IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer


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<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES TAKEDA<br />

Back ground<br />

• Sharp en ing focus on prescription pharmaceuticals<br />

Founded in 1781 by Chobei Takeda I, Takeda started out as a small busi ness sell ing Jap a nese and Chi -<br />

nese tra di tional med i cines in Doshomachi, Osaka. In 1871, Chobei Takeda IV was one of the first in Ja pan<br />

to im port for eign med i cines, by form ing a co op er a tive un ion in Yo ko hama to pur chase drugs from for eign<br />

trad ing com pa nies. To day, Takeda dom i nates the Jap a nese phar ma ceu ti cal in dus try and is amongst the<br />

top 20 phar ma ceu ti cal groups in the world. In re cent years Takeda has sold off non-core busi nesses to<br />

con cen trate on its pharmaceuticals in ter ests, which include OTC products as well as ethicals.<br />

These di ves ti tures have in cluded the sale of its re main ing 34% share in the BASF Takeda Vi ta min joint<br />

ven ture to BASF Ja pan, com plet ing its exit from the do mes tic bulk vi ta min busi ness. Takeda has also dis -<br />

posed of its Syn thetic Rub ber La tex busi ness, trans ferred its Food and Vi ta mins ac tiv i ties to a joint ven -<br />

ture with Kirin (Ja pan), which ac quired all of the jv in 2007, and trans ferred its do mes tic agro chemi cal<br />

busi ness to a joint ven ture, Sumitomo Chem i cal Takeda Agro Com pany. It has also di vested to<br />

Schering-Plough (USA) its 40% stake in the two com pa nies’ Jap a nese an i mal health jv, Takeda<br />

Schering-Plough An i mal Health, which be came a wholly-owned sub sid iary of S-P, drop ping Takeda from<br />

its name. In 2005, Takeda sold five small sub sid iary com pa nies to Osaka Gas Chem i cals, in clud ing Ja pan<br />

EnviroChemicals, which had been spun off two years be fore into an independent subsidiary as a prelude<br />

to full divestment.<br />

In 2006, Takeda sharp ened its fo cus on pre scrip tion drugs fur ther by ex it ing the Mitsui Takeda Chem i cals<br />

Inc. joint ven ture (MTCI), by trans fer ring its share of the busi ness to Mitsui Chem i cals, Inc. (Ja pan). MTCI<br />

was es tab lished as a joint ven ture be tween MCI (51%) and Takeda (49%) in 2001, and it was stip u lated<br />

in the orig i nal agree ment that the trans fer of shares held by Takeda would take place af ter five years from<br />

the start of MTCI’s commercial operation.<br />

Also in 2006, Takeda started the pro cess of di ves ti ture of its do mes tic food and bev er age busi ness to a<br />

joint ven ture set up with the Jap a nese firm House Foods Cor po ra tion. The House Wellness Foods Cor po -<br />

ra tion was es tab lished, 66%-owned by House Foods and 34%-owned by Takeda. The pro cess will in volve<br />

the trans fer of most (298) Takeda Food em ploy ees for 18 months be fore the jv is dis solved and House ac -<br />

quires Takeda’s hold ing and con verts the jv to a wholly owned subsidiary.<br />

Takeda has suc ceeded in ex pand ing over seas by set ting up for eign sub sid iar ies and joint ven tures, no ta -<br />

bly that with Abbott (USA) in North Amer ica (TAP). TAP, dis solved in mid-2008, had launched a num ber<br />

of lu cra tive, block buster drugs, in clud ing the antiulcerant Prevacid (lansoprazole), antihypertensive<br />

Blopress (candesartan cilexetil), the oral antidiabetic Actos (pioglitazone), and the hor monal prod uct<br />

Lupron/Leuplin (leuprorelin).<br />

M&A Ac tiv ity<br />

• On col ogy growth in Ja pans bggest acquisition<br />

Takeda aims to be come one of the top three on col ogy com pa nies and 2008 was a year of on col ogy deals<br />

for Takeda with sub stan tial agree ments with Amgen, Cell Genesys, Mil len nium and Alnylam, boost ing its<br />

ca pa bil i ties in this area. In May 2008, Takeda com pleted its Yen1 tril lion ($8.8 bil lion) ac qui si tion of Mil -<br />

len nium Pharmaceuticals, with Mil len nium be com ing a wholly-owned sub sid iary of Takeda but con tin u ing<br />

op er a tions as a stand alone busi ness in the US. Pres i dent Dr Deborah Dunsire will con tinue to lead the<br />

com pany and Takeda has ex pressed its in tent to re tain Mil len nium em ploy ees (around 1,000 em ploy -<br />

ees). This is the larg est ac qui si tion ever made by Takeda and more over, any Jap a nese phar ma ceu ti cal<br />

com pany, dem on strat ing Takeda’s com mit ment to be come a true global phar ma ceu ti cal com pany with<br />

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