IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer


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<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES TAKEDA<br />

whereas Byetta needs to be in jected twice a day — though a once-weekly in ject able form is also in<br />

late-stage de vel op ment. Byetta suf fered a fur ther set back in Au gust 2008, when it was as so ci ated with a<br />

small num ber of deaths from pan cre ati tis. At the EASD meet ing in Rome the fol low ing month, how ever,<br />

Lilly and Amylin pre sented data from a four-week study in 61 pa tients sug gest ing that Byetta re duced<br />

glu cose lev els more than Januvia (by 112mg/dL, ver sus 37mg/dL two hours af ter a meal), with pa tients<br />

us ing their body’s in su lin more ef fec tively. It was the first head-to-head trial of the two prod ucts. Novo<br />

Nordisk filed its GLP-1 prod uct, liraglutide, for FDA and EU ap proval in May 2008, and is working with<br />

Emisphere on the development of an oral version<br />

Sales/An a lyst Com ment: Mor gan Stan ley an a lysts (Au gust 2008) fore cast a first year sales of Yen42<br />

bil lion in the year to March 2010, ris ing to Yen187.5 bil lion by the year to March 2013.<br />

ACTOPLUS MET XR (pioglitazone + metformin ex tended-re lease), con sist ing of Andrx’s ex tended-re -<br />

lease for mu la tion of the biguanide metformin (Fortamet) and Takeda’s in su lin sensitizer pioglitazone<br />

(Actos) is be ing co-de vel oped by Takeda and Andrx for the treat ment of type II di a be tes. Takeda filed for<br />

ap proval of the prod uct in the USA dur ing March 2006 and in Eu rope in Oc to ber 2008; it will be mar keted<br />

as Competact Pro longed-Re lease Tab let.<br />

CETILISTAT (ATL 962) is a prod uct be ing de vel oped for the treat ment of obe sity and as so ci ated con di -<br />

tions, such as Type 2 di a be tes. It was li censed in from Alizyme (UK). In De cem ber 2008, Takeda com -<br />

menced phase III tri als of cetilistat for obe sity; de tails of this trial, or re sults of the phase II (pla cebo<br />

con trolled) study in obese pa tients with di a be tes and dyslipidemia have not yet been disclosed.<br />

Li cens ing: In 2003, Takeda gained an op tion from Alizyme to de velop, man u fac ture and mar ket the<br />

prod uct in Ja pan. In 2004, Takeda ex er cised its rights to a li cense to de velop cetilistat in Ja pan on the ba -<br />

sis of re sults from a phase IIb study. It now has an ex clu sive li cense to de velop, man u fac ture, and mar ket<br />

cetilistat in Ja pan for the treat ment of obe sity and as so ci ated con di tions, such as Type 2 di a be tes. In<br />

2006, upon com mence ment of a phase II trial, Alizyme re ceived a $2 mil lion milestone payment from<br />

Takeda.<br />

Clin i cal Data: In Jan u ary 2006, Takeda re ported that phase I tri als had com pleted and that it had ini ti -<br />

ated a ran dom ized, pla cebo-con trolled, dou ble-blind, par al lel group, dose-rang ing 450-pa tient (BMI of at<br />

least 25; over seas tri als tar get 30+) phase II trial in Ja pan, to eval u ate cetilistat in the treat ment of obe -<br />

sity and re lated dis eases such as Type 2 diabetes.<br />

The re sults of phase IIb tri als in Eu rope (look ing at 612 obese di a betic pa tients), an nounced in De cem ber<br />

2005, di rectly com pared the prod uct with Roche’s (Swit zer land) Xenical (orlistat) show ing sim i lar ef fi cacy<br />

with a marked re duc tion in side ef fects, al though a dif fer ent mech a nism of ac tion has not yet been<br />

revealed.<br />

Ac cord ing to Alizyme (UK), pre lim i nary phase IIb re sults sug gest that over a three-month pe riod, weight<br />

loss is con sis tent with “other ap proved obe sity drugs of the same class”. The drug was well tol er ated, was<br />

as so ci ated with im prove ments in blood lev els of LDL, HDL and cho les terol, and in duced com pa ra ble<br />

weight loss at the three doses tested. Alizyme re port that the prod uct has 90% fewer gas tro in tes ti nal<br />

events than Xenical.<br />

Ac cord ing to Takeda, phase IIb tri als in volv ing 372 clin i cally obese pa tients in five Eu ro pean coun tries<br />

met their pri mary end points of weight loss. The drug pro duced sta tis ti cally-sig nif i cant re duc tion in weight<br />

at all doses com pared with pla cebo. The agent dem on strated ef fi cacy com pa ra ble to other ap proved obe -<br />

sity drugs of the same class, with no safety or tolerability issues.<br />

Com pe ti tion: If ap proved, ATL 962 will com pete with Abbott’s (USA) Meridia (sibutramine) which was<br />

fi nally filed for ap proval in Ja pan in De cem ber 2007 with Eisai fol low ing a need to re peat clin i cal work and<br />

was await ing ap proval in 2009. Obe sity drugs have faced hur dles in Ja pan how ever, as Chugai de cided in<br />

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