IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer
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IMS COM PANY PRO FILES TAKEDA Lundbeck’s pipe line for the treat ment of mood and anx i ety dis or ders. The part ner ship will ini tially fo cus on co-de vel op ment and co-com mer cial iza tion of Lu AA21004 and Lu AA24530 for mood and anx i ety dis - or ders, but the agree ment in cludes an op tion un der cer tain con di tions to in clude two other com pounds of the same class in ear lier stages of de vel op ment. If ap proved, the com pa nies plan to co-pro mote the com - pounds in the USA and Ja pan. Un der the terms of the agree ment, Lundbeck will re ceive an ini tial pay ment of $40 mil lion and po ten tial max i mum of $345 mil lion in ad di tional de vel op ment mile stone pay ments. Takeda and Lundbeck will jointly com plete the de vel op ment programmes, with Takeda book ing the to tal sales and fund ing the ma jor ity of the re main ing de vel op ment ac tiv i ties. Lundbeck will re ceive a share of the rev e nue gen er ated in the USA and Ja pan as well as roy alty pay ments on Takeda’s share of revenues. Takeda considers that this alliance will enhance its core CNS franchise. Clin i cal Data: Over 2,000 pa tients are ex pected to en rol in the phase III pro gram glob ally. Phase II tri als dem on strated sig nif i cant im prove ments over pla cebo on pri mary end points and a good safety profile. EFFEXOR (venlafaxine), a se ro to nin and noradrenaline reuptake in hib i tor, is a struc tur ally novel an ti de - pres sant, first launched in the USA in 1994. Orig i na tor Wyeth has since launched it world wide out side Ja - pan. Wyeth KK (Ja pan), in which Takeda has a 20% stake, is de vel op ing the drug in Ja pan. Phase III tri als com menced in Ja pan to eval u ate venlafaxine for de pres sion and gen er al ized anx i ety dis or der (GAD) and were reported to be ongoing in 2006. Clin i cal Data: Re sults have been re leased from over 30 mul ti na tional, dou ble-blind, phase IV post-mar - ket ing sur veil lance tri als in more than 7000 pa tients with ma jor de pres sive dis or der ran dom ized to re - ceive ei ther Effexor, Effexor XR (venlafaxine ex tended-re lease for mu la tion), fluoxetine, paroxetine, citalopram, fluvoxamine, or sertraline. Data showed that pa tients treated with Effexor and Effexor XR had sig nif i cantly higher re mis sion rates than those treated with other SSRIs in the trial. Effexor and Effexor XR were both more ef fec tive than the other SSRIs in the treat ment of the phys i cal anx i ety/somatization symp toms of de pres sion. In the Effexor/Effexor XR group, 38% pa tients achieved res o lu tion of the gen - eral so matic symp toms, com pared with 32% of pa tients re ceiv ing SSRIs and 25% of patients administered placebo. In Jan u ary 2004, phase III tri als com menced in Ja pan to eval u ate venlafaxine. Re sults were re leased from over 30 mul ti na tional, dou ble-blind, phase IV post-mar ket ing sur veil lance tri als in more than 7000 pa tients with ma jor de pres sive dis or der ran dom ized to re ceive ei ther Effexor, Effexor XR (venlafaxine ex - tended-re lease for mu la tion), fluoxetine, paroxetine, citalopram, fluvoxamine, or sertraline. Data showed that pa tients treated with Effexor and Effexor XR had sig nif i cantly higher re mis sion rates than those treated with other SSRIs in the trial. Effexor and Effexor XR were both more ef fec tive than the other SSRIs in the treat ment of the phys i cal anx i ety/somatization symp toms of de pres sion. In the Effexor/Effexor XR group, 38% pa tients achieved res o lu tion of the gen eral so matic symp toms, com pared with 32% of pa tients re ceiv ing SSRIs and 25% of patients administered placebo. LU AA24530 was re ported to have en tered phase I de vel op ment with Takeda in Ja pan in 2009 for mood and anx i ety dis or ders/de pres sion while phase II de vel op ment was on go ing in Eu rope. The Eu ro pean trial is ex pected to en rol 600 pa tients with a fil ing is anticipated from 2009. Li cens ing: In Sep tem ber 2007, Takeda an nounced a stra te gic al li ance with Lundbeck (Den mark) for the ex clu sive co-de vel op ment and co-com mer cial iza tion in the USA and Ja pan of sev eral com pounds in Lundbeck’s pipe line for the treat ment of mood and anx i ety dis or ders. The part ner ship will ini tially fo cus on co-de vel op ment and co-com mer cial iza tion of Lu AA21004 and Lu AA24530 for mood and anx i ety dis - or ders, but the agree ment in cludes an op tion un der cer tain con di tions to in clude two other com pounds of the same class in ear lier stages of de vel op ment. If ap proved, the com pa nies plan to co-pro mote the com - pounds in the USA and Ja pan. Un der the terms of the agree ment, Lundbeck will re ceive an ini tial pay ment of $40 mil lion and po ten tial max i mum of $345 mil lion in ad di tional de vel op ment mile stone pay ments. Takeda and Lundbeck will jointly com plete the de vel op ment programmes, with Takeda book ing the to tal © 2009 IMS Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 72

IMS COM PANY PRO FILES TAKEDA sales and fund ing the ma jor ity of the re main ing de vel op ment ac tiv i ties. Lundbeck will re ceive a share of the rev e nue gen er ated in the USA and Ja pan as well as roy alty pay ments on Takeda’s share of revenues. Takeda considers that this alliance will enhance its core CNS franchise. TAK 428 is a treat ment for di a betic neu rop a thy, in phase II tri als in Eu rope and the USA in 2009. De vel - oped in-house, it is an enhancer of neu ral growth. TAK 583, for the po ten tial treat ment of postherpetic neu ral gia (PHN). In 2008 it was re ported to be in phase II stud ies in the US, Ja pan and Eu rope for pain ful di a betic neu rop a thy (PDN) and di a betic pe riph - eral neu rop a thy (DPN) and in the US and Eu rope for postherpatic neuralgia (PHN). TAK 065, a neuroregeneration enhancer, was in phase I tri als with Takeda in 2009 for the treat ment of Alz hei mer’s and Par kin son’s dis ease. Genitourinary System/Sex Hormones asoprisnil J 867 G2X9 III urinary incontinence therapy TAK 363, TRK 130 G4D I SARM LGD 2226 G3B, M5B Preclinical ASOPRISNIL (J 867), a pro ges ter one re cep tor mod u la tor is be ing de vel oped by TAP for the treat ment of endometriosis, fib roids and hor mone de fi ciency. It is an orally ac tive SPRM (se lec tive pro ges ter one re - cep tor mod u la tor). It could be the first SPRM to be in tro duced for core gynecological applications. In 2003, TAP be gan phase III tri als of asoprisnil in the USA for the treat ment of fib roids and these had com pleted and were be ing eval u ated in June 2005. In 2004, Schering AG (Ger many) was con duct ing phase III tri als with asoprisnil, a treat ment of myomas, which are be nign tu mors of the uter ine mus cle. Schering AG an nounced in Feb ru ary 2005 that pre lim i nary re sults from a phase III trial in pa tients with dys func tional bleed ing as so ci ated with fib roids and myomas, showed that the agent re duced tu mor size. Schering AG an tic i pates reg u la tory fil ings for the pro ges ter one re cep tor mod u la tor dur ing 2006. Phase II tri als are on go ing in the USA for the treatment of endometriosis. The TAP jv con cluded in May 2008. Li cens ing: Asoprisnil was orig i nally de vel oped by Schering AG’s Jenapharm sub sid iary. Jenapharm li - censed the US rights to TAP prior to 1996, when it was ac quired by Schering AG, which re ceives roy al ties on fu ture sales of the agent. TAK 363/TRK 130, a com pound for the po ten tial treat ment of uri nary in con ti nence/over ac tive blad der, is in joint de vel op ment with Takeda and Toray (Ja pan). Phase I tri als in the US were ini ti ated in 2007 and ongoing in 2009. Li cens ing: In April 2005, the com pa nies an nounced that they had signed an agree ment to co-de velop the com pound. Toray will mar ket the agent in Ja pan, and Takeda will mar ket the com pound in over seas ter ri to ries. The com pound was dis cov ered in Toray’s com pound li brary through joint re search by both companies. Com pe ti tion: Over ac tive blad der symp toms are now mostly treated with anticholinergics and newer agents such as Astellas’ (Ja pan) Vesicare (solfenacin) and Novartis’ (Swit zer land) Enablex (darifenacin) which have re cently en tered the mar ket, al though these still have side ef fects of dry mouth and con sti pa tion. Takeda and Toray are con fi dent that this new drug will show ef fi cacy and side effect advantages. © 2009 IMS Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 73

<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES TAKEDA<br />

Lundbeck’s pipe line for the treat ment of mood and anx i ety dis or ders. The part ner ship will ini tially fo cus<br />

on co-de vel op ment and co-com mer cial iza tion of Lu AA21004 and Lu AA24530 for mood and anx i ety dis -<br />

or ders, but the agree ment in cludes an op tion un der cer tain con di tions to in clude two other com pounds of<br />

the same class in ear lier stages of de vel op ment. If ap proved, the com pa nies plan to co-pro mote the com -<br />

pounds in the USA and Ja pan. Un der the terms of the agree ment, Lundbeck will re ceive an ini tial pay ment<br />

of $40 mil lion and po ten tial max i mum of $345 mil lion in ad di tional de vel op ment mile stone pay ments.<br />

Takeda and Lundbeck will jointly com plete the de vel op ment programmes, with Takeda book ing the to tal<br />

sales and fund ing the ma jor ity of the re main ing de vel op ment ac tiv i ties. Lundbeck will re ceive a share of<br />

the rev e nue gen er ated in the USA and Ja pan as well as roy alty pay ments on Takeda’s share of revenues.<br />

Takeda considers that this alliance will enhance its core CNS franchise.<br />

Clin i cal Data: Over 2,000 pa tients are ex pected to en rol in the phase III pro gram glob ally. Phase II tri als<br />

dem on strated sig nif i cant im prove ments over pla cebo on pri mary end points and a good safety profile.<br />

EFFEXOR (venlafaxine), a se ro to nin and noradrenaline reuptake in hib i tor, is a struc tur ally novel an ti de -<br />

pres sant, first launched in the USA in 1994. Orig i na tor Wyeth has since launched it world wide out side Ja -<br />

pan. Wyeth KK (Ja pan), in which Takeda has a 20% stake, is de vel op ing the drug in Ja pan. Phase III tri als<br />

com menced in Ja pan to eval u ate venlafaxine for de pres sion and gen er al ized anx i ety dis or der (GAD) and<br />

were reported to be ongoing in 2006.<br />

Clin i cal Data: Re sults have been re leased from over 30 mul ti na tional, dou ble-blind, phase IV post-mar -<br />

ket ing sur veil lance tri als in more than 7000 pa tients with ma jor de pres sive dis or der ran dom ized to re -<br />

ceive ei ther Effexor, Effexor XR (venlafaxine ex tended-re lease for mu la tion), fluoxetine, paroxetine,<br />

citalopram, fluvoxamine, or sertraline. Data showed that pa tients treated with Effexor and Effexor XR had<br />

sig nif i cantly higher re mis sion rates than those treated with other SSRIs in the trial. Effexor and Effexor<br />

XR were both more ef fec tive than the other SSRIs in the treat ment of the phys i cal anx i ety/somatization<br />

symp toms of de pres sion. In the Effexor/Effexor XR group, 38% pa tients achieved res o lu tion of the gen -<br />

eral so matic symp toms, com pared with 32% of pa tients re ceiv ing SSRIs and 25% of patients<br />

administered placebo.<br />

In Jan u ary 2004, phase III tri als com menced in Ja pan to eval u ate venlafaxine. Re sults were re leased<br />

from over 30 mul ti na tional, dou ble-blind, phase IV post-mar ket ing sur veil lance tri als in more than 7000<br />

pa tients with ma jor de pres sive dis or der ran dom ized to re ceive ei ther Effexor, Effexor XR (venlafaxine ex -<br />

tended-re lease for mu la tion), fluoxetine, paroxetine, citalopram, fluvoxamine, or sertraline. Data showed<br />

that pa tients treated with Effexor and Effexor XR had sig nif i cantly higher re mis sion rates than those<br />

treated with other SSRIs in the trial. Effexor and Effexor XR were both more ef fec tive than the other<br />

SSRIs in the treat ment of the phys i cal anx i ety/somatization symp toms of de pres sion. In the<br />

Effexor/Effexor XR group, 38% pa tients achieved res o lu tion of the gen eral so matic symp toms, com pared<br />

with 32% of pa tients re ceiv ing SSRIs and 25% of patients administered placebo.<br />

LU AA24530 was re ported to have en tered phase I de vel op ment with Takeda in Ja pan in 2009 for mood<br />

and anx i ety dis or ders/de pres sion while phase II de vel op ment was on go ing in Eu rope. The Eu ro pean trial<br />

is ex pected to en rol 600 pa tients with a fil ing is anticipated from 2009.<br />

Li cens ing: In Sep tem ber 2007, Takeda an nounced a stra te gic al li ance with Lundbeck (Den mark) for the<br />

ex clu sive co-de vel op ment and co-com mer cial iza tion in the USA and Ja pan of sev eral com pounds in<br />

Lundbeck’s pipe line for the treat ment of mood and anx i ety dis or ders. The part ner ship will ini tially fo cus<br />

on co-de vel op ment and co-com mer cial iza tion of Lu AA21004 and Lu AA24530 for mood and anx i ety dis -<br />

or ders, but the agree ment in cludes an op tion un der cer tain con di tions to in clude two other com pounds of<br />

the same class in ear lier stages of de vel op ment. If ap proved, the com pa nies plan to co-pro mote the com -<br />

pounds in the USA and Ja pan. Un der the terms of the agree ment, Lundbeck will re ceive an ini tial pay ment<br />

of $40 mil lion and po ten tial max i mum of $345 mil lion in ad di tional de vel op ment mile stone pay ments.<br />

Takeda and Lundbeck will jointly com plete the de vel op ment programmes, with Takeda book ing the to tal<br />

© 2009 <strong>IMS</strong> Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 72

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