Assignment 1 --- Trains - T-106.5600 Concurrent programming

Assignment 1 --- Trains - T-106.5600 Concurrent programming

Assignment 1 --- Trains - T-106.5600 Concurrent programming


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Slides by Jan Lönnberg and Teemu Kiviniemi<br />

tsim<br />

<strong>Assignment</strong><br />

<strong>Assignment</strong> 1 — <strong>Trains</strong><br />

T-<strong>106.5600</strong> <strong>Concurrent</strong> <strong>programming</strong><br />

Jan Lönnberg<br />

Laboratory of Software Technology<br />

Helsinki University of Technology<br />

2nd October 2007<br />

Jan Lönnberg <strong>Assignment</strong> 1 — <strong>Trains</strong><br />


Introduction<br />

The Story<br />

tsim<br />

<strong>Assignment</strong><br />

A small railway company wants to automate their train<br />

control.<br />

You have been tasked with implementing the train control<br />

software.<br />

Proof of concept: write control software for two trains on a<br />

simulated track.<br />

Jan Lönnberg <strong>Assignment</strong> 1 — <strong>Trains</strong><br />


Introduction<br />

Goal<br />

tsim<br />

<strong>Assignment</strong><br />

Write a control program for the trains that lets them travel<br />

between two stations safely.<br />

<strong>Trains</strong> must be independent; each train is controlled by a<br />

separate process.<br />

You will practise mutual exclusion using semaphores and<br />

communicating with other concurrently executing programs<br />

through a prewritten interface.<br />

Jan Lönnberg <strong>Assignment</strong> 1 — <strong>Trains</strong><br />


Introduction<br />

You get:<br />

tsim<br />

<strong>Assignment</strong><br />

A simulator called tsim.<br />

A track with two trains.<br />

Java interface code for tsim.<br />

Example control code that drives a train from one station to<br />

another and back.<br />

Your task is to:<br />

Add sensors to the track.<br />

Write control code that drives two trains back and forth<br />

between two stations.<br />

Jan Lönnberg <strong>Assignment</strong> 1 — <strong>Trains</strong><br />


Introduction<br />

You get:<br />

tsim<br />

<strong>Assignment</strong><br />

A simulator called tsim.<br />

A track with two trains.<br />

Java interface code for tsim.<br />

Example control code that drives a train from one station to<br />

another and back.<br />

Your task is to:<br />

Add sensors to the track.<br />

Write control code that drives two trains back and forth<br />

between two stations.<br />

Jan Lönnberg <strong>Assignment</strong> 1 — <strong>Trains</strong><br />


tsim<br />

tsim<br />

<strong>Assignment</strong><br />

Controlling tsim<br />

Running tsim<br />

Jan Lönnberg <strong>Assignment</strong> 1 — <strong>Trains</strong><br />


tsim<br />

tsim<br />

<strong>Assignment</strong><br />

The tsim simulator<br />

tsim is a simple train simulator.<br />

GUI allows you to:<br />

Edit tracks and trains.<br />

Control trains.<br />

View simulation.<br />

Controlling tsim<br />

Running tsim<br />

<strong>Trains</strong> can be controlled through an external program.<br />

Jan Lönnberg <strong>Assignment</strong> 1 — <strong>Trains</strong><br />


tsim<br />

Getting tsim<br />

tsim<br />

<strong>Assignment</strong><br />

Controlling tsim<br />

Running tsim<br />

tsim (and associated code) can be downloaded from the<br />

assignment page.<br />

tsim requires a Unix-like system with X (e.g. Linux,<br />

Windows with Cygwin).<br />

tsim is preinstalled in Niksula and HUT Computing Centre.<br />

Jan Lönnberg <strong>Assignment</strong> 1 — <strong>Trains</strong><br />


Controlling tsim<br />

tsim<br />

<strong>Assignment</strong><br />

Controlling tsim with another program<br />

Controlling tsim<br />

Running tsim<br />

External programs can control tsim through a TCP/IP<br />

socket.<br />

You write the control code in Java.<br />

You access tsim through the Java tsim interface (TSim.*),<br />

which handles TCP/IP communication with tsim.<br />

Jan Lönnberg <strong>Assignment</strong> 1 — <strong>Trains</strong><br />


Controlling tsim<br />

tsim<br />

<strong>Assignment</strong><br />

Your train controller code (1/2)<br />

Controlling tsim<br />

Running tsim<br />

Control code for each train runs in a separate Java virtual<br />

machine.<br />

Your control code communicates with other trains using<br />

semaphores, which are provided by the Java tsim interface.<br />

Both trains must be controlled by the same code.<br />

Jan Lönnberg <strong>Assignment</strong> 1 — <strong>Trains</strong><br />


Controlling tsim<br />

tsim<br />

<strong>Assignment</strong><br />

Your train controller code (2/2)<br />

Controlling tsim<br />

Running tsim<br />

Your program must contain a classtrains.Train, an<br />

instance of which controls one train.<br />

Two instances oftrains.Train run in two separate Java<br />

virtual machines, one instance in each virtual machine.<br />

Jan Lönnberg <strong>Assignment</strong> 1 — <strong>Trains</strong><br />


Controlling tsim<br />

tsim (simulator)<br />

GUI<br />

User<br />

Commands<br />

Events, command results<br />

Commands<br />

Events, command results<br />

tsim<br />

<strong>Assignment</strong><br />

Java virtual machine<br />

Java virtual machine<br />

Controlling tsim<br />

Running tsim<br />

tsim Java interface<br />

TSim.*<br />

tsim Java interface<br />

TSim.*<br />

Wait for events, change switches, set speeds<br />

Student’s train controller code<br />

trains.*<br />

Wait for events, change switches, set speeds<br />

Student’s train controller code<br />

trains.*<br />

Figure: Structure Jan Lönnberg of tsim runtime <strong>Assignment</strong> 1 configuration<br />

— <strong>Trains</strong><br />


Controlling tsim<br />

tsim<br />

<strong>Assignment</strong><br />

Controlling tsim<br />

Running tsim<br />

Java interface for tsim<br />

Each train is controlled through class<br />

TSim.TSimInterface.<br />

An instance ofTSim.TSimInterface is passed to the<br />

constructor oftrains.Train.<br />

The classTSim.TSimInterface provides methods to:<br />

set the train speed<br />

set the state of track switches<br />

load and unload passengers and goods<br />

get sensor events<br />

get semaphores<br />

Jan Lönnberg <strong>Assignment</strong> 1 — <strong>Trains</strong><br />


Controlling tsim<br />

tsim<br />

<strong>Assignment</strong><br />

Controlling tsim<br />

Running tsim<br />

Methods of classTSimInterface (1/2)<br />

public void setSpeed(int speed)<br />

Set train speed (measured in pixels/second).<br />

public void setSwitch(int xPos, int yPos,<br />

int switchPos)<br />

Set the state of the switch at(xPos, yPos) to<br />

switchPos (TSimInterface.SWITCH_LEFT or<br />

TSimInterface.SWITCH_RIGHT).<br />

public void loadUnload()<br />

Load and unload passengers and goods.<br />

Jan Lönnberg <strong>Assignment</strong> 1 — <strong>Trains</strong><br />


Controlling tsim<br />

tsim<br />

<strong>Assignment</strong><br />

Controlling tsim<br />

Running tsim<br />

Methods of classTSimInterface (2/2)<br />

public SensorEvent getSensor()<br />

Waits for a sensor event from the train.<br />

public Semaphore getSemaphore(int s)<br />

Create a semaphore with starting values.<br />

The semaphore is shared with all other trains on the track;<br />

the nthSemaphore object created by each train<br />

corresponds to the same semaphore.<br />

Parametersspecifies the the initial value of the semaphore<br />

(if the semaphore is not already created)<br />

Jan Lönnberg <strong>Assignment</strong> 1 — <strong>Trains</strong><br />


Controlling tsim<br />

tsim<br />

<strong>Assignment</strong><br />

Controlling tsim<br />

Running tsim<br />

ClassSensorEvent<br />

ASensorEvent is generated when the train enters or<br />

exits a sensor square. It has the following methods:<br />

public int getXpos()<br />

Return the X position of the sensor.<br />

public int getYpos()<br />

Return the Y position of the sensor.<br />

public int getStatus()<br />

Return the status of the sensor:<br />

SensorEvent.ACTIVE if the train has entered the sensor<br />

square or<br />

SensorEvent.INACTIVE if the train has left the sensor<br />

square<br />

Jan Lönnberg <strong>Assignment</strong> 1 — <strong>Trains</strong><br />


Controlling tsim<br />

tsim<br />

<strong>Assignment</strong><br />

Controlling tsim<br />

Running tsim<br />

ClassSemaphore<br />

public void acquire()<br />

Acquires the semaphore (P operation).<br />

public void release()<br />

Releases the semaphore (V operation).<br />

public boolean tryAcquire()<br />

Acquires the semaphore if possible.<br />

Returnstrue if the semaphore was acquired.<br />

Jan Lönnberg <strong>Assignment</strong> 1 — <strong>Trains</strong><br />


Running tsim<br />

tsim<br />

<strong>Assignment</strong><br />

Controlling tsim<br />

Running tsim<br />

Starting tsim with the controller code (1/2)<br />

tsim/run.sh<br />

˜jlonnber/tsim/run.sh in Niksula or HUT-CC.<br />

The command starts tsim and two Java virtual machines to<br />

control the trains.<br />

Jan Lönnberg <strong>Assignment</strong> 1 — <strong>Trains</strong><br />


Running tsim<br />

tsim<br />

<strong>Assignment</strong><br />

Controlling tsim<br />

Running tsim<br />

Starting tsim with the controller code (2/2)<br />

Option-speedupFactor can be used to<br />

speed up the simulation (default is 1.0). Your controller<br />

code must behave correctly when the default acceleration<br />

is used and with any speed-up factor up to 15.0.<br />

Alternative scripttsim/run-log.sh activates logging in<br />

both simulator and Java interface, producing a lot of<br />

information that can aid testing and debugging.<br />

More command-line options are described on the<br />

assignment web page.<br />

Jan Lönnberg <strong>Assignment</strong> 1 — <strong>Trains</strong><br />


Running tsim<br />

Editing a track with tsim<br />

tsim<br />

<strong>Assignment</strong><br />

tsim/tsim.sh <br />

Controlling tsim<br />

Running tsim<br />

˜jlonnber/tsim/tsim.sh in Niksula or<br />

HUT-CC.<br />

Jan Lönnberg <strong>Assignment</strong> 1 — <strong>Trains</strong><br />


<strong>Assignment</strong><br />

Doing the assignment<br />

tsim<br />

<strong>Assignment</strong><br />

Group size: 1–2 students.<br />

Grading does not depend on group size.<br />

Grade: 0 (fail), 3 (pass), 5 (pass with honours).<br />

Submission<br />

Deadline is 2007-10-22 23:59.<br />

Submit a tar.gz archive containing:<br />

Control code source.<br />

Track with added sensors.<br />

There will be one extra round for re-submissions or late<br />

submissions (grade: 0 (fail) or 1 (pass)).<br />

Jan Lönnberg <strong>Assignment</strong> 1 — <strong>Trains</strong><br />


<strong>Assignment</strong><br />

Coding style<br />

tsim<br />

<strong>Assignment</strong><br />

The program must be written in Java, and should have a<br />

clear and simple structure.<br />

Explanatory comments are required for code that is not<br />

self-explanatory to a programmer fluent in Java.<br />

English for variable names, method names, comments and<br />

reports is recommended.<br />

Cryptic method and variable names may not be used.<br />

Jan Lönnberg <strong>Assignment</strong> 1 — <strong>Trains</strong><br />


<strong>Assignment</strong><br />

tsim<br />

<strong>Assignment</strong><br />

Instructions and requirements<br />

Full instructions will be on the course home page.<br />

Include a report explaining:<br />

The reasoning behind your solution.<br />

Measures you have taken to ensure your solution is correct<br />

Any unexpected behaviour you may have encountered<br />

during testing and how you have investigated and resolved<br />

it.<br />

The instructions on the course web page are the<br />

authoritative description of the assignment.<br />

Jan Lönnberg <strong>Assignment</strong> 1 — <strong>Trains</strong><br />


<strong>Assignment</strong><br />

tsim<br />

<strong>Assignment</strong><br />

Questions and clarifications<br />

Technical questions and clarification requests should be<br />

sent to the course newsgroup:<br />

opinnot.tik.rinnakkaisohjelmointi<br />

Clarifications (if any) will be posted to the newsgroup.<br />

Jan Lönnberg <strong>Assignment</strong> 1 — <strong>Trains</strong><br />


<strong>Assignment</strong><br />

Tips<br />

tsim<br />

<strong>Assignment</strong><br />

Read the instructions thoroughly.<br />

Test your code well, with different speed-up factors.<br />

Follow the newsgroup.<br />

Start working now.<br />

Jan Lönnberg <strong>Assignment</strong> 1 — <strong>Trains</strong><br />


Conclusion<br />

tsim<br />

<strong>Assignment</strong><br />

Conclusion<br />

<strong>Assignment</strong> is intended to help learn mutual exclusion<br />

using semaphores.<br />

These slides and the full assignment instructions are<br />

available on the course web page.<br />

Questions?<br />

Jan Lönnberg <strong>Assignment</strong> 1 — <strong>Trains</strong><br />


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