IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer


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<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES TAKEDA<br />

sponse of 18.1 weeks. Sta bi li za tion of dis ease was ob served in 29% of pa tients (n=43). Median<br />

progression-free survival time was 13.6 weeks.<br />

Lifecycle Man age ment: In June 2007 Amgen ini ti ated a phase III trial to as sess panitumumab in com -<br />

bi na tion with che mo ther apy ver sus che mo ther apy alone as first-line ther apy for met a static and/or re cur -<br />

rent squamous cell car ci noma of the head and neck (SCCHN). The pri mary out come mea sure of the trial,<br />

which is be ing con ducted in the USA, Aus tra lia, Can ada and Eu rope and in volves 650 pa tients, is over all<br />

sur vival. Panitumumab is also be ing eval u ated as a monotherapy in the sec ond-line treat ment of SCCHN.<br />

Phase III tri als are also on go ing as a first- and sec ond-line treatment for colorectal cancer.<br />

In 2005, Amgen and Abgenix ini ti ated a phase III trial of panitumumab in com bi na tion with Avastin<br />

(bevacizumab) in the first-line treat ment of met a static colorectal can cer. The clin i cal trial called the<br />

PACCE (Panitumumab Ad vanced Colorectal Can cer Eval u a tion) study has as end points pro gres sion-free<br />

sur vival, over all sur vival and re sponse rate. In March 2007, Amgen dis con tin ued the trial due to a sta tis ti -<br />

cally sig nif i cant ben e fit on sur vival fa vor ing the con trol arm. Amgen hoped PACCE would “leap frog”<br />

Vectibix into the front-line set ting, de spite not being designed as a registration trial.<br />

Com pe ti tion: In the 12-month pe riod to the end of Sep tem ber 2008, Vectibix was the num ber 14 lead -<br />

ing prod uct in the ‘to tal other neoplastics’ ther a peu tic class, with a 0.6% mar ket share, down 21% in<br />

fixed rate dol lar terms. Roche and its ma jor ity-owned sub sid iary Genentech dom i nate this class with its<br />

MabThera (rituximab) in first place with 17.8% share (up 14%) fol lowed by Avastin (bevacizumab)<br />

with 15.6%, up 38% and Herceptin (trastuzumab) in third place with 15.4% share, up 12% over the<br />

pre vi ous 12-month pe riod. Erbitux took sixth place in the same pe riod with 5.5% share with 15% growth<br />

over the previous year.<br />

ImClone Sys tems (USA) and BM-S (USA) have a com pet i tor prod uct Erbitux (cetuximab) on the mar -<br />

ket, launched in the USA in 2004 and now launched in sev eral Eu ro pean and other mar kets. Other com -<br />

pet i tors are Genentech’s (USA)/Roche’s (Swit zer land) Avastin and Tarceva (erlotinib). Avastin has been<br />

on the Jap a nese mar ket for ad vanced/re cur rent colorectal can cer, in com bi na tion with 5-FU che mo ther -<br />

apy since June 2007. Avastin has also been filed in Ja pan for use in com bi na tion with Roche/Chugai’s<br />

Xeloda (capecitabine) and Yakult Honsha’s chemotherapeutic Elplat (oxaliplatin), li censed from<br />

Debiopharm) while Xeloda was filed the same month for colorectal can cer; Elplat is al ready in di cated for<br />

colorectal can cer in com bi na tion with 5-FU and levofolinate.<br />

Re sults of a 755-pa tient study (CAIRO II) pre sented in 2008 showed that the ad di tion of Erbitux to a<br />

treat ment reg i men of FOLFOX and Avastin was as so ci ated with a lower pro gres sion free sur vival of 9.8<br />

months com pared with 10.7 months in the con trol arm al though over all sur vival was sim i lar at 20.4<br />

months ver sus 20.3 months with Erbitux. These re sults mir ror those that led to the dis con tinu a tion of the<br />

Vectibix trial in early 2007 and ac cord ing to an a lysts the gap is clos ing be tween Erbitux and Vectibix with<br />

the emer gence of the K-RAS as pect which could cre ate a sig nif i cant win dow of op por tu nity for Amgen.<br />

Amgen is run ning the first phase III clin i cal tri als in colorectal can cer that pro spec tively de fines pa tient<br />

KRAS status, gaining a potential edge over Erbitux.<br />

The an a lyst said how ever that al though Amgen has at tempted to limit the la bel in the USA to the KRAS<br />

wild type only, the FDA has show re sis tance at the ret ro spec tive anal y sis and may re quire an other trial<br />

(which could take sev eral years). In De cem ber 2008, the FDA on col ogy ad vi sory com mit tee (ODAC) met<br />

to dis cuss the use of KRAS mu ta tion sta tus as pre dic tive/prog nos tic biomarker to eval u ate pa tients more<br />

likely to re spond to Vectibix and Erbitux. Eu ro pean la bel ing for the EGFR in hib i tors al ready lim its use to<br />

pa tients with the KRAS wild-type gene. In No vem ber 2008, the US Na tional Com pre hen sive Can cer Net -<br />

work (NCCN) rec om mended use of the EGFR in hib i tors (Vectibix and Erbitux) only for pa tients with wild<br />

KRAS tumors in metastatic colorectal cancer.<br />

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