(SOC) code summary table - UK Border Agency

(SOC) code summary table - UK Border Agency

(SOC) code summary table - UK Border Agency


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Occupation <strong>code</strong>s of practice for Tier 2 Sponsors<br />

This document summarises the occupations in the <strong>code</strong>s of practice for Tier 2 of the<br />

points-based system. The information on related job titles is taken from Standard<br />

Occupational Classification (<strong>SOC</strong>) 2000 and may not be fully up-to-date.<br />

Lists of skilled occupations<br />

The <strong>code</strong>s of practice are split into sectors to help you find the information for your<br />

sector or occupation.<br />

If you already know the <strong>SOC</strong> <strong>code</strong> for the occupation you are looking for, or if you<br />

want to see which <strong>code</strong>s are available at which skill level, you may find these<br />

<strong>summary</strong> <strong>table</strong>s useful.<br />

If you are unsure what <strong>SOC</strong> <strong>code</strong> applies to your occupation, you may wish to<br />

check the coding index of job titles on the Office for National Statistics website.<br />

This index lists thousands of job titles alphabetically and shows which is the<br />

relevant <strong>SOC</strong> <strong>code</strong> for each job.<br />

The <strong>table</strong>s are in <strong>SOC</strong> <strong>code</strong> order and include the following information:<br />

� related job titles for each occupation<br />

� links to the relevant sector section that contains the <strong>code</strong> of practice<br />

� whether each occupation is skilled to National Qualifications Framework<br />

(NQF) level 3 or level 4.<br />

Please refer to the individual sections of the <strong>code</strong>s of practice for more information<br />

on each occupation, including which jobs are skilled (for borderline occupations),<br />

appropriate salary rates, and how to satisfy the Resident Labour Market Test.<br />

Click on the following links to jump to the relevant section:<br />

� Occupations skilled to NQF level 4<br />

� Occupations skilled to NQF level 3<br />

� Occupations below NQF level 3<br />

Tier 2 Occupational <strong>code</strong>s of practice version 04/2012: valid from 04/04/2012<br />

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Occupations skilled to NQF level 4 and above<br />

Any Tier 2 applicants can be sponsored for jobs in these occupations.<br />

Some of these occupations are also skilled to PhD-level, where indicated. Jobs in<br />

these occupations are given additional points when allocating places in the Tier 2<br />

limit. Please refer to the Tier 2 and 5 Sponsor Guidance for more details.<br />

<strong>SOC</strong><br />

Code<br />

<strong>SOC</strong> <strong>code</strong> description Related job titles Sector Skill level<br />



111 Corporate managers and senior officials<br />

1111 Senior officials in national Assistant secretary/Grade 5 Section O – public NQF 4<br />

government<br />

(government), Diplomat, Member administration and<br />

of European Parliament, Member defence, compulsory<br />

of Parliament, Permanent<br />

secretary (government)<br />

social security<br />

1112 Directors and chief executives Chief executive (major<br />

Section N –<br />

NQF 4<br />

of major organisations<br />

organisation), Company director administrative and<br />

(major organisation), Director support service<br />

(major organisation), General<br />

manager (major organisation),<br />

Managing director (major<br />

organisation)<br />

activities<br />

1113 Senior officials in local Chief executive (local<br />

Section O – public NQF 4<br />

government<br />

government), Town clerk<br />

administration and<br />

defence, compulsory<br />

social security<br />

1114 Senior officials of special General Secretary (trade union), Section O – public NQF 4<br />

interest organisations<br />

Manager (chari<strong>table</strong><br />

administration and<br />

organisation), National organiser defence, compulsory<br />

(chari<strong>table</strong> organisation),<br />

Ombudsman<br />

social security<br />

112 Production managers<br />

1121 Production, works and Engineering manager, Factory Section C –<br />

NQF 4<br />

maintenance managers manager, Production manager,<br />

Service manager, Shift manager,<br />

Works manager<br />

manufacturing<br />

1122 Managers in construction Clerk of works, Construction Section F –<br />

NQF 4<br />

manager, Contracts manager<br />

(building and contracting), Site<br />

manager<br />

construction<br />

1123 Managers in mining and Operations manager (mining, Section B – mining NQF 4<br />

energy<br />

water and energy),<br />

Overman/woman, Quarry<br />

manager<br />

and quarrying<br />

113 Functional managers<br />

1131 Financial managers and Company registrar, Company Section K – financial NQF 4<br />

chartered secretaries<br />

treasurer, Credit manager, and insurance<br />

Finance manager, Financial<br />

director, Merchant banker<br />

activities<br />

1132 Marketing and sales managers Business development manager, Section N –<br />

NQF 4<br />

Commercial manager, Export administrative and<br />

manager, Marketing manager, support service<br />

Product manager, Sales and<br />

marketing director, Sales<br />

activities<br />

Tier 2 Occupational <strong>code</strong>s of practice version 04/2012: valid from 04/04/2012<br />

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manager<br />

1133 Purchasing managers Purchasing director, Purchasing<br />

1134 Advertising and public<br />

relations managers<br />

1135 Personnel, training and<br />

industrial relations managers<br />

1136 Information and<br />

communication technology<br />

managers<br />

1137 Research and development<br />

managers<br />

manager, Supplies manager<br />

Advertising manager, Media<br />

director, Public relations manager,<br />

Publicity manager<br />

Human resources manager,<br />

Industrial relations manager,<br />

Personnel manager, Training<br />

manager, Works study manager<br />

Computer manager, Computer<br />

operations manager, Data<br />

processing manager, IT manager,<br />

Systems manager, Telecom<br />

manager<br />

Director of research, Laboratory<br />

manager, Research manager<br />

114 Quality and customer care managers<br />

1141 Quality assurance managers Quality assurance manager,<br />

Quality control manager, Quality<br />

manager<br />

1142 Customer care managers Customer relations manager,<br />

Customer service manager, Help<br />

desk manager<br />

115 Financial institution and office managers<br />

1151 Financial institution managers Bank manager, Branch manager<br />

(bank, building society), Building<br />

society manager, Post Office<br />

manager, Sub-postmaster<br />

1152 Office managers Accounts manager,<br />

Administration manager, Office<br />

manager<br />

116 Managers in distribution, storage and retailing<br />

1161 Transport and distribution<br />

managers<br />

Harbour master, Station master,<br />

Traffic manager, Transport<br />

manager<br />

117 Protective service officers<br />

1171 Officers in armed forces Captain, Commissioned officer,<br />

Flight-Lieutenant, Lieutenant,<br />

Lieutenant-Commander, Major,<br />

1172 Police officers (inspectors and<br />

above)<br />

1173 Senior officers in fire,<br />

ambulance, prison and related<br />

services<br />

Squadron Leader<br />

Assistant chief cons<strong>table</strong>, Chief<br />

cons<strong>table</strong>, Chief inspector (police<br />

service), Chief superintendent<br />

(police service), Deputy chief<br />

cons<strong>table</strong><br />

Chief immigration officer, Chief<br />

preventive officer, Fire officer,<br />

Governor (prison service),<br />

Principal officer (prison service),<br />

Station officer (ambulance<br />

service)<br />

1174 Security managers Operations manager (security<br />

services), Owner (detective<br />

Section S – other<br />

service activities<br />

Section S – other<br />

service activities<br />

Section N –<br />

administrative and<br />

support service<br />

activities<br />

Section J – information<br />

and communication<br />

Section M –<br />

professional, scientific<br />

and technical activities<br />

Section N –<br />

administrative and<br />

support service<br />

activities<br />

Section N –<br />

administrative and<br />

support service<br />

activities<br />

Section K – financial<br />

and insurance<br />

activities<br />

Section N –<br />

administrative and<br />

support service<br />

activities<br />

Section H –<br />

transportation and<br />

storage<br />

Tier 2 Occupational <strong>code</strong>s of practice version 04/2012: valid from 04/04/2012<br />

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NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

(PhDlevel)<br />

NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

This occupation is not appropriate<br />

to Tier 2 applications as candidates<br />

must not be subject to immigration<br />

control.<br />

Section O – public<br />

administration and<br />

defence, compulsory<br />

social security<br />

Section O – public<br />

administration and<br />

defence, compulsory<br />

social security<br />

Section S – other<br />

service activities<br />

NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />


118 Health and social services managers<br />

1181 Hospital and health service<br />

managers<br />

agency), Owner (security<br />

services), Security manager<br />

Clinical manager, Health service<br />

manager, Manager (hospital<br />

service)<br />

1182 Pharmacy managers Pharmacist’s manager, Shop<br />

manager (retail trade,<br />

pharmacists)<br />

1183 Healthcare practice managers Medical practice manager (health<br />

services)<br />

1184 Social services managers Social services manager, Team<br />

manager (social services)<br />

1185 Residential and day care<br />

managers<br />

Care manager, Manager (nursing<br />

home), Owner (retirement home),<br />

Residential manager<br />

Section Q – human<br />

health and social work<br />

activities<br />

Section Q – human<br />

health and social work<br />

activities<br />

Section Q – human<br />

health and social work<br />

activities<br />

Section Q – human<br />

health and social work<br />

activities<br />

Section Q – human<br />

health and social work<br />

activities<br />

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NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />


121 Managers in farming, horticulture, forestry and fishing<br />

1212 Natural environment and Conservation manager,<br />

Section A –<br />

NQF 4<br />

conservation managers Countryside manager,<br />

agriculture, forestry<br />

Environmental manager, National<br />

park manager<br />

and fishing<br />

1219 Managers in animal<br />

Cattery owner, Fish farm<br />

Section A –<br />

NQF 4<br />

husbandry, forestry and fishing manager, Kennels owner, Nursery agriculture, forestry<br />

not elsewhere classified manager (horticulture),<br />

Racehorse trainer<br />

and fishing<br />

122 Managers and proprietors in hospitality and leisure services<br />

1222 Conference and exhibition Conference manager, Exhibition Section N –<br />

NQF 4<br />

managers<br />

manager<br />

administrative and<br />

support service<br />

activities<br />

123 Managers and proprietors in other service industries<br />

1231 Property, housing and land Housing manager, Property Section L – real estate NQF 4<br />

managers<br />

manager, Shopping centre<br />

manager<br />

activities<br />

1235 Recycling and refuse disposal General dealer, Manager (refuse Section E – water NQF 4<br />

managers<br />

disposal), Recycling manager, supply, sewerage,<br />

Scrap metal merchant<br />

waste management<br />

and remediation<br />

activities<br />

1239 Managers and proprietors in Betting shop manager, Citizens Section N –<br />

NQF 4<br />

other services not elsewhere Advice Bureau manager,<br />

administrative and<br />

classified<br />

Crematorium manager, Domestic support service<br />

services manager, Hire shop<br />

manager, Library manager, Plant<br />

hire manager, Production<br />

manager (broadcasting),<br />

Publisher’s manager, Video shop<br />

owner<br />

activities<br />



211 Science professionals<br />

2111 Chemists Analytical chemist, Chemist, Section M –<br />

NQF 4<br />

Development chemist, Industrial<br />

chemist, Physical chemist,<br />

Research chemist<br />

professional, scientific<br />

and technical activities<br />


2112 Biological scientists and<br />

biochemists<br />

2113 Physicists, geologists and<br />

meteorologists<br />

Biochemist, Biologist, Botanist,<br />

Medical laboratory scientific<br />

officer, Microbiologist, Pathologist,<br />

Zoologist<br />

Geologist, Geophysicist,<br />

Mathematician, Meteorologist,<br />

Physicist, Seismologist<br />

212 Engineering professionals<br />

2121 Civil engineers City engineer, Civil engineer,<br />

Mining engineer, Municipal<br />

engineer, Petroleum engineer,<br />

Structural engineer<br />

2122 Mechanical engineers Aeronautical engineer<br />

(professional), Automobile<br />

engineer (professional), Hydraulic<br />

engineer (professional), Marine<br />

engineer (professional),<br />

Mechanical engineer<br />

(professional), Welding engineer<br />

(professional)<br />

2123 Electrical engineers Electrical engineer (professional),<br />

Generating engineer (electricity<br />

supplier), Power engineer, Power<br />

transmission engineer<br />

2124 Electronics engineers Broadcasting engineer<br />

(professional), Electronics<br />

engineer (professional),<br />

Microwave engineer, Radar<br />

engineer (research), Radio<br />

engineer (professional)<br />

2125 Chemical engineers Chemical engineer, Plastics<br />

engineer (professional)<br />

2126 Design and development Design consultant, Design<br />

engineers<br />

engineer, Development engineer<br />

2127 Production and process Process engineer, Production<br />

engineers<br />

consultant, Production engineer<br />

2128 Planning and quality control Industrial engineer, Planning<br />

engineers<br />

engineer, Production planner,<br />

Quality control engineer, Quality<br />

engineer<br />

2129 Engineering professionals not Agricultural engineer, Ceramics<br />

elsewhere classified<br />

engineer, Food technologist, Fuel<br />

engineer, Materials scientist,<br />

Metallurgist, Patent agent, Project<br />

engineer, Traffic engineer<br />

213 Information and communication technology professionals<br />

2131 IT strategy and planning Computer consultant, Software<br />

professionals<br />

consultant<br />

2132 Software professionals Analyst programmer, Computer<br />

programmer, Software engineer,<br />

Systems analyst, Systems<br />

designer<br />


221 Health professionals<br />

2211 Medical practitioners Anaesthetist, Consultant (hospital<br />

service), Doctor, General<br />

practitioner, Medical practitioner,<br />

Section Q – human<br />

health and social work<br />

activities<br />

Section M –<br />

professional, scientific<br />

and technical activities<br />

Section F –<br />

construction<br />

Section M –<br />

professional, scientific<br />

and technical activities<br />

Section M –<br />

professional, scientific<br />

and technical activities<br />

Section M –<br />

professional, scientific<br />

and technical activities<br />

Section M –<br />

professional, scientific<br />

and technical activities<br />

Section C –<br />

manufacturing<br />

Section C –<br />

manufacturing<br />

Section M –<br />

professional, scientific<br />

and technical activities<br />

Section M –<br />

professional, scientific<br />

and technical activities<br />

Section J – information<br />

and communication<br />

Section J – information<br />

and communication<br />

Section Q – human<br />

health and social work<br />

activities<br />

Tier 2 Occupational <strong>code</strong>s of practice version 04/2012: valid from 04/04/2012<br />

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NQF 4<br />

(PhDlevel)<br />

NQF 4<br />

(PhDlevel)<br />

NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />


Physician, Psychiatrist, Psychoanalyst,<br />

Registrar (hospital<br />

service), Surgeon<br />

2212 Psychologists Clinical psychologist,<br />

Psychologist, Psychometrist<br />

2213 Pharmacists/pharmacologists Chemist (pharmaceutical/retail),<br />

Druggist, Pharmaceutical chemist,<br />

Pharmacist, Pharmacologist<br />

Section Q – human<br />

health and social work<br />

activities<br />

Section Q – human<br />

health and social work<br />

activities<br />

2214 Ophthalmic opticians Ophthalmic optician, Optometrist Section Q – human<br />

health and social work<br />

2215 Dental practitioners Dental surgeon, Dentist,<br />

Orthodontist, Periodontist<br />

activities<br />

Section Q – human<br />

health and social work<br />

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NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

2216 Veterinarians Veterinarian, Veterinary officer,<br />

activities<br />

Section S – other NQF 4<br />

Veterinary surgeon<br />

service activities<br />


231 Teaching professionals<br />

2311 Higher education teaching Lecturer (higher education, Section P – education NQF 4<br />

professionals<br />

university), Polytechnic lecturer,<br />

Professor (university), Reader,<br />

University lecturer<br />

(PhDlevel)<br />

2312 Further education teaching College lecturer, Lecturer, Section P – education NQF 4<br />

professionals<br />

Lecturer (further education),<br />

Teacher (further education)<br />

2313 Education officers, school Curriculum development officer, Section P – education NQF 4<br />

inspectors<br />

Director of education, Education<br />

inspector, Education officer, HM<br />

Inspector of Schools<br />

2314 Secondary education teaching Head teacher (secondary school), Section P – education NQF 4<br />

professionals<br />

Secondary school teacher,<br />

Teacher (secondary school)<br />

2315 Primary and nursery education Head teacher (primary/middle Section P – education NQF 4<br />

teaching professionals school), Infant teacher, Junior<br />

school teacher, Nursery school<br />

teacher, Primary school teacher<br />

2316 Special needs education Head teacher (special school), Section P – education NQF 4<br />

teaching professionals Special needs teacher, Teacher<br />

(special school)<br />

2317 Registrars and senior<br />

Bursar, Registrar (educational Section P – education NQF 4<br />

administrators of educational<br />

establishments<br />

services), University administrator<br />

2319 Teaching professionals not Examiner (examination board), Section P – education NQF 4<br />

elsewhere classified<br />

Nursery manager (day nursery),<br />

Owner (children’s nursery),<br />

Principal (dancing school/evening<br />

institute), Private tutor, Teacher of<br />

English as a foreign language<br />

(TEFL)<br />

232 Research professionals<br />

2321 Scientific researchers Research associate (medical), Section M –<br />

NQF 4<br />

Research scientist, Scientific<br />

officer, Scientist<br />

professional, scientific<br />

and technical activities<br />

(PhDlevel)<br />

2322 Social science researchers Anthropologist, Archaeologist, Section M –<br />

NQF 4<br />

Geographer, Historian,<br />

Philologist, Sociologist<br />

professional, scientific<br />

and technical activities<br />

(PhDlevel)<br />

2329 Researchers not elsewhere Research assistant (university), Section M – NQF 4

classified Research associate (university),<br />

Researcher (broadcasting),<br />

University research fellow<br />


241 Legal professionals<br />

2411 Solicitors and lawyers, judges<br />

and coroners<br />

2419 Legal professionals not<br />

elsewhere classified<br />

242 Business and statistical professionals<br />

2421 Chartered and certified<br />

accountants<br />

Articled clerk, Barrister, Coroner,<br />

Judge, Solicitor<br />

Clerk of the court, Clerk to the<br />

justices, Legal advisor, Legal<br />

officer<br />

Accountant (qualified), Auditor<br />

(qualified), Certified accountant,<br />

Chartered accountant, Company<br />

accountant<br />

2422 Management accountants Cost accountant (qualified), Cost<br />

and management accountant<br />

(qualified), Management<br />

accountant (qualified), Works<br />

2423 Management consultants,<br />

actuaries, economists and<br />

statisticians<br />

accountant (qualified)<br />

Actuary, Business analyst,<br />

Economist, Management<br />

consultant, Management services<br />

officer, Statistician<br />

243 Architects, town planners, surveyors<br />

2431 Architects Architect, Architectural consultant,<br />

Chartered architect, Landscape<br />

architect<br />

2432 Town planners Planning officer (local<br />

government), Town planner,<br />

Town planning consultant<br />

2433 Quantity surveyors Quantity surveyor, Quantity<br />

surveyor’s assistant, Survey<br />

2434 Chartered surveyors (not<br />

quantity surveyors)<br />

244 Public service professionals<br />

2441 Public service administrative<br />

professionals<br />

technician (quantity surveying)<br />

Building surveyor, Chartered<br />

surveyor, Land surveyor, Mining<br />

surveyor, Surveyor, Surveyor and<br />

estimator<br />

Area officer (local government),<br />

Civil servant (grade 6,7),<br />

Divisional officer (local<br />

government), Principal/Grade 7<br />

(government), Registrar of births<br />

deaths and marriages,<br />

Superintendent registrar<br />

2442 Social workers Child care officer, Child protection<br />

officer, Social worker, Team<br />

leader (social work)<br />

2443 Probation officers Community service officer,<br />

Probation officer<br />

2444 Clergy Clergyman/woman, Clerk in holy<br />

orders, Deacon, Minister<br />

(religion), Priest, Vicar<br />

professional, scientific<br />

and technical activities<br />

Section M –<br />

professional, scientific<br />

and technical activities<br />

Section M –<br />

professional, scientific<br />

and technical activities<br />

Section K – financial<br />

and insurance<br />

activities<br />

Section K – financial<br />

and insurance<br />

activities<br />

Section K – financial<br />

and insurance<br />

activities<br />

Section F –<br />

construction<br />

Section L – real estate<br />

activities<br />

Section M –<br />

professional, scientific<br />

and technical activities<br />

Section F –<br />

construction<br />

Section O – public<br />

administration and<br />

defence, compulsory<br />

social security<br />

Section Q – human<br />

health and social work<br />

activities<br />

Section O – public<br />

administration and<br />

defence, compulsory<br />

social security<br />

Tier 2 Occupational <strong>code</strong>s of practice version 04/2012: valid from 04/04/2012<br />

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(PhDlevel)<br />

NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

This occupation is not appropriate<br />

to Tier 2 (general) applications. If<br />

you wish to sponsor someone in<br />

this occupation, please see the

245 Librarians and related professionals<br />

2451 Librarians Assistant librarian, Branch<br />

librarian, Chartered librarian,<br />

Librarian<br />

<strong>code</strong> of practice for religious<br />

workers for further information.<br />

Section N –<br />

administrative and<br />

support service<br />

activities<br />

2452 Archivists and curators Archivist, Conservator, Curator Section M –<br />

professional, scientific<br />



312 Draughtspersons and building inspectors<br />

3121 Architectural technologists and<br />

town planning technicians<br />

Architectural assistant,<br />

Architectural technician,<br />

Architectural technologist,<br />

Planning assistant (local<br />

government), Planning<br />

enforcement officer<br />

and technical activities<br />

Section F –<br />

construction<br />

Tier 2 Occupational <strong>code</strong>s of practice version 04/2012: valid from 04/04/2012<br />

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NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

3123 Building inspectors Building control officer, Building Section F –<br />

NQF 4<br />

inspector, Inspector (NHBRC) construction<br />

313 IT service delivery occupations<br />

3131 IT operations technicians Computer operator, Database Section J – information NQF 4<br />

manager, IT technician, Network<br />

technician, Systems<br />

administrator, Web master<br />

and communication<br />

32 HEALTH AND <strong>SOC</strong>IAL WELFARE AS<strong>SOC</strong>IATE PROFESSIONALS<br />

321 Health associate professionals<br />

3211 Nurses Health visitor, Nurse, Staff nurse, Section Q – human NQF 4<br />

State enrolled nurse, State health and social work<br />

registered nurse, Ward sister activities<br />

3212 Midwives Midwife, Midwifery sister Section Q – human<br />

health and social work<br />

activities<br />

NQF 4<br />

3213 Paramedics Ambulance paramedic,<br />

Section Q – human NQF 4<br />

Paramedic<br />

health and social work<br />

activities<br />

3214 Medical radiographers Diagnostic radiographer (medical Section Q – human NQF 4<br />

services), Medical radiographer, health and social work<br />

X-ray operator<br />

activities<br />

3215 Chiropodists Chiropodist, Chiropodist-podiatrist Section Q – human<br />

health and social work<br />

activities<br />

NQF 4<br />

3218 Medical and dental technicians Audiologist, Cardiographer, Section Q – human NQF 4<br />

Dental hygienist, Dental<br />

health and social work<br />

technician, Medical technical<br />

officer<br />

activities<br />

322 Therapists<br />

3221 Physiotherapists Chartered physiotherapist, Section Q – human NQF 4<br />

Physiotherapist, Superintendent health and social work<br />

physiotherapist<br />

activities<br />

3222 Occupational therapists Occupational therapist Section Q – human<br />

health and social work<br />

activities<br />

NQF 4<br />

3223 Speech and language<br />

Speech and language therapist, Section Q – human NQF 4<br />

therapists<br />

Speech therapist<br />

health and social work<br />

activities<br />

3229 Therapists not elsewhere Acupuncturist, Dietician, Masseur, Section Q – human NQF 4

classified Orthoptist, Osteopath,<br />

Psychotherapist<br />


331 Protective service occupations<br />

3319 Protective service associate Coastguard, Coastguard officer,<br />

professionals not elsewhere Customs and Excise officer,<br />

classified<br />

Emergency planning officer,<br />

Scenes of crime officer (civilian)<br />


341 Artistic and literary occupations<br />

3411 Artists Animator (cartoon films), Artist,<br />

Illustrator, Picture restorer,<br />

Sculptor<br />

3412 Authors, writers Author, Author (technical), Editor,<br />

Freelance writer, Interpreter,<br />

Script writer, Translator<br />

3413 Actors, entertainers Actor, Disc jockey, Entertainer,<br />

Singer (entertainment)<br />

3414 Dancers and choreographers Ballet dancer, Ballet teacher,<br />

Choreographer, Dance instructor,<br />

Dancer<br />

3415 Musicians Cellist, Composer (music),<br />

Musician, Organist, Pianist,<br />

3416 Arts officers, producers and<br />

directors<br />

342 Design associate professionals<br />

3422 Product, clothing and related<br />

designers<br />

343 Media associate professionals<br />

3431 Journalists, newspaper and<br />

periodical editors<br />

3432 Broadcasting associate<br />

professionals<br />

Violinist<br />

Arts development officer, Arts<br />

officer, Entertainment agent,<br />

Producer (entertainment), Stage<br />

manager (entertainment), Studio<br />

manager<br />

Clothing designer, Commercial<br />

designer, Fashion designer,<br />

Furniture designer, Industrial<br />

designer, Interior designer, Textile<br />

designer<br />

Journalist, News editor<br />

(newspaper), Reporter<br />

(newspaper), Sports writer, Sub-<br />

editor<br />

Broadcaster, News reporter<br />

(broadcasting), Production<br />

assistant (broadcasting), Radio<br />

journalist, Television producer,<br />

Video editor<br />

3433 Public relations officers Information officer, Press officer,<br />

Public relations consultant,<br />

Publicity assistant<br />

health and social work<br />

activities<br />

Section S – other<br />

service activities<br />

Section R – arts,<br />

entertainment and<br />

recreation<br />

Section R – arts,<br />

entertainment and<br />

recreation<br />

Section R – arts,<br />

entertainment and<br />

recreation<br />

Section R – arts,<br />

entertainment and<br />

recreation<br />

Section R – arts,<br />

entertainment and<br />

recreation<br />

Section R – arts,<br />

entertainment and<br />

recreation<br />

Section C –<br />

manufacturing<br />

Section R – arts,<br />

entertainment and<br />

recreation<br />

Section R – arts,<br />

entertainment and<br />

recreation<br />

Section N –<br />

administrative and<br />

support service<br />

activities<br />


351 Transport associate professionals<br />

3512 Aircraft pilots and flight Airline captain, Airline pilot, Section H –<br />

engineers<br />

Commercial pilot, Flight engineer, transportation and<br />

Flying instructor, Pilot<br />

storage<br />

3513 Ship and hovercraft officers Chief engineer (hovercraft), Section H –<br />

Master mariner, Navigator transportation and<br />

(shipping), Ship’s captain<br />

storage<br />

Tier 2 Occupational <strong>code</strong>s of practice version 04/2012: valid from 04/04/2012<br />

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NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />


(merchant navy), Ship’s officer<br />

(merchant navy)<br />

353 Business and finance associate professionals<br />

3531 Estimators, valuers and<br />

assessors<br />

Building estimator, Estimator,<br />

Insurance assessor, Plannerestimator,<br />

Surveyor and valuer,<br />

Valuation surveyor, Valuer<br />

3532 Brokers Commodity trader, Financial<br />

broker, Foreign exchange dealer<br />

(banking), Insurance broker,<br />

3534 Finance and investment<br />

analysts/advisers<br />

Shipbroker, Stockbroker<br />

Financial adviser, Financial<br />

consultant, Mortgage consultant,<br />

Pension adviser<br />

3535 Taxation experts Inspector of taxes, Tax<br />

consultant, Tax senior, Taxation<br />

3537 Financial and accounting<br />

technicians<br />

3539 Business and related<br />

associate professionals not<br />

elsewhere classified<br />

adviser<br />

Accounting technician, Financial<br />

controller<br />

Conference co-ordinator,<br />

Exhibition officer, Management<br />

information officer, Work study<br />

engineer, Work study officer<br />

354 Sales and related associate professionals<br />

3541 Buyers and purchasing officers Assistant buyer, Buyer, Media<br />

3543 Marketing associate<br />

professionals<br />

355 Conservation associate professionals<br />

3551 Conservation and<br />

environmental protection<br />

officers<br />

buyer, Procurement officer<br />

Account representative<br />

(advertising), Commercial officer,<br />

Market researcher, Marketing<br />

consultant<br />

Conservation officer,<br />

Conservationist, Environmental<br />

protection officer, National park<br />

officer<br />

356 Public service and other associate professionals<br />

3561 Public service associate<br />

professionals<br />

3564 Careers advisers and<br />

vocational guidance specialists<br />

3565 Inspectors of factories, utilities<br />

and trading standards<br />

Higher executive officer<br />

(government), Principal officer<br />

(local government), Senior<br />

executive officer (government)<br />

Careers adviser, Careers officer,<br />

Placement co-ordinator,<br />

Placement officer<br />

Gas inspector, Inspector of<br />

factories (government), Inspector<br />

of weights and measures,<br />

Installation inspector (electricity,<br />

gas), Plumbing inspector, Trading<br />

standards officer<br />

3566 Statutory examiners Driving examiner (Dept of<br />

Transport), Fishery officer, Flight<br />

examiner, National Insurance<br />

inspector, Pollution control officer,<br />

3567 Occupational hygienists and<br />

safety officers (health and<br />

safety)<br />

RSPCA inspector, Water bailiff<br />

Health and Safety officer,<br />

Occupational hygienist, Safety<br />

adviser, Safety officer<br />

Section L – real estate<br />

activities<br />

Section K – financial<br />

and insurance<br />

activities<br />

Section K – financial<br />

and insurance<br />

activities<br />

Section K – financial<br />

and insurance<br />

activities<br />

Section K – financial<br />

and insurance<br />

activities<br />

Section M –<br />

professional, scientific<br />

and technical activities<br />

Section S – other<br />

service activities<br />

Section N –<br />

administrative and<br />

support service<br />

activities<br />

Section A –<br />

agriculture, forestry<br />

and fishing<br />

Tier 2 Occupational <strong>code</strong>s of practice version 04/2012: valid from 04/04/2012<br />

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NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />

Section O – public NQF 4<br />

administration and<br />

defence, compulsory<br />

social security<br />

Section P – education NQF 4<br />

Section C –<br />

manufacturing<br />

Section S – other<br />

service activities<br />

Section Q – human<br />

health and social work<br />

activities<br />

NQF 4<br />

NQF 4<br />


3568 Environmental health officers Authorised meat inspector,<br />

Environmental health inspector,<br />

Environmental health officer,<br />

Public health officer<br />

Section I –<br />

accommodation and<br />

food service activities<br />

Tier 2 Occupational <strong>code</strong>s of practice version 04/2012: valid from 04/04/2012<br />

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Occupations skilled to NQF level 3<br />

All occupations which are skilled to NQF level 4 in the above <strong>table</strong> are also skilled to<br />

NQF level 3.<br />

In addition, the following <strong>table</strong> lists those occupations which are skilled to NQF level<br />

3 but not to NQF level 4. Tier 2 applicants can only be sponsored for jobs in these<br />

occupations if:<br />

� the job appears on the Shortage Occupation List, or<br />

� the applicant is currently in the <strong>UK</strong> under Tier 2, and has been in Tier 2 since<br />

before the changes made on 6 April 2011 came into force, or<br />

� the applicant is currently in the <strong>UK</strong> under an old immigration category that<br />

was replaced by Tier 2, such as work permit holders.<br />

Some of these occupations are described as borderline NQF 3. This means that<br />

only some jobs in the occupation are skilled to NQF level 3, and some jobs are<br />

below this level. You should refer to the <strong>code</strong> of practice for more information on<br />

which jobs in the <strong>SOC</strong> <strong>code</strong> are at NQF level 3.<br />

No migrants can be sponsored for jobs below NQF level 3 in these occupations<br />

(other than those sponsored under the specific arrangements for work permit<br />

holders who are senior care workers or established entertainers).<br />

<strong>SOC</strong><br />

Code<br />

<strong>SOC</strong> <strong>code</strong> description Related job titles Sector Skill level<br />



116 Managers in distribution, storage and retailing<br />

1162 Storage and warehouse Parts manager, Stock control Section H –<br />

NQF 3<br />

managers<br />

manager, Stores manager, transportation and<br />

Warehouse manager<br />

storage<br />

1163 Retail and wholesale<br />

Baker’s manager, Garden centre Section S – other NQF 3<br />

managers<br />

manager, Retail manager, Shop<br />

manager (retail trade), Showroom<br />

manager, Wholesale manager<br />

service activities<br />


121 Managers in farming, horticulture, forestry and fishing<br />

1211 Farm managers Farm manager, Manager<br />

Section A –<br />

NQF 3<br />

(agriculture), Manager<br />

agriculture, forestry<br />

(horticulture)<br />

and fishing<br />

122 Managers and proprietors in hospitality and leisure services<br />

1221 Hotel and accommodation Caravan park owner, Guest Section I –<br />

NQF 3<br />

managers<br />

house proprietor, Hotel manager, accommodation and<br />

Hotelier<br />

food service activities<br />

1223 Restaurant and catering Canteen manager, Catering Section I –<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

managers<br />

manager, Fish and chip<br />

accommodation and NQF 3<br />

shopkeeper, Restaurant manager,<br />

Restaurateur<br />

food service activities<br />

1224 Publicans and managers of Club steward, Licensee, Public Section I –<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

licensed premises<br />

house manager, Publican accommodation and<br />

food service activities<br />

NQF 3<br />

1225 Leisure and sports managers Leisure centre manager, Manager Section R – arts, NQF 3<br />

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1226 Travel agency managers<br />

(snooker, billiards hall), Riding<br />

school owner, Sports centre<br />

manager<br />

Manager (travel agents), Travel<br />

manager<br />

123 Managers and proprietors in other service industries<br />

1232 Garage managers and<br />

proprietors<br />

1233 Hairdressing and beauty salon<br />

managers and proprietors<br />

Body shop manager (vehicle<br />

trades), Garage manager, Garage<br />

owner, Service manager (garage)<br />

Hairdresser’s manager, Manager<br />

(hairdressing), Owner (beauty<br />

salon)<br />

General store keeper, Newsagent<br />

1234 Shopkeepers and<br />

wholesale/retail dealers Off-licensee, Owner (butchers)<br />



311 Science and engineering technicians<br />

3111 Laboratory technicians Cytology screener, Health physics<br />

monitor, Laboratory technician,<br />

Scientific assistant<br />

3112 Electrical/electronics<br />

Electrical technician, Electronics<br />

technicians<br />

technician, Signals officer (MOD)<br />

3113 Engineering technicians Commissioning engineer,<br />

Contracts engineer, Engineering<br />

technician, Engineer’s assistant,<br />

3114 Building and civil engineering<br />

technicians<br />

Technician engineer<br />

Building technician, Civil<br />

engineering technician, Structural<br />

engineering technician<br />

3115 Quality assurance technicians NDT technician, QA co-ordinator,<br />

Quality assurance technician<br />

3119 Science and engineering<br />

technicians not elsewhere<br />

classified<br />

Materials technician, Technical<br />

assistant, Technical officer,<br />

Technician<br />

312 Draughtspersons and building inspectors<br />

3122 Draughtspersons Cartographer, Designer-detailer,<br />

Designer-draughtsman,<br />

Draughtsman/woman,<br />

Draughtsman-engineer,<br />

Engineering draughtsman<br />

313 IT service delivery occupations<br />

3132 IT user support technicians Help desk operator, Helpline<br />

operator (computing), IT helpline<br />

support officer, Support technician<br />

(computing), Systems support<br />

officer<br />

entertainment and<br />

recreation<br />

Section S – other<br />

service activities<br />

Section G – wholesale<br />

and retail trade, repair<br />

of motor vehicles and<br />

motorcycles<br />

Section S – other<br />

service activities<br />

Section S – other<br />

service activities<br />

Section M –<br />

professional, scientific<br />

and technical activities<br />

Section M –<br />

professional, scientific<br />

and technical activities<br />

Section M –<br />

professional, scientific<br />

and technical activities<br />

Section F –<br />

construction<br />

Section N –<br />

administrative and<br />

support service<br />

activities<br />

Section M –<br />

professional, scientific<br />

and technical activities<br />

Section M –<br />

professional, scientific<br />

and technical activities<br />

Section J – information<br />

and communication<br />

32 HEALTH AND <strong>SOC</strong>IAL WELFARE AS<strong>SOC</strong>IATE PROFESSIONALS<br />

321 Health associate professionals<br />

3216 Dispensing opticians Dispensing optician Section Q – human<br />

health and social work<br />

3217 Pharmaceutical dispensers Dispenser, Dispensing assistant,<br />

Pharmacy technician<br />

activities<br />

Section Q – human<br />

health and social work<br />

activities<br />

Tier 2 Occupational <strong>code</strong>s of practice version 04/2012: valid from 04/04/2012<br />

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NQF 3<br />

NQF 3<br />

NQF 3<br />

NQF 3<br />

NQF 3<br />

NQF 3<br />

NQF 3<br />

NQF 3<br />

NQF 3<br />

NQF 3<br />

NQF 3<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

NQF 3<br />

NQF 3<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />


323 Social welfare associate Professionals<br />

3231 Youth and community workers Community worker, Day centre<br />

officer, Youth leader, Youth<br />

worker<br />

3232 Housing and welfare officers Advice worker, Care officer,<br />

Counsellor (welfare services),<br />

Education welfare officer, Housing<br />

officer, Welfare officer<br />


331 Protective service occupations<br />

3311 NCOs and other ranks Airman/woman, Corporal, Petty<br />

officer, Private, Sapper, Sergeant,<br />

Sergeant-Major<br />

3312 Police officers (sergeant and<br />

below)<br />

3313 Fire service officers (leading<br />

fire officer and below)<br />

3314 Prison service officers (below<br />

principal officer)<br />

Detective sergeant, Police<br />

cons<strong>table</strong>, Police officer,<br />

Policeman<br />

Fire officer (coal mine), Fire<br />

fighter (fire service), Fireman (fire<br />

service)<br />

Prison officer, Warder (prison<br />

service)<br />


342 Design associate professionals<br />

3421 Graphic designers Commercial artist, Graphic artist,<br />

Graphic designer<br />

343 Media associate professionals<br />

3434 Photographers and audiovisual<br />

equipment operators<br />

Audio visual technician, Camera<br />

operator (film, television<br />

production), Film technician,<br />

Photographer, Press<br />

photographer, Projectionist,<br />

Sound recordist<br />

344 Sports and fitness occupations<br />

3441 Sports players Cricketer, Footballer, Golfer,<br />

3442 Sports coaches, instructors<br />

and officials<br />

Jockey<br />

Referee, Sports coach, Sports<br />

development officer, Steward<br />

(horse racing), Swimming<br />

teacher, Umpire<br />

3443 Fitness instructors Aerobics instructor, Fitness<br />

consultant, Keep fit teacher<br />

3449 Sports and fitness occupations<br />

not elsewhere classified<br />

Outdoor pursuits instructor,<br />

Outward bound tutor, Riding<br />

instructor<br />


351 Transport associate professionals<br />

3511 Air traffic controllers Air traffic controller, Controller of<br />

aircraft, Flight planner, Ground<br />

Section S – other<br />

service activities<br />

Section I –<br />

accommodation and<br />

food service activities<br />

Tier 2 Occupational <strong>code</strong>s of practice version 04/2012: valid from 04/04/2012<br />

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NQF 3<br />

NQF 3<br />

This occupation is not appropriate<br />

to Tier 2 applications as candidates<br />

must not be subject to immigration<br />

control.<br />

Section O – public<br />

administration and<br />

defence, compulsory<br />

social security<br />

Section O – public<br />

administration and<br />

defence, compulsory<br />

social security<br />

NQF 3<br />

NQF 3<br />

This occupation is not appropriate<br />

to Tier 2 applications as candidates<br />

must not be subject to immigration<br />

control.<br />

Section N –<br />

administrative and<br />

support service<br />

activities<br />

Section M –<br />

professional, scientific<br />

and technical activities<br />

NQF 3<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

NQF 3<br />

These occupations are not<br />

appropriate to Tier 2 (general)<br />

applications. If you wish to sponsor<br />

someone in these occupations,<br />

please see the Tier 2<br />

(sportsperson) sponsor guidance<br />

and contact your governing body<br />

for further information.<br />

Section R – arts,<br />

entertainment and<br />

recreation<br />

Section R – arts,<br />

entertainment and<br />

recreation<br />

Section H –<br />

transportation and<br />

NQF 3<br />

NQF 3<br />


movement controller (airport) storage<br />

352 Legal associate professionals<br />

3520 Legal associate professionals Barrister’s clerk, Conveyancer,<br />

Data protection officer, Legal<br />

assistant, Legal executive<br />

353 Business and finance associate professionals<br />

3533 Insurance underwriters Insurance underwriter,<br />

Underwriter<br />

Section M –<br />

professional, scientific<br />

and technical activities<br />

Section K – financial<br />

and insurance<br />

activities<br />

3536 Importers, exporters Export agent, Exporter, Importer Section H –<br />

transportation and<br />

354 Sales and related associate professionals<br />

3542 Sales representatives Manufacturer’s agent,<br />

Salesman/woman (wholesale),<br />

Technical representative<br />

3544 Estate agents, auctioneers Auctioneer, Estate agent, Land<br />

agent, Letting agent<br />

355 Conservation associate professionals<br />

3552 Countryside and park rangers Countryside ranger, Countryside<br />

warden, Environmental warden,<br />

Park ranger<br />

356 Public service and other associate professionals<br />

3562 Personnel and industrial<br />

relations officers<br />

3563 Vocational and industrial<br />

trainers and instructors<br />

Industrial relations officer,<br />

Personnel officer, Recruitment<br />

consultant<br />

Staff trainer, Technical instructor,<br />

Training consultant, Training<br />

instructor, Training officer<br />



411 Administrative occupations: government and related organisations<br />

4111 Civil Service executive officers Adviser (Job Centre), Executive<br />

officer (government), Revenue<br />

executive (government)<br />

4114 Officers of non-governmental<br />

organisations<br />

413 Administrative occupations: records<br />

4134 Transport and distribution<br />

clerks<br />

Branch secretary (chari<strong>table</strong><br />

organisation), Charity<br />

administrator, Official (trade<br />

union), Organiser (trade union)<br />

Distribution co-ordinator, Fleet<br />

administrator, Fleet controller,<br />

Shipping clerk, Transport clerk<br />

4137 Market research interviewers Market research interviewer,<br />

Market researcher (interviewing),<br />

Telephone interviewer<br />


421 Secretarial and related occupations<br />

4214 Company secretaries Club secretary, Company<br />

secretary<br />

4215 Personal assistants and other<br />

secretaries<br />

Bilingual secretary, Farm<br />

secretary, Manager’s personal<br />

assistant, Personal managerial<br />

storage<br />

Section S – other<br />

service activities<br />

Section L – real estate<br />

activities<br />

Section A –<br />

agriculture, forestry<br />

and fishing<br />

Tier 2 Occupational <strong>code</strong>s of practice version 04/2012: valid from 04/04/2012<br />

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NQF 3<br />

NQF 3<br />

NQF 3<br />

NQF 3<br />

NQF 3<br />

NQF 3<br />

Section N –<br />

NQF 3<br />

administrative and<br />

support service<br />

activities<br />

Section P – education NQF 3<br />

Section O – public<br />

administration and<br />

defence, compulsory<br />

social security<br />

Section O – public<br />

administration and<br />

defence, compulsory<br />

social security<br />

Section H –<br />

transportation and<br />

storage<br />

Section N –<br />

administrative and<br />

support service<br />

activities<br />

Section N –<br />

administrative and<br />

support service<br />

activities<br />

Section N –<br />

administrative and<br />

support service<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

NQF 3<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

NQF 3<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

NQF 3<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

NQF 3<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

NQF 3<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />


assistant, Secretary activities<br />



511 Agricultural trades<br />

5111 Farmers Agricultural contractor, Farmer,<br />

Herd manager, Small holder<br />

5112 Horticultural trades Horticulturist (market gardening),<br />

Market gardener<br />

5113 Gardeners and<br />

groundsmen/groundswomen<br />

5119 Agricultural and fishing trades<br />

not elsewhere classified<br />

Nurseryman, Propagator<br />

Gardener, Greenkeeper,<br />

Groundsman/groundswoman,<br />

Landscape gardener, Turf cutter<br />

Fisherman, Gamekeeper,<br />

Greyhound trainer, S<strong>table</strong><br />

manager, Tree surgeon<br />


521 Metal forming, welding and related trades<br />

5211 Smiths and forge workers Blacksmith, Farrier, Forger, Hot<br />

5212 Moulders, core makers, die<br />

casters<br />

brass stamper, Smith<br />

Coremaker (metal trades), Die<br />

caster, Floor moulder, Moulder<br />

and coremaker (foundry)<br />

5213 Sheet metal workers Coppersmith, Metal finisher,<br />

Panel beater (metal trades),<br />

Sheet metal fabricator, Sheet<br />

metal worker<br />

5214 Metal plate workers,<br />

Boilermaker, Caulker-burner<br />

Section A –<br />

agriculture, forestry<br />

and fishing<br />

Section A –<br />

agriculture, forestry<br />

and fishing<br />

Section A –<br />

agriculture, forestry<br />

and fishing<br />

Section A –<br />

agriculture, forestry<br />

and fishing<br />

Section C –<br />

manufacturing<br />

Section C –<br />

manufacturing<br />

Section C –<br />

manufacturing<br />

Tier 2 Occupational <strong>code</strong>s of practice version 04/2012: valid from 04/04/2012<br />

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<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

NQF 3<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

NQF 3<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

NQF 3<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

NQF 3<br />

NQF 3<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

NQF 3<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

NQF 3<br />

shipwrights, riveters<br />

Plater-welder, Shipwright<br />

Section C –<br />

manufacturing<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

NQF 3<br />

5215 Welding trades Arc welder, Electric welder, Fitterwelder,<br />

Solderer (metal trades),<br />

Spot welder<br />

Welder<br />

Section C –<br />

manufacturing<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

NQF 3<br />

5216 Pipe fitters Advanced pipe fitter, Pipe fitter Section F –<br />

construction<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

NQF 3<br />

522 Metal machining, fitting and instrument making trades<br />

5221 Metal machining setters and Centre lathe turner, Machine Section C –<br />

NQF 3<br />

setter-operators<br />

setter (metal trades), Machine tool<br />

setter, Setter (metal trades),<br />

Setter-operator (metal trades),<br />

Tool setter-operator<br />

manufacturing<br />

5222 Tool makers, tool fitters and Die sinker (metal trades), Jig and Section C –<br />

NQF 3<br />

markers-out<br />

tool fitter, Marker-off<br />

(engineering), Tool maker (metal<br />

trades), Tool room fitter<br />

manufacturing<br />

5223 Metal working production and Aircraft engineer, Aircraft fitter, Section C –<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

maintenance fitters<br />

Aircraft ground engineer, Bench<br />

fitter, Engineering fitter, Fitter and<br />

turner, Machine fitter,<br />

Maintenance fitter, Mechanicfitter,<br />

Millwright, Plant fitter<br />

manufacturing<br />

NQF 3<br />

5224 Precision instrument makers Clockmaker, Horologist,<br />

Section C –<br />

NQF 3<br />

and repairers<br />

Instrument maker, Instrument<br />

mechanic, Optical technician,<br />

Precision engineer, Watch and<br />

clock repairer, Watchmaker<br />

manufacturing<br />

523 Vehicle trades<br />

5231 Motor mechanics, auto Car mechanic, Diesel fitter, Section H – <strong>Border</strong>line

engineers Garage mechanic, Motor fitter,<br />

Motor mechanic, Motor vehicle<br />

technician, Motorcycle mechanic,<br />

Vehicle mechanic, Vehicle<br />

5232 Vehicle body builders and<br />

repairers<br />

patrolman/woman<br />

Body builder (vehicles), Body<br />

maker (vehicles), Coach builder,<br />

Coach finisher, Panel beater<br />

(vehicle repair), Vehicle body<br />

repairer, Vehicle builder<br />

5233 Auto electricians Auto electrician, Automobile<br />

electrician<br />

5234 Vehicle spray painters Car paint sprayer, Coach painter,<br />

Vehicle refinisher<br />

524 Electrical trades<br />

5241 Electricians, electrical fitters Electrical contractor, Electrical<br />

fitter, Electrician, Maintenance<br />

5242 Telecommunications<br />

engineers<br />

5243 Lines repairers and cable<br />

jointers<br />

electrician<br />

Technical officer<br />

(telecommunications), Telecom<br />

engineer, Telecommunications<br />

engineer, Telephone engineer,<br />

Telephone installation engineer,<br />

Telephone technician<br />

Cable jointer, Cable repairer<br />

(electric), Overhead linesman<br />

5244 TV, video and audio engineers Radio and television engineer,<br />

Service engineer (radio and<br />

television), Television engineer,<br />

Television service engineer,<br />

Video engineer (service and<br />

5245 Computer engineers,<br />

installation and maintenance<br />

5249 Electrical/electronics<br />

engineers not elsewhere<br />

classified<br />

repair)<br />

Computer engineer, Computer<br />

maintenance engineer, Computer<br />

service engineer, Computer<br />

service technician<br />

Alarm engineer, Customer<br />

engineer (office machinery),<br />

Electronic engineer<br />

(maintenance), Office machinery<br />

mechanic, Service engineer,<br />

Signal technician (railways)<br />


531 Construction trades<br />

5311 Steel erectors Steel erector, Steel fabricator,<br />

Structural erector<br />

5312 Bricklayers, masons Bricklayer, Mason, Monumental<br />

mason, Stone mason<br />

5313 Roofers, roof tilers and slaters Felt roofer, Roof sheeter, Roof<br />

tiler, Roofer, Roofing contractor,<br />

5314 Plumbers, heating and<br />

ventilating engineers<br />

Slater, Slater and tiler, Thatcher<br />

Air conditioning engineer, Gas<br />

service engineer, Heating<br />

transportation and<br />

storage<br />

Section G – wholesale<br />

and retail trade, repair<br />

of motor vehicles and<br />

motorcycles<br />

Section G – wholesale<br />

and retail trade, repair<br />

of motor vehicles and<br />

motorcycles<br />

Section G – wholesale<br />

and retail trade, repair<br />

of motor vehicles and<br />

motorcycles<br />

Section D – electricity,<br />

gas, steam and air<br />

conditioning supply<br />

Section J – information<br />

and communication<br />

Section D – electricity,<br />

gas, steam and air<br />

conditioning supply<br />

Section M –<br />

professional, scientific<br />

and technical activities<br />

Section J – information<br />

and communication<br />

Section M –<br />

professional, scientific<br />

and technical activities<br />

Section F –<br />

construction<br />

Section F –<br />

construction<br />

Section F –<br />

construction<br />

Section F –<br />

construction<br />

Tier 2 Occupational <strong>code</strong>s of practice version 04/2012: valid from 04/04/2012<br />

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NQF 3<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

NQF 3<br />

NQF 3<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

NQF 3<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

NQF 3<br />

NQF 3<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

NQF 3<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

NQF 3<br />

NQF 3<br />

NQF 3<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

NQF 3<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

NQF 3<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

NQF 3<br />


5319 Construction trades not<br />

engineer, Plumber, Plumbing and<br />

heating engineer<br />

Builder (building and contracting), Section F –<br />

NQF 3<br />

elsewhere classified<br />

Builder and decorator, Building<br />

contractor, General builder, Steel<br />

fixer, Steeplejack<br />

construction<br />


541 Textiles and garments trades<br />

5411 Weavers and knitters Carpet weaver, Knitter, Net<br />

maker, Textile weaver, Weaver<br />

Section C –<br />

manufacturing<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

NQF 3<br />

5412 Upholsterers Coach trimmer, Curtain maker,<br />

Interior sprung mattress maker,<br />

Upholsterer<br />

Section C –<br />

manufacturing<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

NQF 3<br />

5413 Leather and related trades Clicker (footwear mfr), Cobbler,<br />

Laster, Saddler, Shoe maker,<br />

Shoe repairer<br />

Section C –<br />

manufacturing<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

NQF 3<br />

5414 Tailors and dressmakers Alteration hand, Dressmaker,<br />

Milliner, Tailoress<br />

Section C –<br />

manufacturing<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

NQF 3<br />

5419 Textiles, garments and related<br />

trades not elsewhere classified<br />

Corsetiere, Cushion filler, Hat<br />

blocker, Sailmaker<br />

Section C –<br />

manufacturing<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

NQF 3<br />

542 Printing trades<br />

5421 Originators, compositors and Compositor, Lithographic planner, Section M –<br />

NQF 3<br />

print preparers<br />

Lithographic plate maker, Paste- professional, scientific<br />

up artist, Stereotyper, Type setter and technical activities<br />

5422 Printers General printer, Master printer, Section C –<br />

NQF 3<br />

Printer<br />

manufacturing<br />

5423 Bookbinders and print finishers Binder’s assistant, Bookbinder,<br />

Collator (printing), Darkroom<br />

technician, Print finisher<br />

Section C –<br />

manufacturing<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

NQF 3<br />

5424 Screen printers Block printer, Screen printer, Silk<br />

screen printer<br />

Section C –<br />

manufacturing<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

NQF 3<br />

543 Food preparation trades<br />

5431 Butchers, meat cutters Butcher, Butcher’s cutter, Meat<br />

cutter, Slaughterer<br />

Section I –<br />

accommodation and<br />

food service activities<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

NQF 3<br />

5432 Bakers, flour confectioners Baker, Baker and confectioner,<br />

Cake decorator, Confectioner (not<br />

Section I –<br />

accommodation and<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

NQF 3<br />

retail trade)<br />

food service activities<br />

5433 Fishmongers, poultry dressers Filleter (fish), Fishmonger, Poultry<br />

dresser<br />

Section I –<br />

accommodation and<br />

food service activities<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

NQF 3<br />

5434 Chefs, cooks Caterer, Chef, Cook, Cook in<br />

charge, Head cook<br />

Section I –<br />

accommodation and<br />

food service activities<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

NQF 3<br />

549 Skilled trades not elsewhere classified<br />

5491 Glass and ceramics makers,<br />

decorators and finishers<br />

Brick maker, Caster (ceramics<br />

mfr), Ceramic artist, Glass blower,<br />

Glass cutter, Glass maker,<br />

Lithographer (ceramics mfr),<br />

Potter<br />

Section C –<br />

manufacturing<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

NQF 3<br />

5492 Furniture makers, other craft<br />

woodworkers<br />

Antiques restorer, Cabinet maker,<br />

Coffin maker, Furniture fitter,<br />

Picture frame maker, Veneer<br />

preparer, Wood carver<br />

Section C –<br />

manufacturing<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

NQF 3<br />

5493 Pattern makers (moulds) Engineer’s pattern maker, Model Section C –<br />

NQF 3<br />

maker (engineering), Pattern<br />

maker (metal trades), Wood<br />

pattern maker<br />

manufacturing<br />

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5494 Musical instrument makers<br />

and tuners<br />

5495 Goldsmiths, silversmiths,<br />

precious stone workers<br />

Musical instrument maker, Organ<br />

builder, Piano tuner, Violin<br />

repairer<br />

Diamond mounter, Diamond<br />

polisher, Gem setter, Goldsmith,<br />

Manufacturing jeweller,<br />

Silversmith<br />

5496 Floral arrangers, florists Floral designer, Florist, Flower<br />

arranger<br />

5499 Hand craft occupations not Basket maker (not wire), Billiard<br />

elsewhere classified<br />

<strong>table</strong> fitter, Blind maker,<br />

Lampshade maker, Toy maker,<br />

Wig maker<br />



611 Healthcare and related personal services<br />

6111 Nursing auxiliaries and Assistant nurse, Nursing<br />

assistants<br />

assistant, Nursing auxiliary,<br />

Occupational therapy helper,<br />

Operating department assistant,<br />

Phlebotomist, Physiotherapy<br />

helper, Ward assistant, Ward<br />

orderly<br />

6113 Dental nurses Dental nurse, Dental surgery<br />

assistant<br />

6114 Houseparents and residential<br />

wardens<br />

6115 Care assistants and home<br />

carers<br />

Houseparent, Matron (residential<br />

home), Resident warden, Warden<br />

(sheltered housing)<br />

Care assistant, Home care<br />

assistant, Night care assistant,<br />

Residential social worker<br />

612 Childcare and related personal services<br />

6121 Nursery nurses Crèche assistant, Nursery<br />

assistant, Nursery nurse<br />

6123 Playgroup leaders/assistants Play leader, Playgroup assistant,<br />

Playgroup leader<br />


621 Leisure and travel service occupations<br />

6214 Air travel assistants Air hostess, Air steward /<br />

stewardess, Aircraft purser, Cabin<br />

attendant, Passenger services<br />

agent<br />

6215 Rail travel assistants Conductor (railways), Revenue<br />

protection officer (railways), Ticket<br />

collector (railways), Train guard<br />



712 Sales related occupations<br />

7125 Merchandisers and window Display assistant (retail trade),<br />

dressers<br />

Merchandiser, Window dresser<br />



812 Plant and machine operatives<br />

8124 Energy plant operatives Auxiliary plant attendant, Boiler<br />

attendant, Boiler operator, Stoker,<br />

Substation attendant (electricity<br />

supplier), Unit operator<br />

Section C –<br />

manufacturing<br />

Section C –<br />

manufacturing<br />

Section S – other<br />

service activities<br />

Section C –<br />

manufacturing<br />

Section Q – human<br />

health and social work<br />

activities<br />

Section Q – human<br />

health and social work<br />

activities<br />

Section I –<br />

accommodation and<br />

food service activities<br />

Section Q – human<br />

health and social work<br />

activities<br />

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<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

NQF 3<br />

NQF 3<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

NQF 3<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

NQF 3<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

NQF 3<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

NQF 3<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

NQF 3<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

NQF 3<br />

Section P – education <strong>Border</strong>line<br />

NQF 3<br />

Section P – education <strong>Border</strong>line<br />

NQF 3<br />

Section H –<br />

transportation and<br />

storage<br />

Section H –<br />

transportation and<br />

storage<br />

Section S – other<br />

service activities<br />

Section D – electricity,<br />

gas, steam and air<br />

conditioning supply<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

NQF 3<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

NQF 3<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

NQF 3<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />


8126 Water and sewerage plant<br />

operatives<br />

Filter attendant (water works),<br />

Plant operator (sewage/water<br />

works), Sewerman, Turncock,<br />

Water treatment plant operator<br />

Section E – water<br />

supply, sewerage,<br />

waste management<br />

and remediation<br />

activities<br />


821 Transport drivers and operatives<br />

8215 Driving instructors Driving instructor, HGV instructor Section H –<br />

transportation and<br />

8217 Seafarers (merchant navy);<br />

barge, lighter and boat<br />

operatives<br />

Boatman/woman, Bo’sun, Deck<br />

hand (shipping), Merchant<br />

seaman/woman, Seaman/woman<br />

(shipping)<br />

storage<br />

Section H –<br />

transportation and<br />

storage<br />



911 Elementary agricultural occupations<br />

9119 Fishing and agriculture related<br />

occupations not elsewhere<br />

classified<br />

Artificial inseminator, Horticultural<br />

worker, Mushroom picker,<br />

Nursery worker, Sheep shearer<br />


922 Elementary personal services occupations<br />

9224 Waiters, Waitresses Head waiter/waitress,<br />

Waiter/waitress<br />

Section A –<br />

agriculture, forestry<br />

and fishing<br />

Section I –<br />

accommodation and<br />

food service activities<br />

Tier 2 Occupational <strong>code</strong>s of practice version 04/2012: valid from 04/04/2012<br />

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<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

NQF 3<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

NQF 3<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

NQF 3<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />

NQF 3<br />

<strong>Border</strong>line<br />


Occupations below NQF level 3<br />

Tier 2 applicants cannot be sponsored for jobs in these occupations. There are no<br />

<strong>code</strong>s of practice for these occupations.<br />

<strong>SOC</strong><br />

Code<br />

<strong>SOC</strong> <strong>code</strong> description Related job titles Skill level<br />



351 Transport associate professionals<br />

3514 Train drivers Engine driver (railways), Locomotive driver, Train driver Below NQF 3<br />



411 Administrative occupations: government and related organisations<br />

4112 Civil Service administrative Administrative assistant (government), Administrative Below NQF 3<br />

officers and assistants officer (government), Revenue assistant (government)<br />

4113 Local government clerical Administrative assistant (local government), Clerical Below NQF 3<br />

officers and assistants assistant (local government), Clerical officer (local<br />

government), Local government officer<br />

412 Administrative occupations: finance<br />

4121 Credit controllers Credit control clerk, Credit controller, Credit supervisor Below NQF 3<br />

4122 Accounts and wages clerks, Accounts assistant, Accounts clerk, Audit assistant, Below NQF 3<br />

book-keepers, other financial<br />

clerks<br />

Bookkeeper, Cost clerk, Ledger clerk, Wages clerk<br />

4123 Counter clerks Bank clerk, Box office clerk, Cashier (bank, building<br />

society), Cashier (bookmakers, turf accountants), Clerk<br />

(bank, building society), Post office clerk, Ticket seller<br />

Below NQF 3<br />

413 Administrative occupations: records<br />

4131 Filing and other records Filing clerk, Lottery assistant, Records clerk, Technical Below NQF 3<br />

assistants/clerks<br />

clerk<br />

4132 Pensions and insurance<br />

clerks<br />

Claims handler, Insurance clerk, Pensions administrator Below NQF 3<br />

4133 Stock control clerks Material controller, Progress chaser, Stock control clerk,<br />

Stock controller<br />

Below NQF 3<br />

4135 Library assistants/clerks Library assistant, Library clerk Below NQF 3<br />

4136 Database assistants/clerks Computer clerk, Data entry clerk, Data processor, VDU<br />

operator<br />

Below NQF 3<br />

414 Administrative occupations: communications<br />

4141 Telephonists Switchboard operator (telephone), Telephone operator,<br />

Telephonist<br />

Below NQF 3<br />

4142 Communication operators Communications operator, Control room operator<br />

(emergency services), Radio operator,<br />

Telecommunications officer, Telex operator<br />

Below NQF 3<br />

415 Administrative occupations: general<br />

4150 General office<br />

Clerical assistant, Clerical officer, Clerk, Clerk-typist, Below NQF 3<br />

assistants/clerks<br />

Office supervisor<br />


421 Secretarial and related occupations<br />

4211 Medical secretaries Doctor’s secretary, Medical secretary Below NQF 3<br />

4212 Legal secretaries Legal secretary, Litigation secretary Below NQF 3<br />

4213 School secretaries School clerk, School secretary Below NQF 3<br />

4216 Receptionists Doctor’s receptionist, Receptionist, Secretaryreceptionist<br />

Below NQF 3<br />

4217 Typists Audio typist, Shorthand typist, Typist, Word processor<br />

operator<br />

Below NQF 3<br />



Tier 2 Occupational <strong>code</strong>s of practice version 04/2012: valid from 04/04/2012<br />

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531 Construction trades<br />

5315 Carpenters and joiners Boat builder, Builder’s joiner, Carpenter, Carpenter and<br />

joiner, Shop fitter<br />

Below NQF 3<br />

5316 Glaziers, window fabricators Double glazing installer, Glass fitter, Glazier, Leaded Below NQF 3<br />

and fitters<br />

light maker, Window fabricator, Window fitter<br />

532 Building trades<br />

5321 Plasterers Plasterer, Plastering contractor Below NQF 3<br />

5322 Floorers and wall tilers Carpet fitter, Carpet planner, Floor layer, Floor tiler, Tile<br />

fixer, Wall tiler<br />

Below NQF 3<br />

5323 Painters and decorators Decorator, French polisher, House painter, Painter,<br />

Painter and decorator, Sign writer<br />

Below NQF 3<br />



611 Healthcare and related personal services<br />

6112 Ambulance staff (excluding Ambulance driver, Ambulance technician,<br />

Below NQF 3<br />

paramedics)<br />

Ambulanceman/woman<br />

612 Childcare and related personal services<br />

6122 Childminders and related<br />

occupations<br />

Au pair, Child minder, Children’s nanny Below NQF 3<br />

6124 Educational assistants Classroom helper, Education care officer, Non-teaching<br />

assistant, School helper, Special needs helper<br />

Below NQF 3<br />

613 Animal care services<br />

6131 Veterinary nurses and<br />

assistants<br />

Animal technician, Veterinary assistant Below NQF 3<br />

6139 Animal care occupations not Canine beautician, Dog warden, Groom, Kennel maid, Below NQF 3<br />

elsewhere classified<br />

Zoo keeper<br />


621 Leisure and travel service occupations<br />

6211 Sports and leisure assistants Croupier, Lifeguard, Recreation assistant, Turf<br />

accountant, Wardrobe mistress<br />

Below NQF 3<br />

6212 Travel agents Booking clerk (travel agents), Reservations clerk (travel),<br />

Travel agency clerk, Travel agent, Travel sales<br />

executive<br />

Below NQF 3<br />

6213 Travel and tour guides Coach guide, Courier (tour operator), Escort, Guide,<br />

Representative (tour operator)<br />

Below NQF 3<br />

6219 Leisure and travel service<br />

occupations not elsewhere<br />

classified<br />

Bus conductor, Ship’s steward Below NQF 3<br />

622 Hairdressers and related occupations<br />

6221 Hairdressers, barbers Barber, Hair stylist, Hairdresser Below NQF 3<br />

6222 Beauticians and related Beautician, Make-up artist, Manicurist, Slimming Below NQF 3<br />

occupations<br />

consultant<br />

623 Housekeeping occupations<br />

6231 Housekeepers and related<br />

occupations<br />

Butler, Cook-housekeeper, Housekeeper, Valet Below NQF 3<br />

6232 Caretakers Caretaker, Janitor, School caretaker Below NQF 3<br />

629 Personal services occupations not elsewhere classified<br />

6291 Undertakers and mortuary Bearer (funeral directors), Embalmer, Funeral director, Below NQF 3<br />

assistants<br />

Undertaker<br />

6292 Pest control officers Pest control officer, Pest controller Below NQF 3<br />



711 Sales assistants and retail cashiers<br />

7111 Sales and retail assistants Counter assistant, Retail assistant, Sales assistant,<br />

Shop assistant<br />

Below NQF 3<br />

7112 Retail cashiers and check- Cashier (retail trade), Check-out operator, Forecourt Below NQF 3<br />

out operators<br />

attendant, Petrol pump attendant, Restaurant cashier<br />

Tier 2 Occupational <strong>code</strong>s of practice version 04/2012: valid from 04/04/2012<br />

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7113 Telephone salespersons Telephone canvasser, Telephone salesperson Below NQF 3<br />

712 Sales related occupations<br />

7121 Collector salespersons and Canvasser, Collector-salesperson, Credit agent, Door- Below NQF 3<br />

credit agents<br />

to-door salesman/woman, Insurance agent<br />

7122 Debt, rent and other cash Collector-agent, Debt collector, Meter reader, Rent Below NQF 3<br />

collectors<br />

collector, Vending machine operator<br />

7123 Roundsmen/women and van Driver-salesman/woman, Ice-cream salesman/woman, Below NQF 3<br />

salespersons<br />

Milkman/woman (milk retailing), Roundsman/woman,<br />

Van salesman/woman<br />

7124 Market and street traders Market assistant, Market trader, Stall holder, Street Below NQF 3<br />

and assistants<br />

trader<br />

7129 Sales related occupations Advertising representative, Demonstrator, Negotiator Below NQF 3<br />

not elsewhere classified (estate agents), Sales representative (retail trade),<br />

Wayleave officer<br />


721 Customer service occupations<br />

7211 Call centre agents/operators Answer line operator, Sales order clerk, Telephone<br />

adviser<br />

Below NQF 3<br />

7212 Customer care occupations Commercial officer (telecommunications), Customer<br />

care adviser, Customer liaison officer, Customer<br />

services assistant<br />

Below NQF 3<br />



811 Process operatives<br />

8111 Food, drink and tobacco Bakery assistant, Brewery worker, Dairy worker, Below NQF 3<br />

process operatives<br />

Process worker (food products mfr)<br />

8112 Glass and ceramics process Glass furnace operator, Kiln burner (glass, ceramics Below NQF 3<br />

operatives<br />

mfr), Kiln placer, Kiln setter<br />

8113 Textile process operatives Creeler, Spinner (textile mfr), Stenter operator, Winder<br />

(textile mfr)<br />

Below NQF 3<br />

8114 Chemical and related Colour mixer, Dye house operative (textile mfr), Nylon Below NQF 3<br />

process operatives<br />

spinner, Paint maker, Process worker (chemical mfr)<br />

8115 Rubber process operatives Curer (rubber), Rubber moulder (moulds), Rubber<br />

worker, Tyre maker, Vulcaniser<br />

Below NQF 3<br />

8116 Plastics process operatives Extruder operator (plastics mfr), Fabricator (plastics mfr),<br />

Fibreglass laminator, Injection moulder (plastics goods<br />

mfr), Plastic moulder<br />

Below NQF 3<br />

8117 Metal making and treating Annealer, Furnaceman (metal trades), Heat treatment Below NQF 3<br />

process operatives<br />

operator (metal), Jigger (metal trades), Rolling mill<br />

operator, Wire drawer<br />

8118 Electroplaters Anodiser, Electroplater, Galvaniser Below NQF 3<br />

8119 Process operatives not Concrete worker (concrete products mfr), Process Below NQF 3<br />

elsewhere classified<br />

worker (jewellery, plate mfr)<br />

812 Plant and machine operatives<br />

8121 Paper and wood machine Case maker, Guillotine operator (paper goods mfr), Below NQF 3<br />

operatives<br />

Sawyer (wood), Wood machinist<br />

8122 Coal mine operatives Coal miner, Miner (coal mine), Power loader (coal mine),<br />

Underground worker<br />

Below NQF 3<br />

8123 Quarry workers and related Miner (mine, not coal), Quarry worker, Roughneck, Below NQF 3<br />

operatives<br />

Washery operator, Well driller<br />

8125 Metal working machine Fettler (metal trades), Grinding machinist (metal trades), Below NQF 3<br />

operatives<br />

Metal polisher, Press operator (metal trades), Shot<br />

blaster, Tool room machinist<br />

8129 Plant and machine<br />

Duct erector, Guillotine operator (metal trades),<br />

Below NQF 3<br />

operatives not elsewhere Pumpsman, Saw doctor, Spring maker, Television aerial<br />

classified<br />

erector, Wire worker<br />

813 Assemblers and routine operatives<br />

8131 Assemblers (electrical Armature winder, Assembler (electrical, electronic Below NQF 3<br />

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products) equipment), Coil winder, Wireman/woman<br />

8132 Assemblers (vehicles and Assembler (metal trades), Car assembler, Lineworker Below NQF 3<br />

metal goods)<br />

(vehicle mfr)<br />

8133 Routine inspectors and Engineering inspector, Examiner (manufacturing), Below NQF 3<br />

testers<br />

Passer (manufacturing), Quality control inspector<br />

(manufacturing), Test engineer, Viewer (electrical goods<br />

mfr)<br />

8134 Weighers, graders, sorters Egg grader, Fruit sorter, Selector (ceramics mfr),<br />

Weighbridge clerk, Weigher<br />

Below NQF 3<br />

8135 Tyre, exhaust and<br />

Exhaust fitter (vehicles), Tyre and exhaust fitter, Tyre Below NQF 3<br />

windscreen fitters<br />

fitter, Windscreen fitter<br />

8136 Clothing cutters Band knife cutter, Clothing cutter, Cutting machinist<br />

(clothing mfr), Marker (clothing mfr)<br />

Below NQF 3<br />

8137 Sewing machinists Burler, Clothing machinist, Lockstitch machinist,<br />

Overlocker, Seamstress, Sewing machinist (clothing mfr)<br />

Below NQF 3<br />

8138 Routine laboratory testers Laboratory assistant, Tester (paint mfr) Below NQF 3<br />

8139 Assemblers and routine Assembler, Dipper’s assistant, Enameller, Shoe<br />

Below NQF 3<br />

operatives not elsewhere<br />

classified<br />

machinist<br />

814 Construction operatives<br />

8141 Scaffolders, stagers, riggers Rigger, Scaffolder, Stager (shipbuilding), Rigger,<br />

Scaffolder, Stager (shipbuilding)<br />

Below NQF 3<br />

8142 Road construction operatives Asphalter, Paviour, Road worker Below NQF 3<br />

8143 Rail construction and Leading trackman/woman (railways), Plate layer, Below NQF 3<br />

maintenance operatives Trackman/woman (railways)<br />

8149 Construction operatives not Building site foreman, Ceiling fixer, Pipe layer, Thermal Below NQF 3<br />

elsewhere classified<br />

insulation engineer<br />


821 Transport drivers and operatives<br />

8211 Heavy goods vehicle drivers Haulage contractor, HGV driver, Lorry driver, Tanker<br />

driver<br />

Below NQF 3<br />

8212 Van drivers Delivery driver, Van driver Below NQF 3<br />

8213 Bus and coach drivers Bus driver, Coach driver, PSV driver Below NQF 3<br />

8214 Taxi, cab drivers and<br />

chauffeurs<br />

Cab driver, Chauffeur, Private hire driver, Taxi driver Below NQF 3<br />

8216 Rail transport operatives Level crossing keeper, Railwayman, Shunter, Signalman<br />

(railways)<br />

Below NQF 3<br />

8218 Air transport operatives Aircraft handler, Airport hand, Baggage handler, Ramp<br />

agent<br />

Below NQF 3<br />

8219 Transport operatives not<br />

elsewhere classified<br />

Bus inspector, Lock keeper, Transport supervisor Below NQF 3<br />

822 Mobile machine drivers and operatives<br />

8221 Crane drivers Banksman (coal mine), Crane driver/operator, Winding<br />

engine operator<br />

Below NQF 3<br />

8222 Fork-lift truck drivers Fork-lift driver, Fork-lift operator, Fork-lift truck driver,<br />

Stacker truck driver<br />

Below NQF 3<br />

8223 Agricultural machinery<br />

drivers<br />

Agricultural machinist, Tractor driver (agriculture) Below NQF 3<br />

8229 Mobile machine drivers and Digger driver, Excavator driver, Heavy plant operator, Below NQF 3<br />

operatives not elsewhere<br />

classified<br />

JCB driver, Plant operator (building and contracting)<br />



911 Elementary agricultural occupations<br />

9111 Farm workers Agricultural worker, Farm labourer, Farm worker,<br />

Herdsman, Shepherd<br />

Below NQF 3<br />

9112 Forestry workers Forestry contractor, Forestry worker, Lumberjack,<br />

Timber feller<br />

Below NQF 3<br />

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912 Elementary construction occupations<br />

9121 Labourers in building and Builder’s labourer, Building worker, Handyman, Hod Below NQF 3<br />

woodworking trades<br />

carrier<br />

9129 Labourers in other<br />

Drainage worker, Fence erector, Grave digger, Marquee Below NQF 3<br />

construction trades not<br />

elsewhere classified<br />

erector, Reservoir attendant<br />

913 Elementary process plant occupations<br />

9131 Labourers in foundries Foundry labourer, Foundry worker Below NQF 3<br />

9132 Industrial cleaning process<br />

occupations<br />

Cleaner (metal goods mfr), Hygiene operative Below NQF 3<br />

9133 Printing machine minders Lithographic machine operator, Printer’s assistant, Below NQF 3<br />

and assistants<br />

Printing machine operator<br />

9134 Packers, bottlers, canners,<br />

fillers<br />

Bottle filler, Packer, Packing machine operator, Wrapper Below NQF 3<br />

9139 Labourers in process and Electrician’s mate, Factory hand (engineering), Fitter’s Below NQF 3<br />

plant operations not<br />

elsewhere classified<br />

mate, Labourer (engineering), Material handler<br />

914 Elementary goods storage occupations<br />

9141 Stevedores, dockers and Dock labourer, Dock worker, Docker, Port operator, Below NQF 3<br />

slingers<br />

Slinger, Stevedore<br />

9149 Other goods handling and Store keeper, Storeman, Warehouse assistant,<br />

Below NQF 3<br />

storage occupations not<br />

elsewhere classified<br />

Warehouseman<br />


921 Elementary administration occupations<br />

9211 Postal workers, mail sorters, Courier, Dispatch rider, Messenger, Postal worker, Below NQF 3<br />

messengers, couriers Postman/woman<br />

9219 Elementary office<br />

occupations not elsewhere<br />

classified<br />

Office junior, Office worker, Paper keeper Below NQF 3<br />

922 Elementary personal services occupations<br />

9221 Hospital porters Domestic porter (hospital service), Hospital porter Below NQF 3<br />

9222 Hotel porters Hall porter, Hotel porter, House porter Below NQF 3<br />

9223 Kitchen and catering<br />

Canteen assistant, Catering assistant, Counterhand, Below NQF 3<br />

assistants<br />

Dining room assistant, Kitchen assistant, Kitchen porter,<br />

Washer-up (hotels, catering, public houses)<br />

9225 Bar staff Bar assistant, Bar steward/stewardess,<br />

Barman/maid/person<br />

Below NQF 3<br />

9226 Leisure and theme park Arcade attendant, Fairground worker, Funfair attendant, Below NQF 3<br />

attendants<br />

Usher/usherette<br />

9229 Elementary personal<br />

Bingo caller, Bingo operative, Stage hand<br />

Below NQF 3<br />

services occupations not<br />

elsewhere classified<br />

(entertainment)<br />

923 Elementary cleaning occupations<br />

9231 Window cleaners Window cleaner Below NQF 3<br />

9232 Road sweepers Chimney sweep, Road sweeper, Street cleaner Below NQF 3<br />

9233 Cleaners, domestics Car valeter, Chambermaid, Cleaner, Domestic,<br />

Domestic cleaner<br />

Below NQF 3<br />

9234 Launderers, dry cleaners, Carpet cleaner, Dry cleaner, Garment presser, Hoffman Below NQF 3<br />

pressers<br />

presser, Laundry assistant, Laundry worker<br />

9235 Refuse and salvage<br />

Binman/woman (refuse collection), Dustman/woman, Below NQF 3<br />

occupations<br />

Recycling operative, Refuse collector<br />

9239 Elementary cleaning<br />

occupations not elsewhere<br />

classified<br />

Hygiene cleaner, Toilet cleaner, Wash room attendant Below NQF 3<br />

924 Elementary security occupations<br />

9241 Security guards and related CCTV operator, Door keeper, Night watcher, Private Below NQF 3<br />

occupations<br />

detective, Security officer, Store detective<br />

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9242 Traffic wardens Parking meter attendant, Traffic warden, Wheel clamper Below NQF 3<br />

9243 School crossing patrol<br />

attendants<br />

Lollipop man/lady, School crossing patrol officer Below NQF 3<br />

9244 School mid-day assistants Dinner supervisor, Lunchtime supervisor, Midday<br />

assistant (schools), Supervisory assistant (school meals)<br />

Below NQF 3<br />

9245 Car park attendants Car park attendant, Lift attendant, Parking attendant Below NQF 3<br />

9249 Elementary security<br />

Commissionaire, Court bailiff, Court usher, Museum Below NQF 3<br />

occupations not elsewhere<br />

classified<br />

attendant<br />

925 Elementary sales occupations<br />

9251 Shelf fillers Display assistant (shelf filling), Shelf filler, Stock handler Below NQF 3<br />

9259 Elementary sales<br />

Bill poster, Ticket checker (wholesale, retail trade), Below NQF 3<br />

occupations not elsewhere<br />

classified<br />

Trolley collector (wholesale, retail trade)<br />

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