IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer


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<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES TAKEDA<br />

down hor mone glucagon-like pep tide 1 and its in hi bi tion re sults in in creased GLP-1 lev els which stim u late<br />

pan cre atic in su lin pro duc tion and sup presses glucagon pro duc tion and may help to re store beta is let cell<br />

func tion and lost in su lin pro duc tion. This new class is ex pected to be ther a peu ti cally im por tant due to a<br />

ben e fi cial side ef fect pro file over ex ist ing therapies which result in weight gain and edema.<br />

Li cens ing: In 2003, Syrrx signed an agree ment with PPD (USA) to jointly de velop DPP-IV in hib i tors. In<br />

2005, Takeda ac quired Syrrx (to form Takeda San Diego), gain ing SYR 322 in the pro cess. In July 2005,<br />

Takeda and PPD ter mi nated the pre vi ous col lab o ra tion, and signed an agree ment grant ing Takeda de vel -<br />

op ment and mar ket ing rights to DPP-IV in hib i tors, in clud ing SYR 322. PPD is now the sole pro vider of<br />

phase II/III de vel op ment ser vices to Takeda in the US and Europe.<br />

Clin i cal Data: The ap proval sub mis sion was based on re sults from six phase III tri als in volv ing over<br />

2000 pa tients. Dur ing these stud ies, alogliptin was ad min is tered as a once-daily monotherapy ad junct to<br />

diet and ex er cise and as add-on ther apy to other antidiabetic agents. Re sults showed that<br />

alogliptin-treated pa tients had sta tis ti cally sig nif i cant re duc tions in he mo glo bin A1c (re flect ing av er age<br />

blood glu cose con cen tra tions over the pre vi ous two to three months). The agent was gen er ally well tol er -<br />

ated and weight-neu tral. No in crease in hypoglycemia was observed compared with placebo.<br />

Lifecycle Man age ment: Takeda has been con duct ing phase III tri als of pioglitazone in com bi na tion<br />

with the DPP-4 in hib i tor SYR-322 in the US and Eu rope and in Sep tem ber 2008 filed an NDA for a<br />

fixed-dose com bi na tion drug. Ap proval is ex pected no ear lier than mid-2009. The fil ing was sup ported by<br />

data from two phase III stud ies in volv ing 2,000 pa tients world wide who did not achieve glycemic tar gets<br />

with diet and ex er cise or metformin alone. The com bi na tion was re ported to sig nif i cantly im prove<br />

glycemic con trol as well as pa ram e ters re lated to beta cell func tion/in su lin re sis tance and be gen er ally<br />

well tol er ated. This com bi na tion was un der go ing phase III evaluation in Europe and phase I in Japan in<br />

2009<br />

Com pe ti tion: If ap proved, SYR 322 will be the sec ond DPP-IV in hib i tor af ter Merck & Co’s Januvia<br />

(sitagliptin) which was the first to reach the US mar ket (in Oc to ber 2006) and is now the ‘gold stan dard’<br />

for this class fol low ing a strong ini tial launch; it is now also avail able in the EU and in De cem ber 2007 be -<br />

came the first to be filed for ap proval in Ja pan. In or der for newer DPP-IVs to com pete ef fec tively, they<br />

must as a min i mum be as good as Januvia in terms of ef fi cacy and safety. Ad di tion ally, while it may be<br />

pos si ble to have a sim i lar pro file to Januvia, it will not be easy to dem on strate su pe ri or ity. By the 12<br />

months to Sep tem ber 2008, Januvia had al ready be come the world’s sec ond-ranked oral antidiabetic<br />

(A10B class), ac cord ing to <strong>IMS</strong>, with 8.7% mar ket share. In first po si tion was Takeda’s glitazone Actos,<br />

with a 28.1% share and 9% sales growth, with GSK’s Avandia down 52% to third place with 8.1% share<br />

af ter a num ber of ques tions over the prod uct’s safety. There is a chance that the safety is sues for Avandia<br />

and other antidiabetics could ben e fit Januvia, as the FDA is likely to re quire large, long-term safety stud -<br />

ies, es pe cially to mon i tor car dio vas cu lar risks, thus pos si bly de lay ing the ar rival of new com pet i tors. An<br />

FDA ad vi sory panel voted in fa vor of such a move in July 2008. In April 2008, both glitazones were linked<br />

to an in creased risk of bone frac tures. While many phy si cians are likely to stick with tried-and-tested<br />

metformin, some may opt to pre scribe Januvia in stead of a glitazone in pa tients who re quire fur ther blood<br />

sugar con trol. Al though Takeda will face stiff com pe ti tion, the prod uct will en force Takeda’s antidiabetic<br />

strong hold with Actos with and with out metformin, acarbose and mitiglinide. An a lysts so far seem to be<br />

of the opin ion that alogliptin only of fers sim i lar safety and ef fi cacy to Januvia, though ac knowl edge that<br />

Takeda does have greater ex pe ri ence in di a be tes, and is also await ing ap proval of a pill com bin ing<br />

alogliptin with its lead ing glitazone, Actos (pioglitazone), expected in the second half of 2009.<br />

Januvia’s main com pet i tor is ex pected to be Novartis’ Galvus (vildagliptin), which was launched in June<br />

2007 in Brazil and Mex ico, and was ap proved in all 27 EU mem ber states as well as Nor way and Ice land in<br />

Sep tem ber 2007. How ever, the EU launch is likely to be de layed un til Novartis has re solved the liver<br />

safety prob lems as so ci ated with high doses of the drug. In No vem ber 2007, Novartis pro vided the Eu ro -<br />

pean reg u la tors with data that showed liver en zyme el e va tions were less fre quent in pa tients tak ing the<br />

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