diet on serum cholesterol in man<br />

Indentification of A Novel Regulatory Domain in Bcl-Xi, and<br />

Bcl-2<br />

Indentification Methods in Applied and Environmental<br />

Microbiology<br />

Indeks pelarutan sebagai penduga kemampuan jasad renik<br />

melarutkan fosfat<br />

Premono, M.E.<br />

Indeks panen 53 genotipe kedelai. Pinaria, A<br />

Indeks panen 53 genotipe kedelai Pinaria, A.<br />

Indeks panen 53 Genotipe kedelai Arthur PA<br />

Anderson JT Am j Clin Nutr 29:1184-1189<br />

Anderson JT Am J Clin Nutr 29 : 1184-1189<br />

Chang, B.S. EMBO J. 16: 968-977.<br />

Hirsch, P.R The Society for Applied<br />

Bacteriology Technical Series. No. 29<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 438 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Indeks panen 53 Genotipe kedelai Arthur PA<br />

Incresed sporulation of VAM fungi by manupulation of<br />

nutrient regimes<br />

Douds DD Appl. Environ Microbiol 56:413-418<br />

Increasing Prevelance Of Overweight Among US Adults Kucamarski. R.J JAMA<br />

Increasing n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid content of fish oil<br />

by temperature control of lipase-catalyzed acidolysis<br />

Increasing cropping intensity of rainfed rice lands by soil<br />

management and moisture conservation techniques<br />

Increasing cropping intensity of rainfed rice lands by soil<br />

management and moisture conservation techniques<br />

Increased susceptibility ofliver to lipid peroxidation after<br />

ingestion of a high fish oil diet.<br />

Increased survival and differentiation of frozen herbaceous<br />

plant organ cultures through cold treatment<br />

Increased production of sheep embryos following<br />

superovulation of Merino ewes with combination of PMSG<br />

and FSH<br />

Increased mortality during early embryonic development<br />

after in vitro fertilization of rat oocytes<br />

Increase Sperm Production in Adult Rat After Transient<br />

Neonatal Hypothiroidsm<br />

Increase Pellet water Stability by the supplementation of<br />

phospolipid and its effect on shrimp growth<br />

Increase of solubility of foreign proteins in Esclierichia colt<br />

by coproduction of bacterial thioredoxin<br />

Increase growth of plants in the precence of the Biological<br />

Control Agent Trivhoderma harzianum.<br />

Incorporation of eicosapentaenoic & docosahexaenoic<br />

acids into groundnut oil by lpase catalyzed ester<br />

interchange<br />

Incorporation of 15N-Labelled Fertilizer Nitrogen Into Upper<br />

Vegetative Plant Parts In Wheat and Its Mobilization During<br />

Grain Development<br />

Incolation response of legumes in relation to thenumber<br />

and effectiveness of indigenous Rhizobium population<br />

Yamane T JAOCS 70(12):1285-1287<br />

Singh MP IRRI Saturday Seminar june 23<br />

Singh MP IRRI Saturday Seminar june 23<br />

Saito, M Intern. J. Vit. Nutr<br />

Seibert, M. Plant Physiol. 59: 1043-1046<br />

Ryan JP Reprod. Fertil. Dev<br />

Vanderhyden, B.C. J. Reprod Fen 77:401-409<br />

Cooke, P.S. J. Endocrinol. 29 (1): 244-248.<br />

H.Y. Chen Asian Fish. Sci<br />

Vasiikawa, T. J. Biol. Chem. 270:25328-25331<br />

Chang, Y.C. Plant Disease.<br />

Srdhar, R J Am Oil Chem Soc 69(10) : 1041-<br />

1042<br />

Berecz. K P. Physiol. Biochem<br />

Singleton PW App Environ Microb 51:1013-119<br />

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Incolation response of legumes in relation to thenumber<br />

and effectiveness of indigenous Rhizobium population<br />

Singleton PW App Environ Microb 51:1013-119<br />

Incidence of nutrition in acidity and mineral content of<br />

tomato fruits<br />

Lopez - Andrew, E.J Horticulture Abstract<br />

Incidence of Lancer Among Warkers Tynes T. Scand-J-Work-Environ-Health, 20 (5):<br />

339-44.<br />

Incidence of insemination in female blue crab, Callinectes<br />

sapidns.<br />

Incidence of insemination in female blue crab, Callinecf.es<br />

sapidns.<br />

Incidence and origin of heteroploidy, especially haploidy, in<br />

chick embryos from intraline and interline matings<br />

Wenner, E.L. Journal of Crustacean Biology, 9(4):<br />

587-594.<br />

Wenner, E.L. Journal of Crustacean Biology, 9(4):<br />

587-594.<br />

Snyder MD Cytogenet Cell Genet, 14,63-67<br />

Inchtiofaune associee a un herbit de Posidonies dans la<br />

baie du Racou (Golfe du Lion).<br />

Selodre. P.. Posidoni News-Letter 2 (1): 21-27.<br />

InBreeding Effects On Estimation of Genetic Additive<br />

Variance<br />

Namkoong.G Forest Science<br />

Inbreeding effect under continued sib mating in turkey Abplanalp, H.A Poultry Sci. 46: 1225-1226<br />

Inbreeding effect on layer performance at two level protein<br />

intake.<br />

Inbreeding depression in small leghorn population<br />

undergoing<br />

Inactivation of escherichia coli by carbondioxyde under<br />

pressure<br />

Inability of farming systems research to deal with<br />

agricultural policy<br />

In vivo development of in vitro fertilized bovine oocytes<br />

matured in vivo versus in vitro<br />

Emsley, A Poultry Sci. 59 : 1155 - 1166<br />

Hardiman J. Poultry Sci. 57 : 1142<br />

Ballestra, D. J. Food Sci.<br />

Baker, D. Journal for Farmirg Systems Research<br />

- Extension 4(1)'. 67— 86.<br />

Greve T. J. vitro Fert. Embryo Transfers, 4: 281-<br />

285.<br />

In vivo cloning of lac genes in streptococcus lactis ML3 Anderson, D. G. Appl. Environ. Microbiol.<br />

In Vivo anti-candidal activity induced by a traditional<br />

Chinese herbal medicine, Ganoderma lucidum,Japanese<br />

In Vittro Propagation of Strawberry Plants (Fragaria x<br />

Anannassa Dutch)<br />

In vitro-matureted / in vitro-fertilized bovine oocytes can<br />

developed into morula / blastocyst in chemically defined<br />

protein-free culture media.<br />

In vitro tissue culture of selected legumes and plant<br />

regeneration from vallus cultures of red clover.<br />

Chen, HY J. Medical Mycol<br />

Friyanti Devy. N Anstrct Indonesian Biotechnology<br />

conference. Jakarta<br />

Pinyopummintr T Biol.Reprod<br />

Phillips, G.C Crop Sci. 19:59-64<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 440 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

In vitro susceptibility of Erwinia amylovora (Bun-ill) Winslow<br />

et at. to geraniol and citronellol<br />

In vitro Survival of Bovine Embryos Bisected by Vertical<br />

Incision of Early Embryos Applying The Simplified<br />

Micromanipulation of Glass Needle, Metallic Needle and<br />

Razor Blade<br />

In vitro shoot forming capacity of cotyledon explant in red<br />

pepper (Capsium annuum L. cv. Yatsufusa)<br />

In vitro selection for tolerance to Fusarium in microspora<br />

population of wheat.<br />

In vitro rumen microbial degradation of a selection oilseeds<br />

and legume seeds under consecutive batch culture (CBC).<br />

In vitro rumen microbial degradation of a selection oilseeds<br />

and legume seeds under consecutive batch culture (CBC)<br />

Scortichini, M. J. Appl. Bacterial. 71:113-118.<br />

Ushijima H. Jpn. J. Animal Reprod., 10: 19-23.<br />

Sripichitt, P Japanese Journal of Breeding. 37(2) :<br />

133-142<br />

Fadel, F. Plant Breed. 110: 89-95.<br />

Ismartoyo Animal Production, 58: 453 (A).<br />

Ismartoyo Anim. Prod., 58: 453.<br />

In Vitro Rumen bacteria growth stimulated by MHA Gil, A. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

In vitro regeneration & somaclonal variation for salt<br />

tolerance in pearl millet (Pennisetum thyphoideum Rich)<br />

Bajaj, YPS Plant tissue cult. 2:103-108<br />

In vitro regenaration and somaclonal variation for salt<br />

tolerance in pearl millet (Penisetum typhoideum Rich.)<br />

In Vitro rearing of Trichogramma spp. and Anastatus sp. in<br />

artificial eggs and tire methods of mass production<br />

Bajaj YPS Plant Tissue Cult 2:103-108<br />

Ying, 1.1. J. Voegele, J. Waage, and J. van<br />

Lanteren (Eds.). Trichogramma and<br />

other parasites. 2nd International<br />

Symposium, Guangzhou (China) Nov.<br />

10-15, 1986. (43): 339-352.<br />

In vitro propagation techinc use of tea plant Nakamura, Y JARQ 25 : 185-194<br />

In vitro propagation of Mailing 7 apple root stock Werner, E. Hort Sci. 15:509-510.<br />

In vitro propagation of commercial orchids: an assessment<br />

of current methodologies and development of a novel<br />

approach-thin section culture<br />

Prakash L Orchid Soc India 10:31-41.<br />

In vitro plant regeneration methods in alfalfa breeding. Varga, P. Euphytica 59: 119-123.<br />

In vitro plant regeneration methods in alfafa breeding Varga, P. Emphytica. (59): 119-123.<br />

In vitro plant regeneration from cotyledon and hypocotyl<br />

segments in two bell pepper cultivar<br />

Arroyo R Plant Cell 10 (8): 414-416<br />

In Vitro morphogenetic responses and plant regeneration<br />

from pepper (Capsicum annuum L. cv Early California<br />

Wonder) seedling explants.<br />

Ebida AIA Plant Cell 13(2): 107-110<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 441 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

In Vitro Micropropagation of Dendrocalanus Asper<br />

(Schulter F) Backer ex Heyne Trough Single Node Bud<br />

Culture on Abstract of Indonesia<br />

Ruhiyat. M Biotechnology Conference Jakarta<br />

In vitro maturation and fertilization of goat oocytes De. Smedt V Theriogenology<br />

In vitro maturation and feritelization of buffalo oocytes<br />

(Bubalus bubalus): effect of media, hormones and sera<br />

Totey , SM Theriogenol. 39: 1153-1171.<br />

In vitro maturation (IVM) and fertilization (IFV) of cattle ova Gordon, I. Embryos transfer newsletter<br />

In vitro maturated / in vitro fertilized bovine oocytes can<br />

developed into morulae / blastosyst in chemically defined,<br />

protein free culture media<br />

In Vitro Lactic Acid Inhibition and Alterations in Volatile<br />

Fatty Acid Production by Antimicrobial Feed Additives<br />

Pinyopummintr T J Biol of Reprod<br />

Nagaraja, T.G Journal of Animal Science<br />

in vitro flowering of Passiflora suberosa L. Scorza, R. Hort. Rev.<br />

in vitro flowering of Passiflora suberosa L. Scorza, R. J. Amer. Hort. Sci.<br />

In vitro fertilizing and development capacity of mouse<br />

Yamazaki, Y. Japanese Journal of Animal<br />

follicular oocytes matured in TYH medium supplemented<br />

with fetal calf serum for various periods of culture.<br />

Reproduction.<br />

In vitro fertilization of ruminants First N.L J. reprod fert suppl<br />

In vitro fertilization of goat oocytes Younis A.I Biol.Reprod<br />

In Vitro Fertilization of Goat Oocytes Younis, A.I. Biol. Reprod. 44: 1177-1182.<br />

In vitro fertilization and development of bovine oocytes<br />

matured in serum-free medium<br />

Saeki, K Biol.Reprod. 44(2):256-60<br />

In vitro fertilization and cleafage of bovine oocytes matured<br />

in medium supplemented with oesterus cow serum<br />

Schellander K Theriogenology<br />

In vitro enzymatic determination of the protein nutritional<br />

value and the amount of available lysinein extruded cereal<br />

based products<br />

Bjorck Agric. Biotech. Chem.<br />

In vitro embryo production from valuable cows slaugtered<br />

for production failure or terminal illness<br />

Lazzari, G. Theriogenology<br />

In vitro effect of fungicides on Haliphthoros philippinensis Lio-Po, G I. J. of Fish Diseases 8:359-3(15.<br />

In vitro digestion kinetics of neutral detergent fiber<br />

extracted from tifton 85 and coastal bermudagrasses.<br />

Mandebvu, P. J. Anim. Feed Sci & Tech.<br />

In vitro digestion kinetics of neutral detergent fiber<br />

extracted from tifton 85 and coastal bermudagrasses.<br />

Mandebvu, P. Anim. Feed Sci. Tech.<br />

In vitro digestibility of South Texas Range Plants Blakenship, L.H Journal of Rangeland Management<br />

In vitro digestibility evaluation of fermented coconut meal<br />

using aspergillus niger NRRL<br />

Purwadaria, T. Bulletin of animal science, special<br />

edition<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 442 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

In vitro developmet of Holstein and Japanese Black breeds<br />

embryo<br />

In vitro development of bovine oocytes collected from<br />

ovaries of individual in vitro fertilization<br />

In Vitro Development of Bovine one-sell embryos influnce<br />

of glucose lactate pyrufate amino acid and vitamins<br />

In vitro development of bovine embryos in buffalo rat liveror<br />

bovine oviduct-conditioned medium<br />

In vitro development after hatching of bovine in vitro<br />

matured and fertilized oocytes with or without support trom<br />

somatic cells<br />

Boediono A<br />

Goto K Jpn Anim Reprod 36:110-113.<br />

takashashi Y Theriogenology<br />

Vansteenbugge A Theriogenology<br />

Samsuddin, N Theriogenology 39<br />

In vitro determination of rates of ruminal protein<br />

degradation.<br />

Broderick, G.A. Can. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

In vitro determination of rates of ruminal protein<br />

degradation.<br />

Broderick, G. A. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 64 (Suppl):31.<br />

In vitro culture responses of alyce clover genotypes on four<br />

media systems<br />

Wofford, D.S. Crop Sci. 32: 261-265<br />

In vitro culture of western red cedar (Thuja plicata) II<br />

induction of male strobili from vegetative shoot tips<br />

Coleman, W. K. Can. J. Bot<br />

In vitro culture of Pyrodinium McLaughlin, J.J. Science 134:1878.<br />

in vitro browning of tissue and media with special emphasis<br />

to date palm culture a review.<br />

Zaid, A. in acta Holticulture Vol II.<br />

In vitro beeakdown of oxalates by rumen microorganisms Kaur M Indian J,Anim Sci 41:802-804<br />

In vitro Antagosm of Trichoderma Species Agints Six<br />

Fungal Plant Pathogen<br />

Bell.D.K Phytopatology<br />

In vitro and In sacco methods for estimation of dietary<br />

nitrogen degradability in rumen: a review.<br />

Michalet-Doreau, B. Anim. Feed. Sci. Technol.<br />

in viro propagation of carizo citrange Kitto, S.L. Hort Science.<br />

In Situmeasurement of Near-Surface Strength by Fall-Cone<br />

Device<br />

In Situ Organic Matter Degradability of Untreated and Urea-<br />

Treated Varieties of Spring Barley and Oats Straw, and of<br />

Untreated Varieties of Winter Wheat Straws.<br />

Bradford. J.M Soil Science Society of American<br />

Journal<br />

Colucci, P. E. Anim. Feed. Sci. and Tech.<br />

In situ esterification of rice brain oil with methanol & ethanol Ozgul S J Am Oil Chem Soc 70(2): 1285-1287<br />

In situ esterfication of rice bran oil with methanol and<br />

ethanol.<br />

In situ and other methods estimate ruminal protein and<br />

energy digestibility. A review<br />

In sacco disappearance of strach nitrogen and fat<br />

processed grains<br />

Ozgul, S J. Am. Oil Chem Soc 70(2): 1285-<br />

1287<br />

Nocek, J. E. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Arieli, A Anim. Feed Sci. and Technol.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 443 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Imunisasi maternal: suatu teknik baru dalam<br />

penanggulangan penyakit ikan.<br />

Impurities Removal of Remelted D2 Sugar By<br />

Phosphatation and Floating Process.<br />

Rukyani, A., Imunisasi maternal: suatu teknik baru<br />

dalam penanggulangan penyakit ikan.<br />

Sumarno Indonesian Sugar Research Journal.<br />

Vol. XXXIII (3-4) September-<br />

Desember 1996<br />

Improvmg the nutntive value os stra\v and otiier lov.-quality<br />

rorighages by tieatniciii. \vith ainm<br />

Sundstol. F Wld. Aninr Re<br />

Improving The Surface Quality of Particleboard By High-<br />

Temperature Pressing<br />

Shen.K.C Forest Product Journal 24<br />

Improving the success of new product development Hoban, T.J. J. of Food Tech. Vol 52. No 1. p46-49.<br />

improving the nutritive value of straw and ether low-quality<br />

rouehages bv treatment with ammonia<br />

Sundstol, F.E Wrid. Anim. Rev<br />

Improving The Nitrogen Nutrition Of Maize By Intercropping<br />

With Cowpea<br />

Eaglesham. E.T Soil Biol. Biochem<br />

Improving The Nitrogen Nutrition of Maize by Intercropping<br />

With Cowpea<br />

Eaglesham. E.T Soil. Biol. Biochem<br />

Improving The Kriging of Soil Variable Using Slope<br />

Gradient as External Drift<br />

Bourennane.H European Journal soil. Sci<br />

Improving tenderness of normal and callipyge lambs with<br />

calcium chloride.<br />

Clare, T. L. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Improving nitrogen fixing systems and integrating them into<br />

suslainable rice farming<br />

Watanabe, I. Plant and Soil 141:57-67.<br />

Improving chilling system for poultry Lilard, H. S. Food technol<br />

Improvement of the nutritive value of high tannin sorghums<br />

for broiler chickens by high moisture storage<br />

(reconstitution).<br />

Mitaru, B.N. Poultry Sci. 62: 2065-2072.<br />

Improvement of the Nutritional Value of Rotifers by Varying<br />

the Type and Concentration of Ouil and the Enrichment<br />

Period<br />

Rodriguez, C. Aquaculture, 147: 93-105.<br />

Improvement of Productivity through breeding schem T. Gjedrem geo Journal 10(3)<br />

Improvement of phosphate fertilizer application to Awlla Watanabe, I. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 34:557-569.<br />

Improvement of astaxanthin production by Phaffia<br />

rhodozyma through mutation and optimization of culture<br />

conditions<br />

Improvement of accuracy and computational efficiency in<br />

evaluation of performance-tested animals by Best Linear<br />

Unbiased Prediction<br />

Improvement in the quality of the dried fermented milk<br />

product,Oggtt<br />

Fang, T.J. J. Ferment. Bioengineer. 75: 466-469.<br />

Sasaki, Y. Jpn. Zootech. Sci, 58-293-300,<br />

Ibrahim, M Dairy Sci. J<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 444 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Improvement in the Antioxidant Status of Plasma and Low-<br />

Density Lipoprotein in Subjects Receiving a Red Wine<br />

Phenolics Mixture<br />

Improved speed, specificity and limit of determination of an<br />

aqueous acid extraction thiobarbituric acid C-18 method for<br />

measuring lipid preoxidation in beef<br />

Carbonneau, MA J. Am Oil Chem Soc<br />

Raharjo, S. J. Agric. Food Chem.<br />

Improved method for quantification of bacteriosin nisin Wolf, C. E. J. App. Bacteriol., 80.453.<br />

Improved method for measurement ofdietary fiber as Non-<br />

Starch Polysaccharides in plant foods<br />

Improved method for measurement o tdietary fiber as Non-<br />

Starch Polysac-charides in plant foods<br />

Improved larval rearing of European, Asian seabass, seabream,<br />

mahi-mahi, siganid, and milkfish using enriched<br />

diets for rotifer and Artemia.<br />

Improved determination of vanillin and related Phenollic<br />

component in vanilla by HPLC<br />

Improved determination of vanillin and related Phenollic<br />

component in vanilla by HPLC<br />

Improve NARP HPLC method for separating TAGs of palm<br />

olein & its solid fractions obtained at low temperature<br />

storage.<br />

Englyst, H.N. J. Ass. Off. Anal. Chem<br />

Englyst, H.N J. Ass. Off. Anal. Chem<br />

Sorgeloss, P., Word Aquacult. 19: 78-79.<br />

Sarah T Flavour and Fragnance 8 :281-287<br />

Sarah T Flavour and Fragnance 8 :281-287<br />

Swe PZ Food Chem 56 : 181-186<br />

Improve Fluorometric Determinant of Malonaldehyde Conti, M. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 53: 314-321.<br />

Important role for vitamins during stress Bains. B.S World Poultry -Misset<br />

Important Of The Swimbladder In Acoustic Scttering By<br />

Fish : a Comparison of Gadoid And Mackarel Target<br />

Strength<br />

Foote. K.G J. Acoust. Soc. Am<br />

Important considerations in management of soil erosion. Ghulam M. H. Planter (Malaysia)<br />

Importance of adult food sources to host searching of the<br />

larval parasitoid Microplitis croceipes<br />

Implikasi Kebijaksanaan Harga Gula Terhadap<br />

Kesejahteraan dan Pendapatan Produsen, Konsumen dan<br />

Pemerintah dalam Usaha Mencapai Swasembada Gula<br />

Implications of The Rice Kernel Structure In Storage,<br />

Marketing and Processing<br />

Implicationof genotype environment interaction in applied<br />

plant breeding.<br />

Implication of Genotype-Environmental Interaction in<br />

Applied Plant Breeding<br />

Implication of Genotype-Environmental Interaction in<br />

Applied Plant Breeding<br />

Takasu K Biol Contr 5:25-30.<br />

Kiptiyah. S.M Jurnal Universitas Brawijaya, Malang<br />

Bechtel. D.B J. Food. Sci<br />

Allard, R.W. Crop, Sci.<br />

Allard. R.W Crop. Sci<br />

Allard. R.W Crop Sci<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Implication of genotype x environmental interaction in<br />

applied plant breeding<br />

Implementasi indeks seleksi dalam upaya peningkatan<br />

pertumbuhan udang galah (M. rosenbergii).<br />

Implantasi hormon LHRH-a dan atau 17a MT untuk<br />

pematangan gonad induk bandeng.<br />

Implantasi hormon LHRH-? dan 17-a-methyltestosteron<br />

untuk pematangan gonad calon induk bandeng<br />

(Chanoschanos Forskal).<br />

Imperfect competition In Vertical Market Network. The<br />

Case of Rubber in Thailand<br />

Imperfect Competition in Agricultural Markets and The Role<br />

of Cooperatives : A Spatial Analysis<br />

Impak ekonomi pemberantasan hama penyakit tanaman<br />

dalam produksi<br />

Impak ekonomi pemberantasan hama penyakit tanaman<br />

dalam produksi. Aspek Pestisida di Indonesia<br />

Allard, R. W. Crop. Sci.<br />

Hadie. L.E.,<br />

Prijono, A., J. Penel. Budidaya Pantai, 6(1): 20-23.<br />

Priyono, A., J. Penelitian Budidaya Pantai. 6(1):20-<br />

23.<br />

Stifel. L.D American Journal of Agricultural<br />

Economics<br />

Sexton. R.J American Journal of Agricultural<br />

Economics<br />

Soenardi Aspek Pestisida di Indonesia. Edisi<br />

Khusus No. 3 LP3 Bogor. hlm 13.<br />

Soenardi Buil. Penel. Hort<br />

Impaired collagen formation in scorbutic channel catfish. Wilson, R.P. J. Nutr. 103: 1359-1364.<br />

Impacts of Harmful Algae on Seafarming in The Asia-<br />

Pacific Areas.<br />

Corrales, R.A. J. Appl. Phycol. 7:151-162.<br />

Impacts of harmful algae on seafarming in the Asia-Pacific<br />

areas<br />

Corrales, R.A. J. Appl. Phycol. 7:151-162.<br />

Impacts of Croping Intensity on Carbon and Nitrogen<br />

Mineralization under No-Till Dryland Agroecosystems<br />

Woods.C.W. Agron Jurnal<br />

Impact testing of fruits and vegetables. Fluck, R. C Trans, of the ASAE<br />

Impact parameters related to postharvest bruising of apples Brusewitz G.H Transactions of the ASAE<br />

Impact parameters of spherical viscoelastic objects and<br />

tomatoes<br />

Lichtenste'ger M J Transactions of the ASAE<br />

Impact parameters of spherical viscoelastic objects and<br />

tomatoes<br />

Lichtensteiger, M. J Trans, of the ASAE<br />

Impact ofcopepod grazing on thered tide flagfella ta<br />

Chatonella antiqua<br />

Uye, S. Mar. Biol. 92:35-43.<br />

Impact of the economic crisis on the number of poor people Irawan, P.B. Indonesia’s Economic Crisis: Effects<br />

on Agriculture and Policy Responses.<br />

P. Simatupang, S. Pasaribu, S. Bahri,<br />

and R. Stringer (Eds.), CASE, AARD-<br />

CIES, University of Adelaide,<br />

Australia. p. 1-21.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 446 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Impact of Quinalphos on Blood Glucose and<br />

Acetylcholineesterase (AChE) activity in Brain and<br />

Pancreas in A Roseringed Parakeet (Psittacula Krameri<br />

Borelis: Newmann).<br />

Anam, K. K. Arch. Environ. Contam.Toxicol.<br />

Impact of protein in nutrition on reproduction in dairy cows Ferguson JD J. Dairy Sci 72:746-766<br />

Impact of percoll on bovine spermatozoa used for in vitro<br />

insemination<br />

Impact Of Host Food Plant On Parasitization Behaviour In<br />

A Larval Parasitoid Of Heliothis Armigera (Hubner)<br />

Avery, B. Theriogenology, 49: 871-878.<br />

Sathe. T.V Anim Sci<br />

Impact of Fat Substitutes on Fat intake. Lipids, 31.<br />

Supplement: 293 - 296. Nakamura, S. 1997. Using sucrose<br />

ester as food emulsifiers<br />

Miller, G.D INFORM<br />

Impact force model rciatcd to peach finnness Zhang, X Transactions of the ASAE<br />

Impact Bruise Resistance Indices of Apple Evaluated<br />

During Storage<br />

Yuwana IFNP4<br />

Imogolite in Volcanic Soils of Chile Bwsoain. E Geoderma<br />

Imogilile in Some Ando Soils Yoshinaga. N Soil Sci Plant Nutr<br />

Imobilisasi Logam Berat Asal Limbah Industri di Dalam<br />

Tanah Tropika I<br />

Salam.A.K. Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pertanahan<br />

Immunosupressive Potential of Antimalarials Salmeron, G. Am. J. Med. 18: 9-24.<br />

Immunosupresive compounds from a deep water marine<br />

sponge, Agelas flabelliformis.<br />

Gunasekara. S.P., J. of Natural Product 52 (4):757-761.<br />

Immunosupresive compounds from a deep water marine<br />

sponge, Agelas flabelliformis.<br />

Ounasekara, S.P., J. of Natural Product, 52 (4):757-761,<br />

Immunosupresive compounds from a deep water marine<br />

sponge, Age/as flabelliformis.<br />

Gunasekara, S.P., J. Nat. Prod. 52 (4):757-761.<br />

Immunosuppression by The lnfection Bursal Agen in<br />

Chicken Imunize Against Newcastle Disease<br />

Allan, W. Vet. Rec.90: 511-512.<br />

immunosuppresive Effect On infectious Bursal Agent On<br />

Vaccination Againts Newcastle Disease<br />

Faragher, J.T. Vet. Rec 95 (17). 358-388.<br />

Immunosuppresive compounds from a deep water marine<br />

spons, Agelas flabelliformis<br />

S.P. Gunasekara J. Of Natural Product<br />

Immunostimulants, adjuvants and vaccine carriers in fish : Anderson, D.P Annual Review of Fish Diseases 2:<br />

application to aquaculture<br />

281-307.<br />

Immunorompetence as a measure of the biological effect of Secombes, C.J. Comparative Biochemistry and<br />

sewage sludge pollution in fish<br />

Physiology 100C: 133-136.<br />

Immunoreactive epidermal growth factor concentration in<br />

follicular fluid obtained from in vitro fertilization<br />

Hofman G.E Fertility and Sterility<br />

Immunopatho-genesis of Dengue hemorrhagic fever Rothman, A.L. Virol., 257: 1-6.<br />

Immunological memory Gray, D. Ann. Rev. Immunol., 11: 49-77.<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Immunological effects of national cholesterol education<br />

panel step-2 with and without fish derived n-3 fatty acid<br />

enrichment<br />

Meydani SN J. Of Clin Investigation 92:105-113<br />

Immunological characterization of rapeseed myrosinase Lenman. M. Eur J.Biochem 194: 747-753.<br />

Immunohistochemical study on the distribution of gut<br />

endocrine cells in the gastrointestinal tract of java tree<br />

shrew ( Tupaia javanica)<br />

Immunohistochemical study of the gastroenteropancreatic<br />

endocrine cells of the sheep<br />

Immunohistochemical study of the distributon of endocrine<br />

cells in the gastrointestinal tract of the lesser mouse deer (<br />

Tragulus javanicus)<br />

Immunohistochemical localization of epidermal growth<br />

factor-like activity in the hamster ovary with a polyclonal<br />

antibody<br />

Agungpriyono S Jurnal Primatologi Indonesia<br />

Calingasan N.Y Acta.Anat<br />

Agungpriyono S Acta Anatomica<br />

Roy S.k Endocrinology<br />

Immunogold-EM localization of myrosinase in<br />

Brassicaceae<br />

Thangstad, O.P. Proloplasma 161:85-93<br />

Immunodiffusion method for the identification of the species<br />

of origin of meat species<br />

Swarts KS Austr Vet Journal<br />

Immunodetection of specific Vibrio bacteria attaching to<br />

tissue of the giant tiger prawn Penaeus monodon.<br />

Chen, D. Dis. Aqua. Org., 20:159-162.<br />

Immunochemical study of gastroenteropancreatic<br />

endocrine cells of the sheep<br />

Calingasan N.Y Acta.Anat<br />

Immunoassay using antigen-enzyme conjugates Van Weemen, B.K. FEBS Lett., 15: 232-236.<br />

Immunity to H. Contortus relationship between age an<br />

successful vaccination with irradiated larvae<br />

Urquhart, G. M. Am. J. Vet. Res.<br />

Immune response of eel to Edwardsiella tarda antigens Salati, F. Fish Pathol., 19: 187-192.<br />

Immune Regulation in Epstein-Barr Virus Associated<br />

Disease<br />

Immobilized lipase-catalyzed production of structures lipids<br />

with eicosapentanoic acid at specific positions<br />

Immobilized lipase-catalyzed production of structured lipids<br />

with eicosapentaenoic acid at specific positions<br />

Immobilized lipasecatalyzed production of structured lipids<br />

with eicosapentaenoic acid at specific positions<br />

Immobilized Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenases for the<br />

Transformation of Steroids in Water-Organic Solvent<br />

Systems<br />

Khanna, R. Microbiol.Rev. 59: 387-405.<br />

KT Lee JAOCS 73(5):611-615<br />

Lee KT J Am Oil Chem Soc. 75(5):611-615<br />

Lee KT J Am Oil Chem Soc, 73(5):611-615<br />

Carrea, G., Biotechnol. Bioeng<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 448 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Immobilization oflipases on porous polypropylene:<br />

Reduction in esterification efficiency at low loading<br />

Immobilization of urease from pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan<br />

L.) in polyacrylamide gels and calcium al-ginate beads<br />

Immobilisasi Logam Berat di Dalam Tanah Selama 15<br />

Tahun<br />

Immobilisasi Logam Berat Asal Limbah Industri di Dalam<br />

Tanah Tropika : 1. Sifat Kimia Limbah Industri<br />

Immobilisasi Logam Berat asal Limbah Industri di Dalam<br />

Tanah Tropika<br />

Imazethapyr and para-quat system for weed management<br />

in peanut (Arachis hypogaea)<br />

Imazapyr applied post emergence in sunflower (Helianthus<br />

annuus) for broomrape (Orobanche cernua) Control<br />

Bosley, J.A. JAOCS<br />

Das N Biotechnol Appi Biochem 27:25-29.<br />

Salam. A.K<br />

Salam. A.K<br />

Salam. A.K Juranal Ilmu Pert.<br />

Wilcut, J.W Weed Sci<br />

Garcia-Torres, L Weed Tech<br />

Ilmu Tanah Harjowigeno S<br />

Ilmu Reproduksi Hewan Partodihardjo, S. Mutiara, Jakarta. Hal. 173-181.<br />

ILI2 and IFN Gamma Production, and NK Cell Activity, in<br />

Acute and Chronic Experimental Trypanosoma cruzi<br />

Infection<br />

Antunez, M.I Immunol. Lett. 71 (2): 103-9.<br />

Ileal loss of available carbohydrates in man: comparison of<br />

breath method with direct measurement using a human<br />

ileostomy model<br />

Wolever, T.M.S Am. J. dufilnirntcrology<br />

Ikan sidat perlu dipromosikan.<br />

Ikan nirah untuk kolam pekarangan.<br />

Saleh, M. Bulletin Warta Mina No. 12.<br />

Ikan keleso (Scleropages formosus) di Indonesia. Sutikno, Bulletin Kebun Raya. Lembaga Biologi<br />

Nasional Bogor. 2(5): 183-187.<br />

Ikan hiu: hewan primitifyang membenkan sumbangan luar<br />

biasa bagi kesehatan manusia.<br />

Ikan Hiu: Hewan primitif yang memberikan sumbangan luar<br />

biasa bagi kesehatan manusia<br />

Suparno<br />

Ikan baung (Mystus nemurus) si kumis dari perairan tawar. Gaffar, A.K.<br />

Suparno. Ikan hiu: hewan primitifyang<br />

membenkan sumbangan luar biasa<br />

bagi kesehatan manusia.<br />

iInventarisasi hama penting pada sedap malam Sihombing D Laporan penelitian Balai Penelitian<br />

Tanaman Hias<br />

IInternational Tea Comitte Annual Bulletin of Statistics. London<br />

Idiotypes: Concepts and Aplication Nisonoff A J. Immunol<br />

Identity of Mycoplasma Like Agents of Legume Witches<br />

Broom in Indonesia.<br />

Iwaki, M., Contr. Centr. Res Inst. Agric Bogor.<br />

No. 41, Bogor. 11 pp.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 449 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Identifikasi spesies mycobacteria berdasarkan hasilreaksi<br />

uji biokimia<br />

Identifikasi spesies mycobacteria berdasarkan hasil reaksi<br />

uji biokimia<br />

Identifikasi sifat-sifat fisika-kimia beberapa macam minyak<br />

mentah, cananga dan lisea<br />

Identifikasi senyawa fenol ekstrak akar rimpang alangalang<br />

( Imperata cylindrica L.) Beauv dan uji potensi<br />

alelopatinya terhadap perkecambahan gulma Ageratum<br />

conyzoides ( L. ) dan Amaranthus spinosus (L.).<br />

Identifikasi senyawa fenol ekstrak akar rimpang alangalang<br />

( Imperata cylindrica L.) Beauv dan uji potensi<br />

alelopatinya terhadap perkecambahan gulma Ageratum<br />

conyzoides ( L. ) dan Amaranthus spinosus (L.).<br />

Identifikasi mikrospora kelapa sawit Elais guineensis Jacq<br />

untuk kultur haploid<br />

Identifikasi Hama Peliang Daun Jambu Air (Leaf Miner) di<br />

Lombok Barat<br />

Identifikasi genetik melalui Elektroforesis Fosfatase Asam<br />

dari Tanaman Padi M2 Kultivar Nani Sukro<br />

Identifikasi dan Pengaruh Cacing Parasit pada Saluran<br />

Pencernaan Ayam Buras di Kotamadya Medan dan<br />

Sekitarnya.<br />

Identifikasi dan karakterisasi tanah bersifat andik di<br />

Kabupaten Sikka, Flores Nusa Tenggara Timur.<br />

Hardjoutomo, S. Penyakit Hewan. 22(40): 90-96.<br />

Hardjoutomo, S. Penyakit Hewan 22(40):90-96<br />

Rusli, S. Pemberitaan Littri<br />

Ardi.<br />

Ardi.<br />

Latif S<br />

Supeno. B<br />

Winarno EK Zuriat 4 (2): 120-125<br />

Siahaan, P.M. Karya Ilmiah. Program PascaSarjana.<br />

IPB<br />

Sukarman Jurnal Tanah dan Iklim No. 15, 1997,<br />

him. 1-10.<br />

Identifikasi ciri rumah tangga defisit energi Rachmat, M. J. Agroek.<br />

Identifikasi beberapa cendawan penyebab penyakit busuk<br />

akar pada tanaman hutan<br />

Anggraeni, I.<br />

Identification of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi at<br />

selected oil palm estates on West Java<br />

Widiastuti H Menara Perkebunan 61:(1):13-19<br />

Identification of triglicerides causing the clouding of palm<br />

olein<br />

Swe. P.Z. JAOCS 71 (10) : 1141 - 1144<br />

Identification of trait-improving quantitative trait loei alleles<br />

from a wild rice relatives, Oryza rufipogon.<br />

Xiao, J., S. Gen. 150: 899-909.<br />

Identification of the wheat curl mite as the vector of the high<br />

plains virus of corn and wheat<br />

Seifer, D.L. Palnt Disease<br />

Identification of the SAAT gene involved in strawberry<br />

flavor biogenesis by use of DNA microarrays<br />

Aharoni A Plant Cell 12:647-661.<br />

Identification of the most Intense odor compounds<br />

Ullrich, F. Z Lebensm. Unters, Forsch. 184 (4):<br />

formed during autooxidation of linoleic acid<br />

277-282.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 450 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Identification of taste-active components in the chicken<br />

meat extract by omission test-involvement of glutamic acid,<br />

IMP and potassium ion<br />

Identification of restrictio ftagment leght polymorphism and<br />

random amplifies polymorphic DNA markers linked to<br />

downy mildew resistance genesin lettuce, using nearisogenic<br />

lines<br />

Identification of Resistance Mechanism in Selected<br />

Laboratory Strain of Cocopsylla Pyri (homoptera :<br />

Psyllidae) : Altered Acetylcholinesterase and Detoxi-Fying<br />

Oxudases.<br />

Identification of RAPD markers linked to a mayor rust<br />

resistenace gene block in common bean<br />

Identification of RAPD markers linked to a major blast<br />

resistance gene in rice<br />

Identification of RAPD marker linked to the RPS4 gene in<br />

soybean (Glycine max (L) Merr)<br />

Identification of quantitative trait loei associated with preflowering<br />

drought tolerance in sorghum.<br />

Identification of polymorphic, conserved simple sequences<br />

repeats (SSRs) in cultivated Brassica species<br />

Identification of Phosphate reactive site of hydrous alumina<br />

from proto consumption during phosphate adsorpfion at<br />

constant pH values<br />

Fujimura, S. Anim. Sci. Technol. 66: 43-51.<br />

Paran I genome 34: 1021-1027<br />

Berrada, S. Pesticide Biochem. And Phydio.<br />

Haley SD Theor Appl Genet, 86 :505-512<br />

Naweed, IN Theor Appl Genet 1:341-348<br />

Byrum JR Soyb. Genet. Newsl. 20:112-117<br />

Tuinstra, M.R.. Crop Sci. 36: 1337-1344.<br />

Szewe-McFadden Theor. Appl. Genet. 93:534-538.<br />

Rajan, S.S.S. J. Soil Sci.<br />

Identification of mycoplasma-like agent of legume witches'<br />

broom in Indonesia<br />

Iwaki M CRIA.Bogor<br />

Identification of highly polymorphic DNA regions in tomato. Vosman, B.P., Theor. Appi. Genet. 85: 239-244.<br />

Identification of highly polymorphic DNA regions in tomato Vosman B Theor.Appl Genet 85:239-244<br />

Identification of Geosmin as the Major Muddy off Flavor of<br />

Louisiana Brackish Water Clam (Rangia cuneata)<br />

Identification of dispersive behaviour and the management<br />

of red-brown earth<br />

Identification of dispersive behaviour and the management<br />

of red-brown earth<br />

Identification of B-L-Gulose as the sugar moiety of the main<br />

polar lipid Thermoplasma acidophilum<br />

Identification of Bacillus kaustophilus, B.thermocatenulatus<br />

and Bacillus strain HSR as members of Bacillus thermoleovorans<br />

Hsieh, T.C.Y. J. Food Sci. 5394: 1228-1229.<br />

Rengasamy P Aust J Soil Res 22:413-31<br />

Rengasamy P Aust J Soil Res 22:413-31<br />

Swain, M. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1345:56-64.<br />

Sunna, A. System. Appl. Microbiol. 20:232-237.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 451 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Identification of an inhibitor of neovascularization from<br />

cartilage<br />

Identification of an inhibitor of neovascularization from<br />

cartilage<br />

Identification of an antihypertensive peptide from casein<br />

hydrolysate produced by a proteinase from Lactobacillus<br />

helveticus CP790.<br />

Moses, M.A. Science 248: 1408-1410.<br />

Moses, M.A. Science. 248: 1.408-1.410.<br />

Maeno, M. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Identification of almond cultivars by pollen isoenzymes. Cerezo, M., J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 106 (5): 164-<br />

169.<br />

Identification of a splice variant of the rat estrogen receptor<br />

beta gene<br />

Chu, S. Moll. Cell. Endocrinoll. 132: 195-199.<br />

Identification of a RAPD marker linked to the Vfgem for<br />

scab resistance in apples<br />

Yang, H. Euphytica 77:83-87.<br />

Identification of a family of avirulence genes from<br />

Xanthomonas oryzae pv. Oryzae<br />

Hopkins, CM. Mol. Plant-Microh. Interact. 5:451-459.<br />

Identification of a conserved microsatellite site in the<br />

porcine and bovine insulin-like growth factor-1 gene 5' flank<br />

Kirkpatrick, B.W. Anim. Gen. 23:543-548.<br />

Identification by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis of protease<br />

producing bacteria isolated from liquid tofu waste<br />

Identification and transfer of heterotic chromosome blocks<br />

for forage yield in short day exotic pearl millet landraces<br />

Identification and quantification of IAA and IBA Azospirillum<br />

brasilense inoculated maize roots<br />

Identification and molecular characterization of serological<br />

group C streptococci isolated from disease pigs and<br />

monkeys in Indonesia<br />

Identification and expression of water stress-and abcisic<br />

acid-regulated genes in a drought-tolerant sunflower<br />

genotypes.<br />

Identification and characterization of bacteria associated<br />

with western Australian orchids<br />

Identification & transfer of heterotic chromosome blocks for<br />

forage yoeld in short day exotic pearl millet landraces.<br />

Suhartono, M.T. Aspac. J. Mol. Biol. Biotech. 2: 193-<br />

199.<br />

Burton GW Crop Sci. 35: 1184-1187<br />

Fallik, E. Soil Biol. Biochem. 21: 147-153.<br />

Soedarmanto, I. J. Clin. Microbiol. 2201-2204.<br />

Ouvrard, O., Plant Mol. Biol. 31: 819-829.<br />

Wilkinson KG Soil Biol Biochem 26:37-142.<br />

Burton GW Crop sci 35: 1184-1187<br />

Identificatioi) of likely natural host for equine morbilivirus Halpin, K. Communicable Disease Intelegence.<br />

20(22): 476.<br />

Ideal Protein in broiler. Pack, M. Poultry International.<br />

Ideal protein in broiler Pack, M. Poult. Int.<br />

Ichtyology Lagler. K.F.. Ichtyology<br />

Ichtiology. Lagler, K.F., Ichtiology.<br />

Ichthyology K.F. Lagler Ichthyology<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 452 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Ice in Fisheries FAO (Food and<br />

Agricultural<br />

Organization)<br />

FAO Fisheries Reports, No 59, 1-3.<br />

IAWA list of microscopic features for hardwood<br />

identification.<br />

Wheeler, E.A. IAWA Bull. n. s. 10 (3) : 219-332.<br />

IAWA List of Microscopic features for hard wood<br />

identification.<br />

Wheeler. E.A.. IAWA Bull. 10(2): 221-358.<br />

Ianalisis usaha tani melati: potensi, kelayakan dan<br />

prospeknya<br />

Effendi K J Hort V(2) : 90-99<br />

Ianalisis usaha tani melati: potensi, kelayakan dan<br />

prospeknya<br />

Effendi K J Hort V(2) : 90-99<br />

Hypothalamic lesions, growth and body composition of<br />

male chickens.<br />

Lepkovsky, S. Poult. Sci.<br />

Hypotensive activity of enzymatic Alpha-zein hydrolysate Miyoshi S Agric Biol. Chem<br />

Hypotensive activity of enzymatic alpha-zein hydrolysate Miyoshi, S.T. Agric Biol Chem. 55(5): 1407-1408.<br />

Hypophysectomy in Pregnant Goats and Secretion of the<br />

Pituitary Stalk in Pregnant Goat and Sheep<br />

Cowie, A.T J. Endocrinologv 28<br />

Hypoglycemic actions of some heteroglycans of<br />

Ganoderma lucidum Fruit Bodies<br />

Hikino H Planta Medica<br />

Hypocholesterolemic Factors in Foods: A Review Silalahi, J<br />

Hypocholesterolemic Factors in Foods. A Review Silalahi,J.<br />

Hypocholesterolemic effect of undigested fraction of<br />

soybean protein inrats ted no cholesterol.<br />

Ogawa, T Biosci. Biotech. Biochem<br />

Hyphal anastomosis groups of Rhiwctonia solani Ktihn in<br />

Indonesia.<br />

Yamaguchi, T.<br />

Hyperplasia and hypertrophy of the chicken ( Gallus<br />

domesticus ) oviduct during a reproductive cycle.<br />

Yu, J.Y.L. Poult. Sci.<br />

Hypercholesterolemic Effects of Oat, Rice and Barley<br />

Dietary Fibers and Fractions<br />

Kahlon. T.S. Cereal Foods World. 42:2,86-92.<br />

Hydroxyl-Sulfate Exchange Stoichiometry on y-AL2O3 and<br />

Kaolinite<br />

He. L.M Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Hydroxycitric acid: the principle in the fruits of Garcinia<br />

cambogia<br />

Lewis YS Photochemistry 15:619-625.<br />

Hydrothermal Cooking Affects Protein Efficiency Ratio and<br />

Zinc Bioavailability Of Soymilk - Based Diets in Rats<br />

Lihono. M.A J. Food. Sci. Vol. 61<br />

Hydrops amnii in sheep associated with hydran-encephaly<br />

and arthrogryposis with Wesselbron disease and Rift Valley<br />

Fever viruses as ethiological agents<br />

Hydrolysis of Soybean Protein by Aspergillus sojae, A.<br />

orywe and Rhiwpus oligospnrus<br />

Coetzer, J.A.W. Onderstepoort J. Vet. Res. 44: 119-<br />

126<br />

Rahayu, E.S<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 453 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Hydrolysis of microcrystal-line cellulose by<br />

cellobiohydrolase I and endoglucanase II from Trichoderma<br />

reesei: adsorpsion, sugar production pattern and<br />

synergism of the enzymes<br />

Hydrolysis of edible oil.s by lipase.s immobilized on<br />

hydrophobic supports: Effects of interna! support structure<br />

Hydrolysis of Beta-Casein by Gastricproteases. I :<br />

Comparison of Proteolysis Action of bovine chymosin and<br />

pepsin Alfa.<br />

Hydrolysates from proteolysis of heat-denatured whey<br />

proteins<br />

Hydrogenation of Soybean Oil: A Thin Layer<br />

Chromatography and Gas Chromatography/Matrix<br />

Isolation/Fourier Transform Infrared.<br />

Medve J Biotechnol Bioeng 59:621-634.<br />

AI-Duri. B JAOCS<br />

Guillou, H Int. J. Peptide Protein Res.<br />

Mutilangi, W. A. M. J. Food Sci.<br />

Mossoba, M.M. J. Agric. Food Chem.<br />

Hydrogenation of fats its significance Dutton HJ Am oil Chem Soc Champaign Il., pp 1-<br />

16<br />

Hydrogenation impairs the hypolidemic effects of corn oil in<br />

human hydrognation, trans fatty acids & plasma lipids<br />

Liechenstein AH, Atheroscler & Thromb 13: 154-161<br />

Hydrogenase: properties and application Alvin IK. Enzyme Microbiol Technol 1:165-172.<br />

Hydrogen production with high yield and high evolution rate<br />

using self-flocculated cells of Enterobacter aerogenes in a<br />

packed-bed reactor.<br />

Hydrogen production by immobilized cells of aciduric<br />

Enterobacter aerogenes strain HO-39<br />

Hydrogen production by immobilized cells in the nozzle<br />

loop bioreactor<br />

Hydrogen Peroxide Bleaching of Spruce High Yield Pulp at<br />

Varying Degrees of Sulphonation.<br />

Hydrogen and aluminium inhibition of soybean root<br />

extension from limed soil into acid subsurface solutions<br />

Rachman MA Appi Microbiol Biotechnol 49:450-454.<br />

Yokoi H J Ferment Bioeng 83:484-491.<br />

Seon YH Biotechnol Lett 15:1275-1280.<br />

Kouk, R.S., J. Pulp and Paper Science 15 (4) : J<br />

151 - J 156.<br />

Sanzonowicz, C. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 21(2): 387-<br />

403.<br />

Hybridomas secreting monoclonal antibody with specifity of<br />

Toxoplasma gondii<br />

Sethi, K.K. J Parasitol, .66 (2). 192-196.<br />

Hybridisation detection of insect-transmitted plant viruses<br />

with digoxigenin-labeled probe.<br />

Harper, K Plant Dis. 79: 563-567.<br />

Hybrid rice research in Indonesia Suprihatno B Hybrid rice technology, new<br />

developments and future prospect.<br />

Seelcted papers in IRRI Conf.<br />

Philippines<br />

Hybrid rice (Oryza sativa L.): Identification and percentage<br />

determination in RAPD fingerprinting.<br />

Wang, G. S., Plant Cell Rep. 14: 112-115.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 454 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

HWS Chan J. Am. Oil Can Soc 54:100-104<br />

Hutan mangrove Indonesia Anonimous Duta Rimba<br />

Hutan Mangrove Indonesia Anonim Duta Rimba Edisi 177 - 188/ XX<br />

Maret April<br />

Humus Chemistry. Genesis, composition, reactions Stevenson, F.J<br />

Human metabolism converts linolenic acid into omega-3 Emken, E.A. Food Proces 2:48<br />

Human granulosa cell secretion of proteins which suppres<br />

follicular response to gonadotropins.<br />

Di Zerega, G.S. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab.<br />

Human Capital Variables in Status Atainment Process Sayuti Rosiady Komunitas Vol. 2 (1)<br />

Human Atherosclerosis: II Immunohistochemical Analysis<br />

of the Cell Composition of Human Atherosclerosis Lesions<br />

Human absorption of fish oil fatty acids as triacylglycerols,<br />

free acids, or ethyl esters.<br />

Hubungan panjang usus dan badan beberapa spesies ikan<br />

kerapu sebagai acuan pemilihan spesies potensial budi<br />

daya<br />

Hubungan Lereng dan Elevasi dengan Produksi Kopi<br />

Arabika Catimor di Aceh Tengah<br />

Hubungan keragaan buah terhadap berat biji kakao pada<br />

pertanaman hibrida F1 campuran<br />

Hubungan Kandungan Zinc Dalam Air Susu Ibu Dengan<br />

Zinc Darah Bayi Di Daerah Perkotaan, Pedesaan dan<br />

Pantai<br />

Gown, A.M. Am. J. Pathol., 140: 907-914.<br />

Lawson LD Biochem. Biophys. Res Commun.,<br />

152(1):328-335<br />

Pirzan, A.M. Bulletin Torani 8(1): 94-101.<br />

Karim, A<br />

Iswanto A Pelita Perkebunan 4(3) : 81-85<br />

Pambudi. J Penelitian Gizi dan Makanan<br />

Hubungan hyperlipidemi dengan penyakit jantung koroner. Irawan, B. J. Med. Sci. Fakultas kedokteran<br />

UGM, Yogyakarta.<br />

Hubungan hospes dan manfaat patogen Weiser, J C.B. Huffaker & P.S. Messenger (Eds).<br />

Teori dan Praktek Pengendalian<br />

Biologis<br />

Hubungan antara waktu tanam kubis dengan dinamika<br />

populasi Plutella maculipennis Curt. dan Crocidolonzia<br />

binotalis Lell.<br />

Hubungan Antara Waktu Tanam Kubis dengan Dinamika<br />

Populasi Plutella maculipennis Curt dan Crocidolomia<br />

binotalis Zeil<br />

Hubungan antara waktu tanam kubis dengan dinamika<br />

populasi Plutella maculipennis dan Crocidolomia<br />

binotalis<br />

Hubungan antara ukuran biji serta ukuran buah dengan<br />

berat kering biji kakao (Theobroma cacao L)<br />

Hubungan antara tuberkulosis sapi perah dan status<br />

tuberkulosis pekerja perusahaan susu<br />

Sudarwohadi, S. Buletin Penelitian Hortikultura. Volume<br />

3 (4):3-4.<br />

Sudarwohadi, S. Bull. Penel. Hort.<br />

Sastrosuwirdjo, S. Bul. Penel. Hort<br />

Iswanto, A Pelita Perkebunan 4(4), 115-123<br />

Kusumaningsih, A. Majalah Kesehatan Masyarakat. 53:<br />

26-32.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 455 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Hubungan antara tingkat trofik dcngan produksi karamba<br />

jaring apung mini di suatu badan air<br />

Hubungan antara status imunologi dan pola konsumsi<br />

makanan jajanan populasi remara di Bogor, Jawa Barat<br />

Hubungan Antara Status Imunologi dan Pola Konsumsi<br />

Makanan Jajanan Populasi Remaja di Bogor, Jawa Barat<br />

Hubungan antara serapan P dengan beberapa sifat kimia<br />

tanah serta kelarutan fosfat alam pada tanah Oxic Rhodic<br />

Paleustalfs dari daerah Pasirbungur, Jawa Barat<br />

Hubungan antara persentase hidup klon kelapa sawit di<br />

prenursery<br />

hubungan antara mutu akar dengan persentase hidup klon<br />

kelapa sawit di pre-nursery<br />

Hubungan antara lingkardada, Tinggi pundak dan panjang<br />

badan dengan bobot hidup pd kambing peranakan Etawa<br />

di Kab. Semarang<br />

Hubungan antara kondisi bera dan populasi wereng<br />

imigran saat stadia awal pertumbuhan tanaman padi pada<br />

sawah tanam serempak<br />

Hubungan antara kondisi bera dan populasi wereng<br />

imigran saat stadia awal pertumbuhan tanaman padi pada<br />

sawah tanam serempak<br />

Hubungan antara kondisi bera dan populasi wereng<br />

imigran saat stadia awal pertumbuhan tanaman padi pada<br />

sawah tanam serempak<br />

Hubungan antara elevasi dan lereng dengan produksi kopi<br />

arabika cattimor di aceh Tengah<br />

Hubungan antara ekspansi pati ekstruksi dan kekentalan<br />

fase cair : Peranan kadar amylosa<br />

Hubungan antar kadar belerang tersedia dalam tanah<br />

dengan respons tanaman padi sawah<br />

Krismono<br />

Zakarra-Rungkat F Jurnal llmu Teknologi Pangan, Vol. I<br />

no. 2 50-59.<br />

Zakaria, R.F. J. Ilmu & Teknologi Pangan, Vol. VII,<br />

No. 2, 50-59.<br />

Prasetyo, B.H. Pemberitaan Penelitian Tanah dan<br />

Pupuk 13: 20-26.<br />

Salman, F. Berita PPKS 1(2) : 149-159<br />

Salman F Berita PPKS 1(2):149-159<br />

Yase Mas KG Media no 2 th XIV.19-23<br />

Widiarta, I.N.<br />

Widiarta IN<br />

Widiarta IN<br />

Karim, A<br />

Patria A J. Mon Mata<br />

Sulaeman Pemberitaan Penelitian Tanah dan<br />

Pupuk, (3): 20-26.<br />

Hubungan aflatoksin dengan karsinoma hati Muhilal Cermin Dunia Kedokteran. 15: 16-20.<br />

Hubunagan Antara Elevasi dan Lereng dengan Produksi<br />

Kopi arabika Catimor di Aceh Tengan.<br />

HPLC Separation of 2-Hydroxy Fatty Acids Enatiomers on<br />

Chiral Slurry Packed Capillary Column.<br />

HPLC determination of sugar in raw and baked sweet<br />

potatoes.<br />

Karim, A.<br />

Tagaki. K. J. Chromatography. 27: 575-577.<br />

Picha, D.H. J. Food. Sci. (50):1189-1190<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

HPLC Analysis of Underivatized Fatty Acids in Margarines.<br />

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Bailie. A.G., J. Chromatography Science 20: 466-<br />

470.<br />

How to transport live fish in plastic bags. Froze, R. Technical Paper FAO. Roma. p. 35-<br />

43.<br />

How Sick Is The Plant Chester.K.S Plant Pathology, Vol. 1 New York<br />

How does interleukin 1 activated cell? Cyclic AMP and<br />

interleukin 1 signal transduction<br />

Mizel S.B Immunol Today 11: 390-398.<br />

How do chemical signals work in plants that grow in drying<br />

soil ?.<br />

Davies, W.J., Plant Phyiol. 104: 309-314.<br />

How an egg is made. Taylor, T. G. Sci. Am.<br />

How Ammonia Can Affect Pullet and Laying Hens? Huton, P. Poultry International, June 1987.<br />

How Ammonia Can Affect Pullet and Laying Hens? Huton, P. Poultry International, June 1987.<br />

Household behaviour and the demand for money. pp. 222-<br />

246.<br />

Bernstein, J. Household behaviour and the demand<br />

for money. pp. 222-246.<br />

Hot wheater poultry management. Bokhari, S World Poultry - Misset<br />

Hot processed raw materials and fat level affect physical<br />

and sensory characteristics of ground beef<br />

Williams, S. E. J. Food Sci.<br />

Host-and food foraging of the parasitoid Microplitis<br />

croceipes: Learning and physialogical state effects<br />

Takasu K Biol Contr 3:70-74.<br />

Host selection by insect parasitoids Vinson SB Ann Rev Entomol<br />

Host range of the ginger strain of Pseudomonas<br />

Pegg, K. G. Australian Journal of Experimental<br />

solanacearum in Queensland<br />

Agriculture Husbandry. 11: 696-698.<br />

Host range and compatibilty of soybean with Rhizobial<br />

Microsymbionts<br />

Devine TE R Sibles (ed) World Soybean<br />

Research Conference III. Proc<br />

Westview Boulder<br />

Hos species-specific conservation of aNAS 88: 9981-9985. Hamer, J.E., family of repeated DNA sequences in<br />

the genome of a fungal plant<br />

pathogen.<br />

Hormonal response to partial drying of the root sysem of<br />

Helianthus Annuus.<br />

Masia. A. J. Exp. Bot.<br />

Hormonal regulation of uterine secretion of PGF2 alfa<br />

during luteolysis in ruminants<br />

Silvia, W. J. Biol. Reprod.<br />

Hormonal regulation of seed dormancy in hazel (corylus<br />

avellana L) and beech ( fagus sylvatica)<br />

Frankland B J.Exp.Bot 7:596-611<br />

Hormonal regulation of seed dormancy in hazel (corylus<br />

avellana L) and beech ( fagus sylvatica)<br />

Frankland B J.Exp.Bot 7:596-611<br />

Hormonal control of metabolism in insects Steele, J.E. Adv. Insect Physiol. 12:239-323.<br />

Hormonal control of epidermal growth factor receptor by<br />

gonadotropins during granulosa cell differentiation<br />

Feng. P Endocrinology<br />

Hormonal and follicular factor affecting maturation of sheep<br />

oocytes in vitro and their subsequen development capacity<br />

Moor R.M J. reprod fert<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Hormonal Activity in Detached Lettuce Leaves as Affected<br />

by Leaf water content<br />

Horizontal polyacrilamide gradient gel electrophoresis tbr<br />

the simiiltancous phenotyping of trasferrin, post-transferrin,<br />

albumin and post albumin in the blood plasma of cattle<br />

Horizontal distribution of the Japanese sardine to oceanic<br />

front at the purse seine fishing grounds southeast of<br />

Hokkaido.<br />

Aharoni, N. Plant Physiology<br />

Gahne, B Anim. Blood Grps Biochem. Genet. S<br />

Inakage, D. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 50(4): 577-<br />

589.<br />

Honey for decubitus ulcers Blomfield, R. J Am. tvfed Ass.224:905.<br />

Homoglutathione Isolation, Quatification and Occurance In<br />

Legumes<br />

Klapheck. S Pysiol Plant<br />

Homoglutathione : Isolation Quantification and Occurrence<br />

in Legumes<br />

Klapheck. S Physiol. Plant<br />

Home-grown breeding <strong>program</strong>mes - no simple task Flock, D World's Poultry 49 (8)<br />

Home Range and Daily March in a Hamadryas Baboon<br />

Troop<br />

Stolba, A. Folio. Primatol<br />

Holding hatching eggs Krueger, W.F. Poultry digest, 22 (255)<br />

holding hatching eggs Krueger WF Poult Digest 22 (225)<br />

History, use and future of microbial insecticides Starnes RL American Entomologist Summer 83-91<br />

History of the Cellulaae Program at The US Army Natick<br />

Development Center<br />

Historical Rates of Atmospheric Pb Deposition Using<br />

210Pb Dated Peat Cores : Corroboration, Computation and<br />

Interpretation<br />

Reese, E.T. J. Biotech & Bioeng Symp, 9-20.<br />

Vile. M.A Water Air Soil Pollut<br />

Histopathologic examination of the rats nasai cavity Young, J.T. Fundam. Appl. Toxicol<br />

Histopathologic changes of uterus following gossypol<br />

treatment during early pregnancy in rats<br />

Rikihisa, Y. The anatomical rec.<br />

Histology of the walking catfish, Clarias batrachus. Chinabut, S., Vitamin Hormon. 16:35-57.<br />

Histology of several cool season forage grasses digested<br />

by cellulose NZ.<br />

Sleper, D.A. J. Agric Res.<br />

Histology and composition of muscles from normal and<br />

callipyge lambs.<br />

Carpenter, C. E. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Histological studies on the origin of planulae of the coral<br />

Pocillopora damicornis<br />

Permata, W.D. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 200: 191-200.<br />

Histological difference in the lateral musculature of group<br />

roach, Rutilus rutilus (L) from different habitats.<br />

Bruoghton, N.M., J. FishBiol. 18: 117-122.<br />

Histological and physical factors affecting digestibility of<br />

forages<br />

Akin, D. E. Agro. J.<br />

Histologic and immunohistochemical study of endocrine<br />

cells in thegastrointestinal tract of the cow and calf<br />

Kitamura.N Am.J.Vet.res<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Histologi of somatic embryogenesis from leaf explants of oil<br />

pal (Elais guineensis Jacq)<br />

Histochemistry of the carbohydrates in the epithelium lining<br />

the bulbourethral gland of the rat<br />

Histochemistry of carbohydrates in the epithelium lining the<br />

bulbourethral gland of the rat<br />

Histochemical study of the human bulbourethral (Cowper's)<br />

glands<br />

Histochemical study of the human bulbourehtral (<br />

Cowper's) glands<br />

Histochemical localization of hydrolase activities in the<br />

alimentary canal of some parasitic copepods<br />

Histochemical characterization of muscle of five teleost<br />

spesies.<br />

Histochemical and cytochemical investigation of phenols in<br />

roots of banana infected by the burrowing nematode<br />

Radophplus similis.<br />

Histochemical and cytochemical investigation of phenols in<br />

roots of banana infected by the burrowing nematode<br />

Radhopolus similis<br />

Schwendiman J Annual of botany 62 pp 43-52<br />

Tsukise A Acta Anat 105:529-538.<br />

Tsukise A Acta Anat ( Basel)<br />

Sirigu P Andrologia 25:293-299.<br />

Sirigu.P Andrologia<br />

Yoshikoshi, K Nippon Suisan Gakk, 57(4): 613-618.<br />

Gill, H.S , J. Fish Biol. p 34: 375-386.<br />

Valette, C. Phytop. J.<br />

Vallete C Phytophatology<br />

Histo ical and recent migration of Phy fophhora infesfans :<br />

chronology, pathways and implications<br />

Fry, W. E Plant Disease<br />

Hijauan pakan dan permasalahannya pada ternak kelinci Prawirodigdo S bul ISPI Purwokerto 5: 357-368<br />

Hijauan pakan & permasalahannya pada ternak kelinci Prawirodigdo S Bul ISPI Purwokerto 5:357-368<br />

High-polymer pectin and their deesterification Baker, G.L. Adv. Food Res. 1: 395.<br />

Highly Unsaturated Fatty Acid Requirements of<br />

Penaeusmonodon Postlarvae: An Experimental Approach<br />

Based on Artemia Enrichment<br />

Ress, J.F. Aquaculture, 122: 193-207.<br />

High-fiber diets: influence on characteristics ofcecal digesta<br />

including short-chain fatty acid concentrations and pH<br />

High Yield Mixotrophic Culture of marine microalga<br />

Tetraselmis suecica (Kylin) Butcher (Prasinophyceace)<br />

Fleming, S.E Am. J. Clin. Nutr<br />

Cid, A. J. Applied of. Phycol. 31-37<br />

High Yield enzymatic glycerolysis of fats and oils McNeill GP JAOCS 68(1):1-5<br />

High Temperature Short Time Extrusion Cooling of Wheat<br />

Starch and Flour in Development of Extruded Snacks Using<br />

Jatoba (Hymenaea stigonocarpa Marth) Flour and<br />

Carsava Starch Blends. (Eds. Y.K. Chang, MR. Silva, L.C.<br />

Guthoshi, Leonard Sebio, M.A.A.P. Da Silva),<br />

Faubion, J.M Journal of Food Agriculture<br />

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High Temperature Short Time Conditioning: Physical and<br />

Chemical Change During Expansion.<br />

High Temperature Dip and Low Temperature For Storage<br />

and Disinfectation of Avocados<br />

High resistance to experimental infec tion with Fasciola<br />

gigantica in Javanese thin-tailed sheep<br />

High Performance Liqiud Chromatography Determination of<br />

Organic Acids in Dairy Products.<br />

High Molecular Weight Plant Polyphenolics (Tannins) as<br />

Biological Antioxidants<br />

High Molecular Weight Plant Polyphenolics (Tannins) as<br />

Biological Antioxidants<br />

High Level expression of the humanized monoclonal<br />

antibody Compath-IH in Chinese ovary cells<br />

High frequency transfer of nodulating ability between<br />

strains and species of Rhizobium.<br />

High Fiber Diet at Its Effect on Calcium and Cholesterol<br />

Status in Laying Hen.<br />

High Ferformance Liquid Chromatographic Determination<br />

and Hydrolysis Studies of Phenyl Phosphorodiamidate, a<br />

Urease Inhibitor.<br />

Peisker., M. Feed international, Volume 11, No3.p<br />

16<br />

Jessup. A.J Hortscience<br />

Wiedosari, E. Vet. Parasitol. 37: 101-111.<br />

Marsili, R. T. J. Food. Sci.<br />

Hagerman, A.E J. Agric. Food Chem<br />

Hagerman, A.E J Agric Food Chem<br />

Page M.J. Biotechnol. 9: 64-68.<br />

Johnston, A.W.B., Nature 276: 634-636.<br />

Pilliang, W. G. Indon. J. Trop. Agric.<br />

Austin, E. R. Journal of Agriculture and Food<br />

Chemistry.<br />

Hierarchical Grouping to Optimize an Objective Function Ward, J.H. Journal of the American Statistical<br />

Association. 58:236-244.<br />

Hidrolisis lemak sawit dan inti sawit dengan tekanan<br />

moderat<br />

Supriadi S Bul. Perkebunan 22(3): 197-206<br />

Hidrolisis bungkil kedele dengan menggunakan ensim<br />

papain<br />

Surisdiarto<br />

Hibridisasi silang balik tembakau Temanggung untuk<br />

meningkatkan ketahanan terhadap penyakit "lincat"<br />

Rachman, S.K.A. Jurnal Penelitian Tanaman Industri.<br />

4(50):152-157.<br />

Heteroxygote frequencies in small subpopulations Kirby, G.C Theor. Pop. Biol<br />

Heterosis, Inbreeding Depression and Combining Ability in<br />

Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr)<br />

Heterosis Pertanaman F1 padi Sawah dataran Tinggi Zen, S.<br />

Kunta, T., Sabrao Journal Vol. 29 No. 1 Canberra<br />

Australia. 21-32.<br />

Heterosis in Spring x Winter Wheat Crosses. Thakur, K.S., Sabrao Journal Vol. 23 No. 1 Taichung<br />

Taiwan. 15-20.<br />

Heterosis for Grain Yield in Winter Sorghum (Sorghum<br />

bicolor L.) Moench.<br />

Heterosis Baku Kadar Kimia Endosperma Buah Kalapa<br />

Pertanaman F1 Hasil Silangan Genjah x.<br />

Heterosis and combining ability of CIMMYT's tropical early<br />

and inter-mediate maturity maize (Zea mays L.)<br />

germplasm<br />

Giriraj, K. Sabrao Journal Vol. 13 No. 2 UKM<br />

Bangi Selangor Malaysia. 92-97.<br />

Edi Wardana,<br />

Beck, D.L. Maydica 35: 279-285.<br />

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Heterosis and combining ability of CIMMYT's quality protein<br />

maize germplasm: II Subtropical<br />

Heterosis and combining ability of CIMMYT's quality<br />

protein maize germplasm: I. Lowland tropical<br />

Heterosis and Combining Ability in Wheat under Three<br />

Experimental Conditions.<br />

Vassal, S.K. Crop Sci. 33: 51-57.<br />

Vassal, S.K. Crop Sci. 33: 46-50.<br />

Narula, P.N., Sabrao Journal Vol. 16 No. 1 UKM<br />

Bangi Selangor Malaysia. 9-20.<br />

Heterosis and combining ability studies in H. cannabinus L Patil, R.C. J. Maharastra Agric. Univ. 5: 123-<br />

126.<br />

Heterosis among populations of maize (Zea mays L.) with<br />

different levels of exotic germplasm<br />

Crossa, J. Theor. Appl. Genet. 73: 445-450.<br />

Heterologous reactivity tobacco mosaic virus strains in<br />

enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay<br />

Bar-Joseph, M. J. Gen. Virol. 47:509-512.<br />

Hermatypic corals of Japan Veron, J.E.N. Ser. Aust. Inst. Mar. Sci. Mon., 9:<br />

234pp.<br />

Hermatypic corals of Japan Veron, J.E.N. Ser. Aust. Int Mar. Sci. Mon-. 9,<br />

234pp.<br />

Heritable and non-heritable relationships and variablility of<br />

oil content and agronomic characters in F2 generations of<br />

soybean crosses<br />

Weber CR Agron J 44:202-209<br />

Heritabilty and Repeatability of Weaning Weight in Beef<br />

Cattle.<br />

Minyard, J. A. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Heritability of seed filing period estimates in soybean Pfeifer, T.W Crop Sci 28:921-925<br />

Heritability of resistance to bacterial wilt in the tetraploid<br />

potato<br />

Sahat S Asia Potato Association. Nagasaki, 15-<br />

17 Oktober 1985. him 218-228.<br />

Heritability Of Oat Mosaic Resistance Uhr. B.V Crop. Sci<br />

Heritability of live animal scores, grades and certain<br />

carcass characteristics in beef cattle<br />

Knapp, B., Jr. J. Anim.5ci.,5.l94-199.<br />

Heritability of live animal scores, grades and certain<br />

carcass characteristics in beef cattle<br />

Knapp, B., Jr. J. Anim. Sci. 5: 194.-199.<br />

Heritability of hull percentage in Oat. Ronald, P. S. Crops Science<br />

Heritability of growth and efficiency in beef cattle Knapp, B., Jr. J. Anim Sci., 5:62-72.<br />

Heritability of growth and efficiency in beef cattle Knapp, B., Jr. J. Anim. Sci., 5 : 62 - 72.<br />

Heritability of crown traits in Alfalfa Marquez-Ortiz, J. J. Crops Science<br />

Heritability of crown trailts in Alfalfa Marquez-Ortiz, JJ Crop Sci 39 : 38-43<br />

Heritability of body size traits, dressing weight and lipid<br />

content in channel catfish<br />

El-Ibiary, H.M J. Anim. Sci 47:82-88<br />

Heritability and interrelationships of chemical agronomic<br />

traits of soybeans (Glycine max (L) Merr) in Diverse<br />

Environments<br />

Cowley CR Trans Kansas Sci. 84:1-14<br />

Heritability and interrelationships of chemical agronomic<br />

traits of soybeans (Glycine max (L) Merr) in Diverse<br />

Environments<br />

Cowley CR Trans Kansas Sci. 84:1-14<br />

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Heritability and genetic, Environtmental and phenitypic<br />

correlations of carcass traits in population of divers<br />

biological types and their implications in selection<br />

Programs. [inigramB<br />

Heritabilities of water-use efficiency traits and correlation<br />

with agroeconomic traits in water-stressed Alfalfa<br />

Heritabilities of And Correlations Among Quality Traits In<br />

Wheat<br />

Heritabilities and genetic, Envirionmental and phcnitypic<br />

correlations of carcass trails in population of diverse<br />

biological types and their implications in selectiom<br />

<strong>program</strong>s<br />

Koch, R. M. J. Anim. Sci.,. 55 : 1319-1329.<br />

Ray, I. M. Crops Science<br />

Baker. R.J Ca. J. Plant. Sci<br />

Koch, R. M. J. Anim. Sci., 55 : 1319-1329.<br />

Heritabilities and genetic correlations in related dwarf and<br />

normal broiler populations<br />

Khan A.G Br. Poultry Sci.<br />

Heritabilitas, korelasi genotipik dan fenotopik karakter padi<br />

gogo<br />

Zen S<br />

Heritabilitas, korelasi genotipik dan fenotopik karakter padi<br />

gogo<br />

Zen S<br />

Heritabilitas, korelasi genotipik dan fenotipik karakter padi<br />

gogo.<br />

Zen, S.<br />

Heriatbilities of adjusted and unadjusted feed and<br />

abdominal fat traits in a broiler dam population<br />

Wang, L Poultry Sci<br />

Herbal remedies stimulate rumen function Randhawa, C.S. Feed Mix. Vol. 4, No. 3<br />

Hemolysins of Edwardsiella tarda Watson, J.J. Can. J. Comp. Med., 43: 78-83.<br />

Hemolysin production by Edwardsiella tarda isolated from<br />

eel Anguilla japonica<br />

Kusuda, R. Suisanzoshoku, 41: 251-255.<br />

Hematopoitic growth factor are differentially regulated in<br />

monocytes and CD4+ T lymphocytes: influence of IFN-alfa<br />

and Interleukin-4<br />

Tretter T. J. Interferon Cytokine Res. 18: 95-97.<br />

Hematopoietic Growth Factor: A summary of their biology<br />

in tissue culture animals, and clinical trial<br />

Young, N.S. Prog. Clin. Biol. Res. 337: 539-545.<br />

Hematopoietic Growth Factor: A summary of their biology<br />

in tissue culture animals, and clinical trial<br />

Young, N.S Prog. Clin. Biol. Res. 337: 539-545.<br />

Hematologic Evaluation Vilpo, J.A. J. Radiation Biology. 17 (16): 209-<br />

216.<br />

Hemagglutination Properties of streptocococcus suis. Gottschalk,M J.Clin.Microbiol<br />

Hemagglutination activities of group B,C,D,and G<br />

streptococci:demonstration of novel sugar specific cell<br />

binding activities in streptococcus suis.<br />

Helminths, Arthropods and Protozoa of Domesticated<br />

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Soulsby, E.J.L. English Language Book Service<br />

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Helminth infections of sheep in North Sumatra, Indonesia Dorny, P. Vet. Parasitol. 61: 353-358.<br />

Heirarchial Pattern of Correlated Mating In Acacia<br />

Melanoxylon<br />

Muona.O Genetics<br />

Heavy Metals In Street and House Dust in Bahrain Akhter.M.S Water Air Soil Pollut<br />

Heavy metals in soils and their environment significance. Tiller KG Advance in Soil Science 9:113-142<br />

Heavy Metals and Others trace Elements Leland, H. J. Water Pollution Control Federation,<br />

46 (II): 1452.<br />

Heavy Metal Uptake by Natural Zeolit and Metal<br />

Partitioning in Sewage Sludge Compost.<br />

Zorpas, A. A. Bioresource Technology.<br />

Heavy metal pullutans: environmental and biotechnological<br />

aspect.<br />

Gadd, G. M. Encyclopedia of microbiology Vol. 2<br />

Heavy metal pollutans: environmental and biotechnological<br />

aspect<br />

Gadd, G. M. Encyclopedia of microbiology Vol. 2<br />

Heat-stable enzymes from extremely thermophilic and<br />

hyperthermophilic microorgnisms<br />

Heat-induced gelation of the mixtures of lactalbumin and<br />

lactoglobulin in the presence of glutathione<br />

Lcuchner, C. World J. Microbiol. Bioteclmol. 11:95-<br />

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Legowo, A. M. J. Food research International<br />

Heat stress interaction with shade and cooling Armstrong DV J.Dairy Sci<br />

Heat load and Supplement Effects on Performance and<br />

Nutrient Utilization by Lambs Fed Orchard-Grass Hay.<br />

Koes, R. M. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Heat Load and Suplement Effects on Performance and<br />

Nutrient Utilization by Lambs Fed Orchard-Grass Hay.<br />

Heat induced galation of the mixtures of alfa lactabumin &<br />

beta lactoglobulin in the presence of glutathione<br />

Koes, R. M. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Legowo AM Food research Int. 26: 103-108<br />

Heat Denaturation and emulsifying properties of egg yolk<br />

phosvitin.<br />

Chung, S. L. J. Food Sci.<br />

Healthy aging Khaw, K.T BMJ<br />

Health surveillance of imported embryo transfer in France Thibier, M. Rev. Sci. Tech. Off. Int. Epiz.<br />

Health Foods Chong Asia Pasific Food Industri<br />

Health Effects ofOligosaccha-rides. Tomomatsu, H Food Technology<br />

Health and nutritional benefis from lactis acid bacteria Gilliland, S.E. FEMS Microbiol. Review,87, 175.<br />

Health and Nutrition Benefits of Citrus Fruit Components. Rouseff, R.L Food Technology<br />

Health Impact of Long Term Pesticide Exposure: A<br />

medical and Economic Analysis<br />

Pingali, P.L. IRRI Social Science Division Working<br />

Paper.<br />

Health effects of oligosaccharides Tomomatsu. H Food. Techn., 48 (10) : 61.<br />

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Hay Intake, Milk Production and Rumen Fermentation in<br />

British Saanen Goats Given Concentrates Varying Widely<br />

in Protein Concentrate.<br />

Badamana, M. S. Anim. Prod.<br />

Hatchability of chickens egg as affected by dietary<br />

phosphorus and calcium.<br />

Wilson, H. R. Poult. Sci.<br />

Hasil pendaahuluan kultur jaringan kelapa sawit Pisifera. Latif S<br />

Hasil Pemuliaan tanaman kentang di Indonesia Sahat, S Bull. Penel. Hort<br />

Hasil pemuliaan tanaman kentang di indonesia Sahat, S Bull. Penel. Hort<br />

Hasil Hutan dan Ilmu Kayu Suatu Pengantar (terjemahan) Haygreen JG Gadjah Mada University<br />

press.Yogyakarta<br />

Hasil guna dikofol terhadap hama-hama pengisap daun<br />

cabai merah dan dampak yang ditim-bulkannya terhadap<br />

predator Coccinella acurata<br />

Dibyantoro, L. H Buil. Penel. Hort<br />

Hasil destilasi kering dan nilai kalor 16 jenis kayu Nurhayati, T .<br />

Hasil destilasi kering dan nilai kalor 15 jenis kayu. Nurhayati T.,<br />

Hasil destilasi kering beberapa jenis kayu Indonesia dan<br />

kemungkinan penggunaannya.<br />

Nurhayati T. LPHH NO. 86. Bogor.<br />

Hasil destilasi kering 9 jenis kayu dari Maluku Utara. Pari G.,<br />

Hasil Destilasi kering 10 jenis kayu dari Nusa Tenggara<br />

Barat.<br />

Pari G., Malifudin<br />

Hasil dan kualitas bawang merah kultivar bima brebes<br />

yang menerima zat pengatur tumbuh PIX 50 AS di Brebes<br />

Sumiati E J. Hort V (4) : 9 5<br />

Hasil dan kualitas bawang merah kultivar bima brebes<br />

yang menerima zat pengatur tumbuh PIX 50 AS di Brebes<br />

Harmful Algal Blooms:Their Ecophysiology and General<br />

Relevance to Phytoplankton Blooms in The Sea<br />

Sumiati E J. Hort V (4) : 9 5<br />

Smayda, T.J. Limnol. Oceanogr. 42(5, part 2): 1137-<br />

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Harga Pokok Bawang Merah di Sentra Produksi Brebes<br />

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Suryanto. A Bulletin PePenetilitian Hortikultura<br />

Hard-Setting Soils Mullins. C.E Soil Use and Management<br />

Hardsetting Behaviour of Some Structurally Weak Tropical<br />

Soils<br />

Ley. G.J Soil Tillage Research 13<br />

Hard-setting and Structural Regeneration In Two Unstable<br />

British Sandy Loams and Their Inl\fluence on Crop Growth<br />

Young. I.M Soil and Tillage research<br />

Handling of Six Species of Fresh Fish of Bangladesh Rubbi, S.F. FAO Fisheries Report No. 317 suppl :<br />

108-122.<br />

Handling of Ma-nure from Different Livestock and<br />

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Vanderholm, D.II J. Anim. Sci<br />

Handling mycotoxin contaminated feedstuffs Mobiuddin, S.M. Poult. Intl. June 2000. p. 46-52.<br />

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Handling and maintaining live Canadian Atlantic lobster. Boothroyd, F.A. Infofish International 6. p. 27-32.<br />

Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, Band IV Hager Springer Verlag Berlin<br />

Handbook Series in Nutrition and Food Rechcigl M Jr CRS Press Inc Ohio<br />

Handbook of ASTM Standards ASTM American society Of Testing Materials<br />

Philadelphia. PA<br />

Hanbook Of Cane Sughar Engineering (3Rd.Ed) Hugot.E Elsevier New York<br />

Hambatan ekonomi dalam konservasi tanah pada lahan<br />

kering miring<br />

Kalo, H.T. Jurnal Agro Ekonomi Vol.. 2 No. 1<br />

Hama-hama Tanaman Jahe (Zingiber Offcinale Rosc,) Wikardi, E.A Buletin Penelitian Tanaman Rempah<br />

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Hama penting dan strategi pengendaliannya Deciyanto,S. Monograf Nilam. Monograf. (5): 75-<br />

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Hama pengisap dan hama lainnya Wikardi, E.A. Monograf Tanaman Lada. Monograf<br />

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Hama Lophobaris spp. pada tanaman lada di kebun<br />

percobaan Natar. Lampung.<br />

Suprapto. Pemberitaan Penelitian Tanaman<br />

Industri VIII: 8-16.<br />

Hama dan penyakit udang. Partasasmita, S. Warta Balitdita (1):31-32.<br />

Halogeton poioning of sheep. Effect oh high level oxalate<br />

intake<br />

James LF J. Anim Sci 35 :1233<br />

Haloalkaliphilic maltotriose forming a-amilase from the<br />

archaebacterium Natronococcus sp. strain Ah-36.<br />

Kobayashi, T., J. Bacteriol 174(11): 3439-3444.<br />

Haemorrhagic Syndrome of Cattle Associated with The<br />

Feeding of Sweet Vernal (Anthoxanrhon Odoratum) hay<br />

Containing Dicoumarol.<br />

Haemophilus gallinarum pada ayam I: Isolasi Haemophilus<br />

gallinarum dari ayam.<br />

Pritchard, D. G. Vet. Record.<br />

Poernomo, S. Buletin Lembaga Penelitian Penyakit<br />

Hewan 6 (8-9): 11-22.<br />

Haemophilus avium a new species from chickens. Hinz, K.H. International Journal of Systematic<br />

Bacteriology 27(4): 324-329.<br />

Haemogglutination with arthropod I )me viruses Casals, J. J. Exp. Med. 99(5): 429-449.<br />

Haemagglutinin of Haemophillus paragallinarum serotype 2<br />

organism: Occurrence and immunologic properties of<br />

haemagglutinin.<br />

Sawata, A., Am.J. Vet. Res. 43 (7): 1311-1314.<br />

Hachability, hematological indicates and growth of turkey<br />

embryos incubated at high altitude with supplemented<br />

oxygen during the first and forth weeks of incubation.<br />

Habitat uses, ranging behaviour, and food habitats of the<br />

proboscis monkey, Nasalis larvatus (van Wurmb), in<br />

Sarawak<br />

Bagley, L. G. Abstract. Poultry Science.<br />

Salter, R.E Primates<br />

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Habitat and food segregration on dwarf and normal arctic<br />

charr (Salvelinus aloinus) from Vangvalnet Lake, Western<br />

Norway.<br />

Habitat and food segregation on of dwarf and normal arctic<br />

charr (Salvelinus alpinus) from Vangvalnet Lake, Western<br />

Norway<br />

H^ evolution of Enterobacter aerogenes depending on<br />

culture pH: mechanism of H evolution from NADH by<br />

means of membrane-bound hydrogease<br />

Gus fusions: Glucuronidase as a versatile gene fusion<br />

marker in higher plants,<br />

Guidelines. Land evaluation for rainfed agriculture. Soil<br />

resources management and conservation services<br />

Hindar, K. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 39(7): 1030-<br />

1045.<br />

K. Hindar Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.<br />

Tanisho S Biochem Biophy Acta 973:1-6.<br />

Jefferson, R.A., EMBO J. 6: 3901-3907.<br />

FAO FAO Soil Bulletin (52).<br />

Guidelines Land Evaluation for Rainfed Agriculture FAO Soil Bulletin No. 52, FAO. Soil<br />

Resources Management and<br />

Conservation Services Land Water<br />

Development Division.<br />

Guidelines Land Evaluation for Irrigated Agriculture FAO Soil Bulletin 55, Rome.<br />

Guidelines for predicting crop water requirements Doorenbos, J. FAO irrigation and drainage paper No.<br />

24, Rome.<br />

Guidelines for predicting crop water requirements DOORENBOS, J FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper<br />

Guidelines For Predicting Crop Water Requirement Doorenbos.J FAO Irrigartion Drainage Paper 24.<br />

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Guidelines For Predicting Crop Water Requirement Doorenbos.J FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper No.<br />

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Guide Lines for Predicting Crop water Requirement. Food<br />

and Agricultureal<br />

Doorenbos, J FAO Soil Bull.<br />

Grup C streptococcal bacteremia: Analysis of 88 cases Bradley, S.F. Rev. Infect. Dis. 13: 270-280.<br />

Growth, survival and vitality of red seabream, Pagrus major<br />

and Japanese flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus, fry fed<br />

microbound diets.<br />

Growth, survival and feeding habits of early larval seabass<br />

Lates calcarifer reared at different thermal conditions.<br />

Growth, survival and feeding habits of early larval seabass<br />

Lares calcarifer reared at different thermal conditions.<br />

Growth, nodulation and nitrogen accumulation by soybean<br />

in saturated soil culture<br />

Growth, nodulation and nitrogen accumulation by soybean<br />

in saturated soil culture<br />

Hayashi, M.. The Israeli Journal of aquaculture, 47:<br />

119-128.<br />

Kohno, H. J. Penelitian Budi Daya Pantai,<br />

Terbitan Khusus 1:37-44.<br />

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Nathanson K Field crop Res 8:171-175<br />

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Growth, nodulation and nitrogen accumulation by soybean<br />

in saturated soil culture<br />

Growth, Mortality, and recruitment of commercially<br />

important and Penaed shrimps in Indonesian waters.<br />

Growth, milk intake and behaviour of artificially reared<br />

sambar deer (Cervus unicolor) and red deer (Cervus<br />

elaphus) fawns<br />

Nathanson K Field crop Res 8:171-175<br />

Dwiponggo, A.. ICLARM. Tech. Rep. 17: 91 pp.<br />

Semiadi, G. J. Agr. Scie. Cambridge. 121: 273-<br />

281.<br />

Growth, flowering and yield of lychee cultivars Menzeb, C. M. Scientia Hortic.<br />

Growth, Feed Efficiency and Carcass Composition of<br />

Finishing Friesian Steers Fed the b-adrenergic Agonist L-<br />

644,969<br />

Moloney, A. P. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Growth, feed conversion and mortality of cage reared<br />

tambaqui, Colossoma mncropomum, fed various dietary<br />

feeding regimes and protein levels<br />

Growth, equity and environmental aspects of agricultural<br />

development in Indonesia<br />

Growth, Development and Composition of The Ovine<br />

Conceptus and Mammary Gland During Pregnancy.<br />

Growth, development and composition of the ovine<br />

conceptus and mammary gland during pregnacy<br />

Growth, composition and eating quality of longissimus dorsi<br />

from young bulls fed B-agonist cimaterol at consecutive<br />

development atages.<br />

Growth, Carcass Composition and Profitability of Meat<br />

Chickens Given Pellets, Mash or Free-Choice Diet.<br />

Growth stimulating effects of natural rubber serum<br />

on Bifidobacterium bifidum<br />

Growth stimuiation of Strain ISK-1 by Sakekasu (Sake filter<br />

cake) as a substitute tor mevalonic acid<br />

Growth Responses of Several Plant Species to Micorrhizae<br />

in A Soil of Moderate P-Fertility. I.<br />

Growth response of Tilapia zillii fingerling fed isocaloric<br />

diets with variable protein levels.<br />

Growth response of standard and dwarf cucumber cultivars<br />

to applied Giberellin<br />

Growth Response of Calopogonium caeruleum to Dual<br />

Inoculation With Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi<br />

and Bradyrhizobia.<br />

Growth Response Of Appalachian Hrdwood To Partial<br />

Cuttings<br />

Growth respone and liver changes in juvenille sunshine<br />

bass {Morone chrysops) associated with dietary protein<br />

and lipid levels.<br />

Mcrola, N. Aquaculture 66: 223-233<br />

Rusastra, I W. Forum Penelitian Agro Ekonomi 16(1):<br />

32-41.<br />

Rattray, P. V. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Rattray, P. V. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Vestergaard, M Meat. Sci. 38:55<br />

Munt, R. H. C. British Poultry Sci.<br />

Oiki, H J.Ferment.Bioeng<br />

Herawati, E J. Fac. Agric.<br />

Plenchette. J plan and soil<br />

Mazid, M.A. Aquaculture, 18:115-122.<br />

Makus, D. J Hort. Sci<br />

Ikram, A Field Crops Research<br />

Nichols.J.S West Virginia Forestry Notes No. 13<br />

Gallagher, M.L. J. Appl. Aquacult., 6(4):75-86.<br />

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Growth regulator effects on soybean seed maturation and<br />

seed borne fungi<br />

Abney TS Plant Disease 75: 585-589<br />

Growth rates of folicles m the ovary of the cow. Lussier, J. G., J. Reprod. FertiL, 81 : 301-307.<br />

Growth rate, feed utilization and energy metabolism of the<br />

African catfish (Clarias gahepinus), as affected by dietary<br />

protein and energy content.<br />

Machiels, M. Aquaculture 44:271-284<br />

Growth rate, feed convertion and dietary metabolizable<br />

energy in response to virginiamycin supplementation of<br />

different diets<br />

Growth rate, feed conversion, and dietary metabolizable<br />

energy in response to virginiamycin supplemaritation of<br />

different diets<br />

Growth rate, feed conversion, and body composition of<br />

Calta calta, Labio rohita, and Cirrhinus mrigala fry fed diets<br />

of various carbohydrate-to-lipid ration.<br />

March, B. E. Poult Sci.<br />

March, B.E Poultry Sci<br />

Ernullah J. Word Aquacult. Soc., 29(1): 84-91.<br />

Growth rate of sheep fed high fat ration. Lubis, D. J. Ilmu ternak dan veteriner Vol. 3.<br />

Growth rate in children recovering from protein-calorie<br />

malnutrition<br />

Ashworth A Br.J.Nutr<br />

Growth rate convergence: Fact or Artifact? An essay in<br />

Panel Data Econometrics<br />

Growth Rate and Carcass Characteristics of Pigs Fed on<br />

Diets Containing Palm Kernel Cake.<br />

Growth rate and carbohydrate metabolism of potato tubers<br />

exposed to high temperature<br />

Growth rate and carbohydrate metabolism of potato tubers<br />

exposed to high temperature<br />

Growth promoting effect s of fermentation soybean tor<br />

broilers<br />

Growth Potential Of Lemna Gibba : Effect of CO2<br />

Enrichment at High Photon Flux Rate<br />

Growth performance, feed efficiency and the incident of the<br />

skeletal and metabolic disease in full-fed and feed<br />

restricted broiler and rooster chickens.<br />

Nerlove, M. J. Krishnakumar and E. Ronchetti<br />

(Ed.). Panel Data Econometric: Future<br />

Direction<br />

Rhule, S. M. A. Anim. Feed Sci. and Technol.<br />

Krauss, A. Pot. Res.<br />

Krauss, A. Pot. Res.<br />

Chah, C. C Poult Sci.<br />

Bjorndahl. G Aquatic Botany<br />

Robinson, E. E. J. of Applied Poult. Research.<br />

Growth Performance of Sheep Fed Setaria Based Diet Sunarso Majalah Penelitian Lembaga<br />

Penelitian Universitas Diponegoro.<br />

Tahun VIII. No 27: 93-104.<br />

Growth pattern of Desi and Khaki Campbell ducks under<br />

rural condition.<br />

Sazzad, M. H. Indian J. Poult. Sci.<br />

Growth pattern of bovine muscle, fat and bone. Card, R.T. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Growth ofjuvenille Asian seabass, Lates calcarifer, fed<br />

varying carbohydrate and lipid levels.<br />

Cacutan, M.R. Aquaculture, 149(2):137-144.<br />

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Growth of yeasts in milk and associated changes to milk<br />

Composition<br />

Growth of yeasts in milk and associated changes to milk<br />

composition<br />

Growth of vitamin B^ -limited cultures: Thalassiosira<br />

pseudomonas, Monochrysis lutheri, and Isochrysis<br />

galbana<br />

Growth of Unicellulat Nannochloropsis maculata on<br />

different nutrient media.<br />

Roostita R. International J. Food Microbiology 31:<br />

205-219.<br />

Roostita R. Int. J. of Food Microbiol, 31: 205-219.<br />

D. G. Swift and W J Phycol<br />

Aizdaicher, N.A., Russian Journal of Marine Biology, 18,<br />

No. 1-2, pp. 31-35.<br />

Growth Of Relay Intercropped Soybean Wallace. S.U Agron. J<br />

Growth of peanut roots under field conditions Ketring, D.L Agron. J<br />

Growth of Nitrobacterin the Presence of organic matter. Steinmuller, W. I. Mixotrophic growth.<br />

Growth of Isolates of Paecilomyces Lilanicus and Their<br />

Efficacy in Biological Control of Meloidogyne Incognita on<br />

Tomato<br />

Cabanillas. E Journal Of Namatology<br />

Growth of Forage Tree Legumes at Four Agro-Climatic<br />

Sites in Indonesia.<br />

Panjatian, M. Journal of Agricultural Science.<br />

Growth of Brahman cross heifers grazing Leucaena. Holmes, J.H.G. Proc. Aust. Soc. Anim. Prod. It:<br />

453456.<br />

Growth of Azetobacter vinelandii UWD. In fish peptone<br />

medium and simplified extraction of Poly-B-Hydroxybutirat.<br />

Page, J.W. App. Env. Microbiol. 59(12): 4236-<br />

4244.<br />

Growth model penelitian unggas di akhir abad ini. Tjiptohardjono, B. I. Poultry Indonesia.<br />

Growth inhibitory effects of Galla Rhois derived tannins on<br />

intestinal bacteria<br />

Ahn YJ J Appl microbiol, 84:439-443<br />

Growth fermenting effects of fermented soybean tor<br />

broilers<br />

Chah.C.C J.Poult.Sci<br />

Growth factors in ovarian funcion Carson R.S J.Reproduction and Fertility<br />

Growth Efficiency in Artemia under Laboratory Conditions. Reeve, M.R. Biol. Bull., 125(1), 133-145.<br />

Growth depressing effect of alfalfa saponin in chickens Ueda, H. Anim. Sci. Technol. (Jpn) 69: 772-779.<br />

Growth characteristics, yield potential and nutritive content<br />

of water hyacinth<br />

Growth and Yield responses of cowppea and mize to<br />

inoculated with glomus mossea in sterilized soil under field<br />

conditions<br />

Growth and Toxin Production of Pseudomonas<br />

Cocovenenans, The So Called "Bongkrek Bacteria"<br />

Growth and survival ofcowpea rhizobia in acid, aluminumrich<br />

soils<br />

Knipling EB Wees Abstr 22(3):57<br />

Islam. R plan and soil<br />

Ko. S.D Asian Food. Journal<br />

Hartel PG J Soil Sci Soc Am 47:502-506.<br />

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Growth and survival of Penaeus monodon postlarvae fed<br />

shrimp head meal and fish meal as primary animal sources<br />

of protein.<br />

Pascual, F.P. Fish. Res. J. Phillipp., 4: 29.<br />

Growth and survival of Rhizobium spp. in peat culture Roughley, R.J. J. Appl. Bacteriol. 30: 362-376.<br />

Growth and spatial distribution of nutrient-absorbing<br />

organs: Selective exploitation of soil heterogeneity<br />

St. John, T.V. Plant and Soil 71: 487-493.<br />

Growth and reproductive development in the male treeshrew<br />

(T.belangeri) from birth to sexual maturity<br />

Collins P.M Biol.Reprod<br />

Growth and phosporous uptake by tomato cultivars and<br />

influenced by phosporous concentration in soil and nutrient<br />

solution<br />

Fontes, P.C.R J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci<br />

Growth and nutrition of grapevine during in vitro long-term<br />

storage.<br />

Galzy, R. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture<br />

Growth and meat quality relations in carp. Fauconneau, B., Aquaculture 129: 265-297.<br />

Growth and hyoscyamine production by hairy root cultures<br />

of Datura stramonium in a modified stirred tank reactor.<br />

Growth and growth patterns of Japanese cattle in pasture.<br />

3. Relationships of body measurement to body weight in<br />

growth female.<br />

Growth and growth patterns of Japanese cattle in pasture.<br />

1. Estimation of the growth curves and determination of the<br />

size ranges of normal growth<br />

Growth and carcas characteristics ofbroilerchickensfed<br />

virginiamycin<br />

Growth and body composition of periurban Guatemalan<br />

children in relation to zinc status: a longitudinal zinc<br />

intervention trial<br />

Growth and body composition of juvenile Colossoma<br />

macropomiim Cuvier 1818 (Characoidei) feeding on<br />

artificial diets<br />

Growth and body composition of juvenile Collosoma<br />

macropomum Cuvier 1818 (Characoidei) feeding on<br />

artificial diets<br />

Growth and body composition of broiler chicken in<br />

response to different regimes of feed restriction.<br />

Growth analysis, photosynthesa and respiration of 20<br />

species of grasses and legumes in controlled environment<br />

Hilton, M.G. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol 33: 132-<br />

138.<br />

Shioya, Y. Bull. Chugoku Agr. Exp. Sta., B21: 1-<br />

24.<br />

Fukuhara, R. Bull. Chugoku Agr. Exp. Sta., B20:1-<br />

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Leeson, S Nutr. Res<br />

Cavan, K.R Am. J.Clin.Nutr<br />

Eckmann, R. Aqiiaciiltiire 64:293-303.<br />

Eckmann R Aquaculture<br />

Yu, M. E. Poult. Sci.<br />

Ludlow, M. M. Aust. J. Agric. Res.<br />

Growth & hormonal respons o f intact & castrat male to<br />

trenbolone acetate & estradiol<br />

Lee CWE J Anim Sci 68: 2682-2689<br />

Growth of Sesbania sesban in Jammu -Tawi India Dutt.A.K NFTR<br />

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Growlh responses in red deer calves and hinds grazing red<br />

dover, chicory or perennial ryegrass/wnite dover swards<br />

during lactation<br />

Growing Decidious Trees in the Tropics. A New Approach<br />

to An Old Problem<br />

Grouping ofplant-pathogenic and some other<br />

Pseudomonas spp. by using cellular fatty acid profiles<br />

Grouping of Rhiwctonia solani Ktlhn and their perfect<br />

stages<br />

Group decision making and consensus under fuzzy<br />

preferences and fuzzy majority<br />

Group 3 late embryogenesis abundant proteins in<br />

desiccation-tolerant seed-lings of wheat (Triticurn nestivum<br />

L.)<br />

Groundwater and Plant Resources In Sludgetreated<br />

Bigtooth aspen sapling Ecosystem<br />

Greenhouse, detached-leaf, and field testing methods to<br />

determine cucumber resistance to gummy stem blight<br />

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Greenhouse Growth of Amaranth (Amatranthus Tricolor L.)<br />

in Soils Polluted With Heavy Metals<br />

Salam. A.K J. Agrotrop<br />

Greenhouse Growth of Amaranth (Amaranthus Tricolor L.)<br />

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Salam. A.K J. Agrotop<br />

Greenhouse evaluation of simulated injected liquid beef<br />

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Greener 2001 B Nutrisi Tumbahan Bagi Tanaman Anonymous Agrobis 54 (2)<br />

Green coconut water: A readily available source<br />

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Carpenter, C.C.J Bull. Cal. School Trop.Med<br />

Grass maturity effects on cattle fed single-based diets. 1.<br />

Organic matter digestion, rumen fermentation and nitrogen<br />

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Rinne, M. Anim. Feed Sci. and Technol.<br />

Grass maturity effects on cattle fed single-based diets. 1.<br />

Cell wall digestibility, digestion and passage kinetics<br />

Rinne, M. Anim. Feed Sci. and Technol.<br />

Grain processing effects on strach utilization by ruminants Theurer, C. B. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Grain processing effects on strach utilization by ruminants Theurer, C. B. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Grain growth and development of old and modem<br />

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Loss, S. P. Field Crop Res. 21. 131-146.<br />

Grain Filling Period and Grain Yield Relationship in Spring<br />

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Graft Incompatibility of the Tree Crops Feuchet, W. An overview of the Present<br />

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Lyman, C.M. J.Am.Oil Chem.Soc., 40. 571-575.<br />

Gossypol--a new male antifertility agent Chinese Med. J.<br />

Gossypol toxicity studies with sheep Danke, R. J. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Gossypol in cottonseed: influenced of variety of cottonseed<br />

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Pons, W. A. Jr. J. Agr. Food Chem.<br />

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Gossypol effects in animal feeding can be controlled Martin, S.D. Feedstuffs, 62 (33):14.<br />

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Gossypol and some other terpenoids. flavanoids, and<br />

phenols that affect quality of cottonseed protein<br />

Jones. L.A J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc., 56: 727-730.<br />

Gossypol and some other terpenoids, flavanoids, and<br />

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Gonadotrophic control of follicle growth in the ewe McNeilly AS J Reprod Fert 43 (Suppl):\39-150.<br />

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Gonadal differentiation in salmon, Onchorhynchus kisutch,<br />

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Gonadal ascorbic acid and changes in lebel with ovarian<br />

development in the crussian carp (Carassius carassius).<br />

Golden Apple Snails Pomacea canaliculata: An Introduced<br />

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Germination and Seedling Emergence<br />

Glycoconjugate histochemistry of the prostate gland in the<br />

pig<br />

Glycerolysis of fats and methyl ester. Status, review and<br />

critique.<br />

Glycerolisis of fats & methyl esters - status, review &<br />

critique.<br />

Glycerol Excretion by Symbiotic Algae from Corals,,<br />

Tridacna and It's Control by the Host<br />

Glycerides profile and EPA and DHA contents on the<br />

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Glutaraldehyde:nature of the reagent Korn, A.H. J. Mol. Biol. 65:525-529.<br />

Glucose-2-T as a tracer of glucose metabolism Katz, M.L. Biochemistry 6:1-5.<br />

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Gluconeogenesis and lipogenesis in tissue from ruminant<br />

and non-ruminant animals<br />

Glucoamylase production by Aspergillus niger on rice bran<br />

is improved by adding nitrogen sources.<br />

Glucan potentiates immune defence mechanisms of<br />

channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus Rafinescue.<br />

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Germination (Emergence) Of Vegetable Seeds Affected By<br />

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Germanium uptake by the fruiting bodies and mycelium of<br />

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Genotype x Planting Date Interaction and Selection at Early<br />

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Genotype X Environment interactions and stability analysis<br />

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Genome size and macrorestriction map of Xanthomonas<br />

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Genetics relationship of lamb weight, maternal ability, &<br />

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Genetics perspectives of identification and conservation of<br />

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Genetics Para meters for Milk Production Australian Beef<br />

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Genetics of yield and its components in mesta Sinha, M.K. Indian J. Agric. Sci. 57: 788-790.<br />

Genetics of quantitative traits in pearl millet : A Review Anand Kumar K Crop Sci, 33 :1-30<br />

Genetics of quantitative traits in pearl millet : A Review Anand Kumar K Crop Sci, 33 :1-30<br />

Genetics of abdominal Becker, WA fat. Poultry Sci<br />

Genetics diversity of Pseudomonas solanacearum<br />

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Genetics diversity of P. solanacearum detection of RFLP<br />

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Chambers, J.R Poultry Sci<br />

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Genetic Variation in The Feeding Value of Cereal Straw. Capper, R. B. S. Anim. Feed. Sci. and Tech.<br />

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Genetic Variation associated with growth rate in the<br />

American oyster (Crassostrea Virginical)<br />

Genetic variation and population structure of red sea bream<br />

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Genetic Variability, correlation and path analysis in<br />

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environment for selection<br />

Genetic structure of race of Heterodera glycines and<br />

heritance of ability to reproduce on resistance soybean<br />

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judgment, reproductive traits of breeding females and<br />

carcass traits of fattening animals in Japanese Black cattle<br />

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plantain from Asia and the Pacific.<br />

Genetic relationship of growth, sex and Glucose Phosphate<br />

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urophylla using pseudo-testcross: mapping strategy and<br />

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bone in young bulls<br />

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variant allelles of 7S globulin subunits in soybean<br />

Genetic improvement of seed storage proteins using three<br />

variant allelles of 7S globulin subunits in soybean<br />

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Genetic differentiation among isolates of Pyricularia<br />

infecting rice and weed<br />

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Genetic diagnostics in plant breeding: RAPDs,<br />

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Genetic applications of an inverse polymerase chain<br />

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Genetic And Phenotypic Path Analysis in Surcane :<br />

Artifically Created Relationships<br />

Genetic and phenetopic parameter estimates for selection<br />

to improve lamb carcass traits<br />

Genetic and nutritional relationship in growth and carcass<br />

characteristics of broiler chicken.<br />

Genetic and molecular dissection of quantitative traits in<br />

rice.<br />

Genetic and environmental sources of variation in length<br />

and weight of rainbow trout (S. gairdneri).<br />

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of Southdown X romney lambs: (2) Genetic and phenotypic<br />

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Fundamentals Of Rice Cropscience Yoshida, S. International Rice Re-Search Institute,<br />

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California waters. California Departement of Fish Game.<br />

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Dilution with Cellulose and Water by Velvetbean<br />

Caterpillars Anticarsia gemmatalis.<br />

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Fish oil consumption and decreased risk of cardiovascular<br />

disease : a com-parison offindings trom animal and human<br />

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Herold, P.M Am. J. Clin. Nutr<br />

Fish oil compsumtion and decreased risk of cardiovaskuler<br />

disease: a comparison of findings from animal and human<br />

feeding trials<br />

Herold, P M. The Am, J. Clin. Nutr. 43-566-598.<br />

Fish nutrition. Cowey, C.B. Ad. Mar. Biol. 110:383-392.<br />

Fish Nutrition De Silva, S Aquaculture.<br />

Fish Flavors Lindsay, R.C. J. Food Rev. Inter. 6 (4): 437-455.<br />

Fish Fermantation Daengsubha. W ASEAN Workshop on Solid Subtrate<br />

Fermantation. Bandung<br />

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seagrass meadows. 1. Feeding habits.<br />

Bell, J.D. Tethys 11 (I): I - 14.<br />

Fish diseases in the North Sea in relation to sawage sludgc<br />

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Fish disease as an indicator of environmental quality al McVicar, A.H. Water Science Technology 24: 295sewagc<br />

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Fish crackers-poised for new images Yu, S.Y Intbrish International<br />

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Fish consumption and risk ofsudden cardiac death Albert, CM JAMA<br />

Fish calcium. Sada, M. Infofish Mark. Dig. 1(84):29-30.<br />

Fish as biomarkers in Immunotoxicology Wester, F.W. Toxicology B6,213-232.<br />

First studies of fertility accidents in their specific oil palm<br />

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First step toward marking disease resistance and sugar Grivet, L., In S.R Heller. M. Gale, J.P. Miksche,<br />

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First Constribution to a Study of the Tropical Soil and<br />

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Fingerprinting of alfalfa meiotic mutants using RAPD<br />

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Fifty years of progress in breeding beef cattle Warwick, E. J. J. Anim, Sci., 17: 922 -943.<br />

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Field studies to evaluate commercial disinfectants for<br />

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Field Studies on Effect of Soil Conditioner and Mulch an<br />

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Field experiment on the ability of earthworms (<br />

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of cooperia anchophera ( Trichostrongylidae) from cow<br />

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Field Evaluation of Three Method for Monitoring<br />

Populations of House Flies (Mucsa Domestica) (Diptera :<br />

Muscidae) and Other Filth Flies in Three Types of Poultry<br />

Housing Systems.<br />

Field evaluation of a commercial formulation of the<br />

Spodoptera exigua ( Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) nuclear<br />

polyhedrosis virus for control of beet armyworm on<br />

vegetable crops in Thailand<br />

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Field Competition Between Tall Morningglory (Ipomoea<br />

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Field Comparison of Twelve Dinitroaniline Herbicides Harvey, R.G Weed Sci<br />

Fiber digestion & utilization in rabbits Cheeke PR J Appl rabbit Res 9:25-30<br />

FIavor components of onion oil Brodnitz, M. H J. Agric. Food Chem<br />

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Feeding Standard For Australian Livestock Poultry. Ed. SCA,<br />

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Feeding and Breeding of Draught Animals : Feed<br />

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Feed Intake, Apparent Diet Digestibility and Rate of<br />

Particulate Passage in Dairy Cattle<br />

Feed Intake and Weight Gain of Growth Goats Fed Diets of<br />

Various Energy and Protein Levels.<br />

Feed Intake and Weight Gain of Growth Goats Fed Diets of<br />

Various Energy and Protein Levels.<br />

Feed ingredients for cruataceans natural foods and<br />

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Feed Grain Substitutes and Non-Conventional Feedstuffs<br />

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Feed Efficiency Carcass Characteristics and Sensory<br />

Quality of Lamb with or Without Prolific Ancestry Feed<br />

Diets with Different Protein Supplement.<br />

Feed and feeding of sheep in Sukawargi village, West<br />

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Fecal steroid excretion in relation to the development of<br />

casein-induced hypercholesterolemia in rabbits<br />

Feather meal as a Non Specific Nitrogen Source for<br />

Abdominal Fat Reduction in Broiler During The Finishing<br />

Period.<br />

Feasibility studies on processing tomato waste and dried<br />

tomato product : Report for The Australian Processing<br />

Tomato Research Council and The Horticultural Research<br />

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Werrebee, Victoria, Australia<br />

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Fatty Acid Requirement of Breeding Turkeys. Whitehead, C. C. Brit. Poult. Sci.<br />

Fatty Acid Enriched Table Eggs: A Survey of<br />

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Fatty acid compositions of certain ovine tissues as affected<br />

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Fatty acid composition of some algae from the Black sea Stefanov, K. Phytochemistry, 27: 3495-3497.<br />

Fatty acid composition of selected oil and fats United Coconut<br />

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Fatness : A Result of Selection for Fast Growth Poultry. Linn, C. Y. Poultry International.<br />

Fate pasteurella multocida in the blood vascular system of<br />

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Fate of Maneb and Zineb Fungicides in Microagrosystem<br />

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Comparison of Two Methodes to Estimate Ruminal Evasion<br />

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Fat Replacers Akoh, C.C Food Technology<br />

Fat replacers Akoh CC Food Technol 52(3):47-56<br />

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Fat in the ruminant diet. Review. Indian Devendra, C. J. Anim. Sci<br />

Fat in lactation rations: review. Palmquist, D. L. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

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Farmer education and farm efficiency Jamison DJ American Journal of Agricultural<br />

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Farmer conservation of new world crops : The case of<br />

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FAO species catalogue. Vol. 3. Cephalopods of the world.<br />

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Faktor-faktor utama yang mempengaruhi konsumsi kalori<br />

dan protein pada keluarga pedesaan.<br />

Faktor-faktor produksi Sapi Perah Rakyat Di Daerah<br />

Kering.<br />

Faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap prestasi belajar pada<br />

anak di sekolah dasar desa tretinggal yang mendapat PMT-<br />

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Faktor sosial ekonomi yang mempengaruhi pengambilan<br />

keputusan petani dalam usahatani buah-buahan di daerah<br />

aliran sungai Brantas Hulu.<br />

Faktor eksploitasi di hutan alam Dipterocarpaceae Pulau<br />

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forest floor of warm temperate forest<br />

Factors limiting maxium oil palm yields in Peninsula<br />

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adventitious and axillary shoots of three apple scion<br />

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Factors influencing shell quality of laying hens Roland DA Poultry Sci. 58: 774-777<br />

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Factors Influencing Microbial Degradation of 14-C<br />

Glyphosate 14-CO2 In Soil<br />

Factors influencing lipolysis by skim milk cultures of some<br />

psychotropic microorganism<br />

Factors Influencing in The Quantity of Abdominal Fat in<br />

Broilers 3. Dietary Energy Levels.<br />

Factors Influen-cing in The Quantity of Abdominal Fat in<br />

Broilers 3. Dietary Energy Le-vels.<br />

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Moshier. L.J Weed Science<br />

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Factors influencing cooking losses from meat. Bouton, P. E. J. Food Sci.<br />

Factors Influencing cooking losses from meat. Bouton, P.E. J. Food Sci.<br />

Factors influencing cooking losses from meat Bouton, P. E. J. Food Sci.<br />

Factors governing susceptibility & resistance of certain rice Saxena, RC Brown planthopper symposium 18-22<br />

varieties to the brown planthopper N. lugens Stal.<br />

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Factors Affecting Utilisation of "poor quality" Forages by<br />

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Factors affecting the voluntary intake of food by cows. 3.<br />

The effect of urea on the voluntary intake of straw. Br<br />

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Leng, R.A. Nutrition Research Abstract<br />

Campling, R.C Br. J. Nutr<br />

Factors Affecting The Strength Of Undisturbed Cores From<br />

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Factors affecting the rate of hydrolysis of starch in food Snow, P Am. J. Clin. Nutr<br />

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Feede, M. R., J. Nutr. 70 : 447-452.<br />

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Factors affecting stretch digestibility with special emphasis<br />

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Rooney, L.W. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Factors affecting strach digestibility with special emphasis<br />

on sorgum and corn<br />

Rooney, L. W. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Factors affecting sper-matozoan motility in preserved<br />

semen<br />

Shukia SN Indian Vet J 69:856-857.<br />

Factors affecting slip melting point of palm oil products Berger KG J. Am. Oil Chem Soc. 59:244-249<br />

Factors affecting severity of natural infections of worms in<br />

local and crossbred sheep in North Sumatra<br />

Romjali, E. Annual Report 1993-1994. Small<br />

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Support Program, Sungei Putih, North<br />

Sumatra, Indonesia. p. 49-52.<br />

Factors affecting ruminant growth Owens FN J Anim Sci 71: 3138-3150<br />

Factors affecting ruminant growth Owens FN J Anim Sci 71 ; 3138-3150<br />

Factors affecting litter size in Barbados Blackbelly Ewes in<br />

a Tropical climate<br />

Rodriquez R Animal Breding Abstr 64(9):709<br />

Factors Affecting Iron Balance Conrad, M. E. Am. J. Hematol. 10:199.<br />

Factors Affecting Inter-Individual Variation in Human<br />

Plasma Cholinesterase Activity: Body Weight, Height, Sex,<br />

Genetic Polymorphism and Age.<br />

Brock, A. Arch. Environ. Contam.Toxicol.<br />

factors affecting insect population dynamics:differences<br />

between outbreak and non-out-break species<br />

Wallner WE Ann Rev Entomol<br />

Factors Affecting Impact Injury To Mechanically -<br />

Harvested Fruit<br />

Friedly. R.B Trans. Of Am. Soc. Of Agric. Eng.<br />

Factors affecting hexavalent chromium reduction in pure<br />

cultures of bacteria<br />

Wang, Y. T. Wat. Res.<br />

Factors affecting hatchability of eggs from broiler breeders. Kirk, S. British Poultry Science.<br />

Factors affecting flower bud abortion and malformation in<br />

roses<br />

Factors affecting fermentation and polymer degradation by<br />

anaerobic fungi and the potential for manipulation of rumen<br />

function<br />

Moe R Physiologia Plantarum 24:291-300<br />

Stewart, C.S. Ruminant Physiology: Digestion,<br />

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Factors Affecting Fat Deposition in Broiler Cantor, A.H. Poultry Inter-national<br />

Factors affecting disappearance of feedstuffs from bags<br />

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Weakley, D. C. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

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Factors affecting acoustic responses of apples Chen R Transactions of the ASAE<br />

Factors in coconut milk essential for growth and<br />

development of very young Datura embryos<br />

Van Overbeek, J. Science 94:350-351<br />

Factorial Kriging Analysis : a Use Ful Tool For Expolring<br />

The Stukture of Multivariate Spatial Soil Information<br />

Govaerts.P J. Soil. Sci<br />

Factor Proportions and Cooperative Advantage In The Lon<br />

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Findlay, R The Journal of Political Economy<br />

Factor influencing variation of test day milk yield, somatic<br />

cell count, fat, and protein in dairy sheep.<br />

Gonzalo, C. J Dairy Sci.<br />

Factor influencing the economics of biosurfactants Mulligan CN biosurfactant (ed:Kosaric) surfactant<br />

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Factor affecting the wight and water status of the chick at<br />

hatch<br />

Factor affecting the status of a virus as a control agent for<br />

the potato moth (Phthorimaea operculella Zeller)<br />

(Lepidoptera : Gelechiidae)<br />

Factor affecting resistance of rice varieties to planthopper<br />

and leafhopper pests<br />

Factor affecting days open, gestation length and calving<br />

interval in Florida dairy cattle<br />

Factor Affecting Calf Birth Weight: a review<br />

Theorigenelogy, Jakarta, 38: 769-798.<br />

Factor Affecting Broiler Performance. 2. Relationship of<br />

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Reed, E.M. Bull. Ent. Res. 61: 207-222.<br />

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F.ggs enriched with n-3 fatty acids as a wholesome foods Oh, S.Y J. Appl. Nutr<br />

Extrusion Techno-logy in Aquaculture Feed Pro-cessing Botting, C.C. Journal of Food Science<br />

Extrusion Processing of Food Harper, D.M Journal of Food Technology<br />

Extrusion of PE/PS blends with supercritical carbondioxie Lee J. Polym Eng & Sci 38, 1112<br />

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Extractives of seeds of the Meliaceae:effect on Spodoptera<br />

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Mikolajczak KL J.Chem Ecol<br />

Extractives in Eastern Hardwood Rowe.J.W A review Technical Report No. 18<br />

Extraction of proteolytic enzymes of gastrointestinal tract<br />

extracted from offal vicera of carp and tilapia.<br />

Barth, T, Aquaculture. p. 129-251.<br />

Extraction Of Glyphosate Herbicide From Soil and Clay<br />

Minerals and Determination of Residues In Soils<br />

Milles. C.J J. Agric. Food. Chem<br />

Extraction of DNA from plant tissues. Roger, S.O. Plant Mol. Biol. Manual A6: 1-10.<br />

Extraction of DNA from plant tissues. Rogers SO Plant Molecular Biology Manual A6: 1-<br />

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Extraction of carotenes from palm oil. I. Molecular<br />

destilation method<br />

Ooi TL J Jpn Oil Chem Soc 35(7):543-547<br />

Extraction automatique de parametres dexcriptifs<br />

parl'analysae d'image. Aplication a la biologi marine.<br />

Chehdi, K Innov. Tech. Biol. Med.<br />

Extraction and quantitation of astaxanthin from Phaffia<br />

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Extraction and identification of antioxidants in oats Duve, J.K J. A. Oil Chem. Soc. 68, 365-370.<br />

Extractan pH and the release of phenolic compounds from<br />

soils, plant and leaf litter<br />

Whitehead, D.C Soil Biol. Biochem<br />

Extracelluler Production of Mannosylerythritol Lipid of<br />

Mutant Candida sp. From n-alkane and Triglycerides<br />

Kawashima, H J. Fermentasi. Technol<br />

Extracellular serine proteinase from Bacillus lichenisformis Akparov, V.K. Biochem. 47: 1825-1830.<br />

Extracellular lipase production by a sapwood-staining<br />

fungus, Ophiostoma piceae<br />

Extra caloric effect on dietary fat for developping turkeys as<br />

influenced by caloric protein ratio<br />

External bone volume, ash and fat free dry weight of<br />

femurs of laying hens fed diets deficient of adequate in<br />

phosphorus.<br />

Extent, distribution, and potentiality of peat soils of<br />

Indonesia<br />

Extent and Persistence of Subsoil Compaction Caused by<br />

Heavy Axle Loads.<br />

Extension of host range of Rhizobium leguminosarum by<br />

trifolii caused by point mutations in nodQ that result in<br />

alterations in regulatory function and recognition of inducer<br />

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Ex-situ Conservation of Plant Genetic Resources : Global<br />

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Gao, Y World J. Microb. Biotech<br />

Jensen, L. S. Poult. Sci<br />

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Expression of Vegetable Oils. KOO, E,C. Journal of Industrial and Engendering<br />

Chemistry 34 : 342 -349.<br />

Expression of Streptomyces sp. cholesterol oxidase in<br />

Lactobacillus casei<br />

Expression of reducing sugar accumulation in interspecific<br />

somatic hybrid of potato.<br />

Expression of moderately anionic peroxidase induced by<br />

aluminium treatment in tobacco cells possible involvement<br />

of peroxidase isozymes in aluminium ion stress. Physiol.<br />

Expression of Epstein-Barr Virus Gene and of Lymphocyte<br />

Activation Molecules in Undifferentiated Nasopharyngeal<br />

Carcinoma<br />

Somkuti, G.A Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol<br />

Craig, L., Plant Cell Rep. 13: 401-405.<br />

Ezaki, B., Planta. 96: 2128.<br />

Niedobitek, G. Am. J. Pathology, 140: 879-887.<br />

Expression of bacterial ice nucleation gene in plants Baertlein, D.A. Plant. Physiol. 100:1730-1736.<br />

Expres-sion of a Rhizobium phaseoli Sym plasmid in R.<br />

trifolii and Agrobacterium tumefaciens'. Incompatibility with<br />

a R. Irifolii sym plasmid.<br />

Hooykaas, P.J.J., Plasmid 14: 47-52.<br />

Expression of a moderately anionic peroxidase is induced<br />

by aluminium treatment in tobacco cells: Possible<br />

involvement of peroxidase isoenzymes in aluminium ion<br />

stress<br />

Expression dynamics of gene encoding key carbon<br />

metabolism enzyme during sink to source transition of<br />

developing leaves<br />

Exposure assessment of sewage treatment plant effluent<br />

by a selected chemical market method.<br />

Exploring Marketing Management For Fresh Produce In<br />

The World : Apotential Issue For More Bussiness<br />

Exploratory survey on shallot in rice based cropping<br />

systems in Brebes<br />

Exploiting Forage Legumes For Nitrogen Contribution In<br />

Cropping Systems<br />

Ezaki B. Physiol. Plant 96:21-28.<br />

Harn, C.E. Plant Cell Physiol. 34:1045-1053.<br />

Holm, S.E. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., 19:<br />

674-679.<br />

Aksoy. S Journal of International Food and<br />

Agribusiness<br />

Koster WG Bull Penel Hort<br />

Hesterman. O.B ASA Special Publication No. 51. ASA.<br />

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Experts discuss optimal dietary fat levels Anonim INFORM<br />

Expert System for product-advertising-strategi<br />

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Marimin J. Inteligent and Fuzzy Systems<br />

Experimental viraemia and transmission of Japanese<br />

encephalitis virus by mosquitoes in domestic ducks<br />

Dhanda, V. Indian J. Med. Res. 66(6): 881-888.<br />

Experimental transmission and pathogenicity of Epizootic<br />

Haematopoitic Necrosis Virus (EHNV), in red fin Perch,<br />

Perch a fluvialitis L and 11 other teleost<br />

J.S. Langdon Journal of Fish Diseases Vol 12<br />

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Experimental Study on the Internal Strees Cracking of Rice<br />

Kernel (Part 1). On the Methode tor Measuring Crack-ing<br />

Rice Percentage<br />

Experimental selection, Quantification and evaluation of<br />

anticonvulsant, in antiepileptic drug, edited by Levy R.H.,<br />

3rd ed.<br />

Experimental releases of trichogramma spp. Against<br />

lepidopteran pest in Cabbage field crop in the Netherland in<br />

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S. Yamazawa, K Joumal of the Society of<br />

Agricultural Machinery. Japan<br />

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and evaluation of anticonvulsant, in<br />

antiepileptic drug, edited by Levy R.H.,<br />

3rd ed.<br />

van Alebeek Med Fac Landbouww Rijksuniv Gent<br />

51:1017-1028<br />

Experimental parthenogenesis in the mouse Tarkowski AK Nature 226:162-165.<br />

Experimental infections of crustaceans with luminous<br />

bacteria related to Photobactehum and Vibrio. Effect of<br />

salinity and pH on infectiousity.<br />

Prayitno, S.B. Aquaculture, (135): 105-112.<br />

Experimental in Meat Research CSIRO Common-wealth Scientific Research<br />

and Industrial Organization, Brisbane<br />

Experimental hybridization and breeding incompatibilities<br />

within the mating systems of mass spawning reef corals.<br />

Willis, B.L., Coral Reefs 16,Suppl.: S53-S65.<br />

Experimental evidence for interaction between heterosis<br />

and environment in animals<br />

Barlow, R Animal Breeding Abstract<br />

Experimental Chimerism in Sheep Fehilly, C. B. J. Reprod. Fertil.<br />

Experimental assessment of crop losses in potato caused<br />

by some leaf feeding insects<br />

Experimental approaches to determining the safety of food<br />

packaged in modified atmosphere<br />

Eveleens, K.G. Bulletin Penelitian Hortikultura 4 (5):<br />

25-37.<br />

Hotchkin, J.H. Food Tech. 34: 59-64.<br />

Experimental acute ammonium oxalate poisoning of sheep James MP Aust, Vet.J 47:9-17<br />

Experiment on the precocius flowering of western red cedar<br />

and four species of Cupressus with gibberellin A3, A3/A4<br />

mixture<br />

Experiment on the artificial propagation of black spotted<br />

grouper, Epinephelus salmoides (Lacepede)-l, hormone<br />

treatment, ovulation of spawner and embrionic<br />

development.<br />

Experiment of fry nursing of Epinephelus salmoides<br />

(lacepede) and its morphological study.<br />

Experiences with exporting embryos: comments related to<br />

health certification<br />

Experiences on the cultivation and management of oil<br />

palms on deep peat in united plantations berhad.<br />

Experiences on the cultivation & management of oil palms<br />

on deep peat in United Plantation, Berhat<br />

Pharis, R. P. Ca. J. Bot<br />

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Singh, G The Ppalnters 63(733):143-159<br />

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Expected yield increase with selected palm clones from<br />

current DxP seedling materials & its implication on clonal<br />

propagation, breeding & ortet selection<br />

Expected yield increase with selected palm clones from<br />

current D x P seedling materials and its implications on<br />

clonal propagation, breeding and ortet selection.<br />

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Exotic oil & fat in south east asia Werdellman B Malaysian Oil Sci. tech. 3(2):13-21<br />

Exospores and cysts formed by methane-utilizing bacteria Whittenbury, R J. Gen. Microbiol<br />

Exopolysaccharides of the phytopathogen Pseudomonas<br />

syringae<br />

Exopolysaccharide production, growth and morphologic<br />

characteristics of some Bradyrhizobium japonicum mutants<br />

Osman, S. F. J. Bacteriol.<br />

Gunarto, L. Contributions. (90): 11-30.<br />

Exogenous control of follicular wave emergence in cattle. Bo. G. A. Theriogenology.<br />

Excretion ofpurine deri-vatives by ruminants : endogenous<br />

excretion, differences between cattle and sheep<br />

Excretion of Purine Derivatives by Ruminants: Effect of<br />

Microbial Nucleic Acid Infusion on Purine Derivative<br />

Excretion in Steers.<br />

Excretion of Purine Derivatives by Ruminants Endogenous<br />

Excretion, Differences Between Cattle and Sheep.<br />

Excretion of Phosphorus and Acid in The Urine of Sheep<br />

and Calves Fed Either Roughage or Concentrate Diets<br />

Exchangeable aluminium as a criterion for liming leached<br />

mineral soils<br />

Exchangeable aluminium as a cristerion for liming leached<br />

mineral soils<br />

Exchangeable aluminium as a creterion for liming leached<br />

mineral. Soil Test Series.<br />

Excess of allozyme homozygosity in marine mollucs and its<br />

possible biological significance<br />

Examples of Plant Arrangements in Putukrejo and<br />

Kedungsalam Pola Tanam dan Analisa Usahatani<br />

Chen, X.B. British J. Nutr<br />

Verbic, J. J. Agric. Science, Camb.,<br />

Chen, X. B. Br. J. Nutr.<br />

Scott, D J. Exp. Physiol. Quarts<br />

Kamprath.E.J. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc.<br />

Kamprath, E.J. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc.<br />

Kampratn, E.J. Tech. Bull.<br />

Singh, S.M Malacologia<br />

Agustina, L Inres, Internal Reports No. 27, Feb<br />

1991<br />

Examination ofoperational aspects of fruit pressure tests. Voisey P. W J. Can. Inst. Food Sci. Technol<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 512 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Examination of The Protein Extract Ability Method for<br />

Determining Cold Storage Protein. Determination in Cod<br />

Examination of the method for measuring soil respiration in<br />

cultivated land : effect of CO2 concentration on soil<br />

respiration<br />

Examination of the effect of cocoa shell and theobromine in<br />

lamb.<br />

Examination of The Effect Cocoa Shell and Theobromine in<br />

Lambs,<br />

Ex vivo collection of oocytes in cattle: ultrasound-guided<br />

vs. Laparoscopic transvaginal follicle aspiration<br />

Evolutionary trees from DNA sequences: a maximum<br />

likelihood approach<br />

Evolutionary signifinance of interspesific differences in<br />

gastrin-like immunoreactivity in the pylorus of<br />

Phyllostomid.bats<br />

Evolutionary contrasts in insects: nutritional advantages of<br />

holometabolous development<br />

Evolution of the new plant ideotype for increased yield<br />

potential.<br />

Evolution of the Mammalian Mitochondrial Control Region<br />

Comparisons of Control Region Sequences Between<br />

Monotreme and Therian Mammals<br />

Evolution of cropping-tillage systems with large plot rainfall<br />

simulator<br />

Evolution of animal mtDNA: relevance for population<br />

biology and systematics<br />

Evolusi mikrobe dan kailannya dengan sistematik<br />

molekuler<br />

Evisceration behaviour and the seasonal incidence of<br />

evisceration in the holoturian Eupentacta quinquesemita<br />

(Salenka)<br />

Evidence that the transcriptional activator encoded by the<br />

Pseudomonas putida nahR gene is evolutionarily related to<br />

the transcription activators encoded by the Rhizobium<br />

nodD genes.<br />

Evidence that maternal Dengue antibodies are important in<br />

the development of Dengue hemorrhagic fever in infants<br />

Evidence that epidernial growth factor is present in swiftlets<br />

(Collocalia) nest. Comp<br />

Courie, W.P. Y. Sci. Food Agric., 19: 695-700.<br />

Nakadai, T Ecol Res 8 : 65-71<br />

Tarka, Jr. S.M. Nutr Report. Int.<br />

Tarka. S. M, Nutrition Report International 18 : 301 -<br />

312.<br />

SantI B Reprod. Dom. Anim. Supl<br />

Felsenstein J J Mol Evol 17:368-76.<br />

Mennone.A J.Mammal<br />

Bemays, E. A. Physiol. Entomol. 11: 377-382.<br />

Peng, S. Breaking the yield barrier Proc. Of<br />

workshop on rice yield potential in<br />

favorable environments<br />

Gemmel, J.N. Mol. Biol. Evol. 13 f60): 198-806.<br />

Shelton, C.H Abstr. No. 81, 20-52 Am. Soc. Agr.<br />

Eng. St. Joseph, Michigan<br />

Moritz, C. Ann. Rev. Ecol. Syst. 18:269-292.<br />

Suwanto, A.<br />

Byrne, M Ophelia, 24(2): 75-90.<br />

Schell, M.A. J. Bacteriol. 171: 1952-1959.<br />

Klicks, S.C Am. Jur. Trop. Med. and Hyg., 38: 411-<br />

419.<br />

Kong, Y.C Biochem. Physio.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 513 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Evidence that epidermal growth factor is present in<br />

swiftlet's (Collocalia)<br />

Evidence that epidermal growth factor is present in swiftlet<br />

(Collocalia)wst<br />

Evidence of the existence of atypical B (beta)adrenoceptors<br />

(B3(beta)-adrenoceptors) mediating<br />

relaxating in rat distal colon in vitro.<br />

Evidence of clustered pathogenicity genes in Xanthomonas<br />

campestris pv. Campestris<br />

Evidence for Viral Aetiology of Jembrana Disease in Bali<br />

Cattle<br />

Evidence for The Presence of Gossypol in Malvaceous<br />

Plant Other than Those in The Cotton Tribe<br />

Evidence for The Presence of Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus<br />

in Indonesia Dairy Cattle.<br />

Evidence for the presence of a sucrose carrier in immature<br />

sugar beet tap roots<br />

Evidence for broadcast spawning as well as brooding in the<br />

scleractinian coral Pocillopora damicornis.<br />

Evidence for a <strong>program</strong>med circanual life cycle modulated<br />

by increasing daylengths in neanthes limnicola<br />

(Polychaeta: Nereidae) from central California<br />

Evidence for a major gene determining the resistance of<br />

Indonesian thin tail sheep against Fasciola gigantica<br />

Kong Y.Y nest. Comparative Biochemistry and<br />

Physiology<br />

Kong, Y.C. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 87:221-226.<br />

Mc. Laughlin, D.P J. Pharmacol 101:569<br />

Turner, P. Mol. Gen. Genet. 199:338-343.<br />

Wilcox.G.E Vet.Microbiol<br />

Schimdt, J.H. Agric. and Food Chem. 38:505-508.<br />

Wasito, R. Buletin IPKHI.<br />

Lenioine, R. Plant Physiol. 86:575-580.<br />

Ward, S., Mar. Biol. 112: 641-646.<br />

Fong, P.P Biol. Bull<br />

Roberts, J.A. Vet. Parasitol. 68: 309-314.<br />

Evidence for a forest origin of Sumatra disease of dove Lomer.C.J. Tropical Science 32:95-98.<br />

Evidance for absorption of silicon and alumunium by hens<br />

fed sodium zeolite<br />

Roland DA Sr AJ Poultry Sci 72:447-455<br />

Evaporation and Introductory Survey Neth. Penman, H.L J.Agric, Sci.<br />

Evaluation, Tissue Culture Propagation and Dissemination<br />

of Saba and Pelipita Plantains in Costarica<br />

Jarret, R. L. Scientia<br />

Evaluation Studies in The Development of a Commercial<br />

Bacterial Inoculant as an Additive for Grass Silage: 3.<br />

Responses in Growing Cattle and Interaction with Protein<br />

Supplementation.<br />

Evaluation Studies in The Development of a Commercial<br />

Bacterial Inoculant as an Additive for Grass Silage. 3.<br />

Responses in Growing Cattle and Interaction with Protein<br />

Suplementation.<br />

Steen, R. W. J. Grass and Forage Sci.<br />

Steen, R. W. J. Grass and Forage Sci.<br />

Evaluation on seed storability of soybean genotypes Nugraha US Indonesia Jornal of Crop Scinece<br />

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Evaluation on seed storability of soybean genotypes Nugraha US Indonesia Jornal of Crop Scinece<br />

Evaluation ofAnthelmintic distribution by the animal health<br />

delivery network (AHDN) in Gal;ang and its vicinity<br />

Misniwaty. A Working paper No. 147,0ctober 1993.<br />

Evaluation of various protein sources for Penaeus<br />

monodon postlarvae.<br />

Evaluation of Urea Dilution as an Estimator of Body<br />

Composition in Mature Cows.<br />

Evaluation of Urea Dilution as a Technique for Estimating<br />

Body Composition of Beef Steers in Vivo : Validation of<br />

Published Equations and Comparison with Chemical<br />

Composition.<br />

Evaluation of ultrasound for predicting of carcass fat<br />

thickness and longissimus muscle area in feedlot steers<br />

Evaluation of ultrasonic estimates of carcass fat thickness<br />

and longissimus muscle area in beef cattle<br />

Evaluation of two shrimp by-product meals as protein<br />

sources in diets for Penaeus vannamei.<br />

Evaluation of two coal-derived organic products in<br />

amelioratingsurface and subsurface soil acidity<br />

Evaluation of Trichoderma koningii and T. Harzianum from<br />

New York Soils for Biological Control of seed Rot Caused<br />

by Phytium spp<br />

Evaluation of Trapping and trap types to reduce damage to<br />

Potatoes by the Leafminer, Liriomyza huidobrensis<br />

(Diptera, Agromyzidae).<br />

Evaluation of time insemination using a gonadothroping<br />

releasing hormone agoinst in lactating dairy cows.<br />

Evaluation of the nutrient guide as a dietary assessment<br />

tool<br />

Evaluation of the Nutrient Guide as a Dietary Assesment<br />

Tool<br />

Evaluation of the integration of soil fumigation and<br />

microbial antagonists for the control of verticillium for the<br />

control of verticllium wilt of eggplant<br />

Evaluation of the integration of soil fumigation and<br />

microbial antagonists for the control of verticillium for the<br />

control of verticllium wilt of eggplant<br />

Evaluation of the commercial potential of the vesicular<br />

arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus, Glomus epigeous<br />

Lim, C., Kalikasan, Philippines Journal of<br />

Biology 8 (1): 29-36.<br />

Bartle, S. J. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Rule, D. C. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Smith, M.T. J. Anim. Sci., 70: 29-37.<br />

Perkins, T.L. J. Anim. Sci., 70: 1002-1010.<br />

Cruz-Suarez, L.E., Aquaculture, 115: 53-62.<br />

Noble, A.D European J. Soil Sci<br />

Hadar, Y Phytopathology<br />

Chavez GL Insect Sci Applic<br />

Burke, J.M. J. Dairy. Sci.<br />

Ries C.P Journal of the American Dietetic<br />

Association<br />

Ries C.P Journal of the American Dietetic<br />

Association<br />

Johnston SA Biological and cultural Tests 9 :28<br />

Johnston SA Biological and cultural Tests 9 :28<br />

Daniels BA New Phytol 81:345-354<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Evaluation of the California Mastitis Test as a discriminate<br />

method to detect subclinical mastitis in ewes.<br />

Evaluation of strategies to reduced the risk of congenital<br />

taxoplasmosis: a decision tree analysis approach<br />

Evaluation of Start-up and Operation of Four Anaerobic<br />

Processes treating a Synthetic Meat Waste<br />

Evaluation Of Spices as a Potential Crop For<br />

Saskatchewan<br />

Evaluation of soybean meal, corn gluten meal. blood meal<br />

and fish meal as. sources of nitrogen and amino acids<br />

dissapearing from small intestine of steers<br />

Evaluation of soybean meal, corn gluten meal, blood meal<br />

and fish meal as sources of nitrogen and amino acids<br />

dissapearing from small intestine of steers<br />

Evaluation of soybean meal, corn gluten meal, blood meal<br />

and fish meal as source of mitogcn and amino acids<br />

dissapearing from the small intestin of steer<br />

Evaluation of soybean cultivars and accessions for<br />

resistance to bacterial pustule.<br />

Evaluation of some essential oils for their toxicity against<br />

fungi causing deterioration of stored food commodities<br />

Gonzalez<br />

Rodriques, M.C.<br />

Small Rumin Res.<br />

Mohammed, H. O. J. Euk. Microbiol. 41(5) 15S.<br />

Stephenson, T Biotechnology and Bioengineering<br />

Schweitzer. G Final Report Esto. Saskatchewan<br />

Titgemeyer, E.C. J. Anim. Sci. 67: 262.<br />

Titgemeyer, E.C. J. Anim. Sci., 67: 262.<br />

Gemayer, T.H. J. Anim Sci., 67: 262.<br />

Hardaningsih, S. PenelitianPalawija 4:50-57.<br />

Mishra, A.K. J. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 60:1101-<br />

1105.<br />

Evaluation of some clones of Derris eliptica Jones, M.A. Trop.Agric. 23: 89-99.<br />

Evaluation of shrimp and kingcrab processing by-product<br />

as feed supple-ments for mink<br />

Watkins, B.E J. Anim. Sci<br />

Evaluation of real-time ultrasound for predicting carcass<br />

traits of feedlot steers<br />

Evaluation of Protein and Starch Digestibilitives and Energy<br />

Value of Pelleted or Unpelleted Pea Seeds From Winter or<br />

Spring Cultivars in Adult and Young Chickens.<br />

Evaluation of plant densities for macadamia nut trees in a<br />

fan design<br />

Evaluation of phytoplankton as diets for Juvenile Ostrea<br />

edulis, L.<br />

Smith, M.T. Oklahoma Agric. Exp. Sta., Anim. Sci.<br />

Res. Rep., MP- 129: 374.<br />

Carre, B. J. Agric. Food Chem.<br />

Oosthuizen: J.H. Journal of the Southern African Soc.<br />

For Horticultural Sciences. 2:1, 1-6<br />

Enright, G.T, Journal of Experimental Marine<br />

Biology and Ecology, 96: 1-13.<br />

Evaluation of phosphobacterin as a soil inoculant Smith, J.H. Soil Sci. Soc. Proc.l5:\09111.<br />

Evaluation of parasit or predator responses Hassell MP J, Anim Ecol 35:65-75<br />

Evaluation of parasit or predator responses Hassell MP J, Anim Ecol 35:65-75<br />

Evaluation of oviposition behavior and host preference in<br />

lepidoptera.<br />

Thompson, J. N. Annu. Rev.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 516 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Evaluation of nutrient specification for broiler breeders. Wilson, H. R. British Poultry Science.<br />

Evaluation of net energy systems. Kromann, R.P. J. of Anim. Sci.<br />

Evaluation of monoclonal antibodies for generic detection<br />

of flaviviruses by ELISA<br />

Brown, J.M. J. Virol. Methods. 62(2): 143-151.<br />

Evaluation Of Microbial Extracts For Nematicidal Activity<br />

Against Plant Parasitic Nematodes, Meloidogyne Incognita<br />

and Radopholus Similis<br />

Molina. G.C Phil Agric<br />

Evaluation of methods for quantification of drought<br />

tolerance in wheat<br />

Evaluation of marker-assisted selection through computer<br />

simulation<br />

Evaluation of live commercial broiler carcass. Eviscreated<br />

yield and componen part.<br />

Evaluation of Kelvin Model Coefficients for viscoelastic<br />

spheres<br />

Evaluation of Insoluble Ash as a Natural Marker in<br />

Ruminant Digestibility Studies<br />

Evaluation of insect resistance to insecticides. A reevaluation<br />

of the rules of physiology and behavior<br />

Evaluation of insect resistance to insecticides. A reevaluation<br />

of the rules of physiology and behavior<br />

Evaluation of heterotic pattern among Caribbean and<br />

tropical x temperate maize population<br />

Evaluation of Fruit Losses Through Haivest and Post-<br />

Harvest Handling: l Apples and Pears.<br />

Clarke, J.M Crop Sci. 32:723-728<br />

Edwards MD Theor Appl Genet. 88:376-382<br />

Markley, J. W. Poult. Sci.<br />

Lichtensteiger, M.<br />

J.,<br />

Trans, of the ASAE<br />

Keulen, J. Van J. Animal Sci.<br />

Luckwood JA Bull. Entomol Soc. Amor. 30:41-51<br />

Luckwood JA Bull. Entomol Soc. Amor. 30:41-51<br />

Torres-Cardona Crop Sci. 31: 1480-1483.<br />

Antonio, L.L. Hortscience<br />

Evaluation of Five Commercial Broiler Crosses. Merkley, J. W. Poultry Science.<br />

Evaluation of five commercial broiler crosses 1. Grow-out<br />

performance.<br />

Malone, G.W Poultry Sci. 58<br />

Evaluation of entry of Aeromonas hydrophila in channel<br />

catfish.<br />

Ventura. M.T. Aquaculture 65: 205-215.<br />

Evaluation of Edible, Bilayer Films for use as moisture<br />

barrier for food<br />

Grenner, I.K J. Food Sci<br />

Evaluation of different ecological groups of mango cultivars<br />

flowering and fruiting under subtropics<br />

Yadav, I. S. Prog, Hort<br />

Evaluation of different cooling rates, equilibration periods<br />

and diluent for effect on deep-freezing, enzyme leakage<br />

and fertility ofTaurine bull spermatozoa<br />

Dhami AJ Theriogenology 40:1269-1280.<br />

Evaluation of Dietray Nitrogen Utilization in Dairy Cows<br />

Based on Urea Concentrations in Blood, Urine and Milk,<br />

and on Urinary Concentration of Purine Derivatives.<br />

Gonda, H. L. Acta Agric. Scand.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 517 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Evaluation of Dehydrated Cage Reared Broiler as a Feed<br />

Ingredient for Broilers<br />

Evaluation of corn growth and productivity with three<br />

conservation tillage system.<br />

Evaluation of cashew apple juice for single cell protein and<br />

wine production.<br />

Evaluation of carcass composition in a four-breed diallel<br />

among simmental, limausin, polled hereford and brahman<br />

beef cattle<br />

Bhargava.K.K Poultry Sci<br />

Al-Darby, A.M Agron. J.<br />

Osho, A., Nachrung-Food. 39:521-529.<br />

Arnold, J. W. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Evaluation of carabeef as a potensial substitute for beef Arganosa, F. C. Phil. J. Nutr<br />

Evaluation of blood glucose content in the animals Somogyo, H Biol. Chem. J<br />

Evaluation of a Population of Soybean Genotypes with<br />

Implication for Improving Self Pollinated Crops<br />

Hanson, W.D Crop Sci<br />

Evaluation of a diet dilution technique for measuring the<br />

response of broiler chickens to increasing concentrations of<br />

lysine.<br />

Gous, R. M. Br. Poult. Sci.<br />

Evaluation of a Bacterial Feather Fermentation Product,<br />

Feather Lysate, as a Feed Protein.<br />

Evaluation of a rapid mass screening technique for<br />

measuring antibiosis to Helicoverpa spp. in cotton cultivars<br />

Evaluation od dehydrated cage reared broiler as a feed<br />

ingredient for broilers<br />

Evaluation od dehydrated cage reared broiler as a feed<br />

ingredient for broilers<br />

Evaluation and selection of tropical maize (Zea mays L.)<br />

accessions in low-fertility soils with phosphorus limitations<br />

Evaluation and Interpretation of Thematic Mapper Ratios in<br />

Equations for Estimating Corn Growth Parameters.<br />

Williams, C. M. Poult. Sci.<br />

McColl, A.L. Aust. Expt. Agric. 32: 1129-1134.<br />

Bhargava, K,K Poultry Sci<br />

Bhargava, K,K Poultry Sci<br />

Santos, M.X. Plant Gen. Resour. Newsl. 113: 17-21.<br />

Gardner, B. R., Remote sensing of Environment 18:<br />

225-234.<br />

Evaluating Rating Scales for Sensory Testing with Children. Kroll, B. J. Food Technol.<br />

Evaluating of LEACHM : II. Simulation of Nitrate Leaching<br />

From Nitrogen-Fertilized and Manured Corn<br />

Evaluasi toleransi terhadap cekaman aluminium pada<br />

beberapa galur mumi kedelai<br />

Evaluasi terhadap parameter pengukur infeksi penyakit<br />

cacar pada tanaman the<br />

Jemison, J.M Agron. J<br />

Sunarto<br />

Rayati DJ Bul .Pen, Teh dan Kina 7 : 93-101<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 518 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Evaluasi Sumber Daya Lahan untuk Mendukung Penataan<br />

Ruang di Beberapa Propinsi di Indonesia. Dok. Puslittanak.<br />

Evaluasi sistem bagi hasil dalam usaha penangkapan<br />

perikanan laut.<br />

Evaluasi resistensi kultivar cabai (Capsicum spp)terhadap<br />

antraknose (Colletotrichum spp) dan bercak daun<br />

cercospora (Cercospora capsici head & Wolf)<br />

Evaluasi resistensi kultivar cabai (Capsicum spp) terhadap<br />

antraknose (Colletotrichum spp) dan bercak daun<br />

Cercospora (Cercospora capsici Heald/Wolf)<br />

Evaluasi Protein Pakan Ruminansia Melalui Pendekatan<br />

Kandungan RDP dan LJDP Pada Beberapa Jenis Hijauan<br />

Segar. Limbah Pertanian dan Konsentrat.<br />

Evaluasi protein pakan ruminansia melalaui<br />

pendekatan kandungan RDP dan UDP pada beberapa<br />

jenis hijauan segar, limbah pertanian dan konsentrat<br />

Evaluasi produksi dan kualitas minyak hasil silang balik<br />

antara Elais guineensis dan Elais oleifera<br />

Evaluasi produksi & kualitas minyak hasil silang baik antara<br />

E oleifera & E guineensis<br />

Evaluasi Plasma Nutfah Kedelai Untuk Daya Adaptasi<br />

Terhadap Kekeringan<br />

Evaluasi plasma nuftah kedelai untuk daya adaptasi<br />

terhadap kekeringan<br />

Evaluasi plasma nuftah kedelai untuk daya adaptasi<br />

terhadap kekeringan<br />

Evaluasi pertumbuhan dan daya hasil sepuluh genotipe<br />

kubis didataran tinggi medium.<br />

Evaluasi penggunaan vaksin CARNA-5 pada tanaman<br />

cabai<br />

Evaluasi pendahuluan beberapa nomor the harapan di<br />

kebun Pagiaran<br />

Evaluasi pemberian fosfat dari Jawa dan pengapuran pada<br />

tanah masam I Modifikasi ciri kimiatanah<br />

Evaluasi pemberian fosfat dari Jawa dan pengapuran pada<br />

tanah masam I Modifikasi ciri kimiatanah<br />

Puslittanak Evaluasi Sumber Daya Lahan untuk<br />

Mendukung Penataan Ruang di<br />

Beberapa Propinsi di Indonesia. Dok.<br />

Puslittanak.<br />

Manadiyanto, S. Jurnal Penelitian Perikanan Laut No.<br />

46 Tahun 1988 (hal 75-80)<br />

Suhardi Bul. Penel. Hort.<br />

Suhardi Bul. Penel. Hort.<br />

Chuzaemi Jurnal Penelitian llmu-ilmu Hayati<br />

Chuzaemi, S Jurnal Penelitian llmu-ilmu Hayati<br />

Komalaningtyas D<br />

Komalaningtyas DP Jurnal Penelitian Kelapa Sawit vol 6(1)<br />

: 1-18<br />

Kasno. A<br />

Kasno A<br />

Kasno A<br />

Suryadi J. Hort.<br />

Duriat, A.S. Buletin Penelitian Hortikultura XXII<br />

(4): 41-50.<br />

---- Agric Sci 5(1): 555-563<br />

Idris K<br />

Idris K<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 519 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Evaluasi pemberian fosfat alam dari Jawa dan pengapuran<br />

pada tanah masam : I Modifikasi Ciri Kimia<br />

Evaluasi pemberian fosfat alam dari Jawa dan pengapuran<br />

pada tanah masam : I Modifikasi Ciri Kimia<br />

Evaluasi mutu buah rambutan varietas rapiah pada<br />

beberapa tingkat kematangan.<br />

Evaluasi mutu buah rambutan varietas rapiah pada<br />

beberapa tingkat kematangan.<br />

Evaluasi lokasi bermasalah di daerah transmigrasi<br />

Pangkoh, Kalimantan Tengah<br />

Evaluasi Kriteria Klasifikasi Kesesuaian Lahan Kopi<br />

Arabika Catimor di Aceh Tengah<br />

Evaluasi Kriteria Klasifikasi Kesesuaian Lahan Kopi<br />

Arabika Catimor di Aceh Tengah<br />

Evaluasi Kriteria Klasifikasi Kesesuaian Lahan Kopi<br />

Arabika Catimor di Aceh Tengah<br />

Evaluasi Kriteria Klasifikasi kesesuaian lahan kopi arabika<br />

catimor di Aceh Tengah<br />

Evaluasi Kriteria Klasifikasi Kesesuaian Lahan Kopi<br />

Arabika Catimor di Aceh tengah.<br />

Evaluasi Kriteria Kesuaian Lahan Kopi Arabika Organik<br />

Pada Tanah Andisol di Aceh Tengah<br />

Evaluasi kriteria kesesuaian lahan kopi Arabika organik<br />

pada Andisol di aceh Tengah<br />

Evaluasi kredit Informal terhadap Usaha Penangkapan<br />

Ikan dan Rumah Tangga Nelayan dalam Upaya<br />

Memperbaiki Sistem Perkreditan di Desa Pantai Miskin,<br />

Pasuruan, Jawa Timur<br />

Idris K<br />

Idris K<br />

Sosrodiharjo, S. J. Hort.<br />

Sosrodiharjo, S. J. Hort.<br />

Djaenudin, D.<br />

Karim. A<br />

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Unibraw Vol. 9 No. 2Agustus 1997<br />

Evaluasi Konsistensi Mutu SIR 0. Honggokusumo, K Evaluasi Konsistensi Mutu SIR 0.<br />

Evaluasi ketahanan 68 klon kentang terhadap Ralstonia<br />

(Pseudomonas) Solanacearum<br />

Evaluasi ketahanan 68 klon kentang terhadap penyakit<br />

Layu Bakteri Ralstonia (Pseudomonas) solanacearum<br />

Evaluasi Karakteristik Lahan Kopi Arabika Catimor di Aceh<br />

Tengah<br />

Evaluasi Karakteristik Lahan Kopi Arabika Catimor di Aceh<br />

Tengah<br />

Evaluasi Karakteristik lahan kopi arabika catimor di Aceh<br />

Tengah<br />

Hakim, L<br />

Hakim, L<br />

Karim, A<br />

Karim, A<br />

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Evaluasi Karakteristik Lahan Kopi Arabika Catimor di Aceh<br />

Tengah<br />

Evaluasi hasil dan adaptasi genotipe kacang hijau di<br />

lingkungan monokultur dan tumpangsari dengan jagung<br />

Evaluasi daya simpan benih beberapa galur padi (oryza<br />

sativa L)<br />

Evaluasi daya simpan benih beberapa galur padi (oryza<br />

sativa L)<br />

Evaluasi Awal Kebun Benih Uji Keturunan Jenis<br />

Paraserianthes Falcataria Umur 4 Bulan Di Candiroto Jawa<br />

Tengah.<br />

Eutrotification Parameters and Trophic State Indices in 30<br />

Swedish Waste-Receiving Lake<br />

Etude Experimentale de Certains Aspects des Capasites<br />

discriminatives des larvae de L, Migratoria Migratorioides R<br />

& F. Au Courses de Leur Cycle Quotidien d'activite Au<br />

Laboratorie<br />

Etude esperimentale de l’excretion du bar (Dicentrarchus<br />

labrax) en cours de croissance. II- Effets du jeune sur<br />

I'excretion d'ammoniac et d'uree.<br />

Etude ecotoxicologique du developpement de la crevette<br />

rose Palaemon serratus, en presence de deux elements<br />

traces (Zinc, Cadmium).<br />

Etude de la resistance des cacao years a Laporiture brune<br />

des caboses ducau Phytophthora palmivora (Bulter) Butl<br />

on cut ivore lere portie<br />

Karim, A. Journal Penelitian Pertanian<br />

Mejaya, I.M.J. Penelitian Palawija 4(2): 128-134.<br />

Soejadi US Keluarga Benih VI 59-66<br />

Soejadi US Keluarga Benih VI 59-66<br />

Susanto.M Bulletin Penelitian Pemuliaan Pohon<br />

Vol. 2 No. 1 Balai Litbang Pemuliaan<br />

Benih Tanaman Hutan, Yogyakarta<br />

Forsberg, C. Hydrobiologia (1/2): 189-207.<br />

Mitchel.R Insectes.Soc<br />

Guerin - Ancey, o., Aquaculture. 9 (2) 187-194<br />

Devinau, J. J. Rech. Oceanogr., 9: 32 34.<br />

Tarjot Inoculations experimentals par<br />

blessure et par pragment de culture<br />

Cofe-cacao the 9<br />

Etimologi Penyakit Layu Bakteri pada Tanaman Tembakau<br />

di Ampel, Boyolali, Jawa Tengah.<br />

Rondonuwu, F.B.<br />

Ethylenethiorea : Teratogenisity Study in Rats and Rabbits Khera. K.S Teratology<br />

Ethylene Promoted Conversion of 1- aminocyclopropane-1-<br />

Carboxylic Acid to Ethylene in Peel of Apple at Various<br />

Stages of Development<br />

Ethylene production during anther culture of brussel sprout<br />

(Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera) and its relationship with<br />

factors that affect embryo production<br />

Ethylene biosynthesis and activities of chitinase and (3-1,3glucanase<br />

in the root host and non-host plants of vesiculararbuscular<br />

mycorrhizal fungi after inoculation with Glomus<br />

mosseau<br />

Ethyl Carbomate Level In Selected Fermented Foods and<br />

Beverages<br />

Bufler. G Plant Physiology<br />

Biddington NL Plant Cell Tissue Organ Culture<br />

25:169-177.<br />

Vierheilig, H. J. Plant. Physiol. 143:337-343.<br />

Canas. B.J J. AOAC<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 521 dari 931

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Ethnography and Biossay : Combined Methods For a<br />

Preliminary Screen of Home Remedies Potential<br />

Pharmacological Activity<br />

Ethnobotany of people around the Dolok Sibual-Buali<br />

Nature Reserve Area North Sumatera, Indonesia<br />

Ethanol production from molasses using cell recycling of<br />

Saccharomyces cerevisiae.<br />

Ethanol production from Jerusalem artichoke tubers<br />

(Hetiaiithiis luherosus) using Kluy veromyces marxianus<br />

and Saccharomyces rosei.<br />

Ethanol production by fermentation of pentoses and<br />

hexoses from cellulosic materials.<br />

Troter II. R.T J. Ethnopharmacol<br />

Simbolon Herwint Tropics<br />

Sedha, R.K,, J. Ferment. Technol. 62-A1\-416.<br />

Margaritis. A., Biotechnol. Bioeng. 24:941-953.<br />

Enari, T.M., CRC Critical Reviews in Biotech. 1:229-<br />

240.<br />

Ethanol increases carotenoid in Phaffia rhodozyma Gu, W.L. J. Ind. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 19-114-<br />

117.<br />

Estrus synchronization of lactating dairy cows with GnRH,<br />

progesterone, and prostaglandin F2a.<br />

Xu, Z.Z. J. Dairy. Sci.<br />

Estrus synchronization in Holstein cows using reduced<br />

doses of prostaglandin F2a<br />

Garcia-Winder, M.J. Theriogenology 36: 191-199.<br />

Estrus synchronization in beef females with Synchromate<br />

B: efficacy and factors that restrict optimal pregnancy rates<br />

Favero R.J Theriogenology<br />

Estrous behavior in confined beef cows. Hurnik, J.F. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Estrogen sex reversal of Tilapia aurea. Hopkins, K.D Aquaculture, 18:263-268.<br />

Estrogen receptor in bovine skeletal muscle Meyer, H.H.D. J. Anim. Sci, 60(1): 294-300.<br />

Estradiol-induced blockade of ovulation in the cow: effect<br />

on luteinizing hormone release and follicular fluid steroids<br />

Engelhardt, H. Biol. Reprod. 40: 1287-1297.<br />

Estimation of Yield and Nitrogen Removal by Corn Overman, A.R Agron. J<br />

estimation of variance and covariance components Henderson, C. R. Biometrics, 9: 226.<br />

Estimation of variance and covariance components Henderson, C. R. Biometrics, 9 : 226.<br />

Estimation of Variance an Covariance Components to<br />

Determine Heritabilities and Repeatabilities of Weaning in<br />

American Simmental Cattle.<br />

Wright, H. B. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Estimation of the position and effect of a lethal factor locus<br />

on molecular marker linkage map<br />

Estimation of the outcrossing rate in the chesnut blight<br />

fungus<br />

Estimation of rumen microbial nitrogen by three analytical<br />

methods.<br />

Estimation of quantitative oxidation and fat retention from<br />

carbohydrate, protein and fat in growing pigs.<br />

Estimation of Quantitative Oxidation and Fat Retention<br />

from Carbohydrate, Protein and Fat in Growing Pigs<br />

Cheng R Theor Appl. Genet 93:494-502<br />

Milgroom MG Cryphonectria parasitica. Heredity<br />

70:385-392<br />

Shultz, T.A. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Chwalibog, A. J. Anim. Phy. And Anim. Nut.<br />

Chwalibog, A. J. Anim. physiol. Nutr.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 522 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Estimation of potentially mineralizable organic Nitrogen in<br />

soils.<br />

Estimation of Potentially mineralizable organic nitrogen in<br />

soils<br />

Estimation of heritailities for beef Performance traits and<br />

their phenotypic and genetic correlation based on field<br />

records in Japanese Black cattle<br />

Estimation of heritability for growth and carcass traits and<br />

their genetic and phenotypic correlation in Japanese Black<br />

cattle<br />

Estimation of heritability for carcaas traits in Japanesse<br />

Black cattlw by the use of field data.<br />

Estimation Of Heritability and Prediction Of Selection<br />

Response In Plant Population<br />

Estimation of heritabilities for growth and carcass traits and<br />

their genetic and phenotypic correlations in Japanese Black<br />

cattle<br />

Estimation of heritabilities for beef performance traits and<br />

their phenotypic and genetic correlations based on field<br />

records in Japanese Black cattle<br />

Estimation of heat production from heart rate measurement<br />

of free living farm animals<br />

Estimation of Growth Parameters and Mortality of<br />

Longneck Croaker (Pseudotolithus typus) in Cameroon<br />

Aiman, N J. Mon Mata.<br />

Aiman, N J. Mon Mata<br />

Sasaki, Y. Bull. Beef Cattle Sci., 41 : 21-27.<br />

Yang, M. Jpn. J. Zootech. Sci., 56: 193-198.<br />

Baco, S.<br />

Nyquist. W.E Crit. Rev. Plant. Sci<br />

Yang, M. Jpn. J. Zootech. Sci., 56: 193-198.<br />

Sasaki, Y. Bull. Beef Cattle Sci. 41:21-27.<br />

Yamamoto, Sadaki Jarjag<br />

Djama, T. FAO Fisheries Report, 389 : 153 -170.<br />

Estimation of genetic variances using inbred relative Shuber CW Crop. Sci. 10: 129-135<br />

Estimation of genetic parameters for body weight and body<br />

measurements of Korean Cattle<br />

Estimation of genetic parameters and sire evaluation for<br />

caicass characteristics with special reference to yield grade<br />

of the new beef carcass grading standards<br />

Estimation of genetic parameters and sire evaluation for<br />

carcass Chararteristics with special reference In yield<br />

grade of the new beef carcass grading standards<br />

Estimation of digestibility and metabolisable energy content<br />

of ruminant feedstuff from gas production when they are<br />

incubated with rumen liquor in vitro<br />

Estimation of Chlorophyll a and Phaeo-phytin a in<br />

Methanol.<br />

Estimation of carbon allocation to the roots from soil<br />

respiration measurement of oil palm.<br />

Han, K.J. Proc. of the 8th AAAP Anim. Sci.<br />

Congress held in Tokyo, Japan, 2:<br />

362-363.<br />

Fukuhara, R. Jpn. J, Zootech. Sci., 60 :1128-1134.<br />

Fukuhura, R. Jpn.J. Zootech. Sci., 60: 1128-1134.<br />

Menke, K. H. J. Agric. Sci., Camb.<br />

Tett, P., Limnology. Oceanography. 22: 579-<br />

580.<br />

Lamade E Plant and Soil 181: 329-329<br />

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Estimation of Body Weight byChestGirth in Madura Cattle Soesetya, R H B Internal Report No- 12, NUFFIC-<br />

UNIBRAW Scheme, Malang.<br />

Estimation of bioavailable Amino acid in feeding stuffs for<br />

puoltry and pigs A. Review with Emphasis on balance<br />

Experimence .<br />

Sibbald. I.R. Can. J. Sci.<br />

Estimation of available Dietary Iron. Monsen, E. R., Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 31: 134.<br />

Estimation of the parasitism by Anagrus nr flaveolus<br />

waterhouse (Hymenoptera Mymaridae) Estimation of the<br />

parasitism by Anagrus nr flaveolus waterhouse<br />

(Hymenoptera Mymaridae)<br />

Otake, A. Entomophage, 15(1): 83-92.<br />

Estimating net nitrogen mineralization from carbon dioxide<br />

evolution.<br />

Estimating ground CO2 flux and its components in a stand<br />

of oil palm<br />

Estimating gross nitrogen mineralization and immobilization<br />

rates in aerobic and anaerobic soil suspension<br />

Estimating F-statistics for the analysis of population<br />

structure<br />

Estimating dinitrogen fixation of hedgerow vegetation<br />

using the nitrogen-15N natural abundance method<br />

Estimates of phenotypic and genetic parameters for<br />

carcass traits in atlantic salmon and rainbow trout.<br />

Estimates of Genotypic Environmental Variances and<br />

Covariance in Upland Cotton and Their Implication in<br />

Selection.<br />

Estimates of genetic parameters for growth and carcass<br />

trails in Charolais cattle<br />

Estimates of genetic and phenotipic parameters of some<br />

performance traits in beef cattle .<br />

Estimated Direct and Correlated Response to Selection for<br />

Performance Traits in Closed Hereford Lines Under<br />

Differents Types of Environments.<br />

Estimate of genetic and environmental variability in<br />

Soybeans<br />

Esterification of oleic acid with glycerol in the presence of<br />

sulfated iron oxide catalyst<br />

Establishmentof embryogenic ceel suspensioncultures in<br />

sweet potato, Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.<br />

Establishment of Lesser Mouse-Deer (Tragulus Javanicus)<br />

Colony for Use as a New Laboratory Animal and/or<br />

Companion Animal.<br />

Gilmour, J.T. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J.<br />

Henson LE PORIM Bull, 28:1-12<br />

Smith, C.J Soil Sci. Soc. Of Am<br />

Weir, B.S Evolution<br />

Ladha, J.K. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 57: 732-737.<br />

Gjerde, B. Aquaculture 15:19-23<br />

Miller, P.A., Agron. J. 49: 126-131.<br />

Johntson, D. J. Can. J. Anim.Sci., 72:493-499.<br />

Mohiuddin, G. Anim. Breed. Abstr., 61 : 495-522.<br />

Bailey, C. M. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Johnson HW Agr J 47:314-318<br />

Guner FS JAOCS 73(3):347-351<br />

Liu Qing Chang. Plant Breed, Abstr..<br />

Kudo, H. JIRCAS Journal.<br />

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Establishment of biochemical genetic markers for Shorea<br />

spp. tropical forest tree species<br />

Establishment of association between Azospirillum and nonlegum<br />

in vitro and plant regeneration<br />

Establishment and growth characteristics of a cell<br />

suspension culture of Marchantia polymorpha L. with high<br />

chlorophyll content.<br />

Sudarmonowati, E. Ann. Bogorienses 5:1-14.<br />

Gosal SK Biology 6:161-165.<br />

Ohta, Y., Planta. 136: 229-232.<br />

Essentially of vitamin C in feeds for caged catfish. Lovell, R.T. J. Nutr. No. 1, 103:134-139.<br />

Essentially of dietary phosphatidyl-choline for the survival<br />

of juvenil Lobster<br />

L.R. D'Abramo J. Nutr<br />

Essential fatty acid: the importance of n-3 fatty acid in<br />

retina and brain<br />

Connor WE Nutr Rev 50(4):21-29<br />

Essential fatty acid: The importance of n-3 fatty acid in the<br />

retina and brain<br />

Connor. W.E. Nutr. Rev.50(4): 21-29.<br />

Essential fatty acid the importance of n-3 fatty acid in retina<br />

and brain<br />

Connor, WE. Nutr. Rev. 50 (4): 21-20.<br />

Essential fatty acid requerement in infancy Crawford, MA Am J. Clin. Nutr. 31: 2181-2185.<br />

Essential fatty acid : the importance of n-3 fatty acid in the<br />

retina and brain<br />

Connor WE Nutr Rev 50(4):21-29<br />

Essential ammo acid in relation to hypercholesterolemia<br />

induced in rabits by dietary casein<br />

Kurowska, E.M. J. Nutr. 120: 831-836.<br />

Escherichia coli mutants with altered control of alcohol<br />

dehydrogenase and nitrate reductase<br />

Dark D J Bacterial 141:177-83.<br />

Escherichia coli alkaline phosphatase fails to acquire<br />

disulfide bonds when retained in the cytoplasm.<br />

Derman, A.I. J. Bacteriol. 173: 7719-7722.<br />

Escherichia coli 0157:h7 growth in laboratory media as<br />

affected by phenolic antioxydants<br />

Ogunrinola, O. A. J. Food Sci.<br />

Erwinia herbicola: a bacterial ice nucleus active in<br />

increasing frost injury to corn<br />

Lindow, S.E. Phytopathology 68:523-527.<br />

Error Assessment in Universai Sou Loss Equatlon : Risse, L.M., J. Soil Sc. Soc. Am. V. 57 pp 825-833.<br />

Erosive effects of the large water drops (grafity drop) that<br />

fall from plants<br />

Erosion losses from banana-pineapple intercropping and<br />

soil loss prediction using Rusle<br />

Erfahrungen bei der kompostierung von schlschthofabfallen<br />

unter tropischen bedingungen.<br />

Erapan maksimum sulfat pada tanah Vertisol, Inceptisol<br />

dan Entisol dari Kabupaten Jeneponto<br />

Equilibrium and Kinetic Studies Of The Adsorption of 2, 4-D<br />

and Picloram on Humic Acid<br />

Equations for Comparing Longissimus dorsi areas in bulls<br />

or different weight.<br />

Moss, A. J. Aust. J. Soil Res.<br />

Almas, M. A. M. Agr. Science Thesis Univ. Putera<br />

Malaysia<br />

Schuchardt, F., Entsogungspraxis 14(6): 22-25.<br />

Muhammad, H.<br />

Khan. S.U Can. J. Soil. Sci<br />

Field, R.A. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Equation of rate dark respiration of white clover and grain<br />

sorghum, as function of dry weight, photosynthetic, rate<br />

and temperature.<br />

equation for the rate of dark respiration of white clover and<br />

grain sorghum, as function of dry weight, photosynthetic<br />

rate, and temperature<br />

Mc Cree, K.J. Crop Sci 14: 509-514<br />

Mc Cree KJ Crop Sci 14:509-514<br />

Equation For Fitting Water Sorption Isoterm of Foods : Part<br />

I - a Review<br />

Chirife. J Journal Food Technology<br />

Equation For Fitting Water Sorption Isoterm of Foods : Part<br />

I - a Review<br />

Chirife. J J. Food. Technol<br />

Equation For Fitting Water Sorption Isoterm of Food : Part I<br />

- a Riview<br />

Chirife. J J. Food Technol<br />

Equation For Fitting Desorption Isoterms of Durum Wheat<br />

Pasta<br />

Andrean. J J. Food Technol<br />

Equation For Fitting Desorption Isoterms of Durum Wheat<br />

Pasta<br />

Andrean. J Journal Food Technology<br />

Epiphytic Bacteria Antagonistic to Curcularia Leaf Spot of<br />

Yam.<br />

Michcreff. S.J. Microb Ecol. 28: 101-110<br />

Epidermal growth factor induces maturation of rat follicle -<br />

enclosed oocyte<br />

Dekel N Endocrinology<br />

Epidermal amino acid transport in marine invertebrates. Stephens, G.C., Bio-chemical et Biophysica Acta 947:<br />

113-138.<br />

Epidemiology of Toxocara vitulorum in Cattle Around<br />

Bursa, Turkey<br />

Akyol, C.V. J. Helminthol. 61: 13-15.<br />

Epidemiology in Trans fatty acids & coronary hearth<br />

diseases risk, report of the expert panel on trans fatty acids<br />

& coronary hearth diseases<br />

Allison DB . Am J Clin Nutr. 62 : 670s-678s<br />

Epidemiology and medical impact of Dengue hemorrhagic<br />

fever<br />

Monath, T.P. Epidemiology and pathogenesis. WHO<br />

flavivirus meeting in conjunction with<br />

the International Congress of Virology,<br />

Tel Aviv, Israel.<br />

Epidemiology and Control of Fascioliasis Kendall, S.B Acta Veterinaria, Academiae<br />

Scientiarum Hungaricae<br />

epidemiologi and Financial Impact of Fowel cholera in<br />

Turkeys : a retrospective analysis.<br />

Carpenter T.E avian dis<br />

Epidemiolic evidence for vitamin E in prevention of<br />

cardiovascular disease<br />

Stamfer MJ Am J Clin Nutr 62(6):1365S-1369S<br />

Epidemilogy of soybean seed decay by phomopsis and<br />

Diaporthe shuhe spp.<br />

Enzymes of the (i-ketoadipate pathway are in-dueible in<br />

Rhitobium and Agrobacterium spp. and constitutive in<br />

Bradyrhiwbium spp<br />

McGee DC Speed Science Technology 11:719-<br />

729<br />

Parke D J Bacterial 165:288-292.<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Enzymes from microorganisms in extreme environments Adams, M.W.W Chemical & Engineering News. 18<br />

Desember.<br />

Enzymes from microorganisms in extreme environments Adams MWW Chemical & Engineering News.<br />

Enzymes from fish waste with iindustrial application T.R. Patel Abstr. Pap. Am. Chem. Soc. 195Meet.<br />

MBTD 70<br />

Enzymes as silage additives. Silage quality, digestion,<br />

digestibility and performance in growing cattle.<br />

Jacobs, J. L. Grass and Forage Sci.<br />

Enzyme, medium, & reaction engineering to design a loe<br />

cost, selective production method for mono- &<br />

diolyglyicerols<br />

Arcos, JA J Am Oil Chem Soc 73(6) : 673-682<br />

Enzyme technology for the lipid industry: An engineering<br />

overview<br />

Yamane, T J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc<br />

Enzyme supplementation of poultry diet containing rye and<br />

wheat. Br<br />

Petterson, D J. Nutr<br />

Enzyme suplementation of low or high crude protein<br />

concentration diets for broiler chickens<br />

Petterson, D Anim. Prod<br />

Enzyme immunoassays for Salmonella: one-day testing is<br />

now a reality<br />

Swaminathan J. Food Tech.<br />

Enzyme heterozygosity in the scallop placopecten<br />

magellanicus (gmelin) in relation to age and size<br />

Foltz Mar. Biol<br />

Enzyme and Microbial. Zhu, Y.S Technol<br />

Enzyme activity levels in beef: effect of postmortem aging<br />

and end-point cooking temperature<br />

Spanier, A. M. J. Food Sci.<br />

Enzymatic synthesis of structured lipids: transesterification<br />

of triolein and caprilic acid ethyl ester<br />

Huang KH J Am Oil Soc 73(2):245-250<br />

Enzymatic synthesis of structured lipids : transesterification<br />

of triolein and eaprilic acid<br />

Akoh CC J Food Lipids 2:219-230<br />

Enzymatic synthesis of structure lipids : Transesterification<br />

of triolein and caprylic acid<br />

Akoh CC J. Food Lipids 2 : 219-230<br />

Enzymatic synthesis of oleil oleate in dense fluids. Knez L JAOCS 72(11): 1345-1349<br />

Enzymatic synthesis of carbohydrate esters of fatty acid (I)<br />

Esterification of sucrose, glucose, fructose and sorbitol<br />

Seino H JAOCS 61(11):1761-1765<br />

Enzy-matic Release of Antioxidants for Human Low-<br />

Densityy Lipoprotein from Grape Pomace<br />

Enzymatic Reaction in Liquid and Solid Paralfins:<br />

Application for Enzyme-Ba.sed Temperature Abuse<br />

Sensors<br />

Meyer, A.S J Agric Food Chem<br />

Beoriu, C.G., Biotechnol. Bioeng<br />

Enzymatic production of protein hydrolysate for food use. Lahl, W.J. Food Technology:p.69-71.<br />

Enzymatic preparation of monoglycerides in microemulsion Holmberg K J Am Oil Chem Soc 65(9) : 1544-1548<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 527 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Enzymatic Oxidoreduction of Steroids in Two-Phase<br />

Systems: Effects of Organic Solvents on Enzyme Kinetics<br />

and Evaluation of the Performance of Different Reactors<br />

Enzymatic modification of triolein : Incorporation of caproic<br />

and butyric acids to produce reduced calorie structured<br />

lipids.<br />

Enzymatic modification of triolein : incorporation of caproic<br />

and butyric acids to produce reduced calorie structured<br />

lipids<br />

Enzymatic modification of melon seeds oil : Incorporation of<br />

eicosapentaenoic acid.<br />

Enzymatic modification of melon seed oil : Incorporation of<br />

eicosapentaenoic acid<br />

Enzymatic modification of evening primrose oil:<br />

Incorporation of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids<br />

Enzymatic modification of evening primrose oil<br />

incorporation of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.<br />

Enzymatic modification of canola/palm oil mixtures : effeect<br />

on the fluidity of the mixture<br />

Enzymatic modification of canola/palm oil Mixtures : effect<br />

on the fluidity of mixture<br />

Enzymatic hydrolysis ofanimal fats in organic solvents at<br />

temperature below their melting points<br />

Enzymatic hydrolysis of sweet potato for energy saving<br />

production of ethanol.<br />

Enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass from<br />

Onopordum nervosum<br />

Carrea, G., Enzyme Microb. Technol<br />

Fomuso LB J. Am Oil Chem Soc 74(3): 269-272<br />

Fomuso LB J Am Oil Chem Soc 74(3):269-272<br />

Huang KH J Agric Food Chem 42(11) : 2646-<br />

2648<br />

Huang, K.H J. Agric. Food Chem.., 42(11):2646-<br />

2648<br />

Akoh, C.C. J. Am Oil Chem. Soc, 73(8): 1059-<br />

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Wei Cua, J., J. Ferment. Technol. 62:123-130.<br />

Martin C Biotechnol Bioeng 32:41-344.<br />

Enzymatic hydrolysis of crayfisf processing by-product Baek, H. H. J. Food Sci.<br />

Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Cellulose: Evaluation of Cellulose<br />

Culture Filtrates under use conditions<br />

MandeIs, M Biotechnol. Bioeng<br />

Enzymatic hydrolisys of whey protein Schmidt, D.G Net. Milk Dairy J<br />

Enzymatic fat splitting dalam Proceeding world conference<br />

on biotechnology for fats and oils industry<br />

Linfield, W.M JAOCS<br />

Enzymatic cholesterol high performance CHOD-PAP KIT. Frace SA 38240.<br />

Enzymatic catalysis in nonaqueous solvent Zaks, A The Journal of Biol. Chem<br />

Enzymatic biodegradation of polymers reviewed. Timmins M Food, cosmetics & Drug Pack, 9p<br />

Enzymatic amplification of b globin genomic sequences<br />

and restriction sites analysis for diagnosis of sickle cell<br />

anemia.<br />

Saiki, R.K., Science 239: 1350-1354.<br />

Enzootic hepatitis or Rift Valley Fever. An undescribe virus<br />

disease of sheep, cattle and man from East Africa<br />

Daubney, R. J. Pathol. and Bad. 34: 545-579.<br />

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Environmentally induced polymorphism detected by RAPD<br />

analysis of soybean seed DNA<br />

Environmentally friendly technologies for the pulp & paper<br />

industry<br />

Environmental timing and the control of reproduction in<br />

teleost fish.<br />

Environmental Temperature, Energy Metabolism and Heat<br />

Regulation in Sheep.<br />

Environmental stability and adaption of several cotton<br />

cultivars<br />

Environmental Sanitation Infection and Nutritional Status of<br />

Infants in Rural St. Lucia, West Indies<br />

Environmental Sampling of Lead Near a Battery<br />

Reprocessing Factory<br />

Shatter RG Seed Sci. Res 5: 109-116<br />

Young, R.A John Wiley & Sons, Inc.<br />

Scott D.B.C. Fish. Symp. Zool. Soc. 44:105-132.<br />

Graham, N. J. Agric. Sci.<br />

Bilbro JD Crop Sci 6:821-824<br />

Henry, F.J. Trans Roy Soc Trpo Med Hyg., 75:<br />

507-13.<br />

Leung.H.W Bulletin Environ. Contam. Toxicol<br />

Environmental Physiology of Plants Fitter, A.H<br />

Environmental modification of hard red winter wheat flour<br />

protein composition<br />

Graybosch, R.A. J. ofCereal Sci. 22, 45 -51.<br />

Environmental life-cycle inventory of detergent-grade<br />

surfactant sourcing and production<br />

Pittinger CA JAOCS(1):1-15<br />

Environmental Factors In Curd Initiation And Curd Growth Booij. R Netherlands Journal Of Agricultural<br />

Of Cauliflower in The Field<br />

Science<br />

Environmental efects on the CO2 flux and CO2 water flux<br />

ratio of alfalfa<br />

Baldocchi DD Agic Meteorol, 24:175-184<br />

Environmental efects on the CO2 flux and CO2 water flux<br />

ratio of alfalfa<br />

Baldocchi DD Agic Meteorol, 24:175-184<br />

Environmental Economics and Responsibility Sarokin David Journal Of Environmental<br />

Conservation<br />

Environmental control of reproduction in perinereis nuntia<br />

var. brevicirrus<br />

Hardege, J.D J, Mar. Biol<br />

Environmental compatibility of chromium-containing<br />

tannery and other leather product wastes at land disposal<br />

sites.<br />

Rutland, F. H. JALCA<br />

Environmental Compatibility of Chromium-Containing<br />

Tannery and Other Leather Product Wastes at Land<br />

Disposal Sites<br />

Environmental compatibility of chromium-containing<br />

tannery and other leather product waste at land disposal<br />

site<br />

Rutland, F. H. JALCA<br />

Rutland, F. H. JALCA<br />

Environmental Aspect of Intensive Poultry Production. Middelkoop, K. Would Poultry Sci. J.<br />

Environmental Aspect of Intensive Poultry Production. Middelkoop, K. Would Poultry Sci. J.<br />

Environmental and genotype-environmental component of<br />

variability III, Multiple lines and crosses<br />

Perkins JM Heredity 23 : 339-356<br />

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Environmental and Genetic Determination of Reproduction<br />

in The House Sparrow: A Transplant Experiment<br />

Environmental and Genetic Determinants of<br />

Reproduction in The House Sparrow: A Transplant<br />

Experiment<br />

Krogstad, S. J. Evol. Biol. 9: 979-991.<br />

Krogstad, S. J. Evol. Biol. 9:979-991.<br />

Enteroendocrine cells in sheep fetuses Ceccareli P Small Rumin.Res<br />

Enrichment of y-linolenic acid from borage oil via lipase<br />

catalyzed reaction<br />

Huang FC J Am Oil Chem Soc 74(8):977-981<br />

Enrichment of y-linolenic acid evening primrose and borage<br />

oil faty acids via lipase catalyzed hydrolysis<br />

Rahmatullah MSKS J Am Oil Chem Soc 71(6):563-567<br />

Enrichment of polyunsaturated fatty acids with Geotrichum<br />

candidum Lipase<br />

Shimada, Y JAOCS<br />

Enlarge thyroid glands in cattle grazing Leucaena pastures. Jones, R.J., Trop. Grass Lands. 10: 113-116.<br />

Enjoy your fruits and vegetables fEditorials Gillman, M.W BMJ.<br />

Enhanched plant regeneration in pearl millet (Pennisetum<br />

typhoideum Rich)by ethylene inhibitors and cefotaxime<br />

Enhancement of the resistance of carp Cyprinus carpio to<br />

experimental Edwardsiella tarda infection, by some b-1,3glucans.<br />

Enhancement of resistance againt Enterococcus sehlicida<br />

infection in yellowtail, Sen'ola quinqueradiata (Temminck &<br />

Schlegel), by oral administration of peptidoglycan darived<br />

from Bifidobacterium thermophylum.<br />

Enhancement of non-specific diseases resistance in<br />

atlantic salmon (Salnio so/or L) by a glucan from<br />

Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell-walls.<br />

Enhancement of non-specific disease resistance in Atlantic<br />

Salmon, Salrno salar L., by glucan from Saccaromyces cereuisiae<br />

cell walls.<br />

Enhancement of non - specific disease resistance in<br />

Atlantic salmon , salmo salar L.,by a glucan from<br />

saccharomyes cerevisidae cell walls<br />

Enhancement of lipase production during fed-batch<br />

cultivation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa MB 5001<br />

Enhancement of Iron Absorption from Ligated Segments of<br />

Rat Intestine by Histidine, Cysteine and Lysisne : Effects of<br />

Removing Ionizing Groups and of Stereoisomerism<br />

Enhancement of Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Cellulose by<br />

Surfactant<br />

Pius J Plant Cell, Tissue and organ culture 32<br />

:91-96<br />

Yano, T., Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi. 55(10):1815-<br />

1819.<br />

Itami, T., J. of Fish Diseases. 19:185-187.<br />

Robertsen, B., J. of Fish Diseases. 13: 391.<br />

Robertsen, B., J. of Fish Diseases, 13: 391-400.<br />

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Chartrain, M J. Ferment. Bioeng<br />

Van Campen, D. J. Nutr. 103:139.<br />

Ooshima, H Biotechnol. Bioeng<br />

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Enhancement of cell division in Marchantia protoplast<br />

culture by activated charcoal. Z. Pflanzenphysiol.<br />

Enhanced responsivenes to insulin in sheep exposed to<br />

cold<br />

Enhanced Production of Cellulose. Hemi-Cellulose and<br />

Glycosidase by T reesei Rut-C30<br />

Enhanced production of 5-aminolevulinic acid by repeated<br />

addition of levulinic acid and supplement of precursors in<br />

photoheterotrophic culture of Rhodobacter sphaeroides<br />

Enhanced plant regeneration in pearl millet (P. typhoideum<br />

Rich) by ethylene inhibitors & cefotaxime<br />

Enhanced of carbaryl and carbofuran by soil<br />

microorganisme<br />

Enhanced NaCI Stress Tolerance in Transgenic Tobacco<br />

Expressing Bacterial Choline Dehydroge-nase<br />

Enhanced NaCI Stress Tolerance in Transgenic Tobacco<br />

Expressing Bacterial Choline Dehydrogenase<br />

Enhanced NaCI Stress Tolerance in Transgenic Tobacco<br />

Expressing Bacterial Choline Dehydrogenase<br />

Enhanced hydrogen production in altered mixed acid<br />

fermentation of glucose by Enterobacter aerogenes<br />

Enhanced Growth Of Wheat and Soybean Plants<br />

Inoculated With Azospirilum Brasilense is Not Necessarily<br />

Due To General EnHancement of Mineral Uptake<br />

Enhanced first feeding of habitat larvae (Hyppoglossus<br />

hyppoglossus L.) in green water<br />

Enhanced degradation of iprodione and vinclozolin in soil :<br />

A Simple clorimetric test for identification of raid degrading<br />

soils<br />

Enhanced control of listeriamonocytogenes by in situ-<br />

pruduced pediocin during dry fermented sausage<br />

production.<br />

Enhanced absorption of calcium by casein<br />

phosphopeptides in rachitic and normal chicks<br />

Enhanced a-amilase production in recombinant Bacillus<br />

brevis by Fed- batch culture with amino acid control.<br />

Sugawara, Y., Bd. 109.S. 275-278.<br />

Weekes, T. E. C. Am. J. Physiol<br />

Tangnu, S.K Biotech. Bioeng<br />

Sasaki, K. J. Ferment. Bioeng. 6:403-406.<br />

Pius, J Plant Cell, tissue & organ culture 32 :<br />

91-96<br />

Roche K.D J. Agric. Food Chem<br />

Lilius, G. J. Biotechnol., 14:177-180<br />

Lilius, G. Biotechnol. 14:177-180<br />

Lilius G. Biotechnol. 14: 177-180.<br />

Rachman MA J Ferment Bioeng 83:358-363.<br />

Bashan. Y App. Environment Microbiol<br />

Naas, K.E. Aquaculture, 105: 143-156.<br />

Walker, A Pestic. Sci<br />

Foegeding, P.M. Appl. And Environment Micro Bial.<br />

Mykkanen, H.M J. Nutr<br />

Park Y.S., J.Biotechnol. Bioengin. 49: 36-44.<br />

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Enhaced Mineral Uptake by Zea Mays and Sorghum<br />

Bicolor Roots Inoculated with a Brasilense<br />

Engineering the provitamin A (P-carotene) biosynthetic<br />

pathway into (carotcnoid-free) rice endosperm<br />

Lin. W App. Environment Microbiol<br />

Ye, X. Science 287:303-305.<br />

Engineering diseases and pest resistance in plants. Dempsey, D.A., Trends Microbiol. 6: 54-61.<br />

Energy Utilization by Broiler Chicken as Affected by<br />

Variuos Fats and Fat Levels.<br />

Brue, R. N. Poult. Sci.<br />

Energy saving alcohol fermentation of starchy materials<br />

without precooking.<br />

Ueda, S., Microbial Utilization of Renewable<br />

Resources. 4:58-69.<br />

Energy Requirement in Mechanical Chipping of Tapioca. Visvanathan.R, J.Fd. Sci. Technol. Vol.27,No.4,191-<br />

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Energy nutrition and metabolism of the lactating dairy cows Cappock, C. E. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Energy Metabolism and Requirements in Laying Hens. Chwalibog, A. World's Poultry Science Association,<br />

Proceeding of the 11th European<br />

Symposium on Poultry Nutrition<br />

Energy metabolism and amino acids transport during the<br />

early development of Antartic and temperate echinoderms.<br />

Energy metabolishm and related thermoregulatory reaction<br />

to thermal stress in 10 C and 27 C acclimated heifers<br />

Shilling, F.M., Biol. Bull. 187: 398-407.<br />

Kibler HH Res.Bull<br />

Energy Intake And Physical Activity In Obese Children Wilkinson. P Br. J. Prev. Soc. Med<br />

Energy exchange of boilers, selected for fatness and<br />

leanness, on diets with and without a repartioning agent<br />

Aijun, Y. Brit. Poult. Sci.<br />

Energy Efficiency Of a Solar Drying System Tiris. C Int. Journal Of Energy Research<br />

Energy contributions of volatile fatty acids from the<br />

gastrointestinal tract in various species<br />

Berginan, E.N. Physiol. Rev. 70:567-590.<br />

Energy balance and size and number of ovarian follicles<br />

detected by ultrasonography in early post partum dairy<br />

cows<br />

Lucy, M. C. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Energy allowances and Feeding System for Ruminant. MAFF. Technical Bulletin 33.<br />

Energi Geothermal dan Masalah Pemilihan Bahan pada<br />

PLTP<br />

Lapian, E.J., Bul. BPPT<br />

Energi and Protein Requrements of Laying Hens Summer, J.O Poutt.Sci<br />

Energetics,body size, and the limits of endothermy McNab BK J.Zool<br />

Energetics of body tissue mobilization Moe PW J.Dairy Sci<br />

Energetic relationships and biogeographical differences<br />

amongs fecundity, growth and reproduction in the reef coral<br />

Pocillopora damicornis.<br />

Richmond, R.H. Bull Mar. Sci. 41: 594-604.<br />

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Endrocrine Responses of Goats After Induction of<br />

Superovulation with PMSG and FSH.<br />

Endothelin-3 stimulates production of endothelium-derived<br />

nitric oxide via phosphoinositide breakdown<br />

Endosymbiosis of Aphids with Microorganisms: a Model<br />

Case Dynamic Endosymbiotic Evolution<br />

Endosperm Characteristics Associated With rate of Grain<br />

Filling and Kernel size in Corn<br />

Endophetic beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin in<br />

corn : the influence of plant growth stage and Ostrinia<br />

nubillalis (Hubner)<br />

Amstrong, D. T. J. Reprod. Fert.<br />

Emori, R. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 174:<br />

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Fukatsu, T. Plant Species Biol. 9:145-154.<br />

Reddy, V.M Maydica<br />

Anonymous, Biocontrol Sci. technol.,2: 39-47<br />

Endomycorrhizal Fungi In Soils Under Rubber. Ikram, A J. Rubb. Res. Inst. Malaysia<br />

Endometrial changes after administration of gossypol for<br />

menorrhagia<br />

Fen, C. K. Am. J. Gynecol.<br />

Endogenous polyamine content during in vivo maturation<br />

and in vitro culture of maize pollen<br />

Santos M Plant Growth Regul 16:19-26.<br />

Endogenous Allantoin Excretion in Response to Changes<br />

in Protein Supply in Sheep.<br />

Chen, X. B. J. Nutr.<br />

Endogeneus indoles and the biosynthesis and metabolism<br />

of indole-3-aceic acid in cultures of rhizobium phseoli.<br />

Erstsen, A. Planta<br />

Endocytosis In absorptive cells of cutlured human smallintestinal<br />

issue: Horse-radish Peroxidase, Lactoperoxidase<br />

and Ferritine as markers<br />

Blok, J Cell Tissue Res 216: 1-13.<br />

Endocrinological screening of embryo transfer recipient, a<br />

review of research with cattle<br />

Britt, J. H. Theriogenology<br />

Endocrine responses of goats after induction of<br />

superovulation with PMSG and FSH.<br />

Amstrong, D.T. J. Reprod. Fert.<br />

Endocrine responses of goats after induction of<br />

superovulation with PMSG and FSH<br />

Armstrong DT J. Reprod. Fert<br />

Endocrine Regulation of Puberty in Cows and Ewes Kinder, J.E J. Reproduction and Fertility Suppl<br />

Endocrine regulation of fetal growth Fowden, A. L. Reprod. Fertil. Dev.<br />

Endocrine cells in the gastrointestinal tract of the cat Kitamura.N Biomed.Res<br />

Endocrine and ovarian responses associated with the first<br />

wave dominant follicle in cattle.<br />

Badinga, L. Biol. Reprod.<br />

Endochrine and neural control of estrus in dairy of estrus in<br />

dairy cows.<br />

Allrich, R.D. J. Dairy. Sci.<br />

Endimic Goitre With Iodine Sufficiency a Possible Role For<br />

The Etilogy Of Endemic Goitre<br />

Elnour. A.L American Journal Clinical Nitritional<br />

Endemic Goiter With Iodine Suffciency : A Possible Role<br />

For The Consumption Of Pearl Millet In The Etiology Of<br />

Endemic Goiter<br />

Elnour. A.L Am. J. Clin. Nutr<br />

Encapsulation of Potential Biocontrol Agents in an Alginate-<br />

Clay Matrix<br />

Fravel. D.R Phytophatology<br />

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Enbryogenic protoplats cultures of orenge jassamine<br />

(Murraya paniculata) and the their regenaration into plant<br />

flowering in vitro.<br />

Empulur Ampas Tebu sebagai Pengganti Onggok dalam<br />

Ransum Sapi Potong.<br />

Empirican relationship for marine primary production: the<br />

effect of environmental variables.<br />

Emisi gas formaldehida dari beberapa tingkat ketebalan<br />

kayu lapis.<br />

EMF and ELF Fact Sheet, Electrotechnic, Vol. 75, pp 255-<br />

260.<br />

Emergence Seedling Growth And Yield Of Sweet Corn<br />

After Pregermination At High Temperature<br />

Emergence and dispersal of margarodes meridionalts<br />

(Homoptera : Coccoidea) in hibrid bermuda grass<br />

Emergence and dispersal of margarodes meridionalts<br />

(Homoptera : Coccoidea) in hibrid bermuda grass<br />

Jumin.H. B. Plant Cell. Tiss. Org. Cult .41:277-279<br />

Wardhani, N. K. Buletin BP3G.<br />

La Fontaine. Y. Oceanologica acta. 9 (1) :65-72<br />

Kliwon, S.<br />

Grotel E. EMF and ELF Fact Sheet,<br />

Electrotechnic, Vol. 75, pp 255-260.<br />

Gubbels. G.H Canadian Journal Of Plant Science<br />

Hoffman E J. Econ Entomol 6 (1) : 1668-1671<br />

Hoffman E J. Econ Entomol 6 (1) : 1668-1671<br />

Embryonic development and fetal growth Dziuk, P. J. Anim. Reprod. Sci.<br />

Embryogenic protoplast cultures of orange jessamine<br />

(Murraya Panicullata) and their regeneration into plant<br />

flowering in vitro<br />

Jumin, H.B Plant Cell. Tiss. Org. Cult<br />

Embryogenic protoplast cultures of orange jessamine<br />

(Murraya paniculata) and their regeneration into plant<br />

flowering in vitro.<br />

Embryo-genesis of gymnospermeae: advances in synthetic<br />

seed teehnology of conifers<br />

Embryogenesis in reciprocal crosses of Arachis hypogaea<br />

cv No. 6 with a duranesis and A. stenosperma<br />

Embryogenesis & plant regeneration from microspore of<br />

both indica & japonica rice (O. sativa)<br />

Embryogenese somatique de cacaoyer Theobroma cacao<br />

L. a portir de pieces florale. C.R.<br />

Jumin, H. B. Plant Cell Tiss. Org. Cult.<br />

Attree, S.M. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture<br />

(Review article). 68: 30-34.<br />

Pattee, H. E. Int. J. Plant Sci.<br />

Datta, SK Plant Science 67:83-88<br />

Lopez-Baez, O., Acad. Sci. Paris, Sciences dala<br />

vie/Life Sciences 316: 579-584.<br />

Embryo transfer in goats Pandiya, S.C. Indian Vet. J.<br />

Embryo Transfer in Cattle Mohan. G.E. the Ayrhire Journal<br />

Embryo morfology, developmental rates and maternal age<br />

are correlated with chromosome abnormalities<br />

Munne S Fertil.Steril<br />

Embriogenesis somatik pada kelapa sawit untuk<br />

perbanyakan secara invitro klon unggul<br />

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Elongation and desaturation of dietary fatty acid in Turbot<br />

(Scopthalamun maximus) and rainbow trout.<br />

Elite selection of tuber-bearing Solanum species<br />

germplasm.<br />

Owen, J.M., Lipid, 10:258-271.<br />

Bamberg, J.B., Inter-Regional Potato Introduction<br />

Station, NRSP-6, Wisconsin, Madison,<br />

USA.<br />

Elimination of E. coli 0157:h7 in meat by gamma irradiation Thayer, D. W. Appl. Environ. Microbiol.<br />

Elicitor-stimulation of monoterpene indole alkaloid<br />

formation in suspension cultures of Catharaitthus roseus<br />

Elicitors: their significance and primary modes of action in<br />

the induction of plant defense reactions<br />

Elicitor Stimulation of Monoterpene Indole Alkaloid in<br />

Suspension Culture of Catharanthus roseus<br />

Elicitation of anthocyanin production in cell cultures of<br />

carrot (Daucus carota L.) by using elicitors and abiotic<br />

stress<br />

Elicitation of Anthocyanin Production in Cell Cultures of<br />

Carrot (Daucus carota L.) by Using Elicitors and Abiotic<br />

Stress<br />

Elevated levels of superoxide dismutase protect transgenic<br />

plants against ozone damage.<br />

Elevated levels of dietary ascorbic acid Increase immune<br />

responses in Channel Calfish<br />

Elevated levels of ascorbic acid increase immune<br />

responses in channel catfish<br />

Elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration effects<br />

interactions between Spodoplera exigua<br />

(l,epidoptera:Noctuidae) larva and two host plant species<br />

outdoors<br />

Elektron Mikroskopi dan Imunogenisitas Baculovirus Orytes<br />

Isolat Yogyakarta<br />

Electrophoretic variation of isozymes in plumule of rice<br />

(Oryza sativa L.) a key to identification of 76 alleles to 24<br />

loci.<br />

Electrophoretic Patterns of European Cheese : Comparison<br />

and Quantitation<br />

Electrophoretic analysis of selected isozymes in BBcultivars<br />

of Philippine bananas<br />

Eilert, U. J. Plant Physiol. 126:11-22.<br />

Yoshikawa, M. Plant Cell Physiol. 34:1163-1173.<br />

Eilert, U. J. Plant Physiology. 126:11-22.<br />

Suvarnalatha, G. Biotech. Lett. 16:1275-1280.<br />

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Caulfidd, F. Environ Enlomol 23:999-1005<br />

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Glaszmann, J.C., IRRI Research Paper Series 134.<br />

Marcos, A J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Espino RRC Jarret RL (ed). Identification of Genetic<br />

Diversity in the Genus Musa. INIBAP.<br />

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Electrophoretic characterization of strawberry cultivars. Bringhurst. R.S., J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 106 (5): 684-<br />

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Electrophoresis Identification of raw and cooked shrimp<br />

using various protein fraction System<br />

Electronic sensing and interpretation of dough properties<br />

using a 35-g mixograph.<br />

Electron microscopic studies on the ultrastructure of<br />

curdlan and other polysaccharides in gels used in foods<br />

Electrofusion for production of somatic hybrid plants of<br />

Solanum melongena L. Solanum khasianum C.B. Clark.<br />

Electroejaculator and semen evaluation of wapiti. Dalam<br />

Biological Deer Reproduction. Edt. P.F. Fennessy and K.R.<br />

Drew<br />

Electrochemical properties of some Oxisols and Alfosols of<br />

the tropics<br />

Electrochemical properties of some Oxisols and Alfisols of<br />

the tropics<br />

AN, H. J. Food Sci. 53: 313-318.<br />

Gras, P.W. Cereal Foods World 35.568-571.<br />

Harada T. Food structure, 10: 1-18.<br />

Sihachakr, D., Plant Sci. 57: 215-223.<br />

High, C Bulletin 22. The Royal Society of New<br />

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Van Raij, B Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc<br />

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Electrical stimulation of rabbit and lamb carcass. Bendall J. Sci. Fd. Agric.<br />

Electrical of Calf Carcasses: Response of Various Muscles<br />

to Different Waveforms.<br />

Bouton, P. E. A Research Note. J. Food. Sci.<br />

Electrical Occupations and Neurodegenerative Disease: Savitz D.A. Arch. Environ. Health 53 (1): 71-74.<br />

Analysis of U.S Mortality Data<br />

University of North Carolina, USA.<br />

Elastisitas pangan hasil ternak dan kontribusinya thd<br />

konsumsi pangan rumah tangga. Studi kasus di kabupaten<br />

rembang. Jawa Tengah<br />

El Nine-Southern Oscillation 1982-83: nearshore<br />

population, community, and ecosystem responses<br />

Ekstraksi komponen kimia daun katuk asal Sulawesi<br />

Selatan berbagai metode serta penelitian daya hambat<br />

terhadap bakteri uji<br />

Ekstraksi komponen kimia daun katuk asal Sulawesi<br />

Selatan berbagai metode serta penelitian daya hambat<br />

terhadap bakteri uji<br />

Mukson<br />

Glynn PW Ann Rev Ecol Systemat 19:309-345.<br />

Darise, M. Warta Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia 3<br />

(3): 37-38.<br />

Darise, M. Warta Tumbuhan Obat 3 (3): 37-38.<br />

Ekstraksi kepala udang menjadi flavour udang cair. Saleh, M.,<br />

Ekstraksi dan analisis kimia ekstrak akar rimpang alangalang<br />

(Imperata cylindrica L). Beauv.<br />

Ardi.<br />

Eksplorasi dan studi keragaman tanaman manggis<br />

(Garcinia mangostana L) di Sumbar : I. Karakteristik<br />

kuantitatif antar tanaman pada populasi manggis dari<br />

berbagai lokasi<br />

Mansyah E Penelitian Hortikultura 5(1): 1-15<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 536 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Eksplorasi dan Studi Keragaman Manggis (Garcinia<br />

Mangostana L.) di Sumatera Barat: Karakter Kuantitaif<br />

antar Tanaman Pada Populasi Manggis di Berbagai Lokasi<br />

Eksplorasi dan Studi Keragaman Manggis (Garcinia<br />

Mangostana L.) di Sumatera Barat: Karakter Kuantitaif<br />

antar Tanaman Pada Populasi Manggis di Berbagai Lokasi<br />

Mansyah Majalah Penelitian Hortikultura<br />

Mansyah Majalah Penelitian Hortikultura<br />

Eksploarasi plasma nuftah abaca di daerah Lampung<br />

Selatan<br />

Heliyanto B Bull. Tembakau dan Serat 4: 7-9<br />

Ekskresi derivat purin endogen pada sapi potong dan sapi<br />

perah<br />

Chuzaemi, S. Jurnal ilmu-ilmu hayati<br />

Ekonomi Produksi Pertanian Toeri dan Aplikasi. Semaoen, I. Ikatan Sarjana Ekonomi Indonesia<br />

Cabang Jakarta, Jakarta<br />

Ekologi reproduksi ikan terubuk di perairan Bengkalis,<br />

Riau.<br />

Ahmad, M., Jurnal Perikanan dan Kelautan 1: 2-19<br />

Ekologi dan biologi perikanan reservat Danau Batu<br />

Bumbun, Kalimantan Timur.<br />

Sarnita, A<br />

eknologi Pemanasan nira Tebu Dengan Cara Kontak<br />

Langsung, Teori dan Pertimbangan Pemanfaatannya<br />

Bahri Subhanuel Gula Indonesia XXIII (2)<br />

Eithin-Season Variability of Bicarbonate Exractable<br />

Phosphorus in Wheat Soil.<br />

Jessop. R.S Australia Journal. Soil. Res<br />

Eight new somatic hybrid citrus rootstocks with potential for<br />

inproveddisease resistence.<br />

Eliezer .S. Science Hortic. 27: 1033-1036<br />

Eicosapentaenoic Acid Production from Microorganism: A<br />

Review<br />

Bajpai, P. J. of Biotechnol, 30: 161-183.<br />

Eggs of stored-product lepidoptera as hosts for<br />

Trichogramma evanescens (Hym.: Trichogrammatidae)<br />

Brower, J.H. Entomophaga. 28(4): 355-362.<br />

Eggs development and early larval rearing of red grouper<br />

(Epinephelus akaaia Temminck&Schlegel). Quart.<br />

Egg weight, shape index and hatchability an khaki<br />

chambell duck eggs<br />

Egg Weight, Batch Size and Fecundity of the Spotted Stalk<br />

Borer, Chilo partellus in relation to Weight of Females and<br />

Time of Oviposition.<br />

Egg Shell Quality Medullary Bone Ash, Intestinal Calsium<br />

and Phosporus Absorption and Calsium Binding Protein in<br />

Phosphorus Deficient Hens.<br />

Egg quality of some purebred chichens their crosses in the<br />

subtropice<br />

Tseng, W.Y. J. Taiwan Mus., 32:209-219.<br />

Reddy PH Indian J P Sci 15:259-264<br />

Berger A Entomol<br />

Bar, A. Poult. Sci.<br />

AlRawi, B. A. Poultry Sci<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 537 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Egg Quality 2. Albumen Quality of egg from five comersial<br />

strains of White Leghorn hen juring one year of lay<br />

Egg parasitism of the yellow rice borer. Tryporyza<br />

incertulas (Walker) at Joy Deveour Bangladesh<br />

Egg parasitism of the yellow rice borer tryporyza incertulas<br />

(Walker) atjoy Deveur Bangladesh<br />

Egg parasitism of the yellow rice borer tryporyza incertulas<br />

(Walker) atjoy Deveur Bangladesh<br />

Egg cholesterol values in rela-tion to the age of laying hens<br />

and yolk weights<br />

Egg and nymphal parasites of rice leafhopper and<br />

planthopper. A result of field studies in Taiwan in 1979<br />

(Part I)<br />

Efisiensi sistim tataniaga rotan di Kalimantan Timur. Astana, S.<br />

Efisiensi reproduksi & produksi kambing peranakan ettawa<br />

pada berbagai tatalaksana perkawinan<br />

Efisiensi radiasi surya dan pengaruh naungan terhadap<br />

padi gogo<br />

Efisiensi produksi dan sistem distribusi benih unggul<br />

kedelai di Jawa Tengah<br />

Efisiensi penggunaan pupuk kandang pada usaha tani<br />

lombok<br />

Efisiensi pemupukan N dengan inokulasi Azospirillum pada<br />

tanaman padi sawah dan padi gogo<br />

Efisiensi Pemasaran Buah Mangga di Kecamatan<br />

Sekotong Tengah : Suatu Aplikasi Metoda SCP<br />

Efikasi klorpyrifos dan sipermetrin terhadap rayap tanah<br />

Coptotermes sp.<br />

Efikasi berbagai konsentrasi emulsi ekstrak daun nimba<br />

(Azadirachta indica A.Juss) dan daun mindi (Melia<br />

azedarach L) terhadap Setothosea asigna Van Ecke.<br />

Efikasi Bahan Pengawet Lentrek 400 EC dan Sarmix 1200<br />

AS Terhadap Rayap Tanah Melalui Uji Kuburan (Grave<br />

Yard Test).<br />

Effisient medium scale chormatographic group Separation<br />

of anacardic acid from solvent extracted chasew nut<br />

(anacardium ocidentale) shell liquid<br />

Doyon, G Poult. Sci<br />

Catling, H.D. J. Zool. 7(1): 31-40.<br />

Catling HD Journal Zool 7 (1):p 31-40<br />

Catling HD Journal Zool 7 (1):p 31-40<br />

Jiang, Z Poultry Sci<br />

Miura Esakia.(16): 39-50.<br />

Setiadi B Jurnal Ilmu ternak & veteriner 2(4):233-<br />

236<br />

Las, I.<br />

Malian AH Penelitian Pertanian. hal (56-61),<br />

Balittan Bogor<br />

Adiyoga, W. Bul. Penel. Hort.<br />

Hastuti, R.D.<br />

Usman. A<br />

Sutarman<br />

Ginting, CU<br />

Padlinurjaji, I.M. Buletin Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Hutan<br />

II(2):20-25.<br />

Nagabhushana,<br />

K.S.<br />

J. Agric. Food Chem. 43: 2381 - 2383<br />

Efficient weed management Fee CG the Planter kuala lumpur 73 (861) :<br />

645-670<br />

Efficient weed management Chung GF The Planter, Kuala Lumpur 73 (861):<br />

645-670<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 538 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Efficient selection of potato heterokaryon by flow cytometric<br />

sorting and regeneration of hybrid plants.<br />

Efficient production of thermostable Thermus thermophilns<br />

xylose isomerase in Escherichia coli and Bacillus brevis<br />

Waara, S., Euphytica 101: 293-299.<br />

Dekker, K. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 36:1-66.<br />

Efficiënt plant regeneration from petiole protoplasts of<br />

sweet potato cv "Genki".<br />

Wang, J„ Plant Biotechnol. 15 (l): 41-43.<br />

Efficient fertilizer use Barber, S.A. Agron. Res. for Food, ASA, Spec.<br />

Publ. Bull.<br />

Efficiënt embryogenic callus formation in sweet potato<br />

(Ipomoea batatas L. Lam.)<br />

Otani, M., Breed. Sci. 46: 257-260.<br />

Efficient Compliance With Agricultural Nitrate Pollution<br />

Standards<br />

Moxey Andrews Journal Of Agricultural Economics<br />

Efficiency With Costly Information: A Study of Mutual Fund<br />

Performance, 1965 –1984.<br />

Ippolito Quarterfy Journal of Economy<br />

Efficiency of Nitrogen Utilization by Pregnant West African<br />

Dwarf Goats Fed Various Levels of Crude Protein in The<br />

Diet.<br />

Osuagwuh, A. I. A. Small Ruminant Research.<br />

Efficiency of direct immersion vaccination of Ayu<br />

Plecoglossus altivelis with Vibrio angillarum bacteria<br />

Efficiency of Beauveria bassiana (Bals) Vuill., B. brongiartii<br />

(Sacc) Petch. And granulose virus on Diatraea saccharalis<br />

(F., 1974) at different temperatures<br />

Efficiency in the use of P, N and K in topless faba beans<br />

(Vicia faba L) - Variability and inheritance<br />

Efficasy of Trichoderma harzianum as a biocontrol for<br />

Sclerotium rolfsii<br />

Efficacy of vaccination against vibriosis in cultured Kuruma<br />

Prawn Penaeus japonicus<br />

Efficacy of gamma irradiation in preventing moldiness and<br />

preserving the nutritional value of corn grain for boiler<br />

chicks.<br />

Efficacy of Fungicide XXXVI. Relative Evaluation of Various<br />

Postharvest Chemical Treatments Against Spolige Banana<br />

Fruits Caused By Culvularia Iunata<br />

Efficacy of a granulosis virus on the control of potato tuber<br />

moth, Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller) (Gelechiidae :<br />

Lepidoptera) infesting potatoes in Bangladesh<br />

Efficacy and permanency of ammonia treatment in<br />

reducing aflatoxin levels in corn<br />

K. Kawano Fish Pathology 16<br />

Lecuona, R. E. J. Appl. Ent.<br />

Stelling D Plant Breeding 115:361-366<br />

Well, H. D. Phytopathology<br />

T. Itami J. of Aqua. Anim. Health 3<br />

Paster, N. Poultry Sci., 70, 823 - 829<br />

Ram. V. Indian Phytopathology<br />

Ali, M.I. Bangladesh J. Zoll. 19: 141-143.<br />

Weng, S.Y. Food Additives and Contaminants<br />

11:649-658.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 539 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effet de la texture sur la stockage et la dynamique de la<br />

matiere organique dans quelques sols Ferrugineux et<br />

Ferralitiques<br />

Effet de la texture sur la stockage et la dynamique de la<br />

matiere organique dans quelque sols Ferrugineux et<br />

Ferralitiques<br />

Feller, C. Cah., ORSTOM, ser. Ped. 26: 25-36.<br />

Feller, C. Cah., ORSTOM, set. Ped. 26: 25-36.<br />

Effed of selected browning inhibitors on phenolic<br />

metabolism in stem tissue of haivested lettuce<br />

Barberan, F.A.T J. Agric. Food Chem, 45 583-589.<br />

Effects on Oestrus Duration of West African Dwarf Goats Akusu, M.O Small Ruminants Research<br />

Effects on moonlight on tej vertical migration patterns of<br />

demersal zoopalnkton<br />

Effects on egg production of including high residual lipid<br />

copra in laying hen diets<br />

Effects ofpH on the formation of flavour compounds<br />

ofdisruped garlic<br />

Effects oflow voltage electrical stimulation during<br />

exanguination on meat quality and display colour stability<br />

Alldredge, A.L Jurnal of Experimental Marine Biology<br />

dan Ecology<br />

Panigrahi, S. Bri. Poult. Sci. 30: 305-312.<br />

Yu, T. H J. Chrom<br />

Unruh, J.A., Meat Science<br />

Effects ofdietary fish oil on calcium in rat platelets Podczasy, J J Nutr. Biochem<br />

Effects ofammoniation oftail fescue on phenolic<br />

composition. feed intake, site and extent of nutrient<br />

digestion and ruminal dilution rates of steers<br />

Chesnut. A.B J. Anim. Sci<br />

Effects of Zone Pellucida, agar Embedding, and Culture on<br />

The Survival of Micromanipulated Bovine Embryos After<br />

Freezing and Thawing<br />

Picard, L. J. In Vitro Fertil.<br />

Effects of zeolite a or clipnotilolite in diets of growing swine. Shurson, G. C. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Effects of zeolite A or clinoptilolite in diets of growing swine Shurson, G.C J.Anim.Sci 59<br />

Effects of yeast culture and a oryzae extract on milk yield in<br />

a commercial dairy herd<br />

Effects of wounding on glucosinolates in the cotyledones of<br />

oilseed rape and mustard<br />

Effects of whole cottonseed, cottonseed oil or animal fat on<br />

digestibility of wheat straw diets by steers<br />

Effects of whole cottonseed, cottonseed oil or animal fat on<br />

digestibility of wheat straw diets by steers<br />

Effects of Weaning, Feeding System and Sex of Lamb on<br />

Lamb Carcass Characteristics and Palatability.<br />

Effects of watre quality, antibiotics, phytoplankton and food<br />

on survival and development of larvae of Scylla serrata<br />

(Crustacea : Portunidae)<br />

Higginbotham, G. E. J. Dairy Science<br />

Bodnaryk, R.P. Phytochemislry 31:, 2671-2677.<br />

Moore, J.A. J. Anim. Sci., 63: 1267-1273.<br />

Moore, J.A. J. Anim.Sci., 63:1267-1273.<br />

Summers, R. L. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

R.W. Brick Aquaculture<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 540 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effects of water quality, antibiotics, phytoplankton and food<br />

on survival and development of larvae of Scylla serrata<br />

(Crustacea:Portuniclae).<br />

Effects of Vesicullar Arbuscullar Mycorrizal Fungi on The<br />

Relations of Plant Growth, Internal Phosporus<br />

Concentration and Soil Phospate Analysis<br />

Effects of various treatment on while spot syndrome virus<br />

(WSSV) from Penaeus monodon (Japan) and Penaeus<br />

monodon (Thailand).<br />

Effects of ultraviolet-B exposure of Arahidopsis lhaliana on<br />

herhivory by two cruciferleeding insects (Lepidoptera)<br />

Effects of trimming and added connective tissue on<br />

compositional, physical and sensory properties of<br />

restuctured precooked beef roasts<br />

Effects of trehalose and sucrose, osmolality of the freezing<br />

medium, and cooling rate on viability and intacness of bull<br />

sperm after freezing and thawing<br />

Effects of Tree Litter on Herbaceous Vegetation in<br />

Decideous Woodland II. An Experimental Investigation<br />

Effects of translaminar versus conventional insecticides on<br />

Liriomyza huidobrensis (Diptera: Agromyzidae) and<br />

Diglyphusisaea (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) population in<br />

celery.<br />

Effects of topical medications on the healing of open pad<br />

wounds in dogs<br />

Effects of timing & duration of resticted feeding on<br />

compensatory growth in broilers<br />

Effects of Time Limited Calcium Meal Upon Food and<br />

Calcium Ingesti and Egg Quality<br />

Effects of Tillage on Trifluralin Residues Carryover Injury to<br />

Corn (Zea Mays)<br />

Effects of tillage and rainfall simulation date on water and<br />

soil losses.<br />

Effects of Three Dinitroaniline Herbicides on Rice (Oryza<br />

Sative) Growth<br />

Brick, R.W. Aquaculture 3:231-244.<br />

Stribley.D.P J. Soil.Sci<br />

Maeda, M., Fish Pathol. 33: 381-387.<br />

Grant-Pctcrson, .1. Environ. Entomol 25:135-142<br />

Liu, C. W. J. Food Sci.<br />

Woelders, H. Cryobiology 35: 93 -105.<br />

Sydes.C Journal Of Ecology<br />

Weintraub PG J Econ Entomol<br />

Swaim S.F. J. Am. Anim. Hosp. Assoc. 28: 499-<br />

502.<br />

Washburn KW Poult Sci 57 : 1013-1021<br />

Sauveur, B Brit. Poult. Sci.<br />

Hartzler, R.G Weed Sci<br />

Andraski, B.J. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J.<br />

Brewer, F Weed Sci<br />

Effects of the Use of Insulation and lce in Fish Preservation Hye, M. A. Bangladesh J. Agric. Sci., 17: 39-44.<br />

Effects of the culture filtrate of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.<br />

Lycopersici on tomato callus growth and the selection of<br />

resistant callus cells to the filtrate.<br />

Toyoda, H., Ann. Phytopathol. Soc. Japan 50: 53-<br />

62.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 541 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effects of the B3-adrenoceptor agonist BRL 37344 on<br />

Lipomobilitation and plasma glucose levels in conscious<br />

fasted rabbits.<br />

Effects of the B3(Beta)-adrenoceptor agonist BRL 37344<br />

on lipomobilitation and plasma glucose levels in conscious<br />

fasted rabbits<br />

Effects of tertiary butylhydroquinone on storage stability of<br />

caliola oil. II. Practical storage.<br />

Effects of Temperature, Soil Moisture and Wheat Bran On<br />

Growth of Trichoderma Harzianum From Alginate Pellets<br />

Effects of temperature, photoperiod, and light quality on<br />

protein production in wheat grains<br />

Effects of temperature on the morphology and physiology<br />

of the roots of trifoliate orange budded with Satsuma<br />

Mandarin<br />

Effects of temperature on reproduction in the hermatypic<br />

coral Pocillopora damicornis<br />

Effects Of Temperature On Leaf and Curd Initiation In<br />

Relation To Juvenility Of Couliflower<br />

Effects of temperature on growth and protein assimilation in<br />

juvenile leader prawns Penaeus monodon.<br />

Effects of temperature of photosynthesis and respiration in<br />

hennatypic corals<br />

Effects of Symbiotic Zooxanthellae and Temperature on<br />

Budding and Strobilation in Cassiopea andromeda<br />

(eschschoizs)<br />

Effects of Supplemental Protein on Growth and Carcass<br />

Characteristics in Restricted Grazing Black Bengal Goats.<br />

Effects of Supp lement and anthelmintic treatments on<br />

parasite establishment and the performances of lambs<br />

artificially in fected with Haemonchus contortus<br />

Reverte, M Can. J. Physiol. Pharmacol.<br />

Reverte, M Can. J. Physiol. Pharmacol<br />

Hawrysh, Z.J., Can. Inst.Food. Sci. Technol. J. 22: 40-<br />

45.<br />

Knudsen. G.R Phytophatology<br />

Kolderup, F. J. Sci. Food and Agric. 26, 583-592.<br />

Poerwanto, R. J. Japan. Soc. Hort. Sci. 58: 267-274.<br />

Jokiel PL Bull Mar Sci 28:786-789.<br />

Booij. R Scientia Horticulturae<br />

Deering, M.J., Journal of the World Aquaculture<br />

Society, 26 (4): 465-468.<br />

Coles SL Mar Biol 43:209-216.<br />

Rahat, M. Biological Bulletin. Vol. 159: 394-401.<br />

Shahjalal, M. Bangladesh. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Ginting, S.P. Jurnal Ilmu Ternak dan Veteriner 3(2):<br />

117-123.<br />

Effects of suplemental beta-carotene and vitamin A on<br />

reproduction in swine<br />

Chew, B. P. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Effects of suplemental B, carotene and Vitamin A on<br />

reproduction in swine<br />

Chew. B.P. J. Amin. Sci.<br />

Effects of storage conditions on hatchability of chicken<br />

eggs in a warm climate.<br />

Antwi. A. British Poultry Sci 34 : 91-94<br />

Effects of starch structure on glucose and insulin<br />

responses in adults<br />

Behall, K.M Am. J. Clin: Nutr<br />

Effects of Soya Protein on Mineral Availability Erdman, J. W. Jr. J. Am. Oil. Chem. Soc. 58: 489.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 542 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effects of Source and Amount of Protein on Milk Production<br />

in Dairy Goats.<br />

Effects of Soil pH On forage yield and chemical<br />

composition of sorghum and millet<br />

Effects of soil moisture content and soil tillage for<br />

mungbean after rice on inceptisol in Kuningan, West Java<br />

Effects of slaughter age on meat tenderness and USDA<br />

carcass maturity score of beef females.<br />

Effects of sinthetic hormone implants, singulary or<br />

combination on performance,carcass traits and longissimus<br />

muscle palatability of holstein steers<br />

Effects of short intermittenlightingof feed consumption and<br />

performance of dwarf broiler breeder and progeny.<br />

Effects of shade on some factors influencing nutritive<br />

quality of Green panic and Siratro pastures.<br />

Effects of shade on some factors influencing nutritive<br />

quality of Green panic and Siratro pastures<br />

Effects of shade on Photosyntesis, Specific leaf weight ,<br />

Leaf Clorophyll content , and morphology of young peach<br />

trees.<br />

Effects of sex condition, genotype, diet and carcass<br />

electrical stimulation on the collagen content and<br />

palatability of two bovine muscles<br />

Effects of Sewage sludge exposure on growth, feeding and<br />

protein synthesis of dab (Limanda Limanda, L.)<br />

Effects of sewage sludge application on soil microbial<br />

processes and soil fertility<br />

Effects of Sewagc sludge on immune responses in the dab,<br />

Limanda limanda (L.)<br />

Effects of Season on The Secretion of LH and<br />

Testosterone in Intact and Castrated Red Deer Stags<br />

(Cervus Elaphus).<br />

Effects of Season on The Secretion of LH and<br />

Testosterone in Intact and Castrated Red Deer Stags<br />

(Cervus elaphus)<br />

Effects of Sampling Site on Passage Rate Estimate in<br />

Heifers Feed Alfafa or High Concentrate Diet<br />

Effects of salinity on the uptake of cadmium by the brine<br />

shrimp Artemia franciscana.<br />

Sahlu, T. J. Dairy. Sci.<br />

Walker, M. E. Agron. J. 67: 191-193.<br />

Abdullah Abas Id Workshop on water management for<br />

rice and non rice based cropping<br />

system/Rockefeller Project Meeting,<br />

Nov 1-2, 89, Cirebon<br />

Shackelford, S. D. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Apple JK J. Anim Sci 69:4337-4448<br />

Tri-Yuwanta. British Poultry Science.<br />

Wilson, J.K. Aust. J. Agric.<br />

Wilson, J.K Aust. J. Agric. Res<br />

Kapple, F. Journal American Society of<br />

horticultural Sciences. 108(4) : 541-<br />

544<br />

Crouse, J. D. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Houlihan, D.F. Marine Environmental Research 37:<br />

331-353.<br />

Smith SR Advances in Soil Sciences 16:191-211<br />

Secombes, C.J. Aquatic Toxicology 23: 217-230.<br />

Lincoln, G. A. J. Reprod. Fert.<br />

Lincoln, G.A Journal of Reproduction and Fertility.<br />

55:75-80.<br />

Goetsch, A.L. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Blust, R., Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 84: 245-254.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 543 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effects of Salinity and Thiroxine on Larva survival, Growth<br />

and Development in the Carp Cyprinusca/p/o<br />

Effects of Rumen Degradable Protein Concentration in<br />

Diets on Digestion, Nitrogen Utilization and Milk Yield by<br />

Dairy Goats.<br />

Effects of resistance genes, heat tolerance genes and<br />

cytoplasms on expression of resistance to Pseudomonas<br />

solanacearum E.F. Smith in potato<br />

Effects of Ration Energy and Slaughter Weight on<br />

Composition of Empty Body and Carcass Gain of Beef<br />

Effects of rapeseed oil supplementation on digestion,<br />

microbial protein synthesis and duodenal microbial amino<br />

acid composition m ruminants<br />

Effects of pseudomonas fluorescens on potato plant growth<br />

and control of verticillium dahliae<br />

Effects of pseudomonas fluorescens on potato plant growth<br />

and control of verticillium dahliae<br />

Effects of protein concentration on responses to dietary<br />

lysine by chicks.<br />

Effects of Protein and Energy Levels on Performances of<br />

Broilers Fed with Different Levels of Palm Kernel Cake<br />

Rations.<br />

Effects of processing condition and antioxidant on the<br />

oxidative stability and carbon dioxide formation in lowfat dry<br />

milk.<br />

Effects of process modification and heat pump drying on<br />

physical and sensory properties of Chinese style shredded<br />

beef<br />

Effects of prenatal testoterone tratment and postnatal<br />

steroid implanations on growth performance and carcass<br />

traits of heifers and steers<br />

Effects of prenatal testosterone treatment and postnatal<br />

steroid implantation on growth performance and carcass<br />

traits of heifers and steers<br />

Effects of postpartum bodyweight changes on subsequent<br />

reproductive performance in N'Damacattle maintained<br />

under traditional husbandry system<br />

Effects of population density upon agronomic traits<br />

associated with genetic increases in yield of Zea mays L.<br />

Lam, T.J. Aquaculture44: 201-212<br />

Brun-Bellut, J. Small Ruminant Research.<br />

Tung, P.X Euphytica<br />

Jesse, G. W. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Tesfa, A,T. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol., 41:313-328.<br />

Leben SD Phytopathology 77:1592-1595<br />

Leben SD Phytopathology 77:1592-1595<br />

Morris, T. R. Br. Poult. Sci.<br />

Watanasit, S. Songklanakarin J.<br />

Min, D. B. J. Food Sci.<br />

Chen, T Food Australia<br />

De Haan KC J. Anim Sci 68:2918-2207<br />

De Haan KC J Anim Sci 68: 2198-2207<br />

Agyemang, K. An. Reprod. Sci.<br />

Moll, R.H. Agron. J.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 544 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effects of Pod Storage on Pectic Substances<br />

Pectinesterases Activity, pH and Temperature Cocoa Pulp<br />

During Fermentation<br />

Effects of Plant and row spacing on dryland soybean yield<br />

and water-use efficiency<br />

Effects of Plant and row Spacing on Dryland soybean yield<br />

and Water-use Effeciency<br />

Effects of plant and row spacing on dryland soybean yiead<br />

and water -use efficiesy.<br />

Effects of Pituitary-Derived Bovine Growth Hormone on<br />

Production Parameters and Biokinetics of Key Metabolites<br />

in Lactating Dairy Cows at Peak and Mid-Lactation.<br />

Effects of Pituitary-Derived Bovine Growth Hormone on<br />

Production Parameters and Biokinetics of Key Metabolites<br />

in Lactating Dairy Cows at Peak and Mid-Lactation.<br />

Effects of pig follicular fluid on maturation of pig oocytes in<br />

vitro and on their subsequent fertilizing and development<br />

capacity in vitro<br />

Effects of Phosphorus on The Effectivenes of Strain of<br />

Rhizobium Japonicum<br />

Effects of phosphate-solubilizing Pseudomonas putida on<br />

the growth of maize and its survival in the rhizosphere<br />

Effects of Phosphate Fertilization lime Amendments and<br />

Innoculation With V.A. Mycorrizal on SoyBeans in acid Soil<br />

Effects of pH and salinity on survival, growth and<br />

osmoregulation in Penaeus monodon<br />

Effects of pH and organic acids on orthophosphate<br />

solubility in an acidic monmorilonitic soils<br />

Effects of Pesticides on Isolated Rat Hepatocytes,<br />

Mitochondria, and Microsomes.<br />

Effects of PEG-induced water stress on in vitro hardening<br />

of Valiant grape.<br />

Effects of particle size and origin of calcium sources<br />

oneggs shell quality and bone mineralization in egg laying<br />

hens.<br />

Effects of Particle Size and Forage Composition on<br />

Functional Specific Gravity<br />

Effects of overprocessing on the nutritional quality of<br />

sunflower meal.<br />

Jinap, S J. of Bioscienc<br />

Alessi, J Agron. J<br />

Alessi, J. Agron. J. 74: 851-854<br />

Alessi ,J Agron J<br />

McDowell, G. H. Aust. J. Biol.<br />

McDowell, G. H. Aust. J. Biol.<br />

Yoshida J. Reprod. Fert<br />

Singleton.P.W Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J.<br />

Premono, M.E. Indon. J. CropSci. 11:13-23.<br />

Maddox Plant and Soil<br />

Geoff, L.A. Aquaculture 107:33-47.<br />

Traina, S.J. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 50:45-52.<br />

Yamano, T. Arch. Environ. Contam.Toxicol.<br />

Dami, I. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture<br />

47: 97-101.<br />

Poult. Sci.<br />

Hoover, W. H. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Zhang, Y. Poultry Sci.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 545 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effects of overprocessing on the nutritional quality of<br />

peanut meal.<br />

Zhang, Y. Poultry Sci.<br />

Effects of Overprocessing on Nutritional Quality of Peanut<br />

Meal,<br />

Zang,Y. Poultry Sci.73:436-442<br />

Effects of organic acids on aluminium toxicity in subsoils Hue, N.V. Soil Sci. 128:321-326.<br />

Effects of Oat Gum On Blood Cholesterol Levels In Healthy<br />

Young Men<br />

Effects of Nutrient Deficiencies and Excesses on<br />

Reproductive Efficiency of Livestock.<br />

Effects of Nutrient Deficiencies and Excesses on<br />

Reproductive Efficiency of Livestock.<br />

Effects of nutrient deficiencies and excesses on<br />

reproductive efficiency of livestock<br />

Effects of nuclear and cytoplasmic genes altering<br />

chlorophyll loss on gas exchange during monocarpic<br />

senescence in soybean.<br />

Effects of norgestoment on follicular development in<br />

postpartum beef cows<br />

Effects of nonstructural carbohydrates, urea and solube<br />

proteinlevels on microbial protein synthesis in continuous<br />

culture of rumen content.<br />

Effects Of Non Reversibility, Particle Concentration, and<br />

Ionic Strength on Heavy Metal Sorption<br />

Effects of Nitrogen Nutrition on Remobilization of Protein-S<br />

In The Leaves Of Vegetative Soybean and Associated<br />

Changes In Solublesulphur Metabilites<br />

Effects of Monoclonal Antibody Against PMSG<br />

Administered Shortly After The Preovulatory LH Surge on<br />

Time and Number of Ovulations in PMSG/PG Treated<br />

Cows<br />

Effects of mitomycin C-treatment before implantation on<br />

development of mouse embryo<br />

Effects of media, serum, oviductal cells, and hormones<br />

dunng maturation on bovine embryo development in vitro<br />

Effects of low activities of aluminium on soybean (glycine<br />

max) II Root cell structure and root fair development<br />

Effects of low activities of aluminium on soybean (Glycine<br />

max) I Early growth and nodulation<br />

Beer.M.U European Journal Of Clinical Nutrition<br />

Dunn, T. G. J. Anim<br />

Dunn, T. G. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Dunn, T. G. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Guiamet JJ Plant Cell Physiol 31(8):1123-1130<br />

Garcia-Winder M J.Anim.Sci<br />

Stern, M. D. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Di Toro. M Environ Sci. Technol<br />

Sunarpi Pysiol Plant<br />

Dielman, S.J. J. Reprod. Fertil. 81 (2): 533-542.<br />

Nagao T Cong Anom 26:93-101.<br />

Gliedt, D.W. J. Dairy.Sci. 79(4).536-42.<br />

Hecht-buhholz CH ML van Beusichem (ed) Plant Nutrition<br />

Physiology and applications<br />

Brady DJ ML Van Beusichem (ed) plant nutritionphysiology<br />

and application<br />

Effects of lime on exchangable Al and Corn growth Sanches, P.A Soil Sci. J<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 546 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effects of LH administration at the end of an FSH<br />

superovulatory regimen on ovulation rate and embryo<br />

production in three breeds of sheep<br />

Effects of Level of Dietary Fiber on Nutrient Digestion in<br />

Sheep Fed Diets Containing Probiotics.<br />

Effects of irradiance and water supply on grain<br />

development mwheat<br />

Effects of Interactions Between Photostimulation, Dietary<br />

Restriction and Dietary Maize Oil Dilution on Plasma LH<br />

and Ovarian and Oviduct Weights in Broiler Breeder<br />

Females During Rearing.<br />

Effects of inhibition of meiotic resumption upon the<br />

subsequent development of bovine oocytes in vitro.<br />

Effects of inhibition of meiotic resumption upon the<br />

subsequent development of bovine oocytes in vitro<br />

Effects of Iberis umbellata (Brassicaceae) on insect pests<br />

of cabbage and on potential biological control agents.<br />

Effects of high cholesterol and n-3 polyunsaturated fish oil<br />

diets on tossue and serum lipid composition in male rats.<br />

Internat<br />

Effects of hemolysis and storage on quantification of<br />

hormones in blood samples from dogs, cattle, and horses<br />

Effects of Halothane and Ketamine on Activation and<br />

Inactivation of Myocardial Calcium Current<br />

Effects of Growth Hormone and Thyroxineon Plasma<br />

Lipids, Mammary Lipid Uptake and Milkfat in Jersey Cows.<br />

Effects of Grazing Management and level of concentrate<br />

supplementation on parasite establishment in two<br />

genotypes of lambs infected with Haemonchus<br />

contortus<br />

Picazo RA Theriogenology<br />

Haryanto, B. Indonesian SR Network Newsletter.<br />

Brocklehurst, P. A. Ann. Appl. Biol. 84, 201-218.<br />

Dunn, I. C. Brit. Poult. Sci.<br />

Sirard, M. J. Reprod. Dev.<br />

Sirard MA J Reproduction and develop 41: 4<br />

Bigger DS Environ Entomol 27:161-167<br />

Cameron., J.A J. Vit. Nutr. Res<br />

Reimers, T.J. Am. J. Vet. Res., 52: 1075-1080.<br />

Baum V.C. J Cardiovasc. Pharm. 23 (5): 799-805.<br />

McNamara, J. P. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Ginting, S.P. Jurnal Ilmu Ternak dan Veteriner 2 (2):<br />

114-119.<br />

Effects of gravel mulch on crop yield Fairbourn, M. L. Agron, J.<br />

Effects of gossypol on reproductive and endocrine function<br />

of male cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis)<br />

Shandilaya, L. Biol. Reprod.<br />

Effects of gossypol on osmotic fragility of erythrocytes and<br />

plasma haemoglobin and aldehydes levels of lambs<br />

Effects of gossypol on osmotic fragility of erythrocytes and<br />

plasma haemoglobin and aldehydes levels of lambs<br />

Calhoun. M.C. J. Anim, Sci., 70 (Suppt.l): 122 (A).<br />

Calhoun, M.C. J. Anim. Sci., 70 (Suppl. 1). 122 (A).<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effects of gossypol on digestive and metabolic function of<br />

domestic livestock<br />

Effects of gossypol on digestive and metabolic function of<br />

domestic livestock<br />

Effects Of Glyphosate on The Germination and<br />

Eshtabishment of Surface-Sown Pasture Species<br />

Effects of gibberellic acid, ethephon or girdling on the<br />

production of racemes in Macadamia integrifolia<br />

Effects of gammalinolenic acid on plasma lipoprotein and<br />

apolipoproteins<br />

Effects of four ecological categories of earthworms on<br />

carbon transfer in soil<br />

Effects of fluctuating salinity on The behaviour of the west<br />

African blood clam anadara Senilis and on the osmotic<br />

pressure and ionic. concentrations of the Haemolymph,<br />

Effects of fetal calf serum in culture medium on<br />

development of bovine oocytes matured and fertilized in<br />

vitro<br />

Effects of fetal calf serum and bovine serum albumin on in<br />

vitro maturation and fertilization of bovine and hamster<br />

cumulus oocyte complexes<br />

Effects of fetal bovine serum of different gestational ages<br />

on mouse embryo growth and development.<br />

Effects of fermented products from chub mackerel extract<br />

on growth, and carcass composition, hepatic lipogenesis<br />

and on contents of various lipid fractions in the liver and the<br />

thigh muscle of broilers.<br />

Effects of fermented product from chub mackerel extracts<br />

on lipid metabolism of rats fed highcholesterol diet Asian<br />

Aus.<br />

Effects of fenoxycarb, nerve sectioning and famesoic acid<br />

on corpus allatum activity in adult female Periplaneta<br />

americana<br />

Effects of Fat Satu-ration and Source of Fiber On Site of<br />

Nutrient Digestion and Milk Produc-tion by Lactating Dairy<br />

Cows<br />

Effects of fat level and cooking amethod on sensory and<br />

textural properties of ground beef patties<br />

Effects of exercise and plane of nutrition on nutrient<br />

utilization by the hindlimb of the sheep<br />

Effects of eutrophication on reef-building corals III.<br />

Reproduction of the reef-buiding coral. Porites porites<br />

Calhoun, J.E. J. Anim. Sci-, 69 (Supp.1): 534.(A).<br />

Calhoun, J.E. J. Anim. Sci., 69 (Supp. 1): 534 (A).<br />

Campbell. M.H Aust. J. Exp. Agric. Anim. Husb<br />

Nagao. M.A. Scientia Horticulturae. (42): 4754.<br />

Ishikawa, T. K/iero.sc/ero.sw 75:95-104.<br />

Jegoe D Applied soil ecology 9(1998) : 249-255<br />

Djangmah, J.S., Mar. Biol 50: 209-213<br />

Lim J.M Endocrinology<br />

Leibfried M.L Biol reprod<br />

Olar, T.T. J. Assisted Reprod. and Genetics<br />

Tanaka, K. Anim. Sci Technol.<br />

Santoso, U. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Ratna, E.S. J. Insect Physiol. 38:711-716.<br />

Pantoja, J., J. Dairy Sci<br />

Berry, B. W. J. Food Sci.<br />

Bird, A.R. Austr. .1 Biol. Sci. 34:541-550.<br />

Tomacik, T Mar. Biol. 94:77-94<br />

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Effects of ethoxyquin feed preservative and peroxide level<br />

on broiler performance<br />

Cabel, M.C. Poultry Sci., 67: 1725-1730.<br />

Effects of estrogen on Tilapia aurea: Implications for<br />

production of monosex genetics male Tilapia<br />

Jensen, G.L Aquaculture, 16:233-242<br />

Effects of estradiol on glycogen synthetase in the rat uterus Williams, H. E. Endocrinology<br />

Effects of Environmental Temperature, Controlled Feeding<br />

and Fasting on Rumen Motility.<br />

Effects of Environmental Temperature, Controlled Feding<br />

and Fasting on Rumen Motility.<br />

Effects of energy supplementation on lamb production of<br />

Javanese Thin-Tail ewes<br />

Effects of energy supplementation on lamb production of<br />

Javanese thin tail ewes.<br />

Effects of endogenous testosterone on production and<br />

carcass traits in beef cattle<br />

Effects of endogenous & exogenous growth promoting<br />

compounds on carcass composition, meat quality, & meat<br />

nutritional value<br />

Effects of early feed restriction on growth performance and<br />

body composition. Asian Austr.<br />

Effects of early feed restriction on growth performance and<br />

body composition.<br />

Effects of drought on oil palm yields in South East Asia and<br />

the South Pasific Region<br />

Effects of different salinity levels and aclimation regimes on<br />

growth of three strains of Tilapia nilotica and a red T.<br />

nilotica Hybrid<br />

Effects of different salinity levels and acclimation regimes<br />

on growth of three strain of Tilapia nilotica and red Tilapia<br />

nilotica Hybrid<br />

Effects of different pattern of alloca-tion of a restricted<br />

quantity of food upon the growth and development of<br />

cockerels<br />

Effects of different levels of vitamin K indiets for cod<br />

(Gadus morhua)<br />

Effects of different enzyme preparations on the nutritional<br />

value of barley in chicken diets<br />

Effects of different conditions ofcold storage upon<br />

physicochemical changes in kiwitïuit<br />

Effects of different component of IPM in the management<br />

of the potato tubermoth in storage<br />

Attebery, J. T. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Attebery, J. T. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Reese J. Anim. Sci. 68:1827<br />

Reese, A.A J. Anim. Sci<br />

Gonsema, S.R J. Anim. Sci.;. 39<br />

Unruh JA J Anim Sci 62 :1441-1448<br />

Santoso, U. J. Animal Sci.<br />

Santoso, U. Asian-Austr. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

TURNER, P.D International development in oil palm.<br />

Incorporated Society of Planters,<br />

Kuala Lumpur.<br />

Wardoyo, S.E. Jurnal Penelitian Budi Daya Pantai.<br />

5(2): 76-86.<br />

Wardoyo, S.E. Jurnal Penelitian Budi Daya<br />

Pantai.5(2): 76-85.<br />

Osboum, D. F J, Agric. Sci.(Camb<br />

Grahl-Madsen E Aquaculture 151:269-274.<br />

Rotter, B.A., Nutr. Rep. Int<br />

Nicolas J Acta Hortic<br />

Das, G.P. Agric. Ecosyst. Environ. 41: 321-325.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 549 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effects of diets containing gossypol on spermatogenic<br />

tissues of young bulls.<br />

Effects of Dietray Clenbuterol on Metabolism of the<br />

Hindquarters in Steers.<br />

Effects of dietary protein and energy on growth<br />

performance of tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon reared in<br />

seawater.<br />

Effects of dietary protein and B(Beta)Agonist on growth and<br />

fat deposition in prepubertal lambs<br />

Effects of Dietary on the Rumen Microbial population in<br />

lactating Dairy Cattle.<br />

Effects of dietary long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids on<br />

the essential fatty acid status of premature infants. Europ .<br />

Effects of dietary lipids, fatty acids and phospholipids on<br />

growth and survival of prawn (Penaeus japonicus) larvae<br />

Effects of dietary fish protein on plasma cholesterol and<br />

lipoproteins in animal models and in humans.<br />

Effects of dietary clen-buterol on metabolism of the hindquarters<br />

in steers<br />

Effects of dietary cleanbuterol on metabolism of the<br />

hindquarters in steers.<br />

Effects of dietary animal proteins on growth and body<br />

composition of the red drum (Scianops ocellatus),<br />

Effects of dietary amino acid levels on bone development in<br />

broiler chicks<br />

Effects of cryopreservation procedures on sperm<br />

membranes<br />

Effects of cover crops on temperature regime of an alfisol<br />

in the tropics<br />

Effects of coumarin and sparteine on attachment to<br />

cellulose and cellulolysis by Neocallimastix fontalis REI<br />

Effects of condition genotype and diet on bovine growth<br />

and carcass characteristic<br />

Effects of condensed tannins in Lotus pedunculatus on te<br />

nutritive value for sneep. 2. Nitrogenous aspects<br />

Effects of compaction and pudding on soil physical<br />

properties nd rice growth<br />

Effects Of Combined Iodine and Selenium Deficiency On<br />

Thyroid Hormone Metabolisme In Rats<br />

Effects of Cimaterol on Nitrogen Retention and Energy<br />

Utilization in Lambs<br />

Arshami, J. Theriogenology<br />

Eisemann, J. H. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Shiau, S.Y. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, 57: 2271-<br />

2276.<br />

Zhang, J Can J. Anim. Sci<br />

Teather, R.M. J. Appl. Bacteriology.<br />

Koletzo, B., J.Paediatrics 148: 669-675<br />

A. Kanazawa Aquaculture<br />

Bergeron, N Nutr. Res. K):<br />

Eisemann, J.H J. Anim. Sci<br />

Eisemann, J.H J.Anim.Sci.<br />

Moon, H.Y.L. Aquaculture, 120: 327-340.<br />

Skinner, J. T. Poult. Sci.<br />

Parks JE Theriogenology 38:209-222.<br />

Ghuman, B. S. Agron, J.<br />

Moniello, G. App. Environ. Microbiol.<br />

Crouse J.D J Anim Sci<br />

Waghom, G.C Journal of Agricultural Science,<br />

Cambridge<br />

Ghildyal BP Soils and Rice IRRI<br />

Beckett. G.J Am. J. Clin. Nutr<br />

Kim, Y. S. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effects of Cimaterol on Energetics and Carcass<br />

Characteristics of Suffolk Ewe Lambs.<br />

Effects of Choice Feeding a Complete Feed and Corn on<br />

The Performance of Broilers.<br />

Effects of calcium salts of long chain fatty acids added to a<br />

diet containing choise white grease on lactation<br />

performance.<br />

Effects of calcium carbonate, manganese dioxide, ferric<br />

hydroxide, and prolonged flooding on chemical and<br />

electrochemical changes and the growth of rice in a flooded<br />

acid sulphate soil.<br />

Effects of caecectomy and dietary anibiotics on the<br />

digestibility of dry matter and amino acids in poultry feeds<br />

determined by excreta analysis.<br />

Effects of cadmium on Pontoporeia affinis (Crustacea:<br />

Amphipoda) in laboratory soft-bottom micro-cosm.<br />

Effects of bonding agents on mechanical properties of<br />

composites made of natural rubber and oil palm empty fruit<br />

bunches<br />

Effects of Beta-adrenergic Clenbuterol in Cows: Lipid<br />

Metabolism, Milk Production, Pharmacokinetics, and<br />

Residues<br />

Effects of Bacillus thuringiensis betha exotoxin on larval<br />

maturation adult longivety, fecundity and egg viability in<br />

several species of lepidoptera.<br />

Effects of avirulentbacteriocin-producing strains of<br />

Pseudomononas solanacearum on the control of bacterial<br />

wilt of tobacco<br />

Effects of avirulent bacteriocin-producing strains of<br />

Pseudomonas solanacearum on the control of bacterial wilt<br />

of tobacco<br />

Effects of available soil nitrogen and rate of inoculation on<br />

nitrogen fixation by irrigated soybeans and evaluation of<br />

d15N methods for measurement<br />

Effects of Aquoeus Al, Cd, Cu, Fe(II), Ni, and Zn on Pb<br />

Immobilization by Hydroxyapatite<br />

Effects of anabolic steroids on nitrogen matabolism and<br />

growth of steers fed corn silage and corn based diets<br />

supllemented with uera or combination of soybean meal<br />

anh feather<br />

Effects of an agonist of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone<br />

on ovarian follicles in cattle<br />

Rikhradsson, G. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Ramlah, A. H. Australian Journal of Animal Science.<br />

Salfer, J. A. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Nhung, M.M Soil Sci.<br />

Raharjo, Y. C. Aust. J. Exp. Agric. Anim. Husb.<br />

Sundelin, Mar Biol., 74: 203-212.<br />

Ismail H Polymer-plastics technology &<br />

Engineering 38(1):137-148<br />

Stoffel, B J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Ignoffo, C.M. Environ. Entomol. 269-270.<br />

Chen, W.Y. Plant Pathology.33: 245-253.<br />

Chen, W.Y. Plant Pathology 33: 245-253.<br />

Bergersen, F.J. Aust. J. Agric. Res. 40: 763-780.<br />

Ma.Q.Y Environment.Sci. Technol<br />

Cecava MJ J. Anim Sci 73:7701-1712<br />

Macmillan, K.L. Biol. Reprod. 45: 883-889.<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effects of ammonia on survival and osmo-regulation of<br />

various development stages of shrimp Penaeus japonicus,<br />

Effects of ammonia on growth and molting of Penaeus<br />

monodon juveniles, Comparative Biochemistry and<br />

Physiology.<br />

Effects of Aluminum, OH: Al and P: Al molar Ratio, and<br />

Ionic Strength on Soybean Root Elongation in Solution<br />

Culture.<br />

Effects of Allelopathic Chemical on Growth and<br />

Physiological Responses of Soybean (Glycine max)<br />

Effects of alfalfa root saponir i on digestive function in<br />

sheep<br />

Effects of air-drying and wetting cycles on the transforming<br />

ability of DNA bound on clay minerals<br />

Effects of air and soil temperature on vegetative growth<br />

and flower bud differentiation of Satsuma Mandarin trees<br />

Effects of air and soil temperature on flower development<br />

and morphology of Satsuma Mandarin<br />

Effects of air and soil temperature in autumn on flower<br />

induction and some physiological responses of Satsuma<br />

Mandarin<br />

Lin, H.P., Mar. Biol., 117: 591 598.<br />

Chen, J.C., Comparative Pharmacology and<br />

Toxycology, 101 (3): 449-452.<br />

Blamey, F.P.C, Soil Sci. 136: 187-207.<br />

Patterson, D.T Weed Sci<br />

Klitha, P.T J. Anim. Sci<br />

Pietramellara, G. Soil. Biol. Biochem. 29:55-61.<br />

Poerwanto, R. J. Japan. Soc. Hort. Sci. 58: 275-281.<br />

Poerwanto, R. J. Hort. Sci. 65:739-745.<br />

Poerwanto, R. J. Japan. Soc. Hort. Sci. 59:207-214.<br />

Effects of age and gender on adolescent food habits and<br />

preferences.<br />

Nu, C. T. Food qual. Pref.<br />

Effects of agar brand abnd concentration on the tissue<br />

cultur medium.<br />

Debergh, P. C. plant.59: 270-276<br />

Effects of aflatoxin on young turkeys and broilers chickens Giambrone, J.J. Poultry Sci. 64: 1.678-1.684.<br />

Effects of administration of 17a-methyltestosterone and 17estradiol<br />

on gonadal development in common carp<br />

(Cyprinus carpio).<br />

Effects of addition of cell wall degrading enzymes on the<br />

chemical composition and the in sacco degradation of<br />

grass silage<br />

Effects of ad Libitum Versus Restricted Feeding on Body<br />

Composition and Egg Production of Broiler Breeders.<br />

Effects of activated charcoal on ruminal characteristic and<br />

blood profiles in mature goats. West Japan<br />

Effects of activated carbon on growth, ruminal<br />

characteristics, blood profiles and feed digestibility in sheep<br />

Komen, J., Aquaculture 78:349-363.<br />

Van Vuuren, A. M. Grass and Forage Sci.<br />

Robbins, K. R. Poult. Sci.<br />

Garillo, E. P. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Garillo, E. P. AJAS Vol. 8 No. 1:43-45<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effects of acid soils on nodule forming bacteria. Bryan OC Soil Science 30:273-282<br />

Effects of acid soils on nodule forming bacteria. Bryan OC Soil Science 30:273-282<br />

Effects of accute changes in temperature and salinity on<br />

pulsation rates in ephyrae of the scyphozoan Aurelia aurita<br />

Dilon, T.M Mar Biol<br />

Effects of a mineral oil spray on the flowering of sweet<br />

orange (Citrus sinensis)<br />

Effects of a dominant follicle on ovarian follicular dynamics<br />

during the oestrous cycle in heifers<br />

Effects of a b-Agonist (Clenbuteron) on Growth, Carcass<br />

Composition, Protein and Energy Metabolism of Veal<br />

Calves<br />

Effects of 2-methoxyethanol and methoxyacetic acid on<br />

preimplantation mouse embryo in vivo<br />

Effects of 2-methoxyethanol and methoxyacetic acid on<br />

preimplantation mouse embryo in vitro<br />

Effects of management system, legume feeding and<br />

anthelmintic treatment on the performance of lambs in<br />

North Sumatra<br />

Effects dietary enegyon control of luteinizing hormone<br />

secretion in cattle and sheep<br />

Effects of Cellulose from Trichoderma vinde on nutrient<br />

utilization bv broilers<br />

Effectol Pil on The Nature of Competitions Between<br />

Eichhornia Crassipes and Pistia Stratiotes<br />

Effectoflong-term t'ish oil supplementation on vitamin E<br />

status and lipid peroxidation in women<br />

Effectivity of Brodyrhizobium japonicum Strains on<br />

Soybean Varieties (Glycine max L. Merr.)<br />

Effectiveness of carotene and failure of ascorbic acid to<br />

increase sexual activity and semen quality of vitamin A<br />

deficient beef bulls.<br />

Effectiveness of Arbuscular Mycorrizae Colnization at<br />

Nursey - Stage on Growth and Nutrition in Wetland Rice<br />

(Oryza-Sativa L.) After Transpanting Under Different Soil<br />

Fertility and Water Regims<br />

Effective population number of shellfish brood stock<br />

estimated from temporal variance in allelic frequencies.<br />

Effective community intervention to improve hemoglobin<br />

status in preschooler receiving one-weekly iron<br />

supplementation<br />

Moss, G. I. Aust. J. Agric. Res.<br />

Ko JCH J Reprod Fertil 91:511-519.<br />

Williams, P. E. V. Br. J. Nutr.<br />

Darmanto W Environ Med 38:29-32.<br />

Darmanto W Environ Med 38:33-36.<br />

Handayani, S.W. Trop. Anim. Health Prod. 20: 122-<br />

128.<br />

Schillo, K. K. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Nahm, K. H. Poult. Sci.<br />

Seed. M.T.E Journal Of Aquatic Plant Management<br />

Meydani, M J. Nutr<br />

Pabendon Agrikam 6(3)<br />

Madsen, L.L. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Solaiman. M.Z Soil. Sci. Plant. Nutr.<br />

Hedgecock D., Aquaculture, 108: 215-232.<br />

Palupi, L Am. J.Clin.Nutr<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 553 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effect, of temperature and photoperiod in ovarian<br />

recrudescence in the cyprinid fish, Microgrex terrae<br />

sanctae.<br />

Effect Two Methods of Restricted Suckling on Performance<br />

of The Cows and on Growth Rate of The Calves.<br />

Effect sucrose on proteolysis in yogurt during incubation<br />

and storage<br />

Effect stuff for short fasts on the development of tibia<br />

dyschondroplasia in chickens<br />

Effect on pH adjust-ment and treatment on the stability and<br />

the formation of volatile of garlic<br />

Effect on Landsat Thematic Mapper sensor Parameters on<br />

Land Cover Classification.<br />

Effect on clone and temperture on acetic acid diffusion and<br />

death of cocoa beans.<br />

Effect ofsteroidal sapogenins on ruminal fermentation and<br />

on productation of lactating dairy cows<br />

Effect ofgenotype on level ofnatural infection of strongylus<br />

in lambs<br />

Effect ofDietory Protein and Energy on Broiler Carcass<br />

Composition and Efficiancy of Nutriënt Utilization.<br />

Effect ofco-existent bacteria on the growth of Chattonella<br />

manna in non-axenic culture<br />

Effect of zinc supplementation on the dietry intake, rate of<br />

weight gain, and energy cost of tissue deposition in<br />

children recovering from severe malnutrition<br />

Effect of yeast culture supplement on production, rumen<br />

fermentation, doudenal nitrogen<br />

Effect of Yeast Culture Supplement on Production, Rumen<br />

Fermentation and Duodenal Nitrogen Flow in Dairy Cows.<br />

Effect of Yeast Culture and Aspergillus Oryzae<br />

Fermentation Extract on Ruminal Characteristics and<br />

Nutrient Digestion.<br />

Effect of Yeast cells and lactobacilli on rumen fermentation<br />

in sheep<br />

Effect of wound moisture on the biocontrol by Candida<br />

oleophila of gray mold rot (Botrytis cinerea) of apple<br />

Effect of white oak extracts of feeding by the Colorado<br />

potato beetle (coleoptera chrysomelidae)<br />

Yaron Z., Journ. Fish Biol. 16: 271-382.<br />

Gaya, H. Trop. Anim. Prod.<br />

Slocum, S. A. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Edwards Jr., H. M. J. of Nutr.<br />

Yu, T. H J. Agric. Food Chem<br />

Toll, D. L. Remote Sensing of Environment 17:<br />

129-140.<br />

Jinap S Asean Food Journal 8(4):139-144<br />

Valdes, F.R J. Dairy Sci<br />

Mirza. I., Working paper No. 159<br />

Jackson, S., J. Poult. Sci., 61, 2224-2231.<br />

Sukoso Fisheries Science<br />

Golden M.H.N Am.J.Clin.Nutr<br />

Erasmus J. Dairy Sci<br />

Erasmus, L. J. J. Dairy. Sci.<br />

Wiedmeier, R. D. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Jonecova, Z Zivocisna Vyroba<br />

Mercier, J. Postharvest Biol. Technol. 6:9-15.<br />

Drummond, F. A. J. Econ. Entomol<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 554 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effect of Weedy Backrounds On Colonization Of Collard By<br />

Green Peach Aphid, Myzus Persiceae, and Its Major<br />

Predators<br />

Horn. D.J Environ Entomol<br />

Effect of weed interference and soil nitrogen on four Maize<br />

hybrids<br />

Tollenaar, M J. Agron<br />

Effect of Water Stress on Nodulation of Soybean Masyudi, MF<br />

Effect of Water Potential, Temperature and Clay Coating on<br />

Survival of B. Bassiana Conidia in a Loam and Peat Soil<br />

Studdert,J.P Jour. Of Invertebrate Path<br />

Effect of water deficit on accumulation of dry matter, carbon<br />

and nitrogen in the kernel of wheat genotypes differing in<br />

yield stability<br />

Effect of Water Activity on Sensory Cripness and<br />

Mechanical Deformation of Snact Food Products<br />

Effect of vitamin C on lipid and carnitine metabolism of<br />

rainbouw trout.<br />

Effect of Viscosity on Concentration Polarization in<br />

Ultrafiltration<br />

Effect of viscocity on concentration polarization in .<br />

Ultrafiltration<br />

Effect of virginiamycin (vm) and lyncomycin (In)<br />

supplementation on broiler performance over three<br />

growouts<br />

Effect of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal innoculation on<br />

the growth and nutrient uptake of micropropagated oil<br />

palm.<br />

Effect of Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhiza on Phosphorus<br />

Metabolism in Agriculture Plants<br />

Effect of Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on The<br />

Relations of Plant Growth, Internal Phosphorus<br />

Concentration and Soil Phosphate Analysis<br />

Rao, K. P. S. S. Ann. Bot. 74, 503-511.<br />

Katz. E.E J. Food Sci<br />

Miyazaki, T., Fisheries Sci., 61(3):501-506.<br />

Gill, W.N AIChE Journal<br />

Gill. W.N AIChE. J<br />

Davies, P Poultry Sci.<br />

Widiastuti H Menara Perkebunan 61:(3):56-60<br />

Shnyrena. A.V. Microbiological. Res<br />

Stribley. D.P J. Soil. Sci.<br />

Effect of varying protein and lipid levels on growth of rohu, Gangadhara, B., Labio rohita. Asian Fish. Sci.,<br />

10(2):139-147.<br />

Effect of Varying Dietary and Energy Levels on Growth<br />

Rate and Body Fat Broiler.<br />

Hargis, P.U. Poultry Sci.<br />

Effect of various growth factors on preimplantation bovine<br />

development in vitro<br />

Flood M.R Theriogenology<br />

Effect of various doses of progesterogens on serum<br />

progesterone and estradiol, follicular dynamics, and estrual<br />

responses in cattle with extended estous cycles.<br />

Washburn, S.P. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Effect of Various Bu Induction Treatment on Elongation and<br />

Rooting of Adventious Shoots of Canary Island Pine (Pinus<br />

Canariensis)<br />

Martinez Pulido. C Plant Cell. Tissue and Organ Culture<br />

(Journal) 1994<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 555 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effect of vacum evaporation of liquid egg white on foaming<br />

properties.<br />

Effect of Urea Treatment on Rumen Degradation<br />

Characteristics of Rice Straw.<br />

Effect of urea treatment on rumen degradation<br />

characteristics of rice straw<br />

Effect of Urea on Wet Rice Straw for Preserving Its<br />

Keeping Quality and Nutritive Value in Cattle Diets.<br />

Effect of undegradable protein and supplemental fat on<br />

milk yield and composition and physiological responses of<br />

cows.<br />

Effect of ultimate pH upon the water-holding capacity and<br />

tenderness of mutton.<br />

Effect of ultimate pH upon the water-holding capacity and<br />

tenderness of mutton<br />

effect of ultimate pH upon the water-holding capacity and<br />

tenderness of mutton<br />

Effect of ultimate pH upon the water - Holding capacity and<br />

tenderness of mutton<br />

Effect of type of roughage on feed intake, milk yield and<br />

body condition of pregnant goats<br />

Effect of type of protein supplementation on duodenal<br />

amino acid flow and absorption in lactating dairy cows<br />

Effect of type and level of foliage suplementation on<br />

voluntary intake and digestibility of rice straw in sheep<br />

Effect of type and level of foliage suplemcntation on<br />

voluntary intake and digestibility of rice straw in sheep<br />

Effect of type and Ievel of foliage supplementation on<br />

voluntary intake and digestibility of rice straw in sheep.<br />

Effect of trensbolone acetate and estradiol implant on<br />

feedlot performance, carcass characteristics, and carcass<br />

comp. Of feedlot steers<br />

Effect of trenbolone acetate on carcass characteristics &<br />

serum testosterone & cortisol concentrations in bulls &<br />

steers on different management & implant schemes<br />

Effect of tocotrienols on the growth of a human breast<br />

cancer cell line inculture<br />

Effect of timing on the distribution of manganese, copper,<br />

iron, and zinc among soil fraction.<br />

Effect of timing and duration of restriction feeding on<br />

compensatory growth in broiler<br />

Conrad, K. M. J. Food Sci.<br />

Ibrahim, M.N. M. Anim. Feed. Sci. and Tech.<br />

Ibrahim, M.N.M. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol.<br />

Chowdhury, S. A. Asian-Australian J.of Anim. Sci.<br />

Tomlinson, A. P. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Bouton, P. E. J. Food Sci.<br />

Bouton, P. E. J. Food Sci.<br />

Bouton PE J Food Sci. 36: 435-439<br />

Bouton, P. E. J. Food Sci.<br />

Hussein, Q. Small ruminant research<br />

Mabjeesh, S. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Premarantne S. AJAS. 10. 223-228.<br />

Fremarantne S. AJAS. 10.223-228.<br />

Premarantne S. AJAS. 10: 223-228.<br />

Johnson BJ J anim Sci 74:363-381<br />

Jones SJ J Anim Sci. 69: 1363-1369<br />

Nasaretnam Lipids 30(12): 1139-1143<br />

Shuman, L.M. Soil. Sci. Soc. Amer. J.<br />

Wesburn, D. K. W. Poultry Sci.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 556 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effect of Time Of Shading on Yield of Peanut (Archis<br />

Hypogea)<br />

Sitompul. S.M<br />

Effect of time of grazing on worm uptake by slieep Mirza, I. SRCRSP Annual Report 19921993<br />

Effect Of Thiazopyr on Sopybean Growth and Dissipation<br />

in Soil<br />

Effect of The Surfactant Tween 80 on Hydrolysis of<br />

Newspaper<br />

Effect of the nematodes (Meloidogyneincognita) on Ammi<br />

majus<br />

Effect of the essential oils of garlic and onion on alimentary<br />

hyperlipemia<br />

Effect of the dominant follicle on regression of its<br />

subordinates in heifers.<br />

Effect of the application of town refuse compost on the soilplant<br />

system: a review.<br />

Effect of thaw rates on motility, survival and acrosomal<br />

integrity of buffalo spermatozoa frozen in medium French<br />

straws<br />

Effect of testosterone metabolites and androgens of<br />

function of the male accessory glands in the rabbit and rat<br />

Effect of temperature, light intensity and dilution rate on the<br />

cellular composition of red alga Porphyridium cruentum in<br />

light-limited chemostat cultures<br />

Effect of Temperature on the Physiology and Morphology<br />

of the Rice Plant.<br />

Effect of temperature on the life history of Liriomyza<br />

bryoniae (Diptera: Agromyzidae) on tomato<br />

Effect of Temperature on Peanut Vegetative and Fruit<br />

Growth<br />

Effect of Temperature on Parasitism of Meloidogyne<br />

Incognita Eggs by Dactillela Oviparasitica<br />

Effect Of Temperature on Leaf and Curd Initation in<br />

Relation To Juvenility of Cauliflower<br />

Effect of Temperature on Infection of Meloidogyne<br />

Javanica by Bacillus Penetrans<br />

Effect of temperature on feeding activity in the crab Scylla<br />

serrata.<br />

Effect of temperature on feeding activity in the crab Scylla<br />

serrata.<br />

Mueller.T.C Weed Sci 44(3)<br />

Castanon, M. Biotechnol. Bioeng<br />

Pandey R Internat J of Pharmacognosy<br />

Bordia, A. Atherosclerosis<br />

Adams, G.P. Can Anim. Sci.<br />

Gallardo-Lara, F Biological Wastes 19: 35-62.<br />

Rao AVN Anim Reprod Sci 12:123-129.<br />

Jones, R Endoc. J<br />

Lee, Y.K. Mircen. J., 4: 231-237.<br />

Vergara, B. S. Plant Physiology Dept. IRRI<br />

Minkenberg,<br />

O.P.J.M.<br />

J. Econ. Entomol.<br />

Cox. F.R Peanut Science Journal<br />

Stirling. G.R Nematologica<br />

Struik. P.C Scientia Horticulture<br />

Stirling. G.R Nematologica<br />

Hill, B.J. Mar. Biol 32: 119-126.<br />

Hill, B.J. Mar. Biol 32: 119-126.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 557 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effect of temperature during various stages on grain<br />

development and yield of Pennisetum americanum. Journal<br />

of Experimental Botany 31, 621-633.<br />

Fussel L.K., Effect of temperature during various<br />

stages on grain development and yield<br />

of Pennisetum americanum. Journal of<br />

Experimental Botany 31, 621-633.<br />

Effect of temperature and radiation on lettuce growing Bierhuizen, J.F. Neth . J. Agric. Sci. 21: 110-116<br />

Effect of Temperature and Irradiance on Vegetative Growth<br />

of Cauliflower (Brassica Oleraceae L. Bitrytis) and Broccoli<br />

(Brassica Oleraceae L. Italica)<br />

Effect of synchronizing the rate of dietary energy and<br />

nitrogen release on rumen fermentation and microbial<br />

protein sythesis in sheep.<br />

Effect of synchronizing the rate of dietary and nitrogen<br />

release on the rumen fermentation and microbial protein<br />

synthesis in sheep.<br />

Effect of sweet potato leaf scab (Elsinoe batatas) on sweet<br />

potato tuber yield<br />

Effect of supplemental tricalcium phosphate on zinc and<br />

manganese availability to common carp<br />

Effect of Supplemental Protein on Growth and Carcass<br />

Characteristics in Restricted Grazing Black Bengal Goats.<br />

Effect of supplemental folic acid on the performance of<br />

starting broiler<br />

Effect of Supplemental Fish Meal on Milk Yield and Milk<br />

Composition of Holstein Cows duhng Early Lacfation<br />

Effect of suplemental phytate & or tricalcium phosphate on<br />

weight gain , feed efficiency & zinc content in vertebrae of<br />

channel catfish<br />

Effect of superovulation treatment on follicle development,<br />

time of ovulation and number of corpora lutea in goats.<br />

Effect of superovulation treatment on follicle development,<br />

time of ovulation and number of corpora lutea in goats<br />

Effect of superovulation treatment on follicle<br />

development, time of ovulation and number of corpora<br />

lutea in goats<br />

Olesen. J.E Journal of Experimental Botany<br />

Sinclair, L.A. J. Agric. Sci. Camb.<br />

Sinclair, L.T. J. Agric. Sci.<br />

Goodbody, S. Trop. Agric.60: 302-303.<br />

Satoh, S. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi. 58: 539-<br />

545.<br />

Shahjalal, M. Bangladesh. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Ryu, K.S. Chicks Poultry Sci.<br />

Adachi, A. Asian-Aus. J. Anim.Sci<br />

Satoh S Aquacult 80 : 155-161<br />

Suyadi Reprod. Dom. Anim. Supl.<br />

Suyadi Reprod. Dom. Anim. Supll.<br />

Suyadi Reprod. Dom. Anim. Sup.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 558 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effect of superovulation on maternal serum progesterone<br />

concentration, uterine and fetal weights at weeks 7 and 15<br />

of pregnancy in Javanese thin-tail ewes<br />

Effect of Superovulation on Maternal Serum Progesterone<br />

Concentration, Urine and Fetal Weights at Weeks 7 and 15<br />

of Pregnancy in Javanese Thin-tail Ewes.<br />

Effect of superovulation on reputed ultrasound guided<br />

oocyte collections for in vitro embryo production in<br />

pregnant heifers<br />

Effect of superovulated serum for culture of bovine oocytes<br />

to blastocyst stage.<br />

Effect of superovulated cow serum for culture of bovine<br />

oocytes to blastocyst stage.<br />

Effect of Sulphur Supply on The Seeds Globulin<br />

Composition of Lupinus Angustifolius<br />

Effect of Sulphur Supply on The Seed Globulin<br />

Composition of Lupinus Angustifolius<br />

Effect of Sulphur Supply On The Seed Globulin<br />

Composition Of Lupinus Angustifolius<br />

Effect Of Sulphur Nutrition On Sulphur Redistribution in<br />

Vegetatif Growth Of Barley<br />

Effect of Sulhur Nutrition On Sulphur Redistribution In<br />

Vegetative Growth Of Barley<br />

Effect of sulfur Nutrition on The Redistribution of Sulfur in<br />

Vegetative Soybean Plants<br />

Effect Of Sulfur and Nitrogen Nutrition on The export Of<br />

Sulfur From Leaves in Soybean<br />

Effect of Sugars on Hydration and Denaturation of Fish<br />

Myofibrilar Protein due to Dehydration with Silica Gel.<br />

Effect of sub-lethal doses of three insecticides on the<br />

reproductive rate of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata<br />

lugens on rice<br />

Effect of sublethal dosages of carbofuran and carbaryl on<br />

fecundity and longivity of the female Western corn root<br />

worm<br />

Effect of strach on the utilization by sheep of a straw diet<br />

supplemented with urea and minerals<br />

Effect of storage and cooking on quality of loin and<br />

toproundstick.<br />

Effect of stocking density on the rate growth of milkfish fry<br />

(Chanos chanos)<br />

Manalu, W. Small Ruminant Res.<br />

Manalu, W. Small Rumin. Res.<br />

Guyader-Joly C Theriogenology<br />

Matsuoka K Theriogenology 37:254<br />

Matsuoka, K.S. Theriogenology<br />

Blagrove. R.J Aust. J. Plant. Physiol<br />

Blagrove. R.J Aust. J. Plant Physiol<br />

Blagrove. R.J Aust. J. Plant Physiol<br />

Adiputra. Ig.K Plant Physiol<br />

Adiputra. I.G.K Plant Physiology<br />

Sunarpi Plant Physiology<br />

Sunarpi Plant Soil<br />

Inada, N., Nippon Shokuhin Kogyo Gakkaishi.<br />

Tokyo, Japan, 39 (3): 211-218.<br />

Chelliah, S. Environ. Entomol.<br />

Ball, H:J. J. Econ. Entomol. (72): 873-876.<br />

Mulholland, J. G. Aust. J. Agric. Res.<br />

Law, H. M. J. Fd. Sci.<br />

S.R. Bambang Bulletin of the Brackishwater<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 559 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effect of starch type, total b-glucans, and acid detergent<br />

fiber levels on the energy content of barley (Hordeum<br />

vulgare L.) for poultry and swine<br />

Effect of starch structure on glucose and insulin responses<br />

in adults<br />

Effect of starch on the utilization by sheep of a straw diet<br />

supplemented with urea and minerals.<br />

Effect of soya oil hydrolysate on rumen digestion in<br />

dafaunated and refaunated sheep.<br />

Effect of soy protein on epithelial proliferation in the<br />

histologically normal human breast<br />

Effect of source of protein and carbohydrate on ruminal<br />

fermentation and passage of nutrients to the small intestine<br />

of lactating cows.<br />

Effect of Source of Protein and Carbohydrate on Ruminal<br />

Fermentation and Passage of Nutrient to The Small<br />

Intestine of Lactating Cows.<br />

Effect of source and level of undergraded intake protein on<br />

nutrient use and performance of early lactation cows<br />

Effect of some factors on the choice of a site for oviposition<br />

in housfly. Musea domestica female.<br />

Effect of Some Carbohydrates and Sodium Bicarbonate on<br />

Urea Utilization in Goats<br />

Effect of solvent and salts on the separation of fructose<br />

from glucose, fructose mixture.<br />

Miller, M.C Can. J. Anim. Sci<br />

Behall KM Am. J.Clin.Nutr<br />

Mulholland, J.G. Aust. J. Agric. Res.<br />

Broudiscou, L, Anim, Feed Sci. Technol: 30: 51-67.<br />

McMichael-Phillips,<br />

D.<br />

Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 68:1431-1436.<br />

Mc Carthy, J. Dairy Sci. 72:2002.<br />

McCarthy R. D. J. Dairy Science.<br />

Kerry, C. M. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Zhemehuzina, A.A Med. Parasit 2(1):55-57.<br />

Atreja, P.P Indian J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Chang Korean J. of food science and<br />

technology<br />

Effect of solution viscosity on Ultrafiltration flux Wang, S.S J. Membrane Sci<br />

Effect of solar heating of soils by transparent polyethylene<br />

mulching on their chemical properties<br />

Chen, Y Soil Sci<br />

Effect of soil temperature and soil amandement on<br />

Thelaviopsis root rot of sesame.<br />

Adam. P. B. Phytophathologi 61: 93-97<br />

Effect of soil moisture stress on yield, nodulation, and<br />

nitrogenase activity of Macropilium atropurpureum cr.<br />

Siratro and Desmodium intortum cr. Greenleaf<br />

Ahmed, B Plant and Soil<br />

Effect of soil conditioner on water relationship in soil Wallace, A Soil Sci 141:346-352<br />

Effect of sodicity, pH organic matter and calcium carbonate<br />

on the dispersion nehaviour of soils<br />

Gupta RK Soil Sci 137:245-53<br />

Effect of sodicity, pH organic matter and calcium carbonate<br />

on the dispersion nehaviour of soils<br />

Gupta RK Soil Sci 137:245-53<br />

Effect of Single crop Agrisilviculture on Soil Analysis Ojeniyi.S.O Expl.Agri.<br />

Effect of silver ion, carbondioxide and oxygen on ethylene<br />

action and metabolism<br />

Beyer Jr., E.M. Plant Physiology<br />

Effect of silica on in vitro digestibility of forages. Mudgal, V. D. Indian J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Effect of silica in forages upon digestibility Van Soest. P. J Journal of Dam Science<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 560 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effect of Siberian C Rootstock, Interstem and Scion on<br />

Calcium Content in Peach.<br />

Effect of short-term progesterone treatment on oestrus<br />

response and fertility in heifers.<br />

Effect of short-term exposure to oil-contaminated<br />

sedimcnts on the immune responsc of dab, Limanda<br />

limanda (L.)<br />

Effect of Short-Term Administration of Ethylenthiourea<br />

Upon Thyroid Function of The Rat<br />

Effect of Short Intermittent Lighting on Food Consumption<br />

and Performance Dwarf Broiler Breeder and Progeny<br />

Effect of Shifting Cultivation on The Soil Meso-Fauna with<br />

Special References to Collembolan Populations in the<br />

North-East Thailand<br />

Effect of shifting cultivation (jhum) on soil fauna with<br />

particular reference to earthworms on northeast India<br />

Effect of sheep, deer and cattle dung on herbage<br />

production and soil nutrient content<br />

Effect of Shear Strength On Soil Detachment Due To Rain<br />

Drop Impact<br />

Effect of Shading on the regrowth of falium perenne<br />

Swards in the field .<br />

Effect of sex condition genotype, diet and carcass electrical<br />

stimulation on the collagen content and palability of two<br />

muscle.<br />

Effect of Sex and Age of Chickens on The Digestibility of<br />

Amino Acids in Feed Mixture.<br />

Effect of several relative humidities on Sesamum indicum<br />

L. seed storability<br />

Effect of several management tactic on adult mortality and<br />

progeny production of Sitophilus Zaemais ( Coleoptera :<br />

Curculionidae) On stored corn in the laboratory<br />

Effect of Sesame Intercropping against the Root-Knot<br />

Nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) in Okra<br />

Effect of sequential neem teratment on green leafhopper<br />

(GLH) rice tungro virus (RTV) infection, and predatory mirid<br />

and spidera in rice<br />

Effect of selection for yield components on grain yield in<br />

pearl millet (pennisstum typhoideum Rich)<br />

Effect of selection for yield components on grain yield in<br />

pearl millet (pennisstum typhoideum Rich)<br />

Werner, D. J. Fruit Varieties Journal<br />

Roche, J.F. J. Reprod. Fertil. Suppl.<br />

Tahir, A. Aquatic Toxicology 27: 71-82.<br />

Graham. S.L Bull. Env. Contam. Toxic<br />

Tri-Yuwanta Brit. Poult. Sci.<br />

Takeda, H. Memoir of the College of Agriculture,<br />

Kyoto Univ. No. 118: 45-60.<br />

Darlong VT Applied Soil ecology 6(1997) : 17-35<br />

Williams, P. H. Grass Forage Sci. 50: 263-271.<br />

Cruse. R.M Soil Science Society of American<br />

Journal<br />

Thomas, J. Annals of Batony, 4(179); 705-715<br />

Crouse, J. D. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Zelenka, J. World's Poultry Science Association ,<br />

Paris, France.<br />

Hasanah, M. 1CRJ. 1(2): 1722.<br />

Sedlacek J.D. Journal of Entomologi , 84 (3) :1041-<br />

1046<br />

Tanda, A.S Nematologica 34:484-492<br />

Kareem AA International Rice research Newsletter<br />

13(6):37-40<br />

Totok ADH Plant production science<br />

Totok ADH Plant production science<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 561 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effect of selected subrate forms on the synthesis of<br />

structured lipids by two immobilized lipases<br />

Effect of selected insecticides and nematicides on the in<br />

vitro development of the entomogeneous nematode,<br />

Neoaplectana carpocapsae<br />

Effect of seed inoculation with the Rhizopseudomonas<br />

strain 7NSK2 on the root microbiota of maize (Zea mays)<br />

and barley (Hordenum vulgare )<br />

Effect of season on the semen characteristics of Malabari<br />

bucks<br />

Effect of season and duration of FSH treatment on embryo<br />

production in sheep<br />

Effect of same Feeds on the Bacterial flora of Buffaloes<br />

Rumen.<br />

Effect of same feeds on the bacterial flora of buffaloes<br />

rumen<br />

Effect of salt, sugar and storage time on microbiological<br />

chemistry and sensory properties of chinese style dried<br />

pork<br />

Effect of salinity of medium on cellular fatty acid<br />

composition of marine alga Porphyridium cruentum<br />

(Rhodophyceae)<br />

Effect of S Nutrition on S Redistribution In Vegetative<br />

Soybean Plants`<br />

Effect of S Nutrition on S Redistribution in Vegetative<br />

Soybean Plants<br />

Effect of rumination Of reduction of particle size of rumen<br />

digesta by cattle<br />

Effect of Ruminal Escape Protein and Fat on Nitrogen<br />

Utilization in Lambs Exposed to Elevated Ambient<br />

Temperatures.<br />

Effect of Ruminal Escape Protein and Fat on Nitrogen<br />

Utilization in Lambs Exposed to Elevated Ambient<br />

Temperatures.<br />

Effect of rootstock diameter on budding succes of common<br />

Mandaris (Citrus reticutata)<br />

Effect of root and anaerobiosis on ethylene production,<br />

epinasty and growth of tomato plants<br />

Effect of Rewetting Air Dried Soil on pH and Accumulation<br />

of Mineral Nitrogen<br />

Effect of restriction on growth, body composition and egg<br />

production of broiler females through 68 weeksof age.<br />

Lee KT J Am Oil Chem Soc 75(5):579-584<br />

Hara, A.H Nematology J<br />

Iswandi, A. Biol. Fertil. Soils 4: 153-158.<br />

Patil RV Indian Vet ] 55:761-766.<br />

Lopéz-Sebastian A Theriogenology<br />

Punj, V.K. Indian J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Punj, V. K. Indian J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Kuo, J. C. J. Food Sci.<br />

Lee, Y.K. J. Appl. Phycol., 1: 19-23.<br />

Sunarpi Physiol. Plant<br />

Sunarpi Pysiol Plant<br />

Kennedy, P.M Aust. J.Agric. Res<br />

Bunting, L. D. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Bunting, L. D. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Ashari, S<br />

Bradford, K.J. Plant Physiol. 61:506-509.<br />

Heynes. R.J J. Soil. Sci<br />

Robbins, K. R. Poult. Sci.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 562 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effect of Restricted Feed Intake and Heat Stress on Na and<br />

K Status of Periparturient Cows and Heifers.<br />

Effect of repeated heating on thermal behaviour of crude<br />

palm oil<br />

Effect of repeated drying at defderent temaperatures onsoil<br />

organic matter decomposition and characteristics and on<br />

the soil microflora<br />

Effect of repeated drying at defderent temaperatures onsoil<br />

organic matter decomposition and characteristics and on<br />

the soil microflora<br />

Toharmat, T. Bulletin of NIAI No. 58 Ibaraki, Japan.<br />

Haryati T J Am Oil Chem Soc 74 : 393-396<br />

Jager G Soil Biol Biochem 7:153-159<br />

Jager G Soil Biol Biochem 7:153-159<br />

Effect of Release of Urea on its Utilization by Sheep Huston, J, E. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Effect of rehydration medium on the recovery of freezedried<br />

tactic acid bacteria<br />

Effect of Reflectors, Blackboards or Shades Applied at<br />

Different Stages of Plant Development on Yield of Soybean<br />

Effect of Recombinantly Derived Bovine Growth Hormone<br />

(bGH) on Lactational Performance of High Yielding Dairy<br />

Cows<br />

Effect of Recombinant Bovine Somatotropin and Dietary<br />

Energy Intake and Growth. Secretion of Luteinizing<br />

Hormone. Follicular Development and on set of Puberty in<br />

Beef Heifers.<br />

Effect of Raw Spacing on Weed Competition With Snap<br />

Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris)<br />

Effect of Ractopamine on Insulin Sensitivity and Response<br />

of Isolated Rat Adiposytes<br />

Effect of puddling and compaction on physical properties<br />

and yield of lowland rice<br />

Effect of Pseudomonas putida on the stimulation of<br />

Pythium ultimum by seed volatiles of pea and soybean<br />

Effect of Protein Source and on Performance of Lactating<br />

Damascus Goats.<br />

Effect of Protein Source and Formaldehyde Treatment on<br />

Lactation of Chios and Damascus Goats.<br />

Effect of Protein Source and Co-Culture on Bovine Embryo<br />

Development in Synthetic Oviductal Fluid Medium<br />

Effect of protein matrix on the digestion of cereal grain by<br />

ruminal microorganism<br />

Valdez, G.T. Appl. Environ. Microbiol.50(3): 1339-<br />

1341.1.<br />

Schou. J.B Crop. Sci. J<br />

Bauman, D. E. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Hall, J.B. Journal of Animal Sci.<br />

Teasdale, J.R Weed Sci. 31(1)<br />

Hausman, D. B. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Garg. R.N. Indian J. Soil Conserv. 24 (1): 49-53.<br />

Paulitz, T.C. Phytopathology 81:728-734.<br />

Hadjipanayiotou, M. Small Ruminant Research.<br />

Hadjipanayiotou, M. Small Ruminant Research.<br />

Rorie, R.W. Theriogenology 42: 385-395.<br />

Mc Allister, T. A. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 563 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effect of protein level in purified diet and of density,<br />

ammonia and O2 level on growth of juvenile european eels<br />

(Anguilla anguilla L )<br />

Effect of Protein Level and Source in Molasses Slurries on<br />

The Performances of Growing Cattle Fed Hay During<br />

Winter.<br />

Effect of protein intake on true digestibility of amino acids in<br />

repeseed meals for adult roosters force fed with moistened<br />

feed.<br />

Effect of Protein Intake on True Digestibility of Amino Acids<br />

in Rapeaseed Meals for Adult Roosters Force Fed with<br />

Moistened Feed.<br />

Effect of protein content of the diet on nitrogen excretion by<br />

pigs.<br />

Effect of protein and energy intake of broiler breeder hens<br />

on performances of broiler chicken offspring.<br />

Effect of progesterone on ovarian follicles, emergence of<br />

follicular waves and circulating follicle-stimulating<br />

hormone in heifers<br />

Desegani G Aquaculture<br />

Starter, D. A. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Zuprizal, Amin. Feed Sci. Technol.<br />

Zuprizal, M. Larbier. Anim. Feed. Sci. and Tech.<br />

Gatel, F. J. Livest. Prod. Sci.<br />

Spratt, R. S. Poult. Sci.<br />

Adams, G.P. J. Reprod. Fert. 95: 627-640.<br />

Effect of product from on the microbiological growth<br />

support characteristics of turkey meat products<br />

Denton, J. H. Poult. Sci.<br />

Effect of Processing on the Nutritien Value Rechcigl, M. Y Fd Sci 10 (1): 33-34.<br />

Effect of Processing Methods on The in Vitro Digestibility of<br />

Sodium Hydroxide Treated Roughages.<br />

Ololade, B. G. Can. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Effect of Processing Conditions and Antioxidant on The<br />

Oxidative Stability and Carbon Dioxide Formation in Low<br />

Fat Dry Milk.<br />

Min, D. B. J. Food. Sci.<br />

Effect of processing and storage on protein quality Ledward DA Nutritional Quality of food<br />

Effect of probiotic product Cytozyme on digestibility of<br />

finishing diets and their utilization by feedlot steers.<br />

Effect of prevention of coprophagy on digestibility of hig<br />

forage & hig concentrate diets by rabbits<br />

Effect of Preparations and Milling on Consistency of<br />

Tomato Juice and Pure<br />

Effect of preincubation storage, parental age and rate of lay<br />

on hatchability in Cortunix japonica<br />

Effect of pottasium oxalate feeding on certain metabolic<br />

process in buffalo ( Bubalus bubalis) calves<br />

Effect of potato alkaloids on the growth of Alternaria solani<br />

and their possible role as resistance factors in potatoes<br />

Siuta, A Acta agraria et Silvestria Series<br />

Zootechnica<br />

Robinson KL J Appl Rabbits Res. 8:57-59<br />

Crandall GP Journal of Food Science<br />

Chalil, P.S Poultry Sci. 53 : 529 - 534<br />

Sareen VK Indian J Anim Sci 48:10-13<br />

Sinden SL Phytophatology<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 564 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effect of postmortem injection time and post injection aging<br />

time on calcium-activated tenderization process in beef<br />

Effect of Post Weaning Diets on Age and Weight at Puberty<br />

and Milk Production of Heifer.<br />

Effect of post mortem storage and temperature on muscle<br />

protein degradation. Analysis by SDS Gel Ellectrophoresis.<br />

Effect of Post harvest Calcium Treatment on Intemal<br />

Breakdown and Respi ration of Apple Fruits<br />

Effect of polyunsaturated fatty acids on the growth of fish<br />

cells in culture. Abstract ASFA1<br />

Effect of planting date and fungicide applications on the<br />

intensity of anthracnose on shallot<br />

Effect of plant phenolic acids on ceilulolytic activity of<br />

mixed rumen populations<br />

Effect of plant and row spacing on dryland soybean yield<br />

and water use effisiensy<br />

Effect of plant and row spacing on dryland soybean yield<br />

and water use effisiensy<br />

Effect of plane nutrition on LH response to GnRH in oestrus<br />

post partum on beef cows.<br />

Effect of plane nutrition on LH response to GnRH in oestrus<br />

post partum beef cows<br />

Wheeler, T.L. J. Anim. Sci 75: 2652-2660.<br />

Marston, T.T. Journal of Animal<br />

Bechtel, P.J. J. Food Sci. 48: 294.<br />

Bangerth.F J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci<br />

Tocher, D.R. Biological Sciences and Living<br />

Resources.<br />

Suhardi, H.A. Indonesian Journal of Horticulture 6:<br />

172-180<br />

Ushida, K AJAS vol. 3 (No 1)<br />

Alessi J Agron J 74(5)851-854<br />

Alessi J Agron J 74(5)851-854<br />

Entwistle, K.W. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Entwistle K.W Theriogenology<br />

Effect of Phytate on Iron Absorption in The Rat Cowan, J. W. J. Nutr. 90: 423.<br />

Effect of Phyretrum, Pachyrizus and Vitex on the adult of<br />

Callosobrunchus analis<br />

Kardinan, A. F. J. of Spice and Med. Crops<br />

Effect of photoperiod on quail processing yields Legare, E. T. Poultry Sci.<br />

Effect of phosporous and potasium level on fruits<br />

characteristics and quality of tomato seed<br />

Seno, S Horticulture Abstract<br />

Effect of phosphorus on the effectiveness of strains of<br />

Rhizobium japonicum.<br />

Singleton, P.W Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J.<br />

Effect of phosphorus and potassium on soybean nodules<br />

and seed yields<br />

Jones, G.D Agron.J<br />

Effect of phospholipids and n-3 highly unsaturated fatty<br />

acids on ovarian development of kuruma prawn<br />

R.A. Alava Bull.Jap.Soc.Sci.Fish<br />

Effect of phosphate solubilizer on dry matter yield of<br />

phosphorus up take by soybean<br />

Achmad, N J. Indian. Soc. Soil Sci<br />

Effect of phosphate solu-bilizer on dry matter yield of and<br />

phosphorus uptake by soybean<br />

Ahmad, N. J. Indian. Soc. SoilSci. 30:105-106.<br />

Effect of Phophate fertilization , Imie amandements and<br />

inoculation with VA mycorrhizal on soy been in acid soil<br />

Maddok Plant and Soil (134) : 83-93<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effect of Phenolic Compounds From Eucalyptus on The<br />

Mycelial Growth Conidial Germination of Cryphonectria<br />

Cubensis<br />

Effect of phenolic acids and phenolics from plant cell walls<br />

on rumen like fermentation in consecutive batch culture.<br />

Effect of phenolic acids and phenolics from plant cell walls<br />

on rumen like fermentation in consecutive batch culture<br />

Effect of phenolic acids and phenolics from plant cell walls<br />

on rumen like fermentation in consecutive batch culture<br />

Effect of pH on competition for nodule occupancy by type I<br />

and type II strains of Rhiwbium leguminosarum bv.<br />

phaseoli.<br />

Effect of pH and nitrogen source on pigment production by<br />

Monascus purpureus.<br />

Effect of pH and nitrogen source on alumunium tolerance<br />

of rye (Secale cerale L)<br />

Effect of pH and nitrogen source on aluminum tolerance of<br />

rye (Secale cereale L.) and yellow lupin (Lupinus luteus L).<br />

Effect of pellet size on the growth performance of weaning<br />

rabbit<br />

Effect of peat Vermiculate Mixes containing Thichoderma<br />

harzianumon increase Growth Respone of Raddish.<br />

Effect of pattern of water supply on Vicia faba L.1 Dry<br />

matter partitioning and yield stability.<br />

Effect of particle size of sorghum grain on feed intake and<br />

performance of young broilers<br />

Effect of partially hydrogenated fish oil, partially<br />

hydrogenated soybean oil, & butter on serum lipoprotein &<br />

Lp (a) I men<br />

Effect of palm oil, margarine, butter, and sunflower oil on<br />

the serum lipids and lipoproteins of normocholesterolemic<br />

middle-aged men<br />

Effect Of Palm Oil Margarine, Butter And Sunflower Oil On<br />

The Serum Lipids and Lippoprotein Of<br />

Normocholesterollemic Middle Aged Men<br />

Effect of packing orientation daily positional change and<br />

vibration on the hatchability of chicken eggs stores up to<br />

four weeks.<br />

Alfenas.A.C Canadian Journal of Botani Vol. 60<br />

Theodorou, MK. Appl.Environ.Microbiol.,53:1046-1050.<br />

Theodorou, M.K. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 53: 1046-<br />

1050.<br />

Theodorou, M.K. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 53: 1046-<br />

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Frey SD Plant Soil 163:157-164.<br />

Chen, M.H. AppI. Microbiol Biotechnol 40: 132-<br />

138.<br />

Gauer UE Plant. And Soil 127:13-21<br />

Gauer, U.E. Plant and Soil 127: 13-21.<br />

Harris DJ J Appl Rabbit Res 7(3):106-108<br />

Paulitz, M.T. Horticultura Sciens.<br />

Grashoff, C Netherland Journal of Agricultural<br />

Sciences 38:21-44<br />

Nir, I. Poultry Sci.<br />

Almendingen K J Lipid res 36 : 1370-1384<br />

Wood R J Nutr Biochem 4:286-297<br />

Wood. R J. Nutr. Biochem<br />

------- Can. J. Animal Sci. 49 : 29 - 35<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 566 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effect of packaging materials on biochemical changes and<br />

keeping quality of fishery products<br />

Effect of Overprocessing on Availability of Ammo Acid and<br />

Energy in Soybean Meal.<br />

Effect of Overcooked Soybean Meal on Chicken<br />

Performance and Amino Acid Availability.<br />

Effect of overcooked soybean meal on chicken<br />

performance and amino acid<br />

Effect of oven-drying and autoclave heat treatments on<br />

rumen degradable protein and intestinal digestible protein<br />

of kapok seed meal. In: W. Hardjosubroto, Nasroedin, S.<br />

Djojowidagdo and M. Soejono (eds)<br />

Effect of ovarian steroid and oxytocin on the production of<br />

prostaglandin estrogen, prostaglandin F2a and Endothelin-<br />

1 from cow oviductal epithel cell monolayers in Vitro. (<br />

Abstract).<br />

Marseno, D.W"<br />

Parson, C.M. Poultry Sci.<br />

Lee.H. Poultry Science 71:499-508.<br />

Lee, H. Poultry Science<br />

Hartutik Bull. Of Anim. Sci., Supplement<br />

Edition<br />

Wijayagunawardane<br />

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Anim. Reprod. Sci.<br />

Effect of organic solvents on lipase for fat splitting Kim, K.H., Lipids.<br />

Effect of organic matter application on methane emission<br />

from some Japanese paddy fields.<br />

Yagi, K. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 36: 599-610.<br />

Effect of Organic Cosolvent on Adsorption and Desorption<br />

of Linuron and Simazine in Soil<br />

Kookana. R.S Aust. J. Soil. Res.<br />

Effect of organic and inorganic calcium compounds on soilsolution<br />

pH and aluminum concentration<br />

Smith, C.J European J. Soil Sci<br />

Effect of organic amendment on severity of macrophomina<br />

root rot of cotton.<br />

Gaffar, A. Phytapathology.<br />

Effect of organic acids on aluminum toxicity in subsoils Hue, N.V Soil Sci. Soc. Am.J<br />

Effect of organic acid on release of phosphorus from<br />

phosphate rocks<br />

Kpomblekou-A, K. SoilSci. 158:442-.453.<br />

Effect of oestrus cycle control on reproductive efficiency Macmillan K.L Anim .Reprod.Sci<br />

Effect Of Nutritional Stress on The Storage Proteins of<br />

Soybeans<br />

Effect of Nutritional Stress On The Storage Proteins Of<br />

Soybean<br />

Effect of Nutrition and Season on The Onset Puberty in The<br />

Beef Heifer.<br />

Effect of nutrition and season on the onset puberty in the<br />

beef heifer<br />

Effect of nutrient defficiencies and excesses on<br />

reproduction efficiency of livestock<br />

Effect of Number on Corpora Lutea and Fetuses on<br />

Concentrations of Progesterone in Blood of Goats.<br />

Gayler. K.R Plant Physiol<br />

Gayler. K.R Plant Physiology<br />

Schillo, K.K. Journal of Animal Sci.<br />

Schillo KK J of Anim Sci 70:3997-3999<br />

Dunn TG J of Anim Sci 70 : 1582-1595<br />

Jarrell, V. L. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 567 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effect of number of young born (litter size) on milk yield of<br />

goat: Role of placental lactogen<br />

Effect of number of Pig embryos in the uterus on their<br />

survival & development on maternal metabolism<br />

Effect of number of corpora lutea and fetuses on<br />

concentrations of progesterone in blood of goats<br />

Effect of number of corpora lutea and fetuses on<br />

concentration of progesterone in blood of goats<br />

Effect of N-phenyl-N-(pyndyl) urea (4-pu) on fruit size<br />

apple, Japanese pear, grapeone, a kiwi fruit<br />

Effect of Non Structural to Structural Carbohydrates Ratio<br />

on Rate and Extent of Nutrient Utilization in Situ.<br />

Effect of Nitrogen Supply on the Comparative Productivity<br />

of Maize and Sorghum in a Semi-arid Tropical Environment<br />

: Leaf Growth and Leaf Nitrogen<br />

Effect of Nitrogen Supply on Maize Yield : Modelling<br />

Physiological Response<br />

Effect of Nitrogen Supply on Maize Yield : II. Field and<br />

Model Analysis<br />

Effect of Nitrogen Sources on Xilitol Production from Dxylose<br />

by Cadida sp L102.<br />

Effect Of Nitrogen Nutrition On The Export Of Sulphur From<br />

Leaves In Soybean<br />

Effect of Nitrogen Nutrition On Remobilization Of Protein<br />

Sulfur In The Leaves Of Vegetative Soybean and<br />

Associated Changes In Soluble Sulfur Metabolies<br />

Effect of Nitrogen Nutrition On Remobilization Of Protein -<br />

Sulphur in The Leaves of Vegetative Soybean and<br />

Associated Changes In Soluble Sulphur Metabolities<br />

Effect of nature according and synthetic androgen on<br />

growth, body composition and muscle gluctiocoid receptor<br />

in wather Iambs.<br />

Effect Of Natural Insecticide From Nicotiana Gossei On<br />

The White Fly Parasitoid Encarsia Formosa (Hymenoptera<br />

: Aphelinidae)<br />

Hayden, T. J. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Pere MC J Anim Sci 75:1337-1342<br />

Jarrell, V. L. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Jarrell, V. L. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Ogata, R Acta Hort. 239<br />

Varga, G. A. Anim. Feed. Sci. and Tech.<br />

Muchow, R.C Field Crop Res.<br />

Sinclair, T.R Agron. J<br />

Muchow, R.C Agron. J<br />

Liu J. Biotechnol. Lett., 17: 167-170<br />

Sunarpi Plant Soil<br />

Sunarpi Plant Physiology<br />

Sunarpi Physiol. Plant<br />

Galbrait, H. Anim. Prod.<br />

Bentz. J J. Econ. Entomol<br />

Effect of n-3 fatty acids lipid metabolism Nestel, P.J Ann. Rev. Nutr 10149-167.<br />

Effect Of N Nutrition On Remobilization Of Protein Sulfur In<br />

The Leaves Of Vegetative Soybean And Associated<br />

Changes In Soluble Sulfur Metabilities<br />

Sunarpi Plant Physiol<br />

Effect of N fertilizaton on earthworm & microarthropod<br />

population in Kentucky bluegrass turf<br />

Potter, DA Agron j 77:367-372<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 568 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effect of mutations in aromatic catabolism on the<br />

persistence and competitiveness of Rhiwbium<br />

leguminosarum bv trifolii<br />

Effect of Molasses-Urea Supplements on Digestibility of<br />

Mature Carpet Grass (Axonopus affinis) and Liveweight<br />

Change of Beef Steers.<br />

Rynne FG Soil Biol Biochem 6:703-710.<br />

Cohen, R.D.H Aust. J. Exp. Agric. and Anim.<br />

Husbandry<br />

Effect of moisture stress on the growth of soill palm E<br />

guineensis seedlings<br />

Chin HF The Planters 56:3-10<br />

Effect of moisture stress on seed growth in soybeans Mechel L Aron J 76(4):647-650<br />

Effect of moisture stress on seed growth in soybeans Mechel L Aron J 76(4):647-650<br />

Effect of Modified Atmosphere Packing on the Flavonoids<br />

and Vitamin C Content ofMinimally Processed Swiss Card<br />

(Bèta vulgaris Subspecies cycia).<br />

Gil, M.I J Agric Food Chem.<br />

Effect of mixtures of custard-apple oil and neem oil on<br />

survival of Nephotettix virescens (Homoptera: Cicadellidae)<br />

and on rice tungro virus transmission<br />

Effect of mineral nutrients and combined nitrogen sources<br />

in the medium on growth and nitrogen fixation of the Awlla-<br />

Anabaena association<br />

Effect of Mikrobial Supplements Containing Yeast and<br />

Lactobacili on Roughage-fed Rumania Microbial Activities.<br />

Effect of metabolic inhibitors on mouse preimplantation<br />

embryos development end the energy metabolism of the<br />

isolated inner cell masses<br />

Effect of Meloidogyne incognita on growth, physiology<br />

nutrient concentration and alkaloid yield of Hyoscyamus<br />

albus<br />

Effect of melisceous seed extracts on growth and survival<br />

of spodoptera frugiferda ( JE.Smith)<br />

Effect Of Meliaceous Seed Extracts On Growth and<br />

Survival Of Spodoptera Frugiperda<br />

Effect of media constituents on tryptophanase and<br />

tryptophan synthese in E. coli<br />

Effect of Mechanized Logging in The Lowland Dipterocarp<br />

Forest at Lempake East Kalimantan<br />

Effect of mechanized logging in the lowland dipterocarp<br />

forest at Lempaka East Kalimantan.<br />

Effect of Mechanical Impedance on Roots Growth in Barley<br />

(Hordeum Vulgare L.) 1. Effects on Elongation and<br />

Branching Of Seminal Roots<br />

Mariappan, V J. Econ Entomol<br />

Kitoh, S. Soil Sri. Plant Nutr. 37:419-426.<br />

Dawson, K. E. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Hewitson L.C J.Mol reprod , Develop<br />

Haseeb A J Nematol<br />

Mikolajczak KL J.Chem Ecol<br />

Mickolajczak. K.L J. Chem. Ecol.<br />

Gunarto, L.<br />

Abdulhadi.R. Malaysian Forester<br />

Abdulhadi. R Malayan Forester. 44 (2&3): 407-418.<br />

Goss. M.J Journal Of Experimental Biology<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 569 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effect of mass releases of Trichogramma pretiosum<br />

against Lepidopterious pests on processing tomatoes in<br />

Southern California, with notes on host egg population<br />

Trends<br />

Effect of Marbling degree on beef palatibility on Bos Taurus<br />

and Bos Indicus cattle.<br />

Effect of manure amendment on soil shemical properties<br />

and hydrous oxides.<br />

Effect of manure amendment on soil chemical properties<br />

and hydrous oxides<br />

Effect of manipulation of source and sink on carbon<br />

exchangerate and some enzymes of sucrose metabolism in<br />

leaves of soybean {Glycine max (L.) Men-.)<br />

Effect of Luteinizing Hormone and Human Chorionic<br />

Gonadotropin on Cell Populations in The Ovine Corpus<br />

Luteum.<br />

Effect of Lupin Grain and Type of Cereal Grain at The<br />

Value of a Hay Supplement in the Diet of Lambing ewes<br />

during Drought<br />

Effect of Low Temperature Storage and Ethylene Removal<br />

on Ripening and Gene Expression Changes in Avocado<br />

Fruit<br />

Effect of Low Temperature Storage and Ethylene Removal<br />

on Riening and Gene Expression Changes in Avocado<br />

Fruit<br />

Oatman, E.R. J. Econ. Entomol. 71: 896-900.<br />

Wheller, T. L. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Miller, W.P Soil Sci.Soc. Am.J<br />

Miller, W.P Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Suwignyo R.A. JSPP. Plant Cell Physiol. 36: 1439-<br />

1446.<br />

Farin, C. E. Biol. Reprod.<br />

Kenney, P.A Australian Journal of Experimental<br />

Agriculture<br />

Zamorano Postharvest Biology and Technology<br />

Zamorano Postharvest Biol. And Technology<br />

Effect of long term fish oil supplementation on vitamin E<br />

status and lipid peroxidation in women<br />

Meydani, M J. Nutr<br />

Effect of long chain fatty acids on growth of rumen bacteria Maczulak, A.E. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 42: 856-862.<br />

Effect of Live Yeast Culture and Sodium Bicarbonat on<br />

Lactating Goats.<br />

Effect of Litter Size on Maternal Serum Progesterone<br />

Concentrations During Gestation Period and Mammary<br />

Gland Growth and Development at Parturition in Javanese<br />

Thin-tail Sheep.<br />

Effect of lipid and n-3 HUFA levels in microdeits on growth,<br />

survival, and fatty acid composition of larval gilthead sea<br />

bream (Sparus aurata).<br />

Effect of Liming and Fertilization on Sulfur Availability.<br />

Mobility and Uptake in Cultivated Soils of South Carolina<br />

Effect of liming a highly Al [aluminum]-saturated soil on the<br />

top and root growth and soybean nodulation<br />

Teh, T. H. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Manalu, W. Small Rumin. Res.<br />

Salhi, M., Aquaculture, 124: 275-282.<br />

Martini. J.A J. Soil. Sci<br />

Sartain JB Agron J 67:507-510.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 570 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effect of lime on exchangeable Al and com growth. Sanchez, P.A. Soil Sci.Soc. Am.J<br />

Effect of Lime on Exchangeable Ai and Corn Growth Sanchez.P.A Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Effect of Lime on Exchangeable AI and Corn Growth Sanchez, P.A Soil Sci. J<br />

Effect of lime and organic matter on soybean seedlings<br />

grown in aluminium toxic soil<br />

Ahmad, F Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Effect of lignin on rate of in vitro cell wall and cellulose<br />

disappearance in corn.<br />

Lechtenberg, V.L. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Effect of light intensity on the proximate biochemical and<br />

fatty acid composition of Isochrysis sp, and<br />

Plannochloropsis oculata for use in tropical aquaculture.<br />

Renaud, S.M., J.Appl. Phycol. 3: 43-53.<br />

Effect of Level of Protein Intake on Milk Secretion and feed<br />

Conversion Efficiency in Goats.<br />

Effect of legume forage with straw supplementation on milk<br />

production at Pabna milk shed area.<br />

Effect of leaf orientation, leaf area, and plant densities on<br />

corn production<br />

Effect of Latex and Poly-DADMAC on Erosion,<br />

Hydropobicity and Water Retention on Two Different Soils<br />

Effect of landclearing methode and post clearing<br />

management on aggregate stability and organic carbon<br />

content of soil in the humid tropics<br />

Effect of Lamb Growth Rate and Growth Pattern on<br />

Carcass Fat Levels.<br />

Effect of Lactobacillus acidophillus supplementation of milk<br />

replacer on preweaning performance of calves<br />

effect of K on Nitrogen Fixation Of Intercrop Groundnut and<br />

The Competition Between Intercrop Ground and Maize<br />

Effect of irradiation and modified atmosphere packaging on<br />

the microbiological and sensory quality of pork stored at<br />

refrigeration temperature<br />

Effect of ionic strength, serum albumin and other<br />

macromolecules on the maintenance of motility and the<br />

surface of mammalian spermatozoa in a simple media<br />

Effect of Introduced and Indigeneous VA mycorrhizal fungi<br />

on Nodulation, Growth, and Nutrition of Medicago Sativa In<br />

Phosohate-fizing soils as effected by P Fertilizer.<br />

Singh, N. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences.<br />

Islam, M. Asian-Australian J. of Anim. Sci.<br />

Whigham, D.K Agron. J<br />

Bernas. S.M Aust. J. Soil. Res<br />

Allerge, J.C Soil Sci<br />

Chestnutt, D. M. B. Anim. Prod.<br />

Cruywagen, C.W J. Dairy Sci<br />

Senaratne. R Fertilizer Res.<br />

Grand, I. R. Int. J. Sci. Technol.<br />

Harrison, R.A.P. J. Reprod. Fert. 52:65-73.<br />

Barea JM. Plant and Soil 54<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 571 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effect of intra nominal infusion of mineral salts on volatile<br />

fatty acid production in steers fed high grain and high<br />

roughage diets.<br />

Effect Of Intermitten High CO2 Treatment on Storage Life<br />

of Avocado Fruit in Relation To Respiration On Ethylene<br />

Production<br />

Effect of Interesterification on the Structure and Physical<br />

Properties ofHigh-Stearic Acid Soybean Oils<br />

Effect of intercropping system on surface processes in an<br />

acid ultisol<br />

Rogers, J.A. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Marcellin. P Acta Horticulturae<br />

List, G.R J Am Oil Chem Soc<br />

Zainol, E. Short term changes in soil physical<br />

properties. J. Nat. Rubb. Res.<br />

Effect of Interaction of Various Foods on Iron Absorption Layrisse, M. Am. J. CIm.Nutr. 10: 1175.<br />

Effect of Inoculum Concentration And Salts Solution On<br />

Biological Control Of Postharvest Diseases of Apple With<br />

Candida sp.<br />

Effect of inoculation with Klebsiella oxytoca and<br />

Enterobacter cloacae on dinitrogen fixation by rice-bacteria<br />

associa-tions.<br />

Effect of inoculation with Azospirillum and three level of<br />

nitrogen in sugareane (Saccharum officinarum) C266-70 in<br />

vitro<br />

Effect of inoculation rate on competition on nodulation of<br />

soybean II<br />

Effect of inoculation rate on competition on nodulation of<br />

soybean II<br />

Effect of inoculation and nitrogen fertilizer on soybean in<br />

Western Nigeria<br />

Effect of inoculation and nitrogen fertilizer on soybean in<br />

Western Nigeria<br />

Effect of Initial Age and Size on Sex Reversal of<br />

Orechromis niloticuss Fry Using Methyltestosteron<br />

Effect of inhibition of meiotic resumption upon the subsequent<br />

development of bovine oocytes in vitro<br />

Effect of induced molting on B cell and CT4 and CT8 T cell<br />

numbers in spleens and peripheral blood of white leghorn<br />

hens.<br />

Effect of increased post milking prolactin concentration on<br />

lactation, plasma metabolites and pancreatic hormones in<br />

lactating goats<br />

Effect of Improved Protein Nutrition on Rumen Parameters<br />

and Blood Metabolites in Water Buffalo (Bubalus Bubalis)<br />

Heifers.<br />

Mc.Laughin. R.J Phytophatol<br />

Fuji, T., Plant and Soil 103: 221-226.<br />

Gonzales G Pastos-y-Forrajes 18:245-249.<br />

Weaver RW Agron J 66:233-236<br />

Weaver RW Agron J 66:233-236<br />

Kang BT Expl Agric 2 :23-31<br />

Kang BT Expl Agric 2 :23-31<br />

Hiott, A.E. Aquaculture, 112 : 310-308.<br />

Sirard, M.A J. Reproduction and development<br />

Holt, P.S. Poult. Sci.<br />

Jacquement, N. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Sahama, T. M. I. R. Trop. Agric. Res.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 572 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effect of Immature Body Weight on Laying Performance. Leeson, L. Poult. Sci.<br />

Effect of human chorionic gonadotropin administered early<br />

in estrous cycle on ovulation and subsequent luteal<br />

function in cows.<br />

Effect of High Temperature and Dietary Fat on<br />

Performance of Lactating Cows.<br />

Effect of High Hydrostatic Pressure on the Enzymic<br />

Hydrolysis of B-Lactoglobulin B by Trypsin,Thermolysin<br />

and Pepsin<br />

Effect of High and Low Sulfate Concentration on Adenosin<br />

5'-Phosphosulfate Sulfotransferase Activity From Lemna<br />

Minor L<br />

Effect Of High and Low Sulfate Concentration On Adenosin<br />

5'-Phosphosulfate Sulfotransferase Activity From Lemna<br />

Minor<br />

Effect of High Ambient Temperature and Low Humidity on<br />

Nutrient Utilization and on Some Physiological Responses<br />

in Awasi Sheep Fed Different Levels of Roughage.<br />

Effect of High Ambient Temperature and Low Humidity on<br />

Nutrient Utilization and on Some Physiological Responses<br />

in Awasi Sheep Fed Different Levels of Roughage.<br />

Effect of high ambient temperatur on feed digestibility in<br />

broiler<br />

Effect of Heating on the b-carotene Content of the Nigerian<br />

Palm Oil<br />

Effect of heat treatment on true digestibility in the rat, in<br />

vitro proteolysis and available lysine content of cottonseed<br />

meal<br />

Effect of heat treatment of soybean meal and fish meal on<br />

animo acid digestibility in mink and dairy cows<br />

Effect of harvest interval on yield and composition of 10<br />

forages grasses<br />

Effect of handling treatment on fillet yields and qualtly of<br />

tropical fish<br />

Effect of growth hormone and thyroxine on growth and<br />

chemical composition of muscle, bone, other tissues in<br />

thyroidectomized-hypophysectomized rats<br />

Effect of growth factors on morula and blastocyst<br />

development of in vitro matured and in vitro fertilized<br />

bovine oocytes<br />

Fricke, P.M. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Moody, E. G. J. Dairy. Sci.<br />

Stapelfeldt, H J. of Dairy Research<br />

Brunold. C Plant Physiol<br />

Brunold. C Plant Physiology<br />

Bhattacharya, A.N. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Bhattacharya, A. N. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Bonnet, S. Poultry Sci.<br />

Mudambi, S.R. J Food Sci. 42 (5): 1414-1415.<br />

Craig WM J Anim Sci 52: 293-310<br />

Ljokjel, K. Anim. Feed Sci. and Technol.<br />

Rios, A. S. J. Agr. Univ. PR.<br />

Curran, C.A. J. Food Technoll 21: 301<br />

Scow, R. O. Am. J. Physiol.<br />

Yang B.K Theriogenology<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 573 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effect of gossypol on tetiscular blood flow and testosterone<br />

production in rats<br />

Effect of gossypol on erythrocyte membrane function<br />

specific inhibition of inorganic anion exchange and<br />

interaction with band 3<br />

Effect of gossypol on bovine embryo development during<br />

the preimplantation period<br />

Effect of gossypol and its metabolite on in vitro early<br />

development of mouse embryos<br />

Effect of Gonadotrophins on the ability of 5.6. dichloro<br />

1.6. dri bofuranosyl benzimidazole (DRB) to inhibit<br />

germinal vesicle breakdown in bovine oocytes<br />

Effect of glycerol on nonenzymatic browning in a solid<br />

intermediate moisture model food system<br />

Effect of glycerol equilibration time and thawing rate upon<br />

acrosomal maintenance and motility of bull spermatozoa<br />

frozen in plastic straws<br />

Effect of glutaraldehyde fixation on the immunogenicity,<br />

particle stability and antigenic reactivity of alfalfa mosaic<br />

virus, and the specificity of elicited antibodies<br />

Effect of glucose on synthesis of plasma glucose in<br />

lactating cows<br />

Effect of glucose in a semi defined culture medium on<br />

development of mouse 1 cell embrios<br />

Effect of glucose fermentation on fiber digestion by ruminal<br />

microorganism in vitro<br />

Effect of glucose and adenosine phosphates on production<br />

of extracelluler carbohydrases of Alternaria solani<br />

Effect of glocose level during the in vitro culture in<br />

Synthetic oviduct fluid medium on in vitro development of<br />

bovine oocyte matured and fertilized in vitro<br />

Wang, J. M. J. Reprod. Fertil.<br />

Haspel, H.C. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 234: 575.<br />

Zirkle, S. M. Theriogenology<br />

Lin, Y. C. Theriogenology<br />

Wolf, C. J. J. Theriogenology<br />

Warmbier, H. C. J. Food Sci.<br />

Wiggin HB J Anim Sci 40:302-305.<br />

Hajimorad, M.R. J. Virol. Methods 33:13-25.<br />

Thompson, J.R. J. Dairy Sci. 58:362-370.<br />

Sawai K J Mamm.Ova res<br />

Paiwonka, E.J J. Dairy Sci<br />

Sands DC Plant Physiol<br />

Matsuyama,K Theriogenol 40:595-605.<br />

effect of Genotype of sheep on levels of worms and fluke Gatenby, R.M SRCRSP Annual Report 19921993<br />

Effect of Gas Bio Degested Slurry on Pea, Okra, Soybean<br />

and Maize.<br />

Effect of Ganoderma lucidumpolysaccharides on T cell<br />

subpopulations and productionsof interleukin 2 in<br />

mixedlymphocyte respons<br />

Singh, S.P. Biogas Forum<br />

Lei LS Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 574 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effect of gamma irradiation, penicilin, and or pectic enzyme<br />

on chick growth depression and fecal stickness caused bye<br />

rye, citrus pectin, and guar gum<br />

Effect of gamma irradiation, and penicilin suplementation<br />

on the rachitogenic activity of rye for chicks.<br />

Effect of gamma irradiation on microorganisms and<br />

components in empty fruit bunch and palm press fibre of oil<br />

plm wastes.<br />

Effect of FSH/LH ratio and treatment schedule on<br />

superovulatory response in Boer goats<br />

Effect of frozen storage conditions on yields, shear strength<br />

and color of ground beef patties<br />

Effect of four protein supplements on growth, feed<br />

conversion. mohair production, fiber characteristics and<br />

blood parameters of Anggora goats,<br />

Effect of Force Feeding and Dictary CeUulose on Liver<br />

Lipid Accumulation and Lipid Composition of Uvcr and<br />

Plasma in Growing Chick.<br />

Effect of forage digestibility and type of concentrate on<br />

nutrient utilization by lactating dairy cattle<br />

Effect of Forage Amount and Particle Size in Diets of<br />

Lactating Dairy ow on Site of Digestion and Microbial<br />

Protein Synthesis<br />

Effect of Flat Cell Size, Transplants Age, And Prodoction<br />

Site on Growth and Yield of Paper Transplant<br />

Effect of fish oil, corn oil and lardoiets on lipidperoxidation<br />

status and glutathioneperoxidase activities in rat heart<br />

Effect of fish oil alone and combined with long chain (n-6)<br />

fatty acids on some conorary risk factors in male subjects<br />

Effect of filler content and size on mechanical properties of<br />

polypropylene/oil palm wood flour composites.<br />

Effect of fibre level, partiële size and adaptation period on<br />

digestibility and rate of passage as measured at the ileum<br />

and in the faeces in adult rabbit<br />

Patel, M.B. Poultry Sci., 59, 2105 - 2110<br />

Mac-Aulife, T. Poultry Sci., 58, 329-332<br />

Kume, T. J. Sci. Food Agric., 52, 147-157<br />

Puls-Kleingeld M, J. Reprod. Fert. Suppl<br />

Bhattacharya, M. J. Food Sci.<br />

Gregoire, R.J. Small Ruminant Research 19:121-130.<br />

Aldba, M. J. Nutr. 108 : 739 - 748.<br />

Gordon, R. W. J. Dairy research<br />

Rode, L.M. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Weston, LA Hort Science<br />

Nalbone, G Lipids<br />

Haglund, O. The journal of nutritional biochemistry<br />

Zaini MJ Polym Int 40 (1): 51-55<br />

Gidenne, T Br. J. Nutr<br />

Effect of Fiber on Availability of Protein from Wheat Shorts Ranhotra, G.S. Cereal Chem 48:9-14.<br />

Effect of Fetal Number on The Concentrations of<br />

Circulating Maternal of Does During Late Pregnancy.<br />

Manalu, W. Small Rumin. Res.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 575 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effect of Fertilizer N And Soil Moisture on Growth and<br />

Content and Moisture Use By Spring Wheat<br />

Effect of Fermacto supplementation on layer fed low and<br />

high rice bran diet<br />

Effect of Feeding Yeast Culture (Yea-sacc1026) on Rumen<br />

Fermentation in Vitro and Production Performance in<br />

Crossbred Dairy Cows.<br />

Effect of Feeding Technique, ad Libitum, Dry or Wet Force<br />

Feeding, on The Metabolizable Energy Values of Raw<br />

Materials for Poultry.<br />

Effect of feeding sodium and potasium biocarbonat on milk<br />

fat, rumen ph and volatile fatty acid production<br />

Effect of Feeding Methods and Age of Slaughter on Growth<br />

Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Entire Young<br />

Male Goats.<br />

Effect of Feeding Methods and Age of Slaughter on Growth<br />

Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Entire Young<br />

Male Goats.<br />

Effect of feeding Leucaena leucocephala supplemented<br />

ration on thyroid hormones and fasting heat production in<br />

Jamunapari goats<br />

Effect of feeding frequency on the growth of estuary<br />

grouper, cultured in floatinng net cage<br />

Effect of Feeding Frequency on Forage Fiber and Nitrogen<br />

Utilization in Sheep.<br />

Effect of Feeding Dietary Cellulosa on Liver Lipid<br />

Accumulation and Lipid Composition of Liver and Plasma in<br />

Growing Chick<br />

Effect of feeding clipnotilolite (zeolite) to three strains of<br />

laying hens<br />

Effect of Feeding Clinoptilolite (Zeolite) to Three Strains of<br />

Laying Hens.<br />

Effect of feeding carbohydrate or fat on incorporation of<br />

14C-Phenylalanine in vivo and in vitro into rat liver and<br />

muscle protein<br />

Effect of feeding buffers to dairy cows fed a high<br />

concentrate, low roughages ration<br />

Effect of Feeding 17 a-Melyllestoriterone , ll-<br />

Ketotestosterone, 17ß-Estradiol and 3,5-3 Triiodothyronine<br />

to Channel Catfish Ictalurus punctatus<br />

Effect of feed grade animal fat on laying hen performance<br />

and metabolizable energy of rations.<br />

Campbell. C.A Can. J. Soil Sci<br />

Tangendjaja, B. Ilmu dan Peternakan 8: 2226.<br />

Kamalamma, U. Anim. Feed. Sci. and Tech.<br />

Lessire, M. Br. Poult. Sci.<br />

Emery, R. S. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Fehr, P. M. Livestock Prod. Sci.<br />

Fehr, P. M. Livestock Prod. Sci.<br />

Hague, N. Small Ruminant Research 19: 29 - 33.<br />

T.E. chua Aquaculture, 14<br />

Bunting, L. D. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Aldba, M, J. Nutrition 108 : 739-748<br />

Olver, M. D. Br. Poult. Sci.<br />

Oliver, M. D. British Poultry Sci.<br />

Nakano K J.Nutr<br />

Miller, R. W. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Gannam, A.L. Aquaculture, 92 (44): 337 - 338<br />

Horami, F. Poult. Sci.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 576 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effect of Feed Allowance During Rearing and Breeding on<br />

Female Broiler Breeders. 2. Ovarian Morphology and<br />

Production.<br />

Effect of fatty acids or calcium soaps on rumen and total<br />

nutriënt digestibility of dairy rations<br />

Effect of fatty acids or calcium salts on rumen and total<br />

nutrient digestibility of dairy rations.<br />

Effect of fats high in individual saturated fatty acids on<br />

plasma lipoprotein (a) levels in young healthy men<br />

Effect of fat and ground maize supplement on feed intake<br />

and digestion by cattle consuming bermuda grass hay<br />

(Cynodon Dactylon)<br />

Effect of fasting on the adipose tissue weight in chicks, with<br />

reference to change in triglyceride synthesis and fatty acid<br />

oxidation.<br />

Effect of fasting on adipose tissue weight in chicks, with<br />

reference to change in triglyceride synthesis and fatty acid<br />

oxidation<br />

Effect of fasting on adipose tissue accumulation in chicks,<br />

with reference to change in its chemical composition and<br />

lipase activity.<br />

Effect of fasting on adipose tissue accumulatio in chicks,<br />

with reference to change in its chemical composition and<br />

lipase activity<br />

Effect of fasting on activities of lipogenic enzymes in chicks<br />

adipose tissue<br />

Effect of fasting on activities of glycogenic enzymes in<br />

chicks’ adipose tissue.<br />

Effect of fasting on 3-hydrozy-3methyl-glutaryl-CoA<br />

reductase and microsomal lipid composition<br />

Effect of fasting early in life on performance, mortality and<br />

muscle protein metabolism of broiler chicken in high<br />

temperature environment<br />

Effect of fasting early in life on performance, mortality and<br />

muscle protein metabolishm of broiler chicken in higt<br />

temperature environment.<br />

Effect of extract concentration of alang-alang rhizome ((I.<br />

Cylindrica, Beauv) on mortality rate of mosquito larvae a<br />

preminary studi.<br />

Effect of exogenous gonadotrophin (PMSG) on the antral<br />

follicle population in the sheep<br />

Effect of excess amounts of essential fatty acids on growth<br />

of rainbow trout<br />

Yu, M. W. Poult. Sci.<br />

Jenkins. T.C J. Dairy' Sci<br />

Jenkins, T. C. J. Dairy. Sci.<br />

Tholstrup, T J. of lipid Res<br />

Hail, K,L. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol., 30: 275-<br />

288.<br />

Hasegawa, S. Anim. Sci. Technol.<br />

Hasegawa.S Anim Sci. Technol<br />

Hasegawa. S. Anim. Sci. Technol.<br />

Hasegawa.S Anim.Sci.Technol<br />

Hasegawa.S Anim .Sci.Technol<br />

Hasegawa, S. Anim. Sci. Technol.<br />

Ramirez H Nutr Rep.Int<br />

Hayashi K Jpn.J.Zootech.Sci<br />

Hayashi K. Jpn.J.Zootech.Sci<br />

Ardi<br />

Dott, H.M. J. Reprod. Fert. 56:683-689.<br />

Takeuchi, T. Bull. Japan. Soc. Sci. Fish. 45:1517-<br />

1519.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 577 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effect of estradiol valerate on ovarian follicles, emergence<br />

of follicular waves and circulating gonadotropins in heifers<br />

Effect of equilibration period and glycerol level in tris<br />

extender on quality of frozen goat semen<br />

Effect of epi-brassinolide on gram (Cicer arietnum L) plants<br />

grown under water strees in juvenile stages.<br />

Effect of enzyme supplementation of a diet based on barley<br />

and autoclave treatment on apparent digestibility, growth<br />

performance, and gut morphology of broilers<br />

Effect of enzyme suplementation on the performance and<br />

digestive tract size of broiler chickens fed wheat and barleybased<br />

diets<br />

Effect of environmental conditions on fatty acid composition<br />

of the red alga Porphyridium cruentum: Correlation to<br />

growth rate<br />

Effect of Environment Conditions on Production of Xylitol<br />

by Candida biodini ;<br />

Effect of Energy Intake and Influence of Breed Sex on The<br />

Chemical Composition of Carcass in Cattle<br />

Effect of elevated carbondioxide on the photosynthesis and<br />

early growth of mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.)<br />

Effect of Electrical Stimulation on The Functional Properties<br />

of Lamb Muscles.<br />

Effect of Electrical Stimulation on Meat Tissue and Muscle<br />

Properties.<br />

Effect of eggs storage position on costumer quality<br />

attributes of shell eggs<br />

Effect of Edwardsiella tarda lipopolysaccha-ride<br />

immunization on phagocytosis in the eel<br />

Effect of early feed restriction on growth performance and<br />

body composition<br />

Bo, G.A. Theriogenology 41: 225-239.<br />

Sinha S Indian Vet J 69:1107-1110.<br />

Singh, J Indian J. Agr. Sci<br />

Viveros, A., Anim. Feed Sci. Technol<br />

Brenes, A., Poultry Sci<br />

Cohen, Z. J. Phycol., 24: 328-332.<br />

Vandeska, E. World J.Microbiol. Biotechnol, 11: 213-<br />

128<br />

Fortin, A. S. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Downtown, W.J.S. Scientia hortic.<br />

Whiting, R. C. J. Food. Sci.<br />

Cross, H. R. J. Food. Sci.<br />

Cardetti, M.M. Poultry Sci. 58 : 1403 - 1405<br />

Salati, F. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, 53.201-<br />

204.<br />

Santoso U Asian-Austr. J.Animal.Sci<br />

Effect of early feed restriction in broilers II Lipid metabolism Rosebourgh R.W growth<br />

Effect of Duration and Pattern of Understanding in Early<br />

Lactation on Mil Production and Reproduction of Dairy<br />

Cows<br />

Effect of Drying on The Intake and Rate of Digestion of The<br />

Shrub Calliandra Calothyrsus.<br />

Effect of drying on acidity and volatile fatty acid content of<br />

cocoa beans<br />

Grainger, C. Aust. J. Exp. Agric. Anim. Husb.<br />

Palmer, B. Tropical Grasslands.<br />

Jinap S J Sci Food Agric 65:67-75<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 578 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effect of drying method of bovine blood on the performance<br />

of growing diets for tambaqui (Colossoma mncropomum<br />

Cuvier 1818) in experimental culture tanks<br />

Effect of drought on photosynthesis of several tropical<br />

forage grasses<br />

Effect of drought on enzyme and free proline in rice<br />

varieties.<br />

Effect of drinking-water temperature on heat balance and<br />

thermoregulatory responses in dairy heifers<br />

Effect of drinking water temperature on production<br />

responses in lactating cows in summers<br />

Effect of drinking water temperature on physiological<br />

response of lactating Holstein cows in summer<br />

Effect of drinking water temperature on heat stress of dairy<br />

cows<br />

Effect of dried Sacillus subtilis culture on growth ang<br />

lipogenic enzyme activity in female broiler chicks<br />

Effect of dried Bacillus subtilus culture on growth and<br />

lipogenic enzyme activity in female broiler chicks<br />

Effect of Dose of Bovine Growth Hormone on Lactation of<br />

Dairy Cows.<br />

Effect of dose and time of injection of prostaglandin F2 a in<br />

cycling ewes<br />

Effect of Direct-feed microbiols on rumen Microbial<br />

fermentation<br />

Effect of Dilute Acid Hydrolysis Treatment on The Physico-<br />

Chemical Features and BioUtilization of Wheat Straw<br />

Effect of different RDP and UDP Rations on voluntary<br />

intake, milk production and feed conversion efficiency in<br />

lactating goats<br />

Effect of Different Processing Conditions of Amino Acid<br />

Digestibility of Feather Meal Determined by Chickens<br />

Assay.<br />

Effect of different pattern of restriction from different age on<br />

broiler<br />

Effect of different pattern of food restriction from different<br />

age on broiler<br />

Effect of different microbiofertilizers on the growth and<br />

flowering of Petunia X hybrida<br />

Martin, S.N. Aquaculture 124:335-341.<br />

Ito, K. Bull Fac, Agric. Miyazaki Univ. 35.<br />

Mali, P.C. Phytochemistry 16: 473-497.<br />

Purwanto BP Aust.J.Agric.Res<br />

Milam KZ J.Dairy Sci<br />

Lanham JK J.Dairy Sci<br />

Stermer RA J.Dairy Sci<br />

Santoso U Bri.J.Nutr<br />

santoso U Br.J.Nutr<br />

Eppard, P. J. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Hacket AJ Theriogenology 5:347-351<br />

Martin, S.A J. Dairy Sci<br />

Castro, F.B., Animal Feed Science and Technology<br />

Mishra, S. Small Ruminant Research 20:32-38.<br />

Papadopoulus, M.<br />

C.<br />

Poult. Sci.<br />

Yule, W. J., Poultry Sci<br />

Yule, W. J. Poultry Sci.<br />

Wang, C. Bull. of National Pingtung Polytechnic<br />

Institute. 6(4): 251-261.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 579 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effect of different levels of co-3 highly unsaturated fatty<br />

acids on growth and composition of juvenile gilthead<br />

seabream (Spams aurata)<br />

Effect of Different Levels of Casein, with or without<br />

Formaldehyde Treatment, on Carbohydrate Metabolism<br />

Between Mouth and Duodenum of Steers.<br />

Effect of Different Level of the Supplements Lupin Grain,<br />

Lucerne, Wheat and Wheat with Urea and Sulphur Fed<br />

During Matingin February to Border Leicester X Merino<br />

Ewes in North East Victoria<br />

Effect of different level of protein, fat and carbohydrate on<br />

growth, feed utilisation and body carcass composition of<br />

fingerling in Catla catla (Ham)<br />

Effect of different forms of polyunsaturated fatty acid on<br />

duodenal and serum fatty acids profiles in sheep.<br />

Effect of different form of dietary hydrogenated fats on<br />

serum lipoprotein cholesterol levels<br />

Effect of Different Floor Types of Washing of Waterers on<br />

Broiler Performance and Bacteria Count of Drinking Water.<br />

Ibeas, C. Aquaculture 127:177-188.<br />

McAllan, A. B. J. Sci. Food Agric.<br />

Kenney, P.A Australian Journal of Experimental<br />

Agriculture and Animal Husbandry<br />

Seenappa D Aquaculture<br />

Enjalbert, F. Can. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Liechenstein AH The New Eng J Med 340(25):1933-<br />

1940<br />

Andrews, L. D. Poultry Science Departement,<br />

University of Arkansas, Fayetteville,<br />

AR 72701, USA.<br />

Effect of Different Fats and Oils on the Flavour of<br />

Simulated deep fat fried foods.<br />

Blumenthal, M.M., J. of Food Science.<br />

Effect of different energy on norwegian dairy goats Havrevoll Q Small Ruminant Research. J of Intl<br />

Goat Assoc 15:231-235<br />

Effect of different endomycorhizal fungi on five host plants<br />

grown on calcined montmorillonite clays<br />

Plenchette C J Am Soc Hortic Sci 107:535-538<br />

Effect of different cryoprotectants and carbohydrates on<br />

freezing of matured and unmatured bovine oocytes<br />

Schellander, K Theriogenology<br />

Effect of dietry protein and lipid on nitrogen losses in<br />

rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri<br />

Effect of dietray garlic and temporal drift on platelet<br />

aggregation<br />

Effect of Dietray Fiber and Egg Yolk, Liver and Plasma<br />

Cholesterol Concentration of The Laying Hen.<br />

Effect of dietary zeolite and vitamin A on tibial<br />

dyschondrolasia in chicken<br />

Effect of Dietary Xylitol on Growth and Inflammatory<br />

Responses in Immune Stimulated Chickens<br />

Effect of dietary trans fatty acids on high density & low<br />

density lipoprotein cholestrol levels in healthy subjects<br />

Beamishn F.W.H Aquaculture<br />

Samson, R.R. Atherosclerosis. 44 1l9.<br />

Mc.Noughton, J. L. J. Nutr.<br />

Ballard R J Poultry Sci 67:113-119<br />

Takashi, K. British Poultry Sci., 40 : 552-554.<br />

Mensink RP The New England J of Med.<br />

323(7):439-445<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 580 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effect of dietary trans fatty acid on high density & low<br />

density lipoprotein cholesterol in healthy subjects<br />

Effect of dietary sodium zeolite A and graded levels of<br />

calcium and phosporus on growth plasma, and tibia<br />

characteristic of chick<br />

Effect of dietary sodium zeolite a and graded levels of<br />

calcium and phosphorus on growth, plasma and tibia<br />

characteristics of chick.<br />

Effect of Dietary Sodium Zeolite A and Graded Levels of<br />

Calcium and Phosphorus on Growth, Plasma and Tibia<br />

Characteristic of Chicks.<br />

Effect of Dietary Reflection on Reproductive Activity in<br />

Cows After a Long Anoetrus Period.<br />

Effect of dietary protein, energy and feed pelleting on the<br />

respoine of chicks to early feed restrition<br />

Effect of dietary protein, energy and feed pelleting on<br />

response of chicks to early feed restriction.<br />

Effect of Dietary Protein Degradability on Cows in Early<br />

Lactation.<br />

Effect of Dietary Protein Content, Addition of Non Essential<br />

Amino Acids and Dietary Methionine to Cysteine Balance<br />

on Responses to Dietary Sulphur - Containing Amino Acids<br />

in Broilers.<br />

Effect of dietary protein and methionine concentration on<br />

the performance and carcass fat of broilers<br />

Effect of Dietary Protein and Intestinal Microflora on<br />

Excretion of Amino Acids by Poultry.<br />

Effect of Dietary Protein and Energy on Broiler Carcass<br />

Com-position and Efficiency of Nutrient Utilization.<br />

Effect of dietary omega-3 fatty Acid on Serum Lipidas,<br />

Platelets Funcion, and Atherosclerosis in WHHL Rabbits<br />

Effect of dietary L-ascorbyl-2-fosfat magnesium on gonadal<br />

maturation of Penaeus japonicus.<br />

Effect of Dietary Garlic and Temporal Drift on Platelet<br />

Aggregation<br />

Effect of dietary free gossypol blood components and<br />

tissue iron in swine and rats<br />

mensink RP New Engl J med 323(7) : 439-445<br />

Watkins KL J Poultry Sci 71:1048-1058<br />

Watkin, K. L. Poult. Sci.<br />

Watkins, K. V. Poultry Sci.<br />

Zerbini, E. Anim. Sci.<br />

Plavnik, I., Poultry Sci.<br />

Poult. Sci.<br />

Foster, R. J. J.of Dairy Sci.<br />

Huyghebaertz, G. Brit. Poult. Sci.<br />

Maurice, D. V. Poult. Sci.<br />

Parsons, C. M. Poultry Sci.<br />

Jackson, S. J. Poult. Sci.<br />

Clubb F.J Aterosclerosis<br />

Alava, V.R., J. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, 59<br />

(4):691-696.<br />

Samson., Atherosclerosis<br />

Skutches, C. L. J. Nutr.<br />

Effect of Dietary Fibre on the Performance of Laying Hends Deaton, J.W Broiler. Poultry Aci<br />

Effect of Dietary Fibre and Caecectomy on The Excretion of<br />

Endogenous Amino Acids from Adult Cockerels.<br />

Green, S. Br. Poult. Sci.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 581 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effect of Dietary Fibre and Caecectomy on The Excretion of<br />

Endogenous Amino Acids from Adult Cockerels.<br />

Green, S. British Poult. Sci.<br />

Effect of dietary fiber on mineral absorption in growing birds Harmuth-Hoene, A.<br />

E.<br />

J. Nutr.<br />

Effect of dietary fiber on egg yolk, liver and plasma<br />

cholesterol concentrations of the laying hen<br />

Mc Naughton JI J Nutt 108:1842-1848<br />

Effect of dietary fiber in colonic bacterial enzymes and bile<br />

acids in relation to colon cancer<br />

Reddy, B.S. Gastroenterology 102 : 1475-1482.<br />

Effect of dietary fat saturation on plasma & hepatic<br />

lipoprotein in the rat<br />

Kris Etherton J Nutr 114: 1675-1682<br />

Effect of dietary energy, protein and lysine content on<br />

performance and yields of two strains of male broiler<br />

chicks.<br />

Holsheimer, J. P. Poult. Sci.<br />

Effect of dietary energy restriction on the expression of<br />

insulin like graowth factor, in liver and corpus luteum of<br />

heifers<br />

Effect of dietary energy on the utilization of protein by<br />

Colossoma mncropomum fingerling<br />

Effect of Dietary Energy Concentration of Utilization of<br />

Energy by Broiler Chicken on Broiler Composition<br />

Determmed From Carcass Analysis Predicted Using<br />

Tritlcum<br />

Effect of Dietary Energy Concentration of Utilization of<br />

Energi by Broiler Chicken on Broiler Composition<br />

Determined from Carcass Analysis Predicted Using<br />

Triticum<br />

Effect of Dietary Energy and Protein Levels on The<br />

Abdominal Fat of Broilers.<br />

Effect of Dietary Energy and Protein Levels on The<br />

Abdominal Fat of Broilers.<br />

Effect of dietary energy : protein ratio on growth<br />

characteristics and body composition of hybrid sriped bass.<br />

Morone chrysop x M saxatilis<br />

Effect of dietary cis and transfatty acids on serum<br />

lipoprotein (a) levels in humans.<br />

Effect of dietary carbohydrate-to-lipid ratio on growth and<br />

body composition of walking catfish (Clarias batrachus).<br />

Effect of Dietary Carbohydrate and of Intestinal Microflora<br />

on Excreation of Endogenous Amino Acids by Poultry.<br />

Vandehaar, M. J. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Hernandez Fisli.Sci. 61:507-511.<br />

farrel, D.J. Poultry Sci. 15 ; 24 - 41<br />

Farrel, D.J. Poultry Sci.<br />

Laurine D. E., J. Poult Sci., 63 : 151-159.<br />

Laurine, D.E. J. Poult Sci.<br />

Nematipour GR Aquaculture<br />

Mensink, R.P J. Lipid Res<br />

Ernullah Aquaculture, 161(3):159-168.<br />

Parsons, C. M. Poultry Sci.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 582 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effect of dietary carbohidrates and intestinal microflora on<br />

excretion of endogenous amino acids by poultry<br />

Effect of Dietary Carbohidrate and Fibre on the Tilapia<br />

Oreochromis niloticus (Linn.).<br />

Effect of Dietary Calcium, Available Phosphorus and<br />

Vitamin D on Growth Rate, Food Utilization, Plasma and<br />

Bone Contituents and Calcium and Phosphorus Retention<br />

of Comercial Broiler Strains<br />

Effect of dietary calcium soap on milk yield, body weight,<br />

reproductive hormones and fertility in first parity and older<br />

cows.<br />

Effect of dietary calcium and 1,25 dihydroxy-chole-calciferol<br />

on the development of tibial dyschondroplasia in broiler<br />

during the starter and grower periods<br />

Parsons, C.M., Poultry Sci<br />

Anderson, J Aquaculture,<br />

Shafey T.M. Brit. Poult. Sci.<br />

Sklan, D. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Elliot, M. A. Poult. Sci<br />

Effect of dietary ascorbic acid supplementaqtion on<br />

gonadal maturation in Japanese parrot fish.<br />

Ishibashi.Y., Suisanzoshoku. 42 (2): 279-285.<br />

Effect of dietary ascorbic acid suplementation on<br />

maturation in Japanese parrot fish.<br />

Ishibashi, Y., Suisan Yokoku. 42(2).27 0-285.<br />

Effect of dietary amino acid and metabolizable energy on<br />

performance of broilers kept at high temperatures.<br />

Sinurat, A. P. Br. Poult. Sci.<br />

Effect of diet on growth and plasma ascorbic acid in chicks Kratzer, F. H. Poult. Sci.<br />

Effect of dielary fat source on antibody production and<br />

lymphocyte proliferation in chickens<br />

Effect of Diapause in Development and Reproduction of the<br />

Stem borers Busseola fusca (Lepidoptera:noctuidae) and<br />

Chilo partellus (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)<br />

Effect of Dialysis Before Storage or Cryopreservation on<br />

Fertilizing Ability of Fowl Semen.<br />

Effect of degree connective tissue removal on raw material<br />

yield, chemical and sensory characteristics of restructured<br />

beef steaks<br />

Fritsche, KL Poult Sci 70: 611-617.<br />

Kfir R Econ Entomol<br />

Van Voorst, H. Poult. Sci.<br />

Recio, H. A. J. Food Sci.<br />

Effect of defoliation, on plant growth of napiergrass Butt, N.M. Trop. Sci. 33: 111-120.<br />

Effect of defoliation on plant growth of napiergrass Bull, N.M. Trop. Sci. 33: 111-120.<br />

Effect Of Deficiency Upon Translocation of C14 in<br />

Dethaced Blades of Sugarcane<br />

Hart.C.E Plant Physoil<br />

Effect of Defaunation on the Metabolism of Rumen<br />

Microorganisms<br />

Demeyer, D.I Br. J. Nutr.<br />

Effect of decreased availability of glucose for dairy cows Amaral-Phillips, D.<br />

M.<br />

J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 583 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effect of daylength on endogeneous gibberellins production<br />

by the leaves<br />

Effect of day of prostaglandin F2a treatment on selection<br />

and development of the ovulatory follicle in heifers<br />

Effect of date of planting , crop age and eviron mental<br />

factors on potato leaf spots<br />

Effect of daily vs twice weekly iron supplementation in<br />

Indonesian preschool children with low iron status<br />

Effect of daily and weekly micronutrient supplementation on<br />

micronutrient deficiencies and growth in young Vietnamese<br />

children<br />

Effect of cytokinins and gibberellins on shape of "delicious"<br />

apple fruits<br />

Effect of cytokinins and gibberellins on shape of "delicious"<br />

apple fruits<br />

Effect of custard-apple oil and neem oil on survival of<br />

Nephotettix virescens (Homoptera: Cicdellidae) and on rice<br />

tungro virus transmission<br />

Railton, I. D. Physio. Plant<br />

Kastelic, J.P. Anim. Reprod. Sci., 23: 169-180.<br />

Singh BP Indian Phytophatology<br />

Schultink W Am. J.Clin.Nutr<br />

Thu, B.D Am. J.Clin.Nutr<br />

Williams MW J Amer Soc Hort 94 :17 9<br />

Williams MW J Amer Soc Hort 94 :17 9<br />

Mariappan, V. J. Econ. Entomol.<br />

Effect of Curcumin on Serum and Liver Cholesterol Levels<br />

in the Rat<br />

Rao, S J.Nutrion<br />

Effect of curcumin and the essential oil of C. Long on bile<br />

secretion<br />

Ramprasad, C. J. Sci. industries<br />

Effect of Curcumin and The Essential Oil of C Ramprasad C longa on Bile Secretion, J Sci.Industry<br />

Res<br />

Effect of culture pH on the NADH/NAD ratio NAD(P)'1'.<br />

dependent H^ evolution in extract from Enterobacter<br />

aerogenes<br />

Rachman MA J Ann Bogorrienses (siap terbit).<br />

Effect of culture pH on extracellular production of 5aminolevulinic<br />

acid by Rhodobacter sphaeroides from<br />

volatile fatty acid<br />

Effect of Cryoprotective agents and membrane stabilizing<br />

compound on buil sperm mem-brane intregity after cooling<br />

and freezing<br />

Effect of Crude Protein on Reproductive Efficiency, Serum<br />

Total Protein, and Albumen in The High Producing Dairy<br />

Cow<br />

Effect of crop squence and manure and fertilizer treatments<br />

on crop yield and soil fertility<br />

Effect of corn processing on the site extent of digestion in<br />

lactating cows<br />

Effect of Corn (Zea mays L.) Seedling rate on growth of<br />

yellow nutsedge (Cyperrus esculentus)<br />

Sasaki, K. Biotechnology letter 8:859-864.<br />

De Leeuw F.E., Cryobiology<br />

Jordan, E. R. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Hedlin, R. A. J. Am. Sci. Agron<br />

Joy, T. M. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Ghafar, Z Weed Sci<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 584 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effect of Copper on Survival and Osmoregulation of<br />

Various Developmental Stages of The Shrimp Penaeus<br />

japonicus Bate (Crustacea, Decapoda)<br />

Bambang, Y. Aquatic Toxicol. 33:125-139.<br />

Effect Of Cooking On Vegetable Fiber Matthee V. J. Food, Sci, 43.131.<br />

Effect Of Cooking on Fiber Content Of Vegetables Mann, S K. J. Food Sci. 29: 185-186.<br />

Effect of Controlled Atmospheres Storage To The<br />

Physiological Properties of Avocado. Oryza<br />

Basuki. E Majalah Universitas Mataram<br />

Effect of continous maize-cropping on yield, organic carbon<br />

mineralisation and phosphorus supply of savana soils in<br />

western nigeria<br />

Ayodele OJ Biology fertility of soils no 2 :151-155<br />

Effect of container plant growth medium and fertilizer<br />

phosphorus on establishment and host growth response to<br />

VAM<br />

Bierman BJ J.Am Soc. Hortic Sci 108:962-971<br />

Effect of connective tissue on algin estructured beef Ensor, S. A. J. Food Sci.<br />

Effect of Conditioning Betaine, and Sucrose on Sirvivol of<br />

Rhizobacteria in Powder Formulations<br />

Caesar. A.J Appl. Environ. Microbiol<br />

Effect Of Compost On Rhizosphere Microflora of The<br />

Marcos. A de B. App. Environment Microbiol<br />

Tomato and On The Incidence of Plant Growth Promoting<br />

Rhizobacteria<br />

Alvarez<br />

Effect of Compensatory Growth on Some Body Component<br />

Weight and on Carcass and Non-Carcass Composition of<br />

Growing Lambs.<br />

Effect of coexistent bacteria on the growth of Chaticnella<br />

manna in nonaxenic culture<br />

Effect of Co-culture, Medium Component and Gas Phase<br />

on in vitro Culture of in vitro Maturation and in vitro<br />

Fertilized Bovine Embryos<br />

Effect of CO2 Temperature and Their Interaction On The<br />

Growth, Development and Yield Of Cauliflower (Brassica<br />

Oleraceae L. Botrytis)<br />

Effect of cimaterol as repartioning agent in the diet for<br />

finishing pigs<br />

Effect of chronic LHRH-B+ 17 methyltestosterone or LHRHa+<br />

testosterone therapy in oocyte growth in the Stripped<br />

Mullet (Mugil cephalus).<br />

Effect Of Chloride Ions on Adporption of Cadmium From a<br />

Landfill Leachates<br />

Effect of chilosan on membrane permeability of suspensioncultured<br />

Glycine max and Phaseoiiis vul^ans cells<br />

Effect of chemical activity of soil solution Aluminum on<br />

cotton root of penetration of acid soil<br />

Kabbali, A. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Sukoso Fishe es Sci.,<br />

Nakao, H. Theriogenology 33: 591-300.<br />

Wheeler. T.R Scientia Horticulturae<br />

Moser, R. L. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Tamaru. C.S., Comp. Endocrin. 76:114-127.<br />

Yong. R.N Can. Geotech. J<br />

Young, D.ll. Plant Physiol. 70 1449-1454<br />

Adam, F Soil Sci<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 585 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effect of changes in protein and non-protein metabolizable<br />

energy on whole body protein turnover in pigs<br />

Effect of carbon-4 & carbon-5 volatile fatty acids on growth<br />

of mixed rumen bacteria in vitro<br />

Effect of Calsium Salts of Fatty Cids and Proportion of<br />

Forage in the Diet on Ruminal Fermentation and Nutrien<br />

Flow to Duodenum and Nutrien Flow to Doudenum of Cows<br />

Effect of calcium salts of fatty acids on rumen function and<br />

the digestibility of rations by sheep.<br />

Effect of cage density on the performance of growing<br />

rabbits<br />

Effect of caecectomi on body weight, daily feed and water<br />

intake, faecal fibre and moisture content and total egg<br />

production in domestic fowl<br />

Effect of Cadmium and Zinc on The Composition of<br />

Phosphate Granules in The Marine Snail Littorina littorea<br />

Effect of BVD Virus Infection on Alveolar Macrophage<br />

Functions.<br />

Effect of butter, mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acid<br />

enriched butter, trans fatty acid margarine, and zero trans<br />

fatty acid margarine on serum lipids and lipoproteins in<br />

healthy men<br />

effect of breed type and restricted versus ad libitum feeding<br />

on fatty acid composition and cholesterol content of muscle<br />

and adipose tissue from mature bovine female.<br />

Effect of bovine ampullary and isthmic oviductal fluid on<br />

motility, acrosomes reaction and fertility of bull<br />

spermatozoa<br />

Effect of bound condensed tannin trom cottonseed upon In<br />

Situ protein solubility and dry matter digestionin the mmen<br />

Effect of body condition and environmental stress on<br />

ovulation rate, embryo survival, and associated plasma<br />

folicle Stimulating Hormone, Luteinizing Hormone, Prolactin<br />

and Progesteron profiles in Scottish Blackface ewes<br />

Reeds P.J Bri.J.Nutr<br />

Russel JB J Dairy Sci 67:987<br />

Klusmeyer, T.H. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Bayourthe, C. J. Sci. Food Agric.<br />

Prawirodigdo S J Appl Rabbit Res., 8:85-86<br />

Majumdar, S. J. Ind. Poult. Sci.<br />

Nott, J. A. Aquatic Toxicol, 25 (1 -2):43-54.<br />

Welsh, M. D. Vet. Immun and Immunopath.<br />

Wood R J Lipid Res 34:1-11<br />

Eichorn, J. M. J. Food Sci.<br />

Grippo, A.A. J. Reprod. Fertil. 105:57-64.<br />

Yu. F Journal of the Science of Food and<br />

Agriculture<br />

Rhind SM J Anim Production 38: 201-209<br />

Effect of blister blight on infusion quality in orthodox tea Gulati A Indian Phytopat, 46:155-159<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 586 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effect of bitung fruit extract (Barringlonia aculangula<br />

Gaertn) on the biology of Cricula trifenestrata Helf on<br />

cashew<br />

Wikardi, E.A. Industrial Crops Research Journal,<br />

7(1): 15-19.<br />

Effect of Biomass Dynamics Foller. R.F Soil. Sci,. Soc. Am. J<br />

Effect of beef tenderness on consumer satisfaction with<br />

steaks consumedin the home and restaurant<br />

Huffman, K. L. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Effect of Beef Carcass Electrical Stimulation, Hot Boning<br />

and Aging on Unfrozen and Frozen Longissimus Dorsi and<br />

Semimembranosus Steaks. The Structure and Function of<br />

Muscle.<br />

Bendall, J.R. J. Food. Sci.<br />

Effect of Beauveria bassiana (Fungi hyphomycetes) on<br />

fencundity of the Russian wheat aphid (homopetr:<br />

Aphididae)<br />

Effect of barometric pressure and abnormal gas mixtures<br />

on gaseous exchange by avian embryo<br />

Effect of b-adrenergic Agonist L-640,033 on Lipid<br />

Metabolism, Growth and Carcass Characteristics of<br />

Female Broilers Chickens<br />

Effect of Azospirillum Brasilense Inoculation an Root<br />

Moorphology and Respiration in Tomato Seedling<br />

Effect of available soil nitrogen and rates of inoculation on<br />

nitrogen fixation by irrigated soybeans and evaluation of d<br />

15N methods for measurement<br />

Effect of Aspergillus oryzae fermentation extract (Amaferm)<br />

on in vitro fiber degradation<br />

Effect of Aspergillus flavus metabolites on large intestine<br />

microflora in rabbits<br />

Effect of arbuscular mycorrhiza on health of Linum<br />

usitassinum L. infected by fungal pathogens<br />

Effect of Aqueous Al, Cd, Cu, Fe(II), Ni, and Zn on Pb<br />

Immobilization by Hidroxyapatite<br />

Effect of Antibiotics on The Numbers of Bacteria and Fungi<br />

Isolated From Soil By The Dilution- Plate Method<br />

Effect Of Antibiotics On The Number Of Bacteria and Fungi<br />

Isolated From Soil By The Dilution-Plate Method<br />

Effect of antibiotics on Numbers of Bacteria and Fungi<br />

Isolated from Soils by the Dilution-plate Method<br />

Effect of animal age, marbling score, calpastatin activity,<br />

subprimal cut, calcium injection and degree of doneness on<br />

the palatability of steaks from limousin steers.<br />

Wang, Z.G. Environmental Enthomologi vo 22,<br />

No.4 : 874-877<br />

Visschedjik, A.H.J. Am. Zool 20 : 469 - 476<br />

Muir, L. A. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Hadas. R Biol. Fertil. Soil<br />

Bergersen, F.J. Aust. J. Agric. Res. 40: 763-780.<br />

Beharka, A.A J. Dairy Sci<br />

SchevchenkoTF Zh. Microbiol Epidemiol. Immunobiol.<br />

10(5):68-70<br />

Dugassa GD Plant and Soil 185:173-182<br />

Ma. Q.Y Environ. Sci. Technol<br />

Johnson.L.F Phytopatology<br />

Johnson.L.F Phythopathology<br />

Johnson, LF Phytopathology<br />

Wulf, D. M. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 587 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effect of angiotensin I-converting enzyme inhibitory<br />

subtances derived from Indonesian dried-salted fish on<br />

blood pressure of rats<br />

Astawan, M. Biosci. Biotech Biochem. 59 (3) 425-<br />

429.<br />

Effect of an azolla cover on the conditions in floodwater Krok TJ J Agron and crop Sci 161:185-189<br />

Effect of an azolla cover on the conditions in floodwater Krok TJ J Agron and crop Sci 161:185-189<br />

Effect of an agonist gonadotrophin realeasing hormone<br />

(buserelin) in cattle, III. Pregnancy rate after a postinsemination<br />

injection during metestrus or dioetrus.<br />

Effect of Amount of Protein in the Concentrate, on Hay<br />

Intake and Rate of Passage, Diet Digestibility and Milk<br />

Production in British Saanen Goats.<br />

Effect of Amount and Length of Alfafa Hay in Diets<br />

Containing Barley or Corn on Site of Digestion and Rumen<br />

Microbial Protein Synthesis in Dairy Cows<br />

Effect of amonia concentration on rumen microbial protein<br />

production in vitro<br />

Effect of ammonium sulfat & glutamin on embryogenesis of<br />

isolated microspore culture of Perrenial rygrass<br />

Effect of ammonium and nitrate fertilization on phosphorus<br />

uptake as related to root-induced pH changes at the rootsoil<br />

interface<br />

Effect of ammoniation of wheat straw on performance and<br />

digestion Kinetics in cattle<br />

Effect of ammoniation and energy supplementation on the<br />

utilization wheat straw by sheep<br />

Effect of ammonia treatment of wheat straw with or<br />

digestion and kinetics of comminution, rumen degradation<br />

and passage in steers<br />

Effect of ammonia treatment of wheal straw with or<br />

digestion and kinetics of comminution, rumen degradation<br />

and passage in steers<br />

Effect of ammonia concentration on rumen microbialprotein<br />

production in vitro<br />

Effect of Ammonia Concentration on Rumen Microbial<br />

Protein Production in Vitro.<br />

Effect of Ammonia Concentration on Rumen Microbial<br />

Protein Production in Vitro.<br />

Effect of ammonia concentration on rumen microbial<br />

protein production in vitro.<br />

Macmillan, K.L. Anim. Reprod. Sci.<br />

Badamana, M. S. Anim. Prod.<br />

Rode, L.M. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Satter, L. D. Brit. J. Nut.<br />

Suaib haluoleo 15: 138-152<br />

Riley D Soil Sci Soc Am Proc 35:301-306.<br />

Zorrilla-Rios J. Anim. Sci<br />

Zorilla-Rios. J Anim. Feed. Sci. Technol<br />

Oosting, S.J. Bri. J. Nutr. 72: 147-165.<br />

Oosting S.J. Bri. J. Nutr. 72:147-165.<br />

Satter, L. D. Br. J. Nutr.<br />

Satter, L. D. Br. J. Nutr.<br />

Satter, L. D. Br. J. Nutr.<br />

Satter, L.D. Brit. J. Ntr.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 588 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effect of ammonia concentration on rumen microbial<br />

protein production in vitro.<br />

Effect of ammonia concentration on rumen microbial<br />

protein production in vitro<br />

Effect of ammonia concentration on rumen microbial<br />

protein production in vitro<br />

Effect of Ammonia Concentration on Rumen Microbial<br />

Protein Production In Vitro<br />

Effect of Ammonia Concentration on Rumen Microbial<br />

Production in Vitro.<br />

Effect of ammonia concentration on rumen microbial<br />

production in vitro<br />

Effect of ammonia concentration on rumen microbial<br />

production in vitro<br />

Effect of ammonia concentration on activity of enzymes of<br />

ammonia assimilation and on syn thesis of ammonia acids<br />

by mixed rumen bacteria in continuous culture.<br />

Effect of Amino Acids on the State of Water and ATPase<br />

Activity Accompanying Dehydration of Fish Myofibrils.<br />

Effect of Amino Acid Addition on the Isosteric Sorption Heat<br />

during Dehydration of Myofibrils.<br />

Effect of ambient UVB radiation in a meiobenthic<br />

community of a tidal mudflat<br />

Effect of aluminium on lipid peroxidation, superoxide<br />

dismutase, catalase and peroxidase activities in root tips of<br />

soybean (Glycine max)<br />

Effect of aluminium on growth and nutrient uptake of<br />

cabbage, lettuce, and kikuyu grass in nutrient solution<br />

Effect of alternating ultimate pH on Boveine muscle<br />

tenderness<br />

Effect of altering the root-zone temperature on growth,<br />

translocation, carbon exchange rate, and leaf starch<br />

accumulation in tomato<br />

Effect of Alkali Treatment on Intake and Digestion of Barley<br />

Straw by Beef Steer.<br />

Effect of alang-alang(Imperata Clindrica (L) Beauv) .<br />

Extract of mosquito larva mortality .<br />

Effect of agro-forestry woody spesies on eart-worm<br />

activity and physico chemical properties of worm casts<br />

Satter, L.D. British Journal of Nutrition.<br />

Satter, L. D. Br. J. Nut.<br />

Satter, L. D. Br. J. Nut.<br />

L.D. British Journal of Nutrition<br />

Satter, L. D. British Journ. of Nut.<br />

Satter, L. D. Br. J. Nutr. 32<br />

Satter LD Br. J. Nutr 32: 199<br />

Erfle, J.D. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Nozaki, Y., Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi. 57 (8): 1531-<br />

1537.<br />

Nozaki, Y., Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi. 59 (7): 1209-<br />

1211.<br />

Nozais, C.G.<br />

Desroiser<br />

Mar. Ecol. Prog. Series, 189:149 : 159.<br />

Cakmak I Physiol. Plant. 83: 463-468.<br />

Huett DO Aust JAgricRes 31:749-761.<br />

Bouton, P. E. J. Food Sci.<br />

Hurewitz, J. Plant Physiol. 73:46-50.<br />

Coombe, J. E. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Anonymous,<br />

Kang, B.T., Biol Fertil Soils<br />

Effect of age on the dietary methionine requirement Graber Poultry Sci.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 589 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effect of Age and Gender on Adolescents Food and<br />

Preferences.<br />

Effect of Agc and Sex On The Evisceratcd Yield. Musclc<br />

and Edible Offal of A Commercial Broiler Strain.<br />

Effect of aeration conditions on the production of red<br />

pigments by Monascus purpureus growth on prickly pear<br />

juice.<br />

Effect of administration of Bifidobacteria and lactic acid<br />

bacteria to newborn calves and piglets<br />

Effect of administering progesterone at selected interval<br />

after insemination of synchronized heifers on pregnancy<br />

rates and resynchronization of returns to service.<br />

Effect of additives on nutrient losses and feeding value of<br />

silage.<br />

Effect of Adaptation to Phenol on Biodegradation of<br />

Monosubstituted Phenols by Aquatic Microbial<br />

Communities<br />

Effect of activated carbon on growth, ruminal caracteristics<br />

and blood profiles in japanese brown growing cattle<br />

Effect of acidity on the composition of an indigenous soil<br />

population of Rhiwbium trifotii found in nodules of Trifolium<br />

subterraneum L<br />

effect of acid soil infertility factors on growth and nodulation<br />

of soybean<br />

Effect of Acid Soil Infertility Factors on Growth and<br />

Modulation of Soybean.<br />

Effect of acetylene on autotrophic and heerotrophic<br />

nitrification<br />

Effect of Acacia saligna with and without administration of<br />

polyethylene glycol on dietary intake in desert sheep<br />

Effect of AC 263,222, imazethapyr, and nicosulfuron on<br />

weed control and imidazolinone-tolerant corn (Zea mays)<br />

yield<br />

Effect of abscisic acid application on root isoflavonoid<br />

concentration and nodulation of wild-type and nodulationmutant<br />

soybean plants.<br />

Nu, C. T. Food Qual. Pref.<br />

Grey.T.C-, British Poult. Sa. 23 : 289 - 298.<br />

Hamdi, M. Process Biochem. 31: 543-547.<br />

Abe, F J. Dairy Sci<br />

Cleff, J.V. Theriogenology.<br />

Parker, J. W. G. J. Sci. Food Agric.<br />

Shimp, R.J App. Environ. Microbiol<br />

Tobioka, H. CLSU. Scientific journal. Vol. XIV.<br />

No.2 p. 22-28<br />

Dughri MH Appi Environ Microbiol 46:1207-1213.<br />

Alva, A.K Agron.J<br />

Alva, A.K., Agron. J. 79: 302-306.<br />

Hynes R.K Can. J. Microbial<br />

Degen, A. A. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Monks, C.D Weed Tech<br />

Cho, M.J Plant and soil.<br />

Effect of ABA on vitellogenin in Sarcophaga bullata De Man, W. Entomol. Exp. Appl.<br />

Effect of ABA application to the culture solution on the<br />

growth, water relations, and temperature in tomato plants<br />

Takahashi, H J. Jpn. Soc. Hort. Sci<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 590 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effect of a quaternary ammonium sanitize for hatching<br />

eggs on their contamination, permeability, water loss and<br />

hatchability.<br />

Effect of A Parenteral Supplement of Folic Acid and its<br />

Interaction with Level of Feed Intake on Hepatic Tissues<br />

and Growth Perfor-mance of Young Dairy Heifers<br />

Effect of a dominant follicle on ovarian follicular dynamics<br />

during the oestrous cycle in heifer.<br />

Effect of a B3(beta)-adrenergic agonist, BRL 35135A, on<br />

glucose uptake in rat skletal muscle in vivo and in vitro<br />

Effect of a B3(beta)-adrenergic agonist cimaterol and<br />

dietary protein level on fat young sheep given diets<br />

containing submaintenance levels of dietary energy<br />

Effect of 17-B-dehydroequilin sulfate, a conjugated equine<br />

estrogen and ethynylestradiol on atherosclerosis in<br />

cholesterol-fed rabbits<br />

Effect of 17 a-dihydroequilin sulfate, a conjugated equine<br />

estrogen, and ethynylestradiol on atherosclerosis in<br />

cholesterol-fed rabbits<br />

Effect of 17 a MT on spermatogenesis and spermation in<br />

the grey mullet, Mugil cephalus.<br />

Effect of cell density and irradiance on growth, proximate<br />

composition and eicosapentanoic acid production of<br />

Phaeodactylum tricornuium grown in a tubular<br />

photobioreactor.<br />

Effect leaf and pod removal on distribution of 14C labelled<br />

assimilat in soybean<br />

Effect intravagina progesterone on pregnancy and<br />

synchronization rates in beef cattle.<br />

Effect Docosahexaenoic Acid and Phospholipids on Stress<br />

Tolerance of Fish<br />

Effect days post partum and endogenous reproductive<br />

hormoneson GnRH-induced LH release in dairy cows<br />

Effect Cooking Procedure on Oxytetracycline Residues in<br />

Lamb Muscle<br />

Effect of peripheral concentrations of progesterone on<br />

follicular growth and fertility in ewes<br />

Brake, J. Poultry Science<br />

Dumoulin, P.G J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Ko, J. C.H. J. Reprod. Fert. Pierson, R.A. and<br />

Ginther,O.J. Ultrasonography of the<br />

bovine ovary Theriogenology<br />

Abe, H. J. Endro<br />

Galbraith, H Anim. Sci<br />

Sulistiyani Arterioscler.Thromb.Vasc.Biol<br />

Sulistiyani Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and<br />

Vascular Biology 15:837-46.<br />

Weber.G.M., Journal Fish Biology 26<br />

Chrismadha, T. J.Appl. Phycol, 6: 67-74.<br />

Egli, D. B. Crop. Sci<br />

Rauchalz, K.C. Anim. Breed. Abstr.<br />

Kanazawa, A. Aquaculture, 155: 135-148.<br />

Kesler, D. J. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Ibrahim, A., J. Agric. Food -Chem<br />

Johnson SK Dom. Anim. Endocrinol<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 591 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effect of gasing, agitating, substrate supplementation<br />

and analysis on growth of an extremely<br />

thermophilic Archaeron Pyrococcus woesei<br />

Effect of Superovulation treatment on follicle<br />

development, time of ovulation and number of corpora<br />

lutea in goats<br />

Efektivrtas Strain Bradyrhizobium japonicum pada<br />

Beberapa Varietas Kedelai (Glycine Max. L. Merr.)<br />

Efektivitas streptomisin sulfat dan oksitetrasiklin 15/1,5 WP<br />

terhadap Pseudomonas solanearum E. F. Smith secara in<br />

vitro<br />

Efektivitas berbagai pelarut dalam ekstraksi nimba<br />

(Azadirachta indica A. Juss) untuk mengendalikan hama<br />

ulat grayak (Spodoptera litura F. )<br />

Efektivitas berbagai fungisida (Treflan, Malachite green,<br />

Formalin, dan Kalium Permanganat) dalam menghindarkan<br />

infeksi Lagenidium sp. pada larva kepiting bakau (Scy//a<br />

serrata).<br />

Efektifitas 2,4-D terhadap pertumbuhan stek lada satu ruas<br />

pada berbagai media tumbuh<br />

Efektif microorganisme: Bioteknologi Bagi Umat Manusia.<br />

Dalam: Indonesian Kyussei Nature Farming Societies<br />

Efekfivitas Inokulum Bakteri Selulotik Terhadap Proses<br />

Pengomposan Limbah Padat Pabrik Gula<br />

Efek Toksih Deterjen. Fakultas Pasca Sarjana Institut<br />

Pertanian Bogor<br />

Efek pengan-dangan terhadap pertambahan berat badan,<br />

konsumsi pakan dan tingkah laku rusa Bawean (Axis<br />

A:M/i/n):Pengamatan pendahuluan<br />

Efek pemacu kemasakan terhadap proses pemeraman<br />

buah sirsak<br />

Efek osmotik berbagai tingkat salinitas media terhadap<br />

daya tetas telur dan vitalitas larva udang windu (Penaeus<br />

monodon Fabr.).<br />

Efek Kombinasi Iradiasi & Panas pada bakteri E coli &<br />

Sarcina lutea dlm kondisi kering<br />

Efek Farmakologi dan Fitokimia Komponen Penyusun<br />

Jamu Keputihan.<br />

Efek ekstrak etanol daun sambiloto terhadap tukak<br />

lambung yang disebabkan oleh Indometasin.<br />

Rudiger, A Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 37<br />

Suyadi Reprod. Dom. Anim. Suplly<br />

Pabendon M.B AGRIKAM. Buletin Penelrtian<br />

Pertanian Maros Vol 6 (3)<br />

Setember1991<br />

Hanuain Bull. Penel. Hort<br />

Jauharlina Jurnal Mon Mata<br />

Zafran<br />

Moko, H Bull. Pen. Tanaman Rempah dan<br />

Obat. Vol 5<br />

Higa, T. Indonesian Kyussei Nature Farming<br />

Societies<br />

Andriani E.P. Jurnal Fakultas Pertanian.<br />

Poernomo, B.S. Kaiya TulisTidak Diterbitkan, 3-7, 19-<br />

40.<br />

Ma'sum K J. Ilm. Penel. Ter. Grati 1:35-38.<br />

Sjaifullah Jurnal Hortikultura. 4(1): 56-62.<br />

Anggoro, S., Bull. Media, 4 (5): 26-30.<br />

Nikham, Maj. BATAN vo XX no 2 p 30-39<br />

Sundari, D. Cemin Dunia Kedokteran 108: 17-20.<br />

Sutjiatmo, A.B. Warta Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia,<br />

3(1): 33-34.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 592 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Efek Antikanker Rempah-rempah Lokal. Seminar Khasiat<br />

Makanan tradisional FKMT, Bogor.<br />

Efectivitas Penggunaan Jenis Pupuk SP36 Dan TSP Pada<br />

Tebu Lahan Kering diLahan Masam<br />

Efectititas Strain Brady Rhizobium Japonicum pada<br />

beberapa varietas kedelai {Glycine max L. merr)<br />

Efectifitas Strain Brady Rhizobium Japonicum pada<br />

beberapa varietas kedelai (Glycine max L. merr)<br />

Efect of phosphate, energy substrates, and amino acids on<br />

development of in vitro matured, in vitro fertilized bovine<br />

oocytes in a chemically defined, protein free culture<br />

medium<br />

Efect of Peat Vermiculite Mixes Containing Trichoderma<br />

Harzianum on Increased Growth Respon of Radish<br />

Efect of heating on nutritional quality of conventional and<br />

Kunitz Trypsin Inhibitor-Free Soybeans<br />

Zakaria F.R. Efek Antikanker Rempah-rempah<br />

Lokal. Seminar Khasiat Makanan<br />

tradisional FKMT, Bogor.<br />

Mulyadi.M<br />

Pabendon, M.B Agrikam<br />

Pabendon, M.B Agrikam vol. 6. No. 3<br />

Kim, J.H. j. Biol. Reprod 48: 1320-1325.<br />

Paulizt.T.M., Holticulture Science III<br />

Anderson-<br />

Hafermann, J.C<br />

Poultry Sci.<br />

Efect of Dietary Fibre on the Performance ofLaying Hens. Deaton, J.W., Br.Poult, Sci. 18 : 711-714.<br />

Eel Acetylcholinesterase inhibition Studies with Heteroarylphospinates.<br />

Lieske, C. N. Pesticide Biochem. And Physio.<br />

Edwardsiella tarda in eel culture environment Minagawa, T. Fish Pathol., 17: 243-250.<br />

Edwardsiella tarda a new pathogen of channel cat fish<br />

Ictalurus punctatus<br />

Meyer, F. P. Appl. Mircrobiol, 25 : 155 -156.<br />

Editorial Poultry Indonesia Majalah Ekonomi.<br />

Industri & Teknik Perunggasan<br />

Populer. No. 109 September 1996<br />

Edible Films and Coating from Wheat and Corn Proteins Gennadios, A Food Technol.<br />

Edible coating for lightly processed fruits and vegetables. Baldwin, E.A. J.Hort. Sci.<br />

Edible birds nest. New Biology Sims, R.W Edible birds nest. New Biology<br />

Edible Bird-nest Koch.F.O The Emu<br />

Ecosystem Resilience, Biodiversity and Climate Change :<br />

Setting Limits. Parks,.<br />

Malcolm, R IUCN. Switterland. 6(2) 8-14.<br />

Ecosystem Development on Reclamed China Clay Wastes Marrs. R.H Journal of Applied Ecology<br />

Eco-regional approaches, why, what and how. p. 3-11 Rabbinge, R. J. Boume et al (Eds.) Eco-Regional<br />

Approaches for Sustainable Land use<br />

and Food Production<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 593 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Economie analysis of sheep grazing in rubber piantation : a<br />

case study of OPMM Membang Muda<br />

Kartamulia Working paper<br />

Economics of decision making in pest management. Mumford JD Annu Rev Entomol<br />

Economics of decision making in pest management Mumford, J.D. Ann. Rev. Entomol. 29: 157-174.<br />

Economics of decision making in pest management Mumford JD Ann Rev Entomol 29:157-174<br />

Economics of decision making in pest management Mumford JD Ann Rev Entomol 29:157-174<br />

Economics of Commercial Giant Clam Mariculture Tisdell, C. ACIAR Monograph 25. 306 p<br />

Economic stabilization and social safety net: Achieving<br />

public prosperity<br />

Economic production of estuary grouper, Epinephelus<br />

salmoides Maxwell, reared in floating net cages.<br />

Sumodiningrat, G. Indonesia’s Economic Crisis: Effects<br />

on Agriculture and Policy Responses.<br />

P. Simatupang, S. Pasaribu, S. Bahri,<br />

and R. Stringer (Eds.), CASE, AARD-<br />

CIES, University of Adelaide,<br />

Australia. p. 111-139.<br />

Chua, T E Aquaculture, 20:187-228.<br />

Economic of decision making in Pest management Munford, J. D. Ann. Rev. Entomol.<br />

Economic Evluation of iodine interventions Hartoyo<br />

Economic Evluation of iodine interventions Hartoyo<br />

Economic considerations in wastewater treatment with<br />

duckweed for effluent and nitrogen renovation<br />

Oron, G. Res. J. Water Pollut. Fed.<br />

Economic Consideration In Wastewater Treatment With<br />

Duckweed For Effluent and Nitrogen Renovation<br />

Oron. G Res. J. Water Pollut. Fed<br />

Economic and Chemistry Prospect of Cajanus Cajan. Rozzaque, M.A. Journal of Forest Science Bano<br />

Bigyan Patrika Bangladesh,<br />

Chittagong.<br />

Ecologycal studies of the seastar, Astropectenlatespinosus<br />

Meissner, III. Seasonal change in the daily activity<br />

Ecologycal studies of the seastar, Astropecten latespinosus<br />

Meissner, IV, Growth curve<br />

Ecologycal studies of the seastar, Astropecten latespinosus<br />

Meissner, II. Growth rate and differences in growth pattern<br />

of immature and mature seastar<br />

Ecologycal feeding analysis of south-eastern australian<br />

scincids (Reptilia:Lacertilia)<br />

Ecology, reproductive biology, and systematics of<br />

Neoplatymops mattogrossensis (Chiroptera : Molossidae).<br />

Nojima, S. Publ. Amakusa Mar, Biol, Lab. 6 (1): 9-<br />

21.<br />

Nojima, S. Amakusa Mar, Biol Lab.,6(2):85-94.<br />

Nojima, S. Publ. Amakusa Mar. Biol. Lab., 6 (2):<br />

65-84.<br />

Brown, G.W. Australian Journal Zoology. 39 : 9-29.<br />

Willig, M.R. Journal of Mammalogy. 66(4):618-620.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 594 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Ecology of juvenile and adolescent banana prawn,<br />

penaeus merguensis, in a mangrove estuary and adjacent<br />

off-shore area of the Gulf of Carpentaria. I. Imigration and<br />

settlement of postlarvae<br />

Ecology of Japanese encephalitis virus in Japan. 1.<br />

Mosquito and pig infection with the virus in relation to<br />

human incidences<br />

Staples, D.J Autralian Journal of Marine and<br />

Fukumi, H. Trop. Mod. 17(3): 97-110.<br />

Ecology of infochemical use by natural enemies in a<br />

tritrophic context<br />

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Dogfish offal, ensilled or frozen, as feed for salmonids Asgard, T. Aquaculture<br />

Does ruminal metabolism of mimosine explain the absence<br />

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Alone or in Combination with Acepromazine, diazepam or<br />

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Does feed-restriction refeeding <strong>program</strong> improve growth<br />

characteristics and body composition in broiler chicks ?<br />

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Does astaxanthin protect Haematococcus against light<br />

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Do We Have Auxin Receptor Yet? Jones, A.M. Physiol Plant. 80(5): 154-158.<br />

Do organic solvent affect the catalytic properties of Iipase?<br />

Intrinsic kinetic parameters of Iipase in ester hydrolysis and<br />

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The Osmoregulatory Choline-glycine Betaine Pathway of E.<br />

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DNA Sequence and Analysis of the bet Genes Encoding<br />

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DNA Sequence & Analysis of the bet Genes Encoding the<br />

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DNA relatedness of Thermus strains, description of<br />

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DNA polymorphismis amplified by arbitrary primers are<br />

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DNA markers in plant improvement Paterson, AH Adv. Agron 46: 39-90<br />

DNA markers in plant improvement Paterson AH Adv. Agron 46:39-90<br />

DNA markers and plant breeding <strong>program</strong>s Lee M adv. Agron 55:265-344<br />

DNA markers and plant breeding <strong>program</strong>s Lee M Adv. Agron 55:265-344<br />

DNA fragmentation of oocytes in agedmice Fujino Y Hum.Reprod<br />

DNA fingerprints in Hevea brasiliensis (rubber tree) using<br />

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DNA fingerprinting-Auseful tool in fruit breeding Nybom, H Euphytica 77:59-64<br />

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DNA fingerprinting with a dispeesed repeated sequence<br />

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DNA fingerprinting in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris)ientification<br />

of double haploid breeding lines.<br />

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DNA fingerprinting- A useful tool in fruit breeding Nybom H Euphytica 77:59-64<br />

Division rates Guillard, R.R.L. : Stein, J.R. (ed.). Handbook of<br />

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Divide or broadcast • Interrelation of asexsual and sexual<br />

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hermaphroditic seastar Nepanthia belcheri (Asterodea :<br />

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Diversity and structure of pelagic copepod populations in<br />

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Diversifikasi genetik pada kedelai Arsyad DM Forum Pascasarjana IPB Bogor<br />

Distributions of recently recogznized species of honey bees<br />

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Distribution Pattern of the Rice Brown Planthopper and<br />

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Distribution pattern of Aphis gossypii and its coccinellid<br />

predator Menochilus sexmaculatus in the chilli ecosystem<br />

Distribution of residual autocorrelation in autogressive-<br />

Integral Moving Average time series models<br />

Distribution of repetitive DNA sequences in eubacteria and<br />

application to fingerprinting of bacterial genomes.<br />

Distribution of Phytate and Nutritionally Important Elements<br />

Among the Morphological Components of Cereal Grains.<br />

Distribution of pathogenic Vibrio and other bacteria in<br />

imported frozen shrimps and their decontamination by<br />

gamma irradiation<br />

Distribution of Nitrogen Mineralization Potential Within<br />

Surface Layers of Upland Soil In South Kalimantan<br />

Wagiman FX Indon J Plant Protect 4(1):32-37.<br />

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Versalovic, J., Nucleic Acids Res. 19: 6823-6831.<br />

O'Dell, B. L., J. Agr. Food Chem. 20: 718.<br />

Rashid, H.O World Journal of Microbiol and<br />

Bacteriology<br />

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Distribution of myrosinase in rapeseed tissues Hoglund A-S Plant Physiol. 95:213-221<br />

Distribution of Latex in the Plant Kingdom. Metcalfe, C.R., Econ. Bot. 21: 115-127.<br />

Distribution of juvenile, subadultand adult Scylla serrata<br />

(Crustacea: Portunidae) on tidal flats in Australia.<br />

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Distribution of Jembrana Disease in Cattle in Indonesia Hartaningsih.N vet Microbial<br />

Distribution of heavy metals among different bonding form<br />

in tropical peat soils.<br />

Distribution of eicosapentenaoic and arachidonic acids in<br />

different species of Gracilaria.<br />

Distribution of early developmental stages of pink shrimp,<br />

penaeus duorarum, in florita waters<br />

Distribution of coral communities on reef slopes in the<br />

Mascarene archipelago, Indian Ocean,<br />

Distribution of chloropicrin douglas-fir pole 1- to 7-years<br />

after remedial trcatinenl.<br />

Distribution and Redistribution of Sulphur Taken Up From<br />

Nutrient Solution During Vegetative Growth in Barley<br />

Distribution and Redistribution of Sulphur Supplied as (35S)<br />

Sulphate to Roots During Vegetative Growth of Soybean<br />

Distribution and Redistribution Of Sulphur Supplied as<br />

(35S) Sulfate to Roots During Vegetative Growth Of<br />

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Distribution And Redistribution Of S Supplied as(35S)<br />

Sulfate To Roots During Vegetative Growth of Soybean<br />

Distribution and Redistribution of (35S) Sulphate Taken Up<br />

From Nutrient Solution During Grain Dvelopment in<br />

Soybean<br />

Distribution and Proporties of Glutamyl-transpeptidase in<br />

Filamentous Fungi<br />

Distribution of vitamin 812, thiamine, and biotin in the<br />

water of Uranouchi and Nomi Inlets<br />

Distribution and Important Biological Feature of Coastal<br />

Fish Resources in South East Asia<br />

Distribution and seasonal variation of vitamin 813,<br />

thiamine and biotin in the sea<br />

Distribusi residu endosulfan di perairan pantai barat<br />

Sulawesi Selatan.<br />

Distribusi plankton di Waduk Cirata, Jawa Barat pada tahun<br />

1988-1989.<br />

Distribusi kultivar dan prakiraan wilayah pengembangan<br />

salak.<br />

Distribusi dan Tingkat Serangan Lalat Buah D. dorsalis di<br />

Beberapa Sentra Produksi Mangga di Jatim dan Bali.<br />

Distribusi dan kelimpahan kepiting bakau, Scylla sp. di<br />

perairan muara Sungai Cenranae Kabupaten Bone<br />

Distribusi dan kelimpahan kepiting bakau (Scy//a sp.) di<br />

muara sungai Cenranae kabupaten Bone.<br />

Distribusi Pendapatan dan Kemiskinan di Desa Miskin<br />

Jawa Timur<br />

Distinction between stem and leaf-infecting forms of<br />

Melampsora rust on Salix viminalis using RAPD markers.<br />

Distibusi residu endosulfan dan logam berat di perairan<br />

pantai Sulawesi Selatan<br />

Sunarpi Pysiol Plant<br />

Sunarpi<br />

Tomita, K. Agric. Biol. Chem<br />

T. Nishijiriia Res. Rep. Kochi University (Agri.<br />

Sci)<br />

Collasom FAO. Tech. Paper<br />

K. Ohwada Mar. Chem<br />

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Vol.9No.2Agustus1997<br />

Pei, M.H., Mycol. Res. 101: 7-10.<br />

Rachmansyah J. Penelitian Perikanan Indonesia<br />

Inpress<br />

Dissolved oxygen dipletion in static bioassay systems. Shreck.C.B Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 14:<br />

149-153.<br />

Dissolved free amino acids, combined amino acids, and<br />

DNA as sources of carbon and nitrogen to marine bacteria.<br />

Jorgensen, N.O., Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 98: 135-148.<br />

Dissolution of Allophane by Acid Oxalate Solution Higashi. T Clay Sci<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Dissociation and reassembly of Escherichia coli outer<br />

membrane and lipopolysaccharide. and their reassembly<br />

onto flagelar basal bodies<br />

Depampliilis, M.L. J. Bacterial. 105:1184-1199<br />

Disponibilities des lipides alimentaires dan le mode Chevassus-Agnes,<br />

S.<br />

Food Nutr. Agric.<br />

Dispersion of kaolinite by dissolved organic matter from<br />

Douglas-Fir roots<br />

Durgin PB Soil Sci. 136:208-11<br />

Dispersion of kaolinite by dissolved organic matter from<br />

Douglas-Fir roots<br />

Durgin PB Soil Sci. 136:208-11<br />

Diseased of prawns in the Philippines Baticados, M.C.L SEAFDEC Asian Aquaculture, 10: 1-8.<br />

Disease suppressive soil and root colonizing bacteria. Schrot, M. N. Science. 216: 1376-1381<br />

Disease resistance and humoral antibody production in<br />

rainbow trout fed high levels of vitamin C,<br />

Navarre, 0. Aquaculturr 79: 207-221.<br />

Disease of peneid shrimps in the Philippines M.C.L. Baticados SEAFDEC, Aquaculture Extension<br />

Manual<br />

Disease control: procedures for handling embryos. Singh, E.L. Rev. Sci. Tech. Off. Int. Epiz.<br />

Disease Complexes In Tobacco Involving M. Incognita and<br />

Certain Soil-borne Fungi<br />

Powell. N.T Phytophatology<br />

Disease Complex Of Okra and Tomato Involving The<br />

Nematode, Meliogyne Incognita and The Soil Inhibitting<br />

Fungus, Rhizoctonia Solani<br />

Golden. J.K Phytophatology<br />

Discrimination of Zigotic and Nucellar Seedling of Five<br />

Polyembryonic Citrus Rootstock by Isozymes Analysis and<br />

Seadling Morfologi<br />

Discrimination of epidemic and sporadic isolates of<br />

Acrobacter bultzeri by PCR-mediated DNA fingerprinting<br />

Discovery of human zinc deficincy and studies in an<br />

experimental human model<br />

Discovery of a mycoplasmalike organism associated with<br />

diseased soybeans in Mexico<br />

Discontinuous Models For Rapid Correlation Interpretation<br />

and Utilization of Soil Analysis and Fertilizer Response<br />

Data<br />

Discharge Characteristics of Supprenssed and Contracted<br />

Broad-crested Weirs<br />

Disatribution and Important Biological Feature of Costal<br />

Fish Resources Industrialization South East Asia.<br />

Ashari, S. Hort. Sci.<br />

Van Damme, P. J. Clinic. Microbiol.<br />

Prasad A.S Am.J.Clin.Nutr<br />

Fletcher J Plant Diseace<br />

Waugh. D.L International Soil Fertility. Raleigh<br />

Rangga Raju, K. G. Journal of the Indian Central Board of<br />

irigation and Power Vol. 30, No. 2<br />

Callasom FAO. Tech. Paper<br />

Directory of The Plywood Industry In Indonesia Anonim Indonesia Wood Panel Assocation.<br />

Jakarta<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 604 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Direct somatic embryoid formation on immature embryos of<br />

Trifolium repens, T. Patense and Medicago sativa, and<br />

rapid clonal propagation of T. repens.<br />

Direct somatic embryogenesis from protoplasts of citrus<br />

mitis Blanco<br />

Direct Repeat in the Non-coding Region of Rabbit<br />

Mitochondrial DNA Involvement in the Generation of Inter<br />

Individual Heterogeneity<br />

Direct positive effect of efidermal growth factor on the<br />

cytoplasmic maturation of mouse and human oocytes<br />

Maheswaran, G. Ann Bot. 54: 201-211<br />

Sim, G.E Plant Cell Rept.<br />

Mignotte F. Eur. J. Biochem. 194 : 561-571.<br />

Das, K Fertility and Sterility<br />

Direct measurements of sugar uptake from sea-water into<br />

molluscan larvae.<br />

Welborn, J.R., J. exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 65: 233-239.<br />

Direct enzyme immunoassay of progesterone in bovine<br />

milk<br />

Sauer, M.J. Steroids, 38: 45-53.<br />

Direct determination of total soil carbihydrate content Safarik, I Plant and soil<br />

Direct contact is required between serum albumin and<br />

hamster spermatozoa for capacitation in vitro.<br />

Dow, M.P.D. Gamete Res. 23:171-180.<br />

Direct Bioautography on Thin-layer Chromatograms as a<br />

Method for Detecting Fungitoxic Substances<br />

Homans, A.L. J. Chromatog. 51, 327.<br />

Direct and indirect effect of full-sib recurrent selection for<br />

resistance to common rust (Puccinia sorghi Scw.) In three<br />

sweet corn populations<br />

Abedon BG Crop Sci 38:56-61<br />

Direct and Correlated responses to selection for Rate and<br />

Duration of Grain Filling in Corn<br />

Direct and Correlated Responses to Selection for Rate and<br />

Duration of Grain fill in Maize<br />

Direct and correlated responses to selection for growthi in<br />

Poul.ry Genetics and Breeding<br />

Direct and correlated response to recurrent full-sib<br />

selection tor prolificacy in maize<br />

Direct Activation of Phospholipase C-c by Fibroblast<br />

Growth factor Receptor 15 not Required Mesoderm<br />

Induction in Xenopus Animal Caps<br />

Direck Somatic embryogenesis Fropm protoplast of citrus<br />

mitis blanko.<br />

Dipterex, Insecticide with stomach and contach position<br />

action,<br />

Dipslick iinnnmoassay to detect enterohemorrhagic<br />

Escherichia coli 0157:117 in retail ground beef<br />

Dinoflagellate Toxicity: Are Marine Bacteria Involved?<br />

Evidence from The Literature<br />

Hartung, R.C Crop Sci<br />

Hartung, R.C Crop Sci<br />

Marks, H.L Br. Poultry Sci.<br />

Singh, M. Crop Sci.<br />

Muslin, A.J. Molecular and Cellular Biology, May:<br />

3006-3012.<br />

Sim G.E. Plnt Cell Rept. 7: 418-420<br />

Bayer Technical Information, Bayer<br />

Pflanzenschutz, Leverkusen<br />

Kini, M.S. Appl. Environ. Microhiol. 58:1764-1767<br />

Rausch de<br />

Traubenberg, C.<br />

Marine Microbial Food Webs 5(2): 205-<br />

226.<br />

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Dinoflagellate Toxicity: are Marine Bacteria Involved ?<br />

Evidence from The Literature.<br />

Dinamika populasi wereng coklat Nilaparvata lugens Stal. p<br />

16-30<br />

Dinamika populasi kakap merah (Luljanus malaharicus) di<br />

perairan utara Jawa<br />

Dinamika populasi hama penggulung daun pisang<br />

(Erionata thrax L) di Sitiung Sumatera Barat<br />

Dinamika Mineralisasi Karbon dan Nitrogen Pada Lahn<br />

Alang-alang (Imperata Cylindrica)<br />

Dinamika Mineralisasi C dan N Pada Lahan Alang-alang<br />

(Imperata Cylindrica)<br />

Dinamika <strong>kelompok</strong> dan manfaatnya terhadap anggota<br />

<strong>kelompok</strong> peternakan kambing kecamatan Kebasen -<br />

Banyumas.<br />

Dinamika demokrasi dan partisipasi dari persfektif regional<br />

pember-dayaan masyarakat lokal dalam pelaksanaan<br />

otonomi di daerah tingkat II.<br />

Dimethoxy ethyl phthalate metabolism: teratogenicity of the<br />

diesters and its metabolites in pregnant rat<br />

Dimension Of Educational and Occupational Attainment in<br />

Great Britain<br />

Digoxigenin-labeled riboprobes applied to phytosanitary<br />

certification of tomato in Italy.<br />

Digoxigenin-labeled cRNA probe for the detection of two<br />

potyviruses infecting peanut (Arachis hypogaea).<br />

Digital Analysis of Multitemporal Landsat Data for Land<br />

Use/Land Cover Classification in a semi Arid Area of<br />

Virginia.<br />

Digetibility and Rate of Passage by Steers Fed Tall<br />

Fescue, Alfalfa and Orchardgrass Hay in 18 and 32 oC<br />

Ambient Temperatures.<br />

Digestive tract enzymes in the bivalves Lima hians Gmelin<br />

and Mya arenaria L<br />

Digestive and Metabolic Effect of Potato and Maize Fibres<br />

In Human Subjects<br />

Digestion, storage and translocation of nutrients in the<br />

purple sea urchin ( Strongylocentrotus purpuratus)<br />

Digestion, rumen fermentation and chewing behaviour<br />

oof red deer fed fresh chicory and perennial ryegrass<br />

Rausch de<br />

Traubenberg, C.<br />

Marine Microbial Food Webs 5(2):205-<br />

226.<br />

Baehaki, SE J. Sejitno, Z Harahap, Suprapto HS<br />

(ed). Wereng coklat. Edisi khusus no 1<br />

Balitta Bogor<br />

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78: 18-25.<br />

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Nuskhi, M. Buletin Peternakan Edisi Khusus.<br />

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Zulkarnain, H.B., Analisis CSIS. Tahun XXVI. No. 1.<br />

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Campbell JD J Appt Toxicol 4:35-42.<br />

Kerckhoff Alan. C American Sociological Review<br />

Saldarelli. P. Plant Dis. 80:1343-1346.<br />

Dietzgen. R.G. Z<br />

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Plant Dis. 78: 708-711.<br />

Adeniyi, P. 0. Photogram-metric Engineering and<br />

Remote Sensing 51(11): 1761-1774.<br />

Warren, W. P. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Reid, R.G,B. Comp Biochem Phisiol 17: 417-433.<br />

Cherbut,C. British Journal of Nutrition<br />

Farmanfarmaian, A Biol Bull I23: 105-12O.<br />

Hoskin, S.O Journal of Agricultural Science,<br />

Cambndge<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Digestion of the polysacharides of some cereal foods in the<br />

human intestine<br />

Englyst, H.N Am. J. Clin, Nulr<br />

Digestion of the carbohydrates of banana (Musa<br />

parudisiaca sapientum) in the human small intestine<br />

Englyst, H.N Am. J. Clin. Nutr<br />

Digestion of polysaccharides potato in the small intestine of<br />

man<br />

Englyst H.N Am. J.Clin.Nutr<br />

Digestion of alkali treated alfalfa silageby goats Nishino, N. Asian-Australian journal of animal<br />

science. Vol. 6<br />

Digestion kinetics of fiber : Influence of in vitro buffer pH<br />

varied within observed physiology range<br />

Grant, R.J J. Dairy Sci<br />

Digestion and utilization of fatty acids by ruminants. Doreau, M. J. Feed Sci. Technol.<br />

Digestion and synthesis in the rumen of sheep given diets<br />

supplemented with tree and protected oils.<br />

Sutton, J.D Br. J. Nutr<br />

Digestion and absorption in the young chick Noy, Y. Poultry Sci<br />

Digestible lysine requirement of male and female broiler<br />

chicks during the period three to six weeks posthatching.<br />

Han, Y. Poult. Sci.<br />

Digestible amino acids for non-ruminant animals: theory<br />

and recent challenges<br />

Digestibility, nitrogen utilization, and voluntary intake of<br />

ensiled crab wastewheat straw mixtures fed to sheep<br />

Digestibility, Nitrogen Retention, and Consumption of<br />

Metabolizable Energy by Chickens on Feeds of Low and<br />

High Concentration.<br />

Digestibility studies in broiler chickens -Influence of<br />

genotype, age, sex, and method of determination<br />

Digestibility ofraw and cooked starches from legume seeds<br />

using the laboratory mt<br />

Digestibility of water-soluble pectin and organic acid losses<br />

in intact or cecectomized adult cockerels<br />

Digestibility of low-cost ingredients in pelleted feed by<br />

grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella).<br />

Digestibility of hydrogenated taliow. saturated fatty acid',<br />

and soybean oilsupplemented diets by sheep<br />

Digestibility of carbohydrate foods in an ileostomate:<br />

relationship to dietary fiber, in vitro digestibility and<br />

glycemic response<br />

Digestibility of carbohydrate foods in an ileostomate:<br />

relationship to dietary fiber, in vitro digestibility and<br />

glycemic response<br />

Digestibility and Rate of Passage by Steers Fed Tall<br />

Fescue, Alfalfa and Orchardgrass Hay in 18 and 32 C<br />

Ambient Temperatures.<br />

Williams PEV Anim Feed Sci. Technol 53:173-187<br />

Abazinger, M. D. A J. Anim. Sci<br />

Hakasson, J. Swed. J. Agric. Res.<br />

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Doeshate.R.A.H<br />

Br.Poult.Sci<br />

Fleming, S.E J.Nutr<br />

Carre, B Poultry Sci<br />

Law, A.T. Aquaculture 51: 97-103.<br />

Macleod. G.K J. Anim. Sci<br />

Jenkins, DJ.A Am. J. Gastroenterology<br />

Jenkins, D.J.A., Am. J. Gastroenterol<br />

Warren, W. P. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 607 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Digestibility of cell wall polysaccharides from wheat<br />

(bran or whole grain), soybean, and white lupin meal in<br />

cockerels, muscopy duck, and rats<br />

Digestibilities of nitrogen and amino acids in soybean,<br />

sunflower, meat and rapeseed meals measured with pigs<br />

and poultry<br />

Digestibilities of amino acids in soybean, sunflower and<br />

groundnut meals, determined with intake and<br />

caecectomized cockerels.<br />

Digestibilities of amino acids in mavie, Wheat and barley<br />

meal, determined with intact red caecectomized cockerels.<br />

Digestibilities Amino Acids in Soybean, Sunflower, and<br />

Groundnut Meals, Determined with Intact and<br />

Caecectomised Cockerels.<br />

Digestibilities Amino Acids in Maize, Wheat, and Barley<br />

Meals, Determined with Intact and Caecectomised<br />

Cockerels.<br />

Digestability by dairy coes of monosaccharide components<br />

in diets containing either around sorghum or sorghum grain<br />

treated with sodium hydroxyde<br />

Digesta Kinetics in Sheep and Cattle Feed Diets With<br />

Different Forage to Concentrate Ratios at High and Low<br />

Intakes<br />

Carre, B Poultry Sci.<br />

Green S Anim Prod, 48:157-159<br />

Green, S. British Poult. Sci.<br />

Green, S. British Poult. Sci.<br />

Green, S. Br. Poult. Sci.<br />

Green, S. Br. Poult. Sci.<br />

Miron, J. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Solucci, P.E. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Difusi dan Karateristik Varietas tebu Unggul Sasmiadi.A Gula Indonesia XVIII<br />

Difs: An Expert System for Selecting a Distribution<br />

Function.<br />

Diffusion in Cell Free and Cell lmmobilising K-Caragenan<br />

Gel Beads with and without Chemical Reaction<br />

Marimin, M., Indonesian Journal of Tropical<br />

Agriculture<br />

Mateus, D.M.R Biotech. Bioeng<br />

Diffusion Characteristics of Substrate in Eca-Alginate Gel<br />

Beads<br />

Tanaka, H. Biotech. Bioeng<br />

Diffuse sources of pollution by heavy metals. Zabel, T.F. J. IWEM, 7: 513-520.<br />

Differentiation of Sexual Behaviour in Cattle, Sheep and<br />

Swine<br />

Ford J.J. J. Anim. Sci. 67: 1816-1823.<br />

Differentiation of Pseudo-monas solanacearum,<br />

Pseudomonas syzygii, Pseudomonas pickettii and blood<br />

disease bacterium by partial 16S rRNA<br />

sequencing:construction of oligonucleotide primers for<br />

sensitive detection by polymerase chain reaction<br />

Differentiation of genomic structure by REP-PCR<br />

fingerprinting to rapidly classify Xanthomonas campestris<br />

pv. vesicatoria.<br />

Seal, S. E. J. of General Microbiol. 139: 1,587-<br />

1,594.<br />

Louws, F.J., Phytopathol. 85(5): 528-536.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 608 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Differentiation of bean infecting geminiviruses by nucleic<br />

acid hibridization probes and aspects of bean golden<br />

mosaic in Brazil<br />

Differentiation between ribose 3-phosphate and ribose 5phosphate<br />

by mean of the orcinol pentose reaction<br />

Differential scanning calorimetry in food research- A<br />

review.<br />

Differential scanning calorimetric studies of meat proteinalginate<br />

mixtures<br />

Differential Response of Cultured Parsley Cell to Elicitors<br />

from Two Non-Pathogenic Strains of Fungi :Identification of<br />

Induced Product as Caumarin Derivates<br />

Differential photoinhibition of marine nitrifying bacteria. A<br />

possible Mechanism for the formation of the primary nitrite<br />

maximum<br />

Gilbertson RL Plant Dis<br />

Albaum, H. G. J. Biol. Chem<br />

Biliarderis CG Food Chem. 10:239-265<br />

Ensor, S. A. J. Food Sci.<br />

Tietjen, K.G. Eu. J. Biochem. 131:401-407.<br />

Olson, R.J. Mar. Res. 39: 227- 238.<br />

Differential gene expression in ripening banana fruit Clendennen, S.K. Plant Physiol. 115:463-469.<br />

Differential gene expression in response to mechainical<br />

wounding and insect feeding in Arabidopsis<br />

Reymond P Plant Cell 12:707-719.<br />

Differential Expression of Tricoderma harzianum Chitinases<br />

during Mycoparasitism.<br />

Haran, S. Phytopathology 86:980-985<br />

Differential Expression of Myrosinase Gene Families Lenman, M. Plant Physiol 103:703-711<br />

Differen-tial effects ofsaturated and monounsaturated fatty<br />

acids on postprandial lipemia and incretin responses in<br />

healthy subjects<br />

Thomsen, C Am J Clin Nutr<br />

Differential cleavage and developmental rates and their<br />

correlation with cell numbers and sex ratios in buffalo<br />

embryos generated in vitto<br />

Differential activity of interleukin 1a and interloukin 1b in the<br />

stimulation of immune response in vitro<br />

Differential activity of interleukin 1a and interleukin 1b in the<br />

stimulation of immune response in vitro<br />

Different sources of ammonia for improving the nutritive<br />

value of low quality roughages<br />

Different effect of LH on FSH-induced superovulation in two<br />

breeds of cattle<br />

Differences in the age of Pacific hake Merluccius productus<br />

using whole otoliths and section otoliths,<br />

Differences in education and earnings across racial and<br />

ethnic groups : Tastes, descrimination, and investments in<br />

child quality<br />

Totey, S.M. Theriogenol. 45 521-533.<br />

Boraschi, D. Eur. J. Immunol., 20: 317-321.<br />

Boraschi, D. Eur. J. Immunol. 20: 317- 321.<br />

Kiangi EMI Anim<br />

Chupin D Theriogenology<br />

Beamish, R.J. J. Fish. Res. Board. Can. 36:<br />

141–151.<br />

Chiswick B.R Quarterly Journal of Economics<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Differences in Drought tolerance among peanut varieties in<br />

relation to root activity and leaves cholorophyll content.<br />

Differences in Drought tolerance among peanut varieties in<br />

relation to physiological characteristics.<br />

Difference in motility of human X and Y bearing<br />

spermatozoa<br />

Difference in Atribute Importance For Difference Industrial<br />

Products<br />

Diferential Induction of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA<br />

Reductase in Two Cottton Species Following Inoculation<br />

with Verticillium<br />

Diference Glycoside of S. Peniculata lag. Structure of<br />

Aglycon<br />

Diets containing high amylose vs amylopectin starch:<br />

effects on metabolic variables in human subjects<br />

Dietery protein requirement and body protein metabolism in<br />

endurance-trained men<br />

Dietary Xilitol Protects Againts Weakening of Bone<br />

Biomechanical Properties In Ovriectomized Rats<br />

Dietary vitamin E concentration and duration of feeding<br />

affect tissue a-tocopherol concentrations of channel catfish<br />

(Ictalurus punctatus)<br />

Dietary vitamin A intake and nondietary factors are<br />

associated with reversal of stunting in children<br />

Dietary value of several proteins and supplemental amino<br />

acids for larvae of the prawn Penaeus japonicus.<br />

Dietary value for red sea bream larvae of rotifers,<br />

Brachionus plicatilis culture with a new type of yeast.<br />

Dietary trans monounsaturated fatty acids negatively<br />

impact plasma lipids in humans : critical review of the<br />

evidence<br />

Setiawan, K Jap. J. of Crop Sci.<br />

Setiawan, K Jap. J. of Crop Sci.<br />

Goodall, H. J. Reprod. Fert. 48:433-436.<br />

Lehman. D.R Journal Of Marketing<br />

Joost, 0. The American Phytopathological<br />

Society. 8 (6):880-885.<br />

Kohda, H Chempham. Bull<br />

Behall, K.M Am. J. Clin. Nutr<br />

Meredith, C.N., J. App Physiol. 66: 2850-2856.<br />

Mattila, P.T. J.Nutr, 128 : 1811-1814.<br />

Bai SC Aquaculture 113:129-135.<br />

Sedgh G J.Nutr<br />

Teshima, S., Aquaculture. 51: 225-235.<br />

Kitajama, C., Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish, 46 (1) : 43-<br />

45.<br />

Khosla P J of the Am College of Nutr. 15(4) :<br />

325-339<br />

Dietary trans fatty acids ; effects on plasma lipids &<br />

lipoprotein of healthy men & women<br />

Judd JT Am J Clin Nutr. 59: 861-868<br />

Dietary trans fatty acids : effects on plasma lipids &<br />

lipoprotein of healthy men & women<br />

Judd JT Am J Clin Nutr 59:861-868<br />

Dietary tatty acid thresholds and cholesterolemia Hayes, K. C. FASEB J<br />

Dietary Soybean Protein Increases Insulin Receptor Gen<br />

Expresion in Winstar Fatty Rats When Dietary<br />

Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Level is Low<br />

Iritani, N. J. Nutr. 126 : 1077-1083<br />

Dietary Sources of Energy. In: Energy Requirement of<br />

Poultry.<br />

Anmisor, E. F. British Poultry. Sci.<br />

Dietary selection in adult Locusta migratoria Chyb, S., Ent. exp. & appl. 56: 47-60.<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Dietary Saturated Fatty Acids, Differ In Their Impact On<br />

Plasma Cholesterol and Lipoproteins In Human Primates<br />

Dietary saturated & trans fatty acid & colesterol & 25 year<br />

mortality from coronary hearth disease : the seven<br />

countries study<br />

Dietary riboflavin requirement of fingerling channel catfish<br />

(Ictalurus punctatus)<br />

Dietary protein requirement of early grow-out seabass<br />

(Lates calcarifer) and same observation on the<br />

performance of two practical formulated feeds. Singapore<br />

Journal of Primary Industries.<br />

Die-tary protein level alters oxidative phosphorylation in<br />

heart and liver mitochondria of chicks<br />

Dietary Protein as Egg Albumin : Effects On Bone<br />

Composition, Zinc Bioavailability and Zinc Requirements Of<br />

Rats, Assessed by a Modified Broken-Line Model<br />

Dietary protein and risk of ischemic heart dissease in<br />

women<br />

Dietary polyunsaturated to saturated tatty acid ratio alters<br />

hepatic LDL transport in cynomolgus macaques ted low<br />

cholesterol diets<br />

Dietary phosphorus requirement of juvenile sunshine bass,<br />

Morone chrysops X M saxatilis<br />

Dietary phosphorus and feed allowance of dwarf breeders<br />

affect reproductive performance hens and bone<br />

development of their progency<br />

Dietary non starch polysaccharides interact with<br />

Cholesterol and fish oil in their effects on plasma lipids and<br />

hepatic receptor activity in rats<br />

Hayes. K.C Am. J. Clin. Nutr<br />

Kromhout Preventive Med 24:308-315<br />

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Wong, F.J The Primary Production Development.<br />

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Hu, FB Am J Clin Nutr<br />

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Dietary myristic, palmitic, and linoleic acids modulate<br />

cholesterolemia in gerbils<br />

Pronczuk A FASEB J<br />

Dietary modification of yolk Lipid with Menhaden oil Hargis, P S. Poultry sci. 70: 874-883.<br />

Dietary manipulation of long chain PUFAs in the retina and<br />

brain of Guinea pigs<br />

Weisinger HS Lipids 30:471-473<br />

Dietary lysine concentration from deficient to excessive and<br />

the effects on broiler chicks.<br />

Latshaw, J. D. Br. Poult. Sci.<br />

Dietary lipid exemplified by fish oils and their n-3 fatty acid Duthie, I.F. Food Sci Technol. 6: 20-35.<br />

Dietary intake of Immunostimulants by rainbow trout affects<br />

non spesific immunity and protection againts furunculosis<br />

Siwicki A.K Vet.Immunol.Immunpathol.<br />

Dietary flax and egg composition (Research Note). Caston, L Poultry Sci.<br />

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Dietary flavonoids as potential natural biological response<br />

modifiers affecting the autoimune system<br />

Dietary fish protein modulates highdensity lipoprotein<br />

cholesterol and lipoprotein lipase activity in rabbits<br />

Dietary fish oil enhances plasma and LDL oxidative<br />

modification in rats.<br />

Dietary fish oil cnhances plasma and LDLoxidative<br />

modification in rats<br />

Dietary Fibres Reduce Blood Pessure, Serum Total<br />

Cholesterol and Platelet Aggregation in Rats<br />

Dietary Fibre, Complex Carbohydrate and Coronary artery<br />

disease<br />

Dietary fibre in health and dis-ease: An overview. Asia<br />

Pacific<br />

Nagami T J Food Sci 60(4):653-656<br />

Bergeron, N J. Nutr<br />

Nardini, M. J. Nutr. Biochem<br />

Nardini, M Nutr. Biochem<br />

Bagger.M. British Journal of Nutriion<br />

Anderso.J.W Canadian Journal of Cardiologiy. Vol.<br />

11<br />

Kritchvesky, D J Clin Nutr<br />

Dietary Fibers are Troublemakers. Krogdahl, A. Poultry International<br />

Dietary fiber: the effect of partiële size of wheat bran on<br />

colonic function in young adult men<br />

Heller, S.N Am. J. Clin. Nutr<br />

Dietary fiber and lipids Miettinen, T. A. The American journal of clinical<br />

nutrition<br />

Dietary fiber and carbohydrate metabolism Wahlqvist, M. L. The American J. clinical nutr.<br />

Dietary fiber fractions in defatted rice bran and<br />

their hypocholesterolemic effect in cholesterol-fed rats<br />

Ayano, Y. J. Nutr Food (Japanese) 33: 283-291<br />

Dietary fatty acids and progession of coronary artery<br />

disease in men<br />

Watts GF Am. J.Clin.Nutr<br />

Dietary fatquality and circulating cholesterol levels in<br />

humans: a review ofactions and mechani.sm. Prog<br />

Mazier, J Food Nutr. Sci<br />

Dietary fat intake and the risk of coronary heart dissease in<br />

women<br />

Hu, FB N Eng. J. Med,<br />

Dietary fat intake & risk of coronary heart disease in<br />

women<br />

hu FB New Eng J Med. 337: 1491-1499<br />

Dietary fat in the nutrition of the growing chicks. Rand, N. T. Poult. Sci.<br />

Dietary fat and fiber alter large bowel and portal venous<br />

volatile fatty acids and plasma cholesterol but not biliary<br />

steroids in pigs<br />

Topping, D.L J. Nutr<br />

Dietary fat & risk of coronary hearth disease in men : cohort<br />

follow up study in the United States<br />

Ascherio A British Med J. 313:84-90<br />

Dietary factors as determinants of hypertension: A case<br />

control study in urban Indian population<br />

Kodali, V Asia Pasific J Clin Nutr<br />

Dietary energy allowances for beef cattle Perry, T.W Fedstuffs, Vol. 61, No. 31<br />

Dietary effects on content of hepatic lipid, plasma minerals<br />

and tissue ascorbic acid in hens and estrogenized chicks<br />

Brenes, A Poult SCI 64(5): 947-954<br />

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Dietary effects of (0-3 type polyunsaturated fatty acids on<br />

serum and liver lipid levels in rats<br />

Dietary effect of co-3 type polyunsaturated fatty acids on<br />

serum and liver lipid levels in rats<br />

Dietary Diversity and Subsequent Mortality in the First<br />

National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey<br />

Epidemiologic Follow up Study<br />

Dietary cholesterol effects on plasma and yolk cholesterol<br />

fractions in selected lines of Japanese quail<br />

Kobatake, Y J. Nutr. Sci<br />

Kobatake. Y J. Nutr. Sci. Vitaminol<br />

Kant AK The American Journal of Clinical<br />

Hammad, S. M. Poult. Sci.<br />

Dietary buffering requirements of the lactating dairy cow. A.<br />

Review.<br />

Erdinan, R.A. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Dietary buffering requirement of the lactating dairy cows. A<br />

reviews<br />

Erdman, R.A., J. Dairy Sci<br />

Dietary ascorbic acid requirement of rainboow trout for<br />

growth and collagen formation.<br />

Sato, M., Bull. Jap. Soc. Fish, 44: 1029-1035.<br />

Dietary antioxidants and carotid artery wall thickness Kritchevsky SB Aric Study Am J Epidem 45: 454-569<br />

Dietary animal proteins and cholesterol metabolism in<br />

rabbits<br />

Dietary alfa Iinolenic acid at i.3 g/kg maintain maximal<br />

DHA concentration in brain, heart and liver of adults rats<br />

Diet, Prey Selection and Daily Ration of Stomolophus<br />

rneleagris, A Filter-Feeding Scyphomedusa from The<br />

Northeast Gulf of Mexico<br />

Lovati, M.R British. J. Nutr<br />

Bourre. J M. J. Nutr. 123 1313-1319.<br />

Larson, R.J. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science.<br />

Vol. 32: 511 -525.<br />

Diet selection for protein by poultry. Forbes, J. M. World's Poult. Sci. J.<br />

Diet selection by Ceratitis capitata larvae: influence of the<br />

rearing diet and genetic factors<br />

Canato C.M. Journal of Insect Physiology 39: 981-<br />

985<br />

Diet Atherosclerosis and Fish oil Connor, E.E. Adv. Intern. Med. 35: 139-172.<br />

Diet and the rate of food passage in the growing chick. Tuckey, R. Poult. Sci.<br />

Diet and health: what should we eat? Willet WC Science 264:532-537<br />

Diet and health : what should we eat ? Willet WC science 264:532-537<br />

Diet and coronary heart disease : beyond dietary fats and<br />

low-density-lipoprotein cholesterol<br />

Fraser GE Am. J.Clin.Nutr<br />

Diel variability of school structure with special reference to<br />

transition periods. ICES<br />

Freon, P., J. Mar. Sci. 53: 459-464.<br />

Die Theoritische Bestimmung des Gleichgewichzustandes<br />

im Plenterwald<br />

Prodan.M Schweiz. Zeitschr.F.Forstwesen<br />

Die Nutzung der LH-Analytik zur Bestimmung des<br />

Kanitz E. Monatshefte Veteri-narmedizin, 45 :<br />

optimalen Besamungszeitraumes nach Superovulationsbehandlungen<br />

123-125<br />

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Dibalik segarnya buah-buahan Awananto C Warta Konsumen No.05 Tahun XXI,<br />

Mei 1995.Jakarta<br />

Diatoms as Bioindicator of Water Quality _____ Journal of Coastal Development: 1.<br />

Diatery Effects of Different Feeds on the Biochemical<br />

Composition of the Rotifer (Brachionus plicatilis Muller)<br />

Caric, M. Aquaculture, 110 (2): 141-150.<br />

Diapause in the Maize Stem Borer Usua, E. J. J. Econ. Entomol<br />

Diallel analysis of leaf and stem characters in kenaf.<br />

[Abstract]<br />

Adamson, W.C. Agron. Abstr., Am. Soc. Agron.,<br />

Madison, U.S.A. 47 [En]. Plant<br />

Breeding Abstr. 1982. 52: 374.<br />

Diallel Analysis of Duration and Rate of Grain Filling of<br />

Seven Inbred Lines of corn<br />

Cross, H.Z Crop Sci<br />

Dialel analysis of maize resistance to sorghum dowing<br />

mildew<br />

Borgers Crop Science 27 (2):178-180<br />

Dialel analysis of maize resistance to sorghum dowing<br />

mildew<br />

Borgers Crop Science 27 (2):178-180<br />

Dialel Analysis of Duration and Rate of Grain Filling of<br />

Seven inbred Lines of Corn<br />

Cross, H.Z Crop Sci<br />

Diagnostic technique of the rod-shape DNA virus infection<br />

in kuruma shrimp, Penaeus japonicus.<br />

Momoyama, K., Fish Pathol., 30 : 263-269.<br />

Diagnostic Linear sampling of Regeneration. Smith, W.J. Malaysian Forest 23(3):191-208.<br />

Diagnosis performance and prognostic value of troponin T<br />

in suspected acute myocardial intarction<br />

Ravkilde, J Scand. J. Clin. Lab. Invest<br />

Diagnosis of 24 news species and proposai of a new name<br />

for a species of Indo-Pasific Clupeoid fishes.<br />

Wongratana, T. Japanese J. Ichtnyol<br />

Diagnosis kolibasilosis pada anak sapi. Penggunaan anak<br />

mencit untuk identifikasi enterotoksin tahan panas<br />

Supar Penyakit Hewan. 19(34): 54-57.<br />

Diagnosis dan pengobatan tukak peptik. Djuwantoro, D. Cermin Dun/a Kedokteran 79. p. 14-<br />

17.<br />

Diagnosis Anemia Wirawan. R Majalah Kedokteran<br />

Diagnosa penyakit parasiter dengan ELISA (Enzym Linked<br />

Immunosorbet Assay)<br />

Partoutomo, S. Wartazoa<br />

Developmet of in vitro matured/ in vitro fertilized bovine<br />

embryos in to morula and balstocyst in the fined culture<br />

media<br />

bavister B.D Theriogenology<br />

Developments in Food Microbiology-1 Termobacterlology<br />

of UHT Processed food.<br />

Developmentofmtegrated fertilizer management to sustain<br />

food erop production in Indonesia: The use oforganic and<br />

biofertilizers<br />

Developmental regulation ofpolyamine metabolism in<br />

growth and differentiation of canrot culture<br />

Davies, R. App. Sci. Pubis. London.<br />

Adiningsih, J.S. Indonesian Agricultural Research &<br />

Development Journal 19(4). 153-172.<br />

Feinberg AA Planta 162:532-539.<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Developmental instability as an indicator of reduced genetic<br />

variation in hatchery trout.<br />

Developmental Dearangement in Crocidolomia binotalis<br />

Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) as Affected by the<br />

Treatment with Extracts of Aglaia spp (meliaceae)<br />

Developmental competence of goat oocytes from follicles<br />

of different size catagories following maturation ,<br />

fertilization and culture in vitro<br />

Developmental competence of bovine oocytes frozen at<br />

va-rious maturation stages followed by in vitro<br />

maturation and fertilization<br />

Leary, F.L, Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 114: 230-235.<br />

Prijono, D.<br />

Crozet N J.Reprod.Fertil<br />

Urn, J.M Theriogenology<br />

Developmental capacity of bovine oocytes collected from<br />

ovaries of individual heifers and fertilized in vitro<br />

Funahashi H Theriogenology 36:427-434.<br />

Developmental capacity of mouse oocytes cryopreserved<br />

before and after maturation<br />

Schroeder, A.C J. Reprod. Fert<br />

Developmental biology of reproduction: current problems Linskens, H. F. Phytomorphology<br />

Developmental and Reproductive Biologies Of The<br />

Parasitic Wasp, Biosteres Longicaudatus, Reared on Host<br />

Treated With A Chitin Synthesis Inhibitor<br />

Development, Theoritical Analysis and Performance<br />

Evaluation Of Shelf Type Solar Dryers<br />

Development potential of bovine oocytes matured in vitro or<br />

in vivo<br />

Development Potential of Bovine Oocytes Matured in Vitro<br />

and in Vivo<br />

Development of Volume Equations For The Philippines<br />

Forests<br />

Development of the partiële inflow gun for DNA delivery to<br />

plant cells.<br />

Development of the male reproductive tractus,<br />

spermatosenesis and puberty<br />

Development of the gibberellin induced ovulate strobilus of<br />

western red cedar: quantitative requirement for long dayshort<br />

day-long day.<br />

Lawrence. P.O Insect Sci. Appl<br />

Selcuk. M.K Solar Dryes. Vol. 16<br />

Leibfried-Rutledge,<br />

M. L.<br />

LeibFried-Rutledge,<br />

M. L.<br />

Biol. Reprod.<br />

Biol. Reprod.<br />

Tandug.L.M Canopy Int. January-February<br />

Finer, J.J., Plant Cell Rep. 11: 323-328.<br />

Lapwood, K.R. Theriogenology 2<br />

Pharis, R. P. Ca. J. Bot<br />

development of the estate crop subsector Arifin, S. Indonesia’s Economic Crisis: Effects<br />

on Agriculture and Policy Responses.<br />

P. Simatupang, S. Pasaribu, S. Bahri,<br />

and R. Stringer (Eds.) CASE, AARD-<br />

CIES, University of Adelaide,<br />

Australia. p. 229-253.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 615 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Development of the accessory genital glands in Meishan<br />

boars<br />

Development of serological procedures for rapid and<br />

reliable detection of wheat streak mosaic virus in single<br />

wheat curl. Mite<br />

Development of Resistance to Picking Wound Entry by<br />

Botrytis Cinerea Storage Rots in KiwiFruit<br />

Development of rat one-cell embryos in a chemically<br />

defined medium: effects of glucose , phosphate and<br />

osmolarity<br />

Development Of rat one-cell embryos in a chemically<br />

defined medium : efects of glucose, phosphate and<br />

osmolarity<br />

Development of peat for oil palm planting in malaysia -<br />

Johor Barat Agric. Project as a case study<br />

Development of PCR based hybriditation. Protocol for<br />

identification of streptococcal species<br />

Development Of Organized Structure In Callus Derived<br />

From Explants of Cocos Nucifera L<br />

development of one cell ovine embryos in two cultural<br />

media under two gas athmosphere<br />

Development of oil plam (Elaeis guneensis Jacq) tissue<br />

culture at Pusat Penelitian Marihat<br />

Development of natural Dormancy. Annual report for 1988 IRRI<br />

Development of microtittreplate enzyme immunoassay for<br />

determination of progesterone<br />

Development of microtitre plate enzyme immunoassay for<br />

determination of progesterone.<br />

Development of microbial community of bacterial and<br />

yeasts antagonists to control wound-invading post-harvest<br />

pathogens of fruits<br />

Harayama H Anim Sci Tech 63:1115-1122.<br />

Mahmood, T.Hein,<br />

G.L.<br />

Plant Disease<br />

Poole. P. R New Zealand Journal of Crop and<br />

Horticultural Science<br />

Miyoshi J. Reprod and Fertil<br />

Miyoshi, K. J. Reprod. Fertil. 100:21-26.<br />

Dolmat MT PORIM Bull 5(2_: 1-17<br />

Bentley, R.W. J. Clin. Microbiol. 33: 1296-1301.<br />

Braton. R.L Annals Of Botany<br />

Batterbed. B Theriogenology<br />

Lubis AU SEAMEO-BIOTROP, Bogor, h 139-<br />

148<br />

Murno C J.Endocr<br />

Munro, C. J. Endocr.<br />

Janisiewicz, W.J. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 61:3261-<br />

3267.<br />

Development of mammary gland Knight, C. H. J. Reprod. Fertil.<br />

Development of low-fat ground beef Egbert Food Technol.<br />

Development of high strength and high modulus<br />

polyethykene-starch composite films and bio degradation of<br />

the composite films<br />

Nakashima T J. Maromol Sci B. 35 (3-4) : 659-679<br />

Development Of Fusarium Wilt on Resistant Varietes of<br />

Tomato Caused By Strain Different From Race I Isolates of<br />

F. Oxysporuium f.sp. Lycopersici<br />

Development of Food Safety Risk Assesment Guidelines<br />

For Foods of Animal Origin in International Trade<br />

Stall. R.E Plant Diss. Reptr.<br />

Hathaway. A.C J. Food. Prot.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 616 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Development of eggs, larvae and juvenile of the grouper,<br />

Epinephelus microdon (Bleeker) reared in hatchery.<br />

Development of DNA-DNA hybridization test for the<br />

presence of Salmonella in foods<br />

Development of chicks exposed to aflatoxin BI during<br />

embryogenesis<br />

Development of anaerobic fillers for treatment of high<br />

strengh adro-industrial wastewater<br />

Development of Allogenic Hybridomas for production of<br />

monoclonal Antibodies Against Oral Polio vaccine Strains<br />

Development of a whole cell vaccine from Escherichia coli<br />

bearing K88, K99, F41, and 987P fimbrial antigens:The<br />

relationships between colostral IgA and IgG anti fimbrial<br />

antibodies and protections<br />

Development of a whole cell vaccine from Escherichia coli<br />

bearing K88, K99, F41, and 987P fimbrial antigens:<br />

Vaccine field trials to control piglets neonatal colibasillosis<br />

Development of a whole cell vaccine from Escherichia coli<br />

bearing K88, K99, F41, and 987P fimbrial antigens: Studies<br />

on the immunogenicity of the fimbrial antigens<br />

Development of a selective medium for quantitative<br />

isolation of Fusanam oxysporum from natural soil.<br />

Development of a new type of fermented cheese whey<br />

beverage with inhibitory effects against angiotensin<br />

converting enzyme.<br />

Development of a multiplex Immunocapture PCR With<br />

Colorimetric Detection for Viruses of Banana<br />

Development of a Mineral Growth Medium for In Vitro<br />

Storage of Banana and Plantain (Musa Spp)<br />

Development of a microtitreplate enzyme immunoassay for<br />

the determination of progesterone<br />

Development of a microsatelite framework map providing<br />

genome-wide coverage in rice (Oryza Sativa L.)<br />

Development of 1- cell embryos from different strains of<br />

mice in C2B medium<br />

Development in vitro of mouse oocytes from primordial<br />

follicles<br />

Development in vitro and in vivo of aggregated<br />

parthhenogenetic bovine embryos<br />

Tawada, S. Suisanzoshoku 1-11:99-103.<br />

Fitts, R. J. Food Tech.<br />

Tiwari, R.P Indian. J. Anim. Sci. 59(11):1.473-<br />

1.474.<br />

Weiland P Bioprocess engineering 2: 39-47<br />

Gupta, C.K. Vaccine. 9: 853-854.<br />

Supar Penyakit Hewan. 23(41): 110.<br />

Supar Penyakit Hewan. 23(40): 69-75.<br />

Supar Penyakit Hewan. 23(41): 1-10.<br />

Komada, H Rev. Plant Prot Res<br />

Saito, T. Tohoku J. Agric. Res.<br />

Shannan, M. J.Virol Methods 89: 75-S8<br />

Hiruka Germplasm The Philippine<br />

Agriculturist<br />

Munro, C. J. Endocr., 101: 41-49.<br />

Chen X Theor. Appl. Genet. 95:553-567<br />

Chatot C.L J.Biol of Reprod<br />

Eppig, J. J. Biol. Reprod.<br />

Boediono A Reprod.Fertil.Dev<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Development in vitro and in vivo of aggregated<br />

parthenogenetic bovine embryos<br />

Development in bcche-de-mer production in Indonesia<br />

during the last decade<br />

Development cycle of Tubifek tubifek in experiment<br />

culture.<br />

Development changes in Screlotia of the rice Sheath Blight<br />

Fungus<br />

Development capacity of in vitro matured and fertilized<br />

oocytes from prepubertal and adult goats<br />

Development and vegetation dynamics of lowland<br />

ombrogenous peat swamp in Kalimantan Tengah,<br />

Indonesia<br />

Development and survival of the two-striped grasshopper,<br />

Melanoplus bivittatus (Say) (Orthoptera: Acrididae), on<br />

various single and multiple plant diets<br />

Development and survival of Cer-cospora zeaemaydis<br />

Germlings in different relative humidity environments<br />

Development and economic injury level of the green<br />

cloverworm on soybean in Iowa<br />

Development and application of ultrasonic methods for<br />

measuring fat thickness and rib eye area in cattle and hogs<br />

Boedono, A., S J. Reprod. Fert. Dev<br />

Tuwo, A, Bechc-de-mer Bulletin, 4 : 2-3<br />

Kosiorek, D Pol. Arch Hydrobiol. 21: 411-422.<br />

Hashiba, T. Phytopathology<br />

Mogas T Theriogenology<br />

Morley, R.J J. Biogeography<br />

MacFarlane, J. H., Acrida 9: 63-76.<br />

Thorson, P.R. Phytopathology<br />

Stone, J.D. J. Econ. Entomol. (65): 197-201<br />

Stouffer, J.R. J. Anim. Sci., 20: 759-767.<br />

Development and application of PFM011 as a possible<br />

food-grade cloning vector<br />

Froseth, B. R. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Developmen. Hydraulic Engineering, Volurr Elsevier Novak, P applied Sci Publishers, London.<br />

Developing nomenclature for genes of unknown function: a<br />

case study of ABA-responsive genes<br />

Developing a selectivee breeding <strong>program</strong> for penaid<br />

shrimp mericulture<br />

Detritus Food Webs In Conventional and No-Tillage<br />

Agroecosystem<br />

Detoksiifikasi Al dari Tanah Ultisol pada Tanaman Jagung<br />

Bermikoriza dengan Pemberian Bahan Organik dan Batu<br />

Fosfat<br />

Determining Small Amount of Calcium in Plant Material. A<br />

Colorimeter Method.<br />

Determining optimal heat treatment of soybeans by<br />

measuring available lysin chemically and biologically with<br />

rats to maximixe protein utilization by ruminants<br />

Mundy, J. Plant Mol. Biol. Rep. 1: 276-383.<br />

Lester, L.J. Aquaculture 33: 41-50<br />

Hendrix. P.F BioScience<br />

Prasetya, B<br />

Tyner, E.H Analytical Chemistry. 20:76-80.<br />

Faldet, M. A. J. Nutr.<br />

Determination of Water Quality. Ellis, M. M, Res. Report 9. 122 pp.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 618 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Determination of water holding capacity of ground cooked<br />

lean meat.<br />

Determi-nation of total, insoluble and soluble dietary fiber<br />

and resistant starch in processed corn and rice products<br />

Determination Of Total Organic C on Soils By an Improved<br />

Chromic acid Digestion and Spectrophotometric Procedure<br />

Determination of total dietary fiber in foods and food<br />

products and total diets: interlaboratory study<br />

Determination of the macrophage chemiluminiscent<br />

response in Fundulus heteroclitus as a function of pollution<br />

stress<br />

Determination of the energy expenditure of penned and<br />

grazing sheep from estimates of carbondioxide entry rate<br />

Determination of the degree of humification in peat<br />

samples.<br />

Determination of Protein: A Modification of The Lowry<br />

Method that Gives A Linier Photometric Response<br />

Determination Of Petroselinic Acid In UmbelliFlorae Seed<br />

Oils By Combined GC and 13C NMR Spectroscopy<br />

Analysis<br />

Determination Of Petroselinic Acid In Umbelliflorae Seed<br />

Oils By Combined GC and 13C NMR Spectroscopy<br />

Analysis<br />

Determination of peach firmness by analysis of impact<br />

farces<br />

Determination of Otal Soluble Al in Soil Solution Using<br />

Pyrocatecol Violet, Lanthanum and Iron to Discriminate<br />

Against Micro-particulate and Organic Ligands. Commun.<br />

Asselberg, E. A. Food tech.<br />

Corujo, J.L American Association of Cereal<br />

Chemists (AACC) Annual Conference,<br />

Seattle, Washington<br />

Haines. D.L Communication Of Soil Science and<br />

Plant Analysis<br />

Prosky, L. J. A.O.A.C. 67: 1044-1053.<br />

Kelly-Reay, K. Fish & Shellfish Immunology 4.95-105.<br />

Corbett, J.L. Brit. J. Nutr. 26:277-291.<br />

Kaila, A J. Agric Sci. Finland 28: 18-35<br />

Hartree, E.F, Anal. Biochem. 48. 422-427<br />

Mallet. J.F J.Am. Oil. Chem Soc<br />

Mallet. J.F J. Am. Oil. Chem. Soc<br />

Dewilche, M. J Trans, of the ASAE<br />

Menzies, N.W., Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 23: 2525-2545.<br />

Determination of Organic Carbon in Soil and Plant Material. Shaw.K J. Of Soil Sci<br />

Determination of organic acid in soil extracts by ion<br />

chromatography<br />

Determination of optimum levels of light irradiation needed<br />

to control ripening of tomato<br />

Determination of nutrients digestibility, rumen fermentation<br />

parameters and microbial protein concentration on ongole<br />

crossbred cattle fed rice straw<br />

Determination of nitrate in vegetables using an ion<br />

selective electrode.<br />

Baziramakenga R Soil Biol Biochem 27:349-356.<br />

Lee, G.H. Trans. ASAE 39(1) 169-175.<br />

Utomo, R. Bulletin of anim. Sci., Suplement<br />

edition<br />

Consalter, A. J. Food Comp. Anal.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 619 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Determination of nitrate in vegetables by continuous flow:<br />

interlaboratory study.<br />

Determination of nitrate and nitrite in milk and dry milk<br />

products.<br />

Determination of moisture and ash. In Laboratory manual<br />

on Analytical Methods and Procedure for fish and fish<br />

products<br />

Determination of mimosine and 3-hydroxy-(HO-pyridonc in<br />

Lucaena, avian excreta and Serum using reversed-phase<br />

ion pair high performance liquid chromatography<br />

Determination of iodine value of palm oil by differentiaal<br />

scanning calorimetry<br />

Determination of hydro-genase activity using an anaerobic<br />

spectrophotometric device<br />

Determination of free fatty acids in milk and cheese<br />

Procedure for extraction, clean up and capillary gas<br />

chromato-graphic analysis<br />

Beljaars, P. R. J. Assn. Offic. Anal. Chem. Int.<br />

Manning, P. B. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Ng., C.S Marine Fisheries Research<br />

Development Center<br />

Acamovic, T. J, Chromatogr., 236:169-779.<br />

Haryati T J Am Oil Chem Soc 74 : 939-942<br />

Femandez VM Anal Biochem 120:85-90.<br />

De Jong, C. J. High resolution Chromatography.<br />

13: 94-98.<br />

Determination of free and total gossypol in mixed feeds<br />

containing cottonseed meals<br />

Pons. W.A. J .AOAC., 40: 1068.<br />

Determination of free and total gossypol by high<br />

performance Liquid chromatography<br />

Hron, R.J. J. AOAC. 67: 182.<br />

Determination of free and bound gossypol in swine tissues Smith, S. H. The J. Am. Oil chem. soc.<br />

Determination of Fatty Acids as Phenacy Esters in Rat<br />

Adipose Tissue and Blood Vessel Walls by HPLC. .<br />

Determination of extractable and bound condensed tannin<br />

concentrations in forage plants, protein concentrate meals<br />

and cereal grains<br />

Determination of Excretion of Inulin Creatinine, Sodium,<br />

Sulpanilate and Phenolsulfonphtalein to Asses Renal<br />

Function in Goats<br />

Hanis, T., J. Chromatography. 452: 443-457.<br />

Terrill, T.H Journal of the Science of Food and<br />

Aghculture<br />

Brown, S.A. Am. J. Vet. Res.<br />

Determination Of Ethyl Carbonat in Various Fermented<br />

Foods by Selected Ion Monitoring<br />

Hasegawa. Y J. Food. Prot.<br />

Determination of cholesterol using 0-phthalaldehida Rudel LL J.Lipid Res<br />

Determination of Calcium on Soil Extracts and Plant Ash by<br />

Chloranilic Acid.<br />

Gamon, N Analytical Chemistry. 21(11): 1391-<br />

1392.<br />

Determination of Blood Constituent Reference Values Melluzi, A J. Poultry Sci<br />

Determination of biosorption activation energy of heavy<br />

metal ions on Zooglea ramigera and Rhizopus arrhizus<br />

Yesim Sag Process Biochemistry<br />

Determination of ammonia in natural waters by phenol<br />

hypochlorit method<br />

Solorzano, L. Limnol. Oceanogr. 34: 799-801.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 620 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Determination of adenosine triphosphate and its<br />

breakdown products in fish muscle by high performance<br />

liquid chromatoraphy<br />

Ryder, J.M J. Agric. Food Chem<br />

Determination of acoustic vibration modes in applas Huarng L Transactions of the ASAE<br />

Determination nf total gossypol in cottonseed and<br />

cottonseed meals by derivative UV spectrophotometer<br />

Botsoglou, N.A. J. AOAC., 73: 447-451<br />

Determination by EIA of progesterone and 17 Betaestradiol<br />

in culture medium from rabbit oocytes matured in vitro with<br />

epidermal growth factor.<br />

Determinasi kelimpahan, keanakaragaman dan struktur<br />

komunitas zooplankton di Teluk Awur Jepara.<br />

Determi nationof musty odor compounds produced by<br />

Streplomyces griseus and Streptomyces odorifer<br />

Deteksi proteolisis pada susu sapi dan susu kedelai<br />

fermentasi menggunakan asam trinitrobenzene sulfonat<br />

Deteksi Penyakit-penyakit Virus Jeruk Keprok (Citrus<br />

reticulata) di Beberapa Sentra Produksi di Pertanaman<br />

Koleksi Jeruk<br />

Deteksi gen pengendali sintesis antigen perlekatan K88,<br />

K99, dan enterotoksin pada Escherichia coli yang diisolasi<br />

dari anak babi dan anak sapi penderita diare<br />

Detection of two viruses in peanut seeds by<br />

complementary DNA hybridisation tests.<br />

Detection of strains of potato virus X and broadspectrum<br />

ofpotato virus Y isolates by nucleic acid spot hybridization<br />

(NASH).<br />

Detection Of Specific Sequences Among DNA Fragments<br />

Separated By Gel Electrophoresis<br />

Detection of rod-shape DNA virus (PRDV) in wild caught<br />

shrimp and others crustaceans.<br />

Detection of Pseudomonas syringae pv. Glycinea in<br />

soybean seed losts intendeed for import to greece in 1990<br />

Detection of Potato Viruses S, X, and Y by Enzyme-Linked<br />

Immunosorbent assay on Nitrocellulose Membranes (Dot-<br />

ELlSA)<br />

Detection of potato leafroll virus in leaf and aphid extracts<br />

by dot blot hybridisation.<br />

Detection of plant pathogenic MLO's by Polymerase Chain<br />

Reaction that spesifies a sequence of the 16S rWAsem<br />

Lorenzo, P.L., Theriogenology<br />

Zainuri, M.,<br />

Abo Gnah, YS. J. Food Sci. 50(1): 132-135.<br />

Murti, T. W.<br />

Roesmiyanto But. Penel. Hon. Ed. Khusus 14:71-78.<br />

Supar Jurnal Ilmu Ternak dan Veteriner. 2(1):<br />

60-65.<br />

Bijaisoradat, M Plant Dis. 72: 956-959.<br />

Baulcombe D.C. Plant Dis. 72: 307-309.<br />

Southern. J J. Molec. Biol<br />

Maeda, M., Fish Pathol., 33: 373-380.<br />

Alvizatos, A. S. Plant pathogenic bacteria, Versaills<br />

(France)<br />

Banttari E.E. Plant Dis.69: 202-205<br />

Smith, O.P., Plant Dis. 77:1098-1102<br />

Ahrens, U. Phytopathology. 82:828-832.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 621 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Detection of plant pathogenic MLO's by polymerase chain<br />

reaction that Specifies a sequence of the 16S rRNA gene.<br />

Detection of pig and buffalo body fat in cow and buffalo<br />

ghees by differential scanning calorimetry<br />

Detection of normal and aberrant chromosomes in chicken<br />

(Gall.dom) embryos and in tumor cells<br />

Detection of highly heterozygous locus in recombinat<br />

inbred lines of rie and its possible involvement in Heterosis.<br />

Detection of genetic diversity and selective gene<br />

introgression in coffee using RAPD markers<br />

Detection of genetic diversity and selective gene<br />

introgression in coffee using RAPD markers<br />

Detection of genetic diversity and selective gene<br />

introgression in coffee using RAPD marker.<br />

Detection of genetic diversity and selective gene in coffee<br />

using RAPD markers.<br />

Detection of geminivirus infecting sweet potato in the<br />

United States<br />

Detection of flaviviruses by reverse transcriptase<br />

polymerase chain reaction with the universal primer set<br />

Detection of fish freshness using immobilized ADP-ase and<br />

5-nucleotidase on polyacrylamide gel<br />

Detection of DNA diversity of wild soybean (Glycine soya)<br />

in natural populations by new procedure oF RAPD and<br />

RFLP,<br />

Ahrens, U. Phytopathol. 82: 828-832.<br />

Lambelet P J Am Oil Chem Soc. 57:364-366<br />

Blooms SE Poultry Sci 60,1355-1361<br />

Nair S Theor. Appl. Genet. 91:978-986<br />

Orozco Castillo Theor Appl Genet 87: 934-940<br />

Orozco-Castilo Theor. Appl Genet 87:934-940<br />

Orozo Castillo K Theor Appl Genet, 89:934-938<br />

Castillo, O.C., Theor. Appl. Genet. 87: 332-339.<br />

Lontrakul P Plant Dis<br />

Fang, M.Y. Microbiol. and Immunol. 41(3): 209-<br />

213.<br />

Marseno, D.W<br />

Hu ZA Soybean Genetics Newsletter, 24:37-<br />

39<br />

Detection of clay in soil solution with methylene Blue Paper<br />

and the assesment of clay mobility insoils<br />

Gombeer R J. Soil Sci 24:157-61<br />

Detection of clay in soil solution with methylene Blue Paper<br />

and the assesment of clay mobility insoils<br />

Gombeer R J. Soil Sci 24:157-61<br />

Detection of Cattle Infected with Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus<br />

Using Nucleic Acid Hybridization.<br />

Roberts, K. L. J. Vet. Diagn. Invest.<br />

Detection of Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV) in Milk<br />

Sampel by Immunoperoxidase Monolayer Assay.<br />

Wuryastuti, H. I. J. Biotech.<br />

Detection of Antibiotics Residues in Calv Tissue Cracken, A. Res. In Vet. Sci. 21: 240-241.<br />

Detection and Quantification of N-acetyl B-Dglucosamidinase,<br />

Chitobiosidase and Endochitinase in<br />

Solution and on Gels.<br />

Tronsmo, A. Anal. Biochem. 208: 74-79<br />

Detection and production of vcrotoxin I of Escherichia coll<br />

0157:H7 in food<br />

Wcrratna, R.D. Appl. Environ Microhiol. 57:2951-2955<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 622 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Detection and mechanisms of resistance to synthetic<br />

pyrethroids in heliothis armigera ( Lepidoptera : Noctuidae)<br />

from Thailand<br />

Mc Caffery AR The first Asia Pacific conference of<br />

entomology (APCE) Proc. I. P 436-448<br />

Detection and Distribution of Geminiviruses in Mexico and<br />

Southern United States<br />

Torres-Pacheco, I. Phytopath. 86:1186-1192.<br />

Detection and Determination of Lipase (Acylglycerol<br />

hydrolase) activity from various source<br />

Jensen, R.G Lipids.Vol. 18<br />

Detecting Hollow Heart in Potatoes using Ultrasound Cheng, Y. Trans. ASAE 37 (1): 217-222.<br />

Detectable ß- glucuronidase activity in transgenic cranberry<br />

is a affected by endogenous inhibitors and plant<br />

development.<br />

Serres, R., Plant Cell Rep. 16: 641-646.<br />

Detaseliing and insecticides for control of Ostrinia<br />

furnacalis on sweet corn.<br />

Detaction of Borna diseases virus-reactive antibodies from<br />

patients with affective disorder by Western Immunobiot<br />

tecnique<br />

Schreiner, I. H. J. Econ. Entomol<br />

Fu F. F. J, Affect Disord. Vol 27: 61-65.<br />

Destructive Plant Diseases Caused by Mycoplasma Like<br />

Organism in Asia.<br />

Nakashima, K. Agriculture Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 53-58.<br />

Destruction of salmonella typhymurium on chicken wings<br />

by gamma radiation<br />

Thayer, D. W. J. Food Sci.<br />

Desorption of phosphate from soils using anion exchange<br />

resins<br />

Bache, B.W J. Soil Sci<br />

Desorption of phosphate from caolinite by citrate and<br />

Bicarbonate.<br />

Nagarajah, S. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc.<br />

Designer gibberellins. The quest for specific activity. Mander, L. N. Acta. Hort.<br />

Designation of races in Pseudomonas solanacearum Buddenhagen,I.W. Phytopathology. 52: 726.<br />

Design In Agricultural Engeneering Christianson.L.L ASAE. Minchigan<br />

Design and Testing of A Functional Group-specific DNA<br />

Probe for The Study of Natural Populations of Acetogenic<br />

Bacteria<br />

Design and evaluation of useful bacterium-specific PCR<br />

Primer that amplify genes coding for bacterial 16s-rRNA<br />

Lovell, C.R. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 57(9): 2602-<br />

2609<br />

Marches, JR Appi Environ Microbiol 64:795-799.<br />

Design and analysis of industrial experiment Murphy TD Chem Eng (6):168-182<br />

Design and analysis of a modified atmosphere package for<br />

minimally processed romans lettuce<br />

Segall, K.I J. Am. Soc. Sci. 121(14): 722-729.<br />

Desiccation and Cryopreservation of embryonic axes of<br />

peach<br />

de Boucad Cryo-Letters 17: 379-390.<br />

Desert Locust Swarm Movements From India and Pakistan<br />

During The Passage Of a Depresion in early Sept. 1961<br />

Pedgley.B Occasional Report no.14<br />

Description of the small seiner fleet in the Java Sea. IFR Ecoutin. J.M., Journal. Vol 3 (1). 47-63.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 623 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Desain dan Analisa Alat Pengatur Kelembaban dan Suhu<br />

Udara.<br />

Desain Alat Pengolahan Limbah Perkotaan Sistem<br />

Terpadu dengan Bahan Zeolit.<br />

Derivatization of keto fatty acids : V synthesis &<br />

characterization of 1,3 dioxalanes<br />

Derivation of keto fatty acids : V Synthesis and<br />

Characterization of 1,3-Dioxolane<br />

Derajad kerusakan Hati Akibat Fasciolasis pada sapi-sapi<br />

FH betina di Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur (Suatu<br />

Tinjauan Hispatologik).<br />

Thahir, R., Masalah Khusus.<br />

Sachari, A. Majalah Pertambangan dan Energi<br />

No. 2/1996<br />

Ahmad S JAOCS 61 (9) : 1464-1465<br />

Ahmad S JAOCS 61 (9):1464-1465<br />

Tarmudji Penyakit Hewan Vol. XV No. 25, Sm 1.<br />

Deqreening" buah jeruk dengan menggunakan asetilen Broto, W. Penelitian Hortikultura<br />

Depomedroxyprogesterone Acetates as a Contraceptive<br />

Agent : Its Effect on Weight and Blood Pressure<br />

Depo Provera Sebagai Penunjang Kontrasepsi untuk<br />

Pengendalian Kesuburan Wanita<br />

Dephenolisation of Industrial Wastewater Catalysed by<br />

Polyphenol Oxidase<br />

Deoxyribonucleic acid homology of Awspirillum ww.onen.se<br />

and emendation of the description of the genus Awspirillum<br />

Densuty sependent ant antendandance and its effects on<br />

the paratism of ahoneydew-producing scale insect,<br />

ceroplastes rubens<br />

Densuty sependent ant antendandance and its effects on<br />

the paratism of ahoneydew-producing scale insect,<br />

ceroplastes rubens<br />

Density-dependent dynamics of soft coral aggregations:<br />

The significance of cloral growth and form.<br />

Dengue-1 virus envelope glycoprotein gene expressed in<br />

recombinant baculovirus elicits virus neutralization antibody<br />

in mice and protects them from virus challenge<br />

Dengue virus type1 DNA vaccine induces protective<br />

immune responses in rhesus macaques<br />

Dengue virus infectivity depends on envelope protein<br />

binding to target cell heparan sulfate<br />

Denaturants or cosolvents improve the specificity of PCR<br />

amplification of a G+C-rich DNA using genetically<br />

engineered DNA polymerases.<br />

Leiman G. M. B. Am. J. Obs Gynec. 114:97-102.<br />

Soebroto Warta Kontrasepsi, 4 = 17-20.<br />

Atlow, S.C., Biotechnol. Bioeng<br />

Falk EC Int J Syst Bact 35:117-118.<br />

Itioka T Ceroplastes rubens. Oecologia106<br />

(4):448-454<br />

Itioka T Ceroplastes rubens. Oecologia106<br />

(4):448-454<br />

Karlson, R.H., Ecology 77(5): 1592-1599.<br />

Staropoli, I. Am. J. of Trop. Med. and Hygiene, 45:<br />

159-167.<br />

Raviprakash, K. J. Gen. Virol., 81: 1659-1667.<br />

Chen, Y. Nature Medicine, 3: 866-871.<br />

Varadaraj, K. Gene 140: 1-5.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 624 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Denaturants or cosolvents improve the specificity of PCR<br />

amplification of a G+C-rich DNA using genetically<br />

engineered DNA polymerases.<br />

Demographie, consrvation et restauration du barbeau<br />

fluviatile, barbus barbus (Linne) (Teleostei, Cyprinidae)<br />

dans la meuse et ses affluents: Quinze annes de<br />

recherches<br />

Varadaraj, K. Gene 140:1-5<br />

Phillipart, J.C Annis Soc. Zool. Belg<br />

Dekomposisi harga minyak sawit & implikasinya terhadap<br />

kebijakan kelapa sawit<br />

Buana L jurnal penelitian kelapa Sawit (inpress)<br />

Dekomposisi dan Mineralisasi Bahan Organik Handayanto, Eko Habitat, Unibraw. Malang.<br />

Dehydrated poultry waste in poultry rations Barley, J. Poult. Sci<br />

Dehydrated Poultry Waste in Poultry Ration Biely, J., Poultry Sci.<br />

Dehydrated poultry waste in poultry ration Biely, J Poultry Sci<br />

Dehydrated poultry waste in poultry ration Biely, J Poultry Sci.<br />

Dehidration and storage stability of papaya leather Chan Jr HT J food Sci 43:1723-1725<br />

Degradation product of trans-carotene produced during<br />

ectrasion cooing.<br />

Marty, C. J. Food Sci.<br />

Degradation of wheat wtraw and maize stem by a<br />

monocentric and a polycentric rumen fungi, alone or in<br />

association with rumen cellulolytic bacteria<br />

Roger, V. Anim. Feed Sci. and Technol.<br />

Degradation of Trans b-carotene during Heating in Sealed<br />

Glass Tubes and Extrusion Cooking<br />

Degradation of Trans b-carotene during Heating in Sealed<br />

Glass Tubes and Extrusion Cooking<br />

Degradation of mimosine, 2,3 dihydroxypyridine and<br />

3(hydroxy)-4(IH) pyridone by bacteria from the rumen of<br />

sheep in Venesuella.<br />

Degradation of Epichlorohidrin and Halohydrin by<br />

Bacterial lsolated from Freshwater Sediment<br />

Degradation of Dry Matter, Crude Protein, Fat, Crude Fibre<br />

and Nitrogen-Free-Extract in Milled Barley and Lupin<br />

Grains Incubated in Nylon Bags in The Rumen of Dairy<br />

Cows<br />

Marty, C. J. Food Sci. 51 (3): 698-702.<br />

Marty, C. J. Food Sci. 53 (6): 1880-1886.<br />

Domingguez-Bello,<br />

M.G.<br />

Van den Wijngaard,<br />

A.J.,<br />

FEMS microbiol. Ecol. 73: 283-290.<br />

J. Gen. Microbiol<br />

Valentine, S.C Journal of Agriculture Science,<br />

Cambridge<br />

Degradation of coprostanol in an experimental system. Bartlett, P.D., Mar. Pollut. Bull. Vol 18. 1: 27-29.<br />

Degradation of certain aromatic compounds by rhizobia Hussien YA Soil Biol Biochem 6:377-381.<br />

Degradation of 2.4 toluen by the lignin-degrading fungi<br />

Phanerochaete chrysosporium.<br />

Degradation of 2,3-Dichloro-1-propanol by a Pseudomonas<br />

sp<br />

Degradation Of (betha)-Conglycinin in Early Stages Of<br />

Soybean Embriogenesis<br />

Vallie, K. J. Appl. And Env. Microbiol.<br />

Kasai, N Agri. Biol. Chem<br />

Shuttuck - Eidens. D Plant Physiol<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 625 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Degradation of (beta) Conglycinin In Early Stages Of<br />

Soybean Embryogenesis<br />

Degradation Characteristics of Some Tropical Feeds in The<br />

Rumen.<br />

Degradation and o-methylation of phenols among volatile<br />

flavor compounds of dried Bonito (katsuobushi) by<br />

Aspergillus species.<br />

Degradation and o-methylation of phenols among volatile<br />

flavor compounds of dried bonito (katsuobushi) by<br />

Aspergillus species.<br />

Degradation and o-methylation of phenols among volatile<br />

flavor components of dried bonito (katsuobushi) by<br />

Aspergillus species<br />

Degradation and o-methylation of phenols among volatile<br />

flavor components dried bonito (Katsuobushi) by<br />

Aspergillus species.<br />

Degradasi zat makanan silase dari berbagai jenis dan<br />

ukuran pemotongan rumput.<br />

Degradasi lahan akibat proses erosi antropogenik ( Studi<br />

Kasus Pembuatan Batu Bata di sekitar Bandar Lampung.<br />

Shuttuck - Eidens. D Plant Physiology<br />

Navaratne, H.V.R.G. Asian-Australian J.of Anim. Sci.<br />

Doi. M., Agric. Biol. Chem. 53(4):1051-1055.<br />

Doi M., Agric. Biol. Chem. 53(4):1051-1055.<br />

Doi, M. Agric. Biol. Chem., 53 (4): 1051-1055.<br />

Doi. M., Journal. Agric. Biol. Chem. 53(4): 1051-<br />

1055.<br />

Hermon<br />

Manik, K.E.S.<br />

Degradasi bahan organik dan protein secara in sacco lima<br />

rumput tropik<br />

Widyobroto, B. P.<br />

Degraation of cholesterol in egg yolk by Rhodococcus equi<br />

No. 23<br />

Aihara, H J. Food Sci<br />

Defining phosphorus efficiency in plants Gourley, C.J.P. Plant Soil 155/156: 289-292.<br />

Deferal of Leaf Senes cence with Calcium Poovaiah, B.W Plant Physiol<br />

Defects In Estimated of Alumunium in Humus Complexes<br />

of Podzolic Soils By Pyrophosphate Extraction<br />

Kaiser. K Soil. Sci<br />

Deer in New Guinea. Part 2:A preliminary note on the<br />

distribution of deer in the Territory of Papua New Guinea<br />

Downes, M. C Papua and New Guinea Agricultural J<br />

20:95-99<br />

Deep Water Shrimps. Prado, J., P.Y. The fishery resources of Pasific Island<br />

Countries. Part I. FAO. Fish. Tech.<br />

Pap. (127.1): 45p.<br />

Deep Layered Grain Drying Simulation by the Sphere<br />

Drying Model<br />

Deep freezing of mouse one cell embryos and oocytes<br />

using different cryoprotectants<br />

Decreased superovulatory responses in heifers<br />

superovulated in the presence of a dominant follicle<br />

Anonim Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture,<br />

Iwate University<br />

Hernandez-<br />

Ledezma, J J.<br />

Theriogenoiogy<br />

Guibault LA J Reprod Fertil 91:81-89.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 626 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Decrease in Macrophage Antigen Catabolism Caused by<br />

Ammonia and Chloroquine is Associated with inhibition of<br />

Antigen Presentation to T-Cells<br />

Decoposition and Mineral Nutrien Dynamics of Plant Litter<br />

in a Regenerating Bush-Fallow in Sub-Humid Tropical<br />

Africa<br />

Ziegler, K. J. Immunol. 122: 2405-2412.<br />

Swift.M.J. J.Ecol<br />

Deconjugation of bile acids by intestinal lactobacilli Gilliland, S.E. Appl. Environ. Microbiol<br />

Decomposition of nitrogen-15 labeled wheat and cellulose<br />

in soil: Modeling Tracer dynamics.<br />

Hadas, A Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J.<br />

Decomposition Analysis of employment change under new<br />

production technology in Punjab agriculuture<br />

Decomposition Analysis of employment change under new<br />

production technology in Punjab agriculuture<br />

Bisaliah Indian Journal of Agricultultural<br />

Economics vol XXXIII no 2 ap-June<br />

Bisaliah Indian Journal of Agricultultural<br />

Economics vol XXXIII no 2 ap-June<br />

Dechlorination of Chloro-organics by A White-Rot Fungus Huynh, V TAPPI Journal<br />

Decentralisation for Rural Development Government<br />

Approaches and People's Inisiatives in Asia and The<br />

Pacific. Planning and Administration<br />

Decapsulation of artemia cysts : a simple technique for the<br />

improvement of the use of brine shrimp in aquaculture.<br />

Siedentoft,<br />

Heindrich<br />

Asia and Pacific Special. IULA.<br />

Sorgeloos, P., Aquaculture 12: 311-315.<br />

De-blossoming in relation to biennial bearing of the mango Azis Khan, A. The Punjab Fruit Journal<br />

Death of S. typhimurium and E. coli in the Presence of<br />

Freshly Reconstituted Dehydrated Garlic and Onions<br />

Death of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli 0157:117 in<br />

real mayonnaise and reduced-calorie mayonnaise dressing<br />

as influenced by initial population and storage temperature<br />

De levenswihze en bestrijding van den sjalottenuil (<br />

Laphygma exigua Hbn) .op Java<br />

Johnson, M.G. App. Microbiology, 17: 903.<br />

Hathcox, A.K. Appl. Environ Microhiol. 61:4172-4177.<br />

Franssen CJH Modedeelingan van het Instituut voor<br />

Plantenziekten<br />

De Blossoming in delation to Biennial hearing of the Mango Aziz Khan, A. The Panjab Fruit Journal<br />

Daya simpan benih kedelai dalam beberapa macam<br />

pengemas.<br />

Daya produksi susu sapi perah di daerah Bogor dan Pacet Sitorus P<br />

Daya pikat metil eugenol dan protein hydrolisate terhadap<br />

hama lalat buah pada tanaman cabai<br />

Setiawati J Pros. Seminar Penelitian Pasca Panen<br />

Pertanian Buku I<br />

Omoy, T.R. Jurnal Hortikultura, 6 (5): 469-476.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 627 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Daya Pengaruh Pengapuran atas Hasil Panen Tanaman<br />

Tebu (Sacharum Oficinarum l.) di Tanah Ultisol Cintamanis<br />

Daya Infeksi Cacing Lambung Asam (Haemonchus<br />

contortus) pada Kambing di Kobang, Kabupaten Gowa,<br />

Makasar (ex, Ujung Pandang) dan Sekitarnya.<br />

Daya hdup dn kemampuan koloni Nephotettix virescens<br />

(distant) sebagai penular virus tungro<br />

Daya hasil galur harapan padi sawah dan interaksinya<br />

dengan ligkungan.<br />

Daya gabung & heterosis karakter hasil & komponen hasil<br />

6 genotipe kedelai dalam silang diallel<br />

Daya Anthelmintika Perasan, Irfusa, dan Minyak Atsiri dari<br />

Curcuma aeruginosa Rhizoma terhadap cacing Askaris<br />

Babi secara In Vitro<br />

Daya Gagung dan Heterosis Karakter Hasil dan<br />

Komponen Hasil Enam Genotipe Kedelai Dalam Silang<br />

Dialil.<br />

Daur Ulang Limbah Sampah Kota Menjadi Kompos dengan<br />

Memanfaatkan Potensi Cacing Tanah<br />

Daur ulang limbah pasar menggunakan EM-4 dan<br />

pemanfaatan dalam budidaya tanaman kedelai pada lahan<br />

kering<br />

Daur ulang limbah pasar menggunakan EM-4 dan<br />

pemanfaatan dalam budidaya tanaman kedelai pada lahan<br />

kering<br />

Sujanto Simoen Majalah Perusahaan Gula<br />

Karo-Karo, S. Daya Infeksi Cacing Lambung Asam<br />

(Haemonchus contortus) pada<br />

Kambing di Kobang, Kabupaten<br />

Gowa, Makasar (ex, Ujung Pandang)<br />

dan Sekitarnya.<br />

Siwi S Penelitian Pertania Tanaman pangan<br />

Siregar, M.<br />

Darlina, E Zuriat 3(2) : 32-38<br />

Taroeno Kegiatan Penelitian Tumbuhan<br />

Pengembangan Obat Tradisional.<br />

Universitas Airlangga. Surabaya.<br />

Ely Darlina,<br />

Yulipriyanto, H. Cakrawala Pendidikan<br />

Iqbal A Majalah ilmiah Universitas Jenderal<br />

Soedirman, purwokerto. No. 1 tahun<br />

XXIV. Edisi maret 1998<br />

Iqbal A Majalah ilmiah Universitas Jenderal<br />

Soedirman, purwokerto. No. 1 tahun<br />

XXIV. Edisi maret 1998<br />

Daun singkong sebagai <strong>sumber</strong> pakan ternak Sudaryanto, B Poultry Indonesia,<br />

Data hasil analisis Lab.Kimia (belurn dipublikasi) InlitkanlutSlipi, Data hasil analisis Lab.Kimia (belurn<br />

dipublikasi)<br />

Dasar-dasar Hortikultura (Fakultas Pertanian IPB) Sri Setyawati. H Makalah seminar Peng-anekaragaman<br />

angan dalam Rangka Meningkatkan<br />

Gizi Masyarakat<br />

Dasar penyusunan dan aplikasi model simulasi komputer<br />

untuk pertanian<br />

Dari Pallerla, S. and Cham-bers, R.P.: Continuous<br />

Decolorization of AOX Reduction of Bleach Plant Effluents<br />

by Free and Immobilized Trametes versicolor<br />

Handoko jurusan geofisika dan meteorologi,<br />

FMIPA, IPB, Bogor 112p<br />

Raizer-Neto et al J. Environ. Sci. Health<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 628 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Dari Pallerla, S. and Chambers, R.P.: Continuous<br />

Decolorization of AOX Reduction of Bleach Plant Effluents<br />

by Free and Immobilized Trametes versicolor<br />

Onysko, K.A J. Environ. Sci. Health<br />

Dar petani miskin ke pekebun : bbrp catt tg problema sosial<br />

politik PIR<br />

Soetrisno, L Perkebunan Indonesia II(1/2):96-104<br />

Dampak UU No. 12 Th 1992 Terhadap Hari Depan Industry<br />

Gula di Jawa<br />

Rasahan C.A Gula Indonesia XIX (3)<br />

Dampak pengusahaan hutan terhadap lingkungan. Purwono, B. Buletin Amdal. 3(4): 12- 18.<br />

Dampak pemberian sludge pada tanah: I. Evaluasi sifat<br />

fisika tanah.<br />

Darusman<br />

Dampak pemberian sludge pada tanah : II. Evaluasi sifat<br />

kimia tanah<br />

Aiman, N<br />

Dampak Pemberian Sludge pada tanah : I. Evaluasi Sifat<br />

Fisika Tanah<br />

Darusman<br />

Dampak Pemberian sludge pada tanah : I. Evaluasi sifat<br />

fisika tanah<br />

Darusman<br />

Dampak Pembangunan Jaringan Irigasi Air Tanah<br />

Terhadap Perubahan Teknologi Usaha Tani dan<br />

Pendapatan Petani Lahan Kering di Kabupaten Lombok<br />

Barat NTB<br />

Jubair. M<br />

Dampak Pembangkir Tenaga Listrik Terhadap Ekosistem<br />

Akuatik.<br />

Dampak Komunikasi Periklanan, Sebuah Ancangan dan<br />

Segi Semiotika<br />

Dampak Keberadaan Lapisan yang Dipadatkan Terhadap<br />

Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Kacang Panjang.<br />

Dampak keberadaan Lapisan yang di Kompasikan<br />

terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Kacang<br />

Panjang ( Vigna Unguiculata L.Walp)<br />

Dampak Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan Terhadap<br />

Kesinambungan Hara Pada Bentang Lahan Ultisols<br />

Dampak era globalisasi ekonomi thdp ush ternak sapi<br />

perah : kajian, kendala dan strategi pengembangan<br />

Dampak andrografolid dan dua jenis insektisida sintetik<br />

sebagai penghambat makan Nephotettix virescens, thdp<br />

transmisi virus tungro<br />

Dampak andrografolid dan dua jenis insektisida sintetik<br />

sebagai penghambat makan Nephotettix virescens, thdp<br />

transmisi virus tungro<br />

Dampak penggunaan pestisida pada perkebunan apel di<br />

Sub Das Brantas<br />

Arinardi O.H, Oseana. 4: 135 - 158.<br />

Hoed, Benny H. SENI, Jurnal Pengstahuan dan<br />

Pencipta Seni<br />

Sulaiman, F. Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Pertanian. 2 (2) :<br />

84:87<br />

Sulaiman, F Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Pertanian<br />

Armanto. M.E Jurnal Lingkungan dan Pembangunan<br />

Vol. 19<br />

Adnyana MO Jurnal Agro Ekonomi vol 15,no 2 96<br />

Widiarta IN<br />

Widiarta IN<br />

Sudiarso<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 629 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Damage lysine in food processing: Its measurement and<br />

significance.<br />

Damage by a lession nematode, Pratylenchus vulnus,to<br />

prunus Rootstocks<br />

Damage and recovery of coral reefs effected by El Niiio<br />

related seawater wanning in the Thousand Islands,<br />

Indonesia.<br />

Carpenter, K.J. Nutr. Abstr. Rev.<br />

Pinochet JC Plant Dis<br />

Brown BE Coral Reefs 8:163-170.<br />

Dalam: Hydrological Loucks, D.P., Sciences Journal, vol. 42, no.4,<br />

August 1997.<br />

Dalam rangka diversifikasi komoditi perkebunan potensi<br />

makadamia bisa dikembangkan di Indonesia<br />

Soenaryo Sasaran. 5(28 &29): 19-33.<br />

Daily variation.s in the concentrations of volatile fatty acids<br />

in the splanchnic blood vessel of rats fed diets high in<br />

pcctin and bran<br />

Illman, R.J., Nut. Rep. In<br />

Daily growth increments in otoliths of starry flounder<br />

Platichtys stellatus and the influence of some<br />

environmental variables in their production.<br />

Daily Fed Intake Performance of Laying Hens Grouped<br />

According to Their Body Weight.<br />

Daging kelinci, alternatif daging sapi dan ayam yang<br />

harganya melambung<br />

Cytotoxic activirties of the rhizomes of Kaempferia galanga<br />

L.<br />

Cytology and time-lapse cinematography of hemocytes of<br />

the soft-shell clam, Mya arenaria<br />

Campana, S.E. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 39: 937-942.<br />

Harms, R. H. Poult. Sci.<br />

Margono, T. Kliping peternakan dalam infovet No.<br />

60/II<br />

Kiuchi, F. Chem. Phar. Bull.<br />

Ebble, A J. Shellfish Res 8: 468 (Abstract).<br />

Cytokinins: Permissive role in seed germination Khan AA Science 171:853-859<br />

Cytokinins: Permissive role in seed germination Khan AA Science 171:853-859<br />

Cytokinin glucoside in roots of the rice plant Yoshida, R. plant and cell physiol.<br />

Cytokines as lrnmunological Adjuvant Heath, A.W. Vaccine 10: 427-434.<br />

Cytokines as Immunological Adjuvant Heath, A.W. Vaccine, 10: 427-434.<br />

Cytokine receptors and signal transduction Miyajima, A. Ann. Rev. Immunol., 10: 295-337.<br />

Cytokine and Cytokine receptor expression as a biological<br />

indicator of immune activation: important considerations in<br />

the development of in vitro model systems<br />

Collins D.P. J. Immunol. Method. 243: 125-145.<br />

Cytogenetical studies in the bridge cross A. cepa x (A.<br />

fistulosum x A. roylei)<br />

Cytocidal effect of gossypol on cultured Murine<br />

Elythroleukemia cells is prevented by serum protein<br />

Khrustaleva, L.I. Theor. Appl. Genet. 96: 8-14<br />

Haspel, H.C. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 229: 218-<br />

225.<br />

Cylindrocarpon rot of fruit trees in cold storage. Traquair, J.A. Can. J. Plant Pathol 14: 310-314.<br />

Cylindrocarpon didymum pathogenic on apple seedlings in<br />

Washington state.<br />

Dugan, F.M. Plant Dis. 78 (12): 1219.<br />

Cyelopentabenzofuran lignan protein synthesis inhibitors<br />

from Aglaia odorata<br />

Ohse T J Nat Prod 59:650-652.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 630 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Cyclopiazonic acid in combination with aflatoxin.<br />

zearalenon and ochratoxin A in Indonesian corn<br />

Cyclopentyl and b-5 monounsaturated fatty acids from red<br />

algae of the solieriaceae.<br />

Cycling Of Nutrients Between Shoot And Roots In Cereals -<br />

a Possible Mechanism Integrating Shoot And Shoot In The<br />

Regulation Of Nutrien Uptake<br />

Cycles Of Soil Carbon Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Sulfur,<br />

Micronutrients<br />

Cycles of gametogenesis and pIanulation in the coral<br />

Pocillopora damicornis.<br />

Cycles of Antler and Testicular Growth in an Aseasonal<br />

Tropical Deer (Axis Axis).<br />

Cycle Sexuel de Quelques Poissons Plats des cotes<br />

Bretonnes<br />

Cycle of gametogenesi and planulation in the coral<br />

Pocillopora damicornis<br />

Current views of the aluminum stress response, the<br />

physiological basis of tolerance<br />

Widiastuti, R. Mycopathol. 104: 153-156.<br />

Miralles, J. Phytochemistry, 29: 2161-2163.<br />

Copper. D. J. Exp. Bot<br />

McClaren. R.G J. Soil. Sci<br />

Stoddart, J.A. Mar Ecol. Prog. Ser. 23: 153-164.<br />

Loudon, A. S. I. J. Reprod. Fert.<br />

Lahaye, J. Rev. Trav. Inst. Peches. Marit. 36 (2):<br />

191-207.<br />

Stoddart, J.A. Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser., 23: 153-164.<br />

Taylor GJ. Curr Topics Plant Biochem Physiol<br />

10:57-93.<br />

Current therapy of trypanosomiasis Bull-Soc Doua, F Pathol. Exost. 87 (50):337-400.<br />

Current status of research on the alkaloids of Vinra rosea<br />

Linn. (Catha-rantliiis roseus G. Don)<br />

Svoboda, G.H. J. Pharm. Sci. 51:707-720.<br />

Current status of postportum anoestrus of peranakan<br />

ongole cows in dry land areas of east java in relation to<br />

feed supply<br />

Yusran, M. A. Bulletin of anim. Sci., Suplement<br />

edition<br />

Current status and future prospect for breeding hybrid rice<br />

and wheat<br />

Virmani SS Advances in Agronomy 15-20 p<br />

Current and future community-based fishery management<br />

in Indonesia<br />

Nikijuluw, V. P.H.<br />

Curd Initiation In Cauliflower. I. Juveniliy Hand. D.J Journal of Experimental Botany<br />

Cummulative Count data Brian. P Genstat Newsletter<br />

Cumi-cumi (Cephalopoda dan mollusca) sebagai salah<br />

satu bahan makanan dari laut<br />

B. Sujoko OCEANA XIII<br />

Cultures of Awspirillum Albrecht SL Methods Enzymol 69C:740-749.<br />

Culture of Penaeus monodon in an intensified system in<br />

Taiwan.<br />

Chen, J.C., Aquaculture, 77: 319 -328.<br />

Culture of mouse ova Whittingham D.G J. Reprod and Fert<br />

Culture of mouse ova Whittingham.D.G J.Reprod.Fertil<br />

Culture of Calanoid Cope-pod, Acartia sinjiensis, in outdoor<br />

tanks in the tropics.<br />

Doi, M., Thai Mar. Fish. Res. Bull., 5 :27-36,<br />

Culture in vitro d'antheres d'aubergine (Solarium<br />

melongena L.) stimulation de la production de plantes au<br />

moyen de traitements a 3 5° C associes a de faibles<br />

tenuers en substances de croissance<br />

Dumas de Vlaux, R. Agronomic 2: 983-988.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 631 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Culture conditions for yellow pigments formation by<br />

Monascus sp. KB 10 grown on cassava medium<br />

Cultural requirements for maximum conidial production of<br />

Cercospora kikuchii, the cause of purple seed stain of<br />

soybean<br />

Cultural pracitces and their impact. Oil palm and the<br />

environment. A Malaysian perspective<br />

Cultur and harvesting technique for Tubifek tubifek. Mariam. K.H. and<br />

T.J. Pandian<br />

Cultivation, Processing and Utilization of the Cashew J.<br />

Chemistry and Industry No. 59<br />

Cultivation in vitro of bovine embryos in a medium<br />

supplemented with bovine serum collected 78 days after<br />

superovulation.<br />

Yongsmith J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 9: 85-90.<br />

De La Cueva FM Ohilippine Phytopathology Vol 31.1:20-<br />

27<br />

Chew PS Malaysian oil palm growers Council :<br />

55-81<br />

Aquaculture 42: 303-315.<br />

Tyman, J.H.P Cultivation, Processing and Utilization<br />

of the Cashew J. Chemistry and<br />

Industry No. 59<br />

Suzuki, T. Japanese Journal of Animal<br />

Reproduction.<br />

Cultivation effects on dispersible clay of soil aggregates Fuller LG Can J. Soil Sci 75:101-7<br />

Cultivation effects on dispersible clay of soil aggregates Fuller LG Can J. Soil Sci 75:101-7<br />

Cultivation and Slope Position Effects on Soil Organic<br />

Matter<br />

Cultivation and Slope Position Effects on Soil Organic<br />

Matter<br />

Cultivar maturity and reproductive growth duration in<br />

soybean<br />

Cultivar and pH effects on competition for nodule sites<br />

between isolates of Rhiwbium in beans<br />

Woods.C.W. Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Woods. L.E Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Egly, D.B Journal of Agronomy and Crop Sci.<br />

173: 249-254<br />

Vargas AAT Plant Soil 117:195-200.<br />

Ctyledonary Storage Proteins In Pisum Sativum Randall. P.J Aust. J. Plant Physiol<br />

Crystalline cellulose degradation by a strain of Cellumonas<br />

and its mutant derivatives<br />

Cryopreservation ofoil palm somatic embryos: importance<br />

of the freezing process<br />

Cryopreservation of seeds and isolated embryonic axes<br />

{Azadirachta indica)<br />

Cryopreservation of Ova and Embryos from Livestock:<br />

Current Status and Research Needs<br />

Cryopreservation of oil palm somatic embryos (Elais<br />

guineensis Jacq) results and applications prospects<br />

Cryopreservation of oil palm somatic embryos (E.<br />

guineensis) Results & application prospect<br />

Cryopreservation of germplasm of polato (Solanum<br />

tuberosum L.) and cassava (Manihot esculenla Crantz):<br />

viability of excised meristems cryopreserved up to four<br />

years Indian<br />

Haggett KD Eur J Appi Microb Biotechnol 8:183-<br />

190.<br />

Engelmann, F. Cryo-Letters 9: 220-235.<br />

Berjack, P Cryo-Letters 17: 99-104.<br />

Nieman, H Theriogenology. 35: 109-124.<br />

Engelman F Oleogineux 41, 169-174<br />

Engelmann F Oleagineux 41, pp 169-174<br />

Bajaj, Y.P.S. 1 F.xp Biol. 23: 2S5-287.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 632 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Cryopreservation of embiyogenic ealluses of two<br />

commercial clones of Hevea brasiliensis<br />

Engelmann, F Cryo-Letters 18: 107-116.<br />

Cryopreservation and strategies for plant germplasm<br />

conservation<br />

O'Hara, J F Cryo-Letters l: 261-266.<br />

Crustacean genetics and breeding: an overview Malecha, S.R Aquaculture 33 : 395-413<br />

Crude protein and amino acids requirements of growing<br />

finishing Holstein steers gaining 1,43 kilograms per day<br />

Zinn, R.A. J. Anim. Sci. 66 : 1755.<br />

Crossing experiments in Allium L. section Cepa Van Raamsdonk,<br />

L.W.D.<br />

Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 109: 293-303.<br />

Cross inoculation of Pseudomonas solanacearum from<br />

ginger<br />

Lum, K. Y. MARDI Research Bulletin 1: 15-21.<br />

Crop Water Requirements FAO FAO. Irrigation and Drainage. Paper<br />

No. 24.<br />

Crop Water Requirements Doorenbos, J. FAO irrigation and drainase paper No.<br />

24, Rome<br />

Crop Simulation Model in Agronomic System Whisler. F.D Adv. Agron<br />

Crop Rotation and Residue Mangement Effects on Soil<br />

Carbon and Microbial Dynamics<br />

Collins. H.P Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Crop Rotation And Its Impact on Efficiency of Water and<br />

Nitrogen<br />

Crop response to zinc fertilization as influence by lime and<br />

phosphorus application<br />

Pierce. F.J. ASA Special Publication No. 51. ASA.<br />

Madison. Wisconsin. USA<br />

Seatz, L.F., Agron. J.<br />

Crop Growing Practices Waddle, B.A. Cotton. R.J. Kohel and C.F. Lewrs<br />

(Ed.) ASA, CSSA, Agronomy.<br />

November 24. p. 225-230.<br />

Critical progesterone requirement for maintenance of<br />

pregnancy in ovariectomized rats<br />

Critical Factors Influencing Survival and Hatching of<br />

Milkfish (Chanos chanos Forskal) Eggs during Simulated<br />

Transport<br />

Critica! importance of moisture content of the medium in<br />

alpha-amylase production by Bacillus licheiüfonnis M 27 in<br />

solid-state fermentation system<br />

Credit market constraints, consumption smoothing, and<br />

accumulation of durable assets in low-income countries:<br />

Investments in bullocks in India<br />

Creating Timber Harvest Guidelines For Reduced Impact<br />

Logging Project In Malaysia<br />

Creating Timber Harvest Guidelines For a Reduced, Impact<br />

Logging Project in Malaysia<br />

Arkaraviehien, W. K. J. Reprod. Fertil<br />

Garcia, L.M,B. Aquacultur, 72: 85-93.<br />

Ramesh, M.V Appl Microbiol Biotechnol<br />

Rosenzweig, M.R. J. Political Econ. 101: 223-244.<br />

Pinrad.M.A Journa Of Forestry 93<br />

Pinard.A.M Peer Reviewed. Reprinted from the<br />

Journal of Forestry Vol. 93<br />

Crack Generation of Rough Rice After Drying Kunze, O.R. Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture,<br />

Iwate University<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 633 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Crack Generation of Rough Rice After Drying Nishiyama, Y Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture,<br />

Iwate University<br />

Cover And Root Disease Newsam.A Rubb.Res.Inst.Mal. Plntr.Bull<br />

Coupling and repulsion phase RAPDs for marker-assisted<br />

selection of PI 1811996 rust resistance in common bean<br />

Johnson E Theor Appl Genet 90:659-664<br />

Coumarin in Gliricidia Leaves. Sutikno, A. I. Ilmu dan Peternakan.<br />

Coumarin in G. sepium. The effect of age and cutting time<br />

and its effect on intake by sheep<br />

Wina, E. Special edition, Buletin peternakan,<br />

Gajah Mada University, Yogyakarta<br />

Cotyledonary Storage Proteins In Pisum Sativum Randall. P.J Aust. J. Plant Physiol<br />

Cottonseed meal in poultry diets Waldroup, P.W. Feedstuffs, 53:21.<br />

Cotton and sesame intercropping an dry land. Kadir, S. Indust Crop Res. Journ.<br />

Cotton improvement for resistance to Sundapteryx<br />

biguttula and Helicoverpa armigera in Indonesia<br />

Hasnam Indonesian J. Crop Sci. 9 (1): 1-10.<br />

Costs and Benefits of Constructing Roots of Small<br />

Diameter<br />

Eissenstat, D. M. J. Plant Nutrition 15: 763-782.<br />

Cost-Benefit Evaluation of Housefly (Diptera Muscidae)<br />

Control in Caged Layer Poultry Houses.<br />

Quisenbury, S. S. Poultry Sci.<br />

Cossypol and some other terpenoids, flavanoids, and<br />

phenols. that affect quality of cottonseed protein<br />

Jones, L.A. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc., 56: 727-730.<br />

Correlation of spectroscopic indicators of humification with<br />

mean annual rainfall along a temperate grassland<br />

climosequence.<br />

Martin, D Geoderma<br />

Correlation of E protein binding with cell susceptibility to<br />

Dengue 4 virus infection<br />

Correlation between Rainfall in th Dry Season and the<br />

Occurrence of the White Borer (Scirpophaga innotata<br />

WLK.) in Java<br />

Anderson, R. J. Gen Virol., 77: 2547-2554.<br />

Laan. P. A. van der Entomol<br />

Correlation and Causation Wright. S J. Agric. Res<br />

Corpus luteum function in dairy cows and embryo mortality Lamning, G. E. J. Reprod. Supplement<br />

Corpus Luteum Angiogenic Factor. Gospodarowicz, D. Endocrinology.<br />

Corpus luteum (CL) failure and embryonic loss in<br />

superovulated goats<br />

Coronary heart disease & the composition of adipose<br />

tissue taken at biopsy<br />

Corn Yield Response to Varied Producer Controlled<br />

Factors and Weather in High Yield Invironment<br />

Corn varietal improvement in Indonesia: Progress and<br />

future strategies<br />

Corn root growth and distribution as influenced by tillage<br />

and nitrogen fertilization.<br />

Armstrong DT Theriogenology<br />

Thomas LH hum Nutr Food Sci Nutr 41f:167-172<br />

Polito. T.A J. Prod. Agric<br />

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Corn Root Growth and Distribution as Influence by Tillage<br />

and Nitrogen Fertilization<br />

Corn Production as Affected by Daily Fertilization With<br />

Ammonuium, Nutrae, and Phosphorus<br />

Corn in the Philippine. Its introduction and research<br />

activities with emphasis on downy mildew.<br />

Corn Growth Response To temperatute and Photoperiod I<br />

Seedling Emergence Tassel Initation and Anthesis<br />

Corn emergence as influenced by soil temperatures,matric<br />

potential and aggregate size distribution.<br />

Anderson E.L Agron. J<br />

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Warrington. I.J Agronomy Journal<br />

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Corn breeding Sprague, G.F. G.F. Sprague (Ed.) Corn and corn<br />

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Corn as a snurce of mycotoxins in Indonesian poultry and<br />

the effectiveness of visual examination methods for<br />

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Cord community and reproductive pattern. Red Sea versus<br />

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Coral reef bleaching:ecological perspectives Glynn PW CoralReefs 12:1-17.<br />

Coral reef bleaching in the 1980s and possible connections<br />

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Coral populations on fringing islands: larval connection. Stoddart, J.A., Aust. J. Mar. Freshwt. Res. 39: 109-<br />

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Coral bleaching: facts, hypotheses and implications Glynn PW Glob Change Biol 2:495-509.<br />

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Coprostanol as an indicator of fecal pollution. Walker, R.W., CRC Critical Rev. Environ. Contr., 12:<br />

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Copper toxicity to Paratya australiensis I. Influence of<br />

Nitriloacetic acid and glycine.<br />

Copper in Rice and Soil According to Soil Type in Japan<br />

Indonesia and China : A Baseline Study<br />

Copper Binding by The Root Cell Walls of Italian Ryegrass<br />

and Red Clover<br />

Daly, H.R., Environ. Toxicol. Chemis., 9: 997-<br />

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Herawati. N Bull. Environ. Contam Toxicol<br />

Iwasaki.K Soil Sci. Plant Nutr<br />

Coping With Resistance To Plant Disease Control Agents Delp. C.J Plant Dis<br />

Coordinated regulation of two indole alkaloid biosynthetic<br />

genes from Catharanthus roseus by auxin and elicitors<br />

Convertion of Tryptophan to indole Acetic Acid by<br />

Azospinllum Braslense<br />

Conversion of the Universai Sou Loss Equation to SI Metric<br />

Units.<br />

Conversion of linoleic to n-3 highly unsaturated fatty acid in<br />

marine fishes and rainbow trout.<br />

Conversion of De Laval Coco Protein into Soluble Fonn as<br />

Stabilizer and Other Food Uses.<br />

Controversi About dietary fats.<br />

Controlling aflatoxins in peanuts by competitive exclusion<br />

of toxigenic fungi<br />

Controlled propagation of the African catfish, Clarias lazera<br />

C.V. IV effect of feeding regime in fingerling culture<br />

Controlled breeding in cattle part 1 Hormones in the<br />

regulation of reproduction oestrus control and set time<br />

artificial insemination<br />

Controlled Atmosphere Suppresion of ACC Synthase and<br />

ACC Oxides In Golden Delicious Apples During Longterm<br />

Cold Storage<br />

Control of Tilapia Reproduction. Central Luzon State<br />

University, Philippine. p : 309 - 310<br />

Control of the beet army worm, Spodoptera exigua<br />

(Hubner)(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), using synthetic sex<br />

pheromone. I. Effect of communication disruption in welsh<br />

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Control of Root-Knot Nematode With Formulations of The<br />

Nematode-Trapping Fungus Arthrobotrys Dactyloides<br />

Stirling. G.R Biological Control<br />

Control of Protein Metabolism Anonymous Annual Report of Rowet Research<br />

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Control of potato tubermoth Phthorimaea operculella<br />

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Control of ovarian function in cattle Webb R J Reprod Fertil 45 (Supp0:141-156.<br />

Control of oestrus and pregnancy in dairy heifers treated<br />

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Control of meiotic arrest. Reviews of reproduction Whitaker, M. J. of Reprod. fert<br />

Control of maturation in masu salmon by manipulating<br />

photoperiod.<br />

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Control of Gases Emissions from Livestock Building and<br />

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Control of Gases Emissions from Livestock Building and<br />

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Hartung, J. J. Agric. Eng. Res.<br />

Control of Follicular Growth and Development. Ireland, J.J. J. Reprod. Fertil. Suppl.<br />

Control of Etiella podborers on soybean Harnoto<br />

Control of Development of The Ovarian Follicular Hierarchy<br />

in Broiler Breeder Pullets by Food Restriction During<br />

Rearing.<br />

Hocking, P. M. Brit. Poult. Sci.<br />

Control of cotton seedling damping-off in the field by<br />

Burkholderia (Pseudomonas) cepacia.<br />

Zaki, K., Plant Disease 82: 291-293.<br />

Control Of Cabbage Pest Brown. J.D Queenslnd Agric. J<br />

Control and Prediction of Feed Intake in Ruminants Faverdin, F. Journet, M. E. Grenet, M.H. Farce, M.<br />

Theriez, C. Demarquilly (Eds). Recent<br />

Developments in the Nutrition of<br />

Herbivores<br />

Contributions of phototrophic and heterotrophic nutrition to<br />

the metabolic and growth requirements of four species of<br />

giant clam (Tridacnidae).<br />

Contribution of Organic Matter and Clay to Soil Cation-<br />

Exchange Capacity as Aaffected By The pH of The<br />

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Contribution of organic Matter and Clay Minerals to The<br />

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Cation Exchange Capacity of Soil<br />

Contribution of Organic Matter and Clay Minerals to The<br />

Cation Exchange Capacity of Soil<br />

Contribution Of Mycorrizal to P. Nutrition Of Crop Growing<br />

In Oxisol<br />

Contribution of arbuscular mycorrhizas to biological<br />

protection of micropropagated pineapple (Ananas<br />

comosusa (L) Merr) against Phytophtora cinnamomi Rands<br />

Contribution of Agroforestry trees to nutrien requirements of<br />

intercropped plants<br />

Contrasting genetic diversity relationship are revealed in<br />

rice (Oryza sativa L) using different marker types.<br />

Contracting Out : Plantations, Smallholder and<br />

Transnational Enterprise<br />

Continuous H^ production from molases by the bacterium<br />

Enterobacter aerogenes<br />

Continuous fermentation of cane molasses to ethanol using<br />

tower fermenter.<br />

Continuous ethanol production by Zymomonas mobilis from<br />

sago starch hydrolysate and natural rubber waste<br />

Continuous Decolorization of AOX Reduction of Bleach<br />

Plant Effluents by Free and Immobilized Trametes<br />

versicolor<br />

Continuous culture of fused cells secreling antibody of<br />

predefined specificity<br />

Continuous culture system involving Zymomonas mobilis<br />

and hollow fiber filter module<br />

Continous Decolorization of Molases Waste water With<br />

Myselia of Corioulus versicolor Ps4a,<br />

Continous Cultivation of West African Soil : Organic Matter<br />

Diminution and Effect of Applied Lime and Phosphorous<br />

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Content of trans-Fatty Acids in Edible Margarines. Tsanev, R., J Am Oil Chem Soc<br />

Content and composition of dietary fiber in raw and cooked<br />

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Consumption of atmospheric methane by desert soils. Striegl, R.G Nature<br />

Consumption and Utilization of Completed Defined Diets<br />

Containing Various Carbohydrates by Spodoptera exempta<br />

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Consumption and fate of aflatoxin BI by lactating cows Polan, C.E. J. Agric. Food. Chem. 22:635-638.<br />

Construction of T-vector, a rapid and general system<br />

fordirect cloning of unmodified PCR products.<br />

construction of streptococcus lactis sub sp. Lactic with a<br />

single plasmid associated with mucoid phenotype<br />

Construction of physical and genetic maps of Chlamydia<br />

trachomatis serovar L2 by Pulsed-Field Gel<br />

Electrophoresis.<br />

Construction of milled pine bark and sand potting medium<br />

from component particle II ; Medium syntesis.<br />

Construction of milled pine bark and sand potting medium<br />

from component particle II ; Medium syntesis.<br />

Construction of a Yeast Artificial Chromosome Library of<br />

Tomato and Identification of Cloned Segments Linked to<br />

Two Disease Resistance Loci<br />

Construction of a RFLP genetic linkage map for oil palm<br />

(Elais guineensis Jacq)<br />

Construction of a broad host range cosmid cloning vector<br />

and its use in the genetic analysis of Rhiwbium mutants<br />

Construction of a bioinsecticidal strain of Pseudomonas<br />

fluorescens active against the sugarcane borer, Eldana<br />

saccharina.<br />

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Herrera, G., Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 60: 682-690.<br />

Constribution and Further Research on the True Surface<br />

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Soehardjan, M. Idea 10 (4): 17-28.<br />

Constituents of the fruit peel oil of Sitrus japonica L from<br />

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Nguyen, M.P. J. Essent. Oil Res. 8(4) : 415-416.<br />

Conservation Status and Action Program for the Milky Stork<br />

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Verheught, W. J. M. Colonial Waterbirds 10(2): 211-220.<br />

Consequences of water movement in macropores Thomas, G.W. J. Environ. Qual.8 (2): 149-152.<br />

Conodial inhibition of Alternaria solani ( EII & Mart) Jones &<br />

Grout in the leaf exudates of the three potato varietes<br />

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Conjugal transfer of plasmid DNA from Enterococcus<br />

faecalis to Escherichia coli in the digestive tracts of<br />

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Conditions tor forming amylase and proteinase in surface<br />

culture of Bacillus sulitllis<br />

Feniksova,R.V Mikrobiologia<br />

Conditions tor formation of allophane in soils. Parfitt, R. L. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 53:971-977.<br />

Conditions optimales de dilution pour denombrer des<br />

echantilons de zooplanctons par analyse D'lmage.<br />

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Condition scoring of dairy cows Sawyer, G.J. West Australia Dept. Agric. Farmnote<br />

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Condition required for the culture of Branchiura somerbyi<br />

(Oligochaeta: Tubificidae in Activated sludge).<br />

Concurrent ingestion of fat and reduction in starch content<br />

impairs carbohydrate tolerance to subsequent meals<br />

Concepts for regulations of corpus luteum function by the<br />

conceptus and ovarianfillicles to improve fertility.<br />

Concepts and strategies for anti-parasite<br />

immunoprophylaxis and therapy<br />

Concept of general and specific combining ability in relation<br />

to diallel crossing systems<br />

Concept of General and Spcific Combining Ability in<br />

Relation To Diallel Crossing Systems<br />

Concept of general & specific combining ability in realtion<br />

to diallel crossing system<br />

Concentrations of inhibins and steroids in follicular fluid<br />

during development of dominant follicle in heifers<br />

concentration of plant proteases by precipitation with<br />

polyacrylic acids.<br />

Concentration of iron oxide from soil clay by 5 M NaOH<br />

treatment: The complete removal of sodalite and kaolin<br />

Concentration of estrone sulfate in peripheral serum of<br />

pregnant goats: relationship with gestation length, fetal<br />

number and the occurences of fetal death in utero<br />

Concentration of docosahexaenoic acid in glyceride by<br />

hydrolysis of fish oil with Candida cylindraceae Iipase<br />

Concentration of blood metabolistis in working ongole, Bali<br />

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Computer modeling of gas composition and color<br />

development of tomatoes stored in polymeric film<br />

Computer mediated addition of fresh medium in continuous<br />

culture of Zymomona mobilis by monitoring weight<br />

changes<br />

Computations for estimatng the genetic parameter in joint<br />

scaling test<br />

Computation and interpretation of biological statistics of fish<br />

populations. Bulletin of the Fisheries Research Board of<br />

Canada.<br />

Computation and interpretation of biological statistics of fish<br />

populations.<br />

Compulsive exchange method for determining soil<br />

exchange capacity<br />

Compression Tests For Measuring The Firmness Of<br />

Potatoes<br />

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Zakpaa, H.D American Chemical Sociaety (ACS)<br />

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Ricker, W.E. Canadian Bulletins of Fisheries and<br />

Aquatic Sciences. Bulletin 191.<br />

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Jindal. V.K ASAE Paper No. 85-1072. Am. Soc.<br />

Of Agric. Eng. St. Jones. Michigan<br />

Comprehensive Planning In Higher Education Freeman, J.E. New Direction in Higher Education<br />

Compotition of crystals of palm olein formed at room<br />

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Composting and application of animal wastes. Harada, Y. Extension Bull. 311: 20-31. Harada, Y.<br />

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Composition, functionality, and sensory evaluation of eggs<br />

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Composition of Rumunal Bacteria Harvested From Ssteers<br />

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and Isolation Technique<br />

Van Elswyk, M.E. Journal of Science and Food<br />

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Composition of Representative Salatrim Fat Preparations Softly, B.J. J Agric Food Chem<br />

Composition of papaya sedds Chan Jr HT J food Sci 43:225-256<br />

Composition of India Aquatic Plants In Relation To<br />

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Composition of honey VI. The effect of storage on<br />

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Composition and thermal profile of crude palm oil and its<br />

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Composition and characteristic of follicular waves during<br />

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Composes Strerioques des spore Basidio mycete. Herber, R. Can. J. Microbial<br />

Component of resistance of apple to powdery mildew<br />

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Complexation of Pb(II) at The Goethite (a-FeOOH/water<br />

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Complex carbohydrates in Australian rice products Marsono, Y. Food Sci. and Tech<br />

Complex carbohydrates histochemistry of the lateral<br />

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Complex carbohydrate histocheniistry of the lateral prostate<br />

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Complete sequence of bovine mitochondrial DNA,<br />

conserved features of the mammalian genome<br />

Anderson, S. J. Mol. Biol. 156:683-717.<br />

Complete nucleotide sequences of the infection cloned<br />

DNA of bean dwarf mosaic geminivirus<br />

Hidayat SH Phytopathology<br />

Complete nucleotide sequence and identification of<br />

membrane components of the histidine transport operon of<br />

Salmonella typhimurium.<br />

Higgins, C.F., Nature (London) 298: 723-727.<br />

Complete nucleotide sequence and identification of<br />

membrane components of the histidine transport operon of<br />

S. typhimurium.<br />

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membrane components of the histidine transport operon of<br />

S. typhimurium.<br />

Complementary in the used food and thermal habitat by<br />

Lake Michingan Fishes<br />

Complementarity in the use of food and thermal habitat by<br />

Lake Michigan Fishes.<br />

Competitive exclusion of epiphytic bacteria by Ice'<br />

Pseudomonas syringae mutants<br />

Competitive Complexation of Cd (II) and Cu (II) By Water<br />

Soluble Organic Ligands and Na-Montmorillonite<br />

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Competitive analysis of Asian Vegetable oil Producers: The<br />

impact of Asian flu on costs and prices. The Annual Asia<br />

Edible Oil Markets 1999 conference. March implication of<br />

recent development in Asian economics and the global<br />

economy for the palm oil indu<br />

Competitive Adsorption Of Phosphate With Malate and<br />

Oxalate By Tropical Soils<br />

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Lopez-Hernandez.<br />

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Competitive Adsorption During Solute Transport in Soils Murali.V Soil Sci.<br />

Competition of the in vitro dry matter digestibility of forage<br />

oats grown under different temperature and light intensity.<br />

Competition For Endogeneous and Exogeneous Nutrient<br />

Between Sporobolomices Roseus and Cochliobola Sativus<br />

Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Mashuda, Y. J. Fac. Agrc.<br />

Fokkema. N.J Can. J. Bot<br />

Competition For Carbohydrate Compounds By Leaf<br />

Surface Bacteria And Conidia of Botrytis Cinerea<br />

Brodie. ID.S Physio Plant Phatol<br />

Competition between Maize and Rottboellia exaltata Thomas, P.E.L J. Agric. Sci<br />

Competition between a maize crop and a natural<br />

population of Echinochloa crusgalli (L.)<br />

Kroft, M.J Neth. J. Agric. Sci<br />

Competition among Rhiwbium leguminosarum strains for<br />

nodulation of lentils (Lens esculenta)<br />

May SN Appi Environ Microbiol 45:960-965.<br />

Competation between three species of glomus used as<br />

spatially separated introduced and indigenous mycorrhizal<br />

for leek (Allium porrum L)<br />

Hepper CM New Phytol 110:207-215<br />

Comperative toxicity of gossypol acetic acid and free<br />

gossypol cottonseed to lambs<br />

Compensatory Responses of the Fall Armyworm<br />

{Spodoptera frugiperda} when Fed Water and Cellulose-<br />

Diluted Diets.<br />

Compensatory Increases in Food Consumption and<br />

Utilization Efficiencies by Velvetbean Caterpillars Mitigate<br />

Impact of Diluted Diets on Growth.<br />

Houston, J. E. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Wheeler. G.P Physiol. Entomol. 16: 361-374<br />

Slansky. F-Jr. Physiol Ent. 16:99-116<br />

Compensatory growth in the broiler chicken: a review. Zubair, A. K. World's Poult. Sci. J.<br />

Compensatory Substitutions and the Evolution of the<br />

Mitochondrial 12S rRNA Gene Mammals<br />

Springer, M.S. Mol. Biol. Evol. 12(6):1138-1150.<br />

Compendium of soybean diseases Sinclair JB APS.Press, New York<br />

Compendium of reccurent selection methods and their Hallauer, A.R. CRC Critical Review in Plant Sciences<br />

methods and their application.<br />

3(1) : 1-33<br />

Compatible Rootstoks for Lemon Trees Schneider, H. Citrograph<br />

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Compatibility of Chemical pesticides with the<br />

entomopathogenic nematodes, Steinernema carpocapsae<br />

Weiser and S. Filtae Filipjev (Nematoda :<br />

Steinernematidae)<br />

Rovesti, L Nematologica<br />

Compatibility of certain pesticides with DD-136 nematode Das, J.A.N Plant Protection Bull<br />

Comparisson of parameters associated with molt induced<br />

by fasting, zinc, and low dietary sodium in caged layers.<br />

Comparisons of Response to Alternative Selection<br />

Prosedures Initiated With Two Populations of Maize (Zea<br />

Mays. I)<br />

Comparisons of Milk and blood plasma progesterone<br />

concentrations in cycling and pregnant.<br />

Comparisons of metabolizable energy and productive<br />

energy -Determinations wilh growing chicks<br />

Compari-sons of Metabolizable Energy and Productive<br />

Energy Determination With Growing Chicks<br />

Comparison of various maturation treatments on in vitro<br />

maturation of goat oocytes and their early embryonic<br />

development and cell numbers<br />

Comparison of Tissue Culture Virus Neutralization Test and<br />

the Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay for<br />

Measurement Antibodies to Infectious Bronchitis<br />

Comparison of timed insemination with insemination et<br />

estrus following synchronisation of estrus with a MGAprostaglandin<br />

system in beef heifers<br />

Comparison of tillage and direct drilling for Italian ryegrass<br />

on the properties of a fine sandy loam soil<br />

Comparison of the uptake and processing of cholesterol<br />

from chylomicrons of different fatty acid composition in rats<br />

fed high-fat and low-fat diets<br />

Comparison of The Rehydration Method For Biomass<br />

Determination to Fumigation- Incubation and Substrat-<br />

Induced Respiration Method<br />

Comparison of the ligand binding specificity and transcript<br />

tissue distribution of estrogen receptors a and |3<br />

Comparison of the effects of medium-chain triacylglycerols,<br />

palm oil, and high oleic sunflower oil on plasma<br />

triacylglycerol fatty acids and lipid and lipoprotein<br />

concentration in humans<br />

Berry, W.D. Poult. Sci.<br />

Moll. R.H Crop. Sci.<br />

Ginter J.D. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Hill.F.W J.Nuttr<br />

Hill,F.W J.Nutr<br />

Pawshe C.H Theriogenology<br />

Gazela, Z. Avian Dis, Vol. 25: 121.<br />

King, M.E Theriogenology 42: 79-88.<br />

Carter, M.R Can. J. Soil Sci<br />

Bravo E. et al Eur. J.Biochem<br />

Sikora. L.J. Soil. Biol. Biochem<br />

Kuiper, G. Endocrinology, 138: 863-870.<br />

Cater NB Am. J.Clin.Nutr<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Comparison of the effects of latex and poly(DADMAC) on<br />

Structural Stability and Strenght of soil aggregates<br />

Comparison of the effects of latex and poly(DADMAC) on<br />

Structural Stability and Strenght of soil aggregates<br />

Comparison of the crude and highly purified bovine<br />

inhibition (Mr 3200) on plasm concentrations of FSH and<br />

LH in chronically ovariectomized prepubertal heifers<br />

Comparison of soil plate fungicide screening and field<br />

efficasy in control of Sclerotium rolfsii on peanut<br />

Comparison of Seasonal Patterns of Growth, Voluntary<br />

Feed Intake and Plasma Hormone Concentrations in<br />

Young Sambar Deer (Cervus unicolor) & Red Deer (Cervus<br />

elaphus)<br />

Comparison of resistance of fungal spores to gamma &<br />

electron beam radiotion<br />

Comparison of Resistance Level to Tomato Yellow Leaf<br />

Curl Virus Among Commercial Cultivar and Breeding Lines<br />

Comparison of real-time ultrasound and other live<br />

measures to carcass measures as predictors of beef cow<br />

energy stores<br />

Comparison of rapid Salmonella screening methods and<br />

the conventional culture method<br />

Comparison of protein patterns in nonmycorrhizal and<br />

vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal roots of red clover<br />

Bernas SM Aust.J. Soil Res, 33,369-80<br />

Bernas SM Aust.J. Soil Res, 33,369-80<br />

Beard AJ J Endrocrinol 125:21-30.<br />

Diamonde, M. Plant Desease<br />

Semiadi, G. Journal of Agricultural Science<br />

125:109-124.<br />

Blank G International J Food Microbiol. 26: 269-<br />

277<br />

Lapidot, M. Plant Dis. 8:1425-1428.<br />

Bullock, K.D. J. Anim. Sci., 69: 3908-3916.<br />

Flowers, R. S. J. Food Tech.<br />

Arines, J. New Phytol. 123:763-768.<br />

Comparison Of Predicted and Observed Responses to<br />

Selection for Yield In Wheat<br />

Pesek. J Can. J. Plant. Sci<br />

Comparison of oestrus synchronization regimens for<br />

lactating dairy cows.<br />

Ryan, D.P. Anim. Reprod. Sci.<br />

Comparison of Nitrogen and Sulfur Mineralization In Soils Tabatabi. M.A Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Comparison of metabolizable energy and productive<br />

energy - determinations with growing chicks<br />

Comparison of membrane-bound and cytosol 5'nucleotidase<br />

from black rockfish (Sebastes inermis) muscle<br />

and their incluence on the freshness of fish<br />

Comparison Of Logistic and Weibull Function : The Effect<br />

Of Temperature On Cumulative Germination Of Alfalfa<br />

Comparison of lipid character of sediments from Great<br />

Lakes and the northwestern Atlantic.<br />

Hill, F. W. J. Nutr.<br />

Marseno, D.W., Fisheries Science<br />

Bahler. C Crop. Sci.<br />

Leenheer, M.J., Org. Geochem., 7: 141-150.<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Comparison of Lipid and n-3 Highly Unsaturated Fatty Acid<br />

Incorporation Between Artemia Enriched with Various<br />

Types Oil by Direct Method<br />

Comparison of lamb production from indigenous and exotic<br />

x indigenous ewes in Indonesia<br />

Comparison of In Vitro Gas Production Nylon Bag<br />

Degradability of Roughage in Prediction The Feed Intake in<br />

Cattle.<br />

Comparison of in Vitro Gas Production and Nylon Bag<br />

Degradability of Roughages in Predicting Feed Intake in<br />

Cattle.<br />

Comparison of improved and local maize varieties in the<br />

Republic of Benin with emphasis on susceptibility to<br />

Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky<br />

Comparison of ileal effluents, dietary fibers, and whole<br />

foods in predicting the physiologic importance of colonic<br />

fermentation<br />

Comparison of hematological value in restricted and ad<br />

libitum fed domestic fowls: white blood cells and<br />

thrombocytes.<br />

Comparison of half sib and S1 recurrent selection in the<br />

Kurg Yellow Dent maize populations<br />

Comparison of Freshly Isolated Strains of L. acidophilus of<br />

Human Intestinal Origin for Ability to Assimilate Cholesterol<br />

During Growth.<br />

Comparison of flugestone and medroxyprogesteron<br />

intravaginal pessaries for estrus syncronization in dairy<br />

goats<br />

Comparison of feedlot performance and carcass<br />

characteristics of half sib bulls, steers and heifers<br />

Comparison of effect of dietary saturated,<br />

monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acid on plasma<br />

lipids and lipoproteins in man<br />

Comparison of efect of dietary saturated, monosaturated<br />

and polyun saturated fatty acid on plasma lipids and<br />

lipoproteins in man<br />

Comparison of Dry Matter Intake and Digestibility of Sun-<br />

Cured Pigion Pea, Alfalfa and Coastal Bermuda Grass by<br />

Growing Dairy Goats.<br />

Comparison of different gelation methods using washed<br />

sardine (sardina pilchardus) mince: effects of temperature<br />

and pressure<br />

Takeuchi, T. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, 58 (2): 277-<br />

281.<br />

Fletcher, I. C. Tropical Animal Health 17:127<br />

Blummel, M. Animal Feed Science and Technology.<br />

Blummel, M. Anim. Feed. Sci. and Tech.<br />

Kossou, D. K. Journal of stored products research<br />

McBurney, M.I Am. J. Gastroen-terology<br />

Maxwell, M.H. British Poult. Sci.<br />

Tanner AH Crop Sci. 27: 509-513<br />

Lys, M. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Romano, J. E. Small ruminant research<br />

Hedrick, H.B J, Anim. Sci. 29<br />

Mattson FH J Lipid Res 26 : 194-202 (1985)<br />

Mattson FH J Lipid Res 26:194-202<br />

Park, Y. W. Small Ruminant Research.<br />

Montero, P. J. Agric. Food Chem.<br />

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Comparison of culture methods and the DNA hybridization<br />

test for detection of Salmonella un ground beef<br />

Comparison of bos indicus and bos taurus inheritance for<br />

carcass beef characteristics and meat palatability.<br />

Rose, E. B. J. Food Sci.<br />

Crouse, J. D. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Comparison of beef from bulls and DES implanted steers Carroll, F.D J. Anim. Sci. 41<br />

Comparison of Ape and Human Sequencer that Regulated<br />

Mitochondrial DNA Transcription and D-Loop DNA<br />

Synthesis<br />

Comparison of antibodies in marine fish from clean and<br />

polluted waters of the New York Bight: relative levels<br />

against 36 bactcria<br />

Comparison of alloenzyme, RFLP, and RAPD markers for<br />

assessing genetic variation<br />

Comparison of a Chelate Method with Direct Analysis for<br />

Determining Al Activity in Subsoils.<br />

Comparison Between the Complete Mitochondrial DNA<br />

Sequences of Homo and the Common Chimpanzee Based<br />

on Nonchomenc Sequences<br />

Comparison and genomic siz.ing of Escherichici coli<br />

0157:117 isolates by pulscd-field gel electrophorcsis<br />

Comparison among effective filing period, reproductive<br />

period duration, and R5-R7 in determine soybean.<br />

Compared with dietary monounsaturated and saturated fat,<br />

polyunsaturated fat protects african green monkeys from<br />

coronary artery atherosclerosis<br />

Compared with dietary monounsaturated and saturated fat,<br />

polyunsaturated fat protects African Green Monkeys from<br />

coronary artery atherosclerosis<br />

Foran, R.D. Nucleid Acids, Research. Vol. 16 (13)<br />

5841 -5846.<br />

Robohm, R.A- Applied Environmental Microbiology<br />

38:24S-257.<br />

Funnier, G.R. Am. J. Bot. 80:46-47.<br />

Shurman, L.M., Soil Sci. Am. J. Vol. 159 (2): 122-128.<br />

Amason, U. J. Mol. Evol. 42 (2): 145 -152.<br />

I Harsono, K.D. Appl Environ. Microhiol. 59:3141-3144<br />

Salado-Navarro, LR Crop Sci.25: 1050-1054<br />

Rudel, L.L. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and<br />

Vascular Biology15:2101-10.<br />

Rudel LL Arterioscler.Thromb.Vasc.Biol<br />

Comparative utilization of rubber seed oil and palm oil by<br />

broilers in a humid tropical environment<br />

Fajimi, A.O. Anim. Feed Sci. Tech. 43: 177-188.<br />

Comparative tissue ascorbic acid studies in fish. Agrawal N. K., J. Fish. Biol., 17:135-141.<br />

Comparative Study of the uptake of dissolved amino acids<br />

in sympatric brittle stars with and without endosymbiotic<br />

bacteria.<br />

Comparative Study of Sexual Cycles, Oogenesis and<br />

Spawning of Two Soleidae, Solea Lascaris (Risso, 1810)<br />

and solea Impar (Bennet, 1931), on The Western Coastal<br />

of Brittany<br />

Lesser, M.P., Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 101B: 217-<br />

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Deniel, C. J. Fish. Biol. (35) : 49-58.<br />

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Comparative study of cadmium and mercury exposure in<br />

fresh water fish Brachiydanio rerio: histological<br />

microanalysis of Cd-induced mineral concentration.<br />

Comparative study of a DNA hybridization method and the<br />

conventional culture procedure for detection of Salmonella<br />

in foods<br />

Comparative studies on tomato aspermy and cucumber<br />

mosaic viruses. IV. Immunogenic and serological<br />

properties<br />

Comparative studies on tomato aspermy and cucumber<br />

mosaic virus. VII. Serological relationships reinvestigated<br />

Comparative Studies on Different Methods of<br />

Malonaldehyde Determination.<br />

Comparative studies of isozymes in Oryza sativa, O.<br />

minuta, and their interspecific derivatives: evidence for<br />

homoeology and recombination.<br />

Comparative studi of the strain specific triterpenoid<br />

components of Ganoderma lucidum<br />

Comparative stimulasi H2SO4 dan HC1 pada penyadapan<br />

getah Pinus merkusii.<br />

Comparative production of alphaamylase, Glucoamylase,<br />

and protein enrichment of raw and cooked cassava by<br />

rhyzopus strains in submerged and solid state fermentation<br />

Comparative production of alphaamylase, Glucoamylase,<br />

and protein enrichment of raw and cooked cassava by<br />

rhyzopus strains in submerged and solid state fermentation<br />

Comparative population dynamics of green leafhopper in<br />

Paddy field of the tropics and temperate regions<br />

Comparative population dynamics of green ;eafhopper in<br />

paddy fields of tropics and temperate regions.<br />

Comparative physical and nutritive characteristics of ostrich<br />

eggs<br />

Comparative Performance of Several Breeds of Caribbean<br />

Hair Sheep in Purebreeding and Crossbreeding.<br />

Compara-tive performance of five genotypes of Indonesian<br />

large ruminants. III. Growth and development ofcarcass<br />

tissues.<br />

Delamarre, P., Vie Milleu. 34: 79 -86.<br />

Flowers, R. S. J. Food Sci.<br />

Habili, N. Virology<br />

Rao, A.L.N. Virology 116:318-326.<br />

Bird, R.P. Methods in Enzymology, 105: 299-<br />

304.<br />

Romero, G.O., Theor. Appl. Genet. 87: 609-615.<br />

Hirotani M Phytochemistry<br />

Riyanto, T.W. Duta Rimba 6 (39): 19-24<br />

Soccol CR J. Food Sci, Technol 31(4):320-323<br />

Soccol CR J. Food Sci, Technol 31(4):320-323<br />

Widiarta, I.N. JARQ<br />

Widiarta, I.N. JARQ<br />

Sales, J. World's poultry science journal. Vol. 52<br />

Rastogi, R. K. Small Ruminant Research.<br />

Moran, J.B Ausralian Joumal of Agricultural<br />

Research<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 648 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Comparative pathogenicity and antigenic cross-reactivity of<br />

Rift Valley Fever and other African Phieboviruses in sheep<br />

Comparative of Conventional and Automatic Procedure for<br />

Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium Analysis of Plant<br />

Material Using a Wet Digestion.<br />

Comparative nutritional study of enzymatically and<br />

chemically interesterified palm oil product<br />

Comparative morphometric studies on the Indian honeybee<br />

of the North-West Himalayas 3.Hind leg, tergites and sternit<br />

Comparative morphometric studies on the Indian honeybee<br />

of the North-West Himalayas 2.Wing<br />

Comparative Inhibition of Rodent and Human Erythrocyte<br />

Acetylcholinesterase by Carbofuran and Carbaryl.<br />

Comparative Growth of Four Tropical Pasture Legumes<br />

and Guinea Grass with Different Phosphorus Sources.<br />

Swanepoel, R. J. Hyg. Cambridge 97: 331-346.<br />

Thomas, R. L. Agronomy Journal.<br />

Ray, S JAOCS, 72 (3); 327-330<br />

Mattu VK J.Zool<br />

Mattu VK J.Apic Res<br />

Rao, P. S. Pesticide Biochem. And Physio.<br />

Kerridge, P. C. Trop. Grassld.<br />

Comparative growth of four tropical pasture legumes &<br />

Guinea grass with different phosphorus sources<br />

Kerridge PC Trop grasslands 16 (1):33-40<br />

Comparative field performance of potto from microcultures Wattimena, G. A. Amer. Potato J.<br />

Comparative evaluation of within-cultivar variation of rice<br />

(Oryza sativa L) using microsatelite and RFLP markers<br />

Comparative efficiency of intermitten and continuous<br />

feeding of four antibiotics at low level in broilers<br />

Comparative efficiency of FSH-P and PMSG on<br />

superovulation in Pasmina goats<br />

Comparative Distribution of Volatile Aliphatic Disulfides<br />

Derived trom Fresh and Dehydrated Onions<br />

Comparative Digestion in Sheep and Cattle Feed Different<br />

Forage to Concentrate Ratios at High and Low Intakes<br />

Comparative Breed Studies of Beef Cattle. II. Changes in<br />

Si2e and Shape<br />

Comparative beneficial effects on platelet functions and<br />

atherosclerosis of dietary linoleic and y-linolenic acids in<br />

the rabbit<br />

Comparative aspects of cortisol transport: Lack of firm<br />

binding to plasma protein in domestic ruminants<br />

Olufowote JO Genome 40: 370-378<br />

Marusich, W. L. Poult Sci.<br />

Mahmood S Theriogenology<br />

Bernhard, R. A J. Food Sci<br />

Solucci, P.E. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Tulloh, N.M Aust J. Agr. Res.<br />

Renaud, S. Atherosclerosis 45:43-51.<br />

Lindner, H. R. J. Endocrinol.<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Comparative aspects of cortisol transport: Lack of firm<br />

binding to plasma protein in domestic ruminants<br />

Comparative analysis of karyotypes and Nucleolar<br />

Organiser Regions in different populations of Mytilus<br />

trossulus, Mytilus edulis and Mytilus galloprovincialis,<br />

Comparative analysis of karyotypes and Nucleolar<br />

Organiser Regions in different populations of Mytillus<br />

trossullus, Mytilus edulis and Mytilus galloprovicialis,<br />

Comparasion of effects of dietary saturated<br />

monounsaturated & polyunsaturated fatty acids on plasma<br />

lipids & lipoproetein in man<br />

Comparaison de Ia resistance aux chocs et de la fermete<br />

de deux varietes de pommes au cours de l'entreposage au<br />

froid<br />

Comparafive physiology Annual reproductive cycle of<br />

marine invertebrates,<br />

Comparable toxicity response of goats fed on Leucaena<br />

leucocephala in Australia and Hawaii. Aust.<br />

Lindner, H. R. J. Endocrinol.<br />

Insua., A.. Journal of Molluscan Studies 60: 359 –<br />

370<br />

Insua, A., J. Moll. Stud., 60: 359-370.<br />

Mattson FH J Lipid Res 26:194-202<br />

Roudot A.C Sciences des Aliments<br />

Giese, A.C. Annu Rev Phystoil 21: 547-576.<br />

Jones, R.J. J. Agric. Res. 34: 781-790.<br />

Compaction and Root Modifications of Soils Aeration Asady, G.H Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Compaction and Nitrogen Placement Effect on Root<br />

Growth, Water Depletion, and nitrogen Uptake<br />

Garcia, F Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Community-Based Nutrion Programes:can They Work ? Bailey K Contact No.145.October - November<br />

Community-Based Fisheries Man agement Institutions in<br />

Indonesia<br />

Community Based and Co-Management Institutions for<br />

Sustainable Coastal Fisheries Management in Southeast<br />

Asia. Ocean and Coastal Management 27(3)<br />

Bailey, C. MAST 5 (1): 1-17.<br />

Pomeroy, R. S. Community Based and Co-<br />

Management Institutions for<br />

Sustainable Coastal Fisheries<br />

Management in Southeast Asia.<br />

Ocean and Coastal Management<br />

27(3)<br />

Common amino acid sequence domains among LEA<br />

protein of higher plant.<br />

Dure L III Plant Mol. Biol.<br />

Commercial holothurians in South Sulawesi, Indonesia:<br />

Fisheries and Mariculture<br />

Conand, C. Beche-dc-mer Bulletin, 8 : 17-21<br />

Commentary on the Hungate technique for cultivation on<br />

anaerobic bacteria<br />

Bryant, M,P. Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 25:1324-1328.<br />

Commentary on the Hungate technique for cultivation on<br />

anaerobic bacteria<br />

Bryant, M.P. Am.J. Clin. Nutr., 25: 1324-1328.<br />

Commentary on the hungate technique for cultivation on<br />

anaerobic bacteria<br />

Bryant, M. P. Am. J. Clin. Nutr<br />

Comment on Doran el al Jarvis, L.S. Am. J. Agric. Econ. 62: 606-613.<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Comment at importation and transportation of different<br />

species of fish into Indonesia<br />

Schuster, W. Cont. Cen. R. Agric. Res. Sta. Bogor.<br />

no. 111.<br />

Comercial Citrus. Rootstock in the United States Castle, W.S. Fruit Variety<br />

Combining ability of inbred lines derived from CIMMYT<br />

maize (Zea mays L.) germplasm<br />

Han, G.C. Maydica 36: 57-64.<br />

Combining ability of early maize (Zea mays L.) inbred lines<br />

as evaluated under conditions of double cropping<br />

Landi, P. Maydica 31: 369-377.<br />

Combining ability and generation estimates in a six parent<br />

diallel cross in mesta<br />

Combined half sib and S1 family selection in a maize<br />

composite population<br />

Combined effect of maternal age and delayed fertilazation<br />

on the frequency of chromosome anomalies in mice<br />

Combination of peanut meal and blood meal as substitutes<br />

for soybean meal in corn-based, growing finishing pig diets<br />

Srivastava, S.K. Indian J. Agric. Sci. 49: 724-730.<br />

Goulas CK Crop Sci 16:461-4<br />

Ishikawa H Hum.Reprod<br />

Ilori, J. O. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Colour changes of concentrated fruit pulp during heating at<br />

high temperatures<br />

Lozano, JE J. Food Engin. 4: 305-373.<br />

Colorimetric estimation of indoleacetic acid. Gordon SA Plant Physiol 26:192-195.<br />

Colorimetric determination of total tocopherol in palm oil,<br />

olein and stearin<br />

Wong,M.L JAOCS. Vol.65.no.2.<br />

Colorimetric Method for determination of sugars and<br />

related substances.<br />

Dubois, M., Analytical CAc/M.28.<br />

Color, growth and maturation in ploidy manipulated fancy<br />

carp.<br />

Taniguchi, N., . Aquaculture 57: 321-328.<br />

Color of smoked fish. Ruiter, A. Food Techol. 33(5):54-63.<br />

Color in hybrids of common and ornamental (Japanese)<br />

carps. Ill: Inheritance of blue and orange color types<br />

Katosonov, V.Ya. Genetika (Moskow) 14: 2184-2192.<br />

Colony development from sweet potato petiol protoplast<br />

and mesophyll cells<br />

Colonization of transgenic Mcoda/ia sylvestris plants,<br />

expressing different forms of Nicotiana tabacum chitinase,<br />

by the root pathogen Rhizoctonia solani and by the<br />

mycorrhizal symbiont Glomus mosseae<br />

Colonization of Chicken cecae by escherichia coli<br />

associated with hemorraghic colitis<br />

Colometric Method For Determination of Sugar and Related<br />

Substances<br />

Collection offish lengths for stock assessment in<br />

developing countries.<br />

Bidney, D.L PI. Sci. Lett<br />

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Berry, J. T. Appl. Environ. Microbiol.<br />

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Collection of Birds From Java, Ball and Lombok Kuroda, N. Tori VI (29):65-103.<br />

Coliforms are an inadequate index of water quality. Dutka, B.J., J. Environ. Health, 36: 39-46.<br />

Colibasillosis in young pigs Hartaningsing, N. Infectious Diarrhoea in the young.<br />

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Cold storage ofkiwi fruit shoot tips in vitro Monnette, P.L HortSci.<br />

Cold storage of in vitro cultures of hybrid poplar shoots<br />

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Son, S.H. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture<br />

Coir dust as a growing medium Herath W Int. Floriculture Symp. 10-13 Oct,<br />

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Cofee Processing Research. A Review Kulaba. G.W. Kenya Cofee vol 46,No. 459: 351-359.<br />

Coeficicnt inbreeding of Stecrs, his sire and his dam Inoue, R Bull., Res. Farm, Fac. Agric. Okayama<br />

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COD Removal in a Closed Water Circuit of a Papermill by<br />

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Coconut Skim Milk as an Intermediate Moisture Product. Hagenmaier, R.D J. Food Sci. 40(4):717-720.<br />

Coconut oil revisited Dayrit G Coconut today<br />

Coconut oil meal as a protein supplement in practical<br />

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Coated vesicle-mediated transport and deposition of<br />

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Coat protein sequence of Krish-infecting strain of<br />

Johnsongrass mosaic potyviruses<br />

CO2 Effects in Fruit Respiration II. Responses Of<br />

Avocados, Bananas and Lemons<br />

Clustal W:Improving the Sensitive of Progressive Multliple<br />

Sequence Alignment through Sequence Weighting,<br />

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induced to ovulate with exogenous LH.<br />

Close synchrony of ovulation in super stimulated heifers<br />

that have down regulated anterior pituitary gland and are<br />

induced to ovulate with exogenous LH<br />

Cloning, expression and regulation of Pseudomonas<br />

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Cloning of protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase from<br />

Bradyrhiwbium japonicum USDA 110<br />

Cloning of pEA3, a large plasmid of Enterobacter<br />

agglumerans containing nitrogenase structural genes.<br />

Cloning of a new cryIA(a) gene from Bacillus thuringiensis<br />

strain FU-2-7 and analysis of chimeric cryIA(a) proteins for<br />

toxicity.<br />

Cloning of a phenazine biosynthetic locus of<br />

Pseudomonas aerofasciens PGS12 and analysis of its<br />

expression In vitro with ice nucleation reporter gene.<br />

Cloning and Structural Analysis of cDNAs for bcl-2 and<br />

Hybrid bcl-21 Immunoglobulin Trancript Resulting from The<br />

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Cloning and sequencing of the cDNAs induced by<br />

aluminium treatment and Pi starvation in tobacco cultured<br />

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Cloning and sequencing of cDNA induced by aluminium<br />

treatment and Pi starvation in cultured tobacco cells,<br />

Cloning and sequence analysis of the coat protein genes of<br />

an Australia strain of peanut mottle and an Indonesia<br />

'blotch' strain of peanut stripe potyvirus.<br />

Cloning and expression of the Lepidopteran toxin produced<br />

by Bacillus thuringiensis var. thuringiensis in Escherichia<br />

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Cloning and expression of Bacillus thuringiensis crystal<br />

protein gen in Escherichia coli.<br />

Cloning and expression of a cDNA encoding an endothelin<br />

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Cloning and complete nucleotide sequence of the<br />

Escherichia coli glutamine permease operon (glnHPQ).<br />

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Cloning and complete nucleotide sequence of the E. coli<br />

glutamine permease operon (glnHPQ).<br />

Cloning and characterization of a glutamine transport<br />

operon of Bacillus stearothermophilus NUB36: Effect of<br />

temperature on regulation of transcription.<br />

Cloning and characterization of a cDNA encoding a mRNA<br />

rapidly induced by ABA in barley aleurone layers<br />

Clonal propagation of Trifolium pratense, T. resupinatum<br />

and T. subterraneum by direct somatic embryogenesis on<br />

cultured immature embros.<br />

Clonal diversity and genetic differentiation of Phytophtora<br />

infestans population in Nothern and Central Mexico.<br />

Clipping effects on seasonal dry matter production and<br />

nutritive value of tall type grass species of tropical forage<br />

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Clinicohaematological evaluation of two anesthetic<br />

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Clinical implications of dysregulated cytokine production Slifka M.K. J. Mol. Med. 78: 74-80.<br />

Climatic Risk For Sweet Corn Production In Canterburry,<br />

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Climatic and geographic influences on arboviral infections<br />

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Climate change, coral bleaching and the future of the<br />

world's coral reefs<br />

Cleavage ofstructural proteins during the assembly of the<br />

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Cleavage of Structural Proteins during The Assembly of the<br />

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Clay minerals and humus complexes in five Kenyan soils<br />

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Clay mineralogy of selected soil in southern Nigeria Gallez, A. Soil Sci, Soc Amer Proc 39: 577-85.<br />

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Classifying Japonica rice cultivars with RAPD Mackill DJ Crop Sci. 35: 889-894<br />

Classification and numenclature of viruses Franck RIB Arch.Virol<br />

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Clanfied natural applejuice: production and storage Cornwell, C'.J J. Food Sci 46: 515-518<br />

Citrus tristeza virus and its aphid vector Toxoptera citricida Rocha-Pena, M.A. Plant Disease. 79:437-445,<br />

Citrus Limonoids as Inhibitors of Oral Carcinogenesis Miller, EG Food Technology<br />

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Chromosomes of some Subantartic brooding bivalves<br />

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Grubinger, V. P. Chemospere<br />

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Cholesterol uptake by Propiombacterium freudenreichii Somkuti, G.A Current Microbiol<br />

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Antifungal Activity of Purified Endochitinase and<br />

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Purification of Chitobiosidase and Endochitinase<br />

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(Homarus americanus).<br />

Chitinase in bean leaves: induction by ethylene,<br />

purification, properties and possible function<br />

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Chemistry of non-enzymatic browning II Reynold, T.H. Adv. Food Res. 14: 167-210<br />

Chemistry of Metal Retention By Soils Evans.L.J Environ Sci.Technol<br />

Chemistry and detection of food allergens Taylor, S.L. Food Technol. May, Philadelphia.<br />

Chemistry & nutritive value of edible fats & oil Muctadi D One day seimina. Bogor 8 mei 1991<br />

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Chemical Modelling For Arsenate Adsorption on<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Chemical Composition of Some Citrus Oils from Malaysia Jantan, I., :. J. Ess. Oil Res<br />

Chemical Composition and Shelf Life Study of Grayfish<br />

(Synals acanthiar)<br />

Jang, S. Y. Fd Sci 7 (1): 243-248.<br />

Chemical composition and physical properties of humic<br />

substances.<br />

Flaig, W. ed. Soil Components. Vol.I.<br />

Chemical characterization and physicochemical behaviour<br />

of biosurfactant<br />

Parra JL JAOCS 66(1):141-145<br />

Chemical Availabilities of Phophorus, Manganese and Iron<br />

in Limin LC Treated Tropical Soils<br />

Salam. A.K<br />

Chemical and physical properties in soybean globulins Koshiyama I Cereal Chem 45:394-404<br />

Chemical and physical properties in soybean globulins Koshiyama I Cereal Chem 45:394-404<br />

Chemical and physical development of the pineapple fruit<br />

III: nitrogen and enzyme constituent<br />

Gortner, W. A. J. Food Sci.<br />

Chemical and physical characteristics of mare's milk Pagliarini E. Italian J. of Food Sci. Issue Special, 40-<br />

49.<br />

Chemical and physical Characteristic of Soap made from<br />

Distilled fatty Acid of palm oil and Palm Kernel Oil<br />

Ainie K JAOCS 73(1):105-108<br />

Chemical and nutritional quality of raw. cooked and salted<br />

fish silages<br />

Chemical and nutritional quality of fermented fish silage<br />

containing potato extracts, formalin or ginger extracts<br />

Chemical and Mineralogical Properties of Volcanic Ash<br />

Soils From Java<br />

Chemical and histological characteristics of the M.<br />

Longissimus in young bulls selected for tenderness or<br />

leaness<br />

Fagbenro. O.A Food Chemistry<br />

Fagbenro. O.A Food Chemistry<br />

Supriyo. H Soil Sci. Plant. Nutr.<br />

Field, R. A. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Chemical analysis of pigment cells in common carp. Gustiano, R. Terubuk 60: 96-101.<br />

Checking the independence of two covariance-stationary<br />

time series: A univariate residual cross correlation<br />

approach.<br />

Haugh LF Journal of the American Statistical<br />

Association 71:378-383<br />

Charge Relationships Of Sulfate Sorption by Soil Marsh. K.B Soil. Sci. Soc.<br />

Charge Charateristics of Soil With Variable and Permanent<br />

Charge Minerals<br />

Uehara. G Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Charge Characteristics of Soils With Variable and<br />

Permanent Charge Minerals : I. Theory<br />

Uehara. G. Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Charge Characteristics of Soil With Variable and<br />

Permanent Charge Mineral : I. Theory.<br />

Uehara, G. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J<br />

Charge characteristics of an Oxisol and Ineeptisol from<br />

Hawaii<br />

El-Swaify, SA. Soil Sci. 120: 49-56.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 660 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Charge characteistics of soils with variable and permanent<br />

charge minerals<br />

Charateristics Of Strains Of Pseudomonas Solanacearum<br />

From China<br />

Charakterisation Of The Biocontrol Activity of<br />

Debaryomices Hansenii In The Control Of Penicillium<br />

Digitation on Grape Fruit<br />

Uehara, G Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

He. L.Y Plant Dis<br />

Droby. S.E Can. J. Microbiol<br />

Charaeteristics of phosphorus adsorption by some region Udo, E.J. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 36: 879-883.<br />

Charactirization of The Regulation of Ethylene Biosyntesis<br />

in Tomato Fruit by Carbon Dioxide and<br />

Diazocyclopentadiene<br />

Characterizing the stage of maturity most receptive to an<br />

acute LHRH-a therapy for inducing milkfish (Chanos<br />

chanos) to spawn.<br />

Mathooko. F.M Postharvest Biology and Technology<br />

Tamaru C.S., Aquaculture 74: 147-163.<br />

Characterization ot a new myrosinase in B. Napus Falk A. Plant Mol. Biol 27:863-874<br />

Characterization of the subunits of beta-conglycinin Coates JB Arch Biochem. Biophys, 23 :184-194<br />

Characterization of the subunits of beta-conglycinin Coates JB Arch Biochem. Biophys, 23 :184-194<br />

Characterization of the organic components of an Alfisol<br />

and a Vertisol in asjacent location in Indian semi-arid<br />

tropics using optical spectroscopy, 13CNMR spectroscopy,<br />

and 14C dating.<br />

Characterization of somatic hybrids between Solanum<br />

tuberosum and its frost-tolerant relative Solanum<br />

commersonii.<br />

Characterization of red bean (Phaseolus radiatus var.<br />

aurea) Starch and its noodle quality<br />

Characterization of pyrolysin, a hyperthermoaetive serine<br />

protease from the archaebacterium Pyrococcusfuriosu<br />

Characterization of protease enzyme produced from<br />

Bacillus pumilus. Yl isolated from liquid tofu waste<br />

Characterization of production of cholesterol oxidases in<br />

three Rhodococcus strains<br />

Characterization of Product Formed During the<br />

autooxidation of b-carotene Free Radical<br />

Characterization of Peanut Stripe Virus (PStV) Isolates<br />

Originated fro, Various Provinces Indonesia<br />

Characterization of ovarian follicular cyst and associated<br />

endocrine profile in dairy cows.<br />

Arai, S. Geoderma 69: 59-70<br />

Nyman, M. Theor. Appl. Genet. 95: 1127-1132.<br />

Lii, C.Y. J. of Food Sci. 46: 78-81.<br />

Eggen, R. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 71: 17-20.<br />

Suhartono, M.T. Aspac. J. Mol. Biol. Biotech. 5: 72-80.<br />

Aihara, H J. Appl. Bacterial<br />

Handelman, G.J. Biol. Med. 10: 427-437.<br />

Akin HM Indon J Trop Agric ( IJTA)<br />

Hamilton, S.A. Biol. Reprod.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 661 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Characterization of lippoprotein composition in rats fed<br />

different dietary lipids and of the effects of lopoprotein upon<br />

lymphocyte.proliferation.<br />

Characterization of lipogenic and DNA and RNA levels of<br />

broilers eating ad libitum and severely restricted at an early<br />

age<br />

Characterization of incubational egg weight losses in three<br />

types of turkeys.<br />

Characterization of dispersed repetitive DNA sequence<br />

associated with the CDD genome of wild rice<br />

Characterization of calf folliculau fluid and its ability to<br />

support cytoplasmic maturation of cow and calf oocyte<br />

Characterization of bovine follicular oocyte and their ability<br />

to mature in vitro<br />

Characterization of a rice gene showing organ specific<br />

expression in response to salt stress and drought.<br />

Characterization of a New Pathway for Epichlorohydrin<br />

Degradation by Whole Cells of Xanthobacter Galur Py2<br />

Characterization and plasmid profile of Xanthomonas<br />

campestris pv. glycines from Maharashtra, India<br />

Characterization and inactivation of vcroloxin I produced by<br />

Escherichia coli 0157:H7<br />

Characterization and identification of Lactobacillvx<br />

pentosus and Lactobacillus plamarum strains from<br />

fermented foods<br />

Characterization and distribution of invertase activity in<br />

developing maize (Zea Mays) Kernel<br />

Characterization and distribution of invertase activity in<br />

developing maize (Zea Mays) Kernel<br />

Characteristics ofgrowth and tropane alkaloid synthesis in<br />

Atropa belladonna roots transformed by Agrobacterium<br />

rhizogenes. }.<br />

Characteristics of the transmission of Sumatra disease of<br />

cloves by tube-building cercopoids, Hindola spp<br />

Characteristics of the stem distilled oil and carbon dioxide<br />

extract of Zhantoxylum simulans Fruit<br />

Characteristics of the steem distilled oil and carbon dioxide<br />

extract of Zanthoxylum simulans Fruit.<br />

Jeffery. N. M. J. Nurt. Biochem.<br />

Fontana.E.A Paultry.Sci<br />

Christensen, V.L Poultry Sci. 61 : 848 -854<br />

Kiefer-Meyer MC Genome, 38. 681-688<br />

Khatir, H. J.Reprod Fertil 111 (2):267-75<br />

Leibfried, L. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Claes, B., The Plant Cell 2: 19- 2 7.<br />

Small, F.J App. and Environ. Microbiol<br />

Sharma, A. J. Phythopathol. (Berlin) 141:53-58.<br />

Kitlell, F.B. J. Agnc. Food. ('hem 39:141-145.<br />

Tanasupawat. S., Thailand. J. Gen.Appl. Microbiol<br />

Doehlert DC Plant Physiol, Planarum 70:51-57<br />

Doehlert DC Plant Physiol, Planarum 70:51-57<br />

Sharp, J.M. Biotechnol. 16: 171-186.<br />

Eden-Green.S.J. Plant Pathol. 41: 702-712.<br />

Chyau, C.C. J. Agric. Food Chem. 44 (4) : 1096-<br />

1099.<br />

Chyau, C.C. J. Agric. Food Chem. 44:1096-1099.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 662 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Characteristics of the microplate method of enzyme-linked<br />

immunosorbent assay for the detection of plant viruses<br />

Characteristics of starch networks within rice flour noodles<br />

and mungbean starch vermicelli<br />

Characteristics of Roselle Seeds as a New Source of<br />

Protein and Lipid.<br />

Clarck, M.F. J. Gen. Virol.<br />

Mestres, C. J. of Food Sci. 53 (6): 1809-1812.<br />

EL-Adawy, T. A. Journal of Agricultural and Food<br />

Chemistry.<br />

Characteristics of Pseudomonas solanacearum Hayward, A.C. J. Appl. Bacterial. 27:265-277.<br />

Characteristics of Pseudomonas solanacearum Hayward, A.C. Journal of Applied Bacteriology. 27:<br />

265-277.<br />

Characteristics of Pseudomonas solanacearum Hayward, A.C. J. Appl. Bacteriol. 27: 265-277.<br />

Characteristics of Phytophthora infestans isolates and deve<br />

lopment of Jate blight on tomato in Taiwan<br />

Hartman, G.T Plant Disease<br />

Characteristics of Phosphorus Adsorption by Some<br />

Nigerian Soils.<br />

Udo. E. J Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J<br />

Characteristics of P. Solanacearum Hayward, A.C. J. Appl. Bacteriol.<br />

Characteristics of membrane filters in relation to aluminium<br />

studies in soil solutions and natural waters<br />

Menzies NW J Soil Sci 42:585-597.<br />

Characteristics of low-fat ground beef containing texturemodifying<br />

ingredients<br />

Troutt, E. S. J. Food Sci.<br />

Characteristics of immobilized lipase-catalyzed hydrolysis<br />

of olive oil of high concentration in reverse phase system<br />

Kang, S.T Biotechnol. Bioeng<br />

Characteristics of immobilized lipase-catalyzed hydrolysis<br />

of olive oil of high concentration in reverse phase system<br />

Kwon, D.Y. Biotechnol. Bioeng<br />

Characteristics of humic Substances in cultivates and<br />

natural forest soils of sikkim.<br />

Martin, D Geoderma<br />

Characteristics of humic acids of some venezuelan soils. Rivero, C. Geoderma<br />

Characteristics of granular methanogenic sludge grown on<br />

lactate in a UASB reactor<br />

Characteristics of cultured tomato cells after prolonged<br />

exposure to medium containing polyethylene glycol.<br />

Fukuzaki S Ferment Bioeng 72:465-472.<br />

Handa, A.K., Plant Physiol. 69: 514-521.<br />

Characteristics of Compost from Organic Waste. Haga, K. Extension Bulletin No. 321 Food and<br />

Fertilizer Tech. Center for The ASPAC<br />

Region, Taipei<br />

Characteristics of Alginate Pellets Formulated With<br />

Trichoderma and Gliocaldium and Their Effect on The<br />

Proliferation of The Fungi In Soil<br />

Lewis. J.A Plant Pathology<br />

Characteristics of Pseudomonas solanacearum. Hayward, A.C. J. Appl. Bacteriol. 27: 265-277.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 663 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Characteristics and properties of a caldoactive bacterium<br />

producing extracellular enzymes and related strains<br />

Characteristic of yellowfin sole and dover skin as<br />

processing material for gelatin<br />

Characteristic of Retrovirus associated with jembrana<br />

Disease in Bali Cattle<br />

Characteristic of resistance against bacterial wilt in<br />

Solanum torvum<br />

Characteristic of Raw-Starch-Digesting Glucoamylase trom<br />

Thermophilic Rhizomucorpusillus<br />

Characteristic of Exxposed Subsoil at Exposure and 23<br />

Years Later<br />

Characterisation of bovine lipopolysaccharide binding<br />

protein and the in vivo acute phase response to Pasteurella<br />

multocida Type A. Veterinary Immunology and.<br />

Heincn, U.J. Arch. Micrnbiol. 82:1-23.<br />

Kim, J.S Journal of The Korean Ag-ricultural<br />

Chemical Society<br />

Kertayadnya.G J.Gen.Virol<br />

Mulya, K. J. Plasma Nutfah (in press).<br />

Kanlayakrit, W J.Fermenl. Technol<br />

Eck. H.V Agron. J<br />

Horadagoda, N.N., Immunopathology, 49: 61-76.<br />

Characteization of enzymatically prepared biosurfactant Ducret A JAOCS 73(1):109-113<br />

Changes Within the Digestive Tract of Sheep Following<br />

Engorgement with Barley<br />

Changes to the physical properties of soil puddled for rice<br />

during drying<br />

Changes of seed components associated with the absence<br />

of a sunuunits of 7S globulin in soybean<br />

Changes of seed components associated with the absence<br />

of a sunuunits of 7S globulin in soybean<br />

Changes of Anti – Trypanosoma cruzi Antibodies after<br />

Gamma - Irradiation of Mice in the Chronic Phase of the<br />

Infection<br />

Changes induced by feeding in intestinal environment of<br />

rabbits (research review)<br />

Changes induced by autoclaving a solvent extracted<br />

cottonseed meal<br />

Changes induced by autoclaving a solvent extracted<br />

cottonseed meal<br />

Changes in water soluble vitamin content and<br />

transaminase activity of rainbowtrout egg during<br />

development.<br />

Godfrey, S.I Australian Journal of Agricultural<br />

Research<br />

Ringrose-Voase,<br />

A.J.<br />

G. Kirchhof and H.B. So (Eds.)<br />

Management of Clay Soils for Rainfed<br />

Lowland Rice- Based Cropping<br />

Systems. ACIAR Proc. 70: 71-89.<br />

Mizuno Y Breed Sci 449/10/02201<br />

Mizuno Y Breed Sci 449/10/02201<br />

Umekita, L.F. Acta. Trop. 75 (2): 211-7.<br />

Cheeke PR J Appl rabbit res 8: 183-184<br />

Conkerton. EJ. J. Agr. Food Chem., 5:460.<br />

Conkerton, E.J. J. Agr. Food Chem., 5:460.<br />

Sato, M.R., Bull. Jpn. Soc. Fisheries. 53(5):795-<br />

797.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 664 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Changes in the yield and in the fatty acid composition of<br />

whole carcass and selected meat portions of broiler<br />

chickens fed full-fat oil seeds<br />

Changes in the rumen metabolism of sheep given incresing<br />

amounts of linseed oil in their diet. Br<br />

Changes in the rheology and microstructure of ropy yogurt<br />

during shearing<br />

Changes in the number of antibiotic-resistant rhizobia in the<br />

soil and rhizosphere of field grown Vigna mango cv Regur<br />

Changes in the number of antibiotic-resistant rhizobia in the<br />

soil and rhizosphere of field grown Vigna mango cv Regur<br />

Ajuyah, A. O. Poult. Sci.<br />

Czerkawski, J.W J. Nutr<br />

Teggazt J.A. Food structure, 9: 133-138.<br />

Bushby HVA Soil Biol Biochem 13:241-245<br />

Bushby HVA Soil Biol Biochem 13:241-245<br />

Changes in the lipid content fermented peanuts. Beuchat, L.R J. Agr. Food. Chem. Vol. 22 No. 3 :<br />

509<br />

Changes in the Food Niche During Postmetamorphic<br />

Ontogeny of the Frog Pesudacris triseriata<br />

Christian, K.A. Copeia (1) : 73-80.<br />

Changes in the conformation and the solubility caused by<br />

the selective reduction of the intra-molecular disulfide<br />

bonds of bovine-lactal-bumin<br />

Changes in the chemical composition of nut water and<br />

kernel during development of coconut<br />

Changes in the chemical composition of coconut water<br />

during maturation<br />

Changes in the apparent permeability to water at moult in<br />

the amphipod Gamarus duebenti and the isopod idotea<br />

linearis,<br />

Changes in Tannin Content, Polymerisation and Protein<br />

Precipication Capacity in Oak (Quercus Incana) Leaves<br />

with Maturity.<br />

Changes in susceptibility of carp to several pesticides with<br />

growth.<br />

Changes in Soil Quality Under Zero Lillage Farming<br />

Systems : Distribution of Microbial Biomass and<br />

Mineralizable C and N Potentials<br />

Changes in Soil Organic Matter Pool During Shifting<br />

Cultivation in Bengkulu, Sumatera<br />

Changes in soil organic C, Microbiol C and aggregate<br />

stability under continuous maize and cereal cropping, and<br />

after restoration to pasture in soil from the Manawatu<br />

region, New Zealand<br />

Hayakawa Technical bulletin, faculty of agriculture<br />

Kagawa University, Japan<br />

Kemala, D.C.B. Placrosym. 1: 340-346.<br />

Jayalekshmy, A J. Food Sci. Tech.<br />

Lockwood, A.P.M., Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 44A: 943-<br />

952.<br />

Makkar, H. P. S. J. Sci. Food Agric.<br />

Hashimoto, Y, J. Pesticides Sci. 7:457-461<br />

Carter. M.R Can. J. Soil. Sci<br />

Handayani. I.P Jurnal Penelitian Lembaga Penelitian<br />

UNIB<br />

Sparling, G.P Soil Till. Age Res<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 665 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Changes in soil mechanical properties resulting from<br />

different soil management practices for rice-based cropping<br />

systems<br />

Changes in shear aging, cooking and myofibrillar<br />

contraction<br />

Changes in sense organ morphology and behavior with<br />

growth in the flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus.<br />

Changes in sense orgamorphology and behaviour with<br />

growth in the flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus<br />

Changes In Seed Reserve And Cell Wall Composition of<br />

Component Organs During Germination Of Cabbage<br />

(Brassica Oleracea) Seeds<br />

Changes in ruminal oxalate degradation rates associated<br />

with aaptation to oxalate ingestion<br />

Changes in ovarium development and plasma level of sex<br />

steroid hormones in the wild female Japanese sardines<br />

(Sardinops me.lanoticus) during spawning period.<br />

Changes in Onion (Allium cepa L.) flavour components<br />

resulting from some post-harvest processes<br />

Changes in Mimosine, Phenol, Protein and Fibre Content of<br />

Leucaena Leucocephala Leaf During Growth and<br />

Development.<br />

Changes in hematological values and plasma electrolytes<br />

following storage of whole blood samples collected from<br />

horses<br />

Changes in Free Monosaccharides During Storage of Dried<br />

Milk.<br />

Changes in free monosaccharides during storage of dried<br />

milk.<br />

Changes in evapotranspiration from an oil palm stand<br />

(Elaeis guineensis Jacq) exposed to seasonal soil water<br />

deficit<br />

Changes in composition of soil polysaccharides and<br />

aggrregate stability after carbon amendments to defferent<br />

textured soils<br />

Changes in composition of soil polysaccharides and<br />

aggrregate stability after carbon amendments to defferent<br />

textured soils<br />

Changes in a sandy sahelian soil following crop residue<br />

and fertiliser additions<br />

Tranggono, R. G. Kirchhof and H.B. So (Eds.)<br />

Management of Clay Soils for Rainfed<br />

Lowland Rice-Based Cropping<br />

Systems. ACIAR Proc. 70: 131-141.<br />

Bouton, P. E. J. Food Sci.<br />

Kawamura, G. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 51(2): 155-<br />

165.<br />

G. Kawamura Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish<br />

Quota. L.A Journal of Plant Physiology<br />

Allison MT J. Anim Sci 45 :1173-1179<br />

MurayamaT., Journal of Fish Biology 45. Fisheries<br />

Society of British. 235-245.<br />

Freeman, G.G J. Sci. Food Agric<br />

Tangendjaja, B. Aust. J. Exp. Agric.<br />

Epstein, V. Austr. Vet. J. (61): 10, 325-327.<br />

Troyano, E. J. Agric. Food Chem.<br />

Troyano, E. J. Agric. Food chem.<br />

DUFRENE, E., B Acta Ecologica 13 (3):<br />

Schletcht Pietsch S Appl Soil Ecol 1:145-154<br />

Schletcht Pietsch S Appl Soil Ecol 1:145-154<br />

Geiger, S.C Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 666 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Changes evapotranspiration from an oil palm stand (E<br />

guineensis Jacq.) exposed to seasonal soil water deficits.<br />

Change In West Savana Agriculture in Response To<br />

Growing Population and Continuing Low Rainfall<br />

Change in Starch Fraction during Extrusion Cooking of<br />

Corn<br />

Change in shear parameters of meat associated with<br />

structural changes produced by aging, cooking and<br />

myofibrilar contraction<br />

Change in Properties of Cleared Tropical Alfisols a Effected<br />

by Mulching<br />

Change in Physiology, Composition and Sensory of<br />

Characteristik Papaya During Ripening<br />

Change in otolith microchemistry of the Japanese eel<br />

Anguila japonica, during its migration fiom ocean to the rive<br />

ofl Taiwan.<br />

Change in Fatty acid composition of total serum and<br />

lipoprotein particles in growing rats given protein deficient<br />

diets with either hydrogenated coconut or salmon oils as fat<br />

source<br />

Change in Alternative Phatwayand Mitochondrial<br />

Respiration in Avocado in Response to Elevated Carbon<br />

Dioxide Levels<br />

Change In Alternative Pathway and Mitochondrial<br />

Respiration in Avocado in Response to Elevated Carbon<br />

Dufrene, E. Acta Ecologica 13(3) : 299-314<br />

Vierich. H.I.D Agric. Ecosystem and Environment<br />

Gomez, M.H. J. Food Sci., 48: 378-381.<br />

Bouton, P. E. J. Food Sci.<br />

Lal. R Soil Sci. Soc Am. J<br />

Anonim Australian Journal of Experimental<br />

Australian Agriculture<br />

Tzeng, W.N., Fish Biol. 45: 671-683.<br />

Bauziane, M. British J. Nutr. 71: 375-387.<br />

Lange. D. L J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci<br />

Lange. D.L J, Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci<br />

Challenges for Stress Physiology in potato Burton, W. G. Am. Pot. J.<br />

Challenges and opportunities for biological control in<br />

ephemeral crop habitats:an overview<br />

Smith Jr JW Biolo Contr<br />

CGIAR and the private sector: public good versus<br />

proprietary technology in agricultural research,<br />

biotechnology, and development<br />

Gigi, M. Monitor Bulletin. 37(March): 8-13.<br />

Cervical softening with prostaglandin E: and estradiol<br />

cyprinoids for embryo collection in goats.<br />

Van Niekerk, C.H. Theriogenology<br />

Cervical embryo collection in slicep after ripening of the<br />

cervix with pros taglandin E: and estradiol.<br />

Barry, D.M. Theriogenology<br />

Cerotype and virulence of Edwardsiella tarda isolated from<br />

eel and their environment<br />

Park, S.I. Fish Pathol., 18: 85-89.<br />

Cereal-legume intercropping systems Ofori, F. Adv. Agron. 41: 41-90.<br />

Cereal microspore culture Jahne A Plant science 109:1-12<br />

Cereal Fiber and Lipidemia Kritchevsky, D. Cereal Foods World. 42:28,81-85.<br />

Cephalopods of the World. Species Cataloque of Interest to<br />

Fisheries,<br />

Roper, C.F.E., FAO Fish, synop., 3(125): 277 P.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 667 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Cephalopods of the World. FAO Species Catalogue of<br />

interst to Fisheries,<br />

Cepalopods of the world. An annotated and illustrated<br />

catalogue of species of interest to fisheries.<br />

Cemaran aflatoksin pada pakan ayam yang dipcriksa di<br />

laboratorium toksikologi Balitvet tahun 1988-91<br />

Cellulotyc bacteriaa in some ruminants & herbivore as<br />

shown by fluorescent antibody<br />

Roper C.F.E., FAO Fish, Synop., 3(125): 277 PP.<br />

Roper, C.F.E., FAO Species Catalogue 111(125): 277<br />

pp.<br />

Bahri, S. Penyakit Hewan. 26(47): 39-42.<br />

Davies ME J Gen Microbiol 39:139-141<br />

Celluloses. Di dalam G.T. Tsao (ed). Mandels, M., Annual Report on Fermentation<br />

Process<br />

Celluloses Production Profile of T reesei on Different<br />

Cellulose Substrate at Various pH levels<br />

Chahal, D.S J. Fermentation and Bioeng<br />

Cellulose-based composite fibers Berger W Elsevier Appl. Sci pp 75-86<br />

Cellulose Biosynthesis and Function in Bacteria<br />

Microbiological Reviews<br />

Ross, P American Society for Microbiology.<br />

Cellulase activity of soils Deng SP Soil Biol Biochem 26:1347-1354.<br />

Cellular response in rats during malnutrition at Various<br />

ages.<br />

Winick M J. Nutr.89. 1966.<br />

Cellular mechanism of aluminium toxicity and resistance in<br />

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Cellular injury by oxidants. Cochran, C. G. The American Journal of Medicine.<br />

Cellular and developmental biological aspects of bovine<br />

meiotic maturation, fertilization and preimplatation<br />

embriogenenesis in vitro<br />

Cell-all constituents and in vitro digestibility of napiergrass<br />

(Pennisetum purpureum)<br />

Cell wall regeneration and cell division inisolated tobaco<br />

monosophyli protoplasts .<br />

Cell wall characteristics in relation to forage digestion by<br />

ruminants.<br />

Cell structure and starch nature as key determinants of the<br />

digestion rate ofstarch in legume<br />

cell number and incidence of chromosomal anomalies in<br />

bovine blastosysts fertilized in vitro followed by culture in<br />

vitro in vivo in rabbit oviducts<br />

Cell allocation to the inner cell mass and the trophectoderm<br />

in bovine embryos cultured in two different media<br />

Cell retention culture with an internal filter module :<br />

continuous ethanol fermentation<br />

cDNA Cloning and Systematic Expression Of Acidic<br />

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Rasmussen. J.B Physiological And Moleculer Plant<br />

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Cbiological Activity Of Limonoids From The Rutales Champagne. D.E Phytochemistry<br />

Causative factors of colour deterioration in strawberry<br />

preserves during processing and storage<br />

Abets, J.E. J. Food Sci 44 75-78<br />

Causality tests and observationally equivalent<br />

representations of econometrics models<br />

Bassmann RL Journal of Econometrics 39 :69-104<br />

Causality test in livestock Market Bessler DA Journal of Agricultural Economics :<br />

140-144<br />

Causal agents of cassava bacterial wilt in Indonesia Nishiyama, K. Cont. Cent. Res. Inst. Bogor. No. 59.<br />

Cauliflower (Brassia Oleracea. L) Seed Vigour : Imbibition<br />

Effects<br />

Cattle as capital goods and ranchers as portfolio<br />

managers: An application to the Argentina cattle sector<br />

Cattle as a store of wealth in Swaziland: Implications for<br />

livestock development and overgrazing in Eastern and<br />

Southern Africa<br />

Cation relationships and magnesium deficiency in th e oil<br />

palm<br />

Cation Exchange Capacity of an Acid Soil as Influenced by<br />

Different Soyrces of Organic Matter<br />

Cation Exchange Capacity of an Acid Soil as Influenced by<br />

Different Sources of Organic Matter<br />

Cation Exchange Capacity of an Acid Soil as Influenced by<br />

Different Sources of Organic Matter<br />

Cation Exchange Capacity of an Acid Soil as Influenced by<br />

Different Sources of Organic Matter<br />

Cation exchange capacity and component variation of soil<br />

of southeastern USA.<br />

Catharanthine and Ajmalicine Synthesis in Catharanthus<br />

roseus Hairy Root Cultures<br />

McCormac. A.C Journal of Experimntal Botany<br />

Jarvis, L.S. J. Political Econ. 82: 489-520.<br />

Doran, M.H. Am. J. Agric. Econ. 61: 41-47.<br />

Tinker PBH J Waitfor 4 (13):82-100<br />

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Fiskel,J.G.A Soil Sci. Soc. Amer.<br />

Vazquez-Flota, F. Plant Cell, Tissue, and Organ Culture.<br />

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Catfacing of tomato fruits as influence by prunning Silces, J. Hort.Sci<br />

Catalogue of Landform for Indonesia. Example of a<br />

physiographic approach to land evaluation for agriculture<br />

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Desaunettes, J. R. CSR, Bogor-Indonesia.<br />

AGL/TF/INS/44, Working paper (13).<br />

Catalase, peroxides and polyphenoloxidase activities<br />

during rice leaf senescen-ce.<br />

Kar, M. Plant Physiol. 52: 315-319.<br />

Cassava Bacterial Bligth Anonim Ann. Rep. Cassava<br />

Cassava as animal feed Coursey, D. G Outlook on agriculture. Volume 8. No.<br />

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Cashew Nut Shell Liquid : Extraction, Chemistry and<br />

Applications<br />

Casein Micelles : Structure, Properties and Enziamatic<br />

Coagulation<br />

Gedam, P.H Progress in Organic Coating 14 : 115 -<br />

157<br />

Ruettiman, K. W Enzyme Microb. Technol.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 669 dari 931

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Case study on the mortality causative agent of tiger prawn<br />

Penaeus monodon at intensive brackishwater ponds.<br />

Madeali, M.I. J. Penelitian Budidaya Pantai 9(4):23-<br />

28. (in Indonesian).<br />

Carotenoids, properties and applications. Emodi, A., Food Technol. 32(5): ,38-48.<br />

Carotenoids protect Phaffia rhodozyma against singlet<br />

oxygen damage<br />

Schroeder, W.A. J. Ind. Microbiol. 14: 502-507.<br />

Carotenoids of flexibacteria III. The structures of<br />

flexixanthin and deoxy-flexixanthin<br />

A.J. Aasen Acta. Chem. Scand<br />

Carotenoids in human blood and tissues Parker, R.S. J. Nutr. 119: 101-104.<br />

Carotenoids from palm oil choo YM Palm Oil Dev 22:1-6<br />

Carotenoid biosynthesis in microorganisms and plants Sandmann, G. Eur. J. Biochem. 223:7-24.<br />

Carotenes, vit E, & sterols inoil form E guineensis, E.<br />

oleifera & their hybrids<br />

Choo YM palm Oil Development 27: 1-9<br />

Carica papaya latex-catalyzed synthesis of structured<br />

triacylglycerols<br />

Foglia, F.A JAOCS<br />

Cardiac troponin T : biochemical, analytical, and clinical<br />

aspects<br />

Wu, A J. Clin. Immunoassay<br />

Cardiac lioponin T in the diagnosis of myocardial inJUi-y Mair, J Critical reviews in clinical lahoratory<br />

scicnces<br />

Carcinogenity of diesel exhaust Anonim comitte on carcinogenity of chemicals<br />

in food, consumer products and the<br />

environment UK<br />

Carcass Quality Changes with The Broiler Chickens After<br />

Dietary Protein Restriction During The Growing Phase and<br />

Finishing Period Compensatory Growth.<br />

Carcass quality changes with the broiler chicken after<br />

dietary protein restriction during the growing phase and<br />

finishing period of compensatory growth<br />

Carcass composition quality and palatability attribute of bull<br />

and steers fed different anargy levels and killed at four<br />

ages<br />

Moran, E. T. Poult. Sci.<br />

Moran, E. T. Poultry Sci.<br />

Arthoud, V. H. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Carcass characteristics of quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica)<br />

Slaughtered at different ages.<br />

Yalcin, S. British Poultry Science.<br />

Carcass characteristics of quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica)<br />

slaughtered at different ages<br />

Yalcin, S. British poultry Sci.<br />

Carcass characteristics of japanese quail at 42 days of age Tserveni-Gousi, A.<br />

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British poultry science<br />

Carcass cahracteristics and meat quality attributes of farms<br />

maintained on processed deoiled mahua (Brassica latifolia)<br />

seed cake.<br />

Rao, V. K. Small Ruminant Research.<br />

Carbon-Dioxide-Dependent Orphogenesis in Athrobotry<br />

Conoides<br />

Bartnicki-Garcia. S.J<br />

Eren<br />

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Carbon exchange rates of shoots required to utilize<br />

available acethylene reduction capacity in soybean and<br />

alfalfa root nodules.<br />

Sheehy, J.E. Plant Physiol<br />

Carbon budgets in symbiotic associations Muscatine, L. W. Schwemmbler and H.E.A. Schenk<br />

(Editors), Endocytobiology, II.<br />

Intracellular Space as Oligogenetic<br />

Ecocysistem. W. De Gruyter, Berlin,<br />

pp. 649-658.<br />

Carbon assimilation, respiration & productivity of young oil<br />

palm<br />

Carbon and Nitrogen Turnover In Adjacent Grassland and<br />

Cropland Ecosystems<br />

Carbon and Nitrogen Turnover in Adjacent Grassland and<br />

Cropland Ecosystems<br />

Carbohydrates in the epithelium lining the seminal vesicle<br />

of the rat as studied by histochemical methods of light and<br />

electron microscopy<br />

Carbohydrates in the epithelium lining the seminal vesicle<br />

of the rat as studied by histochemical methods of light and<br />

electron microscopy<br />

Henson LE Elais 4: 51-59<br />

Schimel. D.S Biogeochem<br />

Schimel. D.S Biogeochem<br />

Tsukise A Acta Histochemistry<br />

Tsukise A Acta Histochem 70:276-289.<br />

Carbohydrate synthesis in maize Creech, R.G. Adv. Agron. 20: 275-322<br />

Carbohydrate reserves and reproductive development at<br />

low water potential in maize.<br />

Westgate, M.E. Crop Sci. 25: 762-769.<br />

Carbohydrate partitioning in 185 accessions of graminae<br />

grown under warm and cool temperatures<br />

Chatteron, N.J. J. Plant Physiol. 134,169.<br />

Carbohydrate overload of the hindgut - a probable cause of<br />

enteritis<br />

Cheeke PR J Appl Rabbit Res 3: 20-23<br />

Carbohydrate and lignin content of plant material used in<br />

animal feeding<br />

Caracteristiques de la production d Elais guineensis Jack<br />

de diverses origins et the leurs croiments, Application a la<br />

selection du palmer a huile<br />

Caracterisation Faciologique des sedemien recifaux de I’ile<br />

Maurice par l’analyse factorielle des correspondances.<br />

Bach Knudsen, K.<br />

E.<br />

Anim. Feed Sci. and Technol.<br />

Gascon JP Oleagineux 19:75-84<br />

Montaggioni, L. Oceanologica Acta, 3 (4): 409-420.<br />

Cara Tanam Benih Langsung (TABELA) Padi sawah Rafii H. Apresiasi Teknologi SUTPA Seri 2<br />

Sukarami<br />

Cara sederhana dan tepat penilaian mutu gizi makanan ibu<br />

hamil dan anak balita<br />

Hardihsyah<br />

Cara sederhana dan tepat penilaian mutu gizi makanan ibu<br />

hamil dan anak balita<br />

Hardihsyah<br />

Cara pengukuran serat kayu di Lembaga Penelitian Hasil<br />

Hutan.<br />

Silitonga T.. Publikasi khusus No: 12. Bogor<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 671 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Cara pengendalian penyakit busuk daun ( Phytophthora<br />

infestans ) pada tomat variets Gondol dengan fungisida<br />

Suryaningsih E Buletin Penelitian Hortikultura<br />

Cara pembuatan Stek Tanaman Kakao Adi Prawoto Warta BPP Jember No. 4/1986<br />

Cara Pemanfaatan Air Tanah Untuk Tanaman Kedelai<br />

(Glycine max L. Merr.).<br />

Prabowo. A Agrikam 1 (2)<br />

Cara mendapatkan benih pepaya untuk menghasilkan<br />

tanaman seragam sempurna.<br />

Sudaryono, T. Hort.<br />

Cara dan waktu pemberian pupuk NPK pada tanaman padi<br />

di lahan sawah bukaan baru.<br />

Burbey<br />

Captive Management and Molecular Sexing of Endangered<br />

Avian Species: An Application to The Black Stilt<br />

Himantopus novaezelandiae and Hybrids.<br />

Millar, C.D. Biol. Conserv. 82:81-86<br />

Capsaicin its relationship with fruit characters and<br />

resistance to Anthracnose diseases in chillies<br />

Capsaicin - its relationship with fruit characters and<br />

resistence to Anthracnose diseases in chilles<br />

Caplak (Acarina : Ixodidae) pada Rusa Cervus timorensis<br />

di Kawasan Sebelah Timur Garis Wallace, Indonesia<br />

Chew BH Malays Appl Biol 16(1)269-274<br />

Chew BH Malays. Appl. Biol 16 (1): 269-274<br />

Saim, A. Majalah Kedokteran Tropis Indonesia.<br />

6(1):33-41.<br />

Capital Budgeting: Forecasting The Future Dysinger Mining Engineering Vol 49.september<br />

Capacitation of rabitat spermatozoa in vitro Brackett B.G Biol reprod<br />

Capacitation of rabbit spermatozoa in vitro Brackett.B.G Biol.Reprod<br />

Capacitation of Rabbit Spermatozoa in Vitro Brackett, B. G. Biol. Reprod.<br />

Capacitation of rabbit spermatozoa in vitro Bracken BG Bio Reprod 12:260-274.<br />

Capacitation of bovine sperm by heparin. Parrish, Biol. Reprod., 38 : 1171-1180<br />

Canopy management methode as an effort to overcome Endang S Bul pusat Penelitian Marihat 22 (1): 1-<br />

the decreasing trend on yield on density problem in oil palm<br />

plantation<br />

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Canola Production Anonymous Ohio Agro Guide Bul<br />

Cannibalism in the tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon<br />

Fabricius in nursery rearing phase.<br />

Abbdussamad, E.M. J. Aquacult. Trop. 9 (1): 67-75.<br />

Cancer-preventive foods and ingredients Caragay, A.B. Food, Tech. Boca. Med.<br />

can the parcitipative audit approach improve job<br />

satisfaction?<br />

Allen B Internal Auditor (August): 59-64<br />

Calsium-Induced sulphate adsorption by soils Bolan, N.S Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Calsium and Water Intakes by Hens Light Continously<br />

From Hactching<br />

Nys, Y Brit. Poult. Sci.<br />

Calsium and Sulphate Retention by Two Oxisols of The<br />

Brazilian Cerrado<br />

Marcono-Martinez,E Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Calscium and Phosphorus Retention by The Milk-fed<br />

Lamb, with Estimates of The Endogenous Losses<br />

Walker, D.M. J. Agric. Sci. Camb.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 672 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Calorimetry of the main phospho tetraether lipid from<br />

Thermoplasma acidophilum cultivated at 59°C. A novel<br />

metastable phase transition. Chem<br />

Calorimetry of tetraetherlipids from Thermoplasma<br />

acidophilum. Incorporation of alamethicin, melittin,<br />

valinomycin and nonactin<br />

Calmodulin levies are not responsible for aluminium<br />

tolerance in wheat<br />

Callus induction and plantlet regeneration from anther and<br />

inflorescence culture of sorghum<br />

Callus induction & palntlet regeneration from anther &<br />

inflorescene culture of sorghum<br />

Callus and shoot-tip culture of eight Trifolium species in<br />

vitro with regeneration via somatic embryogenesis of T.<br />

rubbens<br />

Ernst, M. Phys. Lipids 94:1-12.<br />

Freisleben, H.-J. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 294:418-426.<br />

Larkin P. Aust. J. Plant Physiol. 17: 127-137.<br />

Wen FS Euphytica 52:177-1181<br />

Wen FS Euphytica 52: 177-1181<br />

Parrot, W.A Plant Sci Lett. 28:189-194<br />

Callus & plantlet formation from cultured wheat anthers at<br />

different development stages<br />

He DG Plant Sc. Letters 33: 71-79<br />

Calliendra calothyrsus, effect of drying to digestibility Wina, E. Ilmu dan peternakan<br />

California Mastitis Test and Whiteside Test in diagnosis of<br />

subclinical mastitis of dairy ewes.<br />

Fthenakis, G.C. Small Rumin Res.<br />

Calculation of The Rate and Duration of Grain Filling in<br />

Corn<br />

Johnson, D.R Crop Sci<br />

Calculation of The Rate and Duration of Grain Filling in<br />

Corn<br />

Johnson, D.R Crop Sci<br />

Calculation of the performance of sheep in Indonesia and<br />

factors affecting<br />

Van Schie, T working paper No. 134<br />

Calculation of the lean meat content with special reference<br />

to the correlation for nitrogen derived from cereal and milk<br />

Pearson, D. J. Assoc. Public. Analysis<br />

Calculation of daily totals of gross CO2 assimilation of leaf<br />

canopies<br />

Goudriaan J Neth J Agic Sci 26:313-382<br />

Calcium-induced sulfate adsorption by soils. Bolan, N.S. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J.<br />

Calcium-Induced Sulfate Adsorption by Soils Bolan, N.S Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Calcium-Induced Sulfate Adsorption by Soils Bolan, N.S Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Calcium-Induce Sulfate Adsorption by Soils Bolan.N.S Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Calcium-induce sulfate adsorption by soils Bolan, N.S Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Calcium tolerance of growing chickens: effect of ratio of<br />

dietary calcium to available phosphorus<br />

Shavey, T. M. World's J. Poult. Sci.<br />

Calcium Induced Sulfate Adsorption by Soils Bolan. N.S Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Calcium Effects on Quality-Intensity Relationships and<br />

Plant Availability of Ammonium<br />

Koenig, R.T Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Calcium effects on quality-intensity ralationships and plant<br />

availability ofammonium<br />

Koenig, R.T Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

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Calcium effect on quality-intensity relationship and plant<br />

availability of ammonium<br />

Calcium and Sulphate retention by two oxisols of the<br />

Brazilian Cerrado<br />

Calcium and sulphate retention by two Oxisols of the<br />

Brazilian Cerrado<br />

Calcium and Sulphate Retention by Two Oxisols of<br />

Brazilian Cerrado<br />

Calcium And Sulphate Retention By Two Oxisol of The<br />

Brazilian Cerrado<br />

Calcium and sulphat retention by two Oxisols of the brazilin<br />

Cerrado.<br />

Calcium and Its Relation Ship To Excess Feed<br />

Consumption, Body Weight, Egg Size, Fat Depositionm<br />

Shell Quality and Fatty Liver Hemorrhagie Syndrome<br />

Calcium and Growing Chicken : Effect of Ratio of Dietary<br />

Calcium to Available Phosphorus<br />

Cadmium, Lead, Mercury, Arsenic, and Selenium<br />

Concentrations in Freshwater Fish, 1976-77-National<br />

Pesticide Monitoring Program<br />

Cadmium uptake from seawater and food by the Western<br />

Rock Lobster Panulirus cygnus.<br />

Cadmium exposure of rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri<br />

Richardson: Effects on immune function<br />

Cadiolides A and B, New Metabolites from an Ascidian of<br />

the Genus Botryllus<br />

Koenig, R.T Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

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Roland, Sr. D.A. Poult. Sci.<br />

Shafey T.M. World's Poult. Sci.<br />

May, T.W. Pesticides Monitoring Journal, Vol. 15,<br />

No. 1, 16-17.<br />

Francesconi, K.A., Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., 53:<br />

219-233.<br />

Thuvander. A. Journal of Fish Biology 35: 521-529.<br />

Smith, C.J. J. Organics Chemistry 63: 4147- 4150.<br />

Cacat warna pada kayu jati akibat pengeringan buatan. Martawijaya, A. Duta Rimba 101-102 /XIV. Jakarta.<br />

Ca2+-related changes in the [sperm capacitation state: a<br />

possible role for Ca2+-ATPase<br />

Buterfly : Plant Co-evolution Has Passiflora adenopoda<br />

Won The Selectional Race With Heliconid Buterflies<br />

Fraser, L.R. J. Reprod. Fertil. 96:363-377<br />

Gilbert. L.E Science<br />

Burung Gelatik Jawa (Padda oryzivora) di Yogyakarta Laudensius, P.O.<br />

Burden of infection on growth failure Stephensen C.B J.Nutr<br />

Buoyancy regulation and agregate formation in<br />

Amoebobacter purpureus from Mahoney Lake. FEMS.<br />

Overmann, J. Microbiol. Ecol. 101: 67-79.<br />

Bungkil inti sawit sebagai makanan ternak. BFT Bulletin Balai Penelitian Ternak.<br />

Bungkil inti sawit dan produk fermentasinya sebagai pakan<br />

ayam pedaging<br />

Ketaren, P.P. Jurnal Ilmu Ternak dan Veteriner<br />

4:107-112.<br />

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Bungkil inti sawit dan pollard gandum yang difermentasi<br />

dengan Rhizopus oligosporus untuk ayam pedaging<br />

Tangendjaja, B Ilmu dan Peternakan 6 (2): 30-33.<br />

Bungkil Inti Sawit dan Ampas Minyak Sawit Sebagai Pakan<br />

Ternak<br />

Ketaren. P.P..<br />

Bulls versus steers. I. Carcass composition, wholesale<br />

yields and retail values<br />

Jacobs, J.A J. Anim. Sci<br />

Bulletin Trubus. 302. Th. XXV. Sarwono, B. Bulletin Trubus. 302. Th. XXV.<br />

Bulletin Ringkas BPS, Jakarta BPS 1990-1996 Bulletin Ringkas BPS, Jakarta<br />

Bulettin Novagen pET System Manual Bulettin Novagen<br />

Buletin Statistik Perdagangan Luar Negri Indonesia (<br />

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Buletin Statistik Perdagangan Luar Negeri Ekspor.Jakarta. BPS Buletin Statistik Perdagangan Luar<br />

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Buletin Reksa Dana Buletin Reksa Dana<br />

Buletin Koperasi Departemen<br />

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Buletin Informasi Kesehatan Hewan. Anonimus. Buletin Informasi Kesehatan Hewan.<br />

Buletin Informasi Kesehatan Hewan. Anonimus. Buletin Informasi Kesehatan Hewan.<br />

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Buding and Locomotion in the scyphistomas of aurelia Gilchrist, F. G Biol Bull<br />

Budidayatambak di lahan gambut: Studi kasus di Sulawesi<br />

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Budidaya teripang dengan metode kurung tancap<br />

(hampang)<br />

A. Sudradjat<br />

Budidaya tanaman tomat Nurtika N AS Duriat (ed)Teknologi prouksi<br />

Tomat<br />

Budidaya tanaman panili dan perbaikan mutu. Rosman, R.,<br />

Budidaya tanaman mangga di pekarangan Wijono, S. Sinar Tani 18 Desember<br />

Budidaya tanaman kayumanis. Zamarel Edisi Khusus, Penelitian Tanaman<br />

Rempah dan Obat VIII (1): 43-51.<br />

Budidaya kepiting bakau, Scylla serrala di tambak pada<br />

padat pencbaran borbeda.<br />

Gunarto J. f'enel. Rudidaya f'antai.<br />

Budidaya kacang tanah Sarwanto, A. monografi Balittan Malang No. 12<br />

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan<br />

Pertanian Pusat penelitian dan<br />

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Balai penelitian tanaman pangan,<br />

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Budidaya Ikan Nila Gift. Mujiman.<br />

Budidaya ikan jambal siam (Pangasius sutchi) dalam<br />

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Budi days udang windu, Penaeus monodon pada padat<br />

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Budi daya udang windu. Penueus monaden pada padat<br />

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Budi daya kepiting bakau, Scyllaserrata di tambak pada Gunarto Jurnal Penelitian Budi Daya Pantai.<br />

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Budi daya ikan nila tunggal, kelamin dengan jumlah<br />

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Budi daya ikan kuwe, Caranx sp. dengan padat penebaran Pongsapan, D.S. Jurnal Penelitian Budi Daya Pantai<br />

berbeda dalam karamba jaring apung di Perairan Teluk<br />

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Budi daya ikan bandeng, Chanos-chanos dalam karamba<br />

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Budi daya ikan bandeng Chanos chanos pada padat<br />

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Budi daya ikan bandeng Chanos chanos pada padat<br />

penebaran yang berbeda dalam karamba jaring apung di<br />

muara Sungai Lakawali, Kabupaten Luwu, Sulawesi<br />

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Burhanuddin Jurnal Penelitian Budi Daya Pantai<br />

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Budi daya bandeng, Chanos Chanos (Forskal) di tambak<br />

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Budi daya bandeng, Chanos chanos (Forskal) di tambak<br />

dangkal dan dalam<br />

Bud Formation in The Scyphozoan Cassiopea andromeda :<br />

Epithelial Dynamics and Fate Map<br />

Haryanti Jurnal Penelitian Budi Daya Pantai.<br />

3(2): 83-93.<br />

Haryanti Jurnal Penelitian Budi Daya Pantai<br />

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Hot'mann, D.K. Hydrobiologia. Vol. 216/217:53 - 59.<br />

Bruising and energy dissipation in apples Holt, J. E. J. of Texture Studies<br />

Bruise resistance measurements in apples SchoorI D Journal of Texture Studies<br />

Bruise energy of peaches and apples. Diener R.G Transactions of the ASAE<br />

Brown planthopper resistance to several insecticide in<br />

Taiwan<br />

Chung, T.C. IRRN. 6(55): 19.<br />

Broomrape (Orobranche crenata) control with imazethapyr<br />

applied to pea (Pisum sativum) seed<br />

Jurado-Exposito, M Weed Tech<br />

Broiler water balance and thermobalance during<br />

thermoneutral and high ambient temperature exposure<br />

Belay T Poultry Science 12:289-303<br />

Broiler response to diet energy Leeson, S. Poult. Sci. 75: 529-535.<br />

Broiler respons to energy and protein dilution in the finisher<br />

diet.<br />

Lesson, S. L. Poult. Sci.<br />

Broiler chicks fed low cacium diets. 1. Influence of zeolit on<br />

growth rate and parameters of bone metabolism.<br />

Leach, R. M. Poult. Sci.<br />

Brittle Fraction Of Soil Aggregate and The Compaction of<br />

Aggregate Beds<br />

Braunack. M.V Journal of Soil Science<br />

Bringing fish inspection into the computer age Branch, A.C. Food Technol. Aust. 37 (8): 352-355.<br />

Brine Shrimp: A Convenient General Bioassay for Active<br />

Plant Constituent. Plant Research Medica<br />

Meyer, B.N., Brine Shrimp: A Convenient General<br />

Bioassay for Active Plant Constituent.<br />

Plant Research Medica<br />

Brine Shrimp : A convenient General Biossal For active<br />

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Brief Communication: A S mistral Pomacea canaliculata<br />

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Cazzaniga, N.J. Malacological Review 23: 99-102.<br />

Breeding with Vanda Miss Joaquim Yam, T.Y. Amer. Orchid. Soc. Bull. 62(8):800-<br />

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Breeding system and pollen tube behavior in compatible<br />

and incompatible crosses in New Zealand species of<br />

ranunculus L.<br />

Rendle, I. N. New Zealand, J. Bot.<br />

Breeding success of Edible-nest Swiftlets in a man-made<br />

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Breeding strategies for marginal regions in the tropics and<br />

subtropics<br />

Mardiastuti, A<br />

Zarate, A.V. Anim. Res. Dev. 43/44: 99-118.<br />

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Breeding plants for ruminant livestock in the tropics. Mason, I. L. Anim. Prod. And health FAO. Rome.<br />

Breeding plans for sea ranching. Gjerdem, T. Aquaculture 57:77-80.<br />

Breeding pearl millet --- J. Janick (Ed) Plant breeding reviews.<br />

Breeding of The Desert locust Over The Southern Arabian<br />

Penisulla Following a Tropical Cycolone In May 1959<br />

Breeding of near isogenic lines of rice with single genes for<br />

resistance to bacterial blight pathogen (Xanthomonas<br />

campestris pv. oryzae)<br />

Denton, Jenifer.M Occasional Report no.15<br />

Ogawa, T. Jpn. J. Breed. 41:523-529.<br />

Breeding of cross pollinated crops in R Knight (ed) Mc Whirter RS Plant Breeding. Australian Vice<br />

Concelor Comitee, Brisbane<br />

Breeding for drought resistance in nee: Physiology and<br />

molecular genetics considerations.<br />

Nguyen. H.T. Crop Sci. 37: 1426-1434.<br />

Breeding by Protoplast Fusion of Koji Mold Aspergillus<br />

sojae<br />

Ushijima, s. Agric. Biol. Chem<br />

Breeding biology of the Edible-nest Swiftlets in Java Mardiastuti, A<br />

Breeding biology of the edible-nest swiftlets<br />

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Langham, N. Ibis 122:447-461.<br />

Breeding biology of the edible-nest swiftlet aerodramus<br />

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Langham, N. Ibis.<br />

Breeding biology of the edible-nest Swiftlet Aerodramus<br />

fuciphagus<br />

Langham, N Ibis<br />

Breeding and rearing of and goby (Oxyeleotris marmorata<br />

BIkr.) fry.<br />

Breeding and moult in the Edible-nest Swiftlets Collocalia<br />

juciphaga germani 'm Vietnam<br />

Breeding and moult in the Edible-nest Swiftlets Collocalia<br />

fuciphaga germani in Vietnam<br />

Breeding and larval rearing of the milkfish Chanos chanos<br />

(Pisces chanidae) SEAFDEC,<br />

Breeding and Rearing of Some Goby, (Oxyeleotris<br />

marmorata Bilkr.) fry<br />

Breed differenes and genetic parameters for body<br />

composition traits in beef cattle<br />

Breast meat as a standard of meat quality in broiler<br />

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Marshall, D. M. J. Anim.Sci., 72 : 2745-2755.<br />

Soeparno Bulletin of animal science. Special<br />

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Breaking The Yield Frontier of Rice Khush, G. S. Geo J.<br />

Break up of linkage blocks in cotton Gossypium hirsutum L Meredith, W.R. Crop Sci. 11: 695-698.<br />

Brassinosteroids stimulation of hypocotyl elongation and<br />

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Wang, T.W Plant Physiol<br />

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Brassinolide, a growth promoting steroidal lactone Yopp, J.H Plant Physiol<br />

Bran and blood-lipids Truswell, A.S. Lancet 1,367.<br />

Brain Acetylcholinesterase Inhibition in Fish as a Diagnosis<br />

of Environmental Poisoning by Malathion O, O-dimethyls<br />

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Coppage, D. L. Pesticide Biochem. And Physiol.<br />

Brain acetlcholinesterase inhibition in juvenile Clarias<br />

lazare induced by chronic dursban intoxication.<br />

Hegazi, M. A. M. Delta J. Sci. 13:455-468.<br />

Bovine Virus Diarrhoea-Mucosal Disease Infection in<br />

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Bovine Virus Diarrhoea-Mucosal Disease Infection in<br />

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Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus: A Review. Baker, J. C. J.A.V.M.A.<br />

Bovine tuberculosis Konyha, L.D. CRC Handbook Series in Zoonosis.<br />

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Bovine oocyte maturation, fertilization and further<br />

development in vitro and after transfer into recipient<br />

Prokofiev, M.I Theriogenology, 38: 461-469.<br />

Bovine oocyte maturation, fertilization and further<br />

development in vitro and after transfer into recepents<br />

Prokofiev M.I Theriogenology<br />

Bovine oocyte diameter in relation to rnaturatonal<br />

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Bovine Inner Cell Mass (ICM) Cells Donor Nuclei in The<br />

Production of Nuclear Transfer Embryos<br />

Keefer, C.L. Theriogenology, 39: 242.<br />

Bovine in Vitro Fertilization with Frozen-Thawed Semen Parrish, J. J. Theriogenology<br />

Bovine blastocyst development after in vitro maturation in a<br />

difined medium with epidermal growth factor and low<br />

concentration of gonadotropins<br />

Bovine blastocyst development after follicle stimulating<br />

hormone and platelet-derived growth factor treatment for<br />

oocyte maturation in vitro<br />

Bovine and ovine DNA microsatellites from the EMBL and<br />

GENBANK databases<br />

Bovine 1-2 cell embryo development using a simpe<br />

medium in three oviduct epithelial cell coculture sistem<br />

Bound water in fundamental aspect of dehidration of<br />

foodstuff<br />

Bottleneck effects and thedepression of genetic variability<br />

in hatchery stock of Penaus monodon (Crustaceae)<br />

Harper K.M Biology of Reproduction<br />

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Moore, S.S. Anim. Gen. 23:463-467.<br />

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Sbordoni, V Aquaculture 57:239-251<br />

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serum LDL/HDL cholesterol ratio in normocholesterolemic<br />

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Both Dietary 18 : 2 and 16 : 0 May Be Required To Improve<br />

The Serum LDL/HDL Cholesterol Ratio In<br />

Normocholestererollemic Men<br />

Boron Adsorption Mechanisms on Oxides, Clay Minerals,<br />

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Boron Adsorption Mechanisms on Oxides, Clay Minerals<br />

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Boron Adsorption Mechanism on Oxides , Clay Minerals<br />

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Borna disease virus a possible etiologic factor in human<br />

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Amsterdam. J.D. Arch. Gen. Psych. Vol 42. 1093-1096.<br />

Borna diesease virus specific antibodies in patients with<br />

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Bode L Lancer 17: 689.<br />

Bone Development and Breaking Strength as Influence by<br />

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Body Weight Influence on Egg Production. Bish, C. L. Poult. Sci.<br />

Body Temperature Lability in Sheep and Goats During<br />

Shorterm Exposures to Heat and Cold.<br />

Johnson, K. G. J. Agric. Sci. Camb.<br />

Body condition score, health, yield and fertility in dairy cows Markusfeld, 0. Vet. Ree.<br />

Body condition score, health, yield and fertility in dairy cows Markusfeld O The vet Record 141:67-72<br />

Body composition in vivo II. Panaretto, B. A. Aust. J. Agric. Res.<br />

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Bluetongue in Cattle Diagnosis and Virus Isolation Liendo, G. Bovine Prac. 16: 85-75<br />

Blood Trehalose Levels Have a Role in the Control of<br />

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Blood Protein Plymorphisa of Native and Jungle Folows in<br />

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Blood pressure-lowering effect of extract from Lactobacillus<br />

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Hashiguchi. T AJAS<br />

Furushiro, M. Agric. Biol. Chem<br />

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Blood Pressure and Blood Lipids Among Vegetarian, Semi<br />

Vegetarian, and Non Vegetarian African Americans<br />

Melby.C.L Americans Journal Of Clinical Nutrition<br />

Blood Metabolic Profiles: Their Use and Relation to<br />

Nutritional Status of Dairy Cows.<br />

Lee, A. J. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Blood cells of The arcid clam, Scapharca inaequivalvis, Holden. J. A., JMBA 74(2). 287-299.<br />

Blood and Milk Lipid Responses Induced by Growth<br />

Hormone Administration to Lactating Cows<br />

Bleaching of coral in the Central Great Barrier Reef:<br />

variation in assemblage response and taxa susceptibilities.<br />

Bleaching in coral reef anthozoans: effects of irradiance,<br />

ultraviolet radiation, and temperature on the activities of<br />

protective enzymes against active oxygen.<br />

Bitman, J. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

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Bleaching and reef community change in Jamaica: 1951-<br />

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Goreau TJ Amer Zool 32:683-695.<br />

BLCMV pada Tanaman Kedelai Hadiastono, T.<br />

BLCMV pada Tanaman Kedelai Hadiastono, T.<br />

Black lipid membranes of tetraether lipids from<br />

Thermoplasma acidophilum<br />

Stern, J. Bioclum. Biophys. Acta 1128:227-236.<br />

Black Layer Maturity and Filling Period Variation Among<br />

Inbred Lines of Corn<br />

Cater, M. W Crop Sci<br />

Black Layer Maturity and Filling Period Variation Among<br />

inbred Lines in Corn<br />

Carter, M.W Crop Sci<br />

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Bisection of Compaction Bovine Embryos: The Difference<br />

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Birth of a male lamb derived from an in vitro matured<br />

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Bird Population in The Rural Ecosystems of West Java vanHelvoort, B.E. Nature Cons. Dpt. Agr. Un.<br />

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Bird Nest Collection Medway, L Serawak Mus. J.<br />

Biphasic Particulate Media for the Culture of Filter Feeders. Conklin, D.E. Biol. Bull., 154: 47.<br />

Biovailability Of Zinc Sandstrom. B Assessment Of The Bioavailability Of<br />

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Biotransformation of Aflatoxin Bol. J Food Biotechnology<br />

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Biotite weathering and clay formation in arid and humid<br />

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Biotit Weathering and Clay Formation in Arid and Humid<br />

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Biotin requiremen of broiler breeders fed diets of different<br />

protein content and effect of insufficient biotin on the<br />

viability of progeny.<br />

Bioteknologi untuk Pelestarian dan Pemanfaatan Plasma<br />

Nutfah BPPT dan PT. Fitotek Unggul. 12 Desember.<br />

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Pearson, R. A. British Poultry Science.<br />

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Bioteknologi untuk menunjang peningkatan mutu benih<br />

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Sudarmonowati, E. Keluarga Benih. VII(1): 66-74.<br />

Bioteknologi Tanah : Strategi Mengatasi Permasalahan<br />

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Adinurani.P.G. Majalah Gula Indonesia XVII (1)<br />

Bioteknologi Re-produksi : Penelitian dan Aplikasi dalam<br />

Prosising Lo-kakarya Nasional l<br />

Tappa, B Bioteknologi Peternakan<br />

Bioteknologi molekuler: mengoptimalkan manfaat<br />

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Biotechnology of microbial flavour production. 55-61. Yong, F.M. In Z. Merican, H. Midon, L.B. Tong,<br />

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(Eds.) Proc. ASEAN Workshop on the<br />

Production of Natural Flavour for<br />

Food, Kuala Lumpur.<br />

Biotechnology In Forest Tree Improvement With Special<br />

Rference to Developing Countries<br />

Haines.R.J FAO Forestry Paper No. 118<br />

Biotechnology and Effluent Treatment Wheatley, A.D. Biotech. and Gen. Eng. 2:261-309.<br />

Biotechnological Strategies tbr the Modification of Food<br />

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Willis, W.M., Biotech. Genetic Eng. Rev<br />

Biotechnological aspects of onion breeding Kik, C. Acta Hort. 433: 291-297<br />

Biosynthesis of cryptoporic acids H and I Ganodrma neojaponicum<br />

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Biosynthesis of capsainoids in Capsicum annum Kopp, B. Journal of Med. Plant Research 39 (3):<br />

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Biosurfactants-A review Ghazali R ELAIS. Special issue:31-53<br />

Biosurfactants: Recent advances. Lin SC J. Chem. Tech Biotechnol 66(2):109-<br />

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Biosurfactants. Zajic, J.E. CRC Critical Reviews in Biotechnology<br />

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Biosurfactants. Cooper DG Microbiological sciences 3(5):145-149<br />

Biosurfactants for cosmetics Klekner V Biosurfactants (ed: Kosaric).<br />

Surfactants science sereis 48:373-389<br />

biosurfactant for environmental control Muller-Hurtig R biosurfactant (ed : Kosaric).<br />

Surfactant science series 48:329-371<br />

biosurfactant in food applications Velikonja J biosurfactant (ed Kosaric). Surfactant<br />

science series 48:419-446<br />

Biosurfactans face increasing interest Ishigami Y INFORM 4(10):1156-1165<br />

Biostatistique. Gaetan Morin Editeur. Quebec. 850 p. Scherrer, B. Biostatistique. Gaetan Morin Editeur.<br />

Quebec. 850 p.<br />

Biosci. Biotech Seto. A. Biochem. Jounial.<br />

Bioreactor studies on the effect of medium pH on carrot<br />

(Daucus carota L.) somatic embryogenesis.<br />

Jay, V., Plant Cell Rep. 36: 205-209.<br />

Bioreactor studies on the effect of dissolved oxygen<br />

concentrations on growth and differentiation of carrot<br />

(Daucus carota L.) cell cultures.<br />

Jay, V., Plant Cell Rep. II: 605-608.<br />

Bioreactor production of alfafa somatic embryos. Stuart, D.A., Hort. Sci. 22: 800-803.<br />

Biopsy of preimplantation mouse embryos: Development of<br />

micromanipulated embryos and proliferation of single<br />

blastomeres in vitro<br />

Walton, L.J Biol. Reprod. 40.145-152.<br />

Biopsy and sex detemination by PCR of IVF bovine<br />

embryos<br />

Machaty, Z. J. Reprod. Fertil. 98: 467-470<br />

Bionomics of Thrips. Ananthakrishnan,<br />

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Annu. Rev. Entomol. 38 :71-92.<br />

Bionomics and Management of Rhagoletis Boiler. E.F. Annu. Rev. Entomol. 21 : 223-246.<br />

Biometrical Study of Yield in Segregation Population of<br />

Kerea Lespideza<br />

Henson, C. H. Genetic and Phenotypic Variability in<br />

Quantitative Characters in Soybean<br />

(Glicine max (L)) Merr.<br />

Biometrical Methods In Quantitative Genetical Analysis Singh, R.K Biometrical Methods In Quantitative<br />

Genetical Analysis. P.54-57<br />

Biomasses et structures de Taille du zooplancton hivernal<br />

dans une Lagune nord-mediterraneenne.<br />

Biomass production and root distribution of eight trees and<br />

their potential for hedgerow intercropping on an ultisol in<br />

Southern Sumatera<br />

Biologycal control of soil borne plant pathogen in the<br />

Rhizosphere with bacteria .<br />

Biologycal control of Scelrotium rolfsii Sacc peanut by<br />

inoculation. With Pseudomonas Fluorescens.<br />

Lam Hoai. T., Cah. Biol. Mar. 32 : 185 - 193.<br />

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Ganesan, P. Soil biology. Biochem. 19. 1: 35-38<br />

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Biologycal control of Phytophathora root of avocado with<br />

Alfalfa Physiologycal parameters Influencing its production<br />

Biology, Stock assessment and Management of Shared<br />

Snapper Fisheries in Northern Australia dan Eastern<br />

Indonesia.<br />

Biology, ecology dan control of cocoa podborer<br />

Conophormopha Cramerella (Snellen)<br />

Zentmyer, G. A. Appl. Environ. Microbial. 58:353-358.<br />

Anonim. AARD-ACIAR Collaborative Program<br />

of Agricultural Research Development.<br />

37 pp + 15 pp annex.<br />

Lim, G.T. Cocoa Pest and Disease Management<br />

and sout East Asia and Australasia.<br />

FAO Plant Production and Protection<br />

Peper No. 112 Rome 85-100<br />

Biology of termites in the far east Morimoto, K. Rev. Plant Protect! Res. 8:29-40.<br />

Biology of sperm and artificial reproduction in carp. Billard, R. Aquaculture: 129 . 95-112.<br />

Biology of Rhizocfonia crecies associated with Turf<br />

Grasses<br />

Burpee, L. Plant Disease<br />

Biology of Orius tantillus (Motschulsky) (Hemiptera:<br />

Anthocaridae) and its predatory capacity against thrips<br />

palmy Karney (Thysanoptera: Tripidae) on watermelon<br />

Mituda, E.C. The Philippines Agric. 72(2): 165-184.<br />

Biology of Odonata Corbet, P.S Annu. Rev. Entomol, 25 : 189-217.<br />

Biology and mass production of the rotifers Bracliioiuis<br />

plicatilis I. Int.<br />

Fukusho, K. J.Aqu. Fish Technol. 1: 232-240<br />

Biology and Epidomiology of Bacterial Wilt Caused By<br />

Pseudomonas Solanacearum<br />

Hayward. A.C Annu. Rev. Phytopathol<br />

Biology and epidemiology of Pseudomonas solanacearum Hayward, A.C. Annu. Rev. Phytopathol.<br />

Biology and epidemiology of bacterial wilt caused byP<br />

solanacearum<br />

Biology and epidemiology of bacterial wilt caused by<br />

Pseudomonas solanacearum<br />

Biology and epidemiology of bacterial wilt caused by<br />

Pseudomonas solanacearum<br />

Biology and epidemiology of bacterial wilt caused by<br />

Pseudomonas solanacearum<br />

Biology and ecology of two predators, Geocoris pollens<br />

(Stal) and G. bullatus (Say)<br />

Biology and Distribution of Indonesia Swiftlet with a Special<br />

Reference to Collocalia Fucifaga and Collocalia maxima<br />

Biologie comparee de quelques poissons antartiques<br />

(Nototheniidae).<br />

Hayward, A.C. Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. 29:65-87.<br />

Hayward, A.C. Ann. Rev. Phytopathol. 29:65-87.<br />

Hayward, A.C. Annual Review of Phytopathology. 29:<br />

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Tamaki, G., USDA, ARS Tech. Bull. No. 1446.<br />

Mardiastuti, A. Biology and Distribution of Indonesia<br />

Swiftlet with a Special Reference to<br />

Collocalia Fucifaga and Collocalia<br />

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Hureau, J.C., BulI. Inst. Oceanogr. Monaco. 68<br />

(1391) : 1-250<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Biologically Active Pools of Carbon andNitrogen in<br />

Tallgrass Prairie Soil<br />

Biologically Active Pools of Carbon and Nitrogen in<br />

Tallgrass Prairei Soil<br />

Biologically active peptides from milk proteins with<br />

emphasis on two examples concerning antithrombotic and<br />

immunomodulating activities.<br />

Biological. Control of lepidopteran pest in cabbage crops by<br />

means of inundative releases of Trichogramma species (T<br />

evanescenns westwood and T cacaociae March ): A<br />

Combination of field and Laboratory Experiments<br />

Biological. Control of lepidopteran pest in cabbage crops by<br />

means of inundative releases of Trichogramma species (T<br />

evanescenns westwood and T cacaociae March ): A<br />

Combination of field and Laboratory Experiments<br />

Rice.C.W SSSA Spec. Pub. 35. SSSA. ASA.<br />

Madison. W.I<br />

Rice. C.W Defining Soil Quality For Sustainable<br />

Environment<br />

Fiat, A.M. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Glass PC Med. Fac. Landbouww. Risksuniv.<br />

Gent 46:488-498<br />

Glass PC Med. Fac. Landbouww. Risksuniv.<br />

Gent 46:488-498<br />

Biological variation in body composition Lohman, T. G. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Biological Suppression of Weeds: Evidence for Allelopathy<br />

in Accession of Cucumber<br />

Putnam, A. R. Science<br />

Biological Studies on Trichorgrammatoidea bactrae fumata<br />

Nagaraja in the Laboratory.<br />

Lim, G.T., J. Appl. Ent. 101: 48-54.<br />

Biological studies on symbiosis between the green scale<br />

insect and field Ant Chiese<br />

Su Th J Entomol 6 (1):57-68 Abst<br />

Biological studies on symbiosis between the green scale<br />

insect and field Ant Chiese<br />

Su Th J Entomol 6 (1):57-68 Abst<br />

Biological properties of some Prince Edward Island Soils :<br />

Relationship between microbial biomass nitrogen and<br />

mineralizable nitrogen<br />

Carter, M.R Can. J. Soil Sci<br />

Biological properties of chloronicotinyl properties of<br />

chloronicotinyl insecticide imidacloprid. IPM compatible use<br />

in the practice<br />

Iwaya K The third Asia Pacific Conf. Of<br />

Entomology, Nov 16-22, 97 Taichung<br />

Taiwan<br />

Biological preservationof seafood by lactic acid bacteria Jeppesen,V.F. Infofisn International No. 5.<br />

Biological nitrogen fixation:investment, expectations, and<br />

actual contribution to agriculture<br />

Peoples, M.B. Plant and Soil. 141:13-39.<br />

Biological Nitrogen Fixation Mytton, L.R. Inst. Grassland Environ. Res. 42-47.<br />

Biological Monitors of Pollution. Root, M. Bioscience, 40: 83-86.<br />

Biological isomerization ofcyclohexanols by Aspergillus<br />

repens MA0197.<br />

Doi. M. Agric. Biol. Chem 54(5) 1177-1181<br />

biological isomerization of cyclohexanols by Aspergillus<br />

repens MAO 197<br />

Doi, M. Agric. Biol. Chem., 54 (5): 1177-1181.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 685 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Biological isomerization of cyclohexanols by Aspergillus<br />

repens MA0197.<br />

Biological isomerization of cyclohexanols by Aspergillus<br />

repens MA0197.<br />

Doi, M., J. of Agric. Biol. Chemist. 54(5) 1177-<br />

1181.<br />

———-<br />

——————,<br />

Biological Implication of Intensive Swine Rearing System Jensen. A. H J. Anim<br />

Biological evaluation of commercial dicalcium phosphates<br />

as sources of available phosphorus for broiler chicks.<br />

Biological effects and persistence of dursban in freshwater<br />

ponds.<br />

Biological effects and metabolism of fenoxycarb after<br />

treatment of the fourth and the fifth instars of the tobacco<br />

budworm, Heliothis virescens F<br />

Lima, F. R. Poult. Sci.<br />

Agric.Biol. Chem 54(5) 1177-1181.<br />

Hurlbert, G. W, J. Econ.Entomol. 63:43-47.<br />

Mauchamp, B. Peslic. Sci. 26:283-301.<br />

Biological Effect of Electromagnetic Fields Shimizu H. Nippon-Eiseigaku-Zasshi, 50 (5): 919-<br />

31.<br />

Biological Cotnrol of Soilborne Pathogens in the<br />

Rhizospere with Bacteria<br />

Weller D.M. Ann Rev Phytopath 26:379-407<br />

Biological control: Pacific prospects . Waterhouse DF Melbourne: Inkata Pr<br />

Biological control of verticillium wilt of eggplant in the field Marois JJ Plant disease 66 : 1166-1168<br />

Biological control of verticillium wilt of eggplant in the field Marois JJ Plant disease 66 : 1166-1168<br />

Biological control of the potato tubermoth (Phthorimaea<br />

operculella Zeller) in the Republic of Yemen using<br />

granulosis virus. Biochemical characterization,<br />

pathogenicity and stability of the virus<br />

Biological control of the European corn borer (Ostrinia<br />

nubilalis Hbn, Pyralidae) with Trichogramma maidis<br />

Pintureau and Voegele in Australia in 1980-1985<br />

Biological control of the brown plant hopper Nilaparvata<br />

lugens Stal.<br />

Kroschel, J. Bio Control Sci. Technol. 6: 207-216.<br />

Ravensberg, W.J. J. Voegele, J. Waage, and J. van<br />

Lanteren (Eds.). Trichogramma and<br />

other parasites. 2nd International<br />

Symposium, Guangzhou (China) Nov.<br />

10-15, 1986. (43): 557564.<br />

Chiu, S.C. brown planthopper Threat to Rice<br />

Production in Asia. IRRI., Los Banos,<br />

Laguna, Philippines. 335356.<br />

Biological Control Of The Blue Mold And Green Mold on<br />

Apple And Pear With Pseudomonas Cepacia<br />

Janisiewiz. W.J Phytophatol<br />

Biological control of soil pests by mixed application of<br />

entomopathogenic and fungivorous nematodes<br />

Ishibashi, N Nematology J<br />

Biological control of rice stemborers, a feasibility study Nickel, J.L. Tech. Bull. IRRI, Los Banos, Laguna,<br />

Philippines. lllp.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 686 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Biological Control of Rhizoctonia Solani Damping-Off With<br />

Wheat Brand Culture of Trichoderma Harzianum<br />

Biological Control of Rhizoctonia solani Damping-off with<br />

Wheat Brand Culture of Trichoderma harzianum<br />

Biological Control Of Rhizoctonia Solani Damping -Off With<br />

Wheat Brand Culture of Trichoderma Harzianum<br />

Biological control of potato tubermoth using Phthorimaea<br />

baculovirus<br />

Biological Control of Postharvest Diseases of Grape ,<br />

Peach, and Aplle With The Yeast Kloeckera Apiculata and<br />

Candida Guilliermondil<br />

Hadar.Y Phytopatology<br />

Hadar, Y., Phytopathology<br />

Hadar.Y. Phythopathology<br />

CIP CIP Training Bulletin<br />

Mc.Laughin. R.J Plant Dis<br />

Biological Control Of Plant Parasitic Nematodes Jatala. Annual Review Phytophatology<br />

Biological Control Of Mucor Rot of Pear By Cryptococcus<br />

Laurentii, C. flavus and C. Albicans<br />

Roberts. R.G Phytophatol<br />

Biological Control Of Meloidogyne Incognita Acrita and<br />

Globadera Rostochiensis On Potatoes<br />

Jatala. P J. Nematol<br />

Biological control of Etiella podborer of soybean : I. Larval<br />

Parasitoid of Etiella podborer in Indonesia possibility of<br />

using larval parasitoid.<br />

Naito, A., T. eport of CRIFC-JICA Research<br />

Cooperation Programe 1991-1994. pp<br />

33 - 40.<br />

Biological Control Of Cane Grubs and Other Pests Anonim BSES Bulletin<br />

Biological control of brown planthopper Chiu, S.C. IRRI, Brown Planthopper, Los Banos.<br />

Philippines. pp. 335-355.<br />

Biological Control of Botrytis Cinerea in Apple by Yeasts<br />

From Various Habitats and Their Putative Mechanism of<br />

Antagonism<br />

Filonow. A.B Biological Control<br />

Biological control of bacterial wilt of potatoes: attempts to<br />

induce resistance by treating tubers with bacteria<br />

Biological control of soil-borne plant pathogen in the<br />

rhizosphere with bacteria.<br />

Biological Control Agents of Sewage Bacteria in Marine<br />

Habitat<br />

Biological Constraints to farmers rice yield in three<br />

Philippines Provinces<br />

Biological conrol of soilborne plant pathogens in the<br />

rhizophere with bacteria<br />

Biological conrol of soilborne plant pathogens in the<br />

rhizophere with bacteria<br />

Biological characteristics and biomedical aplication of the<br />

squid Sepioteuthis lessoniana cultured though multiple<br />

generation.<br />

Kempe, J. Plant Disease 67: 499— 503.<br />

Weller, D.M. Ann. Rev. Phytopathol. 26: 379-407.<br />

Roper, M.M. Aust. J. Mar. Freshwater Rev 29: 335-<br />

343.<br />

De Datta, S. K. IRRI Research Paper Series<br />

Weller DM Annu ev Phytopathol, 26:379-407<br />

Weller DM Annu ev Phytopathol, 26:379-407<br />

Lee. G.P, Bioi. Bull., 186: 328-341.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 687 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Biological characteristic and biomedical applications of the<br />

squid, Sepioteuthis lessoniana cultured through multiple<br />

generations.<br />

Biological and physiological aspects of bacterial wilt caused<br />

by Pseiidomonas solanacearum<br />

Biological and physiological aspects of bacterial wilt caused<br />

by P. Solanacearum<br />

Biological and physiological aspects of bacterial wilt cause<br />

by Pseudomonas solanacearum.<br />

Biological and phsyological aspect of bacterial wilt caused<br />

by P. solanacearum<br />

Biological and Ecological Effects of Oils. The Fate and<br />

Effects of Oil in Freshwater, pp.81 -171.<br />

Biological activity of Lymantria dispar nuclear polyhedrosis<br />

virus from living and virus-killed larvae<br />

Biological activity of extracts of Trichilia species and the<br />

limonoid hirtin againts lepidopteran larvae<br />

Biological Activity of Extract From Cupressus Lusitanica<br />

Cell Culture<br />

Biological active pools of carbon and nitrogen in tallgrass<br />

prairie soil<br />

Lee, G.P., Biol. Bull., (186):328-341 p.<br />

Buddenhagen, I.W. Aim. Rev. Phytopathol. 2:203-230.<br />

Buddenhagen, I.W. Annu. Rev. Phytopatholology. 2:201-<br />

230.<br />

Buddenhagen, I.W. Ann. Rev. Phytopathol. 2: 203-230.<br />

Buddenhagen, I.W. Annu. Rev. Phytopathol.<br />

Shales Biological and Ecological Effects of<br />

Oils. The Fate and Effects of Oil in<br />

Freshwater, pp.81 -171.<br />

Shapiro, M. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 74: 27-28.<br />

Xie YS Biochem.Syst Ecol<br />

Yamaguchi.T Wood Science. Vol. 45 No. 3<br />

Rice, C.W J. Doran (ed.). Defining Soil Quality for<br />

Sustainable Environment<br />

Biological nitrogen fixation Danso, S.K.A. Plant Soil 141: 177-196.<br />

Biologi wereng jagung Peregrinus maidis pada jagung<br />

manis dan varietas Arjuna.<br />

Yasin, M.<br />

Biologi Verenia lineata Th. (Coleoptera Cocinellidae) dan<br />

predatismenya terhadap wereng batang padi (Homoptera<br />

Delphacidae)<br />

Biologi predator Cyrtorhinus lividipennis Reuter, dan<br />

predatismenya: terhadap wereng coklat (Nilaparvata<br />

lugens Stall.)<br />

Biologi parasitoid telur Trichogramma sp (Hym :<br />

Trichogrammatidae) dan Telenomus sp (HYM :<br />

Scelionidae) pd penggerek padi kuning Scirpophaga<br />

incertulas (Walker)<br />

Biologi kutu psyllid D. citri Kuw. (Homoptera, Psyilidae)<br />

Deskripsi dan perilaku<br />

Biologi dan atribut populasi wereng punggung putih<br />

(Sogatella furcifera Horvath.)<br />

Biologi Baeognatha javana Bhat dan Gupta (Hymenoptera:<br />

Braconidae) pada Maruca testulalis (Geyer) (Lepidoptera:<br />

Pyralidae).<br />

Laba, I.W. Buletin Penelitian Pertanian 12(1): 15-<br />

18.<br />

Manti, I.<br />

Nurariaty A Lep : Pyralidae<br />

Nurhadi Hortikultura<br />

Baehaki, S.E.<br />

Yaherwandi,<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 688 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Biokarak tensasi koleksi strain lemah virus Tristeza Jeruk<br />

(CTV) di Indonesia<br />

Dwiastuti, M.E Penelitian Hortikultura<br />

Biohydrogenation ofsterols by Eubacterium ATCC 21,408 -<br />

nova species<br />

Eyssen, H.J Eur. J. Biochem<br />

Biogeography and taxonomy of honeybee Ruttner F Berlin,Spinger-Verlag<br />

Biogeographic Dynamics on Insect-hostplant Communities Strong, D.R. Jr Annu. Rev. Entomol. 24<br />

Biogeochemistry of C, N, and P on a Catena of The<br />

Shortgrass Steppe<br />

Biogeochemistry of C, N, and P on a Catena of The<br />

ShortGrass Steppe<br />

Biofermentation of lignocellulosic wastes by mushroom<br />

(Pleurotus ostreatus) and the effect of rumen microbes<br />

population and metabolism.<br />

Schimel. D.S Ecology<br />

Schimel. D.S Ecology<br />

Piliang, G. J. Biology Indonesia.<br />

Bioferïilizer Efficiency in Lowland Rice Jeyaraman, S., Int. Rice Res. Newsletter<br />

Bioemulsifier Production by Oleaginous Yeast Rhodotorula<br />

glutinis<br />

Johnson. V Biotech<br />

Biodiversity of coral reefs: What are we losing and why? Sebens KP Amer Zoo, 34:115-133.<br />

Biodehalogenation of Low Concentration of 1,3<br />

Dicloropropanol by Mono and Mixed Cultures of Bacteria<br />

Biodegradation of Petroleum in the Marine Environment<br />

and its Enhancement<br />

Biodegradation of Lignocellulosic Agricultural Wastes by<br />

Pifurotus ostreatus<br />

Biodegradation of Lignin in a Compost Environment: a<br />

Review.<br />

Fauzi, A.M., App. Microbiol. Biotech<br />

Lee, K Aquatic Toxicology and Water Quality<br />

Management. 22:217-243.<br />

Hadar. Y J of Biotechnology, Elsevier Sci, New<br />

York<br />

Toumela, M. Bioresource Technology.<br />

Bioconversion of waste paper to ethanol. Milton Keynes. Process Biochem.n: 147-192.<br />

Bioconversion of Rice Straw Hemicellulose Hydrolysate for<br />

the Production of Xylitol-Effect of pH and Nitrogen Source<br />

Roberto, I.C. Appl. Biochem, Biotechnol. 57:339-<br />

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Biocontrol : Fungal Parasites Of Females Cyst Nematodes Kerry. B.R J. Nematol<br />

Biocidal properties of mimosine: a review. Mendoza, E.M.T. Philipp. J. Biol. It: 235-244.<br />

Biochim Schmidt, J. Biophys. Acta<br />

Biochemistry of the soil Stevenson, I.L. F.E. Bear (Ed.). Chemistry of the Soil<br />

Biochemistry Characteristics of There Types of Goat<br />

Cheese<br />

Biochemical studies on L-ascorbic acid in aquatic animal<br />

IV: Metabolism of L-ascorbic acid -1-C1 1 in carp.<br />

Hernandez, M.C.M J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Ikeda. S. Bull. Jpn. Soc. Sci. Fish..31: 814-817.<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Biochemical Studies on Kerkadi (Roselle) (Hibiscus<br />

Sabdariffa L.).<br />

Biochemical response of non host plant cells to fungi and<br />

fungal elicitors.<br />

Ibrahim, M. E. H. Sudan Journal of Food Science and<br />

Technology.<br />

Kombrink, E. Biology and molecular biology of plant<br />

pathogen interactions<br />

Biochemical population of black sea bream. Sumantasinanta, Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, 33: 45-52.<br />

Biochemical mechanisms of mimosine toxicity to<br />

Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc.<br />

Biochemical mechanisms of mimosine to Sclerotium rolfsit<br />

Sacc.<br />

Biochemical mechanism involved in resistence of plants to<br />

fungi<br />

Biochemical genetic differentiation among wild populations<br />

of Milkfish (Chanos-chanos) in Indonesia,<br />

Biochemical defense of Pinus merkusii seedlings against<br />

damping-off pathogens. Mm. 237-240<br />

Biochemical characterization of lipoxygenease lacking<br />

mutans, L-1 less, L-2 less and L-3 less soybeans<br />

Biochemical characterization of lipoxygenease lacking<br />

mutans, L-1 less, L-2 less and L-3 less soybeans<br />

Bio-chemical characterization of fast and slow-growing<br />

rhizo-bia that nodulate soybeans.<br />

Biochemical changes in the cervical mocus of buffalow<br />

after induction of estrus. with prostaglandin F2alpha and<br />

cloprosstenol<br />

Biochemical changes in a yellow brown loam and a central<br />

gley soil converted from pasture to maize in the Waikato<br />

area<br />

Serrano, E.P., Austr. J. Biol. Sci. 36: 445-454.<br />

Serrano, E.P., Aust. 1. Biol. Sci. 36: 445-454.<br />

Ward, E. W. B. Biology and molecular biology of plant<br />

pathogen interactions<br />

Sugama, K.<br />

Achmad, S. Hadi J. Kikkawa, P. Dart, D. Doley, K. Ishii,<br />

D. Lamb & K. Suzuki (ed.),<br />

Overcoming Impediments to<br />

Reforestation: Tropical Forest<br />

Rehabilitation in The Asia-Pasific<br />

Region.<br />

Kitamura K Agric Biol Chem, 48:2339-2346<br />

Kitamura K Agric Biol Chem, 48:2339-2346<br />

Sadowsky, Int. J. Sys. Bacteriol. 33: 716-722.<br />

Prasad, A J. Reprod. First<br />

Ross, D.J NZ. J. Agric. Res<br />

Biochemical basis of seed longevity Harrington, J. F. Seed Sci. and Technol.<br />

Biochemical basis for partitioning of photosynthetically fixed<br />

carbon between starch and sucrose in soybean (Glycine<br />

max Merr.) leaves<br />

Huber, S.C. Plant Physiol. 69:691-696.<br />

Biochemical and Quality Characteristics of Ovine Muscle<br />

as Affected by Electrical Stimulation, Hot Boning and Mode<br />

of Chilling.<br />

Rashid N. H. J. Food. Sci.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 690 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Biochemical and Physiological Basis For Effects Of<br />

Controlled and Modified Atmospheres on Fruits and<br />

Vegetables<br />

Biochemical And Physiological Basis For Effects of<br />

Controlled and Modified Atmosphere on Fruits and<br />

Vegetables<br />

Biochemical and Physiologicai Basis for Effects of<br />

Controlled and Modified Atmos pheres on Fruits and<br />

Vegetables<br />

Biochemical and Morphological Evolution of Hawaian<br />

bonefish (Albula)<br />

Biochemical and fisiologycal basis for effects of controlled<br />

and modified atmospheres on fruits and vegetables<br />

Bioavailability of zinc from zinc-histidine complexes,<br />

comparison with zinc-sulfate in healthymen<br />

Bioavailability Of Lysine in Rapeaseed and Soya-bean<br />

Meals Determined by Digestibility Trial in Cockerels and<br />

Chick Growth Assay.<br />

Bioactive Pyridoacridne Alkaloids From The Micronesia<br />

Sponge Oceanapia sp.<br />

Bioaccumulation of chromium and toxycity to<br />

photosynthetic pigments, nitrate reductase activity and<br />

protein content of Nelumbo nucifera gaerin<br />

Bioaccumulation of chromium and toxicity to photosynthetic<br />

pigments, nitrate reductase activity and protein content of<br />

nelumbo nucifera gaertn<br />

Kader. A Food Technology<br />

Kader. A Food Technol<br />

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Shaklee, J.B Sys. Zoo/. 30(2): 125-146.<br />

Kader, A.A. Food. Tech. 40(5): 99-104.<br />

Scholmerich J Am.J.Clin.Nutr<br />

Zuprizal, M. Larbier. Anim. Feed. Sci. and Tech.<br />

Eder. C. J. Nat. Prod.<br />

Vajpayee, P. Chemosphere<br />

Vajpayee, P. Chemosphere<br />

Binding, sensory and storage properties of algin/calcium<br />

structured beef steaks<br />

Means, W. J. J. Food Sci.<br />

Binding of peptide substrates and inhibitors of angiotensinconverting<br />

anzyme.<br />

Cheung, H. S. J. Biol. Chem.<br />

Binding of Iron by Fiber of Wheat and Maize. A Reinhold, G. J., m. J. Clin. Nutr. 34: 1384.<br />

Binding of Humic Subtances by Soil Mineral Coloids Schnitzer. M Soil. Sci. Soc. Of Amer. Madison<br />

Wisconsin. USA<br />

Binding of Cadmium by Montmorillonitehumic Acid Mixture Cambell. G.D Aus.J. Soil. Res<br />

Binding of aflatoxin BI to Bifidobacteria in vitro Oatley, J.T J. Food Protect. 63(8): 1.133-1.136.<br />

Binding of aflatoxin B l alters the adhesion proporties of<br />

Lactobacillus rhamnosiis strain GG in a Caco-2 Model<br />

Kankaanpaa, R J. Food Profeet. 63(3): 412-414.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 691 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Bimodal effect of luteinizing hormone and role of<br />

androgens in modifying superovulatory responses of<br />

rats to infusion with purified porcine follicle stimulating<br />

hormone<br />

Armstrong DT., Biol. Reprod<br />

Bilangan yod pada kelapa sawit jenis dura dumpy dan<br />

hibridanya<br />

Kabul Pamin Bulletin Perkebunan 17(4) 163-170<br />

Beyond Export Led Growth Adelman, I. World Development 12(9): 937-949.<br />

Beyond cholesterol modification of low density lipoprotein<br />

that increase its atherogenicity<br />

Beternak Sapi. Balai Informasi<br />

Pertanian<br />

Beta-I receptors is the predominant beta adrenoceptor on<br />

rat brown adipose tissue.<br />

Beta-carotene and Human Health: A Review ofcurrent<br />

research<br />

Beta conglycinin from soybean proteins, Isolation and<br />

immunological properties of the monomeric forms<br />

Steinberrg D New Eng J med 320:915-924<br />

Balai Informasi Pertanian Banjar Baru<br />

No.: 01B-TN/83/84. 27 hlm.<br />

Luvin, B.E J. phamacol. Exp. Ther.336:681<br />

Burri, B.J Nutr Res<br />

Thanh VH Ach Biochem. Biophys 490:370-384<br />

Best linear unbiased prediction under selection model Henderson, C. R. Biometrics, 31 : 423-447.<br />

Best linear unbiased prediction under selection model Henderson, C.R. Biometrics, 31: 423-447.<br />

Bertanam Pohon Buah-buahan I AAK Bertanam Pohon Buah-buahan<br />

Yayasan Kanisius. Yogyakarta I<br />

Bertanam Gambir (Uncaria Gambir Roxb) Anonymous, BIP Departemen Pertanian Sumatera<br />

Barat<br />

Bermudagrass identification by use of isozyme<br />

electrophoretic patterns.<br />

Dabo, S.M., Euphytica 51(l): 25-32.<br />

Berechunung und Auswertung des Starkerzuwaschses Meyer.H.A Schweiz. Zeitschr.F.Forstwesen<br />

Berat Lahir, Jumlah Anak Per Kelahiran dan Korelasi Berat<br />

lahir dengan Berat Induk serta Tingkat Kematian Anak<br />

Kambing Kacang<br />

Berat jenis kayu Indonesia dan pengertian beratnya kayu<br />

untuk keperluan praktek.<br />

Oey Djoen Seng. Pengumuman No. 13,<br />

Berat jenis dari jenis-Jenis kayu Indonesia dan pengertian<br />

beratnya untuk keperluan praktek.<br />

Oey Djoen Seng. Pengumuman No. 13.<br />

Benzopirene and other polinuclear hidrokarbon in charcoal<br />

broiled meat<br />

Lijinsky, W. J. Sci.<br />

Benthic studies in Buzzards Bay. III. Sanders, H.L. Limnol. Oceanogr.,5:138-153.<br />

Benta Pusat Penelitian Perkebunan Gula Indonesia<br />

Pasuruan. Nomor 8, Februari 1998<br />

Anonim Benta Pusat Penelitian Perkebunan<br />

Gula Indonesia Pasuruan. Nomor 8,<br />

Februari 1998<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 692 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Benefitial effect of arbuscular mycorrhizas on<br />

acclimatisation of micropropagated cassava planlets.<br />

Azgon-Aguilar C Scientia Horticulturae 72. 63-71<br />

Benefit of Soluble Fiber For Health Fardiaz, D.<br />

Benefit Of Soluble Fiber For Health Fediaz.D Bulletin Teknologi dan Industry<br />

Pangan Vol. 2<br />

Beneficial Effect of Synthetic Sodium Aluminosilicate on<br />

Feed Efficiency and Performance of Commercial Leghorn.<br />

Roland, D. A. Poultry Sci.<br />

Beneficia! Swiftlet and Edible Bird-nest Industry in Bacoit,<br />

Palawan<br />

Manuel, C G The Piliphine Joumal of Science<br />

Benarkah susu kental manis tidak cocok untuk bayi? Husaini, M. Scientias No. 76 tahunVIII<br />

Belowground carbon allocation in forest ecosystem : global<br />

trends<br />

Raich, JW Ecol 70 : 1346-1354<br />

Behaviour of juvenile coho salmon (Onchorhynchus<br />

kisutch) to sumithion (fenitrothion), an organophosphorous<br />

insecticide.<br />

Bull, C. J, J.Fish.Res.Board Can. 31:1867-1891,<br />

Behaviour of Dinitroaniline Herbicides in Plants Appleby. A.P Weed Tech<br />

Behaviour and biology of Nephotettix virescens<br />

(Homoptera: Cicallidae) on tungro virus-infected rice plants:<br />

Epidemology implication.<br />

Khan, Z.R. Environ. Entomol<br />

Behavior of single-basidiospore isolates and heterokaryons<br />

of Rhiwctonia solani from flax<br />

Behandlung eines organisch hochbelasteten Industrieabwassers<br />

mit der Kombination Hochleistungsbioreaktor-<br />

Ultra-filtration<br />

Chapa, R.G. Phytopatlwlogy 56:1260-1268.<br />

Suprihatin, S. Chem. Lng. Tech<br />

Beche-de-mer markets and utilization Ferdouse, F Bechc-de-mer Bulletin, 11: 3-8.<br />

Beberapa usaha peningkatan getah Pinus merkusii. Rochmadi, M Duta Rimba 5(33): 29-32<br />

Beberapa sifat kayu mangium pada beberapa tingkat lunur. Ginoga, B.<br />

Beberapa Sifat Kayu Mangium (Acacia mangium Willd.)<br />

Pada Beberapa Tingkat Umur.<br />

Beberapa sifat fisis dan kimia briket arang dari limbah<br />

arang aktif.<br />

Beberapa Permasalahan Pelaksanaan IDT dan Upaya<br />

Penanggulangannya<br />

Beberapa mikotoksin pada bahan pangan dan pakan serta<br />

kaitannya dengan kesehatan manusia dan hcwan<br />

Beberapa Keterangan Tentang Albizia falcataria (L)<br />


Beberapa karakteristik morfologi dan fisiologi kedlai toleran<br />

dan peka terhadap cekaman kekeringan<br />

Beberapa karakteristik morfologi dan fisiologi kedlai toleran<br />

dan peka terhadap cekaman kekeringan<br />

Ginoga, B.<br />

Pari, G.,<br />

Suradi Martawijaya Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial<br />

Bahri, S. Informasi Jamur, Penyakit pada<br />

Manusia dan Hewan. 1(4) Edisi 4: 10-<br />

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Alrasyid.H Menara Perkebunan No. 40 (4).<br />

Jakarta<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Beberapa Karakteristik dan Jenis Litter Wahyudi. Majalah Poultry Indonesia<br />

Beberapa karakter mayang lima kultivar kelapa genjah di<br />

Kebun Percobaan Pakuwon, him. 6-9<br />

Beberapa Jenis Tanaman Untuk Pengembangan Hutan<br />

Tanaman Industri dan Penerapannya di Indonesia<br />

Beberapa jenis hama perusak daun tanaman nilam<br />

(Pogostemon cablin Benth)<br />

Beberapa hsl penelitian aplikasi teknologi M-Bio dalam<br />

budidaya pertanian<br />

Beberapa hsl penelitian aplikasi teknologi M-Bio dalam<br />

budidaya pertanian<br />

Beberapa hasil pengujian hibrida Elaeis melanococca di<br />

Pusat Penelitian Marihat.<br />

Beberapa hasil pengujian hibrida E melanococca di Pusat<br />

Penelitian Marihat<br />

Beberapa Hal Yang Perlu di Perhatikan dalam Pasca<br />

Panen Tebu Sebagai Bahan Baku Pabrik Gula<br />

Beberapa Formulasi makanan untuk Pertumbuhan Ikan<br />

Mas (Cyprinus carpio L.)<br />

Beberapa Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Produksi Getah<br />

Pinus<br />

Randriani, E. Forum Komunikasi Penelitian Kelapa<br />

dan Palma.<br />

Sumiasri.N Warta Biotek<br />

Adria, J. Pembr. Penelitian Tanaman Industri.<br />

16(2): 59-64.<br />

Rudi Priyadi J.Penelitian Lemlit Univ. Siliwangi<br />

Tasikmalaya<br />

Rudi Priyadi J.Penelitian Lemlit Univ. Siliwangi<br />

Tasikmalaya<br />

Syukur, S. Buletin Pusat Penelitian Marihat, 5 (2):<br />

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Syukur S bul pusat Penelitian Marihat vol 5: 37-<br />

44<br />

Mochtar.M.<br />

Djajasewaka, H.<br />

Hadipoernomo Duta Rimba<br />

Beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi getah pinus. Hadipoernomo, Duta Rimba 6 (37): I8-22<br />

Beberapa faktor mutu biji kakao Anonymous, Warta BPP Jember, No. 5 : 16-22<br />

Beberapa Catatan tentang Pengembangan Organisasi. Slamet, M. Kumpulan Bacaan Penyuluhan<br />

Pertanian. Edisi ke-3 IPB, Bogor<br />

Beberapa Banyak Jumlah Anak Balita Kita Yang cenderung<br />

Jaringan Informasi Pangan dan gizi<br />

Punya Masalah Gizi Lebih<br />

vol. 1. No. 3<br />

Beberapa aspek ekologi perairan Danau Ayamaru, Irian<br />

Jaya.<br />

Sarnita, A<br />

Beberapa aspek biologi teripang bernilai ekonomi tinggi. Tuwo, A Torani, 1 (1): 1- 20<br />

Beberapa aspek biologi ikan payangka (Ophiocara<br />

porocephala) di Danau Limboto, Sulawesi Utara<br />

Beberapa aspek biologi ikan jambal (Pangasius pangasius)<br />

di Waduk Jatiluhur.<br />

Beberapa aspek biologi ikan baung (Mystus nemurus) di<br />

Daerah Aliran Sungai Batanghari, Propinsi Jambi.<br />

Beberapa aspek bio-limnologi dan pengolahan perikanan di<br />

Wadaslintang, Wonosobo, Jawa Tengah.<br />

Sarnita, A Pen. Warta, LPPD, 1(1): 9-12.<br />

Samuel, Adjie, S., Oseanologi dan Limnologi di Indonesia<br />

28: 1-13.<br />

Kartamihardja, E.S.,<br />

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Beberapa aspek bio-limnologi dan pengelolaan perikanan<br />

di Waduk Wadaslintang, Wonosobo, Jawa Tengah.<br />

Beberapa aras suplementasi konsentrat pada jerami padi<br />

sebagai pakan basal uintuk sapi perah<br />

beberapa alternatif untuk menaggulangi kenaikan harga<br />

pupuk bersubsidi pada perkebunan kelapa sawit<br />

Kartamihardja, E.S.<br />

Adiarto<br />

Siahaan MM<br />

b-carotene producing mutants of Phaffia rhodozyma Girard, P. AppI. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 41: 183-<br />

191.<br />

Bbr alternatif utk menanggulangi harga pupuk bersubsidi<br />

pada perkebunan kelapa sawit<br />

Siahaan M berita perkebunan 1(1):1-16<br />

Bawang putih semakin diperlukan Siswoputranto B Tumbuh :I(3):35-41<br />

Bawang putih semakin diperlukan Siswoputranto B Tumbuh :I(3):35-41<br />

Batang abaka (Musa textilis, Nee) sebagai bahan baku<br />

kertas<br />

Triyanto HS Berita Selulosa 18:27<br />

Basic principle of membrane technology Marcel PJ<br />

Basic cation saturation rations as a basic for fertilizing and<br />

limit agronomic crops. Growth chamber studies<br />

Eckert DJ Agronomy Journal 73(5):795-799<br />

Basic and Clinical Immunology Stites DP Norwalk Connecticut Los Altos<br />

California<br />

Bases Dela Multiplication Vegetative Margara, J. Institut National de Keeharche<br />

Agronomique, Paris. 262 pp.<br />

Base Temperature and Thermal Time Requirements For<br />

Germination and Emergence Of Temperature Pasture<br />

Species<br />

Banding Korelasi Kadar Fosfat Tanah Dengan Empat<br />

metode Analisis Terhadap Produksi Tebu dan Penentuan<br />

Batas Tanggap Tanaman.<br />

Moot. D.J New Zealand Journal Of Agricultural<br />

research<br />

Usman . B. Majalah Perusahaan Gula<br />

Bananas Swennen, R. Encyclopedia of agricultural Science.<br />

2: 215-232.<br />

Bali Cattle in Australia. Kirby, G. W. M. World Anim. Rev.<br />

Bali cattle Payne WJA World Anim Rev 7:13-21.<br />

Bahan Organik Peranannya Bagi Perkebunan Kopi dan<br />

Kakao<br />

Abdoellah Warta Puslit Kopi dan Kakao. Jember<br />

Bahan Buangan Pabrik Pengolahan Kelapa Sawit Loebis, B Bull. BPP Medan<br />

BaggaseTebus Sebagai Sumber Hijauan Alternatif Bagi<br />

Ternak Ruminansia<br />

Wahyu Bul. PPSKI. th. IX.<br />

Bacteris associated with the intestinal wall of the fowl<br />

(Gallus domisticus)<br />

Fuller R J of Appl Bacteriol 34:617-622<br />

Bacteriophage Typing of Ralstonia solanacearum, P.<br />

syzygii, and Blood Disease Bacterium of Banana<br />

Supriadi<br />

Bacteriology of Freshwater Fish. Joarder, G.L. Bangladesh J. Sci. Indust. Res. 9: 51-<br />

58.<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Bacteriological quality of freshly processed broiler chickens<br />

as affected by carcass pretreatment and gamma irradiation<br />

Bacteriological Aspect of Florida Red Tides: a Revisit and<br />

Newer Observations<br />

Bacteriocyn typing of Burkholderia (Pseudomonas)<br />

solanacearum race 1 of the French West Indies and<br />

correlation with genomic variation of the pathogen<br />

Lamuka, P. O. J. Food Sci.<br />

Buck, J.D. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 29:317-326.<br />

Frey, P. Appl. Encviron. Microbiol.<br />

Bacteriocins of Lactic Acid Bacteria in Combination Have<br />

Grater Antibacterial Activity<br />

Hanlin, M.B Journal of Food Protection<br />

Bacteriocin Plasmid of Pediococcus Acidilactici Ray, S.K Journal of Industrial Microbiology<br />

Bactericidal activity of aqueous chlorine and chlorine<br />

dioxide solutions in a fish model system<br />

Huang, T. S. J. Food Sci.<br />

Bacterial wilt, a new disease ofcustard apple: symptoms<br />

and etiology<br />

Mayers, P.E. Annals of Applied Biology 111:135-<br />

141.<br />

Bacterial wilt revisited Buddenhagen, I. W. G.J. Persly (Ed.), Bacterial Wilt<br />

Disease in Asia and the South Pacific:<br />

Proceedings of an International<br />

Workshop Held at PCARRD, Los<br />

Banos, Philippines, October 1985.<br />

ACIAR Proceedings. 13: 126-143.<br />

Bacterial wilt revisited Buddenhagen, I. W. G. ï. Presley (Ed.). Bacterial Wilt<br />

Disease in Asia and the South Pacific:<br />

Proceedings of an International<br />

Workshop held at PCARRD, Los<br />

Banos. Philippines, October 1985.<br />

ACIAR Proc. (13): 126-143.<br />

Bacterial Wilt resistance in potato populations with multiple<br />

sources of resistance and adaptation<br />

Tung, P.X ACIAR. Bacterial Wilt Newslet<br />

Bacterial wilt on industrial crops in Indonesia Mulya, K. Industrial Crops Research Journal<br />

2(2): 30-36.<br />

Bacterial wilt of nutmeg (Myristica fragrans L.) incited by<br />

Pseudomonas solanacearum Smith<br />

Mathews Bacterial Wilt Newsletter 9:8.<br />

Bacterial wilt of neem tree caused by Pseudomonas<br />

solanacearum<br />

Diatloff, A. Australian Plant Pathol. 22: l.<br />

Bacterial wilt of mulberry (Morus alba L.) incited by<br />

Pseudomonas solanacearum Smith from India<br />

Mathews Bacterial Wilt Newsletter 9: 11.<br />

Bacterial Wilt of Groundnut Mehan VK ICRISAT Inf. Bull. No 35<br />

Bacterial wilt of ginger in Queensland Hayward, A.C. Queensland Journal of Agriculture and<br />

Animal Science 24: 1-5.<br />

Bacterial wilt of eucalyptus in South China Liang, Z.C. Bacterial Wilt Newsletter. 8: 5.<br />

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Bacterial wilt of cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.)<br />

caused by Pseudomonas solanacearum m Indonesia<br />

Shiomi, T. Industrial Crops Research J. 2(1): 29-<br />

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Bacterial wilt in the People'sRepublic of China He,L.Y. G.J. Presley (Ed.). Bacterial Wilt<br />

Disease in Asia and the South Pacific:<br />

Proceedings of an International<br />

Workshop held at PCARRD, Los<br />

Banos, Philippines, October 1985.<br />

ACIAR Proc. (13): 40-48.<br />

Bacterial wilt in teak, Tectona grandis Linn Mitchell, B.A. Malaysian Forester 25: 164-166.<br />

Bacterial wilt in Indonesia Machmud, M. G.J. Persley (Ed.), Bacterial Wilt<br />

Disease in Asia and the South Pacific:<br />

Proceedings of an International<br />

Workshop held at PCARRD, Los<br />

Banos, Philippines, October1985.<br />

ACIAR Proceeding.13: 30-34.<br />

Bacterial stimulation of adventitious rooting on in vitro<br />

cultured slash pine (Pinus elliottii Engelm.) seedling<br />

explants<br />

Bacterial septicemia injuvenile tiger prawn, Penaeus<br />

monodon,cultured in Malaysian brackishwater ponds<br />

Bacterial septicemia in juvenile tiger shrimp, Penaeus<br />

monodon, cultured in Malaysian brackishwater ponds.<br />

Bacterial productivity and microbial biomass in tropical<br />

mangrove sedimant<br />

Bacterial nitrification and denitrification rates in the Rhpone<br />

River Plume (Northwestern Mediterranean Sea)<br />

Bums JA Plant Cell Reports 15:405-408.<br />

I.G. Anderson Asian Fisheries Science<br />

Anderson, I.G., Asian Fisheries Science 2:93-108.<br />

Alongi, D.M. Microb. Ecol. 15: 59-79.<br />

Bianchi, M. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 103: 197-202.<br />

Bacterial fertilizer in Soviet Union Cooper, R. Soil and Fertil. 22:327-333.<br />

Bacterial diseases of fishes diagnostic procedures for gram<br />

negatif pathogens.<br />

Bacterial contamination on eggs during incubation and<br />

hatching and of fluffs of newly - hatched chicks.<br />

Bacterial Cellulose I. Factor Affecting The Production of<br />

Cellulose by A. xylinum<br />

Bacterial Blight of Cassava in Colombia : Epidemiology and<br />

Control<br />

Shofts E. BJR. J. Fish Res. Board. Can. 32(8): 1242-<br />

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Furuta, K. British Poultry Science.<br />

Embuscado, M.E Food Hydrocolloids Vol. 8, USA.<br />

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Bacterial Bligh of Cassava in Colombia: Etiology Lozano, J.C. Phyto pathology 64<br />

Bacteria-free sea urchin larvae: selective uptake of neutral<br />

amino acids from seawater.<br />

Manahan, D.T., Science, NY 220: 204-206.<br />

Bacteria Production of Saxitoxin Kodama, M. Agric. Biol. Chem. 52: 1075-1077.<br />

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Bacteria of the rabbit gut and their role in the health of the<br />

rabbit<br />

Bacteria Associated with Pyrodinium bahamense var.<br />

compressum (Bohm) and Their Role in Paralytic Shellfish<br />

Poisoning (PSP) Toxins Production. I: Basic experimental<br />

results<br />

Bacteria associated with early life stages of halibut,<br />

Hippoglosus hippoglosus L., inhibit growth of a pthogenic<br />

Vibrio sp.<br />

Straw TE J Appl. Rabbit Res 11:142-150<br />

Sidharta, B.R.<br />

Bergh, O. J. Fish Dis. 18: 31-40.<br />

Bacteria as a biocontrol agent of plant disease. 362-369. Scroth, M.N., In M.J. Kulg and C.A. Redy (Eds.)<br />

Current Perspectives In Microbial<br />

Ecology.<br />

Bactcrial Cellulose I. Factor Affecting The Production of<br />

Cellulose by A. Xilinum<br />

Embuscado, M.E Food Hydrocolloids Vol. 8, USA.<br />

Bacillus thuringiensis and its pesticidal crystal protein. Schnepf, E., Microbiol. Mol. Biol. Rev. 62(3): 775-<br />

806.<br />

Bacillus thuringiensis and Related Insects Pathogens Aronson, A.L Microbiol Rev<br />

B3(beta)-adrenergic receptors on whit and brown<br />

adipocytes mediate B3-selective agonist-induced effects on<br />

energy expenditure, insulin secretion on food intake.<br />

B3(Beta)-adrenergic agonist induces a functionally active<br />

twitch uncoupling protein in fat and slow-muscle fibres<br />

Awspirillum halopraeferans sp. nov., a nitrogen-fixing<br />

organism associated with roots of Kallar grass (Leptochloa<br />

fusca (L.) Kunth.)<br />

Grujic,D. J. Biol. Chem. Vol.272<br />

Yoshida, T Am. J. Physiol<br />

Reinhold B Int J Syst Bact 37:43-51.<br />

Avoiding false positives with PCR Kwok, S. Nature. 339: 237-338.<br />

Avocado Mesocarp; Browning Potential, Carotenoid<br />

Content, Polyphenol Oxidase, Calatase and Peroxidase<br />

Activities; Comparison Between Six Avocado Cultivars.<br />

Sharon-Raber, O. J. Food Science 48 (6): 1874 -1875<br />

Avocado Fruit Development And Ripening Physiology Bower. J.P Horticulture Review<br />

Avocado (Persea Americana Mill) Quality Changes In<br />

Response to Low Temperature Storage<br />

Zauberman. G Postharvest Biol. And Technology<br />

Aviability of Residual Phosporus in Manured Soils Sharpley.A.N Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Average Genetic Correlations Among Offspring From Open<br />

Polinated Forest Trees<br />

Squillace.A.E Silvae Genetica<br />

Avaliable Phosporus in Relation To Form Phosphates in<br />

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Chang. S.C Soil sci<br />

Available phosphorus requirements of food-size channel<br />

catfish (Ictalurus punctatus} fed practical diets in ponds.<br />

Eya, J.C. Aquaculture 154:283-291.<br />

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Available phosphorus in poultry. 1. Effect of phosphorus<br />

levels on the performance of laying hens and their egg<br />

quality, hatchability, bone analysis and phosphorus in blood<br />

plasma.<br />

El Boushy, A. R. Netherlands J. Agric. Sci.<br />

Availability to rats of iron from spinach: effect of oxalic<br />

acids<br />

Van Campean D.R Journal of Nutrition, I<br />

Availability of residual phosphorus in manured soils Sharpley, A.N Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Availability of phosphorus in fish bone meal and inorganic<br />

salts to Atlantic salmon (Saimo salar) as determined by<br />

retention<br />

Nordrum, S. Aquaculture 157:51-61.<br />

Availability of phosphorus in calcareous soil tretarated with<br />

rock phosphate or superphosphate as efected by<br />

phosphate-dissolving fungi.<br />

Salih, H. M. Plant and Soil<br />

Availability of phosphate applied to calcareous soils of<br />

West Asia and North Africa<br />

Afif, E Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Availability of phosphate applied to calcareous soils of<br />

West Asia and North Africa<br />

Afif,E Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Availability of phosphate applied to calcareous soils of<br />

West Asia and North Africa<br />

Afif, E Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Availability for poults on phosphorus from meat and bone<br />

meals of different particle size.<br />

Sell, J. L. Poult. Sci.<br />

Availability and utilization of amino acids for growing pigs Batterham ES Nutr Resc Rev 5: 1-18<br />

Availability and Potential Utilization of Oil Palm Trunks and<br />

Fronds up to The Year 2000.<br />

Avail Azospirillum Brasilenselity of Phosphorus in<br />

Acalcareous Soil Treated With Rock Phosphate or<br />

Superphosphate as Affected by Phosphate Dissolving<br />

Fungi<br />

Auxin-induced chenges in the patterns of protein synthesis<br />

in soybean hypocotyl<br />

Auxin inducibility and developmental expression of axi 1: a<br />

gene directing auxin independent growth in tobacco<br />

protoplasts<br />

Autoxidation of biological molecules. 1. The antioxidant<br />

activity of vitamin E anf related chain breaking phenolic<br />

antioxidants in vitro<br />

Autoradio-graphic analysis of amina acid uptake by the gill<br />

of Mytilus.<br />

Auto-oxidation of ethyl eiosapentaenoate and<br />

docusahexaenoate<br />

Autooxidation of ethyl eicosapentaenoic Acid and<br />

docosaheexaenoic Acid<br />

Husin, M. A. PORIM Occasional Paper.<br />

Saleh. H. M Plant Soil<br />

Zufluh LL Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci 77:357-361<br />

Walden R. EMBO J. 13: 4729-4736.<br />

Burton GW J Am Chen Soc 103: 6472-6477<br />

Wright, S.H., J. Comp. Physiol. 154: 249-256.<br />

Choo SY J Am Oil Chem Soc 64(6):876-879<br />

Cho SY JAOCS 64 (6): 876-879<br />

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Autoinhibition of juvenile hormone production. The case of<br />

the cockroach Blattella germanica (L.)<br />

Autoantibody against oxidized LDL and progression of<br />

catotid atherosclerosis<br />

Auswirkungen detr Inzucht auf leistngsmerkmale und deren<br />

genetische parameter bei Legehennen<br />

Maestro, J.L. Experientia 49: 320-323<br />

Solanen JT Lancet 339:883-887<br />

Preisinger R Genetisch Statistisher Ausschub BLT<br />

Grub 27 bis 29.03.2000 Deutschland<br />

Australian Waterfowl Do Not Necessarily Breed on A Rising<br />

Water Level.<br />

Crome, H. J. Aust. Wildl. Res. 13: 461-480.<br />

Australian Mango Industry Tochill. B.L Acta Horticultura<br />

Aujeszky's disease: Factors important for epizootiology and<br />

control.<br />

Wittmann, G Rev. Sci. Tech. Int. Epiz. 5 (4): 959-<br />

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Associative effects of dietary addition of bicarbonate salts<br />

on the voluntary intake and digestibility of diets containing<br />

variation proportion of hays and barley.<br />

Associative effect of Azospirillum brasilense with<br />

Rhizobium japonicum on nodulation and yield of soybean<br />

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associations among protein hetero-zygosity. Growth rate<br />

and developmental homeostasis<br />

Associations among productivity, production response, and<br />

stability indexes in oat varietes<br />

Association of stomatal frequency and morphology in<br />

Lycopersicon species with resistance to Xanthomonas<br />

campestris pv. Vesicatoria<br />

Association of glutenin subunits with gliadin composition<br />

and grain quality in wheat.<br />

Association of estrogens receptor gene polymorphisms<br />

with outcome of ovarian stimulation in patients undergoing<br />

IVF<br />

Association of a xylem-limited bacterium with Sumatera<br />

disease of cloves Indonesia<br />

Association between surges of follicle-stimulating hormone<br />

and the emergence of follicular waves in heifers<br />

Association between Grain Filling Rate and Yield<br />

Components in Rice<br />

Association Between Energy Balance and Lutheal<br />

Function in Lactating Dairy Cows.<br />

Assisted Reproductive Technology in Non Domestic<br />

Ungulates: A Model Approach to Preserving and Managing<br />

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Assimilation Of Nitrate and Ammonium by Sulphur<br />

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Assimilation of cholesterol by Lactobacillus acidophilus Gilliland., S.E Appl. Environ. Microbiol<br />

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Assessment of methodologies for calorimetric cholesterol<br />

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Assessment of dietary zinc in a population Gibson R.S Am. J.Clin.Nutr<br />

Assessing Forest Damage in High Elevation Coniferous<br />

Forest in Vermont and New Hampshire Using Thematic<br />

Mapper Data.<br />

Assesment of rapid method, using soil cores, for estimating<br />

the amount and distribution of crop roots in the field<br />

Assesment of nutritive value of calliandra calothyrsus: its<br />

chemicalcomposition and the influence of tannins, pipecolic<br />

acid and polyethylene glycol on in vitro organic matter<br />

digestibility<br />

Assesment of nuclear, mithocondria and cloroplast RFLP<br />

marker in oil palm (Elasi guineensis Jacq)<br />

Assesment of ice content and morphological alteration in<br />

Boer spermatozoa frozen in maxi straw. Animal<br />

Reproduction Research and Practise<br />

Assesing the nutrient status of peat soil from the Klang<br />

area<br />

Assay of lycopene and carotenoids as singlet oxygen<br />

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Assay of fungal chitin and estimation of mycorrhizal<br />

infection<br />

Aspergillus parasiticus growth and aflatoxin production on<br />

black and white pepper and the inhibitory action of their<br />

chemical constituents<br />

Aspergillus flavus growth and aflatoxin production on black<br />

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Ascorbic acid influence on egg shell fertility and hatchability Bains, B.S World Poultry-Mi sset<br />

Ascorbic acid deposition in rainbowtrout (Oncorhynchus<br />

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Ascorbic Acid Chelates in Iron Absorption : A Role for<br />

Hydrochloric Acid and Bile.<br />

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E. oleifera X E. guineensis.<br />

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Elais oleifera X Elais guineensis<br />

Asam Iemak spesifik sebagai biomarker taksonomis untuk<br />

Porphyridium cruentum dan Porphyridium aerugineum,<br />

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Artificial spawning and larval rearing of the grouper,<br />

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Arboviruses Recovered From Sentinel Cattle Using Several<br />

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Applications of pyrethrum in public health and related fields Chandler, S.E. Pyrethrum Post. 3(1): 2-6.<br />

Applications of Endocrinology to Fish Culture Lam, T.J. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.<br />

Applications and Extensions of OWA operators. Int Yager, R.R J. Man-Machine Studies<br />

Application, adsorption and translocation of boron in oil<br />

palm.II. Age of palm, frequency of application and influence<br />

of N and K<br />

Rajaratnam JA Expl. Agric 141-145<br />

Application of Trichoderma and Gliocaldium in Alginate<br />

Pellets For Control of Rhizoctonia Damping Off<br />

Applica-tion of theory ofelasticity to the design of fruit<br />

harvest-ing and handling equipment for minimum bruising<br />

Application of the oil palm wood flour as fillers in<br />

polypropylene<br />

Application of fluorescent pseudomonads to control root<br />

desiases<br />

Application of different temperatures in three growth<br />

phases of wheat. I. Effects on grain and straw yields<br />

Application of cell and tissue culture and in vitro selection<br />

for disease resistance breeding, a review<br />

Application of Card Blot as A Semi-quatitative Detection<br />

Genes Expression on RNA Level. I<br />

Application of Biotechnology to Nutrition of Animals in<br />

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Lewis. J.A Plant Pathology<br />

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Application of bioreactors in plant propagation. p. 425-445. Preil, W. In P.C. Debergh and R.H.<br />

Zimmermann (Eds.) Micropropagation,<br />

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Application of Antioxidant Vitamin in Food and Beverages Elliot, J.G. Food Tech., 53 (2): 46-48.<br />

Application in vivo and in vitro mutation techniques for crop<br />

improvement<br />

Application of biotechnology to nutrition of animals in<br />

developing countries<br />

Applicalion of Protoplast Fusion to the Development of L-<br />

Lysine Producer<br />

Applicability of rheological models to the interpretation of<br />

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Leng, RA, FAO Animal Health Paper No. 90.<br />

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Apple impact bruise prediction models. Siyami S Transactions of the ASAE<br />

Appilcation of The Polymerase Chain Reaction Technique<br />

for Detecting Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV) in Bulk<br />

Milk Sample.<br />

Wuryastuti, H. I. J. Biotech.<br />

Appication of oil palmwood flour as filler in PP Zaini MJ Polym J (Jap) 26 (5): 637-642<br />

Apparent viscosity of milk and cultured yogurt thermally<br />

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Labropoulos, A.E Food Protein J<br />

Apparent Haemocytic Transformations Assosiated With<br />

Parasitoid Induced Inhibition Of Immunity In Malacosoma<br />

Distriae Larva<br />

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Apparent chitin digestibility in penaeid shrimp dark, D.J., Aqua-culture. 109:51-57.<br />

Apparent chitin digestibility in penaeid shirmp. dark, D.J., Aquaculture 109: 51-57.<br />

Apoptosis in Haemopoietic Cells Exposed to<br />

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Apoptosis Haemopoietic Cells Exposed to ELF magnetic<br />

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Aplikasi vaksin enteroksigenik Escherichia coli (ETEC) Supar Jurnal Ilmu Ternak dan Veteriner. 3(I):<br />

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Aplikasi penelitian biotehnologi tanaman hias Masyhudi, M.F.<br />

Aplikasi Hedonik Price Model Dalam Penentuan Harga dan<br />

Mutu Tembakau Virginia<br />

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Aplikasi bioteknologi di bidang pakan dan nutrisi ternak Soejono, M. buletin peternakan edisi khusus.<br />

Aplikasi Antropo-metri Sebagai Alat Ukur Status Gizi Di<br />

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Aplication of High Ionic Clarificant Sun. Y.F Int. Sugar Jour. Vol 96 No. 115 IE :<br />

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Aplaud DNA minipreparation:versi II Dellaporta SL Plant Mol Biol Reptr 1<br />

Aphorpine Alkaloid of Annona squamosa L. Bakhuni, Sd. Phytochemistry, 14<br />

Aphanomyces species assosiated with red spot diseases<br />

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Aortic Valve Cusp Microstructure: The Role of Elastin Scott M. Ann. Thorac. Surg. 60: S391-394.<br />

Aorta simple method for the isolation and purification of<br />

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Antocyanins Pigment in the Skin of Lychee Fruits Wicker, L. J. Food Sci., 56 (20): 466-468.<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Antitumor agents form the Cashew (Anacardium<br />

occidentale) Apple Juice.<br />

Antitrombotic organosulfur compounds from garlic:<br />

structural, mechanistic and synthetic studies<br />

Antitermic Properties of Cellulose Pads Treated With Bark<br />

Extractive<br />

Antitermic Coumponds From The Heartwood of Sonokeling<br />

Wood (Dalbergaria Latifola Roxb)<br />

Antisipasi Birokrasi Menghadapi Tantangan Strategis<br />

Pembangunan Nasional<br />

Kubo, I. J. Agric. Food Chem, 41 : 1012 - 1015<br />

Block, E J. Am. Chem. Soc<br />

Steller.S.D Wood ang Fiber Science. Vol. 16<br />

Syafii.W.<br />

Hardjosoekarto<br />

Sudarsono<br />

Jurnal Analisis CSIS Th. XXIV No. 1<br />

Antioxsidant Constituent In Sage (Salvia Officinalis) Cuvelier. M.E J. Agric. Food. Chem<br />

Antioxidants effects of tocotrienols in patients with<br />

hyperlipidemia and carotic stenosis<br />

Tomeo AC Lipids 30 (12): 1179-1183<br />

Antioxidant role of carotenoids in Phaffia rhodozyma Schroeder, W.A. J. Gen. Microbiol. 139: 907-912.<br />

Antioxidant Effect of Some Ginger Constituents Kikuzaki, H. J. Food Sci. 58 (6): 1407-1410.<br />

Antioxidant Capacity As Influenced by Total Phenolic and<br />

Anthocyanin Content, Maturity, and variety OfVaccinium<br />

Species<br />

Prior, R.L J Agric Food Chem<br />

Antioxidant Capacity as Influenced by Total Phenolic and<br />

Anthocyanin Content, Maturity and Variety of Vaccinium<br />

Species<br />

Antioxidant and Respond in Aged Person: overview of<br />

present evidence<br />

Antioxidant and immune response in aged person :<br />

Overview of present evidence<br />

Antioxidant Activity of Tropical Ginjer Extract and Analysis<br />

of The Contained Curcuminoids.<br />

Antioxidant activity of Ganoderma licidum, protective<br />

effects on carbon ttrachloride-induced hepatoxicity<br />

Antioxidant Activity and Phenolic Composi-tion ofCitrus<br />

Peel and Seed Extracts<br />

Antinutritional factors in foods for livestock. In: animal<br />

production in development country, M. Gill, E. Owen, G. E.<br />

Pollott and T. L. J. Lawrwnce (eds.)<br />

Prior, R.L J Agric Food Chem<br />

Meydani, S.N. Am. J. Clin. Num.: 14625-765.<br />

Meydani SN Am J Clin Nutr, 195: 1462S-476S<br />

Jitoe, A. J. Agric. Food. Chem.<br />

Ng PC Acta Horticultura<br />

Bocco, A J Agric Food Chem<br />

Makkar, H. P. S. British society of animal production,<br />

Occasional Publ. No. 16<br />

Antimicrobials occuring natuirally in food Beuchat, L.R Food Technol 43 (1).134-141<br />

Antimicrobial Terpenoid of Gossypium: Hemigossypol, 6methoxygossypol<br />

and 6-deoxyhemigossypol.<br />

Bell, A.A. Phytochemistry. 14: 225-231.<br />

Antimicrobial substances from lactic acid bacteria for use<br />

as food preservatives<br />

Antimicrobial Substances From Lactic Acid Bacteria for<br />

Use as Food Preservatives<br />

Antimicrobial substance produced by Lactobacillus sp.<br />

TGR-2 isolated from growol<br />

Daeschel, M.A. Food Technology<br />

Daeschel, M.A. Food Tech.(43): 164-167.<br />

Djaafar, T.F<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 708 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Antimicrobial properties of iV-carhoxyhutyl chitosan Muzzarclli, R.A.A. Antimicroh Agents ('hemolher 34:2019-<br />

2023.<br />

Antimicrobial effects of spices SheIef, L.A. J-Food Safety 6 29-44.<br />

Antimicrobial Effect of Spices Shelef, L.A. J. of Food Safety, 6 : 29-44.<br />

Antimicrobial drug resitance in enterotoxigenic Escherichia<br />

coli K88, K99, F41, and 987P isolated from piglets in<br />

Indonesia<br />

Supar Penyakit Hewan. 22(39): 13-19.<br />

Antimicrobial activity of some Egyptian spice essential oils Farag, R.S. J. of Food Pretection 52: (9): 665-657.<br />

Antimicrobial activity of green tea flavor components and<br />

their.<br />

Anti-inflammatory Testing Methods, Non-steroidal Antiinflammatory<br />

Drugs. Ed. Garathun S., Rilau, p 190.<br />

Anti-Idiotypic antybody vaccine for type B viral hepatitis in<br />

chimpanzees<br />

Anti-Idiotypic antibodies generated by sequential<br />

immunization detect the share idiotype on antibodies to<br />

pseudorabies virus antigens<br />

Kubo. I. Antimicrobial activity of green tea<br />

flavor components and their.<br />

Winter, C.A. Anti-inflammatory Testing Methods,<br />

Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs.<br />

Ed. Garathun S., Rilau, p 190.<br />

Kennedy R.C Science<br />

Zhou.E.M J.Virol.Methods<br />

Antihypertensive effect of tryptic hydrolysate of milk casein<br />

in spontaneously hypertensive rats.<br />

Karaki, H. Agric. Biol. Chem.<br />

Anti-Helicobacter pylory activity of mushrooms. Kim, DH Pharmacal Res<br />

Antigenic structure and relationship between serotype 1<br />

and 2 of Haemophilus paragallinarum.<br />

Sawata A, Am. J. Vet. Res. 40(10): 1450-1453.<br />

Antigenic and biological properties of Rift Valley Fever virus<br />

isolated during the 1987 Mauritanian epidemie<br />

Antifungal, Synergistic Interaction between Chitinolytic<br />

Enzymes from Trichoderma harzianum and Enterobacter<br />

cloacae<br />

Saluzzo, J.F. Res.Virol. 140: 155-164.<br />

Lorito. M., Phytopathology 83: 721-728<br />

Antifungal activity of chitosan on two postliarvest<br />

pathogens of strawberry fruits.<br />

Ghaoiith, A.F. I'hylopalhol. 82:398-402<br />

Antifungal activity of chitosan and its preservative effect on<br />

low-sugar candied kumqiiat<br />

Fang, S.W. J. FoodProl. 56:136-140.<br />

Antifungal activity of ajoene derived From garlic Yoshida, S. App. Env Microbiol. 53 (3). 615 -617,<br />

Antifouling substant from Palauan Octocoral Siniilaria sp. Mizobuchi, S.. Fisheries Science. 60(3):345-346.<br />

Antifertility Actions of achlorohydrin in the male Jones, A.R Australian J. Biol. Sc<br />

Antifeedant and antioviposition activities of the fraction of<br />

extract from a tropical plant, Andrographis paniculata<br />

(Acanthaceae) againts diamonback moth, Plutella<br />

xylostella (Lepidoptera: Yponemeutidae).<br />

Hermawan, W. Appl. Entomol. Zool<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Antifeedant activity of constituents of Andrigraphis<br />

paniculata (Acanthaceae) againts the green rice<br />

leafhooper, Nephotettix cinciteps Uhler (Hemiptera:<br />

Cicadellidae)<br />

Widiarta, I.N.<br />

Antiepileptic drug mechanism of action MacDonald R.L. Epilepsia, 34. S4l-S45.<br />

Antiepileptic drug in development, prospect for the near<br />

future<br />

Leppik, I.E Epilepsia, 34: S1-S8.<br />

Anticocddial Drugs: Lession Scoring Techniques in Battery<br />

and Floor-Pen Experiment with Chickens<br />

Johnson, J. Exp. Par.28:30-36<br />

Antibody Respon to jembrana Disease Virus In Bali Cattle Hartaningsih.N Vet.Microbial<br />

Antibodies againts certain bluetongue and epizootic<br />

haemorrhagic disease virus serotypes in Indonesian<br />

Ruminants.<br />

Sendow, I., Vet. Microbiol. 28: 11-118.<br />

Antibiotics, their use and abuse in aquaculture J.H. Brown Aquaculture<br />

Antibiotics their use and abuse In aquacultural Brown, J.H. Aquaculture 20 (2+: 34-43.)<br />

Antibiotics their use and abuse in aqaculture. Brown, J.H. Aquac-ulture 20(2):34-43.<br />

Antibiotic sensitivities of the root nodule bacteria Graham, P.H. Aust. J. Biol. Sci. 16: 557-559.<br />

Antibiotic residues and drug resistent bacterial in beef and<br />

chicken tissues<br />

Moreno, L. V. J. Food Sci.<br />

Antibiosis of Leuconostoc Gelidium Isolated from Meat Hastings, J.W Journal of Applied Bacteriology<br />

Antibacterial and antifungal properties of essential oil<br />

components<br />

Knobloch, K. J. Essential Oil Res. 1:119-128.<br />

Antibacterial action of chitosan Siidarshan. N.R. Food Riolech. 6 257-272.<br />

Anti listerial activity of carnocin 54,a bacteriocin from<br />

leocanostoc carnosum.<br />

Schillinger,. Food Microbiology.<br />

Anti Hypertensive Activity Of a Vegetable Fibre Peparation<br />

: a Prelominary, Duble-Blind, Placebo-Controled Study.<br />

Anthranillic acid derivates and other phenolic acids from<br />

fungus-infected carnation stems<br />

Anthrahnose fruit rot (Colleotrichum capsici) of chili<br />

(Capsicum annuum L) : Causal patogen symptom<br />

expression & infection studies.<br />

Anthracnose fruit rot (Collectotrichum capsici) of chili<br />

(Capsicum Annuuum L) Causal pathogen, symptom<br />

expression and infection studies<br />

Anthocyanin Composition of Red Raspberry Juice:<br />

Influences of Cultivar, processing, and Environmental<br />

factors<br />

Anther culture and its application for rice improvement<br />

<strong>program</strong> in Indonesia<br />

Nami.R European Journal Of Clinical Nutrition.<br />

49 Suppl. 1<br />

Nienman Biology and Chemistry of Active<br />

Natural Substances<br />

Mah, SY Tehnol. Sayur-sayuran 1:35-40<br />

Mah SY tehnol Sayur-sayuran I:35-40<br />

Boyles, M.J. J. Food Sci., 58 (5): 1135-1141.<br />

Dewi IS Indian Agric Res Dev J 18:51-56.<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Antagonistic Properties of the Different Species Group of<br />

Trichoderma. II. Productions of Antibiotics<br />

Antagonistic Potential of Trichoderma Spp. Agints Root Rot<br />

Pathogen of Forest Tree Species<br />

Antagonistic Potential of Trichoderma spp. Againts root rot<br />

Pathogen of Forest Tree Species<br />

Antagonistic Potential of Trichoderma spp. Against Root<br />

Rot Pathogen of Forest Tree Species.<br />

Antagonistic Potential of Common Decomposer,<br />

Trichoderma Spp<br />

Antagonistic effect of LH on FSH-induced<br />

superovulation in cattle<br />

Webster, J. Trans. Mycol. Soc. 57(l):41-48<br />

Widyastuti.S.M Asian Journal Of Sustainable<br />

Agriculture<br />

Widyastuti. S.M Asian Journal of Sustainable<br />

Agriculture Vol. 2<br />

Widyastuti, SM. Asian J. Sustainable Agric.. 2 (2). 1-8<br />

Widyastuti. S.M Jurnal Searca<br />

Chupin D., Theriogenology<br />

Annual Report for 1977. Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines. IRRI Annual Report for 1977. Los Banos,<br />

Laguna, Philippines.<br />

Annual Report 1997 Asian Development<br />

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Asian Development Bank, Manila,<br />

Philippines.<br />

Annual report 1989. CIAT Tropical pastures working document<br />

No. 70. Centro Internacional de<br />

Agricultura tropical, Cali, Colombia<br />

Annual Book of ASTM Standar. Anonim, Serial Designation D. 143-52 and<br />

D245-70,<br />

Annu. Rev. Plant Physiology. Humpries, E.C Annu. Rev. Plant Physiology.<br />

Anjuran bahan tanaman the th 1978 Astika W Warta BPTK 4(3/4) : 297-306<br />

Anionic peroxidase catalysed ascorbic acid and IAA<br />

oxidation in the presence of hydrogen peroxidase: A<br />

defence system againts peroxidative stress in peanut plant<br />

B.V. Zheng Phytochemistry 31:1898-1898.<br />

Anion Transport Througt Columns of Highly Weathered<br />

Acid soils<br />

Bellini, G Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Anion transport throught columns of highly weathered acid<br />

soil : Adsorption and retardation<br />

Bellini, G Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Anion Transport Throught Columns Of Highly Weatherd<br />

acid Soil : Adsorption and Reterdation<br />

Bellini. G Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Anion adsorption by soils and soil materials Parfitt, R.L. Adv. Agron. 30: 1-42.<br />

Animal-sediment relationships Gray, J.S. Ann. Ev. Oceanogr.<br />

Animal waste problem and their solution from the<br />

technological point of view in Japan.<br />

Haga, K. JARQ<br />

Animal Waste Problem and Their Solution from the<br />

Technological Point of View in Japan<br />

Haga, K. JARQ<br />

Animal and vegetable proteins in lipid metabolism and<br />

atherosclerosis<br />

Gibney, M.J Anal. Biochem<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 711 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Angiotensin I-converting enzyme inhibitory activity of the Cterminal<br />

hexapeptide of alvaa1-casein.<br />

Maruyama, S. Agric. Biol Chem.<br />

Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitory activity of the Cterminal<br />

hexapeptide of casein<br />

Maruyama S Agric Biol. Chem<br />

Angiogenesis: new aspect relating to its initiation and<br />

control<br />

Norrby, K. APM1S 105:417-437.<br />

Angiogenesis Folkman, J. J. Biol. Chem. 267:10931-10934.<br />

Aneuploidy In mussel embryos (mytilus edulis L.)<br />

originating from a polluted dock,<br />

Dixon. D.R., Marine Biology Letters. 3. 155-161<br />

Aneuploidy 16 in human embryos increase significantly<br />

with maternal age<br />

Benadiva.C.A Fertil.Steril<br />

Anemia Gizi Dapat Dicegah dengan Makanan yang Baik. Wijayanti T.F Buletin Gizi, No. 2, Vol. 13. PERSAGI.<br />

Androgen and estrogen receptors in bovine skeletal musle:<br />

relation to steroid induced allometric musle growth<br />

Andoxidative effect of coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) water<br />

extract on TBARS value in liver of rats fed fish oil diet<br />

Sauerwien H J anim Sci 206-212<br />

Santoso, U<br />

Andoxidant effects of some giner constituents Kikuzaku, H. J. Food Sci. 58:1407-1409.<br />

Anatomy of the latex system in the dormant embryo of<br />

Euphorbia marginata Purch : Correlative analysis of the<br />

histological organization and topographic distribution of<br />

laticifers.<br />

Bruni, A.. Aim. Bot. 42 : 1099-1108.<br />

Anatomy of lettuce tissue affected by three physiological<br />

disorders<br />

Anatomy and fine structure of nerves associated with the<br />

corpus allatum and foregut musculature of Periplaneta<br />

americana (L.) (Dictyoptera: Blattidae)<br />

Anatomy and chemistry of aspen branches afflicted with<br />

drooping aspen disease. Canadian<br />

Ilkeer, Y. J. Am . Soc. Hortic. Sci. 102 :426-428.<br />

Novak, F.J. Int. J. Insect Morphol. Embryol. 15:<br />

171-181.<br />

Jacobi, Journal of Plant Pathology. Vol 12<br />

page: 158 - 163.<br />

Anatomy 19 jenis kayu dari Sulawesi. Mandang, Y. I.<br />

Anatomical and morphological adaptation of plants to<br />

waterlogging<br />

Kawase Sci 16.30-34<br />

Anatomical and morphological adaptation of plants to<br />

waterlogging<br />

Kawase Sci 16.30-34<br />

Anatomical analysis of the development and distribution of<br />

Rhizobium infection in soybean roots.<br />

Calvert, H.E. C. J. Bot.<br />

Anatomi dan kandungan kimia batang beberapa jenis<br />

Jasni. A. Basukriadi Jurnal Ilmiah Biodiversitas Indonesia.<br />

rotan.<br />

FMIPA Universitas Indonesia 1(1): 37-<br />

47.<br />

Anatomi dan identifikasi 21 jenis kayu kurang dikenal. Mandang, Y.I.<br />

Anatomi dan identifikasi 17 jenis kayu kurang dikenal. Mandang, YI.<br />

Anatomi 21 jenis kayu kurang dikenal. Mandang Y. I.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 712 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Anatisa break even usaha peternakan, ayam pedaging Giarti Poultry Indonesia. 111: 34-37.<br />

Analytical Studies on the ecology of two species of<br />

planthopper, the whitebacked planthopper (Nilaparvata<br />

lugens Stal.) with special refference to their outbreaks<br />

Suenaga, H. Bull. Kyushu. Agric. Exp. Stu. 8(l):1-<br />

152.<br />

Analytical model for plastic impact of fruit on thin plate. Gan-Mor, S Transactions of the ASAE<br />

Analyss and interpretation of factors which contribute to<br />

efficiency of nitrogen utilization<br />

Moll RH Agron J 74:562-564<br />

Analysis repeated measurement of animals Gill, J.L. J. Anim. Sci. 33: 331-336.<br />

Analysis on root system morphology using a root length<br />

density model<br />

Suga, T Jpn. J. Crop Sci<br />

Analysis on root system morphology using a root length<br />

density model<br />

Morita, S Jpn. J. Crop Sci<br />

Analysis og the growth of the soil palm E. guineensis Jacq I<br />

Estimation of growth parameters and application in<br />

breddings<br />

Corley, Euphytica 20 : 304-315<br />

Analysis of yield and yield components in rice Gamesan K IRRN 20 (1):4<br />

Analysis of variance of the half diallel table Jones, R.M. Heredity 20: 117-121.<br />

Analysis of total and insoluble mixed-linked (1-3), (1-4)- b-Dglucans<br />

in barley and oats<br />

Aman. P. J. Agric. Food Chem<br />

Analysis of the Species-area Relation Kilbum, P.D. Ecology 47 : 831-834.<br />

Analysis of the response of netphotosynthesis of rose<br />

leaves of varying ages to photosynthetically active radiation<br />

and temperature<br />

Pasian CC J. Amer Soc Hort Sci 114:581-586<br />

Analysis of the phylogenetic relationships of strains of<br />

Burkholderia solanacearum, Pseudomonas syzigii, and the<br />

blood disease bacterium of banana based on 16S rRNA<br />

gene sequences. Int.<br />

Analysis of the phylogenetic relationships of strains of<br />

Burkholderia solanacearum, P. syzigii and the blood<br />

disease bacterium of banana based on 16S rNA gene<br />

squences<br />

Taghavi, M., J. Systematic Bacteriol. 46(1): 10-15.<br />

Taghavi, M., Internatil.J.Sys.Bacteriol. 46:10-15<br />

Analysis of The Bovine Viral Diarrhea Genom for Possible<br />

Celluler Insertions.<br />

Qi, F. Virology.<br />

Analysis of plum cultivar with RAPD markers Ortiz A J Hort Sci 72:1-9.<br />

Analysis of Plant Competition Experiments For Different<br />

Ratios of Species<br />

McGlichrist. C.A Biometrics<br />

Analysis of Pheseolus vulgaris L And P cocineus Lam.<br />

Hybrids by RFLP : preferential transission of P vulagaris<br />

alleles<br />

Guo M Theor Appl Genet 81:703-709<br />

Analysis of naturally occuring mycotoxin in feedstuffs and<br />

food<br />

Richard, J.L. J. Anim. Sci. 71:2563-2574.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 713 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Analysis of mimosine and 3-hydroxy 4(I)-pyridone by highperformance<br />

liquid chromatography.<br />

Analysis of indole acetic acid and abscisic acid contents in<br />

nodules of soybean llants bearing VA mycorrhizas.<br />

Analysis of heritable variance on a diallel cross of Nicotidna<br />

rustica vars<br />

Analysis of growth of the oil palm (E. guineensis Jacq.) I.<br />

Estimation of growth parameters and application in<br />

breeding.<br />

Analysis of growth of the oil palm (E. guineensis Jacq.) I.<br />

Estimation of growth parameters and application in<br />

breeding.<br />

Analysis of growth of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq) I.<br />

Estimation of growth parameter and application in breeding<br />

Analysis of gossypol in whole cottonseed and rumen<br />

liquorof sheep fed a basal diet grass hay supplemented<br />

with whole cottonseed<br />

Analysis of gossypol in whole cottonseed and rumen liquor<br />

of sheep fed basal diet grass hay supplemented with whole<br />

cottonseed<br />

Analysis of gossypol in whole cottonseed and rumen liquor<br />

of sheep fed a basal diet grass hay supplemented with<br />

whole cottonseed<br />

Analysis of genetic relationship among genotypes based on<br />

molecular marker data<br />

Analysis of genetic diversity and population structure of<br />

bacterial blight (BB) pathogen in West Java, Indonesia.<br />

Tangendjaja, B. J. Chromatograph. 202: 317-318.<br />

Mizukami, Y.M. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr.<br />

Jinks, J.L. Genetics 39: 767-788.<br />

Corley, R.H.V. Euphytica 20: 307-315<br />

Corley, R.H.V. Euphytica 20: 307-315<br />

CORLEY, R.H.V Euphytica 20<br />

Ismartoyo<br />

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Nienhuis, J Analysis of molecular mareker data.<br />

Join plan breeding symposia series,<br />

Corvalis, Oregon 5-6 august. CSSA,<br />

Am Soc Horticul. Sci & Am Genet<br />

Assoc<br />

Ardales E IRRN 18:28-29<br />

Analysis of free sugar in yogurt Shanley RM The Australian journal of dairy<br />

technology June: 58-60<br />

Analysis of fertility during bunch development in the inter<br />

specific oil palm hybrid E. melanococca X E. guineensis.<br />

Schwendiman, J. Oleagineux 38: 411-420<br />

Analysis of factors involved in the in vitro production of<br />

bovine embryos<br />

Analysis of Factors Controlling Soil Organic Matter Levels<br />

In Great Plains Grassland<br />

Analysis of Factor Controling Soil Organic Matter Levels in<br />

Great Plains Grasslands<br />

Benjamin G Theriogenology<br />

Parton. W.J Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Parton. W.J Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 714 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Analysis of essential oil of Pogostemon cablin (Patchaouli<br />

oil).<br />

Akhlia,A J. Fitoterapi. Vol.IV<br />

Analysis of differences in sink capacity aming soybean<br />

genotype based on dry matter accumulation rates per unit<br />

seed coat area<br />

Hanson WD Crop Sci 28 :830-834<br />

Analysis of differences in sink capacity aming soybean<br />

genotype based on dry matter accumulation rates per unit<br />

seed coat area<br />

Hanson WD Crop Sci 28 :830-834<br />

Analysis of condensed tannins using acidified vanillin Broadhurst, R. B. J. Sci. Food & Agric.<br />

Analysis of Concentration Polarization Phenomenon in<br />

Ultrafiltration under Turbulent Flow Conditions<br />

Bader, M.S.H Journal of Membrane Science<br />

Analysis of combining ability in maize at varying plant<br />

densities<br />

Bhalla, S.K. Maydica 22: 19-26.<br />

Analysis of combined experiments McIntosh, M.S. Agron. J. 75: 153-155.<br />

Analysis of astaxanthin and other carotenoids from several<br />

Phaffia rhodozyma mutants.<br />

Calo, P. J. Agric Food. Chem. 43: 1369-1399.<br />

Analysis of 2-methylisoborneol in Water, and Channel<br />

Martin, J.F. Can J. Fish Aquat. Sci. 44 (4): 909-<br />

Catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) from Commercial Culture<br />

Ponds in Mississippi<br />

912.<br />

Analyses of published genetic parameter estimated for beef<br />

production traits. 2, Phenotypic and genetic correlations<br />

Koots, K. R. Anim. Breed- Abstr., 62 : 825-853.<br />

Analyses of published genetic parameter estimated for beef<br />

production traits. 1, Heritability<br />

Koots, K. R. Anim. Breed- Abstr., 62 : 309-338.<br />

Analyses of production, Consumption and marketing on<br />

cassava<br />

Rusastra, I.W. J. Res. And Devel. Of Agriculture<br />

Analyses of genetic diversity in Cuban rice varities using<br />

isozyme, RAPD and AFLP markers<br />

Fuentes JL Euphytica 109:107-115.<br />

Analyse d’image support au denombrement de<br />

zooplancton preleve dans Ie cadie du pragramme Ecothau.<br />

Acta ecologica,<br />

Lam hoai, T., Eco. Applic, 10(4). 379-391<br />

Analisis usahatanicabai merah ditingkat petani. Bul. Soetiarso, T.A. Penel Hort.<br />

Analisis usahatani rami di Kabupaten Garut dan Sumedang Supriyadi-<br />

Tirtosuprobo<br />

Buletin Tembakau dan Serat.<br />

Analisis usahatani cabai merah di tingkat petani. Soetiarso, T.A. Penel, Hort.<br />

Analisis usaha ternak sapi perah rakyat di Kec.<br />

Karangploso. Kab. Malang Jatim<br />

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Analisis usaha dan sistem bagi hasil alat tangkap cantrang Suhendrata. T. Jurnal penelitian laut No. 64 Tahun<br />

di kabupaten Dati II Batang, Jawa Tengah.<br />

1991 (hal. 37-43)<br />

Analisis Tipe Mikorisa pada Tiga Jenis Tanaman Meranti di Noor.M Jurnal Penelitian Hutan Tropika<br />

Bawah Hutan Bekas Terbakar di Hutan Penelitian<br />

Wanariset Kalimantan Timur<br />

Samarinda "Wanatrop"<br />

Analisis tingkat efisiensi penggunaan input usaha tani<br />

cabai merah (Capsicum annum L.)<br />

Basuki, R. S. Bul. Penel. Hort.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 715 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Analisis tekno-ekonomi pengembangan pupuk hayati Rhizoplus<br />

untuk tanaman kedelai pada skala industri<br />

Djumali, M.<br />

Analisis tataniaga pisang di Sumatera Barat. Hosen, N.<br />

Analisis stabilitas produksi pucuk beberapa klon the di<br />

kebun Pagilaran<br />

Mangoendidjojo, W J Agric Sci 4(6):281-289<br />

Analisis Sikap Fishbein Terhadap Produk Biskuit Sandwich<br />

Coklat<br />

Sumarwan. U<br />

Analisis sidak lintas (path anlysis)karakter vegetatif<br />

dangeneratif pada kelapa Dalam Palu<br />

Miftahorrachman Bulletin Balitka,no 16, h 14<br />

Analisis RFLP <strong>kelompok</strong> ras dan haplotipe isolat bias<br />

dengan DNA pelacak MGR 586.<br />

Utami, D.W.,<br />

Analisis Ragam dan Pendugaan Heritabilitas Hasil dan<br />

Komponen Hasil Kacang Tanah di Lingkungan Optimal dan<br />

Lingkungan Berkendala<br />

Nugrahaeni. N Penelitian Palawija<br />

Analisis produktivitas kerja ekstraksi kayu dengan sistem<br />

kabel dalam sistem tebang habis di hutan Jawa Timar.<br />

Analisis produktivitas dan pengusahaan lahan unit<br />

pemukiman transmigrasi pola tanaman pangan lahan<br />

kering di Indonesia<br />

Analisis pola pemasaran magga arumanis di sentra<br />

produksi.<br />

Analisis pertumbuhan tanaman kedelai [Glycine max (L.)<br />

Merrill] pada berbagai varietas, populasi tanaman, dan<br />

teknik pengendalian gulma<br />

Analisis pertumbuhan tanaman kedelai [Glycine max (L.)<br />

Merrill] pada berbagai varietas, jarak tanam, dan<br />

pemupukan<br />

Basari, Z.,<br />

Sitorus, S.R.P<br />

Wahyunindyawati. Penel, Hort.<br />

Hasanuddin<br />

Hasanuddin<br />

Analisis pertumbuhan Tanaman Dartius<br />

Analisis pertumbuhan kedelai [Glycine max (L.) Merrill]<br />

pada berbagai varietas, jarak tanam, dan pemupukan<br />

Hasanuddin<br />

Analisis Pertumbuhan kedelai [Glycine max (L.) Merrill]<br />

Pada Berbagai Dosis Herbisida Trifluralin<br />

analisis Pertumbuhan Kedelai [Glycine max (L.) Merrill]<br />

pada Berbagai Dosis Herbisida Trifluralin<br />

Analisis pertumbuhan kedelai [Glycine max (L.) Merrill]<br />

pada berbagai dosis herbisida trifluralin<br />

Analisis pertumbuhan kedelai [Glycine max (L.) Merrill]<br />

pada berbagai dosis herbisida trifluralin<br />

Analisis Persepsi Popularitas, Kualitas., Harga Serta<br />

Hubungannya Dengan Konsumsi Berbagai Merek Minyak<br />

Goreng<br />

Hasanuddin Jurnal Ilmiah Mon Mata<br />

Hasanuddin Mon Mata. Jurnal Ilmiah Universitas<br />

Syiah Kuala<br />

Hasanuddin J. Ilmiah Mon Mata<br />

Hasanuddin J. Ilmiah Mon Mata<br />

Sumarwan. U<br />

Analisis Permintaan mangga di Jakarta Santoso, P. J. Hort.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 716 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Analisis permintaan dan penawaran jagung Najamuddin, A. Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi,<br />

FAPERTAHUT, (l): 61-70.<br />

Analisis Pendugaan Tarif Impor Opitimum pada<br />

Perdagangan Gula Indonesia<br />

Wahyudi, A Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi,<br />

Analisis Penawaran dan Permintaan Gula di Indonesia Nahdodin<br />

Analisis pemasaran rambutan binjai padang Sidempuan. Wahjudi, T.<br />

Analisis pemasaran rambutan binjai di Padang Sidempuan. Wahjudi, T.<br />

Analisis Pemasaran Karet Rakyat Dalam Upaya<br />

Meningkatkan Harga di Tingkat Petani ( Study Kasus pada<br />

Setna Produksi di Kecamatan Kumai Kalimantan Tengah)<br />

Analisis laju sedimentasi unsur hara sedimen, dan uji<br />

kemampuan nitrifikasi bakteri Nitrosomonas, sebagai data<br />

dasar untuk restorasi kualitas air pada budidaya keramba<br />

jaring apung.<br />

Marpaung. K Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu-ilmu Sosial<br />

Wacana Vol. I<br />

Kartamihardja,<br />

Analisis Korelasi dan Koefisien Lintas Komponen Hasil<br />

Padi Gogo<br />

Ayarif, A. A. Ris. Seminar Balittan Sukarami<br />

Analisis Konsumsi Ikan di Kabupaten Blitar (Studi Empiris<br />

Persamaan Slutzki).<br />

Mariina, E. dkk. Jumal Penelitian Ilmu-llmu Sosial.<br />

Analisis konsumsi buah-buahan di Indonesia. Setyawati, T. Penel. Hort.<br />

Analisis konsumsi buah-buahan di Indonesia Setyawati, T Penel Hort.<br />

Analisis komponen kimia dari kayu sengon dan karct pada<br />

beberapa macam umur.<br />

Pari, G.<br />

Analisis Kompetisi dan Performansi Industri Yeanni D.A.T Jurnal Teknik dan Manajemen Industri<br />

ITB.Volume 19 No.1 April 1999 ITB<br />

Analisis koefisien lintasan dari komponen hasil<br />

perbanyakan benih padi hibrida<br />

Analisis koefisien lintasan dari komponen hasil<br />

perbanyakan benih padi hibrida<br />

Sutaryo B Penelitian Pertanian Balit Tanaman<br />

Pangan Bogor<br />

Sutaryo B Penelitian Pertanian Balit Tanaman<br />

Pangan Bogor<br />

Analisis kimia dan destilasi kering kayu karet. Sri Komarayati.<br />

Analisis kimia batang aren (Arenga pinnata Merr) dari<br />

Jasinga, Bogor<br />

Gusmailina -<br />

Analisis Keuntungan Peternak Plasma. Sutawi, Poultry Indonesia, September 1998,<br />

Hal 16 - 18.<br />

Analisis kemiripan genetika kelapa koleksi plasma nutfah di<br />

kebun percobaan Mapanget, Sulawesi Utara.<br />

Novarianto, H.<br />

Analisis kelembagaan perusahaan inti rakyat perunggasan<br />

nasional<br />

Rusastra IW Forum penelitian Agro Ekonomi, FAE<br />

Vol 8 No. 1 dan 2, Desember 1990<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 717 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Analisis kelayakan finansial usaha tani nilam di Lampung Muchlas<br />

Analisis kebutuhan rumah tangga yang berdampak<br />

terhadap konsumsi buah manggis.<br />

Analisis Kebijaksanaan Konversi Lahan Sawah ke<br />

Pengguna Non Pertanian. PSE, Badan Litbang Pertanian.<br />

Analisis kandungan kimia ekstrak daun katuk (Sauropus<br />

androgynus (L) Merr) dengan GCMS<br />

Waruwu, F.<br />

Analisis kandungan gizi udang karang (Spiny lobster). Purdiwoto, B.<br />

Analisis investasi perusahaan susu sapi perah; dalam<br />

media pengembangan ilmu-ilmu peternakan dan<br />

perikanan.<br />

Sumaryanto Analisis Kebijaksanaan Konversi<br />

Lahan Sawah ke Pengguna Non<br />

Pertanian. PSE, Badan Litbang<br />

Pertanian.<br />

Agustal, A. Warta Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia 3<br />

(3): 31-33.<br />

Suryanto, B. FP UNDIP Semarang Edisi IV tahun<br />

XIX. ISSN 0215-9317<br />

Analisis hubungan antar komponen citarasa biji kakao Yusianto pelita perkebunan 14(2):124-140<br />

Analisis heterosis dan daya gabung tanaman padi dengan<br />

metode persilangan dialel.<br />

Analisis Fungsi Respons Areal Tanaman Tebu Lahan<br />

Sawah<br />

Analisis finansial pembangunan unit pengolahan kakao<br />

model bangunan Surya II,<br />

Analisis elastisitas harga buah manggis terhadap buahbuahan<br />

lain.<br />

Analisis Ekonomi Perusahaan Inti Rakyat (PIR) Sapi<br />

Potong di Bali<br />

Analisis Ekonomi Pembibitan Apokat cara sambung celah<br />

dan okulasi irisan.<br />

Analisis ekonomi pembibitan apokat cara sambung celah<br />

dan okulasi irisan.<br />

Analisis ekonomi pembibitan apokat cara sambung celah<br />

dan okulasi irisan.<br />

Analisis ekonomi pembibitan apokat cara sambung celah<br />

dan okulasi irisan.<br />

Analisis ekonomi pembibitan apokat cara sambung celah<br />

dan okulasi irisan.<br />

Analisis ekologi relimg intraspesifik kadal Sphenomorphus<br />

variegattts : Ditinjau dari pakan alaminya<br />

Analisis Efisiensi Ekonomi Relatif Usahatani Kopi Rakyat di<br />

Lampung.<br />

Analisis efesiensi usaha tani Salak kultivar swaru di Jawa<br />

Timur.<br />

Silitonga, T.S.<br />

Susmiadi<br />

Yusianto Warta Puslit kopi dan kakao 14 (1), 74-<br />

85<br />

Anonymous, J. Hort.<br />

Simatupang, P Jurnal Penelitian Petemakan<br />

Indonesia<br />

Santoso, P. Penel. Hort<br />

Santoso, P. Penel Hort<br />

Santoso, P. Penel Hort.<br />

Santoso, P. Penel, Hort.<br />

Santoso, P. Penel, Hort.<br />

Kurniati, H. Zoo Indonesia (12): 1-12.<br />

Santoso, B. Jurnal Agro Ekonomi, Vol.8 (1):50-61<br />

Kasijadi, F. Penel Hort<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 718 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Analisis efesiensi distribusi buah manggis di Sumatera<br />

Barat dan Jawa Barat.<br />

Anonymous, J. Hort.<br />

Analisis daya saing mangga segar Indonesia Suprihatini, R., Jurnal Hortikultura<br />

Analisis Dampak lingkungan proyek pembangunan<br />

pertambangan pasir besi Lu-majang di kecamatan Yoso-<br />

wilangun Kabupaten Lumajang Jawa Timur. Jakarta<br />

Analisis budi daya udang semi intensif dan intensif (Studi<br />

Kasus Desa Garongkong Kecamatan Barru, Kabupaten<br />

Barru, Sulawesi Selatan)<br />

Analisis biaya dan pendapatan usahatani cabe merah<br />

(Capsicum annuum L.) didesa Kemurang Kulon, Brebes.<br />

Analisis biaya dan pendapatan usahatani cabai merah di<br />

Desa Kemurung Kulon, Brebes<br />

Analisis biaya dan pendapatan usahatani cabai merah di<br />

Desa Kemurang Kulon, Brebes<br />

Analisis beberapa parameter <strong>sumber</strong> daya kepiting bakau<br />

di perairan muara Sungai Cenranae, Kabupaten Bone,<br />

Sulawesi Selatan<br />

Anonymous Analisis Dampak lingkungan proyek<br />

pembangunan pertambangan pasir<br />

besi Lu-majang di kecamatan Yoso-<br />

wilangun Kabupaten Lumajang Jawa<br />

Timur. Jakarta<br />

Pasaribu, A.M. Jurnal Penelitian Budi DayaPantai<br />

4(1): 119-131.<br />

Basuki, R.S. Bull. Penel. Hort<br />

Basuki, R. S. Bul. Penel. Hort<br />

Basuki, R.S. Buletin Penelitian Hortikultura, XVI<br />

(2): 115-121.<br />

Gunarto<br />

Analisi Ekonomi pembibitan manggis. Waruwu, F.<br />

Analisa usahatani melati : potensi, peluang dam prospek. Effendhie, K. J. Hort.<br />

Analisa usaha tani hortikultura Anonymous, Warta Penyuluhan Pertanian<br />

Tanaman Pangan<br />

Analisa tanah dalam syor pembajaan kelapa sawit Ali H Kemajuan Penyelidikan Felda (5) 2:9-<br />

10<br />

Analisa profitabilitas perusahaan susu sapi perah Suryanto B Media, Mjlh Pengembangan Ilmu-ilmu<br />

peternakan UNDIP ed. III thn XX Sept<br />

95 Semarang<br />

Analisa Penerimaan dan Biaya usaha ternak kambing PE Suryanto B Media, Pengembangan Ilmu-ilmu<br />

peternakan dan perikanan FP UNDIP<br />

Semarang Ed Th XVIII Juni 1993<br />

Analisa pendugaan parameter genetik sifat tahan penyakit<br />

karat (Uromyces phaseoli) pada silangan buncis<br />

(Phaseolus vulgaris)<br />

Sofiari, E. Bull. Penelitian Hortikultura. 19(2): 50-<br />

56.<br />

Analisa Komposisi Jenis Pohon Hutan Rawa Gambut di<br />

Sel. Mandor Kalimantan Barat<br />

Sutisna<br />

Analisa kimia 6 jenis kayu Jawa Barat Vol.5. Ando Y.<br />

Analisa ekonomi pembibitan apokat cara sambung celah<br />

dan okulasi irisan.<br />

Santoso, P. Penel. Hort.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 719 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Analisa Awal Uji Provenansi Acacia Mangium di Muara<br />

Tweh, Kalimantan Tengah<br />

Anaerobic Treatment of Acid Water (Methan Production in<br />

Sulfate Rich Environment), p. 113-119<br />

Leksono.B Majalah Sriwijaya, UNSRI Palembang<br />

Hoeks, F.W.J.M.M. : Meer, H. van der, (ed.). Inovation in<br />

Biotechnol<br />

Anacardiaceae [Revisi] Hou D Flora Malesiana 83:408-547.<br />

An Urban Soil Study : Heavy Metal in Glebe. Australia Markus. J.A Aust. J. Soil Res<br />

An uptodate on the roles ofinhibin, activin and follistatin as<br />

local regulators of folliculogenesis<br />

Findlay JK Biol Reprod 48:15-23.<br />

An Ultrasonic Non-Destructive Method for Measuring<br />

Maturity of Mango Fruit<br />

Mizrah, A. Trans. ASAE 40 (4): 1107-1111.<br />

An Overview on Rice Stem Borer Central Program Based Oka, I.N. An Overview on Rice Stem Borer<br />

on Integreted Management<br />

Central Program Based on Integreted<br />

Management<br />

An Overview Of The Fresh Vegetable Subsector in<br />

Indonesia<br />

Menegay. M.R Indonesia Agribisnis Development<br />

Project, ADP Working Paper No. 12.<br />

Jakarta<br />

An overview of Pyrodinium red tides in the Western Pacific Maclean, J.L. Hallegraeff, G.M. and Maclean, J.L.<br />

(ed.). Biology, Epidemiology and<br />

Management of Pyrodinium red tides.<br />

ICLARM, Manila, Philippines. Pp. 1-7.<br />

An outbreak of oxalate poisoing incattle grzing Setaria<br />

sphacelata<br />

Seawright AA Aust Vet J 46:293-296<br />

An outbreak of Japanese encephalitis in the Torres Strait,<br />

Australia, 1995<br />

Hanna, J.N. Mod. J. Aust. 165(5): 256-260.<br />

An ordination of the upland forest communities of southem<br />

Wisconsin<br />

Bray, J.R Ecological Monographs<br />

An objective evaluation of changes in firmness of ripening<br />

bananas using a sonic technique<br />

Finney, E. E. Jr., J. of Food Sci<br />

An isozyme marker for resistance to bean yellow mosaic<br />

virus in Pisum sativum<br />

Weede.n, N.F. J.Hered. 75:411-412.<br />

An Isoflavane from Millettia racemosa, Rao, C.P. Phytochemistry, 35, p. 1597-1599.<br />

An Invitro Method for Predicting the Bioavailability<br />

of Iron from Food.<br />

Rao, N. Am. J. Nutr. 31: 169-173.<br />

an investigation of flower formation adult and juvenile citrus<br />

tress<br />

Furr, J. R. Amer. J. Bot.<br />

An investigation of enzyme polymorphism in the giant tiger<br />

shrimp Penaus monodon<br />

An Investigation of Acetyl-Cholinesterase Inhibition and<br />

Aging and Choline Acetyltransferase Activity Following a<br />

High Level Acute Exposure to Paraoxon.<br />

Sugama, K J. Coastal. Aquaculture Res.<br />

Indonesia, 9:147-154<br />

Chambers, J. H. W. Pesticide Brochem. Physiol.<br />

An Introduction to The Ecology of Cerrado Lizards Vitt, L.J. Journal of Herpetology. 25 (1) : 79 -<br />

90.<br />

An Introduction to animal husbandry in the tropcs Payne WJA Tropical Agric. Series<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 720 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

An integrated technique to quantify sewage, oil and PAH<br />

pollution in estuarine and coastal environments.<br />

Readmen, J.W., Mar. Pollut. Bull., 17: 298-308.<br />

An integrated pest management strategy for controlling<br />

potato tuber moth in Egypt<br />

Lagnaoui, A. CIP Circular 22 (3): 6-7.<br />

An Insect Antifeedant Limonoid From Seed of Khaya<br />

Ivorensis<br />

Vanucci. C Phytochemistry<br />

An inproved enzyme immunoassay for the detection of<br />

Salmonella<br />

Mattingly, J. A. J. Food Sci.<br />

An inducible, intracellu-lar, alkalophilic lipase in Aspergillus<br />

flavipes grown on triacylglycerols<br />

Savitha, J., World J. Microb. Biotech<br />

An in vitro method for estimation of iron availability from<br />

meals<br />

Miller D.D American Journal Clinical Nutrition<br />

An improvement TBA test for rancidity. Lemon, D.W. New Series Circular No. 51<br />

An improved Diphenylamine method for the estimation of<br />

desoxyribonucleic acid<br />

Giles KW Nature, London 206, 93<br />

An improved cover crop-fallow system for sustainable<br />

management of low activity clay soils of the tropics<br />

Tian G Soil Sci Vol 164 9 : 671 - 682<br />

An improved cover crop-fallow system for sustainable<br />

management of low activity clay soils of the tropics<br />

Tian G Soil Sci Vol 164 9 : 671 - 682<br />

An impact force response fruit firmness sortcr Delwiche, M.J Transactions of the ASAE<br />

An Immunohistochemical study on the distribution of<br />

endocrine cells in the gastro-intestinal tract of the musk<br />

shrew, Suncus Murinus<br />

Kitamura.N Histol.Histopath<br />

An Immunohistochemical study on the distribution of<br />

endocrine cells in the gastro-intestinal tract of pig<br />

An Immunohistochemical study of gastrointestinal<br />

endocrine cells in a nectarivorous marsupial, the honey<br />

possum( tarsipes rostratus).<br />

An identification guede to common whitefly pest species of<br />

the word ( Homoptera: Aleyrodidae)<br />

An ice nucleation reporter gene system: identification of<br />

inducible pathogenecity gene in<br />

Pseudomonassyringaey.vphaseolicola<br />

An extremely thermostable extracellular proteinase from a<br />

strain of the archaebacterium Desulfurococcus growing at<br />

88°C<br />

An Extended Model of Forage Grass Response to Applied<br />

Nitrogen<br />

An experimental waste water treatment system for a shrimp<br />

farm. Aquaculture<br />

An experimental study on genetic drift in hatchery<br />

population of red sea bream.<br />

An Eximination of The Antifungal Components In The<br />

heartwood Extracts of Pterocarpus Indicus<br />

Ito.H Jap.Vet.Sci<br />

Yamada.J J.Anat<br />

Martin JH Trop Pest Manag<br />

Lindgren, B.P. EMBOJ. 8:1291-1301.<br />

Cowan, D.A. Biochem. J. 247:121-133.<br />

Overman, A.R Agron. J<br />

Enander, H. Infofish International. (4): 56-61.<br />

Sugama , K. Bull. Japan Scie. Soc. 54: 739-744.<br />

Pilotti.C.A Journal of The Japan Wood Research<br />

Society. Vol. 411 No. 6<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 721 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

An examination of the value of site analysis in field studies<br />

in tropical Australia<br />

An evaluation of various treatments to increase sperm<br />

penetration capacity for potential use in an in vitro<br />

fertilization <strong>program</strong><br />

An Evaluation of the Vaginal Smear Technique for<br />

Detecting the Occurence of Ovulation in the Ewe<br />

An Evaluation Of Techniques to Measure Vesicular-<br />

Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Infection in Roots<br />

An evaluation of techniques for measuring vesiculararbuscular<br />

mycorrhizal infection in roots<br />

An Evaluation Of Effect of Mass Selection and Seed<br />

Irradiation With Thermal On Yield Of Corn<br />

An Estimation Of Selenium Requirements For New<br />

Zealenders<br />

An Equation for The Modulus of Elasticity Of a Radially<br />

Compressed Cylinder<br />

An epidemiological investigation associating aflatoxin Ml<br />

with milk production in dairy cattle<br />

An Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) for<br />

detecting penaeid Baculo Virus<br />

An effort to improve the nutritive value of sorghum by high<br />

moisture storage treatment on Broiler performance<br />

Wright, R.L Zeitschr. Geom. J<br />

Ronald, L.U. J. Fertility and Sterility. Vol. 57.<br />

Ducker, M. J. J. Reprod. Fen<br />

Giovannetti. M New Phytol<br />

Giovannetti, M. New Phytol. 84:489-500.<br />

Gardner. C.O Crop. Sci.<br />

Duffield. A.J Am. J. Clin. Nutr<br />

Sherif. S.M Trans. Of Am. Soc. Of Agric. Eng.<br />

Wayne, T.C. Vet. Hum. Toxicol. 30(1): 5-8.<br />

D. Lewis J. Fish Diseases Vol 9<br />

Sumiati Indon. J. Nutr. And Feed Sci.<br />

An Economic Threshold for Weed in Soybean (Glycine<br />

max)<br />

Marra, M.C Weed Sci<br />

An ecologycal framework for marine fishing investigations, Caddy J.F FAO Fish. Tech. Pap., (283):153.<br />

An ecological framework for marine fishery investigations. Caddy, J.F. FAO Fish. Tech.Pap., (283): 152pp.<br />

An ecological analysis of the spider fauna (Araneae)<br />

occurring in maize fields, Italian ryegrass fields and thier<br />

edge zones, by means of different multivariate techniques<br />

An EcoKA repetitive sequences family of the coconut palm<br />

Cocos nucifera L. shows sequence homology to ccpia-like<br />

elements. /.<br />

An automated calorimetric method for memosine in<br />

Leucaena leaves.<br />

An Atlas of the Growth, Mortality, and Recruitment of<br />

Phillippines Fishes.<br />

An assessment of the stock of the Banana Prawn Penaeus<br />

merguiensis in the Gulf of Carpentaria<br />

Alderweirldt, M. Agric. Ecosyst, and Environ 27. 293-<br />

306.<br />

Rohde, W. Genet. Breed. 46:391-394.<br />

Megarrity, R.G. J. Sci. Fd. Agric.<br />

Ingles, J. ICLARM, Manila, Phillippine: 127 pp.<br />

Lucas G., Austr. J. Mar. Freshwater Res<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 722 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

An assessment of genetic diversity among Camellia<br />

sinensis L (cultivated tea) and its wild relatives based on<br />

randomly amplified polymorphic DNA andorganell-specifics<br />

STS<br />

An assessment of ensiling the processing wastes from<br />

dogfish to produce a protein feed for monogastric animals<br />

An Approach to the Evaluation of Human Resources by<br />

Using Fuzzy Set Theory<br />

Wachira FN Heredity 78 : 603-611<br />

Strasdine. G.A Canadian Journal of Animal Science<br />

Cannavacciuolo, A An Approach to the Evaluation of<br />

Human Resources by Using Fuzzy<br />

Set Theory<br />

An application of sire evaluation via BLUP methods of body<br />

measurement for Japanese Black heifers<br />

Ujiie, S. Jpn. J. zootech. Sci., 60 (9): 817-823.<br />

An anatomic and histologic study of the rat prostate Jesik CJ Prostate 3:81-97.<br />

An Analysis of the Growth Inhibitory Characteristics of<br />

Alachlor and Metolachlor<br />

Deal, L.M Weed Sci<br />

An Analysis of Logging Damage In Tropical Rain Forest<br />

North Borneo<br />

Nicholson.D.I Malaysian Forester<br />

An amended functional leaching model applicable to<br />

structured soils. II. Model application<br />

Hall, D.G.M. J. Soil Sci. 44: 589-599.<br />

An amended functional leaching model applicable to<br />

structured soils. I. Model description<br />

Hall, D.G.M. J. Soil Sci. 44: 579-588.<br />

An alternative inverse PCR (IPCR) method to amplify DNA<br />

sequences flanking Tn5 transposon insertion.<br />

Martin, V.J.J. J. Microbiol. Met. 35:163-166.<br />

An Algorithm for Least Squares Estimation of N<strong>online</strong>ar<br />

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Marquardt, D. W. J. Soc. Indust. Appl. Math.<br />

An agroclimatic map of Sumatra Oldeman, L.R Contr Centr. Res. Inst. Agric., Bogor.<br />

No. 52. 35 pp,<br />

An Agroclimatic Map of Sulawesi Oldeman Cont. Centr. Res. Ins. Agric. Bogor.<br />

No. 33, 30p + map.<br />

An Agroclimatic Map of Java and Madura Scale 1:1000.000 Oldeman L.R. Contr. Cent. Res. Inst. Agric. No. 17,<br />

Bogor, 22p + map.<br />

An agar plate method for rapid screening of rhizobium for<br />

tolerance to acid aluminum stress<br />

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An agar plate method for rapid screening of rhizobium for<br />

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An Adequate Diet Maynard L Journal of the American Medical<br />

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An acetocarmine squash method for sexing juvenile fishes. Guerrero, R.D. Progressive Fish Culturist 36:56<br />

An Aceto-carmine squash method for sexing juvenile<br />

fishes.<br />

Guerrero, R.D. Prog. Fish. Cult., 36(1):56<br />

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Amylose-amylopectin ratio in a meal affects postpran-dial<br />

variables in male volunteers<br />

Amplifikasi dan Pembu-atan Pelacak DNA dari Gen Betain<br />

Aldehid Dehidrogenase (betB) Escheri-chia coli.<br />

Amplified fragment length polymorphism (ALFP) in<br />

soybean: Species diversity, inheritance, and near-isogenic<br />

lines analysis<br />

Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) in<br />

soybean species diversity, inheritance, and near-isogenic<br />

line analysis<br />

Amelsvoort, J.M.M Am. J. Clin. Nutr<br />

Mursyanti, E.<br />

Maughan, PJ Theor. Appl. Genet. 93:392-401<br />

Maughnan PJ Theor. Appl. Genet. 93:392-401<br />

Amplification and sequencing of DNA from fungal<br />

herbarium specimens.<br />

Bruns, T.D., Mycologia 82: 175-184.<br />

amorphous Iron Oxides in Soil Taylor J. Soils. Sci<br />

Amorphous clay coating in a lowland Oxisol and other<br />

andesit soil of West Java, Indonesia<br />

Ammonium effects on phosphorus absorption through pH<br />

changes and phosphorus precipitation at the soil root<br />

interface<br />

Ammonium concentration control in fed-batch<br />

fermentations of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.<br />

Ammonium acceleration of glycolysis in the ethanol<br />

fermentation in a high corn system.<br />

Ammonia, nitrite and nitrate nitrogen removal from polluted<br />

source water with ozonation and BAC process<br />

Ammonia treatment of wheat straw. 2. Efficiency of<br />

microbial protein synthesis, rumen microbial protein<br />

synthesis and turnover, and small intestinal protein<br />

digestion in sneep<br />

Ammonia treatment of wheat straw. 1. Voluntary intake,<br />

chewing behavior, rumen pool size, turnover and partition<br />

of digestion along the gastrointestinal tract of sheep<br />

Ammonia Treatment of Straw Via The Hydrolysis of Urea.<br />

1. Effects og Dry Matter and Urea Concentration on The<br />

Hydrolysis of Urea.<br />

Buurman, P. Pemberitaan Penelitian Tanah dan<br />

Pupuk (4): 31-40.<br />

Miller MH Agron J 62:524-527.<br />

Kohle, M.M., J. Ferment. Technol. 63:121 -125.<br />

Ziffer, J., J. Gen. Appl. Microbiol. 32:499-504.<br />

Wang, B. zOzone Sci. Eng. 11:227-236.<br />

Oosting, S.J. Neth. J. Sci.<br />

Van Bruchem, J. Neth.J.Agric.Sci.<br />

Williams, P. E. V. Anim. Feed. Sci. and Tech.<br />

Ammonia removal from aqueous solution by ion exchange Lin, S.H. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 35:553-558.<br />

Ammonia regeneration in the Scotia Weddle confluence<br />

area during spring 1988<br />

Ammonia excretion rate as index for comparing efficiency<br />

of dietary protein utilization among rainbow trout ( Salmo<br />

gairdneri ) different stains<br />

Goeyens, L. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 78: 241-252.<br />

Ming F.W Aquaculture<br />

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Ammonia Concentration and Protein Synthesis in The<br />

Rumen.<br />

Pisulewski, P. M. J. Sci.<br />

Ammonia and nitrite removal from sea water by ozonation Lin, S.H. Environ. Technol. 18:65-73.<br />

Amino acids in bovine sera. Fallon, M.N. N.Z. Vet. Journal<br />

Amino acid uptake and metabolism by larvae of the marine<br />

worm Urechis caupo (Euchiura), a new species in axenic<br />

culture.<br />

Jaeckie, W.B., Biol. Bull. 176: 317-326.<br />

Amino acid nutrition with special emphasis on threonine. Chung, T. K. Technical bulleting ASA, FT30.<br />

Amino acid incooperation into protein by pant mitochondria<br />

in the presence of some plant growth promoters<br />

Amino acid ideal digestibility of some grain legume seeds<br />

in growing chickens.<br />

Amino acid fluxes to and from seawater in axenic veliger<br />

larvae of bivalve (Crassostrea gigas).<br />

Amino acid and energy digestibility in peas (Pisum sativum)<br />

from white-flowered spring cultivars for growing pigs.<br />

De, D. K. Metabolic inhibitors and shintetic<br />

message<br />

Perez, L. Anim. Prod.<br />

Manahan, D.T., Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 53: 247-255.<br />

Fan, M. Z. J. Sci. Food Agric.<br />

American Institute of Nutrition, United States of American. Anonym American Institute of Nutrition, United<br />

States of American.<br />

Ameliorative Role of Zn, K, and Gypsum on Maize Growth<br />

Under Alkali Soil Condition<br />

Shukla. U.C Agron. J<br />

Amelioration of iron-toxic soils at newly opened rice Zaini, Z. Penelitian Sukarami No. 10<br />

Amelioration of an acid soil profile through deep liming and<br />

surface application of gypsum<br />

Sumner ME Soil Sci Soc Am J 50:1254-1258.<br />

Amelioration of acid soil infertility by phosphogypsum. Alva, A.K Plant Soil.<br />

Amelioration of acid soil infertility by phosphogypsum Alva, A.K Plant Soil<br />

Amelioration of acid soil infertility by phosphogypsum Alva, A.K Plant Soil<br />

Alumunium Axides and Oxyhidroxides Pa Ho Shu Minerals in Soil Environments<br />

Alumminium Toxicity and calcium deficiency in acid subsoil<br />

horizon of two coastal plains soil series<br />

Adams, F Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Aluminum toxicity in crop plants Fageria, N.K J. Plant Nutr.<br />

Aluminum toxicity and tolerance in plants Delhaize E Plant Physiol 107:315-321<br />

Aluminum tolerance in wheat (Triticum aesitivum L.). II.<br />

Aluminum-stimulated excretion of malic acid from root<br />

apices<br />

Delhaize E Plant Physiol 103:695-702.<br />

Aluminum tolerance in trees of a tropical cloud forest Cuenca, G Plant & Soil<br />

Aluminum Organic matter in acid soils : Buffering and<br />

solution aluminum activity<br />

Bloom, P.R Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Aluminum Organic matter in acid soil : salt-extractable<br />

aluminum<br />

Bloom, P.R Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

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Aluminum hidroxides and oxyhydroxides Hsu, P. H. J. B. Dixon and S. B. Weed (Eds)<br />

Minerals in Soil Environments.<br />

Aluminium-inducedgenes. Induction by toxic metals, low<br />

cadmium, and wounding and pattern of expression in root<br />

tips.<br />

Snowden. K.C., Plant Physiol. 107: 341-348.<br />

Aluminium Toxity in Crop Plants. Fageria, N.K Plant Nutr. J<br />

Aluminium toxicity to Saccharomyces cerevisiae'. A role for<br />

magnesium?<br />

MacDiarmid C.W. Plant Physiol. 112: 1106-1109.<br />

Aluminium toxicity in roots: An investigation of spatial<br />

sensitivity and the role of the root cap<br />

Ryan PR J Exp Bot 44:437-446.<br />

Aluminium toxicity and tolerance in plants Delhaize E. Plant Physiol. 107: 315-321.<br />

Aluminium tolerance in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) II.<br />

Aluminium-stimulated excretion of malic acid from root<br />

apices<br />

Delhaize E. Plant Physiol. 103: 695-702.<br />

Aluminium sensitive mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Schott E.J. Mol. Gen. Genetics 254: 63-72.<br />

Aluminium induced oxidative stress genes in Arabidopsis<br />

thaliana.<br />

Aluminium induced genes: induction by toxic metals, low<br />

Ca and wounding, and pattern of expression in root tips<br />

Aluminium effects on growth, mineral uptake, and efficiency<br />

ratio in red clover cultivars.<br />

Aluminium determination in soil solution. II. Short-term<br />

colorimetric procedures for the measurement of inorganic<br />

monomeric aluminium in the presence of organic acid<br />

ligands<br />

Richards K.D., Plant Physiol. 116: 409-418.<br />

Snowden K.C. Plant Physiol. 107: 341-347.<br />

Baligar, V.C. Agron. J.<br />

Kerven GL Aust J Agric Res 27:91-102.<br />

Aluminium accumulation by some cerrado native species of<br />

central Brazil<br />

Haridasan M. Plant and Soil 65: 265-273.<br />

Alternative Utilization of Ani-mal Wastes Fontenot, J.P J. Anim Sci<br />

Alternative Utilization of Animal Waster Fontenot, J.P.W.<br />

Smith<br />

J. Anim. Sci. 57: 221.<br />

Alternative Model For Path Analysis Of Small Grain Yield Dofing. S.M Crop. Sci<br />

Alternative Crops For The Prairies Kiehn. F.A Agriculture Canada, Communications<br />

Branch. Ottawa<br />

Alternating Cytokinins in Multiplication Media Stimulates in<br />

Vitro Shoot Growth and Rooting of Eucalyptus Globulus<br />

Labill<br />

Bennet McComb Annals of Botany<br />

Alternatif Produk Olahan Dari Nira Kalapa Jatmika, A. Manggar 3 (3): 47-57.<br />

Alternaria fruit rot of ripening chile peppers Wall MM Pytopathology<br />

Alternanthera brasiliana a useful supplementary cover in oil<br />

palm plantings<br />

Duckett JE The planter Kuala Lumpur 50: 120-124<br />

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Altered phagocytic activity of macrophages in oyster<br />

toadfish from a highly polluted subestuacy<br />

Alterations in metacarpal characteristics in steers and<br />

heifers sequentially implanted with synovex from 45 days of<br />

birth<br />

Alterations in Abscisic Acid Content of Ficus Benjaleaves<br />

Resulting From Exposure to Water Stress and its<br />

Relationship to Leaf Abscission<br />

Alteration of Imogolite, Allophane, and Acidic Soil Clays by<br />

Chemical Extractants<br />

Alteration of imogolite, allophane, and acidic soil clays by<br />

chemical extractants<br />

Alteration of Imogolite, Allophane and Acidic Soil Clays by<br />

Chemical Extractants<br />

AlN-93 Purifield Diets for Laboratory Rodents: Final Report<br />

of the American Institute of Nutrition Ad. Hoc Writing<br />

Commitee on the Reformulation of the AIN-76A Rodent<br />

Diet<br />

Allozyme variation as a tool for the beche-de-mer fisheries<br />

management : A study on Holothuria scabra (sandfish)<br />

Allicin, the antibacterial principles ofAllium sativum. II.<br />

Determination of the chemical.<br />

Allicin, the antibacterial principle ofAllium sativum. I.<br />

Isolation, physical properties and antibacterial action.<br />

Allicin, the Antibacterial Principle of Allium sativum. I.<br />

Isolation, Physical Properties and Antibacterial Action<br />

Alley cropping maize (Zea mays L.) and leucaena<br />

(Leucaena Leucocephala Lam.) in Southern Nigeria<br />

Seeley. K.R. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 3 :<br />

324-227.<br />

Hardt PF J. Anim Sci 73:55-62<br />

Peterson, J. C. J. Amer. Src.<br />

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Reeves, P.G. J. Nurt. 123.1939-1951.<br />

Uthche, S. Beche-de-mer Bulletin, 12 :18-23.<br />

Allozyme genotypes for popular and historically important<br />

inbred lines of corn<br />

Stuber CW USDA-ARS Southern Ser No.16<br />

Allophane in New Zealand-A Review. Aust. Parfitt, R. L. J. Soil Res. 28:343-360.<br />

Allocation Of Sulfur In Generative Soybean Sunarpi Plant Physiology<br />

Allocation Of S In Generative Soybean Sunarpi Physiol. Plant<br />

Allocation of S In Generative Soybean Sunarpi Pysiol Plant<br />

Allocation Of S In Generative Growth Of Soybean Sunarpi Plant Physiol<br />

Allocation Of S in Generative Growth Of Soybean Sunarpi Plant Physiology<br />

Allocation Efficiency in a Developing Agricultural Economy<br />

in Malaya<br />

Huang, Y American Journal of Economocs<br />

Allium sativum (garlic)-a natural antibiotic Adetumbi, M.A. Med. Hypoth. 12: 227-237.<br />

Allium production and research status in Indonesia Permadi, A.H. Acta Hortic. 358: 87-93<br />

Cavallito, C.J., Journal of America Chemical 66: 1.952-<br />

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Alleviating iron toxicity in lowland rice. Ismunadji. M.<br />

Cavallito, C. J. Journal ofAmerican Chemical 66:<br />

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Cavallito, C.J. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 66: 1950-1951.<br />

Kang, B.T. Plant and Soil<br />

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Allergenicity of bovine casein II. and its digestive<br />

hydrolyzate induced lymphocyte proliferation and<br />

mastocyte histamine accumulation in casein - free mice<br />

Allergenicity of bovine Casein I. Specific lymphocyte<br />

proliferation and histamine accumulation in the mastocyte<br />

as result of casein feeding in mice<br />

Zakaria, R.F. Food Agric. Immunology, 4: 51- 62.<br />

Zakaria, R.F. Food Agric. Immunology, 4: 41-51.<br />

Alleopathy and its role in agriculture . Klien, RR Comm soil Sci. & Plant Ana. 1: 43-56<br />

Allelopathy in Agroecosystem: Wheat Phytotoxicity and Its<br />

Posible Role in Crop Rotation<br />

Lodhi, M. A. K. J. Chem. Ecol<br />

Allelopathic potential of Anthoxanthum Odoratum for<br />

Invading Zoysia Glassland in Japan<br />

Yamamoto, Y Journal of Chemical Ecology<br />

Allelopathic potencial of Antroxanthum odoratum for<br />

invading Zoysia grassland in Japan<br />

Yamamoto, Y. Journal of Chemical Ecology<br />

Allelochemics: Shemical Interaction between Species Whittaker, R. H. Science<br />

Allelochemicals; Chemical inter-action betwecn spesies Whittaker, R. H., Science<br />

Alleged reaction in gel immunodiffusion of an IgM<br />

monoclonal antibody with alfalfa mosaic virus and<br />

cucumber mosaic virus is an artifact<br />

Hajimorad, M.R. J. Gen. Virol. 75:463-465.<br />

Alkyl thiosulfinate: Antimicrobial Principles of 5alkylthiomethylhydantoin-S-Oxides<br />

Tahara, S. Agric. Biol. Chem., 41 (1): 221.<br />

Alkyl Thiosulfinate Small, L.V.D. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 69, 1710.<br />

Alkaloid production by hairy root cultures of Atropa<br />

belladonna.<br />

Kamada, H., Plant Cell Rep. 5: 239-242.<br />

Alih Teknologi dan Styrategi Pembangunan Pertanian :<br />

Sebuah Perspektif<br />

Yakin Addinul<br />

Alherosclerosis : A detense mechanism gone awry. Ross, R Am. J. of Pathology<br />

Algoritms for the study of episodic hormone secretion Merriam G.R. Am. J Physiol 243, E310-E318<br />

Alginate Pellet Formulation of a Beauveria Bassiana (Fungi<br />

: Hyphomycetes) Isolate Pathogenic To Cereal Aphids<br />

Knudsen. G.R Journal of Economic Entomology<br />

Algin/calcium gel as a raw and cooked binder in structured<br />

beef steaks<br />

Means, W. J. J. Food Sci.<br />

Algal phylogeny and the origin of land plants Bhattacharya, D. Plant Physiol. 116:9-15.<br />

Algae sequester heavy metals via synthesis of<br />

phycochelatin complex.<br />

Gekeler, W., Arch. Microbiol. 150: 197-202.<br />

Alfafa yield response to inoculation with recombinant galurs<br />

of Rhizobium meliloti with an extra copy of dct ABD and/or<br />

modified nifA expression.<br />

Alcohol ie Fermentation of Raw Cas.sava Staren by<br />

Rhizopus Koji without Cooking<br />

Bosworth, A.H., App. Environ. Microbiol. 61:882-887.<br />

Fujio, Y Biotechnology and Bioengineering<br />

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Alat penangkapan ikan dan udang laut di Indonesia. (Edisi<br />

khusus)<br />

Alas karet untuk sapi perah.<br />

Waluyo, S. Jurnal Penelitian Perikanan Laut 50:<br />

73-92.<br />

Alang-alang Control for Forestation Tjitro Semito.S Forestation of Imperata Cylindrica<br />

Grassland<br />

Alang-alang (Imperata cylindrica L. Beauv.) Pattern of<br />

growth as related to its problem of control<br />

Soerjani, M. Biotrop Bull. No. 1<br />

Alang-alang (Imperata cylindrica L. Beauv) : Pattern and<br />

growth as related to its problem and controls<br />

Soerjani, M Biotrop Bulletin No. 1<br />

Al3+-Ca2+ interaction in aluminum rhizotoxicity 1. inhibition<br />

of root growth is not caused by reduction of calcium uptake.<br />

Al partioning pattern and root growth as related to AI<br />

sensitivity and Al tolerance in wheat.<br />

Akurasi Teknik Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA) untuk<br />

Determinasi Kadar Progestron dalam Air Susu.<br />

Akurasi teknik enzyme immunoassay (EIA) determinasi<br />

kadar progesteron dalam air susu.<br />

Aktivitas penghambat makan andrografolid dan tiga<br />

jenisinsektisida sintetik thdp wereng hijau, Nephotettix<br />

Virescens (distant) Hemipitra: Cicadellidae)<br />

Aktivitas penghambat makan andrografolid dan tiga<br />

jenisinsektisida sintetik thdp wereng hijau, Nephotettix<br />

Virescens (distant) Hemipitra: Cicadellidae)<br />

Aktivitas Penghambat Makan Andrografolid dan Tiga Jenis<br />

Insektisida Sintetik Terhadap Wereng Hijau, Nephotettix<br />

virescens Distant (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae).<br />

Aktivitas Insektisida ekstrak biji tiga spesies Meliaceae<br />

terhadap Crocidolomia binotalis Zeller (Lepidoptera:<br />

Pyralidae).<br />

Aktivitas insektisida ekstrak biji tanaman Meliaceae<br />

terhadap Callosobruchus maculatus (F)<br />

(Coleoptera:Bruchidae)<br />

Aktivitas Insektisida Ekstrak Biji Tanaman Meliaceae<br />

Terhadap Callosobruchus Maculatus (F) (Coleoptera :<br />

Bruchidae)<br />

Aktivitas Insektisida Ekstrak Biji Aglaia Harmsiana Perkins<br />

(Meliaceae) dan Fraksinya Terhadap Larva Crocidolomia<br />

Binotalis Zeller (Lepidoptera : Pyralidae)<br />

Ryan, P.R., Planta 192: 98-103.<br />

Samuels, T.D., Plant Physiol. 113: 527-534.<br />

Drajat, A.S. Buletin FKH UGM, Vol X No.2.<br />

Drajat, A.S. Bul. FKH-UGM Vol.X No.2.<br />

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Aktivitas Antioksidan Berbagai Bumbu Segar Tradisional<br />

Hasil Olahan Industri<br />

Aktivitas Antimikroba Bumbu Segar Hasil Olahan Industri<br />

terhadap Bakteri Patogen dan Perusak Makanan. Jurnal<br />

Ilmu & Teknologi Pangan<br />

Aktivitas Antimikroba Bumbu Masakan Tradisional Hasil<br />

Olahan Industri Terhadap Bakteri Patogen dan Perusak<br />

Aksi penghambatan analog hormon juvenil fenoksikarb<br />

pada korpora allata lipas<br />

AIN-93 purified diets for laboratory rodents: final report of<br />

the Amehcan Institute of Nutrition Ad Hoc Writing<br />

Committee on the reformulation of the AIN-76A rodent diet<br />

Rahayu, W.P. J. Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan. ISSN<br />

1410-0142 Vol. I: 13.<br />

Fardiaz, S. ISSN 1410-0142, Vol. 3 (2)<br />

Rahayu, W.P.<br />

Ratna, E.S.<br />

Rceves, P.G J. Nutr<br />

a-gurjunene. Structure and Configuration at C-6 dan C-7. Streith. J.. P. Tetrahedron Letters: 677 - 682.<br />

Agrowth analysis comparation of corn grown in<br />

convectional and equistant plant spacing<br />

Bullok, D. G. Crops Sci. 28:248-254<br />

Agrothechnology Transfer in the Information AgeProc.Meet Beinroth, F.H Caribbean Food Crops Soc., 26th,<br />

Mayaguez, Pueto Rico<br />

Agronomical soil water balance for crop simulation models BRISSON Agric. For. Meteorol. 59<br />

Agronomic taxonomy for wetland soils. p. 207-228 Sanchez, P.A. Wetland soils: Characterization,<br />

classification, and utilization. Proc.<br />

workshop held on 26 March to 5 April<br />

1984 at IRRI, Los Banos, Laguna,<br />

Philippines.<br />

Agronomic management of oil palm on deep peat Mutert E Better Crop Int. 13(1), 22-27<br />

Agroklimatologi di Indonesia Oka, I.N.<br />

Agroindustri Emping Melinjo di Blitar, Jawa Timur: Tinjauan<br />

Aspek Ekonomi<br />

Masyrofie Jurnal Unibraw Vol. 6 No. 1 April 1994<br />

Agroforestry, Pusat Studi Pembangunan Kartasubrata Agroforestry, Pusat Studi<br />

Pembangunan<br />

Agroforestry seeds circulair Anonymous AFSICH. (3): 22.<br />

Agroforestry and Resettlement and Shifting Agriculture. Sabrani, M. ACIAR Workshop on Agroforestry for<br />

Human Welfare, Canberra.<br />

Agroclimatology Factors Affecting Phenology Of Groundnut Ong. C.K International Crops research Institute<br />

In Agrometeorological Of Groundnut<br />

For Semi Arid Tropics Patancheru,<br />

Andhra Pradesh. India<br />

Agriculture Workshop on Statistics Using MUNITAB Gunartha. I.G.E IAEUP-University of Mataram Report.<br />

No. 05.039.95<br />

Agriculture Workshop on Non Parametric Statistics Using<br />

MINITAB.<br />

Gunartha. I.G.E IAEUP-University of Mataram Report.<br />

No. 05.043.95<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 730 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Agriculture Land of Indonesia Santoso, D. Indonesian Res. And Dev.<br />

Agriculture in Indonesia in AD 2000 Beets, W.C. Span 24,1.<br />

Agriculture and The Development Process: Tentative<br />

Malassis Agriculture and The Development<br />

Guideline for Teaching<br />

Process: Tentative Guideline for<br />

Teaching<br />

Agricultural Marketing in a Transmigration Area in Sumatra Hayami, Y. CGPRT. (19).<br />

Agricultural Marketing and Processing in Upland Java: A<br />

Perspective from A Sunda Village<br />

Hayami, Y. CGPRT. (8).<br />

Agricultural land of Indonesia Santoso, D.<br />

Agricultural intensification, soil biodiversity, &<br />

agroecosystem function in the tropics : The role of<br />

earthworms<br />

Fragoso C Applied Soil Ecology 6(1997) : 17-35<br />

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Agreement between ultrasonographic classification of the<br />

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Aglaia Harmsiana Perkins (Meliaceae) : A Potential Source<br />

Of Insect Antifeedant and Growth Regulator<br />

Aglaia Harmsiana Perkins (Meliaceae) : A Potential Source<br />

Of Insect Antifeedant and Growth Regulator<br />

Aging Theory Based on Free Radicals and Radiation<br />

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Aggregation of predators and insect parasities and its effect<br />

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Ages at calving and calving intervals for dairy cattle in US Nieuwhof GJ J. Dairy Sci 72: 685-692<br />

Agents inducing death of Cocoa Seeds During<br />

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Age of Three Dip[teran Host As a Factor Governing the<br />

Phatogenicity of B. Bassiana and M. Anisopliae<br />

Rizzo.D.C. Jour. Of Invertebrate Path<br />

Age & dietary energy effects on broiler abdominal fat<br />

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A-Furfuryl Chloride and its Derivatives Kirner, R.W. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 51, 3131.<br />

African Population and the Evolution of Human<br />

Mitochondrial DNA<br />

Vigilant, L. Reprint Series 16 (3): 5841-5861.488.<br />

AFLP : a new technique for DNA fingerprinting, Vos P Nucleid Acid Research 23: 4407-4414<br />

Aflatoxins problems in poultry feed and its raw materials in<br />

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Aflatoxins in foods collected in Osaka, Japan, from 1988 to<br />

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Taguchi, S. J. AOAC International 78:325-327.<br />

Aflatoxin in nuts and grains Muhilal Gizi Indonesia. 10(1): 75-79.<br />

Aflatoxin destruction in maize using sodium bisulfite,<br />

sodium hydroxide and aqueous ammonia<br />

Moerck, K.E. J. FoodProt. 43:571.<br />

Aflatoxin BI (AFB1) transfer trom reproductive organs of<br />

farm birds into their eggs and hatched young<br />

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7: 618.<br />

Aflatoxin and immunity in layer hens Azam, A.H. Avian Pathol. 27: 570-577.<br />

Aflatoxicol and aflatoxin BI and Ml in eggs and tissues of<br />

laying hens consuming aflatoxin contaminated feed<br />

Trucksess, M.W. Poult. Sci. 62(11):2.176-2.182.<br />

Aflatoksin di dalam bahan baku pakan dan pakan ayam<br />

pedaging: I di daerah Bogor<br />

Affinity-purified Dengue-2 virus envelope glycoprotein<br />

induces neutralizing antibodies and protective immunity in<br />

mice<br />

Ginting Penyakit Hewan. 16(27): 152-155.<br />

Staropoli, I. Vaccine, 15: 1-9.<br />

Afarmingsystemsapproach:some unanswered questions Biggs, S.D. Agricultural Administration 18: 1-12.<br />

Aeromonas hydrophila septicaemia of Indian major carps in<br />

some commercial fish farms of West Godavari district,<br />

Andhra Pradesh.<br />

Aerobic degradation of cellulose and adsorption properties<br />

of cellulases in Cellulomonas uda JC3: effects of<br />

crystallinity of substrate<br />

Karunasagar,I., Curr. Sci. 18:1044-1045.<br />

de Coninck JC. Biotechnol Bioeng 31:495-501.<br />

Aerobic and anaeobic degradation of aldicarb sulfeno in<br />

soil<br />

Ou L. T J. Agric. Food Chem<br />

Aerobic and anaeobic degradation of aldicarb in soil Ou L. T J. Agric. Food Chem<br />

Aeration and circulation for effective aquaculture pond<br />

management.<br />

Roger, G.1. Aquacultural Engineering 8: 349-355.<br />

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Adventitious Root and Shoot Regeneration in Vitro is Under<br />

Major Gene Control In An F2 Family of ybrid Polar (Populus<br />

Trichocarpa x P. Deltoides<br />

Advences: in the understanding of post-partum anestrus in<br />

Bos indicus cows<br />

Advences In Soil Fertility Research and Nitrogent Fertilizer<br />

Management For Low Land Rice<br />

Han.K.H Forest Genetics<br />

Fitzpatrick, LA. IAEA-TEC DOC-736, pp. 19-35.<br />

De Natta. S.K International Rice Research Institute.<br />

Los Banos Phillippines<br />

Advances in The Study of Versicular arbuscular Mycorriza Mosse An. Rev. Phytopath<br />

Advances in soil and water Conservation Research in<br />

Malaysia<br />

Wan Sulaiman, W.<br />

H.<br />

Pertanika 6<br />

Advances in gemini virus research Harrison BD Annu rev of Phytooathol<br />

Advances in alternative DNA delivery techniques. Songstad, D.D., Plant Cell Tissue Organ Culture 40: 1-<br />

15.<br />

Advances in the study of vasiculer arbuscular Micorrhizal Mosse An. Rev. Phithopath 11: 91-96<br />

advance note on the hatchability of chicken eggs storage<br />

small end up<br />

Proudfoot, F.G. Can. J. Animal Sci. 47 : 142 - 143<br />

Advance Inorganic Chemistry Cotton.D Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Advance In Characterisation in Soil Structure Dexter. A.R Soil Tillage Research 11<br />

Adsortion of Cellulose From Trichoderma viride on<br />

Cellulose<br />

Ooshima, H., Biotechnol. Bioeng<br />

Adsorption-Desorption and/or Precipitation-Dissolution<br />

Processes of Zn in Soil<br />

Brummer. G Geoderma<br />

Adsorption, Mobility and Microbial Degredation Of<br />

Glyphosate in Soils<br />

Sprankle. P Weed Science<br />

Adsorption, Desorption and Solubility Relationships of Lead<br />

and Cadmium in Some Alkaline Soils<br />

Singh. B J. Soil.Sci<br />

Adsorption Sulfate and Calsium in Oxides System Goldberg.S Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Adsorption Sulfate and Calsium in Oxide System Goldberg. S Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Adsorption Reaction Of Micronutrients in Soil Ellis. G.B J. Micronutrients in Agriculture<br />

Adsorption of sulfate and fluoride by variable charge soils Zhang, G.Y Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Adsorption of Sulfate and Flouride by Variable Cherge Soils Zhang,G.Y Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Adsorption of nitrate, chloride, and sulphate by some highly<br />

weathered soils from South-east Queensland<br />

Black, A.S. Aust. J. Soil Res. 17: 271-282.<br />

Adsorption of Linuron on Humic acid Khan. S.U Soil. Sci<br />

Adsorption of Glyphosate by Soils and Clay Minerals Glass. R.L J. Agric. Food. Chem<br />

Adsorption of Glyphosate By Soils Hance. R.J Pestic. Sci<br />

Adsorption Of Glyphosate By Soils Hance. R.J Pesticide Science<br />

Adsorption Of Glyphosate By Soil and Clay Minerals Glass. R.L Journal of Agriculture and Food<br />

Chemistry<br />

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Adsorption of DNA on clay minerals: Protection against<br />

DNaseI and influence on gene transfer<br />

Paget, E. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 97:31-40.<br />

Adsorption of calcium on two Oxisols. Kinniburgh, E.F. Soil Sci.Soc. Am.J<br />

Adsorption of calcium on two Oxisols Kinniburgh, E.F Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Adsorption of Calcium and its Complexes by Two<br />

Sediments in Calcium-Hydrogen-Clorine-Carbon Dioxide<br />

Systems<br />

Griffioen, J Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Adsorption of calcium and it conoplexs by two sediments in<br />

calcium - hydrogen - clorine - carbon dioxide systems<br />

Griffioen, J Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Adsorption kinetics and behaviors of cellulosa Kirn DW Ferment Bioeng 73:461-466.<br />

Adsorption Calcium on Two Oxisols Kinniburgh. E.F Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Adsorption Calcium on Two Oxisols Kinniburgh, E.F Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Adsorption calcium on two Oxisols Kinniburg, E.F Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Adsorption calcium on two Oxisols Kinniburgh, E.F Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Adsorption Calcium on Two Oxides Kinniburgh, E. F Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Adsorption and Reversed Phase HPLC of p-Nitro benzyl<br />

Esters of Monohydroxy Fatty Acids.<br />

Bandi, Z.L. J. Chromatography. 329:57-63.<br />

Adsorption and Desorption of Water Vapor by Cereal<br />

Grains and Their Products.<br />

Chung, D.P. Trans ASAE. 10 (4): 549-557.<br />

Adsorption and desorption of phosphate and charge<br />

relationships in allophanic clay<br />

Rajan, S.S.S Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Adsorption and Desorption of Phospate and Charge<br />

Ralationships in Allophanic Clay<br />

Rajan.S.S.S Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Administration of 13-cis-retinoic acid to dairy cattle. 1.<br />

Plasma Retinoid concentrations and lyphocyte<br />

blastogenesis.<br />

Franklin, S.T. J. Deiry. Sci.<br />

Administration of 13-cis-retinoic acid to dairy cattle. 1.<br />

Plasma retinoid concentrations and lymphocyte<br />

blastogenesis<br />

Franklin, S. T. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Adipose Tissue Depsition and Cellurarity in Cimaterol-<br />

Treated Female Broilera<br />

Merkly, J. W. Poult. Sci.<br />

Adherence of group B Streptococci to adult and neonatal<br />

epithelial cells mediated by lipoteichoic<br />

Teti,G Infect ,Immun<br />

Address to International conference on nutrition. Saouma, E. Food Nurt. Agric.<br />

Addition of Oxidized Lipid/Amino Acis Reaction Products<br />

Delay the Peroxidation Intiated in a Soybean Oil<br />

Alaiz, M. J. Agric. Food Chem. 10 (43)<br />

Adaptive significance of a temperature induced diapause in<br />

a cosmopolitan parasitoid of Drosophila<br />

Carton, D.J. Ecol. Entomol.<br />

Adapting Varietes for intercropping system in the tropics Francis CA papendick, Sanchez, Triplett (eds)<br />

Multiple Cropping ASA Spec. Publ.<br />

27:235-253<br />

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Adaptasi kacang tanah pada lahan sawah berpasir akibat<br />

timbunan letusan G.Kelud<br />

Adaptasi genotipe kacag tanah di ingkungan tumpangsari<br />

jagung dan cekaman gulma<br />

Kasno A Risalah Hasil Penelitian Tanaman<br />

Pangan Th 91. Balit Tanaman pangan<br />

Malang<br />

Munip A Risalah Hasil Penelitian Tanaman<br />

Pangan Th 91. Balit Tanaman pangan<br />

Malang<br />

Adaptasi dan stabilitas hasil beberapa galur kacang hijau Kasno A Risalah Hasil Penelitian Tanaman<br />

Pangan Th 91. Balit Tanaman pangan<br />

Malang<br />

Adaptasi beberapa klon kopi Robusta terhadap tekanan<br />

kekeringan<br />

Acuteeffects of the B3(beta)-adrenoceptor agonist,BRL<br />

35135, on tissue glucose utilisation.<br />

Acute toxicity ofthiodan to catfish (Heterop-neustes<br />

fossilis).<br />

Acute toxicity of zinc and cadmium to seven invertebrate<br />

species from Western Port, Victoria,<br />

Acute toxicity of nitrite to tiger prawn, Penaeus monodon<br />

larvae,<br />

Acute toxicity of nitrite to larvae of the giant malaysian<br />

prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii.<br />

Acute changes in blood flow in pigs infused with B(Beta)adrenergic<br />

agonist<br />

Acute and longterm metabolic, endocrine, respiratory,<br />

cardiac and skeletal muscle activity changes inresponse to<br />

perorally administrated B(Beta)-adrenoceptor agonist in<br />

calves<br />

Acute and chronic toxicity of ammonia to juvenile<br />

Metapenaeua macleayi and Penaeus monodon and the<br />

influence of low dissolve oxygen levels.<br />

Acute toxycity of ammonia to larvae of the tiger prawn<br />

(Penaeus monodon Fab.).<br />

Activy of adult Heliothis armigera with reference to the<br />

flowering of sorgum and maize in Bostwana.<br />

Activity of rocaglamide, an insecticidal natural product,<br />

against the variegated cutworm, Peridroma saucia<br />

(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)<br />

Activity of Adult Heliothis armgera With Reference to The<br />

Flowering of Sorghum and Maize in Botswana<br />

Activity loss kinetics of freeze dried lactic acid starter<br />

ciltures.<br />

Activity and stability ofPemcillium cyclopium lipase in<br />

surfactant and detergent solutions<br />

Nur, A.M. Pelita Perkebunan 8: 55-60.<br />

Liu, Y-L Br.J. Pharma.<br />

Singh, B. D Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 28:122-<br />

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Ahsanullah, M. Aust. J. Mar. Freshwat. Res., 27: 187-<br />

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Chen, J.C Aquaculture, 69 (3-4): 253-262.<br />

Amstrong, D.A., Aquaculture, 9:39-46.<br />

Mersmann, H.J J. Anim. Sci<br />

Zimmerli, U.V J. Anim. Physiol. Anim. Nutr<br />

Allan, G.L., Aquaculture. 91 (3-4): 265-280.<br />

Chin, T.S., Aquaculture 55: 297-309.<br />

Roome, R.E. Bulletin of Entomological Research.<br />

Satasook C Pestic Sci 36:53-58.<br />

Roome, R.E. Bulletin Of Entomology Research<br />

Alaeddinoglu Enzyme microb. Technol. Vol. 11.<br />

Xia, J J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc<br />

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Activities, scope and problems in rice stemborer research Yasumatsu, K. Mushi Fukuoka. 45. Suppl.: p. 3-6.<br />

Activities of Some Soil Enzymes in Different Land Use<br />

System After Deforestation in Hilly Areas of West<br />

Lampung, South Sumatera Indonesia<br />

Activites of angitensin-I-con verting enyzme inhibition in<br />

proteolytic hydrolyzate of food proteins : in view of<br />

development of physiologically Punctional peptides<br />

Salam.A.K Soil Sci. Plant Nutr<br />

Tadasa, K. Shinshu Daigaku Nogakubu Kiyo,<br />

26:13-18.<br />

Action of moisture on damage done during overheating of<br />

soybean oil meal.<br />

Renner, R. Poultry Sci.<br />

Action of exogenous substances on Animal growth an<br />

overview<br />

Muir LA J Anim Sci 61(Sup 2):154 Abs<br />

Acquired resistance of Merino sheep against Fasciola<br />

gigantica<br />

Roberts, J.A. Parasitology Res. 82: 743-746.<br />

Acoustical Measurement of Fish Abundance MacLennan. D.N J. Acoust. Soc. Am<br />

Acoustic impulse response method tbr measuring natural<br />

frequency of intact fruits and preliminary applications to<br />

internal quality evaluation of apples and watermolens<br />

Yamamoto H Journal of Texture Studies<br />

Acidolysis of babasu fat catalyzed by immobilized lipase Giorelli, LA J. Am Oil Chem Soc 71(6):579-582<br />

Acidolysis of babassu fat catalyzed by immobillized lipase Gioielli LA J. Am Oil Chem Soc, 71(6):579-582<br />

Acidity tolerance of high exopolysaccharide producing<br />

mutant of Bradyrhizobium japonicum<br />

Acidity and aluminum restraints on nodulation, nitrogen<br />

fixation, and growth of Phaseolus vulgaris in solution<br />

culture<br />

Gunarto, L.<br />

Franco AA Soil Sci Soc Am J 46:296-301.<br />

Acidic Soil Amendment with a Magnesium-Containing<br />

Fluidized Bed Combution By-Product<br />

Stehouwer, R.C. Agron. J.<br />

Acidic characteristic of fermented and dried cocoa beans<br />

from different countries of origin<br />

Jinap S J food Sci 55:547-550<br />

Acid Sulphate Soils: a Baseline for Research and<br />

Development<br />

Dent, D. Publication No. 39. ILRI.<br />

Acid Sulphate Soils a Base Line For Research and<br />

Development<br />

Dent.D<br />

Acid Sulphate Soils (Cat Clys) of The Tropics Moormann.F.R Soil Sci.<br />

Acid Sulfate Soils Identification, Formation and Implication<br />

for Aquaculture.<br />

Gaviria, J.I.M., H.R.<br />

Schmittou, and J.H.<br />

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J. Aqua., 1: 94-109.<br />

Acid soil tolerance in wheat Carver BF Adv. Agron 54:117-173<br />

Acid phospomonoesterase of human prostate.<br />

Carbohydrate content and optical properties.<br />

Ostrowski W Biochim.Biophys.Acta<br />

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Acid phosphomonoesterase of human prostate content and<br />

optical properties<br />

Ostrowski W Biochem Biophys Acta 453:262-269.<br />

Acid Phospatase Activity in soil Of The Appalachian Region Baligar.V.C Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J.<br />

Acid extracted gelatin trom tuna skin Pelu, H.,<br />

Acid adaptation of Escherichia coli 0157:117 increases<br />

survival in acidic foods<br />

I.eyer, C Appl Environ Microhiol 61:3752-3755.<br />

Achievement of renaturation of subtilisin BPN by a novel<br />

procedure using organic salts and a digestible mutant of<br />

Streptomyces subtilisin inhibitor<br />

Matsubara, M. FEBS Lett. 342: 193-194.<br />

Acetate Supply and Utilization by The Tissues of Sheepin<br />

in Vivo.<br />

Pethick, D. W. Br. J. Nutr.<br />

Acetate metabolism invivo: Effect of refeeding. Cockburn, R.M. J. Biol. Chem.<br />

Acetate metabolism in vivo: Effect of refeeding Cockburn R.M J.Biol.Chem<br />

Acetate Metabolism in The mammary Gland of Lactating<br />

Ewe.<br />

King, K. R. Aust. J. Biol.<br />

Accute undiffrentiated neonatal diarrhoea of beef calves:<br />

the prevalence E. coli, Reo-like (Rota) virus and other<br />

enteropathogens in coe-calf herd<br />

Acres, S. D. Can. Vet. J. 18: 113-121.<br />

Accuracy of prediction breeding values for carcass traits<br />

under an animal model incorporating body measurements<br />

of cows.<br />

Accuracy of predicted breeding values by animals models<br />

when main and secondary traits are recorded in different<br />

sex<br />

Okanishi, T. Anim. Sci. Technol. (Jpn.), 64 (9): 896-<br />

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Accuracy Assessment: A User's Perspective. Story, M., Photogrammetric Engineering and<br />

Remote Sensing 52(3): 397-399.<br />

Accumulation of Zinc in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus<br />

mykiis) After Waterborbe and Dietary Exposure<br />

Kock, G. Bull Environ. Contain. Toxicol. 58:305-<br />

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Accumulation of phosphatases in soils Chhonkar, P.K. J. Indian Soc. Soil Sci. 32: 266-272.<br />

Accumulation of cadmium ions by hairy root cultures. 133-<br />

138.<br />

Macek, T.E., In P.M. Doran (Ed.) Hairy Roots<br />

Culture and Applications. Harwood<br />

Academie, Amsterdam.<br />

Accumulation and Partitioning of Dry Matter in Water Yam Goenaga, R.G Agron. J<br />

Accoustical Measurement Of Fish Abudance MacLennan. D.N J. Acoust. Soc. Am<br />

Accommodating a growing population in Javanese<br />

agriculture<br />

Acclimatization of Guppy {Poecilia reticulata, Peters) in the<br />

Seawater for Skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis, L.) Live<br />

Baitfish<br />

Booth, A. Bulletin of Indonesian Economie<br />

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Acclimatization of Asepticaly Cultured Apple Plant to Low<br />

Relative Humidity<br />

Acclimation of Rainbow Trout, Salrno gairdneri Richardson,<br />

to Zinc: Kinetics and Mechanism of Enhanced Tolerance<br />

Induction<br />

Acceleration of postmortem tenderization in ovine carcass<br />

through infusion of calcium chloride: Effect of concentration<br />

and ionic strength<br />

Accelerating Palm Seed Germination with Gibberelic Acid,<br />

Scarification, and Bottom Heat<br />

Accelerated stability tests of moisture sensitive products in<br />

permeable packages at high rates of moisture gain and<br />

elevated temperatures<br />

Brinerd K. E. J. Amer. Src.<br />

Bradley, R.W. J. Fish Biol. 27:367-379.<br />

Koohmaraie, M. J. Anim. Sci 67: 934-942.<br />

Nagao,M.A. Hort Science. 15(2): 200-201.<br />

Mizrahi, S J. of Food Sci<br />

Accelerated Processing Systems for USDA Choice and<br />

Good Beef Carcasses.<br />

Cross, H. R. J. Food. Sci.<br />

Accelerated Natural Lactic Fermentation Of Inflant Food<br />

Formulations<br />

Nout. M.J.R Food and Nutrition Bulletin<br />

Accelerated ageing techniques for predicting the relative<br />

storability of seed lots<br />

Delouche JC Seed sci and technol 1 :427-452<br />

Accelerated ageing techniques for predicting the relative<br />

storability of seed lots<br />

Delouche JC Seed sci and technol 1 :427-452<br />

Acacia arabica Tanaman Sekat Bakar di Taman Nasional<br />

Baluran<br />

Suharti Duta Rimba. Vol. 19:41-45.<br />

Acacia arabica as a hedge crop. Hadipumomo Duta Rimba 1 (46): 13-15.<br />

Abwasserreinigung mit einem biotogischen Hochleistungssystem<br />

Geissen, S Chem. Ing. Tech<br />

Abundance polymorphism and genetic mapping of<br />

microsatellites in rice<br />

Wu KS Mol. Gen Genet 241:225-235<br />

Abundance of Scirtothrips sp. (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) in<br />

relation to the weather and flushing rhytmic of orange<br />

(Citrus sinensis Osbeck cv. Punten 168<br />

Nurhadi Penelitian Hortikultura<br />

Abundance estimation of fish schools based on a<br />

relationship between area and school biomass.<br />

Abundance and DNA sequence of two-base repeat regions<br />

in tropical tree genome<br />

Absorption, translocation, and metabolism of imazaquin in<br />

pitted (Ipomoea lacunosa) and entireleaf (Ipomoea<br />

hederacea var. integriuscula)<br />

Absorption, translocation, and metabolism of AC 263,222 in<br />

peanut (Arachis hypogaea), soybean (Glycine max), and<br />

selected weeds<br />

Misund.O.A., Aquat. Living Resour., 6: 235-241.<br />

Condit R Genome 34:66-71<br />

Risley, M.A Weed Sci<br />

Newsom, L.J Weed Sci<br />

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Absorption, translocation, and accumulation of phosphorus<br />

using labelled superphosphate (32P) in Arabica and<br />

Robusta coffee plants<br />

Absorption of volatyle fatty acids from the rumen of<br />

lactating dairy cows as influenced by concentration, ph and<br />

rumen liquid volume<br />

Absorption of Ferrous and Ferric Radioactive Iron by<br />

Human Subjects and by Dogs.<br />

Absorption of b-carotene from Green Leafy vegetables in<br />

Undernourished Children<br />

Absorption by channel catfish ofearthymusty flavor<br />

compounds synthesized by culture of blue-green algae.<br />

Absorption and redistribution of nitrogen during growth and<br />

development of field beans (Vicia faba L.)<br />

Absorption and metabolism of glucose by mesenteric<br />

drained viscera of sheep fed on dried-grass or graound,<br />

maize-based diets<br />

Gopal N.H. Indian Coffee 41: 25-29.<br />

Dijkstra, J. Br. J. Nutr<br />

Moore, C. V., J. Clin. Invest. 23: 755.<br />

Lala, V.R. The Americ. J. Clin. Nutr. 23 (1): 110<br />

Lovell,R.T. Transaction of the American Fisheries<br />

Society. 102: 774-777<br />

Cooper, D.R. Physiol. Plant. 38: 313-318.<br />

Janes, A. N. Br. J. Nutr.<br />

Absisic acid preger. Addicot, F.T. Absisic acid preger.<br />

Abortion induced by cell associated pseudorabies virus in<br />

vaccinated sows. Am.<br />

Nauwynck. H.J., J. Vet. Res. 53 (4): 489-493.<br />

Abortion in vaccinated sheep and cattle after challenge with<br />

Rift Valley Fever virus<br />

Abolition of seasonal variations in semen quality and<br />

maintenance of sperm fertilizing ability by photoperiodic<br />

cycles in goat bucks<br />

Yedloutschnig, R.J. Vet. Ree. 109: 383-384.<br />

Delgadillo JA Small Rumin Res 9:47-59.<br />

Abnormalitas pembungaan klon kelapa sawit Subronto Berita Puslit Kelapa Sawit 2(4):235-<br />

242<br />

Abnormal flower development in oil palm clones. Corley RHV Planter 62:233-240<br />

Abnormal flower development in oil palm clones Corley RHV Planter 62:233-240<br />

Abdominal leaf fat separation as a result of evisceration<br />

of broiler carcasses<br />

Heath, J.L Poultry Sci 59<br />

Abdominal and carcass fat in five-broiler strain. Becker, W.A. Poult. Sci.<br />

Abdominal and Carcas Fat In Five Broiler Strains Becker, W.A Poultry Sci.,<br />

Abaca recycling Reyes MR Tech J 3 : 4-10<br />

A^ronunuc Evaluation of Vims-free and Virus-inl cried<br />

Garlic Wilwi saiivwn<br />

Walhey, D.G.A. U. As^'-Sci^. 53-60<br />

A.Silver Nitrate Stain for alpha 2 cells in Human Pancreatic<br />

Islet<br />

Grimelius L Acta Soc. Med.Upsal<br />

A.Poultry Disease Index in Bogor Gordon.W.A.M<br />

A.Hybrid Intelligent Sidtem Applied to Financial Statement<br />

Analysis<br />

Pacheco IEEE.Vol<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 739 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

A.comparison of three methods of oestrus detection in<br />

comercial dairy herds verified by serum progesterone<br />

analysis<br />

A. Study of The Rate of Protein Synthesis in Humans. 1.<br />

Measurement of The Urea Pool and Urea Space.<br />

A. Study of Artificial Fibre Bag Technique for Determining<br />

The Digestibility of Feeds in The Rumen.<br />

A. Review of research of redox potentials of paddy soils in<br />

Japan<br />

A. Note on the Straw Intake of Sheep Given Supplements<br />

of Urea-Molasses, Soya Bean Meal, Barley-Urea or Barley<br />

a. Incorporation of synthetic peptide helices in membranes<br />

of tetraether lipids from Thermoplasma acidophilum. A<br />

calorimetric study.<br />

A. Host-Vector System for a Cellulose Producing<br />

Acetobacter Stain<br />

A. Dynamic simulation model for growth of the African<br />

catfish, Clarias gariepinus (Burchell 1822): IV. The effect of<br />

feed formulation on growth and feed utilization.<br />

Sawyer G.J Anim.Rep.Sci<br />

San Pietro, A. J. Biol. Chem.<br />

Mehrez, A. Z. J. Agric<br />

Aomine, S Soil Sci<br />

Hadjipanayiotou, M. Anim.<br />

Blocher, D. Bioclum. Biophys. Ada 1065:160-16.<br />

Tonouchi, N Bioscience, Biotechnology,<br />

Biochemical<br />

Machiels, M.A.M. Aquaculture, 64:305-323<br />

A. Direct Method of Agregate Analysis Of Soil and Study Of<br />

The Physical Nature Erosion Losses<br />

Yoder. R.F J. Am. Soc. Agro<br />

A. convinient permanent slide mounting medium Koske, R.E. Mycol. Soc. of America Newletters<br />

A YY male golfish from mating estrone-induce XY female<br />

and normal male<br />

Yamamoto, T J. Hered., 66:2-4<br />

A wound and methyl jasmonate-inducible transcript coding<br />

for a myrosinase-associated protein with similarities to an<br />

early nodulin<br />

Taipalensuu, J. Plant Physiol 110:483-491<br />

A winter wheat crop simulation model without water or<br />

nutrient limitation<br />

A vitamin B-iz assay method in ocean resources using<br />

Euglena gracilis z strain<br />

A vitamin 812 assay method in ocean resources using<br />

Euglena gracilis z strain<br />

A Virus Diseases of Indian Rhinoceros Beetle, O'Rhinocers<br />

L. Causes By A New Type of Insect Virus, Rhabdionvirus<br />

Oryctes<br />

A virus disease of the rice transmitted by brown<br />

planthopper<br />

A Variance Components Approach To Food Garin Market<br />

Integration in North Nigeria<br />

Weir, A.H. J. Agric. Sci. Cambridge. 102: 371-<br />

382.<br />

M. Hayashi J. Fennent. Technol<br />

M. Hayashi J. Ferment Technol<br />

Huger. A.M Invertebrata Pathology<br />

Hibino Contr. Centr.Res. Inst. Agric.<br />

Bogor.(35): 15p.<br />

Delagado<br />

Christoper. L<br />

American Journal of Agricultural<br />

Economics<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 740 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

A twostage technique for the in vitro digestion of forage<br />

crops<br />

A two-stage technique for the in vitro digestion of forage<br />

cropa<br />

A two stages technique for in vitro digestion of forage<br />

crops.<br />

A Two Stage Technique for The Invitro Digestion of Forage<br />

Crops.<br />

Tilley, J.M.A., Journal British Grassland Society<br />

Tilley , J.M.A J. Br. Grass. Soc<br />

Tilley, J.M.A J. Br. Grassld. Soc.<br />

Tilley, J. M. J. British Grassland Soc.<br />

A two Stage Technique for The In Vitro Digestion of Forage<br />

Crops.<br />

Tilley, J. M. J. British Grassland Soc.<br />

A two stage technique for in vitro digestion of forage crop Tilley JM J Britt. Grassland Society 18(2): 104<br />

A two stage techniquc tor the in vitro digestion of forago<br />

crops<br />

A trial of pcptide synthesis using angiotensin I-converting<br />

enzyme (ACE)<br />

A tissue specific IL-1 receptor antagonist homolog from the<br />

IL-1 cluster lacks 1L-1, IL-1ra, IL-18 and IL-18 antagonist<br />

activities<br />

A third periplasmic transport system for L-arginine in E.<br />

coli: Molecular characterization of the artIQMJ genes,<br />

arginine binding and transport.<br />

A third periplasmic transport system for L-arginine in E.<br />

coli: Molecular characterization of the artIQMJ genes,<br />

arginine binding and transport.<br />

A third periplasmic transport system for L. Arginin in E.<br />

Coli: molecular characterization of the artIQMJ genes,<br />

arginine binding and transport.<br />

Tilley, J.M.A. J Br Grassland Society<br />

Tadasa, K. Biosci. Biotech. Biochem., 56:804-805.<br />

Barton, J.L. J. Immunol. 30: 3299-3308.<br />

Wissenbach, U., Mol. Microbiol. 17: 675-686.<br />

Wissenbach, U., Mol. Microbiol. 17: 675-686.<br />

Wissenbach, U., Mol. Microbiol. 17: 675-686.<br />

A Thin layer chromatography method for determining the<br />

authenticity of natural vanilla extract<br />

Salwa KP Journal of planar chromatography<br />

A Thin layer chromatography method for determining the<br />

authenticity of natural vanilla extract<br />

Salwa KP Journal of planar chromatography<br />

A thermophilic, acidophilic mycoplasm isolated from a coal<br />

refuse pile<br />

Darland, G. Science 170:1416-1418.<br />

A Theory of Allocation Time Becker, G. S The Economic Journal<br />

A Test For Relative Economics Efficiency : Some Further<br />

Results<br />

Yotopaulus. P.A American Economic Review<br />

A taxonomic study of the Spirillum lipoferum group with<br />

description of a new genus, Awspirillum gen. nov. and two<br />

species Awspirillum lipoferum (Beijerink) comb. nov. and<br />

Awspirillum brasilense sp. Nov<br />

Tarrand JJ Can J Microbiol 24:967-980.<br />

A Taxonomic Revision of Papuan Rana Menzies, J.I. Australian Journal Zoology 35 (4)<br />

•.373-418.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 741 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

A taxonomic monograph of the genus Aglaia Lour<br />

(Meliaceae)<br />

A systematic description of cacao clones.I I. The<br />

discriminative value of qualitative descriptors.<br />

A systematic description of cacao clones. I. The<br />

discriminative value of quantitave characteristics.<br />

A system for the growth and delivery of biological control<br />

agents to the soil.<br />

A Synthetic Medium for Bacterial Cellulose Production by<br />

A. xylium Subsp. Sucrofermentans<br />

A survey of the serological behaviour of CMV.<br />

Relationships between CMV strains and other viruses<br />

A survey of the nutritional and haemaglutination properties<br />

of legume seeds generally available in the UK.<br />

Pannel CM Kew Bulletin Additional Series<br />

XVI.Londen: HMSO<br />

------ Euphytica 32, 387-396<br />

Engels JMM Euphytica 32, 377-385<br />

Backman, P. A. Phytopathology<br />

Matsuoka, M Bioscience Biotechnology<br />

Biochemistry Journal<br />

Devergne, J.C. Meded. Fac. Landbouww. Rijks. Univ.<br />

Gent. 40:19-36.<br />

Grant, G. Britt. J. Nutr., 50: 207-214.<br />

A survey of rice byproducts from different countries Creswell, D Monsanto Technical Symp. pp. 4-35.<br />

A survey of nitrate contents in Indonesian milk by enzymic<br />

analysis.<br />

A survey in different procedures used for vaccinating<br />

salmonids against vibriosis in Norwegian fish-farming.<br />

A superiority measure of cultivar performance for cultivar x<br />

location data.<br />

A study on the Pathogenesis of Bluetongue Repheation of<br />

the Virus in the Organ of Infected Sheep.<br />

A Study of Various Alkali Treatment to Improve the<br />

Nutritive Value of Rice Straw<br />

A study of the relation between body conformation and<br />

carcass quality in fat calves<br />

A Study of The Desorption Isotherm Of retewed Pigeon<br />

Pea Type-17<br />

A Study Of The Desorption Isoterm Of Rewetted Pigeon<br />

Pea Type-17<br />

A study of optimum cropping pattern and irrigation system<br />

in cotton + soybean cropping at low land of rainfed area,<br />

South Sulawesi.<br />

Priyo-Bintoro, V. Food addit. Contam.<br />

Lillehaug, A. Aquaculture, 83: 217-266<br />

Lin, C.S J.Plant Sci. 68:193-198<br />

Pini, A. Ord. J. Vet. Res. 43: 159-164.<br />

Jayasuriya, M.C.N. J. National Sci. Council of Srilanka<br />

Kidwell, J.F. J. Anim. Sci., 14: 233-242.<br />

Sherperd. H J. Food. Sci<br />

Sherperd. H J. Food Sci<br />

Limbongan, J. J. Littri I.<br />

A study of heat detection in beef heifers McCaughey, W.J. Irish Vet. J. 44: 134-137.<br />

A Study of Certain Chromogenic Bacteria Isolated from<br />

"Red Tide" Water with a Description of a New Species<br />

A study of cell wall regeneration of protoplasts in<br />

Marchantia polymorpha.<br />

Bein, S.J. Bull. Mar. Sci. Gulf Caribbean. 4: 110-<br />

119.<br />

Mori, K., Bot. Mag. Tokyo 96: 281-289.<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

A study of carcass growth in calves Butterfield, R.M. Res. Vet. Sci., 7: 417-423.<br />

A Study of Artificial Fibre Bag Technique for Determining<br />

The Digestibility of Feeds in The Rumen.<br />

Mehrez, A. Z. J. Agric. Science, Camb.,<br />

A Study of Artificial Fibre Bag Technique for Determining<br />

The Digestibility of Feeds in The Rumen.<br />

Mehrez, A. Z. J. Agr. Sci. Cambridge.<br />

A Study into the mobility of iron in podzolized Serawak<br />

upland soils by means of selective iron extractions.<br />

Andriese, J.P Neth. J. Agric. Sci.<br />

A Statistical Study of Soil Sampling Thomburn. T.H J. of The Soil Mech and Found. Div<br />

A Specific in-line rheometer for extruded starchy products :<br />

Design, validation and application to maize starch<br />

A specific binding site on soybean membranes for a<br />

phytoalexin elicitor released from fungal cell walls by P-l,3endoglucanase<br />

Vergnes B Rheol Acta<br />

Yoshikawa, M. Plant Cell Physiol. 34:1229-1237.<br />

A Solar Dryer Supplement With auxiliary Heating System<br />

for Continuos Operation<br />

Akyurt. M Journal of Soler Energy<br />

A Soil Test for Nitrogen Availability to Corn Magdoff, F.R Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

A Soil erodibility nomograf for farmland and construction<br />

sites<br />

Wischmeier Jour. Soil and water concervation<br />

A Soil erodibility nomograf for farmland and construction<br />

sites<br />

Wischmeier Jour. Soil and water concervation<br />

A soil actinomycete antagonistic to corticium salmonicolor<br />

causing pink disease of rubber<br />

Joseph K Indian J, Nat Rubber res 4(2) :126130<br />

A Soak and Press Method for the Alkali Treatment of<br />

Fibrous Crop Residues<br />

Ibrahim, M.N.M. Agricultural Wastes<br />

A small rainfall simulator for determination of soil erodibility Kamphorst, A. Netherlands J. Agr. Sci.<br />

A single oligonucleotide can be used to rapidly isolate DNA<br />

sequences flanking a transposon Tn5 insertion by the<br />

polymerase chain reaction<br />

A single nucleotidae substitution in a gene confrs oat<br />

pathogenicity to barley stripe mosaic virus strain ND18<br />

A single cardiac troponin T gene generales embryonic and<br />

adult isotorms via developmentally regulated alternative<br />

splicing<br />

Rich, J.J. Nucleic Acids Res. 18: 6673-6676.<br />

Weiland JJ MPMI<br />

Cooper, T.A J. Biol. Chem<br />

A Simulaton model for decomposition in grassland. Hunt, G.W Ecology 58:469-488<br />

A simulation model of the growth of the cassava crop and<br />

its use to estimate cassava productivity in Northern<br />

Australia<br />

Fukai, S. Agric. Sys. 23: 237-257.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 743 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

A Simulation Model For Dry Matter Partitioning In<br />

Cucumber<br />

Marcellis. L.F.M Ann. Bot<br />

A Simulation model for decomposition in grassland Hunt, G.W Ecology<br />

A Simplified procedure for making reconstituted blastocysts<br />

for interspecific and intergeneric transfer<br />

Rorie, R.W. Vet. Rec.<br />

A simplified method for determination of tree fatty acids for<br />

soluble and immobilized lipase assay<br />

Marseno, D.W Ind. Food Nutr<br />

A simplification of the protein assay method of Lowry et al.<br />

Which is more generally appli-cable<br />

Peterson, G.L Anal. Biochem<br />

A simplification of the protein assay method of Lowry et al,<br />

which is more generally applicable<br />

Peterson, G.L Anal. Biochem<br />

A Simple Volumetric Method for Measuring Photosynthesis<br />

and Respiration Rates in Higher Plants.<br />

Takaoki, T., Bot. Mag. Tokyo, 80: 312-322.<br />

A simple technique for establishing axenic cultures of<br />

phytoflagellates<br />

A Simple Spectrophotometric Method for The Direct<br />

Determination of Uric Acid in Avian Excreta.<br />

A simple rapid photometric estimation of the growth<br />

response of immobilized cells to fusaric acid and gamma<br />

radiation.<br />

Imai, Buil. Jpn. Soc. Microb. Ecol<br />

Marquardt, R. R. Poult. Sci.<br />

Tepper, T., Plant Cell Reports 10: 481-489.<br />

A simple procedure for the preparation of chiral amides Gotor V Tetrahedon letters 29(52) : 6973-6974<br />

A simple methods for the isolation and purification of total<br />

lipides from animal tissue<br />

A simple methods for isolation and purification of total lipid<br />

from animal tissues<br />

A Simple method of resolution of a distribution into Gausian<br />

components<br />

A Simple Method of Resolution of A Distribution Into<br />

Canadian Components<br />

A simple method for the isolation and purification of total<br />

lipids trom animal tissues<br />

A Simple Method for the Isolation and Purification of Total<br />

Lipids from Animal Tissue<br />

A simple method for isolation of chloroplast DNA from<br />

Marchantia polymorpha L. cell suspension cultures.<br />

A Simple Barium Chloride Method For Determining Cation<br />

Exchange Capacity and Exchangeable Cations<br />

A simple and sensitive assay for 1-amino cyclopropane-1carboxylic<br />

acid<br />

A simple and rapid method for preparation of plant DNA for<br />

PCR analysis.<br />

Folch, J. J. Biol. Chem.<br />

Folsch, J. J. Biol. Chem. 226: 496-500.<br />

Bhattacharya, C.G Biometrics<br />

Biometrics, 23 : 115 - 135.<br />

Folch, J J. Biol. Chem<br />

Folch, J. J. Biol. Chem, 226: 497-509.<br />

Ohyama, K., Agric. Biol. Chem. 46(1): 237-242.<br />

Hendershot. W.H Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Lizada, M.C.C. Anal. Biochem. 100: 140-145.<br />

Edwards, K., Nucleic Acid Res. 19: 1349.<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

A simple and rapid colorimetric method for determination of<br />

free fatty acids for lipase assay<br />

A Simple and efficient method for identification of hybrid<br />

using nonradiosctive r DNA as probe.<br />

A Similarity Solution for Stady State Crossflow<br />

Mikrofiltration in Continuos Culture<br />

A short-term study of the effects of a habitat improvement<br />

<strong>program</strong>me on the distribution and abundance of fish<br />

stocks in a small lowland river in Shropshire.<br />

Kwon, D. Y J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc<br />

Honda, H Jpn. J. Breed<br />

Davis, R.H FEMS microbial Lett<br />

Swales, S. Fish. Mgmt. 14 (3):135-144.<br />

A short review of farming systems research in the tropics Simmonds, N. W. Experimental Agriculture 22: 1-13.<br />

A set of keys for biochemical identification of environmental<br />

Vibrio species.<br />

Alsina, M. J. Applied Bacteriology (76):79-85.<br />

A sesquiterpenoid ant repellent from Dysoxylum spectabile Russel GB, Phytochemistry<br />

A Sesquiter penoid ant Repellent From Dysoxylum<br />

spectabile<br />

A serum bottle modification of the Hungate technique for<br />

cultivating obligate anaerobes<br />

A Sensitivity Analysis Of Adsorption and Degredation<br />

Parameters In The Modelling Of Pesticide Transport In Soil<br />

A sensitive method for the determination of<br />

deoxyribonuclenic acid in tissue and microorganism<br />

A self-transmissible narrow host-range endogenous<br />

plasmid of Rhodobacter sphaeroides 2.4.1. Physical<br />

structure, incompatibility determinant, origin of replication<br />

and transfer functions<br />

A self-transmissable narrow-host range endogenous<br />

plasmid of Rhodobacter sphaeroides 2.4.1 physical<br />

structure, incompatibility determinants, origin of replication,<br />

and transfer function<br />

Russell. G.B Phytochemistry<br />

Miller TL Appi Microbiol 27:985-987.<br />

Villeneuve. J.P J. Contam. Hydrol<br />

Webb, J. M. J. Biol. Chem<br />

Suwanto, A. J. Bacterial. 174:1135-1145.<br />

Suwanto, A. J. Bacterial. 174:1124-1134.<br />

A selective medium for Pseudomonas solanacearum Granada, G. A. Phytopathol. 71: 220 (abstract).<br />

A search of Jelutung {Dyera spp.) substitute for pencil<br />

slats.<br />

Mandang, Y. 1.<br />

A Rivised Medium for Rapid Growth and Assay With<br />

Tobacco Tissue Culture<br />

Murashige, T. Physiol Plant<br />

A Revision of the Genus Trichoderma. Rifai, M.A. Commonw. Mycol Inst<br />

A Revision of The Genus Tnchoderma Rifai.M.A. CMI Myco logy Paper<br />

A revision of the Malesian spices of Zanthoxylum<br />

(Rutaceae)<br />

Hartley, T.G. J. Arn. Arbor. 47:171-221.<br />

A revised medium for rapid growth and Bio-assays with<br />

Tobacco tissue cultures.<br />

Murashige, T. Physiol Plant.<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with<br />

tobacco tissue cultures.<br />

A revised medium for rapid growth and bio-assays with<br />

tobacco tissue cultures<br />

A Revised Medium for Rapid Growth and Bioassays with<br />

Tobacco Tissue Cultures<br />

A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with<br />

tobacco tissue culture<br />

A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with<br />

tobacco tissue<br />

A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassay with<br />

tobacco tissue cultures<br />

A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassay with<br />

tobacco tissue cultures<br />

A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassay with<br />

tobacco tissue culture.<br />

A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassay with<br />

tobacco tissue culture.<br />

A revised medium for rapid growth and bio-assay with<br />

tobacco tissue<br />

A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassay with<br />

tobacco culture<br />

Murashige T Physiol. Plant 15:473-497<br />

Murashige, T. Physiol. Plant. 15: 473-497.<br />

Murashige, T Physiol. Plant.15(4): 473-497.<br />

Murashige, T. Physiol. Plant. 15:473-497.<br />

Murashige, T., Phsiol. Plant<br />

Murashige T Physiol Plant 15:473-497<br />

Murashige T Physiol Plant 15:473-497<br />

Murashige, T. Plant Physiol. IS: 473-492.<br />

Murashige, T. Physiol. Plant 15: 473-497.<br />

Murashige T Physiol Plant 15:473-497.<br />

Murashige T Plant Physiol 15:473-497<br />

A revised medium for rapid growth & bioassay with tobacco<br />

tissue culture<br />

Murashige, T Physiol Plant 15 : 473-497<br />

A Revised for The Estimation of Protein Degradability in<br />

The Rumen.<br />

McDonald, I. J. Agric. Sci. Camb.<br />

A revised Analysis of Plant Competition Experiments McGlichrist. C.A Biometrics<br />

A Revised Analysis of Plant Competition Experiments McGilchrist. C.A Biometrics<br />

A Review: Influence of Direct-Fed Microbials on Ruminal<br />

Microbial Fermentation and Performance of Ruminants.<br />

Yoon, I. K. Asian-Australian J. Anim. Sci.<br />

A review on banana marketing in Indonesia Sudaryanto, T.<br />

A Review of the nutritive value and utilisation of whole<br />

cottonseed, cottonseed meal and associated by products<br />

by dairy cattle<br />

Coppock, C.R Anim. Feed Sci. TechnoL, 18:89-129.<br />

A Review of the nutritive value and utiliration of whole<br />

cottonseed, cottonseed meal and associated by-products<br />

by dairy cattle<br />

Coppock, C.E. Anim, Feed Sci. Technol., 18: 89-129.<br />

A review of synchronisation of estrus in postpartum cattle Odde, K.G. J. Anim. Sci., 68: 817-830.<br />

A Review of Reproductive Performance of Female Bos<br />

Indicus (Zebu) Cattle.<br />

Mukasa-Murgewa E. ILCA Monograph No. 6 International<br />

Livestock Centre for Africa<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 746 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

A Review of Reproductive Performance of Female Bos<br />

Indicus (Zebu) Cattle.<br />

A Review of Reproductive Performance of Female Bos<br />

Indicus (Zebu) Cattle.<br />

A review of palatability characteristics of beef: effect of<br />

nutrition, time on feed, age, breed, fat thickness and<br />

marbling<br />

A review of palatability characteristics of beef: effect of<br />

nutrition, time on feed age, breed, fat thickness dan<br />

marbling.<br />

A Review of cyclopropenoid compounds: Biological effect<br />

of some derivatives.<br />

A review of breeding strategies for genetic improvement of<br />

dairy cattle in developing countries<br />

A review of advantages and disanvantages of castrating<br />

farm livestock with particular reference to behavioural<br />

effectcs<br />

A review antagonistic effects of lactobacilli and pediococcr<br />

to control colonization by human enteropathogens in live<br />

poultry<br />

A Review : Influence of Direct-Fed Microbials on Ruminal<br />

Microbial Fermentation and Performance of Ruminants.<br />

Mukasa-Murgewa E. ILCA Monograph No.6 International<br />

Livestock Centre for Africa.<br />

Mukasa-Murgewa E. ILCA Monograph No.6 International<br />

Livestock Centre for Africa.<br />

Phelps, R.A. Poultry Sci.<br />

Bondoc, O.L Animal Breeding Abstract<br />

Kiley, M Brit. Vet. J.<br />

Juven, B.J., J. Appl. Bacteriol.<br />

Yoon, I. K. Asian-Australian Journal of Anim. Sci.<br />

A research note : Effect of rice hemicelluloses on<br />

pancreatic lipase activity in vitro<br />

Normand, F.L., J. Food Sci<br />

A Repeating 11-mer amino add motif and plant desiccation. Dure L III Plant J.<br />

A repartioning agent to improve performance and carcass<br />

composition of poultry<br />

A reliable sex determination essay for bovine<br />

preimplantation embryos using The polymerase chain<br />

reaction<br />

A Relationship Between Protein Level and Energi in Chtiks<br />

Ration.<br />

A reevaluation of coconut oil's effects on serum chlolesterol<br />

& atherogenesis<br />

A redescription of Pyrodinium bahamense var. compressa<br />

(Bohm) stat. nov. from Pacific red tides<br />

A Reactor permitting injection and sampling for steady<br />

atate studies of enzymic reactions at high pressure : Test<br />

with aspartate transcarbamylase<br />

Dalrynple, R. H. Puolt. Sci.<br />

Peura, T. Theriogenol, 35:547-555<br />

Sunde, M. C. Poul Sci. 35 : 350 - 354.<br />

Balckburn GJ Coconuts Today 1990<br />

Steidinger, K.A Phycologia 19(4):329-337.<br />

Hui Bon Hoa, G Anal. Biochem<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 747 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

A rapid procedure for visualising tne inner cell mass and<br />

trophectoderm nuclei of mouse blastocyst in situ using<br />

polynucleotide - specific fluorochromes<br />

Handyside A.H J.Exp.Zool<br />

A rapid procedure for purine measurement and its use for<br />

estimating net ruminal protein synthesis<br />

Zinn, R.A. Can. J. Anim. Sci<br />

A rapid method of total lipid extraction and purification. Bligh, E.G. Canadian J. Biochem. Physiol., 37:<br />

911-917.<br />

A rapid method of total lipid extraction and purification.<br />

Can.<br />

Bligh, E.G. J. Biochem, Physiol. 37: 911-917.<br />

A Rapid Method for the Estimation of Starch Gelatinitation<br />

in Processed Food<br />

Wooton, M. J. Food Tech., December: 612-615.<br />

A Rapid Cirate-Dithionite Extractable Iron Procedure Holmgren. G.G.S Soil Science Society Of America<br />

Proceeding<br />

A rapid chemiluminescent detection method for barley<br />

yellow dwarf virus. .1.<br />

Fouly. H.M.. Virol. Meth. 39: 291-298<br />

A rapid and sensitive method for the quantitation of microgram<br />

quantity of protein utilizing the principle of protein dye<br />

binding.<br />

Bradford, M.M., Anal. Biochem. 72: 248-254.<br />

A rapid and sensitive method for the quantitation of<br />

microgram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of<br />

protein-dye binding<br />

A rapid and sensitive method for quantitation of microgram<br />

quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein-dye<br />

binding<br />

A rapid and sensitive method for quantitation of microgram<br />

quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein<br />

dyebinding<br />

A Rapid And Precise Method for Rutin Determination of<br />

Organic Carbon Soil<br />

A quantitative requirement for long day in the induction of<br />

staminate strobili by gibberellin in conifer Cupressus<br />

arizonica<br />

A quantitative method of karyotypic analysis applied to<br />

soybean (Glycine max)<br />

A protocole for non-radioactive DNA labelling and detection<br />

in the RFLP analysis of rice and tomato using single copy<br />

probes.<br />

A protocol for non-radioactive DNA labelling and detection<br />

in the RFLP analysis of rice and tomatoes using single<br />

copy probes.<br />

Bradford, M.M. Anal. Biochem. 74:248-254.<br />

Bradford, M.M. Analytical biochemistry 72 : 248-254.<br />

Bradford, M.M. Anal. Biochem. 72:234-254.<br />

Yeomans. J.C Comn. Soil. Sci & Plant Anal<br />

Pharis, R. P. Ca. J. Bot<br />

Ahmad, Q.N. Cytologia 48: 879-892.<br />

Panaud, O.. Plant. Mol Biol 11(1): 1-8<br />

Panaud, O.. Plant Mol Biol. 11(1): 12-15.<br />

A protein similar to PR (pathogenesis-related) proteins is<br />

elicited by metal toxicity in wheat root<br />

Cruz-Ortega R. Physiol. Plant. 89: 211-219.<br />

A Protein dissection study of a moltren globule Peng, Z Biochem<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 748 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

A proposed land cover/land use classification and its use<br />

with remote sensing data.<br />

A procedure for miniscale preparation of Pyricularia grisea<br />

DNA.<br />

A procedur tor the isolation of deoxyribonucleic acid trom<br />

microorganisms<br />

A Preliminary study on the non-essentially of lecithin for<br />

hatchery produced juvenile white sturgeon<br />

A preliminary study on the dietary protein requirement of<br />

juvenile snakehead.<br />

Malingreau, J. P. The Indonesian Journal of Geography.<br />

Scott, R.P., Int. Rice Res. Notes 18 (1): 47-48.<br />

J. Marmur J. Mol. Biol<br />

O.H. Sillas Aquaculture<br />

Wee,K.L. Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Sci'<br />

entific Fisheries, 48:1463-1468.<br />

A preliminary study on a traditional intermediate moisture<br />

beef product<br />

Purnomo, H. J. Food Sci.<br />

A preliminary plant disease in Netherlands New-Guinea Johnston, A. Bull. Dept. Econ. Affairs. Agric. Series<br />

4. 55p.<br />

A preliminary linkage map of the chicken genome Bumstead, N. Genomics 13:690-697.<br />

A preliminary investigation of the spawning habits of some<br />

fishes of the Java Sea.<br />

Jong. J.K. de. Treubia. 17 (4): 307 - 330<br />

A Preliminary Evaluation of Wave Attenuation by Four<br />

Species of Seagrass<br />

Fonseca, S.M. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science<br />

35: 565-576.<br />

A Practical hand book of sea water analysis. Strickland, J.D.H Fish. Res. Board of Canada, Bull. 167:<br />

1-311.<br />

A possible role for Ca2+-ATPase in human sperm<br />

capacitation<br />

DasGupta, S. J. Reprod. Fertil.102:107-116.<br />

A possible quiescence of the applied entomogeneous<br />

nematode, Steinernema felitae, in soil<br />

Ishibashi, N Nematology J<br />

A plasmid of Rhizobium meliloti 41 encodes catabolism of<br />

two coumpounds from root exudate of Calystegium sepium.<br />

A plasmid of Rhizobium meliloti 41 encodes catabolism of<br />

two compounds from root exudate of Calystegium sepium.<br />

Tepfer, D., J. Bacteriol. 170: 1153-1161.<br />

Tepfer, D. J. Baeteriol. 170: 1153-1161.<br />

A plant DNA minipreparation: version II. Dellaporta, S L , Plant Mol. Biol. Rep. 1(4): 19-21.<br />

A Plant DNA Minipreparation: Version II Dellaporta, S. L. Plant Mol.Biol.Replic. 1:19-21.<br />

A plant DNA minipreparation, Version 11 Dellaporta, S L., Plant Mol. Biol Rep l: 19-21.<br />

A plant DNA minipreparation Version II Dellaporta SL Plant Moleculer Biology Reporter<br />

A phylogenetic and biogeographic study ofHamamelis<br />

(Hamamelidaceae), an eastern asian and eastern north<br />

american disjunct genus<br />

Wen J Biochem Syst Ecol 27:55-56.<br />

A phylatelist's mycological notes Rifai, M.A. Chimaera, Sheffield.5:23-28.<br />

A ph-dependent model for the chemical speciation of<br />

copper, zinc, cadmium and lead in seawater.<br />

Zirino, A.,<br />

Yamamoto, S.<br />

Limnol. Ocenogr., 17: 661-671.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 749 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

A Phatogenic role of visceral fat B3(beta)-adrenoceptors in<br />

obesity.<br />

Lonnqvist,F. J. Clin. Invest. Vol.95:1109.<br />

A peptide inhibitor of angiotensin I converting enyzime in<br />

the tryptic hydrolisate of casein<br />

Maruyama Agric Biol. Chem., 46 (5) . 1393-1394.<br />

A Penman for All Seasons Allen, G.R J. Irrig and Drain. Div., ASCE<br />

A PCR-based Method for Mating Type determination in<br />

Cochliobolus heterostrophus.<br />

Gafur, A. Mycoscience 38. 455-458<br />

A palm oil enriched diet lowers serum lipoprotein(a) in<br />

normocholesterolemic volunteers<br />

Hornstra G Artherosclerosis 90(1) : 91-93<br />

A one step process for the productions of single cellprotein<br />

and amiloglucosidase, App Microbiol.<br />

Sukara, E. Biotech. 30 p 135<br />

A Novel Technique for the preparation of secondary fatty<br />

amides II : The preparation of ricinolamide from caster oil<br />

Piazza, GJ JAOCS 70(7): 727-730<br />

A novel technique for preparation of secondary fatty<br />

amides. III<br />

A novel potent vasoconstrictor peptide produced by<br />

vascular endothelial cells<br />

A novel non-peptide endothelin antagonist isolated from<br />

bayberry, Myrica cerifera<br />

A novel method for development of species and strainspecific<br />

DNA probes and PCR primers for identifying<br />

Burkholderia solanacearum (formerly Pseudomonas<br />

solanacearum).<br />

A novel method for development of species and strainspecific<br />

DNA probes and PCR primers for identifying<br />

Burkholderia solanacearum (formerly P. solanacearum}<br />

A novel method for development of species and strain<br />

specific DNA probes and PCR primers for identifying B.<br />

Solanacearum<br />

A Novel conyugated ketosteroid from the marine sponge,<br />

Dyctionella incisa.<br />

A novel conyugated ketosteroid from the marine sponge,<br />

Dyctionella incisa.<br />

A novel conyugated ketosteroid from the marine sponge<br />

Dyctionella incisa<br />

A novel conjugated ketosteroid froni file marine sponge,<br />

Dyctionella incisa.<br />

A novel c/5-acting element in an Arabidopsis gene is<br />

involved in responsivness to drought, low-temperature, or<br />

high salt stress<br />

Feairheller SH Alakanolamides. Diamides and<br />

aralkylamides. JAOCS. 71(8) :863-866<br />

Yanagisawa, M. Nature, 332<br />

Fujimoto, M. FEBS Lett. 305: 41.<br />

Opina, N., Asia Pacific J. Mol. Biol. and<br />

Biotechnol. 5: 19-30.<br />

Opina,N. Asia Pacific J. Mol. Biol. Biotechnol.<br />

5:19-30.<br />

Opina, N. Asia Pacific J. Mol. Biol. Biotechnol.<br />

Cimminiello, P., J. of Natural Product 52(6):1331-1333.<br />

Cimminiello, P., J. Nat. Prod. 52(6):1331-1333.<br />

P. Cimminiello J. Of Natural Product<br />

Ciniminiello, P., J. of Natural Product(.52(6):1331-<br />

1333.<br />

Yamaguchi-<br />

Shinozaki, K.<br />

Plant Cell. 6: 251-264.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 750 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

A Note on the Utility of Vaginal Cytology in Detecting<br />

Oestrous Cycle and Certain Reproductive Disorders in<br />

Bovines<br />

A note on the total viable counts & selective enumeration of<br />

anaerobic bacteria in the cecal content, soft & hard feces of<br />

rabbit.<br />

A note on the effect of different amounts of NaOH<br />

application on digetibility by cattle of barley, oats, wheat<br />

and maize<br />

Rao, P. R Indian J. Anim.Sci.<br />

Emaldi O J Appl Microbiol 46:169-172<br />

Orskov, E. R. J. Agric. Sci. Cambridge<br />

A note on some chemical constituents of goat semen Varshney VP Indian J Anim Sci 47:427-429.<br />

A Note on Chemical Composition and The Nutritive Value<br />

of Roselle Plants in Poultry Rations.<br />

Abdel-Rahman,<br />

MM.,<br />

Indian Journal of Animal Sciences.<br />

A non linear impact model for a sphere with a flat plate. Franke J.E Transactions of the ASAE<br />

A new Spectrophotometric method for the determination of<br />

nitrite in seawater<br />

Bendschneider, K. J. Mar. Res.,11: 87-96.<br />

A new spectrophotometric method for the detection and<br />

determination of keto sugars and trioses<br />

Freud J. Biol. Chem<br />

A New Regression Method for Analysising the Aggregation<br />

Pattern of Animal Population<br />

Iwao.S Res.Popul.Ecol<br />

A new non-isotopic detection system for immunoassays Deaver D. R. Nature, 377 : 758-760<br />

A new method tor estimating the freshness of fish Saito, T Buil. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish<br />

A new method tor controlling the precise time of occurrence<br />

of the preovulatory gonadotropin surge in superovulated<br />

goals<br />

Banj G, Pougnard<br />

JL,<br />

Theriogenology<br />

A new method tbr estimating the freshness of fish Saito, T Buil. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish<br />

A new method of determining metabolizability of energy<br />

and digestibility of fatty acids in broiler diets.<br />

Vogtmann, H. British Poult. Sci.<br />

A new method for the identification of key factors from lifetable<br />

data<br />

Podoler, H. J. Anim. Ecol.<br />

A new method for estimating the freshness of fish. Saito, T,, Fisheries Sci.Vol.24, 749-750.<br />

A new method for determination of insoluble cell walls and<br />

soluble nonstarchy polisaccharides from plant.<br />

Barilloute, J. M. J. Agric. Food Chem.<br />

A new method for Controlling the precise time of<br />

occurrence of the preovulatory gonadotropin surge in<br />

superovulated goats.<br />

A new method for controlling the precise time of occurrence<br />

of the preovulatory gonadotropin surge in<br />

superovulated goats<br />

A new internal standard for GLC determination of<br />

monoglycerides and propylene esters.<br />

Baril, G. Theriogenology<br />

Baril G, Theriogenology<br />

See DK JAOCS 67(11):797-799<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 751 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

A new genotype of 7S globulin (B-conglycinin) detected in<br />

wild soybean<br />

A new genotype of 7S globulin (B-conglycinin) detected in<br />

wild soybean<br />

A New fermented milk using capsular polysaccharideproducing.Lactobacillus<br />

kefiranofaciens isolated from kefir<br />

grains<br />

A new biological method for determining amino acid<br />

digestibility in poultry feedstuffs using a simple cannula and<br />

the influence of dietary fibre on endogenus amino acid<br />

output.<br />

A new bioactive derivation ofovarol froin the marine<br />

sponge, Dysidea avara.<br />

A New Bioactive Derivation of Ovarol from the marine<br />

sponge, Dysidea avara.<br />

A new bioactive derivation of ovarol from the marine<br />

sponge, Dysidea avara.<br />

A new bioactive derivation of avarol from the marine<br />

sponge Dysidea avara<br />

A new and presumably extinct species of Millepora<br />

(Hydrozoa) in the eastern Pacific<br />

A New Acyclic Diketotriterpenoid Isolated from the<br />

Indonesians Marine Sponge Hyrtios erectus<br />

A new purple sulfur bacterium from saline litoral<br />

sediments Thiorhodovibrio winogradsky.<br />

A negative staining method for high resolution electron<br />

microspy of viruses<br />

Hajika M Breed. Sci 46: 385-386<br />

Hajika M Breed. Sci 46: 385-386<br />

Toba, T Dairy Research J<br />

Raharjo, Y. C. Animal Feed Science and Technology.<br />

Cnspino, J. of Natural Product 52(6):646-648.<br />

Crispino, Deguillo,<br />

A.,<br />

Crispino, Deguillo,<br />

A.,<br />

J. of Natural Product 52(6):646-648.<br />

J. Nat. Prod. 52(6): 646-648.<br />

A. Crispino J. Of Natural Product<br />

de Weerdt WH Med Leiden 65:267-276.<br />

Williams, D.E. J. Natural Production 62: 653-654.<br />

Overmann, J., Arch. Microbiol. 157: 329-335.<br />

Brener S Biochim. Biophys. Acta 34, 103-110<br />

A mutant affecting chromatophore proliferation in a poeciliid<br />

fish.<br />

Moore, W.S. J. Herrd. 65: 326-330.<br />

A MuIti-porpose firmness tester tor fruits and vegetables Duprat R Computers and Electronics in<br />

Agriculture<br />

A Modified starch stabilizer for low-cost production of fruit<br />

yogurt Australia<br />

Winterton, D Dairy Tech J<br />

A modified procedurue for identifying varietal stability Nasrullah Agric, Sc. 546:153-1159<br />

A modified plate assay for screening phosphate solubilizing<br />

microorganism<br />

Gupta, R. J. Gen. Appl. Microbiol. 40:225-260.<br />

A modified alkaline lysis miniprep protocol using a single<br />

microcentrifage tube<br />

Xiang C Bio Teschniques 17:13-17.<br />

A model tor follicle selection and the determination of<br />

ovulation rate in the ewe<br />

Scaramuzzi RJ Reprod. Fertil. Dev<br />

A Model for The Denaturation and Aggregation of B-<br />

Lactoglobulin<br />

Roefs, P.F.M European J. of BioChemistry<br />

A Model for Leaf Production and Apex Development In<br />

Calabrese<br />

Fellows. J.R Journal Of Horticulture Science<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

A model for follicle selection and the determination of<br />

ovulation rate in the ewe.<br />

Scaramuzzi, R.J. Reprod. Fertil. Dev<br />

A miniaturized system for electroplioresis on<br />

polyacrylamide gels<br />

Ogita, Z. Analytical Biochemistry<br />

A miniatured system for elecrophoresis on polyacrilamide<br />

gels<br />

Ogita ZI Anal. Biochem 99:233-241<br />

A milk borne outbreak of serious infection due to<br />

Streptococcus zooepidemicus (Lancefield Grup C)<br />

Edward, A.T. Epidemiol. Infect. 101: 45-51.<br />

A microsatellite linkage map of the porcine genome Rohrer, G.A. Genetics 136:231-245.<br />

A Methodology for On-farm Cropping System Research Zandstra,H,G. IRRI Philipines<br />

A Methodic Way To More Sustainable Farming Systems Vereijken. P Journal Of Agricultural Science<br />

A Methodic Way To More Sustainable Farming System Vereijken. P Journal Of Agr. Science<br />

A methode of analysing cultivar x locations x yer<br />

experiment : a new stability parameter<br />

A method of seed production for humpback grouper<br />

Cromileptes altivelis<br />

A Method of measuring metabolisable energy of feed stuffs<br />

for ducks.<br />

A method of measuring metabolisable energy of feed stuffs<br />

for ducks<br />

A Method Of Evaluating Cuishioning Materials Used In<br />

Mechanical Harvesting and Handling Of Fruit and<br />

Vegetables<br />

Lin CS Theor Appl Genet 76 :425-430<br />

H. Matsuda Lolitkanta-Jica Booklet No.1<br />

Sinurat, A. P. Ilmu dan Peternakan.<br />

Sinurat, A.P. Ilmu dan Peternakan 5(1): 28-30<br />

Bitner. OR Trans. Of Am. Soc. Of Agric. Eng.<br />

A method of estimating heritability Warner JN Agron J. 44:427-430<br />

A method of estimating heritability Warner JN Agron J. 44:427-430<br />

A Method of Determining The Erosion Potential of<br />

Cohesive Soils<br />

Flaxman. E.M I.A.S.H. Commision Of Land Erosion<br />

A Method Of Computing The Effectiveness On An<br />

Insecticide<br />

Abbott. W.S J. Econ. Entomol<br />

A method of computing the effectiveness of an insecticide Abbott WS J Econ Entomol<br />

A method of computing the effectiveness of an insecticide Abbott J. Econ. Entomol. 18:265-267.<br />

A method of computing the effectiveness of an insecticide Abbott WS J Econ Entomol 18:265-267.<br />

A method of computing the effectiveness of an insecticide Abbot WS J Econ Entomol, 19 265-267<br />

A method of computing the effectiveness of an insecticide Abbot WS J Econ Entomol, 19 265-267<br />

A Method for The Treatment of Animal Wastes to Control<br />

Ammonia and Other Odors.<br />

Seltzer, W. Poultry Sci.<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

A Method for the mesrurement of nitrification rates in water. Somville, M. Wat. Res<br />

A method for the extraction of chlorophyll from leaf tissue<br />

without maceration.<br />

A Method for the Deter mination of Phytoplankton<br />

Chlorophyll and Phaeophytin by Fluorerence.<br />

A Method for studying the effects of soil Agregate size and<br />

Density<br />

A method for measuring the development of surface cracks<br />

in soils: application to crack development after lowland rice<br />

A Method for Determination of the Extent of the<br />

Polymerization in Frying Fats and in Fats Extracted from<br />

Fried Foods<br />

Hiscox, J. D. Can. J. Bot. 57.1332-1344.<br />

Yentsch, C.S., Deep Sea Res.,10:221-231.<br />

De Freitas, P.L Soil Sci. Amer. J<br />

Ringrose-Voase,<br />

A.J.<br />

Geoderma 76:245-261<br />

Sahasrabudhe, M.R. JAOCS 40: 711-712.<br />

A Method for Comparative Studies on Iron Absorption in<br />

Man Using Two Radioiron Isotopes<br />

Brise, H. Acta, Med. Scan. Suppl. 376: 7.<br />

A method for characterising ultrasoniclly-derived follicular<br />

data in heifers.<br />

Ginther, O.J. Theriogenology<br />

A Meta-Analysis of the Relationship in Food Preference<br />

between Parents and Children<br />

Gidden J.B Journal of Nutrition Education<br />

A membrane ctTcct of basic polymers dependent on<br />

molecular size<br />

Rucsink, H.P. Nature 41:192-195.<br />

A mechanims for increase Plant Growth Induced by<br />

Tricoderma ssp.<br />

Windham, M.T. Phytopathology.<br />

A Mathematical Model of The Effect of Shooting Barnacle<br />

Geese Wintering on Islay.<br />

Middleton D. A. J. J. Appl. Ecol. 30:1-12.<br />

A Mathematical Model of The Effect of Shooting Barnacle<br />

Geese Wintering on Islay.<br />

Middleton D. A. J. J. Appl. Ecol. 30:1-12.<br />

A mathematical Approach to Fitting Parameters in a<br />

Competition Model<br />

Thomas. V.J J. of. App. Eco<br />

A mathematica! model of produce damage mcchanisms Peleg K Transactions of the ASAE<br />

A marker locus Adh-1 for resistance to pea enation mosaic<br />

virus in Pisum sntivum<br />

Weeden, N. F. J. Hered. 79:128-131.<br />

A manual of rural composting project. Gaur field Documents No. 15 FAO UNDP<br />

regional onject<br />

A Manual of Rural Composting FAO/UNDP Regional<br />

Project RAS 75/004.<br />

Gaurr, A. C. Project Field Document No. 15.<br />

A low-viscosity epoxy-resin embedding for electron<br />

microscopy<br />

Spurr, A.R. J Ultrastruc Res 26: 31 -43.<br />

A lipase from newly isolated thermophylic Rhizopus<br />

rhizopodiformis<br />

Samad, M.Y.A., World J. Microb. Biotech<br />

a linkage study of quantitative characters in soybean cross Gates CE Agron J 52: 45-49<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 754 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

A Limited -Diversification Portfolio Selection Model For The<br />

Small Investor.<br />

Jacob, L. The Journal of Finance<br />

A Lattice Claims Model for Capital Budgeting Kamrad IEEE.Transaction on Engineering<br />

Management, Vol 42.No.2, May<br />

A large family of bacterial activator proteins. Henikoff, S., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 85: 6602-<br />

6606.<br />

A Land Use and Land Cover Classification System for Use<br />

with Remote Sensor Data. U. S. Geological Survey.<br />

Anderson, J. R., Professional paper 964.<br />

A kinetic and autoradiographic study of the direct<br />

assimilation of amino acid and glucose by organs of the<br />

mussel, Mytilus edulis.<br />

A key for stages of development of the faba bean (Vicia<br />

faba L.)<br />

A hypervariable microsatellite revealed by in vitro<br />

amplification of a dinucleotide repeat within the cardiac<br />

muscle actin gene<br />

A hundred & fifty years of oil palm development in<br />

Indonesia : From the Bogor Botanical Garden to the<br />

industry<br />

A hundred & fifty years of oil palm development in<br />

Indonesia : From the Bogor Botanical Garden to the<br />

industry<br />

A histopathological disease survey of cultured shrimp in<br />

North East Sumatera, Indonesia<br />

A highly thermostable neutral protease from Bacillus<br />

caldolyticus: Cloning and expression of the gene in Bacillus<br />

suhlilis and characterization of the gene product<br />

Pequignet, Mar. Biol. 19: 227-244.<br />

Knott, C.M. Ann. Appl. Biol.116: 391-404.<br />

Litt, M. Ainer. J. Hum. Gen. 44:397-401.<br />

Pamin K International Oil Palm Conf. :<br />

Commodity of the past, today, & the<br />

future<br />

Pamin K International Oil Palm Conf. :<br />

Commodity of the past, today, & the<br />

future<br />

Turnbull, J.F. J. Fish Diseases, 17: 57-65.<br />

Van den Burg, B. J. Bacterial. 173:4107-4115.<br />

A high performance liquid chromatography method for<br />

lactose determination in milk<br />

Harvey, J. Aust. J. Dairy Technol<br />

A high density molecular map of the rice genome. Tanksley. S.D , Rice Genet. Newsl. 9: 111-115.<br />

A hemagglutinating adhesin of group B streptococci<br />

isolated from cases of bovine mastitis mediates adherence<br />

to HeLa cells<br />

Wibawan I W T J.Gen Microbiol<br />

A handbook of normal penaeid shrimp histology Bell, T.A. World Aquaculture Society, Baton<br />

Rouge, USA. Pp. 114.<br />

A Guide to Species Selection for Tropical and Sub-tropical<br />

Plantations. Tropical Forestry<br />

Web, D.B., Papers No. 15.<br />

A genetic linkage map of atzuki bean constructed with<br />

molecular and morphological markers using an<br />

interspecific population (Vigna angularis x V nakashimae)<br />

Kaga A Theor. Appl. Genet. 93: 658-663<br />

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A genetic linkage map for maize based on RFLPs Trends Helentjaris. T Genet. 3: 217-221.<br />

A genetic analysis of the components of the lifetime<br />

productivity in Scottish Blackface sheep.<br />

Atkins, K.D. Anim. Prod.<br />

A genetic analysis of maturing patterns in straightbred and<br />

crossbred Hereford, Angus and Shorthorn cattle<br />

Smith, G.M. J. Anim. Sci., 43: 389-395.<br />

A genetic analysis of early growth and ultrasonic<br />

measurements in hill sheep.<br />

Comngton, J. Anim. Sci.<br />

A genetic analysis of body weight and length in rainbow<br />

trout reared in seawater for 18 months.<br />

Gunnes, K Aquaculture 24: 161-174<br />

A generalized computer <strong>program</strong> for the treatment of data<br />

from competitive protein binding assays<br />

Burger, H.G. J. Lab. Clin. Med., 80: 302-312.<br />

A general schedule for manuring oil palms in west malaysia Hew CK Planter 44:417-429<br />

A general model for expansion of extruded products Alvarez-Martinez L J. Food Sci<br />

A general formula for the calculation of lean meat content Pearson, D. J. Assoc. Public. Analysis<br />

A gene encoding a protein elicitor of Phytophthora<br />

infestans is down-regulated during infection of potato.<br />

A gas chromatographic method for the quantitative<br />

determination of free fatty acids in milk and milk products<br />

Kamoun S Molec Plant Microbe Interact<br />

Deeth H.C. New Zealand J. Dairy Sci. and<br />

Technology 18: 13-20.<br />

A Fusarium Disease of coccus viridis Viswanathan PRK J Coffea Res 2 (4):25-27 Abst<br />

A Fusarium Disease of coccus viridis Viswanathan PRK J Coffea Res 2 (4):25-27 Abst<br />

A Further study on the role of hypersensitivity in resisitance<br />

of potato cultivars to infection by an incompatible race of<br />

phytophthora infestans.<br />

Doke N Physiol Plant Pathol<br />

A Fresh Look At Ozone EPRI EPRI Journal<br />

A Framework for latitudinal Comparison of Flatfish<br />

Recruitment<br />

Pauly, D. Netherlands Journal of Sea Research,<br />

32 (2) : 107 - 118.<br />

A Framework for Land Evaluation. FAO. FAO Soil Bulletin No. 32,<br />

A Framework for Land Evaluation FAO Soil Bulletin<br />

A Framework for Land Evaluation FAO FAO Soil Bulletin 52. Rome, Italy:<br />

FAO.<br />

A firmness sorting criterion for blueberries Rohrbach, R. P Trans, of the ASAE<br />

a Field Technique for Sparating Above and Below Ground<br />

Interaction : an Experiment With Pearl Millet/Groundnut<br />

Willey. R.W Exp. Agric<br />

A Field Technique For Separating Above and Below<br />

Ground Interaction In Intercropping : An Experiment With<br />

Pearl Millet/Groundnut<br />

Willey. R.W Exp. Agric.<br />

A fecal sterol survey in the Clyde Estuary. Goodfellow, R.M., Mar. Pollut. Bull., 8: 272.<br />

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A Empirical Analysis Of The Relative Efficiency Of Policy<br />

Instruments To Reduce Nitrate Water Contamination In The<br />

US Southern High Plains<br />

Wu Jun Jie Canadian Journal Of Agricultural<br />

Economics<br />

A dynamic model of fiber digestion and passage in the<br />

ruminant tor evaluating forage qualitv<br />

Mertens. D,R. J. Anim Sci<br />

A dynamic grain sorghum growth model Arkin, G.F. Trans. ASAE. 622-626.<br />

A dominant mutation in Arabidopsis confers resistance to<br />

auxin, ethylene and abscisic acid.<br />

Wilson, A.K., Mol. Gen. Genet. 222:377-383.<br />

A DNA method that allows reliable PCR amplification of<br />

MLO DNA From difficult plat host species<br />

Gibb K PCR meth.and Appl<br />

A distilation method for the quantitaive determination of<br />

maloandehyde in rancid foods<br />

Tarladgis BG J. Am. Oil. Chem. Soc : 37-46<br />

A discussion of genetic aspects of broodstock<br />

entablishment and management.<br />

Newkirk, G.F ICLARM Conf. Proc. No. 39. Manila, p.<br />

6-13.<br />

A Discrete-Event Simulation Model for Seaport Operations Nevins, M.R. et al Int. J. of Simulation,<br />

A Digestion Method For Trace Metal Recovery From<br />

Oil/Grease Contamined Soils<br />

A differences in dry mass between the heads of X and Y<br />

chromosome bearing human spermatozoa<br />

A Dictionary of the economic products of the Malay<br />

Peninsula<br />

A detection method for pseudomonas solanacearum in<br />

symtomless potato tubers and some data on its sensitivity<br />

and specificity<br />

Cook. N Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Sumner, A.T. J. Reprod. Fert. 48:9-15.<br />

Burkill, E. H. Crown Agents for the colonics, London<br />

Janse, J.D OEPP/EPPO Bull<br />

A detailed analysis of early events during fertilization of<br />

bovine follicular oocytes<br />

K. P. J. Reprod. Fert<br />

A destructive mycoparasite, Gliocladium roseum Barnet, H. L. Mycologia<br />

A Description of the development of primary and secondary<br />

sexual characters in the banana prawn, Penaeus<br />

merguiensis de Man (Crustacea:Decapoda: Panaeinae)<br />

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Tuma, DJ J. Mar. Fresw. Res<br />

A dense cell retention culture system using stirred<br />

ceramic membrane reactor system<br />

A dense cell culture system for microorganisms using a<br />

stirred ceramic membrane reactor incorporating<br />

asymmetric porous ceramic filters<br />

Suzuki, T Biotechnol. Bioeng<br />

Suzuki, T J. Ferment. Bioeng<br />

A Defined Artificial Diet for The Larvae of Manduca sexta Ahmad. I. Ent. exp. & Appl 53: 189-191<br />

A defined artificial diet for the larvae of Manduca Sexta Ahmad, I. Ent. exp. & Appl. 53: 189-191.<br />

A defined artificial diet for the larvae of Manduca sexta Ahmad I. Ent. exp. & Appl. 53, 189-191.<br />

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A decision Analysis approach to integrated pest control. Norton GA Crop Prot<br />

A Decade of Village Development in East Java Edmundson, W, C Bulletin of Indonesia Economie<br />

Studies 19<br />

A Decade of Village Development in East Java Edmunsond Bulletin of Indonesia Economic<br />

Studies 19<br />

A Cytotaxanomic study of dryupteris sparsa and closely<br />

related species (Dryupterisdaceae)<br />

Darnaedi, D. Jap. Bot. 64: 330-340.<br />

A Cytological Study in Tissue Culture of Allium Sativum L.<br />

in Vitro<br />

Novak F. J. Acta F. R. N: Univ. Genet<br />

A corelation study of egg size to fertility, hatchability and<br />

chick size : of chick size to growth an mortality and body<br />

size of hens egg production.<br />

Arboleda, C.R. Philippine Agric. 44 : 250<br />

A Contribution to THE Mathematical Theory of Epidemics Kermack, W.D. J.R.Statist. Soc. Ser. A. 115: 700-721.<br />

A consideration of why mass culture of the rotifers<br />

Brachionns pli.cafiln, with Baker's yeast is unstable.<br />

Abstract of oral comniii-nication.<br />

A conserved motif in the 5.8S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene<br />

is a useful diagnostic marker for plant ITS sequences<br />

A consecutive batch culture system is a new and an<br />

appropriate concept or feed evaluation system in South<br />

Sulawesi<br />

A consecutive batch culture system is a new and an<br />

appropriate concept of feed evaluation system in South<br />

Sulawesi<br />

Hirayama. K. Hydrobiologia 147: 269-270.<br />

Jobes DV Plant Mol Biol Report 15:326-334.<br />

Ismartoyo Final report DCRG 2000/2001.<br />

Ismartoyo Final report DCRG 2000/2001.<br />

A Concise Table For Path Analysis Statistic Williams. W.A Agron. J<br />

A Comporison of Maize diseases in temperete and in<br />

tropical environment.<br />

Renfro, B.L. PANS 22(4) : 491-498<br />

A Comparison of Two Soil Extraction Procedures For The<br />

Determination Of EDTA - Extractable Copper and<br />

Manganese<br />

Burridge. J.C Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal<br />

A comparison of three methods of oestrus detection in<br />

commercial dairy herds verified by serum progesterone<br />

analysis.<br />

A comparison of three method of oestrus detection in<br />

commercial dairy herds verified by serum progesterone<br />

analysis<br />

A comparison of the work of ongole (bos indicus) bali (bos<br />

sondaicus) and madura cows II<br />

Sawyer, G.J. Anim Reprod. Sci.<br />

Sawyer, G.J, Animal Reproduction Science<br />

Komarudin, M. Trained DAP Bull.<br />

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A Comparison of The Effects of White Clover (Trifolium<br />

Repens) and of Perennial Ryegrass (Lolium Perenne) on<br />

Fat Composirion and Flavour of Lamb.<br />

A comparison of the effects of beet, chicken and t'ish<br />

protein on satiety and amino acid profiles in lean male<br />

subjects<br />

A comparison of the chemical composition of acid<br />

preserved and fermented tilapia silage In Dried Fermented<br />

Fish Silage in Diets for Oreochromis niloticiis<br />

A Comparison of the availability and ileal digestibility of<br />

lysine in cottonseed and soybean meals for grower/finisher<br />

pigs: Lysine<br />

A Comparison of soil and microbial carbon, nitrogen, and<br />

phosphorus contents, and macro-aggregate stability of a<br />

soil under native forest and after clearance for pastures<br />

and plantation forest<br />

A Comparison of rice bran, wheat bran and cellulose as<br />

sources of dietary fibre in the rat<br />

A comparison of reproduktive potensial of two rat<br />

populations<br />

A comparison of reproduktive potensial of two rat<br />

populations<br />

A Comparison of Non-radioisotopic Hybridization Assay<br />

Methods Using Fluorescent, Chemiluminescent and<br />

Enzyme Labeled Synthetic Oligodeoxyribonu-cleotide<br />

Probes.<br />

A Comparison Of Methods Of Collecting Inocula For<br />

Meloidogyne spp. Including a New Technique<br />

A Comparison Of Methods Collecting Inocula For<br />

Meloidogyne spp. Including A New Technique<br />

A comparison of longevity and fecundity of adult<br />

Trichogramma platneri (Hymenoptera:Trichogrammatidae)<br />

reared from egg of the cabbage looper and the angumouis<br />

grain moth, with and without access to honey<br />

A Comparison of L. leucocephala and grass meals as<br />

source of yolk pigment in diets for laying hens<br />

A Comparison of Electrostatic Models For The<br />

Oxide/Sollution Interface<br />

A comparison of drip and furrow irrigated cotton on a<br />

cracking clay soil: 2. Water use efficiency, water lodging,<br />

root distribution and soil structure<br />

Cramer, D. A. J. Agric. Sci. Camb.<br />

Uhe, A. M J. Nutr.<br />

Merino, A.P The Israelia J. Aquacul. Bamidgeh<br />

Batterham ES Br J Nutr 64:663-677<br />

Sparling, G.P Biol. Fertil. Soils<br />

Johnson, I.T Food Sci. Nutr<br />

Davis DE Ecology 32:469-475<br />

Davis DE Ecology 32:469-475<br />

Urdea, M.S. Nucleic Acid Res. 16(11):1474-1493<br />

Hussey. R.S Plant Disease Reporter<br />

Hussey. R.S Plant Disease Reporter<br />

Hohmann, C.L. Jour. of Econ. Entomol. 81(5): 1307-<br />

1312.<br />

Berry, S. Trop. Anim. Prod, 6: 167-173.<br />

Westall. J Adv. Coll. Int. Sci<br />

Hodgson, A.S. Irrig. Sci. 11: 143-148<br />

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A comparison of dietary selection behavior in larval Locusta<br />

migratoria and Spodoptera littoralis<br />

A Comparison of Classification Techniques for landsat<br />

Thematic Mpper Data.<br />

A comparison between drip and furrow irrigation in cotton at<br />

two levels of water supply<br />

A Comparison between Aerial Photography and landsat dor<br />

Computer Land Cover Mapping.<br />

A comparative study the simulatenous biosorption of Cr<br />

(VI) and Fe (III) on C. Vulagaris and R. Arrhizus: application<br />

of the competitive absorption models<br />

Simpson, S. J. Physiol. Entomol. 13: 225-238.<br />

Jampoler, S., ASPRS Technical papers. ASCM-<br />

ASPRS Fall Convention. Virginia.<br />

pp:82-91.<br />

Mateos, L. Agric. Water Manag. 19: 313-324.<br />

Quirk, B. R., Photogrammetric Engineering and<br />

Remote Sensing 48(2): 235-240.<br />

Yesim Sag Process Biochemistry<br />

A comparative study of the corpus luteum Gemmell, R. T. Reprod. Fertil. Dev.<br />

A comparative study of the corpus luteum Gemmell, R. T. Reprod. Fertil. Dev.<br />

A Comparative Study of Some Carcass Characteristics of<br />

Sudan Desert Sheep and Goats.<br />

Gaili, E. S. E. Anim. Prod.<br />

A comparative study of performance of khaki campbell and<br />

Indian runner Ducks under BAU farm. Bangladesh.<br />

Salam, M. A. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

A comparative study of different bionomic and demographic<br />

parameters of foeur green leafhoppers, Nephotettix spp.<br />

(Homoptera: Cicadellidae)<br />

A comparative histochemical survey oF enzymes<br />

associated with the process of digestion in Ostrea edulis<br />

and Crassostrea angulata (Mollusca: Bivalvia)<br />

A Comparative Ecological Study on The Scyphozoans<br />

Aurelia aurita, Cyanea Capillata, and C Lamarckii in The<br />

Gullmar Fjord, Western Sweden 1982 to 1986<br />

A Coefficient of Agreement as a measure of Thematic<br />

Classification Accuracy.<br />

A Classification of Soil Aggregates Based On Their<br />

Coherence in Water<br />

A cladistic analysis of phenotypic associations with<br />

haplotypes inferred from restriction endo-nuclease mapping<br />

and DNA sequence data III<br />

A Chromogenic Assay for Catechol Oxidases Based on the<br />

Addition of L-Proline to Quinone<br />

A Chonchological Evaluation of the Type Specimens of<br />

Philippine Apple Snails (Pila spp.) using multivariate<br />

analysis<br />

Valle, R.R. Appl. Ent. Zool.<br />

Mathers. N.F. J. Zool 169: 169-179.<br />

Grondahl, F Mar Biol<br />

Rosenfield, G. H., Photogrammetric Engineering and<br />

Remote Sensing 52(2): 223-227.<br />

Emerson. W.W Aust, J, Soil. Res<br />

Templeton, A.R., Mol. Phylo. Evol. 3 (2): 102-113.<br />

Rzepecki, L.M., Anal. Biochem<br />

Pagulayan, R.C. Asia Life Sciences 3 (I): 73-88.<br />

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a chemical methods for stabilization of rice bran Prabhakar, JV J Am Oil Chem Soc 63(%):644-646<br />

A Checklist of Host and Disease of Malaysia Singh, K. G. Min. Agric., Malaysia. 280p.<br />

A cDNA-based comparison of dehydration-induced proteins<br />

(dehydrins) in barley and corn<br />

Close, T.J. Plant. Mol. Biol. 13:95-108.<br />

A Case study of organophosphate pesticide Residues on<br />

Lettuce and Carrots.<br />

Dibyantoro, A.L.H. Bull.Penel.Hort.<br />

A broad host range mobilization system for in vivo genetic<br />

engineering: transposon mutagenesis in Gram-negative<br />

bacteria<br />

Simon, R. Biotechnology 1:784-791.<br />

A broad host range mobilization system for in vivo genetic<br />

engineering: transposon mutagenesis in Gram-negative<br />

bacteria<br />

Simon R Bio/technol 1:784-791.<br />

A breeding procedure designed to make maximum use of<br />

both gneral and specific combining ability<br />

Comstock RE Agronomy journal 40:360-367<br />

A breeding procedure designed to make maximum use<br />

both general and specific combining ability<br />

Comstock RE Agronoumy Journal 40:360-367<br />

A breeding procedure designed to make maximum use of<br />

both general and specific combining ability<br />

Comstock, R.E. Agron. J. 41: 360-367.<br />

A body condition scoring chart for holstein dairy cows Edmonsond, A. J. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

A bird's eye view of the global industry and its relevance to<br />

the oils & fats trade.<br />

Anon Oils & Fats Int. 15(2):35-41<br />

a bird's eye view of the global industry and its relevance to<br />

the oils & fats trade<br />

Anonymus oils & fats int. 15(2):35-41<br />

A biological study of Trichogramma minutum Ril. As an egg<br />

parasite of the oriental fruit moth<br />

A biological sensor for iron available to bacteria in their<br />

habitats in plant surfaces<br />

Peterson, A. Tech. Bull. 215: p. 1-21.<br />

Loper, J.E Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 60:1934-<br />

1941.<br />

A Biochemical Study on Fish Myofibrils ATPase. Katoh, N., Bull. Jap. Soc. Fish. 43 (7): 857-867.<br />

A Bioavailable Amino Acids in Corn and Alfalfa as<br />

Measured by Applying The True Metabolizable Energy<br />

Assay.<br />

A Bioassay for True Metabolizable Energy in Feeding<br />

Stuffs.<br />

A bioassay for Rapid Determinations of Amino Acid<br />

Availability Value<br />

A Bioassay for Rapid Determination of Amino Acid<br />

Availability Values.<br />

A Bioassay for Available Amino Acids and True<br />

Metabolizable Energy in Feeding Stuffs.<br />

A Bioassay for Available Amino Acids and True<br />

Metabolizable Energy in Feeding Stuffs.<br />

Muztar, A. Z. Poultry Sci.<br />

Sibbald, I. R. Poultry Sci.<br />

Likuski, H.J.A Poultry Sci.<br />

Likuski, H. J. Poultry. Sci.<br />

Sibbald, I. R. Poultry Sci.<br />

Sibbald, I. R. Poult. Sci.<br />

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A Bioassay for Available Amino Acids and True<br />

Metabolizable Energy in Feding Stuffs.<br />

Sibbald, I. R. Poult. Sci.<br />

A bench study on chromium recovery from tannery sludge Macchi, G. Wat. Res.<br />

A Basic Concept of Equilibrium Moisture Content. Henderson, S.M., Journal Agricultural Engineering. 33<br />

(1): 29-32.<br />

A ath Coefficient Analysis of Some Yield Component<br />

Interrelationship In Field Beans<br />

Duarte. R.A Crop. Sci<br />

8-Aminolevulinic acid synthase (Rhodopseudomonas<br />

sphaeroides)<br />

Burnham, B.F. Methods in Enzymol. 17A: 195-204.<br />

5'-Monodeiodiase Activity In Developing Human Cerebral<br />

Cortex<br />

Karmakar. M.G Am. J. Clin. Nutr<br />

5-Aminolevulinate production by Escherichia coli containing<br />

the Rhodobacter sphaeroides hemA gene<br />

Werf, M.J. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 62:3560-<br />

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Populer. No. 199 September 1996.<br />

16S rDNA genotyping using PCR/RFLP (restriction<br />

fragment length polymorphism) analysis among the family<br />

Vibrionaceae<br />

Urakawa H FEMS Microbiol Lett 152:125-132<br />

1600 Ton ikan mati di Waduk Jatiluhur. Krismono, A.<br />

1600 ton ikan mati di waduk Jatiluhur. Krismono, A.<br />

1600 ton ikan mati di waduk Jatiluhur. Krismono,<br />

15N studies on the transfer of legume-fixed nitrogen to<br />

associated cereals in intercropping systems<br />

Patra, D.D. Biol. Fertil. Soil 2: 165-171.<br />

0-methylation of phenols by Aspergillus repens MA0197. Doi, M., J. of Agric. Biol. Chemist. 53(44):3031-<br />

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Li, L., Mar Biotech. I<br />

.Comparative performance of five genotypes of Indonesian Moran, J.B Australian Joumal of Agricultural<br />

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of chlorinate pesticides in environmental samples.<br />

. The Biology and Culture of Pearl Oyster (Bivalvia:<br />

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Duursma, E.K. Bull. Shrimp Cult. Res. Cent., II<br />

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Gervis, M.H. ICLARM Stud. Rev.21, Philippines.<br />

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from Thermoplasma acidophilum. II. Film Balance Studies<br />

on the Monomolecular Organisation of the Main<br />

Glycophospholipid in monofilms<br />

Strobi, C. Z. Naturforsch., 40c: 219-222.<br />

. Isolation of cartilage factor that inhibits tumor<br />

neovascularization.<br />

Langer, R., Science 193: 70-72.<br />

, Status and Prospect of Marine Aquaculture in Indonesia Ahmad, T IARD Journal. Vol. 12 No. 3 : 47 -53.<br />

, "Families of OWA operators," R.R. Yager Fuzzy Sets and Systems,Vol<br />

(a-tocotrienol as a hypocholesteromic and antioxidant<br />

agent in rats fed atherogenic diets<br />

Watkins Lipids 28(12):1113-1118<br />

Zoonosis update, Coxiella burnetii Intection Behymer. D. J. Am. Vet Med. Assoc. 194: 764-767<br />

Zoonosis in Practice Soulsby, E.J.L. Toxocariasis. Br. Vet. J. 139: 471-<br />

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Zinc content in Otoliths of macherel from the Aegean Papadopoulou, D. Marine Pollution, 9: 106-108<br />

Yield losses in onions due to purple blotch disease caused<br />

by Alternaria porri<br />

Yield and Quality of Tofu Affected by Soybean and<br />

Soymilk characteristic. Calcium Sulfate Coagulant<br />

Year-round spawning and seed production of the<br />

rabbitfish, Siganus guttatus<br />

Gupta, R.B.L. Phytophylactica 20: 21-23<br />

Lim, B.T. Journal of Food Sci. Vol. 55(4): 1088-<br />

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Yearbook of fishery statistics. FAO. Catches and landing, Vol 74.<br />

Worldwide death of corals natural cyclical event or manmade<br />

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Brown, B.E. Mar. Pollut. Bull., 18: 9-18<br />

Women's participation in fisheries : Freshwater,<br />

brackishwater, and marine,<br />

Wolf spiders (Araneae, Lycosidae) in four habitats in<br />

Kuhno, Central Finland.<br />

Winter temperature and Spring photoperiod requirements<br />

for spawning in the American lobsters. Homarus<br />

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Widespread coral mortality and the 1982/83 El Nino<br />

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Why Does the White Tip of Stony Coral Grow so Fast<br />

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White patch disease of black tiger shrimp (Penaeus<br />

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Weinbersterol disulfates A and B. antiviral steroid sulfates<br />

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Sun, H.H. Tetrahedron 47 (7): 1185-1190<br />

Weed Science Principles and Practices Gloon, C.K. John Wiley, USA.<br />

Wax in coral mucus: Energy transfer from corals to reef<br />

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Use of nisaplin to inhibit spoilage bacteria In butter milk<br />

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Use of Mulch for Conserving Moisture and Increasing the<br />

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Use of lupin flour as a replacement for full-fat soy in diets<br />

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for rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss.)<br />

Use of antibiotics in the mariculture of giant clams (F.<br />

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Use of a probiotic for the culture of larvae of the Pacific<br />

oyster (Crassostrea gigas Thunberg).<br />

Use of a probiotic for the culture of larvae of the Pacific<br />

oyster (Crassostrea gigas Thunberg),<br />

Use of 16S rDNA sequences as signature characters to<br />

identify Xylella fastidiosa<br />

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Trophic Structure and Productivity of Windward Coral Reef<br />

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Trophic sources and pathways to the developing gametes<br />

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Toxicity of Paraquat 10 Microorganism Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 52: 1112-<br />

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Toxicity and Feeding Deterrence of Natural Chromene and<br />

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Tour Highlight Production and Use of Smoke-Based Flavor Pszczola, D.E. Food Technol(l), 70- 74<br />

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Tillage Draft and Energy Measurements for Twelve<br />

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Tiger shrimp parasites and diseases invented at<br />

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Theory and Application of Arrhenius Kinetics to the<br />

Prediction of Nutrient Losses in Foods<br />

Theoretical analysis of two hot water cabinet systems for<br />

decontamination of sides of beef<br />

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The use of benzocaine hidrochloride as an aid in transpot<br />

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The use of 3 species of bivalves as biofilter in shrimp<br />

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The uptake and release of dissolved phosphorus by reef<br />

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The uptake and metabolism of dissolved amino acids by<br />

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The small ruminant market system in Indonesia. A review Knipscheer, C.H. Agricultural Systems 25: 87-104.<br />

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The significance of cephalopod beaks Clarke, M.R. Nature, London, (193): 560-561<br />

The Separation of Coconut Milk Protein by Precipitations. Sumual, M.F.<br />

The Roles of Pyruvate, Lactate and Glucose During<br />

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The role of zooxanthellae on the nutrition of giant clams Ambariyanto Journal of Coastal Development, 1 (1)<br />

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The role of zooxanthellae on the nutrition of giant clam Ambariyanto J. Coastal Development, 1: 43-48<br />

The role of zooxanthellae in the nutritional energy<br />

requirements of Pocillopora eydouxi<br />

The role of temperature and daylength In the control of the<br />

reproductive cycle of Harmothoe imbricata (L.) (Polychaeta:<br />

Polynoidae)<br />

The role of symbiotic algae in carbon and energy flux in<br />

reef corals<br />

The Role of Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein in<br />

Atherogenesis<br />

Davies, P.S. CoraI Reefs 2: 181-186<br />

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The role of growth factors in embryo production Heyner, S. Theriogenology 39:151-161<br />

The Role of fish studies in estuarine pollution assessment Elliott, M. Journal of fish Biology 33:<br />

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The role of fish studies in estuarine pollution assessment Elliot, M. J. Fish. Biol. 33 (A): 51-61<br />

The role of exogenous plant regulators in the dormancy of<br />

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The role of bacteria in nutrient Recycling in tropical<br />

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Alongi, D.M. Hydrobiology 285: 19-32<br />

The return of fish to the Mersey estuary Wilson. K. W. J. Fish. Biol. 33 (A)<br />

The results of preliminary test on Artemia cysts production<br />

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The respiratory response of Mytilus perna L. (Mollusca<br />

Lamellibranchia) to reduced environmental oxygen<br />

The resistant starch, undigestible energy and undigestible<br />

protein contents of raw and cooked milled rice../<br />

The resistant starch, undigestible energy and undigestible<br />

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The reproductive biology of Gerresi (Teleostei) Bleeker<br />

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The Reproduction of the Red Sea Coral Stylophora<br />

pistillata. I. Gonads and Planulae<br />

The reproduction of the Red Sea coral Stylophora pistillata<br />

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or suspended particulate matter In the Neuse River<br />

estuary, North Carolina<br />

The relationship between respiration rate, swimming<br />

speed and feeding behaviour in the cape anchovy,<br />

Engraulis capensis.<br />

The relationship between photosynthesis and light for<br />

natural assemblages of coastal marine phytoplankton<br />

The quantitative dietary protein requirements of Penaeus<br />

monodon juvenil in a controlled environment<br />

The prospects on reservoir in shrimp culture. Technology<br />

Package Application, Station for Research and Assesment<br />

Agricultural Technology, Wonocolo, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2-<br />

4 July 1995. 10 pp.<br />

The products of photo-synthesis by zooxanthelae<br />

(Symbiodinium microadiaticum) of Tridacna gigas and their<br />

transfer to the host<br />

the Product of the Tobacco Mosaic Virus Resistance Gene<br />

N Similiarity to Toll and The lnterleukin-1 Receptor<br />

Well, J.T. Esturies 14: 395-403<br />

James, A.G. Jour of. Exp. Mar. Biol. and Ecology.<br />

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The prevalence of Toxocara species ova in backyards and<br />

gardens of Baltimore, Maryland<br />

The prevalence of Toxocara eggs in the sand in children’s<br />

playgrounds in Frankfurt/M<br />

The possible role of homoserine in the development of<br />

Rhizobium leguminosarum in the Rhizosphere of pea<br />

seedlings.<br />

The possible role of homoserine in the development of<br />

Rhizobium leguminosarum in the rhizosphere of pea<br />

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The Population Dynamic of Microparasites and Their<br />

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The pir Gene of Erwiniai chrysanthemi EC 16 Regulates<br />

Hyperinduces of Pectate Lyase Virulence Genes in<br />

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The Physiology of Compensation by Locusts for Changes<br />

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The phosphorus cycle in coastal marine sediments Sundby, B. LimnolOceanogr., 37(6) : 1129-1145<br />

The Phloem Limited Bacterium of Greening Disease of<br />

Citrus is Member of The Proteobacteria<br />

The peritrich ciliata Zoothamnium attached to the Copepod<br />

centropages abdominalis in Tokyo By Waters<br />

Jagoueix, S. Int. J, Syst. Bacteriol 44.379-386<br />

Nagasawa.S Bull. Mar. Sci.38 : 533-558<br />

The ocean thermal resource in the Pacific. Craven, J.P. Ocean Mgmt 9(1-2): 101 -111.<br />

The occurrence of color polymorphisms in common carp<br />

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Gustiano, R. BIOTROP Spec. Publ. 51: 25-30.<br />

The nucleotide sequence of the tyrosinase gene from<br />

Streptomyces antibioticus and characterization of the<br />

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The neighbor-joining method: a new method for<br />

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The Nature and Properties of Soils. Buckman, H.O.<br />

The Merck Index An Encyclopaedia of Chemical, Drug,<br />

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The mechanism where by folate deficiency can cause<br />

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The mechanism of phosphate adsorption by kaolinite,<br />

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The measurement of diversity in different types of<br />

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The measurement of diversity In different Types of<br />

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The lipids Sargent, J R J.E. Halver (Ed.). Fish Nutrition, 2nd<br />

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The life history of the tropical shad Tenualosa to/f'from<br />

Serawak: first evidence of protandry in the Clupeiformes<br />

The larvae and post larval development of some reef -<br />

building coral. 1, Pocillopora Damicornis cespitosa (Dana)<br />

Blaber, S.J.M., Environmental Biology of Fishes 46:<br />

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The LABEREX chamber for studying the critical shear<br />

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Lund-Hansen, L.C. Denish Journal of Geography 99<br />

The kinetics of microbial nitrification Wong-Chong, G.M. J. of Wat. Rres. 12: 605-609<br />

The Interaction between benthic diatom films and<br />

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The Integrated Control Concept. Hilgradia 29: 81-101. Stem, V.M., Hilgradia 29: 81-101.<br />

The Integrated Control Concept Stern, V.W. Hilgardia 29 (2): 81-101<br />

The influence of water hardness on giant freshwater prawn<br />

(Macrobrachium rosenbergii de Man) spawning and egg<br />

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Sukadi, M.F.<br />

The influence of temperature on weight loss from stored<br />

onion bulb due to desiccation, respiration, and sprouting<br />

The influence of temperature and salinity upon the acute<br />

toxicity of heavy metals to Banana prawn (Penaeus<br />

merguiensis de Man),<br />

The influence of photoperiod on oocyte Growth and Us<br />

role in the conrtrol of the reproductive cycle of the<br />

polychaete Harmothoe imbricata (L.)<br />

The Influence of crabs on litter processing in high intertidal<br />

mangrove forests in tropical Australia<br />

The influence of biopreservatives on the bacterial level of<br />

refrigerated vacuum packaged beef<br />

The influence of benthic diatoms and Invertebrates on the<br />

erodibility of an intertidal mudflat, the Danish Wadden Sea.<br />

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The Indonesian National IPM Programme: Successes<br />

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The incidence of Salmonella on poultry carcasses<br />

following the use of slow release chlorine dioxide (alcide)<br />

The impact of expanding flock size on farm income of<br />

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Soedjana, T.D., Ilmu dan Peternakan. Vol. 1.<br />

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The impact of commercial processing procedures on the<br />

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The impact of chemical fertilizer marketing and distribution<br />

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The immune system and Integrated hemeostasis Husband, A. J. Immunol. And Cell. Biol.73 : 377-382<br />

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The high temperatures storage ol onions in the UK Tucker. W.G. Ada Hart. 62 : 181-189<br />

The growth rate of two species of microalgae used in<br />

shellfish hatcheries cultured under two zighth regimes<br />

The growth rate of two species of micro algae used in<br />

shellfish hatcheries cultured under tWO regimes<br />

Toro. J.E. Aquaculture and Fish Management<br />

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The growth of bacterial cultures. Monod, J. Ann. Rev. Microbiol. 3: 371-374.<br />

The growth and diet of a freshwater population of the<br />

flounder, Platichthys flesus (L), In Southern England<br />

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The Glant Clams: A hatchery and nursery culture manual Braley, R.D ACIAR Monograph No. 15. Canberra,<br />

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The Giant Clams: A hatchery and nursery culture manual Braley, R.D. ACIAR Monograph No. 15. Canberra.<br />

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The genus Pediococcus Pederson, C., S Bacteriol. Rev.13 :225-232<br />

The genus Oryza current status of taxonomy. Vaughan, D.A. IRRI Res. Paper Series. 138: 21.<br />

The fourth species of Scylla Keenan, C.P In : Keenan, C.P. and Blackshaw, A.<br />

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The formation of protein precipitates and their centrifugal<br />

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The food of sesarmid crabs in Malaysian mangrove forests Leh, C.M.U. Malayan Nature Journal, 39: 135–145<br />

The fishing harbour of Brondong (East Java, Indonesia). Luong, N. Java Sea Pelagic Fishery Assessment<br />

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The fisheries ecology of the Lubuk Lampam river<br />

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Hoggarth, D.D. Fish. Res. 20: 191-213.<br />

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The filtration rate of Mytilus edulis and its dependence on<br />

algae concentration, measured by a continuous automatic<br />

recording apparatus<br />

The Feeding strategies of Liza ramada (Risso, 1826) in<br />

Fresh and Brackish Water in the River Tagus, Portugal<br />

Winter, J.E. Mar. Biol., 22: 317-328<br />

Almaeida, P.R. J. Fish. Biol. 42:95-107<br />

The Family Tridacnidae in the Indo-Paclfic Rosewater, J. IndoPacific Mollusca. 1: 347 - 396<br />

The extraction and activity of crude enzymes from Cowtail<br />

Ray (T. sephen) viscera.<br />

The exchange of organic carbon in basin mangrove forests<br />

in a Southwest Florida estuary<br />

The Evidence for Soy Products as Cancer Preventive<br />

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Twilley, R.R. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science,<br />

20: 543–557<br />

Kennedy, A. R. J. Nutr. 125:733S-743S<br />

The estimation of daiky rates of food consumption for fish Elliot J.M J.Anim. Ecopl. 47: 977-991<br />

The estimation of daiky rates of food consumption for fish Elliot,J.M. J. Anim. Ecol 47 :977-991<br />

The Estimation of algal yield parameters associated with<br />

mixotropic growth under batch cultivation<br />

The essential amino acid requirements of the prawn<br />

Palaemon serratus. The growth of prawns on diets<br />

containing proteins of different amino acid composition<br />

Lee. H.Y. Biomass. 18: 153-160<br />

Cowey, C. B. Journal of Life Oceans Coastal<br />

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The energetic of detritus utilisation in coastal lagoons and<br />

nearshore waters<br />

Newell, R.C. Oceanologica Acta, 30: 347-355<br />

The Embryo Transfer Industry New Techinologies in Seidel, G.E. Animal Breding. P. 51-53<br />

The effects of various insecticides (especially Thiodan and<br />

BHC) on fish in the paddy fields of West Malaysia<br />

Moulton, T.P. Malay Agric. J., 49 (2): 225-253.<br />

The effects of storage on some white onion culivars Lammerink, J.P. N.Z Comm. Grower, 38 : 36-37<br />

The effects of nutrient enrichment on the biomass. growth<br />

and calcification of giant clam, Tridacna maxima<br />

Ambariyanto Marine Biology 129 (4): 635-642<br />

The effects of burrowing by the amphipods Corophium<br />

volutator on the ecology of Intertidal sediments<br />

The effects of bioturbation on sediment transport on an<br />

intertidal mudflat<br />

The effect, of poly-electrolyte dosage on floe formation in<br />

protein precipitation by polyelectrolyte.<br />

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The effect or lipid-enriched broodstock diets on spawning<br />

and on egg and larval quality or hatchery-bred rabittfish<br />

(Siganus guttatus)<br />

The Effect of Xylazine-Ketamin and Diazepam-Ketamin on<br />

Arterial Blood Pressure and Blood Gases in Dog<br />

The effect of temperature on die rate of sprout growth and<br />

development within stored onion bulbs<br />

The effect of temperature and humidity on the ripening of<br />

durian fruits<br />

The effect of stress on immune respone of Atlantic salmon<br />

(Salino selar L.) fed diets containing different amount of<br />

vitamin C.<br />

Duray, M. The Philippine Scientist, 31: 42-57<br />

Mustafa Kul On-Line J. Vet. Res. 4 (2): 124-132.<br />

Brewslcr. J.L. Ann. Appl. Biol., Ill: 463 - 467<br />

Ketsa. S. J. Horticultural Science. 70 (5) 827-<br />

831<br />

Thomson, I., Aquuculture. 114(2): 1-18.<br />

The effect of stress and disturbance on echinoderms Lawrence, J. M Zool. Sci. 7 : 17-28<br />

The effect of storage of fresh Egyption onions on some of<br />

its quality aspects<br />

Shekih, L.A. Alexandria J. Agric. Res., 31 :535-537<br />

The effect of photoperiod on gemetogenesis in the tropical<br />

sea urchin Eucidaris tribuloides (Lamarck) (Echinodermata:<br />

echinoidea)<br />

Clintock Mc, J.B. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. 139: 175-18A<br />

The Effect of Neem Allelochemicals on Nutritional<br />

Physiology Of Larval Spodoptera Litura<br />

The Effect of Light and Nitrogen on Growth, Pigment<br />

Content, and Biochemical Composition of Gracilaria<br />

foliifera V. Angustissima (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta)<br />

The Effect of Iipid-enriched broodstock diets on spawning<br />

and on egg and larvar quality of hatchery-bred rabbitfish<br />

(Siganus guttatus)<br />

Koul, O. Entomol. Experimentalis et Applic<br />

Lapointe, B.E. J. Phycol., 17: 90-95<br />

Duray, M. The Philippine Scientist, 31: 42-57<br />

The effect of heat treatment on fatty acids of rapeseed oils Leszkiewicz, B. J. Ass. Oil. Chem. Chem., 65 (9):<br />

1511-1515<br />

The Effect of Gypsy Moth Metamorphosis on the<br />

Development of Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus Infection<br />

Murray, K.D. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 57: 352-361<br />

The effect of formaldehyde-treated casein on the growth of<br />

ruminant lambs.<br />

Faichney, C. J. Aust. J. Agric. Res. 22.: 453.<br />

The effect of different dietary energy levels In crab-proteinbased<br />

diets on digestibility, oxygen consumption, and<br />

ammonia excretion of bilaterally eyesralk-ab-lated and<br />

Intact Juvenile lobsters, Homarus americanus<br />

Koshio, S. Aquaculture, 108: 285-297<br />

The effect of different combinations of dietary calcium and<br />

phosphorus on the growth of juvenile Haliotis laevigata.<br />

The Effect of Dietary Protein Levels and Haemolymph<br />

Composition on the Sensivity of the Maxilary Palp<br />

Chemoreceptors of Locusts.<br />

Coote, T.A. Aquaculture 145:267-279.<br />

Abisgold, JD J- Exp Biol, 135 215-229<br />

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The effect of dietary ascorbic acid supplementation of<br />

hatchability, survival rate and fry performance on<br />

Oreochromis mossambicus (Peters)<br />

The Effect of Baculovirus Infection on Ecdysteroid Titer in<br />

Gypsy Moth Larvae<br />

The Effect of a Combination Sulfaquinoxalene and<br />

Amprolium Against Different Species of Eimeria in<br />

Chickens<br />

Soliman. A.. Aquaculture 59: 197-208<br />

Park, E.J. J. Insect Physiology 39: 791-796<br />

Long, P.L. Vet. Rec. 75:645-650<br />

The effect fo mud on the bioactivity of pesticides on fishes. Ferguson, D.E., J.Miss.Acad.Sci., 11: 219-228.<br />

The economic theory of a common property resource: the<br />

fishery.<br />

Gordon, U.S. J. Pol. Econ. 62(2): 124-142,<br />

The economic theory of a common property resource : the<br />

fishery,<br />

Gordon, H.S. J. Pol. Econ. 62,124-42.<br />

The ecology of mangroves Lugo, A.E. Annual Review of Ecology and<br />

Systematic, 5: 39-64<br />

The dynamics of colonizing arthropod communtieis at the<br />

interface of abandoned, organic and commercial apple<br />

orchards and adjacent woodland habitats.<br />

Altieri, MA Agric. Ecosyst and Environ, 16.29-43.<br />

The distribution of positively charge residues in bacterial<br />

inner membrane proteins correlates with the<br />

trantmembrane topology.<br />

The development of the Indonesian pole-and-line fishery in<br />

relation to the efficient utilisation of live baitfish resources.<br />

Phase 1: Field survey of tuna baitfish capture and handling<br />

techniques in eastern Indonesia.<br />

Von Heijne, G. EMBO J. 5: 3021-3027.<br />

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Consultative Committee, Manila.<br />

Philippines.<br />

The Determination of Trypsin Inhibitor Level in Foodstuffs. Smith, C. J. Sci. Food Agric. 31:341-350.<br />

The determination of chromic oxide in faeces samples by<br />

atomic absorption spectrophotometry<br />

The detection, location and recognition of food by juvenile<br />

banana prawns, P. merguensis de Man<br />

The demersal fish stocks and fisheries of the South China<br />

Sea.<br />

The culture of green catfish, Mystus nemurus (Cuv.&Val.)<br />

I: Feed and feeding scheme of larvae and juveniles.<br />

Songklanakarin.<br />

Williams, C. H. Journal of Agricultural Science, 59:<br />

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Hidley, J.P.R. Mar. Behav. Physiol. 3:193-210<br />

Aoyama, T, IPFC/SCS/DEV/73/3. Rome.<br />

Amornsakun, T., J. Sci. Technol. 20(3): 373-378.<br />

The culture of cephalopods in Thailand. Nabhitabhata, J. Infish International. 6:28-33.<br />

The culture of cephalopods in Thailand. Nabhitabhata, J. Info Fish Int. 6(95): 28-33.<br />

The culture of Cephalopods In Thailand Nabhitabhata. J. Aquaculture. Infofish International (6).<br />

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The Critical Role of the Human Activities in Land<br />

Degradation in Rwanda<br />

The contribution of the large intestine to the energy<br />

supplies in man<br />

The contribution of the large intestine to the energy<br />

supplies in man<br />

Lewis, L.A. Land Deg. & Dev. Journal. Vol. 7: 47-<br />

55<br />

McNeil, N. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 39: 338-42<br />

McNeil, N. Am. J. din. Nutr. 39: 338-42<br />

The Consumption and Utilisation of food by Insects Waldbauer, G-P. Adv. Insect Physiol.<br />

The composition of the broiler chicken at 56 days of age:<br />

our put, components and chemical composition<br />

Broadbent, LA British Poult. Sci. 22: 285-290<br />

The composition of glyphosate-tolerant soybean seeds is<br />

equivalent to that of conventional soybeans<br />

Padgette, S. R. J. Nutr. 126(3):702-716<br />

The Composition of Fluorescent Pseudomonad Population<br />

Associated with Roots is Infuenced by Plant and Soil Type<br />

The composition and level of dietary lipid appropriate for<br />

growth of prawn.<br />

The Complex Process Towards Consensus. The State of<br />

the Climatic Talks before the Buinos Aires Meeting<br />

The comparison of two simple protocols designed to<br />

initiated and stimulate ammonia oxidation in closed<br />

aquaculture systems<br />

The chromosomes of Platynereis dumerilii (Polychaeta:<br />

Nereidae)<br />

The chromosome of the Egyptian freshwater snail<br />

Melanoides tuberculata (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia)<br />

Latour, X. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 62. 2449-<br />

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Cutajar, M.Z. Development and Cooperation No.<br />

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Jha, A.N. Journal of the Marine Biological<br />

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Yasseen, A. Journal of Molluscan Studies 62 (1):<br />

138-141<br />

The Chair of Sustainable Development Castri, F.D. Nature and Resources, vol. 31, no. 3.<br />

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The cardiac responses of the scallop Pecten maximus (L.)<br />

to respiratory stress<br />

Brand, A.R. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. 13: 29-53<br />

The California drift gillnet fishery for sharks and swordfish,<br />

1981-82 through 1990-91.<br />

Hanan, D.A., Fish Bulletin 175.<br />

The calculation of Draft Force and soil Failure Boundaries<br />

of Narrow Cutting Blades<br />

McKyes, E. Transaction of the ASAE 21: 20 - 24<br />

The brine shrimp (Artemia xalina Leach,). Its biology,<br />

morphology and its commercial production in manmade<br />

salterns. In small scale prawn hatchery management.<br />

The biomass of tropical anchovies (Encrasicholina<br />

species) at Bacan, eastern Indonesia estimated by the<br />

daily egg production method.<br />

De los Santos, C. Jr. SEAFDEC, Aquacult. Dept., Iloilo,<br />

Philippines. 13 pp.<br />

Milton, D.A.,<br />

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The biology, exploitation, and mariculture of giant clams<br />

(Tridacnidae)<br />

Lucas, J.S. Reviews in Fisheries and Science., 2<br />

(3) : 181-223<br />

The biology of the clupeoid fishes. Blaxter, J.H.S. Adv. Mar. Biol. 20: 1-223.<br />

The Biology Exploitation and Mariculture of Giant Clams<br />

(Tridacnidae)<br />

Lucas, J.S. Review in Fisheries Science. 2 (3):<br />

181 - 233<br />

The biology and culture of mussels Vakily, J.M. Aquaculture, 21: 345-351<br />

The biology and culture of mussels Vakily,J.M. Aquaculture, 21: 345-351<br />

The biochemical composition of juvenile of Macrobrachium<br />

rosenbergii.<br />

Sze, C.P. Malaysian Agric. J. 49(8).<br />

The Basic Principles of Crop Protection Field Trial Unterstenhofer, G. Pflanzenschutz -Nachrichten Bayer<br />

29(2):83-180<br />

The Bactrocera dorsalis complex of fruit flies (Diptera:<br />

Tephritidae: Dacinae) in Asia<br />

Drew, R.A.I. Bull. Entomol. Res. Suppl. Ser. 2<br />

The bacteriology of Gulf Coast shrimp. IV.<br />

Bacteriological, chemical and organoleptic changes with ice<br />

storage<br />

Campbell, L.L.Jr. Food Technol. 6: 125<br />

The backward-bending supply curve of the fishing industry, Copes, P. Scottish Journal of Political Economy<br />

17: 69-77.<br />

The bacierial wilt caused by Pseudomonas solanacearum.<br />

North Carolina<br />

Kelman, A. Agric, Esp, Sta. Tech., Bull. 99<br />

The Australian portunids (Crustacea:Portunidae) III. The<br />

Genus Portunus.<br />

The atrophy of hermatypic reef corals maintained in<br />

darkness and their subsequent regeneration in light<br />

The association of fructans with high percentage dry<br />

weight in onion cultivars suitable for dehydration<br />

The assimilation of protein and carbohydrate from<br />

prepared diets by the shrimp. Penaeus stylirostris<br />

The artifical propagation of warm water finfishes a manual<br />

for extention.<br />

The application of various protic acids in the extraction of<br />

(1-3)-B-D-glucan from Saccharomyces cerevisiae.<br />

Carbohydr.<br />

Stephenson, W. Aust. J. Mar. Freshwater Res., 10: 84-<br />

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Franzisket, L. Int. Rev. Ges. Hydrobiol., 55: 45-52<br />

Darbyshire, B. J. Sci. Food Agric.., 30:1035-1038<br />

Fenucci, J.L. Journal of the World Mariculture<br />

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Woynorovich, E. FAO Fish Tech. Pap , Vol201. 183pp.<br />

Muller, A., Res. 299: 203-208.<br />

The appli-cation of artificial feed to support the growth of<br />

grouper, Epinephelus coioides<br />

Ahmad, T.<br />

The Antioxidant of Highest Plants Larson, R.A. Pytochem (27): 969-977.<br />

The ammonium / methylammonium uptake System of<br />

Symciodinium microadriatikum<br />

Gunnerson, J. Mar. Biol. 97 : 593 - 596<br />

The ammonium / methylammonium uptake System of<br />

Symbiodinium microadriatikum<br />

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The amino acid sequence of a crystal protein from Bacillus<br />

thuringiensis deduced from The DNA base sequence<br />

Wong. H.C. J.Biol.Chem., 260: 6264-6272<br />

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The amino acid sequence of a crystal protein from Bacillus<br />

thuringiensis deduced from DNA base sequence<br />

The A-factor regulatory cascade leading to streptomycin<br />

biosynthesis in Streptomyces griseus: identification of a<br />

target gene of the A-factor receptor<br />

Schnepf, H.E. j.Biol Chem. 260: 6264-6272<br />

Ohnishi, Y Mol. Microbiol.34:102 - 111<br />

The Adsorption of 3-Amino-Triazole by Montmorillonite Russell, J.D. J. Agric. Food Chem. 16-21-24<br />

The adenylate cyclase-cAMP system in islet of<br />

Langerhans and its role in the control of insulin release<br />

Sharp, GWG Diabetologia. 16 : 287-296<br />

The Actinomycetes. 20: 315-335 Speedie, M.K. The Actinomycetes. 20: 315-335<br />

The Acis Precipitation and Its Ecological Consequences. Cowling, E.B. Biosciences 31: 649-654.<br />

The accuracy of predicting dry matter digestibility of<br />

grasses from lignin analysis by three different methods<br />

McLeod, M.N. J. Fd. Agric., 25: 907-911.<br />

The "Extra Calorie Effect" Oil in the Nutrition of Carp. Viola,S. Bamidgeh, 31 (3):51-69.<br />

The Ecology of nematodes in Agroecosystem Freckman, D.W. Ann, Rev, Phytopath.<br />

Thc effect or temperature and humidity on the ripening ol'<br />

durian fruits<br />

Ketsa, S. J. Horticultural Science. 70 (5) 827-83<br />

Test with Acarides Against the Brown Wheat Mite Henderson C.F. J. Econ. Entomol. 48(l)-157-161<br />

Terpenoids from the North Adriatic sponge Spongia<br />

officinalis.<br />

DeGiulio, A., J. Nat. Prod. 52(6): 1258-1262.<br />

Tepung gaplek untuk ayam broiler. Wahyuningsih, S Ayam dan Telur Nomor 32.<br />

Temporally regulated expression of Insulin and Insulin-like<br />

growth factors and their receptors in early mammalian<br />

development<br />

Heyner, S. BioEssay 11: 1761-1765.<br />

Temporal Associations Among Ovarium Events in Cattle<br />

during Oestrous Cycles with two and three follicular Waves<br />

Temperature, pH, and strain of pathogen as factors<br />

affecting inactivation of Listeria monocytogenes by chlorine<br />

Temperature and the annual cycle of nitrification in waters<br />

Naragansett Bay<br />

TelurAyam Kaitannya dengan Kolesterol dan Penyakll<br />

Jantung<br />

Telaah pengoperasian rawai tuna untuk penangkapan<br />

tuna segar (fresh tuna fish) di Indonesia.<br />

Telaah Geologi Terhadap Banjir dan Rob Kawasan Pantai<br />

Semarang<br />

Ginthers, O.J. J. Repro. Fertil. 87: 223-230<br />

El-Kest, S.E. J. Food Protect. 51:622-625<br />

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Teknik Pembesaran Budidaya Teripang Pasir (Holothuria<br />

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Teknik Pembenihan Teripang Notowinarno Buletin Budidaya Laut 2 : 24-36<br />

Teknik budidaya artemia. Kontara, E.K., INFISH Manual 53:1-70. (terjemahan).<br />

Techniques for Rearing Laboratory Colonies of<br />

Tobacco Hornworms and Pink Bolworms.<br />

Technical interactions in floodplain fisheries of south and<br />

south-east Asia.<br />

Bell, R.A. Ann. Ent Soc. Am. 69. 365-363<br />

Hoggarth, D.D. In Cowx, I.G. (eds.). Stock<br />

Assessment in Inland Fisheries,<br />

Fishing News Books, UK. p 280-292<br />

Taxonomy of Tropical West African Bivalves, IV: Arcidae Oliver, G.P. Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris, 4ed.<br />

ser., 14, section A, No. 2: 165-172<br />

Taxonomy of Potyvirus: Current Problems and Some<br />

Solutions<br />

Taurolidine, an antilipopolysaccharide agent, has<br />

immunoregulatory properties that are mediated by the<br />

amino acit Taurin<br />

Taurine tissue concentration and salinity effect on taurine<br />

in the freshwater prawn M. rosenbergii, and the rejection of<br />

a bitter-tasting food substance<br />

Ward, CW Intervirology 32: 269-296<br />

Watson, EW. J. Leukoc, Biol. 58(30): 299-306<br />

Smith, B.R. Chem. Senses 12: 89-97<br />

Taurine amplifies renal Kallikrein and prevent salt-induced<br />

hypertension in Dahl rats<br />

Ideishi, M. J. Hipertens. 12 (6) 653-661<br />

Tatalaksana pada masa pengeraman dan penetasan. Sugino, W. Poultry Indonesia 87:12-13.<br />

Tansformation of Soil Microbial Community Structure<br />

and Rhizoctonia-Suppresive Potential in Response to<br />

Apple Roots<br />

Tanggapan kerapu macan, Epinephelus fuscoguttatus<br />

terhadap pakan buatan<br />

Tanggap PS 82-4019 Terhadap Pupuk TSP, Dosis dan<br />

Waktu Semprot Pupuk P dan N daun dilahan Kering<br />

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Taiwan's prawn culture exploding Body, G.C. Australian Fisheries March, 46: 26-30<br />

Tagging genes for blast resistance in rice via linkage to<br />

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Tactics for Resistance Management Using Multiple<br />

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Yu, Z.H., Theor. Appl. Genet. 81: 471-476.<br />

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Synthetic studies related to Latranculin. Syntetic of<br />

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Synthesis of plasteins from fish silage. Raghunath, M.R. J. Sci. Food Agric., 54: 655-658.<br />

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Synergistic effects of temperature, salinity and light on the<br />

hermatypic coral Montipora verrucosa<br />

Synergism between Two Viruses of the Armyworm,<br />

Pseudaletia unipuncta (Hawoerth) (Lepidoptera.<br />

Noctuidae)<br />

Synchronous Spawning of 105 Scleractinian Coral Species<br />

on the Great Barrier Reef<br />

Symbiont recognition and subsequent morphogenesis as<br />

early events in an animal-bacterial mutuaIism<br />

Coles, S.L. Mar. Biol. 49: 187- 195<br />

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Babcock, R.C. Mar. Biol. 90: 379-394<br />

McFall-Ngai, M.J. Science 254: 1491-1494<br />

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Modeling System<br />

Allred, B. Water Res. Bull. 32 (3): 541 - 552<br />

Swimbladder cross sections and acoustic target strengths<br />

of 13 pollack and 2 saithe.<br />

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Swelling and Gelatinization of Cereal Starches. I. Effects<br />

of Amylopectin, Amylose and Lipids<br />

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Sweet white lupin - a potential crop for Ontario Brebaum S. Canadian Journal of Plant Science,<br />

75: 841-849<br />

Sustained hormone release II. Effectiveness of LHRH-a<br />

administration by either single time injection or Cholesterol<br />

Pellet implantation on Plasma Gonadotropin level in a<br />

Bioassay Model Fish. The Juvenile Rainbow trout.<br />

Crim. L.W, Aquaculture 74 : 87-95.<br />

Susceptibility to attack by proteolytic enzymes. Rupley, J.A. Meth. Enzymol. 11: 905-917.<br />

Susceptibility of Heliothis armigera (Lepidoptera:<br />

Noctuidae) on Sorghum to Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus<br />

Teakle, R.E. J. ECON. Entomol.<br />

Survival, growth and gonad development oftriploid red sea<br />

bream, Pagrus major (Temminck et Schelegel): Use of<br />

allozyme markers for ploidy and family identification.<br />

Survival Times and Lethal Doses for Wild and<br />

Recombinant Authographa Californica Nuclear<br />

Polyhedrosis Viruses in Different Instars of Pseudoplusia<br />

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Survival ofrifamfln-resistant mutants otPseudomo-nas<br />

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Survival of bacteria. Harmful affects of light, with some<br />

comparisons with other adverse physical agents<br />

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Survival growth and gonad development of triploid red sea<br />

bream,<br />

Survival of Tobacco Budworm (Lepidoptera:<br />

Noctuidae) Larvae after Short-Term Feeding Periods on<br />

Cotton Treated with Bacillus Thuringiensis<br />

Sugama, K., Aquaculture. Fish. Man. 23: 149-159.<br />

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Survey on fish bait in Central Maluku. llumahrupute, B., J. Penelitian Perikanan Laul 43: 75-<br />

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Survey of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid degradative<br />

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Surface moisture and osmotic stress as factors that affect<br />

the sanitizing of beef tissue surfaces<br />

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Surface contamination of beef carcasses by fecal coliforms Charlebois, R. J. Food Protect. 54:950-956<br />

Suppression of dominant and subordinate ovarian follicles<br />

by a proteinaceous fraction of follicular fluid in heifers<br />

Supplemental effect of phospholipid and requirement of<br />

eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid of<br />

juvenile striped jack.<br />

Kastelic,J.P. Theriogenology. 34:499-509<br />

Takeuchi, T., Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi. 58:707-713.<br />

Suplementasi niacin dalam ransum broiler Sebastian, O.S. Poult. Ind. 134:11-13<br />

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Hess, T.F. Appl. and Environ. Microbiol. Vol. 56<br />

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Suplemen copper dan garlic untuk menurunkan kadar<br />

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Superoxide dismutase amplifies organismal sensitivity to<br />

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Sulfhidril Analysis : Detcrmination of Free Sulfhidryls in<br />

Wheat Flour Doughs<br />

Suitability of Plastic Films for Modified Atmosphere<br />

Packaging Fruits and Vegetables<br />

Suitability of plant and animal gelling agents for<br />

manufacture of canned corned beef.<br />

Suitability of Edible Bean and Potato Starches for Starch<br />

Noodles<br />

Suhu dan kelembaban nisbi. Peranannya dalam<br />

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Suhu dan kelembaban nisbi, peranannya dalam<br />

penyimpanan bawang bombay<br />

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Sucrose Ester aiid Sucrose Ester Glycerida Blends as<br />

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Gupta. R. K. J Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 60 (4): 862-869<br />

Succesfull hatchery management. Raghavan, V. World Poultry. VIII (4):19-21.<br />

Substitusi antara daging sapi dan ayam Sabrani,M. Poultry Indonesia. 7:8-9<br />

Subaerial exposure and changes in the stability of<br />

Intertidal estuarine sediment. Estuarine<br />

Suatu pemikiran tentang pengembangan per-ikanan<br />

keramba di Prop Riau.<br />

Study on the big purse seine fishery in the Java Sea. I.<br />

The main pelagic species caught<br />

Study on morphological variation in Indonesia comon carp<br />

stock<br />

Study on live bait fishing for the small-scale fisheries<br />

development in Halmahera and Morotai.<br />

Study on bioactivity of Caulerpa racemosa Var.<br />

Laetevirens (Chloro-phyceae, Caulerpaceae) extract.<br />

Perairan Maluku dan Sekitarnya. (10) :87-89. (in<br />

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Study of Starch in Taiwan Lii, C. Y. Food Rev. Int. 7(2): 185-203<br />

Study of Starch in Taiwan Lii. C.Y. Food Rew. Int. 7(2): 185-203<br />

Study of abattoir wastes and poultry usage potentialities<br />

for food objectives.<br />

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Study a Commersial Liquid Smoke Flavoring by Means of Guillen, M.D. J. Agric. Food Chem. 1995. (43), 463-<br />

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Studies to establish an optimal diet fot Carcinus maenas.<br />

II. Protein and lipid requirement<br />

Ponat, A. Mar. Biol. 60 : I I 5 – 121<br />

Studies on the volatile components of two mango varieties Engel, K.H. J. Agric. Food Chem.31 : 796-801<br />

Studies on the vitamin C requirement of channel catfish<br />

(Ichtalurus punctatus) .<br />

Studies on the storage of autumn harvested onions bulbs.<br />

I Influece of storage temperature and humidity on the<br />

sprouting during storage<br />

Studies on the storage of autumn harvested onion bulbs.<br />

II. Influence of storage temperature and humidity on bulb<br />

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Studies on the storage of autumn harvested onion bulbs. II<br />

Influence of storage temperature and humidity on bulb rot<br />

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Sin., 141 : 17-28<br />

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Studies on the storage of autumn harvested onion bulbs. I.<br />

Influence of storage temperature and humidity on the<br />

spouting of onions during storage<br />

Studies on the preparation of fish silage: II. Rate of<br />

liquefaction in different parts of silver belly.<br />

Studies on the mounting methods of tillage implements on<br />

the tractor<br />

Studies on the mounting methods of tillage implements on<br />

the tractor<br />

Studies on the Leucocytozoon found in the chicken, in<br />

Japan II On the Transmission of L. cauleryi by Culicoides<br />

arakawai<br />

Studies on the incidence of Toxocara and Toxocaris spp.<br />

ova in the environment. 1. A comparison of floatation<br />

procedures for recovering Toxocara spp. ova from soil<br />

Studies on the growth rates of Punten and Taiwan strains<br />

of common carp and their hybrids<br />

Studies on the growth of red mangrove phenology of the<br />

shoot<br />

Studies on the fungal diseases in crustaceans I:<br />

Lagenidium seyllae sp. nov. isolated from cultivated ova<br />

and larvae of the mangrove crab (Scylla serrata).<br />

Studies on the fungal diseases in crustaceans I :<br />

Lagenidium scyllae sp. nov. isolated from cultivated ova<br />

and larvae of the mangrove crab (Scylla serrata).<br />

Studies on the fisheries biology of the giant tiger prawn,<br />

Penaeus monodon Fab. in the Philippines.<br />

Studies on The Digestive Enzymes of Rainbow trout-I.<br />

Carbohydrates<br />

Studies on The Digestive Enzymes of Rainbow trout after<br />

Hatching and The Effect of Dietary Change on The<br />

Activities of Digestive Enzyme in Juvenile Stage<br />

Studies on The Digestive Enzymes of Fishes I.<br />

Carbohydrates<br />

Studies on the chromosomes of four species in the genus<br />

Septifer (Bivalvia: Mytilidae)<br />

Studies on The Carbohydrates in The Digestive Tract of<br />

The Milkfish, Chanos chanos<br />

Studies on Scylla (Crustacea: Portunidae) I. Revision of<br />

the genus.<br />

Tanaka, M. Res. Bull. Hokaido Natt. Agric. Exp.<br />

Stn., 141:1-16<br />

Jayawardena, K.M. Bull. Fish. Res. Stn. Sri Lanka, 30: 25-<br />

31.<br />

Kawamura, N. Journal of the Japanese Society of<br />

Agricultural Machinery, Japan, Vol. 18,<br />

No. 2<br />

Kawamura, N. Journal of the Japanese Society of<br />

Agricultural Machinery, Vol. 18, No. 2<br />

Akiba. K Jap, J.Vet Sci. 22:309-317.<br />

Quinn, R. J. Hyg., 84: 83-89.<br />

Suseno, D.<br />

Gill, A.M. Biotropica, 3: 109–I24<br />

Bian. B.Z.. Trails. myeol. See. of Japan 20:115-<br />

124.<br />

Bian, B.Z.. Trans. mycol. Soc. of Japan 20:115-<br />

124,<br />

Motoh, H. Tech.Rep. No.7 SEAFDEC. Aquacult.<br />

Dep., Philippines. 120pp.<br />

Kitamikado, M. Bull. Jpn. Soc. Sci. Fish. 26 (7): 679-<br />

684.<br />

Kawai, S. Bull. Jpn. Soc. Sci. Fish, 39 (7): 819-<br />

823.<br />

Kawai, S. Bull. Jpn. Soc. Sci. Fish, 37 (4): 333-<br />

337.<br />

Ieyama, H. Venus Jpn. J. of Malacol., 42: 193-<br />

202<br />

Chiu, Y.N. Marine Biology 61: 247-254.<br />

Estampador, E.P. Phil. J. Sci. 78(1): 95-108<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 787 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Studies on Processing and Properties of Soymilk, II -<br />

Effect of Processing Condition on The Trypsin Inhibitor<br />

Activity and Digestibility In Vitro of Protein in Various<br />

Soymilk Preparation<br />

Studies on Penaeus oriel-italic Kishmouye. VI. Some<br />

influence on metamorphosis, growth and feeding<br />

inclination.<br />

Studies on metal contents in the Brawn Seaweed, Fucus<br />

vesiculosus from the Archipelago of Stockholm<br />

Studies on food and growth of larval stages of a prawn<br />

P.japonicus with reference to the application to practical<br />

mass culture. Inform.<br />

Studies on floatation techniques for the recovery of<br />

helminth eggs from soil and the prevalence of eggs of<br />

Toxocara spp. in some Kansas public places<br />

Studies on fishes favourite food. VI. Responses of walking<br />

legs to substance in Kuruma prawn. (in Japanese, English<br />

abstract)<br />

Studies on Fisheries Biology of the Giant Tiger Prawn<br />

Pcnaeus monodon in the Philippines.<br />

Studies on Expanded Rice. Physicochemical Basis of<br />

Varietal Differences<br />

Studies on Dough Development II: Effect Of Mixing<br />

Apparatus and Mixing Speed on The Rheological and<br />

Analitical Properties of Heated Dough<br />

Studies on Catharanthus alkaloids. IV. Evaluation by<br />

means of thin layer chromatography and eerie ammonium<br />

sulphate spray reagent<br />

Studies on broodstock of sugpo Penaeus monodon Fab.<br />

and other penaeid at SEAFDEC.<br />

Studies on Antioxidant Activity of Nonenzymic Browning<br />

Reaction Products. Part I, Relations of Color Intensity and<br />

Reductones with Antioxidant Activity of Browning Reaction<br />

Products<br />

Wallace, G.M. J. Sci. Fd. Agric. 22 : 526-531<br />

Oka, M. Bull. Fac. Fish. Nag. Univ. (23):89-<br />

100.<br />

Forsberg, A. Environ , Pollut. 49 : 245 -26319-28<br />

Hudmaga. M. Bull. Plankt. Soc. Jap. (13):83-94.<br />

Dada, B.J.O J. Am. Vet. Med. Ass.,174: 1208-<br />

1210.<br />

Takei, M. Bull. of the Tokai Reg. Fish. Res. Lab.<br />

68:61-69<br />

Motoh H. Studies on Fisheries Biology of the<br />

Giant Tiger Prawn Pcnaeus monodon<br />

in the Philippines.<br />

Chinnaswamy, R J. Food Sci. 48 : 1604<br />

Endo, S. Cereal Chemistry 62 (4) : 272-275<br />

Fransworth, N.R. Lloydia 27:302-314.<br />

Primavera J. H. Aquaculture Development Proc.<br />

Symp. Coastal Aquacult. 1:28-36.<br />

Kirigaya, N. J. Agr. Biol. Chem. 32:287-290<br />

Studies on a purified for prawn. I Deshimaru, O. Bull. of Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 40 (4) :<br />

413-419<br />

Studies of Fatty Acid Spesificity of Lipase from<br />

Rhizomucor miehei Toward 20:l-n9, 20:5n-3, 22:ln-9 and<br />

22:6n-3<br />

Pedersen, S.B. JAOCS Vol. 72: 239-243<br />

Studies of avalable and isotopically exchangeable<br />

sulphure in some North Queensland soil<br />

Probert M.E. Plant and Soil, 45: 461-475<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 788 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Studies of Aroma Constituents Bound as Glycosides in<br />

Tomato.<br />

Studies of A. cantonensis and A. malaysiensis of rodent<br />

hosts in two transmigration schemes in South Sumatra<br />

Studi untuk membuat diet optimal bagi juvenil rajungan<br />

(Portunus pelagicua): III. Bahan dasar tepung rebon dan<br />

tepung kepiting Thalamita<br />

Studi pendahuluan tanggapan ikan kerapu lumpur<br />

(Epinephelus coioides) terhadap pakan buatan<br />

Studi pendahuluan perubahan kelamin dan reproduksi<br />

ikan kerapu macan, Epinephelus fuscoguttatus<br />

Studi pendahuluan pertumbuhan kerang mutiara (Pleria<br />

penguin Roeding) yang dipelihara pada kondisi kolam dan<br />

alami. Perairan Maluku dan sekitarnya 8:35-42.<br />

Studi pendahuluan penyakit kunang-kunang pada larva<br />

kepiting bakau, Scylla serrata.<br />

Studi pendahuluan penyakit kunang-kunang pada larva<br />

kepiting bakau, Scylla serrata.<br />

Studi pendahuluan penggunaan bakteri Flavimonas BY-9<br />

sebagai probiotik dalam pemeliharaan larva udang windu<br />

Penaeus monodon.<br />

Studi pendahuluan pemijahan alami dan perkembangan<br />

awal larva kerapu sunuk, Plectropomus maculartus<br />

Studi kasus penyebab kematian udang windu, Penaeus<br />

monodon di tambak intensif.<br />

Structures and Absolute Configuration of Marine Toxin,<br />

Latranculin A and Laulamalide<br />

Structure, litterfall, decomposition and detritus dynamics of<br />

mangroves in a Mexican coastal lagoon with an ephemeral<br />

inlet<br />

Marlatt, C., J. Agric. Food Chem., 40: 249-252.<br />

Lim B L Bul. Penel,Kes.lnd. 6(1):9-14<br />

Juwana, S. Majalah Ilmu Kelautan 14: 60 – 66<br />

Purba, R. Jurnal Penelitian Budidaya Pantai, 5<br />

(2): 72-78.<br />

Mayunar Jurnal Penelitian Budidaya Pantai 9<br />

(1): 125-134<br />

Mosse, J.W., Studi pendahuluan pertumbuhan<br />

kerang mutiara (Pleria penguin<br />

Roeding) yang dipelihara pada kondisi<br />

kolam dan alami. Perairan Maluku dan<br />

sekitarnya 8:35-42.<br />

Roza. D.. J. Penel. Biididaya Pantai 9(3): 119-<br />

124.<br />

Roza, D., J. Penelitian Budiduya Pantai,<br />

9(3):119-124.<br />

Haryanti,<br />

Diani, S. jurnal Penelitian Budidaya Pantai.<br />

7(2)<br />

Madeali, M.I., J. Penelitian Budidaya Pantai, 9(4): 23-<br />

28.<br />

Jefford, C. W. Tetrahedron lett. 2. 159-162<br />

Flores - Verdugo,<br />

F.J.<br />

Marine Ecological Progress Series,<br />

35: 83-90<br />

Structure and Function Of Gluten Protein Belitz, H.D. Cereal Chemistry 63 (4): 336-341<br />

Structure and Composition of the Oocyst Wall of Eimeria<br />

tenella<br />

Stotish, R.L. J. Parasitol., 64 (6): 1074-1061.<br />

Structural studies on sulfated oligosaccharides derived<br />

from the carbohydrate-protein linkage region of chondroitin<br />

6-sulfate proteoglycans of shark cartilage. II. Seven<br />

Compounds Containing 2 or 3 Sulfate residues.<br />

de Waard, P., J. Biol. Chem. 267:6036-6043.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 789 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Structural studies on sulfated oligosaccharides derived<br />

from the carbohydrate-protein linkage region of chondroitin<br />

6-sulfate proteoglycans of shark cartilage. I. Six<br />

Compounds Containing 0 or 1 Sulfate and/or Phosphate<br />

residue.<br />

Structur of Ecdysone Glucoside. Formed by a Baculovirus<br />

Ecdysteroid UDP-glucosyl Transferase<br />

Sugahara, K., J. Biol. Chem. 267: 6027-6035.<br />

O'Reilly, D.R. Insect Biochem. Molec. Biol. 21. 795-<br />

801<br />

Strepto-coccus suis meningitis in a horse Devriese, L.A Vet. Rec. 127, 68<br />

Streamflow and Stream Salinity in a Small Water Supply<br />

Catchment in Southwest Western Australia After<br />

Reforestation<br />

Borg, H. J. Hydrology, 103 (1988) : 323 - 333<br />

Strategies for Detecting and Characterizing Systems for<br />

Biological Control of Soilborne Plat Pathogens<br />

Strategies for communicating the facts on food irradiation<br />

to consumers<br />

Strategi Pengendalian Penyakit Layu Bakteri Tembakau<br />

Cerutu di Sumatera Utara Secara terpadu<br />

Storage behaviour and drying characteristics of<br />

commercial cultivars of onions<br />

Storage behaviour and drying characteristics of<br />

commercial cultivars of onions<br />

Storage behavior and drying characteristics of commercial<br />

cultivars of onions<br />

Stomach contents analysis-a review of methods and their<br />

applications.<br />

Linderman, R.G. Plant Dis. 67, 1058-1064<br />

Bruhn, C.M. J. Food Protect. 58, 213-216<br />

Arwiyanto, T. Ekspose Hasil Penel Tembakau 1995<br />

Medan. 34 p<br />

Maini. S.B. J. Food Sci. Technol., 21 : 417- 419<br />

Maini, S.B. J. Food Sci. Technol., 21 : 417 - 419<br />

Maini, S.B. J. Food Sci. Technol, 21 : 417 - 419<br />

Hyslop, E.J. J. Fish. Biol. 17:411-429.<br />

Stocking as a technique for enhancement of fisheries. Welcomme, R.L. FAO Aquaculture Newsletter (FAN),<br />

14:8-11.<br />

Stock assessment of Nehu, Encrasicholina purpurea,<br />

using the egg production method.<br />

Somerton, D.A., Bull. Mar. Sci. 53: 768-777.<br />

Stock Assessment of Cephalopod Resources in The North<br />

Western Pacific in Advances in Assessment of World<br />

Cephalopod Resources. Ed.<br />

Stimulation of food intake and weight gain in mature<br />

female rats by bovine prolactin and bovine growth hormone<br />

Sterols In Invertebrates, 49'. Isolation and structure<br />

elucidation of eight new polyhydroxylated sterols from the<br />

soft coral Sinularia dissecta<br />

Osako, M Caddy, C.F. FAO Fish. Techn. Paper<br />

No. 231, Roma, 55-144.<br />

Byatt, J.C. Am. J. Physiol., 246: 986-992.<br />

Diagodzinska, B. M. J. Org. Chem. 50: 1435-1439<br />

Status on grouper aquaculture in Hongkong Wong, P. Grouper Aquaculture Research<br />

Workshop, Bangkok 7-8 April. 3 pp.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 790 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Status of Giant Clams in Indonesia Pasaribu, B.P. Copland, J.W. and Lucas, J. S. (Eds.),<br />

Giant Clams in Asia and Pasific.<br />

ACIAR Monograph, 9 : pp 44 - 46<br />

Status of giant clam resources of the Philippine Juino, M.A.R. J Moll. Stud. 55-431-440<br />

Status of eutrophication in the Great Barrier Reef Lagoon Bell, P.R.F. MarinePollution 23:89-93<br />

Status keberhasilan pembenihan kerapu macan di<br />

Indonesia.<br />

Status dan prospek pengembangan perikanan kepiting<br />

bakau di Kalimantan Barat.<br />

Ahmad, T. Status keberhasilan pembenihan<br />

kerapu macan di Indonesia.<br />

Wardoyo, S.E.,<br />

Status and prospect of marine aquaculture in Indonesia Ahmad, T. IARD Journal 12 (3): 47-53<br />

Statistik Perikanan Indonesia 1996. Direktorat Jenderal<br />

Perikanan,<br />

Statistik Perikanan Indonesia 1996.<br />

Statistik Indonesia. Biro Pusat Statistik. Statistical Year Book of Indonesia,<br />

Jakarta.<br />

Statistik Impor Hasil Perikanan 1996. Direktorat Jenderal<br />

Perikanan,<br />

Statistik Impor Hasil Perikanan 1996.<br />

Statistics on marine fish and grouper aquaculture<br />

production in Asia<br />

Statistical Procedure For Evaluating Hydrologic/Water<br />

Quality Models<br />

Statistical Evaluation of Arrhenius Model and Its<br />

Applicability in Prediction of Food Quality Losses<br />

Statement of Policy: Food derived from new plant<br />

varieties.<br />

Starchy foods and fibre: reduced rate of digestion and<br />

improved carbohydrate metabolism<br />

Starchy foods and fibre: reduce rate of digestion and<br />

improved carbohydrate metabolism<br />

Starch gel electrophoresis of enzymes a compilation of<br />

recipes.<br />

Standardization of chemical analysis for waters and pond<br />

muds.<br />

Standardization of chemical analysis for water and ponds<br />

muds.<br />

Standardised measures of relative abundance based on<br />

modelling log (c.p.u.e.). and their application to Pacific<br />

ocean perch (Sebastes alutus).<br />

NACA Grouper Aquaculture Research<br />

Workshop, Bangkok 7-8 April. 18 pp.<br />

Haan C.T. Transactions of ihe ASAE, Vol 38 (3):<br />

725-733<br />

Cohen, E. J. of Food Processing and<br />

Preservation (9): 273-290<br />

FDA. Federal Register 57(104): 22984-<br />

23000.<br />

Jenkins, D.J.A. Scand. J. Gastroenterology 22:<br />

supp. 129: 132-41<br />

Jenkins, D.J.A. Scand. J. Gastroenterology 22 :supp.<br />

129: 132-141<br />

Shaw, C.R. Biochern. Gen. 4: 297-321.<br />

Swingle. H.S. F.A.O. Fisheries Report. 44(4): 397-<br />

407.<br />

Swingle, H.S FAO Fish. Rep. 44 (4): 379-406.<br />

Kimura, D.K. J. du Conseil Inter. pour I'Exploration<br />

de la Mer-39: 211-218.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 791 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Staging anchovy eggs. In Lasker, R, (ed.). An Egg<br />

Production Method for Estimating Spawning Biomass of<br />

Pelagic Fish: Application to the Northern Anchovy,<br />

Engraulis mordax<br />

Stage & Age Influence on the Susceptibility of coccinella<br />

septempuncta (Celeoptera : coocinellidae) after Direct<br />

exposure to neemix, a neem Insecticide<br />

Moser, H.G. NOAA Tech. Rep. NMFS 36: 37-41.<br />

Banken, J.A.O J. Econ. Entomol<br />

Stability of ascorbic acid and other vitamins in extruded<br />

fish feeds.<br />

Gadient. M. Aquaculture. 124(1-4): 207-211.<br />

Stability of Antioxidants Formed from Histidine and<br />

Glucose by the Maillard Reaction<br />

Lingnert, H. J. Agric. Food Chem. 31:27-30<br />

Squid-seafood extraordinaire. Kreuzer, R. Infofish 6(86): 29-32.<br />

Squid - Seafood extraordinaire Kreuzer, R. Infofish (6) : 29-32<br />

Spider colonization of agroecosystem mode and source<br />

Environ.<br />

Bishop, L Entomol 19 (16): 1738-1745<br />

Spermatogenicand Steriogenic Testicular Function in<br />

Hypothyroid Pubertal Rat. Braz<br />

Maia, A.L J. Biology Res.<br />

Specific inhibition of nitrite oxidation by chlorite and its use<br />

in assessing nitrification in soil and sediments<br />

Belser, L.W. AppI. Environ. Microbial, 43: 945-948<br />

Species Catalogue. Vol. 16. Grouper of the World.<br />

Annotated and illustrated of the grouper, rockcod, hind.<br />

coral grouper, lyretail species known to date.<br />

Spawning, development and acquisition of<br />

zooxanthellae by Tridacna squamosa. (Mollusca,Bivalvia)<br />

Spawning Induction, and larval and juvenile rearing of the<br />

giant clam, Tridacna gigas<br />

Spawning incidence and batch fecundity in northern<br />

anchovy Engraulis mordax.<br />

Spawning and fecundity of the western king prawn<br />

Penaeus latisulcatus Kishinouye. in Western Australia<br />

Waters.<br />

Spatial distribution and population parameters of tridacna<br />

gigas and T. Derasa<br />

Spatial and temporal variation in litterfall of Avicennia<br />

marina in the Brisbane River, Queensland, Australia<br />

Spatial analysis and mapping of acoustic survey data in<br />

the presence of high local variability:geostatistical<br />

application to North Sea herring (Clupea harengus).<br />

Soybean-protein Diet in the Treatment of Type-11<br />

Hyperlipoproteinaemia<br />

Soybean Protein Independently Lowers Plasma<br />

Cholesterol Levels in Primary Hypercholesterolemia<br />

Heemstra, P. C. FAO Fisheries Synopsis No. 125.<br />

Roma. 382 pp.<br />

Fitt. W.K. Biol. Bull. 161: 213-235<br />

Crawford,C.M. Aquaculture 58. 281 Z95<br />

Hunter. J.R. Fifih. Bull. U.S. 77: 641-652.<br />

Penn J. W. Aust. Jour. Mar. Freshw. Res.<br />

31(1):21-35<br />

Braley, R.D. Micronesia. 20(1-2) :225-246<br />

Mackey, A.P. Aquatic Botany, 52: 133–142<br />

Maravelias, C.D., Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 53:1497-<br />

1505.<br />

Sirtori, C. R. Lancet, 1:275-277<br />

Goldberg, A. P. Atherosclerosis. 43:355-368<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 792 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Soybean Protein Diets in the Management of Type II<br />

Hyperlipoproteinaemia<br />

Soybean Protein Diet Increases Low Density Lipoprotein<br />

Receptor Activity in Mononuclear Cells From<br />

Hypercholesterolemic Patients<br />

Soybean isoflavones: Effect of environment and variety on<br />

composition<br />

Soybean Isoflavones Improve Cardiovascular Risk Factors<br />

Without Affecting the Reproductive System of Peripubertal<br />

Rheusus Monkeys<br />

Soybean insect population in Sumatra Indonesia as<br />

affected by agricultural practices.<br />

Soybean and lupin sead meals as protein sources In diets<br />

for gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata): nutritional and<br />

histological Implications<br />

Soy Protein Versus Soy Phytoestrogens in the Prevention<br />

of Diet-induced Coronary Artery Atherosclerosis of<br />

Male Cynomolgus Monkeys<br />

Verrilo, A. Atherosclerosis. 54:321-331<br />

Lovati, M. R. J. Clin. Invest. 80:1498-1502<br />

EIdridge, A. C. J. Agric. Food Chem. 31:394-396<br />

Anthony, M. S. J. Nutr. 126:43-50<br />

Nakasudji. R., J. Pl. Prot. Tropics 3 (2): 121-129.<br />

Robaina, L. Aquculture. 130.Z19-233<br />

Anthony, M. S. Arterio., Thromb. Vase. Biol.<br />

17(11):2524-2531<br />

Soy Products and the Human Diet Erdman, J. W. Jr. Am. J, Clin. Nutr. 49:725-737<br />

Soy Isoflavones Improve Systemic Arterial Compliance But<br />

Not Plasma Lipids in Menopausal and Perimenopausal<br />

Women<br />

Southern bluefin tuna in the Indonesian longline fishery:<br />

Historcal Development. Composition. Season, Some<br />

Biological Parameters, Landing estimation and catch<br />

statistic for 1993. Inclon.<br />

Southern bluefin tuna in Indonesian longlinc fishery:<br />

Historical development, composition, season, some<br />

biological parameters, landing estimation and catch<br />

statistics for 1993.<br />

Nestle, P. J. Aterio. Throm. Vase. Biol. 17:3392-<br />

3398<br />

Davis. T. Fish. ffc.s. J. Vol. I. Nol. 1995. 68-86.<br />

Davis, T.,<br />

Sources of Variation of Slarcli Gelatinizalion. Pasting and<br />

Gelation Properties of Wheat<br />

Zeng, M. Cereal Chem. 74(1): 63-7]<br />

Source of antioxidant activity of soybeans and soy product Pratt. D. E. J. Pood Sci. 44:1720-1722<br />

Sorption Phenomena in Food. Labuza,TP. FoodTech. 22:263.<br />

Some statistics of the temperature profile through the base<br />

of the ocean mixed layer.<br />

Some physical and chemical properties of mangrove soils<br />

at Sipinggo and Mgeni, Natal<br />

Some New Three Level Design for The Study of<br />

Quantitative Variables<br />

Some molecular aspects of plant peroxidase biosynthetic<br />

studies<br />

John, I.S.F. Deep Sea Research, Vol. 32 No. 10,<br />

p.1255-1272.<br />

Naidoo, G. South African journal of Botany, I:85-<br />

90<br />

Box, G.E.P. Technometries 2 (4): 455-475<br />

Van Huystee, R.B. Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. 38<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 793 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Some initial aquaculture experiment in resirculating water<br />

systems.<br />

Some Factors of Gracilaria Farming in Brackish Water<br />

Pond<br />

Some ecological aspects offish populations in tropical rice<br />

fields.<br />

Some differences between the soils of Rhizophora and<br />

Avicenia mangrove swamps in Siera Leone<br />

Some Considerations Relevant to the Definition of Shared<br />

Stocks and Their Allocation Between Adjacent Economic<br />

Zones.<br />

Some considerations of population dynamics and<br />

economics in relation to Ihe management, of the<br />

commercial marine fisheries,<br />

Some Considerations in the Planning, Layout and Conduct<br />

of Crop Protection Trials in Pome, Stone and Small Fruits<br />

Bohl, M. Aquaculture, 11:323-328.<br />

Anggadiredja, J. Bulletin DRN, 28: 36-38<br />

Ali,A.B. Hydrobiol, 190: 215-222.<br />

Hesse, P.R. Plant and Soil. 14: 4-10<br />

Caddy. J.F. FAO Fish. Circ. 749. 44 pp.<br />

Schaefer. M.B. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. 14: 669-681.<br />

Kolbe, W. Pflanzenschutz - Nachirchten<br />

Bayer.33 (3): 204 -220<br />

Some chemical changes in fish silage. Backhoff, H.P, J. Food Technol., 11: 353-363.<br />

Some Characteristic of Hydroxypropylated and Crosslinked<br />

Rice Starch<br />

Yeh, A. I. Cereal Chem.: 70:596-601<br />

Some Characteristic of Cross Linked HydroxypropyI Sago<br />

Starch<br />

Haryadi<br />

Some aspects of the reproductive biology of stolephorid<br />

anchovies from northern New Guinea.<br />

Dalzell, P. Asian Fish. Sri. 1: 91-106.<br />

Some aspects of the reproductive biology of Spratelloides<br />

gracilis in the Ysabel Passage, Papua New Guinea.<br />

Dnizell. P. J. Fish Biol. 27: 229-237,<br />

Some aspects of the biology of Malaysian riverine<br />

cyprinids.<br />

Some aspects of spawning biology of Indian oil sardine,<br />

Sardinella longiceps Val.<br />

Some aspect of the dynamics of population important to<br />

the management of the commercial marine fisheries,<br />

Somatic hybridization in Nicotiana: restoration of<br />

photoautotrophy to an albino mutant mith defective<br />

plastids.<br />

Somatic hybridization between Solanum tuberosum and<br />

species of the S. nigrum complex: selection of vigorously<br />

growing and flowering plants.<br />

Somaclonal variation under treatment with fusaric acid in<br />

tomato.<br />

Solubility, Emulsifying and Foaming Properties of Rice<br />

Bran Protein Concentration<br />

Tan. E.S.P. Aquaculture, 20:281-289.<br />

Raja, B.T.A. Indian J. Fish. IIA (1). 45-120.<br />

Schaefer, M.B. Bulletin of the Inter American Tropical<br />

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Glimelius, K Planta 153: 497-503.<br />

Horsman, K, Euphytica 96: 345-352.<br />

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Solid-phase acid extraction improves thiobarbituric acid<br />

method to determine lipid oxidation<br />

Solid waste production from rainbow trout, Salmo<br />

gairdineri. Richardson in cage culture.<br />

Soils of mangrove forest composed of Rhizophora<br />

muconata and Bruguiera gymnorhiza from Ishigaki Island,<br />

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Raharjo, S. J. Food Sci. 58:921-924<br />

Merican, Z.O. Aquacult. Fish. Management.16. 55-<br />

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Higashi, T. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 31:<br />

427-435<br />

Soil Survival of Toxoplasma in Kansas and Costa Rica Frenkel, J.K. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 24: 439-443<br />

Soil in pond aquaculture. Boyd, C.E. Aquaculture Asia. 111(1): 6-10.<br />

Soil Failure with Narrow Tines Godwin R J Journal of Agricultural Engineering<br />

Research, 22(4): 213-228<br />

Soil characteristics and nutrient STATUS in a Northern<br />

Australian mangrove forest<br />

Soil and litter respiration rates in different microhabitats of<br />

mixed Oak-conifer forest and their control by Edaphic<br />

condition and substrat quality<br />

Sogurt, a yogurt-like soybean product : development and<br />

properties<br />

Sodium Lac tate/Sodium Chloride Efects on Aerobic Plate<br />

Counts and Color of Aerocally Packaged Ground and Color<br />

Park<br />

Society's interaction with the water cycle: a conceptual<br />

framework tor a more holistic approach<br />

Society's Interaction With the Water Cycle: A Conceptual<br />

Framework for a More Holistic Approach.<br />

Society's Interaction With The Water Cycle: A Conceptual<br />

Framework for a More Holistic Approach<br />

Boto. K. G. Estuaries. 71 :61 -69<br />

Tewari, C.K. Plant and Soil, 65: 233-238<br />

Cheng, Y. J. Journal of Food Science 55 (4) : 1178-<br />

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Brewer, M.S J. Food Sci. 80 (1): 58-62<br />

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Smoking, In Technology of Meat and Meat Product Girard, J.P. J. P. Girard (ed.)<br />

Smoking in Technology of Meat and Meat Products Girard J.P. J.P. Girard and I. Morton (ed.)<br />

Smoke Flavor as Related to Phenol, Carbonyl and Acyd<br />

Content of Bologna<br />

Bratzler, L.J. J. Food Sci. (33), 626-632<br />

Smoke flavor as related to phenol, carbonyl and acid<br />

content of bologna<br />

Bratzler, L.J. 7. Food Sci., 34 : 146-148<br />

Slokhastic weather type simulation for regional climate Willby, R.L. Water Res. Res. Vol. 30 (12): 3395 -<br />

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Slamet dan Sindoro kedelai toleran tanah masam dan<br />

berdaya hasil tinggi<br />

Sunarto Agrica no 12 th X/1995<br />

Slamet dan Sindoro kedelai toleran tanah masam dan<br />

berdaya hasil tinggi<br />

Sunarto Agrica no 12 th X/1995<br />

Situasi Perkelapaan di Indonesia Girsang, P. Manggar 3 (3)<br />

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Sister chromatid exchange: a sensitive method for<br />

detecting damage caused by exposure to environmental<br />

mutagens in the chromosomes of adult Mytilus edulis<br />

Sister chromatid exchange and mutagens in the aquatic<br />

environment<br />

Sistem Penunjang Keputusan Untuk Investasi Industri<br />

Pakan Bikatein di Sumatera Barat<br />

Simulative Estimation for the Identification of the<br />

Cumulative Response of a Plant Using Neural Networks<br />

Dixon, D.R. Marine Biology Letters 3: 163-172<br />

Dixon, D.R. Marine Pollution Bulletin 14 (8): 282-<br />

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Adrizal J. Teknologi Industri Pertanian Ed.<br />

Khusus (Mei 1995), 33-41<br />

Purwanto, W. Journal of SHITA, Vol: 8 (2), pp. 112-<br />

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Simulative estimation for the identification of the<br />

cumulative response of a plant using neural networks<br />

Purwanto, W. Journal of SHITA, 8(2), 112-118<br />

Silage production from salmon farm mortalities. Lo. K.V., Aquaculture Eng., 12: 37-45.<br />

Silage from tropical fish: 3. Lipid behaviour. Hall, G.M. J. Food Technol., 21, 45-54.<br />

Silage from tropical fish: 2. Undigested fraction. Hall, G.M., J. Food Technol., 20, 573-580.<br />

Silage from fish waste: Chemical and microbiological<br />

aspects.<br />

Alwan, S.R., Irish J. Agric. Food Res., 32: 75-81.<br />

Significance for Humans of Biologically Active Factors in<br />

Soybeans and Other Food Legumes<br />

Liener, I. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 56:121-129<br />

Shrimp culture in Japan. Shiegeno, K. Ass. for Internaional Technical<br />

Promotion. Tokyo, Japan. 153 pp.<br />

Short-and Long-term Effects of Hypocaloric Diets<br />

Containing Proteins of Different Sources on Plasma Lipids<br />

and Apoproteins of Obese Subjects<br />

Bosello, 0. Ann. Nutr. Metabol. 32:206-214<br />

Short chain fatty acids in the human large intestine, portal<br />

hepatic and venous blood<br />

Shallow groundwater quality beneath an intensive multiple<br />

cropping system using center pinto irrigation<br />

Sexual: reproduction in solitary corals: synchronous<br />

gametogenesis and broadcast spawning in Paracyathus<br />

stearnsii<br />

Sexual reproduction, development and larval biology in<br />

scleractinian corals. A review<br />

Sexual Reproduction, Development and Larval Biology in<br />

Scleractinian Corals<br />

Sexual reproduction in solitary corals: overlapping and<br />

brooding cycle, and benthic planulae in Balanophyllia<br />

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Sexual reproduction in Acropora (Isopora) species<br />

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Sex ratio, gonad maturity and fecundity of anchovies<br />

Stolephorus devisi in Saparua.<br />

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Sex ratio, gonad maturity and fecundity of anchovies<br />

Stolephorus devisi in Saparua.<br />

Serurn folat status bindera not correlated to folate<br />

nutritional status<br />

Serum Lipid peroxidative in cerebrovascular disorders<br />

determined by a new colorimetric method<br />

Serotypes and putative virulence markers of<br />

Streptococcus suis isolates from cats and dogs<br />

Serotype and virulence of Edwardsiella tarda isolated from<br />

eel and their environment<br />

Serologic Response to Haemophilus galinarum in<br />

Artificially Infected and Vaccinated Chickens<br />

Sereopidemilogical survey of Coxiella burnetii in domestic<br />

cats in Japan<br />

Sequential Degradation of Chlorophenols by Photolytic<br />

and Microbial Treatment<br />

Sequencing and sequence analysis of the mimosine<br />

degradation (mid) genes isolated from Rhizobium sp.<br />

TAL1145.<br />

Sequencing and sequence analysis of the mimosine<br />

degradation (mid) genes isolated from Rhizobium sp. TAL<br />

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Salasia, S.l.O Res. Vet.Sci. 57, 259-261<br />

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Miller, R M. Environ. Sci. Technol. E215-12E9<br />

Soedarjo, M. Indonesian Agric. Biotechnol. 4: 1-11.<br />

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Separation of saturated & unsaturated acids from rice bran<br />

oil<br />

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Separation of proteins with polyacrylic acids. Stenberg, M. Biochem. Biophys. Ada 342: 195-206.<br />

Sensory and Chemical Changes in Spice-salted Herring as<br />

Affected by Handling<br />

Gudmundottir, G. J.Of Food Sci. 62. 894 -897<br />

Sensitive detection of Ralstonia solanacearum in soil: a<br />

comparison of different detection techniques<br />

Pradhanang, P.M. Plant Pathol. 49:414-422 (Abstract).<br />

Semen Collection and Evaluation. In Current Therapy Martin, I.C.A. Theriogenology<br />

Self-Selection of Optimal Diet by Insects Waldbauer, G.P. Ann. Rev. Enlomol. 36: 43-63<br />

Self-Selection of and Optimal Nutrient Mix from Defined<br />

Diets by Larvae of the Corn EarWorm. Heliothis zea<br />

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Selenium as an anticarcinogen. Thomson, H.J. J. Agric. Food Chem. 32: 22-425.<br />

Selenium and cancer: Meaning of serum selenium levels. Burk, R.F. J. Nutr. 116(8): 1584-1586.<br />

Seleksi somaklonal umur genjah tanaman padi genotipe<br />

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Seleksi Hasil Berdasarkan Bobot Berangkasan dan Indeks<br />

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Seleksi genetik pada ikan dan udang sebagai metode<br />

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Satyani, D. Seleksi genetik pada ikan dan udang<br />

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Selective Predation by Larval Stripped Bass on Native and<br />

Introduced Copepods<br />

Meng, L. Trans. Am. Fish, Soc. 120 : 187 - 192<br />

Selective Hydrolysis Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids<br />

Containing Oil with Geotrichum candidum Lipase<br />

Shimada, Y. JAOCS. Vol. 72:1577-1581<br />

Selective breeding of chinnok salmon. Donaldson, L.R. Transaction of the American Fisheries<br />

Society 90(2): 160-164.<br />

Selection of dihybrid potato callus for resistance to the<br />

culture filtrate of Fusarium oxysporum. Z.<br />

Behnke, M. Planzenchtg. 85: 254-258.<br />

Selection experiments in salmon ranching : I. Genetic and<br />

environmental sources of variation in survival and growth<br />

rate in freshwater.<br />

Jonasson, J. Aquaculture. 109:225-236.<br />

Seedstock production. Chamberlain, G.W. World Aquaculture 22(3): 51-57<br />

Seedstock production. Chamberlain,G.W. World Aquaculture 22(3): 51-57.<br />

Seed germination and dormancy responces to acetone<br />

condensation products<br />

Sediments in the Bay of Nago and around Island of<br />

Sesoko, Okinawa<br />

Sedimentological Aspects of the Oura River stuary and its<br />

Environs on the East Coast of Northern Okinawa Island<br />

Sediment rejection by reef corals the roles of behavior and<br />

morphology in Montastrea cavernosa (Linnaeus)<br />

Toole, V.K. Plant Cell Physiol., 17 : 1015 - 1024<br />

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Sedimen Transport. Yang, C.T. Theory and Practice<br />

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Seasonal variations in biochemical composition of Mytilus Zandee, D. Netherlands Journal of Sea Research<br />

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Seasonal variation in weight and biochemical composition<br />

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Seasonal variation and frozen storage stability of blue<br />

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Seasonal partitioning and utilization of energy reserves in<br />

two age classes of the bay scallop Argopecten irradiants<br />

irradians (Lamarick)<br />

Seasonal growth of Mangrove trees in Southern Thailand.<br />

Phenology of Rhizophora mucronata and Schyphiphora<br />

hydrophyllacea<br />

Seasonal growth of mangrove trees in Southern Thailand.<br />

Phenology of Bruguiera cylindrica, Ceriops tagal,<br />

Lumnitzera littorea and Avicennia marina<br />

Seasonal differences in spawning, egg size and early<br />

development time of the Hawaiian anchovy or Nehu,<br />

Encrasicholina purpurea.<br />

Seasonal changes in population density of spiders in<br />

paddy fields with reference to the ecological control of rice<br />

insect pests.<br />

Seasonal changes In movement, abundance, size<br />

Composition and diversity of the fish fauna of seven<br />

estuary<br />

Seasonal changes in flesh weight and biochemical<br />

composition of mussels (Mytilus edulis) in the Conwy<br />

Estuary North Wales<br />

Seasonal Change in SuIfate and 3.6 Anhydro Galactose<br />

Content of Phycolloid from Two Red Algae<br />

Search for effective protein combination with crab protein<br />

for larval kuruma prawn, Penaeus japonicus.<br />

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Kobayashi, S Appl Entomol. Zoll. 17(4):193-202<br />

Claridge, P.N. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 144 pp<br />

Dare, P.J. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 18: 89-97<br />

Asare, O. Bot. Mar. 23: 595–598<br />

Koshio, S., Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, 58 (6): 1083-<br />

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Sea urchins. A New Victorian Industry. Ward, J. Australian Fisheries. 34. (1):1-16<br />

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Scylla (Crustacea: Portunidae) II. Comparative studies on<br />

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Scylla (Crustacea Portunidae) Comparative studies on<br />

spernnatogenesis and oogenesis.<br />

Scrotal Measurements in Beef Bulls Heritability Estimates,<br />

Breed and test Station Effects<br />

Screening, isolation and characterization of lipolytic<br />

microbes<br />

Screening sponges for bactericide to be used in shrimp<br />

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Screening for resistance to anthracnose (Colletotrichum<br />

gloeosporioides Penz.) in Allium cepa and its wild relatives<br />

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Saturated Salt Solution for Static Control of Relative<br />

Humidity Between 5 and 40 degree Celsius.<br />

Sanitation by ultrasonic cavitation of steel mesh gloves<br />

used in the meat industry<br />

Sanitasi pada beberapa tempat penetasan itik dan<br />

lingkungan di Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Utara, Kalimantan<br />

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Rockland.L.B. Anal.Chem.32: 1375.<br />

Van Klink, E.G.M. J. Food Protect. 52:660-664<br />

Istiana, Penyakit Hewan XXIII (42):16-18.<br />

Sampling for macrophage cells at the pond side. Crumlish M. The AAHRI Newsletter, Vol 7 (1):1-2<br />

Salting and Drying of Mackeral (Rastreliger kanagurta) Poernomo, A. Asean Food Journal. Vol. 7. No 3.<br />

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Rubber and oil palm based farming system for the<br />

Southern Sumatra Transmigration Areas<br />

Susila, W.R. Jurnal Agro Ekonomi 10 (1): 16-30<br />

Rotifers as food in aquaculture. Lubzens, E., Hydrobiologia 186/187:387-400.<br />

Rotifer culture in Japan. Hirata, H. Spec. Publ. Eur. Maricult. Soc. 4:361-<br />

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Role of zooxanthellae in the mariculture of giant clams Fitt, W.K. Copland, J.W., Lucas, J.S. (eds).<br />

Giant Clams In Asia and the Pacific.<br />

Role of Isoflavones in the Cholesterol Reduction of Soy<br />

Proteins in the Clinic. Letter to the editor<br />

Sitori, C. R. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 65:166-167<br />

Role of dietary phospholipids in the transport of (14 C)<br />

tripalmitin in the prawn.<br />

Teshima, S., Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 52: 515-524.<br />

Role of dietary phospholipids in the transport of (" C)<br />

cholesterol in the prawn.<br />

Teshima, S., Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 52<br />

Role of Antibiosis in me Biocontrol of Plant Diseases Fravel, D.R. Ann. Rev, Phystopathol. 26: 75-91<br />

River Fisheries. Welcomme, R.L. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap., (262): 330 pp.<br />

River Fisheries. Welcomme, R.L. FAO. Fish. Tr.ch. Pap. 262. 330 pp.<br />

River fisheries, Welcomme, R.L. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper, 262,<br />

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Risks associated with the use of chemicals in pond<br />

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Ripening characteristics of tomato stored at 12°C and 2°C<br />

following a prestorage heat treatment<br />

Rice varieties with similar amylose content differ in starch<br />

digestibility and glycemic response in humans<br />

Rice varieties with similar amylose content differ in starch<br />

digestibility and glycemic response in humans<br />

Rice field ecology in Northeastern Thailand: The effect of<br />

wet and dry seasons on a cultivated aquatic ecosystems.<br />

Boyd, C.E., Aquacultural Engineering, 20: 113-<br />

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RH 5849, a Nonsteroidal Ecdysone Agonist: Effects on<br />

Larval Lepidoptera<br />

Wing, K.D. Science (Wash. D.C.) 24: 470-472<br />

RH 5849, a Nonsteroidal Ecdysone Agonist. Effects on a<br />

Drosophila Cell Line<br />

Wing, K.D. Science (Wash. D.C.) 241: 467-468<br />

RFLP tagging of a gene for arome in rice. Ahn, S.N., Theor. Appl. Genet. 84: 825-828.<br />

RFLP mapping of genes conferring complete and partial<br />

resistance to blast in a durably resistant rice cultivar.<br />

Wang, G.L., Genetics 136: 1421-1434.<br />

Review of the state of world fishery resources: inland<br />

fisheries.<br />

Review of the Folin phenol protein quantitation method of<br />

Lowry, Rosebrough, Farr and Randall.<br />

FAO. FAO Fisheries Circular. No. 942.<br />

Rome, FAO.53 pp.<br />

Peterson, G.L. Anal. Biochem. 100: 201-219.<br />

Review of Medical Physiologi. 18th Ed Ganong, WF Review of Medical Physiologi. 18th Ed<br />

Review of Medical Microbiology. 16th ed. Jawetz. E Review of Medical Microbiology. 16th<br />

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Review of Medical Microbiology. 14th Ed. Jawetz, E. Review of Medical Microbiology. 14th<br />

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Review of coastal water resources in relation to coastal<br />

aquaculture.<br />

Retrogradation of maize starch after thermal treatment<br />

within and above the gelatinization temperature range<br />

Restriction fragment length polymorphism in Oryza saliva<br />

L.<br />

Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of<br />

psychrophilic and psychrotrophic ViIbrio and<br />

Photobacterium from the north western Pacific Ocean and<br />

Otsuchi Bay. Japan<br />

Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of<br />

psychrophilic and psychrotrophic Vibrio and<br />

Photobacterium from the North-western Pacific Ocean, and<br />

Otsuchi Bay, Japan<br />

Restriction Fragment length polymorphism analysis of<br />

PCR-amplified 16S rDNA of 2,4-D-degrading bacteria<br />

isolated from corals. Indonesian<br />

Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of PCRamplified<br />

16S rDNA off 2.4-degrading bacteria isolated<br />

from corals<br />

Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism Distinguished<br />

Xabthomonas campestris Strain Isolated from Florida<br />

Citrus Nurseries from X-c, pv. Citri<br />

Djajadiredja, R. IPFC 15 Session (Section III), p. 159-<br />

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Fisher, D.K. Cereal chem. 74 (3): 344-351<br />

Wang, Z.Y. Genome 32: 1113- 1118.<br />

Urakawa, H. Can. J. Microbiol. 45: 67-76<br />

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Sabdono, A. J. of Biotechnology. December<br />

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Hartung, J.S. Phytopathology 79: 793-799-<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Responses to respiratory stress in relation to blood<br />

pigment affinity in Goniopsis cruentata (Latreille) and (to a<br />

lesser extent) in Cardisoma guanhum Latreille<br />

Responses of freshwater prawn, M. rosenbergii, to<br />

chemical attractants<br />

Responses of aquatic invertebrates to declining oxygen<br />

condition<br />

Response of Hawaiian and other Indo-Pacific reef corals to<br />

elevated temperature<br />

Respons of Fucus vesiculosus to heavy metals. Singly and<br />

Dual Combination as Related Accumulation<br />

Respon ikan jelawat (Leptobarbus hoeveni BIkr.) ter-hadap<br />

bentuk makanan yang di-berikan.<br />

Resistant starch -the neglected'dietary fiber' ? Implications<br />

for health<br />

Resistant starch in dietary fiber values measured by the<br />

AOAC method in different cereals<br />

Resistant starch : Formation and measurement of starch<br />

that survives exhaustive digestion with amylolytic enzymes<br />

during the determination of dietary fibre<br />

Resistant starch : Formation and measurement of starch<br />

that survives exhaustive digestion with amylolytic enzymes<br />

during the determination of dietary fibre<br />

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Harpaz, S. J. of Chem. Ecol. 13(9):1957-1965<br />

Mangum, C.P. Amer. Zool. 13: 529-541<br />

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Resistant Starch Asp, N-G Trends in Food Science and<br />

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Resistance of acid-adapted salmonellae to organik acid<br />

rinses on beef<br />

Residual Effectiveness of Insect Growth Regulator Applied<br />

lo Carpet for Control of Cat Flea (Siphonaptera:Pulicidae)<br />

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Research note: Preparation offish silage with phosphoric<br />

acid and potassium sorbate.<br />

Levin, R.E., J. Food Biochem., 12: 253-259.<br />

Research and development regarding enzymes-resistant<br />

starch (RS) in the USA: a review<br />

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Research and development regarding enzymes-resistant<br />

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Requirement of prawn for dietary minerals. Deshimaru, 0. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 44(8): 907-<br />

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Requirement of juvenile red seabream, Pagrus major for<br />

EPA and DHA.<br />

Reproductive Seasonality, Settlement. and Fost-settlement<br />

mortality of Pocillopora damicornis (Linnaeus) at Lizard<br />

Island, Great Barrier Reef<br />

Reproductive seasonaIity, settlement, and post- settlement<br />

mortality of Pocillopora damicornis (Linnaeus), at Lizard<br />

Island, Great Barrier Reef<br />

Reproductive performance and early life history of grouper,<br />

Epinephelus fuscoguttatiis.<br />

Takeuchi, T., Nippon Suisan Gakkai-rhi, 56:1263-<br />

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Harriott VJ Coral Reef 2: 151-157<br />

Harriott, V.J. Coral Reefs. 2: 151-157<br />

Kohno, H., Reproductive performance and early<br />

life history of grouper, Epinephelus<br />

fuscoguttatiis.<br />

Reproductive ecology of four scleractinian species at Lizart<br />

Islad, Great Barrier Reef<br />

Harriott, V.J Coral Reefs. 2: 9-18<br />

Reproductive ecology of coral Astrangia lajollaensis:<br />

sexual and asexual patterns in a kelp forest habitat<br />

Fadlallah, Y.H. Oecologia 55: 379-388<br />

Reproductive Ecology of Caribbean Reef Corals Szmant, A.M. Coral Reefs, 5: 43-54<br />

Reproductive ecology of Caribbean reef corals Szmant, A.M. CoralReefs 5: 43-53<br />

Reproductive dynamics of southern bluefin tuna. Thunnus<br />

maccoyii.<br />

Farley, .S. U.S. Fish. Bull. 96: 223-236.<br />

Reproductive Capacity of Dairy Bulls, II. Gonadal and<br />

Extragonadal Sperm Reserves as Determined by Direct<br />

Count and Depleti on Trials Dimensions and Weight of<br />

Genetalia<br />

Almquist, J.O J. Dairy Sci., 44 (9): 1668.<br />

Reproductive biology of Spratelloides delicatulus, S.<br />

gracilis and Stolephorus heterolobus from Solomon Islands<br />

and Maldives.<br />

Reproductive biology and egg production of three species<br />

ofClupeidae from Kiribati, tropical central Pacific.<br />

Reproductive biology and egg production of three species<br />

of Clupeidae from Kiribati, tropical central Pacific.<br />

Reproduction, Recruitment of Corals: Comparison Among<br />

The Caribbean, Tropical Pacific and Red Sea<br />

Reproduction In the giant clams Tridacna gigas and<br />

T.derasa in situ on the North-Central Great Barrier Reef,<br />

Australia, and Papua New Guinea<br />

Reproduction in Rainbow trout, sex differentiation,<br />

dynamic of gametogenesis biology and preservation of<br />

gametes.<br />

Milton, D.A., In Blaber, S.J.M. and Copland. J.W.<br />

(eds.). Tuna Baitfish in the Indo-Pasific<br />

Region. ACIAR Proceeding 30: 89-99.<br />

Milton, D.A, Fish. Bull. U.S. 92: 102 - 121.<br />

Milton, D.A., Fish. Bull. U.S. 92: 102-121.<br />

Richmond, R.H. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 64: 185-203<br />

Braley, R.D Coral reefs, 3: 22I-227<br />

Billard R. Aquaculture 100: 263-298.<br />

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Reproduction by fragmentation in corals Highsmith, RC Mar, Ecol Prog Ser 7: 207 – 226<br />

Reproduc-tion and recruitment of corals: comparison<br />

among the Caribbean, the tropical Pacific, and the Red Sea<br />

Richmond, R.H. Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser. 60: 185-203<br />

Removal of Transglucosidasr from Amyloglucosidase. Sternberg, M. US Patent No. 3,917,513.<br />

Relationships of Testicular Weight to Age and Scrotal<br />

Circumference of Holstein<br />

Relationship of Animal Protein-rich Diet to Kidney Stone<br />

Formation and Calcium Metabolism<br />

Relationship between the dietary value of rotifer,<br />

Brachionus plicatilis and their content ofn-3 HUFA.<br />

Reisolation and emendation of description of Vibrio<br />

marinus (Russel) Ford<br />

Reintroduction of Giant Clam to Yap State, Federated<br />

States of Micronesia<br />

Coulter, G.H Bull. J. Dairy Sci., 59 (4): 732.<br />

Breslau, N. A. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metabol. 66:140-<br />

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Watanabe, T., Bull. Jpn. Soc. Sci. Fish., 45:883-889,<br />

Colwell RR J. Bacteriol 88:831-837<br />

Price, C.M. Copland, J.W. dan Lucas. J. S. (Eds),<br />

Giant Clam In ASIA and The Pasific.<br />

ACIAR Monograph 9 :pp. 41 - 43<br />

Regulation of nitrification in the land Ocean Contact area<br />

of the Rhone River Plume (NW Mediteranean)<br />

Bianchi M. Aquat Muicrob Ecol. 18: 301 - 312<br />

Regulation of gonad development in the bay Scallop<br />

Aequipecten irradians Lamarck<br />

Sastry, A.N. Biol. Bull. 140: 274-283<br />

Regulation of Expression of a Baculovirus ECDYSTETOID<br />

UDP-glucosyltransferase Gene<br />

O'Reilly, D.R. J. Virol.<br />

Regulation of Expresion of a Baculovirus Ecdysteroid<br />

UDP-glucosyl Transferase Gene<br />

O'Reilly, D.R. J. Virol. 64:1321-1328<br />

Regulation and Stability of HOST - Parasite Population<br />

Interactions. I. Regulatory Processes<br />

Anderson, R.M. J. Anim. Ecol. 47: 219-247<br />

Reformasi Pembangunan Pertanian. Solahuddin, S. Sinar Tani. 2745/XXXVIII.<br />

Reef corals: Mutualistik symbioses adapted to nutrientpoor<br />

environments<br />

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Reef coral survival and mortality at low temperatures in the<br />

Arabian Gulf: new species-specific lower temperature limits<br />

Coles, S.L. Coral Reefs, 9: 231-236<br />

Reef coral reproduction in the eastern Pasific : Costa Rica,<br />

Panama, and Galapagos islands (Ecuador). I.<br />

Pocilloporidae<br />

Reef coral reproduction in the eastern Pacific: Costa Rica,<br />

Panama, and Galapagos Islands (Equador)<br />

Reduction of Reproductive Capacity of Spodoptera<br />

litorallis Males, by Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus (NPV)<br />

Reduction of Grasshopper Populations Following Field<br />

Application of Fungus Beauveria bassiana<br />

Glynn FW Mar. Biol. 355 – 368<br />

Glynn, P.W. Mar. Biol., 109: 355-368<br />

Santiago Alvarez, C. J.Invertebr. Pathol. 152: 142-146<br />

Johnson, DL Biocontrol Sci.Tecnol. 3:165-175<br />

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Reduction of genetic variability in a hatchery stock of<br />

brown trout, Saimo trutta L.<br />

Vuorinen, J. J. Fish. Biol. 24: 339-348.<br />

Reduction of bacteria on pork carcasses Biemuller, G.W. J. Food Sci. 38, 261-263<br />

Reduction of bacteria attached to meat surfaces by<br />

washing with selected compounds<br />

Dickson, J.S. J. Food Protect. 51:869-873<br />

Reducing microbial populations on beef tissues:<br />

Concentration and temperature of lactic acid<br />

Anderson, M.E. J. Food Safety. 10:181-190.<br />

Reducing microbial populations on beef tissues:<br />

Concentration and temperature of an acid mixture<br />

Anderson, M.E. J. Food Sci. 55:903-905<br />

Reddening of white onion bulb purees Joslyn, M.A. J. Agric. Food Chem., 8 : 72 - 76<br />

Recycling Memperbaiki Kualitas Air Anonymous Techner. 24/V/1996.<br />

Recovery of proteases from fish waste. Reece, P. Process Biochem. 23 (3): 62-66.<br />

Recovery of proteases from fish waste. Reece, P. Process Biochem. 23 (3): 62-66.<br />

Recovery of proteases from fish waste. Reece, P. Process Biochem., 23(3): 62-66.<br />

Recovery and utilization of chitin and chitosan in food<br />

processing waste management<br />

Knorr, D. Food Technol. 45(1): 114-122<br />

Recombination in Magnaporthe grisea. Zeigler, R.S. Ann. Rev. Phytopathol. 36: 249-275.<br />

Recent studies on post harvest physiology and technology<br />

of horticultural crops in Japan<br />

Recent status of grouper breeding, larvae rearing and<br />

nursing of fingerlings to juvenile in Thailand<br />

Recent progress in vitamin A research: nuclear retinoic<br />

acid receptors and their interaction with gene elements.<br />

Inaba, A. Hort. Abstr., 63:813-827.<br />

Yashiro, R. Grouper Aquaculture Research<br />

Workshop, Bangkok 7-8 April. 10 pp.<br />

Wofl. G. J. Nutr. Biochem.. 1: 281-289.<br />

Recent developments in trace element metabolism and<br />

function.<br />

Spears, J.W. J. Nutr. 119 (7):1050.<br />

Recent development in trace element metabolism and<br />

function: Newer roles of selenium in nutrition.<br />

Burk, R.F. J. Nutr. 119(7):1051-1054.<br />

Recent Advances in Superovulation of Cattle Armstrong, D.T. Theriogenol. 39: 7-24.<br />

Recall of meat and poultry products Anonymous FSIS Directive no. 8080.1, Rev. 3.<br />

FSIS-USDA, Washington, D.C.<br />

Rearing of Puffer Fish, Fugu rubripes rubripes. Hirata.H. Yoshoku 1(11):34-37.<br />

Rearing experiment of larvae of green tiger prawn<br />

P.semisulcatus. 2. Feeding effect of organic compound and<br />

yeast<br />

Reactive oxygen species in living system: Source,<br />

Biochemistry and role in human diseases<br />

Rates of nitrification and carbon uptake in The Rhone<br />

River Plume (Nothwestern Mediterrianean Sea)<br />

Rates of nitrification and carbon uptake in the Rhone River<br />

Plume (Northwestern Mediterranean Sea)<br />

Murata, M. Bull. Fish.Exp. Stn. Okayama Prefect.<br />

3: 75-78<br />

Halliwell, B Am J. Med., 91 (SuppI 1C), 1C-3C.<br />

Feliatra F Microbial Ecol. 26 : 21-28<br />

Feliatra, F. Microbial. Ecol. 26: 21-28<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Rapid identification of rhizobia by restriction fragment<br />

length polymorphism analysis of PCR-amplified 16S rRNA<br />

genes<br />

Rapid Identification of rhizobia by restriction fragment<br />

length polymorphism analysis of PCR-amplified 16S rDNA<br />

genes<br />

Rapid Induction and Severity of Symptoms in Zucchini<br />

Squash (Cucucmiss pepo), Maps to RNA-1 of Cucumber<br />

MosaiC Virus<br />

Laguerre G Appl Environ Microbiol 60 : 56-63<br />

Laguerre AppI. Environ. Microbiol. 60: 56-63<br />

Rossinck, M.J. Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 3: 188-<br />

192<br />

Raising rotifers for use in aquaculture. Lubzens, E. Hydrobiologia 147:245-255.<br />

Radiation processing of food : an overview of scientific<br />

principles and current status<br />

Lagunas-Solar, M.C. J. Food Protect. 58:186-192<br />

R factor transfer in Rhizobium leguminosarum. Berringer, J.E. J. Gen. Microbiol. 84: 188-198.<br />

Queensland mud crab fisheries. Hill, B.J. Queensland Fisheries Information<br />

Series F1 8201. Queensland. 41 pp.<br />

Quatification of Insect Growth and its Use Screening of<br />

Naturally Occurring Insect Control Agents<br />

Quantitive Studies on Bacterial and Alga on Food of the<br />

Mugil cephalus L. and Metapenaeus benettae<br />

Quantitative evidence concerning the sediments by Marine<br />

benthic diatom<br />

Quantitative evaluation of predation by spiders on the<br />

green rice leafhopper, Nephotettix cinticeps Uhier, by a<br />

sight-count method.<br />

Zhang, M. J. Chem. Ecol.<br />

Moriarty, D.J.W. J. Exp. Mar. Biol &. Ecol. 22: 131-141<br />

Holland, A.F. Marine Biologi. 27: 191-196<br />

Kiritani, K., Res Popul. Ecol. 13: 187-200.<br />

Quantitative aquatic biological indicators Phillips, D.J.H. Barking, Applied Science, 488 pp<br />

Quantitative antennular chemo-receptors of the spiny<br />

lobster. Panulirus argus<br />

Quantitative Analysis of Vitamin A in Cereal Products by<br />

High Speed Liquid Chromatography<br />

Quantitative analysis of texture change in cod muscle<br />

during frozen storage<br />

Quantification of genistein and genistein in soybeans and<br />

soybeans products<br />

Fuzessery, Z.M. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 60A: 303 -<br />

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Dennison, D. B. J. Food Sci. 42 : 1376<br />

Kim, Y.T. J. Food Proc. Eng., 7 : 265-272<br />

Fukutake, M. Food and Chem. Toxicol.34(5):357-<br />

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Quality protein of mussels. Josephson, J. Abst. J. Sci., Vol.9, USA.<br />

Quality of Fish Protein Hydrolyzates from Herring<br />

(Clupeaharengus).<br />

Hoyle, N.T. J. Food Sci. 59 (1) 76-79, 129.<br />

Quality evaluation of raw tuna by gas chromatography and<br />

sensory methods<br />

Human, J. J. Food Sci., 46 : 686-873<br />

Quality control in Coconut Milk Processing In Microbial<br />

contaminants,<br />

Mabesa J. PbS. Agr. 62:167175.<br />

Purifikation and characterization of an Endo. Glucanase<br />

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Mycoparasitism<br />

De La Cruz. J. J. Bacteriol. 177: 1864-1871<br />

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Purification, Host Range, Serology, and Partial<br />

Sequencing of Dendrobium Mosaic Potyvirus, A New<br />

Members of the Bean Common MOSAIC Virus Subgroup<br />

Purification, characterization, and crystalization of two<br />

types of lipase from Rhiwpus niveus<br />

Purification, characterization and antimicrobial spectrum<br />

of a bacteriocin produced by Pediococcus acidilactici<br />

Purification, characterization and antimicrobial<br />

spectrum of a bacteriocin produced by Pediococcus<br />

acidilactici<br />

Hu, J.S. Phytopthology 85 (5): 542-546<br />

Kohno, M. Biosci. Biochem., 58:1564-1568<br />

Bhunia, A.K. J. Applied Bacterial., 65: 261-268<br />

Bhunia, A.K. J.of Appl. Bacteriol. 65 : 261 - 268<br />

Purification of industrial enzymes with polyacrylic acids. Sternberg, M. Process Biochem. Sept. p. 11-12.<br />

Purification of amyloglucosidases. Sternberg, M. Chem.Abstr. 77: 112490f.<br />

Purification and viability determination of plant protoplast. Larkin, P.J. Planta 128: 213-216.<br />

Purification and preliminary characterization of the<br />

extracellular lipase of Bacillus substilis 168, an extremely<br />

basic pH tolerant enzyme<br />

Purification and partial characterization of an alkaline<br />

lipase from Pseudonwnas pseudoalcaligenes F-lll<br />

Purification and characterization ofchitosanase from<br />

Streptomycrs N174.<br />

Purification and characterization of pepsins from Arctic fish<br />

capelin (Mallotus villosus).<br />

Purification and characterization of an alkaline lipase from<br />

Psedonwnas fluorescens Akl02<br />

Purification and characterisation of two trypsin-like<br />

enzymes from the digestive tract of anchovy (Engraulis<br />

encrasicholus).<br />

Purification and characterisation of acidic proteases from<br />

the stomach of the deepwater finfish orange roughy<br />

(Hoplostethus atlanticus).<br />

Purification and characterisation of acidic proteases from<br />

the stomach of the deepwater finfish orange roughy<br />

(.Hoplostethus atlanticus).<br />

Purification and characterisation of a growth stimulant for<br />

Bacillus sp<br />

Puberty in Beef Bulls, Hormone Concentration, Growth,<br />

Testicular Development Sperm Production and Sexual<br />

Aggressiveness<br />

Lesuisse, E. Eur. J. Biochem., 216:155-160<br />

Lin, S.F. Appl. Environ. Microh., 62:1093-1095<br />

Boucher, I., Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 38(2): 188-<br />

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Gildberg, A. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 75A, 337-<br />

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Kojima, Y. Biosci. Biotech. Biochem. 58:1564-<br />

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Martinez, A., Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 91B (4): 677-<br />

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Xu, R.A., J. Food Biochem. 20: 31-48.<br />

Xu, R.A., J. Food Biochem. 20: 31-48.<br />

Traxler, R.M. Appllied Microbiology, 10: 99-103<br />

Lustra, D.D J. Anim. Sci., 46 (4): 1054.<br />

Psychrophilic bacteria Morita R.Y Bacteriol Rev 39:144-167<br />

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Psychromonas antarcticus gen.nov. sp.nov., a new<br />

aerotolerant anaerobic, halophillic psychrophile isolated<br />

from pond sediment of the McMurdo Ice Shelf, Antarctica.<br />

Mountfort, D.O., Arch. Microbiol. 160: 231-138.<br />

Pseudorecombination of RNA Species of Cucumoviruses Hanada, K. Tropical Agric. Res. Series 19: 79-85<br />

Protozoology Diseases Hungerford.T.G. Diseases of Poultry 4th Ed. Angus<br />

and Roberson, Sydney: 335- 348<br />

Proteolytic Activity (Aspartic Endoprotease and<br />

Carboxypeptidase) of Cococi Beans During Fermentation<br />

Jinap, S. J. Sci. Food Agric. 76 : 123 - 128<br />

Proteoglycan core protein families. In:Richardson, C.C.,<br />

Boyer, P.O., Dawid, I.B., and Meister, A. (Eds.).<br />

Protein metabolism of ruminant animals m The Ruminant<br />

Animal Digestive Physiology and Nutrition.<br />

Hassell, J.R., Ann. Rev. Biochem. 55:539-567.<br />

Owens, F. N. and<br />

Zinn.<br />

Church, D. C. (Edr.), Prentice Hall,<br />

Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.<br />

Protein measurement with the Folin phenol reagent. Lowry, O.H., J. Biol. Che.m. 193: 265-275.<br />

Protein measurement with the folin phenol reagent Lowry, O.H. J. Biol. Chem., 193: 265-275<br />

Protein Measurement With The Folin Phenol Reagent Lowry, O.H. J. Biol. Chem., 193: 256-275.<br />

Protein measurement with the folin phenol reagent Lowry, O.H. J. Biol. Chem., 193: 263 -275.<br />

Protein measurement with the folin fenol reagent Lowry, O.H. J. Biol. Chem., 193 : 265-275<br />

Protein inhibitor of hydrolyses in plant foodstuffs. Belitz, H.D. Food Rev Int 6:151<br />

Protein Inhibitor of Hydrolyses in Plant Foodstuff. Belitz, H.D. J. Food Sci. 51:919.<br />

Protein Coats of TWO Strains of Cucumber Mosaic<br />

Virus Affect Transmission by Aphis gossypii<br />

Gera, A. Phytopathology 69: 396-399<br />

Prostaglandin Responses in Dairy Herd Breeding<br />

Programmes<br />

Macmillan, K.L. NZ.Vet. J. 31: 110-113.<br />

Prospek Pengembangan produk olahan ikan kayu sebagai<br />

bahan penyedap masakan.<br />

Nasran, S.<br />

Prospek pengembangan budidaya bandeng dalam<br />

keramba jaring apung di muara sungai sebagai antisipasi<br />

ke-butuhan umpan pada perikanan tuna dan cakalang.<br />

Rachmansyah Warta Balitdita 5(1):33-37.<br />

Prospects on Development of Pigeonpea in Indonesia Damardjati, D.S. Journal Penelitian dan<br />

Pengembangan Pertanian, IV(13):53-<br />

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Prospect for the genetic manipulation of lactobacilli Chassy, B.M. FEMS Microbiol. Rev. 46 : 297-312<br />

Properties of propionic acid/formic acid preserved silage of<br />

cod viscera.<br />

Gildberg, A. J. Sci. Food Agric., 28: 647-653.<br />

Properties of Baculovirus oryctes lsolated in Indonesia Kobayashi, J. Indon. J. Plant Prot. 1: 41-45<br />

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Properties of a new virus belonging to Nodaviridae found<br />

in larval stripped jack (Pseudocaranx dentex) with nervous<br />

necrosis.<br />

Propagation and Purification of Baculovirus oryctes<br />

Huger<br />

Progression of striped jack nervous necrosis virus<br />

(SJNNV) infection in naturally and experimentally infected<br />

stripped jack Pseudocaranx dentex larvae.<br />

Mori, K., Virol. 187: 368-371.<br />

Somowiyarjo, S. Indon J. Plant. Prot. 1: 38-40<br />

Nguyen, H.D., Dis. Aquaculture Org. 24: 99-105.<br />

Progress report: Short-chain fatty acids in the human colon Cummings, J.H. Gut 22: 763-779<br />

Profil Industri Rumput Laut Indonesia Zatnika, A. Warta APBIRI, 1: 5-6<br />

Produksi embrio sapi secara in vitro. Margawati, T .E. Warta Biotek. Tahun X(2).<br />

Produksi Embrio Sapi Secara In Vitro Margawati, E.T Journal llmu Ternak Dan Veteriner.<br />

Vol 1. Bogor<br />

Produksi dan musim penangkapan cumi-cumi (Loligo<br />

spp.). di Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat.<br />

Soselisa, J.,<br />

Produksi Asap Cair dari Limbah Padat Rempah dengan<br />

Cara Pirolisa<br />

Darmadji<br />

Productivity of herded ducks in West Java Setioko, A.R. Agricultural System 16: 1-5<br />

Production of volatiles by ripening bananas Macku, C. J. Agric. Food Chem. 35 : 845-848<br />

Production of Peanut Flour from Microwave Vacuum-Dried<br />

Peanut<br />

Production of omega3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid<br />

Enriched Fish Oil by Lipase-Catalyzed Acidolysis with-out<br />

Solvent<br />

Production of Nannochloris sp (Chlorophyeace) In Largescale<br />

outdoor Tanks and its use a Food organism In marine<br />

aquaculture<br />

Production of Monoclonal Antibodies TO African Cassava<br />

Mosaic Virus and Differences in Their Reactivities with<br />

Other White Fly-Transmitted Gemini Viruses<br />

Production of fish sauce from sardine by utilization of its<br />

visceral enzymes (in Japanese).<br />

Production of fish protein hydrolysates with bacterial<br />

proteases: Yield and nutritional value.<br />

Pominski, J. J. Food Sci. 54:187-189<br />

Yamane. T. JAOCS, 69 (11)1104-1107<br />

Wiff, U. Aquaculture. 23 171-181<br />

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Rebeca, B.D., J. Food Sci. 56 (2): 309.314.<br />

Production of alkaline lipase from Kluyvera KB4 M.A. Indrati, R.<br />

Production and properties of alkaline lipase from<br />

Alcaligenes sp. strain no. 679<br />

Kokusho, Y. Agric. Biol Chem., 6:1743-1750<br />

Production and Functionality of starches and protein<br />

isolates from legume seeds.<br />

Vose, J.R. Cereal Chem. 53.406.<br />

Production and characteristics of protein hydrolysates from<br />

capelin (Mallotus villosus).<br />

Shahidi, F.. Food Chem. 53: 285-293.<br />

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Production and bacterial colonization of mucus from the<br />

soft coral Briarium asbestinum<br />

Processing of Raw Cocoa III Enzymic Aspect of Cocoa<br />

Fermentation<br />

Procedures for Recovery, Bisection, Freezing and transfer<br />

Embryos. Animal Reproduction and Biotechnology<br />

Laboratory<br />

Probiotic activity of Aeromonas media on the Pacific<br />

oyster, Crassosrrea g/gas, when challenged with Vibrio<br />

tubiashi.<br />

Rublee, P.A. Bull. Mar. Sci. 30: 888-893<br />

Holden E.M. J. Sci. Food Agric. 10 (12)<br />

Elsden, R.P Bulletin No. 2.<br />

Gibson.L.F., Aquaculture 169: 111-120.<br />

Principles for the use of non-protein nitrogen and by-pass<br />

proteins in diets for ruminants<br />

Kempton, T. J. World Animal Review, 22: 2-10<br />

Primary productivity of reef-building calcareous red algae Marsh. J.A. Ecology 51: 255-263<br />

Primary Infection of Insect Tracheae by Autographa<br />

californica MNPV<br />

Prevention on fungal infection in the eggs and larvae of the<br />

swimming crab Portunus trituberculatus and the mud crab<br />

Scylla serrata by hath treatment with formalin.<br />

Prevalensi Infeksi Cacing Saluran Pencemaran Ayam Ras<br />

di Kecamatan Sumberrejo, Kanor dan Balen kabupaten<br />

Bojonegoro<br />

Prevalence of Toxocara species eggs in the soil of five<br />

east London parks<br />

Prevalence of Toxocara species eggs in the sandpits of<br />

public parks in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan<br />

Prevalence of High Blood Cholesterol Among U.S. Adults.<br />

An Update Based on Guidelines From the Second Report<br />

of the National Cholesterol Education Program Adult<br />

Treatment Panel<br />

Prevalence of Campylobacter jejuni in turkey carcass<br />

processing and further processing of turkey products<br />

Kirkpatrick, B.A. Virology<br />

Hamisaki. K. Nippon suisan Gakkaishi 59(6): 1067-<br />

1072.<br />

Sri Subekti<br />

Snow, K.R. Vet. Rec., 120: 66-67.<br />

Uga, S. Japanese J. Parasitol., 38: 280-284.<br />

Sempos, C. T. J. Am. Med. Assoc. 269:3009-<br />

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Acuff, G.R. J. Food Protect. 49:712-717<br />

Prevalence of antibodies to Coxiellaburnetii in Japan Htwe, K.K J. Clin. Microbiol. 31: 722-723<br />

Prestorage heat treatment as a means of improving poststorage<br />

quality of apples<br />

Prestorage heal treatments influence free sterols and<br />

flavor volatiles of tomatoes stored at chilling temperature<br />

Klein, J.D. Journal of America Society of<br />

Horticultural Science, 115(2): 265-269<br />

McDonald, R.E. Journal of American Society of<br />

Horticultural Science. 121(3) : 531-536<br />

Pressure response in deep-sea piezophilic bacteria Kato, C. J Mol. Microbiol, Biotechnol. 1: 87-92<br />

Present Status of Organic Matter in Japan Yamamoto, S. FAO. Soil Bull. 36 : 387 - 393<br />

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Present Development Indonesia Tuna Fisheries. Uktolseja, J.C.B. (FAO/UND1P/ IPTP. Andhoc Worksop<br />

on the Stock Assessment of Tuna in<br />

the Indo-Pacific Region. Jakarta 20-23<br />

August 1984. IPTP/84/TWS/2A)<br />

Presence of taurine in the extract of hard clam Watanabe,K. Bull. of the Jap. Soc. of Sci. Fish. 38<br />

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Preparaton of Eicosapentacnic Acid (EPA) Concentrate<br />

From Porphyridium cruentum<br />

Cohen. Z. JAOCS, 68 (1):16-18<br />

Preparation of protein Lampartszczapa. E. from lupin seeds Nahrung, 40: 71-74<br />

Preparation of an omega3 Fatty Acid Concentrate from<br />

Cod Liver Oil<br />

Preparation and use of inexpensive crude pepsin for<br />

enzyme hydrolysis of fish.<br />

Preparation and testing of an autolysate offish viscera as<br />

growth substrate for bacteria.<br />

Preparation and immunochemical characterization of<br />

antibody to branched B-1,3-D-glucan of Valvariella<br />

volvacea and its use in studies of antitumor actions.<br />

Preliminary study on the relationship between shell length<br />

and filtration rate the american oyster Crasssostrea<br />

virginica<br />

Preliminary study on the relationship between shell length<br />

and filtration rate the American oyster Crassostrea virginica<br />

Preliminary Study on the Estimating Effective Light<br />

Intensity for Purse Seine Fisheries in Thailand.<br />

Preliminary Squid Survey in Coastal Waters off Kuala<br />

Terengganu. Malaysia.<br />

Haagsma, N. JAOCS, 56 (3): 117-118<br />

Liu, L.L. J. Food Sci. 46: 1569-1572.<br />

Clausen, E., Appl. Env. Microbiol., 50(6): 1556-<br />

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Kishida, E. Y. Agric. Biol. Chem., 53(7): 1849-1859.<br />

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Ashirin, Z.S. Asian Fish. Sci. 5(1992):261-264.<br />

Preliminary report on a migration offish in the Java Sea. Hardenberg, J.D.F. Treubia, Deel 16, Afl. 2:295-300.<br />

Preliminary report of the Pechindon campaign Boely, T. Journal of Marine Fisheries Research<br />

35: 23-29.<br />

Preliminary observation on induce of maturity and<br />

spawning in Penaeus monodon Fabricius and Penaeua<br />

merguienais de Man by eye-stalk ablation.<br />

Alikunhi K., Bull. Shrimp cult. Res. Cent. 1:1-11.<br />

Preliminary Investigations on rabbitfish, Siganus<br />

canaliculatus, cultivations in Tanzania<br />

Prelimary notes on the bionomics of the amphipod,<br />

Corophium volutator Pallas<br />

Bwathondi, P.O.J. Aquaculture, 27 (2): 205-210<br />

Hart, T.J. Journal Marine Biological Ass. UK 16:<br />

761-789<br />

Preessure- regulated metabolism In microorganisms Abe, F. Curr, Trends. 7: 447-453<br />

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Prediksi tinggi run-up diatas kemiringan struktur bangunan<br />

pantai secara empirik<br />

Prediction of Implement Draft Using an Instrumented<br />

Analog Tillage Tool<br />

Mustafid Jurnal dan Pengembangan Keairan,<br />

Vol. 7, No. 2,77-85<br />

Glancey J L ASAE Paper No. 91 : 1065<br />

Prediction of dry and wet spell of the Australian Monsoon Krishnamurti, T.N. Int. Journ. Climatology (15): 753 - 771<br />

Prediction of wave run-up on a coastal Impermeable<br />

structure<br />

Predation of epipelic diatoms by the amphipod Corophiuin<br />

volutator and the polychaefa Nereis diversicolor<br />

Mustafid Journal of Coastal Development, Vol<br />

4, No. 2, 79-86<br />

Smith, D. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 145:<br />

53-61<br />

Precusor of Chochalate Aroma Rohan A.T. J. Sci. FoodAgric. 14:799-805<br />

Precipitation of proteins with polyelectrolytes: Roles of<br />

polymer molecular weight and modification of protein<br />

charge.<br />

Shieh, J.Y. Polymer Preprints 32 (I): 606-607.<br />

Prawn biology and culture ocean Wickins, J.F. Marine Bio. Ann. Rev. (14) : 435 -507<br />

Potential probiotic strains in the culture of the Chillean<br />

scallop Argopecten purpuratus (Lamarck, 1819).<br />

Potential probiotic strains in the culture of the Chilean<br />

scallop Argopecten purpiiratus (Lamarck, 1819).<br />

Riqueime, C., Aquaculture 154: 17-26.<br />

Riquelrne, C., Aquaculture 154: 17-26.<br />

Potensi Tanaman Aren di Kabupaten Gorontalo. Mokodongan, N.M., Buletin Balitka No. 13, Januari. Pp 106-<br />

110.<br />

Potensi Reproduksi Ikan Belanak Mugil dussumieri di<br />

Perairan Muara Sungai Cimanuk, Indra-mayu.<br />

Effendi, M.I. LPPL No. PL/ 064/76: 55-86.<br />

Potensi gadung, kunyit, senggugu dan kecubung sebagai<br />

bahan rodentisida nabati<br />

Potensi dan Pemanfaatan Kayu Karet Wardhani, I.Y.<br />

Potensi dan pemanfaatan Kayu Karet Wardani I. Y.<br />

Potensi dan peluang pengembangan karamba Jaring<br />

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Potensi dan Peluang Ekspor Ikan Kalengan Sutandinata, H. Majalah Pangan No. 17. Vol. V, Juli<br />

1995<br />

Potensi Antagonistik Tiga Trichoderma spp. Terhadap<br />

Delapan Penyakit Akar Tanaman Kehutanan<br />

Widyastuti, S.M.<br />

Potency, utilisation and development prospects of coral<br />

reef fisheries in Banda Island, Central Maluku.<br />

Potency on ornamental fish and coral reef in the outlet of<br />

Ambon Island Waters.<br />

Edrus, I. N., J. Penelitian Perikanan Laut 74: 40-<br />

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Potato Peel Waste : Stability and Antioxidant Activity of<br />

Freed-Dried Extract<br />

Rodriguez de<br />

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J. Food Sci. 59 : 1031-1033<br />

Potato breeding: problem and perspective. Ross, H. Adv. Plant Breed. 13: 1-132.<br />

Postharvest. An Introduction to the Physiology and<br />

Handling of Fruits and Vegetables<br />

Postharvest, an Introduction to the Physiology and<br />

Handling of Fruit and Vegetables 3th ed.<br />

Postharvest Physiology Handling and Utilization of<br />

Tropical and Sub-Tropical Fruits and Vegetables<br />

Wills, R. B. H. Postharvest. An Introduction to the<br />

Physiology and Handling of Fruits and<br />

Vegetables<br />

Wills, R.B.H. Postharvest, an Introduction to the<br />

Physiology and Handling of Fruit and<br />

Vegetables 3th ed.<br />

Pantastico, Er. B. Postharvest Physiology Handling and<br />

Utilization of Tropical and Sub-Tropical<br />

Fruits and Vegetables<br />

Postharvest losses in perishable foods of developing world Coursery, D.G. Postharvest physiology and crop<br />

preservation, M. Lieherman (ed.)<br />

Positional Distribution of w-3 Fatty Acids in Marine Lipid<br />

Triacylglycerols by High-Resolution ^C Nuclear Magnetic<br />

Resonance Spectroscopy<br />

Aursand, M. JAOCS, Vol. 72 : 293-297<br />

Population structure of sea bass in Portugal: Evidence<br />

from allozyme.<br />

Population genetic studies of Atlantic halibut in the North<br />

Atlantic Ocean.<br />

Population genetic structure of the armorhead,<br />

Pseudpentaceros wheeleru, in the North Pacific Ocean:<br />

Application of the polymerase chain reaction to fisheries<br />

problems.<br />

Population genetic structure of catadromous Australian<br />

bass from throughout its range.<br />

Population Genetic of Important Rice Pathogens and Crop<br />

Improvement of Rice in Indonesia.<br />

Population dynamics and nutrition of Corophium volutator<br />

(Pallas) In the Cumberland Basin (Bay of Fundy<br />

Castilho, R. J. Fish Biol. 53: 1038-1049,<br />

Foss, A., J. Fish. Biol. 53: 901-905.<br />

Martin, A.P., Canada Journal of Fisheries Aquatic<br />

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Jerry D.R. J. Fish. Biol. 51:909-920.<br />

ARBN-CRIFC. dev. Biol. 33: 130-137.<br />

Murdoch, M.H. Journal Experimantal Biology Ecology<br />

103: 235-249<br />

Population Biology of Infectious Diseases Part I Anderson, R.M Nature 280:361-367<br />

Populasi dan aktivitas beberapa nyamuk di daerah proyek<br />

PLTA Cirata<br />

Priadi, D. Bull. Penel, Kesehat. 3: 23-25.<br />

Polysaccharides, proteins and lipids of rice Juliano, B.O. Juliano, B.O. (Ed.): Rice: chemistry<br />

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American Association of Cereal<br />

Chemist, Inc. pp. 59-74<br />

Polymeric membranes for lipase immobilization Rucka, M. JAOCS, 67: 887-889<br />

Polymer dosage considerations in polyelectrolyte<br />

precipitation of protein.<br />

Clark, K.M. Biotechnol. frog. 3 (4): 241-247.<br />

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Polyetliylenc Glycol Solution Contact Effect on Seed<br />

Germination.<br />

Polyelectrolyte precipitation of proteins: 1. The effect of<br />

reactor conditions.<br />

Pollution induced disease and abnormalities of fish and<br />

shell fish<br />

Polikultur udang windu. Penaeus monodon dan ikan<br />

beronang. Siganus sp. secara semiintensif di tambak.<br />

Polikultur nila merah dan beronang dalam keramba jaring<br />

apung di laut.<br />

Plasmid-associated bacteriocin production and sucrose<br />

fermentation in Pediococcus acidilactici<br />

Plasma lipids and large bowel volatile fatty acids in pigs<br />

fed on white rice, brown ice and rice bran<br />

Plasma lipids and large bowel volatile fatty acids in pigs<br />

fed on white rice, brown ice and rice bran<br />

Emmerich W.E. Published In Agron. J. 82: 1103-1107.<br />

Fischer, R.R. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 32: 777-785.<br />

Sinderman, C.J. Fisheries Bulletin. 76. 717 – 749<br />

Tjaronge M., Jurnal Penelitian Budidaya Pantai. 8<br />

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Tonnek, S., Jurnal Penelitian Budidaya Pantai, 9<br />

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Gonzales, C.F. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 53 :2534-<br />

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Marsono, Y. British. J. Nutr. 70: 503-513<br />

Marsono, Y. Br. J. Nutr. 70: 503-513<br />

Plants With Insecticidal Substancesl Jacobson, M. USDA Special Bulettin. 12 p<br />

Plants Fed to Village Ruminants in Indonesia Lowry, J.B. Canberra: ACIAR Technical Reports<br />

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Plant Growth -Promoting Rhizobacteria as Biological<br />

Control Agents. pp. 255-274. In : J.B Meeting Jr. (ed) Soil<br />

Microbial Ecology Application in Agricultural and<br />

Environmental Mabagement<br />

Kloepper, J.W Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York.<br />

Plant Genotype, Micronutrient Fertilizalion and Take-All<br />

Infection Influence Bacterial Populations in the<br />

Rhizosphere of Wheat<br />

Plant - animal interactions and the structure and function<br />

of mangrove forest ecosystems<br />

Pilihan Makan Pengisap Buah pada Beberapa Varietas<br />

Lada.<br />

Picorna-like viral particles associated with mass mortalities<br />

in larval barramundi. Lates calcarifer Bloch.<br />

Phytoplanktonvorous or omnivorous fish. Digestibility of<br />

zooplank-ton by silver carp, Hypopfhal-michthys molitrix<br />

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Rengel, Z. Plant and Soil 183-269-277<br />

Robertson, A.I. Australian Journal of Ecology, 16: 433-<br />

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Suprapto. Pemberitaan Penelitian Tanaman<br />

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Glazebrook, J.S.. J. Fish. Din. 13: 245-249.<br />

Bitterlich, G. Aquacul-ture, 40:261-263.<br />

Phyto-oestrogens and Western Diseases Adiercreutz, H. Ann. Med. 29:95-120<br />

Phytochimical Study of lantana camara Ahmed, Z.F. Plantu Medica<br />

Physiology of purple sulfur bacteria forming macroscopic<br />

aggregates in Great Sippewissett Salt Marsh.<br />

Massachusetts. FEMS.<br />

Seizt, A.P., Microbiol. Ecol. 12: 225-136.<br />

Physiology and biochemistry of mango fruit Subramanyam, H. Adv. Food Res., Vol. 21, 205-223<br />

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Physiological studies on the storage of onion bulb Ogata, K. Bull. Univ. Osaka Pref., Ser. B., 11 :<br />

99 - 120<br />

Physiological studies on the bulbing and dormancy of<br />

onions plant. VIII. Relation between dormancy and organic<br />

constituents of bulbs<br />

Physiological role of dietary sodium in human health and<br />

implications of sodium reduction in muscle foods<br />

Kato, T. J. Japan Soc. Hortic. Sci., 35 : 142-<br />

151<br />

Sebranek, J.G. Food Technol., 7 : 51-59<br />

Physiological responses to hypoxia in the tundra vole Rosenmann, M. Am. J. Physiol. 227: 734–739<br />

Physiological function of connective tissue<br />

polysaccharides.<br />

Physiological and biochemical responses of plants to<br />

chilling stress<br />

Physiocochemical Characteristics of Pigeonpea and<br />

Mungbean Starches and Their Noodle Quality<br />

Physical properties of propagation media and their effects<br />

on rooting of three woody ornamentals<br />

Physical properties of propagation media and their effects<br />

on rooting of three woody ornamentals<br />

Physical Properties of Keropok (fried Crisps) in Relation to<br />

the Amylopectin Content of the Starch Flours<br />

Physical Characteritics and Acceptability of the 'Keropok'<br />

Crackers from Different Starch<br />

Physical Characteristics of Vegetables Foodstuffs that<br />

Could Influence Bowel Function<br />

Comper, W.D. Physiological Reviews 58 (1): 255-<br />

315.<br />

Wang, C.Y. Hort. Sci., 17:173<br />

Singh. U. J. Food Sci. 54. 54(5): 1293-1297<br />

Tilt KM Hort Science 22 (2):245-247<br />

Tilt KM Hort Science 22 (2):245-247<br />

Mohamed, S. J. Sci. Fd. Agr. 49: 369-377<br />

Haryadi<br />

Mc Connel Journal Science Food Agriculture. 25:<br />

1457-1464<br />

Physical and Molecular Properties of Egg-white Lipid Films Morces Dekker Journal of Food Science, Vol. 64, No.<br />

5. p.860-864.<br />

Physical and Chemical Properties Associated with Heavy<br />

Soil<br />

Tiarks, A.E. Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 38 : 826 - 830<br />

Phylogenetic relationships netween some members of the<br />

genera Deleya, Halomonas and Halovibrio<br />

Dobson SJ Int J. Syst Bacteriol 43: 665-673<br />

Phylogenetic diversity of aggregate-attached vs. free-living<br />

marine bacterial assemblages<br />

DeLong EF Limnol Oceanogr 38: 924-934<br />

Phylogenetic characterization of the epibiotic bacteria<br />

associated with the hydrothermal vent polychaete Alvinella<br />

pompejana<br />

Phylogenetic analysis of the genera Alteromonas,<br />

Shewanella, and Moritella using genes coding for smallsubunit<br />

rRNA sequences and division of the genus<br />

Alteromonas into two genera, Alteromonas (emended) and<br />

Pseudoalterornonas gen.nov., and Proposal of Twelve New<br />

Species Combinations<br />

Haddad, A. AppI. Environ. Microbiol. 61(5): 1679-<br />

1687<br />

Gauthier, G. Int. J. of Syst. Bactriol. 45 (4): 755-<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Phylogenetic analysis of a highly spesific association<br />

between ectosymbiotic, sulfur-oxidizing bacteria and a<br />

marine nematode<br />

Phylloplane Pseudomonas spp. Enhance Disease<br />

Caused by Colletotrichum coccodes on Velvetleaf<br />

Photosynthetic production and respiratory energy<br />

expenditure in the anemone Anemonia sulcata (Pennant)<br />

Photosynthesis and adaptation of corals to irradiance 1.<br />

Contents and native state of photosynthetic pigments in<br />

symbiotic microalga<br />

Photoperiodic. Regulation of gametogenesis and gonadal<br />

growth In the star Pisaster ochraceus<br />

Photoperiodic regulation of parturition In the self-fertilizing<br />

viviparous polychaete Neanthes Limnicola from central<br />

California<br />

Photoperiodic regulation of oogenesis in the star-fish<br />

Sclerasterias mollis (Hutton 1872) (Echinodermata:<br />

Asteriodea)<br />

Photoperiodic regulation of gametogenesis In sea stars,<br />

with evidence for an annual calendar Independent off fixed<br />

daylength<br />

Photoperiodic regulation of gametogenesis In a North<br />

Atlantic sea star, Asteria vulgaris<br />

Photoperiodic regulation of gametogenesis and growth in<br />

the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus<br />

Phosphotriesterases of Flavobacterium sp. Soil Biol.<br />

Biochem.<br />

Phosphorus and Nitrogen Nutritional Status of a Northern<br />

Australian Mangrove Forest<br />

Phosphate acquisition in the giant clam -zooxanthellae<br />

symbiosis<br />

Polz, M.F. AppI. Environ. Microbiol. 60: 4461-<br />

4467<br />

Fernando. W,G,D. Biological Control 4: 125-131<br />

Tytler, E.M. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol., 81: 73-86<br />

Titlyanov, E.A. Photosynthetica 14(3): 413-421<br />

Pearse, J.S. Mar. Biol.,67: 121-125<br />

Fong, P.P Marine Biology. 112. 81-89<br />

Xu, R. A J. exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol., 141: 159-168.<br />

Pearse, J.S. Am. Zool., 26:417-431<br />

Pearse, J.S. Intern. J. Invert. Reprod. Develop., 9:<br />

71-77<br />

Pearse, J. S. J. exp, Zool., 237: 107-118<br />

Brown, K.A. Phosphotriesterases of<br />

Flavobacterium sp. Soil Biol. Biochem.<br />

Boto, K.G. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 11:<br />

63-69<br />

Belda,C.A. Marine Biology. 124: 261 - 266<br />

Phenology and control of flowering in tropical trees Borchert, R. Biotropica, 15: 81–89<br />

Phenolics in aquatic ecosystems : a selected review of<br />

recent literature<br />

Buikema, A.L.Jr. Mar. Env. Res, (2) : 87 - 181<br />

Phenolic Compound of The Mesocarp of Creathaven<br />

Peaches During Storage and Ripening<br />

Senter, S.d. J. Food Sci, 54:1259-1268<br />

Phenolic components of smoke meat products Lustre. A.O. J. Agric. Food Chem., 18 : 1056<br />

Phenolic Antioxidant of Dried Soybeans Hammerschmidt,<br />

P.A<br />

J.Food. Sci. (43). 556-559.<br />

Pharmacology. 4th ed. Jacob, L.S. Pharmacology. 4th ed.<br />

Pharmacology. 4 ed Jacob, L.S Pharmacology. 4 ed<br />

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Pharmacology. 3rd Ed. Rang, H.P. Pharmacology. 3rd Ed.<br />

Pharmacology. 3rd ed Rang, H.P Pharmacology. 3rd ed<br />

Pharmacology 3rd ed Rang, H.P. Pharmacology 3rd ed<br />

Pesticides in agricultural run-off and their effects on down<br />

stream water quality.<br />

Willis.G.H Environ. Toxicol.Chem., 1: 367-379.<br />

Pesticides as a major constrain to integrated Agriculture- Koesoemadinata, S. ICLARM Conference Proceeding 4:<br />

Aquaculture farming system.<br />

45-52.<br />

Pesticide Resistance as an Evolutionary Phenomenon, p. Georghiou, G.P. Proc. 15th Int. Congr. Entomol.,<br />

759-785<br />

Washington, D. C. College Park, M.D.,<br />

Entomological Society of America<br />

Pesticide and The Environment Gill, S.S. Development and The Environment<br />

Crisis<br />

Perubahan Kimia dan Sensori Buah Salak Pondoh Selama<br />

Penyimpanan dalam Atmosfer Terkendali<br />

Suhardi, T.<br />

Pertumbuhan kerapu lumpur (Epinephelus coioides) dalam<br />

keramba jaring apung dan tancap<br />

Ahmad, T.<br />

Pertumbuhan kepiting bakau Scylla Serrata pada<br />

budidaya dengan kepadatan dan jenis yang berbeda<br />

Djunaidi. A.<br />

Pertumbuhan japing-japing, Pinctada margaritifera pada<br />

kedalaman air yang berbeda di perairan Pasarwajo.<br />

Kabupaten Buton, Sulawesi Tenggara.<br />

Pertumbuhan Ikan nila merah (Oreochronris sp.) yang<br />

diberi pakan buatan dengan bahan pelengkap berbeda.<br />

Pertumbuhan Gulma dan Tanaman Kedelai Akibat<br />

Herbisida Trifluralin.<br />

Pertumbuhan dan sintasan benih gurame dalam<br />

pemeliharaan sistem resirkulasi dengan pemberian pakan<br />

berbeda<br />

Pertumbuhan dan Pembungaan Dua Varietas Krisan yang<br />

Diberi Paclobutrasol.<br />

Pertumbuhan dan Makanan Larva Ikan Belanak Mugil<br />

dussumieri di Perairan Muara Sungai Cimanuk, Indramayu.<br />

Pertumbuhan berat ikan mas hibrida antara galur Majalaya<br />

jantan dan Sinyonya betina.<br />

Personal perspective. Plant breeding, an evolutionary<br />

concept<br />

Persoalan tanah masam dalam pembangunan pertanian<br />

Indonesia.<br />

Persistence of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid and 2,4-<br />

Dichlorophenoxy propionic acid in agricultural and forest<br />

soils of Northern and Southern Ontario<br />

Atmomarsono, M., J. Penelitian Budidaya Pantai 9(4):91-<br />

100.<br />

Haryono Berkala Perikanan Terubuk XX (61):<br />

58-65.<br />

Hasanuddin, Jurnal Agrista Vol. 2 No. 3<br />

Hatimah, S.<br />

Effendi, M.I. LPPL No. PL 078/78: 1-15.<br />

Jangkaru, Z.,<br />

Duvick, D.N. Crop Sci. 36:539-548<br />

Notohadiprawiro, T. Bull. Faperta UGM. 18: 44-47.<br />

Thompson, D.C J. Agric.Food Chem. 32: 578-581<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 817 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Peroxidase and Chilling Injury in Banana Fruit Toraskar, M.V. J. Agric. Food Chem.32(6): 1352-<br />

1354<br />

Permasalahan usaha pencegahan dan kondisi kerusakan<br />

Terumbu Karang di Kepulauan Karimunjawa. Jepara<br />

Susanto, A.B<br />

Permasalahan dan Pencegahan Prakoagulasi Lateks<br />

Kebun<br />

Permasalahan dan Pencegahan Prakoagulasi Lateks<br />

Kebun<br />

Perioda prareproduksi lalat buah (Bactrocera carambolae<br />

Drew & Hancock)<br />

Perikanan Kepiting Bakau (Scylla serrata) di Kepulauan<br />

Riau dan Beberapa Parameter Populasinya<br />

Perikanan ikan bias laut di Pulau Ball. manajemen dan<br />

rentabilitas <strong>sumber</strong>daya.<br />

Perhitungan Secara Langsung Bakteri Laut Menggunakan<br />

Teknik Mikroskop Epifluoresens<br />

Performance of hybrids among some cultivated freshwater<br />

fish species<br />

Percobaan Pendahuluan Pembesaran Benih jelawat<br />

(Lepto-barbus hoeveni) dan Ringo (Thynnychthys<br />

thynnoides} Dalam sangkar Jaring Terapung Di Danau<br />

Teluk Jambi.<br />

Perbedaan penundaan pemberian artemia bagi<br />

pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup larva udang windu<br />

(Penaeus monodon).<br />

Perbedaan padat penebaran beronang lada, Siganus<br />

guttatus dalam polikultur dengan udang windu, Penaeus<br />

monodon.<br />

Perbedaan lama pengkayaan Nannochloropsis oculata<br />

terhadap kandungan asam lemak rotifer (Brachionus<br />

plicatilis).<br />

Solichin Lateks. 111(2), 18-21<br />

Solichin M. Lateks III (2) 18-21<br />

Tati Subahar. S.S. Perioda prareproduksi lalat buah<br />

(Bactrocera carambolae Drew &<br />

Hancock)<br />

Iskandar, B. Penel. Perikanan Laut. 61: 23-31<br />

Nikijuluw. V.P.H., J. Pen Perikanan Laut, 45: 59-67.<br />

Ruyitao Oseana. Volume XIII. No. 1. 28-30<br />

hal.<br />

Sumantadinata, K.<br />

Ondara<br />

Haryanti, J. Penelit. Budidaya Pantai. 8(3): 41-<br />

47.<br />

Tjaronge, M., Jurnal Penelitian Budidaya Pantai.<br />

Maros. 10 (2): 79.<br />

Sutarmat, T. Perbedaan lama pengkayaan<br />

Nannochloropsis oculata terhadap<br />

kandungan asam lemak rotifer<br />

(Brachionus plicatilis).<br />

Peranan Fermentasi dalam Pengolahan Biji Kakuo Alamsyah, T.S.<br />

Penyediaan Bibit Tebu Berkualitas ; Permasalahannya<br />

dan penanggulangannya<br />

Nahdodin Gula Indonesia XVII<br />

Penyebaran serotipe Salmonella sp. pads penetasan<br />

tradisional itik alabio di Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Utara,<br />

Kalimantan Selatan.<br />

Istiana. Penyakit Hewan. XXVII (48).<br />

Penyebaran Penyakit Gumboro di Wilayah Jabotabek dan<br />

Cara Pencegahannya<br />

Partadireja, M<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 818 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Penyaradan yang direncanakan untuk minimasi<br />

kerusakan tegakan tinggal.<br />

Suhartana, S.<br />

Penyakit Kaskado pada Sapi di Kabupaten Blitar, Jawa<br />

Timur<br />

Adiwinoto.G. Penyakit Hewan 24 (43): 9-12<br />

Penurunan kontaminasi bakteri pada telur. Sebastian, S.O. Poultry Indonesia 94:19-20.<br />

Pentamidine is an uncoupler of oksidatif phosphorilation in<br />

rat liner mitocondria<br />

Moreno, S.N. Arch Biochem Bio phys. 1<br />

Pentacyclic Triterpenoids from Lantana Camara Siddiqui, B.S. Phytochemistry<br />

Pengukuran Koefisien Perpindahan Panas Permukaan<br />

Berdasarkan Persamaan Penyelesaian Analitik.<br />

Rahardjo, B.<br />

Pengujian Tingkat Kematangan Durian Ciapus dengan<br />

Metoda Berat. Jenis<br />

Pengujian Spodoptera exigua Nuclear Po/yhedrosis Virus<br />

dalam Hubungannya dengan Sifat Persistensinya untuk<br />

Mengendalikan Spodoptera exigua Hubn<br />

Pengruh Tekanan Kempa Panas terhadap Kualitas Papan<br />

Partikel<br />

Pengkayaan rotifera untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan<br />

dan kelangsungan hidup larva kakap putih (Lafes<br />

calcarifer).<br />

Penggunaan Polytilen Glikol Sebagai Medium<br />

Penyimpanan Benih Malioni (Swietenia macrophylla King.)<br />

Penggunaan Kapur Dalam Pengolahan Air Limbah Industri<br />

Tepung Kelapa.<br />

Penggunaan Air Kelapa dan Bahan Pengganti Agar Mumi<br />

pada Kultur in vitro Pisang Barangan.<br />

Pengetahuan Peternak Tentang Waktu Henti Obat dan<br />

Hubungannya dengan Residu Antibiotika Pada Susu<br />

Pengendalian terpadu hama utama tanaman lada di<br />

Indonesia.<br />

Pengendalian senyawa nitrogen pada budidaya ikan pada<br />

sistem resirkulasi<br />

Pengendalian Hayati Penyakit Layu Bakteri Tembakau. I<br />

Isolasi Bakteri Antagonis J<br />

Pengendalian Hayati Penyaki Akar Merah pada Akasia<br />

dengan Trichoderma<br />

Pengendalian Hayali Penyakil Akar Merah pada Akasia<br />

dengan Trichoderma<br />

Pengendalian dan pemanfaatan gulma pada perkebunan<br />

lada.<br />

Haryanto, B. Buletin Keteknikan Pertanian. IPB<br />

Bogor. Vol 13. No. 2<br />

Sutarya, R. J.Hortikultura 6 (2): 167-171<br />

Hutasoit.G.F<br />

Redjeki, S., J. Penelitian Budidaya Pantai 9(5):65-<br />

75.<br />

Sumayku, B.R.A.,<br />

Walangitan, A.J.V., Majalah Ilmiah BIMN Edisi 7. Agustus<br />

1994.<br />

W. Tilaar,<br />

Kusumaningsih, A.<br />

Deciyanto.<br />

Mayumar, J.W. Oseana IV (1): 43-55<br />

Arwiyanto, T<br />

Widyastuti, S.M.<br />

Widyastuti, SM.<br />

Maka Murni, A.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 819 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Pengendalian Biologi Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. vanillae<br />

pada Vanili dengan Menggunakan Tanah Asal Tanaman<br />

Bawang dan Tiga lsolat Rhizoctonia sp. Avirulen<br />

Pengendalian biofouling dalam keramba jaring apung di<br />

laut.<br />

Pengemdalian Nematoda Parasitik Tanaman secara<br />

Hayati dengan Bakteri Fasteuria penetrans..<br />

Inventarisasi, Pembiakan Massal dan Uji Patogenisitas<br />

Isolat Bakteri<br />

Pengembangan substitusi bungkil kelapa untuk<br />

meningkatkan produksi kista artemia.<br />

Pengembangan substitusi bungkil kelapa untuk<br />

meningkatkan produksi kista artemia.<br />

Pengembangan substitusi bungkil kelapa untuk meningkatkan<br />

produksi kista artemia.<br />

Pengembangan komoditas ekspor basil pertanian dengan<br />

pendekatan diversiflkasi usaha.<br />

Tombe, M. Fungal Disease of Industrial Crops<br />

Interial Report, p. 45-50<br />

Rachmansyah. Warta Balitdita 3(1):24-27<br />

Mulyadi<br />

Yunus, T. J. Penelitian Budidaya Pantai 10(1):<br />

65-76.<br />

Yunus, J. Penelit. Budidaya Pantai. 10(1):65-<br />

76.<br />

Yunus, J.Penelit. Budidaya Pantai. 6(1): 75-<br />

78.<br />

Suryana. A. Pengembangan komoditas ekspor<br />

basil pertanian dengan pendekatan<br />

diversiflkasi usaha.<br />

Pengembangan Irigasi, Produksi Pangan dan Implikasinya<br />

Terhadap Siklus Air<br />

Anonim<br />

Pengembangan budidaya kerang hijau LON-LIPI Bull Nel, 10(1):20-23<br />

Pengembanga budidaya kerang hijau LON-LIPI Bull. Nel, 10 (1): 20-23<br />

Pengaruh waktu pemberian rotifer terhadap kelangsungan<br />

hidup larva bandeng Chanos chanos Forsskal.<br />

Pengaruh vitamin E terhadap perkembangan gonad udang<br />

windu (P. monodon) asal tambak.<br />

Pengaruh vitamin E terhadap perkembangan go-nad<br />

udang windu (P. monodon) asal tambak.<br />

Pengaruh vitamin B12 dan pengkayaan fitoplankton<br />

kepadatan tinggi terhadap kepadatan dan kualitas rotifer<br />

(Brachionus plicatilis).<br />

Pengaruh tipe kon sentrat <strong>sumber</strong> energi dalam ransum<br />

sapi perah berproduksi tinggi ter hadap produksi dan<br />

komposisi susu<br />

Pengaruh tingkat salinitas terhadap pematangan gonad<br />

dan pemijahan induk udang windu, Penaeus monodon asal<br />

tambak.<br />

Prijono, A., J. Penelitian Biididaya Pantai 9 (3): 67-<br />

71.<br />

Marzuqi, M.. Pengaruh vitamin E terhadap<br />

perkembangan gonad udang windu (P.<br />

monodon) asal tambak.<br />

Marzuqi, M., Pengaruh vitamin E terhadap<br />

perkembangan go-nad udang windu<br />

(P. monodon) asal tambak.<br />

Sumiarsa, G.S., Pengaruh vitamin B12 dan<br />

pengkayaan fitoplankton kepadatan<br />

tinggi terhadap kepadatan dan kualitas<br />

rotifer (Brachionus plicatilis).<br />

Agus, A.<br />

Lante, S., J. Penelit. Budidaya Pantai, Vol 9 (2) 9-<br />

16.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 820 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Pengaruh tingkat salinitas terhadap pematangan gonad<br />

dan pemijahan induk udang windu Penaeus monodon asal<br />

tambak.<br />

Pengaruh Suhu dan Waktu Pengukusan terhadap Sifat<br />

Fisiko-Kimia Opak Tepung Ketan<br />

Pengaruh Suhu dan Waktu Pengukusan terhadap Sifat<br />

Fisiko Kimia Opak Tepung Ketan<br />

Pengaruh substitusi tepung ikan dalam pakan terhadap<br />

pertumbuhan kerapu lumpur, Epinephelus coioides<br />

Pengaruh Sampingan Penggunaan Pestisida dan Pupuk di<br />

Tambak Terhadap Organisme Estuaria.<br />

Pengaruh saat awal pemberian pakan terhadap<br />

pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup benih ikan gurame<br />

(Osphronemous gouramy).<br />

Pengaruh residu pupuk fosfat, kapur dan bahan organik<br />

terhadap kesuburan tanah dan hasil kedelai pada ultisol<br />

Rangkasbitung.<br />

Pengaruh rangsang hormonal terhadap perkembangan<br />

gonad individu betina dan kualitas telur udang windu<br />

(Penaeus monodon).<br />

Pengaruh phospho-tipid dalam pakan terhadap<br />

perkembangan gonad udang windu, Penaeus monodon<br />

asal tambak.<br />

Pengaruh Perlakukan Pada Penampung Terhadap Mutu<br />

Nira Aren.<br />

Pengaruh perlakuan pada ranting, mata tempel dan<br />

batang bawah sebelum penempelan terhadap<br />

pertumbuhan bibit jeruk keprok Tejakula.<br />

Pengaruh perbedaan salinitas terhadap produksi biomassa<br />

Artemia salina L. yang di-budidayakan di tambak.<br />

Pengaruh perbedaan salinitas terhadap penetasan dan<br />

kelangsungan hidup zoea awal kepiting bakau. Seylla<br />

serrata<br />

Pengaruh perbedaan kadar garam terhadap produksi kista<br />

Artemia salina L. di laboratorium.<br />

Pengaruh penyuntikan pregnant mare serum gonadotropin<br />

(PMSG) pada ayam yang mengalami keterlambatan masa<br />

produksi<br />

Samuel L., J. Penelit. Budidaya Pantai. 9(2):9-16.<br />

Ridwan, I. N. J. Ilmu dan Tek. Pangan 1(1): 1-6<br />

Ridwan, I. N. J. I. Tekn. Pangan 1:1-6<br />

Ahmad, T. Jurnal Penelitian Budidaya Pantai 8<br />

(4): 93-104<br />

Nessa, M.N. Pengaruh Sampingan Penggunaan<br />

Pestisida dan Pupuk di Tambak<br />

Terhadap Organisme Estuaria.<br />

Affiati, N.<br />

Didi Ardi S. Pemberitaan Penelitian Tanah dan<br />

Pupuk No. 6.<br />

Ismail A. J. Penelit. Budidaya Pantai. 6(2): 14-<br />

26.<br />

Suwirya. K. Pengaruh phospho-tipid dalam pakan<br />

terhadap perkembangan gonad udang<br />

windu, Penaeus monodon asal<br />

tambak.<br />

Maskar, N., Jurnal Penelitian Kelapa.<br />

Supriyanto, Jurnal Hortikultura 5 (1): 53-57.<br />

Susanto, B. J.Penelit. Budidaya Pantai. 6(1): 75-<br />

78.<br />

Rusdi, I.. J. Penel. Budidava Pantai 9( 1): 1 41 -<br />

146.<br />

Kusdiarti. Jurnal Penelitian Budidaya Pantai<br />

4(1): 59-64.<br />

Mustofa, I<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 821 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Pengaruh penyuntikan ektrak torasik ganglion dari otak<br />

lobster, Panulirus sp. terhadap pematangan gonad udang<br />

windu Peneus monodon asal tambak.<br />

Pengaruh penyuntikan ekstrak torasik ganglion dan otak<br />

lobster Panulirus sp. terhadap kematangan gonad udang<br />

windu Penaeus monodon asal tambak.<br />

Pengaruh pengkayaan rotifer (Brarhionusplicatilin) dengan<br />

menggunakan minyak hati ikan cod terhadap sintasan larva<br />

kepiting bakau (Scylla serrata).<br />

Pengaruh penggunaan ultra violet pada media pemijahan<br />

terhadap kualitas telur udang windu, Penaeus monodon.<br />

Pengaruh penggunaan silase darah dan tepung darah<br />

sebagai pengganti tepung ikan dalam pakan buatan<br />

terhadap pertumbuhan ikan lele (Clarias t>atrachus\-\nn}.<br />

Pengaruh penggunaan serat sawit dan bungkil inti sawit<br />

dalam ransum terhadap daya cema bahan kering, proteinn<br />

kasar dan retensi nitrogen pada domba lokal.<br />

Pengaruh penggunaan benang monofilament dan<br />

multifilament sebagai bahan jaring tiga lapis (trammel net)<br />

terhadap hasil tangkapan udang jerbung (Penaeus<br />

merguiensis).<br />

Pengaruh penggunaan tipe rotifera Brachionus plicatilis<br />

yang berbeda terhadap laju sintasan dan perkembangan<br />

larva kepiting bakau (Scylla serrata)<br />

Pengaruh penambahan vitamin E pada pakan terhadap<br />

pertumbuhan dan tingkat kematangan gonad ikan<br />

beronang Siganus Canaliculatus<br />

Pengaruh penambahan Insulin-like Growth Factor-II<br />

terhadap jumlah sel inner cell mass dan trophectoderm<br />

Pengaruh pemotongan tangkai mata terhadap<br />

kematangan gonad kepiting bakau, Scy//a serrata.<br />

Pengaruh pemberian pakan berkadar protein berbeda<br />

terhadap pertumbuhan kerapu lumpur, Epinephelus<br />

coioides<br />

Pengaruh pemberian pakan alami dan pakan buatan<br />

terhadap kelangsungan hidup larva bandeng Chanos<br />

chanos Forsskal.<br />

Hutapea, J.H., J. Penelit. Budidaya Pantai Vol 9 (2):<br />

17-22.<br />

Hutapea J.H, J. Penelit. Budidaya Pantai.9(2):17-22.<br />

Yunus, Pengaruh pengkayaan rotifer<br />

(Brarhionusplicatilin) dengan<br />

menggunakan minyak hati ikan cod<br />

terhadap sintasan larva kepiting bakau<br />

(Scylla serrata).<br />

Tridjoko, T. J. Penelit. Budidaya Pantai, Vol 8 (3):<br />

15-21.<br />

Djajasewaka H.<br />

Rossi, E. dan N,<br />

Jamarun.<br />

Wudianto, Jurnal Penelitian Perikanan Laut. 48:<br />

83-91.<br />

Setyadi, I.,<br />

Lamidi<br />

Utama, S.<br />

Sulaeman J. Perikanan Budi Daya Pantai, 8(4):<br />

56-62.<br />

Ahmad, T. Jurnal Penelitian Budidaya Pantai, 8<br />

(2): 71-80<br />

Aslianti,T., J. Penelitian Budidaya Pantai, 9(1): 81-<br />

89.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 822 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Pengaruh Pemberian Level Protein Konsentrat dan<br />

Testosteron Terhadap Efisiensi Penggunaan Bahan Kering<br />

Pakan, Konsumsi Air minum serta Persentase Berat Lemak<br />

Internal dan Berat Testes Kelinci Lokal Jantan<br />

Pengaruh pembenan pakan alami dan pakan buatan<br />

terhadap kelangsungan hidup larva bandeng, Chanos,<br />

chanos Forsskal.<br />

Pengaruh padat penebaran terhadap pertumbuhan ikan<br />

beronang Siganus javus di tambak.<br />

Pengaruh Pacloburazol Terhadap Pembungaan dan<br />

Pembuahan Apel.<br />

Pengaruh latihan terhadap perubahan variabel ketahanan<br />

tubuh. suatu pendekatan Exercise- Immunology<br />

Pengaruh Konsentrasi Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus<br />

terhadap Kematian Ulat Buah Tomat (Helicoverpa armigera<br />

Hubn)<br />

Pengaruh Konsentrasi dan Frekuensi Penyemprotan<br />

Atonik terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Kentang<br />

(Solanum tuberasum L.)<br />

Pengaruh kelamin dan kondisi tubuh terhadap hubungan<br />

bobot badan dengan lingkar dada sapi perah.<br />

Pengaruh Kelamin dan Kondisi Tubuh terhadap Hubungan<br />

Bobot Badan Dengan Lingkar Dada Pada Sapi Perah<br />

Pengaruh kapur dan pupuk kandang terhadap<br />

pertumbuhan dan produksi bunga mawar.<br />

Pengaruh Kadar Air Kopra Terhadap Perkembangan Larva<br />

Necrobia rufipes De Geer (Coleoptera : Cleridae).<br />

Pengaruh jenis pakan segar terhadap perkembangan<br />

gonad udang windu Penaeus monodon.<br />

Pengaruh frekuensi pemijahan terhadap kualitas telur<br />

udang windu Penaeus monodon.<br />

Pengaruh Fospat terhadap Pertumbuhan Gracilaria<br />

verrucosa (Huds) Papenf yang Dibudidayakan dengan<br />

Metoda Spray Culture<br />

Pengaruh debit air yang berbeda terhadap biomasa cacing<br />

rambut (Tubifisid).<br />

Pengaruh batang bawah dalam perbanyakan jeruk<br />

terhadap persentase jadi dengan mikrografting.<br />

Hidanah, S<br />

Aslianti, T., J. Penelitian Budidaya Pantai 9 (I): 81-<br />

90.<br />

Burhanuddin Jurnal Penelitian Budidaya Pantai.<br />

8(2): 81-86.<br />

Purnomo, S. Hortikultur 27: 1-8.<br />

Putra, S.T. Jurnal Pascasarjana, Unair. 4(1): 167-<br />

185<br />

Sutarya, R. J. Hortikultura 5 (3): 34-39<br />

Subhan Bulletin Penelitian Holtikultura, 4: 7-18<br />

Sutardi, T. Media Peternakan 8(3): 15-21.<br />

Sutardi, T. Media Peternakan. 2 . 32-37.<br />

Sanjaya, L., Buletin Penelitian Tanaman Hias 2 (1):<br />

73-82.<br />

Pinontoan, O.R.<br />

Tridjoko, T. J. Penelit. Budidaya Pantai. 9(2):23-<br />

30.<br />

Tonnek, S. J. Penelit. Budidaya Pantai. 6(1):26.<br />

Sarjito<br />

Chumaidi,<br />

Triatminingsih, R Buletin Penelitian Hortikultura 2 (3): 28-<br />

31.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 823 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Pengaruh askorbil fosfat magnesium sebagai <strong>sumber</strong><br />

vitamin C terhadap pematangan gonad udang windu.<br />

Penaeus monodon asal tambak.<br />

Pengaruh aplikasi insektisida fastac 1,5 EC (Alafametnn)<br />

terhadap produksi biomas ikan mas dan kelimpahan<br />

zooplankton di perairan sawah.<br />

Pengaruh aplikasi insektisida applaud 10 wp dan Mipcin<br />

50 wp terhadap Pertumbuhan berat benih ikan mas<br />

(Cyprinus carpio).<br />

Pengaruh amoniak terhadap ikan dalam budidaya system<br />

tertutup<br />

Pengaruh air kelapa terhadap pertumbuhan protocorm like<br />

bodies anggrek Dendrobium dalam medium padat<br />

Pengaruh Air Kelapa dan Sukrosa terhadap Pertumbuhan<br />

Protocorm Anggrek Dendrobium sp. In Vitro<br />

Pengaruh posisi durian dalam penentuan<br />

kematangan secara non destruktip menggunakan<br />

gelombang ultrasonik<br />

Pengamatan perkembangan telur dan larva ikan bandeng<br />

Chanos chanos Forsskal.<br />

Pengamatan pemijahan dan perkembangan telur ikan<br />

kerapu tikus (Cromi-leptes altivelis) secara terkontrol.<br />

Pengamatan pemijahan alami, perkembaangan embrio<br />

dan larva ikan kerapu batik, Epinephelus microdon dalam<br />

bak terkontrol.<br />

Pengamatan pada proses pembuatan ikan kayu cakalang<br />

(Katsuwonus pelamis).<br />

Pengamatan kematang-an gonad dan kualitas telur udang<br />

windu (Penaeus monodon} asal tambak pada tingkat umur<br />

yang berbeda.<br />

Pengalengan kerang asap dengan menggunakan medium<br />

minyak nabati. Laporan Penelitian Teknologi Perikanan.<br />

No. 47: 1-7. Pastoriza. 1984. Fatty acids of cockles.<br />

Penerapan Sistem Kontrol Dengan Pegas Pada<br />

Penggandengan Alat Pengolah Tanah, Bagian I :<br />

Kestabilan Sistem<br />

Penentuan Koefisien Perpindahan Panas Permukaan<br />

Bola Berdasarkan Pendekatan Analitik Perpindahan Panas<br />

tak Tunak<br />

Marzuqi, M., Jurnal Penelitian Perikanan Pantai,<br />

Vol III (3): 42-46.<br />

Sutrisno<br />

Sutrisno,<br />

Sutomo, M.H. Pewarta Oseana. XIV (I) : 19 - 26 hal<br />

Widiastoety, D. Bulletin Penelitian Tanaman Hias. I(1):<br />

7-12.<br />

S. Rondonuwu-L<br />

Haryanto, B. Buletin Keteknikan Vol 14, No l<br />

Prijono, A., J. Penelitian Budidaya Pantai. 2: 1-12.<br />

Tridjoko,<br />

Slamet, B.<br />

Hanafiah, T.A.R., Jurnal Pen. Pascapanen Perikanan.<br />

27:15-22.<br />

Tridjoko J. Penelit. Budidaya Pantai. 10(1):1-8.<br />

Muljanah, I., Abst. J. Food Sci. Vol 6.<br />

Purwantana, B.<br />

Rahardjo, B.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 824 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Penelitian substitusi bungkil kelapa untuk meningkatkan<br />

kualitas kista artemia.<br />

Wardoyo. T. J. Penelitian Budidaya Pantai 10(1):<br />

57-64.<br />

Penelitian pengolahan ikan kayu. Nasran, S., Jurnal Pen. Pascapanen Perikanan<br />

58: 31-38.<br />

Penelitian penggunaan induk udang windu Penaeus<br />

monodon pada hatchery di Propinsi Bali dan Jawa Timur.<br />

Tridjoko, J. Penelit. Budidaya Pantai. 9(2):2.<br />

Penelitian Pendahuluan Segi Mikrobiologi dalam<br />

Pengolahan Lateks Kebun<br />

Penelitian Pendahuluan Budidaya Rumput Laut Gracilaria<br />

verrucosa dengan Metoda Spray Technique<br />

Penelitian Pemecahan Fermentasi Pada Penyadapan Nira<br />

Aren sebagai Bahan Baku Pembuatan Gula Merah.<br />

Penelitian pasok benih alam kerapu (Epinephelus sp.)<br />

melalui pemeliharaan induk pada KJA sebagai Reservat<br />

buatan.<br />

Penelitian lokasi ideal bagi penempatan KJA reservat di<br />

perairan Kepulauan Riau, Lombok dan Sumbawa.<br />

Pendugaan Umur ikan Flounder Pleuronectus Flesus<br />

Dengan Menggunakan Otoliths<br />

Penduduk Sulawesi Utara, Hasil Survey Penduduk Antar<br />

Sensus 1985.<br />

Penangkapan udang mantis sebagai peluang bisnis<br />

ekspor.<br />

Penambahan Insulin-like Growth Factor-II pada Kultur<br />

Embrio Sapi Meningkatkan produksi Blastosis dan Jumlah<br />

Sel Total Blastosis<br />

Soeseno S. Menara Perkebunan 44 (1)47-53<br />

Sarjito<br />

Sardjono Warta BBIHP Vol. 2: 55-58.<br />

Ismail, W.,<br />

Ismail, W.,<br />

Irwanl<br />

Biro Pusat Statistik, Seri Supas No. 27. Jakarta.<br />

Syahasta D.G. Jurnal Ariomma.<br />

Utama, S.<br />

Pemurnian dan Karaklensasi Enzim Endokitinase dari<br />

Agen Pengendali Hayati Trichoderma reesei.<br />

Harjono, S.M.<br />

Pemisahan spermatozoa domba dengan sephadex<br />

column G200<br />

Mahaputra, L.<br />

Pemilihan lokasi budidaya tiram mutiara. Winanto, T.. Bulletin Budidaya Laut 3: 44-51.<br />

Pemijahan. ikan jelawat (Leptobarbus hoeveni BIkr.)<br />

dengan suntikan hormon dalam sangkar terapung di Danau<br />

Teluk, Jambi.<br />

Reksalegora, 0.<br />

Pemijahan ikan kerapu macan, Epinephelus fuscoguttatus<br />

dengan rangsangan hormon.<br />

Mayunar, S. J. Penelitian Budidaya Pantai. 10(3):<br />

17-24.<br />

Pemijahan ikan kerapu macan, Epinephelus fuscogiittatus. Mayunar, Pemijahan ikan kerapu macan,<br />

Epinephelus fuscogiittatus.<br />

Pemijahan ikan kerapu macan, Epinephelus fiiscoguttatus. Mayunar, P. T. J. Penelitian Budidaya Pantai,<br />

7(2):15.22.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 825 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Pemijahan ikan jelawat (Lepto-barbus hoeveni) dengan<br />

suntikan hormon dalam sangkar terapung di Danau Teluk<br />

Jambi.<br />

Ondara<br />

Pemijahan Buatan Teripang Putih dengan Berbagai Teknik Hartati, R.<br />

ManipulasI Lingkungan<br />

Pemeliharaan larva kerapu bebek, Cromileptes altivelis Aslianti, T.<br />

dengan padat tebar berbeda.<br />

Pemeliharaan kerapu bebek (Cromileptes altivelis) pada Ahmad, T.<br />

salinitas berbeda<br />

Pemeliharaan ikan mas dalam karamba tancap di Sungai Kadarini, T.<br />

Brantas Malang.<br />

Pembuatan Brondong dari Berbagai Beras Susilo Santosa, B.<br />

A.<br />

Pembesaran ikan nila jantan yang dipelihara secara<br />

Jangkaru, Z.,<br />

tunggal kelamin dan campuran dalam kolam tanah.<br />

Pembesaran ikan kerapu sunu, Plectropomus sp, dan Irianto, A.,<br />

kerapu lumpur, Epinephelus tauvina dalam keramba jaring<br />

apung di Perairan Selat Dompak, Tanjung Pinang.<br />

Pemberokan (conditioning) ikan nila merah dalam KJA di<br />

Teluk Banten.<br />

Pemberian pakan tambah-an untuk pemeliharaan itik<br />

gembala di Subang-Jawa Barat<br />

Pemberdayaan nelayan dan petani ikan dalam kerangka<br />

konsepsi benua maritim Indonesia,<br />

Pematangan ovari udang windu, Penaeus monodon<br />

dengan penyuntikan ekstrak toraksik ganglion lobster.<br />

Pematangan ovari udang windu dengan penyuntikan<br />

ekstrak torasik ganglion lobster.<br />

Pematangan gonad calon induk patin {Vangasius<br />

pangasius Hb) dengan metode implantasi LHRH-a.<br />

Proc.Sem.Hasil<br />

Pemantauan musim, fekunditas, dan kualitas telur ikan<br />

kerapu macan Epinephelus fuscoguttatus dari hasil<br />

pemijahan alami dalam <strong>kelompok</strong><br />

Pemantauan musim, fekunditas dan kualitas telur ikan<br />

kerapu macan, Epinephelus, fuscoguttatus dari hasil<br />

pemijahan alami dalam <strong>kelompok</strong>.<br />

Pemanfaatan tumbuhan air sebagai bahan pakan ikan<br />

koan (Ctenopharingodon idella) yang dipelihara dalam<br />

sangkar di Sungai Buluh Alabio Kalimantan Selatan.<br />

Pemanfaatan Isi Rumen Sapi Sebagai Suplemen Pakan<br />

Domba yang digemukkan<br />

Anggawati, A.M.,<br />

Setioko, A.R. Ilmu dan Peternakan 8(1): 27-33.<br />

Setyohadi, T. Simposium Perikanan Indonesia II.<br />

Ujung Pandang. 11 PP.<br />

Ruchimat, T., J. Penelit. Budidaya Pantai, Vol 8 (3):<br />

9-14.<br />

Ruchimat T., J. Penelit. Budidaya Pantai. 8(3):9.<br />

Arifin. Z Penel. Perik. AirTawar. 93/94.<br />

Mayunar Jurna Penelitian Budidaya Pantai, 10<br />

(5): 1-12<br />

Mayunar J. Penelitian Budidaya Pantai, 10(5):<br />

1-12.<br />

Rival, S.A.,<br />

Surjoatmodjo, M<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 826 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Pemanfaatan isi Rumen Sapi Sebagai Suplemen Pakan<br />

Domba yang di Gemukkan<br />

Pemanfaatan ganggang (Hydrilla vertidlata) untuk ikan<br />

tawes (Puntius javanicus), ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus)<br />

dan nilem (Osteochilus hasseiti) yang dipelihara dalam<br />

hampang.<br />

Pemanfaatan bungkil kelapa dengan kadar nitrogen<br />

berbeda untuk memproduksi biomassa Anemia salina<br />

dalam skala laboratorium.<br />

Pemanfaatan beberapa bahan baku lokal sebagai <strong>sumber</strong><br />

protein dalam ransum terhadap pertumbuhan dan<br />

kelangsungan hidup juwana udang windu.<br />

Pemanfaatan ampas tahu sebagai campuran pakan untuk<br />

ikan nila merah jantan.<br />

Peluang dan kendala ekspor ikan hias (Prospect and<br />

problem in exporting ornamental fish).<br />

Peinbuatan arang aktif dari kayu Acacia mangium dengan<br />

gasifikasi "Fluidized bed".<br />

Surjoatmojo, M.<br />

Kartamihardja, E.S.<br />

Susanto, B., J. Penelitian Budidaya Pantai 8(4): 15-<br />

24.<br />

Marzuqi M,. J. Penelit. Budidaya Pantai. Terbitan<br />

khusus. 8(3):77-86.<br />

Yunus, M .<br />

Hamdani. Techner: Media Informasi Perikanan<br />

No. 10 Tahun II: 27-30.<br />

Hendra, DJ<br />

Pedoman teknis pembenihan ikan bandeng. Ahmad, T., Seri Pengembangan Hasil Penelitian<br />

Perikanan. No PHP/KAN/24/ 1993. 68<br />

hal.<br />

Pedoman bercocok tanaman kumis kucing remujung. Circular No. 5. 5 hlm.<br />

Pectic Concentration, Molecular Weight and Degree of<br />

Esterification. Influence on volatile Composition and<br />

Sensory characteristic of strawberry Jam,<br />

Pea protein: a review of chemistry, tecnology of production<br />

and utilization.<br />

Pcrsistence of the Encomopathogenic Fungus, Beauveria<br />

bassiana,on Phyllloplanes of Crested Wheatgrass and<br />

Alfalfa<br />

Payang oras sebagai alat tangkap cumi-cumi {Loligo spp.)<br />

di Tanjung Luar, Nusa Tenggara Barat.<br />

Guichard, E. S. J. Food Science 56 : 1621.<br />

Owusu-Ansah, Y.J., Food Rev. Int.7.103.<br />

Inglish, G.D Biol. Control 3:258-270<br />

Susanto, K., Jurnal Penelitian Perikanan Laut<br />

No.53:49-59. lakar+a.<br />

Patterns of Reef Community Strukture, North Jamaica Lidell, W.D Bul Mar. Sci 40 (2) .p311 – 329<br />

Patterns of coral spawning at Akajima Island, Okinawa,<br />

Japan<br />

Pattern of Growth of Dominant Follicle During The Estrous<br />

Cycle of Heifers<br />

Pattern of distribution and adaptation to different irradiance<br />

levels of zooxanthellae in the soft coral Litophyton<br />

arboreum (Octocorallia, Alcyonacea)<br />

Hayashibara, T Mar, Ecol. Prog. Ser. 101<br />

Savio, J.D. J. Reprod. Fertil., 83: 663-671.<br />

Berner, T. Symbiosis 3:23-40<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Pathological changes associated with vitamin C deficiency<br />

in walleyes<br />

Pathogenitas fungi entomopatogen Beauveria bassiana<br />

terhadap Helopeltis antonii<br />

MacConnell, E. J. of Aquatic Animal Health, 5: 287-<br />

293<br />

Sudarmadji, D. Menara Perkebunan. 62:1-5<br />

Pathogenesis related proteins of plants Linhorst, H.J.M. Science<br />

Path Coefficient Analysis of Seed Yield Component in<br />

Soybeans (Glycine max (L.) Merr).<br />

Pandey, J.P. Crop. Sci. 13: 505-507.<br />

Partitioning Small Scale Spatial Variability of Runoff and Piersen, F.B. Water Res. Bul. Vol. 30 (6): 1081 -<br />

Erosion on Sagebrush Rangeland<br />

1089.<br />

Particle size of wheat, maize, and oat test meal: effects on<br />

plasma glucose and insulin responses and on the rate of<br />

starch digestion in vitro<br />

Heaton, K.w. Am. J. Clin.-Nutr. 47: 675-682<br />

Particle clearence and yield in relation to bacteria plankton<br />

and suspended partlculate availabilily in estuarine and<br />

open coastal populations of the mussel Mytilus edulis<br />

Particle clearance and yield in relation to bacteria plankton<br />

and suspended particulate availability in estuarine and<br />

open coastal population of the mussel Mytilus edulis<br />

Lucas, M.I. Mar. Ecol Prog. Ser 36:215- 224<br />

Lucas, M.I. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 36: 215-224<br />

Parthenogenesis, sex and chromosomes in Potamopyrgus Wallace, C. Journal of Molluscan Studies 58 (2):<br />

93-108<br />

Paraquat: Its Safety to Human Health and the Environment Anonymous I.C.I. Agrochemical Information<br />

Bulletin. England<br />

Paraquat herbicide in peat soil: I. its influenced on the<br />

dynamics of microbial population<br />

Margino, S. Indon. J. Plant Prot.<br />

Paraquat dalam Iahan Gambut: III. Pengaruh Pemupukan<br />

dan Pengapuran terhadap Sifat Fisika Tanah Gambut<br />

Parameter estimation for the egg production method of<br />

anchovy biomass assessment. In R. Lasker (ed.). An Egg<br />

Production Method for Estimating Spawning Biomass of<br />

Pelagic Fish: An Application to the Northern Anchovy,<br />

Engraulis mordax.<br />

Oxygen consumption by three species of Lamellibranches<br />

mollusc in declining ambient oxygen tension<br />

Oxidative stress: From basic research to clinical<br />

application<br />

Oxidative rancidity in the skin and musle lipids of oil<br />

sardine (Sardinella longiceps).<br />

Oxidative Activity of (£)-2-0ctenal/ Amino Acids Reaction<br />

Products<br />

Sunarminto, B.H. Submitted to J. Ilmu Tanah dan<br />

Lingkungan. In press<br />

Picquelle, S. NOAA National Mar. Fish. Service<br />

Tech. Rep. 36: 17-26.<br />

Bayne, B. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 40A: 955-<br />

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Sies, H Am. J. Med., 91 (SuppI. 4C), 4C-5C.<br />

Nair, P.G.V., J. Food. Sci Technol. 16: 151-154.<br />

Alaiz, M. J. Agric. Food Chem.:795-800<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 828 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Oxidation of Syntetic Triacylglycerol Containing<br />

Eicosapentaenoic and Docosahexaenoic Acids : Effect of<br />

Oxidation System and Triacylglycerol<br />

Oxidation of indoleacetic acid by an apparently<br />

homogenous peroxidase from the flavedo of Washington<br />

navel oranges (Citrus cinensis)<br />

Endo, Y. JAOCS.Vol.74: 1041-1045<br />

Chamarro, J. J. Food Biochem. 13:361-375<br />

Oxidation Kinetics of Menhaden Oil With TBHQ. Farkas. J.K. J. Food Sci (6), 505-508<br />

Oxidase reaction of tomato anionic peroxidase Brooks, J.L. Plant physiol. 80 : 130 - 133<br />

Oxidants from phagocytes: agents or defense and<br />

destruction<br />

Babior, B.M. Blood, 64: 959-966.<br />

Oxidants and antioxidants: State of Art. Am Bast, et al J. Med., 91 (Suppl. 3C), 2C-3C.<br />

Ovarian development, spawning frequency and batch<br />

fecundity in Encrasicholina heteroloba (Ruppell. 1858).<br />

Wright, P.J. J. Fish. Biol. 40: 833-844.<br />

Ovarian development, spawning frequency and batch<br />

fecundity in Encrasicholina heteroloba (Ruppell, 1958).<br />

Ovarian development, spawning frequency and batch<br />

fecundity in Encrasicholina heteroloba (Ruppell, 1958).<br />

Wright, P.J. J. Fish. Biol. 40:833-844.<br />

Wright, P.J. J. Fish. Biol. 40:833-844.<br />

Osmitic Control of Glycine Detain Biosynthesis and<br />

Degradation in Rhizobium meliloti<br />

Smith, L.T J. Bacterial. 170(7): 3142-3149<br />

Origin and development of ttie non-articulated laticifers of<br />

Thevetia peruviana Schum.<br />

Miirugan, V. Phytomorphology. 39 : 184-194.<br />

Oriental fruit fly eradication by male annihilation Steiner, L. F. J. Econ. Entomol.<br />

Organogenesis and embryogenesis in callus cultures of<br />

garlic (Allium sativum L<br />

Abo El-Nil MM Plant Sci.Lett 9:259-264<br />

Organogenesis and embryogenesis in callus cultures of<br />

garlic (Allium sativum L<br />

Abo El-Nil MM Plant Sci.Lett 9:259-264<br />

Organization of Genes Controlling Disease Resistance m<br />

Ihe Polalo Genomt<br />

Gebhardt, C. Annu Rev Phytopathol 39 79-102<br />

Organization and sequence analysis of the 2,4-<br />

Dichlorophenol hydroxylase and Dichlorocatechol<br />

Oxidative operons of plasmid PJP4<br />

Perkins, E.J. J. Bacteriol. 172:2351-2359<br />

Organic contaminants and trace metals in tissues of Green<br />

Turtles (Chelonia mydas) afflicted with fibropapillomas in<br />

Hawaiian Islands.<br />

Organic Comfounds in Soils: Sorption, Degradation, and<br />

Persistence<br />

Organic acids: chemistry, antibacterial activity and<br />

practical applications<br />

Oral Intake of Phosphorus Can Determine the Serum<br />

Concentration of 1,25-Dihydroxy-vitamin D by Determining<br />

its Production Rate in Humans<br />

Aguirre, A.A., Marine Pollution Bull., Vol.28(2): 109-<br />

114.<br />

Morrill, L.G. Ann. Arbor. Sci. Publ. Ann.Arbor. ML<br />

Cherrington C.A. Adv. Microb. Physiol. 32, 87-108<br />

Portale, A. A. J. Clin. Invest. 77:46-55<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 829 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Optimusi Parameter Model Hiijan-Aliran Mock Dengan<br />

Solver<br />

Optimum level of protein in purified diet for eel (Anguilla<br />

japonica)<br />

Optimizatition of Sucrose Polyester Synthesis Using<br />

Respons Surface Methodology<br />

Optimization of parameter for packaging of fresh peaches<br />

in polymeric films<br />

Optimization of Peiuiento Pepper Lye Peeling Process<br />

Using Respons Surface Methodology<br />

Optimasi Produksi Endokitinase dari Jamur Mikoparasit<br />

Trichoderma reesei<br />

Optimal control ofphysiological processes ofplants in a<br />

green plant factory<br />

Optimal control of physiological processes of plants in a<br />

green plant factory<br />

Optimaization of parameters for Packaging of<br />

Frisfpeachesin Polymeric Films<br />

Opine transport genes in the octopine (occ) and nopaline<br />

(noc) catabolic regions in Ti plasmids of Agrobacterium<br />

tumefaciens.<br />

Nurrochmad, F. Media Teknik No. 2. Tahun XX. Mei<br />

1998<br />

Aral, S. Bull. Freshwater 11 Fish. Res. 22.<br />

145-155.<br />

Shieh, C.J. J. Food Sci. 61 (1) : 97 -100<br />

Deily, K. R. J. Food. Proc. Eng. 5:23<br />

Floros. J.D. Transaction of the ASAE, 30:560-565<br />

Harjono<br />

Morimoto, T. Control Engineering Praclice, 3(4),<br />

505-511<br />

Morimoto, T. Control Engineering Practice, Vol. :<br />

3(4), pp. : 505-511<br />

Deily, K.R. J.Food. Process Eng<br />

Zanker, H. J. Bacteriol. 174: 841-849.<br />

Open economies: Implication for global agriculture Schuh, G.E. American Journal of Agricultural<br />

Economics (AJAE) 73: 1322-1329<br />

One Stage Synthesis of Raffinosa Fatty Acid Polyester Akoh, C.C. J. ofFood Science 52, 1570<br />

On the Utilitation of photosynthetic products from<br />

zooxanthellae and of a dissolved amino acid in Tridacna<br />

maxima f. elongata (Mollusca: Bivalvia)<br />

On the regulation and maintenance of algal numbers in<br />

zooxanthellae coelenterate symbiosis, with a note on the<br />

nutritional relationship in Anemonia sulcata<br />

On The occurrence of Lymphocystis, with notes on other<br />

pathological conditions In the flatfish stocks of the north<br />

east Irish Sea<br />

Goreau, T.F. J Zool London. 169: 147-454<br />

Taylor, D.L. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. UK. 49: 1057-1065<br />

Shelton R.G.J Aquaculture, 2: 395 – 410<br />

On the Kinetics of The Autooxidation of Fats Brimberg, U.L. JAOCS. Vol. 70. : 249-254<br />

On the estimation of catching efficiency of sweeping<br />

trammel net..<br />

On the ecology and fisheries of some inland waters along<br />

the rivers Ogan and Komering in SE Sumatera.<br />

On the culture of marine yeast, Zygosaccharomyces<br />

marinus, as the food for the larvae of marine animals.<br />

Matsuda, K. Bulletin of the Japanese Society of<br />

Scientific Fisheries. 53(12): 1096-<br />

1098.<br />

Vaas, K.F., Contr. Inl. Fish. Res. Stn, Djakarta-<br />

Bogor, Indonesia 3: 1-32.<br />

Kawano, T. The Aquaculture 15:59-65,<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

On sweeping trammel net ( kogisasiami) fishery along cast<br />

of the Saa'in District III. Mesh selectivity curve of sweeping<br />

trammel net for branquilos.<br />

Kitahara, T. Bulletin of the Japanese Society of<br />

Scientific Fisheries., 34 (9): 759-763.<br />

On Soil Structure of Plowed layer of Paddy field Dei,Y. JARQ 7 : 86 - 92<br />

On representing the length dependence of acoustic target<br />

strength offish.<br />

Foote, K.G. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 36:1490-<br />

1496.<br />

O-Methylation of phenols by /\spergillus repens MAO197. Dot, M., Agric.Biol.Chem. 53(11):3031-3032.<br />

Olfaction : Responses of a decapod crustacean by flicking Schmitt, B.C. Science 205 : 203-206<br />

Olestra: Properties, Regulatory Concems and Aplications Giese. J. Food Tech. (3) Hal: 130 - 131<br />

Okinawa project to prevent reestablishment of the melon<br />

fly, Bactrocera cucurbitae and the Oriental fruit fly,<br />

Bactrocera dorsalis, after eradication<br />

Kakinohana, H. The third Asia Pacific Conf. Of<br />

Entomol.<br />

Oil coating of dietary protein for the ruminant. Peterson, B. J. , Int. J. Vet. Nutr. Res. 45: p. 349.<br />

Oil and Fat Hydrolysis with Lipase from Aspergillus sp. Fu, X. JAOCS, Vol. 72: 527-531<br />

Official Methods of Analysis, 13th Ed. A.O.A.C. In: W. Howirt (ed.). Assn. Off. Anal.<br />

Chemis, Washington, D.C.<br />

Official Methods of Analysis of The Association of Official<br />

Analytical Chemists.<br />

AOAC, AOAC Inc. Arlington, Virginia USA.<br />

Occurrence of viral nervous necrosis in kelp grouper and<br />

tiger puffer.<br />

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Occurrence of antibiotic-resistant human pathogens in<br />

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culture of protozoea larvae of penaeid prawn<br />

Observation on the fish populations of an east coast<br />

estuary<br />

Observation on Organic Carbon utilization by<br />

photosynthetic marine microalgae<br />

Observation on flounders Pleuronectes flesus (L.) marked<br />

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Methods for Depleting Glucose from Egg Albumin before<br />

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Methods for assessment of Fish Production in Freshwaters Ricker, W.E IBP Handbook No. 3<br />

Methodical aspects of rearing decapods larvae, Pagurus<br />

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Metabolites from gorgonian isis hippuris from India Rao. Ch. B. J Nat. Prod. 51:954-958<br />

Metabolism and physiological activity of ascorbyl-2phosphate<br />

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Mesenterocin 52, a bacteriocin produced by Leuconostoc<br />

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Mercury contamination in components an estuarine<br />

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Meningitis in pigs caused by Streptococcus suis type II. Windsor, R.S. Vet.Rec. 101,378-379<br />

Meningitis caused by Streptococcus suis in humans Arends, J.P. Rev. Infect. Dis. 10,131-137<br />

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Memijahkan Manvis dalam Akuarium. Techner. Penebar Swadaya. IV(23) 29-31.<br />

Memerangi Ketergantungan Jagung. Wanasuria, S. Poultry Indonesia No: 125 th IX. Mei.<br />

Membrane protein structure prediction hydrophobicity<br />

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Von Heijne, G. J. Mol. Biol. 225: 487-494.<br />

Membrane lipids of a psychrophlic and barophilic deep-sea<br />

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Wirsen, C.O. Curr. Microbiol. 14: 319-322<br />

Medical progress Elliot, D.L. Vet associated illness. New Eng. J.<br />

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Mechanisms of photoadaptation in three strains of the<br />

symbiotic dinoflagel-late Symbiodinium microadriaticum<br />

Chang, S.S. Mar. Biol. 76: 219-229<br />

Mechanisms of photoadaptation in three strains of the<br />

symbiotic dinoflagellate Symbiodinium microadriaticum<br />

Mechanism of Biological Control in Fusarium-Suppressive<br />

Soil<br />

Mechanism of Biodegradation of Paraquat by<br />

Lipomyces starkeyi<br />

Mechanical Properties of Gellan Gels in Relation to<br />

Divalent Cations<br />

Chang, S.S. Mar. Biol. 76:219-229<br />

Scher, F.M. Phytopathology 70. 412-417<br />

Carr, R.J.G. Appl.Environ. Microbiol. 49: 1290-<br />

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Tang, J. J. Food Science, 60(4): 748-759<br />

Mechanical handling of broiler chickens Reed, M.J. Transactions of The American Society<br />

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Mechanical Behavior of Soil By Treatment With a Curved<br />

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Research, 17: 355 -367<br />

Mecanism of Cocoa Curinff Forsyth W.G.C. Advances in Enzymology. 25 : 457-<br />

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Meat Science. 3rd Ed Lawrie R.A Meat Science. 3rd Ed<br />

Measuring and interpreting the Glass Transition in Frozen<br />

food and Model Systems<br />

Measures to Control Toxocara egg Contamination in<br />

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Uga, S. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 52 (1): 21-24.<br />

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Measurement of thermal conductivity during freezedrying<br />

of beef.<br />

Measurement of Thermal Conductivity and Permeability of<br />

the Dried Layer during Freezedrying of Beef.<br />

Measurement of nitrification rates in lake sediment:<br />

Comparison of the nitrification inhibitor nitrpyrin and<br />

allythiouera<br />

Massey, W.M. Food Technology 21 (3): 90A94A.<br />

Sagara, Y., Journal of JSAM 44(3):477487.<br />

Hall, G.H. Microbial. Ecol. 10: 25-36<br />

ME as an attractant for oriental fruit fly control Steiner, L.F. J. Econ. Entomol. 58<br />

Maximizing fertilizer use efficiency. Food and Agriculture<br />

Organization of the United Nations<br />

Maturation, spawning seasonality, and proximate<br />

spawning stimuli of six species of tuna baitfish in the<br />

Solomon Islands.<br />

Maturation, spawning seasonality, and proximate<br />

spawning stimuli of six species of tuna baitfish in the<br />

Solomon Islands.<br />

Mathematical Model of Erosion and Deposition on a<br />

Watershed<br />

Mathematical formulation of the relationship between<br />

photosynthesis and light for phytoplankton<br />

Materials for a carcinological fauna of India. No. 4. The<br />

Brachyura Cyclometopa, Part II. A revision of the<br />

Cyclometopa with an account of the families Portunidae,<br />

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Milton, D.A. Fish. Bull. U.S. 89: 221 - 237.<br />

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Jassby, A.D. Limnol. Oceanogr. 21(4) 540-547<br />

Alcock, A. J. Asia. Soc. Beng. 68: 1-111.<br />

Mass spawning in tropical reef corals. Harrison, P.L., Science 223 (1): 186-189.<br />

Mass spawning in tropical corals Harrison. P.L. Science Wash. D.C223: 1186-1 189<br />

Mass mortality of Penaeus monodon larvae due to<br />

antibiotic-resistant Vibrio harveyi infection<br />

Mass mortality of cultured sevenband grouper,<br />

Epinephelus septemfasciatus, associated with viral nervous<br />

necrosis.<br />

Mass mortality associated with a viral-induced vacuolating<br />

encephalopathy and retinopathy of larval and juvenile<br />

barramundi, Lates calcarifer Bloch.<br />

Mass mortalities in hatchery-reared sea bass (Lates<br />

calcarifer) larvae associated with the presence in the brain<br />

and retina of virus-like particles.<br />

Karunasagar, I. Aquaculture 128: 203-209<br />

Fukuda, Y., Fish Pathol. 31(3): 165-170.<br />

Munday, B.L., Aquaculture 103: 197-211.<br />

Renault, T., Bull. Eur. Ans. Fish Pathol. 11(2): 68-<br />

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Mass culture of the rotifer, Brachionus plicatilis and its<br />

evaluation as a food for larval anchovies.<br />

Theilacker, G.H. Mar. Biol. 10(2):183-188.<br />

Mass culture of Cephalopods in Thailand Nabhitabhata, J. Worlds Aquaculture 26 (2). 5p<br />

Mass balance study of isoflavones during soybean<br />

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Wang, H-J. J. Agric. Food Chem. 44(8):2377-<br />

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Masalah Dalam Pengolahan Kayu Karet Barly Duta Rimba. No. XIV<br />

Marine Toxins of Latraculia magnifica Groweiss, A. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 48, 3512-3516<br />

Marine fisheries, genetic effects, and biodiversity. Naga. Perez, J.F. The ICLARM Quarterly. Vol. 21. No.4<br />

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Marine Botany Dawes, CJ. Marine Botany<br />

Marine and estuarine toxicity testing: a way to go?<br />

Richardson. B.J. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 28: 138 –<br />

additional sitings from northern and southern hemisphere<br />

perspectives<br />

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Marine algae as an economic resources Silverterthone, W. Mar. Tech. Soc. Ann. Meeting, T: 523-<br />

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Man-made reef ecology. Turner, C.H., Fish. Bull. 146:1-221.<br />

Mangrove litterfall in north-eastern Australia Duke, N.C. Australian Journal of Botany, 29:<br />

547–553<br />

Mangrove as filters of shrimp pond effluent: Fractions and<br />

bio-geochemical research needs.<br />

Robertson, A.I., Hydrobiology. 295:311-321.<br />

Managing tropical rice pests through conservation of<br />

generalist natural enemies and alternative prey.<br />

Settle, W.H., Ecology 77 (7): 1975-1988.<br />

Managing Resistance with Multiple Tactics: Theory.<br />

Evidence, and Recommendations<br />

Tabashnik, B.E. J. Econ. Entomol. 82: 1263-1269<br />

management of potato bacterial wilt with strains of Bacillus<br />

sp., B. subtilis, Pseudomonas fluorescens, and<br />

actinomycetes<br />

Management of pepper viruses in Indonesia. Problem and<br />

Progress<br />

Management of Nitrogenous Compounds at Recirculation<br />

System of Fish Culture<br />

Management Concepts for Small-Scale Fisheries :<br />

Economic and Social Aspects,<br />

Malondialdehyde determination as index of lipid<br />

peroxidation<br />

Maintenance and reproductive behavior in the freshwater<br />

prawn M. australiense Holthuis (Crustacea : Decapoda:<br />

Palaemonidae)<br />

Mehan, V.K G.L. Hartman and A.C. Hayward (Ed.),<br />

Bacterial Wilt. ACIAR Proceedings.<br />

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Maillard browning of common amino acids and sugar Ashoor, S.H. J. Food Sci 49 1206-1208<br />

Macroscopic identification and steroidogenic function of<br />

atretic follicles in sheep<br />

Macromolecules exuded by symbiotic dinoflagellatesin<br />

culture : Amino acid and sugar Composition<br />

Lupins as a raw material for human foods and animal<br />

feeds<br />

Moor, R.M. J. Endocrinol. 77: 309-318<br />

Markell. D. A. Phycol. 64-68<br />

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Lupin seed (lupinus angustifolius) as an alternative to<br />

soybean meal in diet of juvenile snapper (Pagrus auratus)<br />

Low-temperature treatment of soybean (Glycine max)<br />

isoflavonoid aglycon extracts improves gas<br />

chromatographic resolution<br />

Low-temperature adaptation of deep-sea bacreria Isolated<br />

from the |apan Trench<br />

Loss of genetic variation in a hatchery stock of cutthroat<br />

trout.<br />

Loss of genetic variation in a hatchery stock of cut throat<br />

trout.<br />

Looking Ahead: Will Eggs Become a Dietary Alternatif<br />

Fish?<br />

Jenkins, G.I. M. Dracup and J. Palta (Editors).<br />

Proceedings of the First Australian<br />

Lupin Technical Symposium, 17-21<br />

October 1994, Perth Western Australia<br />

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Maruyama A Mar. Biol 128: 705-711<br />

Allendorf, F.W. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc.109: 537-543.<br />

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Looking Ahead . Will eggs become a dietary alternatif fish? Van Elswyk, M. Poultry International. Dec. 1994. p.:<br />

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Longterm uptake release of heavy metal by Ascophyllum<br />

nodosum ( L ) Ie Jol ( Phacophyceae ) in situ<br />

Eide. I environ . Pollut. (Ser. A) 23 . 19-28<br />

Long-term Intake of Soy Protein Improves Blood Lipid<br />

Profiles and Increases Mononuclear Cell LDL Receptor<br />

mRNA in Hypercholesterolemic Postmenopausal Women<br />

Baum, J. A. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 68:545-551<br />

Long Term Regulation of Sugar Intake by the Blowfly Gelpcrin. A. Physiol Zool. 40: 218-228<br />

Long term recording of some fish diseases using general<br />

fishery reseach surveys in the South east part of the North<br />

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Van Barnnigs, P. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms. 3: 1-<br />

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Long - term changes in the marine macroalgae of the three<br />

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Hardy, F. G. J. Exp. Biol. Ecol. 172<br />

Logam berat dalam lingkungan Laut Hutagalung, H.P Bull. Oseana IX (1) : 11 -2O<br />

Locating genes associated with root morphology and<br />

drought avoidance in rice via linkage to molecular markers.<br />

Champoux, M.C., Theor. Appl. Genet. 90: 969-981.<br />

lntroduction to tropical fish stock assessment Sparre, P. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap. 306/1: 337pp<br />

Live Bait Fishes as Supporting Skipjack Fisheries. (A<br />

review of live bait survey in the Eastern Part of Indonesia,<br />

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Live bait fishes as a supporting pole and line fisheries in<br />

Maluku Waters.<br />

Suhiini. W. Mar. Fish. Res. Rep. 24: 1-25.<br />

Gafa, B. J. Penelitian Perikanan Laut 34: 21-<br />

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Litterfall and mineral nutrient content of litter in Pasoh<br />

Forest Reserve<br />

Lim, M.T. Malayan Nature Journal, 30: 375-380<br />

Litterfall and energy flux in a mangrove ecosystem Wafar, S. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science,<br />

44: 111-124<br />

Litter production in three-mangrove forest zones In Malay<br />

Peninsula<br />

Sasekurnar, A. Aquatic Botany. 17. 283 –290<br />

Litter production and turnover of the mangrove Kandelia<br />

candel (L.) Druce in a Hong Kong tidal pond<br />

Litter Production and Seasonality of Mangroves in Papua<br />

New Guinea<br />

Litter production and decomposition in the New Zealand<br />

mangrove Avicennia Marina var. resinifera<br />

Liquid to Particle Coeffisient Heat Transfer in Non<br />

Newtonian Carrier Fluid during Continuous Flow<br />

Liquid smoke, its use in the surface treatment ot meat<br />

products<br />

Liquid chromatographic determination of the plant<br />

estrogens coumestrol and isoflavones in animal feed<br />

Lipid content and fatty acid composition of phos-pholipids<br />

in white-flesh fish.<br />

Lee, S.Y. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science,<br />

29: 75-87<br />

Leach, G.J. Aquatic Botany, 23: 215-224<br />

Woodroffe, C.D. New Zealand Journal of Marine and<br />

Freshwater Research, 16: 179-188<br />

Balasubrmaniam, V.<br />

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J. of Food Eng. 23(2)<br />

Potlhast, K. Fleischwirtsch. 63 (4),: 328-331<br />

Petterson, H. J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. 67(3):503-<br />

506<br />

Takama, K., Fish. Sci. 60(2): 177-184<br />

Lipid composition of oats (Avena sativa L) Sahasrabudhe M.R J. An Oil Chem. Soc.56:8O.<br />

Lipase-Ctalyzed Hydrolysis of Oil Khor, H.T. JAOCS Vol.63: 538-540<br />

Lipase-Catalyzed Triglyceride Hydrolysis in Organic<br />

Solvent<br />

Bilyk, A. JAOCS. Vol. 68 : 320-323<br />

Lipase-Catalized Alcoholysis to Contentrate the omega3<br />

Polyunsaturated Fatty Add of Cod Liver Oil<br />

Li. Z. Enzyme Microb. Techno., 15: 60l-606<br />

Lipase Selectivities Sonnet, P.E. JAOCS. Vol. 65 : 900-904<br />

Lipase production of Aspergillus orywe Ohnisi, K. J. Ferment. Bioeng., 77:490-495<br />

Lipase Immobilized, Microporous Support for the<br />

Hydrolysis of Fat<br />

Brady,C. JAOCS. Vol.65 no. 6 :917-921<br />

Lipase immobilized on a hydrophobic, microporous<br />

support for the hydrolysis of fats<br />

Brady, C. JAOCS, 65: 917-921<br />

Lipase Catalyzed Hydrolysis of Milk Fat in Lecithin<br />

Chen J.P. Journal of Fermentation and<br />

Reverse Micelles<br />

Bioengineering. Vol. 76(2): 98-104<br />

Lipase Catalyzed Enrichment of Long Chain<br />

Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids<br />

McNeill, G.P. JAOCS. Vol 73 : 1404-1407<br />

Liming Farm Fish Pond. Agricultural Experiment Station Boyd, C.E. Leaflat No. 91. Auburn. Alabama. 7<br />

Auburn University.<br />

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Lignin Degradation in Pulp Mill Effluents by White Rot<br />

Fungi and the Role of Urea Addition<br />

Martani, E. J. Biology 2:317-328<br />

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Lignan and isoflavonoid concentrations in tea and coffee Mazur, W. M. Brit. J. Nutr. 79(1 ):37-45<br />

Light-shade adaptation of Stylophora pistillata, a<br />

hermatypic coral from the Gulf of Eilat<br />

Falkowski, P.G. Nature,Lond. 289:172-174<br />

Light control of growth form in colonial corals: computer<br />

simulation<br />

Graus. R.R Science 193:895-897<br />

Lift net fishery in Jepara Waters. Wahyuono, H. J. Penelitian Perikanan Laut 43: 81-<br />

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Lift net fishery in Jepara waters. Wahyuono, H. J. Penelitinn Perikanan Laut 43: 81-<br />

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Life history strategies of tropical estuarine Shads<br />

(Clupeidae: Tenualosa), Poster,<br />

Blaber, S.J.M., CSIRO Marine Research, 1 pp.<br />

Les echinodermes des substrats durs de L'ile De Port-<br />

Cross, Parc National Mediterranee Nord-occidental),<br />

elements pour un Inventaire quantitative. Trav<br />

Les caryotypes de quelques especes de bivalves et de<br />

gasteropodes marins<br />

Lemuru Sardinella spp. meal: preporation and nutritional<br />

value for broiler.<br />

Harmelin, j.G. Sci. Parc Nation. PortCross. Fr. 6 : 25-<br />

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Marine Biology 70: 165-172<br />

Lecture Note Land Evaluation Rossiter, D.G. Cornell Univ. College of Agric. & Life<br />

Sci. Dept. of Soil, Crop & Atmospheric<br />

Science. SCAS Teaching Series T94-<br />

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Learning representations by back-propagation error Rumelhart, J.E. Nature, 323 (9), 533-536<br />

Leaf fracture toughness and sclerophylly: their correlations<br />

and ecological implications<br />

Choong, M.F. New Phytologist, 121: 597- 610<br />

Leaf chemical characteristics affecting herbivory in a new<br />

world mangrove forest<br />

de Lacerda Biotropica, 18: 350-355<br />

Leaf burying crabs: their Influence on energy now and<br />

export from mixed mangrove forests (Rhizophora sp.) in<br />

northeast Australia<br />

Lead in aquatic ecosystem Taufiq, N.<br />

Leaching losses during decomposition of mangrove leaves<br />

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Robertson, A.I. Journal of Experimental Marine<br />

Biology and Ecology, 102: 237–248<br />

Steinke, T.D. South African Journal of Botany, 59:<br />

21-25<br />

Laxative properties of resistant starches Cummings, J.H. Gastroenterology 102: A548<br />

Latranculins :Novel Marine Toxin That Disrupt<br />

Microfilament Organization in Cultured Cells<br />

Spector, 1. Science.. 219. 493-495<br />

Latranculin. a new 2-thiazolidinone from marine sponge<br />

Latranculin A and Magnifica<br />

Kashman, Y. Tetrahedron lett. 21, 3629-3632<br />

Laticifer morphology in the mature stem and leaf of<br />

Euphorbia supina.<br />

Rosowski. J.R. Bot. Gaz. 129 :113-120.<br />

L-Ascorhic acid : and overview Roig. M.G. Internal J. Food Sci. Nutr., 44 : 59-72<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Larval rearing of kuruma prawn (P. japonicus Bate) fed<br />

with yeast, diatom and rotifers<br />

Larval and juvenile rearing of black-lip pearl oyster,<br />

Pinctada margaritifera (Linnaeus).<br />

Large Plasmid frorn Soil Bacteria Enriched on<br />

Halogenated Alkanoic Acids<br />

Large area tests of a male-annihilation method for oriental<br />

fruits fly control<br />

Laporan Kunjungan ke Taiwan. Hawaii, Philipina dalam<br />

Rangka Penelitian Pembiakan Parasit-parasit Penggerek<br />

Laporan hasil Pengkajian Budi Daya Ikan Hias di Jakarta<br />

Barat dan Bekasi.<br />

Laporan Hasil Kegiatan Pengembangan Sistem Usaha<br />

Perikanan Berbasis Tambak Salinitas Tinggi. Lolitkanta<br />

Gondol Bali. 18 pp. (Belum diterbitkan).<br />

Laju pertumbuhan dan sintasan nener {Chanos chanos)<br />

dalam berbagai nuansa warna wadah.<br />

Laju pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup nener, Chanos<br />

chanos dalam berbagai nuansa warna wadah.<br />

Laju filtrasi kerang hijau Perna viridis terhadap mikro alga<br />

Chaetocheros<br />

Laju filtrasi kerang hijau Perna viridis terhadap mikro alga<br />

Chaetocheros<br />

Lagenidium myophyllum sp. nov. a new parasite on adult<br />

northern shrimp, Pandalus borealis Kroyer.<br />

Lagenidium myophillum sp. nov. a new parasite on adult,<br />

northern shrimp, Pandalus borealis Kroyer.<br />

L'activite des bacteries nitrifiant dans le panache<br />

rhodanien et l'aire marine environnante<br />

Danakusumah, E. J. Mar. Fish. Res. 33 : 77 – 82<br />

Alagarswami, K., Aquaculture 76:1-9.<br />

Hardman, D.J. Appl. and Environ. Microbiol. Vol. 51<br />

No.1: 44-51<br />

Steiner, L. F. J. Econ. Entomol.<br />

Wirioalinodjo, B.<br />

Satyani D. IPPTP DKI Jakarta. 13 hal.<br />

(unpublished).<br />

Sugama, Laporan Hasil Kegiatan<br />

Pengembangan Sistem Usaha<br />

Perikanan Berbasis Tambak Salinitas<br />

Tinggi. Lolitkanta Gondol Bali. 18 pp.<br />

(Belum diterbitkan).<br />

Ahmad T, J. Penelit. Budi daya Pantai. 10(1):<br />

123-133.<br />

Ahmad, T., J. Penel. Budidaya Pantai 10(1):123-<br />

134.<br />

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Hatai, K. Trans. mycol. Soc. Japan 20:115-124.<br />

Halai, K. Trans. mycol. Soc. Japan 20:1 15-<br />

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Feliatra F. J. Rech. Oceanog.<br />

Lactic fermentation of peanut milk Bucker, E. R. Journal of Food Science 44: 1534-<br />

1538<br />

Lack of genetic structure discretion in Pacific cod (Gudus<br />

muacrocephahalus).<br />

Lack of Efficacy of in Vivo- and Putatively In Vitro-<br />

Produced Bacillus poppilliae Against Field Population of<br />

Japanese Beetle (Coleoptera • Scarabaeidae) Grubs in<br />

Kentucky<br />

Grant, W. S., Canada -J Fish. Aquaculture Sci. 44:<br />

490-498.<br />

Redmond, C-T J. Econ. Entomol. 88(4): 846-54<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 846 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Lack of correspondence between genetic and morphologic<br />

variability patterns in Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus).<br />

Lack of an Effect of Dairy Protein (Casein) and Soy Protein<br />

on Plasma Cholesterol of Strict Vegetarians. An<br />

Experiment and a Critical Review<br />

Laboratory breeding of the mud crab, Scylla serrata<br />

(Forskal) through the zoea and megalopa stages to the<br />

crab stage.<br />

Rayman, N., Heredity 53: 687-704.<br />

Sacks, F. M. J. Lipid Res. 24:1012-1020<br />

Motoh, H., SEAFDEC Quarterly Research Report<br />

1(4): 14-18.<br />

L monocytogenes and listeria Infections Gray, M.L Bacteriological Review, 30 309-382<br />

Kultur makanan alami. Suprayitno H. S. Dirjen Perikanan. INFIS Manual no.<br />

84.35 pp.<br />

Kualitas telur ikan kerapu macan, Epinephelus<br />

fuscoguttatus dari induk yang diberi ransum berbeda<br />

Kualitas spermatozoa hasil isolasi dengan metoda swim<br />

up menggunakan larutan tyrode pada pasangan ingin anak<br />

golognan normazoosperma.<br />

Kualitas nauplius hasil pemupukan berbeda dan teknik<br />

pengeringan kista artemia.<br />

Konsentrasi Logam Berat (Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn dan NI) Pada<br />

Air Permukaan dan Sedimen di Perairan Rupat Riau<br />

Kondisi terumbu karang di perairan Hila dan Morela (Pulau<br />

Ambon)serta bagian tenggara Pulau Batanta (Sorong).<br />

Komposiai cumi-cumi (Cephalopoda) yang ter-tangkap<br />

bagah di perairan Probo-linggo, Jawa Timur,<br />

Kombinasi makanan alami dan makanan buatan pada<br />

pemeliharaan larva bandeng.<br />

Kloning gen coat Protein SMU dengan pendekatan PCR<br />

(Cloning of the Coat Protein gene of SMU with the PCR<br />

approach).<br />

Diani, S. Jurnal Penelitian Budidaya Pantai, 10<br />

(2): 1-6<br />

Hartamto, H, MKI. 41 (2)<br />

Yunus, J. Penelitian Budidaya Pantai 10(1):<br />

77-84.<br />

Amin, B. Berkala Perikanan Terubuk. Thn XXIII<br />

(68): 29-38<br />

Syam. A.R. Kondisi terumbu karang di perairan<br />

Hila dan Morela (Pulau Ambon)serta<br />

bagian tenggara Pulau Batanta<br />

(Sorong).<br />

Sudjoko, B. Jurnal Penelitian Perikanan Laut. 41:<br />

81-89.<br />

Asliantl.T, J. Penelitian Biididaya Pantai 8(4):1-8.<br />

Sismindari<br />

Kinetics Softening of Potato Tissue During Cooking Rahardjo, B. J. Food and Bioproduct Proc. Eng.<br />

Kinetics and mechanisms of reaction catalysed by<br />

immobilized lipases<br />

Kinetic Parameters of Freshness Lowering and<br />

Discoloration Based on Temperature Dependence in Fish<br />

Muscles<br />

Kinetic comparison of seven strains of 2,4-<br />

Dichorophenoxyacetic acid- degrading bacteria<br />

Malcata, F.X. Enzyme Microb. Technol. 14:426-446<br />

Miki, H. Bull. of The Japanese Society of<br />

Scientific Fisheries, 50 (2): 281-285<br />

Greer. L.E. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 58: 1027-<br />

1030<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 847 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Ketamine hydrochloride as an anaesthetic for Parakeets Mandelker Vet.Med. Small Anim. Clin. 70 : 86 -<br />

88<br />

Ketamine : A review of itS pharmacology, properties and<br />

use in ambulatory anaesthesia<br />

Haas, D. A. Anaesthesia Progress. 39(1-6): 61-66<br />

Keragaan dan prospek pemasaran lada hitam di Lampung Mauludi, L. Buletin Penelitian Tanaman Industri 3:<br />

29-33<br />

Kepiting Hidup pelanggan di Malaysia Fatima. H. Warta Aquakultur, I (1) Edisi<br />

Juli/5eptember. Jakarta<br />

Kemungkinan Pengendalian Penggerek Batang Lada<br />

dengan Parasitoid Spathius piperis Wilk.<br />

Kemungkinan Pemanfaatan Biji Karet dalam Ransum<br />

Ternak.<br />

Kemunduran mutu bakso ikan air tawar pada<br />

penyimpanan suhu kamar.<br />

Kemampuan Tricodherma spp. untuk Pengendalian Hayati<br />

Jamur Akar Putih pada Acacia mangium secara in vitro<br />

Kemampuan Trichoderma spp untuk Pengendalian Hayati<br />

Jamur Akar Putih pada Acacia mangium secara In Vitro<br />

Kemampuan Trichoderma spp untuk Pengendalian Hayat<br />

Jamur Akar Putih pada Acacia mangium secara in vitro<br />

Suprapto. Prosiding Simposium Hasil Penelitian<br />

dan Pengembangan Tanaman<br />

Industri. Bogor 25-27 Juli 1989. hlm.:<br />

613-618.<br />

Aritonang, D.<br />

Peranginangin, J.Pen.Pasca Panen Perikanan No. 58:<br />

39-45.<br />

Widyastuti, SM.<br />

Widyastuti, S.M.,<br />

Widyastuti, S.M.<br />

Kelimpahan Teripang (Holothuroidea) di Pulau Krakal Kecil Hartatl, R. "Majalah llmu Kelautan" No. 4 Tahun<br />

II<br />

Kelimpahan benih ikan kerapu lumpur, Epinephelus<br />

coioides di perairan Teluk Banten<br />

Keberadaan Trichodesmium sp. di perairan Selat Malaka Widianingsih<br />

Karyotypic differences between two species of<br />

Pomatoceros, P. Triqueter and P. lamarckii (Polychaeta:<br />

Serpulidae)<br />

Karyotypes of the Japanese pear oyster, Pinctada fucata<br />

martesii, observed in the trochopore larvae<br />

Karyotypes of four species in the Pectinidae (Bivalvia:<br />

Pteriomorpha)<br />

Karyotypes of five Subantartic bivalve species Thiriot-Quievreux,<br />

C.<br />

Karyotypes of Cerastoderma glaucum (Bivalvia) from<br />

Baltic and Mediterranean populations,<br />

Karyotypes of Cerastoderma glaucum (Bivalvia) from<br />

Baltic and Mediterranean population<br />

Slamet, B. Jurnal Penelitian Budidaya Pantai 8<br />

(2): 93-100<br />

Dixon, D.R. Journal of the Marine Biological<br />

Association of the United Kingdom 78<br />

(4): 1113-1126<br />

Komaru, A. Bull. Natl. Res. Inst. Aquacult, 7: 105-<br />

107<br />

Komaru, A. Venus, Jpn. J. of Malacol., 44: 249-<br />

259<br />

Thiriot-Quievreux,<br />

C.,<br />

Thiriot-Quievreux,<br />

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Journal of Molluscan Studies 57: 59-<br />

70<br />

Hydrobioligia 324: 1499-155<br />

Hydrobiologia 324: 149-155<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 848 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Karyotypes in eight species of the Mytilidae (Bivalvia:<br />

Pteriomorpha)<br />

Karyotype and Nucleolar Organiser Regions in Ostrea<br />

puelchana (Bivalvia: Ostreida)<br />

Karyo-logical and alloyzymic characterisation of Ruditapes<br />

philipinarum, R. aureus and R. aureus and R. decussatus<br />

(Bivalvia: Veneridae)<br />

Karakteristik spermatozoa hasil isolasi spermatozoa motil<br />

dengan cara migrasi ke atas,<br />

Karakteristik dan penanggulangan jamur Lagenidium sp<br />

pada larva kepiting bakau. Scylla serrata.<br />

Karakterisitik dan penanggulangan jamur Lagenidium sp.<br />

pada larva kepiting bakau, Scylla serrata.<br />

Kanehoe Bay sewage diversion experiment perspectives<br />

on ecosystem responses to nutrient perturbation<br />

Kajian Pengendalian Hayati Penyakit Busuk Batang Vanili<br />

dengan Isolat Lemah Fusarium batatis Tucker<br />

Kajian Hubungan Tropik Zooplankton Dengan Juvenil ikan,<br />

• Analisa Isi Lambung dan Rytme Kebiasaan Makan<br />

Juvenil Ikan Terhadap Komunitas Zooplankton<br />

Kajian Hubungan Tropik Zooplankton Dengan Juvenil Ikan<br />

: Anallsa Kronologis komunitas zooplankton dan<br />

determinasi konsumsinya oleh juvenil Ikan<br />

Kajian Hubungan Tropik Zooplankton Dengan juvenil Ikan<br />

: Analisa Kronologis komunitas zooplankton dan<br />

determinasi konsumsinya oleh juvenil Ikan<br />

Kajian Hubungan Tropik Zooplankton Dengan juvenil Ikan<br />

: Analisa Isi Lambung dan Rytme Kebiasaan Makan juvenil<br />

Ikan Terhadap Komunitas Zooplankton<br />

Ieyama, H. Venus Jpn. J. of Malacol., 43: 240-<br />

254<br />

Insua, A. The Veliger 36 (3): 215-219<br />

Borsa, P. Aquaculture 90: 209-227<br />

De Quelje, medika 11 (1).<br />

Zafran. J. Penel. Budidaya Pantai 9(4):29-39.<br />

Zafran, J. Penel. Budidaya Pantai 9(4):29-39.<br />

Smith, S.V. Pac. Sci.. 35(4): 279-396<br />

Buletin Jurnal Ilmiah Azolla 6 (2): 27-<br />

35<br />

Endrawati, H. Majalah Penelitian, Lemlit UNDIP, X<br />

(37) : 59-69<br />

Endrawati, H. Majalah Penelitian<br />

Endrawati, H. Majalah Penelitian, Lemlit UNDIP, IX<br />

(35): 107- 117<br />

Endrawati, H. Majalah Penelitian.<br />

Kadar Karet Kering Lateks Kebun Panji T. Menara Perkebunan. 54 (2) 55-62<br />

Izomymes of Glutamat Dehydrogenase from Out Leaves<br />

Properties Dud Light Efect on Syntesis.<br />

Issue, impacts, and implications of shrimp aquaculture in<br />

Thailand.<br />

Baiash, I.H. Plant &. Cell Physiol 17:493-500.<br />

Dierberg, F.E. Environmental Management,<br />

20(5):649-666.<br />

Israel Hosts 6th International Mango Symposium Conference Report Postharvest Newsletter, No. 39,<br />

December 1996<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 849 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Isotope dilution gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric<br />

method for the determination of isoflavonoids, coumestrol,<br />

and lignans in food samples<br />

Isostrength Comparison of Large-Strain (Fracture)<br />

Rheological Properties of Egg White and Whey Protein<br />

Gels<br />

Isolation, purification and some kinetic studies of marine<br />

nitrifying bacteria<br />

Isolation ot' Microorganisms Able to Metabolize Purified<br />

Natural Rubber<br />

Isolation of two novel 5a,6a-epoxy-7-ketosterols from the<br />

encrusting demospongia Oscarelia lobularis<br />

Mazur, W. M. Anal. Biochem. 233(2): 169-180<br />

Errington, H.L.A.D. Journal of Food Science, Vol. 64, No.<br />

5. p.893-898<br />

Carlucci, A.F. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 2: 156-166<br />

Heisey, R.M. Appl. Environ. Microbiol 61 (8) 3092-<br />

3097<br />

Aiello, A. J. Nat.. Prod., 53: 487-491<br />

Isolation of T.gondii From the Cats Wallace, G. D. J.lnfect. Dis. 124:227-238<br />

Isolation of Microorganisms Able To Metabolize Purified<br />

Natural Rubber<br />

Isolation of Insect Antifeeding Principles in Oriza japonica<br />

Thumb.<br />

Isolation of cartilage factor that inhibits tumor<br />

neovascularization.<br />

Isolation of 6"-0-Acetylgenistin and 6"-0-Acetyldaidzin from<br />

toasted defatted soyflakes<br />

Isolation and properties of barophilic and barotolerant<br />

bacteria from deep-sea mud samples<br />

Isolation and properties of bacterium inhibiting the growth<br />

of Gymnodinium nagasakiense<br />

Isolation and composition of the spore wall of<br />

Saccharomyces cerevisiae.<br />

Heisey, R.M. Applied and Enviromental<br />

Microbiology, (61), 3092-3097<br />

Yajima, T., Agric. Biol. Chem. Vol. 41, 1263-<br />

1268.<br />

Langer, R., Science 193: 70-72.<br />

Farmakalidis, E. J. Agric. Pood Chem. 33:385-389<br />

Kato, C. Biodiv. Conserv. 4. 1-9<br />

Fukami, K., . Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi 58 (6):<br />

1073-1077.<br />

Katohda, S., Agric. Biol. Chem. 48(4): 895-901.<br />

Isolation and Characterization of Sucrose Polyester Rioss, J.J. J Am. Oil. Chem. Soc. 71 (4)<br />

Isolation and characterization of pediocin L50, a new<br />

bacteriocin from Pediococcus acidilatici with a broad<br />

Inhibitory Spectrum<br />

Isolation and Characterization of new plasmid from a<br />

Flavobaccterium sp which carries The genes for<br />

degradation of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetate<br />

Isolation and Characterization of a pentachlorophenoldegrading<br />

bacterium<br />

Isolation and characterization of a pentachlorophenoldegrading<br />

bacterium<br />

Isolation and characterization of a new plasmid from a<br />

Flavobacterium sp. which carries the genes for degradation<br />

of 2.4-Dichloro-phenoxyacetate<br />

Cintas, L.M. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 61 (7) : 2643-<br />

2648<br />

Chaudry, G.R. J. Bacteriol. 170: 3897-3092<br />

Stanlake, G.J. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 44: 1421-<br />

1427<br />

Stanlake,G.J. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 44: 1421-<br />

1427<br />

Chaudry, G.R. J. Bactriol. 170: 3897-3902<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 850 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Isolation and Characterization of a new plasmid from a<br />

Flavobacterium sp. which carries the genes for degradation<br />

of 2.4-dichlorophenoxyacetate<br />

Isolation and characterization of a new plasmid From a<br />

Flavobacterium sp. which carries the genes for degradation<br />

of 2,4-Dichloro-phenoxyacetate<br />

Isolation and characterization of a new plasmid from a<br />

Flavobacterium sp, which carries the genes tor degradation<br />

of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxya-catate<br />

Isolation and Biocontrol Potential of Trichoderma<br />

hamatun from Soil Naturally Suppressive to Rhyzoctonia<br />

Solani<br />

Isolasi dan identifikasi bakteri patogen pada udang galah<br />

(Macrobrachium rosenbergii).<br />

Isolasi bakteri dari embrio ayam broiler yang tidak<br />

menetas dan sensitivitasnya terhadap beberapa antibiotika.<br />

Chaudry, G.R. J. Bacteriol. 170: 3897-3902<br />

Chaudry. G.R J Bacteriol. 170: 3897-3902<br />

Chdudry, G.R J. Bacteriol. 170: 3897-3902<br />

Chel. I. Phytopathology<br />

Taufik, B.<br />

Soeripto Penyakit Hewan. XXII (41):11-14.<br />

Isoflavonoids and lignans in legumes: Nutritional and<br />

health aspects in humans<br />

Mazur, W. M. Nutr. Biochem. 9:193-200<br />

Isoflavones in soy-based infant formulas Murphy, P. A. J. Agric. Food Chem. 45:4635-4638<br />

Isoflavones and their conjugates in soy foods: Extractions<br />

and analysis by HPLC-mass spectrometry<br />

Barnes, S. J. Agric. Food Chem. 42(11):2466-<br />

2474<br />

Isoflavone contents in some varieties of soybean Choi, J-S. Foods and Biotechnol. 5(2):167-169<br />

Isoflavone content in commercial soybean foods Wang, H-J. J. Agric. Food Chem. 42:1666-1673<br />

Isoflavone content in Brazilian soybean cultivars Carrao-Panizzi, M. Breeding Sci. 45(3):295-300<br />

Isoflavone composition of American and Japanese<br />

soybeans in Iowa: Effect of variety, crop year, and location<br />

Wang, H-J. J. Agric. Food Chem. 42:1674-1677<br />

Irradiation inactivation of food-borne microorganisms Monk, J.D. J. Food Protect. 58, 197-208<br />

Investigations on the cold storage of mangoes Cheema, G.S. Indian J. Agric. Sci. 20 : 259 - 325<br />

Investigation of color in hybrids of common and<br />

ornamental (Japanese) carp. I: Transmission of dominant<br />

color type.<br />

Katosonov, V.Ya. Genetika (Moscow) 9: 69-69.<br />

Inventarisasi Penyakit-penyakit Bakterial Pada Tanaman<br />

Sesayuran di Minahasa. Eugenia 4 (4): 237-244.<br />

Inventarisasi dan karakterisasi beberapa jenis bunga<br />

potong komersial di Pasar Bunga Cipanas, Lembang,<br />

Bandung dan Jakarta.<br />

Paath, J.M.,<br />

Dwiatmini, K., Buletin Penelitian Tanaman Hias 2 (1):<br />

7-19.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 851 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Introduction to the use of sonar systems for estimating<br />

biomass.<br />

Introduction to the artificial diet for prawn Penaeus<br />

japonicus<br />

Burczynski, J. FAO. Fish. Tech. Pap. 191, Rev. 1.<br />

89pp.<br />

Deshimaru, O. Aquaculture, 1: 115-133<br />

Introduction to the artificial diet for prawn P. japonicus Deshimaru, O Aquaculture 1 : 115 – 133<br />

Introduction of protective antibody - dependent response<br />

Toxoplasmosis by in vitro excreted / secreted antigens from<br />

tachyzoites of Toxoplasma gondii<br />

Intrasplenic Primary Immunization for the Production<br />

Monoclonal Antibodies<br />

Intraspecific variation of a dominant Caribbean reef<br />

building coral. Montastrea annularis: genetic, behavioral<br />

and morphometric aspects<br />

Intraspecific competition In Tridacna crocea, a burrowing<br />

bivalve<br />

Intraovarian relationships among dominant and<br />

subordinate follicles and the corpus luteum in heifers<br />

IntracelIular bacteria associated with winter mortality in<br />

juvenile giant clams, Tridacna giagas<br />

Interspecific gene differences and evolutionary time<br />

estimated from electrophoretic data on protein identity.<br />

Interraction of concentration and temperature of acetic<br />

acid solution on reduction of various species of microorganisms<br />

on beef surfaces<br />

Internal tagging method for individual identification of<br />

penaeid shrimp<br />

Intergeneric cyprinids hybridization of common carp, Java<br />

carp and nilem carp.<br />

Interaksi antara beberapa macam batang bawah dan<br />

batang atas pada pembibitan rambutan (Nephelium<br />

lappaceum L.).<br />

Darcy, F. Parasote Immunol.. 10. 533<br />

Spitz, M. J. Immunol. Methods<br />

Van Veghel, M.L.J Mar. Ecol, Prog.Ser. 92: 255-265<br />

Hamner, W.M. Oecologia. 34: 267-281<br />

Ginther, O.J. Theriogenology: 32: 787-795.<br />

Norton, J.H. J. Invert. Pathology, 62: 204 206<br />

Nei, M. Am. Nat., 105: 385-398.<br />

Anderson, M.E. J. Food Protect. 52, 321-315<br />

Yano, I. Aquaculture, 56: 317-321<br />

Gustiano, R.<br />

Hediati, S., Buletin Penelitian Hortikultura 6 (3):.1-<br />

11.<br />

Interactions of Radopholus similis with Fusarium solani<br />

on Black Pepper (Piper nigrum L.)<br />

Mustika, I. Indust. Crops Res. J. 5 (1) : 1-10<br />

Interaction ofWood Smoke Component and Food Daun, H. Food Technol (5), 66-70<br />

Interaction of wood smoke compound and food Daun. H. Food Technol., 34 (5): 66-71<br />

Interaction of ovarian tissues in the control of follicular<br />

steroidogenesis in culture<br />

Moor, R.M. J. Endocrinol. 80(2) : 271-277<br />

Interaction of L-ascorbyl-2-phosphate Mg and oxized fish<br />

oil on red sea bream juveniles.<br />

Kosutarak. P., Fish. Sci.. 61(4) : 696-702.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 852 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Interaction of Cucumoviruses in Plants: Persistance of<br />

Mixed Infections of Cucumber Mosaic and Tomato<br />

Aspermy Viruses<br />

Interaction in the Yellow fin Tuna Fisheries of the Eastern<br />

Part of the Indonesian Waters.<br />

Interaction between natural and farmed fish populations:<br />

information from genetic markers.<br />

Intelligent control simulation for optimization of storage<br />

process<br />

Sackey, S.T. Physiol. and Mol. Plant Pathology<br />

36:409-412<br />

Naamin. N. Interaction of Pacific tuna fisherhies.<br />

Consultation on Interactions in Pacific<br />

Tuna Fisheries. Rome. p 199-212.<br />

Skaala, O. Journal of Fish Biology, 36:449-460.<br />

Morimoto, T. Journal of SHITA, Vol. : 7(2), pp. : 91-<br />

96<br />

Intelligent control for plant production system Morimoto, T. Control Enggineering Practice, Vol. :<br />

4(6), pp : 773-784<br />

Integumental taurine transport in Mytilus gill: short-term<br />

adaptation to reduced salinity<br />

Silva, A.L. J. exp. Biol. 162:265-279<br />

Integration and excision of a 2,4-D-degradative plasmid in<br />

Alcaligenes paradoxus and evidence of its natural<br />

intergeneric transfer<br />

Ka, J.O. J. Bacteriol.176(17):5284-5289<br />

Intake of 25 g of Soybean Protein With or Without<br />

Soybean Fiber Alters Plasma Lipids in Men with Elevated<br />

Cholesterol Concentrations<br />

Insulin-like growth factor-ll acts through an endogenous<br />

growth pathway regulated by imprinting in early mouse<br />

embryos<br />

Bakhit, R. M. J. Nutr. 124:213-222<br />

Rappolee, D.A. Gen. and Dev., 6: 939-952.<br />

Instrumentation for determining four-wheel drive tractor<br />

performance<br />

Self, K.P. ASAE Paper No. 87-1029<br />

Inseticidal crystal protein of Bacillus thuringiensis Hofte, H. Microbiol. Rev. 53: 242-255<br />

Insectisidal activity of Aglaia odorata and the Active<br />

Principle, Rocaglamide, to the European Corn Borer.<br />

Ostrinia nubilalis Hubn (Lep., Pyralidae).<br />

Ewete, F. J.Appf.Ent. 120:483-185<br />

Insect Antifeedant Terpenes, Hot-Testing to Humans. Kubo, I., Experientia. Vol. 37,1063-1064.<br />

Insect Antifeedant from the Peruvian Plants Alchornea<br />

triplinervia.<br />

Insect Antifeedant and Growth Inhibitory Activity of Forty-<br />

Six Quassinoids on Two Species of Agricultural Pests<br />

Miles, D.H., Am. Chem. Soc. J. ACS. Symposium<br />

Series, 470-476.<br />

Lidert, Z. J. Nat. Prod<br />

Inlracellular bacteria associated with winter mortality in<br />

juvenile giant clams. Tridacna gigas<br />

Norton, J|.h. J Invert. Phatology. 62: 204-206<br />

Inhibitory effects of selenium on mutagenicity. Martin, S.E. J. Agric. Food Chem. 32: 426-433.<br />

Inhibition, survival and growth of Listeria monocytogenes<br />

on poultry as influenced by buffered lactic acid treatment<br />

and modified atmosphere packaging<br />

Zeitoun, A.A.M. Intl. J. Food Microbiol. 14:161-170<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 853 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Inhibition of Staphylocoocus aureus in Buffer, a<br />

Bakteriocin Produced by Lactobacillus acidophilus Osu 133<br />

Inhibition of psychrotrophic bacteria by Lactobacilli<br />

and Pediococci in nonfermented refrigerated foods<br />

Inhibition of Lisle ria spp. In sterile food system by pediocin<br />

AcH, a bacteriocin produced by Pediococcus acidilactici H<br />

Inhibition of decomposition of cellulose and some other<br />

carbohydrates by tannin<br />

Inhibition of chemoautotrophic nitrification by sodium<br />

chlorite: A reexamination<br />

Inheritance of light pigmented common carp, cultured in<br />

Indonesia<br />

Liao. C C J. Food Safety. 14:87-101<br />

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Motlagh, A.M. J. Food Prot. 55 : 337-343<br />

Benoit, R.E. Soil Science. 105: 291-296<br />

Hynes, R.K. Appl. Environ. Microbial. 45: 1178-<br />

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Inheritance of albinism in rainbow trout. Bridge, W.R. J. Hered. 63: 152-153.<br />

Ingetin of fish oil or a aerived n-3 fatty acid concentrate<br />

containing eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) effects fatty acid<br />

composition of individual phospholipid of rat brain, sciatic<br />

nerve and retina<br />

Philbrick. D.J. J. Nutr. 117:1663-1670.<br />

Ingestion rate, assimilation efficiency and energy balance<br />

in Mytilus chilensis in relation to body size and different<br />

algal concentration<br />

Navaro, J.M. Mar. Biol, 67: 255–266<br />

Informasi obat Anonimus Farmakon. 9 : 5 - 7<br />

Influks Sedimen dan Laju Sedimentasi di Muara Sungai<br />

Pengkol, Jepara<br />

Sugeng Widada<br />

Influence of Water temperature on the chorion hardening<br />

and Ca-chorionase activity of Penaeus monodon Fabricius,<br />

eggs<br />

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Influence of the structure and behaviour of fish school on<br />

acoustic assessment.<br />

Influence of the population density of zooxanthellae and<br />

supply of ammonium on the biomass and metabolic<br />

characteristics of the reef corals Seriatopora hysterix and<br />

Stylophora pistillata<br />

Influence of the population density of zooxanthellae and<br />

supply of ammonium on the biomass and metabolic<br />

characteristic of the reef corals Seriatopora hystrix and<br />

Stylophora pistillata<br />

Influence of tannins on the nutritive value of soyabean<br />

meal for ruminants.<br />

Influence of surfactants on an extracellular lipase from<br />

Pythium ultimum<br />

Gerlotto, F. ICES. CM. 1988/B:53. 28 pp.<br />

Hoegh-Guldberg, O. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 57:173-186<br />

Hoegh-Guldberg, O. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 57: 173-186<br />

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Influence of sulphate nutrition on the flavour components<br />

ot garlic and wild onion<br />

Influence of starches of low digestibility on the rat caecal<br />

microflora<br />

Influence of starches of low digestibility on the rat caecal<br />

micoflora<br />

Influence of protein and methionine concentrations and<br />

body size on the growth and carcass of Muscovy ducks in<br />

the finishing stage of production<br />

Influence of pH on the proteinase complement and<br />

proteolytic products in rainbow trout viscera silage.<br />

Influence of pH on the proteinase complement and<br />

proteolytic products in rainbow trout viscera silage.<br />

Influence of Natural in Seagrass Cover on Commercial<br />

Prawn Nursery Ground in Subtropical Estuary<br />

Influence of generation temperature on the chemical<br />

composition, antioxidative and antimicrobial effect of Wood<br />

Smoke<br />

Influence of extraction techniques on determination of

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Industri dan Pemasaran Benang Sutera Alam Perum Perhutani Industri dan Pemasaran Benang<br />

Sutera Alam<br />

Induction of 1-aminocyclopropane-l-carboxylic acid<br />

synthase in wounded mesocarp tissue of winter squash<br />

fruit and the effect ofethylenc<br />

Hyodo, H. Plant Cell Physiol. 26 : 161-167<br />

Induced sex reversal and spawning of the blue spotted<br />

grouper, Epinephelus farm.<br />

Induced maturation and spawning in five-month-old<br />

Penaeus monodon, by eyestalk ablation.<br />

Induced diploid gynogenesis and triploidy in ornamental<br />

(Koi) carp.<br />

Indonesias's Marine Shrimp Culture Industry • Observation<br />

, Constraints, and Recommendation Resulting From A<br />

Survey or Culture Areas<br />

Kuo, C-M., Aquaculture. 74: 113-126.<br />

Primavera, J.H. Aquaculture 57: 239-251.<br />

Cherfas, N.B., Isr.J. Aquacult.Bamidgeh 42: 3-9.<br />

Lightner. D. V. Indonesias's Marine Shrimp Culture<br />

Industry • Observation , Constraints,<br />

and Recommendation Resulting From<br />

A Survey or Culture Areas<br />

Indonesian marine capture fisheries. Bailey. C.. ICLARM Studies Rev. 10: 1-19C.<br />

Indonesian Fisheries for Yellow fin Tuna in the Western<br />

Pacific - Eastern Indonesia.<br />

Indirect-ELlSA Methods for the Broad Specifity Detection<br />

of Plant Viruses<br />

Indirect-ELISA Methods for the Broad Specificity Detection<br />

of Plant Viruses<br />

Indirecte interaction in milk between proteolic and isogenic<br />

non-proteolitic strains of Laotococcus lactis. II. Effect of<br />

preculturing by non-proteolytic variant<br />

Indirecte interaction in milk between proteolic and isogenic<br />

non-proteolitic strains of Laotococcus lactis. I. Effect of<br />

preculturing by non-proteolytic variant<br />

Indirect ELISA Methods for the Broad Specifity Detection<br />

of Plant Viruses<br />

Indirect EL[SA MerhocLs lor [he Broad SpcdHty Deiecuon<br />

ol Plam Viru^&s<br />

Indigenous tridacnid clam populations and the Introduction<br />

of Tridacna derasa in the Cook Islands<br />

Naamin. N. Working paper for the 4th Western<br />

Pacific Tuna Research Group Meeting,<br />

Koro - Palau. August 9-11.1994.<br />

Koenig, R. J. gen. Virol. 67: 53-62<br />

Koenig, R. J. Gen. Virol.<br />

Juillard. V. Le Lait, 71 55 - 64<br />

Juillard. V. Le Lait, 70: 425 - 438<br />

Koenig, R. J Gen. Virol. 55: 53-62<br />

Koemg, R. / Gen. V^^. 55: 53-62<br />

Sims, N.A. Copland, J.W., Lucas, J.S (eds).<br />

Giant Clams in Asia and the Pacific.<br />

ACIAR Monograph 9 p-34-40<br />

Indicator media for micro-organism degrading chlorinated<br />

pesticides<br />

LOOS, M.A. Can. J. Microbiol. 21: 104-107<br />

Indegenous. plasmid in Pseudomonas solonacearum. Morales, V.M. phytopathology 75: 767-771<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Increasing and stabilizing yield potential of corn in<br />

Indonesia<br />

Increased Baculovirus Susceptibility of Armyworm<br />

Larvae Feeding on Transgenic Rice Plants Expressing an<br />

Entomopoxvirus Gene<br />

Increase in calf production by the transfer of bisecting<br />

bovine embryos<br />

Incidence of (n-3) essential fatty acid deficiency on trout<br />

reproductive processes.<br />

Subandi<br />

Hukuhara. T. Nature Biotech.<br />

Seike N. Nippon-Juigaku-Zasshi. 1989 51 (6),<br />

p: 1193-1199.<br />

Leray, C., Reprod. Nutr. Develop. 25(3): 267-<br />

581.<br />

Inbreeding in fish population used for aquaculture. Kincaid, H.L. Aquaculture 33: 215-227.<br />

Inactivation of viruses in aquaculture systems. Hedge, A., Infofish International Q, 40-43.<br />

Inactivation of microorganisms in a semisolid model food Zhang, Q. Lebensmit.-Wiss. Technol. 27, 538using<br />

high voltage pulsed electric fields<br />

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In Vivo Pathway of Autographa californica Baculovirus<br />

Invasion and infection<br />

Granados, R.R. Virology<br />

In vivo digestibility evaluation of chitinous materials Patton, R.S. J. Diary Sci,. 58:397-402<br />

In vivo and In vitro Methods of Measuring Nutritive Value<br />

of Leaf Protein Concentrate<br />

Buchanan, R.A. Brit.J.Nutr. 23:533<br />

In vitro maturation and fertilization of Swamp buffalo<br />

oocyte and their subsequent development<br />

Pavasuthipaisit, K. Theriogenol. 38: 545-555.<br />

In vitro maturation and fertilization of buffalo oocytes<br />

(Bubalus bubalis): effect of media, hormones and sera<br />

Totey, S.M. Theriogenol. 39: 1153-1171.<br />

In Vitro Fertilization of Bovine Oocytes Using Heparin<br />

Treated and Swim up Separated Frozen Thawed Bovine<br />

Semen is Repeatable and Result In High Frequencies of<br />

Fertilization<br />

In Vitro Digestibility of Plastein Gel Prepared from Peptic<br />

Digest of Casein<br />

In vitro development up to hatching of bovine in vitro<br />

matured and fertilized oocytes with or without support from<br />

somatic cells<br />

In vitro culture of sheep oocyte matured and fertilized in<br />

vitro<br />

In vitro culture of Bovine IVM-IVF embryos. Cooperative<br />

interaction among embryos and the role of growth factors<br />

Improvement of Heat Transfer During Low Temperature<br />

Pasteurization Processes<br />

Improvement of dietary value for red sea bream larvae of<br />

rotifers, Brachionus plicatilis, cultured with baker's yeast,<br />

Saccharomyces cerevisiae.<br />

Improvement of Baculovirus Pesticide by Deletion of the<br />

egt gene<br />

Parrish, J.J. J. Theriogenology. 23 : 216<br />

Hadiwiyoto, S.<br />

Shamsuddin, M. Theriogenology 39 :1067-1079<br />

Fukui Y. J. Theriogenology 29: 883.<br />

Keefer. C.L. Theriogenology 41:1323-1331<br />

Beil, A. L. J. of Food. Eng. 27(4):409-422<br />

Kitajima, C., Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 45:467-471.<br />

O’Reilly, D.R. Bio/technology. 9: 1086-1089<br />

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Improvement of a Baculovirus Pesticide by Deletion of the<br />

egt gene<br />

Improved methodology for a sea urchin sperm cell Biossay<br />

for marine water<br />

improved medium for lactic streptococci and their<br />

bacteriophages<br />

Improved M13 phage cloning vectors and host strains:<br />

nucleotide sequences of M13mpl8 and pUC19 vectors<br />

Improved high-performance liquid chromatographic<br />

analysis acids and isoflavonoids from soybean protein<br />

products<br />

Improved drought tolerance and root development as<br />

component of a scheme to breed blueberries for mineral<br />

soil adaptability.<br />

Improve separation of motil sperm in asthenospermia and<br />

its aplication to artificial insemenation honologous (AIH)<br />

Importance of fish aggregating devices (FADs) as<br />

substrates for food organisms of fish.<br />

Implications of genotype-environment interactions in<br />

applied plant breeding<br />

Implication of Bacillus subtilis in The Sythesis of<br />

Tetramethyl Pyrazine During Fermentation of Cacao<br />

Beans<br />

O'Reilly. D.R. Biotechnology<br />

Dinnel, P.A. Archives of Environmetal<br />

Contamination, 16: 23 32<br />

Terzaghi, B. E. Applied Microbiology. 29: 807 -813<br />

Yanisch-Perron, C. Gene 33: 103-119<br />

Seo, A. J. Agric. Food Chem. 32:530-533<br />

Erb, W.A. Euphytica 70: 9-16.<br />

Harris, P.M. dalam J. festil and steril.9.114.<br />

Ibrahim, S. Fish. Res. 27:265-273.<br />

Allard, R.W. Crop Sci. 4: 503-507<br />

Zak, D.L. J. Sci. Food. Agric. 10(12)<br />

Implementation the BPH integrated control <strong>program</strong>. Oka, I.N.<br />

Impact oF foreign vessels poaching gianc clams Pearson, R.G. Australian Fisheries. 36:8-1 1-23<br />

Immunotoxic effect of mycotoxins Pestka, J.J. J.D Miller and H.L. Trenholm(ed),<br />

mycotoxins' in grains, compound<br />

other than aflatoxinEagan Press., St.<br />

Paul. pp. 339-358<br />

Immunosupresive compounds from A deep water marine<br />

sponge, Algilus flabelliformis.<br />

Gunasekara, M., J.Nat. Prod. 52(4): 757-761.<br />

Immunomodulatory mechanism of arginine Reynolds, J. V. Sure Forum 38 :415-418.<br />

Immunologically mediated growth depression in chick :<br />

influence of feed im take, corticosteron and interleukin-1<br />

Klassing , KC. The J. Biol.and Biochem. 9 : 5280-<br />

5284<br />

Immobilization of lipases on porous polypropylene:<br />

Reduction in esterification efficiency at low loading<br />

Bosley, J.A. JAOCS, 74: 107-111<br />

Immobilization of lipase from Rhiwpus delemar on<br />

polyethylene membrane<br />

Indrati, R.<br />

Illinois Process for Preparation of Soymilk Nelson, A.L. J. Food Sci. 41 : 57-61<br />

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Ileal loss of available carbohydrates in man: comparison of<br />

breath method with direct measurement using a human<br />

ileostomy model<br />

Ikan hiu: Hewan primitif yang memberikan sumbangan luar<br />

biasa bagi kesehatan manusia<br />

Ikan hias: eksportir kewalahan order (Ornamental fish:<br />

Exporters are unable to fill up the order).<br />

Identifikasi Komponen Minyak Atsiri Daging Buah Pala<br />

(Myristica fragrans HOUTT) yang Dihidrolisis oleh Enzim<br />

Pektinase.<br />

Wolever, T.M.S. Am. J. Gastroenterology 81: 115-122<br />

Suparno. Ikan hiu: Hewan primitif yang<br />

membenkan sumbangan luar biasa<br />

bagi kesehatan manusia<br />

Karjono. Trubus No.356, July 1999, Tahun<br />

XXX. p.54-55.<br />

Rampengan, V.F.,<br />

Identifikasi dan Pengujian Awal Pertumbuhan Bakteri dari<br />

Limbah Lateks Pekat<br />

Suharyanto Bulctin Perkaretan 5 (I) p.20-27<br />

Identifikasi asap cair dari berbagai macam kayu Tranggono Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi<br />

Pangan,1(2)15-24<br />

Identifikasi Asap Cair dari Berbagai Jenis Kayu dan<br />

Tempurung Kelapa<br />

Identifikasi Asap cair dari Berbagai Jenis Kayu dan<br />

Tempurung Kelapa<br />

Identification of N-acetylneuraminyl (2 • 3 poly-Nacetyllactosamine<br />

glycans as the receptors of sialic acidbinding<br />

Streptococcus suis strains<br />

Identification of flavor constituents in carhonyl, noncarbonyl,<br />

neutral and basic fractions of aqueous smoke<br />

condensates<br />

Identification of an inhibitor of neovascularization from<br />

cartilage.<br />

Identification of an Inhibitor of Neovascularization from<br />

cartilage.<br />

Identification od Cumulative Fruit Responses During<br />

Storage Using Neural Networks<br />

Identification and spatial stratification of tropical fish<br />

concentration using acoustic populations.<br />

Identification and quantitative analysis of the amino acids<br />

present in protein of the brawn shrimp, Penaeus aztecus<br />

Identification and characterization of the microflora and<br />

spoilage bacteria in freshwater crayfish Procambarus clarkii<br />

(Girard)<br />

Identification and characterization of a new plasmid<br />

carying genes for degradation 2,4-Dichlorophenoxy acetate<br />

from Pseudo-monas cepacia CSV90<br />

Tranggono J. Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan, vol. 1,<br />

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Moses, M.A., Science 248:1408-1410.<br />

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Gerlotto, F. Aquat. Living Resour. 6: 243-254.<br />

Shewbart, K.L. Marine Biology, 16: 64-47<br />

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Identification and characterization of a new plasmid<br />

carying genes for degradation 2,4-Dichlorophenoxy acetate<br />

from Pseudomonas cepacia CSV9<br />

Identification and characterization of a new plasmid<br />

carying genes for degradation 2,4-Dichlorophenoxy<br />

acetate from Pseudomonas cepacia CSV90.<br />

Identification and Characterization of a New Plasmid<br />

Carrying Genes for Degradation of 2,4-<br />

Dichlorophenoxyacetate from Pseudo-monas cepacia<br />

CSV90<br />

Identification and Characterization and New Plasmid<br />

Carrying Genes for Degradation of 2,4<br />

Dichlorophenoxycetate from Pseudomonas cepacia CSV90<br />

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Bhat, M.A. Apl. Environ. Microbiol. 60: 307-312<br />

Ibisterol sulfate, a novel HIV-lnhibitory sulfated sterol from<br />

the deep water sponge Topsentia sp<br />

McKee, TC. Tetrahedron LetL. 34.3.389-392<br />

IAWA List of Microscopic features for hardwood<br />

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Wheeler, E.A., IAWA Bull.n.s.10 (3): 219-332.<br />

Hypoxia in invertebrates Hereid, C.F. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 67A: 311-<br />

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Hypotaurine Requirementfor In Vitro Development of<br />

Golden Hamster One Cell Embryos into Morulae and<br />

Blastocysts, and Production of Term Offspring from in Vitro<br />

Fertilized Ova<br />

Barnet,D.K J. Biol-Reprod. 28(3) : p 717-25<br />

Hypolipidemic Effect of Substituting Soybean Protein<br />

Isolate for all Meat and Dairy Protein in the Diets of<br />

Hypercholesterolemic Men<br />

Hypocholesterolemic effects of chitosan in cholesterol-fed<br />

rats<br />

Hypocholesterolemic Effect of Vegetable Protein in a<br />

Hypocaloric Diet<br />

Hypocholesterolemic action of chitosans with different<br />

viscosity in rats<br />

Hypocholesterolemic Effect of Substituting Soybean<br />

Protein for Animal Protein in the Diet of Healthy Young<br />

Women<br />

Wolfe, B. M. Nutr. Rep. Inter. 24:(6)1187-1198<br />

Sugano, M. Nutr. Rep. Intl. 18: 531-537<br />

Jenkins, D. J. A. Atherosclerosis. 78:99-107<br />

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Carroll, K. K. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 31:1312-1321<br />

Hypercholesterolaemia Treated by Soybean Protein Diet Gaddi, A. Arch. Disease Child. 62:274-278<br />

Hydrolysis of Soybean Oil by a Combined Lipase System Park, Y.K. JAOCS, Vol. 65 : 252-254<br />

Hydrological Information for Sustainable Development Burn, D.H. Hydrological Sciences Journal, vol.<br />

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Hydrologic Effects of Crop Residue Management Practices Frehaern. D.M. Aust. J. Soil Res. 25 : 58 - 25<br />

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Hydrocarbons, pesticides, PCB and PAH in Port Phillip<br />

Bay (Victoria) Sand Flathead.<br />

Humoral Immune response of Balb/ C Mice to Larval and<br />

Adult Worm Antigens of Angiostrongylus malaysiensis<br />

Hubungan antara tingkat trofik dengan produksi keramba<br />

jaring apung mini di suatu badan air.<br />

Hubungan antara tingkat trofik dengan produksi keramba<br />

Jaring apung mini di suatu badan air.<br />

Hubungan Antara Kelimpahan Post Larva Udang Penaeid<br />

dengan Waktu Siang-Malam, Pasang-Surut dan Periode<br />

Bulan di Perairan Jepara, Laut Jawa<br />

Nicholson. G.J., Marine Pollution Bull., Vol. 28(2):115-<br />

120.<br />

Ratanaponglakha D Shoutheast Asian J.Trop. Med.Pub.<br />

Hith. 20(2): 227-231<br />

Krismono.<br />

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dengan produksi keramba Jaring<br />

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How Thailand made it to the top. Kongkeo, H. Infofish International 1, 25-31.<br />

How Spiders make a living. Nyffeler, M., Environ. Entomol. 23 (6): 1357-1367.<br />

How spiders make a living. Nyffeler, M., Environ. Entomol, 23{6) : 1357-1367.<br />

How neural network learn from experience Hinton. G.E. Scientific American, Sept. 1992, 105-<br />

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Host-zooxanthella Interactions In four temperate marine<br />

Invertebrate symbioses assesment of effect of host<br />

extracts on symbionts<br />

Sutton, D.C. Biol. Bull. 178: 175-186<br />

Host Location Behavior of Stomoxys calcitrans. Entomol Gatehouse, A.G Exp. Appl. 16:275.<br />

Homing and olfaction in salmonids: a critical review with<br />

special reference to atlantic salmon.<br />

Stabell, O. Biological Review, 59:333-388.<br />

Home Food Safety Daniels, R.W. Food Technology 52(2):54-56<br />

History of TM Biocontrol-1: the First Registered Virus -<br />

Based Product for Control a forest Insect<br />

Martignoni, M.0E. American Entomologist. Spring<br />

Histopathology of fish. III. Peduncle (cold-water) disease. Wood, E.M. Prog. Fish-Cult.18 (1):58-61.<br />

Histopathological studies or edwardsiellosis of the<br />

Japanese eel Anguilla japonica – I. Suppurative interstitial<br />

nephritis form.<br />

Histopathological studies of edwardsiellosis of the<br />

Japanese eel Anguilla japonica – II. Suppurative hepatitis<br />

form.<br />

Histopathological studies of edwardsiellosis of Japanese<br />

eel Anguilla japonica-III. Elvers and anguillets<br />

Histo logical studies on the origin of planulae of the coral<br />

Pocillopora damicornis<br />

Miyazaki, T. Fish Pathol. 11: 33- 43.<br />

Miyazaki, T. Fish Pathol. 11: 67-75.<br />

Miyazaki, T. Fish Pathol. 11: 127-131.<br />

Permata, W.D. Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser., 200: 191-200<br />

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High-performance liquid chromatographic analysis of<br />

phytoestrogens in soy protein preparations with ultraviolet,<br />

electrochemical and thermospray mass spectrometric<br />

detection<br />

High performance liquid chromatographic determination<br />

OF subpicomole amounts of amino acids by precolumn<br />

fluorescence derivatization with ophthaldialdehyde<br />

Setchell, K. D. R. J. Chromatography. 386:315-323<br />

Lindroth, P. Anal. Chem., 51:1667-1674<br />

Heterogeneity of mini purse seine net fleet in Java Sea. Wijopriono, Java Sea Pelagic Fishery<br />

Assessment Project, Sci. and Tech.<br />

Doc. 25: 46-51.<br />

Hermatypic corals of Japan Veron, J.E.N. Ser. Autr. Inst. Mar. Sci. Mon., 9,<br />

234pp<br />

Heritability of Yield and other Traits and Interrelationships<br />

Among Traits in the F3 and F4 Generations of Three<br />

Soybean Crosses.<br />

Anand, S.C. Crop Sci. 3: 508-510.<br />

Herbisida Paraquat dalam Lahan Gambut: III.<br />

Pengaruhnya terhadap Sifal Fisika Tanah<br />

Herbasterol. an Ichtyotoxic 9,11 -secosterol from the<br />

sponge Dysidea herbacea<br />

Hepatic tumoursin ducks fed on a low level of toxic ground<br />

nut meal<br />

Heavy metal accumulation by selected Halodule wrightii<br />

ash. Population in the Corpus Chrisi Bay Area<br />

Heavy metal accumulation by Fucus ceranoides in a small<br />

estuary In North-West-Spain<br />

Heat inactivation Kinetics of Trypsin Inhibitor During High<br />

Temperature Short Time Processing of Soybean Milk.<br />

Heat and Moisture Transfer with Thermodinamically<br />

Interactive Fluxes III. Computer Simulation.<br />

Heat and Moisture Transfer with Thermodinamically<br />

Interactive Fluxes I. Mathematical Model Development and<br />

Numerical Solution.<br />

Heat and Moisture Transfer with Thermodinamically<br />

Interactive Fluxes and Volumetric Changes II. Estimation of<br />

Moisture Flux Correction Factors.<br />

Heat and Mass Transfer in Stored Milo. Part II. Mass<br />

transfer model.<br />

Heat and Mass Transfer in Stored Milo. Part I. Heat<br />

transfer model.<br />

Heat and Mass Transfer at the surface of Elliptical<br />

Cylinders Placed in a Turbulent Air Flow<br />

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Hatcheries and fishery enhancement. Bartley, D.M. FAO Aquaculture Newsletter (FAN),<br />

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Harga sidat mencapai Rp110.000/kg. Anonim. Techner1(05)<br />

Hama-hama Serangga pada Simpanan Kacang Hijau dan<br />

Kacang Tanah di Kodya Manado<br />

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Habitat and feeding observation on species of Ophiocoma<br />

(Opiocomidae) at Eniwetak<br />

Chartock, M.A. Micronesica 19 (1-2) : 131 – 149<br />

Gynogenesis and androgenesis, the promising tools for<br />

aquaculture<br />

Achmad, T.<br />

Growth, Yield and Morphology of Ascophylum nodusum<br />

(Phaephyta) Under Continues and Intermittent Seawater<br />

Spray Culture Regime<br />

Rheult, R.B. J. Phycol., 19: 252-254<br />

Growth, mortality and recruitment rates of giant clam<br />

Tridacna gigas and T, derasa At Michaelmas Reef, Central<br />

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Growth responce to submerge, soil aeration, and soil<br />

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Growth rates of a Pseudomonad on 2.4-Dichloro<br />

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Growth rate of common carp hybrids of male Majalaya and<br />

female Sinyonya strains<br />

Jangkaru, Z.<br />

Growth ofcyprinids under optimal zooplankton conditions. Tamas, G. Bamidgeh, 28(3): 50-56.<br />

Growth of some corals in an artificial reef off Dumaguete,<br />

Central Visayas, Philippines. Kalikasan. Philipp.<br />

Growth of Listeria monocytogenes in skim, whole and<br />

chocolate milk, and in whippIng cream during incubation at<br />

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Growth of Laboratory - reared giant clams under natural<br />

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Growth in fishes. p. 273-285 Purdom, C. E. Laurence, T. L. J. (Ed) Growth in<br />

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Growth in colonial scleractinians Barnes, D.J. BulI. Mar. Sci 23 (2): 280-298<br />

Growth hormone gene in transgenic fish production. Ninawe, A.S. INFOFISH Intemasional 11 97: 29-32.<br />

Growth and survival of Tridacna gigas juveniles In an<br />

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Growth and salt balance of the mangroves Avicennia<br />

marina and Rhizophora stylosa in relation to salinity<br />

Growth and digestibility by three sizes of Penaeus<br />

vannamei Boone: effect of dietary protein level and protein<br />

source.<br />

Growth and digestibility by Three sizes of Penaeus<br />

vannamei Boone: effect of dietary protein level and protein<br />

source<br />

Grow-out production of camouflage grouper, Epinephelus<br />

polyphekadion (Bleeker), in a tank culture system.<br />

Clough, B.F. Australian Journal of Plant<br />

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Smith, L.L., Aquaculture, 46: 85-96.<br />

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James, C.M., Aquaculture Research, 29 : 381-388.<br />

Grouper culture in the Philippines Toledo, J.D. Grouper Aquaculture Research<br />

Workshop, Bangkok 7-8 April. 4 pp.<br />

Grouper aquaculture: Status of work carried out at the<br />

Sabah Fish Hatchery Centre, Malaysia<br />

Komilus, C.F. Grouper Aquaculture Research<br />

Workshop, Bangkok 7-8 April. 11 pp<br />

Grouper aquaculture in Australia Rimmer, M. Grouper Aquaculture Research<br />

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intercellular fluids extract from hypersensitive nicotiana<br />

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Glycerol translocation in Condylactis gigantea Battey, J.F. Mar. Biol., 95: 37-46<br />

Glycerol excretion by symbolic algae from corals and<br />

Tridacna and its control by the host<br />

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Glycerol excretion by symbiotic algae From corals and<br />

Tridacna and It's control by the host<br />

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Gluten Proteins with High Affinity to Flour Lipid Zawistowska, U. Cercal Chemistry 62(4): 284-289<br />

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in vitro fertilized bovine embryos cultured in semi defined<br />

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Kim, J.H Theriogenology 34 : 879 : 886<br />

Glucose inhibits development of hamster 8 cells embryos<br />

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Glass Transition Values of Muscle Tissue Brake, N.C. J. of Food Science, 64 (1): 10-15<br />

Glass Transition of Tuna Flesh at Low Temperature and<br />

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Giant Clams: Description. Distribution and Life History Lucas, J.S. Copland. J.W. Lucas, J.S. (eds) Giant<br />

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Giant Clams: Description, Distribution and Life History Lucas, J.S. Copland, J.W, Lucas,J.S. (eds). Giant<br />

Clams In Asia and the Pacific. ACIAR.<br />

ACIAR Monograph 9p:2l-3Z<br />

Giant clams in the Philippines Gomez, E.D. Copland, J.W., Lucas, J.S. (eds)<br />

Giant Clams In Asia and the Pacific.<br />

ACIAR Monograph 9 p: 51 -53<br />

Giant clams culture and its prospect in Indonesia Ambariyanto IARDJ. 17 (1): 13-17<br />

Giant clams culture and its prospect in Indonesia Ambariyanto IARDJ. 17(1) : 13-17<br />

Geographical variation in allozyme frequencies of<br />

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Geographic variation in the milkfish Chanos chanos. Wenans. G.A. Biochem. Ev. 34: 558-574.<br />

Geographic variation in the milkfish (Chanos chanos). I.<br />

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Genotypic and Phenotypic Correlations in Soybean and<br />

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Genomic amplification and expression of o-endotoxin<br />

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Genistein, Daidzein, and their -glycoside conjugates:<br />

Antitumor isoflavones in soybean foods from American and<br />

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Genetics of BenomyI Resistance in Venturia inaqualis from<br />

North and South America, Europe and New Zealand<br />

Genetically Engineered Insect Virus Pesticides: Present<br />

and Future<br />

Genetic variation in Atlantic cod (Gadus murhua)<br />

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Genetic variation associated with growth rate in the<br />

American Oyster (Crassostrea virginica)<br />

Genetic variation and populations structure of red sea<br />

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Genetic variation and population structure of tiger shrimp<br />

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Genetic variability of biochemical traits in fish population. Fujio, Y. Kaiyo Kagaku 13(1): 35-41.<br />

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Lateolabrax japonicus in the coastal water of Hyogo<br />

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Ohtani, T., Fish. Sci. 63: 175-178.<br />

Genetic variability in the mud crab genus Scy//a<br />

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Genetic studies connected with artificial propagation of cod<br />

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Genetic Resources of Tropical Grain Legume. Sastrapradja, S., Mien A. Rifai (ed) Asean Legume.<br />

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Genetic nomenclature for protein-coding loci in fish. Shaklee, J.B., Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 119: 2-15<br />

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Genetic improvement of tilapia problems and prospects. Pullin, R.S.U. ICLARM Conperence Proceeding 15.<br />

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Genetic Heterozygosity and growth rate in Mylitus edulis Koehn, R.K. Marine Biology, 82, 1-8<br />

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Genetic Conservation a World Problem Hawkes, J.G., Hughes, J.G. (Ed) Conservation of<br />

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Genetic change in the fisrt and second generation of<br />

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Genetic change in the first and second generation of<br />

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Fluktuasi Populasi Musiiman Hama Penggerek Pucuk<br />

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Finger printing genomes using PCR with arbitrary using<br />

PCR with arbitrary primers<br />

Fine structure of the Peritrichous estocomensal<br />

Zoothamnium sp. with emphasis on mode of attachment to<br />

Penaid Shrimp Cool Fish University Washington, Seattle,<br />

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Fin errosion In winter Flounder Ziskowski, J. Marine Pollution Bullettin. 6: 26 – 29<br />

Fetal Development in cattle with multiple ovulations Ectherkamp, S.E. J. Anim. Sci., 70 (8): 2309-2321.<br />

Fertilizer use under multiple cropping systems. Food and<br />

Agriculture Organization of the United Nations<br />

Fermentation Products in Cocoa Beans Inoculated with<br />

Acetobacter<br />

Fermentation of peanut milk with Lactobacillus bulgaricus<br />

and La.ctobacW.us acidophillus.<br />

Fermentation of Dietary Fibre in thew Human Large<br />

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Pengembangan Fitomarka<br />

Feeding Habits of Juvenile Stages of Sparus auratus L.,<br />

Dicentrarchus labrax L., and Mugillidae in a Brackish<br />

Embayment of the Po River Delta<br />

Feeding ecology of mud crab (Scylla Serrata ) from<br />

Sankairi Brackhiswater<br />

Feeding by A "nonfeeding" larva: uptake of dissolved<br />

amino acids from seawafer by lecithotrophic larvae of the<br />

gastropod Haliotis rufescens<br />

Feeding Behaviour and Trypanosomatid Infections of<br />

Some Tabanids and Culicidae in Columbia<br />

Feeding behaviour and diet of Corophium volutator In an<br />

estuary in southeastern England<br />

Feeding and burrowing ecology of two East African<br />

mangrove crabs<br />

Feeding and assimilation of mangrove leaves by the crab<br />

Sesarma meinertii de Man in relation to leaf - litter<br />

production in Mgazana, a warm - temperate southern<br />

African mangrove swamp<br />

Fecundity and egg production of four species of short-lived<br />

clupeoid from Solomon Islands, tropical South Pacific.<br />

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Jaeckle. W.B. Marine Bioiogi, 103: 87-94<br />

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Gerdol, V. Marine Ecology Progress Series 114:<br />

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Mitcheli, F. Marine Biology, 111: 247–254<br />

Emmerson, W.D. Journal Experimental Marine Biology<br />

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Milton, D.A., ICES J. Mar. Sri. 52: 111-125<br />

Fauna of spiders in a paddy fields in Suweon, Okuma, C, Korea Esakia 11:81- 88.<br />

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Fauna echinodermata dan terumbu karang Pulau Pari,<br />

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Aziz, A. Oseanologi di Indonesia 14 : 41-50<br />

Fatty adds in Echinoidea: unusual cis-5-olefinic acids as<br />

distinctive lipids components in sea urchins.<br />

Takagi, T, M. Lipids. 21(9): 558.<br />

Fatty acids in the lipid of food products from sea urchin. Kaneniwa, M Bulletin of the Japanese Society of<br />

Scientific Fisheries. 5 2 (9). 1681-<br />

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Fate of polybtoininaled Biphenyls (PBB's) in Soils.<br />

Retention of Hexabromobiphenyl in Four Michigan Soils<br />

Filinow, A.B. J.Agric.foodchem.<br />

Fate of Paraquat in Tropical Soils. Lane, M.G.C. J. Agric, Food. Chem. 160-166<br />

Fate of Paraquat in Tropical Soils Lane, M.G.C. J. Agric Foodl Chem. 160-166<br />

Fate of Metribuzine, Metolachor, and Fluemeturon in Soil. Bouchard, D.C., Weed Sci. 30 (6): 629-632.<br />

Farming of tiger prawn in the Philippines Solis, N.B. SEAFDEC Newsletter, 11: 6-13<br />

FAO species catalogue. Vol.4, Shark of the world. An<br />

annotated and illutrated catalogue of shark species known<br />

to date. Part 1-Hexanchiformes to Lamniformes: viii, 1-<br />

250. Part 2-Carcharhiniformes: x, 251-655.<br />

Compagno, L.J.V. FAO Fisheries Synopsis 125: 1-655.<br />

FAO species catalogue. Vol. 16. Grouper of the world<br />

(Family Serranidae. Subfamily Epinephelmac). An<br />

annotated &. illustrated catalogue of the grouper, rockcod.<br />

kind. coral grouper and ly ret oil species known to dale.<br />

FAO Species Catalogue, vol.3.Cephalopods of the Worid,<br />

An annotated and ilustrated catalogue of species of interest<br />

to fisheries.<br />

Heemstra. P.C. FAO Fisheries Synopsis No. 125. Vol.<br />

I 6 Rome.<br />

Roper, C.F.E., FAO. Fish. Synop, (125) vol.111. 277<br />

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FAO Food and Nutrition Paper no: 65. Risk Management<br />

and Food Safety<br />

Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi investasi swasta di<br />

subsektor perkebunan<br />

Roper, C.F.E FAO Species Catalogue Vol.3.<br />

Cephalopods of the world. FAO Fish.<br />

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Risk Management and Food Safety<br />

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Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi daya tetas telur. Suwarta. Poultry Indonesia X:19-20.<br />

Faktor-faktor produksi susu peternakan sapi perah rakyat<br />

di daerah kering<br />

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Faktor produksi yang berpengaruh terhadap biaya<br />

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Karangploso, Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur<br />

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Faktor produksi susu sapi perah rakyat di Garut dan Bogor Mulyadi, A.N. Jurnal Ilmu Ternak dan Veteriner 1<br />

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Facultative anaerobic Gram negative rods. Holt, J.G., In N.R.Krieg and J.G. Holt, (edsJ<br />

Bargey's Manual of Systematic<br />

Bacteriology . p: 343-352.<br />

Factors Influencing Virus Titer In Maize Dwarf Mosaic<br />

Virus-Infected Sorghum<br />

Jensen, S. G. Phytopathology 75:1132-1130<br />

Factors Affecting Trichoderma hamatum Apllied to Seeda<br />

as A Biocontrol Agent<br />

Harman, G.E. Phytophatology<br />

Factors affecting the rate of hydrolysis of starch in food Snow, P. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 34:2721-7<br />

Factors affecting the persistence of Salmonella during the<br />

processing of poultry<br />

Lillard, H.S. J. Food Protect. 52:829-832<br />

Factors Affecting the Nutritional Quality of Soya Products Liener, I. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 58:406-415<br />

Factors Affecting the Efficacy of Fungicides in Soil Munnecke, D.E. Ann, Rev. Phytopathol. 10:375-398<br />

Factors affecting the Antigenecity ol the Mycelium of Three<br />

Species of Phytopthora<br />

Burrel. R.G. Phytopathology<br />

Factors Affecting Behavior and Developmental<br />

Synchrony of Germinating Oospores of Pythium<br />

aphanidermatum<br />

Ruben, D.M. Phytophatology<br />

Factor Affecting of Pyrazine in Cocoa Beans Reeniccius. G.A. J. Agric. Food Chem. 20 (2) : 202-206<br />

Faciors Inilu&hcin^ ViruR Tiler Mdize Dwarf Mcisaic VIRIS-<br />

Infectad Sorghuui.<br />

Extremely barophilic bacteria Isolated from the Mariana<br />

Trench, Challenger Deep, a t a depth of 11.000 meters<br />

Extraction and Identification of an Antioxidative<br />

Component from Peanut Hulls<br />

Expression of growth factor ligand and receptor genes in<br />

the preimplantation bovine embryo<br />

Exposure of infants to phyto-oestrogens from soy-based<br />

infant formula<br />

Explotation of zoospore taxis in the Development of a<br />

Novel Dipstick Immunoassay for the Specific Detection of<br />

Phytopthora Cinnamom<br />

Exploring the New World of the Gnome with DNA<br />

Microarrays.<br />

Experimental decomposition of litter from the Tamaulipan<br />

Cloud Forest: A composition of four simple models<br />

Experimental Analysis and Computer Simulation of Starch-<br />

Water Interactions<br />

Jensen, S.G. {'h\sopniltOSog\ 75:1132-1136<br />

Kato. C. Appl. Eniviron. Microbiol, 64: 1510 -<br />

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Watson, A.J. Mol. Reprod. Dev., 31: 87-95.<br />

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Brown, P.O. Nature Genetics 21:33-37<br />

Ezcurra, E. Biotropica, 19: 290-296<br />

Wang, S. S. J. Food Sci. 56: 121-129<br />

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Experimental Analysis and Computer Simulation of Starchwater<br />

Interactions<br />

Experience With in Vitro Sperm Penetration Testing In<br />

Fertile Couples<br />

Experience With in Vitro Sperm Penetration Testing In<br />

Fertile Couples<br />

Wang, S. S. J. Food Sci. 56: 121-129<br />

Mathew, C.D J. Fertility and Sterility. Vol. 33. Pp:<br />

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Mathew, C.D J. Fertility and Sterility. Vol. 33. Pp:<br />

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Exopolymer production by intertidal epipelic diatoms Smith, D.j. Limnology and Oceanography. 43(7)<br />

1578-1591<br />

Examination of cell number at Blastocysts derived from<br />

IVM, IVF and IVC of bovine follicular oocytes<br />

Jiang, H.S. Theriogenol. 37.229 (Abstr.)<br />

Evolutionary relationships of cultivated psychrophillc and<br />

barophilic deep-sea bacteria<br />

DeLong, E..F. Appl. Environ. Microbiol,62:2105-2108<br />

Evolutionary relationships of cultivated psychrophilic and<br />

barophilic deep-sea bacreria<br />

DeLong E.F Appl Environ Microbiol 63 : 2105-2108<br />

Evidence lack to dub smoking as an addiction Norton, R Asian Med. News 5: 2.<br />

Evidence for Three Functional RNA Species in Several<br />

Strains of Cucumber Mosaic Virus<br />

Lot, H. J.Gen. Virol. 22:81-93<br />

Evidence for plasmid linkage of raffinose utilization and<br />

associated a-galactosidase and sucrosehydrolase<br />

activity in Pediococcus pentosaceus<br />

Boca Raton Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 51 : 105-109<br />

Evidence for broadcast spawning as well as brooding In<br />

the Scleractinian coral Pocillopora damicornis<br />

Evidence for broadcast spawning as well as brooding in<br />

the scleractinian coral Pocillopora damicornis<br />

Evidence for acquisition in nature of chromosomal 2,4-D/a<br />

ketoglutarate dioxygenase gene by different<br />

Burkholderia spp.<br />

Evidence for a <strong>program</strong>med circanual life Cycle modulated<br />

by increasing daylengths In Neanthes Limnicola<br />

(Polychaeta: Nereidae) from central California<br />

Evaluation of the influence of vessel noise on fish<br />

distribution as observed using alternatively motor and sails<br />

aboard s survey vessel.<br />

Evaluation of the green sea urchin gonad as a food<br />

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Freon, P., Corn. to ICES statutory meeting,<br />

Bergen, oct. 1990. CM/B:55. 15 pp.<br />

Lee, Y.Z Can Institute of Food Science<br />

Technology Journal. 1 5 (3): 233-235.<br />

Evaluation of some binding agents for crustacean diets. Heinen, J.M. Prog. Fish Cult. 43(3) : 142-145.<br />

Evaluation of restriction fragment length polymorphism in<br />

Cucumis melo.<br />

Neuhauson, S.L. Theor. Appl. Genet. 83: 379-384.<br />

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Evaluation of lupin seed meal as an alternative protein<br />

source in feeding of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdnerl)<br />

Evaluation of lupin seed meal as an alternative protein<br />

souice In feeding of rainbow trout (salmo gairdneri)<br />

Evaluation of harp seal protease as a rennet substitute for<br />

Cheddar cheese<br />

Evaluation of hand-trimming, various sanitizing agents,<br />

and hot water spray-washing as decontamination<br />

interventions for beef brisket adipose tissue<br />

Evaluation of genetic variation in a domestic population of<br />

P. monodon (Boone): A comparison with three natural<br />

populations.<br />

Evaluation of formaldehyde treated casein for wool growth<br />

and nitrogen retention.<br />

Evaluation of different approaches to artemia cyst<br />

production in Indonesia.<br />

Evaluation of crystalline amino acids, betaine and AMP as<br />

food attractants of the giant prawn (Penaeus monodon)<br />

Evaluasi pengaruh petak percobaan budidaya ikan pada<br />

masyarakat tani di lahan pasang surut Karang Agung Ulu -<br />

Sumatera Selatan.<br />

Evaluasi Mutu Dadih yang dibuat dan Beberapa Jenis<br />

Susu dan Campurannya,<br />

Evaluasi kapasitas produksi sapi perah sampai umur<br />

produksi optimum<br />

Evaluasi daun singkong sebagai tambahan protein pada<br />

rumput gajah untuk makanan kambing.<br />

Etude des chromosome du Bivalve Ptorobranche Malletia<br />

sabrina Hedley, 1916.<br />

Etude de I'interaction entre souches proteolitiques de<br />

Streptocoques lactiques mesophiles et leur variants non<br />

proteolitiques, au cours de leur croissance dans le lait<br />

Etfects of Rosemary Extracts and Majoror Constituents on<br />

Lipid Oxidation and Soybean Lipoxygenase Activity,<br />

De la Higuera, M. Aquaculture, 1: 37-50<br />

De la Higuera, M. Aquaculture 71:37-50<br />

Shamsuzzaman, K J. Food Sci. 48 (1) 179.183.<br />

German, B.M. J. Food Protect. 58(8):899-907<br />

Sunden, S.L.F. Aquaculture 97: 131-142.<br />

Reis, P. J. Aust. J. agric. Res. 20: p. 755.<br />

Yap, W.G., Bull. Brackishwater Aqua. Dev. Cent.<br />

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Juillard. V Le Lait, 69: 291 - 304<br />

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Estuarine Sedimentary Processes Aston, S.R. J.D. Burton and P.S. Liss (eds),<br />

Estuarine Chemistry<br />

Estrogen receptor in bovine skeletal muscle Meyer, H.H.D. J. Anini. Sci. 60(1): 294-300<br />

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EstradioI-induced blockade of ovulation in the cow: effect<br />

on luteinizing hormone release and follicular fluid steroids<br />

Estimativas de parametros geneticos em cebola (Allium<br />

cepa L.) populacoes Pira Rosa e Pira Tropical, para o<br />

carater resistencia a Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Penz.<br />

Sensu ARX, 1957<br />

Estimation of water and nutrient consumption in<br />

hydroponic tomato greenhouse<br />

Estimation of the Thermal Contact Resistance Between<br />

Potato Granules and Steel<br />

Estimation of local precipitation statistics reflecting climate<br />

change<br />

Estimation of Food consumption from field observation of<br />

fish feeding cycles<br />

Estimation of food consumption from field observation of<br />

fish feeding cycles<br />

Estimation of average heterozygosity and genetic distance<br />

of small number of individuals.<br />

Estimation of average heterozygosity and genetic distance<br />

from a small number of individual Genetics, 89: 583-590.<br />

Engelhardt,H Biol.Repro. 40:1287-1297<br />

Melo, I.G. Summa Phytopathologica 9: 207-213<br />

Honjo, T. SHITA Journal. 3(2), 97-102<br />

Halliday, P. J. J. of Food Eng. 28(3-4):262-270<br />

Malyasovzky, I. Water Res. Res. Vol. 29 (12): 3955-<br />

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Sainsbury, K.J. J. Fish Biol. 29 : 23-36<br />

Sainsbury. K.J. J. Fish Biol. 29 : 23-36<br />

Nei, M. Genetic 89: 583-590.<br />

Nei, M. Estimation of average heterozygosity<br />

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Estimating the average food consumption by Fish in the<br />

field from stomach contents data<br />

Penington, M. Dana. 5: 81-86<br />

Estimating the average food consumption by fish in the<br />

field From stomach contents data<br />

Penington, M. Dana 5: 81 -86<br />

Essentiality of vitamin D in diets of channel catfish<br />

(Ictalurus punctatus).<br />

Lovell, R.T. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 107: 809-811.<br />

Essentiality of vitamin C in feeds for intensively fed cageds<br />

channel catfish.<br />

Lovell. R.T. J. Nutr. 103:131-138.<br />

Essential amino acids of the prawn Kanazawa, A. Bulletin of the Japanese Society of<br />

Scientific Fisheries, 47: 1375-1379<br />

Erosion assessment and Administration in Subtropical<br />

China. A Case Study From Fujian Province<br />

Higgit, D.L. Land Deg. & Dev. Journal. Vol.7: 1-10<br />

Ergot contamination of feedstuffs Young, J.C. Feedstuffs 51:23-33<br />

Eradication of the oriental fruit fly from Amami Islands by<br />

male annihilation<br />

Ushio, S. Jpn. J. Appl. Entomol. Zool. 26<br />

Eradication of the oriental fruit fly (Diptcra: Tephritidae)<br />

from the Okinawa Islands by a male annihilation method<br />

Koyama, J. J. Econ. Entomol.<br />

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Eradication of the oriental fruit fly from the Mariana<br />

Islands by the methods of male annihilation and sterile<br />

insect realease<br />

Equation for fitting Water Sorption of Foods : II. Evaluation<br />

of Various Two-Parameter Equation<br />

Equation for Fitting Water Sorption isotherm : Part 1-3<br />

Review.<br />

Epidemiological studies on toxocariasis and visceral larva<br />

migrants in a zone of Western Spain<br />

Steiner, L.F. J. Econ. Entomol.<br />

Boquet, R J. Chirife J.Food Tech. 13.319-327.<br />

Chrife, J. J. Food Tech. 13 : 159-174.<br />

Garcia, L.C. Ann. Trop. Med. Parasitol., 83: 615-<br />

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Epidemiological Concepts for Entomologists Barr, R.A. Bull.Entomol.Soc. Amer. 25: 129-130<br />

Enzymstudien: I. Uber die quantitative Messung<br />

proteolytischer Spaltungen. "Die Formoltitrierung"<br />

Sorensen, S.P.L. Biochem. Z. 7: 45-101. Cited from<br />

AdIer-Nissen (1986).<br />

Enzymic processing of marine raw materials. Gildberg, A. Process Biochem. 28: 1-15.<br />

Enzymic Hydrolysis of Animal Fats in Organic Solvents at<br />

Temperature Below Their Melting Points<br />

Virto, M.D. JAOCS. Vol. 68 : 324-327<br />

Enzymic Enhancement of omega-3 Fatty Acid Content in<br />

Fish Oils<br />

Maehr, H. JAOCS, Vol.71 : 463-467<br />

Enzyme-Resistant Starch. VI. Influence of sugars on<br />

resistant starch formation<br />

Eerlingen, R.C. Cereal chem. 71(5): 472-476<br />

Enzyme-Resistant starch IV. Effects of complexing lipids Czuchajowska, Z. Cereal Chem. 68(5): 537-542<br />

Enzyme polymorphism and adaptive strategy in the<br />

decapod Crustacea.<br />

Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Fats at High Substrate<br />

Concentrations in Biphasic Organic-Aqueous System<br />

Enzymatic Enhancement of omega3 Fatty Acid:Conlcm In<br />

hsh Oil<br />

Enzymatic development of pyruvic acid in onions as a<br />

measure of pungency<br />

Enzymatic and high pressure liquid cliromatograpliy<br />

estimation of glucose, fructose, and sucrose in powders<br />

from stored onions<br />

Enzymatic and high pressure liquid chromatography<br />

estimation of glucose, fructose, and sucrose in powders<br />

from stored onions<br />

Nelson, K. Am. Nat. 116(2): 238-280.<br />

Mukataka, S. J. Ferment. Technol, Vol.63: 23-29<br />

Maehr, H. JAOCS, 71 (5^. 463-467<br />

Schwimmer. S. J. Agr. Food Chem.. 9 : 301-304<br />

Gorin, N. J Agric. Food Chem., 27 : 195-197<br />

Gorin, N. J. Agric. Food Chem<br />

Enzymatic and Autoxidation of Deffated Peanut Divino, G. L. J. Food Sci. 6:112-120<br />

Environmental Contamination of Egg Masses as a Major<br />

Component of Transgenerational Transmission of Gypsy<br />

Moth Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus (LdMNPV)<br />

Murray, K.D. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 53: 324-334<br />

Environmental Health Criteria 39 WHO Paraquat and Diquat Geneva<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Environment influences on growth and survival during the<br />

ocean-nursery rearing or giant clams. Tridacna Gigas (L.)<br />

Environment influences on growth and survival during the<br />

ocean nursery rearing of giant clams. Tridacna gigas (L.)<br />

Entry of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris into<br />

Hydathodes of Arabidopsis thaliana Leaves: A System for<br />

Studying Early Infection Events in Bacterial Pathogenesis<br />

Lucas, J.S. Aquaculture, 80: 45-61<br />

Lucas, J.S. Aquaculture, 80: 45-61<br />

Hugouvieux, V. Mol Piant-Microbe Interact. 11 (16):<br />

537-543<br />

Enteromorpha AS a monitor of heavy netals in estuaries Say, P.J. Hydrobiologia, 195: 119 – 126<br />

Enteromorpha ,15 a monitor of heavy metals In estuary Say, P. J. Hydrobiology 195: 119 -126<br />

Ensiling in acid - A method to stabilize astaxanthin in<br />

shrimp processing by-products and improve uptake of this<br />

pigment by rainbow trout (Salmo gairdnen).<br />

Ensilage treatment of crawfish waste for improvement of<br />

astaxanthin pigment extraction.<br />

Enrichment of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids with<br />

Geotrichum candidum Lipase<br />

Enhanced Infection of a Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus in<br />

Larvae of the Armyworm, Pseudaletia Unipuncta, by a<br />

Factor in the Spheroids of an Entomopoxvirus<br />

Enhanced Infection of a Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus in<br />

Larvae of the Armyworm, Pseudaletia unipuncta, by a<br />

Factor in the Capsule of a Granulosis Virus<br />

Tomssen, O.J, Aquaculture, 26: 77-83.<br />

Huei-Mei, C. J. Food Sci., 48, 1516-20/1555.<br />

Shimada, Y. JAOCS Vol. 71 : 951-954<br />

Xu, J. J. Invertebr, Pathol.<br />

Tanada, Y. J. Invertebr. Pathol.<br />

Engineering of Autonomous Bio-systems: The EcoCyborg<br />

Project.,<br />

Kok, R., CSAE paper No. 95-602.<br />

Energy storage and the balance of producers and<br />

decomposers in ecological systems<br />

Olson, J.S. Ecology. 44: 322-331<br />

Energy flow in a Mytilus. edulis culture in western Sweden Rosenberg, R. Aquaculture 35 : 151 – 161<br />

Energy flow in a Mytilus edulis culture in western Sweden Rosenberg, R. Aquaculture, 35: 151-161<br />

Energy dissipation on A Rough slope Madsen, O. S J. The Waterways Harbors and<br />

Coastal Engineering Division, Vol 102,<br />

No. WW1, 3148<br />

Endless energy from the sea ? Qasim, S.Z. Science Today, Vol 14, No. 9, p.17-<br />

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ENCORE: The effect of nutrient enrichment on coral reefs.<br />

1. Experimental design and research <strong>program</strong>me<br />

Larkum, A.W.D. Mar. Poll. Bull. 29: 112-120<br />

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Empowering the rural poor for scH-hclp: IFAD's primary<br />

objective<br />

Elevated levels of microbial activity in the coral surface<br />

microlayar<br />

Elevated levels of dietary ascorbic acid increase immune<br />

responses in channel catfish.<br />

Elemental composition of the coral Pocillopora damicornis<br />

exposed to elevated seawater ammonium<br />

Elektron Mikroskopi dan lmunogenisitas Baculovirus<br />

lsolat Yogyakarta<br />

Ekologi reproduksi ikan Terubuk {Alosa toll) di perairan<br />

Bengkalis, Riau.<br />

Alamgir. M. Agricultural and Rural Development.<br />

Vol. 1, no. 1/1994<br />

Paul, J.H. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 33: 29-40<br />

Li. Y. J. Nutr. 115(1): 123-131.<br />

Muller-Parker. G. Pac. Sci. 48(3): 234-246<br />

Sumardiyono, Y.B. Indon. J. Plant Prot. 1: 46-49<br />

Ahmad, M., Jurnal Perikanan dan Kelautan 1: 2-<br />

19.<br />

Eggshell structure and function Solomon, S Poultry International. Vol. 27: 8. P. 62-<br />

75.<br />

Egg production estimates of anchovy biomass in the<br />

southern Benguela system.<br />

Efikasi Insektisida Mipcin 50 WP dan Bassa 50 EC<br />

terhadap Hama Buah dan Bunga Lada.<br />

Efikasi beberapa insektisida terhadap hama penggerek<br />

batang lada.<br />

Armstrong. M., California Cooperative Oceanic Fish.<br />

Inves. Rep. 29: 137-57.<br />

Deciyanto Edisi Khusus Penelitian Tanaman<br />

Rempah dan Obat II (2): 75-78.<br />

Suprapto, Edisi Khusus Penelitian Tanaman<br />

Rempah dan Obat 2 (2): 67-74.<br />

Efficient design of crossbreeding experiment. Cunninghiun, E.P. Theor. Apple Genet. 78: 381-386<br />

Efficiency of particle retention in thirteen species of<br />

suspension feeding bivalves<br />

Efficiency of particle retention in thirteen species of<br />

suspension feeding bivalves<br />

Efficacy of ß-Exotoxinin of Bacillus thuringiensis to Lygus<br />

hesperus (Heteroptera: Miridae) Laboratory and Field<br />

Responses<br />

Mohlenberg, F. Ophelia 17 239 – 346<br />

Mohlenberg, F. Ophelia. 17: 239-346<br />

Tanigoshi, L. K. J. Econ. Entomol. 83(6). 2200-06<br />

Effet of microwaves on microorganism in foods Fung. D.Y.C. J. Food protect. 43, 641-650<br />

Effects, of dietary protein source on growth, feed<br />

convertion and energy utilization in rainbow trout,<br />

Oncorhynchus mykiss<br />

Morales, A.E. Aquaculture, 124: 117-126<br />

Effects or Temperature and Thermoregulation on MYCOSI<br />

by Beauveria bassiana in Grasshoppers<br />

Effects on temperature on the mortality and growth of<br />

Hawaiian refs coral<br />

Effects on Human Plasma Lipids of Substituting Soybean<br />

Protein Isolate for Milk Protein in the Diet<br />

Effects of wheat bran and porridge oats on hepatic portal<br />

venous volatile fatty acids in pig<br />

Effects of vegetation on the emission of methane from<br />

submerged paddy soil.<br />

Inglish. G.D Biological Control 7:131-139<br />

Jokiel, P.L. Mar. Biol., 43: 201-208<br />

Mercer, N. J. H. Nutr. Rep. Inter. 35(2):279-287<br />

Topping, D.L. Ann. Nutr. MeUib. 29: 325-331<br />

Holzapfel-Pshorn, Plant Soil 92: 223-233.<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effects of temperature on growth and protein assimilation<br />

in juvenile Ieader prawns Penaeus monodon<br />

Effects of Temperatur and Illuminance and Cell Division<br />

rates of There Species of Tropical Oceanic Phytoptankton<br />

Effects of Tebufenozide on Oocyte Growth in Plodia<br />

insterpunctella<br />

Effects of Substituting Dietary Soybean Protein and Oil for<br />

Milk Protein and Fat in Subjects With Hypercholesterolemia<br />

Effects of storage conditions on the performance of onion<br />

kultivar Red Creole C-5, Texas Early Grano Strain 502 and<br />

White Majectic<br />

Effects of stocking densities on mangrove crab (Scylla<br />

serrata) in ponds<br />

Deering, M.J. Journal of the World Aquaculture<br />

Society, 26: 465-468<br />

Thomas, W.H. Journal of Phykology. 2: 17-12<br />

Salem, H. Med. Fact. Landbouww. Uni. Gent:<br />

62: 9-13<br />

Kurowska, E. M. Clin. Inves. Med. 20(3): 162-170<br />

Iglesias, L. Agriotecnia de Cuba, 19 : 65-74<br />

Gunarto Coastal Aqua. Res. J. RICA, Maros,<br />

South Sulawesi, Indonesia, 3 (2): 60-<br />

64<br />

Effects of Soya Protein on Mineral Availability Erdman, J. W. Jr. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 58:489-493<br />

Effects of Single Versus Combinations of Insecticides on<br />

the Development of Resistance<br />

Pimentel, D. Environ. Entomol. 14: 582-589<br />

Effects of scale quality on physical processes in onions Apeland, J. Ada Hort., 20 : 72 - 79<br />

Effects of pesticides on the feeding habits offish. Muirhead-Thomson,<br />

R.C.<br />

Outlook Agric., 17(2): 71-76.<br />

Effects of pesticide application on chironomid larvae and<br />

ostracods in rice fields.<br />

Takamura, K. Appl. Ent.Zoo/.,21(3): 370-376.<br />

Effects of Oxidised Low-Density Lipoprotein on Vascular<br />

Contraction and Relaxation : Clinical and<br />

Pharmacological Implication in Atherosclerosis<br />

Cox, D. A. Pharmaco. Reviews 48 (I): 3-19<br />

Effects of nutrient enrich-ment and water motion on the<br />

coral Pocillopora damicornis<br />

Effects of Mineral Nutrients on the Degradation of 2.4-<br />

Dichlorophenol at Low Concentrations by Microbial<br />

Community and Bacterial Isolates<br />

Effects of Hormonal Therapies and Dietary Soy<br />

Phytoestrogens on Vaginal Cytology in Surgically<br />

Postmenopausal Macaques<br />

Effects of heat and ionizing radiation on Salmonella<br />

typhimurium in mechanically deboned chicken meat<br />

EFFects of feeding frequency and symbiosis with<br />

zooxanthellae on nitrogen metabolism and respiration of<br />

the coral Astrangia danae<br />

Stambler, N. Pac. Sci. 45 (3): 299- 307<br />

Martani, E. J. Pesticide Sci. 16: 1-7<br />

Cline, J. M. Fertility and Sterility. 65:1031-103<br />

Thayer, D.W. J. Food Protect. 54:718-724<br />

Szmant-Froelich, A. Mar, Biol, 81: 153-162<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 879 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effects of eutrophication on reef-building corals: growth<br />

rate of the reef-building coral Montastrea Annularis<br />

Effects of Eutrophication on Reef-building Coral Porites<br />

porites<br />

Effects of estuarine Infauna on sediment stability and<br />

particle sedimentation<br />

Effects of dietay carbohydrate to lipid ratios on growth and<br />

body composition of fingerling channel catfish fingerlings.<br />

Effects of dietary vitamin C on growth and parrr-smolt<br />

transformation in Atlantic salmon. Salmo salar L.<br />

Effects of dietary protein source on growth, feed<br />

conversion and energy utilization in rainbow trout,<br />

Oncorchuncus mykiss<br />

Effects of dietary phopholipids on growth and body<br />

composition of the juvenile prawn.<br />

Effects of dietary oal bran and diabetes on plasma and<br />

caecal volatile fatty acids in the rat<br />

Effects of dietary lipids, fatty acids, and phospholipids on<br />

growth and survival of prawn , (Penae'us japonicus) larvae.<br />

Effects of dietary calcium and phosphorus on growth, food<br />

conversion, bone ash and hematocrit levels of catfish.<br />

Effects of dietary astaxanthin supplementation on<br />

fertilization and egg survival in Atlantik salmon (Salmo salar<br />

L.)<br />

Effects of diet and size on growth, feed digestibility and<br />

digestive enzyme activites of the marine shrimp, Penaeus<br />

setiferus Linnaeus<br />

Effects of chitosan hydrolysates on lipid absorption and on<br />

serum and liver lipid concentration in rats<br />

Effects of Casein Versus Soy Protein Diets on Serum<br />

Cholesterol and Lipoproteins in Young Healthy Volunteers<br />

Effects of broodstock dietary lipid on fatty acid composition<br />

of eggs from sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax)<br />

Effects of a Soy-protein Beverage on Plasma Lipoproteins<br />

in Children With Familial Hyper-cholesterolemia<br />

Tomascik, T. Mar. Biol. 87: 143-155<br />

Tomascik, T. Marine Biology. 94: 77-94<br />

Meadows, P.S. Hydrobioicgia 190: 263-266<br />

Garling, G.W. Prog. Fish. Cult., 39:43-47.<br />

Waagbo. R. Aquacult. Nutr. 2(2): 65-69.<br />

Morales, A.E. Aquaculture, 124: 117-126<br />

Teshima, S., Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 52: 155-158.<br />

Storer, G.B. Nut. Res. 3: 519-526<br />

Kanazawa, A., Aquaculture 50:39-49.<br />

Andrews, J.W., J. Nutr. 103: 766-771.<br />

Christiansen, R Aquaculture, 153 (1-2): 51-62<br />

Lee, P.G Journal of the World Mariculture<br />

Society 16: 275-287<br />

Ikeda, I. Agric. Food Chem. 41:431-435<br />

Van Raaij, J. M. A. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 34:1261-1271<br />

Bell, J.G. Aquaculture, 149: 107-119<br />

Laurin, D. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 54:98-103<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 880 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effectiveness of harvest index as an early generation<br />

selection criterion for improving grain yield in barley.<br />

Effect or Mulches on Water Conservation, Soil<br />

Temperature and Growht of Maize (Zea Mays L.) and Pearl<br />

Millet (Penisetum typhcides)<br />

Effect on Baking Time and Temperature on Bread Quality,<br />

Starch Gelatinisation and Staling of Egyptian Balady Bread<br />

Effect offish behaviour on echo energy: the need for<br />

measurement of orientation distribution.<br />

Effect ofdietay vitamin L-ascorbyl-2-phos-phate<br />

Magnesium on gonadal maturation of Penaeus japonicus.<br />

Effect of water Temperature on reproductive Tract<br />

condition of Penaeus setiferus adult male<br />

Effect of water exchange rate on production, water quality,<br />

effluent characteristics and nitrogen budgets of intensive<br />

shrimp ponds.<br />

Effect of vitamin C on lipid and carnitine metabolism in<br />

rainbow trout.<br />

Effect of various growth factors in a defined culture<br />

medium on in vitro development of bovine embryos<br />

matured and fertilized in vitro<br />

Effect of trammel net with different sizes of mesh of inside<br />

net on catching efficiency.<br />

Effect of toad poison on ascorbic acid level in the fish.<br />

Nemachelus sinuatus.<br />

Effect of the Nonsteroidal Ecdysone Agonist,<br />

Methoxyfenozide and Tebufenozide, on the European Corn<br />

Borer (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)<br />

Effect of the amount and distribution of rainfall and<br />

evaporation during the growing season on yields of corn<br />

and spring wheat<br />

Effect of Temperature, Time and Number of Water<br />

Extractions on the Physicochemical and Flavor<br />

Characteristics of Peanuts<br />

Effect of temperature on the emergence, activity and<br />

feeding of male and female sand crabs (Portunus<br />

pelagicus)<br />

Effect of Temperature on Infection of Meloigogyne<br />

javanica by Bacillus penetrans<br />

Osman, MB, Sabrao Journal. 25(2),87-93.<br />

Bansal, S.p. Indian. J. Agric. Sci. 41 : 467 - 473<br />

Farridi, H.A. Cereal Chemistry 61 (2): 151-154<br />

Foote, K. G. J. CIEM. 39(2): 193-201.<br />

Alava, R.A., Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 59 (4): 691-<br />

696.<br />

Pascual, C. J. the World Aquaculture Society. 29<br />

(4): 477-484<br />

Hopkin, J.S., Journal of the World Aquaculture<br />

Society, 24 (3): 304-320.<br />

Miyasaki, T., Fish. Sc. 61(3): 501-505.<br />

Lee, E.S. Theriogenology 44:71-83<br />

Koike, A. Bulletin of the Japanese Society of<br />

Scientific Fisheries. 51(6):895-901.<br />

Magare. S.R. Envron. Ecol. 14(2): 488-194.<br />

Trisyono, A. J. Econ. Entomol. 90: 1486-1492<br />

Davis, F.F. Journ. Agric. Res. (60) : 1 - 23<br />

Muego, K. F. J. Food Sci. 55:790-792<br />

Sumpton, W.D. Aust. J. Mar. Freshwater Res. 41: 545-<br />

550<br />

Stirling. G.R. Nematologica 27. 45 S-462<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 881 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effect of Temperature and salinity on the hatching of eggs<br />

and larval development of Sugpo Penaus monodon<br />

Effect of temperature and humidity on storage rot of onion<br />

bulbs caused by Fusamim solani<br />

Effect of temperature and growth phase on fatty acid<br />

composition of the psychrophilic Vibrio sp Strain no. 5710<br />

Effect of surfactant or changes in ionic strength on the<br />

attachment of Salmonella typhimurium to poultry skin and<br />

muscle<br />

Effect of Sugar and Emulsifier on Starch Gelatinization<br />

Evaluated by Differential Scanning Calorimetry<br />

Effect of storage conditions on die performance of onion<br />

cultivar Red Creole C-5, Texas Early Grano Strain 502 and<br />

While Majestic<br />

Effect of starch malabsorption on fecal SCFA excretion in<br />

man<br />

Effect of starch malabsorption on fecal SCFA excretion in<br />

man<br />

Effect of squid meal on growth of Penaeus monodon<br />

juveniles reared in pond pens and tanks<br />

Effect of sperm penetration in vitro on completion at first<br />

meiosis by bovine oocyte arrested at various stages in<br />

culture<br />

Effect of species source of litter, type of soil and climate on<br />

litter decompolition<br />

Effect of Soy Protein Diet Versus Standard Low Fat. Low<br />

Cholesterol Diet on Lipid and Lipoprotein Levels in<br />

Children With Familial or Polygenic Hypercholesterolemia<br />

Effect of Soaking Soybean in Dilute Acids on Biologically<br />

Active Component.<br />

Effect of smoke processing on muscle food product<br />

characteristics<br />

Effect of Rhizosphere Colonization by Plant Growth-<br />

Promoting Rhizobacteria on Potato Plant development<br />

and Yield<br />

Effect of relative humidity, temperature and length of<br />

storage on decay and quality ol potatoes and onions<br />

Reyes E.P. J. Taki. J.H. Primavera and J. A<br />

Llobera (Eds). Proceedings af the first<br />

Internat Conference on the Culture of<br />

Penaeld Prawns/Shrimps.<br />

Dang. J.K. Haryana J. Hart. Sci., 11 : 77-80<br />

Hamamoto, T. FEMS. Microbiol, Lett. 119:77-82<br />

Lillard, H.S. J. Food Sci. 53:727-730<br />

Kim, C. S. Cereal Chem. 69:212-217<br />

Iglesias, L. Afrolecnia de Cuba, 19 : 65-74<br />

Scheppach, W. Scand. J. Gastroenterology 23: 755-9<br />

Scheppach, W. Scand. J. gastroenterology 88: 23:<br />

755-759<br />

Cruz-Suarez, L.E. Aquaculture, 106: 293-299<br />

Chian, R.C. J. Reprod. Fert., 96, 73-78.<br />

Howard, D.M. Oikos, 34: 115-124<br />

Widhalm, K. J. Pediatr. 123:30-34<br />

Che Man, Y.B., J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 68:471.<br />

Sink. J.D. Food Technol., 33 (5) : 72-74. 7S-83<br />

Kloepper, J W. Phytopathology 70:1078-1082<br />

Van den Berg. L. J. Food Sci., 38 :81-83<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 882 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effect of relative humidity temperature and length of<br />

storage on decay and quality of potatoes and onions<br />

Effect of pH on kinetic parameters of NAD-dependent<br />

formate dehydrogenase<br />

Effect of pH and Salt on Yield, Trypsin Inhibitor Content,<br />

and Mineral Level of Soybean Protein Isolates and Whey.<br />

Effect of oviduct epithelial cells on fertilization and<br />

development of sheep oocytes in vitro<br />

Effect of overwinter storage at three temperatures on the<br />

flavour intensity of dry bulb onions<br />

Effect of overwinter storage at three temperatures on the<br />

flavour intensity of dry bulb onions<br />

Effect of overwinter storage at three temperatures on the<br />

flavour intensity of dry bulb onions<br />

Effect of Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus Infection in<br />

Spodoptera ornithogalli Larvae on Post Larval Stages and<br />

Dissemination by Adults<br />

Effect of Niches on Decomposition Rate of Mangrove Leaf<br />

Litter in Rawa Timur, Cilacap<br />

Effect of Meal Frequency on Growth Performance of<br />

Hybrid Tilapia, Oreochromis Niloticus x O. aureuss, Fed<br />

Different Carbohydrate Diets<br />

Effect of Meal Frequency on Growth Performance of<br />

Hybrid Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus x o. aureus, Fed<br />

Different Carhydrate Diets<br />

Effect of lipids and cellulose on the digestibility of penaeid<br />

shrimp diets<br />

Van Den Berg, L. J. Food Sci., 38 : 81-83<br />

Mesentsev, A.V. Biochem. J. 321:475-480<br />

Honig, D.H., J. Agric. Food Chem. 35:976.<br />

Holm, P. Theriogenol. 35: 43-57.<br />

Freeman, G.G. J. Sci. Food Agric., 27 : 37-42<br />

Freeman. G.G. J. Sci. Food Agric., 27 : 37-42<br />

Freeman, G.G. J. Sci. Food Agric., 27: 37-42<br />

Young, S.Y. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 55: 69 –75<br />

Anwar, C. For. Res. Bull. 492: 11-19<br />

Tung, P.H. Aquaculture, 92: 343-350.<br />

Tung, P.H. Aquaculture, 92: 343-350<br />

Borrer, S. Journal of the World Aquaculture<br />

Society, 20: 18A (Program and<br />

Abstracts)<br />

Effect of Lime on Gelatinization of Corn Flour Starch Bryant, C. M. Cer. Chem.74 (2): 171-175<br />

Effect of Infectious Bursal Disease Virus on The<br />

Immunological Responsiveness of The Chicken<br />

Giambrone, JJ. Poult Sci. 56: 1591-1594<br />

Effect of humidity on losses of bulb onions (Allium cepa L.)<br />

stored at high temperature<br />

Stow, J.R. Expt. Agric., 11 : 81-87<br />

Effect of humidity on losses of bulb onions (Allemm cepa<br />

L.) stored at high temperatures<br />

Stow. J.R. Expl. Agric., 11 : 81-87<br />

Effect of high doses of high and low intensity uv irradiation<br />

on surface microbiological count and storage life of fish<br />

Huang. Y.W. J. Food Sci. 47,1667-1669, 1731<br />

Effect of harvest date and storage duration on the content<br />

of some chemical compounds in the onion cultivar<br />

Sochaczewska<br />

Elkner, K. Biuletyn Warzywniczy, 27 : 575 - 530.<br />

Abstract<br />

Effect of Gnmular Stmcture on Pasting Behavior of Starch Tsai. M.L Cereal Chem. 74(6): 750-757<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 883 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effect of Glucose Levels During The In Vitro Culture in<br />

Synthetic Oviduct Fluid Medium On In Vitro Development<br />

of Bovine Oocyte Matured and Fertilized in vitro<br />

Effect of Glucose Chain Length of Various Carbohydrates<br />

and Frequency of Feeding on Their Utilization by Fingerling<br />

Carp<br />

Effect of Flour Components and Dough Ingredients on<br />

Starch Gelatinization<br />

Effect of flour components and dough ingredients on<br />

starch gelatinization<br />

Effect of fixed daylenght on The photoperiodic regulation<br />

of gametogenesis in the sea urchin Stongylcentrotus<br />

purpuratus<br />

Effect of Fish Protein, Salt, Sugar, and Monosodium<br />

Glutamate on the Gelatinization of Starch in Fish-Starch<br />

Mixtures<br />

Effect of fiber on protein, fat and calcium digestibilities and<br />

fecal cholesterol excretion<br />

Effect of exogenous nitrogen levels on ultrastructure of<br />

zoosanthellae from the hermatypic coral Pocillopora<br />

damicornis<br />

Effect of Eutrophication and Sedimentation on Juvenile<br />

Corals: I. Abundance, Mortality and Community Structure<br />

Effect of electrical stimulation on bacterial contamination of<br />

chicken legs<br />

Effect of electrical charge on attachment of Salmonella<br />

typhimurium to meat surfaces<br />

Effect of dredging and reclamation on the sediment of<br />

Botany Bay<br />

Effect of dredging and reclamation on the sediment of<br />

Botany Bay<br />

Effect of domestication on genetic variability, fertility,<br />

survival and growth rate in a tropical siluriform:<br />

Heterobranchius longifilis, Valenciennes 1840.<br />

Effect of different levels of molasses and salt on acid<br />

production and volume of fermenting mass during ensiling<br />

of tropical freshwater fish viscera.<br />

Effect of Diferent Materials on Soil Properties and on Root<br />

Growth and Yield of Maize (Zea mays L.) and Cowpea<br />

(Vigna unguiculata)<br />

Matsuyama K J. Theriogenology 40: 595-605.<br />

Murai, T. Bull. Jpn. Soc. Sci. Fish. 49 (10):<br />

1607-1611<br />

Ghiasi, K. Cereal Chem. 60: 58-61<br />

Ghiasi, K. Cereal Chem. 60: 58-61<br />

Bay-Schmith. E Int. J. Invert. Reprod. Dev., 11: 287-<br />

294<br />

Cheow, C. S. J. FoodProc.Pres.21: 161-177<br />

Kaneko, K. J. Nutr. Sci. Vitaminol. 32: 317-325<br />

Berner. T. Pac. Sci. 48 (3): 254-262<br />

Wittenberg, M. Marine Biology 112:131–138<br />

Slavik, M.F. J. Food Protect. 54:508-513<br />

Dickson, J.S. J. Food Sci. 54:1024-1029<br />

Jones, G. Aust. J. Mar. Freashwater Res, 32:<br />

369-377<br />

Jones, G. AUST.J.Mar. freshwater Res. 32:369 -<br />

377<br />

Agenese, J, F., Aquaculture 131: 197-204.<br />

Ahmed, J. J.FoodSci. Technol., 32(2): 115-118.<br />

Maurya, P.R. Field crop. Res. 4 : 84 - 86<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 884 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effect of dietry lipids, fatty acid and phospholipid on growth<br />

and survival of prawn (Penaeus japonicus) larvae.<br />

Effect of dietary vitamin A, E, and C on the ovarian<br />

development of Penaeus japonicus.<br />

Effect of dietary supplements on the feeding behaviour of<br />

prawn<br />

Effect of dietary protein levels and feeding period before<br />

spawning on chemical components of eggs produced by<br />

red sea bream broodstock<br />

Effect of dietary L-ascorbyl 2-phosphate Magnesium on<br />

gonadal maturation of Penaeus japonicus.<br />

Effect of Dietary Fiber on the Performance of Laying Hens.<br />

Br.<br />

Effect of Dietary Fiber Concentration from Celery, Parsnip<br />

and Rutabaga on Intestinal Function, serum Cholesterol<br />

and Blood Glucose response in rats<br />

Effect of dietary fiber and starch on fecal I composition in<br />

preschool children consuming maize,' amaranth, or<br />

cassava flour<br />

Effect of dietary fiber and starch on fecal composition in<br />

preschool children consuming maize, amaranth, or cassava<br />

flour<br />

Effect of dietary fat, starch and cellulose on fecal bile acids<br />

in mice<br />

Effect of Dietary Dextrin Levels on The Growth and Feed<br />

Efficiency. The Chemical Composition of Liver and Dorsal<br />

Muscle and Absorption of Dietary Protein and Dextrin in<br />

Fishes<br />

Effect of dehulling on the nutritive value of some<br />

leguminous seeds as protein sources for tiger prawn,<br />

Penaeus monodon, Juveniles<br />

Kanazawa, A., Aquaculture. 50:39-49.<br />

Alava, R.A., Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 59 (7): 1235-<br />

1241.<br />

Deshimaru, O. Bull. of Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish.44(8): 903-<br />

905<br />

Watanabe, T. Bill. Jep. Soc. Sci. Fish., 51: 1501-<br />

1509<br />

Alava, V.R., Bull Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 59(4): 691-<br />

786.<br />

Deaton, J.W., Poult.Sci. 18:711-714.<br />

Mongeau, R. J. Agric. Food Chem. 38 : 195 - 200<br />

Hamaker, G.B. J. Pediatric Gastr. and Nutr. 13:59-66<br />

Hamaker, G.B. J. Pediatric Gastr. And Nutr. 13: 59-66<br />

Bianchini, F. J. Nutr. 119:1617-24<br />

Furuichi, M. Bull. Jpn. Soc. Sci. Fish. 46 (2): 225-<br />

229<br />

Eusebio, P.S. Aquaculture, 99: 297-308<br />

Effect of degree of milling of brown rice and particle size of<br />

milled rice on starch gelatinization<br />

Marshall, W.E. Cereal Chem 69: 632-636<br />

Effect of day old vaccination on broiler performance Chamblee, T N. Poult. Sci. 71 (abstract): 114<br />

Effect of Corophium volutator on the abundance of benthic<br />

diatoms, bacteria and sediment stability in two estuaries In<br />

southeastern England<br />

Effect of colony size, pojyp size, and budding mode on egg<br />

production In colonial coral<br />

Effect of Carbon Dioxide Atmosphere on Staling and Water<br />

Retention in Bread<br />

Gerdol, V. Marine Ecology Progress Series 114:<br />

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Effect of boiling and frying on the enzymatic hydrolysis of<br />

fish protein.<br />

Effect of bacterial population on the growth of prawn larvae<br />

Penaeus monodon.<br />

Effect of bacterial population on the growth of prawn larvae<br />

Penaeus monodon.<br />

Effect of Azadirachtin on the nutrition and Development of<br />

the Tobacco Budworm, Heliothis armigera (Fabr.)<br />

Effect of Amylose Content on Rheological Property of Rice<br />

Starch<br />

Effect of ammonium enrichment on animal and algal<br />

biomass of the coral Pocillopora damicornis<br />

Effect of ammonium enrichment on animal and algal<br />

biomass of the coral Pocillopora damicornis<br />

Effect of Amandments, Soil Moisture, Contents, and<br />

Temperature on Germination of Pythium Sporangja under<br />

the lnfluence of Soil Mycostasis<br />

Effect of aldehyde treatment of soyabean meal on "in vitro"<br />

amonia realese, solubiliy, and lamb performance.<br />

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Effect of Ainylose Content on Rheological of Rice Starch Lii. C.Y. Cereal Chem. 73:415-429<br />

Effect of age and sex on the eviscerated yield, muscle and<br />

edible offal of a commercial broiler strain,<br />

Effect of acetic acid on the death rates at 52¦C of<br />

Salmonella newport, Salmonella typhimurium, and<br />

Campylobacter jenuni in poultry scald water<br />

Effect of a probiotic bacterium on black tiger shrimp<br />

Penaeus monodon survival and growth.<br />

Effect of 1AA on symbiotic germination of an Australian<br />

orchid and its production by orchid-associated bacteria<br />

Effect maturation periods and leukemia inhibitory factor<br />

(LIF) on bovine oocyte matured in vitro<br />

Effect initial acidity of plain yoghurt and acidity changes<br />

during refrigerated storage<br />

Effect dietary vitamin A, E and C on ovarian development<br />

of Penaeus japonicus.<br />

Effect of the Ecdysone Agonist, Methoxyfenozide and<br />

Tebufenozide, on the Southwestern Corn Borer, Diatraea<br />

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Effecl of storage conditions on the performance of onion<br />

cultivar Red Creole C-5, Texas Early Grano Strain 502 and<br />

White Majestic<br />

EfektivitasTrichoderma spp sebagai Pengendali Hayati<br />

terhadap Tiga Patogen Tular Tanah pada Beberapa Jenis<br />

Tanaman Kehutanan<br />

Efektivitas Dosis Infeksi Buatan Trypanosoma evansi Bakit<br />

522/191) Terhadap Titer IgM Dari IgG Pada Mencit (Mus<br />

musculus albinus)<br />

Efek pemberian sulfaquinoxalin pada ketebalan Kulit telur<br />

ayam<br />

Efek pemberian antlbiotik sebelum dan sesudah fertilisasi<br />

terhadap laju penetasan dan kelangsungan hidup larva<br />

kima (Tridacna squamosa)<br />

Efek pemberian antibiotik sebelum dan sesudah fertilisasi<br />

terhadap laju penetasan dan kelangsungan hidup larva<br />

kima (Tridacna squamosa)<br />

Efek osmotik berbagai tingkat salinitas media terhadap<br />

daya Tetas Telur dan vitalitas larva udang windu<br />

Efek dua logam toksik (Kadmium, Cd, Tembaga, Cu)<br />

terhadap fisiologi osmoregulasi dari udang Penaeid<br />

Penaeus japonicus BATE (1888)<br />

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Edwardsiella tarda in eel culture environment Minagawa, T. Fish Pathol 17: 243-250.<br />

Edible gelatin types, properties, use and application in the<br />

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Ecto-parasites on fry of Majalaya, Sinyonya and their<br />

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Ecology of the true spiders (Araneomorphae). Turnbull, A.L., Annu. Rev. Entomol. 18: 305-348.<br />

Ecology of the true spiders (Araneomorphae) Annu. Turnbull, AL Rev.Entomol.18.305-348.<br />

Ecology of spiders (Araneae) in a peanut agroecosystem. Agnew, Ch. W. Environ. Entomol. 18 (1): 30-40.<br />

Ecology of spiders (Araneae) in a peanut agroecosystem<br />

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Ecology of estuaries: Anthropogenic effects Kennish, M.J. Marine Science Series, 495 pp<br />

Ecology and distribution of the benthic fauna in the shallow<br />

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Ecologically friendly wastewater disinfection techniques. Archer, A., Water Research, 31(6):1398-1404.<br />

Ecological studies of Cladocera in rice fields of Tanjung<br />

Karang, Malaysia, subjected to pesticide treatment.<br />

Lim.R.P , Hydrobiologia, 113: 99-103.<br />

Echo Integrator's Manual. Anon. SIMRAD QM. SIMRAD, 2nd. Edition,<br />

March 1972. 574E pp.<br />

Early life history of the giant clams Trldacna crocea<br />

Lamarck, tridacna maxima (Roding) and Hippopus<br />

hippopus (Linnaeus)<br />

Jameson, S.C. Pac. Sci., 30: 219-233<br />

Early life history of the giant clams Tridacna crocea<br />

Lamarck. Tridacna maxima (Roding) and Hippopus<br />

hippopus (Linn.)<br />

Early detection of the start of the wet season in tropical<br />

climate<br />

Earl development of zooxanthellae-containing Eggs of the<br />

corals Pocillopora verrucosa and P. eydouxi with special<br />

reference to the distribution of zooxanthellae<br />

Jameson, S.C. Pac Scl. 30 :Z 19-233<br />

Jollife Int. Journ. Climatology. (14): 71 -76<br />

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Dynamique des populations marines exploitees, tome I :<br />

concepts et methodes.<br />

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Durian, Fruit development Nanthachai. S. Postharvest Physiology, Handling and<br />

Marketing in ASEAN (1994)<br />

Duration of lmmunospression caused by a Vaccine Strain<br />

of Infection Bursal Disease Virus<br />

Edward, K.R. Res, Vet. Sci, 32 (2): 79-83<br />

Drug sensitivity of Trypanosoma evansi and Trypanosoma<br />

equiperdum isolates<br />

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Domestic Trade Deregulation Indonesia. SMARU (Monitoring Social Crisis in<br />

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Does naturally occuring ME reduce efficiency of male:<br />

annihilation techique for the carambolae? A test of shelly’s<br />

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Tati Subahar. S. S. The third Asia Pacific Conf. Of<br />

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DNA sequence organization in the soybean plant. Goldberg, R.B. Biochem. Genet. 16: 45-68<br />

DNA sequence of the common nodulation genes of<br />

Bradyrhizobium elkanii and their phylogenetic relationship<br />

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DNA Restriction Polymorphism in Wild Isolates of<br />

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DNA fingerprinting- A useful tool in fruit breeding. Nybom, H. Euphytica 77: 59-64.<br />

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Diversity and origin of Desulfovibrio species: phylogenetic<br />

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Diversity and association of psychrophillc bacteria in<br />

Antarctic sea Ice<br />

Diversity and association of psychrophilic bacteria In<br />

Antarctic sea ice<br />

Distributions of Determinants for Symptom Production and<br />

Host Range on Three RNA Components of Cucumber<br />

Mosaic Virus<br />

Distribution of serotype, virulence markers and further<br />

characteristics of Streptococcus suis isolates from pigs<br />

Bowman, JP. Appl. Environ. Microbiol 63: 3068-<br />

3078<br />

Bowman JP. Appl Environ Microbiol 63: 3068-3078<br />

Rao, A.L.N. J. Gen. Virology 61:197-205<br />

Salasia, S.I.O. J.Vet.Med, B42, 76-83<br />

Distribution of latex in the plant kingdom. Metcalfe, C. R. Econ. Bot. 21 : 115-127.<br />

Distribution and abundance of the giant clams tridacna<br />

gigas and T. derasa on the Great Barrier Reef<br />

Braley,R.D. Micronesia. 20 (1-2) :2l5-223<br />

Dispersibility and isolation of protein from legume flours. Fan, T.Y. Can. Inst. Food. Sci. Technol. J.<br />

7:256.<br />

Dispelling Misconceptions with Stable Isotopes Emken, E.A. INFORM, 5 (8) 906-912<br />

Diseases or Poultry. 8th.Ed. Hofstad, M.S. Diseases or Poultry. 8th.Ed.<br />

Diseases of Poultry. 2nd.Ed Seneviratna, P. Diseases of Poultry. 2nd.Ed<br />

Disease prevention of shrimp, Penaeus monodon, Rukyani, A. In Hanafi, A., M.Atmomarsono, and S.<br />

Ismawati (Eds.) The Proceedings of<br />

Seminar on the Result of Coastal<br />

Fisheries Research, Maros p.1-8. (in<br />

Indonesian).<br />

Discrimination of epidemic and sporadic isolates of<br />

Acrobacter butzleri by PCR-mediated DNA fingerprinting.<br />

Digestive Processes During The Development of The<br />

Roach, Rutilusrutilus L<br />

Digestion of the polysacharides of some cereal foods in<br />

the human intestine<br />

Digestion of the polysacharides of some cereal foods in<br />

the human intestine<br />

Digestion of the carbohydrates of banana (Musa<br />

paradisiaca sapientum) in the human small intestine<br />

Digestion of the carbohydrates of banana (Musa<br />

paradisiaca sapientum) in the human small intestine<br />

Digestion of polysaccharides of potato in the small<br />

intestine of man<br />

Digestion of polysaccharides of potato in the small<br />

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Vandamme, P., J. Clinic. Microbiol. 31(12): 3317-3319.<br />

Hofer, R. J. Fish: Biol, 26: 683-698.<br />

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Digestion of environmental materials for analysis by<br />

inductivity coupled plasma - atomic emission spectrometry<br />

Digestibility studies on fisheries by products based diets<br />

for Penaeus monodon<br />

Digestibility of raw and cooked starches from legume<br />

seeds using the laboratory rat<br />

Digestibility of raw and cooked starches from legume<br />

seeds using the laboratory rat<br />

Digestibility of carbohydrate foods in an ileostomate:<br />

relationship to dietary fiber, in vitro digestibility and<br />

glycemic response<br />

Differentiation of Pseudorecombinants of Two Cucumber<br />

Mosaic Virus Strains by Biological Properties and Aphid<br />

Transmition<br />

Differential photoinhibition of marine nitrifying Bacteria. A<br />

possible Mechanism for the formation of the primary nitrite<br />

maximum<br />

Differences in the amount and distribution of genetic<br />

variation between natural population and hatchery stock of<br />

Atlantic salmon.<br />

Difference in the extracellular products of two strains of<br />

Aeromonas/lydrop/if'/a virulent and weakly virulent for fish.<br />

Dietary y linolenic acid enriched oil reduce body fat content<br />

and induce liver enzym activities relating to fatty acid ß<br />

oxidation in rat<br />

Dietary Treatment for Familial Hypercholesterolemia -<br />

Differential Effects of Dietary Soy Protein According to<br />

the Apolipoprotein E Phenotypes<br />

McQuaker, N.R. Analytical Chemistry, 51: 1082-1084<br />

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Fleming, S.E. J. Nutr. 109: 2067-2075<br />

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Jenkins, D.J.A. Am. J. Gastroenterology 82: 709-717<br />

Zitter, T.A. Phytopatholohy 81: 139-143<br />

Olson,R.J. Mar. Res. 39:227-238<br />

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Lallier, R., Can. J. Microbiol. 30:900-904<br />

Takada, R. J. Nutr. 124 : 469 - 474<br />

Gaddi, A. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 53:1191-1196<br />

Dietary Selection in Aduft Locusta migratoria Chyb, S. Ent exp appl. 56. 47-60<br />

Dietary Modification of Yolk Lipid with Menhaden Oil Hargis,P.S. Poultry Sci. 70: 874-883<br />

Dietary fibre, fermentation and large bowel cancer Cummings, J.H. Cancer Surveys 6:601-621<br />

Dietary Fibre Cummings, J.H. British Medical Bulletin. Vol.37 No.l<br />

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Dietary Fiber, fermentation and Large Bowel cancer Cummings, J.H. Cancer Surveys 6 : 601-621<br />

Dietary fiber and resistant starch Englyst, H.N. Am. J.'' Clin. Nutr. 46: 873-874<br />

Dietary Fiber and Cancer Bright-See, E. Nutr.Today (July/August) 4-10<br />

Dietary Fiber Kritchevsky, D. Annual Review of Nutrition. Vol. 8<br />

Dietary Fiber Anonim Food Technology. January. p.35-44<br />

Dietary calcium requirement of channel catfish Ictalurus<br />

punctatus, reared in calcium-free water.<br />

Robinson, E.H., Aquaculture 53: 263-270.<br />

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Dietary calcium and phosphorus requirements of<br />

Oreochromis aureus reared in calcium-free water.<br />

Dietary Cellulose Effect on Food Consumption and<br />

Growth of a Grasshopper<br />

Diel variability of school structure with special reference to<br />

transition periods.<br />

Diagnostic data evaluation. VI. Data evaluation to establish<br />

product standards.<br />

Developmental Resistance in Fourth Instar Trichoplusia ni<br />

Orally Inoculated with Autographa californica MNPV<br />

Developmental instability as an indicator of reduced<br />

genetic variation in hatchery trout.<br />

Development ofnonthermal processes for food<br />

preservation<br />

Development of a sequence characterized amplified region<br />

(SCAR) based indirect selection method for a dominant<br />

blast-resistance gene in rice.<br />

Robinson, E.H., Aquaculture 64: 267-276<br />

McGinnis, A.I Can J. Zool- 45' 365-367<br />

Freon, P., ICES J. Mar, Sci. 53: 459-464.<br />

Malanoski, A.J. J. AOAC 73(4):572-578.<br />

Engelhart, E.K Virol.<br />

Leary, F.L, Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 114: 230-235.<br />

Mertens, B. Food Technol. 46(5), 124-133<br />

Naqvi, N.I. Genome 39: 26-30.<br />

Development of The Male Reproductive Trad,<br />

Spermatogenesis and Puberty<br />

Lapwood. K R. Theriogenology 2 Bailiere Tindall.<br />

Development Biology, 2nd ed, Chapter 2 Gilbert, S.F Development Biology, 2nd ed,<br />

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Development and Performance Evaluation of a Continous<br />

Rice Cooker<br />

Ramesh, M. N. J. Of Food. Eng. 27(4):389-396<br />

Development and application of a high-performance<br />

liquid chromatographic method for the analysis of<br />

phytoestrogens<br />

Jones, A. E. J. Sci. Food Agric. 46:357-364<br />

Development of Recombinant Baculoviruses for<br />

Insect Control<br />

Determining the toxicity and hazard to fish of rich<br />

insecticide.<br />

Determining the toxicity and hazard to fish of a rice<br />

insecticide.<br />

Determination of water holding capacity of ground cooked<br />

lean meat<br />

Determination of selenium in meat products by hydride<br />

generation atomic absorption spectrometry - selenium<br />

levels in meat, organ meats, and sausages in Spain.<br />

Determination of Protein. A Modification of the Lowry<br />

Method that Gives a Linear Photometric Response<br />

Determination of phenolic wood smoke components as<br />

trimethyilsillyl esters<br />

Bonning, B.C. Annu. Rev. Entomol. 41:191-210<br />

Stephenson, R.R. Crop Protection, 3(21): 151-165.<br />

Stephenson, R.R., Crop Prot. 3(2) 151-165.<br />

Asselbergs, E.A. J. Food Technol., 15 : 392-394<br />

Alarcon, J.P.D., J. Agric. Food Chem. 44: 1494-1497.<br />

Hartree, E.F. Anal, Biochem. 48: 422.27<br />

Kornreich. M.R. J. Agric. Food Chem. 20 : 1109<br />

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Determination of Insoluble, Soluble, and Total Dietary<br />

Fiber: Collaborative Study of a rapid Gravimetric Method<br />

Determination of Heat and Mass Transfer Coefficients in<br />

Thin Layer Drying of Grain.<br />

Determination of Chlorophyll and Pheo-Pigments:<br />

Spectrophofometric Equations<br />

Determination of Carbonate and Organic Matter In<br />

Calcareous Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks by Ignition<br />

Loss<br />

Mongeau, R. Cereal foods World 35 (No. 3): 319-<br />

324<br />

Miketinac, M. J. Trans. of ASAE 35(6):1853-1858.<br />

Lorenzen, C.J. Limnologi and Oceanography 12 343-<br />

346<br />

Dean, W. E Jr. Jour. Sed. Pet. (44): 242-248<br />

Determination of Avocado Maturity by Ultrasonic<br />

Attenuation Measurements<br />

Mizrach, A. Scienlia Herticulturae 80. 173-80<br />

Determination of available lysine in proteins Kakade, M.L. Anal. Biochem., 27 : 273<br />

Determination of ammonia in natural waters by phenol<br />

hypochlorit method<br />

Solorzano L. Limnol. Oceanogr. 14 : 799 -801<br />

Determination of Adenosine Triphosphate and Its<br />

Breakdown Products in Fish Muscle by High Performance<br />

Liquid Chromatography<br />

Determination o/°c-tocopherol in tissues and plasma by<br />

high performance liquid chromatography<br />

Detection of pathogenesis related proteins (PR or b) and<br />

other proteins in the intercellular fluids of hypersensitive<br />

plants infected with tobacco mosaic virus<br />

Detection of induced triploidy at different ages for larvae of<br />

the Japanese pearl oyster, Pinctada fucuta martensii by<br />

microfluorometry with DAPI Staining.<br />

Detection of GT repeat microsatellite loci and their<br />

polymorhism for grouper of the genus Epinephelus.<br />

Detection of fish freshness using immobilized ADP-ase<br />

and 5'-nucleotidase on polyacrylamide gel<br />

Detection of Antibodies in Trypanosome Infected Cattle by<br />

Means of a Micro Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay<br />

Ryder, J.M. J. Agriculture and Food Chemistry,<br />

33: 678-680<br />

Zaspel, B.J. Anal. Biochem. 130: 146-150<br />

Parent, J.G. Can. J. Bot.<br />

Uchimura, Y., Aquaculture 76:1-9.<br />

Nugroho, E., Fisheries Science 64(5): 836-837.<br />

Marseno, D.W.<br />

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Detection of Antibiotics Residues in Calf Tissue Cracken, A Res. Vet. Sci., 21: 240-241.<br />

Detection and Quantification of N-acetyl-B-Dglucosamidinase,<br />

Chitobiosidase and Endochitinase in<br />

Solutions and on Gels<br />

Tronsmo, A. Anal. Biochemi. 208 74-79<br />

Detection and Identification of Plant Viruses by ELISA<br />

Using Crude Sap Extract and Unfractionated Antisera<br />

Mowatt, W.P. J. Virol. Methods 15: 233-247<br />

Detecting heart in potatoes using ultrasound Cheng, Y. Trans. ASAE vol 37 (1):217-222<br />

Destruction of salmonellae on poultry meat with lysozyme,<br />

EDTA, X-ray microwave and chlorine<br />

Teotia, J.S. Poult. Sci. 54, 1388-1394<br />

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Destruction of Escherichia coli and Salmonella on mutton<br />

carcasses by treatment with hot water<br />

Desing and useof synthetic oligonucleotide probes in the<br />

cloning of d-endotoxin genes from Bacillus thuringiensis<br />

Design of Land Treatment Systems for Industrial Wastes-<br />

Theory and Practice<br />

Smith, M.G. Meat Sci. 2. 119-128<br />

Starkey, M.P. Enzyme Microb Technol 13: 661-664<br />

Overcash, M.R. Ann Arbor Sci. Publ, Ann Arbor, ML.<br />

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Design of a Controlled Ecological Life Support System. SchwarIzkopf, S.H., BioScience, 42: 526-535.<br />

Design and function of closed seawater systems for<br />

culture loliginid squid.<br />

Yang W.T, Aquaculture. Eng. 8:47-65.<br />

Description of the small seiner fleet, in the Java Sea. Ecoutin, J.M.,<br />

Depth-dependent photoadaptatlon by zooxanthellae of the<br />

reef coral Montastrea annularis<br />

Dustan, P. Mar.Biol.68:253-264<br />

Depression of Plasma Cholesterol in Men by Consumption<br />

of Baked Products Containing Soy Protein<br />

Potter, S. M. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 58:501-506<br />

Demonstration of a biogenetically unprecedented side<br />

chain in the marine sterol, gorgosterol<br />

Hale, R. L. J Am. Chem. Soc.92<br />

Dehalogenases in soil bacteria Hardman, D.J. J. Gen. Microbiol. 123: 117-128<br />

Degradation of trifuralin in sea water when used in control<br />

larvae mycosis in penaeid shrimp culture.<br />

Williams. R.R. J of World Aqua. Soc. 17(1-4):8-12.<br />

Degradation of The Rubbcr in Truck Tircs by Strain of<br />

Nocardia<br />

Tsuchii A Biodegradation 7 : 405-413<br />

Degradation of potassium sorbate by Penicillium species Marth, E.H. J. Dairy Sci. 49: 1197-1205<br />

Degradation of polychlorinated biphenyls by two species of<br />

Achromobacter<br />

Degradation of polychlorinated biphenyls by two species of<br />

Achromobacter<br />

Degradation of Pesticide Waste Taken from a Highly<br />

Contaminanted Soil Evaporation Pit in California (USA)<br />

Degradation of Paraquat and Diquat by Yeast Lypomyces<br />

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Degradation and o-methylation of phenols among volatile<br />

flavor components of dried bonito ( Katsuobush!) by<br />

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Degradation and Extraction ofChitin and Chitosan from<br />

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Degradation of Natural Rubber by Fungi imperfekti Borel, M. Agric. Biol. Chem., 46(4), 877-881<br />

Defense on multiple fronts: how do plants cope with<br />

diverse enemies?<br />

Decressed tumor incidence and increased survival by one<br />

year oral low dose arginine supplementation in tre mouse<br />

Decreasing assistance to agriculture in developing<br />

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Decontamination of poultry skin by sonification Lillard, H.S. Food Technol. 48(12) 72-73<br />

Decomposition of Rhizophora mangle, Avicennia<br />

schaueriana and Laguncularia racemoso in a mangrove of<br />

Paranagua Bay, Southern Brazil<br />

Sassegolo, G.C. Botanica Marina, 34: 285–289<br />

Daya guna mikrobia Beauveria dan Verticillium dalam<br />

pengendalian Thrips tabad Lind pada bawang putih<br />

Dasar-dasar dan Pemanfaatan Ilmu dan Teknologi Pati Haryadi<br />

Dampak pencemaran pada strukfur komunitas<br />

makrozobenthos di perairan pesisir Semarang<br />

Dampak munculnya spesies red tide terhadap perikanan di<br />

Indonesia<br />

Dampak lelang perairan terhadap <strong>sumber</strong>daya perikanan<br />

dan ekonomi nelayan di Sungai Lempuing Sumatera<br />

Selatan,<br />

Damage and recovery of coral reefs affected by El Nino<br />

related seawater warming in the Thousand Islands,<br />

Indonesia<br />

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in the splanchnic blood vessel of rats fed diets high in<br />

pectin and bran<br />

Daily photosynthesis, respiration, and carbon budgets in a<br />

tropical marine jellyfish (Mastigias sp.)<br />

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karyotype of rounded ecomorph of Anadara granosa (L.)<br />

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CuUivalion of Viru^lrec Garlic Ogawa, T. J. Veg€Satilt:ti^HoWiiliiire5\.W-W<br />

Culture of the mud crab, Scylla serrate Forskal at different<br />

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Culture of grey mullet. In Aquaculture Practice in Taiwan. Chen.T.P. Page Bros (Norwich Ltd.) p. 48-53.<br />

Culture of Brachionus plicatilis muller using bacteria as<br />

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Tridacna gigas, T. Derasa, and T. squamosa in Palau,<br />

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Tridacna gigas, T. derasa and T. squamosa in Palau,<br />

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Cultivation of Gracilaria and Others Macro algae in Florida<br />

for Energi Production. In: K.T. Bird and P.H. Benson (Eds).<br />

Seaweed Cultivation for Renewable Resource<br />

Cucumovirus Transmission by Aphid Myzus persicae is<br />

Determined Solely by the Viral Coat Protein<br />

Cucumber Mosaic Virus Contains a Functionally Devided<br />

Genome<br />

Cross-Resistance between Benzoylureas and<br />

Benzoylhydrazines in the Codling Moth, Cydia pomonela L<br />

Covalent Structure of the Insect Toxin of the North African<br />

Scorpion Androctonus Australis Hector<br />

Correlation of off-odor scores of canned tuna with gas<br />

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Hanisak, M.D. Dev. Aquaculture and Fish. Sci., 16:<br />

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Coronary heart disease: An update with emphasis on<br />

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Addis, P.B. Food Nutr.News 62(2):7-10<br />

Coral zonation : Its Nature and significance Done, T.J. Coral Reef Vol 1.<br />

Coral Reefs: Research Methods Stoddart, D.R Coral Reefs: Research Methods<br />

Coral reef studies III. Geomorphological notes on the coral<br />

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Verwey, J.T Treubia 13 : 199-219<br />

Coral bleaching Brown, B.E. Scient. Amer., 268: 64-70<br />

Controlled atmosphere storage of vegetables Isenberg, F.M.R. Janick, J. (ed.). Hort. Rev.. 1 : 337-<br />

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Stage Field Corn, 1994<br />

Seymour, R.C. Arthopod Manage. Test 21: 228<br />

Contributions of phototrophic and heterotroplilc nutrition to<br />

the metabolic and growth requirements of four species of<br />

giant clam (Tridacnidae)<br />

Klumpp, DW. Mar. Ecol.Prog, Ser. 115. 103-115<br />

Contributions of phototrophic and heterotrophic nutrition to<br />

the metabolic and growth requirements of four species of<br />

giant clam (Tridacnidae)<br />

Klumpp. D.W. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser.,115<br />

Contribution of climatic variables in predicting maize yields<br />

under monsoon condition<br />

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Continuous Culture of Fused Cells Screening Antibodies<br />

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Continous Hydrolysis of Olive Oil by Immobilized Lipase in<br />

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Continous Culture of Fused Cells Screeting Antibodies of<br />

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Kohler, G. Nature 256: 495-197<br />

Continental Scale Patterns in Mangrove Litterfall Bunt, J.S. Hydrobiologia, 295: 135–140<br />

Contemporary Disturbances to Coral Communities of The<br />

Great Barrier Reef<br />

Contamination of beef tissue surfaces by cattle manure<br />

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Consumption of ME by male Bactrocera dorsalis (Diptera:<br />

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Consumers attitudes toward irradiated poultry Hashim, I.E. Food Technol. 50(3):77-80<br />

Constraints for shallot, garlic and welsh onion in Indonesia:<br />

a case study on the evolution of Allium crops in the<br />

equatorial tropics<br />

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Conservation and Management of the Ogan-Komering<br />

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Report No. 8, Bogor, 66 pp.<br />

Consequences of fish behaviour for stock assessment. Freon, P., ICES mar. Sci. Symp. 196: 190-195.<br />

Consensus as the Measure of Sustainability Bender, M.J. Hydrological Sciences Journal, vol.<br />

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Infecting Two Spotted Spider Mites under Laboratory<br />

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Congylonema crami Ransom, 1904 pada ayam Buras di<br />

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Concentration of Docosahexaenoic Acid in Glyceride by<br />

Hydrolysis of Fish Oil with Candida cylindracea Lipase<br />

Concentration and Purification of Stearindonic,<br />

Eicosapentaenoic, and Docosahexaenoic Acids From Cod<br />

Liver Oil and The Marine Microalga Isochrysis galbana<br />

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Computation and interpretation of biologis studies. Ricker, W.E. Bull. Fish No. 1 1 9 P Press Board.<br />

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Computation and interpretation of biological statistics of<br />

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Compression Strength and Deformation of Gellan Gels<br />

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Compositional Changes in Trypsin Inhibitors, Phytic Acid,<br />

Saponins and Isoflavones Related to Soybean Processing<br />

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Composition of Lupinus albus Mohamed, A.A. Cereal Chemistry, 72: 643 647<br />

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Composition of chemical components in bone of striped<br />

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Composition of bait-fishes caught by "Bagan" in Bapuala<br />

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Complexity of coral Interactions Influence of time, location<br />

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Complex carbohydrates in Australian rice products Marsono, Y. Food Sci. and Tech. (LWT) 26: 364-<br />

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Complex carbohydrates in Australian rice products Marsono, Y. Food Sci. and Tech. (LWT) 26: 364-<br />

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Comparisons of seed predation in tropical todal forests<br />

from three continents<br />

Smith, T.J. Ill Ecology, 70: 146-151<br />

Comparison of Vaccines Against Inflection Bursal Disease Thornton, D.H. J Comp. Pathol., 85: 597-610<br />

Comparison of Two Indirect ELISA Procedures for<br />

Detecting Zucchini Yellow Mosaic Virus<br />

Comparison of two biochemical test systems with<br />

conventional methods for the identification of bacteria<br />

pathogenic to warmwater fish.<br />

Somowiyarjo, S. Ann., Phytopath. SOC. Japan 52: 653-<br />

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Taylor, P.W., J. of Aquatic. Anim. Health 7:312-317.<br />

Comparison of three Methods of ELISA for Baculoviruses Crook, E.N. J. gen. Virol. 46: 29-37<br />

Comparison of the Effect of Dietary Meat Versus Dietary<br />

Soybean Protein on Plasma Lipids of Hyperlipidemic<br />

Individuals<br />

Comparison of Swabbing and Biopsy for Studying the<br />

Flora of The Bovine Uterus<br />

Comparison of Swabbing and Biopsy for Studying the<br />

Flora of The Bovine Uterus<br />

Comparison of methods for decontamination of beef<br />

carcass surfaces<br />

Comparison of ileal effluents, dietary fibers, and whole<br />

foods in predicting the physiologic importance of colonic<br />

fermentation<br />

Comparison of Heal effluents, dietary fibers, and whole<br />

foods in predicting the physiologic importance of colonic<br />

fermentation<br />

Comparing dynamic versions of the Schaefer and Fox<br />

production models and their application to lobster fisheries,<br />

Comparative Toxicity of Two Ecdysteroid Agonists. RH<br />

2485 and RH 5992, un Susceptible and Pyrethroid-<br />

Reinstant Strains of the Egyptian Cotton Leafworm,<br />

Spodoptera littoralis<br />

Comparative Toxicity and Tolerance for the Ecdysteroid<br />

Mimic Tebufenozide in a Laboratory and Field Strain of<br />

Cotton Leafworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)<br />

Comparative study of the uptake of dissolved amino acids<br />

in sympatric brittle stars with and without endosymbiotic<br />

bacteria<br />

Holmes, W. L. Atherosclerosis. 36:379-387<br />

Meisser, S. Can. Vet. J. 25: 283-288.<br />

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McBurney, M.I. Am. J. Gastroenterology, 63, 536-540<br />

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Comparative Studies on Tomato Aspermy and Cucumber<br />

Mosaic Virus. VII. Serological Relationships Reinvestigated<br />

Comparative Studies on Tomato Aspermy and Cucumber<br />

Mosaic Virus. I. Physical and Chemical Properties<br />

Comparative performance of albino and normally<br />

pigmented channel catfish in tanks, cages, and ponds.<br />

Comparative infectivity and Survival of first- Stage Larvae<br />

of Angiostrorigyius cantonensis and Angiostrongylus<br />

malaysiensis<br />

Rao, A.L.N. Virology 116:318-326<br />

Habili, N. Virology 57: 392-401<br />

Bondari, K. Aquaculture 37: 293-301.<br />

Sawabe K J.Parasitol. 81 (2): 288-233<br />

Comparative histopathology of edwardsiellosis in fishes Miyazaki, T. Fish Pathol. 30: 219-227.<br />

Comparative growth of brown-marble grouper<br />

(Epinephelus fuscogutatus (Forsskal) and camouflage<br />

grouper E. polyphekadion (Bleeker) under hatchery and<br />

grow-out culture condition.<br />

James, C.M., Asian Fisheries Science. 11 : 133-147.<br />

Comparative biology of intracellular parasitism Moulder, J.W. Microbiol. Rev. 49: 298-337.<br />

Comparative antimyotic, effects of selected harbs, spices,<br />

plant component and commercial antifungal agents<br />

Azzous, M.A. J. Food Prot.45, 1298-1301<br />

Comparative analysis of karyotypes and Nucleolar<br />

Organiser Regions in different populations of Mytilus<br />

trossulus, Mytilus edulis and Mytilus galloprovincialis<br />

Comparation of Erosion Prediction With Gleams, Gleams-<br />

WT. And Gleams-SWAT Models for Alluvial Soils<br />

Comparation between EPA and DHA in terms of essential<br />

fatty acid efficacy in larvae red seabream.<br />

Community structure of ophiuroids (Echinodermata) from<br />

three different habitats on a coral reef in Barbados. Westlndies<br />

Community Structure and Species Diversity of Hermatypic<br />

Corals at Eilat, Red Sea<br />

Combined effects of shrimp size and dietary protein source<br />

on the growth of Penaeus setiferus and P. vannamei.<br />

Co-management: the evolution in theory and practice of<br />

the joint administration of living re sources<br />

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Chen, H.Y., J. World Maricult. Soc. 16: 288-296.<br />

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Colwellia rossensis sp.nov., Colwellia demingiae sp.nov.,<br />

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rotrophies sp.nov : psychrotrophilic Antartic species with<br />

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Colwelila demingiae sp.nov., Colwellia hornerae sp.nov.<br />

Colwelia rossensis sp-nov. and Colwelia psychrotrophica<br />

sp-nov-. psychrophilic Antarctic species with the ability to<br />

synthesize docosahexaenoic acid (22:6?3)<br />

Bowman, J,P. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 48: 1171-1180<br />

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Colour of Smoke Foods Ruiter, A. Food Technol. 33 (5), 54-63<br />

Colorimetric methods for determination of traces of<br />

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Colorimetric Determination of Total Tocopherol in Palm<br />

Oil, Olein and Stearin<br />

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Colorimetric determination of carbon dioxide for respiration<br />

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Coloric Methods for Deterinination of Trace Carbonyl<br />

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Colonic fermentation and markers of cancer risk Kashtan, H. Am. J. din. Nutr. 55: 723-8<br />

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Coffee Grounds II. Effects of Coffe Grounds on<br />

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Bartley, E.E. J Anim. Sci. 47(4) 791-799 pp.<br />

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Coccidiosis. In C.H. Helbolt, M.S. Hoftod, B.W. Calnek,<br />

W.M. Reid and H.W. Yorder ed.<br />

Cluster Analysis of Carbon Source Utilization Patterns of<br />

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Clustal W: lmproving the Sensitivity of Progressive<br />

Multiple Sequence Alignment through Sequence<br />

Weighting, Position Gap Specific Gap Penalties and<br />

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CLUSTAL W: Improving the sensitivity of progressive<br />

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Chromosomes of some Suban-tartic brooding bivalve<br />

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Chrcicterlsatlon of two glutamate hydrogenases From the<br />

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Cholesterol-lowering and HDL-raising Properties of<br />

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Cholesterol Properties of Rice Bran Kahlon, T.S. Cereal Foods World, Vol. 33(2): 99-<br />

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Chitosan as an Ingredient for Domestic Animal Feed Hirano, S. J. Agric. Food Chem. 38: 1214-1217<br />

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Chepalopod resources in the Indo Pasific region. In<br />

Caddy, J. F. (ed). Advance in assesment of world<br />

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Chemoreceptive property in feeding of the prawn P.<br />

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Nakamura, K. Mem. Fac. Fish. Kagoshima Univ.<br />

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Chemistry and biological properties of onion and garlic Carson, J.F. Food Rev. Intl., 31 : 71 - 103<br />

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Chemical screening methods for maize protein quality at<br />

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Chemical Quality and Productions of Agars Extracted from<br />

Gracilaria tikvahiae Grown in Different Nitrogen Enrichment<br />

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Chemical and microbiological changes during autolysis<br />

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Characterization of pscyhrotrophic bacteria In the surface<br />

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based on 16S ribosomal DNA analysis<br />

Characterization of Peanut Stripe Virus (PStV) Isolated<br />

from Various Provinces in Indonesia<br />

Characterization of diverse 2,4-D-degradative plasmids<br />

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Characterization of a novel bacterial adhesion specificity of<br />

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Characterization of a chromosomally encoded 2,4-D/a<br />

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Characteristics of the Microplate Method of Enzyme-<br />

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Characteristics of the fish pathogen Edwardsiella isolated<br />

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Characteristics of Pseudomonas solanacearum. Hayward, A.C. J. Appl. Bacteriol. 27: 265-277.<br />

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Characteristics of immobilized lipase-catalyzed hydrolysis<br />

of olive oil of high concentration in reverse phase system<br />

Channel catfish virus experiment with different strains of<br />

channel catfish.<br />

Changes of isoflavones during processing of soy protein<br />

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Changes in the Polypeptide Composition of Peanut<br />

(Arachis hypogaea L.) Seed During Oil Roasting<br />

Changes In the microbial community in the Japan Trench<br />

sediment from a depth of 6292 m during cultivation without<br />

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Changes in peroxidase activity and in peroxidase<br />

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Changes in Kenyan coral reef community structure and<br />

function due to exploitation<br />

Changes in free amino acids and protein denaturation of<br />

fish muscle during frozen storage<br />

Changes in chemical composition and sensory qualities of<br />

peanut milk fermented with lactic acid bacteria<br />

Changes in carbohydrate content of onion bulbs stored at<br />

various times at different temperatures<br />

Changes in Apple Polyphenoloxidase and Poliphenol<br />

Concentrations in Relation to Degree of Browning<br />

Changes in acidic and basic peroxidase activities during<br />

tomato fruit ripening<br />

Change of topography and sediment characteristics on an<br />

intertidal mud-flat following mass-mortality of the amphipod<br />

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Kang, S.T. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 33: 1469-1476<br />

Plumb, J.A., Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 104: 140-143.<br />

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Basha, S. M J. Agric. Food Chem. 33:350-354<br />

Yanagibayashi, M. FEMS Microbiol. Leet. 170:271-279<br />

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Wakamatsu, K. Physiol. Plant 88 : 167 - 171<br />

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Cetylpyridinium choride (CPC) treatment on poultry skin to<br />

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Cephalopods of the world. FAO Species catalogue of<br />

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Cellulose Digestion in Insects Martin. M.M. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 75A:313-324<br />

Cellulose associated with mangrove leaf decomposition Hodgkiss, I.J. Botanica Marina, 29: 467-469<br />

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Cellular and Developmental Biological Aspects of Bovine<br />

Meitotic Maturation, Fertilisation and Preimplantation<br />

Embriogenesis In Vitro<br />

Cellognost Toxoplasmosis, reagent for Toxoplamosis<br />

Haemagglutination Test<br />

Cell structure and starch nature as key determinants of the<br />

digestion rate of starch in legume<br />

Caught in the Battle of Lobbyists. The Difficult Road<br />

Towards Climate Protection<br />

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Catorie and energy requirement Phillips, Jr. A.M. J.E. Halver (Editor). Fish Nutrition<br />

Catching efficiency of slacknesses and mesh size of inner<br />

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Cardiovascular Effects of Aspidofractinine Type Alkaloid<br />

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Cardiovascular Change in Dog Given Diazepam and<br />

Diazepam-Ketamin<br />

Carbon Source Control on B-glucanase, Chitobiase and<br />

Chitinase from Trichoderma harzianum.<br />

Carbon Source Control on B-glucanase, Chitobiase and<br />

Chitanase from Trichoderma harzianum<br />

Carbon and Nitrogen Content of Food and the Assimilation<br />

Efficiencies of Penaeid Prawns in the Gulf of Carpentaria<br />

Carbohydrate in rainbowtrout diets. Growth of fish of<br />

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Capacitation of rabbit spermatozoa in vitro. Brackett, B.G. J..Biol. Reprod. 12:260-274.<br />

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Calcium balance at the postmoult stage of the freshwater<br />

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Calcium - Induce Sulfate Adsorption by Soils Bolan. N.S Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Ca-khorionase and Na-K-AT-Pase assays in marine<br />

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Prawn Metapenaeus macleayi (Haswell) in the Rivers<br />

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Bulb dormancy in onions II . The role of cytokinin.s in high<br />

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Bulb dormancy in onion III. The influence of the root<br />

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Brozoan River Bar: A Study in Significance of Grain Size<br />

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Breeding plan for common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in<br />

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Breeding and propagation of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)<br />

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Breeding and larval rearing of the rabbitfish, Siganus<br />

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Bovine Oviductal and Embryonic: Insulin-Like Growth<br />

Factor Binding Proteins: Possible Regulators of<br />

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Bovine oocyte maturation fertilization and further<br />

development in vitro and after transfer into recipient<br />

Bovine embryo sexing by enzymatic amplification PCR of<br />

a bovine Y-pecific sequence<br />

Bottle neck effect and the depression of genetic variability<br />

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Blooming bacterioplankton Trichodesmium di Great Barrier<br />

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Blogeographical diversity among marine bacterioplankton Hagstrom A Aquat Microb Ecol 21:231-244<br />

Bleaching in coral reef anthozoants: effects of irradiants,<br />

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Black Tiger Shrimp (Peaneus monodon) Quality Changes<br />

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Black mould : understanding the control strategy Salvestrin. G.L. Onion Aust. S : 19-23<br />

Birds The Island of Java. Vol. 1 Kuroda, N. Birds The Island of Java. Vol. 1<br />

Biovar identification of strains of Pseudomonas<br />

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Biotechnological tools in pathogen detection and<br />

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BIOSYS-1: a FORTRAN <strong>program</strong> for the comprehensive<br />

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Karunasagar, I. Practical Manual. UNESCO/FAO<br />

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Biosynthesis and action of ethylene Yang, S.F. Hort Science, 21 :41-45<br />

Biomass model for the egg production method. In Lasker,<br />

R. (ed.). An egg production method for estimating spawning<br />

biomass of pelagic fish: an application to the northern<br />

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Biomass assessment of a deep-water fish, the orange<br />

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Biology of the red sea urchin, Strongy-locentrotus<br />

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Biology and epidemiology of bacterial wilt caused by<br />

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Biology and Economics of Growing Seaweeds on Lands in<br />

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Biological Principle of Lives, Attenuated vaccines Shierly, M.W. Magyar Allatorvosak Lapja, 51: 23-29.<br />

Biological Effects of a Diet of Soy Protein Rich in<br />

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Biological Control of Nematodes Pests by Natural Enemis Mankau, R. Ann. Rev. Phytopatology<br />

Biological Control of Meloidogyne Javanica with Bacillus<br />

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Biological Control of Fusarium Wilt of Botle Gourd by Mixcropping<br />

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Biological Control of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. Cubense in<br />

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Biological characteristic and bio-medical application of the<br />

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Biologi Perikanan. bag. I. Study natural history. Effendie. Biologi Perikanan. bag. I. Study<br />

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Biogenetic Analysis of mixotropic growth in Chlorella<br />

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Biodiversity of the coral reefs of South-west Sulawesi Best. M.B. Torani. spec. Issue 5 : 22-29<br />

Biodiversity of the coral reefs of South West Sulawesi Best,M.B. Torani Spec, Issue 5 : 22-29<br />

Biodiversity of estuarine fish faunas in West Africa. Naga. Baran, E., The ICLARM Quarterly. Vol. 23. No.4:<br />

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Biodegradation of 2.4-D and related xenobiotic compounds Sinton, G.L. Enzyme Micro. Technol. 8: 395-403<br />

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Biocontrol of the larval rearing biotop in aquaculture. Maeda, M. Bull. Natl. Res. Inst. Aquaculture<br />

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Biochemical population genetics of Pacific halibut<br />

(Hippoglossus sterolepeis) and comparison with Atlantic<br />

halibut (H. hippoglossus).<br />

Biochemical genetics of tiger shrimp Pneaeus monodon:<br />

Description electrophoresis detectable loci.<br />

Grant, W.S. Can. J. Fish. Aquaculture Sci. 41: 856-<br />

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Grant, W.S., Canada. J. Fish. Aquaculture Sci. 41:<br />

1083-1088.<br />

Sugama, K.<br />

Biochemical genetic variations in black sea bream. Sumantadinata, K. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 48: 143-149.<br />

Biochemical genetic of tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon<br />

description of electrophoretic detectable loci.<br />

Biochemical genetic of sunfish. 111. Genetic subdivision of<br />

fish population inhabiting heated waters.<br />

Sugama, K.,<br />

Yardley, D., In: Gibbons, J.W. and Sharitz. R.R.<br />

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Biochemical genetic of Fundulus heleroclitus (L). I.<br />

Temporal and spatial variation in gene frequencies of Ldh-<br />

B, Mdh-A, Gpi-B and Pgm-A. Bioche.m.<br />

Powers, D.A. Genet. 16: 593-607.<br />

Biochemical function and ecological siignifance of novel<br />

bachterilal lipids In deep-sea prokaryotes<br />

DeLong, E.F. Appl. Environ. Microbiol 51:730-737<br />

Biochemical ecology of nitrification and denitrification Focht, D.D. Adv. Microbial. Ecol, 1: 138-214<br />

Biochemical composition of the oysters Crassostrea<br />

iridescence Hanley and Crassostrea corteziensis Hertlein<br />

in the Northwest coast of Mexico: seasonal changes<br />

Paez - Osuna, F. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 170: 1-9<br />

BiochemicaI and lactic acid bacteria Nettles, C.G. J, Food Protection. 56: 338-356<br />

Bioassays Technique, an Ecological Perspective Wolfson, J.H. J. Chem. Ecol.<br />

Big purse seiners fishery statistical collection : year 1994. Potier, M., Java Sea Pelagic Fishery<br />

Assessment Project, Sci. and Tech.<br />

Doc. 22. 46 pp.<br />

Benthic studies of the northwest African upwelling region:<br />

psychrophilic and psychrotrophic bacterial communities<br />

from areas with different upwelling intensities<br />

Beneficial effect a low Glycaemic Index diet in type 2<br />

diabetes<br />

Bencn-Top Biossays for the Discovery of Bioactive Natural<br />

Products : An Update<br />

Ruger H Mar Ecol Prog Ser 57: 45-52<br />

Wolever, T.M.S. Diabetic Medicine 451-8<br />

McLaughlin, J.L. Atta-Ur-Rahman (eds.). Studies in<br />

Natural Product. Vol. 9<br />

Behavioural Problems in Dogs and Cats O'Farrell V In Practice.8: 91-100.<br />

Behavior of L. monocytogenes in skim milk during<br />

fermentation with mesophilic lactic starter cultures<br />

Behavior of L monocytogenes in the presence of cocoa,<br />

carrageenan, and sugar in milk medium incubated with and<br />

wilhout agitation<br />

Behavior of L monocytogenes in skim milk and in yogurt<br />

mix during fermentation by Termophilic lactic acid bacteria<br />

Beberapa rancang bangun akuakultur pada<br />

pengembangan dan pembesaran kepiting bakau (Scy//a<br />

serrata).<br />

Beberapa metoda pengendalian tumbuhan air<br />

pengganggu.<br />

Beberapa kondisi lingkungan perairan kepiting bakau<br />

{Scylla serrata) di perairan Tanjung Pasir Tangerang.<br />

Beberapa Karakteristik Kerupuk Ikan yang Dibuat dengan<br />

Variasi Rasio Ikan Nila/Tapioka dan Lama Perebusan<br />

Adonan<br />

Schaak, M. M. Journal of Foof Protection, 51: 600-<br />

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Pearson, L.J. Journal of Food Protection, 53 , 30-37<br />

Schaak, M.M. Journal of Food Protection. 51: 607-<br />

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Anonim. Warta Pertanian Majalah Teknis dan<br />

Ilmiah Populer. No. 44 Th. VII.<br />

Wahyuni, E.<br />

Ag. Pamudji<br />

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Beberapa hal mengenai karang Romimoehtarto,K. Pewarta Oseana.<br />

Beberapa Faktor Mutu Biji Kakao Sulistyowati Warta Balai Penelitian Perkebunan<br />

Jember. 5-22<br />

Beberapa catatan tentang usaha budidaya ikan dalam<br />

keramba jaring apung di Pulau Sirai, Kepulauan Riau.<br />

Soeharmoko<br />

Beberapa Aspek Biologi Teripang Ekonomis Penting Tuwo, A. Jur. Perikanan, Fakultas Perikanan.<br />

Beberapa aspek biologi reproduksi ikan payangka<br />

(Ophiocara porocephala) dan manggabai (Glosgobius<br />

giurus) di Perairan Danau Limbolo.<br />

Beberapa aspek biologi kerang Hijau Perna viridis darl<br />

perairan Binaria Teluk Jakarta<br />

Beberapa aspek biologi kerang hijau Perna viridis dari<br />

perairan Bina Ria Teluk Jakarta<br />

Beberapa aspek biolimnologi dan perikanan di Danau<br />

tondano. Sulawesi Utara.<br />

Beauveria sp Parasit pada Larva Penggerek Batang<br />

Kakao), Zeuzera coffeae Nient<br />

Bean trawl Survey as a monitoring tool in polluted<br />

estuaries in north east England<br />

Beam Trawl survey as monitoring fool in polluted estauries<br />

In Notrh East England<br />

Bathy-metric adaptations of reef building corals at Davies<br />

Reef, Great Barrier Reef, Australia, II, Light saturation<br />

curves for photo-synthesis and respiration<br />

Basis of Yield Component Compensation in Crop Plants<br />

with Special Reference to the Field Bean. Phaseolus<br />

Vulgaris.<br />

Balhymetric adaptations on reef-building corals at Davies<br />

Reef, Great Barrier Reef, Australia. II. Light saturation<br />

curves for photosynthesis and respiration<br />

Bakteri pencemar pada telur gagal menetas, bulu halus<br />

anak-anak ayam, debu, dan air pelembab pada mesin<br />

penetas ayam.<br />

Bahan-Bahan Pemanis. Ed. I Sudarmadji, S.<br />

Bagaimana posisi industri perikanan Indonesia di pasar<br />

global.<br />

Baculovirus Replication Alters Hormon-Regulated Host<br />

Development<br />

Satria, H. Beberapa aspek biologi reproduksi<br />

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Limbolo.<br />

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Pomfred, J.R. Journal of Fish Biology, 33:<br />

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Chalker, B.E. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol., 73: 37-56<br />

Adams, M.W., Crop Sci. 7: 505-510.<br />

Chalker, B.E. J.Exp. Mar..Biol. Ecol. 73: 37-56<br />

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Park, EJ. J. General Virology. 77: 547-554<br />

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Bacteriocins of lactic acid bacteria Klaenhammer, T.R. Biochimie 70 : 337-349<br />

Bacteriocin for Control of Listeria spp. in Food Muriana, P.M. J. Food Pro tection, p. 54-63<br />

Bacterial septicemia in juvenile tiger prawn, Penaeus<br />

monodon, cultured in Malaysian brackishwater ponds.<br />

Anderson, I.G., Asian Fisheries Science 2:93-108.<br />

Bacterial populations and adaptations in the mucus layers<br />

on living corals<br />

Bacterial Nitrification and Denitrification Rates in the<br />

Rhpone River Plume (Northwestern Mediteranean Sea)<br />

Ducklow, H.W. Limnol. Oceanogr. 24: 715-725<br />

Bianchi M. Mar. Ecol.Prog.Ser., 103: 197-202<br />

Bacterial metabolism of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetate Evan, W.C. Biochem. J. 122: 543- 551<br />

Bacterial life at low temperature: physiological aspects and<br />

biotechnological Implications<br />

Gounot, A. J. Appl. Bacteriol, 7 1: 386-397<br />

Bacterial diversity among small-subunit rRNA gene clones<br />

and cellular isolates from the same seawater sample<br />

Suzuki MT Appl Environ Microbiol 63: 983-989<br />

Bacterial Culture Media from Hevea Latex Taysum D.H. J. Rubb. Rcs. Inst. Malaya 19-21<br />

Bacteria as biocontrol agent for rearing larvae of the crab<br />

Portunus trituberculatus.<br />

Bacteria as biocontrol agent for rearing larvae of the crab<br />

Portunus trituberculatus.<br />

Background levels of heavy metal in nine tropicl seagrass<br />

species in Indonesia<br />

B3(Beta)-adrenergic receptors on white and brown<br />

adipocytes mediate B3(Beta)-selective aginist-induced<br />

effects on energy expenditure, Insulin secretion and food<br />

intake<br />

Nogami, K. Can. J. Fish. Aquatic Sci. 49(11):2373-<br />

2376.<br />

Nogami, K. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and<br />

Aquatic Science 49 (11): 2373-2376.<br />

Nienhuis, N.P. Mar. Poll. Bull. 17 ( 11 ):508-511<br />

Grijic, D J. Biol. Chem<br />

Availability of Carbohydrate in Nutrition of Yellowtail Furuichi, M. Bull. Jpn. Soc. Sci. Fish. 52 (1): 99-<br />

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Availability of Carbohydrate in Nutrition of Carp and Red<br />

Sea Bream<br />

Furuichi, M. Bull. Jpn. Soc. Sci. Fish. 48 (7): 945-<br />

948<br />

Availability and Application of Biocontrol Products Fravel, D.R. Biot, Cult. l Tests for Control of Plant<br />

Dis, 11:1-7<br />

Auxin perception and signal transduction. MacDonald, H. Physiol. Planta. 100: 423-430.<br />

Autotrophy, heterotrophy, and resource partitioning in<br />

Caribbean reef-building corals<br />

Porter, J.W. Am.Nat. 110:731-742<br />

Autoregulatory factors and communication in<br />

Actinomycetes<br />

Horinouchi, S. Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 46: 377-398<br />

Autooxidation of Ethyl Eicosapentaenoic Acid and<br />

Docosahexaenoic Acid<br />

Cho, S.Y. JAOCS, 64 (6) . 876-879<br />

Automatic ballast position control for tractors Zhang, N. Transaction of the ASAE, Vol. 32(4):<br />

1159-1164<br />

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Automated mass-production of Artemia salina nauplii for<br />

hatcheries.<br />

Nash, C.E. Aquaculture 2: 289-298.<br />

Autolysis and proteolytic activity of cod viscera. Raa, J. J. Food Technol. 11: 619-628.<br />

Autolysis and proteolytic activity of cod viscera. Raa, J. J. Food Technol., 11:619-628.<br />

Autolysis and Chitinase Production in cultures of<br />

verticillium alboatrum<br />

Vessey. J.C. Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc. 60. 133-143<br />

AUophane, imogolite, and gibbsite in coatings in a Costa<br />

Rican Andisol.<br />

Jongmans, A. G., Geoderma 64:327-342.<br />

Attractiveness of ME to the fruit fly. (Diptera: Tephritidae)<br />

in Indonesian<br />

Iwahashi. O. Ann. Entomol.Soc. Am.<br />

attitudes toward irradiated food : results of a new study Resurreccion,<br />

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J. Food Protect. 58, 193-196<br />

Attempts to assess the environmental hazard posed by<br />

complex mixtures of organic chemlcal In U. K. Estuaries<br />

Mattheiessen, P. Mar, Poll. Bull. 26 90 - 95<br />

Attempts to assess the environmental hazard posed by<br />

complex mixtures of organic chemical in UK estuaries<br />

Matthissen, P. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 26: 90-95<br />

Attempted Transmission of Toxoplasma gondii infection<br />

from Pregnant Cats to Their Kittens<br />

Dubey.J P JAVMA. 170 538-540<br />

Attachment and removal of Salmonella spp. on meat and<br />

poultry tissues<br />

Benedict, R.C. J. Food Safety 11:135-148<br />

Attachment and proliferation of bacteria on meat Chung, K.T. J. Food Protect. 52:173-177<br />

Atlantic cod pepsin: Characterization and use as a rennet<br />

substitute.<br />

Association of RNA 3 with Aphid Tranmission of<br />

Cucumber Mosaic Virus<br />

Association of Hydrocarbon and Mineral Particles in Saline<br />

Solution<br />

Association of genotype environment interaction with<br />

performance level of soybean lines in preliminary yield test<br />

Association between diseases of Flounder, Platichthys<br />

flesus and environmental condition In the Elbe estuary,<br />

FRG<br />

Assisgment of absolute configuration of B-chiral primary<br />

Alcohols by NMR : Scope and limitations<br />

Assimilation of photosynthetic products of zooxanthellae<br />

by a reef coral<br />

Assessment of lupin flour as a diet ingredient for rainbow<br />

trout (Salmo gairdnerl)<br />

Assessment of lupin flour as a diet ingredient for rainbow<br />

trout (salmo gairdneri)<br />

Brewer. P.. Can. Inst Food Sci. Technol. J. 17 (I):<br />

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Mossop, D.W. Virology 81: 177-181<br />

Meyers, P.A. Nature 244-23-24<br />

Baihaki, A. Crop Sci. 16: 718-721.<br />

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Latypov, S.K J. Am. Soc. 120, 4741-4751<br />

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Hughes, S.G. Aquaculture, 71: 379-385<br />

Hughes.SG. Aquaculture, 71 : 379-385<br />

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Assessment of Fish processing waste materials based<br />

diets for cultured manrine shrimp (Penaeus monodon)<br />

Assessment of fish processing waste material based diets<br />

for cultured marine shrimp. Penaeus monodon (Fabricus)<br />

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Assessing the effects of "stress” on reef corals Brown. B.E. Adv. Mar. Biol. 22:1-63<br />

Assessing pesticide contamination to groundwater : A<br />

rapid approach<br />

Ehteshami, M. Groundwater. 29(6):862-868<br />

Assaying chimeric genes in plants, the GUS gene fusion<br />

system.<br />

Jefferson, R.A. Plant Mol. Biol. Rep. 5: 387-465.<br />

Aspects of Decomposer food Chains in marine benthos Fenchel,T. Verh. Dtsch. Zool. Ges 65: 14-Z3<br />

Ascospore Analysis of Cochliobolus heterostrophus Beige<br />

Mutants.<br />

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Ascorbic acid requirement of coho salmon and rainbow<br />

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Ascorbic acid content Kefford. J.F. CSIRO Food Pres. Quart., 17.42-47<br />

Ascorbic acid content Kefford, J.F. CSIRO Food Pres. Quart., 17:42-47<br />

Artificial reefs: toward a new era in fisheries<br />

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Artificial neural network modeling of the rainfall-runoff<br />

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Artificial curing of onions for Victoria Sanguansri, P. Onion Austr., 8:31<br />

Artemia salina (Kegunaan. biologi dan kulturnya). Cholik, F. INFISH Manual SeriNo. 12. 26 hal.<br />

Are natural populations of zooxanthellae ever nutrientlimited<br />

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Are natural populations of Zooxanthellae ever nutrient<br />

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Arah pengembangan industri minyak goreng di<br />

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Arachidonic acid, prostaglandin E2 and F2a, influence rate<br />

of protein turn overin skeletal and cardiac muscle<br />

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Aquatic Weed of Southeast Asia. Pancho, J.V. Aquatic Weed of Southeast Asia.<br />

Aquatic toxicology ofcypermethrin. II. Fate and Biological<br />

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Aquatic Microbiology. Institute of Marine Science<br />

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Rheinheimer, G. Aquatic Microbiology. Institute of<br />

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Aquatic Microbiology Rheinheimer, G. Aquatic Microbiology<br />

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Aquaculture:The Farming and Husbandry of Fresh Water<br />

and Marine Organism.<br />

Aquaculture: The ecology and husbandry of fresh water<br />

and marine organisms<br />

Aquaculture. The farming and husbandry of freshwater and<br />

marine organism.<br />

Bardach J.E., Aquaculture:The Farming and<br />

Husbandry of Fresh Water and Marine<br />

Organism.<br />

Bardach, J.E. Aquaculture: The ecology and<br />

husbandry of fresh water and marine<br />

organisms<br />

Bardach, J. E., Aquaculture. The farming and<br />

husbandry of freshwater and marine<br />

organism.<br />

Aquaculture feeds and chemoattractants Meyers, S.P. Infofish Marketing Digest No. 1/87<br />

Aquaculture and human development :Participation of<br />

Women in Aquaculture in Bangladesh.<br />

Monan, J. Aquaculture News : No. 19.<br />

Applied Statistical Methods Burr Applied Statistical Methods<br />

Applied Consumption Analysis Philips, L. Applied Consumption Analysis<br />

Applied Hydrology Chow, V.T. Applied Hydrology<br />

Application of the Bligh and Dyer method lipid extraction to<br />

tissue homogenates.<br />

Hanson, S.W.F. Biochem. J. 89: 101-102.<br />

Application of specificity of Mucor miehei lipase to<br />

Langholz P. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc., 66(8):<br />

concentrate docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)<br />

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Application of restricted selection indices for grain yield<br />

improvement in oats.<br />

Rosielle, AA, Crop Sci 15:544-546.<br />

Application of cell and tissue culture and in vitro selection<br />

for disease resistance breeding- a review.<br />

van den Bulk, R.W. Euphytica 56: 269-285.<br />

Application for biotechnology : present and future<br />

improvement in lactic acid bacteria<br />

McKay, L. FEMS Microbiol. Rev. 87 : 3-14<br />

Apple tip Leaf antigens That Cause Spurious Reactions<br />

with Tomato Ringspot Virus Antisera in Enzyme-Linked<br />

Immunosorbent Assay<br />

Mink, G.I. Phytopathology 75: 325-329<br />

Apparent digestibility of selected Ingredients In diets for<br />

white shrimp penaeus setiferus L<br />

Apparent digestibility of practical diets for Penaeus<br />

monodon of replacement of fish meal with lupin meal<br />

Apparent digestibility of feedstuffs by the marine shrimp<br />

Penaeus vannamei Boone<br />

Apparent digestibility of feedstuffs by the marine shrimp<br />

Penaeus vannamei Boone<br />

Apparent digestibility of diets with various carbohydrate<br />

levels and the growth response or penaeus monodon<br />

Brunson, J.F. Aquaculture Nutrition. 3: 9-16<br />

Sudaryono, A.<br />

Akiyama, D M. Bulletin of the Japanese Society of<br />

Scientific Fisheries, 55: 91-98<br />

Akiyama, D.M. Bulletin of the Japanese Society of<br />

Scientific Fisheries, 55: 91-98<br />

Catacutan. M.R. Aquaculture. 95: 89-96<br />

Apparent chitin digestibility in penaeid shrimp Clark, D.J. Aquaculture. 109: 51-57<br />

Apparent chitin digestibility in penaeid shrimp Clark, D.J. Aquaculture, 109: 51-57<br />

Aplication of Precoated Indirect-Enzyme Linked<br />

Immunosorbent Assay for Detecting Zucchini Yellow<br />

Mosaic Virus<br />

Somowiyarjo, S. Ann. Phytopath. Soc. Japan<br />

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An-Ulster 2c - strain derived newcastle disease vaccin :<br />

efficacy and excretion in maternally immune chicken<br />

Eck,J.H.V.V. Avian Fathol. 20 :481-495<br />

Antitumor activity of cell walls of microorganisms. Sasaki, S., Agric. Biol. Chem., 49(9): 2807-2808.<br />

Antitumor activity of /\sperg/7/us cell walls. Sasaki, S., Agric. Biol. Chem., 49(4): 1219-1221.<br />

Antisense Oligonucleotides: A New Therapeutic Principle Ulhmann, E. Chem. Rev. 90: 543-583.<br />

Antisense Oligonucleotides as Therapeutic Agents - Is the<br />

Bullets Really Magical?<br />

Stein, C.A. Science 261: 1004-1012.<br />

Antioxidative Properties of Methanolic Extracts from<br />

Peanut Hulls<br />

Yen, G. C. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 70:817-820<br />

Antioxidative Activities of Natural Compounds Found in<br />

Plants<br />

Miyake, T. J. Agric. Food Chem. (45): 1819-1822<br />

Antioxidant, The Ultimate Answer Oxidation Dziezak, J. D. Food Tech. 11 : 94-102<br />

Antioxidant hypothesis of cardiovascular disease Duthie, G.G. Trends Food Sci Technol. 2(8): 205-<br />

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Antioxidant Activity of Methanolic Extracts of Peanut Hulls<br />

from Various Cultivar<br />

Yen, G. C. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 72:1065-1067<br />

Antioxidant Activity and Total Phenolics in Different<br />

Genotypes of Potato (Solanum tuberosum, L.)<br />

Al-Shaikan, M.S. J. FoodSci.60:341-344<br />

Antioksidant Activity of Tropical Ginger Extracts and<br />

Analysis of the Contained Curcuminoids<br />

Jitoe, A. J. Agric. Food Chem., 40:1337-1340<br />

Antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii in Saskatchewan Cats,<br />

Sheep and Cattle<br />

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Antibodies to Major Histocompatibilty antigens Produced<br />

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Antibodies to Major Histocompability Antigens Produced<br />

by Hybrid Cell Lines<br />

Galfre, G. Nature 266: 550-552<br />

Antibiotics Brown, J.H. Their use and abuse in<br />

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Antibiotic Production and Biocontrol Activity by Bacillus<br />

subtilis CL27 and Bacillus pumilus CL45<br />

Leifert, C J, Appl Bacieriol, 7fi: 97-1 OS<br />

Antibakteri asap cair dari limbah pertanian Darmadji, P.<br />

Anti Listerial Activity of Carnocin 54, a Bacteriocin from<br />

Leuconostoc carnosum<br />

Schillinger, U. Food Microb. 12: 31-37<br />

Anthracnose on shallot (Allium cepa group aggregatum) in<br />

Java<br />

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ANSWERS :A model for watershed planning Beasly D.B Trans ASAE (23) : 938 - 944<br />

Animal Nutrition. 7*. Ed. Maynard, L. A., Animal Nutrition. 7*. Ed.<br />

Animal Nutrition. 6th Ed. Maynard, L.A. Animal Nutrition. 6th Ed.<br />

Animal Nutrition. 4th ed Mc. Donald, P Animal Nutrition. 4th ed<br />

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Animal Nutrition, 5th ed McDonald. P Animal Nutrition, 5th ed<br />

Animal Nutrition, 5th ed McDonald. P Animal Nutrition, 5th ed<br />

Animal Nutrition in Tropics. Ranjhan, S. K. Animal Nutrition in Tropics.<br />

Animal Nutrition Donald, P. Animal Nutrition<br />

Animal Nutrition Bondi, A.A. Animal Nutrition<br />

Animal Nutrition Mc. Donald, P. Animal Nutrition<br />

Animal Diseases Agents Transmitted by Horse Flies and<br />

Deer Flies (Diptera: Tabanidae)<br />

Krinsky, W.L. J.Med.Entomol 13(3)<br />

Animal biotechnology and meat processing, in animal<br />

Demeyer, D. Animal biotechnology and meat<br />

biotechnology and the quality of meat production<br />

processing, in animal biotechnology<br />

and the quality of meat production<br />

Animal and Temporal effect on Ovarium Follicular<br />

Dynamic in Brahman Heifers<br />

Angular measues of dorsal aspect target strength function<br />

of fish.<br />

Aneuploidy in mussel embryos (Mytilus edulis L.)<br />

originating from a polluted dock<br />

Anatomical characteristics of female Muscovy ducking<br />

carcasses<br />

Analysis, cloning, and high-level expression of 2.4-<br />

Dichlorophenoxyacetate monooxygenase gene tfdA of<br />

Alcaligenes eutrophus JMP134<br />

Analysis on biological aspects of Sardinella fimbriata in<br />

Paperu, Saparua Bay.<br />

Analysis on biological aspect of Sardinella fimbriata in<br />

Paperu. Saparua Bay.<br />

Rhodes, J.M. Anim. Reprod. Sci., 38: 265-671.<br />

Foote, K.G. FisDir. Skr. Ser. Havilnders. 17:49-70.<br />

Dixon, D.R. Marine Biology Letters, 3: 155-161<br />

Ricard, F.H. Anales-de-Zoo-Technii., 36 (2): 109-<br />

120.<br />

Streber, W.R. J.Bacteriol. 169: 2950-2955<br />

Hurasan, M.S., J. Penelitian Perikanan Laut 55: 29-<br />

39.<br />

Hurasan. M.S., J. Penelitian Perikanan Laut 55: 29-<br />

39.<br />

Analysis of Theaflavin and Thearubigin Roberts, E. A. H. Analyst 18 : 498-499<br />

Analysis of summer distribution of fish schools in the<br />

Pacific Eastern Boundary Current.<br />

Swartzman, G. ICES. J. Mar. Sci. 54: 105-116.<br />

Analysis of plasma isoflavones by reversed-phase HPLCmultiple<br />

reaction ion monitoring-mass spectrometry<br />

Coward, L. Clin. Chim. Acta, 247 (1-2): 121-142<br />

Analysis of membrane topology using alkaline<br />

phosphatase and ß-galactosidase gene fusions.<br />

Analysis of membrane protein topology using alkaline<br />

phosphatase and ß-galactosidase gene fusions.<br />

Manoil, C. Methods in Cell Biol. 34: 61-75.<br />

Manoil, C. Methods Cell Biol. 34: 61-75.<br />

Analysis of legume oligosacc-harides by high-resolution<br />

gas chromatograhy.<br />

Karautis, A.I. R T. J. Chromatography 623:186<br />

Analysis of Crabment Volatile Compounds Matiella, J.E. J. Food Sci. 55 (4): 962-966.<br />

Analysis of betaine-induced feeding behaviour in the<br />

prawn M. rosenbergii' (de Man, 1979) (Decapoda, Caridea)<br />

Harpaz, S. Crustaceana 58 (20) :175-185<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 917 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Analisis Komponen Minyak Atsiri Hasil Distalasi Daging<br />

Buah Pala (Myristica fragrans HOUTT).<br />

Analisis ekonomi usaha budidaya terpadu antara ikan<br />

dengan ayam (longyam) di Tasikmalaya Jawa Barat.<br />

Analisa Ukuran Butir Sedimen di Perairan Estuary, Sungai<br />

Oura dan Sekitarnya, Pulau Okinawa, Jepang Selatan<br />

Rampengan, V.F.,<br />

Koeshendrajana, S.,<br />

Rifardi Terubuk XX (58): 60-71<br />

Analisa Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian, Edisi Kedua Sudarmadji Analisa Bahan Makanan dan<br />

Pertanian, Edisi Kedua<br />

Analisa bahan dan manfaatnya dalam menyusun ransum<br />

ternak.<br />

Tangendjaja, B<br />

Anaerobic Biodegradation of 2,4-Dichlorophenol in<br />

Freshwater Lake Sediment at Different Temperatures<br />

An ultrasonic non destructive method for measuring<br />

maturity of mango fruit<br />

An Ultrasonic non Destructive Method for Measuring<br />

Maturity of Manggo Fruit<br />

An NMR method for determination of configuration of ff B-<br />

subtituted carboxylic acids<br />

An investigation on the extraction and concentration of<br />

isoflavones in soy-based products<br />

An investigation of stocks of giant clams (family<br />

Tridacnidae) in Java and of their utilization and potentials<br />

Kohring, G.W. Appl. And Environ. Microbiol. Vol. 55<br />

No. 2: 348-353<br />

Mizrach, A. Trans. ASAE 40(4): 1107-1111<br />

Mizrach A. Transaction of The ASAE 40(4): 1107-<br />

1111<br />

Hoye, T.R Tetrahedron lett. 2289-2293<br />

Nguyenie, T. J. Pharma. Biomed.Anal. 14:221-232<br />

Brown, L.H. Aquaculture and Fisheries<br />

Management, 1:Z5-39<br />

An improved universal buffer. Analyst. Johnson, W.C. (Lond.) 64: 490-492.<br />

An exponential surplus-yield model for optimising exploited<br />

fish populations,<br />

Fox, W.W. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc., 1: 80-88.<br />

An expert system utility for environmental impact<br />

Mercer, K.G. J. of environmental management 45,<br />

assessment in engineering<br />

1-23<br />

An evolution of the Tolerance of Corals to Nutrients and<br />

Related Water Quality Characteristic.<br />

Hawker, DW Int. J. Environ. Stud. 34. 179.<br />

An Evaluation of the Impact of Sublethal Dosages of<br />

Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus in Larvae on Pupae, Adults and<br />

Adult Progeny of the Fall Armyworn, Spodoptera<br />

fugiiperda<br />

Perelle, A.H. J. Invertebr. Pathol 47: 42-47<br />

An estimate of the dietary calcium requirement of fingerling<br />

Tilapia aurea reared in calcium-free water.<br />

An Epizootic Model of an Insect - Fungal Pathogen<br />

System<br />

An enclosed hot water spray cabinet for improved Hygiene<br />

of carcasses meat<br />

Robinson, E.H., Aquaculture 41: 389-393.<br />

Brown, G.C. Bull. Math. Biol. 44: 731-739<br />

Graham A. CSIRO Meat Res. Report No. 11/78<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 918 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

An electrophoretic survey of genetic variation in Pecten<br />

maximus, Chlamys opecularis, C. distorta from the lrish sea<br />

An egg production method for estimating spawning<br />

biomass of pelagic fish: an application to the northern<br />

anchovy. Engraulis mordax.<br />

An Ecological survey of the marine fauna of Low Isles,<br />

Queensland<br />

An ecological study on Edwardsiella tarda in flounder<br />

farms<br />

An automated method for the determination of ammonium-<br />

N in ecological materials<br />

An automated method for the determination of ammonium-<br />

N in ecological materials<br />

An alternative approach to achieving high yields in tropical<br />

reservoirs.<br />

Beaumont, A.R. Marine Biologic. 81: 299-306<br />

Lasker. R. (ed.). NOAA National Mar. Fish. Service<br />

Tech. Rep. No. 36.<br />

Stephenson, W. Austr. J. Mar. Freshw. Res. 9(2): 261-<br />

325<br />

Mamnur Rashid, M. Fish Pathol. 29: 221-227.<br />

Rowland, A.P. Communication in Soil Science and<br />

Plant Analysis, 14: 49–63<br />

Rowland. A. P. Communication in Soil Science and<br />

Plant Analysis, 14: 49-63<br />

De Silva, S.S. Naga, ICLARMQ. 12(1): 8-9.<br />

An Agro - Climatic Map of Java. Oldeman, L.R., Contr. CRIA Bogor. No. 17: 1-22.<br />

An A-factor-dependent extracytoplasmic function sigma<br />

factor (o'^) that is essential for morphological development<br />

in Streptomyces griseus<br />

Yamazaki, H. J. Bacleriol. 182: 4596-4605<br />

Amylases a and b. Meth. Bernfeld, P. Enzymol. 1: 149-158.<br />

Ammonium uptake by symbiotic and aposymbiotic reef<br />

corals<br />

Muscatine, L. Bull. Mar, Sci. 29(4):572-575<br />

Amino acid uptake and metabolism by larvae of the marine<br />

worm Urechis caupo (Echiura), a new species in axenic<br />

culture<br />

Jaeckle.W.B. Bioi. Bull., 176: 317-326<br />

Amino Acid Sequence Homologv of Coat Proteins as A<br />

Basis for Identification and Classification of the Potyvirus<br />

Group<br />

Shukla, D.D. J. gen. Virol. 69-2703-2710<br />

Amino acid fluxes to and from seawater in axenic veliger<br />

larvae of bivalve (Crassostrea gigas)<br />

Manahan, D.T. Mar. Ecol. Prog.Ser.,53:247-255<br />

Aluminium induced rapid root inhibition and change in cell<br />

wall components of squash seedlings.<br />

Hoa Le Van, Plant Physiol. 106: 971-976.<br />

Altered time course of urinary daidzein and genistein<br />

excretion during chronic soya diet in healthy males<br />

Lu, L. W. Nutr. Cancer. 24:311-323<br />

Alkaloid of Kopsia lapidilecta. Awang, K., Journal of Natural Products. Vol. 23,<br />

1134-1139.<br />

Alkaloid from Leaves of Kopsia larutensis. Kam, T.S., Photochemistry. Vol. 31, 2936-2938.<br />

Aliran Energi Pada Ekosistem Mangrove Soeroyo Majalah Oseana. XIII (2): 52-59<br />

Alfa-Laval's World. Anonymous Production Information ALT, Ljunglofs,<br />

Stockholm. 40pp.<br />

Albinistic carp, Cyprinus varpio,from Roosevelt Lake,<br />

rizone<br />

Johnson, J.E. Traiw. Am. Fish. Soc. 97: 209-211.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 919 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Aktivitas Antibakteri Asap Cair yang Diproduksi dari<br />

Bermacam-macam Limbah Pertanian<br />

Aktivitas Antibakteri Asap Cair yang Diproduksi dari<br />

Bermacam -macam Limbah Pertanian<br />

Air Kelapa Sebagai Bahan Substitusi Media MS pada<br />

Kultur Jaringan Krisan.<br />

Air Kelapa Sebagai Bahan Subsitusi Media MS pada<br />

Kultur Jaringan Krisan.<br />

AIN-93. Purified Diets for laboratory Rodents: Final Report<br />

of the American Institute of Nutrition Ad Hoc Writing<br />

Committe on the Reformulation ol' the AIN-76 A Rodent<br />

Diet<br />

AIN-93 Purified Diets for Laboratory Rodents: Final report<br />

of The American Institute of Nutrition Ad Hoc Writing<br />

Committee on The Reformation of The AIN-76A Rodent<br />

Diet<br />

Darmadji P<br />

Darmadji, P.<br />

Mandang, J. Polii.<br />

Mandang, Jeany<br />

Polii<br />

Reeves, P.G. J.NutrAl: 1939-1951<br />

Reeves, P. G. J. Nutr. 123 : 1939-1951<br />

Agronomic Evaluation of Virus-free and Virus-infected<br />

Garlic (Allium sativum L.)<br />

Walkey, D.G.A. Agric. Sci. 64: 53-60<br />

Agricultural Biolechonology, Reducing Poverty in<br />

Developing Countries<br />

Zeigler R.S Plain Disease 85:568-579<br />

Agregate Stability of Puddled Soil During Rice Growth Chaundary. T.D. J. Indian. Soc. Soil Sci. 17 : 261 - 165<br />

Aflatoksin pada pakan ayam pedaging di Daerah Khusus<br />

Ibukota Jakarta Raya dan Kotamadya Pontianak<br />

A-factor as a microbial hormone that controls cellular<br />

differentiation and secondary metabolism in<br />

Streptomyces griseus<br />

Aerial dispersal of spiders (Araneae) in a Florida cornfield<br />

ecosystem.<br />

Adopsi teknologi budidaya ikan patin pada masyarakat tani<br />

di Desa Mariana, Sumatera Selatan.<br />

Adhesion of Pas-teurella multocida to HeLa cells and to<br />

macrophages. or difterent animal species<br />

Adenosine 5'-monophosphate, an internal regulatory<br />

agent, is a potent chemoattrac-tant for a marine shrimp<br />

Addition of cocoa powder, cane sugar and carrageenan to<br />

milk enhances growth of L. Monocytogenes<br />

Ginting Penyakit Hewan. 16(28): 212-214.<br />

Horinouchi, S. Mol. Microbiol. 12: 859-864<br />

Plagens, M.J., Environ. Entomol. 12: 1225-1233.<br />

Nasution, Z.<br />

Esslinger, J Revue M,d.V ,t.145,1,49-53<br />

Carr, W.E.S. J. Comp. Physiol. 153:47- 53<br />

Rosenow, E M. Journal.of Food Protection. 50 726-<br />

729<br />

Acute toxicity of car-bamate-based pesticides for fish. Hejduk, J. Acta Vet.Brno., 49: 251-257.<br />

Activity, track and speed of movement of the crab, Scylla<br />

serrata in an estuary.<br />

Hill, B.J., Mar.Biol. 34:109-116.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 920 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Activity and stability of Penicillium cyclopium lipase in<br />

surfactan and detergent solutions<br />

Xia, J. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc., 73:115-120<br />

Active metabolism associated with feeding in the mussel<br />

Mytilus edulis L<br />

Shumway, S.E. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 13: 111-124<br />

Action of the Ecdysteroid Agonist Tebefenozide in<br />

Susceptible and Artificially Selected Beet Armyworm<br />

Smagghe, G. Pestic. Sci. 54: 27-34<br />

Acoustic visualization of patch dynamics in oceanic<br />

ecosystems.<br />

Greene,C.H, Oceanography. 7(1). 12 pp.<br />

Acoustic survey design and analysis procedures: a<br />

comprenhensive review of good practice.<br />

Simmonds E.J., ICES Coop. Res. Rep.: 187-127.<br />

Acoustic detection of the spatial and temporal distribution<br />

of fish shoal in the Bay of Biscay.<br />

Scalabrin, C Aquat. Living Resour. 6: 269-283.<br />

Acetic acid action on beef tissue surfaces contaminated<br />

with Salmonella typhimurium<br />

Dickson, J.S. J. Food Sci. 57-, 297-301<br />

Accumulalion of heavy metal by Zooglea ramigera Norber. A.B. Biotechnol. BioEng. 26. 139-246<br />

Acclimation and adaptation to irradiance in symbiotic<br />

dinoflagellates, I. Responses of the photosynthetic unit to<br />

changes in photon flux density<br />

Absorption of labelled calcium-45Ca Gaby prawn from sea<br />

water.<br />

Inglesias-Prieto, R. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 113: 163-175<br />

Deshimaru, 0., Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish 44(9): 975-<br />

977.<br />

A Water Yield Model for Smalt Watersheds ------ Water Res. Res. 3(1): 58 - 69<br />

A viral disease in hatchery-reared larvae and juvenile of<br />

redspotted grouper.<br />

Mori, K., Gyohyo Kenkyu 26(4): 209-210.<br />

A vibriosis occuring in zoeal larvae of swimming crab,<br />

Portunus trituberculatus.<br />

Muroga, K., Suisamoshoku, 37:133-141.<br />

A trans-acting gene is required for the phenotypic<br />

expression of a tyrosinase gene in Streptomyces<br />

Lee, Y. H. Gene 15: 71 -81<br />

A technique to construct hapas from fiberglass window<br />

screen using heat sealer.<br />

Tave D. Prog. Fish Cult. 46: 145-146.<br />

A survey of the literature on the interaction of oxidised<br />

lipids with proteins No. 163.<br />

A survey of Salmonella contamination in modern broiler<br />

production and processing systems<br />

A survey of Campylobacter jejuni contamination in<br />

modern broiler production and processing systems<br />

A study on Stolephorus heterolobus and its relation to bait<br />

fisheries in Tulehu Bay (Central Moluccas).<br />

A study on Stolephorus heterolobus and its relation to bait<br />

fisheries in Tulehu Bay (Central Moluccas).<br />

A Study of Food Chains in Seagrass Bed Communities. III.<br />

Stable Carbon Isotope ratios<br />

A Small-Angle X-ray Scattering Study of Starch<br />

Gelatinization in Excess and Limiting Water<br />

Gilliat, P.N Leatherhead Food RA. Surrey, UK. 47<br />

pp.<br />

Jones, F.T. J. Food Protect. 54:502-507<br />

Jones, F.T. J. Food Protect. 54:259-262<br />

Banjar. H. J. Penelitian Perikanan Laut 44: 25-<br />

30.<br />

Banjar, H. J. Penelitian Perikanan Laut 44: 25-<br />

30.<br />

Nichols, P.D. Aust. J. Mar. Freshw. Res. 36: 683-90<br />

Cameron, R. E. J. Polym. Sci. B. Polym. Phys.31:<br />

1197-1203<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 921 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

A Single Nucleotide Substitut??ion in ?3 Gene Confers<br />

Oa[t Pathogenicity t0 Barley Stripe Mosaic Virus Strain<br />

ND18<br />

Weiland, J.J Mol Plant-Microbe Interact. 9 (I): 62-<br />

67<br />

A Simply fied Assay for Milled Rice Amylose. Juliano, B.O. Cereal Science Today 16 : 334-340<br />

A simplified method to quantify isoflavones in commercial<br />

soybean diets and human urine after legume consumption<br />

Lu, L. W. Cancer Epidemiol. Biomark. Prev.<br />

4:497-503<br />

A simplified method for determination of free fatty acids for<br />

soluble and immobilized lipase assay<br />

Marseno, D.W.<br />

A Simplified Method for Determination of Free Fatty Acids<br />

for Soluble and Immobilized Lipase Assay<br />

Marseno. D. W.<br />

A simplified HPLC method for the determination of<br />

phytoestrogens in soybean and its processed product<br />

Wang,G. J. Agric. Food Chem. 38:185-190<br />

A simplified Equation for Modeling Sediment Transport<br />

Capacity<br />

Finkner S.C. Trans. ASAE 32 (5): 1544-1550<br />

A Simplified Assay for Milled Rice Amylose Juliano, B.O. Cereal Today 16:334-340<br />

A Simplified Assay for Milled Rice Amylose Juliano, B. 0. Cereal Science Today, 16:334-340<br />

A simplification of the protein assay method of Lowry et al,<br />

which is more generally applicable<br />

A simple Methode for Recording and Analizing Serological<br />

Data<br />

A simple method for the isolation and purification of total<br />

lipids from animal tissue<br />

A simple method for estimating evolutionary rates of base<br />

substitutions through comparative studies of nucleoiide<br />

sequences<br />

A simple method for the detection of subclinical mastitis in<br />

Indonesia in the assessment of associated milk production<br />

losses<br />

A simple linear transform for the Folin-Lowry protein<br />

calibration curve to 1 mg/ml.<br />

A short-term study of the effects of habitat improvement<br />

<strong>program</strong>me on the distribution and abundance of fish<br />

stocks in Small Lowland River in Shropshire.<br />

A Short-term Field Experiment on the Effect of Siltation on<br />

Survival and Growth of Transplanted Pocillopora<br />

damicornis Branchlets.<br />

A short term study on the effects of diets with varied<br />

calcium: phosphorus ratios on the growth of juvenile<br />

shrimp, Penaeus californiensis (Penaeidae: Crustacea).<br />

Peterson, G.L. Anal. Biochem. 83:346-356<br />

Brugh, M. Av. 22: 262-365<br />

Folch, J. J. Biol. Chem. , 226: 497-509<br />

Kimura M J Mol Evol 16: 111-120<br />

Hirst, R.G. Penyakit Hewan 17 (29): 267-269<br />

Coakley, W.T. Anal. Biochem. 85: 90-97.<br />

Swales. S. Fish Management 14(3): 135-144<br />

Sakai, K., Galaxea. 8: 143-156.<br />

Huner, J.V. Proc. World Maricult. Soc. 8: 775-778.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 922 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

A serological study on Edwardsiella tarda strains isolated<br />

from diseased Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus<br />

Mamnur Rashid, M. Fish Pathol. 29, 277.<br />

A Semi-implisit Numerical Model for Baroclinic Ocean Madala, R.V. J. Comput. Phys. No. 23<br />

A revision of the genus Scy//a de Hann, 1833 (Crustacea:<br />

Decapoda : Brachyra : Portunidae).<br />

Keenan, C.P., Raffles Bull. Zool. 46(1): 217-245.<br />

A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassay with<br />

tobacco tissue culture.<br />

Murashige, T Physiol. Plant 15: 473-497.<br />

A review of the effects of algal blooms on shellfish<br />

aquaculture<br />

Shumway, S.E. J. World Aquacul. Soc., 21: 65-103<br />

A review of the effects of algal blooms on shellfish<br />

aquaculture<br />

Shumway, S. E. J, World Aquacul. Soc., 21: 65-103<br />

A review of synchronisation of estrus in postpartum cattle Odde,K.G. J.Anim.Sci 68:817-830<br />

A review of proteolytic enzymes from marine organisms<br />

and their application in the food industry.<br />

A Review of Plant Material Used for Controlling insect Pest<br />

of Stored Producks<br />

Haard, N.F. J. Aqua, Prod. Technol. 1 (I): 17-35<br />

Dales, M.J. NRI Bulletin 65, National Resources<br />

Institute, Chatham, UK, 84 p<br />

A Review of Planktivorous Fishes : Their Evolution,<br />

Feeding Behaviours, Selectivities and Impacts<br />

Lazzaro, X. Hydrobiologia. 146 : 97 – 167<br />

A Review of Planktivorous Fishes : Their Evolution,<br />

Feeding Behaviours, Selectivities and Impacts<br />

Lazzaro, X. Hydrobiologia 146 : 97 - 167<br />

A review of harmful algal blooms and their apparent global<br />

increase<br />

Hallegraeff, G.M. Phycologia, 32: 79-99<br />

A review of harmful algal blooms and their apparent global<br />

increase<br />

Hallegraeff, G. M. Phycologia, 32 (2) 79-99<br />

A review of grouper culture (Epinephelus spp.) in Thailand Ruangpanit, N. Grouper Aquaculture Research<br />

Workshop, Bangkok 7-8 April. 7 pp<br />

A Review of Gracilaria Farming Santelices, B. Aquaculture, 78: 95-133<br />

A review of dietary studies with shrimp and prawns. New, M.B. Aquaculture 9: 101-144.<br />

A review of dietary studies with shrimp and prawns New, M.B. Aquaculture, 9: 101 –144<br />

A revaluation of the role of glycerot in carbon translocation<br />

in zooxanthellae-coelentrate symbiosls<br />

Battey, J.F Mar.Biol. 79: 27-38<br />

A Reexamination of Electromorphs of Plasma Transferring<br />

in The Indonesian Macaque (Macaca fascicularis<br />

Kawamoto, Y. : Kyoto University Research Report of<br />

Studies on Asian Non human Primates<br />

2: 65-73.<br />

A rapid visual enzyme test to assess fish freshness Jahnes, F.D. Food Technol, 7 : 27-30<br />

A rapid method for the determination of total Sulphur in<br />

soils and plants<br />

Butters, B Analyst (London) 84: 239 – 245<br />

A Rapid Diet Preparation Method for Antibiotic<br />

Phytochemical Bioassay<br />

Chan, B.G. J. Econ. Entomol<br />

A rapid automatic ballast system Dark, R.L. ASAE Paper No. 86-1550<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 923 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

A rapid and efficient immunization potocol for production of<br />

monoklonal antibodies reactive with autoantigens<br />

A proposal to transfer Vibrio marinus (Russel 1891) to a<br />

new genus Moritella gen.nov.as Moritella marina comb.nov.<br />

A proposal to transfer Vibrio marinus (Russel 1891) to a<br />

new genus Moritella gen.nov.as Moritella marina comb.nov<br />

A procedure for the isolation of deoxyribonucleic acid from<br />

microorganisms.<br />

A problem in the use of insecticide in paddy fields in West<br />

Malaysia: A case study.<br />

A Preliminary Trial of Spray Culture Technique for Growing<br />

Agarophyte Gracilaria chilensis<br />

A preliminary study of the mangrove forest on Pulau<br />

Rambut, Jakarta Bay<br />

A preliminary study of the life histoty of Scylla serrate<br />

(Forskal),<br />

Holmdahl, R. J. Immunol. Methods 83- 379 -384<br />

Urakawa H FEMS Microbiol Lett 165:373-378<br />

Urakawa H FEMS Microbiol Lett 165:373-378<br />

Marmur, J. J. Mol. Biol. 3: 208-218.<br />

Yunus, A. Malay. Agric. J., 48(2): 167-178.<br />

Pickering, T.D. Aquaculture, 30: 43-49<br />

Kartawinata, K. Marine Research Indonesia, 18: 119-<br />

I29<br />

Arriola, F.J. Phill. J. Sci. 73 (4): 437-458.<br />

A preliminary experiment on weight loss in onions Schippers, P.A. N.Z. Conitn. Grower, 23 : 23. 25. 29<br />

A Potential Fungus Agent for Natural Control of Cutworm<br />

Pseudoletia unipuncta<br />

Chivanjeevi, C. H. Intl Rice Res. Newsletter 16 (1)<br />

A Portable System of The in-vitro of Tsetse Flies Dukes, P. Ann. Trop. Med. Parasitol. 76(1):93-<br />

103<br />

A plasmid of Rhizobium meliloti 41 encodes catabolism of<br />

two compounds from root exudate of Calystegium sepium.<br />

Tepfer, J.F., J. Bacteriol. 170: 1153-1161.<br />

A plant DNA minipreparation: version II. Dellaporta, S.L., Plant Mol. Biol. Rep. 1(4): 19-21.<br />

A paradigm for Internal marine toxicity research ? Further<br />

views From the pacific rim<br />

Martin, M. Mar, Poll. Bull. 30: 90 - 95<br />

A paradigm for integrated marine toxicity reseach. Futher<br />

views from the Pacific Rim<br />

Martin, M Marine Pollution Bulletin.30: 8-13<br />

A novel use of chitosan as a hypocholesterolemic agent in<br />

rats<br />

Sugano, M. Am. J. Clin Nutr. 33: 787-793<br />

A Novel Species of Small Antisense RNA in Post-<br />

Transcriptional Gene Silencing<br />

Hainilton, A.J. Science 386. 950-952<br />

A novel conjugated ketosteroid from the marine sponge<br />

Dyctionella incisa.<br />

Cimminiello. P., J. Nat. Prod. 52(6): 1331-1333.<br />

A Novel Approach to the Prediction ofTillage Tool Draught<br />

using a Standard Tine<br />

Desbiolles, J.M.A Journal of Agricultural Engineering<br />

Research, 66: 295-309<br />

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A New Thiobarbituric Acid (TBA) Method for Determining<br />

Free Malonaldehyde (MDA) and Hydroperoxides<br />

Selectively as A Measure of Lipid Peroxidation<br />

Schmedes, A. JAOCS66:813-817<br />

A new species of giant clam (Tridacnidae) from Fiji and<br />

Tongd<br />

Lucas, J.S. ACIAR Working Paper No. 33. 8p<br />

A New Scale for Rice Sheath Blight (ShB) Disease<br />

Assessment<br />

Ahn, S.W. IRRN 11(6):17<br />

A New Method for Estimating the Freshness of Fish Saito, T. Bull. Of the Japanese Society of<br />

Scientific Fisheries, Vol 24 (9): 749-<br />

750<br />

A new method for detecting pollution effects on marine<br />

macrobentic communities.<br />

A New Biological Method for Determining Amino Acid<br />

Digestibility in Poultry Feed Stuff Using A Simple Cannula<br />

A New Biological Method for Determining Amino Acid<br />

Digestibility in Poultry Feed Stuff Using A Simple Cannula<br />

A Multi-enzyme Technique for Estimating Protein<br />

Digestibility.<br />

A monoclonal antibody capture enzyme-linked<br />

immunosorbent assay for detecting antibodies to infections<br />

bursal disease Virus<br />

A modified single solution method for the determination of<br />

phosphate in natural water<br />

A model system for studying the penetration of<br />

microorganisms into meat<br />

A model for temperature dependent northern anchovy egg<br />

development and an automated procedure for the<br />

assignment of age to staged eggs<br />

Warwick, R.M. Mar. Biol. 92:557-56.<br />

Raharjo, Y.C. Anim. Fd. Sci. Tech., 12: 29.<br />

Raharjo, Y.C Anim Food. Sci Tech. 12: 29.<br />

Hsu, H.W. J. Food Sci. 42(5): 1269-1273.<br />

Lee, L.H. J. Virol. Methods 36 (1): 13-23<br />

Murphy, J Analitica Chemica Acta, 27 : 31 - 36<br />

De Zuniga, A.G. J. Food Protect. 54:256-258<br />

Lo, N.C.H. In Lasker, R. (ed.). An Egg Production<br />

Method for Estimating Spawning<br />

Biomass of Pelagic Fish: Application to<br />

the Northern Anchovy, Engraulis<br />

mordax. NOAA Tech. Rep. NMFS 36:<br />

43-50.<br />

A model for predicting soybean yields from climatic data Hill, R.W. Agron. Journ. (71): 251 - 256<br />

A Model for Describing the Water Sorption Behavior of<br />

Foods.<br />

A Microplate Assay for Hyaluronidase and Hyaluronidase<br />

Inhibitor<br />

A methot for the Isolation of megaplasmid from<br />

Pseudomonas Solonacearum<br />

A method of isolating clean and viable zooxanthellae by<br />

density gradient centrifugation<br />

Iglesias, H.A. J Food Sci. 41 (5):984-992.<br />

Tung, J. Seng Analytical Biochemistry, p: 149-152,<br />

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Bominatahan, K Current Science 57: 261-262<br />

Tytler, E. M. Limnol. Oceanogr 28:1266-1268<br />

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A Method of Computing the Effectiveness of An Insecticide Abbott, W.S. J. Econ. Entomol. 18, 265-7<br />

A Method for Phytic Acid Determination in Wheat and<br />

Wheat Fractions<br />

Wheeler, E.L. Cereal Chem. 48:312-320<br />

A Method for Membrane Feeding Blood to Culicoides Owens, L. Aust.Vet.J. 57:396-397<br />

A Member of the Tomato Pto Gene Family Confers<br />

Sensivity to Fenthion Resulting in Rapid Cell Death<br />

A mechanism for pentamidine induced hypercalemia :<br />

Inhition of Distal Nephron Sodium Transport<br />

A Manual on Methods for The Assessment on Secondary<br />

Productivity in Freshwaters.<br />

A live attenuated vaccine for The Control of Avian<br />

Coccidiosis: Trial in Broiler Breeder and Replacement<br />

Layer Flocks in The United Kingdom<br />

Martin, G.B. Plant Cell 6. 1543-1552<br />

Kleyman, T.R. Ann. Intern Med. 122(2): 103<br />

Edmonson, W.T. IBP Handbook No. 17,<br />

Shierly, M.W. Vet. Rec., 137: 453-457.<br />

A lipase from newly isolated thermophylic Rhywpus<br />

rhyzopodiformis<br />

Samad, M.Y.A. World J. Microb. Biotech., 6:390-394<br />

A laboratory evaluation of a novel hot water cabinet for the<br />

decontamination of sides of beef<br />

Davey, K.R. Int. J. Food Sci. Technol. 24, 305-316<br />

A hot water decontamination system for beef sides Powell, V.H. CSIRO Food Res. Q. 47, (4) 79-84<br />

A hot shower for clean carcasses Graham, A. Aust. Refrig. Air Condit. Heating. 33,<br />

33-35<br />

A haemagglutinating adhesin of group B streptococci<br />

isolated from cases of bovine mastitis mediates adherence<br />

to HeLa cells<br />

Wibawan, I.W.T. J.Gen,Microbiol. 139, 2173-2178<br />

A guide to the assessment of heavy-metal contamination<br />

in estuary using biological Indicator<br />

A geographich information system for groundwater<br />

protection planning<br />

A genetic/ physiological explanation for differential growth<br />

rate among individuals of the American Oyster,<br />

Crassostrea Virginica (Genetic)<br />

A genetic analysis of recapture frequencies of released<br />

young salmon (Salrno salarL.).<br />

A generalized computer <strong>program</strong> for the treatment of data<br />

from competitive protein binding assays including radioimmunoassays<br />

A general account of the fauna and flora mangrove swamp<br />

and forest in the Indo West Pasific.<br />

A Dot-Immunobinding Assay for the Detection of Tobacco<br />

Mosaic Virus In Infected Tissues<br />

Bryan. G. F. W. Occ. Publ. Mar. Biol. Ass, UK.,4<br />

Baker, C.P. J. of soil and water conservation.<br />

45(2):246-248<br />

Koehn, R.K. Marine Biology Letters, 3: 35-42<br />

Ryman, N. Hereditas, 65:159-160.<br />

Burger,H.G. J.Lab.Clin.Med. 80.302-312<br />

Mac Nae, W., Adv. Mar. Biol. 6:73-270.<br />

Hibi, T. J.gen. Virol. 66: 1191-1194<br />

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A critique of the analytical methods used in examining<br />

decomposition data obtained from litterbags<br />

A correlation of Heterozygosity with growth rate in the<br />

Pasific Oyster, Crassostrea gigas<br />

A Comparison of Fish Population on an Artificial Reefs and<br />

Natural Reefs in Florida Keys.<br />

A comparasion of spleen and lymph node cells as fusion<br />

partners for the raising of monoclonal antibodies after<br />

differents routes of immunization<br />

Wieder, R.K. Ecology, 63: 1636 -1642<br />

Fujio, Y. Tohoku Journal of Agriculture<br />

Research, 33: 66-75<br />

Stone, R.B., Mar. Fish. Rev. 41(9):1-11.<br />

Mirza, I,H. J. immunol. 235-243<br />

A Checklist of Hosf and Disease in Malaysia Singh, K G Min. Agric., Malaysia- 28O p<br />

A case study on utilization of effluent and by-product of oil<br />

palm by cattle and buffalo on oil palm estate.<br />

A broad spectrum tissue culture experiment with tobacco<br />

(Nicoliana tabacum L.) pith tissue callus. Physiol.<br />

Dalzell, R. Feeding Stuff Por Livestock in South<br />

East Asia. Invercargü, New Zeland.<br />

Fossard, R.A. Plant. 30: 125-130.<br />

A Biochemical Study on the Freshness of Fish Ehira, S. Bull. Tokai. Reg. Fish. Res. Lab. (88)<br />

Dec. 1976<br />

A bacteriocin produced by Pediococcus species<br />

associated with a 5.5 megadalton plasmid<br />

Hoover, D.G. J.of Food Prot.51 : 29-31<br />

A Field Study of Chemical Degradation of Paraquat<br />

Following Simulated Spillage on Soil<br />

Staiff, D.C. S. Silva, L. Howard, A. Merrit, C.<br />

Siamban, and S. Valja (Abstr.),<br />

Chemical Properties, Toxicity and<br />

Biodegradation of Paraquat<br />

5 ` Deoxy-5` Methylsulhinyladenonsine a platelet<br />

aggregation inhibitor from Ganodermalicidum<br />

Kawagishi, H Phytochemistry<br />

2,4-D plasmids and persistence Pemberton, J.M Nature 268: 732-733<br />

170 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies on Wheat<br />

Starch-Sucrose-Water Interactions with Increasing<br />

Temperature<br />

Lim, H. Cereal Chem. 69: 91-191<br />

16S ribosomal DNA amplification for phylogenetic study Weisburg, W.G. J. Bacteriol. 173: 697-703<br />

16S rDNA genotyping using PCR/RFLP (restriction<br />

fragment length polymorphism} analysis among the family<br />

Vibrionaceae<br />

"Tropical Hydrology Simulation Model 1 for Watershed<br />

Management."<br />

"Theory and Validation of Multiple Window Sea Surface<br />

Temperature"<br />

Urakawa H FEMS Microbiol! Lett 152:125-132<br />

Sahid Susanto J. Japan Soc. Hydrology and Water<br />

Resources. Vol.4 No. 2 43-53<br />

McMillin, L.M. J. Geophysics. Res, No. 89: 3655-<br />

3661<br />

Umbalan, dampak dan penanggulangannya. Krismono.<br />

Toxocara vitulorum in Ruminants Roberts, J.A. Vet. Bull., 63: 545-568.<br />

Toxicity of Paraquat to Microorganisms Carr, R.J.G. Appl. Environ. Microbiol.<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Thermal tolerance in tropical versus subtropical pacific<br />

reef corals<br />

Coles, S.L. Pac. Sci. 2: 159-166<br />

The ribonucleotide sequence of 5S rRNA from two strains<br />

of deep-sea barophiiic bacteria<br />

Deming JW. J Cen Microbiol 130: 19 11 -1920<br />

The effect of oil Citronella on two species of Docus Howlett. B. M. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond.<br />

The effect of addition of fat on the breakdown of protein<br />

and the subsequent production of amonia in the rumen.<br />

Jayasinghe, J.B. Ceylon Vet. J. 9: 135.<br />

Structural changes and associated microbial activity<br />

accompanying decomposition of mangrove leaves in Mgeni<br />

estuary<br />

Soybean isoflavones, characterization, determination,<br />

and antifungal activity<br />

Serotonin induced spawning In giant clams (Bivalvia:<br />

Tridacnidae)<br />

Relationships among Enzimes Activities and Virulence<br />

Parameters in Beauveria bassiana Infections Galleria<br />

mellonella and Trichoplusia nii<br />

Population dynamics of symbiotic zooxanthellae in the<br />

coral Pocillopora damicornis exposed to elevated<br />

ammonium [(NH4)2S04] concentrations<br />

Peroxidase, polyphenoloxidase, and shikimate<br />

dehydrogenase isozymes in relation to tissue type, maturity<br />

and pathogen induction of watermelon seedlings<br />

Steinke, T.D. South African Journal of Botany, 56:<br />

39-48<br />

Nairn, M. J. Agric. Food Chem. 22:806-810<br />

Braley. R.D. Aquaculture, 47: 321-325<br />

Gupta, S.C J. Invert Pathol. 64:13-17<br />

Hoegh-Guldberg, O Pac. Sci. 48: 263-272<br />

Biles, C. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 31 (4): 499-<br />

506<br />

Peranan Bakteri heterotrofik di ekosistem laut Kunarso, D.H. Oceana VOL. XIII (4): 133-142<br />

Penentuan Kepadatan Ambang Penyakit Beauveria<br />

bassiana - Leptocorisa acuta di Laboratorium<br />

Faidzal, M.<br />

Pemanfaatan Limbah Air Kelapa untuk Industri Kecap. Mandey, L.C.<br />

Partitioning small scale spatial variability of runoff on<br />

erosion in Sagebrush Rangeland<br />

Mini Review Baculovirus Encoded Ecdyisteroid UDP-<br />

Glucosyl Transferases<br />

Milk- and Soy Protein-induced Enterocolitis: Evidence<br />

for Lymphocyte Sensitization to Specific Food Proteins<br />

Mechanisms of Adsorption of s-triazins by Clay Colloids<br />

and Factors Affecting Plant Availability<br />

Kombinasi pupuk kandang dengan pupuk buat an (N, P &<br />

K) terhadap produksi rumput gajah (Pennisetum purpureum<br />

varietas Hawaii)<br />

Kinetic of Acyi Migration in Monoglycerides and<br />

Dependence on Acyi Chainlength<br />

Piersen, F.B. Water Res.Bul. Vol. 30 (6): 1081 -<br />

1089<br />

O'Reilly, D.R. Insect Biochem Molec. Biol. 25: 541-<br />

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Van Sickle, G. J. Gastroenterology, 88:1915-1921<br />

Weber, J.B. Residue Rev. 132:93-120<br />

Manurung, T. Buletin Lembaga Penelitian<br />

Peternakan 13: 58-63<br />

Boswinkel, G. JAOCS.Vol.73: 707-711<br />

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Kecepatan filtriisi berbagai ukuran kerang hi|au Perna<br />

viridis terhadap beberapa jenis mikro alga<br />

Suryono<br />

Isolation of bacteriophage infections for Vibrio vulvinicus. Pellon, W., J. Current Microbiol. 30 (6): 33-336.<br />

Isolation and evaluation of marine bacteria for biocontrol<br />

of luminous bacterial disease in tiger shrimp larvae<br />

(Penaeus monodon Fab.<br />

Identification and Characterization of a new plasmid<br />

carrying genes for degradation 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetate<br />

from Pseudomonas cepacia CSV90<br />

Hydrolysis of edible oils by lipases immobilized on<br />

hydrophobic supports: Effects of internal support structure<br />

Histopathology, biochemistry, and pathogenecity of<br />

Vibrio harveyi infecting black tiger prawn Penaeus<br />

monodon.<br />

Tjahjadi, R.M., Aspac. J. Mol. Biotechnol. 2: 347-<br />

352.<br />

Bhat, M.A. Apll. Environ. Microbiol. 60: 307-3112<br />

Al-Duri, B. JAOCS, 72: 1351-1359<br />

Jiravanichpaisal, P.<br />

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J. Aqua. Animal Health, 6:27-33.<br />

Growth rate in oyster: an over dominant phenotype and its<br />

possible explanations<br />

Zouros, E. Evolution, 34: 865-867<br />

Giant Clams: Description, Distribution and Life History Lucas, J.S. Copland, J.W. Lucas J.S. (eds). Giant<br />

Clams in Asia and the Pacific.<br />

Functional Properties of soybean Protein Kinsella, J. E. J. Am. Oie Chem. Soc. p 242<br />

Economic crisis induced unemployment: Can agricultural<br />

and rural economy play as the save haven ?<br />

Dissolved free amino acids, combined amino acids. and<br />

DNA as sources of carbon and nitrogen to marine bacteria<br />

Tambunan, M. Indonesia’s Economic Crisis: Effects<br />

on Agriculture and Policy Responses.<br />

P. Simatupang, S. Pasaribu, S. Bahri,<br />

and R. Stringer (Eds.), CASE, AARD-<br />

CIES, University of Adelaide,<br />

Australia. p. 51-73.<br />

Jorgensen, N.O. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 98: 135-148<br />

Determination of Trypsin Inhibitor Activity in Food-stuffs. Smith, C., J. Sci. FoodAgric. 31: 341.<br />

Determinants of Hypercholesterolemic Response to Soy<br />

and Animal Protein-Based Diets<br />

Detection of 10 additional pathogenesis related (b)<br />

proteins in intercellular fluids from stressed Xanthi nc.<br />

Tobacco leaf tissues<br />

Contribution of the symbiotic dinoflagel-late Symbiodinium<br />

microadriaticum to the nutrition, growth and survival of<br />

larval and juvenile tridacnid clams<br />

Shorey, R. L. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 34:1769-1778<br />

Hogue, R. Can. J. Bot.<br />

Fitt, W.K. Aquaculture, 55: 5-22<br />

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Comparative study of decomposition rates of organic<br />

matter in temperate and tropical regions<br />

Changes in shrimp feed quality and effects on growth and<br />

survival of Penaeus monodon juveniles<br />

Biological basis of high-temperature inhibition of ethylene<br />

biosynthesis in ripening tomato fruit<br />

Bioassays of Segregating Plant. A Strategy for studying<br />

Cjemical Defenses<br />

Assessing groundwater pollution potential from nitrogen<br />

fertilizer using a geographic information system<br />

Appliction of Non-Precoated Indirect ELISA for<br />

Detecting Zucchini Yellow Mosaic Virus<br />

Jenny, H. Soil Science, 68: 419-432<br />

Bautista, M.N. Aquaculture, 151: 121-129<br />

Biggs, M.S. Physiologia Plantarum, 72 : 572-578<br />

Sinden, S.L. J. Chem. Ecol.<br />

Halliday, S.L. Water resources bulletin. 27(22): 237-<br />

245<br />

Somowiyarjo, S. Ann. Phytopath. Soc. Japan 51: 569-<br />

575<br />

An investigation of pea seed albumin. Grant, D.R., Can. inst. Food Sci Technol.J (184).<br />

A Taxonomic Monograph of the Genus Aglaia Lour<br />

{Meliaceae)<br />

The Nucleotide Sequence of the Coat Protein Gene and<br />

3' Untranslated Region 0f Azuki Bean Mosaic Potyvirus, a<br />

Member of the Bean Common Mosaic Virus Subgroup<br />

Sustainable Development or Water Resources : A<br />

Challage to Science and Violent conflict<br />

Studi untuk membuat diet optimal bagi burayak rajungan<br />

(Portunus pelagicus) III. Bentuk dan lama penyimpanan<br />

bahan baku<br />

Rapid fluorometric determination of henzo(a)pyrene<br />

in foods<br />

Pre-chill spraying to reduce bacterial contamination<br />

in poultry processing<br />

Pannell, C.M. Kew Bulletin Additional Series XVI,<br />

HMSO, London- 379 p<br />

Collmer, C.W. Mol Plant-Microbre Inferact. 9 (&)<br />

758-761<br />

Plate, E.J. Scientific American, February 1993<br />

Juwana. S. Oseanol. Limnol. Indonesia (dalam<br />

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Li, Y. ASAE. 1995. International Meeting,<br />

Chicago, IL. June 18-23, 1995<br />

Kajian bioekologi Pasteuria penetrans Mulyadi<br />

Intracytoplasmic membrae synthesis in sincronous cell<br />

populations of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides.<br />

Lueking D.R., J. Biol. Chem. 253-451.<br />

Influence of Ultraviolet Light Protectants on Persistence<br />

of me Entomoipathogenic Fungus, Beauveria bassiana<br />

Inglish. G.D Biol. Control. 5:581-590<br />

In heritance of Pathogenicity of Melampsora lini Flor, H.H. Phytopathology 32: 653-669<br />

Functional properties vs physiological action of total<br />

dietary fiber<br />

Gordon, D.T. Cereal Foods World 34:517-525<br />

Food and growth relationships for the cod, Gardus<br />

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Jobling, M. J. Fish Biol. 21: 357-371<br />

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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Daya Infeksi, Efisiensi Penularan, dan Periode Letal<br />

Penyakit Muskardin Hijau (Metarhizium anisopliae) pada<br />

Wereng Coklat (Nilaparvata lugens)<br />

Comparison between Eicosapentaenoic and<br />

Decassaheksanoic Acids in Terms of Essensial Fatty Acid<br />

Efficiency in Larvae Red Seabream.<br />

Application of Fluorescent Pseudomonads to Control<br />

Root Diseases, pp. 137-140<br />

Dewi, M.<br />

WatanabeJ., Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, 1633-1640.<br />

Weller, D.M. C.A, Parker, A.D. Rovira, KJ. Moore,<br />

and PTW. Wong (eds.), Ecology and<br />

Management of Soilborne Plant<br />

Pathogens. Proc. Fourth Internat.<br />

Congr of Plant Pathol. Section 5.<br />

Amer. Phytopalh. Soc. St Paul,<br />

Minnesota<br />

Antioxidant Hypothesis of Cardiovascular Disease Duthie, G. G. Trends in Pood Sci. and Tech. 2 (8):<br />

205-207<br />

annonaceous Acetogenin: A Review Rupprecht J. Nat, Prod.<br />

Adaptation of soybean (Glycine max (L) Merrill) to the<br />

dry season of the tropics II. Effects of genotypes and<br />

environment on biomass and seed yield Aust<br />

Mayers, J.D. , J. Agric.Res, 42:517-530.<br />

Acetylated and Hydroxypropylated Starch Phosphate<br />

from Waxy Barley: Paste Properties and Freeze-Thaw<br />

Stability<br />

A Method of Compuiting the Effectiveness of an<br />

Insecticide<br />

Isolasi gen cryIA penyandi domain toksin pada dendotoksin<br />

dari beberapa isolat Bacillus thuringiensis<br />

dengan teknik PCR.<br />

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Wu, Y. Cereal Chem. 67:202-208<br />

Abbot. W.S. J. Econ. Entomol, 18: 265-367<br />

Budiani, A., Menara Perkebunan 64 (3): 93-104.<br />

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