IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer


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<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES TAKEDA<br />

Systemic Anti-Infective Agents<br />

epetirimod TAK 851, R 851 J5B II<br />

CCR5 antagonist — J5C9 I<br />

ceftaroline TAK 599, PPI 0903 J1D Preclinical<br />

vaccine, acellular pertussis, tetanus,<br />

diphtheria, poliovirus, Takeda TAK 361S J7B1 Preclinical<br />

R 851, an im mune re sponse mod i fier (IRM) mol e cule, was in phase II tri als in the USA and Eu rope in<br />

2008 as a ther apy for cer vi cal hu man papilloma vi rus (HPV) in fec tion and cer vi cal dysplasia. Cer vi cal<br />

dysplasia is ab nor mal cell growth on the cer vix, usu ally caused by strains of HPV, and is the first stage<br />

pre ced ing the de vel op ment of cer vi cal can cer, al though not all cer vi cal dysplasia becomes cancerous.<br />

Li cens ing: In 2005, orig i na tor 3M (USA) and Takeda en tered into an ex clu sive co-de vel op ment and joint<br />

mar ket ing agree ment for R 851. Un der the terms of the deal, 3M and Takeda will share de vel op ment<br />

costs. Upon suc cess ful clin i cal de vel op ment and reg u la tory ap prov als, both com pa nies will jointly com -<br />

mer cial ize the prod uct in the USA and Eu rope. Takeda has ex clu sive rights in Ja pan and cer tain Asian<br />

coun tries, and 3M will have ex clu sive com mer cial iza tion rights in the rest of the world. In March 2007 this<br />

agree ment was up dated granting Takeda full rights to the drug from 3M.<br />

A CCR5 an tag o nist, be ing de vel oped as an HIV en try in hib i tor, was in phase I tri als in Ja pan. Takeda<br />

pre sented pre clin i cal data at the 229th Amer i can Chem i cal So ci ety na tional meet ing, March 2005, San<br />

Diego, USA.<br />

Li cens ing: In Au gust 2007, Tobira (USA) ac quired ex clu sive world wide rights from Takeda to de velop,<br />

man u fac ture and com mer cial ize TAK 220 and TAK 652. Fur ther de tails of the agree ment were not dis -<br />

closed. Both agents are orally avail able CCR5 an tag o nists with po ten tial for the treat ment of HIV in fec -<br />

tion. TAK 220 and TAK 652 are un der phase I eval u a tion in Eu rope and the USA. Tobira plans to start<br />

phase II tri als of TAK 652, with TAK 220 being developed as a back-up.<br />

CEFTAROLINE (TAK 599/PPI 0903) is a cephalosporin an ti bi otic, in de vel op ment for the treat ment of in -<br />

fec tions caused by methicillin re sis tant Staph y lo coc cus aureus (MRSA), pen i cil lin-re sis tant Strep to coc cus<br />

pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae. It is an N-phosphono prodrug of the cephalosporin de riv a tive T<br />

91825. Pre clin i cal mon key and rat stud ies have dem on strated bac te ri cidal activity against MRSA.<br />

Li cens ing: In 2003, Pen in sula li censed rights from Takeda to de velop and com mer cial ize ceftaroline in<br />

all world wide ter ri to ries ex cept Ja pan. Cerexa (part of For est) is now de vel op ing the prod uct, now in<br />

phase III trials globally.<br />

TAK 361S, a vac cine for the pre ven tion of po lio my eli tis, per tus sis, tet a nus and diph the ria was in pre clin i -<br />

cal eval u a tion in Ja pan with Takeda in 2008.<br />

Discontinued Compounds<br />

De vel op ment of the fol low ing has been dis con tin ued:<br />

LAPAQUISTAT (TAK 475), a squalene synthase in hib i tor, was in phase III tri als with Takeda in the USA<br />

and Eu rope, and phase II in Ja pan, in 2008 for the treat ment of hyperlipidemia. In March 2008 how ever,<br />

Takeda an nounced that de vel op ment had been dis con tin ued; based on a judg ment that the safety and<br />

ef fi cacy pro file of the com pound was not su pe rior to ex ist ing mar keted drugs. This fol lowed a rec om -<br />

mended sus pen sion of tri als us ing higher dos ages of the drug as well as ad di tional clin i cal tri als in Oc to ber<br />

2007 by the FDA fol low ing the emer gence of safety is sues re lat ing to liver func tion (transaminase el e va -<br />

© 2009 <strong>IMS</strong> Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 78

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