IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer


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<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES TAKEDA<br />

Phase III data pre sented at the Amer i can Col lege of Rheumatology in Texas in Oc to ber 2004 in cluded a<br />

TAP-spon sored study, which was de tailed in a late-break ing ab stract ses sion, and two Teijin-spon sored<br />

stud ies con ducted in Ja pan, named FAL CON and FLIGHT. TAP’s head-to-head com par i son of febuxostat<br />

(80 or 120 mg/day) with allopurinol (300 mg once daily) found in fa vor of febuxostat. IN the 760-pa tient,<br />

one-year study, more pa tients on the TAP/Teijin com pound met the pri mary end point (UA lev els of less<br />

than 6.0 mg/dl at each of their last three monthly mea sure ments) than those on allopurinol. All pa tients<br />

en rolled had gout and lev els of sUA greater than 8.0 mg/dl at the start of the trial. Febuxostat did not sig -<br />

nif i cantly re duce tophus area (ag gre gates of urate crys tals) at 52 weeks, but the higher dose showed sig -<br />

nif i cance on this end point at an ear lier time point in the trial. How ever, pa tients who did reach the goal of<br />

sUA of less than 6 mg/dl in all treat ment groups had fewer gout at tacks and a greater median reduction in<br />

tophus area.<br />

The FAL CON study also found a fa vor able com par i son on febuxostat with allopurinol. It used a lower dose<br />

of both drugs than the TAP study (40 mg af ter an in tro duc tory 12 days at 10 mg and allopurinol at 100 mg<br />

bid). The pa tients tak ing febuxostat has a 40.5% de crease over base line lev els of sUA at the end of the<br />

44-day trial, com pared with a 33.9% re duc tion in the allopurinol group. Febuxostat seemed to work just<br />

as well in pa tients who were un der-excretors of uric acid as in those who has hyperuricemia. The phase<br />

III trial had a sim i lar safety pro file of the TAP trial.<br />

The six-week FIGHT trial dem on strated that sig nif i cantly more pa tients on febuxostat (20 or 40 mg) had<br />

less than 6mg/dl de creases in sUA com pared with pla cebo. At least one ad verse event was seen in 71.0%<br />

of febuxostat-treated pa tients, com pared with 79.4% of pa tients on pla cebo. Those as so ci ated with<br />

febuxostat in cluded gout flare, in creases in C-re ac tive pro tein and creatinine phosphokinase, and the<br />

common cold.<br />

Com pe ti tion: An es ti mated 5.1 mil lion peo ple suf fer from Gout in the USA. Cur rent first line (gold stan -<br />

dard) ther apy for gout is the ge neric XAO allopurinol (Zyloric), first ap proved in 1966, but about 2% of<br />

pa tients are al ler gic to this drug and fewer than half of pa tients achieve tar get se rum uric acid (sUA) lev -<br />

els of less than 6mg/dl. There is a need for new gout ther a pies and if ap proved, Uloric will be the first new<br />

oral drug ap proved in the US for gout in the last 40 years. A num ber of re cent drugs have been de nied ap -<br />

proval. For ex am ple, an other XAO oxypurinol (allopurinol’s ac tive me tab o lite) Oxyprim was be ing de vel -<br />

oped by Cardiome (Can ada) for use in gout and con ges tive heart fail ure but this was as so ci ated with a<br />

num ber of deaths and did n’t get past the ar thri tis ad vi sory com mit tee in 2004. Merck & Co had hoped to<br />

gain an in di ca tion in gout for its COX-2 in hib i tor Arcoxia (etoricoxib) but the NDA was re jected by the<br />

FDA in 2007 due to associated cardiovascular risk.<br />

An a lyst at Mor gan Stan ley con sider that febuxostat of fers a mean ing ful al ter na tive for gout treat ment to<br />

the cur rent stan dard. It could ben e fit re nal pa tients due to be ing ex creted pre dom i nantly via the liver<br />

(ver sus re nal ex cre tion for allopurinol). Febuxostat (80mg) has also shown good ef fi cacy with 25-38%<br />

more pa tients reach ing less than 6mg/dl sUA than allopurinol with the 40mg dose show ing 20-22%<br />

higher pa tients achiev ing these lev els; both doses showed en hanced ef fi cacy in pa tients with<br />

mild-to-mod er ate re nal im pair ment. Fur ther more, the CON FIRMS study did not show any in creased car -<br />

dio vas cu lar events were than with allopurinol.<br />

The de ci sion on febuxostat could af fect other gout ther a pies in de vel op ment. The next clos est to mar ket<br />

is Savient’s pegloticase, a pegylated mam ma lian urate oxidase un der de vel op ment for the treat ment of<br />

hyperuricemia in pa tients who have failed to nor mal ize se rum uric acid lev els with con ven tional ther apy<br />

or for whom con ven tional ther apy is con tra in di cated; the com pany hopes to file dur ing 2009 but it has<br />

shown some car dio vas cu lar ad verse events and in fu sion re ac tions. Pfizer has also an nounced plans to<br />

sub mit its COX-2 inhibitor Celebrex for gouty arthritis.<br />

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