IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer


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<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES TAKEDA<br />

1993 in South Ko rea as Brosporin. Takeda is not de vel op ing the prod uct in the US. In Oc to ber 2006,<br />

Takeda brought a le gal ac tion to re in state a US pat ent cov er ing meth ods for man u fac tur ing cephem<br />

compounds.<br />

TAKESULIN (cefsulodin), an in ject able cephalosporin an ti bi otic de vel oped in-house by Takeda, was first<br />

launched by li censee Ciba in France in 1980. It was launched in 1981 in Ja pan. Novartis and Takeda<br />

co-mar ket the prod uct in Ja pan and cer tain other mar kets out side North Amer ica, while in some mar kets,<br />

Novartis sells the prod uct in de pend ently. It has been filed in the US by TAP, Takeda’s joint ven ture with<br />

Abbott (USA), but has never been launched there, al though Abbott launched it as Cefmonil in Can ada in<br />

1986. The TAP joint ven ture con cluded in May 2008 and Takeda re ceived rights to this pro gram. Takeda<br />

mar kets the drug in France and has launched it in In do ne sia, Ma lay sia, the Phil ip pines and Thai land. In<br />

Ger many and Aus tria, the drug is mar keted by Takeda Pharma. Novartis now mar kets the prod uct in a<br />

num ber of Eu ro pean coun tries, as well as in Israel, Saudi Arabia and Thailand.<br />

TMR (vac cine, live, at ten u ated mea sles, ru bella) is a freeze-dried, live, at ten u ated mea sles and ru bella<br />

com bi na tion vac cine, launched in Ja pan in Jan u ary 2006 for the pre ven tion of mea sles and rubella.<br />

OTC Prod ucts<br />

Takeda’s main prod uct in the Con sumer Health busi ness is the Alinamin range of vi ta min and tonic prod -<br />

ucts. Other prod ucts in the di vi sion in clude cold rem e dies, con sti pa tion med i cines and vi ta min C prod -<br />

ucts. The Con sumer Healthcare busi ness ac counts for about 4.6% of Takeda’s rev e nues, but it posted a<br />

slight in crease in sales from Yen58.7 bil lion to Yen61.8 bil lion in the year to March 2008.<br />

Takeda pre sum ably still sees its Con sumer Health di vi sion as core to its con tin u ing busi ness, al though<br />

there was no men tion of it in the lat est five-year man age ment plan. How ever there are at pres ent no<br />

plans to di vest it as has hap pened with other non-phar ma ceu ti cal businesses.<br />

Ma jor prod ucts in clude:<br />

ACTAGE musculoskeletal prod ucts. Actage AN, a prod uct for musculoskeletal prob lems and for vi ta min<br />

B1 supplementation was launched in March 2003.<br />

ALINAMIN vi ta min and tonic prod ucts. Alinamin is Takeda’s best-sell ing OTC brand. The range in cludes<br />

Alinamin A25 (vi ta min B1 tab lets), Alinamin EX (a vi ta min E-for ti fied vi ta min B1, B6 and B12 com -<br />

pound), Alinamin V, a 50ml vi ta min B com plex health tonic drink, launched in 1987, Alinamin Dy -<br />

namic, a 100ml tonic drink, launched in 1996, and New Alinamin A, which con tains more vi ta min B6<br />

and B12 than the orig i nal prod uct, launched in 1999. In the year to March 31 2008, sales of Alinamin<br />

more than dou bled to Yen35 bil lion (from Yen14.6 bil lion) and for Alinamin Drink to Yen32 bil lion (from<br />

Yen12.1 bil lion the pre vi ous year) and pro jected by an a lysts at Mor gan Stan ley to drop and re main at<br />

Yen60 bil lion and Yen15 bil lion re spec tively from fis cal 2008 through 2012 (ending March 2013).<br />

BENZA (acetylsalicylic acid/ascor bic acid), a line of cough and cold treat ments, first launched in 1966.<br />

Prod ucts in clude Benza Ace and Benza De con ges tant. Benza AL Spray for rhi ni tis was launched in<br />

Ja pan in 1998. Benza Block Cough Syrup was launched in 1999. In 2003, Takeda an nounced ces sa -<br />

tion of pro duc tion and mar ket ing of some of its phenypropanolamine-con tain ing Benza prod ucts; no ta bly<br />

the cold rem edy Benza Block SP (ibuprofen/phenylpropanolamine). With drawal from the mar ket fol -<br />

lowed warn ings from the Jap a nese Health, Wel fare and La bor de part ment that<br />

phenypropanolamine-con tain ing prod ucts might be linked to ce re bral hem or rhagic ad verse ef fects. In<br />

the year to March 31 2008, sales of Benza in creased to Yen10 bil lion (from Yen7.7 bil lion the pre vi ous<br />

year) and pro jected by an a lysts at Mor gan Stan ley to drop and re main at Yen8.5 bil lion from fiscal 2008<br />

through 2012 (ending March 2013).<br />

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