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goat (he-goat) AZUKS [Wosux E 675] goatling ~ZISTIN n [Wolistian E 677] goblet Í~SI nom sg f [Kiosi E 402], (chalice) KÇLKS [kelks 75] goblin PÛKIS [pûíis MK] God DÇIWS [Deiws 37] godfather KAMATTERS, gen kamatras [Komaters E 183] godlessness NIDÇIWISKU [nideiwiskan 29 drv] godmother KAMATRA [Kamatters + kmotra, sestr` MK] gold AÛSS [Ausis E 523] Goldap GALDAPI [Goldap VM] golden AUSAÎNS aj [Aûss + Geltaîns MK] golden-yellow AUSAÎNAWINGIS [Ausaîns drv] goldfinch ZINGURIS [Singuris E 734] good aj LABS aj [lab 51] good no LABBAN no n [Labbas 53 drv] good-looker (Adonis) GRAZÔLIS [Grazzus + Gramboale E 781 + graþuolis GlN] good morning! KAÎLS ANKSTEÎNAI [Kaîls + Ansteînai MK] goods (belonging) LABBAN no n [labban 83] goof DRIMMELIS [Drimmel, Drimelis DIA MK] goose Z~NSÎ [Sansy E 719] Gospel EWANGÇLIJAN [Euangelion 45] Goth WÛKIS [v`cis, Vokia = Voion-maa, Vagoth MK] govern v RIKAÛTWEI (kîrsa acc) [rickaûsnan 53] government AUKTIMMISKU [aucktimmiskû 89], RIKAÛSN~ [rickaûsnan 53] grab (catcher) PAGAPTS f [Pagaptis E 362] grace (favour) ETNÎSTIS nom f [etnîstis 111 drv] gracious ETNÎWINGIS aj [etnîwings 518] gracious (full of grace) ETNÎSTISLAIMS aj [etnîstislaims 63] graciously ETNÎWINGISKAI av [etnîwingiskai 119] gradual TRAPPEWINGIS aj [Traps drv] gradually TRAPPEWINGI av [Traps drv] grain ZIRNI [Syrne E 278] grains ZIRNI [Syrne E 278] 341

granary KLÎNAN [Clenan E 194] Grand Duchy ERCÔGISTA [Ercôgs drv] Grand Duke DEBFIRSTS [large prince MK] grandchild (he) NEPÛTS [JB MK], (she) NEPÛTINI [Nepûts MK] granddaughter NEPÛTINI [Nepûts MK] grandfather TÎTIS [Thetis E 171] grandmother ANNI [Ane E 172] grandson NEPÛTS [JB MK] granne AKKANS [Ackons E 277] grannie WÛRIKA [Wûriks drv] grap v GABTUN [gobuns I 9 + Pagaptis E 362 VM] grape no WÎNEGA [Woragowus E 389 VM] grape attr WÎNEGAWS aj [Woragowus E 389] graphic GR~FISKAS aj [grafisks Nx] grasp (handle) DÎGNA [Digno E 427] grass Z~LIS [Soalis E 293], freshly mown grass Ð~KS [Schokis E 283] grass-snake ANGZDRIS [Anxdris E 775] gratis GRATIS [gratis MK] gratitude DÎNKAWINGISKU [Dînkawingis drv] grave KAPS [wosgows cappis DK] grave hill KAPS [wosgows cappis DK] gravel ZWÎRKSTAN n [Swixtis E 350 VM] grease INSTRAN n [Instran E 133], (fat) TAÛKS [tankis E 378], (for oiling) SM~RSAS nom sg m [mynsis E 380 VM] great (majestical) DEBS aj [debîks, didelis, didis MK] Great Master DEBMISTRAS nom sg m [Mistras drv] great-grandfather PRÔTITIS [prosenelis, pradziadek MK] great-grandson PRÔNEPUTS [Nepûts drv] Greece GRÇKANTAUTA [Grçks + Greece MK] greedy KWAITAWÎNGIS [Kw`its, Nx] Greek GRÇKISKAS aj nom sg m [Grçks drv] Greek language GRÇKISKAN [Grçkiskas + Greek MK] Greek man GRÇKS [Greek - Grîks MK] Greek woman GRÇKINI [Grçks drv] 342

granary KLÎNAN [Clenan E 194]<br />

Grand Duchy ERCÔGISTA [Ercôgs drv]<br />

Grand Duke DEBFIRSTS [large prince MK]<br />

grandchild (he) NEPÛTS [JB MK], (she) NEPÛTINI [Nepûts<br />

MK]<br />

granddaughter NEPÛTINI [Nepûts MK]<br />

grandfather TÎTIS [Thetis E 171]<br />

grandmother ANNI [Ane E 172]<br />

grandson NEPÛTS [JB MK]<br />

granne AKKANS [Ackons E 277]<br />

grannie WÛRIKA [Wûriks drv]<br />

grap v GABTUN [gobuns I 9 + Pagaptis E 362 VM]<br />

grape no WÎNEGA [Woragowus E 389 VM]<br />

grape attr WÎNEGAWS aj [Woragowus E 389]<br />

graphic GR~FISKAS aj [grafisks Nx]<br />

grasp (handle) DÎGNA [Digno E 427]<br />

grass Z~LIS [Soalis E 293], freshly mown grass Ð~KS [Schokis<br />

E 283]<br />

grass-snake ANGZDRIS [Anxdris E 775]<br />

gratis GRATIS [gratis MK]<br />

gratitude DÎNKAWINGISKU [Dînkawingis drv]<br />

grave KAPS [wosgows cappis DK]<br />

grave hill KAPS [wosgows cappis DK]<br />

gravel ZWÎRKSTAN n [Swixtis E 350 VM]<br />

grease INSTRAN n [Instran E 133], (fat) TAÛKS [tankis E<br />

378], (for oiling) SM~RSAS nom sg m [mynsis E 380 VM]<br />

great (majestical) DEBS aj [debîks, didelis, didis MK]<br />

Great Master DEBMISTRAS nom sg m [Mistras drv]<br />

great-grandfather PRÔTITIS [prosenelis, pradziadek MK]<br />

great-grandson PRÔNEPUTS [Nepûts drv]<br />

Greece GRÇKANTAUTA [Grçks + Greece MK]<br />

greedy KWAITAWÎNGIS [Kw`its, Nx]<br />

Greek GRÇKISKAS aj nom sg m [Grçks drv]<br />

Greek language GRÇKISKAN [Grçkiskas + Greek MK]<br />

Greek man GRÇKS [Greek - Grîks MK]<br />

Greek woman GRÇKINI [Grçks drv]<br />


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