IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer


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<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES TAKEDA<br />

scle ro sis, scleroderma, restenosis and fi bro sis. It is un der go ing eval u a tion in a Eu ro pean/Ca na dian phase<br />

II trial in pa tients with re laps ing-re mit ting mul ti ple scle ro sis and a US phase II trial in pa tients at risk for<br />

atherosclerotic car dio vas cu lar dis ease as well as pre clin i cal stud ies in the USA for the treatment of<br />

scleroderma with Millennium (now Takeda).<br />

MLN 518 (tandutnib), an in hib i tor of the FLT3 re cep tor ty ro sine kinase (RTK), as an orally de liv ered ther -<br />

apy with po ten tial in the treat ment of acute myelogenous leu ke mia (AML) and glioblastoma was in phase<br />

II tri als in the US in 2009 with Mil len nium (now Takeda).<br />

MLN 4924 is a small mol e cule in hib i tor of the Nedd 8 ac ti vat ing en zyme (NAE) which con trols a sub set of<br />

pro teins in the ubiquitin proteaseome path way that reg u late can cer cell sur vival. It was un der go ing two<br />

phase I dose es ca la tion tri als with Mil len nium (now Takeda) in the US in 2009.<br />

MLN 8054, an orally act ing, small mol e cule au rora A kinase in hib i tor for the po ten tial treat ment of ad -<br />

vanced ma lig nan cies is un der go ing US phase I eval u a tion in pa tients with a range of solid and he ma to -<br />

log i cal tu mors with Mil len nium (now Takeda) in 2009.<br />

MLN 8054, an orally act ing, small mol e cule au rora A kinase in hib i tor for the po ten tial treat ment of ad -<br />

vanced ma lig nan cies is un der go ing US phase I eval u a tion in pa tients with a range of solid and he ma to -<br />

log i cal tu mors with Mil len nium (now Takeda) in 2009.<br />

MLN 2238, a sec ond-gen er a tion proteasome in hib i tor, for the po ten tial treat ment of can cer was un der -<br />

go ing pre clin i cal eval u a tion in 2008 with Mil len nium (now Takeda).<br />

AMG 655, a fully hu man monoclonal agonistic an ti body tar get ing the extracellular do main of the hu man<br />

TNF-re lated apoptosis-in duc ing ligand (TRAIL) re cep tor 2 (TR-2), for the po ten tial treat ment of can cer<br />

was in phase 1 de vel op ment with Takeda in Ja pan in 2009. In Feb ru ary 2008 Amgen and Takeda signed<br />

an agree ment un der which Takeda will de velop and com mer cial ize in Ja pan up to 13 of Amgen’s early- to<br />

mid clin i cal-stage can di dates, in clud ing AMG 655. It is un der go ing phase II tri als in the US in the treat -<br />

ment of solid tumors and lymphomas with Amgen.<br />

TAK 285, an oral HER2 in hib i tor was in a phase I trial for solid tu mors with Takeda in 2009; pre clin i cal re -<br />

sults have been re ported.<br />

TAK 700, an oral sex hor mone syn the sis in hib i tor was re ported to be in phase I tri als for pros tate can cer<br />

with Takeda in 2009.<br />

TAK 448, a go nad o tro pin-re leas ing hor mone (GnRH) mod u la tor for the po ten tial treat ment of pros tate<br />

can cer, that re duces tes tos ter one lev els rap idly and strongly is un der go ing phase I eval u a tion in Japan in<br />

2009.<br />

TAK 593, an oral in hib i tor of the ty ro sine kin ases for the VEGFR and PDGFR fam i lies, was un der go ing<br />

phase I eval u a tion in Ja pan for the po ten tial treat ment of solid tumors in 2009.<br />

AMG 386, an angiopoietin (ANG) re cep tor an tag o nist, is in phase II stud ies with Amgen for the po ten tial<br />

treat ment of solid tu mors. In Feb ru ary 2008 Amgen and Takeda signed an agree ment un der which<br />

Takeda will de velop and com mer cial ize in Ja pan up to 13 of Amgen’s early- to mid clin i cal-stage can di -<br />

dates, including AMG 386.<br />

HUL 2G7, a monoclonal an ti body with po ten tial in the treat ment of brain tu mors in clud ing gliomas. HuL<br />

2G7 is de signed to in hibit hepatocyte growth fac tor (HGF), which is in volved in tu mor cell di vi sion, tu mor<br />

angiogenesis and tu mor cell re sis tance to che mo ther apy and ra di a tion. The monoclonal is un der go ing<br />

pre clin i cal eval u a tion in the USA. Gal axy (USA) an tic i pates com menc ing clin i cal tri als in 2007 and in 2008<br />

Takeda con firmed that prep a ra tion for clinical trials is ongoing.<br />

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