IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer
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IMS COM PANY PRO FILES TAKEDA Pharmaceutical Sales Analysis By Product Age US Dollar Sales (‘000s) Share of Worldwide Corporate Sales % Percentage Growth Sep 07/Sep 08 USD USD FIXED RATE TOTAL SALES 13722422 100.0 10 5 PRODS 1-2 YEARS 94925 0.7 230 216 PRODS 3-5 YEARS 929689 6.8 40 36 PRODS 6-10 YEARS 6141302 44.8 16 11 PRODS 11 YEARS 6556506 47.8 1 -4 This ta ble an a lyzes com pany sales by prod uct age, as sess ing sales in terms of new prod ucts, es tab lished prod ucts, ma ture prod ucts and old prod ucts. A new prod uct is de fined as a new launch of an ex ist ing prod uct, a new chem i cal en tity or a com bi na tion prod uct in an in di vid ual coun try over the last two years to September 2008. © 2009 IMS Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 88

IMS COM PANY PRO FILES TAKEDA Appendix All ta bles in this sec tion are based on the fol low ing coun try uni verse. Al though all uni verse coun tries are se lected, in di vid ual cor po ra tions may not op er ate in all mar kets. In most cases, sales data cov ers the twelve-month pe riod to September 2008. Audited Universes North America Europe Asia, Africa & Australasia Latin America Canada* Austria* Algeria Argentina United States** Belgium* Australia* Brazil Belorussia Bangladesh Central America*** Bulgaria* China Hospital Chile Croatia Egypt Colombia Czech Republic* French W Africa Dominican Republic Denmark Hong Kong Ecuador Finland* India Mexico France* Indonesia* Peru Germany* Israel Puerto Rico* Greece Japan* Uruguay Hungary* Jordan Venezuela Ireland Korea* Italy* Korea Clinic Latvia* Kuwait Lithuania* Lebanon Luxembourg Malaysia Netherlands Xponent Morocco Norway New Zealand* Poland* Pakistan Portugal Philippines* Russian Federation* Saudi Arabia Spain* South Africa* Slovak Republic* Singapore Slovenia Taiwan* Sweden Thailand* Switzerland* Tunisia Ukraine Turkey* United Kingdom* United Arab Emirates *Note: In cludes hos pi tal sales in ad di tion to re tail sales. **Note: USA in cludes hos pi tal, clinic and mail or der sales, re tail sales, HMO, long term care, home health care, foodstore and ‘mis cel la neous’ sales (pris ons, uni ver si ties etc). ***Note: Cen tral Amer ica = Costa Rica, Gua te mala, Hon du ras, El Sal va dor, Nic a ra gua and Panama. © 2009 IMS Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 89

<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES TAKEDA<br />

Appendix<br />

All ta bles in this sec tion are based on the fol low ing coun try uni verse. Al though all uni verse coun tries<br />

are se lected, in di vid ual cor po ra tions may not op er ate in all mar kets. In most cases, sales data cov ers<br />

the twelve-month pe riod to September 2008.<br />

Audited Universes<br />

North America Europe Asia, Africa & Australasia Latin America<br />

Canada* Austria* Algeria Argentina<br />

United States** Belgium* Australia* Brazil<br />

Belorussia Bangladesh Central America***<br />

Bulgaria* China Hospital Chile<br />

Croatia Egypt Colombia<br />

Czech Republic* French W Africa Dominican Republic<br />

Denmark Hong Kong Ecuador<br />

Finland* India Mexico<br />

France* Indonesia* Peru<br />

Germany* Israel Puerto Rico*<br />

Greece Japan* Uruguay<br />

Hungary* Jordan Venezuela<br />

Ireland Korea*<br />

Italy* Korea Clinic<br />

Latvia* Kuwait<br />

Lithuania* Lebanon<br />

Luxembourg Malaysia<br />

Netherlands Xponent Morocco<br />

Norway New Zealand*<br />

Poland* Pakistan<br />

Portugal Philippines*<br />

Russian Federation* Saudi Arabia<br />

Spain* South Africa*<br />

Slovak Republic* Singapore<br />

Slovenia Taiwan*<br />

Sweden Thailand*<br />

Switzerland* Tunisia<br />

Ukraine Turkey*<br />

United Kingdom* United Arab Emirates<br />

*Note: In cludes hos pi tal sales in ad di tion to re tail sales.<br />

**Note: USA in cludes hos pi tal, clinic and mail or der sales, re tail sales, HMO, long term care, home health<br />

care, foodstore and ‘mis cel la neous’ sales (pris ons, uni ver si ties etc).<br />

***Note: Cen tral Amer ica = Costa Rica, Gua te mala, Hon du ras, El Sal va dor, Nic a ra gua and Panama.<br />

© 2009 <strong>IMS</strong> Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 89

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