IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer
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IMS COM PANY PRO FILES TAKEDA lh-rh receptor antagonist TAK 385 H1C3 I neuroregeneration enhancer TAK 065 N4A, N7D9 I oral her2 inhibitor TAK 285 L1X4 I oral sex hormone synthesis inhibitor TAK 700 L1X9 I potassium-competitive acid blocker (oral) TAK 438 A2B2 I prostate cancer therapy TAK 448 L1X9 I urinary incontinence therapy TAK 363, TRK 130 G4D I VEGFR and PDGFR inhibitor TAK 593 L1X4 I ANG receptor antagonist AMG 386 L1X9 Preclinical asthma and allergic rhinitis therapy MLN 6095 R3X Preclinical ceftaroline TAK 599, PPI 0903 J1D Preclinical COX inhibitor XEN 401 M1A1 Preclinical Crohn’s disease therapy MLN 3126 A7E Preclinical MAb, hepatocyte growth factor, Galaxy TAK 701, HuL 2G7 L1X3 Preclinical MAb, IGF-1, Amgen AMG 479 L1X3 Preclinical MAb, interleukin-1, Amgen AMG 108 M1C Preclinical MAb, interleukin-4/interleukin-13, Amgen AMG 317 R3X Preclinical SARM LGD 2226 G3B, M5B Preclinical vaccine, acellular pertussis, tetanus, diphtheria, poliovirus, Takeda TAK 361S J7B1 Preclinical Takeda is one of the six Jap a nese com pa nies with an an nual R&D bud get of around $1 bil lion, the spend - ing of which is crit i cally im por tant in or der to pri or i tize in vest ment in their pipe line. R&D at Takeda is fo - cused around four ar eas: on col ogy and urol ogy; life style dis eases, cen tral ner vous sys tem (CNS) and gas tro in tes ti nal (GI) dis or ders. The ac qui si tion of Mil len nium, giv ing ac cess to mar keted prod uct Velcade and 10 early stage mol e cules has been de scribed as the most sig nif i cant and stra te gi cally transformative deal in Takeda’s his tory, giv ing a large boost to its on col ogy fran chise. The ad di tion of Velcade may be Takeda’s lone bright spot as the pat ent ex pi ra tions of main stay prod ucts Actos and Prevacid near with lit - tle other than Velcade to sig nif i cantly fill the gap fol low ing un for tu nate de lays from missed PDUFU dates for both fol low-on prod ucts, Kapidex (TAK 390MR), a mod i fied re lease ver sion of an ac tive en an tio mer of Prevacid (lansoprazole) for acid re lated dis eases and the dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV) in hib i tor alogliptin. Ex pected to be come Takeda’s two new main stay prod ucts, Kapidex was fi nally ap proved in Jan u ary 2009, mean ing it will be launched be fore the loss of pat ent pro tec tion for Prevacid in No vem ber. Ap proval of alogliptin is de layed un til June 2009 how ever, a de lay of eight months from the orig i nal date and it now lags well be hind Merck &Co’s Januvia (sitagliptin), which has be come the ‘gold stan dard’ for the DPP-IV in hib i tor class, with new prod ucts ex pected to show su pe ri or ity. An a lysts so far seem to be of the opin ion that alogliptin only of fers sim i lar safety and ef fi cacy to Januvia, al though the ex act in di ca tion Takeda seeks is not fully re vealed. Takeda does how ever have greater experience in diabetes, and that approval of a pill combining alogliptin with Actos is also expected in the second half of 2009. The ac qui si tion of Mil len nium also brought ex pan sion in the field of in flam ma tion with vedolizumab (MLN 002), a hu man ized monoclonal an ti body that spe cif i cally binds with cell ad he sion mol e cule for in flam ma - tory bowel dis ease which Takeda in tends to file for ap proval in Ja pan, the US and Eu rope in 2011. Two phase III tri als were ini ti ated in Jan u ary 2009, as part of the GEM INI pro gram that will study vedolizumab in ul cer ative co li tis and Crohn’s dis ease, en roll ing 2,000 pa tients from 40 coun tries (in clu sion of Ja pan not yet de cided) with mod er ate-to-se vere dis ease, un re spon sive to stan dard ther a pies. Takeda hopes this will fur ther en hance its pres ence in the mar ket for gas tro in tes ti nal drugs which it has established with the PPI lansoprazole. The ac qui si tion of Amgen in Ja pan is a strong mes sage that Takeda will fully em bark on ad vanced phar - ma ceu ti cal de vel op ment in the fields of on col ogy and an ti body pharmaceuticals. Takeda Bio pres i dent re - vealed am bi tions to com mence clin i cal de vel op ment of the 10 pre clin i cal can di dates by 2010 and to file for ap proval of prod ucts gained from the in au gu ra tion of Amgen Ja pan. This started with Vectibix (panitumumab), a co lon can cer hu man monoclonal an ti body to the ep i the lial growth fac tor re cep tor (EGFR), which was filed for ap proval in June 2008 for colorectal can cer. A fil ing for motesanib, an © 2009 IMS Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 56

IMS COM PANY PRO FILES TAKEDA antiangiogenic small mol e cule in phase III tri als in the USA, Eu rope and Ja pan in 2009, is planned by 2010. Pa tient en rol ment in the MONET1 trial of motesanib in the treat ment of nonsmall cell lung can cer (NSCLC) was tem po rarily sus pended in No vem ber 2008 how ever, based on a higher early mor tal ity rate with motesanib. The trial’s in de pend ent Data Mon i tor ing Com mit tee (DMC) rec om mended im me di ate dis con tinu a tion of motesanib ther apy in pa tients with squamous NSCLC be cause of a higher than ex - pected hemoptysis rate in these pa tients but not in pa tients with non-squamous NSCLC and in Feb ru ary 2009, the DMC recommended the resumption of enrollment of patients with non-squamous NCSLC. Takeda says its ag gres sive al li ance pol icy aims at a wide range of tech nol o gies and prod ucts and the com - pany has said it will ac quire any new tech nol ogy and prod uct nec es sary for the com pany to com pete on the global mar ket with top man age ment in volved in all deals of any size. 2008 was a par tic u larly ac tive year as the com pany worked to tackle its long-stand ing chal lenges, in clud ing es tab lish ing and strength - en ing its pres ence in the global mar ket, en hanc ing its pres ence in on col ogy in ad di tion to sugar me tab o - lism and car dio vas cu lar med i cine, as well as in creas ing pro duc tiv ity of R&D. In May 2008, Takeda en tered a $1 bil lion li cens ing deal with Alynlam gain ing ac cess to its RNA in ter fer ence tech nol ogy in on col ogy and met a bolic dis ease and be com ing Alnylam’s stra te gic part ner for RNAi ther a peu tics. Un der stand ing RNAi en ables the ‘switch ing on/off’ of genes and gene si lenc ing, lead ing to the cre ation of a po ten tial new class of RNAi ther a peu tics. Takeda is so far Ja pan’s only com pany working in this area and the deal was selected as In Vivo Blog’s ‘deal of the year’ for 2008. Takeda has been fill ing its on col ogy pipe line through li cens ing deals, in clud ing one in April 2008 with Cell Genesys for the pros tate can cer immunotherapy GVAX, al though Takeda ter mi nated de vel op ment in De - cem ber 2008 with all com mer cial rights to be re turned to Cell Genesys. As part of the li cense agree ment with Amgen in Feb ru ary 2008, Takeda has ac quired rights to de velop and mar ket al most all of Amgen’s pipe line (13 prod ucts), ex clud ing Amgen’s main prod ucts which have al ready been li censed to Kirin and Daiichi Sankyo, in ad di tion to Amgen’s hu man re sources spe cial iz ing in the de vel op ment of biopharmaceuticals. Takeda will pay up to $837 mil lion in upfront and de vel op ment mile stone pay ments. The most ad vanced prod uct was Vectibix (panitumumab) for colorectal can cer, now ap proved and gen er - at ing block buster sales. The only other prod uct at a late stage of de vel op ment is motesanib (AMG 706) for can cer, and said to be one of the main driv ers of the deal for Takeda. Other prod ucts li censed in clude a num ber for can cer: AMG 386, AMG 479 and AMG 655; as well as AMG 108 for rheu ma toid ar thri tis and AMG 317 for asthma. The li censed prod ucts will strengthen Takeda’s pri or ity fields of can cer and uro log i - cal dis eases (12 pro jects un der way in clud ing line extensions) as well as CNS and bone joint disease (11 projects underway). Com pared to most Jap a nese com pa nies, Takeda was pre vi ously rel a tively un-re li ant on in-li cens ing for its rev e nues. With three of Takeda’s four block bust ers go ing off-pat ent be tween 2009 and 2012 (lansoprazole in 2009, pioglitazone in 2011 and candesartan in 2012) how ever, Takeda plans to in vest 15% of its an nual R&D bud get to ob tain li cens ing can di dates from out side. Takeda in tends to li cense-in prod ucts for hyperlipidemia, ath ero scle ro sis, can cer, schizo phre nia, de pres sion, and con sti pa tion-type in flam ma tory bowel syn dromes. © 2009 IMS Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 57

<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES TAKEDA<br />

lh-rh receptor antagonist TAK 385 H1C3 I<br />

neuroregeneration enhancer TAK 065 N4A, N7D9 I<br />

oral her2 inhibitor TAK 285 L1X4 I<br />

oral sex hormone synthesis inhibitor TAK 700 L1X9 I<br />

potassium-competitive acid blocker (oral) TAK 438 A2B2 I<br />

prostate cancer therapy TAK 448 L1X9 I<br />

urinary incontinence therapy TAK 363, TRK 130 G4D I<br />

VEGFR and PDGFR inhibitor TAK 593 L1X4 I<br />

ANG receptor antagonist AMG 386 L1X9 Preclinical<br />

asthma and allergic rhinitis therapy MLN 6095 R3X Preclinical<br />

ceftaroline TAK 599, PPI 0903 J1D Preclinical<br />

COX inhibitor XEN 401 M1A1 Preclinical<br />

Crohn’s disease therapy MLN 3126 A7E Preclinical<br />

MAb, hepatocyte growth factor, Galaxy TAK 701, HuL 2G7 L1X3 Preclinical<br />

MAb, IGF-1, Amgen AMG 479 L1X3 Preclinical<br />

MAb, interleukin-1, Amgen AMG 108 M1C Preclinical<br />

MAb, interleukin-4/interleukin-13, Amgen AMG 317 R3X Preclinical<br />

SARM LGD 2226 G3B, M5B Preclinical<br />

vaccine, acellular pertussis, tetanus,<br />

diphtheria, poliovirus, Takeda TAK 361S J7B1 Preclinical<br />

Takeda is one of the six Jap a nese com pa nies with an an nual R&D bud get of around $1 bil lion, the spend -<br />

ing of which is crit i cally im por tant in or der to pri or i tize in vest ment in their pipe line. R&D at Takeda is fo -<br />

cused around four ar eas: on col ogy and urol ogy; life style dis eases, cen tral ner vous sys tem (CNS) and<br />

gas tro in tes ti nal (GI) dis or ders. The ac qui si tion of Mil len nium, giv ing ac cess to mar keted prod uct Velcade<br />

and 10 early stage mol e cules has been de scribed as the most sig nif i cant and stra te gi cally transformative<br />

deal in Takeda’s his tory, giv ing a large boost to its on col ogy fran chise. The ad di tion of Velcade may be<br />

Takeda’s lone bright spot as the pat ent ex pi ra tions of main stay prod ucts Actos and Prevacid near with lit -<br />

tle other than Velcade to sig nif i cantly fill the gap fol low ing un for tu nate de lays from missed PDUFU dates<br />

for both fol low-on prod ucts, Kapidex (TAK 390MR), a mod i fied re lease ver sion of an ac tive en an tio mer of<br />

Prevacid (lansoprazole) for acid re lated dis eases and the dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV) in hib i tor<br />

alogliptin. Ex pected to be come Takeda’s two new main stay prod ucts, Kapidex was fi nally ap proved in<br />

Jan u ary 2009, mean ing it will be launched be fore the loss of pat ent pro tec tion for Prevacid in No vem ber.<br />

Ap proval of alogliptin is de layed un til June 2009 how ever, a de lay of eight months from the orig i nal date<br />

and it now lags well be hind Merck &Co’s Januvia (sitagliptin), which has be come the ‘gold stan dard’ for<br />

the DPP-IV in hib i tor class, with new prod ucts ex pected to show su pe ri or ity. An a lysts so far seem to be of<br />

the opin ion that alogliptin only of fers sim i lar safety and ef fi cacy to Januvia, al though the ex act in di ca tion<br />

Takeda seeks is not fully re vealed. Takeda does how ever have greater experience in diabetes, and that<br />

approval of a pill combining alogliptin with Actos is also expected in the second half of 2009.<br />

The ac qui si tion of Mil len nium also brought ex pan sion in the field of in flam ma tion with vedolizumab (MLN<br />

002), a hu man ized monoclonal an ti body that spe cif i cally binds with cell ad he sion mol e cule for in flam ma -<br />

tory bowel dis ease which Takeda in tends to file for ap proval in Ja pan, the US and Eu rope in 2011. Two<br />

phase III tri als were ini ti ated in Jan u ary 2009, as part of the GEM INI pro gram that will study vedolizumab<br />

in ul cer ative co li tis and Crohn’s dis ease, en roll ing 2,000 pa tients from 40 coun tries (in clu sion of Ja pan not<br />

yet de cided) with mod er ate-to-se vere dis ease, un re spon sive to stan dard ther a pies. Takeda hopes this<br />

will fur ther en hance its pres ence in the mar ket for gas tro in tes ti nal drugs which it has established with the<br />

PPI lansoprazole.<br />

The ac qui si tion of Amgen in Ja pan is a strong mes sage that Takeda will fully em bark on ad vanced phar -<br />

ma ceu ti cal de vel op ment in the fields of on col ogy and an ti body pharmaceuticals. Takeda Bio pres i dent re -<br />

vealed am bi tions to com mence clin i cal de vel op ment of the 10 pre clin i cal can di dates by 2010 and to file<br />

for ap proval of prod ucts gained from the in au gu ra tion of Amgen Ja pan. This started with Vectibix<br />

(panitumumab), a co lon can cer hu man monoclonal an ti body to the ep i the lial growth fac tor re cep tor<br />

(EGFR), which was filed for ap proval in June 2008 for colorectal can cer. A fil ing for motesanib, an<br />

© 2009 <strong>IMS</strong> Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 56

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