IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer


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<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES TAKEDA<br />

zer land) Epogin (epoetin beta) which has been filed for ad di tional do mes tic ap proval in chemotherapy<br />

induced anemia.<br />

TAK 442, an orally ac tive, se lec tive and com pet i tive in hib i tor of ac ti vated fac tor Xa, as a po ten tial ther -<br />

apy for ve nous or ar te rial thromboembolism, such as pul mo nary em bo lism and ce re bral in farc tion.<br />

Takeda ini ti ated a US/Eu ro pean phase II trial of TAK 442 in 2008 and phase I eval u a tion was also re -<br />

ported to be underway in Japan in 2009.<br />

Cardiovascular System Agents<br />

azilsartan + pioglitazone — C9C III<br />

azilsartan medoxomil TAK 491 C9C III<br />

azilsartan TAK 536 C9C II<br />

epa/dha agent TAK 085 C10A9 II<br />

ARB for hypertension TAK 591 C9C I<br />

AZILSARTAN + PIOGLITAZONE, a fixed com bi na tion of pioglitazone, a thiazolidinedione, plus<br />

azilsartan, an an gio ten sin II re cep tor an tag o nist, for the po ten tial treat ment of Type 2 di a be tes as so ci -<br />

ated with hy per ten sion. A US phase III trial pro gram of the prod uct in pa tients with Type 2 di a be tes as so -<br />

ci ated with hy per ten sion began in the USA in 2006.<br />

TAK 491, an an gio ten sin II re cep tor an tag o nist with po ten tial in the treat ment of hy per ten sion was un -<br />

der go ing phase III eval u a tion in Eu rope and the USA in 2009. A ran dom ized, dou ble-blind, pla cebo-con -<br />

trolled phase II trial, be ing con ducted in the USA, Mex ico and Peru, eval u ated the safety, ef fi cacy and<br />

tolerability of treat ment with TAK 491 for eight weeks in ap prox i mately 420 pa tients with hy per ten sion.<br />

The pri mary endpoint was diastolic blood pressure.<br />

TAK 491 is ex pected to have a stron ger antihypertensive ac tion and to dis play a su pe rior pro file in im -<br />

prov ing in su lin re sis tance and de creas ing proteinuria com pared with mar keted an gio ten sin receptor<br />

blockers.<br />

TAK 536 (azilisartan) is an an gio ten sin II re cep tor an tag o nist, in phase II de vel op ment for the treat ment<br />

of hy per ten sion in the USA and Eu rope and also en tered phase II tri als in Ja pan in 2007, all re ported to be<br />

ongoing in 2009.<br />

In July 2006, Takeda be gan a phase III trial pro gram of a fixed com bi na tion of pioglitazone plus TAK 536<br />

for the treat ment of Type 2 di a be tes as so ci ated with hy per ten sion (see sep a rate drug record).<br />

OMACOR (TAK 085), omega-3-acid ethyl es ters, en tered phase II tri als for the treat ment of<br />

hyperlipidemia in Ja pan with Takeda in 2007, on go ing in 2009. In 2005, Takeda li censed the Jap a nese<br />

rights to Omacor (TAK 085) from Pronova.<br />

TAK 591, an an gio ten sin II re cep tor blocker was in phase I tri als for the treat ment of hy per ten sion in<br />

2009.<br />

© 2009 <strong>IMS</strong> Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 70

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