IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer


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<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES TAKEDA<br />

There were an es ti mated 115,000 new cases of colorectal can cer in Ja pan in 2005, the coun try’s sec ond<br />

most com mon can cer (af ter stom ach) with around one-quar ter of pa tients pre sent ing with dis ease that<br />

has al ready metastasized; the in ci dence is said to be ris ing with around 38,000 deaths annually.<br />

Sales/An a lyst Com ment: Sales of Vectibix for Amgen were $153 mil lion in 2008, down 10% over<br />

2007, its first full-year on the mar ket, sales of $170 mil lion. An a lysts at Mor gan Stan ley, writ ing on<br />

Amgen in Jan u ary 2009, es ti mate peak global sales of $400 mil lion for Vectibix. They com mented that al -<br />

though Amgen has a win dow of op por tu nity with the KRAS data in first and sec ond line colorectal can cer,<br />

and can po ten tially beat Erbitux to this more lu cra tive front-line pa tient pool, Amgen will still need to<br />

over come Erbitux’ ‘first mover’ ad van tage. The an a lysts view it highly un likely that data could be strong<br />

enough for Vectibix to be come com pe ti tion for Avastin but more on a par with Erbitux, al low ing it to take<br />

share in the $1.5 bil lion EGFR an ti body mar ket. The an a lysts fore cast sales of $195 mil lion in 2009, rising<br />

to $276 million by 2013 for Amgen.<br />

MOTESANIB, an antiangiogenic small mol e cule that in hib its mul ti ple kin ases in volved in ep i the lial ma -<br />

lig nan cies and angiogenesis, in clud ing VEGFR, PDGFR and c-kit was in phase III tri als with Takeda, Mil -<br />

len nium and Amgen (the Takeda On col ogy Com pany) in the USA, Eu rope and Japan in 2009.<br />

In No vem ber 2008, the tem po rary sus pen sion of pa tient en roll ment in the MONET1 trial of motesanib<br />

(AMG 706) in the treat ment of nonsmall cell lung can cer (NSCLC) was an nounced. This fol lows a rec om -<br />

men da tion by the trial’s in de pend ent Data Mon i tor ing Com mit tee (DMC) af ter a planned re view of safety<br />

data from 600 pa tients. The DMC’s de ci sion is based on the ob ser va tion of a higher early mor tal ity rate in<br />

the motesanib group com pared with the pla cebo group. Ad di tion ally, the DMC rec om mended im me di ate<br />

dis con tinu a tion of motesanib ther apy in pa tients with squamous NSCLC be cause of a higher than ex -<br />

pected hemoptysis rate in these pa tients. The DMC did not rec om mend dis con tinu a tion of motesanib<br />

ther apy in pa tients with non-squamous NSCLC. In Feb ru ary 2009, an in de pend ent data mon i tor ing com -<br />

mit tee (DMC) has rec om mended the re sump tion of en roll ment of pa tients with non-squamous nonsmall<br />

cell lung cancer (NCSLC) into the phase III MONET1 trial of motesanib.<br />

Li cens ing: In Feb ru ary 2008, as part of a col lab o ra tion with Amgen in Ja pan, Takeda con cluded a li cense<br />

agree ment for 13 com pounds in clud ing motesanib that Takeda has ob tained rights to ex clu sively de velop<br />

and mar ket in Ja pan and co-de velop and co-mar ket with Amgen Inc out side of Ja pan. Takeda will pay<br />

$100 mil lion upfront and pay 100% of de vel op ment in Ja pan and 60% over seas, in ad di tion to mile stone<br />

pay ments of up to Yen175 million as well as royalties.<br />

Clin i cal Data: The pla cebo-con trolled, dou ble-blind in ter na tional MONET1 (MOtesanib NSCLC Ef fi cacy<br />

and Tolerability study) phase III trial has en rolled 1100 of 1240 planned pa tients with ad vanced<br />

squamous or non-squamous NSCLC. Pa tients were ran dom ized 1:1 to re ceive carboplatin and paclitaxel<br />

given ev ery three weeks with or with out once-daily 125 mg motesanib. The pri mary end point is over all<br />

sur vival; sec ond ary end points in clude pro gres sion-free sur vival, ob jec tive re sponse rate in pa tients with<br />

mea sur able dis ease and duration of response and safety.<br />

At the ASCO Meet ing 2007, Amgen pre sented data from a multicenter, open-la bel phase II trial of<br />

motesanib in the treat ment of pa tients with I-131-re sis tant dif fer en ti ated thy roid can cer. The pri mary<br />

end point was ob jec tive re sponse rate per mod i fied RECIST cri te ria; sec ond ary end points were du ra tion of<br />

re sponse, pro gres sion-free sur vival and safety. The agent was given orally at 125mg once-daily for up to<br />

48 weeks or un til ev i dence of dis ease pro gres sion, death or un ac cept able tox ic ity. Tu mor re sponse was<br />

eval u ated ev ery eight weeks and blood thy ro glob u lin lev els were an a lyzed at study day one and ev ery<br />

four weeks there af ter. Four teen per cent, 35% and 49% of pa tients achieved a con firmed par tial re -<br />

sponse, du ra ble sta ble dis ease for 24 weeks or lon ger and clin i cal ben e fit, re spec tively. Eighty-two per -<br />

cent of pa tients with post-base line thy ro glob u lin as sess ment achieved a de crease in thy ro glob u lin<br />

con cen tra tion af ter motesanib ther apy. Me dian trough plasma con cen tra tions af ter daily ad min is tra tion<br />

of 125mg motesanib were be tween IC50 and IC90 val ues (as cer tained by in vi tro HUVEC method).<br />

© 2009 <strong>IMS</strong> Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 66

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