IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer
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IMS COM PANY PRO FILES TAKEDA There were an es ti mated 115,000 new cases of colorectal can cer in Ja pan in 2005, the coun try’s sec ond most com mon can cer (af ter stom ach) with around one-quar ter of pa tients pre sent ing with dis ease that has al ready metastasized; the in ci dence is said to be ris ing with around 38,000 deaths annually. Sales/An a lyst Com ment: Sales of Vectibix for Amgen were $153 mil lion in 2008, down 10% over 2007, its first full-year on the mar ket, sales of $170 mil lion. An a lysts at Mor gan Stan ley, writ ing on Amgen in Jan u ary 2009, es ti mate peak global sales of $400 mil lion for Vectibix. They com mented that al - though Amgen has a win dow of op por tu nity with the KRAS data in first and sec ond line colorectal can cer, and can po ten tially beat Erbitux to this more lu cra tive front-line pa tient pool, Amgen will still need to over come Erbitux’ ‘first mover’ ad van tage. The an a lysts view it highly un likely that data could be strong enough for Vectibix to be come com pe ti tion for Avastin but more on a par with Erbitux, al low ing it to take share in the $1.5 bil lion EGFR an ti body mar ket. The an a lysts fore cast sales of $195 mil lion in 2009, rising to $276 million by 2013 for Amgen. MOTESANIB, an antiangiogenic small mol e cule that in hib its mul ti ple kin ases in volved in ep i the lial ma - lig nan cies and angiogenesis, in clud ing VEGFR, PDGFR and c-kit was in phase III tri als with Takeda, Mil - len nium and Amgen (the Takeda On col ogy Com pany) in the USA, Eu rope and Japan in 2009. In No vem ber 2008, the tem po rary sus pen sion of pa tient en roll ment in the MONET1 trial of motesanib (AMG 706) in the treat ment of nonsmall cell lung can cer (NSCLC) was an nounced. This fol lows a rec om - men da tion by the trial’s in de pend ent Data Mon i tor ing Com mit tee (DMC) af ter a planned re view of safety data from 600 pa tients. The DMC’s de ci sion is based on the ob ser va tion of a higher early mor tal ity rate in the motesanib group com pared with the pla cebo group. Ad di tion ally, the DMC rec om mended im me di ate dis con tinu a tion of motesanib ther apy in pa tients with squamous NSCLC be cause of a higher than ex - pected hemoptysis rate in these pa tients. The DMC did not rec om mend dis con tinu a tion of motesanib ther apy in pa tients with non-squamous NSCLC. In Feb ru ary 2009, an in de pend ent data mon i tor ing com - mit tee (DMC) has rec om mended the re sump tion of en roll ment of pa tients with non-squamous nonsmall cell lung cancer (NCSLC) into the phase III MONET1 trial of motesanib. Li cens ing: In Feb ru ary 2008, as part of a col lab o ra tion with Amgen in Ja pan, Takeda con cluded a li cense agree ment for 13 com pounds in clud ing motesanib that Takeda has ob tained rights to ex clu sively de velop and mar ket in Ja pan and co-de velop and co-mar ket with Amgen Inc out side of Ja pan. Takeda will pay $100 mil lion upfront and pay 100% of de vel op ment in Ja pan and 60% over seas, in ad di tion to mile stone pay ments of up to Yen175 million as well as royalties. Clin i cal Data: The pla cebo-con trolled, dou ble-blind in ter na tional MONET1 (MOtesanib NSCLC Ef fi cacy and Tolerability study) phase III trial has en rolled 1100 of 1240 planned pa tients with ad vanced squamous or non-squamous NSCLC. Pa tients were ran dom ized 1:1 to re ceive carboplatin and paclitaxel given ev ery three weeks with or with out once-daily 125 mg motesanib. The pri mary end point is over all sur vival; sec ond ary end points in clude pro gres sion-free sur vival, ob jec tive re sponse rate in pa tients with mea sur able dis ease and duration of response and safety. At the ASCO Meet ing 2007, Amgen pre sented data from a multicenter, open-la bel phase II trial of motesanib in the treat ment of pa tients with I-131-re sis tant dif fer en ti ated thy roid can cer. The pri mary end point was ob jec tive re sponse rate per mod i fied RECIST cri te ria; sec ond ary end points were du ra tion of re sponse, pro gres sion-free sur vival and safety. The agent was given orally at 125mg once-daily for up to 48 weeks or un til ev i dence of dis ease pro gres sion, death or un ac cept able tox ic ity. Tu mor re sponse was eval u ated ev ery eight weeks and blood thy ro glob u lin lev els were an a lyzed at study day one and ev ery four weeks there af ter. Four teen per cent, 35% and 49% of pa tients achieved a con firmed par tial re - sponse, du ra ble sta ble dis ease for 24 weeks or lon ger and clin i cal ben e fit, re spec tively. Eighty-two per - cent of pa tients with post-base line thy ro glob u lin as sess ment achieved a de crease in thy ro glob u lin con cen tra tion af ter motesanib ther apy. Me dian trough plasma con cen tra tions af ter daily ad min is tra tion of 125mg motesanib were be tween IC50 and IC90 val ues (as cer tained by in vi tro HUVEC method). © 2009 IMS Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 66

IMS COM PANY PRO FILES TAKEDA Motesanib was tol er a ble with the most frequent adverse events being diarrhea, hypertension and fatigue (generally manageable). Amgen re ported in No vem ber 2006 re sults from a sin gle-arm, multicenter phase II trial of AMG 706 in pa tients with ad vanced high-dose imatinib-re sis tant GISTs. 120 evaluable pa tients re ceived AMG 706 125mg po un til pro gres sive dis ease or tox ic ity (for at least eight weeks). A clin i cal ben e fit rate of 27%, in - clud ing 3% of par tial re sponses and 24% of du ra ble sta ble dis ease greater than or equal to 22 weeks, was de ter mined by the RECIST as sess ment. At week eight, 23% of pa tients showed an ob jec tive re - sponse as de ter mined by fluorodeoxyglucose-pos i tron emis sion to mog ra phy (FDG-PET) and 33% of pa - tients dem on strated an ob jec tive re sponse when eval u ated by Choi cri te ria. The me dian pro gres sion-free sur vival was 16 weeks, with 26 week pro gres sion-free sur vival of 27%. Me dian sur vival was 59 weeks. Treat ment-re lated ad verse events, which oc curred in 15% or more of all treated pa tients, in cluded di ar - rhea (55%), hypertension (48%), fatigue (45%), headache (47%) and nausea (35%). TAK 242 (resatorvid), which in hib its pro duc tion of in flam ma tory me di a tors such as cytokines by block - ing Toll-like re cep tor 4 (TLR4) sig nal ing, is be ing de vel oped by Takeda for the novel treat ment of se vere sep sis. It was in phase III tri als in Eu rope, the USA and Ja pan in 2009. The prod uct ob tained Fast Track sta tus in the US in July 2005. Se vere sep sis of ten re sults in or gan dys func tion and has a high mor tal ity rate. Lilly’s (USA) Xigris (drotrecogin al pha) is cur rently the only ther apy avail able for the con di tion with sev eral ther a peu tic can di dates fail ing over the past few years in clud ing Chiron’s (now Novartis, Swit zer - land) tifacogin (still in de vel op ment for other uses) and Shionogi’s (Ja pan) varespladip. CBP 501, a G2 check point abrogater (in jec tion) be gan phase II eval u a tion in the US in De cem ber 2008 with CanBas and Mil len nium (Takeda’s wholly-owned sub sid iary) for ma lig nant pleu ral me so the li oma. The trial is ex pected to com plete in De cem ber 2010. The drug in duces can cer cell death by block ing the tran si tion of can cer cells through the cell cy cle. Data from a phase I study in di cated that when com bined with se lected chemotherapeutic drugs, CBP 501 en hances the anticancer cytotoxic ac tiv ity of these es - tab lished treat ments. a phase I trial in lung can cer was also re ported to be underway with CanBas in 2009. Li cens ing: Takeda gained ex clu sive rights to de velop, man u fac ture and mar ket this and backup can cer com pounds world wide, ex cept in the US where ac tiv ity will be jointly con ducted from CanBas (USA) in March 2007. Takeda will pay CanBas an upfront sum upon the ini ti a tion of the col lab o ra tion and will make an eq uity in vest ment in CanBas. Takeda will also make mile stone pay ments to CanBas re lated to clin i cal and reg u la tory prog ress, and roy alty payments on sales of the agent. GNRH AN A LOGUE: TAP (now Takeda) and Norwood Im mu nol ogy funded a pre clin i cal study at Mas sa - chu setts Gen eral Hos pi tal on the po ten tial use of GnRH an a logues in the trans plant set ting, pre vent ing or gan re jec tion with out need for long-term immunosuppresssants. Phase II tri als were on go ing in the US in 2008. The TAP jv was concluded in May 2008. LESTAURTINIB (CEP 701), an orally-avail able ty ro sine kinase in hib i tor, was li censed to TAP (the Takeda/Abbott joint ven ture) in 1999 for the US by Cephalon (USA). This po ten tial treat ment for pros tate and pan cre atic can cers be gan phase II tri als in pros tate can cer in 2000 with TAP. Cephalon planned clin i - cal stud ies for the treat ment of pan cre atic can cer, and in 2002 an ad di tional phase II study was un der way for acute myelogenous leukemia. The TAP jv was con cluded in May 2008. Li cens ing: Cephalon gained rights to this prod uct and a se ries of re lated mol e cules from Kyowa Hakko (Ja pan). MLN 1202, a hu man ized monoclonal an ti body that tar gets the CCR2 chemokine re cep tor has po ten tial util ity for the treat ment of mul ti ple scle ro sis, as well as other in flam ma tory con di tions, in clud ing ath ero - © 2009 IMS Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 67

<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES TAKEDA<br />

Motesanib was tol er a ble with the most frequent adverse events being diarrhea, hypertension and fatigue<br />

(generally manageable).<br />

Amgen re ported in No vem ber 2006 re sults from a sin gle-arm, multicenter phase II trial of AMG 706 in<br />

pa tients with ad vanced high-dose imatinib-re sis tant GISTs. 120 evaluable pa tients re ceived AMG 706<br />

125mg po un til pro gres sive dis ease or tox ic ity (for at least eight weeks). A clin i cal ben e fit rate of 27%, in -<br />

clud ing 3% of par tial re sponses and 24% of du ra ble sta ble dis ease greater than or equal to 22 weeks,<br />

was de ter mined by the RECIST as sess ment. At week eight, 23% of pa tients showed an ob jec tive re -<br />

sponse as de ter mined by fluorodeoxyglucose-pos i tron emis sion to mog ra phy (FDG-PET) and 33% of pa -<br />

tients dem on strated an ob jec tive re sponse when eval u ated by Choi cri te ria. The me dian pro gres sion-free<br />

sur vival was 16 weeks, with 26 week pro gres sion-free sur vival of 27%. Me dian sur vival was 59 weeks.<br />

Treat ment-re lated ad verse events, which oc curred in 15% or more of all treated pa tients, in cluded di ar -<br />

rhea (55%), hypertension (48%), fatigue (45%), headache (47%) and nausea (35%).<br />

TAK 242 (resatorvid), which in hib its pro duc tion of in flam ma tory me di a tors such as cytokines by block -<br />

ing Toll-like re cep tor 4 (TLR4) sig nal ing, is be ing de vel oped by Takeda for the novel treat ment of se vere<br />

sep sis. It was in phase III tri als in Eu rope, the USA and Ja pan in 2009. The prod uct ob tained Fast Track<br />

sta tus in the US in July 2005. Se vere sep sis of ten re sults in or gan dys func tion and has a high mor tal ity<br />

rate. Lilly’s (USA) Xigris (drotrecogin al pha) is cur rently the only ther apy avail able for the con di tion with<br />

sev eral ther a peu tic can di dates fail ing over the past few years in clud ing Chiron’s (now Novartis, Swit zer -<br />

land) tifacogin (still in de vel op ment for other uses) and Shionogi’s (Ja pan) varespladip.<br />

CBP 501, a G2 check point abrogater (in jec tion) be gan phase II eval u a tion in the US in De cem ber 2008<br />

with CanBas and Mil len nium (Takeda’s wholly-owned sub sid iary) for ma lig nant pleu ral me so the li oma.<br />

The trial is ex pected to com plete in De cem ber 2010. The drug in duces can cer cell death by block ing the<br />

tran si tion of can cer cells through the cell cy cle. Data from a phase I study in di cated that when com bined<br />

with se lected chemotherapeutic drugs, CBP 501 en hances the anticancer cytotoxic ac tiv ity of these es -<br />

tab lished treat ments. a phase I trial in lung can cer was also re ported to be underway with CanBas in<br />

2009.<br />

Li cens ing: Takeda gained ex clu sive rights to de velop, man u fac ture and mar ket this and backup can cer<br />

com pounds world wide, ex cept in the US where ac tiv ity will be jointly con ducted from CanBas (USA) in<br />

March 2007. Takeda will pay CanBas an upfront sum upon the ini ti a tion of the col lab o ra tion and will make<br />

an eq uity in vest ment in CanBas. Takeda will also make mile stone pay ments to CanBas re lated to clin i cal<br />

and reg u la tory prog ress, and roy alty payments on sales of the agent.<br />

GNRH AN A LOGUE: TAP (now Takeda) and Norwood Im mu nol ogy funded a pre clin i cal study at Mas sa -<br />

chu setts Gen eral Hos pi tal on the po ten tial use of GnRH an a logues in the trans plant set ting, pre vent ing<br />

or gan re jec tion with out need for long-term immunosuppresssants. Phase II tri als were on go ing in the US<br />

in 2008. The TAP jv was concluded in May 2008.<br />

LESTAURTINIB (CEP 701), an orally-avail able ty ro sine kinase in hib i tor, was li censed to TAP (the<br />

Takeda/Abbott joint ven ture) in 1999 for the US by Cephalon (USA). This po ten tial treat ment for pros tate<br />

and pan cre atic can cers be gan phase II tri als in pros tate can cer in 2000 with TAP. Cephalon planned clin i -<br />

cal stud ies for the treat ment of pan cre atic can cer, and in 2002 an ad di tional phase II study was un der<br />

way for acute myelogenous leukemia.<br />

The TAP jv was con cluded in May 2008.<br />

Li cens ing: Cephalon gained rights to this prod uct and a se ries of re lated mol e cules from Kyowa Hakko<br />

(Ja pan).<br />

MLN 1202, a hu man ized monoclonal an ti body that tar gets the CCR2 chemokine re cep tor has po ten tial<br />

util ity for the treat ment of mul ti ple scle ro sis, as well as other in flam ma tory con di tions, in clud ing ath ero -<br />

© 2009 <strong>IMS</strong> Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 67

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