IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer


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<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES TAKEDA<br />

Alimentary Tract and Metabolism Agents<br />

drug delivery system, modified release<br />

dexlansoprazole TAK 390MR A2B2 Approved<br />

alogliptin benzoate SYR 322 A10N1 Filed<br />

pioglitazone + metformin extendedrelease<br />

— A10K3 Filed<br />

cetilistat ATL 962 A8A III<br />

ilaprazole IY 81149 A2B2 III<br />

repaglinide — A10B9 III<br />

vedolizumab MLN 0002 A7E III<br />

ddp-iv inhibitor SYR 472 A10N1 II<br />

insulin sensitizer TAK 379 A10X II<br />

insulin sensitizer TAK 875 A10X II<br />

ddp-iv inhibitor TAK 100 A10N1 I<br />

inflammatory disease therapy MLN 0415 A7E, R3X, N7X I<br />

potassium-competitive acid blocker (oral) TAK 438 A2B2 I<br />

Crohn’s disease therapy MLN 3126 A7E Preclinical<br />

TAK 390MR is a mod i fied-re lease for mu la tion of an en an tio mer of the pro ton pump in hib i tor<br />

dexlansoprazole, for the treat ment of gastroenterological acid-re lated dis or ders. In late Jan u ary 2009,<br />

one year af ter fil ing, Takeda an nounced that the FDA ap proved TAK 390MR for the treat ment of acid-re -<br />

lated dis eases and treat ment and main te nance of pa tients with ero sive esophagitis and non-ero sive re -<br />

flux dis ease. Kapidex is po si tioned as a suc ces sor to Prevacid which goes off pat ent in No vem ber 2009.<br />

The TAP jv concluded in May 2008.<br />

The prod uct en tered phase II tri als in Ja pan in 2007 and in May 2008, fa vor able late-stage trial re sults<br />

were re ported show ing that it was more ef fec tive than Prevacid in heal ing in flam ma tion of the esoph a -<br />

gus; these tri als were ongoing in 2009.<br />

Li cens ing: The com pound is li censed to TAP for de vel op ment in North Amer ica and if suc cess ful, could<br />

cush ion the ex pected huge loss to the com pany’s prof its when Prevacid’s pat ent ex pires in 2009. The new<br />

prod uct will com pete with AstraZeneca’s Nexium, the suc ces sor to Prilosec.<br />

Clin i cal Data: The NDA fil ing in Jan u ary 2008 was based on stud ies which eval u ated over 6000 sub jects<br />

in more than 20 coun tries. In Au gust 2005, TAP ini ti ated phase III tri als to eval u ate TAK 390MR in more<br />

than 5,000 pa tients with gastroenterological acid-re lated dis or ders in the USA. The FDA al lowed phase II<br />

tri als to be skipped as the mo lec u lar struc ture of the mol e cules are a mir ror im age (enantiomer) of<br />

Prevacid.<br />

Sales/An a lyst Com ment: An a lysts at Mor gan Stan ley writ ing in Au gust 2008 fore cast sales of Yen21<br />

bil lion in the next fis cal (end ing March 2009) ris ing to Yen210 bil lion by the year end ing March 2013.<br />

SYR 322, an oral dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV) in hib i tor was filed for US ap proval in De cem ber 2007<br />

for the treat ment of type II di a be tes, two years af ter en ter ing a global (mainly US and Ja pan) phase III<br />

trial which com menced just four years fol low ing first lab tests; Takeda has not re vealed the ex act in di ca -<br />

tions sought for the prod uct. Alogliptin is ex pected to be come a new main stay for Takeda and US ap -<br />

proval is ex pected in June 2009, a de lay of eight months from the orig i nal date al though no is sues have<br />

been raised and this is due to con straints within the FDA. In Sep tem ber 2008, Takeda filed for ap proval of<br />

alogliptin in Ja pan. Al though no phase III stud ies have been con ducted in Ja pan, the fil ing is based on re -<br />

sults of phase III and ear lier stud ies abroad. Re sults of these over all show that alogliptin sig nif i cantly re -<br />

duces HbA1c safely and with good tolerability. Phase III trials were underway in Europe in 2009.<br />

The agent was gen er ated by Syrxx (now part of Takeda) from a pro gram ini ti ated in 2002, to dis cover<br />

DPP-IV in hib i tors, af ter de ter mi na tion of the struc ture of DPP-IV. DPP-IV is an en zyme which breaks<br />

© 2009 <strong>IMS</strong> Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 58

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