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Arab man AR~BS [Arab MK] Arab woman AR~BINI [Ar`bs drv MK] Aral asp RAPPIS [Rapis E 563] arbitrary EBWÎRPS [Pawîrps drv MK] arbour LAPEÎNS [Lappan + palapinë MK] arc DANG~ [dongo E 403] archaeological ARCHEOLÔGISKAS aj nom sg m [archäologisch MK] archaeologist ARCHEOLÔGS [Archaeolog MK] archaeology ARCHEOLÔGIJA [archaeology MK] architect ARCHIT†EKTS [architect MK] architectonic ARCHITEKTÛRISKAS aj [Architektkri drv] architectural ARCHITEKTÛRISKAS aj [Architektkri drv] architecture ARCHITEKTÛRI [architecture MK] archives ARCHÎWAN [archivum MK] Arctic: the Arctic ARKTIS [Arktis MK] area SKRITS nom sg f [Scritayle + sritis MK] area (dimensions) PLATTISKU [Plattus drv], (territory) ARE~LIN [Areal MK] arise (appear) v TIKTWEI [Teîks 67, tickint 69 MK] aristocracy AUKTAIRIKÎSKU [Aucktairikijskan 53] arithmetic ARITMÇTIKI [arithmetic MK] arithmetical ARITMÇTISKAS aj [Aritmçtiki drv] ark ~RKA [Arcan 121] arm IRMA [Irmo E 109], lower arm ~LTS f [Woltis E 112], (weapon) ÇNRANKIS [ierocis + árankis MK] armament BRUNNES nom pl f [Brunyos E 419 + bruòojums MK] armchair KRÎSLIN n [Creslan E 217] armour (suit of armour) SARWAS nom sg m [Sarwis E 418], BRUNNES nom pl f [Brunyos E 419] arms of the cart’s pole SL~UNI [Slaune E 300] army KARRIS [Kragis E 410] around ZÛRGI prp acc [surgi 101], (round and round) ZÛRGISKAI av [Zûrgi drv MK] arrange v ENTEIK~TUN [Enteikûton 89 drv], TEIK~TUN [teikûsnan 17 MK], (in the court) LÎGINTUN [leygenton II 9] arranged (regulated) ENTEIK~TAN ↑ Enteik`tun pc n [Enteikûton 89] 267

arrangement TEIK~SN~ [teikûsnan 17], DÎLAGA [Dîlatwei + Karyago E 411 GlN] arrest v ARESTÎTUN [Arests + civilize + Ciwilizîtun, Krikstîtun MK] arrival (by air) PERSKR~ISENIS [Perskr`istwei drv], (of / by bus, train or riding ahorse) PERJ~SENIS [Perj`twei drv] arrive v PERJ~TWEI [perioth MBS], (by air) PERSKR~ISTWEI [Skr`istwei drv] arriving by air PERSKR~ISN~ [Perskr`istwei drv] arrow STRÎLA [strëlë + strçle + strza\a MK] art KUNSTA [Kunst, JB MK] article ARTÎKELS [Artikel, artyku\ MK] artificial KUNSTISKAS aj [Kunsta drv] artillery ARTILARÎJA [Artillerie MK] artilleryman KANÔNENIKS [Kanonier MK] artist KUNSTENIKS [Kunsta drv] arts: of arts attr HUMANIT~RS aj [humanitär MK] as (during; if) KADDAN [kadan I 13], (during) K~I [kai 496], (like as) K~IGI [k`igi 17], ..., as (well as) K~IGI, TÎT DÎGI [k`gi Endangon tijt dçigi nosemien 51], as if IK~IGI [ikai 55 + niqueigi 107 + as if MK], as long as IKKAI [ickai 99], as well as TÎT DÎGI [tît 516] ascertain v ENDRÛWINTUN SI [Endrûwintun drv], ENSADÎNTUN [ensaddinnons 119 drv, ensadints 101 drv] ash PELANNI [Pelanne E 37] ashame: to be ashamed GÎDINTUN SI [Gîdintun drv] ashen PELKS aj [Pelkis E 475 VM] ashes pit GAR~ [Goro E 42] ash-tree ~SIS m [Woasis E 627] ashy PELKS aj [Pelkis E 475 VM] ask MADLI [madli 117 MK] ask (to inquire) v PRASÎTUN [praðyti + prasît + prosiƒc MK] ask (to request) v MADLÎTUN [madliton 1174] asleep: to fall asleep ENM† IGTWEI [enmigguns 81 drv], IZMIGÎTWEI [ismigç 101 drv] asocial ANTIPERÔNEWINGIS aj [Perô?newingis drv] asp APSI [Abse E 606] aspect ASPECT [Aspekt MK] 268

Arab man AR~BS [Arab MK]<br />

Arab woman AR~BINI [Ar`bs drv MK]<br />

Aral asp RAPPIS [Rapis E 563]<br />

arbitrary EBWÎRPS [Pawîrps drv MK]<br />

arbour LAPEÎNS [Lappan + palapinë MK]<br />

arc DANG~ [dongo E 403]<br />

archaeological ARCHEOLÔGISKAS aj nom sg m [archäologisch MK]<br />

archaeologist ARCHEOLÔGS [Archaeolog MK]<br />

archaeology ARCHEOLÔGIJA [archaeology MK]<br />

architect ARCHIT†EKTS [architect MK]<br />

architectonic ARCHITEKTÛRISKAS aj [Architektkri drv]<br />

architectural ARCHITEKTÛRISKAS aj [Architektkri drv]<br />

architecture ARCHITEKTÛRI [architecture MK]<br />

archives ARCHÎWAN [archivum MK]<br />

Arctic: the Arctic ARKTIS [Arktis MK]<br />

area SKRITS nom sg f [Scritayle + sritis MK]<br />

area (dimensions) PLATTISKU [Plattus drv], (territory) ARE~LIN<br />

[Areal MK]<br />

arise (appear) v TIKTWEI [Teîks 67, tickint 69 MK]<br />

aristocracy AUKTAIRIKÎSKU [Aucktairikijskan 53]<br />

arithmetic ARITMÇTIKI [arithmetic MK]<br />

arithmetical ARITMÇTISKAS aj [Aritmçtiki drv]<br />

ark ~RKA [Arcan 121]<br />

arm IRMA [Irmo E 109], lower arm ~LTS f [Woltis E 112],<br />

(weapon) ÇNRANKIS [ierocis + árankis MK]<br />

armament BRUNNES nom pl f [Brunyos E 419 + bruòojums MK]<br />

armchair KRÎSLIN n [Creslan E 217]<br />

armour (suit of armour) SARWAS nom sg m [Sarwis E 418], BRUNNES<br />

nom pl f [Brunyos E 419]<br />

arms of the cart’s pole SL~UNI [Slaune E 300]<br />

army KARRIS [Kragis E 410]<br />

around ZÛRGI prp acc [surgi 101], (round and round) ZÛRGISKAI av [Zûrgi<br />

drv MK]<br />

arrange v ENTEIK~TUN [Enteikûton 89 drv], TEIK~TUN <br />

[teikûsnan 17 MK], (in the court) LÎGINTUN [leygenton II 9]<br />

arranged (regulated) ENTEIK~TAN ↑ Enteik`tun pc n [Enteikûton 89]<br />


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