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LAUKSTÎTS aj [Lochstete ON VM] radiant LAUKSTÎTWEI [Lochstete ON VM] to beam, glare LAÛMA [Laumygarbis ON VM] Lauma (Nymphe) L~USTINAITI SI ↑ L`ustintun si ip 2 pl laustineiti wans 97 L~USTINGINS ↑ L`ustingis acc pl L`ustingins 97 5 L~USTINGINSN~ [L`ustingintun drv] restraining, taming, suppression L~USTINGINTUN [L`ustingis drv] to restrain, tame, quell L~USTINGIS aj [L`ustingins 975 drv] humble L~USTINGISKU acc [l`ustîngiskan 973 drv] humility L~USTINSN~ [L`ustintun drv] humiliation L~USTINTUN [laustineiti wans 97 drv] to humiliate, L~USTINTUN SI [L`ustintun drv] to humiliate oneself L~UTI [lauta, Laute MK] lute (instrument) LAÛWS [louwe MK] lion L~ZI [Loase E 493] blanket (coverlet) LAZINNA ↑ Lazîntun pt 3 lasinna 113 LAZINNUNS ↑ Lazin` pc pt ac lassînnuns 103 LAZÎNTUN [lasinna 113 drv] to lay, lay on (over) LAZT~ [Lasto E 209, 492] bed LAZTAN ↑ Lazt` acc lastan 81 LAZTWEI [Lasto E 209, 492 MK] to lie down, kip down LIBERALISMUS [Liberalismus MK] liberalism LICÇNTS [Lizent DIA MK] customs-house LÎDERIS [leader MK] leader LÎDI [Liede E 561] pike LÎGAN [lîgan 119] (judicial) court, (judicial) trial LÎGINTAJA [Lîgintun drv] judge woman LÎGINTAJS [Lîgintun drv] judge man LÎGINTINS aj [Lîgintun drv] defendant LÎGINTUN [leygenton II 9] arrange (in the court) LÎGMENS [lygis, lygmens, lîmenis + kçrmens GlN] level LÎGU av [Lîgus drv] equivalently, evenly, equally LÎGU no n [Lîgus drv MK] evenness, equality LÎGUS aj nom sg m [Ligopanie ON VM] even (smooth), smooth (even), equal LÎGUWA [Lîgus drv MK] plain (even Earth surface), even surface 141

LIGZDAN [lizdas, ligzda Ma] nest LIKKEWINGIS aj [Likkis drv] residual (remnant) LIKKIS [Paliktwei drv] remnant LIKTI [lickte Gr] candle, light (lamp) LÎKUTINSNA [Lîkutintun drv] derogation, underestimation LÎKUTINTUN [Lîkuts drv] belittle, depreciate (derogate), underestimate LÎKUTKEKERS [Lituckekers E 271] lentil LÎKUTS aj [Likuts 17] small, little (small) LIKWIDACIÔNI [Liquidation MK] liquidation LIKWIDÎTUN [liquidieren MK] to liquidate LÎMATS ↑ Lemtwei mod rel pt lîmauts 75 LÎMITAN [Limitum Nx] limit LÎND~ [lindan 57 VM] valley LÎNDAN ↑ Lînda acc lindan 57 LÎNG~ [Lingo E 447] stirrup LINGAS~ITAN n [Largasaytan E 446] stirrups leather LINGWISTIKI [Linguistik MK] linguistics LINGWISTISKAS aj [Lingwists drv] linguistical LINGWISTS [Linguist MK] linguist LÎNI [Lîn DIA + lina, lynas Nx] rope (special) LÎNIJA [Linie MK] line (geometrical) LÎNIJAS KRÔICERIS [Linienschiff MK] battleship LÎNKATWEI (sen galwan) [Lînktwei drv MK] to nod (to) LÎNKIS [Lînktwei + kryptis MK] direction LÎNKSN~ (prei acc) [Lînktwei drv] inclination (for, to), leaning (towards) LÎNKTWEI [perl`nkei 53 MK] to bend i, – (prei acc) to incline (to) LÎNKU av (gen) [Lînkus drv] towards LÎNKUNS pc prei (acc) [Lînktwei + linkæs MK] inclined (to) LÎNKUS aj prei (acc) [Lîgus + linkui MK] inclinable (towards) LINN~ col [lino Gr VM] flax LINNAN n [lino Gr VM] flax LÎNS [Linis E 571] tench LÎNS aj [lëns + leƒn MK] slow LINTI [Lint DIA + linte, ëåíòà MK] ribbon, strip (ribbon) LÎPA [Lipe E 601, Lipa ON VM] lime tree, [liepa, liepu, lipiec MK] July LIPÎNTUN prei (acc) [Liptwei drv] to stick (paste) to, paste to 142

LAUKSTÎTS aj [Lochstete ON VM] radiant<br />

LAUKSTÎTWEI [Lochstete ON VM] to beam, glare<br />

LAÛMA [Laumygarbis ON VM] Lauma (Nymphe)<br />

L~USTINAITI SI ↑ L`ustintun si ip 2 pl laustineiti wans 97<br />

L~USTINGINS ↑ L`ustingis acc pl L`ustingins 97 5<br />

L~USTINGINSN~ [L`ustingintun drv] restraining, taming, suppression<br />

L~USTINGINTUN [L`ustingis drv] to restrain, tame, quell<br />

L~USTINGIS aj [L`ustingins 975 drv] humble<br />

L~USTINGISKU acc [l`ustîngiskan 973 drv] humility<br />

L~USTINSN~ [L`ustintun drv] humiliation<br />

L~USTINTUN [laustineiti wans 97 drv] to humiliate, L~USTINTUN<br />

SI [L`ustintun drv] to humiliate oneself<br />

L~UTI [lauta, Laute MK] lute (instrument)<br />

LAÛWS [louwe MK] lion<br />

L~ZI [Loase E 493] blanket (coverlet)<br />

LAZINNA ↑ Lazîntun pt 3 lasinna 113<br />

LAZINNUNS ↑ Lazin` pc pt ac lassînnuns 103<br />

LAZÎNTUN [lasinna 113 drv] to lay, lay on (over)<br />

LAZT~ [Lasto E 209, 492] bed<br />

LAZTAN ↑ Lazt` acc lastan 81<br />

LAZTWEI [Lasto E 209, 492 MK] to lie down, kip down<br />

LIBERALISMUS [Liberalismus MK] liberalism<br />

LICÇNTS [Lizent DIA MK] customs-house<br />

LÎDERIS [leader MK] leader<br />

LÎDI [Liede E 561] pike<br />

LÎGAN [lîgan 119] (judicial) court, (judicial) trial<br />

LÎGINTAJA [Lîgintun drv] judge woman<br />

LÎGINTAJS [Lîgintun drv] judge man<br />

LÎGINTINS aj [Lîgintun drv] defendant<br />

LÎGINTUN [leygenton II 9] arrange (in the court)<br />

LÎGMENS [lygis, lygmens, lîmenis + kçrmens GlN] level<br />

LÎGU av [Lîgus drv] equivalently, evenly, equally<br />

LÎGU no n [Lîgus drv MK] evenness, equality<br />

LÎGUS aj nom sg m [Ligopanie ON VM] even (smooth), smooth (even),<br />

equal<br />

LÎGUWA [Lîgus drv MK] plain (even Earth surface), even surface<br />


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