IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer
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IMS COM PANY PRO FILES TAKEDA once-daily or twice-daily 50mg doses com pared with the 100mg once-daily dose. The EMEA ap proved 50mg once daily in com bi na tion with a sulphonylurea, or 50mg twice daily in com bi na tion with metformin or a thiazolidinedione, in Feb ru ary 2008: the pre vi ously ap proved 100mg once-daily dose of vildagliptin will not be avail able. In No vem ber 2007, the EMEA cleared Eucreas, a sin gle-tab let com bi na tion of Galvus and metformin, and its Eu ro pean roll-out com menced in March 2008. US ap proval has also been af fected by skin tox ic ity wor ries. Galvus was filed with the FDA in March 2006, and had its re view pe riod ex tended by the FDA by three months from No vem ber 2006 af ter clin i cal data were sub mit ted to sup port the pro posed dos ing and in di ca tions as well as com ple ment ear lier data on the risk:ben e fit pro file. Then in Feb ru ary 2007 the FDA is sued an ‘ap prov able’ let ter for the prod uct and re quested ad di tional data, in - clud ing a clin i cal study in pa tients with re nal im pair ment. This has de layed the de vel op ment of Galvus in the US for at least two years. Novartis is now con duct ing safety stud ies, but a resubmission for US reg u la - tory ap proval is not ex pected be fore 2010, and the Swiss gi ant’s CEO hinted in Jan u ary 2008 that it may not seek to refile Galvus with the FDA at all. Galvus was filed for Japanese approval in April 2008. Januvia may have an ad van tage over Galvus in terms of half-life and the po ten tial for true once-a-day dos ing. Galvus looks like it low ers blood sugar better than Januvia and an a lysts are pro ject ing an nual sales peak sales of more than $2 bil lion for Galvus. The per cep tion is that many di a be tes spe cial ists are ex cited about the po ten tial of these agents, but are wait ing to see more data on their risk:ben e fit pro file. Con cerns re main that these agents could be af fect ing sub strates other than DPP-IV, ex ert ing their met a - bolic ef fects in sub strates with the po ten tial for ad verse ef fects. The com mer cial po ten tial of DPP-IV in hib - i tors ob vi ously ex ceeds that of the GLP-1 ag o nist due to their oral avail abil ity, un less the lat ter are suc cess fully de vel oped in a form that re quires in fre quent in jec tion. Ul ti mately, the value of both ap - proaches will hinge on how the is sue of beta cell func tional im prove ment and pres er va tion plays out. Re - nal pro file could be one point of dif fer en ti a tion be tween Januvia and Galvus and ac cord ing to Novartis, Galvus has a dif fer ent re nal pro file than Januvia. Januvia is ex creted about 75% through the kidney. Galvus on the other hand, is only slightly excreted by the kidney, about 23%. Be sides Merck and Novartis, a num ber of other com pa nies are de vel op ing DPP-IV in hib i tors. Bris - tol-Myers Squibb’s Onglyza (saxagliptin) com menced phase III tri als in 2006, and is be ing co-de vel oped with AstraZeneca; it was filed for both US and EU ap proval in June 2008. A large num ber of other com pa - nies, in clud ing Roche and Novo Nordisk, have pre clin i cal DPP-IV in hib i tor can di dates. Probiodrug’s (Ger - many) P93/01 (li censed to Merck and OSI Pharmaceuticals, USA) and Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma’s (Ja pan) TA 6666 (li censed to GlaxoSmithKline) are both in phase II. A large num ber of other com pa nies, in clud ing Roche (Swit zer land) and Novo Nordisk (Den mark), have DPP-IV in hib i tors candidates in early stages of development. The more fa vor able side ef fect pro file of the DPP-IV agents rel a tive to sulphonylureas and glitazones means that there is po ten tial for these drugs to have strong up take as sec ond line, add-on agents in Type II di a be tes pa tients who are not ad e quately con trolled on metformin alone. The fact that the DPP-IVs have much less in va sive oral dos ing, to gether with their lack of weight gain and the po ten tial to im prove beta cell func tion, should po si tion them for broader ap peal (un like Amylin and Lilly’s Byetta (exenatide), which is gen er ally pre scribed by en do cri nol o gists and spe cial ists). There is po ten tial for these oral antidiabetics to re place older sulphonylureas at a sig nif i cantly higher price point. How ever the ad van - tages must be bal anced against the com plex ity of the DPP-IV path way and the long-term na ture of the head-to-head tri als that will be re quired to dem on strate any favorable effects on beta cell function in humans. Byetta is an incretin mi metic (GLP-1 ag o nist) and syn thetic form of exendin 4, a pep tide iso lated from the sal i vary se cre tions of the Gila mon ster liz ard. It is in di cated as an ad junc tive ther apy to help im prove blood sugar con trol in Type II di a bet ics not ad e quately con trolled by metformin and/or a sulphonylurea. Its sales have per haps not achieved the lev els once fore cast ($650 mil lion in 2007), de spite Lilly’s ex per - tise in the di a be tes field. In April 2008, one an a lyst re ported that Januvia was tak ing sales from Byetta, partly as it is ap proved as a stand-alone treat ment, and also be cause it is an oral, once-daily drug, © 2009 IMS Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 60

IMS COM PANY PRO FILES TAKEDA whereas Byetta needs to be in jected twice a day — though a once-weekly in ject able form is also in late-stage de vel op ment. Byetta suf fered a fur ther set back in Au gust 2008, when it was as so ci ated with a small num ber of deaths from pan cre ati tis. At the EASD meet ing in Rome the fol low ing month, how ever, Lilly and Amylin pre sented data from a four-week study in 61 pa tients sug gest ing that Byetta re duced glu cose lev els more than Januvia (by 112mg/dL, ver sus 37mg/dL two hours af ter a meal), with pa tients us ing their body’s in su lin more ef fec tively. It was the first head-to-head trial of the two prod ucts. Novo Nordisk filed its GLP-1 prod uct, liraglutide, for FDA and EU ap proval in May 2008, and is working with Emisphere on the development of an oral version Sales/An a lyst Com ment: Mor gan Stan ley an a lysts (Au gust 2008) fore cast a first year sales of Yen42 bil lion in the year to March 2010, ris ing to Yen187.5 bil lion by the year to March 2013. ACTOPLUS MET XR (pioglitazone + metformin ex tended-re lease), con sist ing of Andrx’s ex tended-re - lease for mu la tion of the biguanide metformin (Fortamet) and Takeda’s in su lin sensitizer pioglitazone (Actos) is be ing co-de vel oped by Takeda and Andrx for the treat ment of type II di a be tes. Takeda filed for ap proval of the prod uct in the USA dur ing March 2006 and in Eu rope in Oc to ber 2008; it will be mar keted as Competact Pro longed-Re lease Tab let. CETILISTAT (ATL 962) is a prod uct be ing de vel oped for the treat ment of obe sity and as so ci ated con di - tions, such as Type 2 di a be tes. It was li censed in from Alizyme (UK). In De cem ber 2008, Takeda com - menced phase III tri als of cetilistat for obe sity; de tails of this trial, or re sults of the phase II (pla cebo con trolled) study in obese pa tients with di a be tes and dyslipidemia have not yet been disclosed. Li cens ing: In 2003, Takeda gained an op tion from Alizyme to de velop, man u fac ture and mar ket the prod uct in Ja pan. In 2004, Takeda ex er cised its rights to a li cense to de velop cetilistat in Ja pan on the ba - sis of re sults from a phase IIb study. It now has an ex clu sive li cense to de velop, man u fac ture, and mar ket cetilistat in Ja pan for the treat ment of obe sity and as so ci ated con di tions, such as Type 2 di a be tes. In 2006, upon com mence ment of a phase II trial, Alizyme re ceived a $2 mil lion milestone payment from Takeda. Clin i cal Data: In Jan u ary 2006, Takeda re ported that phase I tri als had com pleted and that it had ini ti - ated a ran dom ized, pla cebo-con trolled, dou ble-blind, par al lel group, dose-rang ing 450-pa tient (BMI of at least 25; over seas tri als tar get 30+) phase II trial in Ja pan, to eval u ate cetilistat in the treat ment of obe - sity and re lated dis eases such as Type 2 diabetes. The re sults of phase IIb tri als in Eu rope (look ing at 612 obese di a betic pa tients), an nounced in De cem ber 2005, di rectly com pared the prod uct with Roche’s (Swit zer land) Xenical (orlistat) show ing sim i lar ef fi cacy with a marked re duc tion in side ef fects, al though a dif fer ent mech a nism of ac tion has not yet been revealed. Ac cord ing to Alizyme (UK), pre lim i nary phase IIb re sults sug gest that over a three-month pe riod, weight loss is con sis tent with “other ap proved obe sity drugs of the same class”. The drug was well tol er ated, was as so ci ated with im prove ments in blood lev els of LDL, HDL and cho les terol, and in duced com pa ra ble weight loss at the three doses tested. Alizyme re port that the prod uct has 90% fewer gas tro in tes ti nal events than Xenical. Ac cord ing to Takeda, phase IIb tri als in volv ing 372 clin i cally obese pa tients in five Eu ro pean coun tries met their pri mary end points of weight loss. The drug pro duced sta tis ti cally-sig nif i cant re duc tion in weight at all doses com pared with pla cebo. The agent dem on strated ef fi cacy com pa ra ble to other ap proved obe - sity drugs of the same class, with no safety or tolerability issues. Com pe ti tion: If ap proved, ATL 962 will com pete with Abbott’s (USA) Meridia (sibutramine) which was fi nally filed for ap proval in Ja pan in De cem ber 2007 with Eisai fol low ing a need to re peat clin i cal work and was await ing ap proval in 2009. Obe sity drugs have faced hur dles in Ja pan how ever, as Chugai de cided in © 2009 IMS Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 61

<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES TAKEDA<br />

once-daily or twice-daily 50mg doses com pared with the 100mg once-daily dose. The EMEA ap proved<br />

50mg once daily in com bi na tion with a sulphonylurea, or 50mg twice daily in com bi na tion with metformin<br />

or a thiazolidinedione, in Feb ru ary 2008: the pre vi ously ap proved 100mg once-daily dose of vildagliptin<br />

will not be avail able. In No vem ber 2007, the EMEA cleared Eucreas, a sin gle-tab let com bi na tion of<br />

Galvus and metformin, and its Eu ro pean roll-out com menced in March 2008. US ap proval has also been<br />

af fected by skin tox ic ity wor ries. Galvus was filed with the FDA in March 2006, and had its re view pe riod<br />

ex tended by the FDA by three months from No vem ber 2006 af ter clin i cal data were sub mit ted to sup port<br />

the pro posed dos ing and in di ca tions as well as com ple ment ear lier data on the risk:ben e fit pro file. Then in<br />

Feb ru ary 2007 the FDA is sued an ‘ap prov able’ let ter for the prod uct and re quested ad di tional data, in -<br />

clud ing a clin i cal study in pa tients with re nal im pair ment. This has de layed the de vel op ment of Galvus in<br />

the US for at least two years. Novartis is now con duct ing safety stud ies, but a resubmission for US reg u la -<br />

tory ap proval is not ex pected be fore 2010, and the Swiss gi ant’s CEO hinted in Jan u ary 2008 that it may<br />

not seek to refile Galvus with the FDA at all. Galvus was filed for Japanese approval in April 2008.<br />

Januvia may have an ad van tage over Galvus in terms of half-life and the po ten tial for true once-a-day<br />

dos ing. Galvus looks like it low ers blood sugar better than Januvia and an a lysts are pro ject ing an nual<br />

sales peak sales of more than $2 bil lion for Galvus. The per cep tion is that many di a be tes spe cial ists are<br />

ex cited about the po ten tial of these agents, but are wait ing to see more data on their risk:ben e fit pro file.<br />

Con cerns re main that these agents could be af fect ing sub strates other than DPP-IV, ex ert ing their met a -<br />

bolic ef fects in sub strates with the po ten tial for ad verse ef fects. The com mer cial po ten tial of DPP-IV in hib -<br />

i tors ob vi ously ex ceeds that of the GLP-1 ag o nist due to their oral avail abil ity, un less the lat ter are<br />

suc cess fully de vel oped in a form that re quires in fre quent in jec tion. Ul ti mately, the value of both ap -<br />

proaches will hinge on how the is sue of beta cell func tional im prove ment and pres er va tion plays out. Re -<br />

nal pro file could be one point of dif fer en ti a tion be tween Januvia and Galvus and ac cord ing to Novartis,<br />

Galvus has a dif fer ent re nal pro file than Januvia. Januvia is ex creted about 75% through the kidney.<br />

Galvus on the other hand, is only slightly excreted by the kidney, about 23%.<br />

Be sides Merck and Novartis, a num ber of other com pa nies are de vel op ing DPP-IV in hib i tors. Bris -<br />

tol-Myers Squibb’s Onglyza (saxagliptin) com menced phase III tri als in 2006, and is be ing co-de vel oped<br />

with AstraZeneca; it was filed for both US and EU ap proval in June 2008. A large num ber of other com pa -<br />

nies, in clud ing Roche and Novo Nordisk, have pre clin i cal DPP-IV in hib i tor can di dates. Probiodrug’s (Ger -<br />

many) P93/01 (li censed to Merck and OSI Pharmaceuticals, USA) and Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma’s<br />

(Ja pan) TA 6666 (li censed to GlaxoSmithKline) are both in phase II. A large num ber of other com pa nies,<br />

in clud ing Roche (Swit zer land) and Novo Nordisk (Den mark), have DPP-IV in hib i tors candidates in early<br />

stages of development.<br />

The more fa vor able side ef fect pro file of the DPP-IV agents rel a tive to sulphonylureas and glitazones<br />

means that there is po ten tial for these drugs to have strong up take as sec ond line, add-on agents in Type<br />

II di a be tes pa tients who are not ad e quately con trolled on metformin alone. The fact that the DPP-IVs<br />

have much less in va sive oral dos ing, to gether with their lack of weight gain and the po ten tial to im prove<br />

beta cell func tion, should po si tion them for broader ap peal (un like Amylin and Lilly’s Byetta (exenatide),<br />

which is gen er ally pre scribed by en do cri nol o gists and spe cial ists). There is po ten tial for these oral<br />

antidiabetics to re place older sulphonylureas at a sig nif i cantly higher price point. How ever the ad van -<br />

tages must be bal anced against the com plex ity of the DPP-IV path way and the long-term na ture of the<br />

head-to-head tri als that will be re quired to dem on strate any favorable effects on beta cell function in<br />

humans.<br />

Byetta is an incretin mi metic (GLP-1 ag o nist) and syn thetic form of exendin 4, a pep tide iso lated from the<br />

sal i vary se cre tions of the Gila mon ster liz ard. It is in di cated as an ad junc tive ther apy to help im prove<br />

blood sugar con trol in Type II di a bet ics not ad e quately con trolled by metformin and/or a sulphonylurea.<br />

Its sales have per haps not achieved the lev els once fore cast ($650 mil lion in 2007), de spite Lilly’s ex per -<br />

tise in the di a be tes field. In April 2008, one an a lyst re ported that Januvia was tak ing sales from Byetta,<br />

partly as it is ap proved as a stand-alone treat ment, and also be cause it is an oral, once-daily drug,<br />

© 2009 <strong>IMS</strong> Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 60

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