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oard (of a ceiling) LUB~ [Lubbo E 206], (tablet) TAPPALI [Tapali 85], (committee) KÔLAGIJAN [Kollegium MK] boat ~LDÎ [aldija, aldyti, \ƒodƒz MK], boat gouged out of a log PERGS [pergas, prƒog MK] boatswain BÛCMANS [Bootsmann MK] bodily aj KÇRMENISKAS nom sg m [kçrmeneniskan 77 drv], KÇRMENENISKAS nom sg m [kçrmeneniskan 77 drv] bodily av KÇRMENENISKAN (aj n) [kçrmeneniskan 77] bodily harm KLÛMBINSENIS [Klûmbintun drv] body KÇRMENS [kçrmens 73], (meat) MÇNSA nom sg f [mens` 10119], (trunk) ST~MENS [stuomuo, st`vs MK] boiler (kettle) KATTILS [Catils E 355] bold DÎRSUS aj [Dirsos Gr], to make bold to DÎRSINTUN SI [dîrsintun drv] boletus, edible boletus STABASKRIMMA [Steinpilz + cietene MK] bolt (pintle) WÇRBIN [Enwçrbtun MK] bolter (sieve) SAÎTAN n [baytan E 346] bomb BUMBI [bomb MK] bomb attack BUMBARDÎSN~ [Bumbardîtun drv] bombard v BUMBARDÎTUN [bombardieren MK] bomber BUMBENIKS [Bomber MK] bon appetit! EMPADÎNGAN av [Padîngan + empolijgu 75 MK] bon-bon BUMBÔNS [Bonbon MK] bone KAÛLIN n [Caulan E 155] bonfire PANNISKAN [Panniskas drv, ognisko MK] book L~ISKAS nom sg m [(Crixti) L`iskas 111] bookcase ÐAPPAN [Schapp DIA MK] booklet BRÔÐIRI [Broschüre MK] bookshop LAISKEÎNS [L`iskas drv] boot KURPI [Kurpe E 500], high boot PUSNÇ [Pusne E 499] bootmaker ÐUWIKS [Schuwikis E 496] border AR~IKS [Waykaraykis ON + araikis JB MK] bore (dull) aj PREIILGEWINGIS [Preiilgintwei ] bore v GR~NZTUN [Granstis E 535 drv], (make smb bored of) PREIILGINTWEI i [Ilgs drv+prailgt, langweilen, garlaicîgs MK] boredom PREIILGEWINGISKU [Preilgewingis drv] 279

orer (drill) GR~NSTIS nom sg f [Granstis E 535] boss AUKTIMMIS [Aucktimmien 91 drv] both ABBAI [abbai 99] bother v PREIILGINTWEI [Ilgs drv + prailgt, langweilen, garlaicîgs MK] bottle BUTTELI [DIA Boddel MK] bottom no DUBNAS nom sg m [dugnas + dibens + dno MK], (underside) ZEMMAN [Zems drv] bottom attr ZEMMAWS aj [Zems + Garraws MK] bouillon JÛSI [Juse E 377] bow (hoop) DANG~ [dongo E 403], (fiddlestick) STRÎKS [strîk + strykas MK] bow smth v tr L~NKTUN [perl`nkei 53 VM], bow v i L~NKTUN SI [perl`nkei 53 VM] bowels of earth GILLUWAS pl tantum [Giluw` drv] bowl (clew) KAMUTTIS [Kams, Naguttis + kamuolys + kams + êîì, êîìîê MK] box KASTENS [Kasten, kaste MK], (cabin) BÛDA [Bude DIA MK] kennel (doghouse), doghouse, sentry-box boxroom KAMMERKA [Kamerco E 208] boy [MK] W~IKLIS [Wayklis E 190] bracelet ABR~NKI [apyrankë, aproce, obràczka MK] brackets KL~MRAI [Klammers drv + klamry MK] braid (plait) KEKSTÎ nom sg f [Kexti E 70] brain MAZGENA [Mulgeno E 74] bran KLÎNIS nom pl f [Clines E 336] branch no WIPPIS [Wipis E 630] branch v in two DWEJJINTUN SI [Dwejjintun drv] brass KAS~JS [Cassoye E 526] brave NAREWÎNGIS aj [N`rs drv] brawl DULKAUSNA [Dulkautun si MK] bread GEÎTS f [geits 53], GEÎTKA [geytko Gr], bread of coarseground flour SAMPISSINIS [Sompisinis E 340], brown bread KIRSN~GEITS [Kîrsnas, Geîts + Schwarzbrot WE], oblong bread roll TRASKEÎLIS [troskeilis E 343], slab of bread K~MPUS [Kampen DIA MK], white bread GAIL~GEITS [Gaîls, Geîts + Weißbrot WE] 280

orer (drill) GR~NSTIS nom sg f [Granstis E 535]<br />

boss AUKTIMMIS [Aucktimmien 91 drv]<br />

both ABBAI [abbai 99]<br />

bother v PREIILGINTWEI [Ilgs drv + prailgt, langweilen, garlaicîgs MK]<br />

bottle BUTTELI [DIA Boddel MK]<br />

bottom no DUBNAS nom sg m [dugnas + dibens + dno MK], (underside)<br />

ZEMMAN [Zems drv]<br />

bottom attr ZEMMAWS aj [Zems + Garraws MK]<br />

bouillon JÛSI [Juse E 377]<br />

bow (hoop) DANG~ [dongo E 403], (fiddlestick) STRÎKS [strîk<br />

+ strykas MK]<br />

bow smth v tr L~NKTUN [perl`nkei 53 VM], bow v i L~NKTUN SI<br />

[perl`nkei 53 VM]<br />

bowels of earth GILLUWAS pl tantum [Giluw` drv]<br />

bowl (clew) KAMUTTIS [Kams, Naguttis + kamuolys + kams + êîì,<br />

êîìîê MK]<br />

box KASTENS [Kasten, kaste MK], (cabin) BÛDA [Bude DIA<br />

MK] kennel (doghouse), doghouse, sentry-box<br />

boxroom KAMMERKA [Kamerco E 208]<br />

boy [MK] W~IKLIS [Wayklis E 190]<br />

bracelet ABR~NKI [apyrankë, aproce, obràczka MK]<br />

brackets KL~MRAI [Klammers drv + klamry MK]<br />

braid (plait) KEKSTÎ nom sg f [Kexti E 70]<br />

brain MAZGENA [Mulgeno E 74]<br />

bran KLÎNIS nom pl f [Clines E 336]<br />

branch no WIPPIS [Wipis E 630]<br />

branch v in two DWEJJINTUN SI [Dwejjintun drv]<br />

brass KAS~JS [Cassoye E 526]<br />

brave NAREWÎNGIS aj [N`rs drv]<br />

brawl DULKAUSNA [Dulkautun si MK]<br />

bread GEÎTS f [geits 53], GEÎTKA [geytko Gr], bread of coarseground<br />

flour SAMPISSINIS [Sompisinis E 340], brown bread<br />

KIRSN~GEITS [Kîrsnas, Geîts + Schwarzbrot WE], oblong<br />

bread roll TRASKEÎLIS [troskeilis E 343], slab of bread<br />

K~MPUS [Kampen DIA MK], white bread GAIL~GEITS<br />

[Gaîls, Geîts + Weißbrot WE]<br />


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