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INDU† ISMUS [Hinduismus MK] Hinduism INDU† ISTISKAS [hinduistisch MK] Hindu aj INDU† ISTS [Hinduist MK] adherent of Hinduism ÎNDUS pl Îndai [Hindus MK] Hindu man INDUST~NS [Hindustan MK] Hindustan INDUSTRI~LANIKS [Industrieller MK] industrialist INDUSTRI~LIZISN~ [Industrialisierung MK] industrialization INDUSTRI~LS aj [industriell MK] industrial INDUSTRÎJA [Industrie MK] industry INFANTILISMUS [Infantilismus] infantilism INFANTÎLS [infantil MK] infantile INFANTR† ISTS [Infanterist MK] infantryman INFANTRÎJA [Infanterie MK] infantry INFÔRMACIÔNI [information MK] information INFÔRMISENIS [Infôrmitun drv] information (communication) INFÔRMITUN [informieren MK] to inform INJAKCIÔNI [Injektion MK] injection INKSTI [Inxcze E 128] kidney ÎNSAN [Înss drv] shortness ÎNSAN ↑ Înss acc însan 67 ÎNSINSN~ [Însintun drv] shortening ÎNSINTUN [Înss drv] to shorten ÎNSS aj [însan 67 drv] short, brief ÎNSTIKS [Instixs E 114] thumb INSTITÛTAN [Institut MK] institute INSTRAN n [Instran E 133] grease, fat (grease) INSTRUMENT~LS [Instrumental MK] instrumental INSTRUMÇNTI [Instrument MK] tool, instrument INTERESSANTI av [interessant + arwi MK] interesting INTERESSANTS aj [interessant MK] interesting INTERESSIN [Interesse MK] interest INTERESSITUN [interessieren MK] to interest INTERF~CAN [interface MK] interface INTERNACIÔNALS aj [International MK] international INTERNETTAN [internet + Internetz MK] internet INTERWALLIN [Intervall Nx] interval 109

INTUICIÔNI [Intuition MK] intuition INZUWS m [Insuwis E 94] tongue ÎR [ir 49] even, too (even also), even also, even the very ÎRISTIN n [Eristian E 681] lamb IRMA [Irmo E 109] arm IRTWEI [irti, irt, oriti MK] to decay, disintegrate, decompose, collapse, erode away ISKWENDAU av [isquendau 43] from where ISL~MS [Islam MK] Islam ISRAÇLS [Israel MK] Israel ÎSTA [îstai 77] food ISTÔRIJA [Historie MK] history ISTÔRINIKS [Historiker MK] historian ISTÔRISKAS aj nom sg m [historisch MK] historic(al) ÎSTUN [istwei 105] to eat ISTURÇITA [Estureyto E 776] lizard ISTWENDAU av [isstwendan 113] from there ÎWAGARIN [Iwogarge GN, ON] owl’s tree IWS [Iuwis E 599] yew-tree ÎWS [Iwogarge GN, ON VM] eagle-owl, owl IZ prp acc [is 41] out of, from IZARWI av [isarwi 67] truly IZARWIS aj [isarwis 67] true IZARWISKAI av [isarwiskai 133] surely, authentically, really IZARWISKAS aj nom sg m [isarwiskas 43] true, genuine, authentic IZAÛGTWEI [Aûgtwei drv] to grow up IZBAND~SENIS [Band`twei + iðbandyti MK] experiment IZBAND~SN~ [perband`snan 55 MK] experimentation IZBAND~TUN [perband`snan 55 MK] to prove (examine), verify IZBAND~WINGIS aj [Izband`senis drv] experimental IZBILÎSN~ [Izbilîtun drv] expression IZBILÎTUN [Bilîtwei drv] to express IZBILÎWÎNGI av [Izbilîwingis drv] expressively, eloquently IZBILÎWÎNGIS aj [Izbilîtun drv] expressive, eloquent IZD~TUN SI (per acc) [sich ausgeben für MK] to pass oneself (for, as) IZDÎTUN [Sendîtun MK] to take apart, dismantle (disassemble) 110

INDU† ISMUS [Hinduismus MK] Hinduism<br />

INDU† ISTISKAS [hinduistisch MK] Hindu aj<br />

INDU† ISTS [Hinduist MK] adherent of Hinduism<br />

ÎNDUS pl Îndai [Hindus MK] Hindu man<br />

INDUST~NS [Hindustan MK] Hindustan<br />

INDUSTRI~LANIKS [Industrieller MK] industrialist<br />

INDUSTRI~LIZISN~ [Industrialisierung MK] industrialization<br />

INDUSTRI~LS aj [industriell MK] industrial<br />

INDUSTRÎJA [Industrie MK] industry<br />

INFANTILISMUS [Infantilismus] infantilism<br />

INFANTÎLS [infantil MK] infantile<br />

INFANTR† ISTS [Infanterist MK] infantryman<br />

INFANTRÎJA [Infanterie MK] infantry<br />

INFÔRMACIÔNI [information MK] information<br />

INFÔRMISENIS [Infôrmitun drv] information (communication)<br />

INFÔRMITUN [informieren MK] to inform<br />

INJAKCIÔNI [Injektion MK] injection<br />

INKSTI [Inxcze E 128] kidney<br />

ÎNSAN [Înss drv] shortness<br />

ÎNSAN ↑ Înss acc însan 67<br />

ÎNSINSN~ [Însintun drv] shortening<br />

ÎNSINTUN [Înss drv] to shorten<br />

ÎNSS aj [însan 67 drv] short, brief<br />

ÎNSTIKS [Instixs E 114] thumb<br />

INSTITÛTAN [Institut MK] institute<br />

INSTRAN n [Instran E 133] grease, fat (grease)<br />

INSTRUMENT~LS [Instrumental MK] instrumental<br />

INSTRUMÇNTI [Instrument MK] tool, instrument<br />

INTERESSANTI av [interessant + arwi MK] interesting<br />

INTERESSANTS aj [interessant MK] interesting<br />

INTERESSIN [Interesse MK] interest<br />

INTERESSITUN [interessieren MK] to interest<br />

INTERF~CAN [interface MK] interface<br />

INTERNACIÔNALS aj [International MK] international<br />

INTERNETTAN [internet + Internetz MK] internet<br />

INTERWALLIN [Intervall Nx] interval<br />


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