IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer


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<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES TAKEDA<br />

prove ment in 15.9%; the ef fi cacy rate was 84.1% (de ter mined by the DAS28 dis ease ac tiv ity score). Ad -<br />

verse events were re ported in 30.6% and 5.7% were serious.<br />

Com pe ti tion: With an es ti mated 700,000 RA suf fer ers (mostly women) in Ja pan, fewer than half of<br />

which are treated, Ja pan rep re sents a po ten tially lu cra tive mar ket and com pe ti tion is in ten si fy ing.<br />

Enbrel’s, main ri val, John son & John son’s Remicade (infliximab), was the first TNF-al pha an tag o nist to<br />

reach the Jap a nese mar ket with its 2002 launch for RA (un re spon sive to other DMARDS). Remicade has<br />

the ad van tage of in tra ve nous ad min is tra tion once ev ery eight weeks, com pared with Enbrel’s self-in jec -<br />

tion twice weekly. Whilst Remicade acts to de stroy cells pro duc ing TNF al pha, Enbrel acts sim ply to in hibit<br />

them, be ing an an ti body-like fu sion pro tein as op posed to an an ti body. An other ad di tion to the<br />

monoclonal an ti body mar ket is Abbott‘s (USA) Humira (adalimumab), a fully hu man monoclonal an ti -<br />

body di rected against tu mor ne cro sis fac tor-al pha, li censed to Eisai/Hokuriku‘s (Japan), where it won<br />

approval in April 2008.<br />

Ac cord ing to <strong>IMS</strong>, in the year end ing Sep tem ber 2008, Enbrel was Ja pan’s lead ing ‘to tal spe cific<br />

anti-rheu matic’ (M1C class) with 49.9% share of the mar ket and 58% fixed dol lar growth over the pre vi -<br />

ous year. Enbrel also dom i nated the world wide M1C mar ket with 53.4% share and 9% fixed dol lar<br />

growth, fol lowed by Humira with 35.6% share, up 41%. Other sig nif i cant prod ucts in the M1C class in the<br />

pe riod were BMS’ Orencia, Arava (leflunomide) from sanofi-aventis (France), Wyeth’s Ledertrexate<br />

(methotrexate) and Amgen’s Kineret. Ac cord ing to <strong>IMS</strong>, Remicade be longs to the ‘Immunosuppressive<br />

Agents’ (L4A) ther apy class, which it led in the same time pe riod with a world wide mar ket share of 40.7%<br />

and registered 16% growth.<br />

Sales/An a lyst Com ment: Enbrel gen er ated sales of Yen18.8 bil lion in the year end ing March 31 2008,<br />

and an a lysts at Mor gan Stan ley (Au gust 2008) fore cast sales of Yen45 bil lion by the year end ing March<br />

2013.<br />

OSTEN (ipriflavone), an orally-ac tive agent against os teo po ro sis, was launched in Ja pan in 1988. It was<br />

orig i nally de vel oped by Chinoin (Hun gary), now part of sanofi-aventis (France). For It aly, Chinoin li -<br />

censed it to Chiesi (It aly). Chiesi has now sub-li censed it to Takeda Italia and the two groups are co-mar -<br />

ket ing in It aly. Takeda launched it as Iprosten in It aly in 1991, while Chiesi mar kets it as Osteofix. In<br />

2001, ipriflavone was launched in Mex ico and Co lom bia for the treat ment of postmenopausal<br />

osteoporosis.<br />

� Respiratory System Agents<br />

BRONICA (seratrodast), an orally-ac tive thromboxane A2 re cep tor an tag o nist, was launched on its first<br />

world mar ket, Ja pan, in 1996, for the treat ment of bron chial asthma. Bronica, the first thromboxane A2<br />

re cep tor an tag o nist to be launched, is avail able in tab let and gran u lar for mu la tions. It works by in hib it ing<br />

in creases in air way hy per sen si tiv ity and air way ste no sis by se lec tive an tag o nism of thromboxane A2 re -<br />

cep tors. In 1998, Takeda re vised the pre cau tions sec tion of the pack age in sert for Bronica, fol low ing re -<br />

ports of se vere hepatic dis or ders as so ci ated with the drug. Phase II/III tri als were un der way in Eu rope as<br />

well as phase III in the USA, with the Takeda/Abbott jv TAP, which was dissolved in May 2008.<br />

� Systemic Anti-Infective Agents<br />

ACEL-IMUNE (acellular per tus sis + tet a nus + diph the ria vac cine) was first launched in Ja pan in 1981. It<br />

was li censed to Lederle-Praxis Bi o log i cals, now part of Wyeth (USA), for mar kets out side Ja pan, and was<br />

launched in the US in 1992. Wyeth has since launched it in a num ber of mar kets. Data sug gests that the<br />

in ci dence of ad verse re ac tions af ter Acel-Imune, such as pain at the in jec tion site, fe ver and vom it ing are<br />

re duced by up to 50% com pared to whole cell vaccine.<br />

© 2009 <strong>IMS</strong> Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 51

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